The BBC can still surprise me. I was driving home from work and had the PM programme on. It covered the rather bizarre story that Bradley Manning has issued a statement saying that “he” is now a she and wants to be called Chelsea henceforth. What amazed me was that Eddie Mairs instantly started calling this man a she … and called her Chelsea. Is this how it works then? If I send the BBC a statement saying I am extra-terrestrial does that mean that they will accept I am one without question? I know the BBC loves this kind of transgender nonsense but I really am amazed that they are calling this man a women when he is still plainly a man? It’s not exactly bias but it is odd.
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theguardian has adopted the feminine pronoun in accordance with the traitor’s wishes. The BBC online report keeps us on tenterhooks avoiding using the pronoun until the final couple of paras where the wretch is called “he” – Phew (although those paras do refer back in time)!!
The left on twitter were denying reality all over the place and getting angry at anyone calling him “he”.
Reality is that it is physically impossible to be genetically or chromosomatically changed from a man into a woman. Not a legal declaration, nor an operation, will change the physical fact that the genetics will remain male.
If scientists in 300 hundred years examine his remains, then they will rightly conclude that he is male.
As for Gender Identity Dysmorphia, research suggests that this is entirely a psychological condition, which sex change operations and legal gender reasignment, does not alleviate. Suicide rates for pre and post operation subjects remain similar (20x the national average). Sex change op regret is becoming a very large problem. Spending a fortune on surgery does not “cure” Gender Identity Dysmorphia, and only offers temporary relief as the subject comes to realise that they still face the same sorts of problems as a woman, as for a man.
What annoys me even more is the ridiculous claims by women who have had their breasts surgically removed and taken massive doses of testosterone to be able to grow a beard, to then stop taking testosterone and then conceive and deliver a child, naturally through their birth canal, and out of their vigina, and then to claim that they are a man giving birth.
I do not care how deluded you may be, if you have a child come into the world through your vagina, then you are NOT a man! But lefties love denying reality all over the place and living in fantasy worlds in which they can travel in cars powered by unicorn farts.
Please provide sources for your assertions, because they do not match the research of Milton Diamond.
Back in the days of the Soviet Union following on from this research – and in experiments only Josef Mengele could have approved of, scientists used hormone treatment of pregnant human mothers to produce Gay Lesbian & transgendered children.
We know the mechanics of how this happens. It is absolutely not a ‘psychological condition’ unless you go back 50 years plus and the John Money, Bruce & Brenda experiment which went horribly wrong. The worst part was that Money falsified the results of his research rather than admitting he was wrong.
The Nature Vs Nurture debate was lost decades ago.
Then there are problems with all kinds of intersex conditions – are you proposing that Jamie Lee Curtis married to a peer of the realm with Androgen insensitivity and genetically male should be forced to declare herself male on some kind of ridiculous pretext to satisfy bigotry ?
Or what about those who are ‘mosaic’ where parts of the body are genetically male & other parts female – what are you going to do about those?
Strikes me you know very little about this and you’re allowing knee jerk reactions and not the facts to direct your weak thinking.
Surely your examples prove Ken Halls case, that no amount of artificial intervention can alter a persons gender after the fact
I’m sure that unwell people believe all sorts of things about themselves ,that they are cats ,dogs or the emperor Napoleon that doesn’t make it so
and as for the nature/nurture debate being over. It rages more fiercely than ever amongst left wing academics in all sorts of areas. Mainly
due to the ideological contradictions created by adopting one position over the other
Can you please explain Stuart how the example of Jamie Lee Curtis being XY chromosome proves Ken Halls case?
Are you seriously suggesting that Curtis is in fact a male despite all the evidence to the contrary?
An amazing position to take if that is the case, as that is what Ken Hall is suggesting.
Perhaps you should read my post again then you might even spell my name correctly as well as get the point
Sorry about the spelling !
I’ve read the post again & it still reads the same as before !
I don’t believe that gender or perhaps perceived gender resides in our XX XY chromosomal coding.
We know that gender (or at least our perception of ourselves and our behaviour) resides in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the corpus collosum in the brain.
This is unalterable, and we cannot test people for it while still alive.
We all start life female, the actions of hormones while in the womb decide our gender, not our chromosomes. If we have no sensitivity to hormones or no hormones or they are late – then the baby will be female or believe itself to be so.
Too much testosterone for a male baby results in a gay male. If it’s delivered late then the SDN is fixed as female regardless of gender. If there is testosterone in the case of a genetic female the SDN will be coded male.
This coding decides how we will perceive ourselves and our behaviour. It does not control our sexuality.
Now it may well be that science and technology can not change the physical, and not male to female will ever menstruate or give birth, but is that a reason to deny someone the opportunity to live as a member of the gender their brain is telling them they are?
It is interesting that you say “I don’t believe that gender or perhaps perceived gender resides in our XX XY chromosomal coding.”
I can remember when that was settled science ( and an extra y chromosome predicted criminal behaviour ) the truth is that Neo-Darwinist theories about gender are just that theories Our gender is our physical form and that is unalterable however it occurs
An individuals sexual proclivity is something else
Again I say someone’s brain might tell them to behave like Napoleon but that’s no reason to distort the consensus reality to humour them .In fact it is an act of cruelty
I’m sorry Stewart I don’t agree and the evidence is against you.
The Napoleon analogy refers to insanity and we know because the first thing that trans people are assessed for is insanity, that they are not insane.
This condition is exhibited in nearly all animals, and all mammals. In fact we know so much about it that it is possible to induce the condition in the babies of pregnant rats.
Perhaps we should tell people with Parkinsons to stop shaking, after all it’s all in their minds, and we shouldn’t humour them?
Most trans people say that the mental stress of this condition is so great that death is a plausible alternative. If you want to prevent treatment then why not set up some death camps and you can end their suffering mercifully?
Confirming Godwin’s law so soon
have you somewhere to be?
Perhaps we should just let people with Parkinson’s disease just get on with shaking and not try to alleviate their symptoms?
surgical alteration (and you liken me to a Nazi!) is not treatment it is indulgence that will reinforce the patients disassociation with reality
I think on this occasion I’ll side with the medical experts whose opinion worldwide appears unanimous. Even Iran performs sex change operations! Odd that so many people here are opposed.
Iran allows it-enough said
Well Mugabes government don’t so you’re in good company!
But I wasn’t seeking ideological validation from a repressive regime
As you were
to Assange lovers (like the al bbc)
he s a victim
now LGTG? …
a double victim
banged up by the evil Gitmo style forces that be …
triple victim
why wouldn t they fall all over themselves to acquiesce
to this diminutive who needs an step ladder to reach his own moral high ground …
yep! where s Stephen Fry eh?
that pompous knob from “right said fred”?
well the word is out, and apparently where he s going … the (other) word is …
they just might take quite a shine, to “lil Chelsea” …
with all his other ahem “complex” issues, I don t think constipation will ever be one of them …
“pass the soap” eh
does bradley manning think we are buck idiots,if i facing 35 years in a max security death hole of a american prison run by drug carltels and gang bangers i would want a sex change and call my self mary hoping i would serve my sentence in a cozy pretty relaxed regime in a womans prison,this is bradley mannings true agenda and he does not fool me for one.
If it is accepted that “he” is a woman, he will have very special status in the women’s wing.
In a few weeks he can convert to the RoP. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
He should declare himself a sheep and then clain his bovine right to free pasture for the rest of his days
Pretty sad when whistleblowers are given longer sentences than the mass murderers they’re blowing the whistle on. Sadder still that the Guardian and the BBC IMMEDIATELY humours his sudden desire to be seen as a woman – which as you stated is almost definitely political convenience rather than a genuine urge – because it suits their PC agenda.
Jethro, it looks like you’ve been brainwashed by the BBC and other media outlets. St. Chelsea is far from being simply an heroic whistleblower. While much of the material published by WikiHacks was mundane, some of it caused real problems for US foreign policy and has now undermined it. That’s always been St. Julian’s stated intent, by the way. Can we please stop calling these people heroes?
I think we’re in Humpty Dumpty territory yet again with this new definition of “whistleblowing”.
I’m afraid that this is a perfect example of how the BBC PC agenda now works – our national broadcaster has adopted hook-line-and-sinker the attitudes of a few metropolitan right-on young Lefties. So we now see the more outlandish the life-style choice then the more likely the BBC are to nod their approval.
I recall an early series of Channel 4’s Big Brother. A young Irish woman introduced herself as ‘a skateboarding lesbian nun’.
‘Oh… cool’ was the response of the other ‘housemates’.
The tone was that this unusal life-style was in fact some sort of admirable achievement on her part.
They were of course a group of wannabe adolescents with one eye on the cameras desperately wishing to be universally loved by the viewers.
And that’s the BBC.
It is odd and however sympathetic you are to transgender people, Manning is still a man. Apparently the BBC style guide says transgender people should be described how they wish (regardless of those accurate facts the BBC is always so precious about) – no surprise there! But I amazed to see that the Daily Mail had gone with it too.
Presumably the BBC would allow Manning to use the women’s toilet as well if he asked to.
In California, there is a district in which this is to be enforced in schools. The student will be able to decide their own gender and will be free to use the suitable facilities of that gender, including toilets and showers.
The world is going insane.
The student will be able to decide their own gender and will be free to use the suitable facilities of that gender, including toilets and showers.
Damn it. I, and many in my group of young boys, would have loved this policy.
Its just my luck to have been born too early.
Lol what the daily mail ? the same daily mail the BBC so hate and loath but yet all it’s defender turn to to prove how the BBC is right ? [yeah ironic ]on everything ! but anyway he isn’t transgender he has only expressed a wish to be ! I wish to be a pilot but I don’t expect every one to call me captain !
Indeed you are correct, Captain, and I hope that you have a safe flight.
Sorry, lefty thinking.
I would quite like to be a gynocologist, and I have more chance of actually becoming one than any genetically born male has of ever being an actual real genetically correct female.
However, I do not expect women to suddenly start showing me their vaginas, just on a self-declaration of my gynocological intent.
Alexander Pope in his mock-heroic work, Rape of the Lock, analysed the narcissism of self-identity…
“A constant Vapour o’er the palace flies;
Strange phantoms rising as the mists arise;
Dreadful, as hermit’s dreams in haunted shades,
Or bright, as visions of expiring maids.
Now glaring fiends, and snakes on rolling spires,
Pale spectres, gaping tombs, and purple fires:
Now lakes of liquid gold, Elysian scenes,
And crystal domes, and angels in machines.
Unnumber’d throngs on every side are seen,
Of bodies chang’d to various forms by Spleen.
A Pipkin there, like Homer’s Tripod walks;
Here sighs a Jar, and there a Goose-pie talks;
Men prove with child, as pow’rful fancy works,
And maids turn’d bottles, call aloud for corks.”
Every neurotic fantasy is now given credence…and Manning’s ‘gender moment’ is a classic.
Actually some of the kids at school mistook me for a gynaecologist well they said I was a ! right “£$$^ “
What’s the betting Snowden doesn’t make any such revelation….living in the rainbow state of Russia?
Has he still got his meat n two veg?
In that case, he’s a bloke in drag, nothing more.
Putting on a dress, and growing yer hair long don’t make you a lady…..I’m sure Alby will disagree though.
“Putting on a dress, and growing yer hair long don’t make you a lady…..I’m sure Alby will disagree though. ”
No I don’t.
Presuming to know what I think does make you an arse though.
Ohhh….Alby called me an arse….I’m sooooo offended….
Seeing that you like to presume what everyone on this entire site thinks, does that make you “Multiple arses”?
Just askin’
You must be referring to this.
Albaman says:
August 22, 2013 at 2:30 pm
“Am I alone in thinking this ?”
Probably not on this site but in general you will be in a tiny minority. ”
Must do better.
Don’t get upset alby I’m sure you look lovely in the high heels and wig !
-BBC TV News Channel presenter, in announcing in all solemnity that Bradley Manning saw himself as a woman to be called ‘Chelsea’, BBC presenter immediately called him Bradley Wiggins (at 19:24) , before correcting himself.
He is called Bradley Manning – She wants to be called Chelsea Manning – I suggest a simple solution – It should be called Confused Manning.
He obviously spent too much time watching M.A.S.H. as a young impressionable child.
Bradley Womanning.
Just refer to s/he as ‘Manning’. There’s unlikely to be any confusion with another Manning, as Bernard has long since departed.
“Kenny Everett as Cupid Stunt”
(2 min video clip)
Brilliant ! I can’t think of a present day comedian who even comes close to Kenny Everett. I seem to remember that he fell out of favour when he supported Maggie Thatcher.
According to Kenny’s memoirs, the Cupid Stunt character was originally going to be called Mary Hinge…..
True. But for some reason they worked out the spoonerism in Mary Hinge and wouldn’t allow it to broadcast, even though it sounds like it could be a real name. Cupid Stunt was considered fine, however.
David says ‘it’s not exactly bias’ but it may just be being pushed as a mitigating circumstance…the pressure of ‘living a lie’ made him sell out his country….bit like good old major Hasan’s excuses..or those made for him by Mardell.
The BBC once again working to subtly alter your perceptions.
Yes, and as applied by the likes of ‘Rolling Stone’ and INBBC to Boston bombers.
It explicitly wasn’t part of Mannings defence, so it would be the BBC lying again if they suggest that
Anyone can decide to change gender. All you have to do is look & act the part. Nowadays the BBC & others confuse the terms gender and sex. It is possible to opt to change gender but you remain the same sex i.e. if you were born male you remain male. It will say so on the Birth Certificate.
Didn’t the Blair/Brown regime change the law so that people who have their bits chopped off so they can pretend to be the other gender can have their birth certificates altered too? I believe it may have been in response to (you’ll find this hard to believe) a European Directive?
“Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in jail, but could be paroled in 7”
(‘Times’ (£)
-And that was before he/she announced that he/she was ‘Chelsea’.
(S)He’s just a crazy mixed up kid, now to be called “Chelsea”, ditching former alter-ego “Breanna”
Okay, so instead of calling him “St. Bradley”, it’s “St. Chelsea” from now on. Makes no difference to me where treason is concerned. It doesn’t mitigate the BBC’s treating treason as heroism.
Nor does a military order mitigate turning a blind eye to atrocities. Nor does national embarrassment mitigate giving Manning a longer sentence than the very scumbag he showed gunning down screaming women and children.
If that was all he did, then I would have some sympathy. All people with security clearance have an ethical duty (in my view) to whistle-blow on criminal activity. However, there are ways and means and it should be proportionate.
Manning took massive amounts of material, way beyond the few cases of “war-crimes” as shown in helicopter videos. He gave that information to entities which can be considered enemies of the state. He was wrong to do that and is rightly paying the penalty in law.
Should those who knowingly oversaw the wilful slaughter of innocent people be tried for their crimes? Hell yes, in my view, IF any commander ordered troops to deliberately target and kill people known to be innocent civillians, then yes, they should be tried for those crimes. However, that does not mean that Mr Bradley Manning should not be tried for his own crimes, which went far beyond the protection of whistle-blowing of specific alleged known crimes.
(if they really were crimes and I would prefer that an independent court of law decided if they were, solely on the evidence, I cannot prove that commanders did specifically order crimes, as I have not seen any specific orders. Tragically, “collateral damage” when targeting legitimate military/terrorist targets, although sickening, is not a war crime.).
No doubt he’ll want to change ‘Manning’ to ‘Womanning’ next!
So how does this work? Bradley decides he wants to be called ‘Chelsea’ and the BBC gobbles it up, but poor old Abdel Rahim can’t get anyone at the BBC to stop calling him ‘Richard Reid’. Why is that?
Because as long as everyone keeps bitching about that nobody has to defend the BBC against charges of presenting a law-breaking traitor as an heroic whistleblower.
“I was following orders” is not a valid excuse for failing to report mass murder of innocents including children, David. Illegal and immoral aren’t the same thing.
That’s what you think St. Chelsea did? LOL. It was much, much more than that. Which secret “mass murder” was revealed? The sentence isn’t for embarrassing us: it’s for causing harm with intent. Which the saintly one has now admitted.
I wonder if Jethro is opposing the policies of the President because of racial animosity?
under american penal law male sex change prisoners cannot serve there sentences in a male prison,clever move by mr manning
But he hasn’t had a sex change FRK – he hasn’t even begun the process. US military prisons don’t offer hormone treatment or surgery but I suspect Manning and lawyers are trying to set a precedent. Will be interesting to see what the US govt does.
If he hasn’t chopped or lopped anything !then why have the BBC changed his name already ?
Oh I really hope the judge make him go through with it !!!
I can forgive the man selling his country down the river. I can forgive the man wanting to have a sex change. But Chelsea is a step to far ! Not in my name
[With apologies to Peter Osgood, Ron ‘Chopper’ Harris and the Chelsea FA Cup Class of 1970]
“Red is the colour,
No-balls is the game,
We’re all together,
And treason is our aim”
“You’re going home in a Chelsea ambulance!” [after the surgery, of course.]
What about Sir Bradley Wig-on? But no cycles, not ever.
By the way did anyone see the irony of his name Manning ? Also the penal court thing.Us right wingers are not that stupid eh!
Probably a fleeting crush on Jose (Who could blame him?) but also possibly a ref to Hillary and Bill – could go either way not sure Bill would want his cigar lit by Ms Manning but if rumours around H are true it could be a good ploy. Either way he gets out of ‘you’re my bitch conditions’ and adds “$$ t his self justifying ghost written tome.
Chick with a dick, acts like a prick, gets nicked, gets lots of dicks while in the nick. bBC calls him a Hero.
Listening to the news last night reminded me of “Life of Brian” with Stan trying to convince the “Peoples front for Judea” that he had a right to have a baby 🙂
I have coped with a few of these oddities at work (what is it about engineering !) and have come to the conclusion that its usually a rather desperate cry for attention. At least two of the ones I have known who went through with a sex change killed themselves within a couple of years. Another one never had the op but liked to wear a miniskirt and a little lippy on special occasions now lives with a lady and describes himself as a lesbian.
Temporary Insanity appeal?
Whatever next?
Julian Assange : Call me Arsenal
Let’s imagine, just for a moment, that you mistyped:
“Julian Ass-ange: Call me Arse ‘n all.”
Yes, for ‘The Guardian’ too, it’s all about its ‘transgender hero’, not about state security.
A classic ‘Guardian’ piece:-
“Bradley Manning is a trans hero – I fear for him in prison”
By Paris Lees.
Paris lees is a left wing idiot, far too young to have had her thinking shaped by experience or reality.
I’m surprised the name ‘Manning’ isn’t considered taboo by the PC feminist-swayed BBC.
How about “Unmanning”?
Chelsea Womynning.
“Terror police to probe Guardian’s secret files:
Yard says documents seized from journalist’s partner contained ‘highly sensitive material which could put lives at risk.'”^headlines
He’s facing a long stint in am American prison where the inmates will know he is a traitor, he is clearly fearful of a beating and ending up with an arsehole the size of a frying pan so is throwing the call me Chelsea thing out there in a hope he will go to a womans prison.
I assume the diligent BBC have covered this option amongst the tugfest they usually have for ‘transgender people’.
As someone who had a close relative who was transgender all her life from the 50’s who really had to put up with some hateful cr%p strangely from mostly from educated liberals ? always telling her what to think and how to live but yet the working class men around knew her as one of their own and felt protective?
I have some little Idea of this lifestyle and it’s problems ! but this little creep using it as a legal tool to dodge his fate is just nasty , disrespectful and makes a mockery of the years of struggle for acceptance !
Grow a pair or loose a pair Bradley you git !!
Did we pay Mair to write this tripe for the BBC’s Radio Times?
No, the Radio Times is published by a third-party publisher under license from the BBC, just like a bunch of other titles the BBC sold a couple years back. But it still has the same influence and legacy of trust.
Curious how he’s developed these gender issues so soon after being sent to a top security prison. Perhaps the other inmates don’t find him comely enough as Bradley.
Whilst the BBC hierarchy may have decided that Manning should be referred to in the feminine and the reporters complied, there was no disguising the sneer and in some, disgust as they spoke the words on the auto cue. There is no way that this would have happened if Manning had announced his conversion to Islam, it’s plain that a gender change just isn’t as appealing to them as Islam is.
But here’s a question, at what point should the media acknowledge the gender change? Manning is doing something which he had a right to do. It is not illegal to change gender, and in most countries now it is possible to change official documents to correspond.
My personal take on this is that they should have waited until a psychiatric evaluation had confirmed what was being claimed, and that some kind of hormone therapy had begun.
Manning walked from court dressed in a male uniform, and to me it should take more than a simple announcement to begin a process which will if taken to completion be years.
I can’t imagine how life will be in a military prison for someone undergoing this, and it’s not going to make his life any easier, despite what others might think.
Seems a similar thing, but perhaps people might like to comment as to the number of public sector organisations who feel that they have to participate so the managers can tick the right ‘diversity (bullying) boxes, without which they cannot apply for promotion.
ITVs Coronation Street cast & crew even have a float, but where are the subjects of this whole site, because it seems that despite all the left wing crap they like to output, when it actually comes to the BBC doing something they’re nowhere to be seen! It’s all about bulling people and destroying freedom of thought, expression, and pouring propaganda into homes offices and cars.
i would not like to share a cell with chelsea manning
I hereby claim my free NHS transspecies surgery to transit into the donkey that I’ve always felt I have been. I’m not sure if I’m a male or female donkey, operate me first to male or female and then I’ll let you know if I wish to be a transgender donkey. Two hoofstamps with my right hind leg for male, two hoofstamps for my left hindleg for female. No unkind comments, or I’ll set the BBC onto you for speciesism.
Bad choice. Think about all those screaming kids you’ll have to contend with.
Try a panda.