Hey I have a cunning plan why don’t we set up a web page where all the people who think the BBC , that multi billion £ corporation that hires thugs to criminalise the poor and sick is their god and should never be abolished can pair up with those who know it’s Satan and should be left in a bin bag under a motorway !
Then the pro BBC types can pay the non pro BBC-ers TV tax [they re always saying how the BBC is such good value ] then us non’s can give our bit to charity or any passing wanderer we may see and can watch the TV we want to see without having to pay for theirs !
Isn’t it funny how so many of these ‘asylum seekers’ flee countries whose culture, in BBC eyes, is beyond criticism, to western capitalist nations whose cultures, laws and customs are constantly being sniped at by the BBC?
I find it ironic that the BBC is pro immigration. Do you think all these Third Worlders will be rushing down to the post office to pay the BBC license / tax or they just won’t bother ? Hmm, that’s a hard one, isn’t it ?
They haven’t thought that far ahead yet, just as the feminists haven’t thought through the real world misogyny that will become a way of life under sharia.
“The Twitter account believed to belong to 15-year-old James Edwards……………………………”
“TheBlaze has also reported on other photos and videos discovered on various social media sites appearing to belong to Edwards”
Despite being unable to confirm the relationship of the Tweeter account and other social media sites to the accused they go on to publish screen shots of them.
Are you really suggesting that the BBC are “biased” because they have not published the same “facts” as The Blaze?
If the BBC weren’t sure that the boston bombers were far right wing nuts, why did they promote that narrative before the reality that it was a jihadist act of terror was accepted?
If the BBC are all about the truth, why do they continue to insist that the boston bombers were influenced by far right ideology when the ‘evidence’ they used to demonstrate it came from an islamic publication that is strongly anti-semetic?
I guess when the BBC plays fast and loose with facts its because they know better than us and are protecting us from the truth for our own good, but obviously you and they cry foul if other people (not employed by £3.5bn organisations) report whatever the current facts are with an implicit caveat that they may change as we obtain more information.
This is obviously anathema to those like the BBC who want to ‘control the narrative’ and ensure that people only think what they’re allowed to.
and, as predictable as always, instead of apologizing, or saying “fair point” when caught, bang to rights with his own double standards, the loathsome Alby scuttles back off under his rock whence he came from.
‘If The Blaze are so sure of their “facts” why do they twice use “appearing to belong”?
Given the BBC’s use of ‘no one knows but here’s a punt we like’ semantics in their ‘reporting’, will you be commenting equally on when the world’s most trusted #prasnews facilitator punts out the same, or more egregious examples of MSM ratings or ideologically-compromised journalism?
The reason that this omission is commented upon is because the BBC almost always avoid mentioning the ethinicity of minorities involved in crime. This is particularly true if the crime is perpetrated against a white person.
Most of those who visit this site have had enough of being discriminated against by the BBC and their fellow liberal left types. We believe that we have done nothing wrong , have nothing to apologise for, have a right to say who should come and stay in our country , have a right to be consulted before major decisions are taken that will change the ethinicity and culture of our country for ever, have a right to say what we think, and we don’t think that the BBC, which we are forced to pay for , represents us or many millions of people in this country. We are being systematically deprived of our democratic voice and rights. It’s cultural genocide perpetrated by the BBC.
There are a lot of incidents of black gangs attacking random white people in the US. The BBC dont report it, but they are not alone amongst the mainstream media in refusing to report on what has become a growing trend.
Hey, Albaman: it’s not just Glenn Beck saying this. The Adelaide media says the same thing.
It comes as Edwards, who has been charged with first-degree murder, posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.
Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM”.
Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.
“Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”
“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.
Are you equally outraged at this as you are at George? Equally certain it’s a lie? I eagerly await seeing a copy of your sternly worded letter to the editor warning them against publishing such falsehoods.
I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”
“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people.
David, if the killer did indeed post this it sounds like he was some sort of racist rampage attacking white people – motivated at least in part by the Trayvon case. A rampage arguably bound to end in murder.
Will the media that so disgracefully misrepresented Zimmerman/Trayvon accept their role in peovoking this murder? Will they change their ways?
Jo Brand’s a bit of an a**e. What if the anti-white ‘prejudice’ was taking place in Nigeria or Kenya where black people have all the political power? The presenter should have asked her that. Doesn’t excuse all the racist bile on this site though which still disturbs me.
Racist bile? You sure your looking at the right web site? This isn’t CiF, if you’re looking for racist bile they have it in 5 gallon drums over there. They even do a job lot if you say your Jewish.
In the world of white victimology, this proves that there is a media conspiracy to underplay crime against whites. Where is the outrage over Christopher Lane’s killing? Where is it? The outrage? Huh? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?
If you are one of the angry white dummies asking this question, try a different one: What is the outrage?
David P now apparently reduced to parroting GOP talking points and George R disappearing up his own arse by posting links to BiasedBBC itself. Just call it it “whiney white guys.net” and have done with it.
I came to Alan’s excellent thread on the hypocrisy of the BBC-Guardian over its treatment of the Climategate scandal, and Tallbloke in particular, compared to the recent Miranda case, so I thought I’d post this link here instead (apologies if you’ve already seen it).
If anyone was ever in doubt about the evasive, slippery, lying, bullying tactics deployed in the name of science by a tiny clique of ‘the world’s top climate scientists’, have a read of this analysis of the Climategate e-mails and ask yourself the question: ‘how could the BBC possibly not investigate this?’ (ok, I know we all know the answer):
I have just spent the whole afternoon on reading the link (fortunately I am self employed and can make up the lost time tonight). This should be compulsory reading for all Global Warming fanatics. It shows that those who you quote are totally dishonest in their arguments as proved from their own mouths via their emails. How on earth can the BBC (who ironically broke the Climategate story) still support the theories so comprehensively debunked. Perhaps Harribin hasn’t got round to reading it yet.
Why don’t the Home Office just state that the guy was in possession of stolen information/ goods and report it back to the police. He wasn’t/ isn’t a journalist after all, not that it matters one iota.
Pretty but miley chantoosie Beverley Knight was in one of the sunday rag mags with a sort of ‘my life in pictures’ splash. So we had Bev with Usain Bolt, Bev with Ronnie Wood, Bev with Mohammed Ali, Bev with Annie Lennox and so on.
Missing, strangely so, was Bev with Nicky Campbell – from their appearance in BBC’s Just The Two of Us – a sort of Pro-Am singing contest.
Why Bev should have excised from her memory bank every trace of Gameshow giving her his big cow eyes, slobbering over her for seven days and telling her what a superb talent she was; well your guess is as good as mine.
Anyhoo (warning autotune hadn’t been invented yet) gruesome doesn’t begin to describe it.
OT, but perhaps not enough for a Flokker to peel off for strafe without looking a bit silly(ier), especially if on no more than house monitor duty: http://order-order.com/2013/08/22/when-front-pages-go-wrong/
I just noted this bit: ‘In their defence, it’s not like anyone would have read it…’
When we know that around 20,000 broadcast professionals will have hung on every word.
Two contrasting reports relating to Labour shadow Minister, Ms Abbott, and immigration.
1.) ‘Daily Express’:-
“Outcry as Labour’s Diane Abbott demands MORE migrants should come to UK.
“LABOUR is facing fresh embarrassment over border control today after frontbencher Diane Abbott attacked Ed Miliband for failing to argue for MORE immigration.”
This is the same Diane Abbott who made unambiguously racist comments about Caucasians just a few years ago. How she was allowed to keep her job is beyond me. She’s a political liability.
The longer they keep her the better. If she keeps on saying racist anti white stuff perhaps the sleeping majority of this country may wake up and realise that Labour , the BBC et al are selling them down the river and protest. If they did protest then the Tories would have the courage to actually do what the people want and keep us Briitsh and call an end to Labour’s great multicultural experiment..
So come on Ms Abbot have a right go at us white folks, we really want to hear from you.
Yesterday reported on air how the crim who sold fake mine detectors had made ‘thousands of pounds’ from the scam.
The Daily Mail had him making ‘up to £48 million’, which I think was rather nearer the mark.
The droids think they are ‘the world’s most trusted news organisation’ and they routinely refer to ‘the Daily Fail’.
Sheer utter laziness of everyone concerned with that bulletin. I knew it was many millions and *they* do it for a living. Never mind doing yer job when there’s yer facebook profile to update and tweets to be read.
Congrats all round.
And not a £187,000± compo claim in sight that time.
You might have imagined, given the provenance, the rest of the BBC would be atop the full story details subsequently better than many, mind.
The BBC did not uncover it, they merely reported it. The scam was first raised by British and American forces operating in Afghanistan – and then notified the UK police.
Or are you trying to say that the BBC has an ongoing program to test and evaluate military equipment issued to UK forces and it was this that uncovered this bogus device?
The BBC don’t do any investigative journalism any more, despite their claims and how they try to use it in an increasingly desperate attemp to justify the license fee.
Albaman will be on shortly to point out that the BBC’s version is correct and there is nothing to apologise for. £48,000,000 is thousands of pounds. Lots of thousands.
All for interacting, and resisting temptation to ‘analyse’, but having read this I wonder what folk are actually paying the BBC and its cutting edge staff to do other than post ‘what do you think?” on FaceBook:
BBC World News ‘Here is my last post for the afternoon.Hosni Mubarak is to be put under house arrest following a court order to release him. What is your reading of the situation in Egypt? Komla Dumor’
(the BBC WHYS FB pages are often ‘interesting’ for students of free speaking commentary and modding (or lack of) too)
When I hear the BBC -NUJ saying the person / family is ‘British’. I immediately think they comes from either Timbuktu or the Khyber Pass. Am I alone in thinking this ?
This particular family is ”Irish.” About as Irish as a three pound note.
I am not the clown who thinks, or agrees with the statement, that upon hearing the BBC mention someone as being British that the individual “comes from either Timbuktu or the Khyber Pass”.
By the way, Albaman, can you tell us if these “British” people the BBC keeps telling us about speak English as their first or second language – or do they speak English at all? I think you should tell us.
Jessica Ennis Hill, If you’re going to be a troll at least do it right and she’s a hell of a lot more than ‘acceptable’, but to say more will have Mrs Horn after me.
And like a winged arrow in fly s the hit and hide squad of BBC glee club with the award winning
‘every one on this site is a _ _ _ _ _ ist ‘ !
Complete as appropriate to whether you defend huge media monopoly’s with multi billion £ cash flows and are lawyered up to heavens gates ,for no pay [pmsl how dumb!] and no matter how much abuse, bullying, sexual offenders ,theft ,fraud is uncovered or you are a human who has a questioning mind that works in the real world!
And INBBC describes ex-Gitmo Binyam Mohamed (an Ethiopian citizen) as a ‘British resident,’ and similarly current Gitmo inmate, Shaker Aamer (a Saudi Arabian) as a ‘British resident’, such is INBBC’s political imperative to get British citizenship for them both.
According to the Left, the Worlds entire black and muslim population is British. A great tactic to subvert the indigenous population, turning the country into a Tower of Babel, nice work guys.
Albaman, how come your so free with your comments but refused to answer my question when asked numerous times about the BBC reporting 500 Muslim Brotherhood deaths in the recent protests but totally ignored the equal number of Coptic Christians murdered by Brotherhood supporters over the same period?
Can’t recall you asking this question however there a number of articles on the BBC website regarding attacks on Coptic Christians and their Churches. Some of the articles date back to 2011 and others are more recent.
Your figure of 500 is not confirmed by any news agency that I can find.
But then according to BBC broadcast output – reaching millions as opposed to read by thousands – you wouldn’t think they were happening at all, would you? Apart, that is, from one ‘Thought for the Day’ a couple of weeks ago when some Bish from Wales raised it. He was going quite nicely until he went down the ‘turn the other cheek’ route, quickly followed by a suggestion that our example of tolerance will show them the error of their ways. In other words, do nowt. Meanwhile, thousands more Christians will just have to put up with intimidation, persecution and slaughter, won’t they? – another BBC-selected leftie Christian sacrificing his flock on the altar of Islamism appeasement.
So….all in all, a Panorama ‘special’ well overdue don’t you think, Albaman?
You pick up on minor detail Albaman. You and your ilk are concerned because some people, particularly on this site , have not been indoctrinated or are too fearful to state their mind. Overall the BBC is undermining the British people of this country who are all races bit not all ethnicities. I have to admit that you show determination and fighting spirit. It is a pity that you dont settle and look around you to see things for what they are. You have the intelligence but not the attitude.
Poor Albaman, the differences between nationality, citizenship and residency are obviously too complex for him to understand in the specific cases of Binyam Mohamed amd Shaker Aamer.
“Shaker Aamer is a 46-year-old Saudi national and a permanent resident of the UK. He had permission to live in the UK indefinitely, based on his marriage to a British national. ”
House of Commons Debate 5/2/09
“Binyam Mohamed is an Ethiopian national who was resident in the UK before being arrested in Pakistan as a terrorism suspect in 2002.”
Seems pretty clear on both nationality and residence.
Does being resident in the U.K. automatically give a person British citizenship? That’s news tome Albaman. Seems you are using the same erroneous “facts” to try and win an argument as Owen Jones does.
It’s also very convenient for certain overstayers in this country to find some gullible British female to romance and marry when they think they may be chucked out of Blighty. Happens every day. Then after a couple of years they piss off leaving the daft female with all the debts and other problems.
And don’t try to tell us this doesn’t happen. I’ve seen it too many times in some of the “enriched” areas I’ve worked in over the years.
“The four siblings – Omaima Halawa, 20, her two sisters Fatima, 22, Somaia, 27, and their 17-year-old brother Ibrihim – all live in Dublin but had gone to Egypt on holiday with their mother, Amina Mostafa.”
Yes, as you do…”M’a, where d’ya fancy going for yer hols?”
“Egypt sounds nice at the moment, don’t ferget to pack the soda bread….”
Ffs, they really do take us for fools…
(expecting an Alby response along the lines of…”there’s only one fool”….blah…blah…fucking blah…)
BBC polling Conservatives to ‘out’ their eccentric views.
Here are some the questions they think will trip up the Blues and provide us with evidence of just how out of touch with regular opinion they are…
– asking if they think “climate change is not happening” (deniers)
– whether “Immigration has had a negative impact on Britain” (racists)
– whether they support a ban on the burkha (racists pt. 2)
– whether Cameron and Osborne are “arrogant” (class narrative, posh Eton boys)
– whether they support an electoral pact with UKIP (loonies unite)
…and with this, and the assumed ‘eccentric’ answers they’re clearly hoping to elicit, the BBC achieve the reverse – and confirm just how out of touch and isolated the corporation is from the majority in the country.
Hmm…a few anti-immigrant comments and lots of hate spewed at the BBC over at Guido Fawkes’ blog, yet our defenders of the indefensible are nowhere to be seen. Nobody condemning him for running a hate site, nobody scolding commenters for their racism, nobody warning about legal action. Weird.
I see far more hate and ignorance in Alberman’s comments than most on here. He picks on a comment, which is plainly meant in jest in order to point out the crass reporting of the BBC when talking about the origin of certain folk, and then has an orgasm over it.
The fact is that this country now has millions of people here whose culture is from somewhere else in the world and alien to us and they were certainly not invited here. They were simply allowed to flood in by incompetent governments and as we well know some of them are extreme and have deliberately killed many people. As well as the rape gangs of course and the murder of a fine service man
Were it not for a very vigilant security force there would have been many more people killed and maimed. We would like to think that the people of the religion that spawns these terrorists were more vocal in their condemnation of their violent brothers but no they are taken on the BBC to make excuses for them and we are forced to pay for the privilege.
That this site is so restrained when commenting on these folk is a credit to the organisers of the site and the vast majority of good natured commenters that write on the site. Alberman you are plainly demented that you must persistently attack commenters on here for insignificant infringements of your strange beliefs but not the real appeasers of crimes committed against this country and its citizens, the BBC.
Thank goodness for this site and the many others run on shoe strings that are making the public, in its millions, aware that the £4 billion a year BBC is anti-British and as Biased as you are deluded.
The BBC’s days are numbered, get used to it and trust me the champagne bottles will be littering the streets of the land on that day.
I noticed last night how careful the BBC was to say that the gas attack in Syria ‘appeared’ to be carried out by the Assad regime. At last I thought the BBC have stopped taking things at face value. This morning I was thinking that if it had been Gaza and the claims were that the Israelis had carried out the attack would the BBC have been so careful to frame their reports?
I have to say that Jeremy Bowen presented a largely balanced view and seemed to get it (genuinely) just about right! I would have liked them to point out that at least 2 smaller CW usages have been directly attributed to the Freedom Fighters
I was surprised to hear him concede on last night’s News At Ten the possibility of the gas attack being done to damage the Assad regime. I wonder if, having accepted that these things might happen, he will bear that in mind for future events in the Middle East.
That is a refreshing move to watertight oversight.
To a question as to why Assad would risk vast PR negatives and possible excuses to let loose the dogs, I read one MSM offer the notion that it was a clear demonstration that he is taunting the West to try.
Now such questionable military tactics are not unheard of, but I’d prefer other options to be conceded too.
no inference towards mossad – calm down – bowen himself seems to be becoming more cynical about the freedom fighters – perhaps a bullet wound leads to enlightenment or secure payoff/pension from BBC
I’d really like just one mainstream news organisation to at least attempt to prove the veracity of this chemical attack. The video and still footage appears to have been tightly controlled and there appears plenty of scope that least some of it is faked. I hope I’m right, for the lives of those people. It appears so contrived in fact that it makes me feel it must be genuine, because surely they wouldn’t think we’d fall for what we’ve seen?
Will the BBC be the one to question it? Not a chance.
I just thought I’d share this comment I found on the Guido’s site ,It was in the comment section under
“Gay Reporter Subverts Russian TV Propaganda Channel ”
(Things can get heated ‘over there) And was a response to statement that RT was more balanced than the BBC. But I thought this could be applied to way any number of subjects are reported or not on the BBC
Sir William Waid says:
August 21, 2013 at 6:13 pm
Hell, al-Jazeera is more objective thab the Beeb.
Actually, I think the real problem with the BBC is not so much bias; we are all biassed in favour of our own opinions; it is the lack of doubt. A BBC mind never experiences the thought that it might be slightly wrong, in however trivial a way. Such a mind learnt everything it thought it needed to know about the world by the age of 20 and has surrounded itself by other minds that reinforce its complacency.
“…Actually, I think the real problem with the BBC is not so much bias; we are all biassed in favour of our own opinions; it is the lack of doubt. A BBC mind never experiences the thought that it might be slightly wrong, in however trivial a way. Such a mind learnt everything it thought it needed to know about the world by the age of 20 and has surrounded itself by other minds that reinforce its complacency.”
Excellent. I think you’ve perfectly summed-up the typical BBC hive-mind mentality, Stewart. I’d have added ‘belligerence’ as an essential ingredient of BBC new-recruit indoctrination procedure; you know, that familiar sneering, overbearing undisguised contempt most Beeboids have for any view that simply does not chime with their own…
The BBC have been banging on about this again all week, over at The Register they have some interesting facts about what really is going on.
“The world’s media is working itself into an unedifying state of hysteria (again) following the news that radioactive water has leaked from a holding tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, damaged two years back by a tsunami and earthquake which led to the death and injury of more than 20,000 people – though not a single one of those casualties resulted from radiation.”
Lots of inconvenient facts being missed by the headline grabbers.
If you’re still having trouble finding the result from last night’s FA Women’s Super League fixture between Donny Rovers Belles and ‘Arsenal’, it’s in the sports section of the Daily Telegraph after results from the Champions League, Premier League, Ramsden’s Cup, Calor Southern Premier and Scottish Lowland League.
Alternatively you should have been listening to the 7.25 sports news onToday, where it followed hot on the heels of the Champions League and Premiership round-up.
320 fans Alby you gonk, that says it all, the 2 best women’s teams out there…
Monday night, Manchester United u-21’s took on Liverpool U-21’s…attendance, in the 20k’s…not covered by the BBC, hell, i cant even find a link on their results page (The Doncaster vs Arsenal one, is here though):
And if you wanted to listen to the Chelsea v Villa Premiership game (Attendance 41,527) last night – tough.
It was Arsenal in Europe on Five Live and the Doncaster Ladies v Arsenal Ladies game (Attendance 320, I’ll repeat that, 320) on Five Live Sports Extra.
All part of the BBC’s campaign to change the face of Britain – a campaign that we are enrolled into at £145.50 per year, whether we like it or not.
Btw, aren’t Arsenal ladies and the Doncaster Belles the most successful women’s teams out there? (I have no interest, neither does my team, Manchester United)
The equivalent of a United vs Chelsea game?…320 “fans”
The BBC has 128 live Premier League commentary matches, as well as showing highlights on MOTD and MOTD2, plus the Football League show.
There will be 4 FA Women’s Super League programmes this season on BBC2. There will be a weekly roundup on Friday’s Sportsday on the BBC News Channel ( http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/21716152 ). Plus, as you show above, some Women’s Super League commentaries (I can’t find how many there are).
So the BBC broadcasts FAR more men’s football than women’s (as it should be, given their respective popularities).
In what way is broadcasting a small amount of women’s football a ‘campaign to change the face of Britain’?
Would they really have paid that much for the rights to broadcast women’s football? I’m guessing it was peanuts compared with how much they pay for Premier League broadcasting rights.
And does encouraging girls to play football count as ‘wasting licence fee payers’ money’?
You didn’t answer my question about how it is part of a ‘campaign to change the face of Britain’.
I never said anything about “Changing the face of Britain”, I said it was a fucking waste of time…it’s a hobby, nothing more…It’s cribbage in shorts.
Men’s Football is a spectator sport, the reason TV and radio tend to cover it, is for the fans who cannot get in…that is not a problem with women’s football.
Oh, you forgot to mention coverage for the women’s world cup, and European cup…yup, the Beeb gleefully covered those too.
No one was interested.
So, you think OB’s and a multitude of commentators, a studio cost nothing?…well, It is the Beeb I guess, they just use the magic money tree to fund it.
‘And does encouraging girls to play football count as ‘wasting licence fee payers’ money’?
Is that what it does? How?
It’s a tiny tiny minority spectator sport compared with just about any other football league you can mention, so the BBC can only be pushing it as part of their equality agenda.
The BBC highlighting women’s football has done the team a huge favour – without the exposure would the the hapless Hope Powell – appointed and retained position due to PC top trumps? Th eFA embarrassed by the clearly audible Sunday League quality advice from the bench and in the knowledge that she did not select the on form leading scorer in the league because she couldn’t play another position (and probably didn’t stroke her ego? in the right way meant after 15 years of failure she had to go – just wonder if the payoff reached bbc proportions as a lot of isms to cover off.
Perhaps, if the BBC stopped having women sent to prison for non payment of license fee’s, there would be more participation, and supporters of the hobby….i mean, “sport”
I just heard this interview. Hardly an interruption let alone ANY kind of challenge. The narrative that the MB are the greatest democratic force the Middle East has ever seen continues unabated. I’ve heard some biased shite on the BBC, but its continuing love-in with the MB really is beyond belief and shows up the BBC’s confusion over what democracy really means. As if this wasn’t bad enough, the plight of the Coptic Christians – 12% of the Egyptian population, remember – not even a fleeting reference.
What`s the Egyptian FA doing about promoting womens football then…and are we to decide on the worth of the Muslim Brotherhood by their willingness to support it?
Can you buy striped burkas?…or do all the teams have to dress in black, and so be confused with the referee?…
Lot of 0-0 games with few teams ending up with eleven players at the end, once they`ve been shot in the centre circle, I fear.
Because in this day and age of justice gone bad, the notion of ‘guilty until some way can be found to confirm it’ would surely appeal to the BBC selective outrage filter?
Now, over to the licence fee prosecution thread….
If not studiously ignored, one, at least that will get the full watertight oversight treatment first, and no ‘sources are saying’, ‘quotes’-laden 3rd-party allusions-drenched ‘news’ that suits the narrative more.
As it should be.
OK, in the spirit of balance, the exposure of true wrongdoing deserves to be shared too: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/hired-hands.html
Well, ‘reporting’ stuff already reported anyway. The horror.
One might observe that the comment that BBC-hired consultants don’t come cheap…. rather taken as read.
Well the Bradley Manning ‘sex change’ was reasonably done, even almost comically after the way the announcer for PM stated that Bradley Manning the man who leaked US secrets has decided he wasn’t to live as a woman and wants to be known as ‘Chelsea’ !
Now if this had been change to Islam I expect they would have been a lot more respectful.
Strange how the lefties who cry so much about ‘equality’ have their own favourites amongst minority groups, some are more equal than others.
Will this set a pattern for future thieves and exposers of West’s security, aimed to garner even more support from the ‘political left’ and the likes of ‘Guardian’ /BBC-NUJ?
I don’t really believe that the support of a tiny minority of nutters from an insignificant country thousands of miles away would have had the merest flicker over Manning’s decision.
The point is that this minority group is pretty low down the hierarchy of isms and the BBC seems to feel pretty free to report with a silly grin.
If you really want to garner the support of the leftards then you need to convert to Islam which is of course at the top of the Hierarchy.
Seems to me that Bradley has given up on playing for Chelsea itself, but might get to talk to Clare Baldy if he gets to play for Donny Belles instead.
Poor old Titus Bramble wouldn`t get that gig, even if he did start prancing about in his wifes old heels!
Fancies Jose (Doesn’t everyone?) or big fan of Hillary and Bill. It will be informative to see if the state pays for the transgender transformation – in the UK it would be a given – poor love, human rights – presumably denied to those informants/agents and their families he exposed and could’nt get away in time. Maybe Julian assange could do the same or would the Swedish court judge that to be tampering with the evidence?
Strange how the BBC refers to Rolf Harris, Clive James, Barry Humphries, Germaine Greer as Australian, they’ve all lived in Britain since the 1950s.
Yet some swivel eyed, sabre rattling, Allah Akbar ranting, half demented islamic ‘scholar’ turns up at Heathrow, why, he’s as British as boiled beef and carrots.
BBC director-general Tony Hall also highlighted the scandal of the corporation’s Digital Media Initiative (DMI) which he scrapped shortly after taking the top job, branding the £100 million attempt to create a production system linked to the corporation’s vast broadcasting archive as a waste of money.
Speaking today, he said: “The thing which worries me most about DMI is the fact you went round the place and people said ‘we knew all about that’ but no-one said and that is the problem of a culture where fingers are pointed, blame is appointed and people don’t feel they can own up and say ‘This is going wrong’.”
This is from the Daily Mash, right? This was his first clue that this culture existed at the BBC?
Wasn’t aware that Eire was over here – why is this even being covered but if we’re going that way how mant other EU nationals are involved? I think we should be told complete with photos or at least confirmation of their self described cencus data
Hi folks, been a way for a while with work and have enjoyed not watching the BBC. But, arrived back in Britain yesterday and am already reaching for the vomit bucket. The voice and platform the BBC are giving to the anti-fracking, smelly, Left-wing muesli fraternity is simply beyond belief considering the complete misconception that these useless unkempt louts are under regards fracking. This bunch of rich-kid, weekend hippies will in time (when their pocket money or benefits stop) move on, just like they did after Occupy, to the next trendy anti-authoritarian overgrown arts student protest; and the BBC will be right there to offer them an outlet for their stinky, hobnail boot, bongo-banging sit-ins. Personally, I would relish the sight of water canon and truncheon being put to good use concerning those rainbow fascist excrement that turn to bully any whose opinions differ from their puerile views.
Muck spreader if they are occupying agricultural land much more appropriate – especially if organic – how could they protest at that? And how would we distinguish before and after?
Phew! I think that’s called ‘easing yourself back in gently’, Alex.
‘…..considering the complete misconception that these useless unkempt louts are under regards fracking’.
Trouble is, mate, I don’t think they are. They know what they’re doing, which is to take us back to some stone age level of existence – I think it’s called living in harmony with a sustainable environment. But first comes a long period of civil chaos, death and destruction, before what’s left of the nation (about 3000, at a guess) buckles down under the green jackboot of the eco-fascists.
My tale exactly too Alex.
And when ever I saw a bit of the BBCs output abroad, I just felt that they will send this country to the cesspool if we continue to let them represent us in Europe…we`d be better off with Stuart Hall and his Jeux sans Frontiers to be honest.
Noted the Telegraph saying that 10% of criminal prosecutions are related to the BBC taking license fee “refusniks/freedom fighters” to court. The same paper has an editorial on the same issue.
Did the Today show flag this one up for our three minute hate then?…or did it get parked along with Labour Councils employemt of baliffs in places like Tower Hamlets and Keighley?
Need I ask?
‘Please contribute to our legal fund’
OTish, but as it goes to whose campaign will get what coverage I think still worthy on a BBC bais forum… I just had this emailed plea: ’38 Degrees is facing its biggest ever threat.
The government’s rushing through a new law which, if it passes, will stop us running the type of campaigns which have made us who we are. ‘
Oh, dear, what is this? ‘The law’s called the ‘Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill’. And if it goes through without any changes, it’ll wipe out our campaigning by slashing what we can spend during the year before elections.’
Now I have quoted only a few paras, and if anyone wants I’ll stick in the full email (it’s huge, of course), but it seems to me that 38Degrees are being a bit careful with the full story too.
Hence I am hoping that, in reports, our MSM will offer the full case and not a #prasnews release served up that suits the edit suite filter commissars too.
I am going to educate myself more, but when folk use the word ‘Transparency’ (Government or activist… or BBC), I react the same way as when I see ‘Trust’ or ‘impartiality’.
So I am grateful to 38 Degrees for bring it to my attention, but they and any others who have ‘interesting’ ways with fact sharing in lobbying may not be as thrilled if what they claim is not as it is.
BBC TV News Channel presenter, in announcing in all solemnity that Bradley Manning saw himself as a woman to be called ‘Chelsea’, BBC presenter immediately called him Bradley Wiggins (at 19:24) , before correcting himself.
I have noticed that many posters attempt to engage with those obviously not of a conservative disposition ,who continually try to control the narrative on threads.
It is pointless to argue with them . That they care enough to try is interesting. That is all. Controlling the narrative is all important. That this blog cannot be controlled is it’s strength.
To be accused of all sorts of politically incorrect crimes should be of no consequence at all. Ignore it for political correctness is the liberal’s main weapon against conservatives and free speech.
The liberal would dearly like to silence conservative voices but so far cannot. Not for nothing is the old saying “Tyrants by necessity” applied to the modern liberal.
The conservative must accept that there is aculture war going on for the future of England and the West. This war is not of the conservative’s making but he has been forced to engage in it. The alternative is to accept the liberal world view which has more in common with fantasy that reality.
Even if the conservative is sometimes, as are all people even liberals, guilty of factual errors nothing is gained by admitting them. Nothing is gained by apologising either.
Unrelenting hostilty must be the way. The liberal will never accept the conservative view and likewise the conservative must be prepared to do the same to the liberal world view.
Hostilty to the BBC and the liberal media is inevitable and is nothing to apologise for.
It is time to turn your back and look to your likeminded friends and family. It is with these people that the much needed conservative counter revolution will be fought.
marvellous piece on bbc local news north west about surgeons going to “Palestine” to do transplants and having to work whilst power cuts happen. We were told that important drugs have been stopped from being imported and that poor kids are dying because of this. The implication was that it was Israel who was responsible without actually saying so.There was so much missing from this story that incompetentce could not explain it .
Check this out folks on the Jeremy Vine show, I think its a classic undisputable example of bias. This is probably one of the most blatant occurancies of the beeb pulling the plug on a caller who is not towing the line I’ve ever heard. In this case the caller is saying the Syrian Regime are not the bad guys and the FSA are the ones committing atrocities. You can hear someone press the button to cut the caller off mid sentence and some very random piece of music is put on. Did the beeb have a government adviser in the studio on this one who was calling the shots? They are preparing the groundwork for war in Syria and anyone who sticks up for the regime will not be given air time. Go to 56 minutes in on todays Jeremy Vines show….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b038h976
Definitely the most blatant example I have ever heard
Is there any way that this can be stored for future reference? The caller was polite and coherent – unlike many of the raving nutters the BBC coddles on air. I guess he had told the screener that he was pro FSA and caused a shit storm when he revealed his true colours
The random music is “In the mood”. Astonishing example of BBC bias, Vanessa Feltz (I have heard of this name years ago but I never thought she was a BBC journalist, wasn’t she the inspiration for the character in BBCs Little Britain who likes “cake”?) ) told the caller off for thinking truth can be found on You Tube. Don’t go there if you want to find out the truth dear boy, listen to the BBC instead! Cake, cake?
Maybe it was the thought at last that journalists getting targeted may be getting targeted by different folk for different reasons.
Like Syrian WMDs, who gets blamed may not be who did the deed.
And who benefits most for the Western media provoking weak Western governments into reactions is always worth a ponder. Obama already taunted to ratings-limits by his daft red-line speech.
With a Western journo getting offed rather high on the headless chicken scale of watersight oversight getting dropped in favour of confirmation bias.
The ‘Guardian’-BBC moral high-ground approach in deciding national security, is similarly applied by ‘The Independent’ newspaper too, which has this today:-
“Exclusive: Edward Snowden leaks reveal UK’s secret Middle-East web surveillance base.
“Data-gathering operation is part of a £1bn internet project still being assembled by GCHQ.”
The four ‘Independent’ journals behind this report inform us that THEY have taken the decision on whether U.K. national interests, or individual lives are risked by this newspaper disclosure.
Supplementary to above:
-the four ‘Independent journalists involved in this report are, and I am sure they are proud to be mentioned:-
“Britain runs a secret internet-monitoring station in the Middle East to intercept and process vast quantities of emails, telephone calls and web traffic on behalf of Western intelligence agencies, The Independent has learnt.
“The station is able to tap into and extract data from the underwater fibre-optic cables passing through the region.
“The information is then processed for intelligence and passed to GCHQ in Cheltenham and shared with the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States. The Government claims the station is a key element in the West’s ‘war on terror’ and provides a vital ‘early warning’ system for potential attacks around the world.
“The Independent is not revealing the precise location of the station but information on its activities was contained in the leaked documents obtained from the NSA by Edward Snowden.”
This all adds up to a lot more than whistleblowing about the US spying on its own citizens within US borders. Which is just more proof that the BBC’s presentation of St. Edward has been misleading. And clear proof of Newsnight’s dishonesty and bias the other day.
Defenders of the indefensible continue to remain silent.
Just seen Tim Whewell giving Turkish despot Erdogan a blowie on Newsnight. OK, it wasn’t quite that, but might as well have been. Naive doesn’t even begin to describe Newsnight/BBC’s view of the Turkish government who are happily shit-stirring all around the middle-east.
Has anybody else spotted that BBC News 24 keeps reshooting the promo it shows before the on the hour news but each time economics editor Stephanie Flanders looks as if she is flustered and floundering?!
Did I read that Paxos brother is an Ambassador to Mexico?
And that he was responsible for hosting those fake arms sales of useless mine/bomb recognition devices on Embassy property?
Ye Gods…small world ain`t it?…what a science teacher THEY must have had to be so crap at it?
So much for Winchester schooling eh?…or whichever preppie they was sent to.
“Her funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral was the biggest such occasion since the death of the Queen Mother in 2002 and drew thousands of guests from around the world.
The event also prompted a number of small protests around the UK from communities who opposed her policies. ”
If these protests were small why did the BBC feel the need to provide blanket coverage of them – including visiting some place ex mining village (the mine closed over 30 years ago ) where a the BBC filmed [and stage managed] a pathetic burning in effigy by some pissed up dole aristocracy. Why did the BBC focus on and give air time to the few ‘protestors’ in the crowds lining the streets at the funeral? Why did they tell us that she was ‘divisive and hated’ in every single report – without exception. Why was hatred the core meme of their reporting if there were only small protests? Why did the negative voices and messages transmitted by the BBC massively outweigh the positive ones?
Why do they only report the truth now? Agenda at the BBC, Perish the thought….
The BBC – the news is what we want it to be
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
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Hey I have a cunning plan why don’t we set up a web page where all the people who think the BBC , that multi billion £ corporation that hires thugs to criminalise the poor and sick is their god and should never be abolished can pair up with those who know it’s Satan and should be left in a bin bag under a motorway !
Then the pro BBC types can pay the non pro BBC-ers TV tax [they re always saying how the BBC is such good value ] then us non’s can give our bit to charity or any passing wanderer we may see and can watch the TV we want to see without having to pay for theirs !
More shameless propaganda from the BBC on the wonderful benefits to Australia from unwanted asylum seekers.
Isn’t it funny how so many of these ‘asylum seekers’ flee countries whose culture, in BBC eyes, is beyond criticism, to western capitalist nations whose cultures, laws and customs are constantly being sniped at by the BBC?
I find it ironic that the BBC is pro immigration. Do you think all these Third Worlders will be rushing down to the post office to pay the BBC license / tax or they just won’t bother ? Hmm, that’s a hard one, isn’t it ?
They haven’t thought that far ahead yet, just as the feminists haven’t thought through the real world misogyny that will become a way of life under sharia.
I can only assume this is what feminists actually want. They’re not so stupid as to not realise the consequences … are they?!
You may be correct, it’s beyond my comprehension.
Quite right Johnnythfish about BBC love of asylum seekers country of flight and hatred of Britain.
The BBC is like a teenager self harming itself and trying to convert all non leftwing fascists to do the same.
Two contrasting reports on same murder of white Australian man in U.S.:-
1.) ‘The Blaze’:-
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Three teens charged in Australian Christopher Lane’s death”
From the Blaze article cited by GeorgeR:
“The Twitter account believed to belong to 15-year-old James Edwards……………………………”
“TheBlaze has also reported on other photos and videos discovered on various social media sites appearing to belong to Edwards”
Despite being unable to confirm the relationship of the Tweeter account and other social media sites to the accused they go on to publish screen shots of them.
Are you really suggesting that the BBC are “biased” because they have not published the same “facts” as The Blaze?
Are you saying this isn’t black and white?
If The Blaze are so sure of their “facts” why do they twice use “appearing to belong”?
If the BBC weren’t sure that the boston bombers were far right wing nuts, why did they promote that narrative before the reality that it was a jihadist act of terror was accepted?
If the BBC are all about the truth, why do they continue to insist that the boston bombers were influenced by far right ideology when the ‘evidence’ they used to demonstrate it came from an islamic publication that is strongly anti-semetic?
I guess when the BBC plays fast and loose with facts its because they know better than us and are protecting us from the truth for our own good, but obviously you and they cry foul if other people (not employed by £3.5bn organisations) report whatever the current facts are with an implicit caveat that they may change as we obtain more information.
This is obviously anathema to those like the BBC who want to ‘control the narrative’ and ensure that people only think what they’re allowed to.
Fine retort there Mr Gunn,
and, as predictable as always, instead of apologizing, or saying “fair point” when caught, bang to rights with his own double standards, the loathsome Alby scuttles back off under his rock whence he came from.
Pathetic and childish really.
‘If The Blaze are so sure of their “facts” why do they twice use “appearing to belong”?
Given the BBC’s use of ‘no one knows but here’s a punt we like’ semantics in their ‘reporting’, will you be commenting equally on when the world’s most trusted #prasnews facilitator punts out the same, or more egregious examples of MSM ratings or ideologically-compromised journalism?
“The Thug Culture That Killed Chris Lane”
By Arnold Ahlert.
The reason that this omission is commented upon is because the BBC almost always avoid mentioning the ethinicity of minorities involved in crime. This is particularly true if the crime is perpetrated against a white person.
Most of those who visit this site have had enough of being discriminated against by the BBC and their fellow liberal left types. We believe that we have done nothing wrong , have nothing to apologise for, have a right to say who should come and stay in our country , have a right to be consulted before major decisions are taken that will change the ethinicity and culture of our country for ever, have a right to say what we think, and we don’t think that the BBC, which we are forced to pay for , represents us or many millions of people in this country. We are being systematically deprived of our democratic voice and rights. It’s cultural genocide perpetrated by the BBC.
There are a lot of incidents of black gangs attacking random white people in the US. The BBC dont report it, but they are not alone amongst the mainstream media in refusing to report on what has become a growing trend.
Hey, Albaman: it’s not just Glenn Beck saying this. The Adelaide media says the same thing.
It comes as Edwards, who has been charged with first-degree murder, posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.
Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM”.
Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.
“Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”
“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.
Are you equally outraged at this as you are at George? Equally certain it’s a lie? I eagerly await seeing a copy of your sternly worded letter to the editor warning them against publishing such falsehoods.
I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”
“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people.
David, if the killer did indeed post this it sounds like he was some sort of racist rampage attacking white people – motivated at least in part by the Trayvon case. A rampage arguably bound to end in murder.
Will the media that so disgracefully misrepresented Zimmerman/Trayvon accept their role in peovoking this murder? Will they change their ways?
My brain hurts.
My eyes hurt.
Blimey, what IS it ? For sure, ’tis not human.
If ever there WAS an endorsement for the Burqua, Jo Brand is it.
She’s fooling nobody with that comb-over.
Bobby Charlton’s was more convincing.
Jo Brand’s a bit of an a**e. What if the anti-white ‘prejudice’ was taking place in Nigeria or Kenya where black people have all the political power? The presenter should have asked her that. Doesn’t excuse all the racist bile on this site though which still disturbs me.
Racist bile? You sure your looking at the right web site? This isn’t CiF, if you’re looking for racist bile they have it in 5 gallon drums over there. They even do a job lot if you say your Jewish.
Gaaa where’s the mind-bleach?
In the world of white victimology, this proves that there is a media conspiracy to underplay crime against whites. Where is the outrage over Christopher Lane’s killing? Where is it? The outrage? Huh? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?
If you are one of the angry white dummies asking this question, try a different one: What is the outrage?
David P now apparently reduced to parroting GOP talking points and George R disappearing up his own arse by posting links to BiasedBBC itself. Just call it it “whiney white guys.net” and have done with it.
I came to Alan’s excellent thread on the hypocrisy of the BBC-Guardian over its treatment of the Climategate scandal, and Tallbloke in particular, compared to the recent Miranda case, so I thought I’d post this link here instead (apologies if you’ve already seen it).
If anyone was ever in doubt about the evasive, slippery, lying, bullying tactics deployed in the name of science by a tiny clique of ‘the world’s top climate scientists’, have a read of this analysis of the Climategate e-mails and ask yourself the question: ‘how could the BBC possibly not investigate this?’ (ok, I know we all know the answer):
Click to access climategate-emails.pdf
Off out now, in case Plod come knocking.
Sorry, meant to say ‘I came to Alan’s thread….a bit late’.
I have just spent the whole afternoon on reading the link (fortunately I am self employed and can make up the lost time tonight). This should be compulsory reading for all Global Warming fanatics. It shows that those who you quote are totally dishonest in their arguments as proved from their own mouths via their emails. How on earth can the BBC (who ironically broke the Climategate story) still support the theories so comprehensively debunked. Perhaps Harribin hasn’t got round to reading it yet.
Meanwhile, the BBC perpetuate the Miranda story as one of the lead online stories http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23790578
Why don’t the Home Office just state that the guy was in possession of stolen information/ goods and report it back to the police. He wasn’t/ isn’t a journalist after all, not that it matters one iota.
Pretty but miley chantoosie Beverley Knight was in one of the sunday rag mags with a sort of ‘my life in pictures’ splash. So we had Bev with Usain Bolt, Bev with Ronnie Wood, Bev with Mohammed Ali, Bev with Annie Lennox and so on.
Missing, strangely so, was Bev with Nicky Campbell – from their appearance in BBC’s Just The Two of Us – a sort of Pro-Am singing contest.
Why Bev should have excised from her memory bank every trace of Gameshow giving her his big cow eyes, slobbering over her for seven days and telling her what a superb talent she was; well your guess is as good as mine.
Anyhoo (warning autotune hadn’t been invented yet) gruesome doesn’t begin to describe it.
Sorry uncle bup – I really cannot click the ‘like’ button even though I agree with your sentiments – Campbell is dreadful.
This is a bit like the rodeo, see how long you can last. I managed 21 seconds.
Campbell is absolutely shameless.
If the cap fits wear it.
That’s 21 seconds more than I intend to spend on shit.
Oh dear, composite post, delete the cap fits sentence.
“I managed 21 seconds.”
He doesn’t start “singing” until 0.19.
BUT ! Is it worse than a bit o’ Bovis ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJvGdOC6D1Y
I couldn’t watch this through….
To quote our Nicky Campbell: ‘I left, as he started’
OT, but perhaps not enough for a Flokker to peel off for strafe without looking a bit silly(ier), especially if on no more than house monitor duty:
I just noted this bit:
‘In their defence, it’s not like anyone would have read it…’
When we know that around 20,000 broadcast professionals will have hung on every word.
If only for the last line…
Two contrasting reports relating to Labour shadow Minister, Ms Abbott, and immigration.
1.) ‘Daily Express’:-
“Outcry as Labour’s Diane Abbott demands MORE migrants should come to UK.
“LABOUR is facing fresh embarrassment over border control today after frontbencher Diane Abbott attacked Ed Miliband for failing to argue for MORE immigration.”
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
“Diane Abbott: Polls swaying Labour’s immigration stance”
This is the same Diane Abbott who made unambiguously racist comments about Caucasians just a few years ago. How she was allowed to keep her job is beyond me. She’s a political liability.
I wonder if charged ‘Progress Magazine’
£1750 for the privilege of her views
If so will they ask for it back?
Oh come on those private school fees, because black mothers like her care more (than other non black mothers???), don’t pay themselves.
If Labour got rid of her, it would be racism, so don’t hold your breath.
The longer they keep her the better. If she keeps on saying racist anti white stuff perhaps the sleeping majority of this country may wake up and realise that Labour , the BBC et al are selling them down the river and protest. If they did protest then the Tories would have the courage to actually do what the people want and keep us Briitsh and call an end to Labour’s great multicultural experiment..
So come on Ms Abbot have a right go at us white folks, we really want to hear from you.
Yesterday reported on air how the crim who sold fake mine detectors had made ‘thousands of pounds’ from the scam.
The Daily Mail had him making ‘up to £48 million’, which I think was rather nearer the mark.
The droids think they are ‘the world’s most trusted news organisation’ and they routinely refer to ‘the Daily Fail’.
Sheer utter laziness of everyone concerned with that bulletin. I knew it was many millions and *they* do it for a living. Never mind doing yer job when there’s yer facebook profile to update and tweets to be read.
You know if was a BBC investigation that exposed the scam in the first place?
Congrats all round.
And not a £187,000± compo claim in sight that time.
You might have imagined, given the provenance, the rest of the BBC would be atop the full story details subsequently better than many, mind.
The BBC did not uncover it, they merely reported it. The scam was first raised by British and American forces operating in Afghanistan – and then notified the UK police.
Or are you trying to say that the BBC has an ongoing program to test and evaluate military equipment issued to UK forces and it was this that uncovered this bogus device?
The BBC don’t do any investigative journalism any more, despite their claims and how they try to use it in an increasingly desperate attemp to justify the license fee.
I think they should test to see if these bogus devices work. On live TV preferably. I’d watch that.
Albaman will be on shortly to point out that the BBC’s version is correct and there is nothing to apologise for. £48,000,000 is thousands of pounds. Lots of thousands.
All for interacting, and resisting temptation to ‘analyse’, but having read this I wonder what folk are actually paying the BBC and its cutting edge staff to do other than post ‘what do you think?” on FaceBook:
BBC World News
‘Here is my last post for the afternoon.Hosni Mubarak is to be put under house arrest following a court order to release him. What is your reading of the situation in Egypt? Komla Dumor’
(the BBC WHYS FB pages are often ‘interesting’ for students of free speaking commentary and modding (or lack of) too)
“BBC addicted to bashing Murdoch, Boris claims”
When I hear the BBC -NUJ saying the person / family is ‘British’. I immediately think they comes from either Timbuktu or the Khyber Pass. Am I alone in thinking this ?
This particular family is ”Irish.” About as Irish as a three pound note.
“Am I alone in thinking this ?”
Probably not on this site but in general you will be in a tiny minority.
”Probably not.”
Thanks Albaman, I knew I wasn’t alone.
“Probably not on this site but in general you will be in a tiny minority”
the bBC hive has spoken.
stunning how far out of touch these clowns really are.
I am not the clown who thinks, or agrees with the statement, that upon hearing the BBC mention someone as being British that the individual “comes from either Timbuktu or the Khyber Pass”.
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc., etc.,
By the way, Albaman, can you tell us if these “British” people the BBC keeps telling us about speak English as their first or second language – or do they speak English at all? I think you should tell us.
David Brims, why Timbuktu or the Khyber Pass? What is British to you? Is Jessica Ennis acceptable? Or Vanessa Feltz?
Jessica Ennis Hill, If you’re going to be a troll at least do it right and she’s a hell of a lot more than ‘acceptable’, but to say more will have Mrs Horn after me.
Something you disagree with = troll. Yawn.
And like a winged arrow in fly s the hit and hide squad of BBC glee club with the award winning
‘every one on this site is a _ _ _ _ _ ist ‘ !
Complete as appropriate to whether you defend huge media monopoly’s with multi billion £ cash flows and are lawyered up to heavens gates ,for no pay [pmsl how dumb!] and no matter how much abuse, bullying, sexual offenders ,theft ,fraud is uncovered or you are a human who has a questioning mind that works in the real world!
I’ve found that those who yell “you’re a _ _ _ _ _ ist” are the greatest _ _ _ _ _ ist’s of all.
Just look at the BBC;s reporting on Israel to see the point proven.
Crap, more people are waking up to the pro immigration, pro Muslim, anti white lefty bias that the BBC peddle. Its become so blatant and obvious.
There are more papers than the Guardian and look how their readership is dwindling, the BBC’s days are numbered.
And INBBC describes ex-Gitmo Binyam Mohamed (an Ethiopian citizen) as a ‘British resident,’ and similarly current Gitmo inmate, Shaker Aamer (a Saudi Arabian) as a ‘British resident’, such is INBBC’s political imperative to get British citizenship for them both.
According to the Left, the Worlds entire black and muslim population is British. A great tactic to subvert the indigenous population, turning the country into a Tower of Babel, nice work guys.
“According to the Left, the Worlds entire black and muslim population is British.”
Be interesting to see how many “likes” David’s obviously incorrect assertion receives.
It did not take long for this Open Thread to move from “bias” to race and Islam – par for the course these days though.
Albaman, how come your so free with your comments but refused to answer my question when asked numerous times about the BBC reporting 500 Muslim Brotherhood deaths in the recent protests but totally ignored the equal number of Coptic Christians murdered by Brotherhood supporters over the same period?
Going to do a disappearing act again, are we?
They haven’t totally ignored it (I assume you mean this period of protests)
Egypt crisis: Churches under attack (16 Aug 2013)
Egypt’s Coptic Christians fear extremist backlash (13 Aug 2013)
Egypt’s Coptic Christians dread further backlash (12 Aug 2013)
Can’t recall you asking this question however there a number of articles on the BBC website regarding attacks on Coptic Christians and their Churches. Some of the articles date back to 2011 and others are more recent.
Your figure of 500 is not confirmed by any news agency that I can find.
But then according to BBC broadcast output – reaching millions as opposed to read by thousands – you wouldn’t think they were happening at all, would you? Apart, that is, from one ‘Thought for the Day’ a couple of weeks ago when some Bish from Wales raised it. He was going quite nicely until he went down the ‘turn the other cheek’ route, quickly followed by a suggestion that our example of tolerance will show them the error of their ways. In other words, do nowt. Meanwhile, thousands more Christians will just have to put up with intimidation, persecution and slaughter, won’t they? – another BBC-selected leftie Christian sacrificing his flock on the altar of Islamism appeasement.
So….all in all, a Panorama ‘special’ well overdue don’t you think, Albaman?
You pick up on minor detail Albaman. You and your ilk are concerned because some people, particularly on this site , have not been indoctrinated or are too fearful to state their mind. Overall the BBC is undermining the British people of this country who are all races bit not all ethnicities. I have to admit that you show determination and fighting spirit. It is a pity that you dont settle and look around you to see things for what they are. You have the intelligence but not the attitude.
Poor GeorgeR, the differences between nationality, citizenship and residency are obviously too complex for him.
Poor Albaman, the differences between nationality, citizenship and residency are obviously too complex for him to understand in the specific cases of Binyam Mohamed amd Shaker Aamer.
Hansard 24/4/2013
“Shaker Aamer is a 46-year-old Saudi national and a permanent resident of the UK. He had permission to live in the UK indefinitely, based on his marriage to a British national. ”
House of Commons Debate 5/2/09
“Binyam Mohamed is an Ethiopian national who was resident in the UK before being arrested in Pakistan as a terrorism suspect in 2002.”
Seems pretty clear on both nationality and residence.
You fell for it, Albaman.
“Pretty clear”, eh?
1.)More on Binyam Mohamed-
“Binyam Mohamed: The false martyr”
2.) More on Shaker Aamer:-
“Britain seeks release of the Guantanamo ‘professor'”
But the BBC generally did NOT describe Binyam as “an Ethiopian” in all its special pleading for this terrorist sympathiser. Why ever not ?
Does being resident in the U.K. automatically give a person British citizenship? That’s news tome Albaman. Seems you are using the same erroneous “facts” to try and win an argument as Owen Jones does.
It’s also very convenient for certain overstayers in this country to find some gullible British female to romance and marry when they think they may be chucked out of Blighty. Happens every day. Then after a couple of years they piss off leaving the daft female with all the debts and other problems.
And don’t try to tell us this doesn’t happen. I’ve seen it too many times in some of the “enriched” areas I’ve worked in over the years.
“Does being resident in the U.K. automatically give a person British citizenship?”
No – and where did I say that this would be the case?
“Does being resident in the U.K. automatically give a person British citizenship?”
No – and where did I say that this would be the case?
A ‘Biased-BBC’ thread of May, 2013:-
“The four siblings – Omaima Halawa, 20, her two sisters Fatima, 22, Somaia, 27, and their 17-year-old brother Ibrihim – all live in Dublin but had gone to Egypt on holiday with their mother, Amina Mostafa.”
Yes, as you do…”M’a, where d’ya fancy going for yer hols?”
“Egypt sounds nice at the moment, don’t ferget to pack the soda bread….”
Ffs, they really do take us for fools…
(expecting an Alby response along the lines of…”there’s only one fool”….blah…blah…fucking blah…)
There has been specific FCO and State Department advice for a long time against going to Cairo and other Lower Nile cities.
This is the advice of the Irish Government’s foreign ministry –
I very much doubt if this advice was not posted until August.
Perhaps they were struggling with the language?
Tsk, y’see, if only the Irish government made it’s websites Urdu friendly. 😉
For the last few years broadcasters have been saying “the British” when they should be saying “us”. I find this unnerving too.
A Democrat journalist in the US gives us detail and context about the Muslim Brotherhood’s attacks on Coptic Christians :
But the BBC downplays it all. Sick bastards.
A lot of British ex pats live in Saudi Arabia. I wonder if the Arab television networks refer to them as Saudi citizens, somehow I doubt it.
Obviously not David but they are RESIDENT in Saudi!!
But you’ve just told us in a previous post on this thread that being allowed residency in the UK allows a person to classed as British.
Make your mind up, Albaman!
Maybe there’s two Albamans (Albamen?) again.
I always thought of him more as a brand anyway, like Lassie.
Covering a lot of ground today for a solo, and coordination can slip.
Where did I say that?
BBC polling Conservatives to ‘out’ their eccentric views.
Here are some the questions they think will trip up the Blues and provide us with evidence of just how out of touch with regular opinion they are…
– asking if they think “climate change is not happening” (deniers)
– whether “Immigration has had a negative impact on Britain” (racists)
– whether they support a ban on the burkha (racists pt. 2)
– whether Cameron and Osborne are “arrogant” (class narrative, posh Eton boys)
– whether they support an electoral pact with UKIP (loonies unite)
…and with this, and the assumed ‘eccentric’ answers they’re clearly hoping to elicit, the BBC achieve the reverse – and confirm just how out of touch and isolated the corporation is from the majority in the country.
Hmm…a few anti-immigrant comments and lots of hate spewed at the BBC over at Guido Fawkes’ blog, yet our defenders of the indefensible are nowhere to be seen. Nobody condemning him for running a hate site, nobody scolding commenters for their racism, nobody warning about legal action. Weird.
I see far more hate and ignorance in Alberman’s comments than most on here. He picks on a comment, which is plainly meant in jest in order to point out the crass reporting of the BBC when talking about the origin of certain folk, and then has an orgasm over it.
The fact is that this country now has millions of people here whose culture is from somewhere else in the world and alien to us and they were certainly not invited here. They were simply allowed to flood in by incompetent governments and as we well know some of them are extreme and have deliberately killed many people. As well as the rape gangs of course and the murder of a fine service man
Were it not for a very vigilant security force there would have been many more people killed and maimed. We would like to think that the people of the religion that spawns these terrorists were more vocal in their condemnation of their violent brothers but no they are taken on the BBC to make excuses for them and we are forced to pay for the privilege.
That this site is so restrained when commenting on these folk is a credit to the organisers of the site and the vast majority of good natured commenters that write on the site. Alberman you are plainly demented that you must persistently attack commenters on here for insignificant infringements of your strange beliefs but not the real appeasers of crimes committed against this country and its citizens, the BBC.
Thank goodness for this site and the many others run on shoe strings that are making the public, in its millions, aware that the £4 billion a year BBC is anti-British and as Biased as you are deluded.
The BBC’s days are numbered, get used to it and trust me the champagne bottles will be littering the streets of the land on that day.
They used to, before Guido became mainstream.
I noticed last night how careful the BBC was to say that the gas attack in Syria ‘appeared’ to be carried out by the Assad regime. At last I thought the BBC have stopped taking things at face value. This morning I was thinking that if it had been Gaza and the claims were that the Israelis had carried out the attack would the BBC have been so careful to frame their reports?
I have to say that Jeremy Bowen presented a largely balanced view and seemed to get it (genuinely) just about right! I would have liked them to point out that at least 2 smaller CW usages have been directly attributed to the Freedom Fighters
I was surprised to hear him concede on last night’s News At Ten the possibility of the gas attack being done to damage the Assad regime. I wonder if, having accepted that these things might happen, he will bear that in mind for future events in the Middle East.
That is a refreshing move to watertight oversight.
To a question as to why Assad would risk vast PR negatives and possible excuses to let loose the dogs, I read one MSM offer the notion that it was a clear demonstration that he is taunting the West to try.
Now such questionable military tactics are not unheard of, but I’d prefer other options to be conceded too.
Did Bowen say that Assad had done the gas attack, or was the door left open for a Mossad false-flag conspiracy to damage the Assad regime?
no inference towards mossad – calm down – bowen himself seems to be becoming more cynical about the freedom fighters – perhaps a bullet wound leads to enlightenment or secure payoff/pension from BBC
I’d really like just one mainstream news organisation to at least attempt to prove the veracity of this chemical attack. The video and still footage appears to have been tightly controlled and there appears plenty of scope that least some of it is faked. I hope I’m right, for the lives of those people. It appears so contrived in fact that it makes me feel it must be genuine, because surely they wouldn’t think we’d fall for what we’ve seen?
Will the BBC be the one to question it? Not a chance.
I just thought I’d share this comment I found on the Guido’s site ,It was in the comment section under
“Gay Reporter Subverts Russian TV Propaganda Channel ”
(Things can get heated ‘over there) And was a response to statement that RT was more balanced than the BBC. But I thought this could be applied to way any number of subjects are reported or not on the BBC
Sir William Waid says:
August 21, 2013 at 6:13 pm
Hell, al-Jazeera is more objective thab the Beeb.
Actually, I think the real problem with the BBC is not so much bias; we are all biassed in favour of our own opinions; it is the lack of doubt. A BBC mind never experiences the thought that it might be slightly wrong, in however trivial a way. Such a mind learnt everything it thought it needed to know about the world by the age of 20 and has surrounded itself by other minds that reinforce its complacency.
“…Actually, I think the real problem with the BBC is not so much bias; we are all biassed in favour of our own opinions; it is the lack of doubt. A BBC mind never experiences the thought that it might be slightly wrong, in however trivial a way. Such a mind learnt everything it thought it needed to know about the world by the age of 20 and has surrounded itself by other minds that reinforce its complacency.”
Excellent. I think you’ve perfectly summed-up the typical BBC hive-mind mentality, Stewart. I’d have added ‘belligerence’ as an essential ingredient of BBC new-recruit indoctrination procedure; you know, that familiar sneering, overbearing undisguised contempt most Beeboids have for any view that simply does not chime with their own…
That Fukushima Feeling Again:
The BBC have been banging on about this again all week, over at The Register they have some interesting facts about what really is going on.
“The world’s media is working itself into an unedifying state of hysteria (again) following the news that radioactive water has leaked from a holding tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, damaged two years back by a tsunami and earthquake which led to the death and injury of more than 20,000 people – though not a single one of those casualties resulted from radiation.”
Lots of inconvenient facts being missed by the headline grabbers.
More here:
If you’re still having trouble finding the result from last night’s FA Women’s Super League fixture between Donny Rovers Belles and ‘Arsenal’, it’s in the sports section of the Daily Telegraph after results from the Champions League, Premier League, Ramsden’s Cup, Calor Southern Premier and Scottish Lowland League.
Alternatively you should have been listening to the 7.25 sports news onToday, where it followed hot on the heels of the Champions League and Premiership round-up.
The question is, why did it?
Easy answer to that my good fellow:
Pushing something that hardly anyone wants (sounds familiar, somehow)
Something hardly anyone wants?
Apart from those participating in the sport:
The above does not include those playing in local women or girls leagues.
If it’s participants that count I look forward to the fishing results.
Brilliant! 🙂
320 fans Alby you gonk, that says it all, the 2 best women’s teams out there…
Monday night, Manchester United u-21’s took on Liverpool U-21’s…attendance, in the 20k’s…not covered by the BBC, hell, i cant even find a link on their results page (The Doncaster vs Arsenal one, is here though):
Mind you, yer big on “minority” shit, aren’t ya?
Albaman opens gob to change feet – again.
He may be dim but at least he’s kind enough to come on here and confirm what we all think of the BBC mindset.
And if you wanted to listen to the Chelsea v Villa Premiership game (Attendance 41,527) last night – tough.
It was Arsenal in Europe on Five Live and the Doncaster Ladies v Arsenal Ladies game (Attendance 320, I’ll repeat that, 320) on Five Live Sports Extra.
All part of the BBC’s campaign to change the face of Britain – a campaign that we are enrolled into at £145.50 per year, whether we like it or not.
I streamed the Chelsea vs Villa game….there’s always a way to get yer football fix without relying on the BBC 🙂
(Great match it was too, I might add)
Btw, aren’t Arsenal ladies and the Doncaster Belles the most successful women’s teams out there? (I have no interest, neither does my team, Manchester United)
The equivalent of a United vs Chelsea game?…320 “fans”
No-one is interested.
But Albaman claims there is huge support for ladies’ football ?
No, I provided evidence of participation in the sport.
Wonderful, Albaman reduced to being swallowed up in his own tautology:
‘Lady footballers participate in ladies’ football.’
Yeah, and a lot of folk are interested in playing tiddlywinks, or bridge, but I don’t see that covered on 5 live extra.
The BBC has 128 live Premier League commentary matches, as well as showing highlights on MOTD and MOTD2, plus the Football League show.
There will be 4 FA Women’s Super League programmes this season on BBC2. There will be a weekly roundup on Friday’s Sportsday on the BBC News Channel ( http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/21716152 ). Plus, as you show above, some Women’s Super League commentaries (I can’t find how many there are).
So the BBC broadcasts FAR more men’s football than women’s (as it should be, given their respective popularities).
In what way is broadcasting a small amount of women’s football a ‘campaign to change the face of Britain’?
It’s that little thing called “Wasting license fee payers money”, I’m sure you have heard about that one before?
If only 320 folk could be arsed to go and watch the top game in the women’s league, does that not suggest something to you?…Seriously?
I guess you little loves will be pushing for live Kabbadi soon…mind you, they will get a bigger audience for that, than for women’s football.
(Shit Chop, don’t be giving them feckin’ ideas!!!)
Would they really have paid that much for the rights to broadcast women’s football? I’m guessing it was peanuts compared with how much they pay for Premier League broadcasting rights.
And does encouraging girls to play football count as ‘wasting licence fee payers’ money’?
You didn’t answer my question about how it is part of a ‘campaign to change the face of Britain’.
I never said anything about “Changing the face of Britain”, I said it was a fucking waste of time…it’s a hobby, nothing more…It’s cribbage in shorts.
Men’s Football is a spectator sport, the reason TV and radio tend to cover it, is for the fans who cannot get in…that is not a problem with women’s football.
Oh, you forgot to mention coverage for the women’s world cup, and European cup…yup, the Beeb gleefully covered those too.
No one was interested.
So, you think OB’s and a multitude of commentators, a studio cost nothing?…well, It is the Beeb I guess, they just use the magic money tree to fund it.
‘And does encouraging girls to play football count as ‘wasting licence fee payers’ money’?
Is that what it does? How?
It’s a tiny tiny minority spectator sport compared with just about any other football league you can mention, so the BBC can only be pushing it as part of their equality agenda.
Bu then, you already know that.
If girls are interested in playing football, good for them….they do not need the BBC “encouraging” them to play it, they will do it regardless.
The BBC highlighting women’s football has done the team a huge favour – without the exposure would the the hapless Hope Powell – appointed and retained position due to PC top trumps? Th eFA embarrassed by the clearly audible Sunday League quality advice from the bench and in the knowledge that she did not select the on form leading scorer in the league because she couldn’t play another position (and probably didn’t stroke her ego? in the right way meant after 15 years of failure she had to go – just wonder if the payoff reached bbc proportions as a lot of isms to cover off.
Perhaps, if the BBC stopped having women sent to prison for non payment of license fee’s, there would be more participation, and supporters of the hobby….i mean, “sport”
Just a thought. 😉
Mind you a few hundred people turned up to protest at a test drilling for oil and that got wall-to-wall coverage.
Maybe that was the Arsenal “crowd” on their way back from Doncaster, mistaken as protestors.
That might explain why they couldn’t tell the difference between oil and gas.
Bloody footy hoolies!
Knuckle dragging, EDL types!
Radio 4 ‘PM’: Top political narrative today-
E.Mair takes tea and commisserates with someone from Muslim Brotherhood on release of ex-Egyptian President Mubarak.
They are both still looking for the mirage of the ‘Arab Spring’.
I just heard this interview. Hardly an interruption let alone ANY kind of challenge. The narrative that the MB are the greatest democratic force the Middle East has ever seen continues unabated. I’ve heard some biased shite on the BBC, but its continuing love-in with the MB really is beyond belief and shows up the BBC’s confusion over what democracy really means. As if this wasn’t bad enough, the plight of the Coptic Christians – 12% of the Egyptian population, remember – not even a fleeting reference.
Biased bastards.
What`s the Egyptian FA doing about promoting womens football then…and are we to decide on the worth of the Muslim Brotherhood by their willingness to support it?
Can you buy striped burkas?…or do all the teams have to dress in black, and so be confused with the referee?…
Lot of 0-0 games with few teams ending up with eleven players at the end, once they`ve been shot in the centre circle, I fear.
A few days old now but unusual. Still nothing on the BBC web though?
Because in this day and age of justice gone bad, the notion of ‘guilty until some way can be found to confirm it’ would surely appeal to the BBC selective outrage filter?
Now, over to the licence fee prosecution thread….
Obama supplicant Mardell, refreshed after long vacation, is back to his loving work of supporting anything Obamessiah says today, e.g. about Syria.
A report for Mardell to fend off?:-
If not studiously ignored, one, at least that will get the full watertight oversight treatment first, and no ‘sources are saying’, ‘quotes’-laden 3rd-party allusions-drenched ‘news’ that suits the narrative more.
As it should be.
For ALL stories.
OK, in the spirit of balance, the exposure of true wrongdoing deserves to be shared too:
Well, ‘reporting’ stuff already reported anyway. The horror.
One might observe that the comment that BBC-hired consultants don’t come cheap…. rather taken as read.
Well the Bradley Manning ‘sex change’ was reasonably done, even almost comically after the way the announcer for PM stated that Bradley Manning the man who leaked US secrets has decided he wasn’t to live as a woman and wants to be known as ‘Chelsea’ !
Now if this had been change to Islam I expect they would have been a lot more respectful.
Strange how the lefties who cry so much about ‘equality’ have their own favourites amongst minority groups, some are more equal than others.
Bra Manning?
Will this set a pattern for future thieves and exposers of West’s security, aimed to garner even more support from the ‘political left’ and the likes of ‘Guardian’ /BBC-NUJ?
-The sex-change ruse.
I don’t really believe that the support of a tiny minority of nutters from an insignificant country thousands of miles away would have had the merest flicker over Manning’s decision.
The point is that this minority group is pretty low down the hierarchy of isms and the BBC seems to feel pretty free to report with a silly grin.
If you really want to garner the support of the leftards then you need to convert to Islam which is of course at the top of the Hierarchy.
It does seem that transgendered types are fairly insignificant when it comes to the mighty al-beeb discrimination flow-chart of doom.
Seems to me that Bradley has given up on playing for Chelsea itself, but might get to talk to Clare Baldy if he gets to play for Donny Belles instead.
Poor old Titus Bramble wouldn`t get that gig, even if he did start prancing about in his wifes old heels!

The labels disappeared. In case anyone doesn’t know, the top picture is Mi5 whistleblower David Shayler and bottom is St Chelsea of Leavenworth.
Crikey. They could be sisters.
Sisters? they would defo be living with Cinderella
Those Hanson boys sure did grow up ugly.
Fancies Jose (Doesn’t everyone?) or big fan of Hillary and Bill. It will be informative to see if the state pays for the transgender transformation – in the UK it would be a given – poor love, human rights – presumably denied to those informants/agents and their families he exposed and could’nt get away in time. Maybe Julian assange could do the same or would the Swedish court judge that to be tampering with the evidence?
What the INBBC Muslim Brotherhood supporters have to relegate/censor:-
“The Poor, Persecuted Muslim Brotherhood!”
Strange how the BBC refers to Rolf Harris, Clive James, Barry Humphries, Germaine Greer as Australian, they’ve all lived in Britain since the 1950s.
Yet some swivel eyed, sabre rattling, Allah Akbar ranting, half demented islamic ‘scholar’ turns up at Heathrow, why, he’s as British as boiled beef and carrots.
I assume the beef was halal!
“Former Newsnight journalist slams BBC ‘officer class’ during appearance at Edinburgh Television Festival.”
” Don’t tell him Pike”.
BBC director-general Tony Hall also highlighted the scandal of the corporation’s Digital Media Initiative (DMI) which he scrapped shortly after taking the top job, branding the £100 million attempt to create a production system linked to the corporation’s vast broadcasting archive as a waste of money.
Speaking today, he said: “The thing which worries me most about DMI is the fact you went round the place and people said ‘we knew all about that’ but no-one said and that is the problem of a culture where fingers are pointed, blame is appointed and people don’t feel they can own up and say ‘This is going wrong’.”
This is from the Daily Mash, right? This was his first clue that this culture existed at the BBC?
The BBC always tells us that the majority of Muslims over here are “moderate”.
But the father of the Muslims from Ireland is a backer of the Muslim Brotherhood – and is Imam at the largest mosque in Ireland.
Just like most mosques in Britain are Wahhabi-financed.
Moderate ? Yeah, sure.
Wasn’t aware that Eire was over here – why is this even being covered but if we’re going that way how mant other EU nationals are involved? I think we should be told complete with photos or at least confirmation of their self described cencus data
I meant “over here “in Europe
Hi folks, been a way for a while with work and have enjoyed not watching the BBC. But, arrived back in Britain yesterday and am already reaching for the vomit bucket. The voice and platform the BBC are giving to the anti-fracking, smelly, Left-wing muesli fraternity is simply beyond belief considering the complete misconception that these useless unkempt louts are under regards fracking. This bunch of rich-kid, weekend hippies will in time (when their pocket money or benefits stop) move on, just like they did after Occupy, to the next trendy anti-authoritarian overgrown arts student protest; and the BBC will be right there to offer them an outlet for their stinky, hobnail boot, bongo-banging sit-ins. Personally, I would relish the sight of water canon and truncheon being put to good use concerning those rainbow fascist excrement that turn to bully any whose opinions differ from their puerile views.
Muck spreader if they are occupying agricultural land much more appropriate – especially if organic – how could they protest at that? And how would we distinguish before and after?
Phew! I think that’s called ‘easing yourself back in gently’, Alex.
‘…..considering the complete misconception that these useless unkempt louts are under regards fracking’.
Trouble is, mate, I don’t think they are. They know what they’re doing, which is to take us back to some stone age level of existence – I think it’s called living in harmony with a sustainable environment. But first comes a long period of civil chaos, death and destruction, before what’s left of the nation (about 3000, at a guess) buckles down under the green jackboot of the eco-fascists.
Blimey, you’ve got me at it now!
My tale exactly too Alex.
And when ever I saw a bit of the BBCs output abroad, I just felt that they will send this country to the cesspool if we continue to let them represent us in Europe…we`d be better off with Stuart Hall and his Jeux sans Frontiers to be honest.
Noted the Telegraph saying that 10% of criminal prosecutions are related to the BBC taking license fee “refusniks/freedom fighters” to court. The same paper has an editorial on the same issue.
Did the Today show flag this one up for our three minute hate then?…or did it get parked along with Labour Councils employemt of baliffs in places like Tower Hamlets and Keighley?
Need I ask?
Compare two reports on same Islamic issue in U.K:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“UK: Muslim TV channel fined for preacher’s saying it was ‘acceptable to murder anyone who disrespected Muhammad'”
“In any case, this TV channel is fined, but still operates, while opponents of this thuggery are banned from Britain.
“Please contribute to our legal fund to overturn the unjust ban on Pamela Geller and me entering the UK here.
“And sign the petition asking that the ban be overturned here.”
2.) INBBC:-
(‘Entertainment & Arts’ page!)
“Islamic TV channel fined £85,000 for inciting violence”
Ah, the good ol’ religion of peace. Muslims can incite hatred and nothing happens. A white Christian will get arrested and all hell breaks loose.
‘Please contribute to our legal fund’
OTish, but as it goes to whose campaign will get what coverage I think still worthy on a BBC bais forum… I just had this emailed plea:
’38 Degrees is facing its biggest ever threat.
The government’s rushing through a new law which, if it passes, will stop us running the type of campaigns which have made us who we are. ‘
Oh, dear, what is this?
‘The law’s called the ‘Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill’. And if it goes through without any changes, it’ll wipe out our campaigning by slashing what we can spend during the year before elections.’
Now I have quoted only a few paras, and if anyone wants I’ll stick in the full email (it’s huge, of course), but it seems to me that 38Degrees are being a bit careful with the full story too.
Hence I am hoping that, in reports, our MSM will offer the full case and not a #prasnews release served up that suits the edit suite filter commissars too.
I am going to educate myself more, but when folk use the word ‘Transparency’ (Government or activist… or BBC), I react the same way as when I see ‘Trust’ or ‘impartiality’.
So I am grateful to 38 Degrees for bring it to my attention, but they and any others who have ‘interesting’ ways with fact sharing in lobbying may not be as thrilled if what they claim is not as it is.
BBC TV News Channel presenter, in announcing in all solemnity that Bradley Manning saw himself as a woman to be called ‘Chelsea’, BBC presenter immediately called him Bradley Wiggins (at 19:24) , before correcting himself.
BBC 5 Live is the radio channel that likes to mix sport with Left-wing politics.
This evening Gary Anderson, Jennie Gow and James Allen are shooting the breeze about Grand Prix motor racing.
In the context of a conversation about sport how would you describe someone who was somewhat over polished in his presentation – perhaps smarmy….?
‘He’s smoothe… like a Tory politician…’
I don’t know which of the male presenters said this (possibly it was a guest – but it went unchallenged).
Casual Leftism I call it.
And I’m sure that cool operater Chucka Umunna would be most offended.
I have noticed that many posters attempt to engage with those obviously not of a conservative disposition ,who continually try to control the narrative on threads.
It is pointless to argue with them . That they care enough to try is interesting. That is all. Controlling the narrative is all important. That this blog cannot be controlled is it’s strength.
To be accused of all sorts of politically incorrect crimes should be of no consequence at all. Ignore it for political correctness is the liberal’s main weapon against conservatives and free speech.
The liberal would dearly like to silence conservative voices but so far cannot. Not for nothing is the old saying “Tyrants by necessity” applied to the modern liberal.
The conservative must accept that there is aculture war going on for the future of England and the West. This war is not of the conservative’s making but he has been forced to engage in it. The alternative is to accept the liberal world view which has more in common with fantasy that reality.
Even if the conservative is sometimes, as are all people even liberals, guilty of factual errors nothing is gained by admitting them. Nothing is gained by apologising either.
Unrelenting hostilty must be the way. The liberal will never accept the conservative view and likewise the conservative must be prepared to do the same to the liberal world view.
Hostilty to the BBC and the liberal media is inevitable and is nothing to apologise for.
It is time to turn your back and look to your likeminded friends and family. It is with these people that the much needed conservative counter revolution will be fought.
marvellous piece on bbc local news north west about surgeons going to “Palestine” to do transplants and having to work whilst power cuts happen. We were told that important drugs have been stopped from being imported and that poor kids are dying because of this. The implication was that it was Israel who was responsible without actually saying so.There was so much missing from this story that incompetentce could not explain it .
Check this out folks on the Jeremy Vine show, I think its a classic undisputable example of bias. This is probably one of the most blatant occurancies of the beeb pulling the plug on a caller who is not towing the line I’ve ever heard. In this case the caller is saying the Syrian Regime are not the bad guys and the FSA are the ones committing atrocities. You can hear someone press the button to cut the caller off mid sentence and some very random piece of music is put on. Did the beeb have a government adviser in the studio on this one who was calling the shots? They are preparing the groundwork for war in Syria and anyone who sticks up for the regime will not be given air time. Go to 56 minutes in on todays Jeremy Vines show….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b038h976
That was very odd. Not running out of time or anything. what are they up to?!
Definitely the most blatant example I have ever heard
Is there any way that this can be stored for future reference? The caller was polite and coherent – unlike many of the raving nutters the BBC coddles on air. I guess he had told the screener that he was pro FSA and caused a shit storm when he revealed his true colours
The random music is “In the mood”. Astonishing example of BBC bias, Vanessa Feltz (I have heard of this name years ago but I never thought she was a BBC journalist, wasn’t she the inspiration for the character in BBCs Little Britain who likes “cake”?) ) told the caller off for thinking truth can be found on You Tube. Don’t go there if you want to find out the truth dear boy, listen to the BBC instead! Cake, cake?
I must be dreaming – I thought I just heard Jeremy Al Bowen execute a radical U turn on The 10pm News.
to paraphrase “The Egyptian Army are giving stability to the country”.
Have I been watching a BBC from a parallel universe?????????
was the birdshot to the nut wot dun it.
Maybe it was the thought at last that journalists getting targeted may be getting targeted by different folk for different reasons.
Like Syrian WMDs, who gets blamed may not be who did the deed.
And who benefits most for the Western media provoking weak Western governments into reactions is always worth a ponder. Obama already taunted to ratings-limits by his daft red-line speech.
With a Western journo getting offed rather high on the headless chicken scale of watersight oversight getting dropped in favour of confirmation bias.
JB probably was told that his open shilling for the Muslim Brotherhood could see him and the BBC banned from Egypt.
The ‘Guardian’-BBC moral high-ground approach in deciding national security, is similarly applied by ‘The Independent’ newspaper too, which has this today:-
“Exclusive: Edward Snowden leaks reveal UK’s secret Middle-East web surveillance base.
“Data-gathering operation is part of a £1bn internet project still being assembled by GCHQ.”
The four ‘Independent’ journals behind this report inform us that THEY have taken the decision on whether U.K. national interests, or individual lives are risked by this newspaper disclosure.
Supplementary to above:
-the four ‘Independent journalists involved in this report are, and I am sure they are proud to be mentioned:-
“Britain runs a secret internet-monitoring station in the Middle East to intercept and process vast quantities of emails, telephone calls and web traffic on behalf of Western intelligence agencies, The Independent has learnt.
“The station is able to tap into and extract data from the underwater fibre-optic cables passing through the region.
“The information is then processed for intelligence and passed to GCHQ in Cheltenham and shared with the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States. The Government claims the station is a key element in the West’s ‘war on terror’ and provides a vital ‘early warning’ system for potential attacks around the world.
“The Independent is not revealing the precise location of the station but information on its activities was contained in the leaked documents obtained from the NSA by Edward Snowden.”
Which country is it then?
This all adds up to a lot more than whistleblowing about the US spying on its own citizens within US borders. Which is just more proof that the BBC’s presentation of St. Edward has been misleading. And clear proof of Newsnight’s dishonesty and bias the other day.
Defenders of the indefensible continue to remain silent.
Just seen Tim Whewell giving Turkish despot Erdogan a blowie on Newsnight. OK, it wasn’t quite that, but might as well have been. Naive doesn’t even begin to describe Newsnight/BBC’s view of the Turkish government who are happily shit-stirring all around the middle-east.
Has anybody else spotted that BBC News 24 keeps reshooting the promo it shows before the on the hour news but each time economics editor Stephanie Flanders looks as if she is flustered and floundering?!
post ed coital? so good she did it twice
Did I read that Paxos brother is an Ambassador to Mexico?
And that he was responsible for hosting those fake arms sales of useless mine/bomb recognition devices on Embassy property?
Ye Gods…small world ain`t it?…what a science teacher THEY must have had to be so crap at it?
So much for Winchester schooling eh?…or whichever preppie they was sent to.
Even when the story is about a town honouring Mrs Thatcher….
“Her funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral was the biggest such occasion since the death of the Queen Mother in 2002 and drew thousands of guests from around the world.
The event also prompted a number of small protests around the UK from communities who opposed her policies. ”
If these protests were small why did the BBC feel the need to provide blanket coverage of them – including visiting some place ex mining village (the mine closed over 30 years ago ) where a the BBC filmed [and stage managed] a pathetic burning in effigy by some pissed up dole aristocracy. Why did the BBC focus on and give air time to the few ‘protestors’ in the crowds lining the streets at the funeral? Why did they tell us that she was ‘divisive and hated’ in every single report – without exception. Why was hatred the core meme of their reporting if there were only small protests? Why did the negative voices and messages transmitted by the BBC massively outweigh the positive ones?
Why do they only report the truth now? Agenda at the BBC, Perish the thought….
The BBC – the news is what we want it to be