Via BBC Watch and Archbishop Cranmer:
It seems the BBC has been giving a platform to an organisation, greenbelt, that hosts an anti-Israel manifesto, its main motivation seems to be centred around Israel/Palestine.
It has a strange notion of what exactly Christianity teaches:
Our history is firmly rooted within a Christian tradition which is world-affirming, politically and culturally engaged…….. inclusive and accepting of all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, background or belief.
Hmmm…OK…I guess God loves a sinner.….’Archbishop urges Christians to ‘repent’ over ‘wicked’ attitude to homosexuality’
As you can see Israel is a major pre-occupation with greenbelt:
This is what Greenbelt attempts to do: to make links with people in situations around the world struggling for justice and peace and to bring them to Greenbelt and give them a stage. We view this as part of our mission.
In addition, in terms of our programming on and highlighting issues around Israel/Palestine, Greenbelt also aligns itself with resolutions of international law, drawn up by the United Nations, that deem:
- The continued Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories as illegal
- The separation wall being built since 2002 as illegal
- The continued building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal
Read BBC Watch and Cranmer….and you can see just how ‘non-inclusive’ and anti-Israeli this group is.
Any surprise that the BBC is giving such a significant boost to greenbelt’s credentials and therefore to its, unmentioned by the BBC, main political narrative?….and it is essentially a political organisation with tamboreens.
And just out of interest that bastion of BBC righton-edness, Richard Curtis, is friends with Jim Wallis, guest on the show, and another prolific anti-Israel campaigner.
Jim lives in Washington DC, with his wife Joy Carroll, one of the first women ordained in the Church of England, and who was advisor, inspiration and role model for Richard Curtis for his comedy series “The Vicar of Dibley”.
Small world.
Isn’t it great that the BBC is in essence a private club for the likes of Curtis who can take license payers money and use it make programmes that are blatant propaganda for one of his many pet causes…whether poverty, anti-Tory or pro-climate change lobbying.
When I read this last week at Cranmer’s I decided to print it and now it sits with Not a Sheep’s equally useful and factual epistle (amongst others) on the I/P conflict. A few good facts in the armory is all it takes to shut most thick lefty twats up.
The Greenbelt/Stephen Sizer lobby are a big problem in so-called Christianity as exhibited by them.
“They hate the blood, they want the meat” as the great song goes.
Jesus was a Jew-and to write out that aspect of redemption history leaves you with that Nazi Bible I once saw.
The Old Testament says plenty about the role of Israel-the New promises much to the people of Israel. Both Paul(Romans etc)and John(Revelation) make it clear as daylight.
The sad fact is that these Muslim shills and quislings flying under the winds of the Holy Spirit(as imagined) are merely uneducated and shit-scared of Islam…no wonder they want their Munich peace accords written on either a white flag, a martyrs shroud or just a bit of old toilet paper…makes no odds to them.
Thankfully, the Bible is self-revealing and Ishmaels role is as set as was Isaacs…about time the happy-clappy types that want to cleave Christ from Israel got a bit more teaching, a little less Toronto or Giles Fraser.
Greenbelt are mere creeping Jesus`s that will face judgement if they don`t know the role of Israel in their redemption.
God Bless Israel-and He does!
From the greenbelt link
The separation wall being built since 2002 as illegal
Yeah sure it is. The wall came about as a direct consequence of the genocidal hate that motivates Palestinians and other Arab Muslims, against all Jews, that led to continuous bombings of nurseries, buses etc.
Now will greenbelt take responsibility for the murderous bombing of schools, nurseries, buses etc that will most certainly start if Israel decides to level the wall. Even if they did, so what, it will not bring back the dead.
Any good Christian, reading the Bible, should see the founding, destruction, exile, return, exile again, return etc, as God’s plan for the people He chose first. He chose them to be an example to them, as well as Gentiles – Christians in particular. Political considerations, or whether “we” did right in implementing the Balfour declaration should be of no consequence to a good Christian. Balfour, a devout Christian, was merely an instrument of God.
I get the feeling that these so-called Christian organisations are just Leftist led, or have been infiltrated by Marxists/Leftists, as have many Christian organisations.
And by the by, millions of Christians have been slaughtered by Muslims, in Sudan in particular.
For the last two decade, Muslims have been slaughtering Christians, burning churches and ethnically cleansing the survivors, and I have yet to hear of a major Christian voice against what really amounts to a genocide of Christians in the Islamic world.
No Greenbelt, no “Kairos” moment was found for compassion and help for fellow Christians in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Sudan etc. etc. Not even acknowledgment their cries for help.
But they get all het up over a wall that was built to stop Jihadis murdering people – men, women, and children – specially women and girls..
The fact they have a page on Israel/Palestine, while not a mention on the genocide and virtual destruction of Christian presence in the ME that dates back to the time of Jesus Christ, tells me that Greenbelt is not concerned about Christians but is more concerned about Lefty issues.
about time the happy-clappy types that want to cleave Christ from Israel got a bit more teaching, a little less Toronto or Giles Fraser.
Greenbelt are mere creeping Jesus`s that will face judgement if they don`t know the role of Israel in their redemption.
Yes, they ignore the Bible.
Why do I get the feeling that Greenbelters are only “green” outside, but “Red” inside.
And it doesn’t stop there, currently the bBC is running with a quasi -racist Jewish article over how the final few of over 90,000 Ethiopian Jews that have been taken in by Israel are moving to their new home land.
Ethiopia’s Falash Mura repatriated to Israel
About 450 Ethiopians of Jewish descent have been repatriated to Israel, concluding an Israeli government-backed scheme to relocate the community.Their migration was “historic”, Israel’s Minister of Absorption Sofa Landver is quoted as saying. Many members of the Falash Mura community lived in poor conditions in northern Ethiopia.
Wow, a very small western country which has taken in over 100,000 black people from a poor African country and afforded them all the rights that the whites have and the bBC has what to say: Well for a start it blames Christianity for their lot:
The Falash Mura’s ancestors converted to Christianity under pressure in the 19th Century.
Yeah those fucking Christians, making everybody they meet convert to become wafer crunchers , bloody glad the bBC have exposed this warmongering cult for what they are. But hey, the wonderful bBC exposes the racism inherent found inside Judaism
Their campaign has been plagued by controversy, as some Israelis questioned their Jewish links while others accused the government of not doing enough to help them. In 2010, the Israeli government agreed to resume its repatriation programme, dubbed Operation Dove’s Wings, after it was halted two years earlier.
Yeah fucking Jews, why did they stop it’s Jewish rescue program. Thank Allah they started again. But don’t think the Black jews have it easy, the bBC explains how the Jews are not letting in tens of thousands of blacks.
Some 12,000 members of the Falash Mura community in Ethiopia have not been granted permission to move to Israel, the Times of Israel newspaper reports.
But the good news is:
About 90,000 Ethiopian Jews have immigrated to Israel since it was founded in 1948.
However as White Jews can only be are racist bastards the bBC highlights how:
They make up one of the poorest sections of Israeli society.
Meanwhile in Europe, millions of Immigrants who came across also constitute the poorest sections of their society. I wonder if it is becasue they arrived unable to read and write the native language and had to start from scratch . I mean the vast majority of Ethiopian Jews didn’t start arriving until 1991 about 22 years ago, hardly time to build an empire but enough time to assimilate into Israeli society.
Nice to see the bBC continuing to rewrite goodnews Jewish stories into racist bigoted anti-semitic articles.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst and the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
I knew Greenbelt from decades ago when it was a Christian Arts festival, mainly music, quite evangelical, not political. I remember a Marine talking about his experience fighting in the Falklands. There was concern for social justice, and evangelism, but it wasn’t partisan. Maybe it’s changed. Garth Hewitt was big in the music scene, and a CofE vicar, who now seems active in Palestinian issues. Jim Wallis is an American evangelical, with left/liberal politics – I think he was on the Today programme talking about racism in the US. Maybe Greenbelt has changed and become political – I hope not.
It’s a fact that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the persecution of Christians worldwide is mainly by Muslims. There is probably no safer country in the Middle East to be an evangelical Christian than Israel. It’s understandable if many Israeli Jews would be hostile to Christianity, after the Holocaust and fearing assimilation or evangelism reducing Judaism. However, Christian evangelism is allowed in Israel, and there are Messianic Jews who recognise Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.
Wasn`t Sir Cliff of Richard , a big player in the Greenbelt festival ,in the 80`s , I am sure a couple of people I knew in the pub use to go , & they saw him there ,every year .
I saw Cliff there, also Rick Parfit, U2, Proclaimers, Sal Solo and the legend that was Larry Norman
Only a handful of complete retards and Jews still believe the “Holocaust”.
Aye, right, if you say so. (Yawn) You need more practice if you wish to be a half decent Troll, Charlie.
It is interesting that the usual BBC apologists have been very quite for the last couple of days and now this
Didn’t we have a similar pattern last week?
I guess we can expect reams of ‘blood ritual’ nonsense. until some opportunityto defend the BBC bias , however pedantic , presents its self
Well, when you work for the BBC, you don’t like to work Mondays, that is a kind of preparation for work day. Tuesday work a half day, Wednesday really crack on, Thursday winding down and Fridays they are in the pub. That is why there is a ‘troll pattern’ on this site with a 4 day gap every week.
Every qualified historian in the world accepts that the Holocaust happened. Thick cunt.
Alan’s map showing islamic intolerance toward Jews reminds me that North Africa and the Middle East were Christian once.
Why the hell should the British Broadcasting Corporation be pro-Israel?
This is an illegal entity founded by bankers on the blood of millions of Europeans, on other people’s land. Israel controls our foreign policy through false flag terrorism.
How about just impartial?
“Israel controls our foreign policy through false flag terrorism”
Well you’d think they would do a better job of defending the Jewish people then ,with all this secret power they have. So secret in fact that one else (not wearing a tin foil hat) has noticed
Charlie’s suffering from erectile dysfunction, and he can’t blame his mother, so…
Why the hell should the British Broadcasting Corporation be pro-“Palestinian”?
This is an illegal entity founded by bankers on the blood of millions of Europeans, on other people’s land. Saudi Arabia controls our foreign policy through false flag terrorism.
Deliberately missing the point, well done kid.
Being impartial about something and actively promoting something are two very different things. The fact you can’t tell the difference suggests you’re missing a sixth form class on Marxism at Rochdale College in order to post your uninformed views.
No doubt, under another guise our pal here will be reporting this site to a suitable agency for allowing “anti-Semitic” utterances on its site.
Just the kind of Damian McBride type who`d have dressed Polish convicts up as Nazis before killing them at the radio tower on the Polish border in 1939…and then using this as the excuse to invade.
Maybe its something they`re pureeing for the water cooler at the Guardian Intern Sessions…but the likes of this guy really need to go elsewhere.
Maybe Galloways Party in Bradford need a Lube Tube gofer…….bashingj isreal is the vile lefts favorite sport
The Israel Haters tend to pick up vocabulary from each other. I’ve noticed that the expression false flag has become very popular in the last couple of weeks.
How soon before the BBC begins to slip it into articles? It will start with short quotes from officials slipped into articles, then they will follow with an article on false flag operations in history, lumping the Nazi attack on Poland, the Tonkin incident and the 1954 Lavon Affair together. The implication is that Israel has form and therefore must be responsible in Syria. There will be a number of ‘may be-could be’ inferences with no evidence or even speculation on how the supposed false flag could have been performed.
But as the evident stalling of Custer Cameron’s First Stand shows (at least I hope it does), once the rhetoric of the chattering classes is shown to be hollow and untrusted, the actual thoughts and values of the British public can register.
False flags are a known technique. And double or triple plays darn hard to second guess, so folk tend to fall back on proven fact and maybe estimates of who stand to gain most. Maybe informed by recent history as well.
So, who has form? Whose interests are served.
That Cameron listened to the siren whispers of large chunks of the MSM over the actual public, and has been badly burned, is no surprise. The PR man played by the journalists.
What seems amazing is that he really seemed to think that if he danced to their tune he’d win them (and hence the voters) over.
The very second an actually maimed child was dragged from actually coalition-bombed rubble, the same BBC baying for Assad’s blood by such means would have turned on those responsible in an instant.
“The very second an actually maimed child was dragged from actually coalition-bombed rubble, the same BBC baying for Assad’s blood by such means would have turned on those responsible in an instant. ”
Well put. That was exactly the point I was, clumsily, trying to make the other day.
Unless it was one of the few remaining Christian children, in which case it would just be collateral damage, dog bites man, nothing to see here . . .
I suspect that the bodies of such “victims”are already in cold-storage ready for post-strike deployment.
One rather gets the impression that there’s possibly a bit too much ‘Views… and second hand passing on ‘wot a bloke told me’… still from our men in the Middle East.
At least, even for the sainted Trust.
Luckily, they seem to have clean up crews in place.