Listening to Nicky Campbell’s ‘Your Call’ (09:40)on Friday and was amused to hear Nicky leap to the defence of a beleaguered minority.
You can have a long diatribe about Obama and his red lines being to blame for violence in Syria, you can say the Rebels used the chemical weapons, you can say Rebels are creating martyrs, and Nicky won’t say a word, but when you say Muslims are quite happy creating martyrs as they’re all going to heaven (09:43) Nicky leaps in to their defence….
‘That’s a bit of a generalisation, well a lot of a generalisation if I may say so…the whole martyrdom thing is highly contentious within Islam….[and quick change the subject!] let’s bring in Luke from Dorset.’
For anyone thinking of calling in to a Nicky Campbell show let me help you out with a bit of advice…..There are ‘Sunni Muslims’, ‘Shia Muslims’ and ‘Some Muslims’….there is no such overarching classification as ‘Muslims’.
Though anyone who is white is racist….see BBC ‘Definitions’…under ethics…race.
”Rebels ”, but who are these rebels ? I’m going to take a wild guess, are they by any chance muslims ?
I heard that, Princess Nikki lost no time getting rid of that naughty caller. Double plus ungood.
That’s standard procedure for the Beeb if a caller dares to stray from the BBC Manifesto. The other trick is, when they know a caller is going to stray from the Beebs Authorised Version of Reality, broadcast so they can claim fairness and impartiality, is to take their call shortly before either a break in the programme for the News, Weather or Traffic Update or shortly before the programme ends so they have no chance to rebut the interviewers attack on them.
Sorry but we have to leave that because time has run out. And now we have to go to our carefully timed call interrupter, Good Bye.