This goes to the heart of the corruption and deceit in the publicly-funded organisation which is the BBC.
This infamy cannot be ended by the likes of D.G. HALL, nor by replacing PATTEN.
Its whole ‘culture’, including its unchangable political ‘leftist’ bias, demands that the BBC be broken up, and a smaller outfit put out to tender, with an ending of the licence fee.
Mandarin fight, one accusing the other of malfeasance. Thompson was of course responsible for most of these massive, suddenly questionable payoffs, and Patten is pointing the finger. Patten’s responsible for plenty as well, but I don’t think the Trust can really be blamed for this one. I’m sure this will do wonders for the already very low morale at the BBC, yeah.
The Trust are mostly a bunch of superannuated Beeboids who don’t get asked to make any real decision unless it has already been made like siphoning £1,000,000,000 off the licence fee money into the BBC Staff Pension Fund.
Now would they oppose or even query that especially when as with Greece another billion will be needed shortly?
The result – ever more repeats.
As self-detonation is the order of the day, we go from mutual fragging at peon level by Flokkers here to much meatier fare from the top table….everywhere.
And it’s like the entire high command has brought their own suitcase to lay upon it, and remain whilst pulling the chord on the detonator.
My first thought was this:
But on reflection the result is slower and more painful, like this:
‘Let’s see the two slippery sods try to nuance that’
The usual dismissals are going be a bit tricky when the two guys at the top are duking it out like this.
There’s airing dirty laundry and there’s full skidmarked chaddies at dawn.
And it’s possible the members of the PAC, meeting on Monday, may even be aware, as it has drifted into the Westminster reader’s section…
When will the editor of the Guardian be arrested for the handling of stolen goods, including secrets of State, and for imperilling the security of the UK?
“Mark Thompson accuses BBC of misleading MPs over payoffs.
“Lord Patten and other senior members of the BBC have been accused of systematically misleading Parliament over controversial severance deals for executives.”
Imagine how much more could have been achieved with this money if only we didn’t have a bunch of liars ramming falsehoods about carbon dioxide down our throats all the time.
I’m looking forward to the article which shows them using hybrid technology – as well as solar power, a few wind turbines installed on the front deck of a supertanker perhaps.
‘Imagine how much more could have been achieved with this money if only we didn’t have a bunch of liars ramming falsehoods about carbon dioxide down our throats all the time.’
This is the one thing that colours my savouring any coal-hauling of the BBC by MPs.
These are the same sets of individuals who are, still, knowingly complicit in such misinformation being spun.
However, as Patten & Thompson are showing, honour amongst such folk is a loose bond at best when things unravel and hard facts can’t be wished away down a memory hole.
Gotta love the internet. While we can.
Today program had Tony BLiar on and it’s obvious the BBC have fallen out of love with him.
It’s not possible for an interviewer to directly accuse a guest of lying but it seemed to come close. The following guest Hans Blix was about as damning as political language would allow.
What I took from this was BLiar was a warmonger who didn’t give a toss about the United Nations if he couldn’t get their approval. He views things in a very one sided manner without taking account of the whole picture. So it’s all about Assad being removed, nothing about the ‘rebels’ nothing about the atrocities they have committed and nothing about what might happen if the rebels took power.
All in all it’s nothing we didn’t know already, just that the BBC wouldn’t admit to it in the past.
I didn’t hear the Today interview with Blair – I’m a political refugee from Radio 4. I was meanwhile listening to an outbreak of Russophilia on 5 Live. The G20 is meeting in ‘beautiful St Petersburg’ and Putin has called Britain ‘a small island no one listens to’. You could almost feel Nicky Campbell and Co purr as though they whispered to themselves “he means Cameron”.
What I do know about Tony Blair that he is now the Left’s number two all time bad guy (number one is Thatcher). So how does one expect the BBC to treat Blair?
Thompson says he has emails? So he saved official BBC emails after leaving, nothing questionable about that behavior, I’m sure. I wonder what other things Thompson was worried about coming back to bite him?
“Ex-BBC boss Mark Thompson accuses Trust over pay-offs”
[Concluding excerpt]-
“Conservative Reading East MP Rob Wilson said: ‘It is not altogether surprising that Mark Thompson and Chris Patten are fighting like ferrets in a sack. As the light has been shone into the dark corners of the BBC, people with questions to answer have began to mount campaigns to save their own skin.
“‘They’ve been caught out and it’s now become every senior executive for himself at the BBC, whether a past Director General or a current chairman of the BBC Trust. It ‘s all deeply disappointing and embarrassing but altogether predictable.'”
5Live – Your Call
should the face-veil be banned?
Panto gets his bosom buddy Mo Answar
lots of airtime.
who next? “honest” Ibe Mogra?
lots of handpicked callers who
“don t like it up em – Captain Mannering”
still … allowing the debate to be steered via religion?
why? … no mention in the hate manual of burkhas?
… and on and on it goes, del, far right ya da ya da
laughable handpicked feminists who want to get down “wiv da sistas” –
it appears, that as usual the biased broad cresent, flatly ignores its listening/viewing publics wishes, and fails to represent them – bbc bias.
Nobody, apparently can put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
together, see the blindingly obvious, and state that its all about control (like everything in Islam).. women as possessions, and an overt political statement to the society /community they are in
Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, no interest in cogent points
uh oh! … nuff said
Nicky ” the ego has landed ” Campbell was very chirpy this morning, I find his phoniness and all round ”personality ”, the charisma of a paper cup, quite repellant.
I wonder what his co workers think of the supercilious creep ?
This puts the effete liberals at the BBC, like the loathsome Campbell, in a bit of a dilemma, to choose between love of ”culturally enriching ” Arabs and Pakistanis oppressing women or freedom for the sisterhood.
the real issue … is that effectively this is not all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about this, or any other issue.
The Bill itself, it is about face covering in the public sphere in general, whether a balaclava, an army blackout, a motorcycle helmet, scarf n hoodie combo or pig ignorant muslim political attire.
It is the bbc, who have been reading “tell mama” s bullsh-t again, pushing to make it, all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about it ad nauseum, to give lots of airtime to their perspectives, their views.
Campbell was full grovelling, handwringing
apologist in chief this morning, just sickening.
Fully doctored anyone (like me) with any objective and cogent points, as per usual
for the al bbc ignored.
Look – never mind the propaganda – just bring in the result from viewers vote from TBQs – and bloody well represent it
HIGNFY going to be a corker… when I see it on catch-up.
One’s faith in BBC internals is so enhanced by such as this… “We studied carefully all available evidence and came to conclusions based on that evidence,” Pollard replied, missing the essential point that he hadn’t published all the available evidence.’
A stitch-up in time saves so many things.
The reality of the situation however is that the rise is much lower than expected – c190,000 rise was considered desirable to allow the Fed to keep to its tapering timeline, but the numbers came in at only 169,000. July was also revised down to a very low 104,000.
At this stage, its almost superfluous to point out the double standards in BBC reportage – good news for the UK economy = BBC headline that tones it down; bad news for the US economy = BBC headline that makes it sound better than it is.
This is actually a rare case where the BBC is honest about the jobs scene in the US. It’s about time. Of course, there’s still no mention that most new jobs lately have been low-wage or part-time, never mind informing you of the crushing burden of ObamaCare making a lot of companies cut hours back, and the Fed printing Monopoly money buying yet more billions of dollars in “assets” is presented as a positive thing if it is kept going in perpetuity. But at least there’s a sense of reality here which we haven’t been getting from the BBC for some time now. The report doesn’t mention that most of the jobs are
Nothing in this BBC report will be news to anyone here, but those who rely on the BBC for their understanding of US issues will be fairly surprised that the impression they’ve mostly been given of an ongoing recovery and the President doing the best He can to fix the economy doesn’t quite match what’s really been happening.
The US is toeing the establishment li(n)e on the US recovery, but the cracks are apparent once you start to dig deeper (which the BBC won’t do of course if it makes Obama look bad)
The BBC report used the word “mediocre” (almost negative, which is shocking), admitted that previous jobs figures have been revised down, and mentioned that the numbers don’t reflect the real picture of so many people dropping out of the workforce completely. The headline has the word “rises”, with its positive implications, I’ll grant you, but the photo right at the top is about people desperately trying to find work, a theme which is repeated in the piece. At no time does the BBC claim it’s a rosy picture. For the BBC, while it’s not the outright doom-and-gloom that perhaps it should be, that’s a very big step towards honesty compared to how they basically used to repeat White House press releases unquestioned and kept quiet when figures turned out to be wrong.
If the BBC wants to be fully honest, they’ll need to start reporting about the ramifications of ObamaCare. Whatever jobs recovery may be inching along at the moment is going to get destroyed starting next quarter.
I just checked back on the BBC site, and saw that they have expanded the original newsflash into a more in-depth article. I agree that this is far more truthful than you tend to see on the BBC, its quite surprising actually.
Which in hindsight makes that headline look stupid and misleading now, and you were right about it in the first place. I know different people write the headlines, and somebody higher up and more intelligent needs to address it.
Seems even the mature, professional BBC can run afoul of that fine line between free speech and site policing too.. BBC World News Hi everyone. Thanks for your comments so far. Please remember that we want everyone to be able to have a positive experience using this page. So, although differing views and even robust debate are welcome, offensive comments are not, and will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be banned from the page. Thanks for your co-operation. BBC News team.
Actually seems quite fair to me. Just a shame when it is not followed consistently, especially by the BBC.
‘Commenter: I disagree with you, BBC, and don’t think you’re being entirely impartial.
BBC: That’s offensive. You’re banned.’
Pretty much how an expediting works.
I’m told.
Works a treat.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“On Thursday, the Taliban in Afghanistan shot dead an Indian woman whose memoir about marrying a Afghan Muslim and life under the sharia rule was made into a Bollywood movie, officials said.
“This is the sharia. It should be banned across the world. Instead we are told to ‘respect it!’ And Obama insists that these savages be given political power.
“Sharia is established in Afghanistan as the law of the land — no free speech, death for apostasy, hatred of infidels — so the seeds for another 911 are there even as we remain there. Obama has given in to the Taliban — Biden said they weren’t the enemy, and Obama has told Karzai to negotiate with them. Karzai has said that Mullah Omar can run for president, so what’s the point of the last 10 years?
“Obama used the NATO summit to pressure Afghan leader Hamid Karzai to engage with greater urgency with the Taliban about a political settlement in Afghanistan. ‘Political settlement’ is a euphemism for surrender to jihad. And the cows in the media remain silent on Obama’s unprecedented failure in Afghanistan.”
Noted the following
1. A ring of truth about the BBC not mentioning the Jewish New Year.
2. The BBC continuing to ignore what is happening in Muslim lands in regard of their indigenous Christians….seems to me that the Arab Spring has brought about increased victimisation of Christians, but the BBC don`t want to report on this-as if “turn the other cheek” is seen to be all they ought to be doing in response to those vulnerable and victimised Muslims.
3. The BBC upping the gears re the “refugee/humanitarian” crisis in Syria-and berating the rest of us for not doing enough, giving enough money or allowing Obama to bomb their enemies.
Why-it`s as if the Green Crescent, all those Islamic Charities and all those pals of Saudi have no oil, no money and can`t be expected to transfer money from Regents Park, Al Queda or shopping for diamonds in Park Lane…poor lambs.
4. STILL no mention of the Arab League-or OPEC…or any pan-Arab forum for out Muslim chums to sort out Syria-or is it whiteys job to send the butterflies into the hornets nest of the Middle East so both Shia and Sunni can unite in torturing or butchering hapless sandbags of Obama or Cameron.
Why-it`s as if Benghazi(2012) or the Hormuz Straits(2007) never happened.
Suppose the BBC won`t be sending anybody to fight for Comic Relief sponsorship there.
Myself?…I`d give a few quid to the nation there that persecutes Christians the least…and transfer humanitarian aid into Church Restoration Funds in the case of the others.
The only thing I’d disagree with here is what seems like the charge that the BBC shows the refugee/humanitarian crisis stuff specifically to evoke a desire for war in their viewers. If more and more people are being killed and/or fleeing Syria, we can’t expect the BBC not to report it. They’re caught in a difficult spot on this issue, I think. What are they supposed to do, really? But that’s partially their own fault for allowing their journalists to be so emotional and make it seem on occasion like a charity appeal.
I definitely, though, agree that it seems as if the BBC is once again refusing to ask out loud where all the wonderful Mohammedan charities are. If the Saudis and Qatar and the usual suspects really are pouring money into helping the children, surely that’s worth a nice big feature.
I’ve read that the Saudis made a quiet appeal to Putin back in June or thereabouts for him to back off on the rhetoric a bit in exchange for a fat oil deal. I don’t think that falls under Jeremy “Nazi salute? What Nazi salute?” Bowen’s area of interest, though.
The Saudis also made veiled threats to Putin about controlling Chechen terrorists who were planning atrocities at the forthcoming Winter Olympics. Prince Bandar told Putin he could call them off if Russia threw Assad under the bus. Somehow I don’t think Putin is easily intimidated.
Friday night and the pub beckons.
I may even share the day’s media news with my chums, to ponder just what they get for their £145.50pa. ‘The late discovery of the Project Silver briefing doesn’t entirely help their position’
Uneasy lies the head that wears too many FOI redactions?
One wonders how many due at the PAC investigation will be humming this ‘un..?:
The BBC LOVE I don’t like Mondays – after all it is based on a student going into school and shooting up the staff because, as she said ‘I don’t like Mondays’.
Great for gun control and to go after those GOP nutters.
And another thing – water voles:
“Water voles ‘decline by a fifth’
Water voles have declined by a fifth in the UK since 2011, a survey suggests.” .. runs the headline, implying that water voles have declined rapidly under the current Conservative government. The blame of course lies with immigrants (American mink) but the headline is a blatant misrepresentation. Read the whole story and we find that the WV population has declined 90% since 1970. So that would be 87.5% starting in 1970 at the time of the Wilson government, and a mere 2.5% between 2011 and 2013 under the Tories.
Tough night for channel 4 news. Story about BBC with an excellent door stepping of Thomson. Story about Ed Millitwat getting a horses head for messing with the Unions and a story about a certain victory for the Tory’s Down Under.
If Putin seemed to anyone like he was in a surly mood and not best pleased to see the US President yesterday, it might have something do with Him saying when He cancelled a meeting last month that Putin can sometimes appear like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.”
Mark Mardell is finding some inner peace again. He’s been in Ohio wandering amongst some unwashed United Statesians who were attending town hall meetings held by a Republican Congressman. It’s clear to the BBC’s US President editor that the masses are tired of war, and it’s mostly Bush’s fault.
If the President doesn’t get the green light from Congress to do some Obombing, it will be mostly due to Republicans who would refuse cookies and cream if it was this President giving it to them.
Amazingly, Mardell did find one woman with an objection which he seems to feel is legitimate: a mother concerned about her son currently serving in Afghanistan getting shipped off to Syria instead of coming home. It’s a pleasant surprise to read Mardell writing sympathetically about an objection to one of the President’s policies, instead of his suggestions that all objections are really due to some nefarious, unseemly motivation.
But the theme is pretty clear. Because everyone supposedly now thinks Iraq was wrong, we don’t want to go after Assad now. Back when it was Iraq, we were told it would be another Vietnam, and we shouldn’t go after Sadaam because of Vietnam. Now Iraq is the Vietnam proxy, as apparently many people can view things only through that tired old prism.
But here’s the thing. Even if much of this isn’t entirely wrong, there isn’t a single word about maybe people legitimately not trusting the President or being concerned that He doesn’t have a plan. According to the US President editor, it’s only naysayers in Congress who have that feeling.
Then Mardell is aware that we have other, more pressing domestic concerns, like the economy. He’s right, but again there seems to be nothing wrong with anything the President has done. The questions about a lack of planning are not His fault – that’s just a feeling people have. The questions about whether or not the President was dealing in sheer fantasy about how this will be only a limited strike with no escalation are not His fault. Congress’s lack of trust is not His fault. All doubts are due to war-weariness and domestic concerns, nothing to do with perhaps not thinking the President has screwed up and forced this situation on us. It’s both, but Mardell won’t admit it.
As always, Mardell’s primary focus is instead on how things will affect Him.
The Obamessiah ability to lead (or lack thereof) and the fact He is a whining psycho unable to take any responsibility or the fact He is a lazy procrastinator who hates to make any kind of decision.
On domestic policy we have the Greatest Orator “If I had a son”. On foreign policy we have the Greatest Statesman “Not my Red Line but the World’s”.
No wonder very few want to go into a military expedition next to this guy.
DA Notice on the Dover/Dartford Crossing incidents? It’s being partially reported on Sky & Daily Mail. Zero on BBC. Seems like a bungled terrorist attack, perhaps on the Channel Tunnel. Why no coverage on the BBC?
The President is having some difficulty getting the G-20 bosses to join His limited humanitarian strike. As we know the Democrat hawks in Congress don’t have anywhere near the votes lined up, and the Republicans don’t like war when there’s a black President (I kid, really I do). So now the President has announced He’s going to…..wait for it…..address the nation from the White House on Tuesday.
Speechifying is not leadership, but that’s all He can really do. This will be the test to see if the anti-war Beeboids are inspired by the greatest orator of our time.
Moreover, I think His speech (*) will be prerecorded since His handlers probably don’t want another off-the-script moment. Of course the media corpses will say this is ‘da greatest ever and overhype everything.
(*) How many speeches does He have to give anyway? After the first 1000 speeches an Obamessiah speech fatigue has been instilled in most of the populace. Nobody cares what the guy is saying anymore.
How sad that it takes a Swedish journalist to ask this question. Except, where the hell was this courage before we started Obombing Libya? No dilemma then? What about all the drone attacks? I guess I should be thanking heaven for small favors, but this really does show what a disgrace most of the media (including the blogosphere) is these days. I mean, not even big bad Fox News, the boogeyman of the Left, dared ask this question when they’ve had regular opportunities at press conferences.
I wonder how Mardell will handle this. After all, it’s not like he can claim this Swedish journalist is opposed to anything He does out of partisan venom, and the point about the Nobel can hardly be dismissed as simple Iraq fatigue. Those are his only excuses.
And my goodness what a crap answer, which can be summed up as “It’s their fault for giving me the award.”
Still not for BBC-NUJ to report?:-U.K’s Immigration Crisis in Schools.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Migrant influx fuels new crisis in schools: Now secondary schools face ‘timebomb’ shortage of places, reveals secret report.”
[Opening extract]:-
“Secondary schools face an overcrowding crisis due to Labour’s failure to deal with the effects of immigration.
“A leaked government document reveals that within two years, classes will struggle to accommodate tens of thousands of pupils.”
INBBC cannot conceal its political colours in still sympathising with the repressive, intolerant Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
INBBC describes the 2012 Constitution, misleadingly, of being “Islamist-friendly”-not as being ‘Christian unfriendly’, or ‘Jewish unfriendly’, or ‘secular unfriendly’ which is what it is, based on Sharia law:-
“‘No decision’ in Egypt on dissolving Muslim Brotherhood”
Talking of Christians in Egypt, where’s INBBC report on this?:-
The ME’s loss is really Australia’s gain…
Why does one get the feeling there will be much ‘analysis’ in a similar vein, bemoaning the inability of democracy to deliver the ‘correct’ result (the FaceBook thread this is linked from is a nasty place dominated by Labor supporters daring anyone to show support for Abbott ).
I am surprised Mr. Donnison has not been issued with a picture featuring a bereft Mr. Rudd cradling the white cloth-swaddled corpse of a Ms. Gillard, stabbed in the back by her own but for the ‘purposes of journalism’ relabelled as at the hand of the opposition.
There’s is simply not enough popcorn in the world… ‘It is a matter of concern that we appear to have such conflicting accounts.”
More concern is the use of words such as appear and belief, which the BBC semanticists will pounce on as they do with anything to wiggle out of admitting they’re bang to rights. ‘Ben Bradshaw, the former Labour culture secretary, said that the ongoing dispute highlights the need for the BBC Trust to be scrapped.
The BBC overseeing the BBC, internally, in secret and without higher appeal, was always a joke.
However, he’s pointing at OFCOM, another old-boy quango, to do the job. Not sure that is a solution that will serve anything other than newer, narrow interests. Richards was previously a Senior Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair and before that Controller of Corporate Strategy at the BBC.
He also wanted to be BBC DG. Maybe missed out as that may have looked a bit iffy vs. Lord Hall Hall’s other impartial personally-handled choices?
He Said, She Said…. next episode to be broadcast Monday 9th September.
He Said, She Said (HSSS) is a long running and much loved BBC comedy quiz show. The show has cultivated a cult following due to its reputation for often sailing close to the wind in matters of truth – but it has generally remained within its anti-private sector topical and satirical remit.
Round 1 of HSSS is known as ‘Ask me a question, I’ll give you the answer’.
The object of this game is for two opposing teams of BBC management and Trust panellists to talk for 20 seconds on any given subject without prevarication, obfuscation or evasion. The comedy comes from the attempts to keep within this self-evidently impossible rule and the resulting humorous side banter between the BBC panel members and the guest quiz master.
what would Pat make of enablers of airhead feminist harridans, like Panto Campbell and the BBC
5Live – Your Call
should the face-veil be banned?
Panto gets his bosom buddy Mo Answar
lots of airtime.
who next? “honest” Ibe Mogra?
lots of handpicked callers who
“don t like it up em – Captain Mannering”
still … allowing the debate to be steered via religion?
why? … no mention in the hate manual of burkhas?
… and on and on it goes, del, far right ya da ya da
laughable handpicked feminists who want to get down “wiv da sistas” –
it appears, that as usual the biased broad cresent, flatly ignores its listening/viewing publics wishes, and fails to represent them – bbc bias.
Nobody, apparently can put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
together, see the blindingly obvious, and state that its all about control (like everything in Islam).. women as possessions, and an overt political statement to the society /community they are in
Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, no dice and no interest in cogent points obviously.
the real issue … is that effectively this is not all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about this, or any other issue.
The Bill itself, it is about face covering in the public sphere in general, whether a balaclava, an army blackout, a motorcycle helmet, scarf n hoodie combo or pig ignorant muslim political attire.
It is the bbc, who have been reading “tell mama” s bullsh-t again, pushing to make it, all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about it ad nauseum, to give lots of airtime to their perspectives, their views.
Campbell was full grovelling, handwringing
apologist in chief , just sickening.
He’s unlikely to get much political support from BBC-NUJ- he’s a ‘conservative’ on many issues, he’s sceptical on climate change, he was born in England, and in BBC-NUJ’s words:
…” Mr Abbott, … enjoyed the strident support of Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers…”
“British-born politician Tony Abbott will be Australia’s new Prime Minister after Liberal Party-led coalition ‘win election and defeat Kevin Rudd.’
“Australian Broadcasting Corporation calls clear win for Lib-led coalition.
“New PM was once described as ‘unelectable’ by members of his own party.
“Kevin Rudd’s Labour Party had been marred by infighting and a carbon tax.”
tomoMar 28, 21:20 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img][/img]
wwfcMar 28, 21:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 first lol
ZephirMar 28, 20:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 I remember a live music TV show called Revolver, hosted by Peter Cooke, no less, playing the ignorant “club owner”,…
ZephirMar 28, 20:04 Midweek 26th March 2025 You must have had a slush fund then ? And what happened if you didn’t sell it fast enough ?…
ScrobleneMar 28, 20:03 Midweek 26th March 2025 One issue I have with lefties, is their arrogant distaste for anything commercial. Years ago, I sold concrete to various…
Lefty WrightMar 28, 19:52 Midweek 26th March 2025 Mrs Wright has informed me that after watching a BBC chat show this morning that she will no longer take…
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 Talking of “X”.. “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z:…
Like fashion and collectable pottery, the old is new again.
Old Narrative (about whatever you like): It’s Bush’s fault!
New Narrative (about The Obamessiah not getting support for His humanitarian intervention): It’s Bush’s fault!
This looks fun ! Ex-Director General Mark Thompson in a big public spat with Lord Patten and the BBC Trust.
Hopefully it will end up with Patten resigning. Could be fun at the Commons hearing next week. And Thompson’s involvement in the Savile affair ?
Off to buy some popcorn.
here’s the link :
This goes to the heart of the corruption and deceit in the publicly-funded organisation which is the BBC.
This infamy cannot be ended by the likes of D.G. HALL, nor by replacing PATTEN.
Its whole ‘culture’, including its unchangable political ‘leftist’ bias, demands that the BBC be broken up, and a smaller outfit put out to tender, with an ending of the licence fee.
What BBC licence-payers are up against:-
“BBC Trust: Mark Thompson’s claims are ‘bizarre'”
And up against this:-
“Ex-BBC Boss Thompson: Patten ‘Misled’ MPs”
“Former director general Mark Thompson claims BBC Trust ‘misled’ MPs about pay-offs.
“The BBC Trust have been accused of misleading Parliament about severance payments to their executive team by their former director general tonight.”
By Dion Dassanayake.
Mandarin fight, one accusing the other of malfeasance. Thompson was of course responsible for most of these massive, suddenly questionable payoffs, and Patten is pointing the finger. Patten’s responsible for plenty as well, but I don’t think the Trust can really be blamed for this one. I’m sure this will do wonders for the already very low morale at the BBC, yeah.
The Trust are mostly a bunch of superannuated Beeboids who don’t get asked to make any real decision unless it has already been made like siphoning £1,000,000,000 off the licence fee money into the BBC Staff Pension Fund.
Now would they oppose or even query that especially when as with Greece another billion will be needed shortly?
The result – ever more repeats.
As self-detonation is the order of the day, we go from mutual fragging at peon level by Flokkers here to much meatier fare from the top table….everywhere.
And it’s like the entire high command has brought their own suitcase to lay upon it, and remain whilst pulling the chord on the detonator.
My first thought was this:
But on reflection the result is slower and more painful, like this:
The best Newsnight for ages
Patten v Thompson in front of MPs on Monday
Each having accused the other of lying – what…. top BBC bods lying to Parliament?! LYING TO US!?
One of them will have to fall on his sword.
Let’s see the two slippery sods try to nuance that.
‘Let’s see the two slippery sods try to nuance that’
The usual dismissals are going be a bit tricky when the two guys at the top are duking it out like this.
There’s airing dirty laundry and there’s full skidmarked chaddies at dawn.
And it’s possible the members of the PAC, meeting on Monday, may even be aware, as it has drifted into the Westminster reader’s section…
Poor Graun. It must be like when two loved parents head for divorce…
Here is a story the BBC havent run.
When will the editor of the Guardian be arrested for the handling of stolen goods, including secrets of State, and for imperilling the security of the UK?
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Mark Thompson accuses BBC of misleading MPs over payoffs.
“Lord Patten and other senior members of the BBC have been accused of systematically misleading Parliament over controversial severance deals for executives.”
Huge sums of money malinvested into solar technology driven by reckless government policies on green energy influenced by lobbyists like the BBC:
Imagine how much more could have been achieved with this money if only we didn’t have a bunch of liars ramming falsehoods about carbon dioxide down our throats all the time.
I’m looking forward to the article which shows them using hybrid technology – as well as solar power, a few wind turbines installed on the front deck of a supertanker perhaps.
‘Imagine how much more could have been achieved with this money if only we didn’t have a bunch of liars ramming falsehoods about carbon dioxide down our throats all the time.’
This is the one thing that colours my savouring any coal-hauling of the BBC by MPs.
These are the same sets of individuals who are, still, knowingly complicit in such misinformation being spun.
However, as Patten & Thompson are showing, honour amongst such folk is a loose bond at best when things unravel and hard facts can’t be wished away down a memory hole.
Gotta love the internet. While we can.
Today program had Tony BLiar on and it’s obvious the BBC have fallen out of love with him.
It’s not possible for an interviewer to directly accuse a guest of lying but it seemed to come close. The following guest Hans Blix was about as damning as political language would allow.
What I took from this was BLiar was a warmonger who didn’t give a toss about the United Nations if he couldn’t get their approval. He views things in a very one sided manner without taking account of the whole picture. So it’s all about Assad being removed, nothing about the ‘rebels’ nothing about the atrocities they have committed and nothing about what might happen if the rebels took power.
All in all it’s nothing we didn’t know already, just that the BBC wouldn’t admit to it in the past.
I didn’t hear the Today interview with Blair – I’m a political refugee from Radio 4. I was meanwhile listening to an outbreak of Russophilia on 5 Live. The G20 is meeting in ‘beautiful St Petersburg’ and Putin has called Britain ‘a small island no one listens to’. You could almost feel Nicky Campbell and Co purr as though they whispered to themselves “he means Cameron”.
What I do know about Tony Blair that he is now the Left’s number two all time bad guy (number one is Thatcher). So how does one expect the BBC to treat Blair?
I think the BBC was always Brownite after the invasion of Iraq
“Thompson vs Patten:
Former director general accuses BBC chairman of misleading MPs over severance pay scandal”
Thompson says he has emails? So he saved official BBC emails after leaving, nothing questionable about that behavior, I’m sure. I wonder what other things Thompson was worried about coming back to bite him?
“Ex-BBC boss Mark Thompson accuses Trust over pay-offs”
[Concluding excerpt]-
“Conservative Reading East MP Rob Wilson said: ‘It is not altogether surprising that Mark Thompson and Chris Patten are fighting like ferrets in a sack. As the light has been shone into the dark corners of the BBC, people with questions to answer have began to mount campaigns to save their own skin.
“‘They’ve been caught out and it’s now become every senior executive for himself at the BBC, whether a past Director General or a current chairman of the BBC Trust. It ‘s all deeply disappointing and embarrassing but altogether predictable.'”
5Live – Your Call
should the face-veil be banned?
Panto gets his bosom buddy Mo Answar
lots of airtime.
who next? “honest” Ibe Mogra?
lots of handpicked callers who
“don t like it up em – Captain Mannering”
still … allowing the debate to be steered via religion?
why? … no mention in the hate manual of burkhas?
… and on and on it goes, del, far right ya da ya da
laughable handpicked feminists who want to get down “wiv da sistas” –
it appears, that as usual the biased broad cresent, flatly ignores its listening/viewing publics wishes, and fails to represent them – bbc bias.
Nobody, apparently can put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
together, see the blindingly obvious, and state that its all about control (like everything in Islam).. women as possessions, and an overt political statement to the society /community they are in
Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, no interest in cogent points
uh oh! … nuff said
Nicky ” the ego has landed ” Campbell was very chirpy this morning, I find his phoniness and all round ”personality ”, the charisma of a paper cup, quite repellant.
I wonder what his co workers think of the supercilious creep ?
The pillar box / burqa debate.
This puts the effete liberals at the BBC, like the loathsome Campbell, in a bit of a dilemma, to choose between love of ”culturally enriching ” Arabs and Pakistanis oppressing women or freedom for the sisterhood.
Race trumps womens rights
the real issue … is that effectively this is not all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about this, or any other issue.
The Bill itself, it is about face covering in the public sphere in general, whether a balaclava, an army blackout, a motorcycle helmet, scarf n hoodie combo or pig ignorant muslim political attire.
It is the bbc, who have been reading “tell mama” s bullsh-t again, pushing to make it, all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about it ad nauseum, to give lots of airtime to their perspectives, their views.
Campbell was full grovelling, handwringing
apologist in chief this morning, just sickening.
Fully doctored anyone (like me) with any objective and cogent points, as per usual
for the al bbc ignored.
Look – never mind the propaganda – just bring in the result from viewers vote from TBQs – and bloody well represent it
enough said
Syria, Blair and Beeboids.
What is it about Beeboids that they want to relate Syria (and many other issues) to UK’s last PM but one?
They’re already running trailers for yet another interview with Blair on Monday.
HIGNFY going to be a corker… when I see it on catch-up.
One’s faith in BBC internals is so enhanced by such as this…
“We studied carefully all available evidence and came to conclusions based on that evidence,” Pollard replied, missing the essential point that he hadn’t published all the available evidence.’
A stitch-up in time saves so many things.
Fairly typical headline from the BBC on US employment growth –
“US Employment rises again in August”
The reality of the situation however is that the rise is much lower than expected – c190,000 rise was considered desirable to allow the Fed to keep to its tapering timeline, but the numbers came in at only 169,000. July was also revised down to a very low 104,000.
At this stage, its almost superfluous to point out the double standards in BBC reportage – good news for the UK economy = BBC headline that tones it down; bad news for the US economy = BBC headline that makes it sound better than it is.
This is actually a rare case where the BBC is honest about the jobs scene in the US. It’s about time. Of course, there’s still no mention that most new jobs lately have been low-wage or part-time, never mind informing you of the crushing burden of ObamaCare making a lot of companies cut hours back, and the Fed
printing Monopoly moneybuying yet more billions of dollars in “assets” is presented as a positive thing if it is kept going in perpetuity. But at least there’s a sense of reality here which we haven’t been getting from the BBC for some time now. The report doesn’t mention that most of the jobs areNothing in this BBC report will be news to anyone here, but those who rely on the BBC for their understanding of US issues will be fairly surprised that the impression they’ve mostly been given of an ongoing recovery and the President doing the best He can to fix the economy doesn’t quite match what’s really been happening.
I’d actually like to know who wrote this piece.
I wouldn’t say its a particularly honest appraisal from the BBC:
The US is toeing the establishment li(n)e on the US recovery, but the cracks are apparent once you start to dig deeper (which the BBC won’t do of course if it makes Obama look bad)
The BBC report used the word “mediocre” (almost negative, which is shocking), admitted that previous jobs figures have been revised down, and mentioned that the numbers don’t reflect the real picture of so many people dropping out of the workforce completely. The headline has the word “rises”, with its positive implications, I’ll grant you, but the photo right at the top is about people desperately trying to find work, a theme which is repeated in the piece. At no time does the BBC claim it’s a rosy picture. For the BBC, while it’s not the outright doom-and-gloom that perhaps it should be, that’s a very big step towards honesty compared to how they basically used to repeat White House press releases unquestioned and kept quiet when figures turned out to be wrong.
If the BBC wants to be fully honest, they’ll need to start reporting about the ramifications of ObamaCare. Whatever jobs recovery may be inching along at the moment is going to get destroyed starting next quarter.
I just checked back on the BBC site, and saw that they have expanded the original newsflash into a more in-depth article. I agree that this is far more truthful than you tend to see on the BBC, its quite surprising actually.
Which in hindsight makes that headline look stupid and misleading now, and you were right about it in the first place. I know different people write the headlines, and somebody higher up and more intelligent needs to address it.
Daniel Nasaw? Claudia Milne? Beuller? Beuller?
Seems even the mature, professional BBC can run afoul of that fine line between free speech and site policing too..
BBC World News Hi everyone. Thanks for your comments so far. Please remember that we want everyone to be able to have a positive experience using this page. So, although differing views and even robust debate are welcome, offensive comments are not, and will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be banned from the page. Thanks for your co-operation. BBC News team.
Actually seems quite fair to me. Just a shame when it is not followed consistently, especially by the BBC.
I can see how that might work.
Commenter: I disagree with you, BBC, and don’t think you’re being entirely impartial.
BBC: That’s offensive. You’re banned.
‘Commenter: I disagree with you, BBC, and don’t think you’re being entirely impartial.
BBC: That’s offensive. You’re banned.’
Pretty much how an expediting works.
I’m told.
Works a treat.
Two reports on same murder in Afghanistan:-
1.) ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“On Thursday, the Taliban in Afghanistan shot dead an Indian woman whose memoir about marrying a Afghan Muslim and life under the sharia rule was made into a Bollywood movie, officials said.
“This is the sharia. It should be banned across the world. Instead we are told to ‘respect it!’ And Obama insists that these savages be given political power.
“Sharia is established in Afghanistan as the law of the land — no free speech, death for apostasy, hatred of infidels — so the seeds for another 911 are there even as we remain there. Obama has given in to the Taliban — Biden said they weren’t the enemy, and Obama has told Karzai to negotiate with them. Karzai has said that Mullah Omar can run for president, so what’s the point of the last 10 years?
“Obama used the NATO summit to pressure Afghan leader Hamid Karzai to engage with greater urgency with the Taliban about a political settlement in Afghanistan. ‘Political settlement’ is a euphemism for surrender to jihad. And the cows in the media remain silent on Obama’s unprecedented failure in Afghanistan.”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
[Words ‘Islam’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Sharia’ unmentioned.]
“Indian diarist Sushmita Banerjee shot dead in Afghanistan”
Noted the following
1. A ring of truth about the BBC not mentioning the Jewish New Year.
2. The BBC continuing to ignore what is happening in Muslim lands in regard of their indigenous Christians….seems to me that the Arab Spring has brought about increased victimisation of Christians, but the BBC don`t want to report on this-as if “turn the other cheek” is seen to be all they ought to be doing in response to those vulnerable and victimised Muslims.
3. The BBC upping the gears re the “refugee/humanitarian” crisis in Syria-and berating the rest of us for not doing enough, giving enough money or allowing Obama to bomb their enemies.
Why-it`s as if the Green Crescent, all those Islamic Charities and all those pals of Saudi have no oil, no money and can`t be expected to transfer money from Regents Park, Al Queda or shopping for diamonds in Park Lane…poor lambs.
4. STILL no mention of the Arab League-or OPEC…or any pan-Arab forum for out Muslim chums to sort out Syria-or is it whiteys job to send the butterflies into the hornets nest of the Middle East so both Shia and Sunni can unite in torturing or butchering hapless sandbags of Obama or Cameron.
Why-it`s as if Benghazi(2012) or the Hormuz Straits(2007) never happened.
Suppose the BBC won`t be sending anybody to fight for Comic Relief sponsorship there.
Myself?…I`d give a few quid to the nation there that persecutes Christians the least…and transfer humanitarian aid into Church Restoration Funds in the case of the others.
The only thing I’d disagree with here is what seems like the charge that the BBC shows the refugee/humanitarian crisis stuff specifically to evoke a desire for war in their viewers. If more and more people are being killed and/or fleeing Syria, we can’t expect the BBC not to report it. They’re caught in a difficult spot on this issue, I think. What are they supposed to do, really? But that’s partially their own fault for allowing their journalists to be so emotional and make it seem on occasion like a charity appeal.
I definitely, though, agree that it seems as if the BBC is once again refusing to ask out loud where all the wonderful Mohammedan charities are. If the Saudis and Qatar and the usual suspects really are pouring money into helping the children, surely that’s worth a nice big feature.
I’ve read that the Saudis made a quiet appeal to Putin back in June or thereabouts for him to back off on the rhetoric a bit in exchange for a fat oil deal. I don’t think that falls under Jeremy “Nazi salute? What Nazi salute?” Bowen’s area of interest, though.
The Saudis also made veiled threats to Putin about controlling Chechen terrorists who were planning atrocities at the forthcoming Winter Olympics. Prince Bandar told Putin he could call them off if Russia threw Assad under the bus. Somehow I don’t think Putin is easily intimidated.
Friday night and the pub beckons.
I may even share the day’s media news with my chums, to ponder just what they get for their £145.50pa.
‘The late discovery of the Project Silver briefing doesn’t entirely help their position’
Uneasy lies the head that wears too many FOI redactions?
One wonders how many due at the PAC investigation will be humming this ‘un..?:
The BBC LOVE I don’t like Mondays – after all it is based on a student going into school and shooting up the staff because, as she said ‘I don’t like Mondays’.
Great for gun control and to go after those GOP nutters.
And another thing – water voles:
“Water voles ‘decline by a fifth’
Water voles have declined by a fifth in the UK since 2011, a survey suggests.” .. runs the headline, implying that water voles have declined rapidly under the current Conservative government. The blame of course lies with immigrants (American mink) but the headline is a blatant misrepresentation. Read the whole story and we find that the WV population has declined 90% since 1970. So that would be 87.5% starting in 1970 at the time of the Wilson government, and a mere 2.5% between 2011 and 2013 under the Tories.
Tough night for channel 4 news. Story about BBC with an excellent door stepping of Thomson. Story about Ed Millitwat getting a horses head for messing with the Unions and a story about a certain victory for the Tory’s Down Under.
If Putin seemed to anyone like he was in a surly mood and not best pleased to see the US President yesterday, it might have something do with Him saying when He cancelled a meeting last month that Putin can sometimes appear like the bored kid in the back of the classroom.”
Is that what Justin Webb meant by “sophistry in the manner of confusing his enemies”, or what Matt Frei meant by “the nuance of his finely-tuned brain”?
Mark Mardell is finding some inner peace again. He’s been in Ohio wandering amongst some unwashed United Statesians who were attending town hall meetings held by a Republican Congressman. It’s clear to the BBC’s US President editor that the masses are tired of war, and it’s mostly Bush’s fault.
If the President doesn’t get the green light from Congress to do some Obombing, it will be mostly due to Republicans who would refuse cookies and cream if it was this President giving it to them.
Amazingly, Mardell did find one woman with an objection which he seems to feel is legitimate: a mother concerned about her son currently serving in Afghanistan getting shipped off to Syria instead of coming home. It’s a pleasant surprise to read Mardell writing sympathetically about an objection to one of the President’s policies, instead of his suggestions that all objections are really due to some nefarious, unseemly motivation.
But the theme is pretty clear. Because everyone supposedly now thinks Iraq was wrong, we don’t want to go after Assad now. Back when it was Iraq, we were told it would be another Vietnam, and we shouldn’t go after Sadaam because of Vietnam. Now Iraq is the Vietnam proxy, as apparently many people can view things only through that tired old prism.
But here’s the thing. Even if much of this isn’t entirely wrong, there isn’t a single word about maybe people legitimately not trusting the President or being concerned that He doesn’t have a plan. According to the US President editor, it’s only naysayers in Congress who have that feeling.
Then Mardell is aware that we have other, more pressing domestic concerns, like the economy. He’s right, but again there seems to be nothing wrong with anything the President has done. The questions about a lack of planning are not His fault – that’s just a feeling people have. The questions about whether or not the President was dealing in sheer fantasy about how this will be only a limited strike with no escalation are not His fault. Congress’s lack of trust is not His fault. All doubts are due to war-weariness and domestic concerns, nothing to do with perhaps not thinking the President has screwed up and forced this situation on us. It’s both, but Mardell won’t admit it.
As always, Mardell’s primary focus is instead on how things will affect Him.
The Obamessiah ability to lead (or lack thereof) and the fact He is a whining psycho unable to take any responsibility or the fact He is a lazy procrastinator who hates to make any kind of decision.
On domestic policy we have the Greatest Orator “If I had a son”. On foreign policy we have the Greatest Statesman “Not my Red Line but the World’s”.
No wonder very few want to go into a military expedition next to this guy.
DA Notice on the Dover/Dartford Crossing incidents? It’s being partially reported on Sky & Daily Mail. Zero on BBC. Seems like a bungled terrorist attack, perhaps on the Channel Tunnel. Why no coverage on the BBC?
Was just mentioned on BBC News 11pm headlines.
No mention in the DT though.
Copyright Dez and Albaman:
The President is having some difficulty getting the G-20 bosses to join His limited humanitarian strike. As we know the Democrat hawks in Congress don’t have anywhere near the votes lined up, and the Republicans don’t like war when there’s a black President (I kid, really I do). So now the President has announced He’s going to…..wait for it…..address the nation from the White House on Tuesday.
Speechifying is not leadership, but that’s all He can really do. This will be the test to see if the anti-war Beeboids are inspired by the greatest orator of our time.
Moreover, I think His speech (*) will be prerecorded since His handlers probably don’t want another off-the-script moment. Of course the media corpses will say this is ‘da greatest ever and overhype everything.
(*) How many speeches does He have to give anyway? After the first 1000 speeches an Obamessiah speech fatigue has been instilled in most of the populace. Nobody cares what the guy is saying anymore.
This is vid he link’s to
How sad that it takes a Swedish journalist to ask this question. Except, where the hell was this courage before we started Obombing Libya? No dilemma then? What about all the drone attacks? I guess I should be thanking heaven for small favors, but this really does show what a disgrace most of the media (including the blogosphere) is these days. I mean, not even big bad Fox News, the boogeyman of the Left, dared ask this question when they’ve had regular opportunities at press conferences.
I wonder how Mardell will handle this. After all, it’s not like he can claim this Swedish journalist is opposed to anything He does out of partisan venom, and the point about the Nobel can hardly be dismissed as simple Iraq fatigue. Those are his only excuses.
And my goodness what a crap answer, which can be summed up as “It’s their fault for giving me the award.”
Still not for BBC-NUJ to report?:-U.K’s Immigration Crisis in Schools.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Migrant influx fuels new crisis in schools: Now secondary schools face ‘timebomb’ shortage of places, reveals secret report.”
[Opening extract]:-
“Secondary schools face an overcrowding crisis due to Labour’s failure to deal with the effects of immigration.
“A leaked government document reveals that within two years, classes will struggle to accommodate tens of thousands of pupils.”
BBC-NUJ’s ‘Education & Family’ news webpages habitually censor such reports on the negative impact of mass immigration on education in Britain.
INBBC cannot conceal its political colours in still sympathising with the repressive, intolerant Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
INBBC describes the 2012 Constitution, misleadingly, of being “Islamist-friendly”-not as being ‘Christian unfriendly’, or ‘Jewish unfriendly’, or ‘secular unfriendly’ which is what it is, based on Sharia law:-
“‘No decision’ in Egypt on dissolving Muslim Brotherhood”
Talking of Christians in Egypt, where’s INBBC report on this?:-
“Egypt: Muslims take over a Christian town”
The attacks on Coptic Christians go on and on. And the BBC mostly turns a blind eye – even to the destruction of a 1600-year-old monastery.
what next,my brother mohammed the child grooming paedophile live on bbc 3 from oldham city centre
no, my brother, a man, the child grooming paedophile
The ME’s loss is really Australia’s gain…
Why does one get the feeling there will be much ‘analysis’ in a similar vein, bemoaning the inability of democracy to deliver the ‘correct’ result (the FaceBook thread this is linked from is a nasty place dominated by Labor supporters daring anyone to show support for Abbott ).
I am surprised Mr. Donnison has not been issued with a picture featuring a bereft Mr. Rudd cradling the white cloth-swaddled corpse of a Ms. Gillard, stabbed in the back by her own but for the ‘purposes of journalism’ relabelled as at the hand of the opposition.
There’s is simply not enough popcorn in the world…
‘It is a matter of concern that we appear to have such conflicting accounts.”
More concern is the use of words such as appear and belief, which the BBC semanticists will pounce on as they do with anything to wiggle out of admitting they’re bang to rights.
‘Ben Bradshaw, the former Labour culture secretary, said that the ongoing dispute highlights the need for the BBC Trust to be scrapped.
The BBC overseeing the BBC, internally, in secret and without higher appeal, was always a joke.
However, he’s pointing at OFCOM, another old-boy quango, to do the job. Not sure that is a solution that will serve anything other than newer, narrow interests.
Richards was previously a Senior Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair and before that Controller of Corporate Strategy at the BBC.
He also wanted to be BBC DG. Maybe missed out as that may have looked a bit iffy vs. Lord Hall Hall’s other impartial personally-handled choices?
Ah well, at least some things are settled…
I agree with the comment under the thread title:
“Time for a new one”!!!
He Said, She Said…. next episode to be broadcast Monday 9th September.
He Said, She Said (HSSS) is a long running and much loved BBC comedy quiz show. The show has cultivated a cult following due to its reputation for often sailing close to the wind in matters of truth – but it has generally remained within its anti-private sector topical and satirical remit.
Round 1 of HSSS is known as ‘Ask me a question, I’ll give you the answer’.
The object of this game is for two opposing teams of BBC management and Trust panellists to talk for 20 seconds on any given subject without prevarication, obfuscation or evasion. The comedy comes from the attempts to keep within this self-evidently impossible rule and the resulting humorous side banter between the BBC panel members and the guest quiz master.
what would Pat make of enablers of airhead feminist harridans, like Panto Campbell and the BBC
5Live – Your Call
should the face-veil be banned?
Panto gets his bosom buddy Mo Answar
lots of airtime.
who next? “honest” Ibe Mogra?
lots of handpicked callers who
“don t like it up em – Captain Mannering”
still … allowing the debate to be steered via religion?
why? … no mention in the hate manual of burkhas?
… and on and on it goes, del, far right ya da ya da
laughable handpicked feminists who want to get down “wiv da sistas” –
it appears, that as usual the biased broad cresent, flatly ignores its listening/viewing publics wishes, and fails to represent them – bbc bias.
Nobody, apparently can put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2
together, see the blindingly obvious, and state that its all about control (like everything in Islam).. women as possessions, and an overt political statement to the society /community they are in
Only someone did … try to get on the debate, but was given the al bbc inquisition, no dice and no interest in cogent points obviously.
the real issue … is that effectively this is not all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about this, or any other issue.
The Bill itself, it is about face covering in the public sphere in general, whether a balaclava, an army blackout, a motorcycle helmet, scarf n hoodie combo or pig ignorant muslim political attire.
It is the bbc, who have been reading “tell mama” s bullsh-t again, pushing to make it, all about muslims … to talk all about muslims, to listen to what muslims think about it ad nauseum, to give lots of airtime to their perspectives, their views.
Campbell was full grovelling, handwringing
apologist in chief , just sickening.
Australia: Tony Abbott.
He’s unlikely to get much political support from BBC-NUJ- he’s a ‘conservative’ on many issues, he’s sceptical on climate change, he was born in England, and in BBC-NUJ’s words:
…” Mr Abbott, … enjoyed the strident support of Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers…”
“Australia election: Abbott poised for victory”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“British-born politician Tony Abbott will be Australia’s new Prime Minister after Liberal Party-led coalition ‘win election and defeat Kevin Rudd.’
“Australian Broadcasting Corporation calls clear win for Lib-led coalition.
“New PM was once described as ‘unelectable’ by members of his own party.
“Kevin Rudd’s Labour Party had been marred by infighting and a carbon tax.”