The BBC have come up with a clever ploy, a new line to change the way we look at the overstretched and under pressure services in A&E.
Previously the overstretch was due to too many patients… immigration and GPs not providing the proper service being to blame for too many people coming to A&E, many unnecessarily.
That of course placed the blame at Labour’s door on both counts…immigration and their reforms of the GP contracts.
The BBC has changed the rules of the game and decided that the root cause of the problem is not too many patients but too few staff…and therefore the blame can be shifted elsewhere.
Much as the Left have decided that the problem in the housing market is not too many immigrants flooding into the country and occupying the housing stock at the expense of the natives…no, the problem is too few houses….answer…build more houses…not sure who pays for them though…or indeed where they will be built…the 250,000 a year that we need.
A&E departments understaffed by nearly 10%, BBC survey suggests
Of course the new BBC line, ‘too few staff”, tries to place the blame at the Government’s door…and we hear the Unions and Labour politicians telling us that NHS budgets are being cut or that resources are swapped away from where they are really needed.
But wait….half way through the article we get this:
More than three-quarters (79%) cited increased attendances at A&E as the reason for increased pressure, while 74% blamed inappropriate attendances at A&E where patients could have been treated by primary care services or by calling NHS 111.
In other words nothing has changed…the cause of overstretch is still the same…too many patients, and too many attending when they shouldn’t, GPs shirking their responsibilities, not too few staff….not the cutting of staff or resources…there has always been a staff shortage at A&E…it has never been a popular place to work….so why the big headline…is it ‘news’ or just Labour scare mongering?
The BBC once again taking their narrative from the Labour press release?
Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham “Labour has been warning all year about the intense pressure on Accident and Emergency departments…..What I’m saying to the government is they must urgently get a grip on the underlying causes of this pressure and particularly ensure that all hospitals in England have enough staff to provide safe care.”
Remember Stafford Hospital?…a major cause being staff shortages…Under Labour…
On Monday, the Inquiry heard evidence from a member of staff who worked on the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU)
Witness B told the Inquiry that in 2004, when the unit was opened, it had nearly 50 beds and staffing levels were adequate. The Inquiry was told that this changed in 2007 when the number of nurses was cut. As a result, witness B became responsible for 15 patients with high care needs as opposed to a previous maximum of nine.
The witness told the Inquiry that the unit became known as “Beirut” throughout the hospital. She said that the low staffing levels made the unit dangerous from a safety perspective.
- May 2006 – Peer review of critical children’s services and A&E department raises serious safety concerns
The peer review report highlighted the same concerns as an earlier review in 2002.
It described A&E as being “vulnerable” and warned there was “insufficient senior medical cover in A&E”, with two consultants and an associate specialist working a one-in-three rota.
The report also found “insufficient nursing staff”, with no nurse available to triage patients.
“It is self-evident there are not enough nurses and those few that are available are run ragged.”
Of course the BBC when reporting the Mid Staffs scandal tried to avoid mentioning ‘Labour’ at all in relation to this in any articles…..referring instead to the ‘minister for health’ or ‘the government’.
Andy Burnham on speed dial for a propagandist piece of misinformation to secure the Labour-BBC narrative.
Some things never change.
it was as if it had been coordinated.
new liar narrative – `cuts (not excessive useage caused by labour’s open door immigration policy) to blame.
bbc commissions the bent research, and burnham brings up the rear.
I saw this and thought the whole thing had been coordinated. The last person in the world giving out advice about how to make the NHS work would be Andy Burnham.
‘Sky News’ has been doing special feature on A & E today.
“Sky Poll: Drunk A&E Patients Should Be Charged
Patients who turn up at A&E for treatment while intoxicated on drink or drugs should foot the bill, according to a Sky News poll.”
Sky have annoyed me. Surely the last thing a busy A&E unit needs on its busiest night of the week is 24 hours of camera crews interfering with staff trying to do a difficult job. Thumbs down to Sky here.
Understaffed then is it?
Then surely we need yet MORE immigrants-by the law of averages, if we take in 100,000 Muslims-then surely there`ll be a few doctors in among them.
Hopefully, not the kind that rush to Glasgow airports on missions of mercy with a few bombs in the boot.
Let`s hope that signs to the departure lounges are now in Arabic-those doctors obviously weren`t able to get to the plane on time in 2007.
And a significant increase in patients of immigrant origins?
‘Telegraph’ (£):-
“Jeremy Hunt: Immigrants are ‘clogging up’ UK hospitals.
“Immigrants who should not be entitled to free healthcare have ‘clogged up’ hospitals across the country, forcing British people to wait longer for treatment, Jeremy Hunt has claimed.”
(March, 2013.)
so what the hell is Hunt and the Government doing about it ?
They should be announcing a fiercer policy – and blaming Labour for the mess.
The Coalition will do nothing about it. They are all talk as they know they are under orders from EU HQ.
Hey don’t knock – the world was introduced to a new meaning for the word ‘banjo’.
Though I for one believe you should never verb nouns.
The NHS is in a mess because men run it.
If the sistahood ran the NHS it would be perfect.
Like Beverley Allitt?
“Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham “Labour has been warning all year about the intense pressure on Accident and Emergency departments…..What I’m saying to the government is they must urgently get a grip on the underlying causes of this pressure and particularly ensure that all hospitals in England have enough staff to provide safe care.”
I really wish someone in the press would have the balls to skewer this arsehole…ask him one question, its all you need to do:
“Why did you close down the A&E in Leigh while you were health secretary, it is your own constituency….you do know now that anyone in the Atherton/Leigh/Tyldesley area now has to travel to either Bolton or Wigan to get emergency treatment….yes?”
Don’t be daft – that would mean the BBC journalists upsetting the Unions (ie. Labour).
When have you ever heard Al JaBeeBa ask a difficult question of a ZaNuLieBor spokesperson/a**ehole?
When, eg, did they ask where all the money was coming from to fund the proud boasts of ‘Blair’s Babes/dogs’ in the late 90’s/early 2000’s that they had ‘doubled/tripled/quadrupled’ expenditure since 1997 on this that or the other? When between 2002 and 2007 did Al JaBeeBa question Brown and his liar cohorts about their claims that they ‘had reduced debt’, when in fact they were in the process of doubling it even pre-Brown’s credit crash?