Selina Scott takes a great big running kick at the ‘golden balls’ of the ‘sexually corrupt’ BBC where the ‘often Oxbridge- educated powerful male elite behave in a predatory way towards attractive and ambitious women seeking to move up the Corporation’s greasy pole.’
Scott notices something that is the major problem when trying to reform the BBC and eliminate its bias:
I wish Lord Hall success in his restructuring.
But the BBC has always been like a giant worm – no matter how much you cut off, it reforms in its old image.
As long as the BBC continues to recruit from the same ‘gene pool’ nothing will change….the sheer mass of likeminded people securely ensconced in their liberal bubble means any new incomer will soon find he or she has to ‘fit in’ or be ‘suspect’ and sidelined in one way or another.
In themselves the financial wrong doings and sexual politics have little to do with blatant bias but such goings on and the financial chicanery all makes it much more difficult for those working in the BBC to do their jobs and of course smacks of hypocrisy.
Every time they raise the question of financial misdemeanours or sexual misconduct of say politicians or businessmen the seemingly endless revelations from inside the Corporation will be thrown back in their faces.
For instance Rob Wilson, Tory MP on the same page lays into the BBC:
Snouts-in-the-trough bosses are just middle class benefit scroungers
The public deserves answers as to who was responsible, but more importantly, the public and the BBC’s hard-working, talented staff deserve strong and principled leadership.
It has long been a fear of some (and hope of others), that a Conservative Government would privatise the BBC.
That isn’t going to happen, but the BBC needs to stop trying to emulate the worst excesses of the private sector as seen in the City and return to its public service remit.
What a pity it is that he thinks Privatisation of the despised BBC if not going to happen. Well it may be too big an elephant to eat in one go but at least the government should start down the long road to getting rid of the BBC by weakening its monopoly , reducing the license fee and/or diverting some of it to other broadcasters to stimulate competition and plurality of news and views.
Phew… when I saw that headline I thought there’d been a prisoner exchange at Checkpoint Charlie, and in return for no more endlessly name-cycling ‘I’m banned’ tirades we were getting back to just the one to laugh at.
Ms. Scott is not the first and won’t be the last to hit the circuit once Aunty has chewed her up and spat her out, and such ‘insights’ are always noteworthy.
But at the time of her initial hiring one can’t help but wonder if she didn’t pause briefly to ponder if being blonde and not without visual appeal, she was being embraced into the fold not just for her value as a long term journalistic talent, and this may change with time?
Those still in the saddle, as it were, especially in the ME, look like they use Claymores to do their make-up.
I was interviewed once by Selina Scott, after the crash of the Challenger shuttle. She was very well briefed, very early in the morning she was brisk, the questions were sensible and she was obviously listening to the answers and following up – well up to the job. I think she had trained as a journalist before she went to the BBC.
Streets ahead of so many of today’s BBC presenters.
Not quite sure whether I should put it like this, but Ms Scott has shown some ‘balls’ herself in her piece in the Daily Mail On-Line. BBC intimidation clearly goes well beyond the boundaries of its buildings, and many executives, managers and producers must have made many threats to many people over the years, that they ‘must keep quiet or else’. Criminal threats.
How many are there who have ‘kept quiet’. How many more will get some ‘balls’ and speak out. We, the people, need you to do so, bring criminal charges against those who have bullied, intimidated, threatened, blackmailed.
You are seeing the beginning of the end of this corrupt organisation, help it on its way.
Name names, name those who are still alive as well as the dead.
Seems like plenty of women have climbed to the upper echelons behind the scenes, if not on air, over the years. Doesn’t seem to have helped.
oxbridge educated middle class posh boy,he earns a nice working class wage of £150,000 deeeerrrr a year working at the far left independant rag,he is never off 5 live spouting off his pro mass immigration garbage and pro gay marriege tripe,and dare you challenge this guy about his views and you are called a racist and a homophobe,who is this favorite son of radio 5 live and the bbc,yes his name is owen jones and you will be hearing alot more of this guy on the bbc on the run up to the general election.
“the Corporation’s greasy pole.”
Now if I were a Freudian ,which I’m not ……
Selena Scott has a cheek going on about sexism, considering how she used to to flirt like mad. Now that she’s lost her looks she comes out with this sour grapes garbage.
Fiona Bruce, another attractive flirt, has jumped on this bandwagon too now that she has reached middle age. Funny how plain birds like Kirsty Wark never have to.
Maybe unlike the airheads they use their brains to get work instead.
Kristy Squawk brains!
Her strength is truly her ignorance
Yes, just as Polly Toynbee is intelligent – regardless of whether you agree with her point of view or not. Conversely, some right wingers are stupid.
She failed the eleven plus and only managed one A level. She also writes risible crap.
Finally, see
All men are rapists.
‘I wish Lord Hall success in his restructuring.’
Hadn’t heard of this.
When’s he going to start? And how will we know when he’s finished? I suppose he’ll tell us.
By “restructuring”, she means shuffling the deck
chairsBeeboids. With a couple of exceptions, the people largely responsible for the situation of the last decade and more are BBC lifers. Scott’s story about Thompson seems to be a classic example. Lovely, talented young person with a bright future somehow got corrupted and twisted along the way. That’s the same young man, remember, who said that the BBC was massively biased to the Left during the period about which Scott reminisces. Massively biased to the Left, yet still infested with a combination of sexual predators and hyper-machismo that would put Mad Men to shame. Curious, that. Has anything really changed, apart from the number of women in top mandarin slots and the addition of diversity commitments? One of the parting shots from the outgoing HR boss was how difficult it was to listen to the endless stream of complaints about bullying and sexual harassment, so probably not much.Power corrupts, BBC power corrupts absolutely. Not much different from other gigantic, sclerotic corporations, but no others have such a unique financial position and such an important influence on what’s still, despite BBC protestations, an important nation. Never mind requiring its audience to pay a special fee for the privilege.
No purge + no change in hiring practices = no improvement. Promoting the more bad apples won’t change a thing, no matter how much the job titles are rewritten.
Hi Doublethinker. Here ‘s a little history for you. You say “ (the BBC) may be too big an elephant to eat in one go..” You are quite correct. But its also too complex. And, whatsmore, the Beeb fights rearguard action against the eventuality of privatization. An example is “regionalisation”.
During Mrs. T’s reign, Maggie took Alasdair Milne aside and threatened him with privatization. The BBC’s response was called “regionalisation”. Suddenly the BBC was interested in places outside London. Not because they were actually interested in sharing power with the yokels, but because it confused the scene.
Brilliantly, they began to break up the corporation themselves, making it very difficult to pinpoint where the heart of the beast was, and in one fell swoop enlisting local MPs and powerbrokers. The hidden political power of the BBC lies in the advisory councils – most importantly the Local radio advisory councils – whose members off back door channels to powerful players. (R1 and R2 were of course in the firing line but not included in this strategy).
Once the danger had passed, “regionalisation” was dumped.
That should read: “whose members OFFER back door channels”
And seem to have supplied them on demand to favoured DJs
The BBC has spent years shoving a pro-feminista/often anti-male agenda down everyone’s throats. There is institutional sexism at the Beeb, but it’s people like Selina Scott who have BENEFITTED from it.
Selina Scott seems to exemplify Sharon Stones reported comment, “You can’t sleep your way to the top. You can only sleep your way to the middle”.
I wonder if she was thinking when she beat out some other slightly less attractive or less compliant girl for a coveted promotion that she would complain of BBC sexism some thirty years later.
Donald Trump dishes Selina Scott to Ruby Wax. How is it some people can embed videos and I can’t?
I guess I can!!!!!!
If she is complaining about sexually corrupt men promoting you pretty women one wonders how she missed that when she was young. Was her rise purely a result of her immense talent?