“The road to Paris and London lies via the towns of Afghanistan, the Punjab and Bengal” Trotsky
A politician has woken up to reality:
LIAM FOX explains why Pakistan is the most dangerous country on earth
I’m not holding my breath but maybe the BBC will start looking to places in the world other than Israel for bad news stories, perhaps it will stop pandering to the likes of the PSC and other pro-Palestinian propagandists. Perhaps they will call the ‘Barrier’ what it is …a security fence to stop terrorists bombing, shooting and stabbing Jews….
The BBC uses the term ‘barrier’, ‘separation barrier’ or ‘West Bank barrier’ as an acceptable generic description to avoid the political connotations of ‘security fence’ (preferred by the Israeli government) or ‘apartheid wall’ (preferred by the Palestinians).
I would suggest that the BBC not using the correct terminology, which gives the reason for the fence, is highly ‘political’ in itself as this not only hides the Palestinian’s terrorist activities but allows the Palestinians to make political capital out of the image of the ‘Barrier’ as an oppressive imposition upon them, vicitmising them for being Palestinian.
… perhaps the BBC will come round to using the term ‘terrorist’ in relation to such attacks.
The word ‘terrorist’ itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding. We should convey to our audience the full consequences of the act by describing what happened. We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as ‘bomber’, ‘attacker’, ‘gunman’, ‘kidnapper’, ‘insurgent’, and ‘militant’. We should not adopt other people’s language as our own.
‘Terrorist’ is a word which has a meaning….and once again to hide that fact, that such actions are ‘terrorism’, hides the intent behind such attacks…..not to use the word hides the motivation, the politics behind the bloodshed. Just to have a body count and an interview with a shocked eyewitness and a grieving mother or two means nothing in the big picture.
So no, not a barrier to understanding but a clear pointer to explain events and the reasons behind them.
Perhaps it will get round to examining Pakistan in the same light that it shines upon Israel…
The major charge levelled at Israel by those who wish to make it ‘disappear’ is that it is ‘illegitimate’, a creation of the West imposed upon the Arabs.
The BBC does little to dispel this…comparison with many countries in the world would find that they too are ‘created’….Germany is a creation, Belgium, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, …well, every country in fact.
But there is one that was created in the exact same way that Israel was, at the exact same time for the exact same reason….only that country’s reason could be considerd to have far less legitimacy than Israel’s.
That country of course being Pakistan….a Muslim Zion, created to provide a homeland for Muslims.
Which is strange as there were already many ‘Muslim’ countries around the world that they could have gone to live in….but there was no ‘Jewish’ land.
For the BBC never to raise the question of Pakistan’s legitimacy whilst at the same time allowing Israel to be demonised and undermined itself raises a few questions.
If one is illegitimate then so is the other.
If using the term ‘security fence’ or ‘terrorism’ is political and to be avoided surely they should avoid the far more political implications of suggestions that Israel is an ‘illegal’ state….the use of which gives a nod and a wink to the ‘terrorists’, sorry, militants, the brave resisters, fighting to take back ‘their land’.
It is good to know that Labour encouraged millions of people from the most dangerous country in the world to come and live in Britain. The BBC is still campaigning for us to keep them coming! And they are still coming in their hundreds of thousands each and every year. Of course when they arrive here they become model citizens who love their adopted country , it traditions and customs ,and are enthusiastic to integrate and become thoroughly British . It would never enter their heads to do us any harm.
How has the liberal left conned the rest of us into allowing their highly dangerous policy of mass immigration to continue for so long?
Well, firstly they never asked us what we thought of their proposal which would change the country far more than joining the EU ever did or will. They never even allowed it to be debated in Parliament. Then they encouraged the BBC to suppress the truth , distort the facts , tell us outright lies, make anyone who disagreed with the policy a pariah. Then they made laws to stop us saying what we thought and made us fearful of voicing our opinions. They denied us free speech, something which we had been proud of for centuries. If people still protested, they locked them up.
Can anyone see anything democratic about that process?
Brilliantly stated Doublethinker
A lot of immigration from Pakistan occurred under the Conservatives but, admittedly, the place wasn’t perceived as dangerous at the time. Objections were still ignored however – Enoch, Ray Honeyford etc.
Pakistan was hardly created in the same homeland sense as Israel was. A State created for a specific religion, sure, and it’s fair enough to point out that kind of hypocrisy, but it’s not really the same homeland concept.
yes,the most dangerous country in the world is pakistan,are problem is we have let millions of these people into are country over the last 20 years who have the same mindset as these people that has made pakistan the most dangerous country in the world,that should worry us all when we see are citys from bradford to birmingham transformed into in effect mini provinces of pakistan.
“U.S. has given Pakistan $26 billion over last 12 years, steps up surveillance of Pakistan”
The Australian example is what we should be following.
“No more, that’s enough, thanks. If you want to break all the rules – welcome to Papua New Guinea”
There has been a pathetically small reduction in inward immigration. Scores and scores and scores of essentially peasants still coming from Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan) – many still on fraudulent student visas, many on the “Tail” of bringing in relatives of whatever age or health condition. Plus large numbers of illegal immigrants.
OZ and New Zealand have a very strict points system for allowing people in – educational requirements / skilled trade etc. They have the protection of physical distance. But still they are very strict. It took one of my daughters 10 years to get NZ citizenship – even though she was a maths teacher and had married a Kiwi.
We do not have the protection of real distance, our borders are open too much to anyone who has found their way to Europe or knows how to fiddle the student system or has relatives here. There is an entire industry fixing for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to flood into Britain. When we KNOW that most of them fail to integrate – and they have a “culture” / religious ideology that is hostile to Western civilisation. Even when we KNOW that plenty enough of them are rabid Islamists, of whom plenty are severe security risks, and enough of them have already shown they hate us enough to try to kill us.
And all the while – the BBC hides the scale of the continuing influx.
Anyone who has any clue about the changes in the East End and many cities in the Midlands or the North is entitled to ask – why the hell is this still going on ? It should be stopped in its tracks, “enough already”.
I walk by a local mosque every day of my life. I am polite, elderly – but I have never seen a single smile. (Let alone a poppy in November) It is as if I am the intruder – in my own city.
Well said John Anderson