Morning all! Here’s a much needed new OPEN Thread to detail the bias! Did you watch Question Time last night? Another deplorable 60 minutes of Coalition bashing and leftist celebration. Over to you!
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Having looked at the overnights, it’s a wonder a piecework funded, desperate cherry vulture hasn’t swooped already to point out that the actual amount of Coalition bashing and leftist celebration was 59′ 53″, so this entire thread should be reported for not being nice. So there.
It’s all looking a bit ‘We may have overdone the war once, but I think we got away with it already….’
‘promises to fill the cracks that severance pay fell down…’
Ah, promises….
‘Only written proposals requiring approval to go up; only clear written instructions to come down’
What… from a desk… in writing? Not muttered whilst passing in a corridor! Where’s the implausible deniability!
Still, little numbers like this may stop sneaking past….
Well, big numbers really.
‘Her contract was said to have been worth £180k. Buried in the job description for her replacement – Grade 8D. If they stick to that, it’s on a range, outside London, of £30k to £50k.’
But now, it is a different time. Does make you wonder how it was three to four times more expensive (sort of a Byford-Entwistle multiplier) not so long ago, mind.
“I found a website”
“Don’t question the priest caste.”
A worthy link here:
…to here…
Quite how anyone thought there was no chance of conflict of interest between an internal bunch of good old boys looking after their mates’ interests whilst at the same time in theory representing those of the public both sets are gouging, shows the level of either delusion or deviousness that pervades our political-media swamp estate.
Mr Ayre is complict and busted.
Spending 7 hours adjudicating, internally and in secret, an amazing array of complaints is worthless is if he has no clue if what is served to him by those being complained about is accurate, often explaining their 110% ‘the BBC got it about right’ ‘findings’.
Pure ‘it is because I believe it to be’ hogwash that no longer does…wash.
Yom Kippur. Considered to be the holiest day in the Jewish religious calendar. 40 years after the Yom Kippur War 1973 (Jewish calendar). BBC not particularly interested.
Perhaps if the Jews changed the name to Ramadan?
‘BBC not particularly interested.’
It’s possible the outcome of said war may bring painful memories to many BBC staff.
BBC Radio 4 news reported on concern for 37 thousand people who are dying from sepsis in Britain . Pity they are also not interested in reporting from what Israel is doing which would help in stopping these deaths.
Fighting Sceptic shock. Sepsis is the body’s final response to infection and is responsible for over 200,000 deaths in the US every year. The non-invasive haemo-dynamic monitoring systems from Israel’s Cheetah Medical are used in the management of sepsis and are at the centre of a clinical study into the condition.
Click to access CM_Multicenter_2012.pdf (Preview)
8/7/12 (Feature on Cheetah’s NICOM device.
Needle-free blood tests. Latest article on Israel Technion’s non-invasive technique for imaging blood cells Spectrally Encoded Flow Cytometry (SEFC) offers the capability to detect common disorders, such as anaemia and bacterial infection, plus life threatening conditions, including sepsis, thrombosis and sickle cell crisis.
I hope all the BDS idiots refuse these life saving discoveries when they or their loved ones should need them. After all, apart from oil what have the Arabs ever done for us ?
Yep, not much spin could be put on a spectacular feat of arms by the IDF, up against it, with the US sending aircraft to them asap, the destruction of the Arab forces in detail. The BBC, filthy traitors then and now.
Interesting which papers seem to be sticking with PAC fallout and actual desires to change…
‘You could be forgiven for thinking such a system, to “ensure effective decision making [and] accountability” should have been instituted ages ago.’
Yes, but then that was a different time.
Still, good to see wiser, older heads reacting with class…
That must be one big pram he is pushed around in.
Subject and piece also scoring big with the Graun commentariat thus far.
In today’s Mail:
Harriet Harman attacked the BBC last night for ‘pushing women out of the door’ as they got older.
The shadow culture secretary complained of double standards, adding: ‘It’s fine for Jeremy Paxman to go grey and grow a beard, but not for a woman.’
I’d just like to say that I think it’s absolutely fine for Ms Harman to grow a beard and I wouldn’t be too surprised if she did.
Claire Short did.
Claire Balding got her self a beard and is now the queen of the BBC !
Mind she is the most masculine person there !
Sandy Toksvig might argue with that.
She is as funny as an STD.
Hmm a Balding and toxic cat fight? nope there goes my breakfast !!!!
I have always thought that she was one and the same person as Ray Mears.
Well, grey hair did not seem to have stopped this woman achieving something of note. And, I must say, she does still look rather fetching, although I am yet to see her wearing a beard.
Woops, clicked to quick.
The cream will always rise. Affirmative action gets you the gorgeous Baroness Ashton.
Harlot Harridan HAS got a beard. He is called Jack Harman-Dromey and he topped an all-female party list for a safe seat.
All this talk of Ms Harman’s grey hair is, I protest, way below the belt!
Don’t go there !
The weather is somewhat autumnal so I suppose it is only fitting that Nicky Campbell and his chums at the BBC will select a nice fat old chestnut to offer up to us for their after 9am phone in.
I do get the impression that Nicky’s editor has about three fingers on his left hand….
Drugs : legalise it – we’ll advertise it.
Sport : isn’t it horribly racist and sexist – except the Olympics
Multiculturalism : gosh we do love it and how well it’s working (in theory that is)
So what tasty morsal is Nicky serving up for debate today on the end of his expensive BBC toasting fork?
Selling arms: an essential part of the UK economy or morally wrong?
I’ll let you into a little secret here. These so called phone-in debates contain the voices of very few actual callers. 90% of the time goes to the invariably leftist campaigners and politicos. Whenever the drift goes the wrong way our Nicky can read out a right thinking ‘text’.
And our impartial gameshow compare? He dresses so far to the left that he sounds like a trendy 4th form supply teacher.
So that I’m not too irate that all this goes on funded by my Licence Fee I console myself that at least the BBC serves as some kind of outreach reassurance service to:
Liverpudlian comrades who still can’t get over the Spanish Civil War;
the voluntarily insane;
40 something ex-SWP-ers (those few who don’t actually work for the BBC)
Don’t know if this was mentioned at any point yesterday, but BBC breakfast (around 7.45) had a Philip Hollobone (MP Kettering) rightfully protesting against face coverings of all kinds and stating his intentions to get these face coverings, including veils, banned for good. Now, to make this a fair and proper topic to be debated, the BBC invited Mussurat Zia, the general secretary of the Muslim women’s network to vent her disgust at Hollobone.
Hollobone raised some interesting points about humans natural tendencies to interact with other people when walking down the street. He goes on to vanquish the idea that those wearing veils or face coverings in general can still comply with this human tendency. He is then questioned by Charlie Stayt, unquestionably towing the Labour party line and the left’s world view in general on equality and human rights. Hollobone retorts to Stayt’s condescending babble by asking him what the BBC would say if he turned up to present at commie headquarters wearing a face covering. Que a sustained period of gibberish and document waving regarding the BBC’s rules and regulations on the matter, prominently followed by a grovelling apology to their beloved guest.
Now, here comes the compelling part of the segment, the sheer hypocrisy and curtailment of all things British from the muslim guest. She talks about the freedoms of being English, of living in a democratic country and wearing what we want when we want. But is that true though? It seems this rule applies for the select few only:
Although Hollbone’s suggestion that naturists have a right to walk the streets wearing zilch is hollow, Charlie is quick to pounce on this assertion and describes it as ‘offensive to people’. His sly, disingenuous questioning goes further, only this time to Musurat. ‘When you hear what Mr.Hollobone is suggesting, what do you think about him wanting that?’. Of course, we all know the answer Charlie is desperately craving; “Waaaycist”.
This was just another classic example of biased interviewing at the BBC which was used as a means to tarnish those evil racist Tories yet again and paint the Muslim community as a peaceful, tolerant group who are needlessly victimized. An absolute scandal.
Saw the same interview agree 100% – loved it when Charlie asked on air for the BBC conditions covering face covering to be found (Louise and he, both self employed not BBC employees – external contractors when Bill is resting or Susanna dancing/flirting!) but felt the MP should / could have been more assertive and less cowed/better prepared by an ambush he must have known he was walking into. Wonderful that the major counter argument was to try and identify what the meaning of British culture/tradition was – perfect opportunity for MP to comeback with a whole list of areas of tolerance for ms hijab might have been less comfortable to deal with … Homosexuality, Blasphemy, Apostasy, polygmay, fgm.
Sadly he was too polite – Tory MPs on BBC grow pair – only make you look better – look at Grant Crapps ratings post Montague / Brazilian witch interview
Post PAC/Saville/Hall/Payoffs open goal to go at and highlight the bias
Beeboids: their permanent political opposition to U.K Shale Gas development, and their pro-Green Party sentiment.
The U.K government has published a Report on aspects of U.K shale gas this week. The ‘New Scientist’ summarises it thus, and provides link to the Report:-
“UK fracking could come out carbon neutral”
In contrast, the anti-shale gas Beeboids stick to their political agenda in this summaary of the Report :
“Shale carbon footprint ‘small’, according to new report”
Out of nowhere, in the 4th paragraph, the Beeboid summary throws in a reference to its political chums, ‘Green peace’, which is given more propaganda later in the Beeboid piece. So what should have been a scientific summary of a scientific Government report, is used as a high-cost greenie polemic by Hampstead Harrabin and co.
And, of course, Beeboids are concurrently attempting to politically boost the Green Party. Note the misleading headline below in this report which omits the phrase: ‘ only expensive renewable’-
“Green party’s Natalie Bennett: ‘Money must be found for [‘only expensive renewable’] energy investment'”
And in its top report on its ‘Politics’ online news-page today, Beeboids, in attempt to political boost Green Party leader, mentions that she is an ‘ex-journalist’, but omits to mention that she is ex-‘Guardian’.
Funny how “science is settled” only works for the favoured causes. Not that the science is settled for “Climate Change”, but they like to pretend it is.
And yet a report by scientists can be gainsayed by “Leila Deen, energy campaigner at Greenpeace” when it suits the Beeb. Have a look at her Wikipedia page for her qualifications. She meets all that is necessary for the BBC. A serial attention-seeker.
“Deen went to school in Brighton and studied Development Studies and Politics at Leeds University, where she voted in favour of banning The Sun newspaper in protest at its coverage of immigration and asylum issues.”
What more could they want?
There was a lot said last week about the Indian bus rape but does anyone remember our very own bus rape.
Things have gone awfully quiet on that front …
… the two men got off the bus at Pollockshaw’s Road where this happened recently.
I smell a cover-up.
The men are described as Asian, between 30 and 34 years of age and were all between 5ft 10in and 6ft tall. (from the link doyle gave) Not shown on the BBC link…
Probably because the BBC and STV are reporting completely different events.
Soz alby no one said they were the same incident only in the same area !
Did you not read Justin Casey’s post? Perhaps you can explain which “BBC link” he is referring to other than that cited by Doyle at 10.58?
You have to consider the impact on community relations. Just a couple of rape victims versus the potential harm to community relations.
I saw it on the BBC text service. North America’s highest mountain has been re-surveyed and is found to be some 25m shorter than before. This is explained by better technology or ‘climate differences’.
Yes, here it is.
Must have been several degrees above freezing at 20,237 feet to melt 83 feet of ice. Although in fairness, “Climate Differences” is in quotes, as if even the BBC reporter finds that one rather unlikely.
Geology is not my strongest point, but I was unaware that ‘what goes up, must only go even more up’, as the logical projection of that is we end up with those jobbies floating around Pandora in Avatar.
Is it not also possible that as tectonic plates move around, things that were squished skywards at one place might also ooze down elsewhere a bit if certain forces redirect?
Not sure I’d buy the re-survey accuracy thing, other than wondering about base points. I recall when I did my Civ Eng survey course coming back after about a day and 10 miles to be just 2mm out on my levelling.
I was thrilled until the tutor told me that the US Corps of Engineers re-visited a survey (Not Mason-Dixon… it was trans-America anyway), and found them to be ‘out’, coast to coast by a matter of inches. The military used lasers; the original was on foot with brass optics.
“Have I told you how I also don’t understand geography?”
“I am unable to debate the issue, so I will sneer instead.”
“I call them Beeboids!”
“There, you see?”
“I don’t understand what the word means!”
Leicester has been enriched with a house fire killing four people, which police believe could be linked to a murder in the city. The bBBC is unusually forthcoming: a neighbour said “They were a really good family. They were religious; went to the mosque.”
I wonder how long they’ll allow clues like that to remain on the bBBC website.
Leicester seems to be a bit of a black hole as far as BBC news reports are concerned – so little information seems to escape the massive gravitational pull around that place.
‘A man who is HIV positive has been jailed for knowingly infecting his former partner with the virus.’
‘The man, aged 32, who cannot be named, was found guilty by jury at Leicester Crown Court for one count of grievous bodily harm between 2006 and 2008.’
And the BBC leaves it there. Meanwhile elsewhere in the public domain….
‘Zimbabwean immigrant, 32, jailed for infecting his girlfriend, 16, with HIV then telling her to sleep around’
Zimbabwean news outlets don’t seem to be too shy to acknowledge on eof their own.
And more locally, from Leicester
‘He came to the UK from Zimbabwe when he was a teenager and has indefinite leave to remain here. He is now with a partner who is said to also have the virus and has a baby with him.’
The BBC: Protecting us from some of the bad news for £145.50 a year
You can’t call it a black hole 😯 . Please report for re-education.
The Zimbabwean immigrant, “who cannot be named”(BBC) I wonder why, is it because his name is too difficult to pronounce?
After the neighbour said that they were a good family and educated his comment that they were religious and went to the Mosque was badly cut from the interview on Sky News
The fact that “they were religious and went to the Mosque” was badly cut ( You saw a white flash) from the inteview with the neighbour on Sky News.
Frequently a white flash is the last thing you see.
It is if you get struck by lightning!
From today’s Spectator online:
How to save the BBC? Privatise it
“…The BBC’s problems do not stem from its recent payoffs: they are a symptom of a deeper malaise. It is a bureaucracy, designed for the 1930s, which has somehow made it to the 21st century. Listening to its executives waffle this week, it’s horribly clear that the BBC does not have leadership or even a hierarchy. It simply has a corporate culture in which success comes from keeping your head down. And its money is guaranteed, because people who don’t pay up are taken to court.”
“…A reckoning is long overdue. The BBC may not know the value of money, but those prosecuted for not paying its fines certainly do. Many of them struggle to make ends meet and would not dream of paying £145.50 for BBC services that they could happily go without. Sky now produces some of the best arts coverage in Britain. The market for drama is now global, and British living rooms are filled with American (and even Danish) DVD box sets.”
Word of the survey in the Lancet reporting that one in four Asian men admit to being a rapist has not yet reached the BBC news room. Either that or they do not think that it is not of sufficient importance to release to the common people.
I think it did.
But may have dropped off pronto as the methodology and #prasnews ‘reporting’ was such utter pants it was mocked to oblivion.
Plus a few words from various ‘communities’ living in the BBC bubble not too keen on where such a generalisation promoted by the BBC may lead
(Sorry, but if I don’t do it, Albaman or Dez will.)
‘Almost a quarter of men ‘admit to rape in parts of Asia’
By Tulip Mazumdar Global health reporter’
Phew…. not me Tulip, I’ve never been to Asia.
But rest assured that percentage drops to a microscopically Tiny Minority™ when they move to your country.
So there are no rapists who are white in the US?
In fact the majority are white, as one would expect. I suppose David DP will tell us next they are islamists.
Irrelevant, will, a poor attempt at debate. There could be a million white rapists in the US and it wouldn’t disprove the report of an alarming number of rapes in these other cultures. Try to absorb the meaning of the word “cultures”. The racism is in your head, not mine.
Nor would it prove that people do not bring their culture with them when moving to Britain in large numbers all at once (or anywhere else, for that matter), which is the point. Address the issue of the not so tiny minorities evident in this report conflicting with the BBC’s insistence that it’s a tiny minority, or give this one up.
Expect many more, and great things from reporters the calibre of Tulip.
She seems to have the right stuff.
Spot the missing countries in that report. Can’t blame the BBC for that, of course. But it’s a bit odd to read that guy from Johns Hopkins saying it’s important to look into this after the “horrific, high-profile cases”, especially a gang-rape in India, and then read that the study didn’t even bother with India.
The report was discussed in “More or Less”. The conclusion was that the study was very poorly formed. Worth a listen.
Sounds promising. But did the More or Less programme discuss Tulip’s report of the study, and the conclusions she/the sub drew to headline, or is this more one of those BBC bits of journalism where the full picture requires a journey across many parts of the the broadcast and online estate, often poorly to not connected, to build up a more accurate overall picture?
Did I watch Question Time?
Nah, who cares these days?…it`s all so predictable lefty trot crap with a Tory pin cushion for a bolster.
Weekly tiresome shite…only if there`s one of ours on there(Murray, Mel, Hitchens etc) will I bother-and even then, it`s only to listen to their answers on iPlayer.
Can`t think of any current politico worth the hours watching…least of all the beebs beloved hucksters, prep school toffs of the left and clapped out failures and losers who have pimped off this countrys inertai since the sixties( Ashdown, Williams, Hattersley, Heseltine etc, etc).
“…only if there`s one of ours on there(Murray, Mel, Hitchens etc) will I bother…”
Yep – me, too. QT has become a tiresome exercise in leftist propaganda; Dimbledore seems intent on trolling his right-leaning panelists (these days not even attempting to hide the fact) whilst allowing his leftist comrades uninterrupted space in which to spout their worthless drivel – to be met, always, with the usual Pavlovian round of dutiful applause from the week’s dismal audience of Dave Sparts and disgruntled public service workers.
I honestly don’t know why any right-wing politician/commentator/journalist/writer, etc even bothers going onto the programme. It’s patently clear that Dimbles’ boorish behaviour, coupled with a hand-picked audience of sneering lefties makes their chances of getting a sensible point across all but non-existent.
I think QT now only exists as a weekly platform upon which New Labour are invited, uninterrupted, to broadcast their wares to a friendly studio audience. No doubt, QT is, to the BBC, a great example of the BBC’s ‘due impartiality’ policy. To the rest of us it looks little more than a sham – a total sham.
Utter balls. James Delingpole: ” It’s an urban myth that before each show the BBC sends a coach to pick their audience up from the Socialist Worker’s Party Social Club, Hizb ut Tahrir and the EU Commission. In fact – and I totally believe this – they are rigorously screened and pre-selected to reflect the political spectrum.”
If you’re suggesting we’re one and the same, wrong. Nor am I the White Coats person, as suggested elsewhere. Nor a Marxist, a BBC employee (current or former) or anybody posting here under any other name.
As someone you are also doubtless, if unproveably, not once famously coined: ‘If you say so’.
Oh, and… I’d also suggest you check your acronyms first before posting next time.
Suppose there`s no chance of you ever quantifying your theory is there?
Percentage interruptions , rate of snide questions/minute from the chair, interruptions allowed by the lefties on the panel…catcalls or heckling from the audience. Think you`ll find it`s a cosy perennial stitch-up and has been since the great Craig(formerly of this parish) showed us all how to do it.
Funny too, that the likes of Glasgow and Cardiff don`t seem to be able to do such simple sampling any more…wonder why that is?
Try “Bedroom tax” cf “spare room subsidy”…try “right wing” versus “left leaning” or “independent” for lefty think tanks perhaps?
And much as Delingpole can be good-he`s not the last word in BBC bias…we all see it every week, and know full well whats going on…why it`s as if Lee Rigbys murder had the Koranic references taken out when Michael 1 killed him…oh wait..the BBC DID take it out as I recall…has James a view on this for you to quote?
As so often on BBBC, refuting one point brings a hysterical response which simultaneously shifts the goalposts while also requesting a level of proof the poster knows to be impossible. I merely pointed out that even the corporation’s leading critic is scornful about your suggestion that the audiences are skewed Leftwards. Delingpole goes on to suggest, rightly in my view, that lefties are more ill mannered than those on the right, and therefore boo and make more noise than other audience members.
Hysterical response, shifting goalposts, level of proof… And the assertion that James Delingpole is absolutely, categorically and unquestionably the corporation’s leading critic.
That’s enough to defeat anyone’s irony detection software.
After a pause while the slush funding looked iffy, the move seems now to be to quantity.
Looking at the overnights, in one case, to a vast degree.
Shame the quality has remained constant, as that spoils the fun.
But give ’em credit, they do know when to move on when necessary.
Is there some sort of translation software I could install to render this contribution comprehensible? Or is it in code?
‘Is there some sort of translation software?’
If there is, for someone unaware that TL;DR is not the same as PR;WV, it would be wasted.
But this may get you started:
I’ve no idea what either means, nor did Google enlighten me. Perhaps it is apt that somebody with so tenuous a grasp of the English language as yourself should prefer to express himself in obscure acronyms.
And two likes already. How do you do that?
I’ve no idea what either means
That was clear.
nor did Google enlighten me.
Your inability in this regard is beyond my control.
express himself in obscure acronyms.
Your failure with irony is already well proven.
However, moving from shooting yourself in the foot to taking out a new colleague just getting into his groove is more than funny.
I don’t believe it either . The BBC would use taxis or limousines
The BBC’s Radio Times spins/is in denial about the success of its programmes
Viewers have taken to Big School (co-written by David Walliams and the Dawson brothers) in droves
Really? The viewing figures for the 4 episodes shown so far are:- 5.28m, 4.50m, 3.68m, 2.89m.
Isn’t it losing viewers in droves?
Maybe in Beebworld (yes, we know it’s not a prpoer ‘part’ of the BBC), ‘taken to’ means the same as ‘split’ does using their special semantemathmatics?
In this case… taken to… the hills?
David Walliams cannot play a heterosexual convincingly.
That’s strange Ron seeing as he actually is a heterosexual and married with a kid.
He’s also been romantically involved with a string of rather lovely women, but don’t let the facts get in the way of your fantasies.
I was well aware that he was married to a woman. Does not alter the fact that when acting he does not convince as a heterosexual.
Some men married to a women are heterosexual.
The fey, slightly camp act seems to be his bread and butter. Some people in power must think it’s endlessly amusing, since he keeps being put on screen to do it.
“Some men married to a women are heterosexual.”
Yes. Most of them probably.
But not necessarily in showbiz.
Stereotyping? What is your ideal hetero male character – Inspector Regan; Rocky Balboa; Gene Hunt
‘Me think thou do protes ……
I have no one ideal stereotype. To have a male character act in a way that would in real life have had everybody else wondering about his sexuality while all the other characters (even the school children who can usually be relied on to attack any weakness) act like they really believe he would be chasing after Catherine Tate does not make for a convincing programme. Or is nobody noticing he is a bit camp a joke that I am missing?
And by the way ret Colonel don’t assume what my preferences are.
When will this murderous technology be stopped?
‘Alarming’ number of eagles killed by wind farms, new study finds
Wind energy facilities have killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles in the last five years, but the figure could be much higher, according to a new scientific study by government biologists.
The research represents one of the first tallies of eagle deaths attributed to the nation’s growing wind energy industry, which has been a pillar of President Obama’s plans to reduce the pollution blamed for global warming. Wind power releases no air pollution.
But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding. Most deaths — 79 — were golden eagles that struck wind turbines. One of the eagles counted in the study was electrocuted by a power line.
The vice president of the American Bird Conservancy, Mike Parr, said the tally was “an alarming and concerning finding.”
Now, if only someone could demonstrate that wind turbines kill badgers……
Yes, yes. But think how many would have died from global warming. After all, how much habitat must have been lost along with 83 feet of Mount McKinley?
I can’t understand why Caroline Lucas keep agreeing to be interviewed by Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics. He fillets her every time. Most entertaining again today.
I think that there is no one in the BBC to touch Neil. He is an outstanding interviewer who irrespective of his ‘victim’ and their politics is scrupulously even-handed, fair but deeply and perceptively penetrative.
He will not allow anyone to get away with the tripe that the spinmeisters send politicians onto our screens to regurgitate.
I see that he has an appointment with Chucky (Obama) Umunna on Sunday – the man who uses more words than anyone else to say absolutely nothing (Sweet FA in the vernacular). It should be fun.
Evan Davies watch and learn
Has he taken the trouble to do the much promised interview of an islamist, following his interview of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon yet?
Or will that promise be consigned to history?
money or self flagellating masochism or just a complete fwit – difficult call or combination of al 3?…caving in again to the birmingham muslim extremists
Well that’s a shame. I thought there might be a sudden outbreak of common sense going on there.
I wonder what pressure was brought to bear and by whom.
Online protest petitions are no basis for gauging real world opinions.
‘Online protest petitions are no basis for gauging real world opinions.’
Tend to agree.
But it is odd when the BBC finds those they think do, and run wild with them.
(In case you don’t see it on previous Open Thread)
Actually there are only 3 cookies you need to delete, and they are all located together in the T’s. Then you access the webpages normally until your limit is up, and you can then delete cookies again.
If you’re not sure how to locate individual cookies, tell me the browser you use and I’ll give you instructions. 😉
It’s quite easy to script this sort of thing and automate it.
I notice this is being done with the Daily Mail comments where sometimes you find the most outrageous (contra-DM groupthink) opinions garnering hundreds (even thousands) of ‘green arrows’ in a few hours.
Cookies are certainly not a reliable way of determining if someone has already voted.
Again, thank you for the ITguru detail.
Safari seems to zig while others zag, but I think I can track down the cookies via Preferences.
Zapping those 3 on a regular basis will be no great trial.
As noted, there is much about online likes, voting, etc, based on cookies, and if so easily circumvented, of questionable to zero value.
Again making the BBC’s use of them and reliance on results (when it suits) unsurprising.
You welcome 🙂
This shows the power and intent of Islamic organisations in Birmingham, and the relative political weakness of those who fear the wearing of the niqab/ burqa as a threat to security, and to an educational environment.
This is, of course, but another portent of Britain’s increasingly Islamic future, a future which much of Britain’s political class (inc BBC) want to speed up by supporting entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
Of course, we know how certain Islamic interests are being politically indulged in Britain on a wider scale.
BBC-NUJ is not interested in the U.K Government’s ban on Americans, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, (after all they are not Ethiopian Binyam Mohamed and Saudi Shaker Aamer). Will BBC-NUJ even be interested in the Americans’ Judicial Review appeal? :
“Our Legal Response to the British Ban: Grounds for Judicial Review, to ‘the Queen on the application of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer'”
It seems the main agitator wasthe head of the college’s Black Students group, Aaron Something-or-other (forget his surname) who is an unapologetic leftist with his fingers in a lot of direct-action pies. Shami Chuckerbuttie’s lot were also involved.
Strange how Liberty is given so much airtime for an organisation with only 9,000 members – strange too that was the number of “signatories” on the online petition organised by agitator Aaron.
Liberals, having no values they really believe in, will always, repeat always give way to those who are determind to impose their own values on any institution or society.
The full face veil is just one example amongst many.
Now the liberal can pat himself on the back having demonstrated his reasonableness and his caring inclusive behaviour.
Long term the liberal will always fail as the demands continually increase( gay marriage being a case in point) and the potential for a conservative reaction thus inevitably grows.
Self gratification as always is the liberal’s chief aim.
Liberals have abandoned thought for emotion. it is time to assert reality in this country and abandon them to the past.
“after a protest petition attracted a staggering 8,000 signatures in just 48 hours.”
Is this petition really kosher?
This might shed some light on how it works
As petitions and cookies are under some review for value, may one ask to what this refers, staggeringly?
Entirely legitimately, if perhaps less than ethically, a BBC intranet call could generate 20,000 in minutes if the motivation was there.
Ahh, and there was me thinking decent moral values had finally trumped political correctness. What a bloody shame. I genuinely worry for the future of this country, not necessarily because of the influx of foreigners, but because of the limp wristed attitude of those with power who neglect the opportunity to do something meaningful and in the interest of the British people. Will there ever be a situation where the values and culture of Britain aren’t torn apart in favor of appeasing the Islamic faithful? I fear not.
Islamic jihad is more than Al Qaeda.
Any evaluation of Islamic jihad cannot be limited to Al Qaeda 9/11 2001, and of the present-day.
BBC-NUJ takes a narrow focus:
“Al-Qaeda chief Zawahiri urges ‘lone-wolf’ attacks on US”
By Gordon Corera
Security correspondent, BBC News.
There is a danger in adopting such a narrow focus to misguidedly believe that any apparent lessening of Al Qaeda violence is synonymous with a similar trend in overall Islamic jihad violence, which it isn’t :-
“12-Years After 9/11/2001 And 21,564 Jihad Terror Attacks Later, U.S. Policymaking Elites Are Still in Jihad Denial”
More on the vulnerability of the West to Islamic jihad infiltration which one wonders whether BBC-NUJ will see as being in the public interest to report:-
“2002: FBI tracked jihadist cleric al-Awlaki all the way to the Pentagon, where he gave an address.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Here is still more evidence of the fecklessness, corruption and incompetence of our law enforcement and government elites: the FBI had the jihadist cleric al-Awlaki under surveillance, aware that he was on his way to give a talk at the Pentagon but still concerned enough about him to be watching him.
“Defense Department officials were stupid and self-defeating to host this Islamic jihadist cleric, who ended up inspiring and corresponding with Fort Hood jihad mass murderer Nidal Hasan, the Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and others. But perhaps they were just reading the New York Times, which hailed al-Awlaki on October 19, 2001 as one of ‘a new generation of Muslim leader capable of merging East and West.'”
By Robert Spencer (banned by UK Government).
I waited for the MSM and BBC to give a full report on the bikers ride into Washington DC. Somewhere around a million bikers descend on the capital and at one point measured 55 miles four lanes deep. Some demonstration, compared with the 50 or so Muslims on the one million muslim march. Perhaps the BBC might like to cover the animal rights publicity seeking and celebrity promoting PETA’S unforgettable attempt to scold the bikers for wearing leather. Oh dear. Bikers not PC.
Yes, BBC prefers to propagandise for miniscule agitprop of 10 people against shale gas development-
Actually, ‘About 10 people’.
That a BBC reporter, presumably with both hands, cannot accurately assess such a number, explains much.
You wonder how the intrepid BBC got wind of this mass protest
Time for a lurking journalist to tell us we don’t understand how news works.
Very funny! Something went horribly wrong eh?
From what I’ve seen on friendly net sites, the final number was somewhere around 800,000 bikers. 🙂 This is in comparison to the tens who showed up for the “Million” Muslims March (estimates between 20-50, apparently varying by how many passersby stopped to listen for a couple of minutes).
The 2 Million Bikers event, named as a direct one-upmanship at the Million Muslims March, originated as a protest against Muslims protesting on 9/11, but eventually changed to honoring the lost on 9/11. It took only a couple of weeks of heavy Facebook activity to round up the 800,000 or so bikers. The Muslims had all year to gather their forces. Epic fail.
Since they were not granted a “stop traffic” permit (a parade permit that would have allowed the bikers to cruise through the city with other traffic stopped on their route), they elected to travel around the city on the Washington Beltway. Any bikers who chose to could divert into the city to do whatever. They are, after all, tax-paying citizens free to travel to DC if they wish.
I don’t know if this is true or not, but I heard that it took 7 hours for the bikers to go around the Beltway, from first bike to the last. That certainly sounds like an 800,000 strong contingent. 🙂
It’s amazing, isn’t it, that such a large body of bodies can move around and in the nation’s capitol, yet we’re having a hard time finding any details anyplace other than a few sympathetic online outlets. And none of those would be acceptable as proof to BBC journalists or defenders of the indefensible.
It’s a pretty sad indictment of our media, US and UK.
It is amazing, but not very surprising, I’m afraid. 🙁 Our first TEA Party rally in 2008 was said, by the local rag, to have had “a couple of hundred” participants. Amazingly, the petitions that were passed around that rally somehow managed to garner over 2000 legitimate sigs each. I think the final count on that was around 2200, a very large crowd for a small, Democrat- dominated city. After the rag was excoriated by the people who were there, they stopped bothering to report our rallies at all.
I remember very well that it took at least a month after Santelli’s rant for the national media to admit there was a movement afoot. Until then, it was covered only in local media. And I’m pretty sure the only NY media who covered the first one I attended was the NYU student paper. And I only know that because a very, very upset student was going around interviewing people. She was either ignorant of the cause or trying to trip us up, because she kept asking if what was to become known as ObamaCare and the “Stimulus” had affected us, even though none of it had actually happened yet. I took that as a sign of things to come, and I was right.
The BBC refused to admit this was happening until April 15 when the reality of hundreds of rallies across the country (and the acknowledgment from their friends in the US MSM) forced them to cover it, at which point Kevin Connolly dismissed it all out of hand and insulted the participants with a sexual innuendo.
Thanks for the link to the 2009 article. Unknown to the BBC, they confirmed something my particular TEA Party group has been saying all along. They quoted a man from Syracuse saying, “George W Bush spent too much money and President Obama is just following suit.” Given that our first TEA Party rally I mentioned in my above comment took place in 2008, OUR protest was about Bush’s spending. At that time, Hillary was going to be coronated, and Obama was still, “Bar- Baruk– WHO?” The only anti-Democrat sentiment we expressed was a certainty that Dems would spend more than any Rep. So, in fact, the TEA Party did NOT form up in opposition to Obama– my group existed before Obama was generally known.
Bit off topic maybe, but the BBC more than play their part with this anti-British narrative: ‘Liberals: Britain’s Traitors’
Oh dear-the BBC report the death sentences handed down to those Indian rapists-but , as yet, no call for an end to this barbaric practice by Shami, Clive Stafford-Smith and the usual bleeding hearts-Womans Hour collective…who are normally in the BBC van within minutes of such a “cruel and inhumane sentence”….isn`t that what they ALWAYS say.
Or do the Saddam Rules apply here?
Must be rally confusing being a lefty moptop?…lots of overheating heads tonight in Islington no doubt!
Oooh ! Ooh! : Probably death sentences are a legacy of the nasty Raj. FTFY.
Incidentally, executions in some parts of the India used to be carried out by having the miscreant kneel with his head on a stone block, at which point he was sat on by a trained elephant with predictable, squishy results.
Don’t remember that one the last time I attended Billy Smart’s.
In its preoccupation with the Muslim Brotherhood, INBBC omits this:-
“Egypt: Muslims murder two Christians for refusing to pay jizya”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The jizya is a tax that non-Muslims must pay as a sign of their subjugation to the Muslims, and it is mandated in the Qur’an: ‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.’ — Qur’an 9:29”
Amanpour and Beck.
Clearly, BBC is more politically empathetic towards CNN’s Christiane Amanpour (she was on Marr show last Sunday), than is Glenn Beck:-
( 4 min video clip).
This was Amanpour on CNN, re-Syria –
“CNN Propagandist Amanpour Demands ‘Moral’ Intervention in Syria.
“CNN is a valuable propaganda asset for wars of globalist intervention”
By Kurt Nimmo.
(inc 4 min video clip).
I expect Amanpour will be given even more broadcast time on BBC-NUJ after Beck’s critique, especially as she and her husband have apparently just moved to London.
I mean how many of these people died . Television etiquette amanpour crap I have more intelligent laces
Next time there’s a spike in the License Fee, you’ll know where it’s going…
BBC Radio 5 Live sports team claim : ‘We got loads of texts saying “stop knocking the Qatar World Cup plans.. stop your myopic eurocentric thinking”…’
Really? We’re those “loads of texts” coming from football fans or from the junior common room?
“Oi ref! you myopic bastard!”
“Ere, Dave, you coming to Magaluf with the lads again next summer – or is yer thinking less eurocentric?”
And on same show, the ‘impartial’ Mr Baker, apropos of nothing, at about 10 a.m, suddenly launched into a political assault on what he termed a ‘disgusting arms fair’ going on in London. No counter-view allowed.
But, according to Alistair Osborne, ‘Telegraph’ (£):
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It is a showcase for much of the latest innovations in land, sea and air military technology, as well as for the burgeoning industries involved in cyber security and disaster relief.”
Ah, yes! That Lefty fave the ‘d’-word … again!
Reminds me of the disgusting Amy Rutland of the truly disgusting Labour Party on the disgusting “Question Time” hosted by the rather disgusting David Dimbleby on the disgustingly biased BBC.
Yes-the old farting in the spacesuit, and then thinking that everybody smells the same way.
If only somebody would open the windows at the BBC-that lavender and lilac nosegay surely can`t do for all those parasites who like the smell of blood and fear to be confined to white estates…that allow for danger money, expenses and a chance to be less Eurocentric after |Friday prayers.
If they won`t open the windows-let`s hope some justified rioters want greater access to their studios with the help of a stale ciabatta or two being thrown gaily, if lightly at a disability-friendly window.
Hate crime?…incitement to throw stale bread?…where do I report to refer myself to some waiting quango of loveliness?
“Viewers left disgusted after BBC helps paedophile find a luxury home in Escape To The Country”
Come on…at least the BBC didn`t
a) Give him a caravan and permit to park in the BBC carpark overnight. For forty years
b) Give him access to the medical rooms and showers up in the north west, as well as let him present Eurovision games and news bulletins for 30years.
All the BBC did was to use our money to hopefully send him out of harms way for a while-and film his taking the chance to opt to be nearer a school or a childrens home in Rotherham/Rochdale/Oxford etc.
Islington probably a dodgier bet, now that their Childrens Service Director has now become a Labour MP…or is that even better?
See-“lessons ARE being learned” by our elite…and make the most of this picture-to see a person of colour as a “perp” is getting increasingly rare….usually only whitey gets his mugshot up there.
Leveson soon to stop this I`m sure!
Brown-skinned paedophiles are generally exempt from anti-man guidelines.
Would Clarkson be allowed to mention this on ‘Top Gear’?:-
“Army vet sues Michigan for rejecting his ‘Infidel’ license plate as ‘offensive.'”
Interesting how the goalposts even change to suit the determined to be offended, all of whom seem to resort to ‘official’ measures when other groups adopt a more mature, personal approach.
I recall in Hong Kong the local term for white expats was ‘Gweilo’. It was often not meant in a nice way.
However, the impact of it as an oppressive insult was neutered by everyone simply cheerfully calling themselves just that.
Can’t see various professional victim groups who shall remain nameless doing that, or not getting full BBC outrage support if feeling aggrieved.
“Whites like me can take a joke. Why can’t these ragheads?”
That’s in quotes.
Who are you quoting?
Otherwise, it’s more ‘if you say so’.
A technique the BBC try to use a lot too.
“I don’t understand how TL;DR works”
“I sneer, therefore I am.”
“My inability to address the issue is proof of my intellectual superiority.”
‘Due to its indiscriminate usage by many, tl;dr is frequently considered as spam or meaningless replies.’
Yup & yup. Seems some of the priest cast may have lost their frocks. Again, the BBC must be thrilled to see who they have ‘working’ in their behalves.
“Why use four letters when many more will do?”
Why use any at all when you have nothing to say?
Ban the Burqa.
The only item I have heard recently on INBBC from someone who wants to ban the wearing of the burqa/niqab in public in Britain was on apartheid INBBC Asian Network, where the Tory MP, Mr Phillip Hollobone, was treated like something of a hostile witness:-
(3 min audio clip)-
‘Daily Mail’:-
The veil and a threat to open justice”
“High life of the BBC fatcats: The ex-Deputy DG enjoying his £3.4million pension aged just 55 and the designer-clad payoff queen accused of lying to MPs”
“A Spanish nun has become one of Europe’s most influential left-wing public intellectuals. This year, thousands have joined her anti-capitalist movement, which campaigns for Catalan independence, the reversal of public spending cuts and nationalisation of banks and energy companies”
…raves the BBC website. So a politician pulling the old trick of aligning themselves with several causes (Catalonian independence, feminism, and anti-captialism – an obvious link!) gets a piece applauding her from the Beeb.
“she has been strongly critical of the church and the men who run it…she’s undeniably a political figure on a mission – to tear down international capitalism, and change the map of Spain…For now it seems, Catalonia’s love affair with perhaps the world’s least predictable political figure, is set to run and run”
Have they stopped pretending that they’re impartial yet?
perhaps the world’s least predictable political figure is of course entirely predictable, with her 10-point manifesto saying the state should control everything except for women’s bodies.
No wonder the bBBC loves her.
Have you seen her 10 point plan “drawn up with economist Arcadi Oliveres”? Unbelievable: would last less than a year.
‘The BBC is notoriously quiet about Newsnight’s viewing figures.’
And much else, often using expensive lawyers on the public tab to FOI exclude it.
Not sure forking out to send overpriced bozos to far off lands they know less about than the locals briefing them really helps much to correct anything negative, either.
I’ve just listened to the one o’clock news on Radio 4.
I hear that Nick Clegg’s yet to be announced ‘bag tax’ will be introduced in 2015 in England. There is the small matter of an intervening general election, but never mind.
Usually any announcement of a government policy decision is followed immediately by some special interest group to tell us why it is wrong. This time it is followed by “Keep Britain Tidy” to tell us why Nick has got it right.
I’m curious as to how BBC News decides which policies need opposing and which need backing.
Nothing like ‘positive reinforcement’ by state media.
Unless of course, said media don’t like it. The you get either nothing or the boot in.
Oddly, here’s a report with some comments attached not run through a filter that offer a more rounded view:
No matter what the Tories do, I’m telling my MP that if Clegg & the LD’s are connected to them, they do not have my vote.
Oh-it`s so sweet.
And we`d hate to be behind the Greens, the Scots and the Welsh in this cheridee trawl through the hedgerows.
The BBCs reporting of this was as despicable, vacuous and empty-headed as their perpetual blitz on fast food, on tobacco and on booze…obesity too.
But for cannabis, for Islam and for female foetus abortions….wave them through, and let`s hope it happens soon.
The BBC-lying scum!
I don’t see anything wrong with this policy of charging for plastic bags. Since it was introduced in Wales two years ago there has been a massive drop in the number of discarded bags littering Welsh beaches. Forget the whingeing from the usual selfish hypocrites (me-me-me-I-won’t-do-what-the-government-says-but-I-expect-them-to-clean-up-my-mess).
I come out of Marks and Spencers looking like someone on Crackerjack (the game where if you dropped something you got a cabbage). I am dammed if I am paying 5p for one of their carriers and for the money to be given to a charity of THEIR choice not mine. If each child in the UK gave up just one of their new toys each year I could have my carrier bags. And when I get home I use them for stuff – like wrapping the fish skins off our meals, or to collect and store apples from the garden, or to put in all the peel from peeling a massive number to freeze, or a million or one other things. Sorry – not BBC bias (although the reporting of it was) and rant over.
Why not let innocent people have plastic bags and use prisoners to clean up after the antisocial ones have discarded theirs ?
So people who like me and I presume you, who dispose of there bags responsibly, must be punished for the selfishness of others?
Still that’s in keeping with our counter-Darwinist ,relativist society
Big Headline – for the most important story of the day.
Labour ‘will abolish bedroom tax’ claims Jackie Baillie
note:- claims Jackie Baillie (who she?)
Reading on a bit……
Labour has not set out its policy on cuts to the subsidy for people with unused spare rooms but has called on the UK coalition to drop the changes.
However, a Labour source has told BBC Scotland that Ms Baillie has “gone a bit too far
In other words these are the unofficial rantings of yet another partisan marxist given a platform by the BBC. Why is this not considered a ‘gaffe of biblical proportions’? The BBC and the rest of the left really see this as a core electoral issue. To hell with
The economy
Eternal pointless wars
NHS death cover ups
Green taxation
Overcrowded and expensive transport
Health tourism
Paedo grooming
No Labour and the BBC are going to fight the election on the sectional interests of people who have state funded houses that are too big for their needs. Nobody (so far) has complained that child support ends when the child is eighteen. How does this differ? It really is a storm in a teacup and completely unworthy of any airtime
The Labour beards are so inept and clueless that they won`t even commit themselves to “renationalising” The Post Office if it gets sold off.
Listen to that Eagle beardie on last nights Any Questions…Labour really stand for nothing except for Sharia and the EU superstate.
Amoral quisling jellyfish. Pliable mouldable nomarks.
Has anyone noticed its gone all rather quiet on the hurricane front ! Now 3 months into the season & the Bbc , is usually out in one of the Gulf states of the US , Mexico or a Caribbean Island awaiting a big wind to sweep away all before it . Then out pops an “expert ” `its the worse season in living memory for hurricanes , must be Global Warming , we can see this becoming a regular event , blah blah` , havn`t seen any news on this season at all ,must be El Nino .
I’ve noticed the chronic quietude on the US media front. 🙂
They nearly wet their pants when Hurricane Ingrid turned up off the coast of Africa, but, sadly, it’s probably not going to hit anything. 🙁 POOOR warmistas….
Well… come to think of it, they DID promise us a record- breaking hurricane season this year; unfortunately, they were off in the wrong direction. 😉
“BBC Shields from Further Storms”
A headline written more in pun than hope of delivery, one imagines.
Plus, ‘pubcaster’ is an interesting term.
I envisaged all those £390,000pa types really speaking for the average geezer down the local. But it was not.
I’ve lost track of who are supposed to be the poachers and who are the gamekeepers.
Good article in that words like “Pubcaster” give us the required syntax.
Good to see that word Patten getting the adjective “embattled” before it… funny how the BBC only apply such words to the likes of Mitchell(remember him?, nor do I really) and Clegg…never seems to get attached to BBC personnel no matter how incompetent and venal they are.
Embattled…under-fire…beleaguered…any will do.
Still-at least we have another oxymoron now-as the left refer to “U.S Intelligence”, we can now refer to “BBC Trust”.
What`s the betting that last sentence will be cited to roll another spliff and dream of Marley and Lennon once again there in Beebland?….refer?…reefer…sorted for an “e” mate?
The BBC noticed it’s Yom Kippur, and put together alittle slide show featuring some Sephardic ultra-orthodox pilgrims from Israel taking a new Torah to the shrine of some mystical 19th Century rabbi in Bulgaria. It would have been nice if the BBC could have found some Jews who weren’t engaging in a little idolatry with a Kaballah focus, but that’s just my personal feeling, not a sign of BBC bias.
We should be thankful that the BBC acknowledged the holiday at all, and it would be the height of meanness and arrogance to wish instead for a slide show featuring Jews around the world celebrating in general. I’d make a remark about how the concept of atonement and asking sincerely for forgiveness might be a foreign one to BBC management, but it wouldn’t be appropriate here.
Kaballah you say?
So Madonna…hence the BBCs poptastic interest in this.
“Cover it. Don’t cover it. Whatever. The national broadcaster of another country is always wrong and must be adjusted to suit my tastes.”
As a newcomer to this site (?) you may be unaware that denying David P any legitimacy due to his nationality is a tried, tested and failed play-the-man-not-the-ball tactic of BBC-defending trolls through the ages (most of whom have now disappeared from this site upon realising that, just like the Japanese soldiers on remote pacific islands in the 1970’s, even the senior executive whose orders they are so diligently following have long ago capitulated – something that will, incidentally, happen to you too).
Can’t the deny the skill in constructing a one line sneer without reading the post being sneered at.
Unique, almost.
Have to say, I like this guy’s style more than a little at times…
Certainly his insights into the weird world of BBC top floor talenthood are always good value.
Danny Boy’s ‘They love me; they love me not’ box-ticker certainly a great use of time and money.
‘Last night’s schedules on both BBC3 and BBC4 boasted only two programmes that weren’t repeats, neither made by the BBC.’
All great value, one is sure, once deductions for compo, buy-offs, etc deducted first. But isn’t selling the same thing over and over fraud?
PM program Saturday 17.30 and some leftie is wheeled on to criticise the EDL, the statement is made by the announcer that 150 people were arrested at an EDL demo, but failed to say that these were all members of the extremist counter demonstrators.
This gave a completely distorted impression of the article leading listeners to the impression that the EDL were a violent group – away from the truth that the real violence were the followers of the United Association of Fascism.
Yes just listened to this. He appears to struggle to find anything bad about them, it is all down to the public perception. now I wonder where that came from?
It would be nice to have had some mention of the UAF, did his group monitor them too, if so what did they find?
Disclaimer – I have no truck with the EDL, my concern is about the bias of the BBC…………………
Do you think the “The Woolwich Incident” referred to in this programme could have been the brutal assault by two individuals on a serving soldier in the street. Was that the Woolwich incident? If so why has it been airbrushed out and replaced with this hideous euphemism; it is hardly surprising that people got a bit upset
The person interviewed said some relevant things
1) The treat wasn’t that bad really – restricted to some name calling and people feeling a bit uncomfortable (I imagine I would feel like that near a football stadium on a saturday afternoon)
2) The EDL didn’t play fair – they stuck entirely within the law
3) Lots of people “liked” them on facebook after “the Woolwich incident”
4) Counter demonstrations often caused violence…
Basically the programme said that these people were extremists even though they behaved lawfully and in a non violent non racist manner. So, they are extremists not for what they do but what the BBC suspect they think.
Can we have a programme next week about homicidal NHS doctors* and their driving habits or student nutters forcing universities to segregate men and women…………………
*I am excluding Dr Assad, NHS consultant opthalmic surgeon as he is getting quite a bit of air time
The guy being interviewed was said to be a former member of an enti-domestic extremist group. He obviously had experience of the EDL. But how could he and the BBC omit any mention of the UAF – which is responsible for far more violence ? And why didn’t he point out that most of the recent arrests were of UAF people and Islamists ?
“I would vote EDL if I could.”
Just vote UKIP instead, they are pretty much the same.*
*According to the BBC.
Yours and the account of JimS have to for now be taken as subjective, so if it can be sampled and shared there is value in others having a chance to assess too, if inevitably including those who simply end up too rude; without value.
I’m especially interested in the semantic play-acting going on if the fact of arrests was spun to create an appearance that these were of EDL members, when in fact it seems it was those raised in force against them, backed by the Prime Minister and state media organ.
Coordinated propaganda of this nature at such levels has a very poor precedent.
bBC news24 Jeremy Bowen – “The pro-western opposition forces”
What planet is this joker on? I swear he’s still got some birdshot in his bonce from Egypt.
‘The enemy of my enemy is… oo… look, squirrel…’
Say it often enough Jezza; say it often enough.
It may even work this time round.
He’s market rate for sure. And a talent.
Not too sure what it may be for, mind.
He means those who are happy to accept weapons and support from the US.
“Reporters shot in the line of duty make me laugh.”
Saw an item the other night on Russia Today about the fighting in the Christian town of Malloula. The young female reporter was actually in the thick of the action with the Syrian Army, advancing under fire and taking the same risks as the soldiers. The reporter’s sound engineer was hit in the head by a ricocheting bullet, luckily only grazing his forehead, but bleeding profusely. The young female reporter sounded calm under fire and deserves a lot of respect for putting herself in the firing line – something you don’t see many BBC reporters doing.
“I have no sense of humor when it comes to people I hate.”
Notes on the changes to Political satire on the BBC from the past, after listening to Radio 4 at 12.30.
(1) From anti-establishment to pro-establishment satire.
(2) From anti-political to pro-Left-wing satire.
(3) From funny to embarrassingly strange satire.
At one point, someone made a joke about Murdoch being the second most powerful person in Britain, so powerful that the impression was given that the panel and audience where hideously white because all the foreigners had been expelled from London by Rupert Murdoch.
A comment from the family was “Did not Murdoch support the New Labour government while mass immigration was being enacted” “YES, political satire is only funny if it has a grounding in truth”.
So we switched the Radio off.
“By “we” I mean me and my mother.”
that’s you that is, nah nah nah
Rushed to my in-box via email:
‘Three woman, aged 27, 20 and 19, and men aged 49 and 19 have been arrested.’
In addition to the reporting value of such composition, which would make Tulip weep at its investigative depth, there is also that new multiculturally diverse way with phrasing such reports see added, from the new breed of professionals now assigned to such cases.
Isn’t it?
Here we go…The people that the BBC’s beloved Obama wishes to defend, showing their humanity right now in Syria…
Sick, sick, sick, sick…
And this, may I assume, was done to a British soldier on the streets of London, followed by Cameron and Clegg’s expression of support for the ROP.
Ah, but William Vague is able to rationalise his choice of who to support by the earth shattering logic that atrocities occur on both sides, so that’s all right then.
What a wanker!
“Dewani Uncle Criticises BBC Over Documentary.
A programme casting doubt on the case against a man accused of murdering his wife has angered the family of his alleged victim.”
Now there was I thinking the BBC were so strict in adhering to sub judice rules that they were forbidden to use the word “murder” in connection with ‘the Woolwich incident’
Seems I am wrong.
Maybe there’s An. Exemption (of A. Unique Nature) that we are unaware of?
that video above shows the reality of the fake syrian army al qaeda evil pigs,why is this reality not shown on prime time tv maybe then people will wake to why president assad is fighting these terrorist invaders in his country.arm assad not al qaeda.
So we have a wonderfully vibrant and multiculturaly wonderful ‘suspicious death’ in Leicester and the BBC doing absolutely everything possible to avoid the facts of what has happened.
We are told that a black football coach Antoin Akpom was murdered and that the arson attack on the house was ‘mistaken identity’. So like in Russia in Communist times we have to read between the lines, of what isn’t said more than what is.
It seems that Pakistani Moslems must have killed Mr Akpom, but they being the lefts brown eyed boys, and as the Labour canvasser told me ‘Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do’ the BBC has ‘neglected’ to mention their involvement.
As for Doctor who moved his family so they could study at an Islamic school and whose son managed to learn the contents of a book in a language he didn’t even speak – well done ! If you hadn’t been such a religious maniac your family might still have been alive and your son might have done some thing useful with his life.
“…the BBC doing absolutely everything possible to avoid the facts of what has happened.”
The ‘facts’ aren’t known ‘thoughtful'[sic]. It is still under investigation. Three people possibly connected to Akpom’s murder have been arrested, but as yet no one has been charged and the police have not revealed their identities.
“We are told that a black football coach Antoin Akpom was murdered and that the arson attack on the house was ‘mistaken identity’.”
Erm, no. We are told (by the BBC and every other news outlet) that the police think the two crimes may be connected.
“As for [the] Doctor… well done! If you hadn’t been such a religious maniac your family might still have been alive and your son might have done some thing useful with his life.”
One of the most crass and thoroughly disgusting remarks I’ve read on this site for quite a while.
what a troll you are dez, dont you even bother to read or watch the news. police and bbc saying no link between the 2 incidents as stewarts bbc link confirms
please keep up to date with whats happening in the news. maybe then you wont look like such an ignorant twat
Thanks for the link Stewart and what it says:
“It was suggested the fire could have been a revenge attack but neighbours of the Taufiq family in Wood Hill said they believed it could have been a case of mistaken identity.”
What you are suggesting Dez is that this was a case of mistaken identity that they even managed to mistake the race / religion of the people targeted !
Just because the BBC is keeping deliberately quiet doesn’t mean we can’t put two and two together ! You know like they had to do in other fine socialist countries where news was controlled like the Soviet Union !
We know that the father moved his family to Leicester so his children could be religiously indoctrinated / brainwashed. Perhaps you can tell me how someone who has learned the Qur’an by memory in a language he cannot understand is of any use at all to society ?
I wonder if you’ve actually met any of these people? I doubt it somehow, it’s all just the usual rose tinted fluffy loveliness of the leftie mind set which does everything it can to avoid reality !
And before the ministry redacts it, article heads up with
“It remains linked with the man’s death in an attack but friends say they fear the family were targeted by mistake”
Still facts are only a social construct
Dez, that reply really has just verified that you’re a spokesman of some sort for the BBC. The content of what you wrote and how it came across mirrored that of a complaints ombudsman.
Oh, please, dez. You think everything everyone here says is the most crass and thoroughly disgusting thing you’ve read in quite some time.
And you wouldn’t think it so crass and thoroughly disgusting if one of your friends said that about an Evangelical Christian.
Peaky Blinders. Yet another ‘must-see’ Beeb drama or so we’re told. Watched the first 10 minutes, and in that first 10 minutes was enough lefty agitprop to put me off, even if the rest of it could make a decent story.
But I’m near certain it won’t. I suspect it’ll be more of the same; ie saintly workers vs evil bosses. A feeble childish fable, an earnest studenty narrative that the beeb have been fixated on since the 1960s.
“I only watched the first ten minutes and didn’t even understand that.”
that’s you that is, nah nah nah
Self censorship only allowed to cut one way?
Beeboid and Guardianista Mark Kermode:
‘…Shame, then, that the script promptly shoots itself in the equal-ops foot with some repellently ill-judged rapey “humour”, promptly undermining any residual goodwill. This sour taste taints the entire third act….’
Judging on the photo the BBC splashed on its website one wonders whether this took place in Britain or Pakistan?
And yet watching extended highlights of Leicester vs Wigan, with numerous camera shots of the crowd, I struggled to spot a single ‘Asian’ face. And this in a city which is now at least half Muslim.
This obvious lack of integration never seems to concern the BBC.
Muslim + Paedos = BBC Censorship.
i’ll correct your intro
Muslim + Paedos + immigrant = BBC Censorship.
“Leonard Smith QC, defending Nabeel Ahmed, said: ‘The good part of Nabeel Ahmed is that the very day he came to this country he has worked and worked hard.
‘His family have been dependent on him right up until he came into custody.”
deport his family now, then him once he has done his time
“Muslim + Paedos = BBC Censorship”
Naeem and Nabeel Ahmed jailed for raping teenager
The Mail gives full details of how young girls gave evidence that these men were running a prostitution ring – using girls in care. Sounds like another grooming case ?
The BBC skims over most of this., and treats it as a rape case on one 18-year-old. I would call that censorship.
John Anderson,
“I would call that censorship.”
East London men charged over child prostitution
Essex County Council girls in care ‘were prostituted’
Naeem and Nabeel Ahmed guilty of rape
has this been reported on the tv where most people get their news? i havnt seen it.
just because the bbc put it on a few of their web pages does not excuse their censorship of this muslim paedos
Well, Dez, I think you are making a strong case for censorship :
14 December – “Men charged over child prostitution and rape”
6 June – “A girl in care was raped and prostituted”
20 July – “Guilty of raping an 18 year old woman”
The story has really softened as time went on…. also, I get the impression that the ‘girl, aged 17′ who gave evidence, is the same person as the ’18 year old woman’ mentioned in the latest article. This is extremely misleading – on that basis Saville would be innocent because his victims are now in their fifties!
From the corporation that brought you ”it was a different time’.
The BBC has clear form in this regard.
Even with their complaints, where they can straight faced blame their own system delays (of years) for ‘losing’ archive materials, or ‘forgetting’ things (see also: entire BBC market rate top floor), or point at responses to them issuing multi-page documents as taking too much time for them to read.
In short, cynical attrition based techniques hard to counter or, often , prove.
Especially when, just for fun, they can ‘evolve’ stories from originals (page capture and newsniffer help here) or wheel in an FOI exemption lawyer if really rattled on evidenciary proof.
Dez has just advertised ‘Nothing To See Here’, a 3-part series which follows the case of the only group of men to be ever involved in the gang-rape and pimping of vulnerable young girls.
Thanks BBC.