Well then, great hatchet job by the BBC on UKIP today, contrasting nicely with their slabbering sycophantic coverage of Clegg and the gang. I caught the BBC 5 live afternoon coverage…the MOST important story in the world for several hours and a great way to ensure UKIP are damaged. Bloom may not be coming up roses for UKIP but the reaction from the MSM in general, and BBC in particular, has been gleeful.
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Guido, the Mail, Spectator, Telegraph and the blogosphere have all pursued this with glee. You may be a lonely voice on this one.
Has David rewritten his comment o did you not read his last sentence?
“… or did you not read his last sentence?”
BBC SOP: if context does not suit, ignore it.
Works a treat. Well, for a faithful 23 others hard of handling English as it is wrote, at least.
Yes, however I presume (to suspect) political leanings came into the minds of 20 or so of those likes.
Oh, and did they chase Bloom down the street waving a copy of the conference programme asking why there wasn’t a single black/coloured/coffee-coloured (or whatever the term used by the BBC is these days to sustain their sickening, racist obsession with colour) face on the front?
Mary Whitehouse would have been proud of the campaigning fortitude of the BBC reporter, as well as struck by his prissy old woman similarities.
No pictures of Hasidic jews or dwarfs or pygmies either.
No, but neither did the BBC. Crick is Channel 4 and the other idiot chasing Bloom down the road was a local newspaper reporter.
Channel 4 – same thing. Leftist pro-EU pro-mass immigration anti-British scumbags.
… And part funded by the licence fee too.
Crick was employed on BBC’s Newsnight for years before jumping ship to fellow travelling Channel 4 News only recently. Old Beeboid habits die hard for someone like Crick.
Let’s face it Crick likes smearing any politician who isn’t a member of the Labour Party. Remember Crick having to eat humble pie after his salacious report on Ian Duncan Smith’s wife being employed at taxpayers’ expense ( something routine with Labour MPs) when his allegations were found to lack evidence?
Crick is one of the worst type of partisan, shit stirring hack.
That CTC can claim a gotcha (and snag 15 other likes from the cubicles) for setting BBC agenda against an ex-Newsnight staffer now washed up at Ch4, shows how desperate the cherry vultures now are.
Once Mason is on board one can only imagine the revisionism that will kick in too.
You know when the Guardian begin to comment on someone’s far left credentials that something has gone a bit wrong !
So we see Ex BBC leftie Michael Crick (Guardian “it is clear that he is as pro-Labour as it is possible to get.”)
Until recently Crick was the Political Commissar, sorry Editor, for BBC Newsnight and previously a reporter for BBC Panorama and so is well steeped in the BBC Indoctrinated Mentality.
Just who is Guido’s pay master? That blog used to be entertaining and informative, the majority of which was impartial. A nice relief from the garbage printed in mainstream news sources. Now, (especially today) it just seems to dig away at UKIP for anything and everything.
Interesting use of ‘impartial’. Guido has always been a libertarian who sticks it to the lefties. That hasn’t changed. Of course, the second he says anything unflattering about UKIP he must be deeply suspect.
Interesting omission of ‘the majority of which’.
He’s never been impartial. At all.
Whoa, steady with the absolutes. Dez and Albaman won’t like it.
Speaking of whom… Well earned rests? Pursuing other options? Or, simply, sidestepping on full whack for the stress of being utter pants and getting pwned daily?
Still, CTC seems to be doing a bang-up job trying to rehash daft arguments that didn’t fly the last time, so as the BBC’s current anchor here can only be good value.
Guido is the ultimate gossip based ratings whore, and will out his granny if it serves.
That most of his scoops revolve around the rank hypocrisy of millionaire socialists & their pet PR agency does seem to irk some, and for this he does have value.
It isn’t David’s job to be impartial. The nature of this blog is to point out the bias the BBC shows. David isn’t tax-funded by law, unlike the BBC.
Same goes for Guido.
I’m not sure he was ever impartial, but would expose corruption and hypocrisy whatever the party. Until recently he was very supportive of UKIP but something has changed recently. Perhaps orders from The Sun, in which he has a column?
More likely ‘helpful suggestions’ from Tory High Command.
Guido has certainly lost his edge in recent months. I don’t mind hm attacking UKIP (or anyone else) but when he starts sounding like CH 4 ‘News’ he has a real problem.
Guido’s blog is now edited in the main by Harry Cole, conservative supporter with a direct line to Conservative Party Headquarters. Regular visitors to the blog will have seen many accusations by some posters that quite a few of the stories now appearing on the site seem to have come straight from spinners at CCHQ.
The site definitely has deteriorated under Cole’s editorship.
In which case money & power have worked their corrupting magic again.
Sad, but not a great loss. I seldom was interested in the ‘analysis’ at Guidos, but if a they share the fact of another Labour spinner impartially being invited to join the BBC on £300k without any silly advertising publicly, there is still value to bookmarking.
not wise words from godfrey but wait for the backlash on stephen nolans show tonight at 10 pm on radio 5 live,the bbc hate ukip and there will be a hatefest of guests on nolans show tonight demonising ukip,as usual at 12am nolans news review panel they will hav the boring resident guests mohammed shafiq andf the fake pretend conservative pompous annoying gerry hayes pouring out there bile and hatred against ukip and calling them sexist racist and islamphobic
Opening line from Nolan to UKIP MEP Roger Helmer : “You’re party’s a joke, isn’t it?”
Not a comment you’ll find the BBC aiming at The Green Party, their 28gate partners in crime.
That “Joke” party would win the popular vote if there were a snap election tomorrow…the mainstream have lost our trust, possibly permanently…and rightly so.
Britain needs some hopey-changey stuff, but not the hopey-changey shite that the overlord Obama gave.
Pardon Mr Nolan? It’s the BBC that’s a joke. And not a very funny one at that. One minute, what’s this on the floor (pantomime gesture) Oh Stephen, its your Socialist Workers Party membership certificate. Only joking, its your taxi expense claim form. Gosh, you BBC get around a lot don’t you.
These BBC droids need it stuck back to them straightaway for the scum they are. Why do these dopey people want to be loved by the BBC? They are hated and always will be. Give them a retaliatory double barrel.
“Opening line from Nolan to UKIP MEP Roger Helmer : “You’re party’s a joke, isn’t it?””
So, going for a Mair, but without the incisive underlying wit?
Seems to be on similar untouchable ground, mind.
The BBC loved UKIP when the BBC thought that UKIP could only secure enough votes in enough marginals to stop the tories, without actually gaining any power or influence themselves.
Now that UKIP have polled at 24% in a genuine national poll and still look most likely to win the European elections outright in their own right, the BBC are shitting bricks and have gone into full attack/ridicule mode.
Hypocritical BBC. There are no white faces on the BBC Asian Network website. In fact why have a BBC Asian network anyway?
-To politically comply with immigrant ‘Asian’ lobby, which is part of Beeboids’ ‘multicultural’ open-door mass immigration, burqa agenda.
D.G Thompson promised to close apartheid ‘Asian Network,’ but he reneged on that promise too.
add to that (although not directly involved with the BBC) the national black police association. Why on Earth is there a need for this?
And the Black Lawyer Assc.
And the MOBO awards.
This story took up the first fifteen minutes on The World Tonight.
To hear Bloom described as a “leading member of the party” is laughable-he`s not elected in any way is he? Just a blazer with a quirky turn of phrase-which would mean nothing unless the BBC were intent on digging out Farages school reports( so much for child protection eh?).
Utterly desperate stuff from the BBC and the like-as if McBrides book isn`t more typical of our political class at work…but the BBC would rather we not look too deeply into those shenanigans( to protect tomorrows hoped-for paymasters!).
Syria?….Islam?…immigration?…Daniel Pelka?…fish and chip paper apparently!
The BBC really ought to be placed where the Costa Concordia now lies…the BBC lie all the time.
FWIW I agree this story has been overblown. As for Bloom – he’s an MEP and Defence spokesman, so ‘leading member’ is justified, I’d say.
Ah come on now!
MEP?….could anybody name theirs…and weren`t they just nominees from party lists after PR-type arrangements?
Not that I know to be honest-but it`s simply irrelevant and especially to UKIP surely as an EU-hostile party.
Defence spokesman?…any of us here able to recall this?..is he an EU Defence Spokesman or just UKIPs mouthpiece on it?
I`m not getting at you CTC-I just have never heard of him outside of daft comments.
That said, he did take on Channel 4 well eough a few weeks back about something-looks like Victor Meldrew as I recall.
Think my point stands-a supreme irrelevance of a “political figure”…but thanks for telling me of those titles…only in UKIP would such an oaf get minutes of Beeb time( which was probably what he wanted).
Your post suggested that “leading member of UKIP” was an inaccurate description. It further claimed that he was not elected. He is in fact one of Farage’s inner circle, has one of the front bench briefs and has been an MEP for several years. On that basis your first post was laughably off the mark, which was all I pointed out.
It`s called “majoring on minors”.
Bloom is an irrelevance in a Mickey Mouse party…but that is only for now.
The issues they raise are going to need addressing-and for the BBC and your kind to try to make a mountain out of this silly little story only shows how “laughably” out-of touch you are.
Only the BBC-and your likes-would see this as any kind of story….I post elsewhere about the BBC /Guardian glorying in those “slutwalks” last year…and don`t recall anybody being held to account for this.
Bloom was just joking…and it`s a non-story, especially as Egypt/Syria etc continue.
If I were you, I`d keep your laughs to those who are trying to be funny-like Hardy, Toksvig, Steel etc…”off the mark” would imply that I check or care.
Only you and your likes do-far better to mock the likes of Bloom rather than take on the EU/Immigration stuff that may not be so funny if and when people more serious decide that the BBC need to be scared…Islam is showing the way, don`t reckon you think that`ll be funny though eh?
nolan gave roger helmer a hard time, but gave dianne abbot a easy comfy ride over the bedroom tax.nolan is labour party left wing biased lackie
Why the surprise? Abbott was also given an easy ride when she made racist comments about Finnish nurses, London cabbies, and her championing of why Nigerian mums are better than British ones. I don’t recall any hack chasing her down the street, looking for an explanation
Yet another example of the one-sided bigotry practised by our media
Brilo gave her a very hard time about the black mums bit and the private school hypocrisy, which she clearly resented.
But from the truly inflammatory ‘blue eyed’ nurses quote she got off Scott free -context I suppose
Abbot was talking about West Indian mums not Nigerian – she was defending her decision to send her son to a private school. Her argument was that West Indian mums are more caring, and therefore (because she identifies herself as a West Indian) it was not hypocritical of her to attack (as she has in the past) people who send their children to private schools.
Because of her intimate knowledge of West Indian culture she also explained that she was concerned that her son might join a violent gang of black youths.
Indeed the west Indian mums gaff could be construed as her trying to dig herself out of a hole unsuccessfully
But the mostly overlooked ‘MY constituents don’t want to see WHITE nurses’ is far more sinister on many levels
(sorry for higher case don’t usually resort to them but think it is important here)
Godfrey Bloom MEP is doing a sterling job on the European Parliament’s Women’s Committee by standing up for men’s rights, as there isn’t a Men’s Committee on which he can do this. He gets no media publicity for this.
Talk about double standards. The feminist brigade think they can launch ad hominem attacks on him at will, but the moment he calls them “sluts” he gets immediate coverage.
Maybe he should say “bongo-bongo-land” again so that he can become even better known, or try on Farage’s Hitler moustache, kindly pixellated onto his face by a BBC Media City mincer, angry at having to commute from Hampstead.
Incidentally, why does the BBC sack most of its female broadcasters when they get past f*ckable age?
Feminists object to sexist language, with some justification, though they overstate the case. So ‘chairman’ has to become ‘chair’ even though ‘chairwoman’ is available. ‘Mankind’ may be changed to ‘humankind’. ‘Headmaster’ and ‘Headmistress’ give way to ‘head’, which is shorter too.
So, my question: instead of ‘ad hominem’, can we expect ‘ad mulierem’ or ‘ad feminam’ to appear in future when the argument is personalised against a female?
One for Harriet Har, methinks.
The origin of the word ‘slut’ is not certain [*] but it is an ambivalent word, and not only etymologically. The current standard meaning seems to be ‘dirty’ with a sexually promiscuous connotation and applying to women; but ‘dirty’ can also mean just that, tolerant of physical dirt in the home, on clothes, etc. Bloom was talking about cleaning behind the fridge, and so was referring to physical dirt; but, of course, he got the laughs because ‘slut’ is primarily a term of sexual (and sexist) abuse. It was just a joke, though not a well judged one in these PC times, with the BBC and others eager to pounce.
[*] Compare with the old word ‘slattern’, which also denotes dirty but, I think, with less of a sexual connotation. A ‘slattern’ was perhaps originally a woman who was likely to slatter food or broth when serving, pouring or preparing, and so, by extension, someone dirty in general. Think also of ‘sloppy’, now used about grammar or academic research or even sports performance among others, but literally denoting someone who was likely to slop things.
Are many people that bothered by a throw away jokey comment at a fringe meeting? Im not.
I’d guess 99% are not, but this is a high ranking member of UKIP we are talking about and as such is near the top of the BBC/lefts hit list and so we get a mole hill turned into Everest.
Some people will say he should have known this may happen with such a joke and not said it. But to me that’s letting the BBC/left PC brigade win and the end of free speech as we know it.
I don’t understand how as a nation we all forgot that we have the right to be offended! And I don’t get how we have forgotten the old song “sticks and stones my brake my bones, but names will never hurt me!”.
People (and I’m talking to the left wing whiners here) need to grow the hell up and realise that life isn’t all flowers, bunnies and sherbet rainbows. People will say things you don’t like, that upset you or make you face things you don’t want to because they don’t fit into your life view.
That’s life, accept this and you’ll get on and find things a lot easier, don’t and you’ll forever be the unhappy whining little lefty that you are now.<
Bloom certainly is a bit of a loose cannon and has an unfortunate habit of giving the MSM just the soundbite they need to throw mud at his party, which most of them, notably C4 and bBBC, are very keen to do.
By all accounts, he is quite a reasonable MEP and it would be a pity to see him leave UKIP, who could do with more MPs/MEPs, not less.
That said, Farage is struggling against the same MSM to present his party as a serious alternative to the many wavering voters. Remarks like the “slut” thing and the “Bongo bongo” bit are pretty harmless of themselves, but present their opponents with an opportunity to lampoon the party and try to undermine its credibility. And let’s face it, that’s pretty much all they’ve got, because on a straight one-for-one policy debate, the LibLabCon pro-EU, pro-immigration, pro-AGW, pro-big government side will lose every time, because their position IS untenable, anti-English, anti-white and amounts to slow economic and cultural suicide. Which, of course, is why a straight policy debate is the last thing any of them actually want.
Bloom threw away a golden opportunity when the reporter challenged him about the absence of “black faces” in the pamphlet. A cleverer man could have used that to open the debate on why all the other parties and the media generally, particularly Al Beeb and C4, feel the need to over-represent “black, brown and coloured faces” to the point that every pamphlet, every TV ad, every TV programme HAS to include at least one, for fear of attracting just the sort of challenge he was facing. A debate on tokenism and creeping subliminal PC bigotry would have caused the other parties and the MSM as much discomfiture as UKIP are now facing, because they are all guilty of it and we see the results on our screens daily. They either think we’re so dense we don’t notice or they don’t care whether we do or not.
Bloom’s frustration with the reporter was understandable. Many of us share it and are sick and tired of this kind of PC drivel, but hitting him over the head with the pamphlet instead of destroying him verbally really does just play into their hands and they have relished the open goal presented to them over the last 24 hours.
Farage had to do something and withdrawing the whip was probably the least he could do. Hopefully, it will encourage Bloom and others to keep a lid on it, at least in part. But we are clearly going to see a lot more of this over the coming months.
On a little side note of something that you pointed out David:
When interracial couples are shown on TV, or any other medium, it appears to me that white girls cannot get enough of black knobbler, you never see a black girl married or paired up with a white bloke.
(Halifax football manager advert, Samsung phone adverts, and many others I cannot be arsed to name…)
Cue some lefty wet with one advert showing white bloke with black girl to prove me wrong….ya know the drill.
I think it’s more to do with the preconceptions and personal prejudices of the Beeboids and the Tristrams and Felicities who run the rest of the MSM, rather than reflecting reality (which, let’s face it, doesn’t intrude in their lives that much).
They don’t like to see a white bloke with a black chick……..smacks too much of the massa rogering girls on his plantation.
I think they see it as a whole power thing, and as we all know, they are pathologically desperate to empower black men at any price……….look at that muppet they put in the White House, for God’s sake…..
That lefty wet will have to look hard Chop, you are quite right it cannot be by coincidence
. David’s explanation is the one used by the liberal patrician class ( of which so called ‘creatives’ are a part) among themselves, but I believe their Iconography betrays a deeper subconscious motivation
Only certain people have an inalienable right not to be offended. Everyone else must square their “broad shoulders” and roll with it.
You’re shooting the messenger.
Mark thompson never prmoised to close the Asian Network.
The big screen which pixelated wasn’t even a BBC screen. Pixelation happens.
Anything else I can put you right on?
Good luck redifining ‘slut’. Haha.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
1a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
2 dated a woman with low standards of cleanliness.
But then, Bloom came from a different time, when the teaching and use of English was a little more rigorous.
Are these the real, present-day sluts, which BBC-NUJ is reluctant to mention?:-
“Tunisia’s ‘sex jihadis’ who were sent to Syria to have sex with 100 rebels EACH are coming home pregnant with their children.
“Tunisian government minister reveals women who travelled to Syria to comfort Islamist opposition fighters in sexual jihad are returning pregnant.
“Lotfi ben Jeddou said women return home after ‘having sexual relations with 20,30,100’ front-line fighters.
“Minister insisted border security has been tightened to restrict young people from travelling to war-torn country.
“Earlier this year a group of girls reportedly went to rebel-held Northern Syria to offer themselves in ‘sexual jihad.’
“Religious orders or ‘fatwas’ were reportedly circulated online calling on women to take part.
‘and use of English was a little more rigorous’
Careful, you are addressing the BBC’s self-appointed grammar-taunter here.
In passing, he seems to have introduced a new quirk whereby surnames need no longer be capitalised.
If not, that would simply be funny.
Karma happens too.
The BBC didn’t any luck in ignoring the context in which it was said. Bloom jokes about an old remark of his about women cleaning behind fridges, women present say they don’t clean behind fridges either, Bloom makes slut joke, everybody laughs. What could he have meant? Cleanliness or sexuality?
It’s dangerous for our society and our freedoms that Mr Bloom is attacked in this way. He made a joke, people thought it funney, women included. We know the hacks who pursued and abused him are hypocrites and sensation seeks at best. At worst, and especially in the case of the BBC their aim and intention is to close down any opinion which differs from their Marxist/PC view; thus they find an opportunity to attack UKIP with this pretext.
Those who do it are the enemies of freedom. And the fact the Farage chose to slap him down shows how he too, in spite of his claims is becoming a prisoner; he has succumbed to the orthodoxy, or is cynically using the event to get rid of Bloom with whom he had a recent row. If he is it doesn’t say much for his true character.
It was no surprise that the BBC TV news last night decided to lead off with the Godfrey Bloom incident (no doubt a tough decision for those paragons of ‘world-class reporting’ at the Corporation to make). It was quite apparent to even the most generous viewer that the BBC was having a ball, liberally spraying their in-studio and outside broadcast reporting with repeated use of the ‘slut’ word – one assumes for added effect.
Hardly the BBC’s finest hour especially given that this morning – according to Sky News, at least – this earth-shattering ‘lead story’ hardly found its way onto the front pages of any national newspaper. Still, the BBC’s news agenda, eh? Gotta laugh, I suppose.
More serious, for those of us who remain UKIP supporters, is Mr Bloom’s continued idiocy in front of the cameras. This man has to go – his constant public buffoonery merely undermines UKIP’s standing with the ‘undecideds’ in the country and I sincerely hope Mr Farage finds the courage to boot Mr Bloom out of the party altogether. Frankly, I find it irritating that morons like him continue to snipe away at the Party (wittingly or not) and thereby provide its critics (not least of which being the ever-ready BBC) with a useful supply of hand grenades with which to bombard UKIP with.
I’m not one for conspiracy theories, and i too am a UKIP member. However, i just can’t understand why Bloom keeps dragging the parties name through the mud. Stupid? naive to these PC times? It just seems too common an occurrence for it to be these and would not be surprised if he’s been planted/payed to trash the parties name.
Sometimes just planting my screen name below a comment is all the comment I need to make.
Indeed it is an expression of your wilful state of denial , and clear indication that you are impervious to any argument that contradicts your orthodoxy
In that case I take it all back. It is entirely plausible that one of UKIP’s most prominent and long serving MEPs is an establishment plant, and there is no possibility that this is simply a ludicrous conspiracy theory.
Analysis confirmed, I commented purely on your hubristic nom de plume ,not on the plausibility of Beez’s conspiracy theory ,which by the way I believe was ‘tongue in cheek’ But you couldn’t see past your deeply rooted prejudices and assumed that that was my position
Are your knees sore from crashing into the underside of your desk or do you wear pads of some sought?
I ask out of concern only, deep concern
‘Sometimes just planting my screen name below a comment is all the comment I need to make. ‘
I haven’t noticed appearing after any 28gate posts.
it appearing…
“Sometimes just planting my screen name below a comment is all the comment I need to make.”
Awesome. Can see that one catching on across the teleprompters of the BBC.
In passing, either the bots don’t do irony or the the other cubicles really are that thick.
More serious, for those of us who remain
UKIP supporters, is Mr Bloom’s continued
idiocy in front of the cameras.
Precisely. The context of “sluts” was harmless, if highly ill-advised given he should have known how the BBC would portray it. The failure of the BBC to put it in any context (at least in any headlines I heard) was unacceptable, but so was hitting Michael Crick on the head. Buffoons like him need to go.
Sorry I think your wrong ,Joe public (of which I proud to be a member) feel some empathy for politicians who react in ways they might themselves – remember Prescott handing out a black eye? did him no harm at all
I think Nigel has seized the opportunity to rid himself of an internal rival -that’s ‘politics’ (with a small p) I guess they all do it.
I agree. It was one of the few things Prescott did that I agreed with and made him seem a bit more human, at least.
After all, some berk decides to chuck an egg at you from close range, the first IA has to be “here….have some of this…”
Bloom’s reaction was entirely understandable also, when confronted with a non-question about a non-issue from some PC Nazi, but as I posted elsewhere, a missed opportunity to bounce the ball back at him and an indicator that maybe Bloom isn’t as sharp as he could be.
UKIP is a fast-growing party, after a slow start that saw them spending years finding their feet. During that time, their pool of candidates will not have been huge, because their membership was small.
There will have been a lot of making-do with the least worst options. I gather Nigel Farage’s predecessor was one such (and still bears a grudge). I expect this will be the first of a number of the Old Guard being eased out as better and slicker candidates present themselves over the coming months. No doubt the Beeb and the rest of the MSM will assist by dredging up every bit of dirt, no matter how microscopic (the school reports thing, for instance……..how desperate can you get?).
What Nigel will have to guard against will be taking in too many “career politicians” as he tries to improve the party’s talent pool. Much of UKIPs appeal comes from its freshness and lack of party political taint. Lose that at your peril.
‘liberally spraying their in-studio and outside broadcast reporting with repeated use of the ‘slut’ word’
If he could just have made it more Roman in origin, like ‘pleb’, then there would not have been a surface round and about that could have avoided a good mop down.
Presuming the suffix ‘gate’ was thought open, as it were, to unfortunate additional humour, so they didn’t go there, again, as it were?
Surprised Tulip has not been deployed beyond her R1 readerouterette and World Health ‘reporting’ expertise, to add Old White Guy Outrage Editor. She seems equally well qualified and ticks all the boxes.
Could the BBC have taken the lead from the 2012 US election when a Mitt Romney comment was recorded and then broadcast to deliberately damage him….?
In mid-September, a video surfaced of Romney speaking before a group of supporters in which he stated that 47 percent of the nation pay no income tax, are dependent on the federal government, see themselves as victims, and will support President Obama unconditionally. Romney went on to say: “And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives
Nigel Farage’s conference speech was so good that I couldn’t see how the media would be able to misrepresent it. The BBC would probably have just had to ignore it. And then Bloom the buffoon detonated in public again. It might have been possible to laugh off his unfortunate ‘joke’ but when he was inevitably doorstepped about it he came across as a boorish, ranting duffer who can’t handle the sort of hostile questioning he should have come to expect. UKIP is always going to be given a hard time by the BBC and Channel4, and its members need to acquire some of Farage’s skills in dealing with them.
I think Nigel Farage should be rather thankful for Bloom’s dramatic intervention!, it was clear from listening to Mr Farage that his speech was rather short on ideas and that apart from taking the UK out of the EU his party seems to have no real clue, in fact I would suggest that they and the Greens are very similar both have one big idea and no clue about the economy,education, law, welfare, transport or any of the other rather important aspects of being a credible political party.
I think his second big idea is to ditch any policies connected to climate change.
I think his third is to halt mass immigration.
Three pretty big policies in my book which address the main issues crucial to the country’s stability and prosperity.
“Mr Bloom has had the whip removed after he referred to a group of female activists as ‘sluts’ – although he maintained that it was meant and taken as a joke.” – report humourless Beeboids.
Beeboids now in conference to devise ways of relegating coverage of McBride revelations of Labour Government?:-
“Former spindoctor Damian McBride’s damning revelations reopen festering Labour wounds”
First woman in audience: ‘I don’t clean behind my fridge!’
Second woman in audience: ‘I don’t clean behind my fridge either!’
Bloom: ‘This place is full of sluts!’
Cue widespread laughter.
A definition of the word ‘slut’: a woman with low standards of cleanliness.
And if you need even more convincing that Britain has totally lost its sense of perspective, Edinburgh Students Union has decided it wants to ban lads banter.
own goal by ukip unfortunately. that prick crick on c4 news had it in for ukip and farage as was shown by crick trawling round farage’s old school mates from the 1970s to find some evidence of racist thinking. this was THE big news on the thursday edition of c4 news.
Crick had actually been researching this story for months –
after this character assassination of farage on thursday all ukip member should have been told to ignore crick who is the journalistic equivalent of a troll on biasedbbc.
best thing would be just to ignore him.
ukip need to give some media training to their people asap because their message is good and it resonates with the majority of people in UK.
i can’t say the bbc went over the top on this but their general hatred of ukip is plain for all to see.
C4 and crick appear obsessed with ukip. but he is a bully and i imagine crick’s trollingly childish behaviour will probably not feature at the big parties conferences.
“…ukip need to give some media training to their people asap…”
Indeed. I see it as a matter of urgency, to be honest. I’d also go much further and initialise a party-wide sweep for ‘loose cannons’, as well as start investigating member’s backgrounds, looking for hidden timebombs to pre-emptively (and sensitively) detonate away from the sneers of the BBC.
In the end, it all comes down to just how professional UKIP want to become. These days, any major political party needs a huge press and PR department, staffed if at all possible with perceptive – and quite possibly ruthless – individuals who will shape the ‘public-facing’ image of the party, whilst doing their level-best to ensure UKIP candidates themselves don’t continue to go planting landmines around the place.
I support the policies of UKIP – I genuinely believe the party to be the only truly viable politically radical offering for the UK electorate – but I cannot say the same about many of their ‘dodgy’ candidates, many of whom appear to be PR disasters just waiting to happen.
At risk of incurring the ire of one of Crick’s bitter swirly victims in self appointed hall monitor mode, but this was interesting in professional context terms:
hermann kelly
Is that the same Michael Crick who worked as the election agent for Labour Party candidate Gerry Collier?
And the same guy the News of the World exposed in 2008 as having a six month affair with Jeanette Eccles, a former BBC researcher?
Interesting stuff.
It was also noteworthy that Mr. Crick’s shameless gutter snuffling got him precisely zero from any Old Alleynians.
The man is a stain on the discarded flip flop of humanity.
Perfect ex-BBC, C4 washed up debris.
To be honest I wouldn’t worry to much. The MSM doesn’t seem to realise they are just talking to themselves these days. The more they attack UKIP the more popular they become.
Actually though the best thing UKIP members could do when attacked by a Beeb reporter or reporterette is to simply retort “we jail single mothers to pay for this rubbish you know” ! Say that enough and the MSM will become a little more careful.
I agree………….most people I know expect this from the MSM……..here in Scotland, the Scottish edition of the BBC led with the Bloom story which lasted over 7 minutes yet former lefty MSP (no mention of the party) Bill Walker was jailed for 1 year for 27 instances of violent domestic abuse. This story was third to last and lasted just over 1 minute. Priorities eh?
Repeat of what I said on the Open Thread. Last night’s repeat of ‘Would I lie to you’ had David Mitchell calling Lee Mack a slut because of his housekeeping skills. Will the BBC sack him?
No, they won’t sack him. The BBC are really very broadminded about these things. In fact, it is officially allowed to imply Conservatives are c**ts on air, so David Mitchell is on safe ground. In Bloom’s case, the BBC are exploiting the remark for political purposes.
Perhaps in Mr Farage’s next speech he can add a new policy saving most households £145. The Beeb could hardly do him any more harm than they are doing now.
My observations from watching BBC vs Sky news. Sky had a ticker heading covering Ed defending himself (denying) against allegations of being part of the McBride smear conspiracy whilst working under Brown.
BBC doesn’t mention this negative news and instead focusses on promoting Ed’s policies at conference with time devoted to his “soapbox set up” routine.
Bloom just gave them a piece to hype up. Farage wants to talk to people, not the politicos of the left and right who are up their own rears.
By reporting this they are only talking to themselves. Navel gazers will always be such.
if this does put the average voter off UKIP “after” hearing it in the context it was said, i would be suprised.
On the other hand if has made a few more wake up to the fake stigmitisation “we should” aprobe it would be helpful.
Absolutely ,the only people who were appalled by Blooms joke are those that will never vote UKIP all the time they have the proverbial hole. Many more will be cheering at Blooms treatment of the censorious ,self-righteous crick and wishing they could have done the same
Surely then, the BBC and Womens Hour need to be taken to task for publicising that so-called “slutwalk” of a few years ago.
Or is it only feministas who get to define when a word is OKand when it`s not to be used.
Good old Orwell-if you want to know who`s powerful and who`s not…just note who you can offend and who you can`t !
Muslims?…women?…Muslim women today pop-pickers are number 1 in the “real power” charts.
Just as well those Leicester men are there with the battery acid , just in case they get a bit uppity.
Only in the looking glass world of Not right wing enough BBC blog would one find anyone taking seriously UKIP.
They have been a lot of fun and continue to be so, but really they are as electable as Ian Paisley as Pope.
BTW none of their disasters were caused by the BBC but by their own utter ineptitude.
But keep supporting them. Guaranteeing a Labour victory.
Yeah Right on brother, just like that right-wing nut-job Boris Johnson did in London
If Ukip end the current Tory party’s chances at the next election then it will be a positive result. Even if it means a Labour government.
A precondition for a realignment of politics in this country is the end of the two dominant parties.
There is real political divide in this country between the state lovers and the rest of us. Let battle commence and be at least honest.
Well being a Labour supporter Will would find ending uncontrolled immigration, leaving the EU with its authoritarian unelected bureaucrats and ditching pointless ‘climate change’ intiatives costing tens of billions somewhat hard to stomach.
But when he’s had to make his own way in the world a bit more and has age and wisdom on his side he’ll look back and say, ‘What a dickhead I was to believe in that socialist shite’.
Some people never grow up though -just listen to Radio 5 and you’ll see what a mean
‘would one find anyone taking seriously UKIP.’
Careful, you’ll have the bard hillbilly on you for that one.
A bit Yodaist, that one is.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe Margaret Thatcher was a woman yet when she died Al Beeb rounded up usual loony left pinheads to mock and deride her using words a lot stronger than ‘slut’ much to the delight of the sniggering @rseholes they employ to bombard us with the sh1t they pass off as ‘news’
A slut is an immoral woman, so a woman would have to be a supporter of New Labour morals to be a slut.
Is it that the concept of ‘news selectivity’ too sophisticated for you, Mr Duncan?
Well, I finally lost all respect for the BBC yesterday; an organization funded by us; which is, supposedly, ‘unbiased’.
It all kicked off around lunchtime when a certain Godfrey Bloom (MEP), made yet another tasteless joke in public. This time, apparently, calling all women present at UKIP’s annual conference “sluts”. BBC News showed a video of Mr Bloom being confronted by a mob of emphatic journalists, in a scene somewhat reminiscent of a medieval witch trial. After asking Godfrey if he had, indeed made the jest, one of the bunch thrust a UKIP brochure into his face, demanding to know why there weren’t any “coloured” people present on the cover, and suggesting that UKIP were a racist party.
This was the first incidence which aroused my suspicion that perhaps the BBC weren’t being as “impartial” as they’d like us to think. The first thing that really “got” me was the somewhat aggressive, interrogatory manner in which the journalists questioned him. Their pleasure – shown at finally having him cornered with some evidence to hand – was really quite palpable, it was almost like they were “trying” to provoke a reaction. Next was this business about the brochure. Now I don’t judge anyone by the colour of their skin, and yet – in the BBC’s eyes, at least – the publishing, by my organization or party, of any kind of promotional matierial which does not, at least proportionally represent the ethnic minorities photographically makes me a racist – no doubt punishable by a lifetime of obscurity and profound idiosyncracy.
The next time I fired up the box was at 5pm this time to catch the headlines, the first of which read “UKIP controversy”. At first a number of scenarios ran through my head – perhaps Farage had backed Blooms behaviour, maybe Godfrey’s new title for women had been adopted into official party policy. But no. His actions had been widely condemned, and, after an internal party discussion he had had his party whip withdrawn – meaning he can no longer stand in the European Parliament as a member of The UK Independance Party.
Now, maybe I’m alone here; but to me “UKIP Controversy” alludes to something bigger – that; perhaps, the conduct of Bloom and a handful of somewhat eccentric local Councillors points to a much deeper party-wide conspiracy, in the vein of Robert Mugabe’s party in Zimbabwe. Well at least one thing is clear: The BBC aren’t such honest purveyors of impartial and politically neutral journalism after all!
The central point of this analysis – that the fuss was synthetic and overblown – is correct. But what has BBC impartiality got to do with the aggressive questioning of Bloom? There wasn’t even a BBC journalist present.
I stand corrected.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, Crick is a lefty tit and steeped in all that is BBC. He was there 21 years before going back to C4 a couple of years ago.
Does the Huffington Post count as a useful cipher for the liberal consensus in its giving the BBC its story?…do you think that Jon Snow/Michael Crick are somehow independent of that lovely liberal groupthink that the BBC exemplifies.
Again-majoring on minor details.
It`s the BBC running these stories-and less happy to shine a light on Falkirk?mid-Staffs/McBride etc…you any idea why CTC?
I would advise Godfrey Bloom to get himself photographed, kissing a disabled black lesbian.
It would make the BBC Guardianistas and other left-wing journalists much more happier.
I thought it was only last year
Had this been John Prescott, it would have been ‘Oh, that’s just John being John!’, and the BBC and their leftist bedwetters – I mean bedfellows – (no offence meant there to incontinence sufferers) would have laughed it off accordingly. Not only that, the likes of Humphrys would have been at pains to instruct us on the alternative meanings of the word ‘slut’.
And just a reminder that yes, it was this Laura Penney who the BBC invited along on to Question Time on Thursday.
‘Masculinity always seems to be ‘in crisis’. I’d argue that, like capitalism, masculinity isn’t IN crisis, masculinity IS crisis.’
Sexism viewed through the BBC crosshairs – some targets are more valid than others.
I saw this girl . Desperate to offend and even more desperate to be noticed. Not very bright and if this is one of the best of the younger generation then keep the coffin dogers coming back.
I think I meant dodgers
The reference to “coffin dogging” brought quite a different picture to mind, Dave……
‘Nothing is true all things are permitted’ ,well at the BBC ,allegedly
I had the same thought. It just shows how the decadence of modern life has seeped into us all.
“And of course [sic] what’s wrong with decadence anyway?”
Michael Rosen on BBC Radio 4 on Monday May 6th 2013.
Rosen was so far to the Left that he failed the vetting procedure that then operated at the BBC. He admits that his family operated a “backs-to-the-wall, defend-the-revolution, defend-the-Soviet-Union, anything-they-say-against-us-is-the-bourgeoisie’s-lies way of thinking and talking” and is honest enough to inform us that he is a Leftist because he has not “thought, worked very hard to do anything else.” A model CV for the next editor of Question Time it seems.
i done bit of my own private polling today in the pubs and on the streets where i live,if the leftie channel 4 ,radio 5 live and the bbc thought there little stunts of demonising ukip by trying to drop support for them worked.well i have got bad news for them,everybody i talked to today black ,white,brown, male and female,young and old told me they was disgusted at the way nigel farage and ukip have been treated by the media this week and will in fact vote for them at the euro elections in may and the coming up general election,nice try channel 4 and the bbc,your little stunts have backfired on you big time.
When you get on a bus people pray you don’t sit beside them so one assumes the children in prams, the infirmed and those to old to run said anything to agree with you.
Of course people are going to vote for a party which insults 50% of the population and who answer journalists by attacking them. Of course UKIP are going to win because we all feel sorry for Nigel.
Oh gawd he’s going to sit beside me…
” Of course people are going to vote for a party which insults 50% of the population ”
Well some vote labour don’t they?
As for attacking jornos most people I know think he should have given crick another one ,mind you their all from the 99.9% of the country that don’t read the guardian.
(eagerly await the casual snobbery of your excepted reply )
Looks like Russel Howard has just joined us…
I bet you shouted that last “quip” too, didn’t you?
Lefty tosser.
This is the same cunt who called Bruce Forsythe a ‘moron’ because he rightly pointed out that the Anton Du Beke “paki” comment was clearly not intended with any malice and suggested people were overplaying it. Howard is the antithesis of comedy.
Strange, isn’t it, how our avid defenders of the BBC all seem to hold left wing views.
Coincidence or magic? You decide.
So it’s only a small minority of the population – children, the elderly, and the disabled (only a portion of the Poorest And Most Vulnerable™) – who don’t like UKIP? Surely not…..
if i sat next to you on a bus surelynot, i would smile at you then pin a ukip badge on your blazer
Recently I drew attention here to BBC Shelagh Fogarty’s comments following right after the Nigel Farage speech.
She honed in on the UKIP leader’s statement that 92% of cash machine crime was carried out by Romanian gangs.
Our Licence Payer funded Shelagh said : ‘He’d better have his facts right’
This rather threatening sounding outburst revealed that the BBC editorial team behind radio presenter Fogarty were combing through the speech hoping to find a ‘gaffe’ or a ‘misspeak’. The BBC reaction to a UKIP speech is clearly a combination of negativity toward the policies and hostility toward the party members expressed in the search for a weakness or an attack line.
Is this the job of the BBC? Surely UKIP have enough enemies on the political left and centre right who can be relied upon to find flaws in UKIP and then the BBC can report on their attacks.
Why do we have to hear Shelagh Forgarty say ‘He’d better have that right’? The BBC has UKIP in their sights and within the supposedly ‘unbiased BBC’ there are plenty of politically leftist and centre right supporting staffers gleefully awaiting a chance to attack UKIP.
Of course as events of the day evolved the BBC attack line against UKIP centred on Mr Bloom.
Just as I predicted the 92% could be confirmed as coming from a reported Police statement and so I heard no more of it on the BBC. Did anyone out there hear any further reference to it?
How interesting that Shelagh was surprised by the figure. Perhaps she doesn’t read the Daily Mail?
What about BBC reports Shelagh… do you read them?
‘According to a government dossier reportedly seen by the Sun, up to 85% of UK cash machine crime is already committed by Romanian-organised groups.’
Of course the BBC happily reported such stories in 2006 because then we had a different coloured Government (New Labour) supported by the BBC which wanted to be seen as tough on immigration and crime.
I think everyone has completely over reacted to the Godfrey-gate incident. It was clearly an off the cuff quip that was appreciated by the people he was speaking to. To be hounded by a mob of pc journalists for such a silly remark is absurd. And the observation by Michael Crick regarding the lack of “black faces” only goes to expose the left wing establishment’s obsession with race. Who else would trawl through a photograph for reasons like this?
Clearly Godfrey shouldn’t have slapped Crick with the slip of paper…a straight left to the jaw would have been much more satisfying…
Just imagine if a Tory or UKIP member had done this:
Lyn Brown, the burly MP for West Ham, barged into the back of Talksport political editor Sean Dilley, and his golden retriever guide dog, as he was walking in a corridor towards Portcullis House.
Witnesses were shocked to see a clearly stressed Miss Brown bulldoze into the back of Mr Dilley before overtaking him, shouting: ‘For ****’s sake, move out of my ******* way.’
The journalist asked her to be more careful as he did not want to crash into his guide dog, Chip.
Miss Brown then sniped back: ‘You are such a rude ******* man, you just walked right in front of me.’
One source said a frustrated Mr Dilley then replied: ‘I’m blind, you stupid woman.’
He then demanded to know Miss Brown’s name, as he could not see who had bumped into him, but Miss Brown replied: ‘I am not giving it to you, **** off.’
Lyn Brown is, of course, a Labour MP, which is why I’m struggling to find any mention of this incident on the BBC website. DOTIs are invited to explain why this wasn’t given the full ‘Bloom’ treatment.
It happened on the 16th July 2011.
Well she can always check the facts quickly on her
iPadstack of paper.Of course the chance to have a go at UKIP and Godfrey Bloom was always going to be seized upon and blown out of all proportion.
However Bloom is a man from a different era, his use of the English language is from an older time, but one which still exists today in areas of the North of England.
A Slut is not a wanton woman, which is how the media have portrayed it, but rather a woman who is not keeping the house clean enough.
Similarly bongo bongo land was an old term meaning ex British colonies in sub Saharan Africa.
Godfrey Bloom has been discriminated against because of his age, and because of the area of the country he comes from, ageist and London centric bullying lefties have sown us yet again that the hierarchy of isms is very much alive & well and being operated here.
The left hates diversity with a passion. The only diversity which is allowed is that which the left approve of. Diversity of thought was made illegal under BLiar, until the UK was forced to include it into the equalities act by the EU. Bus driver Alan Redfearn won his case against Serco after they sacked him for standing as a BNP councillor. He had to go to Europe to fight his case after the Liebour party refused to accept freedom of thought as a protected right when they imposed the Human Rights Charter upon us.