Anyone see the labour fest on Marr this morning. We had Lady Tuscany as the warm up act before the great Leader himself appeared. No matter how ingratiating Marr was Miliband was so poor that it really was a delight.
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In a parallel universe where the BBC is truly impartial we’d have had this interview:
But you won’t have heard it today and indeed didn’t hear it today.
On BBC Radio on Saturday the meme was that Sillybland had been absolutely unaware of any of the backstabbing, dirty tricks and lies told by McBride on behalf of Brown and Co.
Today it would appear the meme has changed to Sillybland not only knowing about it but telling Brown to sack McBride.
First he does a Manuel and Knows Nothing and then, when he and his spin doctors realise only idiots would swallow that excreter, today he tries the Saint Edward the Confessor card and tries to treat us again like idiots by spinning that he did know after all but tried very, very hard to persuade poor Gordon to dump McBride for his behaviour, and anyway, that was all in the past and Saint Ed would never entertain such shocking behaviour.
I notice there was never any suggestion that the ever so Saintly Ed was so horrified by McBride that he told Gordon Clown that if he didn’t get rid of McBride because of his disgusting activities he would have to make public that he was distancing himself from the whole shoddy group of politicians involved. No, he stayed exactly where he was, sucking up to Brown and Co. which means that not only did he know about the damaging behaviour carried out by McBride on Brown’s behalf but decided he should cowardly go along with that disgrace in the hope nobody noticed what was happening. What a despicable shyster of the First order, he has the grubby mess all over his stinking hands.
The really,really,scary thing though is that milliband actually believes in the cloud cuckoo land drivel that he spouts and that he could actually end up as pm by default. He Is also a fully paid up member of the global warming/green energy cult….Allah have mercy on us !
I saw the Andrew Marr Marxism Fest on the BBC this morning, but I missed Milliband. I did see Polly Toynbee talking about climate change ‘deniers’, you know, the evil ones who dare to think for themselves. It is a deliberately emotive word. Only opinions which match hers are valid, the rest should be locked up, she’d do it too if she had the power. Those who differ equate to holocaust deniers.
She was appalled that once only 5% of people doubted climate change, now its 19%. She thinks that’s ‘frightening’.
Then we had Caroline Lucas, Green MP. Another politician from the hard Left and a big BBC favourite. I’m not sure why she was on, but she got an easy ride as usual. There was of course no-one on the other side of the argument on the programme, so we had another propaganda piece from the BBC.
The more vitriol these people come out with, the more they sound like National Socialists. They are not driven by logical and reasoned arguments but just blind hatred, similar to that displayed by the Nazi’s to the Jews.
Anyone else notice this similarity ?
Perhaps that is the answer. Every time somebody like Toynbee started the “Denier” propaganda label the response should be to respond with the label “AGW Fascists” seeing they absolutely refuse to tolerate the least objection to their absolutist dogma.
I have been following the “climate change” debate very closely for about 10 years now. In that time I can boil the science down to one basic mistake.
In the most simple terms, if data collected by observation or experimentation does not match or validate what a hypothesis predicts, then the hypothesis has failed and must be amended or rejected.
The CAGW hypothesis posits that a doubling of CO2 will cause global temperatures to increase by between 2 and 6 degrees by the year 2100. This increase will be caused by the “greenhouse” effect of CO2 “trapping more heat” and causeing the surface of the oceans to warm causing more evaporation of water vapour, which is a much more powerful greenhouse gas, and this in turn will accellarate the warming in a positive feedback loop leading to much more rapidly increasing temperatures as CO2 emissions continue rising. The CAGW also posits that if we cease ALL emissions of CO2, that the warming will continue accellerating for some time, before falling back between 50 – 3000 years time (depending on which variant of the model being run).
The CAGW hypothesis cannot be tested by observing or experimenting on other identical earths,for obvious reasons, so the scientists build very complex models to simulate the effects of different levels of CO2, and other factors, on the climate. There are over 30 computer climate models which the IPCC use to get a grand average of what the CAGW hypothesis predicts will happen.
The big fundementallly anti-scientific mistake that scientists made when doing this, is that they have confused modelling with experimentation.
The models are not experiments. Running a model is not the same as conducting an experiment. The output from a model is not as scientifically valid as the data derived from observation or experimentation. Why is this?
It is because the models are NOT providing real world data AT ALL, even if real world data is entered into them, what comes out is coming out of a model, NOT a real thing.
This is because the models are nothing more than a computerised description or demonstration or explanation of the CAGW hypothesis. These models are literally models of variants of the CAGW hypothesis. You cannot test a hypothesis, by running a model of the hypothesis. All you will get out of that is the model telling you what the hypothesis predicts, which is useless as a way of testing the hypothesis.
The ONLY way to test the CAGW hypothesis, is to scientifically measure the real world and compare it to what the hypthesis predicts. This is the only way that the climate models are useful, for they give a very clear indication of what the hypothesis predicts, because they are a model of the hypothesis and NOTHING MORE THAN THAT!
IF the experimental data does not validate what the hypothesis predicted, then the hypothesis is wrong.
Clearly the models predicted a great deal more warming by now, than has actually happened. The hypothesis has been falsified.
CAGW is NOT happening. The data suggests that there is SOME minor AGW happening, but nothing catestrophic.
Now that there is a significant amount of real world data, all of which contradicts the model data, those who cling religiously to the CAGW hypothesis are making themselves look like the flat-earth, creationist minded, anti scinetific deniers.
I listen to the actual data, and use the scientific method to deduce truthful reality. Climate alarmists, clearly do not and they are the real deniers in this scientific debate…. A debate, which until relatively recently, the alarmists denied even existed!
Special request: can we have a Dez or an Albaman on next to repudiate Ken’s argument?
There will definitely be left-wing appearances next week prior to the Conservative Conference. Further proof, though no more needed, of the BBC’s unquestionable party-political left-wing bias.
Indeed, I remember the conservative party conference of 2009 when Gordon Brown had a photo-op in either Afghanistan or Iraq, in complete contrevention of the long established agreement between the parties to give each, unfettered media coverage of their own conference weeks.
The BBC was only too keen to interrupt tory conference week with labour “news” and they have done so ever since. Labour get unrivalled supportive coverage during their own conference week, whereas the tories will be interrupted with labour/liberal/union, left wing think-tank and left wing charities bitching about whatever the tories announce at conference. And the BBC will be there to faithfully cover it all, whilst spending as little time as possible covering any actual policy announcements.
Somewhere in Bradford or maybe Somalia, our future caliph is grinning evilly and writing down names….Toynbee, Lucas, Miliband…
Marr is a knob.
Did anyone notice Miliband reminding Marr to say” One nation Labour”, Marr realised he had forgotten and then used the expression. BBC at it’s best.
BBC-NUJ could point out (but is disinclined to) that not only last year’s, but this year’s Labour Party Conference is so dependent on a key Conservative Party slogan of the 19th century:-
“Disraeli and One Nation Conservatism”