I note that Religion of Peace enthusiasts have been so active in the past few days. Whether it was slaughtering 59 people in a shopping mall in Nairobi, or mowing down dozens of Christians leaving a church in Pakistan, or blowing to pieces other Muslims attending a funeral in Baghdad, the ROP has not left an opportunity to slaughter. Wonder what you reckon to BBC coverage of these acts of Jihad? I noted that they used the word “attackers” to describe the al-Shabaab Jihad boys last night.
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I have noticed that the MSM not just the BBC is referring to the victims of the church bombing as Christians. But if you look closer the church is an Episcopalian Church and the victims are part of the Anglican communion. No word from Archbishop Justin Welby about this yet. Maybe he is too hung up on saving the whale.
The gunmen in Nairobi and the suicide bombers in Peshawar are NOT militants, as described in both BBC reports! They are indiscriminate mass murderers of innocent people who are not parties to whatever it is that drives these evil butchers. The word is “terrorist”. One can only speculate why the BBC chooses to indulge in euphemism, but whatever the reason, it is a disgrace: a disservice to public understanding of the nature of the problem while dishonouring the victims of this savage brutality.
It makes them sound like a bunch of disgruntled shop stewards rather than the evil, murdering dregs of humanity they are.
Which, of course, is the BBC’s intention.
They’re not murdering and terrorising, they’re just being a bit militant, init.
These are the usual moderate Muslims who just happened to read the Koran and got the message. They are not mis-understanders of Koran and Islam as the MSM will tell you, but the reverse.
As for the BBC, they pronounces Islamists as “Islmists”, thus hiding any connection to Islam.
This from this morning’s BBC report:
Kenya’s interior minister, Joseph Ole Lenku, currently addressing the press, has confirmed that the fire was caused by “terrorists”. He says two of the militants were killed this morning and some injured.
And the BBC used to words “alleged members of Al Shabab” in their 8am news report.
Alleged?…by who?
If they say they are, is this merely an allegation?…do they need to self-refer to a BBC member of staff to be told whether they are are not?
Trust me-within 24 hours, they`ll just be known as “victims” or “oppressed freedom fighters”…possibly wanting Lee Rigbys murder trial to be started or whatever.
The BBC -maybe if all tellies were issued with a burka, we need not look at it…sure Al Shabab would be happy to give us the pattern to make it.
But the BBC, or course, are all too eager to assign acts of violence to the Far-Right. In this context we hear a barrage of assumptions along the lines of ‘right-wing Christian extremists’ and so on. When foul atrocities are dished by Muslims it is reticence all round at the taxpayer funded BBC behemoth.
The moderate Muslim Jihadis were compassionate enough to allow Muslims to leave the mall.
Meanwhile, more arrests of moderate Muslims.
Two men have been charged with terrorism and firearms offences after being stopped in Dover, police have said.
Mohommod Hassin Nawaz, 29, of Dirleton Road, Stratford, east London, and Hamza Nawaz, 22, of the same address, are accused of attending a terrorist training camp in Syria.
The pair were stopped by police at the Kent sea port after travelling from Calais in France, said a Metropolitan Police spokesman.
They will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday.
The brothers, believed to be of Pakistani origin..
The mayhem of 7/7 and beheadings on the streets of England, have still not persuaded the elite that a growing Muslim population in the UK, is an existential threat to the UK and its mores.
according to sky news they seperated non muslim men women,women and children especially with white skins and who looked western to butcher and murder from muslims who they let go,does that remind you of something,yes,the waffen ss seperated jews from non jews when they arrived at the concentration camps before they carried out there holocaust of murder,lets not mince words here,these people are not militants or extremists,these people are racist,fascist and nazis,these people are the heirs to hiltler with there nazism.another thing,where are all these muslim groups today condemming this,where are all the leftists excuse makers for these islamists condemming this,where are all these big mouthed muslim groups in this country condemming this christianaphobic attack on that church today where over 80 pakistan christians were blown to pieces by these muslims,not a word from the muslim council of hypocrites,what makes me really sick is this,when injustice whether racial or religious agains is committed against non muslims in this country or all over the world by these muslim versions of anders brieviks the muslim community stay silent,when it is the other way around these muslim groups are shouting from the rooftops screaming islamaphobia and racism,what makes me even more sicker is the responce i am hearing from all these politacaly correct politicians like david cameron,he said today this has nothing to do with islam and muslim,really david.,you mean the religion of peace and harmony did not inspire the actions of these islamofacists and nazis,really david.you fool.
Yes, the Islamic groups in this country scream the house down at the slightest excuse. Playing the victim card all the time. And they can organise all sorts of protests and marches for their own cause – or against eg visiting Israeli academics.
But when it comes to all the repeated Muslim atrocities – silence.
Every time I see or hear one of their apologists I want them to be faced down with the question :
“What you are bleating about is minor. Why aren’t you and all the Muslims in this country organising big protests against terrorism ? You share your religion with terrorists who behave like animals, cowards, murderers of women and children – all in the name of your religion. And don’t try to deny that they are Muslims. What are YOU doing about it ?”
Well said, John. I couldn’t agree more!
Yes where were those thousands of moderate muslims wearing their ‘hope for hero’s’ t shirts the day after the murder of Lee Rigby
Dream on….no such thing as a moderate muslim………the Koran is chock full of exhortations to slaughter, enslave and worse non-muslims, it is a manual of war. Be ready, for this atrocity in Kenya will happen here, who knows how many guns they have in Britain? The bloody government doesn’t know who is coming or going!
But we cant lose sight of the fact that most don’t do these terrible things even though many of them approve and even more stay silent .Still I believe, hope, that most are as appalled as we are
I just wish they would say so
Keep wishing. You do so in vain. Fool.
Charmed I’m sure
Well Stewart, find yourself some videos of barbarians committing acts of savagery, like stoning women for adultery, or perhaps hanging gays, and take a look around at the crowds of onlookers. They must be those moderates, mustn’t they? after all it’s logical they can’t ALL be evil can they?
So, take a look at them, and see that they are so horrified by the spectacle, they all wish to capture it on video on their mobile phones for posterity.
Cue someone to justify that by saying public executions were once well attended here.
I have been having this discussion with my 20 year old daughter
Despite having been through the state indoctrination machine and being brought up in a vibrant environment she is of your opinion
Drawing my attention to the thousands of tweets from ‘ordinary’ Muslims rejoicing every new detail of the unfolding tragedy in Nairobi
Islamic benedictions abound but no condemnation or repudiation .
But still I live hope fool or not
The floor is open to any moderate Muslims reading this
Well John, as the canonical texts of Islam state – war is deception.
Immediately after 9/11, many Muslim taxi drivers in New York removed all Islamic symbols from their cabs, and hung crucifixes instead in their cabs. This is what they are capable of. They will even burn the koran if needed, to beguile the Kuffar.
The followers of this creed are expert in changing their identity, or masquerading as moderate Muslims being victimized to Jihadis, at a moments notice. The call of Jihad trumps all other loyalties. To fulfill the call is the highest duty in Islam that one can do – that is quite explicitly in the koran. The canonical texts of Islam guarantee immediate access to the bordello in the sky, and… wait for it, some 50 other Muslims that the Jihadi can nominate.
Now what can beat that?
If these evil, murderous Islamists belonged to only one group then Cameron may convince us that they don’t speak for Islam. These Jihadist groups are to be found all around the world, however, and they ALL commit their atrocities in the name of Islam, so there is obviously something written in the Koran which sanctions all this butchery. Those Muslims who do not open condemn these murderous groups are the enablers of murder.
It’s obvious human life has no value to these low-lifes, who relish committing atrocities and causing as much pain and death to people they view as “non-believers”.
I think all decent human beings around the world who view murder committed in the name of Islam should embrace being called Islamaphobic and continue to denounce a religion that celebrates murder and death.
Should say ” I think all decent human beings around the world who view murder committed in the name of Islam as BEING TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE should embrace being called Islamaphobic………….”
I hate the term Islamaphobic, a concocted term by leftists and Islamists used to stifle genuine debate about the evil actions of followers of the “Religion of Peace” and the hateful message the Koran spreads about women, homosexuals, followers of other religions, etc . Probably “Anti-Caliphate” would be more appropriate.
It has been said before, but it’s worth repeating. A “phobia” is an unfounded and irrational fear of something.
The expression “Islamophobia” insinuates the value judgement that fear of Islam is not well founded. Tell that to the poor souls slaughtered by Islamic Suprematists in the Kenya shopping mall, or the twin towers,and all the other symbols of Muslim conquest – hijabs, halal and Sharia.
A fear of Islam is extremely well founded. It’s the liberals who are in denial. Muslim appeasers: “If we don’t anger them perhaps they will leave us alone”.
The silence of Muslim population is because they would welcome the Caliphate outcome but are fearful of speaking against their own. They are, if you will, Islamophobic too.
I’m come to the end of my tether. Really, the msm continuously throwing insult after insult in the faces of those who hold views contrary to Muslims. I’m islamophobic. No doubt about that. You ask me why? Well, when you read the papers, online blogs, and watch the news daily, and all you come across is Muslim atrocity after Muslim atrocity, then doesn’t there come a time when a fear of that religion is well founded? Islamaphobia, the phrase coined by the left because the race card just didn’t fit the mold. An absolute disgrace that has been flaunted in the faces of the nation by the BBC, day after day. If it’s not Nicky Campbell and his buddy Mo Ansar, then it’s Polly Tonybee demanding we change our ways and stop being so damn racist. I tell you, it’s blogs like biased BBC that provide me with a thread of hope that maybe, just maybe, there is still sanity lying low in parts of the world.
London calling wrote: The silence of Muslim population is because they would welcome the Caliphate outcome but are fearful of speaking against their own. They are, if you will, Islamophobic too.
Abs right. The so-called moderate Muslims are on a winner here. They support the idea of a sharia Britain, as that would make them superior in law to all non-Muslims. But till that eventuality, they are content to live in a civilised country, while letting population growth of Muslims, and the appeasing cowardly behaviour of our politicians to naturally lead to a sharia Britain.
Andy, get yourself a Koran, and a red pen…….start reading and circle passages and words that demand violence or enslavement or ridicule towards non-muslims. You will get through quite a few pens.
It might be easier to convert the Koran to Word format, then do a word count on “kill”, “slay”, “infidel”, “strike”, “neck”, and combination of these words.
It’s as if the BBC are reluctant to link Islam with violence. Whether it is by virtue of not wanting to be blown up, destroying the infantile multicultural swindle or from more sinister motives, I don’t know yet. The fact is, though, Islam is undeniably the biggest threat to world peace today, but yet the Left bury their heads in the sand and continue to fabricate a, as of yet, non-existent threat from the Far-Right.
It is the Wahhabi strain that is so virulent. And Wahhabis have control over many many mosques in this country. Wahhabis are inculcating their violent beliefs into huge numbers of young people in Britain.
Yes but that pales into insignificance in comparison with a political party which produces a brochure with no pictures of people of colour on the front, or a MEP who made a sexist joke about women who are too lazy to clean behind the fridge. What is a bit (ok a lot) of Jew hating and Women oppressing in comparison with the despicable crime of seeking to uphold the supremacy of the UK Parliament.
That’s true. The Saudi influence in these terrorist attacks cannot be under-estimated. There’s a belief on some parts of the world that the Saudi government have made a deal with the Islamic terrorists that they will finance and equip their activites in return for not committing terrorist atrocities within Saudi Arabia itself.
Remember also the Saudi involvement with the Al Qaeda and Jihadist groups in Syria.
As i explained earlier, we have an atrocity just around the corner, if it happens, god forbid, the police and army must take the muslim areas apart, if they resist………too bad. Destroy them.
the police ??
Senior plod are far more likely to have an urgent BBC briefing broadcast to warn against:
supporting the EDL,
taking any self-defence measures,
or using bad words.
With the threat of prosecution (and assault rifles) to back up the warning. For the public good, of course.
Priorities (and high-level public sector pensions and knighthoods are right up there) are important!
If the police get involved, even if it’s entirely in defence of innocents of all races and creeds from a militant Islamic attack, they’ll be accused of ‘institutional racism.’
You may remember Commander Brian Paddick insisting at a press conference the day after the 7/7 attacks that the words “Islam” and “terrorism” cannot be put in the same sentence. Such effete politically correct garbage will literally be the death of us.
Derek, you are absolutely right of course, the Army would be a better bet. Senior Plods have sold their useless souls to get that pathetic KBE.
Saudi influence – yes. But at the core lie the Koran and Hadiths, and they cannot be changed.
That leaves us with a problem. It may well be that this generation of Muslims, or the next, may be peaceful, but when they have the numbers, those texts will become operative.
Sad that it has to come to this, but there is no alternative but for a peaceful if possible, separation from Islam and Muslims.
No ‘as if’ about it Alex.
The BBC constantly soft-pedals, employs euphemisms and dissembles to hide the true face of radical Islam.
These barbaric, insane, medieval monsters are variously described as ‘militants’ and (get this) ‘conservative’.
The question is why? What do they imagine stand to gain from this posture?
I would have though the left-liberal, metropolitan and sexually-diverse type than run the BBC would be the first to feel the sword on the backs of their collective necks if fundamentalist Islam triumphs here.
There is no “Radical” Islam, there is ONLY Islam, don’t make the mistake of falling for the weasel words that the MSM employ.
We are at war ladies n gents, this is gonna get very ugly.
Yes, I totally agree.
I don’t think it’s as black and white as that.
There are definitely ‘degrees’ of Islamism.
While I do not subscribe to the ‘only a tiny minority’ lie peddled by the mainstream media, I really don’t think that all muslims are out to murder us in our beds – that’s just ridiculous.
The older generation of muslims seem content to distance themselves from our culture without being openly hostile.
It’s the younger ones that are the problem. They are being radicalised by certain mosques, their peers and extremist sites on the net.
Are we at war? Perhaps. It’s a funny sort of war where one side blows up an Christain church and the other throws a sausage at a mosque.
Bendybus, Chop makes very good sense. There IS no distinction between radical Islam, and a benign friendly type.
There is no benign version, just Islam itself, and it sucks mate.
The holier than thou politicians will be climbing upon their soap-boxes soon to preach that these murderous bastards do not represent mainstream Islam.
And every time they do, some more misunderstanders appear and commit even worse atrocities. At some point, these political wankers will have to realise they have been conned, but for the moment, they go to sleep soundly, knowing they are so much more intelligent than the plebs in the street.
But, it will not last. They will one day be forced to face the truth.
Go read ‘ a Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam’ by Robert Spencer, then come back and discuss it.
Quote from Wikipedia
Wiki is not written by him, his books are!
Try the book, it is well worth the effort.
Robert Spencer has made that offer, or should I say “challenge”, for several years. He also knows that he will be disappointed.
Yes, of course there are peaceful Muslims who are not out to fly 747s through buildings. But, I have to say, the silence from so-called moderates when these foul acts of violence are perpetrated is at times very deafening.
I would definitely agree that violent fundamentalism in Islam does seem to be a cancer that pertains to younger followers – often those who have converted and have had more turbulent experiences earlier in their lives. But, the older generations, when they reached these shores, brought their customs with them and practiced their traditions to the full, and this has, over time, fostered both isolationism and segregation. In my opinion, this cultural protectionism has been conducive to engendering the mindset of the Jihadi scum we see multiplying like bacteria in our inner cities. As the old adage says: great insurrections start as gentle murmurs in the wind, and so it is with extremist Islam (in my humble opinion!).
Yes I agree.
The voice of ‘moderate’ muslims is always conspicuous by its absence.
Are they condoning these atrocities or are they afraid to speak out.
Either way their silence is despicable.
Christianity is full of bloodshed and violence as well, but Western cultures have generally developed more than Islamic cultures so even extreme Christians are benign compared to extreme Muslims.
All religions become benign once separated from the State, which is the present condition of both Christianity and Judaism (except for marginal groups with no hold on any government).
All religions are dangerous when combined with the State, in which case they become a political ideology. Islam is still struggling with this phase.
Yes, that’s a very good point Anat T.
Christianity at core, is the most peaceful religion in the world, as it has compassion for the suffering.
Its manifestation as violent was because feudal lords and rulers, used it as a cover to wage war.
Even then, monastaries used the principle of “sanctuary” to shield peasants from the blood thirsty soldiers of the state.
Wycliffe, a Christian priest made the case of separation of the church from the state, not because the church was interfering with in matters of state, but the reverse. The state was compelling the church what could be preached, how the sacraments were to delivered etc. For his pains Wycliffe was executed, as no king (state), could tolerate the idea that his authority would be questioned in any matter. Eventually, by persuation, the separation did occur.
The Christian faith has been responsible for the setting up hospitals, all manner of charities, universal education, the succour and help to wounded and dying on the battlefield, the Red Cross, and what we now term as “Humanism”.
As I have said earlier in this thread, the Muslims who remain silent when these atrocities are committed are actually enablers of terrorism.
Yes, I would say they are quiet supporters of terrorism. And I would nowadays be reluctant to say that the violence is supported by a minority. I think that, even though the minority is vociferous, they are quietly supported or have sympathy from a silent majority. Now, I’m not saying that Abdul and Igbob MacBool down the local kebab house are terrorists, but I bet they silently approve attacks on the West.
Correct. They are known as useful idiots.
on planet beeboid, throwing a sausage at a mosque is worse than racist muslim terrorists committing mass muder.
For a racist a pork sausage is an offensive weapon. They should be banned. An attractive women are also provocative. If they do not dress from head to toe in black they should be arrested. The slags will be asking to drive cars next.
The trouble with the Left having aided and abetted the Islamic invasion under the guise of ‘multiculturalism’, is that it has left the field open for any far Right loony with an anti-Islamic platform to gain influence.
We of the sane majority must guard against this eventuality. The credentials of potential candidates must prove they are worthy leaders of democracies whose agendas include the restraint of threats by hostile elements, Islamic or otherwise, but not to the exclusion of proper governance.
I sincerely hope that your hope comes true.
what has happened in kenya and pakistan today is the result of what happens when racism and fascism goes unchallenged………
They`ll be anti-capitalist Occupy campaigners against the ivory trade before the week is out , if the BBC have anything to do with it(and I bet they got told of the Al-Shabab actions as soon as possible, what with that speed dial to terrorists that is so prized at the BBC).
Either that or Jews raging against trading on the Sabbath….albeit using guns that Obama would have banned if only Sarah Palin/Tea Party had let him.
“Oh those poor Muslims” will be the next phase…always is!
I noticed how the BBC wasted tens of thousands of pounds of licence fee payers money trying to drum up sympathy for the Woolwich butcher Mujahid Abu Hamza, or as the BBC prefers to call him Michael Adebolajo. He was a victim you see, he was radicalised and the poor wee lad banged his head while he was in prison.
But now “Michael’s” friends have done this in Kenya. And I’m sure the Beeb will portray these jihadi nutters as victims to.
So ok, you have to ask just sport fit swverna park hoow bad the injury is sustained.
Mitsubishi told regulators it will notify owners by mail and start the recall later this month.
WTF ?????
Spam bot, I’ve reported it.
But it got a like !
Mind you most of the drivel posted on here by BBC apologists sounds like gobbledygook, so some knee-jerk leftist probably felt duty bound to like a comrade.
2 likes now!…it must be one of Alby’s alternative personalities!
(Only joking Alby, don’t get cross…are you allowed to say cross these days?…even in a different context?….might it upset our chums of peace?)
No, Albi has something more than just a dogma generator between his ears , my money is on wee willy winky
I wonder how long before something like that happens here. We’ve had a taster with the slaughter of one of our soldiers in broad daylight on one of our streets.
I wonder what the BBC will call the perpetrators then, but wouldn’t it be just dreadful if it happened at the BBC. Not that I’m willing it but when it happens it will happen somewhere and it’s probably the only venue which will wake them up to what’s happening in the real world.
“Thanks to EDL islamophobia, which radicalised a tiny number of misunderstanders, a pack of militant lone wolves has attacked our news studio”, claimed A. Survivor, adding “We only got it bomb-proofed on the cheap because of Godfrey Bloom’s cuts. I blame the Jews.”
MMMMM…..i envisaged such an attack on these threads some time ago, horrifying the weak bladdered, hand wringing element on here, describing bbc girlies raped and dis-membered, like the Taliban did to two French journalists in the Stan, all the gays thrown off the roofs etc…..they didn’t like it, but it’s what would happen, no mistake.
all the gays thrown off the roofs etc…..
Expect to see bulk buying of burkas on BBC expenses?
For the Beeboids wearing them:
– greater number of burkas in jobs in the public’s face
– less risk of violence
– increased chance of a long-term (submissive role) relationship
– bit of rouge
– bit of rough
For them, what’s not to like?
If Islam gets rid of all the BBC gays, there will be no employees left at the BBC.
what odds,and i bet its very short that these somalian islamic muslims terrorists(militants to the bbc) who murdered babies and children in that shopping centre in kenya yesterday have family links to england where they have claimed asylum here
Tony Bliar said it was “our duty” to give asylum to a large number of Somailis. Thanks Tony, another gift from the Edinburgh Socialist Legal Mafia that used the Labour tunnel to gain power in their hated “England”
Throw them all out, free up much of Islingtons choked soacial housing stock and school places. This integration thing doesn’t seem to work too well with East African Muslims. Their sons seem to want to go home to wage war against us. Not the sharpest tool in the box, our Tony.
Nairobi, yesterday to Peshawar, today.”
“Notice again that the media always employs Muslims to write this story (and all stories on jihad and sharia). This started about a year ago, and now AP, the NY Times, Reuters et al rarely have non-Muslims report on jihad slaughter. Sick.”
“The BBC’s Shahzeb Jillani in Pakistan says”….
I can understand that to be honest. Who, other than a muslim, would want to work in a shithole like Pakistan?
Who, other than a muslim, would feel safe in a shithole like Pakistan?
There – corrected it for you.
Just how Pakistani and Muslim is BBC’s SHAHZEB JILLANI (ex-editor of BBC Urdu), is hinted at in this:-
“Broadcasting To and From Pakistan”
“One of his most thought-provoking assignments was based in the United States: in 2003, he interviewed Muslim Americans about their post-9/11 experiences.
“‘I traveled from Boston to Texas, Arizona to New York,’ he says. ‘I talked with Muslim business professionals, physicians, and taxi drivers. Virtually everyone had been approached by the FBI. They were questioned at their workplaces or had agents barge in to their homes on the pretext that their names sounded Muslim. Many lives were shattered by this widespread abuse.'”
“Many lives were shattered by this widespread abuse.”
shattered? really ?
And INBBC’s reporter in Somalia:-
(I’m not making this up)-
“BBC Somali analyst Mohamed Mohamed says… ”
-and he goes on to talk of his ‘militants’.
Just watched Cameron telling us all that this nothing to do with Islam…OK Dave perish the thought.
And still the beeb and itn are calling them “Islamic militants” ! ….hello.. the rest of us believe they are TERRORISTS
Yes I saw that. Sickening.
He said the ‘militants’ did not represent Islam.
I’m sorry Dave, old chum, but they very much do.
Without Islam, what would their motivation be for this bloody murder?
He wants the Muslim vote, of course.
But he should be aware of losing the non-Muslim vote.
Cameron really is, really is, a moron.
“Militants, protesters, radicals”, there is a whole lexicon of truth-avoidance by the left wing pr1cks editing BBC News, forever searching for new euphemisms to avoid describing terrorists as terrorists, so blighting their careers. No room for truth here, we are the BBC, it’s never wrong to be Left.
After the Islamic jihad massacre of Kafirs (non-believers) in Nairobi, expect obfuscating statement on INBBC such that ‘Islam does not approve the killing of innocents’. Really?
Can kafirs be innocent in Islam? No.
“Can Infidels be Innocents?”
By Daniel Pipes.
Not usually too keen on polls, but I’d be interested in one of those global jobbies the BBC often pulls out of the hat, to ask folk which communities they think really have good reason to be living in fear.
I doubt any cowering in a bacon rasher-bedecked building really would rate too highly.
The BBC viewed from afar
That’s a pretty good dissection of the BBC’s journalistic method re. ROP stories.
Misleading headlines, euphemisms galore, lying by omission.
If you want to see the mindset of these Liberal BBC/Guardian types watch this video. I swear they must go to a special school to learn how not to say a special word. This guy starts blaming some Italian from the 1950s and still not mention the magic word. From the Michael Coren show.
How the interviewer kept his cool with this excuse for a human I don’t know.
@ frk.seems like your right mate,sky news has just reported that one of the child killing terrorists was so called british,that is just code word for a bogus asylum seekers who have come to soft touch england,what should disturb us all.how many more of these terrorists and there familys posing as asylum seekers are living next door to us and amongst us in england.thats worrying.
The BBC and the left are finding out they are not using Islam but Islam is using them.
This is what usually happens in an alliance between evils. Each side regards the other as a useful idiot.
the elephant in the room
One of the most worrying aspects of this ghastly horror is our own prime minister’s response. “These people aren’t Muslims they are terrorists.” I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard this predictable waffle. It happens after every bombing or beheading, every massacre of the innocent.
I can’t think of any Muslim lands that aren’t war torn or utterly anarchic. They create mayhem wherever they are…and there are millions here! Dave is simply regurgitating the cowardly mantra “religion of peace.”
Neville Chamberlain tried to appease an intolerant and lunatic regime in the thirties and we all know what happened then.
Cameron is another appeaser.
As Churchill famously said…
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile – hoping it will eat him last”
It’s a pity that Cameron doesn’t take notice of Churchill’s view of Islam – he might learn something.
An excellent reminder. As true today as it was then.
The presumption of Cameron-and, of course Obama when it suits-is breathtaking.
For the likes of these squits to tell us all-let alone the mad mullahs and the long-suffering yoked umma that fund them-who`s a “real” Muslim, and who are those who just don`t get their theology right, is something than ought to enrage us( and probably provoke that crocodile).
No Cameron, you oaf…the theology is simple enough even for a cabbage like yourself…the “good” Muslim is the murdering nutjob if the Koran is taken literally(or fundamentally if that`s easier for you)…the bad Muslim seeks the same kind of life as we do…but is hardly going to risk a beheading to correct the morons in politics, academe and media.
Lee Rigbys murderers(alleged of course) are Britains best Muslims according to their chums in Nairobi….Cameron really ought to keep his moth shut and look at Suras 8/9 which fully back these killers.
It`s that f*** in book of theirs that`s the problem-and the craven toadies who won`t dare to read it, let alone act to squash its implementation.
‘JihadWatch’ on BBC report, re-Cameron-
“UK’s Cameron: Kenya jihad murderers included one from Britain, but ‘don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world'”
[Openingv excerpt]:-
“How does Cameron know this? Has he studied Islam? Read the Qur’an? Has he considered the implications of the verses that call on Muslims to kill the polytheists wherever they find them (2:191, 4:89 and 9:5)? Has he asked Islamic authorities about the status of non-Muslims in Islamic law, and whether they can ever be considered innocent? No, it is unlikely that he has done any of these things. He just thinks that the Kenyan jihadists don’t represent Islam or Muslims because he really, really wants that to be true, and indeed, in light of his domestic policies, he needs it to be true, or else he will be one of those responsible for the destruction and demise of Great Britain.”
“Britain’s White Widow was Bloodbath Mastermind”
-frontpage headline of ‘Daily Mirror’ (Monday).
She is, of course, Muslim convert and now Islamic jihadist, SAMANTHA LEWTHWAITE:-
-to recap, from ‘Daily Mail’-
It’s about time to start questioning those traitors in our midst who convert to that barbaric faith.
“‘White Widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite feared to be behind Nairobi shopping mall massacre”
“The wife of 7/7 suicide bomber Jermaine Lindsay is ‘prime suspect’ in attack, which has so far killed 68 people including three Brits”
“Neville Chamberlain tried to appease an intolerant and lunatic regime in the thirties and we all know what happened then.”
Yes, an inadequately armed, unprepared, badly informed Britain was placed at the mercy of despotic European totalitarian ideologues by the British ‘elite’ …
and only just survived through hellish war thanks to western allies, perseverance and much luck.
This time around we don’t have Bletchley Park, Bombe and Colossus, and that patient can-do perseverance.
No – now we have X-Factor, PC and LibLabCon, and you-can’t-defend-but-they-can-attack ‘Human Rights’.
(The BBC may have had a mixed approach, bearing in mind Stalin’s on/off partnership with Hitler, but they’re clearer whose side they’re on now.
Hint – not yours, not Britain’s.)
Superb post Derek. Post of the week in my book!
This was a story in my local paper this week. Good to see that our future safety is in good hands – draw your own conclusions where the priorities lie.
If this the best we have RIP Western Civilisation.
Yes I bet all that obsequious grovelling had struck mortal fear into the hearts of our avowed enemies.
Wonder if she’s bothered to visit Lee Rigby’s parents, or spend a bit of time in Woolwich or Middleton?
Let’s be fair to Chamberlain – he appeased Hitler because Britain was still recovering from the first world war. His approval ratings actually increased as a result, and he set up a lot of legislation and funding towards the war effort that he knew was inevitable. He was in a no-win situation. You can’t compare that to dipshits Blair and Cameron who are clearly only trying to appease the immigrant vote for their own selfish purposes.
and some say he was playing for time, Britain was not equipped for war and needed to re-arm. Chamberlain had inherited this from Baldwin, who refused year after year to listen to Churchill’s warnings. There was a rush of defence spending just before 1939, especially on the RAF and the new science of radar.
So it may be that Chamberlain was pretty naive – but did recognise the threat, and took actions against it. Cameron is totally denying there is any threat from Islam
Sometimes my kids would suddenly announce that each other were entirely innocent of any wrongdoing… when I was unaware anything had happened. At such points I’d know that something, somewhere had happened.
Which is how such statements from a statesman the calibre of Mr. Cameron make me react; he is the embodiment of ‘Methinks he doth protest too much’.
Defensive, knee-jerk declaiming like this is stupid. It fools no one. When coordinated globally with other titans of the world stage like red line Barry, it just makes them look even weaker as well as foolish.
Don’t forget, also, that in the mid-1930s the Labour Party’s policy was to disband the Royal Air Force. This was actually voted into policy at one of their party conferences.
INBBC now totally censors out words ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islamic jihadists’ from its latest online report on Nairobi massacre.
But Pamela Geller’s ‘Atlas Shrugs’ has:-
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has this about Muslim convert and Islamic jihad organiser, SAMANTHA LEWTHWAITE-
“Why the White Widow is prime suspect:
Kenyan anti-terror police believe British woman, 29, may be behind mall massacre.
“Samantha Lewthwaite grew up as normal teenager in Buckinghamshire.
“Married British Muslim Jermaine Lindsay who was a 7/7 suicide bomber.
“Woman in a veil appeared to be commanding other terrorists in Nairobi.” *
* Note the use of the niqab/burqa in this; a garment which many on the political left, inc INBBC, want to normalise, not ban!
In light of the ‘test’ question the terrorists asked to select their victims, I’m fully expecting the BBC to run a story on ‘Just who was the mother of the Prophet Mohammed and is she the perfect role-model for women today?’.
Don’t give them ideas please.
How about: Aisha was 9 when Mohammed consummated his marriage with her. But how old was the prophet? Was he (a) just 52, (b) just 53 or (c) just 54?
just before BBCs 5live Drearybyshire, does her best to run a long segment on Nairobi, whilst simultaneously distancing the listener from any connection to islam/muslims, a report on another suicide bombing.
Lots of long emphasis from VD on militants, on “el shabab”, on “al quaida” type terrorism, enter in house security “scaredy cat” W-nk Gardiner to obfuscate further, waffling on about “battle hardened militants” ?
(WHAT? shooting non muslim women? and children? in the shamefully named bbc “robbery” Frank eh! ) …
while hilariously/sadly, a news flash comes in that one of the burkha clad mass murderers is thought to be the white widow, wife of a 7/7 mass murderer!.
On and on the segment goes, more fluff ensues
as another flash comes in about Pakistani Muslims mass murdering Christians in a Church!
VD asks why? are Christians being killed? …
there are no words.
while you were sleeping eh! ….
must be taking their lead from this deceitful waste of oxygen
The World at One from 1 o’clock today on Radio 4:
They led with Nairobi and the terrorist outrage. Then at one point they mentioned ‘Little Mogadishu’, a part of the city where Somali refugees live, and the fears of … drum roll … wait for it! … wait for it!!! … a BACKLASH by the majority Kenyans against this Somali minority.
Could somebody tell the BBC to change the bloody record?
Not just in Kenya; police in the UK have stepped up patrols around mosques, and local butchers have been forbidden selling pork products to prevent sausages being viciously thrown in the direction of peace-loving imams
Will more non-Muslims be aware now of how this Government and ‘multiculturalists’ of INBBC, etc give priority to Islamic interests, when the threat comes from certain Muslims against the security of non-Muslims?
How politically predictable of INBBC:
Somali Muslims in Nairobi wrongly portrayed as victims of Islamic jihad massacre, when it is clear that the murderous jihadists singled out ‘kafirs’/non-Muslims as victims for execution.
INBBC’s duplicity, ‘multicuturalism’ and ‘left-Islam’ political agenda put our security at risk.
“‘If they found me, I’m white… so I’m dead’: Survivors reveal how gunman executed non-Muslims – after asking them to name Prophet Mohammed’s mother.
“Survivors said they saw fellow shoppers mercilessly executed after being singled out as non-Muslim.
“Shoppers said people were lined up and gunned down for failing to recite passages from the Koran.”
But INBBC censors that reality about Islamic jihadists and their supporters.
The BBC are probably hoping to find some obsequiously grateful non-Muslim survivor who escaped after being told by a brave ‘moderate’ Muslim the right answer to the Muslim terrorists question.
Hah! Fat chance.
On SkyNews they actually asked why these Al-Shabab terrorists would target whites, westeners and non-Muslims if their grievance was supposed to be with Kenya’s operations in Somalia – straying off the usual MSM-Liberal agenda somewhat.
I guess I must have blinked and missed that on Al-Beeb.
For INBBC to censor:
“Jihad group says that Muslims from Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Maine, and Arizona among Kenya mall jihad murderers”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“If this turns out to be true, it will raise important questions about what the mosques these men attended are preaching and teaching, and what law enforcement was doing among Muslims in the areas from which they came. The only problem is that no one will ask those questions.”
Will BBC-NUJ speculate thus on this afternoon’s meeting?:-
‘It is expected that the British government’s emergency Cobra security meeting will re-affirm its ban on entry into U.K of the anti-Islamic jihadists from America, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.’
Despite this, INBBC will continue to advocate the wearing of the niqab/burqa as part of its support for the rapid Islamisation of Europe:
“Kenya Terrorists ‘Were Dressed Up As Women'”
INBBC is not concerned the we do all we can against the blatant, massacring security threat which is Islamic jihad.
“Top British Conservatives grovel to Islamist agenda over veils”
“Not so long ago, she [Ms May] used her powers to ban entry to the UK by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. Both are tough, highly controversial Americans with a record of hitting hard at Islamist extremism. But banning them from entry to Britain? Because it might offend? Offend, whom?
“Theresa May knows the answer to that question. And you do too, right? What a miserable state of affairs.”
Black armbands at INBBC and INBBC Arabic TV?:-
“Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“This officially ends the ‘Arab Spring’ period that was so widely hailed — except here and at a few other jihad-conscious sites — as a new flowering of democracy and pluralism in Egypt. Instead, it was a Muslim Brotherhood power grab that ultimately foundered when Egyptians who didn’t want to live in a Sharia state rose up.”
Pamela Geller’s ‘Atlas Shrugs’ site:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“They will have to ban Obama, too, since he is their number one patron in Egypt and across the world.
“America was once thought of as a light unto nations; Obama has singlehandedly extinguished that light.
“Expect a media blackout on this, Obama’s latest epic failure.”
Contrasting reports on Islamic jihadist, SAMANTHA LEWTHWAITE.
1. ‘Daily Mail’ (updated)-
“Terror raid ‘led by white widow’: Gang mastermind in veil barked orders at gunmen in mall massacre that left three Britons dead.
“Kenyan official reveals he suspects the involvement of fugitive 7/7 ‘white widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite.
“UK death toll expected to rise following Saturday’s attack at Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, Kenya.
“Men, women and children slaughtered if they could not recite Koran or name Prophet Mohammed’s mother.
“Terror group Al Shabaab posts names online of some of 15 ‘holy warriors’ who it says carried out attack.
“Al Shabaab claims two British men from London, Liban Adam and Ahmed Nasir Shirdoon, were involved.
2.) INBBC:-
“Ms Lewthwaite, who comes from Aylesbury and has been dubbed the ‘White Widow’ by some newspapers, is on the run and is wanted by Kenyan police over links to a suspected terror cell.”
“Nairobi Westgate attack: Four Britons confirmed killed”
Late last night our brainwashers had changed them from “Islamic militants” to “Somali militants”, now apparently, they are simply “militants” And by the way, it may be that some of them are from “abroad”
Meanwhile however, Dave is rushing back to a COBRA meeting this afternoon after which he will no doubt reassure us all again that this is nothing to do with the religion of peace.
Tell you what though Dave And brainwashers, when something like this happens here, and its not if by the way, then may I suggest that you have A better story ready as I think you might just be a tad surprised by the reaction of the general public. You need to read up on what they did back in the seventies when the IRA bombed several pubs and clubs in Birmingham…….thousands of us stormed Westminster and demanded that the government of the day banned them…….worked a treat in reminding the politicos how thin the line between order and anarchy really is when people are really, really,really pissed off.
And here’s the thing Dave and brainwashers, people are already really, really, pissed off !
-Can’t find this reported on INBBC ‘Education’ pages online, which is a very politically leftist section, censoring most things negative on immigration, and on Islam and education:-
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Inspectors to be sent into Muslim school that orders staff to wear the hijab amid concerns about its quality of teaching.
“Ofsted investigating claims Al-Madinah School in Derby has replaced lessons with prayers.
“Inspection due later this month brought forward ‘as a matter of urgency.’
“Female pupils have to sit at the back of class and give up their place in queues for male classmates, it is claimed.”
What INBBC ( and political class) is in denial about:-
“No, Mr Cameron. The Kenyan massacre is all about Islamism”
By Douglas Murray.
Great quote in there from Simon Jenkins:
‘‘The modern urban obsession with celebrity buildings and high-profile events offers too many publicity-rich targets. A World Trade Centre, a Mumbai hotel, a Boston marathon, a Nairobi shopping mall are all enticing to extremists. Defending them is near impossible. Better at least not to create them. A shopping mall not only wipes out shopping streets, it makes a perfect terrorist fortress, near impossible to assault.’
So not only is it our own silly fault for not designing Islamist/Terrorist-proof buidlings and complexes way back it’s also payback for our hedonistic, consumerist lifestyle.
Anyway, where do we start with the rebuild…… Heathrow anybody?
And big sports events are out of the question too….
Bollocks, Simon, easier to surrender, eh?
“Anyway, where do we start with the rebuild…”
Careful deployment of bacon rashers on all door handles… Sorted.
Well, bar the legal book getting thrown by May & Cameron, egged on by 8,000 BBC ‘journalists’.
“Anyway, where do we start with the rebuild…”
Knock down all the mosques in England, Wales and N.I.?
(I’m expecting we might have an enforceable border with Scotland soon.)
While we’re part of the EU with free movement we should encourage them to engage in their religious expression in other EU countries – then we should get out of the EU double-quick time and leave the EU holding the problem it’s trying to destroy us with.
Update for INBBC:-
muslims are not happy? … and? … so?
hmmm? Swiss a ban? France a ban? Belgium a ban …. Russia?
“Muslims are very strongly indignant over such an outrageous decision,” Rushan Abbyasov, the deputy head of the council, told Reuters
This IS going to happen in Britain, and it’s not very far away.
Only a few scant years ago 10 Pakistani ‘students’ were arrested for ‘hostile scouting’ of the Arndale centre Manchester and the Trafford Centre, plus a nightclub in the city.
The students were expelled from the UK as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to charge them. In fact there was sufficient evidence, it just wasn’t admissible.
This was covered in most of the mainstream media at the time, but it has not been revisited by any of them.
Remember this because it isn’t just a rumour / idle fantasy, plans have already been drawn up and it’s just a matter of time.
Avoid any shopping centre which is enclosed like Arndale Trafford. Meadowhall, Bluewater etc etc. If you have to go make sure when entering you know where the exits are and keep your eyes out for an escape route at all times.
It isn’t a matter of ‘if’ it’s a matter of when.
-From 2010:-
“Anti-terror squad arrest 12 men ‘plotting to cause Christmas shopping carnage'”
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