95% of the viewers think the veil is divisive on BBC s SMLive
answer according to the panel – that the 95% need more education, (I know … only at the bbc) to see the ahem “truth” of islam?.
95% – that’s a lot of unnecessary “diversity” training 😀
I suppose there would be mass “navel gazing” in BBC HQ
If any one of our beebots came up with the idea, that the ahem … “tiny minority” 😀 (black out curtain wearers), of our 2% population of muslims, – would be a much more cogent option for intense re education …
hello bbc? … what? … question too difficult 😀
no eureka moment at al bbc?
Didn`t those Kenyan Islamobutchers use burkas-yet again-to murder those customers in Nairobi?
Ban then if only for health and safety reasons ,why don`t they?
Need I even ask?
yes … BBC 5live Drearybyshire, does her best to run a long segment on Nairobi, whilst simultaneously distancing the listener from any connection to islam/muslims
lots of long emphasis militants, on “el shabab”, on “al quaida” type terrorism, enter in house security “scaredy cat”
W-nk Gardiner to obfuscate further, while hilariously/sadly, a news flash comes in that one of the burkha clad mass murderers is thought to be the white widow, wife of a 7/7 mass murderer!.
On the segment goes, more fluff ensues
as another flash comes in about Pakistani Muslims mass murdering Christians in a Church!
VD wakes up, and so with all believability of an “X factor”
reaction, is shocked,
“why are Christians being killed”?
cometh the bleat! ….
off switch …………………………………………….
Vic Van Winkle. Earlier, I heard a superbly articulate Nigerian man explain to James O’Brien, LBC, just what these muslim butchers are all about, their tactics, their cachement areas, their absolutism – if you’re not with them, you’re dead. The gentleman had just returned from 5 months in Nigeria; he knew all about Boko Haram. He warned O’Brien that the Islamification of Britain was underway. Look at the indoctrination mosques, he said. Nonsense, said O’B, all just words in this country, no threat…
If Vic Derbyshire has gone ‘off message’, the beeboids should reel in James O’Brien. He has achieved the correct level of smug complacency.
Some of the beeboids are on the pitch. They think it’s all over. BAAANG!…..It is now.
how many more apprentices would you create if you included eu immigration?
why aren’t you going to seek eu opts out to enable you to create these extra apprenticeships?
why are you not including small businesses – surely if small businesses are able to import foreigner worker they should also be obliged to train the children of their customers and their community?
Di Canio is a facist prick and deserves all the grief he gets.
What might have been interesting would have been the BBCs reaction if an adherent to that other vicious and evil ideology, Marxism, was installed at a Premier League team. Rather different I would expect.
Not so much BBC bias but how low the standard of debate is in Scotland over the independence referendum. Just watching this garbage from Victoria Derbyshire makes me just want to pack my bags from my job up here and get back to England asap. The puerile, fanaticism and ignorance on display in this loutish squabble really is depressing. The working class, socialist hero crap that the BBC Scotland loves is on full display here:
The clue is in the description, 300 BBC veiwers and it is set in Glasgow. Put those together and even the red flag becomes a right wing fascist rallying cry by comparison.
Cameron really is far right compared to these people and the massive lurch in centrist politics to the left over the last 17 years, was nothing more than a fascist squabble, to the militant communist comrades of Glasgae!
Another question he wasn’t asked:
Was the immigration “mistake” that labour made the deliberate implementation of a policy of “rubbing the rights noses in diversity” through uncontrolled immigration that absolutely no one was asked to vote for, or something else ed ?
I don’t watch much TV on Saturday evenings, but on the few occasions that I have over the past six or so weeks, the BBC have been doing their best to support the Labour Party.
No doubt the BBC had got a meeting of experts together somewhere (rather like those climate change experts…Head of Children’s TV, Head of Drama, Head of Comedy) to ask themselves how they best to facilitate support for their ‘Leader’ as Miliband is want to be known.
The result being a contrived sketch on ‘That Puppet Game Show’, one that lauded the radical Labour party for it’s achievement on founding the NHS amongst other things
A couple of weeks later on the same show, the names of Miliband brothers appeared in a question (a supportive awareness strategy that).
Yesterday, in another contrived piece, a question was asked about the Welsh anthem in the ‘I Love My Country (but would love it more if the Marxist Miliband was in charge)’ programme. Accompanying the question was that belittling film of John Redwood’s embarrassing attempt to sing in Welsh.
If that film strikes anyone as familiar, it is. The BBC used it previously and had to apologise for ridiculing Redwood. Following a string of complaints, Hugs Boaden (remember her?) conceded the corporation was wrong to dig out the clip. “In retrospect we weren’t right to use the footage again, which came from a long time ago,” she said.
S0o they weren’t right to use it, but did so all over again yesterday – there must be an election on the way.
Of course the BBC will have to apologise all over again. But the question should really be asked what was the motivation for this, who was responsible, and why were lessons not learned from 2007.
The bigger question thought is what are politics doing on family entertainment shows at week-end peak viewing times.
It seems to confirm that the politically motivated activists in the BBC are out of control
This is another example of how the entire output of the main channels of the BBC are biased. From comedy and light entertainment, through drama and science and nature programmes through to children’s TV, there is always a liberal left agenda not quite hiding nearby.
It is very subtle and most people who are not overtly aware of it, will miss it at a consious level, but will be taking it all in, unquestioned, at a sub-coscious level. That is how subliminals work and the BBC are masters of it. Sometimes, subliminals conditioning can be very overt, without triggering recognition in those not yet aware of what is happening, but once you are aware of the techniques, the BBC suddenly becomes a very sinister brain-washing cult at a much more apparent and conscious level.
Just like those pictures with another picture hidden in the pattern within them, until the second picture is pointed out, you never see it, but once pointed out, that becomes the first thing you notice about it everytime you see it after that… The BBC’s liberal left conditioning across the range of output is very subtle and subliminal, until it is pointed out, and then that conditioning is all one can notice. It becomes utterly blatant.
And old Braveheart goes to Italy to say so.
The weather getting a bit peaky here now, and those Umbrian sunsets over the vines are to die for.
A prophet without honour has to get a ticket off us to Italy to tell us all this…we just don`t appreciate him do we?
Yentob next…and that IPCC meeting for them later…autumn a good time for those green saver airmiles eh?
“autumn a good time for those green saver airmiles eh?”
Indeed. Just caught a tweet from Justin Rowlatt, who seems cool on the irony of still being self-described as ‘Ethical Man’, despite this applying only to a few months for the purposes of making a point (so badly he set back sensible environmentalism years).
So these Islamist butchers in Nairobi are now “thought to be linked” to Al Queda , as Al Shabab say that they are..
You know-having pledged obedience to Al Zawahiri an` all!
But reading the BBC site tells me that the complex is Israeli owned and is the worst incident possibly since the US Embassy got what was coming to it in 1998-the implication of their weird reporting is there on the news site if you want to check.
“Thought to be”?…”alleged?”…typical BBC windbreaks for Islam as ever.
Ah, but it`s not ALL bad-according to that Beeboid who lost his legs and sees that as a worthy sacrifice to Allah…there may well be a woman leading this atrocity.
See-Al Shabab are an “equal opportunities employer”!..no more of this sexist stuff re burkas and acid in faces eh?
Let`s hope the Kenyan authorities are as female-friendly then, eh?
And if the glass ceiling that prevents womens empowerment gets a bit of infidel or Jewish blood in it?…well , that`ll be over-exuberance won`t it?
If there was any, it was by accident as the terrorists stated clearly that they would let Muslims go and only kill non-muslims. So much for the inclusive multiculturalism that the BBC loves so much. What happens when one culture (native Britons with their sense of fair play, generocity and tolerance) are forced out to make room for Islamics who want to convert or slaughter anyone different from themselves? What happens to your inclusive multiculturalism then? When one group infiltrates and converts or slaughters all the other cultures in that group, then your multicultural ideal will not last very long will it? If you really support multiculturalism, then you should NEVER support Islam. The two are completely and totally incompatible with each other. Hindu’s don’t want to kill or convert, neither do Bhuddists, Siekhs or atheists or Agnostics.
Someone let off a firecracker near one too, that was front page news for days…poor Muslims, all fearing a non existent backlash…the BBC will push it anyway.
I think we got the point ,but weren’t they Ukrainians?
Your right though no explanation to motive was ever forthcoming’
As soon as there was no EDL involvement it went straight down the memory hole
Sub judice again?
And all the feminists will walk around in shrouds, having found their identity at last. Their emancipation complete, a sense of order and purpose having been brought into their lives.
I’m just an average punter, but having been around for a long while, I can remember when the Soviet Union used to lay claim to having the first, best & biggest of everything. Attenborough’s new history of life reminded me of this as he appeared rely on China providing the fossil evidence for almost all of the great evolutionary leaps. I do hope he & the BBC have not been conned
I think he was before, over some reptile/bird fossil that absolutely settled the science in favour of the Darwinian
model , or so he breathlessly assured us.
Which I’m sure I later heard (though not on the BBC) turned out to be the work of an enterprising Chinese peasant
‘But scientists are “struggling” to explain the slowdown in global warming since 1998, it is being claimed.
Documents seen by the Associated Press (AP) show attempts at political interference in the final report, and that “several governments that reviewed the draft objected to how the issue was tackled”.
In a leaked draft, dating from June, the IPCC said that the rate of warming between 1998 and 2012 was about half the average rate since 1951…….
But the documents, according to AP, show Germany called for the reference to the slowdown to be deleted while the US urged scientists to include as its “leading hypothesis” that the reduction in warming is linked to more heat being transferred to the deep ocean. Both countries’ governments have policies which state their belief in man-made climate change.’
What’s that? Politicans influencing – nay, dicatating – what a so-called scientific report should say?
To some, this isn’t news. To the BBC and its 28gate mates, it never will be.
Post-normal. Everything is post-normal, these days.
Amazing. heat hides in the depth of the cold seas, waiting to spring out at us on the nod from Trenberth, cooling is warming, floods are droughts, more snow is no snow, growing ice is melting, and sea level stasis is catastrophic rise. Yes, it’s post-normal, all right.
That heat must be really smart, because apparenly, it manages to disobey the laws of physics to sink below cooler water (since when does heat sink?!?) and stealthily evade all those ARGO buoys on the way down to those conveniently unmeasurable depths.
Either that, or the hot water sinking hypothesis is even more bollocks than the falsified CAGW hypothesis.
Funny how all these supposed, so-called scientists insist on claiming that the models prove them correct…
The thing is, those models are only models of the hypothesis. So they are trying to convince us that the model of the hypothesis confirms the hypothesis. A hypothesis, cannot validate itself. That is NOT how science works and yet climate “scientists” are religiously attempting to convince us that this is valid science.
Using a model of the hypothesis to confirm the hypothesis, is like a six year old saying, “it is, because I said it is”
It is impossible for a hypothesis to validate itself. Models of the hypothesis can only be used to compare to reality, in order to test IF the prediction of the hypothesis remains valid when compared to real world data. If the hypothesis (as demonstrated by the models) predicts that the world will warm by 0.4 degrees per decade and then the earth does warm by 0.4 degrees per decade, then the hypothesis remains valid. However, if the hypothesis as demonstrated by the models, predicts warming of 0.4 degrees per decade, and we only see warming of 0.004 degrees, then the model and the hypothesis is INVALID!
Back in the real world, empirical, measured, reality has shown that the CAGW hypothesis is NOT supported by empirical real world data. The hypothesis has been falsified.
Anything else that they claim regarding models supporting CAGW is profoundly anti-scientific and is a fraud.
On Day 1 of the new Australian Government the top Climate Change man has been sacked – a nasty piece of work called Tom Flannery.
I like this article. It suggests that all the journalists and TV people who have pushed the Global Warming lies should be sacked as well. For failing to report the true facts, and for running vendettas against anyone who challenged the myth that has been damaging the OZ economy badly.
I wish the same would happen here – to the entire BBC gang of alarmists. For false reporting, for biased reporting – and for still failing to recognise reality. Worst of all – for failing to report the huge costs of climate-change policies. They are all arts graduates, all ignorant of how real science works and how truthful statistical analyses are done. They are total amateurs recycling any lie they are fed by the alarmist NGOs. And suppressing any counter arguments.
A basic rule of journalism or any investigation is “Cui bono?” – “Who benefits?”. The NGOs and the spurious academics benefit hugely from the alarmism. They should never have been trusted. And after 15 years of no temperature rise, the BBC team should have realised long since that the science is not settled. That the Warmists computer models have run slap-bang into reality.
Don’t hold your breath, John. On this morning’s Today Harrabin was assuring us that the ice is still melting, sea levels are still rising and extreme weather events are still ‘increasing’ – in fact, global warming hasn’t stalled at all. How does he know all this? The Head of the IPCC tells him so, that’s how.
At the end of this unforgiveable, one-sided pitch on behalf of his 28gate mates he mused ‘but how to explain this in laymen’s terms?’ (referring back, I think, to the ‘95%’ certainty of man-made global warming he quoted earlier) – (paraphrased) ‘Well,’ he said, ‘it’s like rolling a dice. Unless we roll a ‘1’ every other number means we are facing climate catastrophe’. And that, folks, is his idea of explaining his one-sided ‘science’ to the masses. Sheer class, BBC.
He has been spouting this shite for years now. Nobody thus far has stopped him or the BBC from their one-sided coverage which amounts to nothing more than eco-socialist propaganda. Why should we think anyone’s going to stop them now?
The global warming juggernaut – it’s too big to fail.
“…Why should we think anyone’s going to stop them now?
Nobody can stop the BBC unless they cut off its public funding. Since the BBC effectively know this will never happen (no matter how badly behaved, spendthrift, reckless or biased they are) because cowards in successive governments (of all flavours) all play the same cravenly referential game when it comes to the Corporation.
The BBC is effectively little more than a job creation scheme for middle-class, workshy, self-entitled lefties who know that as long as they dutifully parrot the requisite political orthodoxies they can slouch out of uni with their worthless ‘meeja’ degrees into a cushy little number paid for by the taxpayer licence fee payer.
The CAGW meme is a political project, relentlessly advocated by common purpose trolls like the BBC, the EU and the UN. It’s a socialist construct with a collectivist, agrarian agenda (21) and a single-minded mission to undermine western democracies, freedoms and technological advances.
Quite how the latte-swilling scumbags of the ‘meeja bubble’ will survive without their iPhones, laptops and comfy centrally-heated homes once they’ve successfully closed down our fossil fuel economy is something they never quite get around to explaining.
I heard Harrabin’s piece this morning. Shameless. His last line about rolling the dice suggested that it is 5 to one on that we face disaster.
Harrabin will lie through his teeth to the bitter end. That is why he should be sacked – for failing to report properly on a debate that is now wide-open.
We will hear 4 mantras from the BBC.
1 OK the temperature seems to have stopped rising but the last decade was the hottest on record. Not – temperatures have plateaud out and the computer models have been contradicted.
2 All the mysteriously-missing heat may have gone into the deep oceans. No mention that this is a conjecture by false “scientists” flailing around for excuses, not supported by any evidence.
3 We now have 95% certainty the (non-existent) temperature increases are man-made. This is based on screwball IPCC reasoning but it sounds kinda convincing.
4 There are dire risks if we do nothing. Never – there are dire economic and social risks from the crazy policies the Alarmists have foisted on us – including the Tories.
Incidentally – Harrabin did not use the word “deniers” today. Just as well – the real deniers are his side. Instead, he used the word “contrarian”. That is – anyone who looks at the real-world evidence, who recognises all the sham statistical tricks of the Alarmists, who has the simple common-sense to realise that elaborate computer programmes can give spurious results (especially if they are rigged to do so) – anyone with a sceptical view is “contrarian” which implies having a screw loose.
Heard that idiot David Shukman on BBC News Channel this morning talking about “extreme weather events” I actually heard him say “scientists are divided about the causes of these events.”
What happened to “the science is settled”?
I suppose the record 60% increase in sea ice at both the Poles and the damp squib that was the “hurricane season” on the east coast of the US has sent some of the climate alarmists scurrying for cover until they can come up with excuses to explain the events that keep ballsing up their “predictions”.
The “head” of the IPCC? Oh, you must mean the weird, bearded soft-porn writing ex-railway engineer, who is quick to call real science “voodoo”. I’m very surprised he’s still in post. It must have cost him.
So according to that corrupt lying Indian railway engineer, Pachuri, there has been no pause in warming at all, in spite of all the global monitoring stations, NASA GISS, HADCrut 3 and 4, UAS etc… all categorically proving that there has been a pause of about 17 years???
Isn`t he the bloke who`s done rather well financially out of this “buggins turn freebie” for some clapped out failed politico who`s not got the charisma, talent or sheer leadership skills of a Von Rumpoy…or our very own Cathy Ashton.
From taking Moscow money for CND to being parachuted into a top job in Brussels with no credentials whatsoever in one fell swoop?
Why, if she`s not the next head of the BBC, then I`ll eat Pattens “Fat Duck”…looks like he could afford to starve own of those jowls of his…
I’ve made a complaint about it. I know I’m wasting my time but I felt I had to register an objection. My goodness, the hoops they make you go through. I’ve documented the stages and may post them later once I’ve been fobbed off.
Don’t be let them fob you off! Pursue them right through the Head of Complaints to than BBC Trust. If they use delaying tactics contact your local MP and get him involved in the procedure. Takes time but it is worth making them work to answer your complaint.
The BBC’s obfuscation is blatant and shameless. Listening to their reports over the weekend and again on the Today programme this morning I feel disgusted these charlatans are posing as professional journalists.
Mind you, Sky News were at it, too. I think a very pernicious, toxic strain of progressive censorship is running through most of our liberal mainstream media these days – the BBC are, of course, at the apex, but others, who really should know better, seem more than willing to fall in line with the new censorship.
When exactly was it agreed by all parties that the news should be redacted before broadcast? How did this happen?
One thing’s for sure: whatever it is these people are selling it most certainly has very little connection to ‘truth in journalism’.
The problem with Sky (and it is exactly as you say) is that so many working for it are former BBC employes.
Starting a broadcast media company in the UK is like starting a government with civil servants trained in North Korea. They only know one way of thinking.
Add in the pernicious effect of our ‘higher’ education (ha!) and the chances of getting journalists and editors who aren’t Guardianistas is vanishingly small.
‘I think a very pernicious, toxic strain of progressive censorship is running through most of our liberal mainstream media these days…..’
Not suprising, Phil, when you look at the left wing bias in our education system for the last 30-plus years.
Mrs jtf was reading out a piece from the paper earlier – I think the research was by Unicef but I couldn’t be sure – informing us that the thing schoolchildren fear most is ‘climate change’. Who’d have believed it, eh?
Well the BBC cannot call it terrorism and still agitate to get the public to support calls for our military to get involved on the same side as these terrorists in Syria.
In a trailer on Radio 2 Jeremy Vine proudly proclaims that his show has been voted “No.1 Radio News Program in the UK”
…He goes on to add “Is it because we play the Smiths?”
Jeez if that’s the case it ain’t saying much about the rest is it?
Morrissey and Jeremy Vine, what a complete pair of lefty tossers, and if the show is the most listened to, it looks like the BBC’s work is done ….
Of course, the Smiths were always sh1t, only the fact the BBC keep telling us they’re good, the lie has stuck has stuck in all our student bars….
Morrissey is racist isn`t he?…if we apply the BBCs test for such things.
National Front Disco…Bengali in platforms…those rants from the stage in the early 90s etc….
Is racism contagious?…I feel all giddy…best to be safe and ban the old tart until we`ve done a health check.
Vine is therefore a racist too-I feel it so it`s so!
BBC Radio Manchester trying to link our ‘crazy’ recent weather i.e. the cold and then warm weather especially yesterday with climate change. Guess what mongs – it’s September, you can get anything in September! Sheesh.
Do the Mancunians not know that in the winter it’s cold and wet, in the spring it’s cold and wet, in the summer it’s cold and wet (with occasional warmer, drier spells), and in the autumn it’s cold and wet?
I don”t believe that those particular facets of the North Western climate have changed much at all. (But, I will admit it’s possibly a little less smoky, now…).
I think the left wing indocrination about climate change must have written over their own memories of past years British climate, which has always been changeable. There is nothing unusual in having freezing icy temperatures one week, then temperatures in the 20s the next week, in autumn or spring. In fact I have known occasional days with that much of a temperature swing.
British weather has been famous the world over for being very changeable and almost impossible to predict. Only in reality denying climate change world has the British weather ever been in a state of calm and steady, unchanging stasis from week to week.
Shukman was also at it this morning on the BBC news channel. Pictures of frazzled crops, Chinese people in waterworld cooling off,cooling towers belching out steam whilst he talked about co2. However he did say that the climate is extremely complex and that is why the IPCC are finding it difficult to explain the current “pause”. This was then followed by two sound bites from a couple of warmist scientists saying that nevertheless warming will continue as predicted. No sound bites from any skeptics of course. Complete and blatent bias and arrogance from these idiots as usual.
I am praying for a really cold winter, power cuts and large fuel cost increases…..bring it on!
‘I am praying for a really cold winter, power cuts and large fuel cost increases’
The ‘that’ll show them’ response is tempting, but would offer Pyhric satisfaction at best.
Actual victims will be the innocent.
The likes of a Shuckman will be paid enough to cover any costs, including back-up power.
Even if found to be personally acting on Monbiot’s or Davy’s orders, he would only be side-stepped before getting added on full wedge to the BBC’s growing shredd… archiving department.
As Labour’s apprentice scheme is clearly illegal (under EU laws) if it means only British people can have such apprentices then does this mean they will consider leaving the EU?
It is, without doubt, news, but I again wonder why this was accorded rush email status when so much else is not…
Subject: “Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood ‘activities'”
Beyond the crushing import of it all, the BBC’s objective analysis is summarised by this caption:
“The army portrays its crackdown on the Brotherhood as a fight against terrorism”
Whereas, in reality, it is what the BBC portrays as the word of truth?
“Continue reading the main story”
“Egypt in crisis”
“Back to a generals’ republic?”
All doubtless penned by a BBC local etching another notch in his shotgun having winged Jezza.
No thanks, Aunty, if I want Egyptian fiction from another planet, I’ll watch Stargate.
News 24: Sky say that some of the Kenya terrorists dressed as women. Probably (my guess) in burka to smuggle in the weapons. bBC just say they were all men. Quite a difference, but then it is the bBC.
I really don’t know what to make of a comment on the Today programme this morning. Justin Webb made a little aside while talking to a bishop about the blowing up of a Church in Pakistan killing 75 Christians. To be more accurate, seemingly unable to bring himself to utter the word “Christian” Webb resorted to “non-Muslim”.
At 2’47”00 Webb says “…There have been calls in the past for the authorities to protect not just Christians but Shites as well…”
Shites? That may be true (?) but why bring it up in an interview about Christians (sorry “non-Muslims”) being blown up in a church? How does this sort of comment happen? Is Webb briefed before hand, “Jeremy, for goodness sake mention that Christians are not the only targets…mention the Shites to show not all Muslims are bad”; or is it Webb’s innate sense of white guilt that he has to point out that Muslims are victims too (the official BBC line).
After all one doesn’t hear reports from Kenya that the murdering bastards in the Mall asked their victims “Are you a Shite?” Not even “are you a Christian”? But “are you a Muslim”? Non-Muslims were shot dead.
It seems a small point but I hope an illuminating one. Sadly, Webb wouldn’t even know what I was getting at. But as the author Bernie Goldberg once said,” fish don’t know they’re wet”.
Also: now we’ve discovered that some of the gunmen in Kenya were dressed in burkas and smuggled their weapons into the mall under the outfits, it’s a legitimate security concern in the UK. I wonder how Mr. Campbell will spin this one?
Indeed. But you’ll still be tagged a racist for pointing it out. I suspect it’s a matter of time until a similar incident is atempted in this country and the BBC will share some blame for encouraging a climate where you dare not discuss such things.
And the BBC will be in the forefront of defending the terrorists by claiming that they are not representitive of Islam…
Just one thing bothers me about that statement, even IF on some level it may be argued to be true…. The terrorists themselves genuinely believe that they ARE acting solely in the name of Islam whilst they are commiting such attrocities. So it is scant compensation for the loved ones of the deceased that they terrorists apparently killed in error and presumably (according to the way some BBC minds work) should have been killing in the name of right wing white supremacy instead, and thus would be representitive (brevik style) of all white right wingers. Just as they claim that one or two idiots (who are normally UAF plants) kicking off at an EDL rally, really are representitive of the entire EDL… Yet the few Islamic terrorists, cannot possibly be representitive of the Islam that they are killing in the name of…
It’s all the fault of the security services. Good job we’ve got the impartial BBC to keep us all informed of truth.
“One security official has told me this incident will come to be seen as a massive intelligence failure. The Kenyan authorities will have to answer questions about how much they knew in advance. How were so many gunmen able to storm this building – such a high-profile, upmarket building – despite there being real concerns for some time that it was a prime terror target?”
Not an incident that really warrants levity in any form, but if the world renowned BBC is one asking such questions, the Kenyan authorities could always pull a BBC and advise they got it about right, don’t get held to account, and end up promoting all involved plus a few new of their mates on top for good measure.
If the BBC thinks the big issue to be addressed is why a shopping mall was not a stockade vs. why a bunch of ideological loons decided on mass murder by faith, they may need to reflect on their professional priorities.
Re Edited Highlights above.
It was only a matter of time before the “security services” Group 4 or the equivalent in Kenya would get the blame from the BBC.
The BBC simply cannot bring themselves to think that maybe Islam…Muslims…and their own cringing excusing of anything done in Islams namne(as this was!) could have anything to do with yet ANOTHER bloody atrocity.
Far easier to blame Tory cuts,the West, those Mau Mau oppressors of the 50s…and the mall guards on a coffee break
…than blame Al Shabab, Al Queda…or f***in Islam as it`s easier to say.
Public enquiry-sack the trolley pushers, change the uniform so as not to offend Al Zawahiri (this month anyway)…and free wristbands for all…THAT should do it.
It`s F***`in Islam that is the common thread of evil through all we`re living through…from New York to Nairobi via Bali, BeslanWoolwich, Boston and all the others…it`s Muslim men doing this, when they`re done with stalking white girls in council care.
The BBC will of course be blaming the US, Israel or privitisation or a lack of concern for Greenpeace, Roma or Occupy.
I reckon all burkas have got to be miniskirt height now-so we can see the f***ers hairy legs and rifle butts.
Where`s Rosie Millard or whoever does the fashion crap on the BBC…illegal hemlines-another excuse to employ an army of creeps for “inspections”.
I come from a Physics background and it always surprises me, listening to some climate scientists, how easily they dismiss the power of our solar system’s central object.
You only have to consider how temperatures in summer can vary considerably – within a space of weeks – leading to Autumn. So from 29 degrees celsius midday in August to 13 degrees Celsius in September (typically, where I live).
All this due to the position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun.
That people who are highly paid “scientists” in positions of influence, should seek to wilfully conflate a theoretical model, with empirical experiment, and thus use a model of a hypothesis, to validate the same hypothesis, leaves me red with fury. That the science editors of the BBC are so utterly ignorant and inept at understanding the core tenet of the scientific method, so that they do not even hint at questioning such an obvious and blatant fraud at the very core of climate “science” shows how utterly corrupt the BBC is. This scale of failure to address wilful scientific fraud in the pursuit of an overtly political agenda, proves beyond doubt that the BBC is wholly unfit for purpose. Doubly so with regards to the catestrophic effect that political policies based on the “need to tackle climate change” will cause hundreds of thousands of additional deaths of the most vulnerable people, due to needless and artificially created energy poverty.
That the BBC should coninue with their dishonest and morally bankrupt presentation of this blatant scientific fraud shows the BBC to be evil, corrupt and a genuine danger to a large and vulnerable section of society.
A similar attack to the one in Kenya IS going to happen in Britain, and it’s not very far away.
Only a few scant years ago 10 Pakistani ‘students’ were arrested for ‘hostile scouting’ of the Arndale centre Manchester and the Trafford Centre, plus a nightclub in the city.
The students were expelled from the UK as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to charge them. In fact there was sufficient evidence, it just wasn’t admissible.
This was covered in most of the mainstream media at the time, but it has not been revisited by any of them.
Remember this because it isn’t just a rumour / idle fantasy, plans have already been drawn up and it’s just a matter of time.
Avoid any shopping centre which is enclosed like Arndale Trafford. Meadowhall, Bluewater etc etc. If you have to go make sure when entering you know where the exits are and keep your eyes out for an escape route at all times.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
95% of the viewers think the veil is divisive on BBC s SMLive
answer according to the panel – that the 95% need more education, (I know … only at the bbc) to see the ahem “truth” of islam?.
95% – that’s a lot of unnecessary “diversity” training 😀
I suppose there would be mass “navel gazing” in BBC HQ
If any one of our beebots came up with the idea, that the ahem … “tiny minority” 😀 (black out curtain wearers), of our 2% population of muslims, – would be a much more cogent option for intense re education …
hello bbc? … what? … question too difficult 😀
no eureka moment at al bbc?
Didn`t those Kenyan Islamobutchers use burkas-yet again-to murder those customers in Nairobi?
Ban then if only for health and safety reasons ,why don`t they?
Need I even ask?
Just another day in the basket case that is Africa, bit like dog bites man, a non story
yes … BBC 5live Drearybyshire, does her best to run a long segment on Nairobi, whilst simultaneously distancing the listener from any connection to islam/muslims
lots of long emphasis militants, on “el shabab”, on “al quaida” type terrorism, enter in house security “scaredy cat”
W-nk Gardiner to obfuscate further, while hilariously/sadly, a news flash comes in that one of the burkha clad mass murderers is thought to be the white widow, wife of a 7/7 mass murderer!.
On the segment goes, more fluff ensues
as another flash comes in about Pakistani Muslims mass murdering Christians in a Church!
VD wakes up, and so with all believability of an “X factor”
reaction, is shocked,
“why are Christians being killed”?
cometh the bleat! ….
off switch …………………………………………….
Vic Van Winkle. Earlier, I heard a superbly articulate Nigerian man explain to James O’Brien, LBC, just what these muslim butchers are all about, their tactics, their cachement areas, their absolutism – if you’re not with them, you’re dead. The gentleman had just returned from 5 months in Nigeria; he knew all about Boko Haram. He warned O’Brien that the Islamification of Britain was underway. Look at the indoctrination mosques, he said. Nonsense, said O’B, all just words in this country, no threat…
If Vic Derbyshire has gone ‘off message’, the beeboids should reel in James O’Brien. He has achieved the correct level of smug complacency.
Some of the beeboids are on the pitch. They think it’s all over. BAAANG!…..It is now.
yep! thank goodness eh!
al bbc has overlooked this …
… obviously the body count isn t high enough
well “liberace film gets emmy award”
always worth a mention
questions millibananas wasn’t asked
how many more apprentices would you create if you included eu immigration?
why aren’t you going to seek eu opts out to enable you to create these extra apprenticeships?
why are you not including small businesses – surely if small businesses are able to import foreigner worker they should also be obliged to train the children of their customers and their community?
It’s possible some may feel that the market rate talent known as Marr is a) no talent and b) enjoying a level of remuneration recently highlighted by the inquiry involving those who sign-off each other’s, and his cheques, as in excess of competence…
did anyone see MOTD extra – clearly they hate paolo de canio – now why might that be?
Nazi salutes aside, de Canio’s behaviour at clubs like Sheffield Wednesday goes well beyond any political aspect.
He was a talented player and the fans loved him but man is a spectacular arse all the same.
Di Canio is a facist prick and deserves all the grief he gets.
What might have been interesting would have been the BBCs reaction if an adherent to that other vicious and evil ideology, Marxism, was installed at a Premier League team. Rather different I would expect.
Because he is crap and has been fired?
Not so much BBC bias but how low the standard of debate is in Scotland over the independence referendum. Just watching this garbage from Victoria Derbyshire makes me just want to pack my bags from my job up here and get back to England asap. The puerile, fanaticism and ignorance on display in this loutish squabble really is depressing. The working class, socialist hero crap that the BBC Scotland loves is on full display here:
Agreed, it was so awful I couldn’t stand more than 15 minutes. It was like reliving the 70s & 80s with Red Robbo and Derek Hatton.
The clue is in the description, 300 BBC veiwers and it is set in Glasgow. Put those together and even the red flag becomes a right wing fascist rallying cry by comparison.
Cameron really is far right compared to these people and the massive lurch in centrist politics to the left over the last 17 years, was nothing more than a fascist squabble, to the militant communist comrades of Glasgae!
Another question he wasn’t asked:
Was the immigration “mistake” that labour made the deliberate implementation of a policy of “rubbing the rights noses in diversity” through uncontrolled immigration that absolutely no one was asked to vote for, or something else ed ?
Cheap labour employers corrupting politicians from Attlee onward – right, Auntie?
I don’t watch much TV on Saturday evenings, but on the few occasions that I have over the past six or so weeks, the BBC have been doing their best to support the Labour Party.
No doubt the BBC had got a meeting of experts together somewhere (rather like those climate change experts…Head of Children’s TV, Head of Drama, Head of Comedy) to ask themselves how they best to facilitate support for their ‘Leader’ as Miliband is want to be known.
The result being a contrived sketch on ‘That Puppet Game Show’, one that lauded the radical Labour party for it’s achievement on founding the NHS amongst other things
A couple of weeks later on the same show, the names of Miliband brothers appeared in a question (a supportive awareness strategy that).
Yesterday, in another contrived piece, a question was asked about the Welsh anthem in the ‘I Love My Country (but would love it more if the Marxist Miliband was in charge)’ programme. Accompanying the question was that belittling film of John Redwood’s embarrassing attempt to sing in Welsh.
If that film strikes anyone as familiar, it is. The BBC used it previously and had to apologise for ridiculing Redwood. Following a string of complaints, Hugs Boaden (remember her?) conceded the corporation was wrong to dig out the clip. “In retrospect we weren’t right to use the footage again, which came from a long time ago,” she said.
S0o they weren’t right to use it, but did so all over again yesterday – there must be an election on the way.
Of course the BBC will have to apologise all over again. But the question should really be asked what was the motivation for this, who was responsible, and why were lessons not learned from 2007.
The bigger question thought is what are politics doing on family entertainment shows at week-end peak viewing times.
It seems to confirm that the politically motivated activists in the BBC are out of control
Running concurrently was the Gordon Brown Nose Picking story which the BBC resolutely ignored until the comparison was made with Redwood.
Just why isn’t that clip of Gordon Brown shown every time he or, for that matter, noses are mentioned, however obliquely?
Could it be another case of bias through the Round Window? Surely not!
This is another example of how the entire output of the main channels of the BBC are biased. From comedy and light entertainment, through drama and science and nature programmes through to children’s TV, there is always a liberal left agenda not quite hiding nearby.
It is very subtle and most people who are not overtly aware of it, will miss it at a consious level, but will be taking it all in, unquestioned, at a sub-coscious level. That is how subliminals work and the BBC are masters of it. Sometimes, subliminals conditioning can be very overt, without triggering recognition in those not yet aware of what is happening, but once you are aware of the techniques, the BBC suddenly becomes a very sinister brain-washing cult at a much more apparent and conscious level.
Just like those pictures with another picture hidden in the pattern within them, until the second picture is pointed out, you never see it, but once pointed out, that becomes the first thing you notice about it everytime you see it after that… The BBC’s liberal left conditioning across the range of output is very subtle and subliminal, until it is pointed out, and then that conditioning is all one can notice. It becomes utterly blatant.
The man who warned government Ministers that the BBC doesn’t get held to account, now concedes a few things may have slipped past that he and his astoundingly uncurious, and forgetful, and remunerated colleagues that are down to … Who again?
This sack of beached whale blubber is consuming the oxygen of an entire South American country’s rainforest that is hard to justify.
And old Braveheart goes to Italy to say so.
The weather getting a bit peaky here now, and those Umbrian sunsets over the vines are to die for.
A prophet without honour has to get a ticket off us to Italy to tell us all this…we just don`t appreciate him do we?
Yentob next…and that IPCC meeting for them later…autumn a good time for those green saver airmiles eh?
“autumn a good time for those green saver airmiles eh?”
Indeed. Just caught a tweet from Justin Rowlatt, who seems cool on the irony of still being self-described as ‘Ethical Man’, despite this applying only to a few months for the purposes of making a point (so badly he set back sensible environmentalism years).
Even when he was being “ethical man”, his climate footprint was much higher than mine. In spite of my best efforts to increase it.
So these Islamist butchers in Nairobi are now “thought to be linked” to Al Queda , as Al Shabab say that they are..
You know-having pledged obedience to Al Zawahiri an` all!
But reading the BBC site tells me that the complex is Israeli owned and is the worst incident possibly since the US Embassy got what was coming to it in 1998-the implication of their weird reporting is there on the news site if you want to check.
“Thought to be”?…”alleged?”…typical BBC windbreaks for Islam as ever.
Ah, but it`s not ALL bad-according to that Beeboid who lost his legs and sees that as a worthy sacrifice to Allah…there may well be a woman leading this atrocity.
See-Al Shabab are an “equal opportunities employer”!..no more of this sexist stuff re burkas and acid in faces eh?
Let`s hope the Kenyan authorities are as female-friendly then, eh?
And if the glass ceiling that prevents womens empowerment gets a bit of infidel or Jewish blood in it?…well , that`ll be over-exuberance won`t it?
The Beeb worked doubly hard on the 10am BBC News slot this morning to find a muslim victim of the shootings….
If there was any, it was by accident as the terrorists stated clearly that they would let Muslims go and only kill non-muslims. So much for the inclusive multiculturalism that the BBC loves so much. What happens when one culture (native Britons with their sense of fair play, generocity and tolerance) are forced out to make room for Islamics who want to convert or slaughter anyone different from themselves? What happens to your inclusive multiculturalism then? When one group infiltrates and converts or slaughters all the other cultures in that group, then your multicultural ideal will not last very long will it? If you really support multiculturalism, then you should NEVER support Islam. The two are completely and totally incompatible with each other. Hindu’s don’t want to kill or convert, neither do Bhuddists, Siekhs or atheists or Agnostics.
“Pakistan church blast kills dozens” the BBC’s Toytown news website tells us this evening.
Damn those self-detonating churches!
Must have left the gas on.
If it had been a mosque we won’t hear the end of it.
Some one daubed a mosque with paint and we didn’t hear then end of that
Someone let off a firecracker near one too, that was front page news for days…poor Muslims, all fearing a non existent backlash…the BBC will push it anyway.
The poor Muslims, they should all move to Islington and Hampstead.
Oh no, begin with the area around the Chipping Norton set, then only when the cotswolds are full use Islington.
and at least 95% viewers of this blog would agree with you ….
just a minute … lets al bbc compute that … sheesh!
boy do YOU need re-educating 😀
The BBC blamed the ADL for that, then it turned out it was a Polish immigrant and the BBC went very quiet.
Sorry EDL! fcking predictive text!
I think we got the point ,but weren’t they Ukrainians?
Your right though no explanation to motive was ever forthcoming’
As soon as there was no EDL involvement it went straight down the memory hole
Sub judice again?
The only good thing about this is.
If Islam ever takes over the west, all this BBC/Libtard traitors will be all be killed ASAP by the Muslims.
Not before Cameron’s newly married same sex mates, oh the irony!
And all the feminists will walk around in shrouds, having found their identity at last. Their emancipation complete, a sense of order and purpose having been brought into their lives.
+ 100
And who is training them and arming them out there!
Some more on that story
I’m just an average punter, but having been around for a long while, I can remember when the Soviet Union used to lay claim to having the first, best & biggest of everything. Attenborough’s new history of life reminded me of this as he appeared rely on China providing the fossil evidence for almost all of the great evolutionary leaps. I do hope he & the BBC have not been conned
I think he was before, over some reptile/bird fossil that absolutely settled the science in favour of the Darwinian
model , or so he breathlessly assured us.
Which I’m sure I later heard (though not on the BBC) turned out to be the work of an enterprising Chinese peasant
Can we expect the home of the world’s finest investigative journalism to run a major piece e.g. a Panorama ‘special, on this?
‘But scientists are “struggling” to explain the slowdown in global warming since 1998, it is being claimed.
Documents seen by the Associated Press (AP) show attempts at political interference in the final report, and that “several governments that reviewed the draft objected to how the issue was tackled”.
In a leaked draft, dating from June, the IPCC said that the rate of warming between 1998 and 2012 was about half the average rate since 1951…….
But the documents, according to AP, show Germany called for the reference to the slowdown to be deleted while the US urged scientists to include as its “leading hypothesis” that the reduction in warming is linked to more heat being transferred to the deep ocean. Both countries’ governments have policies which state their belief in man-made climate change.’
What’s that? Politicans influencing – nay, dicatating – what a so-called scientific report should say?
To some, this isn’t news. To the BBC and its 28gate mates, it never will be.
I am probably naïve but when I did chemistry and physics at school, hot water was less dense than cold water. (until 4C).
But anyway – if this is happening now – why wasn’t it happening before?
But Arthur, that was old chemistry and physics, not the new, improved chemistry and physics. You need to keep up with advances in science.
Post-normal. Everything is post-normal, these days.
Amazing. heat hides in the depth of the cold seas, waiting to spring out at us on the nod from Trenberth, cooling is warming, floods are droughts, more snow is no snow, growing ice is melting, and sea level stasis is catastrophic rise. Yes, it’s post-normal, all right.
That heat must be really smart, because apparenly, it manages to disobey the laws of physics to sink below cooler water (since when does heat sink?!?) and stealthily evade all those ARGO buoys on the way down to those conveniently unmeasurable depths.
Either that, or the hot water sinking hypothesis is even more bollocks than the falsified CAGW hypothesis.
Funny how all these supposed, so-called scientists insist on claiming that the models prove them correct…
The thing is, those models are only models of the hypothesis. So they are trying to convince us that the model of the hypothesis confirms the hypothesis. A hypothesis, cannot validate itself. That is NOT how science works and yet climate “scientists” are religiously attempting to convince us that this is valid science.
Using a model of the hypothesis to confirm the hypothesis, is like a six year old saying, “it is, because I said it is”
It is impossible for a hypothesis to validate itself. Models of the hypothesis can only be used to compare to reality, in order to test IF the prediction of the hypothesis remains valid when compared to real world data. If the hypothesis (as demonstrated by the models) predicts that the world will warm by 0.4 degrees per decade and then the earth does warm by 0.4 degrees per decade, then the hypothesis remains valid. However, if the hypothesis as demonstrated by the models, predicts warming of 0.4 degrees per decade, and we only see warming of 0.004 degrees, then the model and the hypothesis is INVALID!
Back in the real world, empirical, measured, reality has shown that the CAGW hypothesis is NOT supported by empirical real world data. The hypothesis has been falsified.
Anything else that they claim regarding models supporting CAGW is profoundly anti-scientific and is a fraud.
On Day 1 of the new Australian Government the top Climate Change man has been sacked – a nasty piece of work called Tom Flannery.
I like this article. It suggests that all the journalists and TV people who have pushed the Global Warming lies should be sacked as well. For failing to report the true facts, and for running vendettas against anyone who challenged the myth that has been damaging the OZ economy badly.
I wish the same would happen here – to the entire BBC gang of alarmists. For false reporting, for biased reporting – and for still failing to recognise reality. Worst of all – for failing to report the huge costs of climate-change policies. They are all arts graduates, all ignorant of how real science works and how truthful statistical analyses are done. They are total amateurs recycling any lie they are fed by the alarmist NGOs. And suppressing any counter arguments.
A basic rule of journalism or any investigation is “Cui bono?” – “Who benefits?”. The NGOs and the spurious academics benefit hugely from the alarmism. They should never have been trusted. And after 15 years of no temperature rise, the BBC team should have realised long since that the science is not settled. That the Warmists computer models have run slap-bang into reality.
Don’t hold your breath, John. On this morning’s Today Harrabin was assuring us that the ice is still melting, sea levels are still rising and extreme weather events are still ‘increasing’ – in fact, global warming hasn’t stalled at all. How does he know all this? The Head of the IPCC tells him so, that’s how.
At the end of this unforgiveable, one-sided pitch on behalf of his 28gate mates he mused ‘but how to explain this in laymen’s terms?’ (referring back, I think, to the ‘95%’ certainty of man-made global warming he quoted earlier) – (paraphrased) ‘Well,’ he said, ‘it’s like rolling a dice. Unless we roll a ‘1’ every other number means we are facing climate catastrophe’. And that, folks, is his idea of explaining his one-sided ‘science’ to the masses. Sheer class, BBC.
He has been spouting this shite for years now. Nobody thus far has stopped him or the BBC from their one-sided coverage which amounts to nothing more than eco-socialist propaganda. Why should we think anyone’s going to stop them now?
The global warming juggernaut – it’s too big to fail.
“…Why should we think anyone’s going to stop them now?
Nobody can stop the BBC unless they cut off its public funding. Since the BBC effectively know this will never happen (no matter how badly behaved, spendthrift, reckless or biased they are) because cowards in successive governments (of all flavours) all play the same cravenly referential game when it comes to the Corporation.
The BBC is effectively little more than a job creation scheme for middle-class, workshy, self-entitled lefties who know that as long as they dutifully parrot the requisite political orthodoxies they can slouch out of uni with their worthless ‘meeja’ degrees into a cushy little number paid for by the
taxpayerlicence fee payer.The CAGW meme is a political project, relentlessly advocated by common purpose trolls like the BBC, the EU and the UN. It’s a socialist construct with a collectivist, agrarian agenda (21) and a single-minded mission to undermine western democracies, freedoms and technological advances.
Quite how the latte-swilling scumbags of the ‘meeja bubble’ will survive without their iPhones, laptops and comfy centrally-heated homes once they’ve successfully closed down our fossil fuel economy is something they never quite get around to explaining.
I heard Harrabin’s piece this morning. Shameless. His last line about rolling the dice suggested that it is 5 to one on that we face disaster.
Harrabin will lie through his teeth to the bitter end. That is why he should be sacked – for failing to report properly on a debate that is now wide-open.
We will hear 4 mantras from the BBC.
1 OK the temperature seems to have stopped rising but the last decade was the hottest on record. Not – temperatures have plateaud out and the computer models have been contradicted.
2 All the mysteriously-missing heat may have gone into the deep oceans. No mention that this is a conjecture by false “scientists” flailing around for excuses, not supported by any evidence.
3 We now have 95% certainty the (non-existent) temperature increases are man-made. This is based on screwball IPCC reasoning but it sounds kinda convincing.
4 There are dire risks if we do nothing. Never – there are dire economic and social risks from the crazy policies the Alarmists have foisted on us – including the Tories.
Incidentally – Harrabin did not use the word “deniers” today. Just as well – the real deniers are his side. Instead, he used the word “contrarian”. That is – anyone who looks at the real-world evidence, who recognises all the sham statistical tricks of the Alarmists, who has the simple common-sense to realise that elaborate computer programmes can give spurious results (especially if they are rigged to do so) – anyone with a sceptical view is “contrarian” which implies having a screw loose.
Heard that idiot David Shukman on BBC News Channel this morning talking about “extreme weather events” I actually heard him say “scientists are divided about the causes of these events.”
What happened to “the science is settled”?
I suppose the record 60% increase in sea ice at both the Poles and the damp squib that was the “hurricane season” on the east coast of the US has sent some of the climate alarmists scurrying for cover until they can come up with excuses to explain the events that keep ballsing up their “predictions”.
The “head” of the IPCC? Oh, you must mean the weird, bearded soft-porn writing ex-railway engineer, who is quick to call real science “voodoo”. I’m very surprised he’s still in post. It must have cost him.
So according to that corrupt lying Indian railway engineer, Pachuri, there has been no pause in warming at all, in spite of all the global monitoring stations, NASA GISS, HADCrut 3 and 4, UAS etc… all categorically proving that there has been a pause of about 17 years???
Who is the f***ing reality denier now!?!?
Isn`t he the bloke who`s done rather well financially out of this “buggins turn freebie” for some clapped out failed politico who`s not got the charisma, talent or sheer leadership skills of a Von Rumpoy…or our very own Cathy Ashton.
From taking Moscow money for CND to being parachuted into a top job in Brussels with no credentials whatsoever in one fell swoop?
Why, if she`s not the next head of the BBC, then I`ll eat Pattens “Fat Duck”…looks like he could afford to starve own of those jowls of his…
The BBC appear to have won the ‘war on terror’
Well, the war on the word ‘terror’
Soft targets, grabbing the attention of international news media, innocent civilians murdered, hostages taken…..
You may call it terrorism….
The dictionary may call it terrorism
The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
The President of Kenya may call it terrorism
But the BBC are damned if they are going to call it terrorism.
I’ve made a complaint about it. I know I’m wasting my time but I felt I had to register an objection. My goodness, the hoops they make you go through. I’ve documented the stages and may post them later once I’ve been fobbed off.
Don’t be let them fob you off! Pursue them right through the Head of Complaints to than BBC Trust. If they use delaying tactics contact your local MP and get him involved in the procedure. Takes time but it is worth making them work to answer your complaint.
The BBC’s obfuscation is blatant and shameless. Listening to their reports over the weekend and again on the Today programme this morning I feel disgusted these charlatans are posing as professional journalists.
Mind you, Sky News were at it, too. I think a very pernicious, toxic strain of progressive censorship is running through most of our liberal mainstream media these days – the BBC are, of course, at the apex, but others, who really should know better, seem more than willing to fall in line with the new censorship.
When exactly was it agreed by all parties that the news should be redacted before broadcast? How did this happen?
One thing’s for sure: whatever it is these people are selling it most certainly has very little connection to ‘truth in journalism’.
The problem with Sky (and it is exactly as you say) is that so many working for it are former BBC employes.
Starting a broadcast media company in the UK is like starting a government with civil servants trained in North Korea. They only know one way of thinking.
Add in the pernicious effect of our ‘higher’ education (ha!) and the chances of getting journalists and editors who aren’t Guardianistas is vanishingly small.
‘I think a very pernicious, toxic strain of progressive censorship is running through most of our liberal mainstream media these days…..’
Not suprising, Phil, when you look at the left wing bias in our education system for the last 30-plus years.
Mrs jtf was reading out a piece from the paper earlier – I think the research was by Unicef but I couldn’t be sure – informing us that the thing schoolchildren fear most is ‘climate change’. Who’d have believed it, eh?
Well the BBC cannot call it terrorism and still agitate to get the public to support calls for our military to get involved on the same side as these terrorists in Syria.
Nicky Campbell’s BBC golden shot phone in this morning….
What do you reckon will be the subject matter?
Something about the right to wear burkhas?
Nah… Nicky checks his wrist and his rubber charity bracelet says ‘what would Miliband want?’
So the debate this morning will be on freebie childcare for ‘working parents’
“What about the unemployed?!”
Do I hear that familiar 1980s slogan somewhere in the background?
burkhas … BURKHAS!
only 95% of listeners think that’s of any importance … get yourself re educated
take your lead from this deceitful airhead
In a trailer on Radio 2 Jeremy Vine proudly proclaims that his show has been voted “No.1 Radio News Program in the UK”
…He goes on to add “Is it because we play the Smiths?”
Jeez if that’s the case it ain’t saying much about the rest is it?
Morrissey and Jeremy Vine, what a complete pair of lefty tossers, and if the show is the most listened to, it looks like the BBC’s work is done ….
Of course, the Smiths were always sh1t, only the fact the BBC keep telling us they’re good, the lie has stuck has stuck in all our student bars….
Heaven Knows I Miserable Now…..
I’d have thought that a news programme, by definition, wouldn’t be playing The Smiths, or any other tunes, very often.
Morrissey is racist isn`t he?…if we apply the BBCs test for such things.
National Front Disco…Bengali in platforms…those rants from the stage in the early 90s etc….
Is racism contagious?…I feel all giddy…best to be safe and ban the old tart until we`ve done a health check.
Vine is therefore a racist too-I feel it so it`s so!
BBC Radio Manchester trying to link our ‘crazy’ recent weather i.e. the cold and then warm weather especially yesterday with climate change. Guess what mongs – it’s September, you can get anything in September! Sheesh.
Do the Mancunians not know that in the winter it’s cold and wet, in the spring it’s cold and wet, in the summer it’s cold and wet (with occasional warmer, drier spells), and in the autumn it’s cold and wet?
I don”t believe that those particular facets of the North Western climate have changed much at all. (But, I will admit it’s possibly a little less smoky, now…).
I think the left wing indocrination about climate change must have written over their own memories of past years British climate, which has always been changeable. There is nothing unusual in having freezing icy temperatures one week, then temperatures in the 20s the next week, in autumn or spring. In fact I have known occasional days with that much of a temperature swing.
British weather has been famous the world over for being very changeable and almost impossible to predict. Only in reality denying climate change world has the British weather ever been in a state of calm and steady, unchanging stasis from week to week.
Shukman was also at it this morning on the BBC news channel. Pictures of frazzled crops, Chinese people in waterworld cooling off,cooling towers belching out steam whilst he talked about co2. However he did say that the climate is extremely complex and that is why the IPCC are finding it difficult to explain the current “pause”. This was then followed by two sound bites from a couple of warmist scientists saying that nevertheless warming will continue as predicted. No sound bites from any skeptics of course. Complete and blatent bias and arrogance from these idiots as usual.
I am praying for a really cold winter, power cuts and large fuel cost increases…..bring it on!
‘I am praying for a really cold winter, power cuts and large fuel cost increases’
The ‘that’ll show them’ response is tempting, but would offer Pyhric satisfaction at best.
Actual victims will be the innocent.
The likes of a Shuckman will be paid enough to cover any costs, including back-up power.
Even if found to be personally acting on Monbiot’s or Davy’s orders, he would only be side-stepped before getting added on full wedge to the BBC’s growing shredd… archiving department.
Here may be the answer to your prayer
Apparently Russian scientists ,free from the stifling orthodoxy of the liberal inquisition are predicting a harsh winter for Europe
hopefully there is some Slavic reader out there
who can confirm this
Also from beyond the inquisitor’s reach
Thanks for these, Stewart, well spotted.
I can translate the second one (from Romanian) for you:
“The coming winter will be the coldest of the last 100 years [say] Russian experts.”
As Labour’s apprentice scheme is clearly illegal (under EU laws) if it means only British people can have such apprentices then does this mean they will consider leaving the EU?
No, it is more lying fraudulent soundbites from the people who brought you that other lie, “British jobs for British workers”
Why do labour voters keep repeatedly falling for such utter blatant lies?
Because those labour voters get their information from the Daily Mirror and the bbc, and are unable to connect with reality.
It is, without doubt, news, but I again wonder why this was accorded rush email status when so much else is not…
Subject: “Egypt court bans Muslim Brotherhood ‘activities'”
Beyond the crushing import of it all, the BBC’s objective analysis is summarised by this caption:
“The army portrays its crackdown on the Brotherhood as a fight against terrorism”
Whereas, in reality, it is what the BBC portrays as the word of truth?
“Continue reading the main story”
“Egypt in crisis”
“Back to a generals’ republic?”
All doubtless penned by a BBC local etching another notch in his shotgun having winged Jezza.
No thanks, Aunty, if I want Egyptian fiction from another planet, I’ll watch Stargate.
News 24: Sky say that some of the Kenya terrorists dressed as women. Probably (my guess) in burka to smuggle in the weapons. bBC just say they were all men. Quite a difference, but then it is the bBC.
I really don’t know what to make of a comment on the Today programme this morning. Justin Webb made a little aside while talking to a bishop about the blowing up of a Church in Pakistan killing 75 Christians. To be more accurate, seemingly unable to bring himself to utter the word “Christian” Webb resorted to “non-Muslim”.
At 2’47”00 Webb says “…There have been calls in the past for the authorities to protect not just Christians but Shites as well…”
Shites? That may be true (?) but why bring it up in an interview about Christians (sorry “non-Muslims”) being blown up in a church? How does this sort of comment happen? Is Webb briefed before hand, “Jeremy, for goodness sake mention that Christians are not the only targets…mention the Shites to show not all Muslims are bad”; or is it Webb’s innate sense of white guilt that he has to point out that Muslims are victims too (the official BBC line).
After all one doesn’t hear reports from Kenya that the murdering bastards in the Mall asked their victims “Are you a Shite?” Not even “are you a Christian”? But “are you a Muslim”? Non-Muslims were shot dead.
It seems a small point but I hope an illuminating one. Sadly, Webb wouldn’t even know what I was getting at. But as the author Bernie Goldberg once said,” fish don’t know they’re wet”.
Also: now we’ve discovered that some of the gunmen in Kenya were dressed in burkas and smuggled their weapons into the mall under the outfits, it’s a legitimate security concern in the UK. I wonder how Mr. Campbell will spin this one?
“it’s a legitimate security concern”
Indeed. But you’ll still be tagged a racist for pointing it out. I suspect it’s a matter of time until a similar incident is atempted in this country and the BBC will share some blame for encouraging a climate where you dare not discuss such things.
And the BBC will be in the forefront of defending the terrorists by claiming that they are not representitive of Islam…
Just one thing bothers me about that statement, even IF on some level it may be argued to be true…. The terrorists themselves genuinely believe that they ARE acting solely in the name of Islam whilst they are commiting such attrocities. So it is scant compensation for the loved ones of the deceased that they terrorists apparently killed in error and presumably (according to the way some BBC minds work) should have been killing in the name of right wing white supremacy instead, and thus would be representitive (brevik style) of all white right wingers. Just as they claim that one or two idiots (who are normally UAF plants) kicking off at an EDL rally, really are representitive of the entire EDL… Yet the few Islamic terrorists, cannot possibly be representitive of the Islam that they are killing in the name of…
BBCs dangerous hypocrisy really knows no bounds
From BBC Live.
It’s all the fault of the security services. Good job we’ve got the impartial BBC to keep us all informed of truth.
“One security official has told me this incident will come to be seen as a massive intelligence failure. The Kenyan authorities will have to answer questions about how much they knew in advance. How were so many gunmen able to storm this building – such a high-profile, upmarket building – despite there being real concerns for some time that it was a prime terror target?”
Not an incident that really warrants levity in any form, but if the world renowned BBC is one asking such questions, the Kenyan authorities could always pull a BBC and advise they got it about right, don’t get held to account, and end up promoting all involved plus a few new of their mates on top for good measure.
If the BBC thinks the big issue to be addressed is why a shopping mall was not a stockade vs. why a bunch of ideological loons decided on mass murder by faith, they may need to reflect on their professional priorities.
Radio2 2pm news, “Four People attested for slavery, all from the Wales area”
No mention of the ‘slaves’ nationality (Eastern European) whats the betting that the arrested “Welsh” people are also from the same neck of the woods?
Lucky white heather?
“Four People attested for slavery, all from the Wales area”
In other words, they aren’t Welsh.
Re Edited Highlights above.
It was only a matter of time before the “security services” Group 4 or the equivalent in Kenya would get the blame from the BBC.
The BBC simply cannot bring themselves to think that maybe Islam…Muslims…and their own cringing excusing of anything done in Islams namne(as this was!) could have anything to do with yet ANOTHER bloody atrocity.
Far easier to blame Tory cuts,the West, those Mau Mau oppressors of the 50s…and the mall guards on a coffee break
…than blame Al Shabab, Al Queda…or f***in Islam as it`s easier to say.
Public enquiry-sack the trolley pushers, change the uniform so as not to offend Al Zawahiri (this month anyway)…and free wristbands for all…THAT should do it.
It`s F***`in Islam that is the common thread of evil through all we`re living through…from New York to Nairobi via Bali, BeslanWoolwich, Boston and all the others…it`s Muslim men doing this, when they`re done with stalking white girls in council care.
The BBC will of course be blaming the US, Israel or privitisation or a lack of concern for Greenpeace, Roma or Occupy.
I reckon all burkas have got to be miniskirt height now-so we can see the f***ers hairy legs and rifle butts.
Where`s Rosie Millard or whoever does the fashion crap on the BBC…illegal hemlines-another excuse to employ an army of creeps for “inspections”.
I come from a Physics background and it always surprises me, listening to some climate scientists, how easily they dismiss the power of our solar system’s central object.
You only have to consider how temperatures in summer can vary considerably – within a space of weeks – leading to Autumn. So from 29 degrees celsius midday in August to 13 degrees Celsius in September (typically, where I live).
All this due to the position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun.
No carbon footprint in sight.
Such things may surprise you, but they appall me.
That people who are highly paid “scientists” in positions of influence, should seek to wilfully conflate a theoretical model, with empirical experiment, and thus use a model of a hypothesis, to validate the same hypothesis, leaves me red with fury. That the science editors of the BBC are so utterly ignorant and inept at understanding the core tenet of the scientific method, so that they do not even hint at questioning such an obvious and blatant fraud at the very core of climate “science” shows how utterly corrupt the BBC is. This scale of failure to address wilful scientific fraud in the pursuit of an overtly political agenda, proves beyond doubt that the BBC is wholly unfit for purpose. Doubly so with regards to the catestrophic effect that political policies based on the “need to tackle climate change” will cause hundreds of thousands of additional deaths of the most vulnerable people, due to needless and artificially created energy poverty.
That the BBC should coninue with their dishonest and morally bankrupt presentation of this blatant scientific fraud shows the BBC to be evil, corrupt and a genuine danger to a large and vulnerable section of society.
A similar attack to the one in Kenya IS going to happen in Britain, and it’s not very far away.
Only a few scant years ago 10 Pakistani ‘students’ were arrested for ‘hostile scouting’ of the Arndale centre Manchester and the Trafford Centre, plus a nightclub in the city.
The students were expelled from the UK as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to charge them. In fact there was sufficient evidence, it just wasn’t admissible.
This was covered in most of the mainstream media at the time, but it has not been revisited by any of them.
Remember this because it isn’t just a rumour / idle fantasy, plans have already been drawn up and it’s just a matter of time.
Avoid any shopping centre which is enclosed like Arndale Trafford. Meadowhall, Bluewater etc etc. If you have to go make sure when entering you know where the exits are and keep your eyes out for an escape route at all times.
It isn’t a matter of ‘if’ it’s a matter of when.