An Israeli soldier is killed by a Palestinian and the story had all but vanished from the BBC website…relegated to the ‘most popular’ but now seems to have been resurrected on the Middle East page.
Interesting to see what they miss out in the report, the very short report….not much interest in a murdered Israeli soldier from the BBC?
A suspect – who Shin Bet said worked with the soldier – has been arrested.
The statement said he had confessed to killing Sgt Hazan in the hope that he could trade the body in exchange for the release of his imprisoned brother.
This information might have been helpful…all the way from the ‘China Daily’:
During the investigation in the Shin Bet, Amar said that the motive for murdering the soldier was to trade his body for the release of his brother, Nur Al Din Amar, a Tanzim Fatah operative imprisoned since 2003 for his involvement in several murderous attacks against Israeli citizens.
The BBC’s report may be interpreted as seeking to elicit some sympathy for the Palestinian murderer…is there any doubt that he was driven to this desperate act when his brother, undoubtedly we might suppose, had been wrongly arrested and imprisoned by ‘occupying forces’ of the oppressive IDF?
You might want to compare the brevity of that report with the extensive coverage given to some diplomats who were ‘abused’ by Israeli soldiers as the diplomats decided to take part in a Palestinian protest…surely overstepping their authority and role.
A similar coyness and brevity is seen in the BBC’s reporting of the shooting in Kenya.
There seems to be a marked reluctance to mention the ’cause’ being ‘fought’ for by these gunmen.
The BBC refers to al Shabab but refrains from mentioning Islam or Muslims until half way down the page.
Similarly this report from Pakistan:
Pakistan grapples with rising tide of extremist violence
It tells of attacks on Shias but not why they are attacked…because they are not considered ‘Muslim’ by Sunnis.
And curiously for a general report on extremism in Pakistan it makes no mention of Christians, Ahmadis, Hindus or Sikhs or any other group so targeted…this is the nearest the BBC gets to acknowledging their plight in this report:
Pakistan’s Shia minority, like the rest of the population, will not be protected.
An odd omission when this investigation comes on the same day of this report of an attack on a Christian Church:
Pakistan church blast kills dozens
There is absolutely no reason, or excuse, why references to such attacks aren’t made in the general report about extremist attacks if a much clearer, rounded view of things in Pakistan is to be appreciated.
There should certainly be a brief ‘nod’ acknowledging these events when reporting similar ones for other communities…after all for over a year the BBC managed to append just about every report from the Middle East with the death toll from the Israeli 2009 Cast Lead operation in Gaza.
I know that I`m teaching my granny to suck eggs here-but there`s a group called BBC Watch who keep ,me informed about these Israel-despising BBC types.
Both these stories-the fake EU show pony pretending she`s been manhandled by Israeli soldiers( Rivaldo Syndrome)…and the deliberate dehumanising of the poor Israeli soldier lured to his death by somebody he knew…are well covered.
Doesn`t make these scandals any easier to bear…we need a real Friends of Israel group to howl down these systemic abuses of journalism as perped by the BBC and their chums in the broadsheet press.
Come to a pretty pass when we`re relying on RT, China Daily-and even Al Jazeera sometimes-for news that`s not as sly and seditious as the BBCs black op eds.
To Fisk should be a verb…like to Bowen, to Donnison or to to Doucett…shades and degrees of anti-Semitic Jew hatred and contempts on a warning colour chart I`d say…
What’s happenedd to the other response? It says “2 Responses” but there is only Chris’s excellent post above (so good it counts twice maybe?).
Probably a poisonous rant by some tin foil hatted Jew hater that has been pulled
Leave up I say for all to see and let those foot soldiers of the liberal inquisition shame themselves with silence yet again
I think the “pingback” (whatever the hell that is) counts as one.
I am waiting for the BBC to dig out their usual excuses for Islamic Terrorism when it comes to the atrocity in Kenya. Can they tell me if it is because of the Kenyan invasion of Iraq or was it Afghanistan? I’ve tried very hard to find some reference to hordes of Kenyan Christians running amok during the Crusades but have failed to find any evidence. Perhaps the BBC could do one of their excellent ‘investigative’ programmes to find why the involvement of the Kenyan Africans were expunged from our history books, surely that is too good an opportunity to have a dig at the horrible inward looking bias in British History Books for the BBC to miss.
Kenyan troop support in Mali.
The French diplomat story has several new developments. Will the BBC cover them?
Castaing apparently holds a temporary diplomatic passport issued by the French Consulate. By international convention she has immunity only for her consular duties. They do not include delivering humanitarian aid, a claim the BBC accepts without question. Those duties certainly don’t include assisting parties to a Supreme Court decision to defy the ruling or assault.
Video evidence contradicts her claim to have been dragged from the truck cabin. Rather it seems she fell.
Video evidence shows her advancing several steps before striking a police officer.
Diplomatic impunity
BBC presents one-sided report of incident involving European diplomats
The BBC reporting on this story seems to reflect recent BBC reporting which has changed from obsessive coverage of Israel to essential neglect. The BBC report is essentially a mixing of Reuters reporting and PR statements from the anti Israel participants.
As we are used to see the last three ‘filler ‘ paragraphs have nothing whatsoever to do with the story.
Still, flying in the face of public opinion, they refuse to refer to terrorists, instead hanging on to the old ‘militant’ badge.
Does anyone know what kind of “diplomat” Ms Castaing is? Can’t find any reference of what her job is at the French embassy or Consulate….. Or history.
She’s probably one of the new ‘rapporteur’ class, namely clueless and unqualified, but with a nifty pay & pension deal and obviously incomparable direct pr access to the MSM via in-country fixers who are often on staff of said media.
Many ‘diplomats’ and ‘observers’ seem to be little more than self appointed and most of these seem to have left wing backgrounds. Another coincidence I suppose.
According to Haaretz Fesneau-Castaing is the cultural attaché for the French Consulate in Jerusalem. While the French Embassy in Tel Aviv is responsible for ties with Israel, the Jerusalem consulate is responsible for relations with the Palestinian Authority.
The consulate website describes her as Attaché Cooperation Humanitarian and Social Decentralized (Attachée de Coopération Humanitaire, Sociale et Décentralisée) at another place in the website she is described as Attache for humanitarian and social cooperation (Attachée de coopération humanitaire et sociale) Perhaps a French speaker could provide a better translation than Google Chrome?
Another part of the consulate website translates “Attachée de coopération humanitaire, sociale et décentralisée” as “Head of humanitarian, social and city-to-city cooperation”.
Click to access final_brochure.pdf
Presumably Paris-Ramallah not Paris-Tel Aviv.