Almost every other MSM news outlet (including the Independent, can you believe?!) is rightly calling the vile scum who’ve butchered innocents in the name of their religion, ‘Islamic terrorists’ – apart from one, of course: the BBC, who are continuing with the ridiculously insulting and ambiguous descriptions, ‘militants’ and ‘attackers’. Unbelievable appeasement if you ask me.
How many more times can the leftie wimps sanitize the barbarity of these hideous Islamic fanatics and neanderthals ?
The use, or avoidance, of certain words or terms by news media these days is as bizarre as it is pervasive.
The BBC’s evident ‘concern’ not to be judgemental or offend seems almost wilfully contrarian at best, and serves nothing sensible well: the story, the victims or their own reputation. It’s hard to fathom what benefit they feel this brings to their door.
I now await, with dread, post-match ‘analysis’, as can only be provided by those who have in the past seen attacking unarmed civilians with arms as ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’.
And yes, I know the BBC is not alone, but I don’t care.
If this nut-jobette who already has a cool nickname to stir the morale and gird the loins of the lads in the caves of Tora Bora is involved, I will be interested what aspects of a mastermind she possessed that others didn’t for ‘run into mall with guns, check denomination & kill all not ticking the box’.
“The use, or avoidance, of certain words or terms by news media these days is as bizarre as it is pervasive.”
I was watching some of the BBC coverage of the Nairobi murders of children, and their defenceless adult protectorsincident early this afternoon, and for about 20 minutes they managed to talk without mentioning these words:
Islam Muslim murder non-Muslims
Finally, they were talking to an African colleague in Kenya, who also ummed and ahhed to avoid those words, until he was able to answer the question (paraphrased): – so what do al-Shabab want?
with the relieved and triumphant-sounding – the creation of an Islamic state.
Well that phrase sounds almost repectable, doesn’t it? Unlike imposing sharia law, or their demonstrated desire to murder non-muslim children.
Now.. now after that mean-spirited mealy-mouthed display… I truly would like to see the current BBC Trust kicked out on its arse and, for as long as there are Muslims in Britain, that Trust replaced by only hardest-core members of the EDL and BNP to enforce whatever editorial and personnel policies they wished on the BBC.
Only then would the ‘oh-so-pure that the murder of non-Muslim children is only a matter for PC wordplay’ al-Beeb apparatchiks feel some fragment of the horror and revulsion that normal people felt at the BBC’s carefully worded excuses for those murderous Islamic shits.
Jenkins manages to get a dig in at Cameron for convening COBRA and goes on to explain that it’s all our fault that this hellish barbarism occurs.
It’s our fault for having shopping malls and gathering in larger numbers while shopping, going to church, going to school, going to football matches etc. Apparently we are making ourselves a juicy target for Islamic nutjobs and overreacting somewhat when the carnage occurs.
We are facilitating bloody murder simply by making ourselves available to be murdered. That includes children.
This is a new low for the Guardian.
Jenkins’ article was roundly trashed in the CiF comments. Sensing the winds of CiF opinion were not blowing in Jenkins’ favour, the Guardian pulled the story from the main feature bar of the website and let it linger at the bottom of the sidebar.
The article was a sorry paean to appeasement, surrender and dhimmitude. Jenkins is a f**king disgrace and if Alan Rusbridger had any balls he would sack him tomorrow.
A shameful day for the Guardian.
Read the article and the comments for an object lesson on how out of touch the Guardian writers are with their own readership, let alone the public at large.
I suppose in one sense it was our, the various governments over the yeas that is, who are responsible for the current terrorism. They did not have the backbone to stop it from the start. They went soft on each and every dictator and terrorist and made dirty deals with them all. The bomb and gun won!!!!! End of!
“…The article was a sorry paean to appeasement, surrender and dhimmitude.
…All concepts very familiar to the duplicitous Left. These morons – cheerled, no doubt, by the ever-willing BBC – would have Western Europe lay down its arms and surrender to the onslaught of genocidal Islamic fundamentalism, prostrate itself in abject defeat before a brutal, medieval – fascistic – religious doctrine of terror and violence.
I’ve been reading Hitler’s Table Talk recently. No surprises whatsoever to read that The Fuhrer greatly admired Islam. I can’t imagine why.
Shame on Jenkins, to be sure, but his misguided ‘progressive’ scribblings are merely symptoms of a far bigger disease at the very heart of our liberal mainstream media.
Of course, Jenkins never uses malls or go to large gatherings of any kind…..does he? He has a massive vacuum where his brain should be. See him in the street, give him a hard time.
Could The Guardian sink any lower than to print such offensive rubbish? I can hardly believe what I have just read. Jenkins wants stringing up from the nearest crane.
Agreed. That really is a disgusting article from a typical big left-wing jessie typing from the comfort of his west-end pad whilst drinking illy coffee. The Left really are disgusting.
Even the Guardian should have known better than to print this bollocks. Just give us another article about how the US caused Iran to become the basket case it is today, at least that’s partially true and is a criticism of a single government’s decisions as opposed to a blatantly prejudiced attack on the West at large to appease the Islamic contingent. Jenkins is basically the offspring of ideological inbreeding.
Not only did they insist on calling the vile terrorist scum militants when they did use the word they stuck in scare quotes “terrorists” as if it was only sb’s opinion.
One of their pathetic propagandists even suggested that Obama might visit the country of his father’s birth to show solidarity.
I have my doubts about it given Obama’s new ally in the “War on Terror”. Now that the CIA are arming the Syrian FSA in its fight with Assad America should consider itself part of Team Al Qaeda.
There’s agreat take on that in: “Our Enemy’s Enemy Is Our Enemy” at:
oops pressed the report button -sorry.
What I wanted to say was that perversely the BBC would rule back in 2004 that it was quite OK to trail a documentary for a week before the programme with the words “Watch this documentary which shows that the Jews were the first modern terrorists of the 2oth century”
for the ghastly politacaly correct left wing bbc and radio 5 live buck idiot presenters to keep on describing these muslim islamic child murdering non muslim hating racist,fascist and nazis cowards a nice name like miltitant sicken me to the bowels of my stomach.not once has the kenyan goverement or there prime minister described these child murderers as militants,they have used the term terrorist to describe these evil scum because that is what they are,these cowards dont follow the rules of war,they wont go on the battlefield to prove what holy warriors they are because they are gutless wimps,these cowards who will soon be meeting there 72 virgins in the pits of hell soon after the kenyan army finish them off and may many of there followers and there supporters including in the uk follow in the same footsteps.
God will send down 72 virgin feminists to keep them company – but unlike the earthly ones who go easy on them, these ones will have teeth. Not in their mouths, either.
The entire British establishment calls the same sort of child murdering terrorist scum, “rebels” when we are covertly funding them in Syria. We need to cut off all arms, funds, training and support to all radical, extremist, terrorist, militant, rebel or any other shade of the followers of Islam.
Until the tolerant, multicultural west wakes up to the intolerant, bigoted, hate filled, monocultural rules at the heart of Islam, that so long as Islamics are in a minority, that they go along with the majority, but as soon as they reach a majority, they convert, enslave or kill every non-muslim, then the west will continue to appease the destruction of our own culture and with it, our tolerance of inclusive multiculturalism.
When will the homosexual supporting feminist executives of the BBC finally realise that their mypic belief in uncontrolled multiculturalism, that they are certain to unleash the destruction of multiculturalism and usher in an age of oppressive, extremist Islamic monoculturalism?
I support controlled multiculturalism and love that our culture can be enriched by other cultures. However, I am not so blinded by idealism of multiculturalism, that I would allow the exclusion of OUR OWN culture, and it’s suppression and appeasement of the one alien culture which is devoted to replacing or irradicating all other cultures. I welcome American, Canadian, Incan, Indian, Russian, Australian, African, European, chinese and most all other cultures into my country on the understanding that MY traditional culture will not be oppressed, only enriched, by those other cultures and that people from those cultures are welcome here, so long as they integrate into society and do not seek to prevent us from having OUR traditional cultural values intact.
Islam does not do this. The BBC’s devotion to the political ideal of multiculturalism, and their utter blindness to the danger inherant in the rules of Islam, means that their devotion is the trigger to a war to end multiculturalism, and this will result in homosexuals hanging from the rafters in the BBC’s own studios. How blind are those who refuse to see?
Great post, Ken. Pretty much sums up how I feel about ‘multiculturalism’. It was a nice idea, but now it’s been turned into a political project (mainly by New Labour during the last government) and we seem, as country, to have fallen so far down the rabbit hole we might never find our way back out again.
It’s going to take something pretty radical for that happen. And that’s why I’m voting UKIP at the next Euro elections and at the next UK general election.
Thank you Ken, some time ago i penned a post describing the aftermath of a muslim terror attack on the BBC, with raped and dismembered BBC girlies and gays lined up and thrown off the roof…….Preisner and several others laid into me about it………what fools they were, it will be a stark reality, no mistake……..thank you for your similar view.
Theresa May, when visiting the firecracker Mosque in Wolverhampton called the perpetrators of said firecracker “Terrorists”
Terrorists normally put their acts of violence down to religion, look it up in the thesaurus, it’s all there in black and white, Militants do not…religion plays NO factor in militant action.
Sick to death of government and the MSN, ESPECIALLY the BBC, twisting words to fit their own narratives.
The murdering bastards of Kenya, Nigeria & Pakistan this week who follow Islam, and quote it in their atrocities are Terrorists, not Militants.
Not only terrorists..but Muslim ones as well.
We are dealing with Muslim terrorists.
See…not that difficult to say is it?
If anybody hears these two words linked in any Beeb/State-run op ed…do tell!
Funny that an oxymoron like BBC Trust gets by on the nod..but Muslim terrorist seems like two repellant poles of a magnet.
BBC-Muslim…now they DO attract..rather well!
To add to the Sunday Open Thread comments regarding the disgracefully biased (yes, even by his own standards) Harrabin piece on ‘climate change’ and the IPCC this morning….
I reckon this will be the first of many pieces this week featuring the IPCC report, every single one predictably peddling the lie that global warming hasn’t stopped, despite what 15 years of temperature records are telling us.
The lie, like a varnished turd, is always burnished with the spin that these are the world’s ‘top climate scientists’ telling us all this.
Well, for those of you not familiar with her work, and specifically her book ‘The Delinquent Teenager (who thought he was the world’s top climate scientist)’ I strongly recommend that you dedicate one hour of your life to Donna Laframboise’s interview here (h/t to Phil Ford for flagging this site up a couple of weeks ago) – you’ll need to scroll down:
This is what she says on her own website about her work:
‘What began as a book about reasons to remain calm, cool, and collected in the face of hype and hysteria morphed into a rather different project – an exposé of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
This organization performs one of the most important jobs in the world. It surveys climate research and writes a report about what it all means. That report, informally known as the Climate Bible, is cited by governments around the world. It is the reason trillions of dollars are being spent on climate change measures.’
The reality behind the IPCC is truly mind-boggling, for example the number of post grads involved in producing the report (some holding senior authorship positions), the number of environmentalists involved (some holding senior authorship positions), the fact that 30% of quoted literature is non-peer reviewed, how politicians dictate what goes in the final summary etc.
Like she says herself, she was amazed that nobody had carried out this research before – she is a lone journalist without the resources of a BBC or CNN or Sunday times but with a lot of hard work and determination she managed to produce a formidable expose.
So watch the video, buy the book and spread the word. These shysters have gotten away with this for far too long.
This “pause” – funny how none of the great expert climate scientists predicted a pause or put it in any of their models. I thought the science was “settled”. So was the pause in or not in the science that was settled?
Its not even a “pause” according to some, it’s “hiding”. Peekaboo! Count to ten and find the heat.
They should be a laughing stock – and would be if the MSM wasn’t on the same alarmist gravy train.
The big mistake at the heart of climate science… (or should that be “climate science”?) is that the climate “scientists” are mistakenly, or fraudulently, passing off hypothesis as data.
To simply explain that, and for the removal of any doubt, I will no explain in simple detail, the massive error, or fraud, at the heart of alarmist climate change science…
Science is the search for truth, through the use of the scientific method.
This means that a scientist has an idea of how something works. For example: if I add A to B, the result will be C. That idea is a hypothesis. For this hypothesis to be scientfically valid, it must be able for A added to B to NOT equal C and for that A added to B to be testable and for that test to be repeatable by anyone else.
This means that for any scientific hypothesis to be scientifically valid, it must be testable and falsifiable.
To test a hypothesis, one must either observe it or create an experiment and observe the results.
As Feynman stipulates, if the experiment does not support the hypothesis, then the hypothesis must be amended or rejected.
In the case of the CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropological Global Warming) hypothesis, the hypothesis posits that for a doubling of atmospheric CO2, the earth’s atmosphere will warm by between 2 – 6 degrees by the year 2100. This is due to various feedback mechanisms whereby CO2’s “greenhouse warming” will warm the oceans enough to cause increased evaporation of water vapour into the atmosphere that will increase temperatures even further, risking melting Methane calthrates, thus releasing trapped methane into the atmosphere thus accelerating warming even more in a “runaway” warming loop. That is the Catastrophic scenario which places the C in CAGW.
Now given this CAGW hypothesis, scientists need to be able to TEST the hypothesis to determine if it is valid and true. Obviously it is not possible to use other identical earths which have not had CO2 artificially increased, which which to compare, so reasonably, Scientists create computer models of the climate to simulate different levels of CO2 and other impacts upon the climate.
So far, so good. There is nothing wrong with attempting to model these things so we can learn more about how different chemical and physical interactions may play out…
However …. The mistake (if honest) or fraud (if dishonest) at the heart of climate alarmist science, is in the fact that these models are nothing more than models of the hypothesis. They can only tell us what the hypothesis predicts and CANNOT tell us what is really happening.
Scientists have created lots of models which are merely variants of the hypothesis. They only demonstrate variants of the hypothesis and are only useful as a way to explain the hypothesis. They are NOT and can never ever be a TEST of the hypothesis to determine if the hypothesis remains valid. To attempt to use a demonstration of the hypothesis, in order to validate the hypothesis, is scientfic fraud. You cannot test a hypothesis, by using the hypothesis. That is like a six year old’s logic of “it is true because I say it is true”
That is the problem with the claims of Climate scientists who insist that MODELS tell them that the human fingerprint in climate change in unmistakable and that the models are correct.
The ONLY possible, scientifically valid way to test the CAGW hypothesis, (the Catastrophic scenario), is by comparing the predictions made by model, with the real-world, empirically measured data, gathered for decades and determine IF the prediction of the hypothesis matches the real data. That is the ONLY way to validate the CAGW hypothesis.
We now are getting enough real world data to show that the real world is NOT warming as the CAGW hypothesis predicted. According to the rules of scientific method, this means that the hypothesis is falsified and must be rejected or ammended.
Anyone who still tries to claim that models prove that CAGW is a real threat, is denying reality as bad as any “flat earth, creationist, denialist” has ever done.
The data coming in shows that there is a small temperature change and that human’s CO2 may be having a minor, and mostly benefitial, effect on climate, as increased CO2 has been shown to be increasing the speed and size of growth in many plant species. Trees are growing bigger and faster, crop yields are increasing, bio-diversity is increasing and the earth is not frying to a crisp.
THAT is what the science IS telling us. It is time that the BBC became an honest broker of information, and stopped supporting the alarmist climate science fraud.
Thanks for the h/t, Johnny – and a great post. I heard comrade Harrabin on R4 at some ungodly hour this morning chiding the poor of India for using ‘mud stoves’ and (allegedly) blackening the Himalayan glaciers with sooty deposits as result (which apparently will lead us all to a world-ending climate catastrophe).
These liberal progressives really are despicable types. Harrabin, who got a nice junket to India (paid for by license payers) to file this rancid report, is typical of his sort: comfortably middle-class, white, well-educated and living in the privileged West, yet he nonetheless feels the need to go around poorer countries proselyting about the need for ‘these people’ to use ‘efficient energy’, ‘renewables’ and to lead a ‘sustainable’ existence.
It’s outrageous. But it is typical of the Left. They fail to see the rampant hypocrisy in their hateful behaviour. They can’t even see how wicked it is for them to stand in the way of poorer nations who wish to develop fossil fuel economies – you know, just like we have had for decades here in the West.
This is how the BBC hive mind thinks. And that’s the truly depressing thing. Harrabin is just another reminder of just how odious the Corporation has become.
A similar attack to the one in Kenya IS going to happen in Britain, and it’s not very far away.
Only a few scant years ago 10 Pakistani ‘students’ were arrested for ‘hostile scouting’ of the Arndale centre Manchester and the Trafford Centre, plus a nightclub in the city.
The students were expelled from the UK as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to charge them. In fact there was sufficient evidence, it just wasn’t admissible.
This was covered in most of the mainstream media at the time, but it has not been revisited by any of them.
Remember this because it isn’t just a rumour / idle fantasy, plans have already been drawn up and it’s just a matter of time.
Avoid any shopping centre which is enclosed like Arndale Trafford. Meadowhall, Bluewater etc etc. If you have to go make sure when entering you know where the exits are and keep your eyes out for an escape route at all times.
It seems that everybody, apart from Muslims, has to integrate, tolerate and embrace every culture except their own. If westerners so much as sneeze in the general direction of feminists, ethnic minorities and homosexuals we are brought low by the politically correct SS brigade (mainstream media). However, Muslims can do as they wish in all areas of society and are exempt from the multicultural compromise swindle – and yet the silence from the sandal-wearing, organic watermelon fraternity is deafening. Double standards? I’d say double standards⌃2!
A very important point. The segregation of women seems to be one of the most glaring examples that gets the glass eye treatment – not least from the BBC.
If men and women are equal as the Left claims, why do we have separate tournaments for men and women in tennis ? let’s go further, why do we have separate toilets, shouldn’t we have one big toilet where men and women can go ? after all, we’re all equal !!
Segregation and suppression of feminine expression, alongside beheading, or burning to death of that other PC luvvie group, homosexuals. Funny how the lefty PC extremists attack Christianity for failing to marry homosexuals to each other, yet give Islam a total pass on the Islamic desires to execute them. They go apoplectic at Russia for merely restricting the PROMOTION of homosexual, (and any other sexuality) to children, yet give a total pass to the Islamic shitholes that still execute homosexuals. Double standards? No just typical of the flagrant inconsistency, self contradictory and myopic idiocy within that abhorrent and divisive, bigoted political philosophy known as political correctness.
the millipede militants say today there will be no peace until the kuff and infidel get out and leave are muslim lands,ok,when that is done will you muslims infidels please leave are christian european western lands where believe me you are not wanted in
Doesn’t work because:
Firstly, they are duty bound to conquer anywhere that has ever been ‘Muslim land’ at any point in history: i.e. the Iberian Peninsula and the part of Europe between Vienna and Constantinople.
Secondly, it is their duty to attempt to convert all infidels to their religion. Like those Christians in Maaloula in Syria who were offered a choice just last week: convert or die.
Sorry to be pedantic, but there is also an option for non-mozlems who do not wish to convert, and that is to become Dhimmi. Or willing sub-human slaves to mozlems. And the mozlems are already treating OUR white daughters as such. There is no concept of rape, when the so-called “victim” is Dhimmi. Dhimmi have no human rights, because they are less than human, so they are incapable of refusing consent, therefore it is impossible to rape such “vermin” as the young white females. They are basically a hole to be used for sexual gratification, and nothing more, to the mozlems who abuse them.
That is the genuine reality of the Islamic invasion, and the sooner our leaders realise and accept this, the sooner OUR children can be protected from such evil, bigoted mysoginistic, homophobic bastards.
It is really fury inducing to see the lefty militant feminists and homosexual panderers and anti-racists in the BBC, give a total pass to rampant and extreme bigoted mysoginistic, homophoia, on the grounds of some from of perversion of multicultural tolerance so long as such evil and extreme bigoted mysoginistic, homophoia is practiced by the peaceful and beautiful religion of Islam.
“It is really fury inducing to see the lefty militant feminists… give a total pass to rampant and extreme bigoted misogynistic, homophobia”
The Leftist contribution to freedom from oppression for women and homosexuals amounts to little more than hatred of heterosexual men.
If you take away hate from the Left there is nothing left.
The Left do not so much support Islam as hate Christianity. The Communist Party got its greatest support from progressives when it was its most murderous. When the USSR ceased to send people to concentration camps the New Left shifted their support to Mao and Pol Pot.
The more Islam murders, the more support it will get from the Left.
When Leftist feminists declare that “All men hate women” all they are doing is projecting their own vileness upon everybody else. Given that Germaine Greer has never married or had any children of her own it is unclear why any female would seek her out as a mentor on what it is to be a woman.
It is like reading the thoughts of that sponger Marx on what is is to be working class.
If you want to know what [genocidal] racism looks like read some pre-War Socialists like Bernard Shaw and H.G.Wells. The Left are just as obsessed with race, although these days they call their racism positive discrimination.
Indeed feminism ,like most other manifestations of bourgeois socialism,
seems to derive its motivation from the darkest recesses of the subconscious. The issues that they prioritise and the iconography of their agitprop ,all speak to it.
As I have said before there is very little of Karl Marx in ‘cultural Marxism’ but quite a lot of Sigmund Freud.
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, whose every word Harrabin treats as sacred, who can do no wrong, who is never challenged, who is, in fact, The Climate Change Oracle.
Watched Rick Stein’s Germany programme, going back to discover his family roots. He went to a Hamburg restaurant were the ” German ” chef from Ghana, prepared him a local dish !! Another ” German ” from Ethiopia gave him a lesson in German slang words !!
80 million Germans and they come up with these two jokers. Deliberate or coincidence ? It seems that Germany like Britain and every other Western European country is going down the toilet demographically, and nationality means absolutely nothing. Getting a UK passport is now on a par with getting a gym membership card.
Thankfully he didn’t go to Berlin, from the pictures I’ve seen, it now resembles a Moroccan kasbah. The highlight of the show was when he visited the giant U- Boat, I don’t think a Ghanian or Ethiopian could have built that. It’s at 11.30
Anybody remember the six Zimbabwean fishermen (or perhaps ‘British Nationals’) on a day trip from Whitby that featured so prominantly on “Coast”? Of course, they were the first family group of fishermen that the BBC location crew found that agreed to appear on TV, weren’t they.
“Oh no, we had to work really hard to find him!” (from Seasaw to wagon wheel)
Yes, I had the misfortune to see the fisherman from land locked Zimbabwe on their annual angling trip to Whitby, Talk about contrived, bit like seeing an Eskimo in the desert.
” And one hardy bunch of sea-anglers, who all hail from Zimbabwe, find that a life on the ocean wave isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when they chance their hand with rod and line in the rolling seas off the coast of Yorkshire. As they battle sea-sickness on their annual day-trip from Whitby, they find themselves, once again, all at sea.”
I watched some of Stein in India. My interest in the cookery was totally overwhelmed not only by his patronising, head-patting endless admiration of the people and their culture (you know, where cows are allowed to wander freely round the traffic-jammed streets because, well, it’s an oh-so-quaint ethnic religious thing) but also by his constant references to The Empire and how bad it was. Sample: asks Indian bloke ‘Do you think partition was a bad thing’ ….’Oh, yes, a very bad thing’. No context, no further discussion, just another anti-British, anti-Empire point scored. Clueless wanker.
Noticed that the Beeb described the attacks in Kenya as being carried out by ” Islamic militants” rather than “Islamic terrorists”. ” Islamic militants”, do they mean Derek Hatton with a tea towel on his head?
There isn’t a day goes by when islam or muslims isn’t mentioned on television, if it isn’t that, it’s the black community and the mind numbingly tiresome subject of ‘waaycism’. Yet Christianity or Jesus is completely airbrushed out of their programmes, it doesn’t exist.
Do a little experiment, watch the television tomorrow, and it’s muslims this, muslims that, etc etc. Scott might find it absolutely fascinating, but I don’t.
Its like you read my mind! You appear to know a lot about
this, like you wrote the book in it or something.
I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a
little bit, but other than that, this is magnificent blog.
A great read. I will definitely be back.
I just went through all the comments on that article: not one commentator thought to ask why Ms de Grunwald could not have been interviewed on a live link to a BBC studio in London instead of incurring travel and overnight expenses courtesy of TV tax payers*.
I just caught a snippet of Radio 5 Dead about 6.15 this evening where a talking head was saying that Kenya would now be like Britain used to be when the IRA was engaged in mass-murder.
Errrr, yes, except that the IRA had objectives that eventually proved amenable to negotiation and a cease-fire. For them, murder was a means to an end.
Whereas for these Muslims, murder of non-Muslims is an end in itself.
Or indeed, they’ll even murder other Muslims if they’re labelled with the wrong type of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Alawite, whatever).
They just like murdering. There is no hope of any discussion or negotiation.
Monday?! The BBC were telling us about policies that Ed/Labour were going to announce back on Sunday and Saturday and whilst I didn’t notice any, probably on Friday. Labour will get plenty of publicity before, during and after their conference. The upcoming Tory conference will give the BBC a fourth chance to peddle the Labour message shite.
Just watched the Beeb’s new Sunday night “cop” show, By any means.
Usual lightweight crap but what did make me chuckle was the make up of the team.
We had two white lads and “Asian” girl. I suggested to the missus that all we were missing was a bit of afro-caribbean influence.
Then what do you know? We have a black bobby who’s potentially bent – this can’t be right I tell the missus, the beeb never have black baddies. Bet it turns out he’s not a baddie at all. Bet, in fact, he’s actually a goodie and might in fact be the missing piece the team needs to achieve diversity utopia…………………….and whaddya know..?
Lord, the multi-ethnic enrichment agenda stunk as much as the script
terrorist – a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
1. Fighting or warring.
2. Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause: a militant political activist.
A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.
Note to BBC, one describes the actions of the persons engaged in carnage in Nairobi, the other does not….”Militant” is not done in the name of religion, what horrors unfolded in Kenya were not “Militant” acts, they were acts of “Terrorism”.
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is, a duck.”
The monsters who committed this outrage are nothing if not terrorists, of course.
However, they are by some extent even worse.
Terrorists normally have some political or territorial ambition whereas these inhumans delight in murder for its own sake and to pay tribute to their God who is apparently insatiable in his lust for blood.
The epithet ‘terrorist’ almost seems to dignified for them.
But the BBC Governors justified the use of the term terrrorist to describe the documentary in the Empire Warrior series in 2004. They trailed the programme with the words “Watch this…… which shows that the Jews were the first modern terrorists of the 20th century” Unbelievable!
Regards the bBCs penchant for avoiding using the term ‘Terrorist’ I keep wondering when they will stop using the term ‘militant’ because they deem it too aggressive it can’t be long’
Has the beeb been infiltrated by Muslim apologists ? The World Service this am in a report on the Nairobi massacre chose to describe only the deaths of two victims , who were Muslims. Unsurprisingly this was the only time the M word was mentioned.
The message is that Muslims are not the terrorists here, they are the victims.
The BBC narrative this morning was what a rotter Damion McBride is for disrupting the Labour Party Conference by publishing his book at this time.
As for what his book tells us about the behaviour of last Labour government, and the actions of a cast of people (such as Ed Miliband) who are still very much around, the BBC seems to have taken upon itself the task of damage limitation.
I heard a BBC news presenter (the presenter note not the people she was interviewing) assert that what happened in the last government was nothing to do with the current Labour Party. Eh?
What a truly disgusting and corrupt organisation the BBC is these days, abusing their power in a way that is as arrogant as it is partisan.
What a spineless, greedy, and arrogant bunch of totalitarian free society hating parasitical democracy undermining fascist twats.
Be interesting to scamper back when all in Labour and the BBC (ok, tautology) were in thrall of every pearl that issued forth from him.
But those were different times?
Getting hold of a clip of that BBC presenter running interference on behalf of such as Miliband and Balls, and Harman, and… Etc, on the basis they were nothing to do with the last government will be… Novel.
I just heard a classic piece of BBC twisting. They took one McBride smear as their example – Gordon Brown’s : ‘No time for a novice’ – and spun it to say ‘this was not just anti-David Cameron… it was anti-David Miliband’.
So there you have it listeners – Mc Bride was not a labour problem – poor old labourites were ‘victims’ of McBride.
Yeah, because just like the good old the Kray Brothers the labour spinners only ever murdered their own kind.
I have also heard the argument on the BBC that this book will only make the public think ‘all politicians are tarred with the same brush’.
A disgraceful homily that tells us not to allow Muslim atrocities to diminish our love for them! It avoided condemning the terrorists, but made some vague comment that someone else said what they were doing was not Islamic teaching.
Basically the message was – don’t you dare get in the way of Muslims trying to kill people and don’t think any worse of them for it. Otherwise we’ll call you nasty names like Waycist, or Islamo phobic (realist).
In the old days it was “Don’t you dare get in the way of Marxists trying to kill people” but it seems that Islam is now the evil which most excites the devotion of Leftist apologists.
It’s all very well the BBC continually trying to convince us it isn’t Islamic teaching, but if it isn’t that then what kind of teaching is it that’s persuading so many people to follow or condone the violence we continually see? It must be a whole new religion, because it sure as hell isn’t Christian prayer or Buddhist meditation groups.
Good point, highlighting a massive failure at institutional level.
Wars of any nature are terrible, but recent history has shown that those with clear aims (however sick), clear leaderships and clear combatant statuses at least have a chance of being fought to a conclusion, and one that all parties respect (Kamikaze to Hello Kitty in only a few generations).
So…. If there are a bunch of raging loons doing a bunch of bad stuff under a banner, I’d say it behoves the leaders of those copping it from them, and their ‘community’ (if truly different and not motivated by the same inspirations) to get them re-labelled quick smart, isolate and obliterate. Then deal with any areas of weakness that allowed them to enter, take hold and flourish.
You don’t cure cancer by saying that as it’s part of the body they are just cells with different beliefs. And if the malign hides in the benign, if surgery is needed, the benign if wishing to be spared may need motivating to deal with the entity killing all around it, them included, first.
Anything else is suicide.
Not part of the belief system I belong to subscribes to, and especially does not teach as a noble aim in killing others.
If the Japanese could be re-directed to join the human race, I’d suggest others with a restricted world view could be encouraged to do so too.
Listening to 5Live around 7.35am this morning. Caught the tail-end of Rachel Burden talking to a woman who is a psychotherapist with the Red Cross. They were cooing over the, alleged, incident in which one of the Westfield butchers actually refrained from shooting a victim, I didn’t catch why. This act of ‘mercy’, said the Red Cross woman, should give us hope. Even ‘those who have challenging motivations’ can show they are still human…
‘Challenging motivations’ – one for the Liberal-Left’s scrapbook of Madness.
Psychotherapy will defeat Islam, I just know it.
Can’t quite believe what i’ve just read. What is it with the left and there constant support/attraction towards Islam. Does the news prove nothing to these air heads? Islam and Muslims are in the news EVERY single day and cause nothing but misery to non-Muslims around the world. Or so any sane person would believe, right? Not according to this pathetic weasel who pretty much proves what a twisted outlook on the world lefties have.
What a bleak future we have ahead of us, where you can’t profess your fear of a religion that is growing rapidly and has non-believers killed daily. The racist card was bad enough to stifle debate, but islamophobia really does take beggar belief. Just when did this term arise? Whoever coined the term should be hung for disabling free speech.
Nicky Campbell almost blew a gasket recently when he saw the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Shortlist contained no female names. Phone calls were made. Campaigners were rushed to BBC microphones. Sports journalists living outside of the BBC bubble were cut out of the selection process. Common Purpose was called in instead and the rules of the competition were changed. Open competiton was replaced with closed representation. Bradley Wiggins still won the public vote.
Nicky Campbell has to report this morning that a ‘British female’ was one of the Kenya shopping mall murderers – he almost choked on his lines.
All those hours of seemingly endless pro-Islam BBC phone-ins…. all those hours in make-up for the Big Question with Nicky’s mates Amjam-this and Ahmad-that….
And (metaphorically) Bradley Wiggins still won it.
You just wait for him to use her involvement as a surefire sign that the ROP actually does give women an identity ( as claimed by burka wearers), and gives them that sense of order, a purpose in life, whereas previously there was none.
Today Program 08:10
There’s a Journalist who has been in Somalia & Kenya making a program on Al Shabab and the foreign jihadists, and all goes well – for a while.
Talks on how mostly young mostly converts are ‘radicalised’ (told the truth) in British Mosques, and how they then travel to Kenya and then on to Somalia.
Towards the end all the factual unbiased reporting is spoiled by the usual disclaimer, which I got the impression he was told he had to give. That this was a distorted interpretation of Islam which was not widely held by British Muslims, and he went on to quote Surah 8 vs 12
Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
This is the verse which give instruction to decapitate and to terrorise unbelievers.
He uses this as evidence that they are wrong but then fails to explain why. For apologists this is an easy verse to refute as they claim it only applies to a specific battle (Badr), the counter claim if of course that it applies to a wider context, and I’ll put money on Islamic scholars over the BBC.
But no explanation was given. My feeling was that the BBC hack knew exactly that the Qu’ran gives instruction for war and violence and it was BBC management / policy which was forcing him to lie about Islam and its violent nature.
But the BBC were able to categorically tell us-via their Peter Taylor(who funnily enough got to meet plenty Al Shabab clerics…despite the Kenyan security forces not being able to find them)…that these were “vulnerable young men”-who …er…”had a false interpretation of Islam”…and, oh that poor widow lady distraught at the …er “involvement”…of her Jermaine in the 7/7 Tube atrocities of 2005.
Looking forward to every muezzin blasting out the new doctrine of Al Peter this Friday…Al Azhar will be writing the new edicts whilst they still have a writing hand between their “moderate Al Shabab” side of things there in Cairo.
Oh-and lest we think that Peter Taylor is the only expert in Islam…along comes old Tinseltown Davis to tell us that there were…all “creeds and colours” involved in this unpleasantness.
And there was me thinking that it was Muslims doing the murdering-and those who were Christians who were taken hostage when not executed.
About time we Christians linked up with Sikhs, Putins Orthodox and Hindus to discuss ways forward.
The BBC will take us all to hell if we let them.
“The BBC will take us all to hell if we let them.”
They work on the “In the long run we will not be around so why should I care” approach so getting them to think about future generations is an uphill task.
The reason they care about global warming has nothing to do with any science (which goes completely over their head) but because it makes them feel good. The reality (for example increasing fuel poverty amongst those without the benefit of BBC tax funded public sector pensions) bothers them not one jot.
The narcissism of the Left is at one with their envy – what links them is their sense of entitlement. The destruction of civilization amuses them.
“The narcissism of the Left is at one with their envy – what links them is their sense of entitlement. The destruction of civilization amuses them. ”
I wish I could write my thoughts as concisely as this. When I try to be consise, or brief in my writing about the inherant contradictions within left wing ideology, I just end up calling them delusional bastards.
bbc 5live news, has a long segment on how? … of course?, and … why? Nairobi has nothing to do with Islam, on and on it goes
This is just before Panto Campbell, has the supposed “Your Call” listener??? phone in.
oops! just one more to fit in ahem … “these terrorists represent ONLY themselves” … “nothing to do with ANY? …. religion”
the phone in? … why? oh why? ….(eyes to heaven) tell me WHY!??!?? are there brit muslims among the mass murders?
… you couldn t make it up …. cue a long monologue from W-nk (security … don t panic!) Gardiner , with accompanying approving sighs from “the Dame”.
you know I would call in yet, again myself … but believe me there really is no point, I don t need an inquisition this morning.
In the UK muslims are the victims here? are they oppressed? are they disenfranchised? … why? oh why? “because the Quran contains only mercy and peace” does no one see the truth of Islam? … understand all muslims around the world are being victimised …. ya da ya da ya da!
off switch
Pointless listening. To me it seems such BBC phone ins only preach to the converted, anyone daring to have a ‘non agenda’ view is treated with contempt, and made to look a fool. Nolan is the biggest culprit.
It could be seen years ago – anyone at home at the time of the Jimmy Young show on Radio 2 may remember – He only seemed to read out racist comments and each one reinforced the next one’s lies – any comment that was out of step was rare but it was Jeremy Vine that would treat these comments with comtempt.
If American and British citizens were involved in Nairobi, can anyone seriously doubt there are terrorists militants in the UK and USA right now planning something similar? And unless there are gun-toting security guards at every shopping centre, it’s a matter of time until they are successful.
Totally agree. If our Government was really intent on protecting us, a good start would be a speedy ban of the hijab/burka/mobile tent, call it what you will.
These things make it too easy to move around with potentially concealed weapons and all without reproach.
Roger Harrabin on form this morning in the wilds of India (or somewhere – nice jolly, I’m sure). All those nasty little clay cooking fires used by the local inhabitants are, it seems, chucking out so much soot and smoke, that the soot is covering the glaciers, and they’re melting. That nice soft-porn writing ex-railway engineer is convinced that the climate is changing because of this, and it’s getting warmer and we’ll die. Answers: 1), issue more efficient metal cooking stoves; 2). stop everyone else driving/flying/heating their homes/living. There, that should do it.
Now, I’m no scientist, but haven’t glaciers advanced and retreated since for ever? One would expect them, to have been slowly shrinking since the end of the last glacial, and that there would be a delay, so what’s new? Now we are coming to the end of the Holocene, their advance will be a little way behind as we freeze.
And “little cooking fires”? Come on, these people have been burning wood like that (as has the rest of humanity) since time immemorial. And diesel? Diesel emission have improved immensely, and are still doing so.
What about the natural particulates, then “Dr”. Pachauri? What about the soot from countless grass, forest and other natural fires over the millennia? What about the fallout from volcanoes? Eh?
They really are scraping the barrel now. The more fantastical their pronouncements, the more desperate they seem, and the more we laugh at them. We don’t buy it.
As I mentioned on the previous Open Thread, I made a complaint about the use of the word “militant”. I have now received a reply, which I’m not (yet) going to share, because I’d like to take it further and don’t want to give them an excuse to throw it out.
But the following footnote to the reply took me aback: This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
I’m guessing it’s a boilerplate, so disclosing it won’t do any harm. How the hell can an official reply to a complaint to the BBC not represent the views of the BBC?
Anyhow, I’d appreciate advice from veteran complainers. How do you take it further? I have been given no complaint number for them to tie up if I go through the website again. And I do not wish to waste time filling in Twenty Questions again in any event. There are no instructions on taking it further so clearly they don’t wish me to. I will try simply replying to the email but suspect that may not be monitored.
“I’d appreciate advice from veteran complainers. How do you take it further?”
I wish I was at home as I could access my last post on this, but as it’s iPads & hospital WiFi….
Polite, persistent & pragmatic.
They will try and wear you out. They are paid to do so, and have infinite time. Attrition is their main weapon.
They will try to taunt you or frustrate you into an in opportune reply. Their secret internal list of plug pulling justifications is extensive.
And they will cajole, mutter darkly and if all else fails simply flounce if you simply keep holding them to account.
Or expedite for doing it too often.
Their ball. Their stadium. Their rules. Their referee.
The best you will ever get is a note in archive only you, they and anyone who monitors the monthly list of adjudications will know about.
“But the following footnote to the reply took me aback”
The whole footnote is dire. It alludes to some mystery ‘our little secret’ that only Savile hosts cannot see as creepy, whereby they can share what you write on the bog doors, but try and infer you must mention to no one. Bollocks. Exposure is their greatest fear. As a courtesy I’d say edit out your name and details, and that of replying staff, but that’s it. But you will be marked. They’ll know. Especially if posted here. There were some famous threads under the last system where they wrote to the management to express ‘concerns’.
“How the hell can an official reply to a complaint to the BBC not represent the views of the BBC?”
Possibly in the same way the views of Newsnight editors and other staff (tee hee) don’t. They are unique. And unaccountable.
“I have been given no complaint number for them to tie up if I go through the website again.”
Classic ‘Beware of the Leopard’ tactics. They will actually use a deliberately-designed system labyrinth to justify pulling the plug for you not using it properly.
“And I do not wish to waste time filling in Twenty Questions again in any event.”
Then give up now. They win.
If you have the time, and will, persist, but you will need to play their games, and there will be many and they will change on their whim.
You’ll rattle around complaints level a few times, and then may get to ECU, again on a few levels. If you can beat these hurdles, and attempts to scare you with ‘Directors’, you may get as far as the Trust.
And if you have done that before they will ban you, as no one is meant to get that far, so to prevent repetition, in secret, internally, based on BBC staff ‘belief’ vs. your facts & evidence.
That is what makes the BBC unique.
And so utterly dangerous.
Propaganda is one thing. Such censorship powers make it immune to change. So it cannot, and won’t.
But that doesn’t mean ‘we’ do give up, and even mosquitoes can drain an elephant sip by sip enough to encourage it to move out of the swamp it seems so comfy inhabiting.
And thanks for the input. I knew you’d posted about it before, but couldn’t begin to try finding it. I’m under no illusion that they’ll turn round at the end of this and say “Yes, you’re right” but I really feel strongly that this failure to call a spade a spade is downright offensive to all decent people, and they should at least be made to work for it a bit.
I’m not going to share just yet, but will take it another level first to see what happens.
I personally feel that you should contact your local MP about this ludicrous statement . The BBC provides a service to the public paid for by your taxes and therefore it is totally appropriate that you MP deals with this serious situation. How the hell can an official reply from the BBC not represent them? This is outrageous.
“How the hell can an official reply from the BBC not represent them? ”
Good question.
One presumes FoI exclusions or simple BBC ‘doanwanna’ will see official response terminated, but maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer may have a view, especially if versed in BBC lore and disorder.
Genuine invitation, and the DOTI time sheet in these parts is looking rather un clocked of late, so an opportunity to score. With whom of course will depend on how sensible the answer is.
Tx for good wishes.
On the mend.
Plenty of time to surf! Found a whole new batch of DOTIs, this time deployed to pounce when the NHS is raised. I can’t fault any staff, but the systems are buggered. This produced immediate accusations of being a Murdoch plant seeking to privatise the thing, which was nonsensical. One accused me of lying I was in a hospital bed and managed to get even his fellow cubicles to plead he stop digging them even deeper holes as he pissed off even the faithful.
On matters CECUTT, if you are confident of them conceding anything, much less you being right, I’ll be impressed.
That exposes a chink, and they know how the BBC would exploit any other entity doing so.
However, it IS another technique. Logged it may be, but nowhere anyone will see it, unless you publish here. That means it doesn’t register as a successful complaint, so they didn’t err. Worse, you will be logged as having failed even if you think you succeeded, and garner a few of those they can claim you are a persistent complainant and expedite you.
As it happens they seem to have been caught hopping on this one, and it has inspired hostile MSM attention already, so they may need to throw a few complainers (we of course never learn how many or what individuals hear back unless they share) a bone and ‘fess up.
So a grudging ‘we’ll tell the Editors not to enhance the narrative so cack-handedly next time’ posted on an obscure part of the Trust website monthly and that’s that.
I’ll look forward to your progress, and eventual share. They won’t.
Nice feeling, which at present makes a change;)
“since 2000, British citizenship has been granted to two million immigrants, giving them full access to benefits, housing and the right to vote in General Elections….Labour..never sought any public mandate for this open door policy, which has changed Britain for ever.. at no stage did ministers consider whether British society would be able to absorb so many people…Nor..did they bother to build the houses, schools, roads or hospitals required to cope.”
Over two thirds of Muslim and West Indian immigrants vote Labour. That is the only statistic that matters to the Labour Party. As usual the only thing the Left care about is themselves. The reason why Gordon Brown talks so much about his moral compass is that he knows he does not have one, just bottomless hate and greed for power. The Left never felt that Blair was quite one of them, because his heart was not filled with enough hate, but he made up for it in his greed for power.
Blair never knowingly engaged with any reality other than his own vanity. Thinking back to the way the BBC were delirious with happiness when New Labour (the most authoritarian, corrupt, and irresponsible government of this country in living memory) makes me want to puke.
If the BBC did its job properly, it would be asking Ed Miliband why Labour allowed and deliberately encouraged so much mass immigration. It would not let him get away with the fake apology that he now realises that it was a “mistake”. It was a deliberate, irreversible, structural alteration to the British population for motives of political gain (votes, cheap labour, alienation of the more conservative older White people who may emigrate or at least move out of certain areas).
Thinking back to the way the BBC were delirious with happiness when New Labour [was elected to power in 1997 and in two subsequent General Elections]…
I will add however that they were so delirious that for a day or two at the last General Election the BBC so obsessively promoted the prospect of a Labour led coalition that a Labour MP [John Reid], yes a Labour MP, told them to get a grip and accept that now that all the votes had been counted the Labour Party had clearly not got an electoral mandate to form a government.
I remember that weeklong hype over a “rainbow coalition” against the tories and many hints that winning more votes than any other party did not give the tories any more right than labour to form a government. They simply did not, and could not, accept that labour could have possibly got fewer votes and lost to Cameron’s tory party.
That’s the official figure, the real figure is probably 6 or 7 Million. As we all know, Third Worlders pop out babies like biscuits in a biscuit factory, each mother has about 5 or 6 kids. That’s the only thing they’re good at.
So the indigenous British will become a minority in Britain by 2066, thank you Mr Tony Blair.
I broadly agree with what you say but some details do need explanation:
(1) 2066 is almost certainly a date arrived at by adding exactly 1000 years to the famous date 1066. I would take it with a pinch of salt but I could believe a less contrived date like 2100 or one even sooner than that.
(2) Official figures always understate this sort of thing -the same is true of bicycle thefts – and anyone here illegally is hardly likely to alert the authorities to their presence.
(3) Birth rates do decline with increased prosperity so the 5- or 6-children families will hopefully become less numerous.
(4) White British birth rates may increase, so that any estimate is just that, since nobody can really know what this rate will be.
I’ve just watched the vertically challenged, bumptious, BBC ‘bullyboy’, Ben Brown (wearing his New Labour red tie) on the BBC News Channel, interviewing Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader. The subject ‘Godfrey Bloom’.
It’s a long time since I’ve seen such an hectoring and aggressive interview of anyone. Despite Mr Farage attempting to calmly put his position across, Brown repeatedly interrupted and talked over the top of him. It was obvious that he was not interested in the answers given, as he chose to keep putting the same questions in a different way. He was somewhat irked that Bloom had not been kicked out of the party.
Perhaps the overpaid bosses at the BBC should watch a videotape of this interview and then tell us how impartial their staff are.
According to his Wikipedia entry Hasan also admitted –
“Today it is difficult, if not impossible, to identify a Muslim-majority nation that could plausibly be identified as a modern, viable and legitimate ‘Islamic state’”
The Islamic jihad massacre in KENYA:
-now, the INBBC/ ‘liberal’ MSM apologetics for jihadist, LEWTHWAITE.
Our views of Lewthwaite are now being heavily propagandised and politically focused, via the Associated Press, and many of its uncritical outlets, on one (Muslim?) local councillor in Buckinghamshire, a Mr Raj Khan.
The political line we are being fed is that Lewthwaite was ‘an average girl.’ We are meant to feel sympathy for this woman, regardless of any Islamic jihad crimes she has committed, with no reference to the brutalised non-Muslim victims of the Nairobi Islamic jihad massacre.
The PC BBC set a new standard last night in their quiz show Only Connect, presented by lefty Victoria Coren, one of the contestants isn’t quite was she(it?) seems….
Just one minutes viewing should be enough to work out who…
Lots of high fives in the editing suite.
First slap of the heteros face in allowing this creation on as a normal member of a family…and no comment or jokes from anybody there( you know…the kind poor Ann Widdicombe used to get).
Maybe there IS a case for the burka to be made voluntary for a trial period in Oxford after all.
I guess it’s easy to make fun, but in what sort of a dark place does your soul have to be to feel the necessity to live that kind of lie? I feel sorry for him.
A quote from one of his/her blogs would imply he/she is quite happy with his/her pansexual status, and amazingly he/she is teacher.
I see it as more agenda pushing from the BBC on the LGBT front.
“I am a 25 year old bisexual cisfemale, working hard to become an EX teacher (due to frustrations with the system) and move into youth work. (Or get a publishing deal. Or lottery win.) I volunteer with an LGBTQ youth charity and a lot of my focus is on providing education/support for LGBTQ young people, as well as education in how teachers can do this (I grew up with section 28 and have witnessed a lot of homophobia in schools go unchallenged). I am about community cohesion – I see too much bi/transphobia/erasure/cissexism and try to challenge this through education. Challenges facing LGBTQ youth and how we as a community can tackle/support/educate”
I just get a feeling that this family’s application form ticked a lot of boxes. I guess it should be no surprise really when his/her father is a caravanning ballroom dancer…
It’s certainly true that the butch bra and pants wearers see themselves as the next group of perverts fluttering against the bars of their gilded cages. The Guardian is obsessed by it, naturally.
The problem is that the pit of human sexual depravity is very deep, and after the ones that make you snigger are dealt with the truly disgusting peccadilloes will likely follow.
Coprophiles please form an orderly queue: downwind if you don’t mind. You’re next.
well-day four of this Nairobi business, and the BBCs angle is emerging…and, if I were doing a BA in Media Fiddling, I`d be using this narrative since Saturday as my exemplar.
The World At One is “shapeshifting ” for the 5pm news and all else to follow today.
Here it is
a) away from any possible Islam/Muslim association…and towards the old emoting/Dunkirk spirit and stories of “coming together” in response…that should smother the Islam bit in favour of the “oh why?…well let`s get on with it all and pretend we didn`t hear those Islamic benedictions from that challenging faith position we can`t name” stance.
b) the blaming of security services, shopping mall guards for not protecting the shoppers
c) the sneering at conflicting quotes from officials before the smoke has even cleared and the blood been washed away…the BBC seem to think that they`re OFSTED for Jihad…and were the Kenyans to fail to get one of these terrorists alive, then this would bother the likes of Michael Mansfield, who`s busy getting that posthumous OBE for St Mark Duggan of Totting`ham.
The BBC are there to do the old Commonwealth bit in holding the Kenyans to account…and demand answers, an excusing slippery murderer to swoon over…and..of course…to wipe down any Islam connection for the ages when somebody might want to know how we let the BBC suck up to Al Shabab at our expense.
1414: Labour activist Andrew Lewin tweets: Brighton is a picture, glorious day. If ever the scene was set for a sunny, optimistic speech… it’s now. Come on Ed! #Lab13
Will the same hold true for the tories during their conference?
1407: Comedian and actor Steve Coogan is in the audience. Ahaaaa!
Not so long ago it was: 1506: Nigel in Loughborough texts: He’s coming across as far more believable than the other two leaders.
It’s quite depressing looking at the live text, but then one remembers that only the devoted would be bothering in the first place. I honestly don’t know why they bother with these party conferences any more. Very few give a stuff.
Another of my hobby horses. Why should I give two hoots that someone famous endorses a political party? Is their opinion somehow of more weight or validity than anyone else’s.
” Is their opinion somehow of more weight or validity than anyone else’s”
To those who have been taught not to think and question but instead just accept the voice of ‘the meeja’, I’m afraid the answer is yes.
Thanks to years of education with no real learning, opinion’s that are insidiously pushed at them on the tv count for far more than an expert’s facts as despite having the most fantastic communication and processing facilities unknown by any other age, so many mis-educated Brits now lack the mental tools to check, evaluate and reason for themselves.
Sometimes not even able to read and write to the same level as school-leavers just 50 years ago.
Yet another reason to gut the Orwellian BBC.
Give thanks to the LibLabCon in a way they’ll notice.
People like Coogan’s work which is often intelligently written, so they immediately assume his political views hold more merit than anyone else’s. It’s an appeal to authority.
Do love the way others in the media harbour this quaint notion still that whatever internal rules the BBC’s box tickers do make fanfare of adjusting, the entire staff will pay any more attention to than a ‘please don’t’ plea from Market Raters like Hugs.
Lord have mercy!! 5Live pissing their pants in a bid to put a positive spin on Red Ed’s promise to take us back to the good old days of the 70s.
Yep, his true colours have finally been revealed and his Communist/Socialist/Marxist (wet) dream will have us back the 3 day week faster than you can say unburied bodies.
The Beeb are lavishing praise on his ability to make an unscripted speech for an hour.
And there was me thinking we needed a leader, a statesman, a Prime Minister………..not a fuckin actor.
Interesting feature of Richard Bacon’s commentary: “Yes, and there’s Ed walking to the front of the stage”.
Ed, no less. Not Milliband. But Ed.
Be worth noting if he refers to Cameron as Dave or David next week.
Now that Ed Balls is casting doubts as to Labour’s support for HS2 there have been quite a few reports on the news and the web by the BBC on the subject.
Now is this subconscious bias? Railways were invented in the UK and exported around the world to the Americas, Africa and India. Something that a sane nation would be proud of. Of course national pride is something that our national broadcaster doesn’t ‘do’, (it must collectively cringe that it is saddled with ‘British’ in its title).
Could that explain why any word other that ‘railway’ gets used in conjunction with HS2? We have ‘train line’, ‘rail line’ and ‘rail link’. If the ‘line’ phrases mean anything, drawing a parallel with aircraft and ships, then it would suggest ‘company’ i.e, airline, shipping line.
Right of way, highway, motorway – what’s wrong with using ‘railway’, its British, what’s not to like?
Have you seen the new steam locomotive Tornado ? built in 2005, very impressive, it’s got a personality, unlike modern trains which are just boxes on wheels.
Didn’t see the great leaders speech, but to read this would lead one to believe that the country’s ill’s and problems are very easily overcome, but in reality so much of this seems to be drivel.
Can energy prices really be frozen in the way prescribed at the same time maintaining the headlong rush to renewable energy? How does he propose to square that circle? Splitting up energy companies? Yeh right!
Can he really deliver 200k new homes a year by 2020 and how does he propose to do that?
Just two of the commitments that have been made, and accepted but some deep and meaningful questions are needed, but you can be assured that they will not be asked by the BBC.
Just remember that this Miliband was the guy responsible for the Climate Change Act, so everything he does is probably as well thought through as that incredibly expensive dangerous useless rubbish.
He’s part of New Labour that intentionally flooded this country with immigrants without checking if they would assimilate.
Of course, Call-Me-Dave is still sticking to those same policies, so I can’t see why the Beeb are wetting themselves with excitement over Miliband’s speech because it will make no real difference to what gets pushed onto us.
When I say ‘wetting’ I think I am not exaggerating – the speech was broadcast simultaneously on:
BBC Parliament
BBC News24
Sadly, SkyNews also showed it at the same time, and from the same broadcast feed (I had two screens up to check).
So much for diversity.
Andrew Neil was quite good afterwards, though, and on the energy part of the speech he had some worrying questions about serious energy problems following California’s similar policies for the uninformed Shadow Energy Secretary (Flint by name, for it is she, primitively stoney by nature befitting our forthcoming energy crisis)
I caught a few minutes of Andrew Neil’s humiliation of Caroline Flint on BBC 24 at around 4:00 pm. Just three repeated questions destroyed her (and Ed’s) credibility: please Caroline give us one example anywhere in the world of where price controls have been successful? Why should the energy companies invest anything (according to Neil we need £350 bn invested over the next few years) given Labour’s intended price controls and break up of the energy companies? Also Caroline, while we’re on, tell us what happened in California when price controls were imposed (they had blackouts)?
Flint was completely flummoxed (you could see she was out of her depth as she desperately kept on talking complete gibberish interspersed with moans of “Andrew, Andrew, Andrew . . . . “). Somehow, I don’t think this is going to be repeated during Ed’s coronation on Today tomorrow morning.
Of course I would not suggest that the BBC is institutionally biased. It seems to me to be pretty evenly split between outright supporters of the Lib Dems and those committed to Labour, so it is nicely balanced between the conflicting views of The Guardian and the New Statesman.
If it is found that British/American passport holders are involved in the Kenya massacre, Uhuru Kenyatta will severly censure the above countries for allowing their cells and fronts to proliferate in the west.
“If it is found that British/American passport holders are involved in the Kenya massacre”
would the BBC describes them as:
1 – Islamic terrorists
2 – Muslim tourists
3 – unfortunate holiday-makers.
Of course, the BBC does not always see things going their way…
“getting nowhere near explaining what was happening in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi.”
World class , trusted, envy-of-the-world journalism, then. Sounds like Katz was a hire up there with Entwistle, etc.
Actually, given what the BBC has called ‘explaining’ on this, maybe going nowhere near it is a mercy.
Meanwhile, think of the children…
“CBBC…has been overtaken by Disney as the most watched children’s channel in satellite and cable homes.”
So another Mickey Mouse outfit frying kids’ brains.
Murdering savages, perhaps?
Animals? No that’s unfair to animals.
Words fail me, but al beeba will continue to sanitise with their new-age lexicon until they are put out of business.
I noticed that too, as Michael Crick would say ” Where’s all the blacks and muslims ?” I suspect the hidden message from Liebour is ” We’re on your side, the indigenous ethnic Briton.”
Simon Schama’s “History of the Jews” is a very impassioned (allowing for his increasingly camp delivery) and he has declared himself to be a zionist. It will be interesting to see the final installment next Sunday when he gets up to the establishment of Israel. He might turn out to be a BBC approved leftie who fails to follow the party line on the Jewish entity.
I have also been enjoying this one, Schama seems to differ from the usual self-hating Liberal Jews that the BBC loves. Although I would question his claim that Jews were better off living as dhimmis under medieval Islam, than living in medieval Europe.
Not just for the BBC, but they are as culpable as other news outlets. Remember how Israel was once blighted by suicide bombers? What happened to prevent them? Maybe time for an update but I won’t hold my breath …
So what brought about this remarkable drop? Did Israel take down the wall for a fair and just peace? Muslim suicide bombers have certainly been active elsewhere, so why not in Israel?
Got to love the bBC, giving credence to a bunch of murderous thugs who have just murdered in cold blood over 60 people: Al-Shabab denies women involved in Kenya mall attack Somalia-based Islamist group al-Shabab has denied that any women were involved in the attack on a shopping centre in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
So not only do they refuse to tell the truth about the nature of these scumbags, they’re also trying to turn it into yet another ‘poor women/when will men learn’ agendas. Sickening betrayal AND exploitation of a horrendous massacre.
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
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Almost every other MSM news outlet (including the Independent, can you believe?!) is rightly calling the vile scum who’ve butchered innocents in the name of their religion, ‘Islamic terrorists’ – apart from one, of course: the BBC, who are continuing with the ridiculously insulting and ambiguous descriptions, ‘militants’ and ‘attackers’. Unbelievable appeasement if you ask me.
How many more times can the leftie wimps sanitize the barbarity of these hideous Islamic fanatics and neanderthals ?
The use, or avoidance, of certain words or terms by news media these days is as bizarre as it is pervasive.
The BBC’s evident ‘concern’ not to be judgemental or offend seems almost wilfully contrarian at best, and serves nothing sensible well: the story, the victims or their own reputation. It’s hard to fathom what benefit they feel this brings to their door.
I now await, with dread, post-match ‘analysis’, as can only be provided by those who have in the past seen attacking unarmed civilians with arms as ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’.
And yes, I know the BBC is not alone, but I don’t care.
If this nut-jobette who already has a cool nickname to stir the morale and gird the loins of the lads in the caves of Tora Bora is involved, I will be interested what aspects of a mastermind she possessed that others didn’t for ‘run into mall with guns, check denomination & kill all not ticking the box’.
“The use, or avoidance, of certain words or terms by news media these days is as bizarre as it is pervasive.”
I was watching some of the BBC coverage of the Nairobi
murders of children, and their defenceless adult protectorsincident early this afternoon, and for about 20 minutes they managed to talk without mentioning these words:Islam Muslim murder non-Muslims
Finally, they were talking to an African colleague in Kenya, who also ummed and ahhed to avoid those words, until he was able to answer the question (paraphrased):
– so what do al-Shabab want?
with the relieved and triumphant-sounding
– the creation of an Islamic state.
Well that phrase sounds almost repectable, doesn’t it? Unlike imposing sharia law, or their demonstrated desire to murder non-muslim children.
Now.. now after that mean-spirited mealy-mouthed display… I truly would like to see the current BBC Trust kicked out on its arse and, for as long as there are Muslims in Britain, that Trust replaced by only hardest-core members of the EDL and BNP to enforce whatever editorial and personnel policies they wished on the BBC.
Only then would the ‘oh-so-pure that the murder of non-Muslim children is only a matter for PC wordplay’ al-Beeb apparatchiks feel some fragment of the horror and revulsion that normal people felt at the BBC’s carefully worded excuses for those murderous Islamic shits.
How many members of the BBC Trust would be able to save their own lives, by quoting the Quran?
I bet even the token brown one would fail.
We should give them asylum on the condition that they only pick on the BBC.
Thanks for the reminder.
To any members of the Trust reading:
the name you need to remember is
Never seem to hear stories like this on the BBC debates and discussions. I wonder why?
That favoured son of the BBC Simon Jenkins has penned the most odious article on this atrocity so far, in (where else but) The Guardian.
Jenkins manages to get a dig in at Cameron for convening COBRA and goes on to explain that it’s all our fault that this hellish barbarism occurs.
It’s our fault for having shopping malls and gathering in larger numbers while shopping, going to church, going to school, going to football matches etc. Apparently we are making ourselves a juicy target for Islamic nutjobs and overreacting somewhat when the carnage occurs.
We are facilitating bloody murder simply by making ourselves available to be murdered. That includes children.
This is a new low for the Guardian.
Jenkins’ article was roundly trashed in the CiF comments. Sensing the winds of CiF opinion were not blowing in Jenkins’ favour, the Guardian pulled the story from the main feature bar of the website and let it linger at the bottom of the sidebar.
The article was a sorry paean to appeasement, surrender and dhimmitude. Jenkins is a f**king disgrace and if Alan Rusbridger had any balls he would sack him tomorrow.
A shameful day for the Guardian.
Read the article and the comments for an object lesson on how out of touch the Guardian writers are with their own readership, let alone the public at large.
I suppose in one sense it was our, the various governments over the yeas that is, who are responsible for the current terrorism. They did not have the backbone to stop it from the start. They went soft on each and every dictator and terrorist and made dirty deals with them all. The bomb and gun won!!!!! End of!
Apologies, end of first line should of course read “years”
“…The article was a sorry paean to appeasement, surrender and dhimmitude.
…All concepts very familiar to the duplicitous Left. These morons – cheerled, no doubt, by the ever-willing BBC – would have Western Europe lay down its arms and surrender to the onslaught of genocidal Islamic fundamentalism, prostrate itself in abject defeat before a brutal, medieval – fascistic – religious doctrine of terror and violence.
I’ve been reading Hitler’s Table Talk recently. No surprises whatsoever to read that The Fuhrer greatly admired Islam. I can’t imagine why.
Shame on Jenkins, to be sure, but his misguided ‘progressive’ scribblings are merely symptoms of a far bigger disease at the very heart of our liberal mainstream media.
Of course, Jenkins never uses malls or go to large gatherings of any kind…..does he? He has a massive vacuum where his brain should be. See him in the street, give him a hard time.
Could The Guardian sink any lower than to print such offensive rubbish? I can hardly believe what I have just read. Jenkins wants stringing up from the nearest crane.
Agreed. That really is a disgusting article from a typical big left-wing jessie typing from the comfort of his west-end pad whilst drinking illy coffee. The Left really are disgusting.
Even the Guardian should have known better than to print this bollocks. Just give us another article about how the US caused Iran to become the basket case it is today, at least that’s partially true and is a criticism of a single government’s decisions as opposed to a blatantly prejudiced attack on the West at large to appease the Islamic contingent. Jenkins is basically the offspring of ideological inbreeding.
Not only did they insist on calling the vile terrorist scum militants when they did use the word they stuck in scare quotes “terrorists” as if it was only sb’s opinion.
One of their pathetic propagandists even suggested that Obama might visit the country of his father’s birth to show solidarity.
I have my doubts about it given Obama’s new ally in the “War on Terror”. Now that the CIA are arming the Syrian FSA in its fight with Assad America should consider itself part of Team Al Qaeda.
There’s agreat take on that in: “Our Enemy’s Enemy Is Our Enemy” at:!/2013/09/our-enemys-enemy-is-our-enemy.html
oops pressed the report button -sorry.
What I wanted to say was that perversely the BBC would rule back in 2004 that it was quite OK to trail a documentary for a week before the programme with the words “Watch this documentary which shows that the Jews were the first modern terrorists of the 2oth century”
for the ghastly politacaly correct left wing bbc and radio 5 live buck idiot presenters to keep on describing these muslim islamic child murdering non muslim hating racist,fascist and nazis cowards a nice name like miltitant sicken me to the bowels of my stomach.not once has the kenyan goverement or there prime minister described these child murderers as militants,they have used the term terrorist to describe these evil scum because that is what they are,these cowards dont follow the rules of war,they wont go on the battlefield to prove what holy warriors they are because they are gutless wimps,these cowards who will soon be meeting there 72 virgins in the pits of hell soon after the kenyan army finish them off and may many of there followers and there supporters including in the uk follow in the same footsteps.
God will send down 72 virgin feminists to keep them company – but unlike the earthly ones who go easy on them, these ones will have teeth. Not in their mouths, either.
For some reason a picture of Jo Brand just flashed through my mind ……… Must go and lie down in a dark room.
More like the Firvulag.
Actually, being an horrific Firvulag thought projection is as likely an explanation for Brand’s terrifying fizzog as any.
I’ve some spare ………. and ,,,,,,, if it helps. Feel free to take some.
Oh and a paragraph as well.
The entire British establishment calls the same sort of child murdering terrorist scum, “rebels” when we are covertly funding them in Syria. We need to cut off all arms, funds, training and support to all radical, extremist, terrorist, militant, rebel or any other shade of the followers of Islam.
Until the tolerant, multicultural west wakes up to the intolerant, bigoted, hate filled, monocultural rules at the heart of Islam, that so long as Islamics are in a minority, that they go along with the majority, but as soon as they reach a majority, they convert, enslave or kill every non-muslim, then the west will continue to appease the destruction of our own culture and with it, our tolerance of inclusive multiculturalism.
When will the homosexual supporting feminist executives of the BBC finally realise that their mypic belief in uncontrolled multiculturalism, that they are certain to unleash the destruction of multiculturalism and usher in an age of oppressive, extremist Islamic monoculturalism?
I support controlled multiculturalism and love that our culture can be enriched by other cultures. However, I am not so blinded by idealism of multiculturalism, that I would allow the exclusion of OUR OWN culture, and it’s suppression and appeasement of the one alien culture which is devoted to replacing or irradicating all other cultures. I welcome American, Canadian, Incan, Indian, Russian, Australian, African, European, chinese and most all other cultures into my country on the understanding that MY traditional culture will not be oppressed, only enriched, by those other cultures and that people from those cultures are welcome here, so long as they integrate into society and do not seek to prevent us from having OUR traditional cultural values intact.
Islam does not do this. The BBC’s devotion to the political ideal of multiculturalism, and their utter blindness to the danger inherant in the rules of Islam, means that their devotion is the trigger to a war to end multiculturalism, and this will result in homosexuals hanging from the rafters in the BBC’s own studios. How blind are those who refuse to see?
Great post, Ken. Pretty much sums up how I feel about ‘multiculturalism’. It was a nice idea, but now it’s been turned into a political project (mainly by New Labour during the last government) and we seem, as country, to have fallen so far down the rabbit hole we might never find our way back out again.
It’s going to take something pretty radical for that happen. And that’s why I’m voting UKIP at the next Euro elections and at the next UK general election.
Thank you Ken, some time ago i penned a post describing the aftermath of a muslim terror attack on the BBC, with raped and dismembered BBC girlies and gays lined up and thrown off the roof…….Preisner and several others laid into me about it………what fools they were, it will be a stark reality, no mistake……..thank you for your similar view.
Theresa May, when visiting the firecracker Mosque in Wolverhampton called the perpetrators of said firecracker “Terrorists”
Terrorists normally put their acts of violence down to religion, look it up in the thesaurus, it’s all there in black and white, Militants do not…religion plays NO factor in militant action.
Sick to death of government and the MSN, ESPECIALLY the BBC, twisting words to fit their own narratives.
The murdering bastards of Kenya, Nigeria & Pakistan this week who follow Islam, and quote it in their atrocities are Terrorists, not Militants.
Not only terrorists..but Muslim ones as well.
We are dealing with Muslim terrorists.
See…not that difficult to say is it?
If anybody hears these two words linked in any Beeb/State-run op ed…do tell!
Funny that an oxymoron like BBC Trust gets by on the nod..but Muslim terrorist seems like two repellant poles of a magnet.
BBC-Muslim…now they DO attract..rather well!
What’s the old quote? “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims.”.
To add to the Sunday Open Thread comments regarding the disgracefully biased (yes, even by his own standards) Harrabin piece on ‘climate change’ and the IPCC this morning….
I reckon this will be the first of many pieces this week featuring the IPCC report, every single one predictably peddling the lie that global warming hasn’t stopped, despite what 15 years of temperature records are telling us.
The lie, like a varnished turd, is always burnished with the spin that these are the world’s ‘top climate scientists’ telling us all this.
Well, for those of you not familiar with her work, and specifically her book ‘The Delinquent Teenager (who thought he was the world’s top climate scientist)’ I strongly recommend that you dedicate one hour of your life to Donna Laframboise’s interview here (h/t to Phil Ford for flagging this site up a couple of weeks ago) – you’ll need to scroll down:
This is what she says on her own website about her work:
‘What began as a book about reasons to remain calm, cool, and collected in the face of hype and hysteria morphed into a rather different project – an exposé of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
This organization performs one of the most important jobs in the world. It surveys climate research and writes a report about what it all means. That report, informally known as the Climate Bible, is cited by governments around the world. It is the reason trillions of dollars are being spent on climate change measures.’
The reality behind the IPCC is truly mind-boggling, for example the number of post grads involved in producing the report (some holding senior authorship positions), the number of environmentalists involved (some holding senior authorship positions), the fact that 30% of quoted literature is non-peer reviewed, how politicians dictate what goes in the final summary etc.
Like she says herself, she was amazed that nobody had carried out this research before – she is a lone journalist without the resources of a BBC or CNN or Sunday times but with a lot of hard work and determination she managed to produce a formidable expose.
So watch the video, buy the book and spread the word. These shysters have gotten away with this for far too long.
Harrabin and co have apparently agreed to push euphemism that global warming ‘has paused.’
This “pause” – funny how none of the great expert climate scientists predicted a pause or put it in any of their models. I thought the science was “settled”. So was the pause in or not in the science that was settled?
Its not even a “pause” according to some, it’s “hiding”. Peekaboo! Count to ten and find the heat.
They should be a laughing stock – and would be if the MSM wasn’t on the same alarmist gravy train.
The big mistake at the heart of climate science… (or should that be “climate science”?) is that the climate “scientists” are mistakenly, or fraudulently, passing off hypothesis as data.
To simply explain that, and for the removal of any doubt, I will no explain in simple detail, the massive error, or fraud, at the heart of alarmist climate change science…
Science is the search for truth, through the use of the scientific method.
This means that a scientist has an idea of how something works. For example: if I add A to B, the result will be C. That idea is a hypothesis. For this hypothesis to be scientfically valid, it must be able for A added to B to NOT equal C and for that A added to B to be testable and for that test to be repeatable by anyone else.
This means that for any scientific hypothesis to be scientifically valid, it must be testable and falsifiable.
To test a hypothesis, one must either observe it or create an experiment and observe the results.
As Feynman stipulates, if the experiment does not support the hypothesis, then the hypothesis must be amended or rejected.
In the case of the CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropological Global Warming) hypothesis, the hypothesis posits that for a doubling of atmospheric CO2, the earth’s atmosphere will warm by between 2 – 6 degrees by the year 2100. This is due to various feedback mechanisms whereby CO2’s “greenhouse warming” will warm the oceans enough to cause increased evaporation of water vapour into the atmosphere that will increase temperatures even further, risking melting Methane calthrates, thus releasing trapped methane into the atmosphere thus accelerating warming even more in a “runaway” warming loop. That is the Catastrophic scenario which places the C in CAGW.
Now given this CAGW hypothesis, scientists need to be able to TEST the hypothesis to determine if it is valid and true. Obviously it is not possible to use other identical earths which have not had CO2 artificially increased, which which to compare, so reasonably, Scientists create computer models of the climate to simulate different levels of CO2 and other impacts upon the climate.
So far, so good. There is nothing wrong with attempting to model these things so we can learn more about how different chemical and physical interactions may play out…
However …. The mistake (if honest) or fraud (if dishonest) at the heart of climate alarmist science, is in the fact that these models are nothing more than models of the hypothesis. They can only tell us what the hypothesis predicts and CANNOT tell us what is really happening.
Scientists have created lots of models which are merely variants of the hypothesis. They only demonstrate variants of the hypothesis and are only useful as a way to explain the hypothesis. They are NOT and can never ever be a TEST of the hypothesis to determine if the hypothesis remains valid. To attempt to use a demonstration of the hypothesis, in order to validate the hypothesis, is scientfic fraud. You cannot test a hypothesis, by using the hypothesis. That is like a six year old’s logic of “it is true because I say it is true”
That is the problem with the claims of Climate scientists who insist that MODELS tell them that the human fingerprint in climate change in unmistakable and that the models are correct.
The ONLY possible, scientifically valid way to test the CAGW hypothesis, (the Catastrophic scenario), is by comparing the predictions made by model, with the real-world, empirically measured data, gathered for decades and determine IF the prediction of the hypothesis matches the real data. That is the ONLY way to validate the CAGW hypothesis.
We now are getting enough real world data to show that the real world is NOT warming as the CAGW hypothesis predicted. According to the rules of scientific method, this means that the hypothesis is falsified and must be rejected or ammended.
Anyone who still tries to claim that models prove that CAGW is a real threat, is denying reality as bad as any “flat earth, creationist, denialist” has ever done.
The data coming in shows that there is a small temperature change and that human’s CO2 may be having a minor, and mostly benefitial, effect on climate, as increased CO2 has been shown to be increasing the speed and size of growth in many plant species. Trees are growing bigger and faster, crop yields are increasing, bio-diversity is increasing and the earth is not frying to a crisp.
THAT is what the science IS telling us. It is time that the BBC became an honest broker of information, and stopped supporting the alarmist climate science fraud.
Thanks for the h/t, Johnny – and a great post. I heard comrade Harrabin on R4 at some ungodly hour this morning chiding the poor of India for using ‘mud stoves’ and (allegedly) blackening the Himalayan glaciers with sooty deposits as result (which apparently will lead us all to a world-ending climate catastrophe).
These liberal progressives really are despicable types. Harrabin, who got a nice junket to India (paid for by license payers) to file this rancid report, is typical of his sort: comfortably middle-class, white, well-educated and living in the privileged West, yet he nonetheless feels the need to go around poorer countries proselyting about the need for ‘these people’ to use ‘efficient energy’, ‘renewables’ and to lead a ‘sustainable’ existence.
It’s outrageous. But it is typical of the Left. They fail to see the rampant hypocrisy in their hateful behaviour. They can’t even see how wicked it is for them to stand in the way of poorer nations who wish to develop fossil fuel economies – you know, just like we have had for decades here in the West.
This is how the BBC hive mind thinks. And that’s the truly depressing thing. Harrabin is just another reminder of just how odious the Corporation has become.
As regards the massacre in Henya and its coverage by the BBC:
Great link.
A similar attack to the one in Kenya IS going to happen in Britain, and it’s not very far away.
Only a few scant years ago 10 Pakistani ‘students’ were arrested for ‘hostile scouting’ of the Arndale centre Manchester and the Trafford Centre, plus a nightclub in the city.
The students were expelled from the UK as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to charge them. In fact there was sufficient evidence, it just wasn’t admissible.
This was covered in most of the mainstream media at the time, but it has not been revisited by any of them.
Remember this because it isn’t just a rumour / idle fantasy, plans have already been drawn up and it’s just a matter of time.
Avoid any shopping centre which is enclosed like Arndale Trafford. Meadowhall, Bluewater etc etc. If you have to go make sure when entering you know where the exits are and keep your eyes out for an escape route at all times.
It isn’t a matter of ‘if’ it’s a matter of when.
It seems that everybody, apart from Muslims, has to integrate, tolerate and embrace every culture except their own. If westerners so much as sneeze in the general direction of feminists, ethnic minorities and homosexuals we are brought low by the politically correct SS brigade (mainstream media). However, Muslims can do as they wish in all areas of society and are exempt from the multicultural compromise swindle – and yet the silence from the sandal-wearing, organic watermelon fraternity is deafening. Double standards? I’d say double standards⌃2!
A very important point. The segregation of women seems to be one of the most glaring examples that gets the glass eye treatment – not least from the BBC.
If men and women are equal as the Left claims, why do we have separate tournaments for men and women in tennis ? let’s go further, why do we have separate toilets, shouldn’t we have one big toilet where men and women can go ? after all, we’re all equal !!
I fear that this country will be one big toilet soon enough.
Segregation and suppression of feminine expression, alongside beheading, or burning to death of that other PC luvvie group, homosexuals. Funny how the lefty PC extremists attack Christianity for failing to marry homosexuals to each other, yet give Islam a total pass on the Islamic desires to execute them. They go apoplectic at Russia for merely restricting the PROMOTION of homosexual, (and any other sexuality) to children, yet give a total pass to the Islamic shitholes that still execute homosexuals. Double standards? No just typical of the flagrant inconsistency, self contradictory and myopic idiocy within that abhorrent and divisive, bigoted political philosophy known as political correctness.
the millipede militants say today there will be no peace until the kuff and infidel get out and leave are muslim lands,ok,when that is done will you muslims infidels please leave are christian european western lands where believe me you are not wanted in
Doesn’t work because:
Firstly, they are duty bound to conquer anywhere that has ever been ‘Muslim land’ at any point in history: i.e. the Iberian Peninsula and the part of Europe between Vienna and Constantinople.
Secondly, it is their duty to attempt to convert all infidels to their religion. Like those Christians in Maaloula in Syria who were offered a choice just last week: convert or die.
Sorry to be pedantic, but there is also an option for non-mozlems who do not wish to convert, and that is to become Dhimmi. Or willing sub-human slaves to mozlems. And the mozlems are already treating OUR white daughters as such. There is no concept of rape, when the so-called “victim” is Dhimmi. Dhimmi have no human rights, because they are less than human, so they are incapable of refusing consent, therefore it is impossible to rape such “vermin” as the young white females. They are basically a hole to be used for sexual gratification, and nothing more, to the mozlems who abuse them.
That is the genuine reality of the Islamic invasion, and the sooner our leaders realise and accept this, the sooner OUR children can be protected from such evil, bigoted mysoginistic, homophobic bastards.
It is really fury inducing to see the lefty militant feminists and homosexual panderers and anti-racists in the BBC, give a total pass to rampant and extreme bigoted mysoginistic, homophoia, on the grounds of some from of perversion of multicultural tolerance so long as such evil and extreme bigoted mysoginistic, homophoia is practiced by the peaceful and beautiful religion of Islam.
“It is really fury inducing to see the lefty militant feminists… give a total pass to rampant and extreme bigoted misogynistic, homophobia”
The Leftist contribution to freedom from oppression for women and homosexuals amounts to little more than hatred of heterosexual men.
If you take away hate from the Left there is nothing left.
The Left do not so much support Islam as hate Christianity. The Communist Party got its greatest support from progressives when it was its most murderous. When the USSR ceased to send people to concentration camps the New Left shifted their support to Mao and Pol Pot.
The more Islam murders, the more support it will get from the Left.
Feminists are cowards.
They are only feminists because they are trying to get back at their father for the way they treated them as children.
When Leftist feminists declare that “All men hate women” all they are doing is projecting their own vileness upon everybody else. Given that Germaine Greer has never married or had any children of her own it is unclear why any female would seek her out as a mentor on what it is to be a woman.
It is like reading the thoughts of that sponger Marx on what is is to be working class.
If you want to know what [genocidal] racism looks like read some pre-War Socialists like Bernard Shaw and H.G.Wells. The Left are just as obsessed with race, although these days they call their racism positive discrimination.
Indeed feminism ,like most other manifestations of bourgeois socialism,
seems to derive its motivation from the darkest recesses of the subconscious. The issues that they prioritise and the iconography of their agitprop ,all speak to it.
As I have said before there is very little of Karl Marx in ‘cultural Marxism’ but quite a lot of Sigmund Freud.
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, whose every word Harrabin treats as sacred, who can do no wrong, who is never challenged, who is, in fact, The Climate Change Oracle.
Well here he is folks…..
Watched Rick Stein’s Germany programme, going back to discover his family roots. He went to a Hamburg restaurant were the ” German ” chef from Ghana, prepared him a local dish !! Another ” German ” from Ethiopia gave him a lesson in German slang words !!
80 million Germans and they come up with these two jokers. Deliberate or coincidence ? It seems that Germany like Britain and every other Western European country is going down the toilet demographically, and nationality means absolutely nothing. Getting a UK passport is now on a par with getting a gym membership card.
Thankfully he didn’t go to Berlin, from the pictures I’ve seen, it now resembles a Moroccan kasbah. The highlight of the show was when he visited the giant U- Boat, I don’t think a Ghanian or Ethiopian could have built that. It’s at 11.30
Anybody remember the six Zimbabwean fishermen (or perhaps ‘British Nationals’) on a day trip from Whitby that featured so prominantly on “Coast”? Of course, they were the first family group of fishermen that the BBC location crew found that agreed to appear on TV, weren’t they.
“Oh no, we had to work really hard to find him!” (from Seasaw to wagon wheel)
Narrative? What narrative…….
Yes, I had the misfortune to see the fisherman from land locked Zimbabwe on their annual angling trip to Whitby, Talk about contrived, bit like seeing an Eskimo in the desert.
” And one hardy bunch of sea-anglers, who all hail from Zimbabwe, find that a life on the ocean wave isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when they chance their hand with rod and line in the rolling seas off the coast of Yorkshire. As they battle sea-sickness on their annual day-trip from Whitby, they find themselves, once again, all at sea.”
Yeah, it’s all jolly hockey sticks.
“… when he visited the giant U-Boat …”
Based on an African invention, ‘don’t you know’?
They started with the prototype “Milton O-Boat” and the Germans perfected it with the “U-Boat”.
That made me laff.
And currently it only hurts when I do.
Worth it, but.
I watched some of Stein in India. My interest in the cookery was totally overwhelmed not only by his patronising, head-patting endless admiration of the people and their culture (you know, where cows are allowed to wander freely round the traffic-jammed streets because, well, it’s an oh-so-quaint ethnic religious thing) but also by his constant references to The Empire and how bad it was. Sample: asks Indian bloke ‘Do you think partition was a bad thing’ ….’Oh, yes, a very bad thing’. No context, no further discussion, just another anti-British, anti-Empire point scored. Clueless wanker.
But he’s just a cook, what do you expect? [Cook….that’ll hurt….ha ha ]
Noticed that the Beeb described the attacks in Kenya as being carried out by ” Islamic militants” rather than “Islamic terrorists”. ” Islamic militants”, do they mean Derek Hatton with a tea towel on his head?
There isn’t a day goes by when islam or muslims isn’t mentioned on television, if it isn’t that, it’s the black community and the mind numbingly tiresome subject of ‘waaycism’. Yet Christianity or Jesus is completely airbrushed out of their programmes, it doesn’t exist.
Do a little experiment, watch the television tomorrow, and it’s muslims this, muslims that, etc etc. Scott might find it absolutely fascinating, but I don’t.
There’s a reason for that.
Wherever there is terror, mayhem, murder, strife and chaos, there they are.
God only knows what the news media would fill its airtime / pages with if it were not for the Religion of Peace.
They have moved on – now according to the BBC they are “Mall Militants”
Protesting shoppers FFS? How can you call terrorists who execute women and children, if they can’t recite the Koran, “Mall Militants”?
Genocidal Islamofacists – too many words for the BBC?Was Anders Breivig ever described by the BBC as an “Island Militant”?
Beyond belief.
Its like you read my mind! You appear to know a lot about
this, like you wrote the book in it or something.
I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a
little bit, but other than that, this is magnificent blog.
A great read. I will definitely be back.
Juicer spam.
Whatever next?
Great link page, too –
“go for Omega 8006 masticating juicer; where every drop of juice is newly squeezed out that you can relish together with your loved ones.”
Is this how S Flanders extracts her ideas from the 2 Eds?
The HUROM slow juicer is the Rolls Royce of juicers, costs about £350, couldn’t afford that so I’ve got a Sage by Heston Blumenthal £150.
Juicer spam
Juicer?? What has Obama got against oranges and are the claims he has squeezed them real. We must be told!
Wonder if this will be on BBC… can you imagine if Farage or Camaron did this…
“BBC Breakfast rejects guest over her views on unpaid internships”
By Roy Greenslade.
I just went through all the comments on that article: not one commentator thought to ask why Ms de Grunwald could not have been interviewed on a live link to a BBC studio in London instead of incurring travel and overnight expenses courtesy of TV tax payers*.
*(Not me – I’m blissfully TV-free)
I just caught a snippet of Radio 5 Dead about 6.15 this evening where a talking head was saying that Kenya would now be like Britain used to be when the IRA was engaged in mass-murder.
Errrr, yes, except that the IRA had objectives that eventually proved amenable to negotiation and a cease-fire. For them, murder was a means to an end.
Whereas for these Muslims, murder of non-Muslims is an end in itself.
Or indeed, they’ll even murder other Muslims if they’re labelled with the wrong type of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Alawite, whatever).
They just like murdering. There is no hope of any discussion or negotiation.
It’s Monday night and apparently Ed will announce a new policy on cutting business rates for small firms tomorrow.
How is that news – if it has yet to happen? Methinks the BBC is promoting a Labour conference speech in advance.
Monday?! The BBC were telling us about policies that Ed/Labour were going to announce back on Sunday and Saturday and whilst I didn’t notice any, probably on Friday. Labour will get plenty of publicity before, during and after their conference. The upcoming Tory conference will give the BBC a fourth chance to peddle the Labour
messageshite.Just watched the Beeb’s new Sunday night “cop” show, By any means.
Usual lightweight crap but what did make me chuckle was the make up of the team.
We had two white lads and “Asian” girl. I suggested to the missus that all we were missing was a bit of afro-caribbean influence.
Then what do you know? We have a black bobby who’s potentially bent – this can’t be right I tell the missus, the beeb never have black baddies. Bet it turns out he’s not a baddie at all. Bet, in fact, he’s actually a goodie and might in fact be the missing piece the team needs to achieve diversity utopia…………………….and whaddya know..?
Lord, the multi-ethnic enrichment agenda stunk as much as the script
”We have a black bobby.”
Did he have a halo over his head ?
It’s like Pokemon “Gotta get them all”
If I were Asian or Afro-caribbean I think I would find the whole thing rather patronising and cringe-worthy.
terrorist – a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities.
1. Fighting or warring.
2. Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause: a militant political activist.
A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.
Note to BBC, one describes the actions of the persons engaged in carnage in Nairobi, the other does not….”Militant” is not done in the name of religion, what horrors unfolded in Kenya were not “Militant” acts, they were acts of “Terrorism”.
The Duck Test
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is, a duck.”
The monsters who committed this outrage are nothing if not terrorists, of course.
However, they are by some extent even worse.
Terrorists normally have some political or territorial ambition whereas these inhumans delight in murder for its own sake and to pay tribute to their God who is apparently insatiable in his lust for blood.
The epithet ‘terrorist’ almost seems to dignified for them.
But the BBC Governors justified the use of the term terrrorist to describe the documentary in the Empire Warrior series in 2004. They trailed the programme with the words “Watch this…… which shows that the Jews were the first modern terrorists of the 20th century” Unbelievable!
The BBC make them sound like lovable young scamps who play knock and run and occasionaly go scrumping.
Regards the bBCs penchant for avoiding using the term ‘Terrorist’ I keep wondering when they will stop using the term ‘militant’ because they deem it too aggressive it can’t be long’
Has the beeb been infiltrated by Muslim apologists ? The World Service this am in a report on the Nairobi massacre chose to describe only the deaths of two victims , who were Muslims. Unsurprisingly this was the only time the M word was mentioned.
The message is that Muslims are not the terrorists here, they are the victims.
“Has the beeb been infiltrated by Muslim apologists ?”
No, they were there already.
May be worth checking how many bylines default to ‘BBC staff’ in future.
But there will be a record internally. They can’t resist keeping records.
The BBC narrative this morning was what a rotter Damion McBride is for disrupting the Labour Party Conference by publishing his book at this time.
As for what his book tells us about the behaviour of last Labour government, and the actions of a cast of people (such as Ed Miliband) who are still very much around, the BBC seems to have taken upon itself the task of damage limitation.
I heard a BBC news presenter (the presenter note not the people she was interviewing) assert that what happened in the last government was nothing to do with the current Labour Party. Eh?
What a truly disgusting and corrupt organisation the BBC is these days, abusing their power in a way that is as arrogant as it is partisan.
What a spineless, greedy, and arrogant bunch of totalitarian free society hating parasitical democracy undermining fascist twats.
Be interesting to scamper back when all in Labour and the BBC (ok, tautology) were in thrall of every pearl that issued forth from him.
But those were different times?
Getting hold of a clip of that BBC presenter running interference on behalf of such as Miliband and Balls, and Harman, and… Etc, on the basis they were nothing to do with the last government will be… Novel.
I just heard a classic piece of BBC twisting. They took one McBride smear as their example – Gordon Brown’s : ‘No time for a novice’ – and spun it to say ‘this was not just anti-David Cameron… it was anti-David Miliband’.
So there you have it listeners – Mc Bride was not a labour problem – poor old labourites were ‘victims’ of McBride.
Yeah, because just like the good old the Kray Brothers the labour spinners only ever murdered their own kind.
I have also heard the argument on the BBC that this book will only make the public think ‘all politicians are tarred with the same brush’.
BBC are out in full protect Miliband mode.
Thought for the day
A disgraceful homily that tells us not to allow Muslim atrocities to diminish our love for them! It avoided condemning the terrorists, but made some vague comment that someone else said what they were doing was not Islamic teaching.
Basically the message was – don’t you dare get in the way of Muslims trying to kill people and don’t think any worse of them for it. Otherwise we’ll call you nasty names like Waycist, or Islamo phobic (realist).
In the old days it was “Don’t you dare get in the way of Marxists trying to kill people” but it seems that Islam is now the evil which most excites the devotion of Leftist apologists.
It’s all very well the BBC continually trying to convince us it isn’t Islamic teaching, but if it isn’t that then what kind of teaching is it that’s persuading so many people to follow or condone the violence we continually see? It must be a whole new religion, because it sure as hell isn’t Christian prayer or Buddhist meditation groups.
Good point, highlighting a massive failure at institutional level.
Wars of any nature are terrible, but recent history has shown that those with clear aims (however sick), clear leaderships and clear combatant statuses at least have a chance of being fought to a conclusion, and one that all parties respect (Kamikaze to Hello Kitty in only a few generations).
So…. If there are a bunch of raging loons doing a bunch of bad stuff under a banner, I’d say it behoves the leaders of those copping it from them, and their ‘community’ (if truly different and not motivated by the same inspirations) to get them re-labelled quick smart, isolate and obliterate. Then deal with any areas of weakness that allowed them to enter, take hold and flourish.
You don’t cure cancer by saying that as it’s part of the body they are just cells with different beliefs. And if the malign hides in the benign, if surgery is needed, the benign if wishing to be spared may need motivating to deal with the entity killing all around it, them included, first.
Anything else is suicide.
Not part of the belief system I belong to subscribes to, and especially does not teach as a noble aim in killing others.
If the Japanese could be re-directed to join the human race, I’d suggest others with a restricted world view could be encouraged to do so too.
Listening to 5Live around 7.35am this morning. Caught the tail-end of Rachel Burden talking to a woman who is a psychotherapist with the Red Cross. They were cooing over the, alleged, incident in which one of the Westfield butchers actually refrained from shooting a victim, I didn’t catch why. This act of ‘mercy’, said the Red Cross woman, should give us hope. Even ‘those who have challenging motivations’ can show they are still human…
‘Challenging motivations’ – one for the Liberal-Left’s scrapbook of Madness.
Psychotherapy will defeat Islam, I just know it.
Can’t quite believe what i’ve just read. What is it with the left and there constant support/attraction towards Islam. Does the news prove nothing to these air heads? Islam and Muslims are in the news EVERY single day and cause nothing but misery to non-Muslims around the world. Or so any sane person would believe, right? Not according to this pathetic weasel who pretty much proves what a twisted outlook on the world lefties have.
What a bleak future we have ahead of us, where you can’t profess your fear of a religion that is growing rapidly and has non-believers killed daily. The racist card was bad enough to stifle debate, but islamophobia really does take beggar belief. Just when did this term arise? Whoever coined the term should be hung for disabling free speech.
“They were cooing over the, alleged, incident in which one of the Westfield butchers actually refrained from shooting a victim…”
Islamic ‘pity’:
‘It’s a pity I’ve run out of bullets’.
Pretty much identical to Islamic ‘shame’ and ‘regret’.
Despite what BBC, Lefties and Muslims appear to believe, even AK47s can run out of bullets or jam.
Nicky Campbell almost blew a gasket recently when he saw the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Shortlist contained no female names. Phone calls were made. Campaigners were rushed to BBC microphones. Sports journalists living outside of the BBC bubble were cut out of the selection process. Common Purpose was called in instead and the rules of the competition were changed. Open competiton was replaced with closed representation. Bradley Wiggins still won the public vote.
Nicky Campbell has to report this morning that a ‘British female’ was one of the Kenya shopping mall murderers – he almost choked on his lines.
All those hours of seemingly endless pro-Islam BBC phone-ins…. all those hours in make-up for the Big Question with Nicky’s mates Amjam-this and Ahmad-that….
And (metaphorically) Bradley Wiggins still won it.
You just wait for him to use her involvement as a surefire sign that the ROP actually does give women an identity ( as claimed by burka wearers), and gives them that sense of order, a purpose in life, whereas previously there was none.
Today Program 08:10
There’s a Journalist who has been in Somalia & Kenya making a program on Al Shabab and the foreign jihadists, and all goes well – for a while.
Talks on how mostly young mostly converts are ‘radicalised’ (told the truth) in British Mosques, and how they then travel to Kenya and then on to Somalia.
Towards the end all the factual unbiased reporting is spoiled by the usual disclaimer, which I got the impression he was told he had to give. That this was a distorted interpretation of Islam which was not widely held by British Muslims, and he went on to quote Surah 8 vs 12
Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
This is the verse which give instruction to decapitate and to terrorise unbelievers.
He uses this as evidence that they are wrong but then fails to explain why. For apologists this is an easy verse to refute as they claim it only applies to a specific battle (Badr), the counter claim if of course that it applies to a wider context, and I’ll put money on Islamic scholars over the BBC.
But no explanation was given. My feeling was that the BBC hack knew exactly that the Qu’ran gives instruction for war and violence and it was BBC management / policy which was forcing him to lie about Islam and its violent nature.
But the BBC were able to categorically tell us-via their Peter Taylor(who funnily enough got to meet plenty Al Shabab clerics…despite the Kenyan security forces not being able to find them)…that these were “vulnerable young men”-who …er…”had a false interpretation of Islam”…and, oh that poor widow lady distraught at the …er “involvement”…of her Jermaine in the 7/7 Tube atrocities of 2005.
Looking forward to every muezzin blasting out the new doctrine of Al Peter this Friday…Al Azhar will be writing the new edicts whilst they still have a writing hand between their “moderate Al Shabab” side of things there in Cairo.
Oh-and lest we think that Peter Taylor is the only expert in Islam…along comes old Tinseltown Davis to tell us that there were…all “creeds and colours” involved in this unpleasantness.
And there was me thinking that it was Muslims doing the murdering-and those who were Christians who were taken hostage when not executed.
About time we Christians linked up with Sikhs, Putins Orthodox and Hindus to discuss ways forward.
The BBC will take us all to hell if we let them.
“The BBC will take us all to hell if we let them.”
They work on the “In the long run we will not be around so why should I care” approach so getting them to think about future generations is an uphill task.
The reason they care about global warming has nothing to do with any science (which goes completely over their head) but because it makes them feel good. The reality (for example increasing fuel poverty amongst those without the benefit of BBC tax funded public sector pensions) bothers them not one jot.
The narcissism of the Left is at one with their envy – what links them is their sense of entitlement. The destruction of civilization amuses them.
“The narcissism of the Left is at one with their envy – what links them is their sense of entitlement. The destruction of civilization amuses them. ”
I wish I could write my thoughts as concisely as this. When I try to be consise, or brief in my writing about the inherant contradictions within left wing ideology, I just end up calling them delusional bastards.
If there is a hell, there is a special place reserved there for all the lefty’s.
bbc 5live news, has a long segment on how? … of course?, and … why? Nairobi has nothing to do with Islam, on and on it goes
This is just before Panto Campbell, has the supposed “Your Call” listener??? phone in.
oops! just one more to fit in ahem … “these terrorists represent ONLY themselves” … “nothing to do with ANY? …. religion”
the phone in? … why? oh why? ….(eyes to heaven) tell me WHY!??!?? are there brit muslims among the mass murders?
… you couldn t make it up …. cue a long monologue from W-nk (security … don t panic!) Gardiner , with accompanying approving sighs from “the Dame”.
you know I would call in yet, again myself … but believe me there really is no point, I don t need an inquisition this morning.
In the UK muslims are the victims here? are they oppressed? are they disenfranchised? … why? oh why? “because the Quran contains only mercy and peace” does no one see the truth of Islam? … understand all muslims around the world are being victimised …. ya da ya da ya da!
off switch
Panto’s “scholar” pal had a go at the Buddist’s violence in Asia, of course he forgot to mention the source of it.
Pointless listening. To me it seems such BBC phone ins only preach to the converted, anyone daring to have a ‘non agenda’ view is treated with contempt, and made to look a fool. Nolan is the biggest culprit.
It could be seen years ago – anyone at home at the time of the Jimmy Young show on Radio 2 may remember – He only seemed to read out racist comments and each one reinforced the next one’s lies – any comment that was out of step was rare but it was Jeremy Vine that would treat these comments with comtempt.
If American and British citizens were involved in Nairobi, can anyone seriously doubt there are
terroristsmilitants in the UK and USA right now planning something similar? And unless there are gun-toting security guards at every shopping centre, it’s a matter of time until they are successful.Totally agree. If our Government was really intent on protecting us, a good start would be a speedy ban of the hijab/burka/mobile tent, call it what you will.
These things make it too easy to move around with potentially concealed weapons and all without reproach.
My money is on Westfeild shopping center to be the one that is hit.
Why, well, as I have been there, it is packed aplenty by Burka wearing freaks, unchecked and roaming.
Roger Harrabin on form this morning in the wilds of India (or somewhere – nice jolly, I’m sure). All those nasty little clay cooking fires used by the local inhabitants are, it seems, chucking out so much soot and smoke, that the soot is covering the glaciers, and they’re melting. That nice soft-porn writing ex-railway engineer is convinced that the climate is changing because of this, and it’s getting warmer and we’ll die. Answers: 1), issue more efficient metal cooking stoves; 2). stop everyone else driving/flying/heating their homes/living. There, that should do it.
Now, I’m no scientist, but haven’t glaciers advanced and retreated since for ever? One would expect them, to have been slowly shrinking since the end of the last glacial, and that there would be a delay, so what’s new? Now we are coming to the end of the Holocene, their advance will be a little way behind as we freeze.
And “little cooking fires”? Come on, these people have been burning wood like that (as has the rest of humanity) since time immemorial. And diesel? Diesel emission have improved immensely, and are still doing so.
What about the natural particulates, then “Dr”. Pachauri? What about the soot from countless grass, forest and other natural fires over the millennia? What about the fallout from volcanoes? Eh?
They really are scraping the barrel now. The more fantastical their pronouncements, the more desperate they seem, and the more we laugh at them. We don’t buy it.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“The Jihad Is Wide and Deep”
By David French.
As I mentioned on the previous Open Thread, I made a complaint about the use of the word “militant”. I have now received a reply, which I’m not (yet) going to share, because I’d like to take it further and don’t want to give them an excuse to throw it out.
But the following footnote to the reply took me aback:
This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
I’m guessing it’s a boilerplate, so disclosing it won’t do any harm. How the hell can an official reply to a complaint to the BBC not represent the views of the BBC?
Anyhow, I’d appreciate advice from veteran complainers. How do you take it further? I have been given no complaint number for them to tie up if I go through the website again. And I do not wish to waste time filling in Twenty Questions again in any event. There are no instructions on taking it further so clearly they don’t wish me to. I will try simply replying to the email but suspect that may not be monitored.
“may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.”
In the vernacular WTF!
Good job by the way
“I’d appreciate advice from veteran complainers. How do you take it further?”
I wish I was at home as I could access my last post on this, but as it’s iPads & hospital WiFi….
Polite, persistent & pragmatic.
They will try and wear you out. They are paid to do so, and have infinite time. Attrition is their main weapon.
They will try to taunt you or frustrate you into an in opportune reply. Their secret internal list of plug pulling justifications is extensive.
And they will cajole, mutter darkly and if all else fails simply flounce if you simply keep holding them to account.
Or expedite for doing it too often.
Their ball. Their stadium. Their rules. Their referee.
The best you will ever get is a note in archive only you, they and anyone who monitors the monthly list of adjudications will know about.
“But the following footnote to the reply took me aback”
The whole footnote is dire. It alludes to some mystery ‘our little secret’ that only Savile hosts cannot see as creepy, whereby they can share what you write on the bog doors, but try and infer you must mention to no one. Bollocks. Exposure is their greatest fear. As a courtesy I’d say edit out your name and details, and that of replying staff, but that’s it. But you will be marked. They’ll know. Especially if posted here. There were some famous threads under the last system where they wrote to the management to express ‘concerns’.
“How the hell can an official reply to a complaint to the BBC not represent the views of the BBC?”
Possibly in the same way the views of Newsnight editors and other staff (tee hee) don’t. They are unique. And unaccountable.
“I have been given no complaint number for them to tie up if I go through the website again.”
Classic ‘Beware of the Leopard’ tactics. They will actually use a deliberately-designed system labyrinth to justify pulling the plug for you not using it properly.
“And I do not wish to waste time filling in Twenty Questions again in any event.”
Then give up now. They win.
If you have the time, and will, persist, but you will need to play their games, and there will be many and they will change on their whim.
You’ll rattle around complaints level a few times, and then may get to ECU, again on a few levels. If you can beat these hurdles, and attempts to scare you with ‘Directors’, you may get as far as the Trust.
And if you have done that before they will ban you, as no one is meant to get that far, so to prevent repetition, in secret, internally, based on BBC staff ‘belief’ vs. your facts & evidence.
That is what makes the BBC unique.
And so utterly dangerous.
Propaganda is one thing. Such censorship powers make it immune to change. So it cannot, and won’t.
But that doesn’t mean ‘we’ do give up, and even mosquitoes can drain an elephant sip by sip enough to encourage it to move out of the swamp it seems so comfy inhabiting.
“but as it’s iPads & hospital WiFi….”
Sorry to hear that. Do get well soon.
And thanks for the input. I knew you’d posted about it before, but couldn’t begin to try finding it. I’m under no illusion that they’ll turn round at the end of this and say “Yes, you’re right” but I really feel strongly that this failure to call a spade a spade is downright offensive to all decent people, and they should at least be made to work for it a bit.
I’m not going to share just yet, but will take it another level first to see what happens.
I personally feel that you should contact your local MP about this ludicrous statement . The BBC provides a service to the public paid for by your taxes and therefore it is totally appropriate that you MP deals with this serious situation. How the hell can an official reply from the BBC not represent them? This is outrageous.
“How the hell can an official reply from the BBC not represent them? ”
Good question.
One presumes FoI exclusions or simple BBC ‘doanwanna’ will see official response terminated, but maybe A. Journalist or A. Lawyer may have a view, especially if versed in BBC lore and disorder.
Genuine invitation, and the DOTI time sheet in these parts is looking rather un clocked of late, so an opportunity to score. With whom of course will depend on how sensible the answer is.
Tx for good wishes.
On the mend.
Plenty of time to surf! Found a whole new batch of DOTIs, this time deployed to pounce when the NHS is raised. I can’t fault any staff, but the systems are buggered. This produced immediate accusations of being a Murdoch plant seeking to privatise the thing, which was nonsensical. One accused me of lying I was in a hospital bed and managed to get even his fellow cubicles to plead he stop digging them even deeper holes as he pissed off even the faithful.
On matters CECUTT, if you are confident of them conceding anything, much less you being right, I’ll be impressed.
That exposes a chink, and they know how the BBC would exploit any other entity doing so.
However, it IS another technique. Logged it may be, but nowhere anyone will see it, unless you publish here. That means it doesn’t register as a successful complaint, so they didn’t err. Worse, you will be logged as having failed even if you think you succeeded, and garner a few of those they can claim you are a persistent complainant and expedite you.
As it happens they seem to have been caught hopping on this one, and it has inspired hostile MSM attention already, so they may need to throw a few complainers (we of course never learn how many or what individuals hear back unless they share) a bone and ‘fess up.
So a grudging ‘we’ll tell the Editors not to enhance the narrative so cack-handedly next time’ posted on an obscure part of the Trust website monthly and that’s that.
I’ll look forward to your progress, and eventual share. They won’t.
Nice feeling, which at present makes a change;)
Will BBC-Democrats refer to this Islamic activity inside U.S. on Obama’s watch?:-
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Labour’s squalid past haunts the Two Eds”
While BBC-NUJ leaves it to Labour Party members to comment on Labour Party.
“Labour views on Damian McBride”
“since 2000, British citizenship has been granted to two million immigrants, giving them full access to benefits, housing and the right to vote in General Elections….Labour..never sought any public mandate for this open door policy, which has changed Britain for ever.. at no stage did ministers consider whether British society would be able to absorb so many people…Nor..did they bother to build the houses, schools, roads or hospitals required to cope.”
Over two thirds of Muslim and West Indian immigrants vote Labour. That is the only statistic that matters to the Labour Party. As usual the only thing the Left care about is themselves. The reason why Gordon Brown talks so much about his moral compass is that he knows he does not have one, just bottomless hate and greed for power. The Left never felt that Blair was quite one of them, because his heart was not filled with enough hate, but he made up for it in his greed for power.
Blair never knowingly engaged with any reality other than his own vanity. Thinking back to the way the BBC were delirious with happiness when New Labour (the most authoritarian, corrupt, and irresponsible government of this country in living memory) makes me want to puke.
If the BBC did its job properly, it would be asking Ed Miliband why Labour allowed and deliberately encouraged so much mass immigration. It would not let him get away with the fake apology that he now realises that it was a “mistake”. It was a deliberate, irreversible, structural alteration to the British population for motives of political gain (votes, cheap labour, alienation of the more conservative older White people who may emigrate or at least move out of certain areas).
I meant to say
Thinking back to the way the BBC were delirious with happiness when New Labour [was elected to power in 1997 and in two subsequent General Elections]…
I will add however that they were so delirious that for a day or two at the last General Election the BBC so obsessively promoted the prospect of a Labour led coalition that a Labour MP [John Reid], yes a Labour MP, told them to get a grip and accept that now that all the votes had been counted the Labour Party had clearly not got an electoral mandate to form a government.
I remember that weeklong hype over a “rainbow coalition” against the tories and many hints that winning more votes than any other party did not give the tories any more right than labour to form a government. They simply did not, and could not, accept that labour could have possibly got fewer votes and lost to Cameron’s tory party.
” 2 Million immigrants ”
That’s the official figure, the real figure is probably 6 or 7 Million. As we all know, Third Worlders pop out babies like biscuits in a biscuit factory, each mother has about 5 or 6 kids. That’s the only thing they’re good at.
So the indigenous British will become a minority in Britain by 2066, thank you Mr Tony Blair.
I broadly agree with what you say but some details do need explanation:
(1) 2066 is almost certainly a date arrived at by adding exactly 1000 years to the famous date 1066. I would take it with a pinch of salt but I could believe a less contrived date like 2100 or one even sooner than that.
(2) Official figures always understate this sort of thing -the same is true of bicycle thefts – and anyone here illegally is hardly likely to alert the authorities to their presence.
(3) Birth rates do decline with increased prosperity so the 5- or 6-children families will hopefully become less numerous.
(4) White British birth rates may increase, so that any estimate is just that, since nobody can really know what this rate will be.
So there is some hope then
I’ve just watched the vertically challenged, bumptious, BBC ‘bullyboy’, Ben Brown (wearing his New Labour red tie) on the BBC News Channel, interviewing Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader. The subject ‘Godfrey Bloom’.
It’s a long time since I’ve seen such an hectoring and aggressive interview of anyone. Despite Mr Farage attempting to calmly put his position across, Brown repeatedly interrupted and talked over the top of him. It was obvious that he was not interested in the answers given, as he chose to keep putting the same questions in a different way. He was somewhat irked that Bloom had not been kicked out of the party.
Perhaps the overpaid bosses at the BBC should watch a videotape of this interview and then tell us how impartial their staff are.
They don’t need to watch it. They know they got it about right.
A nice hatchet job on UKIP, pity the BBC don’t do that to Medhi Hasan who called non muslims ” cattle and worthless.”
According to his Wikipedia entry Hasan also admitted –
“Today it is difficult, if not impossible, to identify a Muslim-majority nation that could plausibly be identified as a modern, viable and legitimate ‘Islamic state’”
Wish he’d make his mind up.
The Islamic jihad massacre in KENYA:
-now, the INBBC/ ‘liberal’ MSM apologetics for jihadist, LEWTHWAITE.
Our views of Lewthwaite are now being heavily propagandised and politically focused, via the Associated Press, and many of its uncritical outlets, on one (Muslim?) local councillor in Buckinghamshire, a Mr Raj Khan.
The political line we are being fed is that Lewthwaite was ‘an average girl.’ We are meant to feel sympathy for this woman, regardless of any Islamic jihad crimes she has committed, with no reference to the brutalised non-Muslim victims of the Nairobi Islamic jihad massacre.
Examples of the (very similar) propaganda:-
1.) INBBC-
“Was the ‘white-widow’ radicalised in Aylesbury?”
2.)”Profile: Samantha Lewthwaite is an average girl”
3.)”Kenya terror attack: White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite was ‘average, British girl'”
4.) ‘Independent’ (opening excerpt):-
“Samantha Lewthwaite was just an average British girl who was ’empty in confidence’, a councillor [Khan] who knew her has said.”
So far, the ‘Daily Mail’ is an honourable exception:-
The PC BBC set a new standard last night in their quiz show Only Connect, presented by lefty Victoria Coren, one of the contestants isn’t quite was she(it?) seems….
Just one minutes viewing should be enough to work out who…
Let me guess: is Emma L an ex-man?
Lots of high fives in the editing suite.
First slap of the heteros face in allowing this creation on as a normal member of a family…and no comment or jokes from anybody there( you know…the kind poor Ann Widdicombe used to get).
Maybe there IS a case for the burka to be made voluntary for a trial period in Oxford after all.
I guess it’s easy to make fun, but in what sort of a dark place does your soul have to be to feel the necessity to live that kind of lie? I feel sorry for him.
A quote from one of his/her blogs would imply he/she is quite happy with his/her pansexual status, and amazingly he/she is teacher.
I see it as more agenda pushing from the BBC on the LGBT front.
“I am a 25 year old bisexual cisfemale, working hard to become an EX teacher (due to frustrations with the system) and move into youth work. (Or get a publishing deal. Or lottery win.) I volunteer with an LGBTQ youth charity and a lot of my focus is on providing education/support for LGBTQ young people, as well as education in how teachers can do this (I grew up with section 28 and have witnessed a lot of homophobia in schools go unchallenged). I am about community cohesion – I see too much bi/transphobia/erasure/cissexism and try to challenge this through education. Challenges facing LGBTQ youth and how we as a community can tackle/support/educate”
Methinks he doth protest too much.
I often think that’s one of the reasons the gay lobby are so vociferous. They’re trying to convince themselves as much as the rest of us.
I just get a feeling that this family’s application form ticked a lot of boxes. I guess it should be no surprise really when his/her father is a caravanning ballroom dancer…
It’s certainly true that the butch bra and pants wearers see themselves as the next group of perverts fluttering against the bars of their gilded cages. The Guardian is obsessed by it, naturally.
The problem is that the pit of human sexual depravity is very deep, and after the ones that make you snigger are dealt with the truly disgusting peccadilloes will likely follow.
Coprophiles please form an orderly queue: downwind if you don’t mind. You’re next.
LGBT…..Q? It took me ages to work out the G wasn’t actually gherkin being added to one of the nations favourite sandwiches.
Cissexim (excuse my French) – what the fuck is that??
How disgusting. He seems unable to leave young people alone.
Maybe it’s because your soul is the sum of every life you have ever lived and those you have yet to enter into.
No need to feel sorry, we are all as leaves on a river.
Aaaah, great song and nice video, brought my BP down to normal level, thanks.
well-day four of this Nairobi business, and the BBCs angle is emerging…and, if I were doing a BA in Media Fiddling, I`d be using this narrative since Saturday as my exemplar.
The World At One is “shapeshifting ” for the 5pm news and all else to follow today.
Here it is
a) away from any possible Islam/Muslim association…and towards the old emoting/Dunkirk spirit and stories of “coming together” in response…that should smother the Islam bit in favour of the “oh why?…well let`s get on with it all and pretend we didn`t hear those Islamic benedictions from that challenging faith position we can`t name” stance.
b) the blaming of security services, shopping mall guards for not protecting the shoppers
c) the sneering at conflicting quotes from officials before the smoke has even cleared and the blood been washed away…the BBC seem to think that they`re OFSTED for Jihad…and were the Kenyans to fail to get one of these terrorists alive, then this would bother the likes of Michael Mansfield, who`s busy getting that posthumous OBE for St Mark Duggan of Totting`ham.
The BBC are there to do the old Commonwealth bit in holding the Kenyans to account…and demand answers, an excusing slippery murderer to swoon over…and..of course…to wipe down any Islam connection for the ages when somebody might want to know how we let the BBC suck up to Al Shabab at our expense.
On the front page of the BBC UK web site
1414: Labour activist Andrew Lewin tweets: Brighton is a picture, glorious day. If ever the scene was set for a sunny, optimistic speech… it’s now. Come on Ed! #Lab13
Will the same hold true for the tories during their conference?
1407: Comedian and actor Steve Coogan is in the audience. Ahaaaa!
Pass the Vomit bucket
Not so long ago it was:
1506: Nigel in Loughborough texts: He’s coming across as far more believable than the other two leaders.
It’s quite depressing looking at the live text, but then one remembers that only the devoted would be bothering in the first place. I honestly don’t know why they bother with these party conferences any more. Very few give a stuff.
Another of my hobby horses. Why should I give two hoots that someone famous endorses a political party? Is their opinion somehow of more weight or validity than anyone else’s.
” Is their opinion somehow of more weight or validity than anyone else’s”
To those who have been taught not to think and question but instead just accept the voice of ‘the meeja’, I’m afraid the answer is yes.
Thanks to years of education with no real learning, opinion’s that are insidiously pushed at them on the tv count for far more than an expert’s facts as despite having the most fantastic communication and processing facilities unknown by any other age, so many mis-educated Brits now lack the mental tools to check, evaluate and reason for themselves.
Sometimes not even able to read and write to the same level as school-leavers just 50 years ago.
Yet another reason to gut the Orwellian BBC.
Give thanks to the LibLabCon in a way they’ll notice.
People like Coogan’s work which is often intelligently written, so they immediately assume his political views hold more merit than anyone else’s. It’s an appeal to authority.
*By ‘anyone else’ I mean the plebs.
“BBC under pressure to change guidelines preventing use of the word ‘terrorist'”
Do love the way others in the media harbour this quaint notion still that whatever internal rules the BBC’s box tickers do make fanfare of adjusting, the entire staff will pay any more attention to than a ‘please don’t’ plea from Market Raters like Hugs.
This suggests that the BBC has more words in their guidelines for such things than Eskimos have for snow.
“Ok chaps, the number of angels on that pin we can use to distract the masses… A bevy? Squad? Troupe?”
Lord have mercy!! 5Live pissing their pants in a bid to put a positive spin on Red Ed’s promise to take us back to the good old days of the 70s.
Yep, his true colours have finally been revealed and his Communist/Socialist/Marxist (wet) dream will have us back the 3 day week faster than you can say unburied bodies.
The Beeb are lavishing praise on his ability to make an unscripted speech for an hour.
And there was me thinking we needed a leader, a statesman, a Prime Minister………..not a fuckin actor.
Interesting feature of Richard Bacon’s commentary: “Yes, and there’s Ed walking to the front of the stage”.
Ed, no less. Not Milliband. But Ed.
Be worth noting if he refers to Cameron as Dave or David next week.
You can bet your Primrose Hill mansion he won’t
Now that Ed Balls is casting doubts as to Labour’s support for HS2 there have been quite a few reports on the news and the web by the BBC on the subject.
Now is this subconscious bias? Railways were invented in the UK and exported around the world to the Americas, Africa and India. Something that a sane nation would be proud of. Of course national pride is something that our national broadcaster doesn’t ‘do’, (it must collectively cringe that it is saddled with ‘British’ in its title).
Could that explain why any word other that ‘railway’ gets used in conjunction with HS2? We have ‘train line’, ‘rail line’ and ‘rail link’. If the ‘line’ phrases mean anything, drawing a parallel with aircraft and ships, then it would suggest ‘company’ i.e, airline, shipping line.
Right of way, highway, motorway – what’s wrong with using ‘railway’, its British, what’s not to like?
Have you seen the new steam locomotive Tornado ? built in 2005, very impressive, it’s got a personality, unlike modern trains which are just boxes on wheels.
Simply beautiful, and proves that Britons have still got skill and determination. May she belch out emissions for many years to come.
Its a shame though that HS1 uses trains made in Japan on tracks laid by the French
What has happened to us and why?
Is it my imagination, or have the DOTI’s gone to ground?
Perhaps a strategy planning meeting going on at al beeba HQ?
The DOTIs are probably all in Brighton creaming their jeans at Red Ed’s “magnificent” speech.
Didn’t see the great leaders speech, but to read this would lead one to believe that the country’s ill’s and problems are very easily overcome, but in reality so much of this seems to be drivel.
Can energy prices really be frozen in the way prescribed at the same time maintaining the headlong rush to renewable energy? How does he propose to square that circle? Splitting up energy companies? Yeh right!
Can he really deliver 200k new homes a year by 2020 and how does he propose to do that?
Just two of the commitments that have been made, and accepted but some deep and meaningful questions are needed, but you can be assured that they will not be asked by the BBC.
Just remember that this Miliband was the guy responsible for the Climate Change Act, so everything he does is probably as well thought through as that incredibly expensive dangerous useless rubbish.
He’s part of New Labour that intentionally flooded this country with immigrants without checking if they would assimilate.
Of course, Call-Me-Dave is still sticking to those same policies, so I can’t see why the Beeb are wetting themselves with excitement over Miliband’s speech because it will make no real difference to what gets pushed onto us.
When I say ‘wetting’ I think I am not exaggerating – the speech was broadcast simultaneously on:
BBC Parliament
BBC News24
Sadly, SkyNews also showed it at the same time, and from the same broadcast feed (I had two screens up to check).
So much for diversity.
Andrew Neil was quite good afterwards, though, and on the energy part of the speech he had some worrying questions about serious energy problems following California’s similar policies for the uninformed Shadow Energy Secretary (Flint by name, for it is she, primitively stoney by nature befitting our forthcoming energy crisis)
Clegg’s speech was also carried on the same channels, along with 5Live.
It’ll be interesting to if the same coverage is given to Cameron’s next week.
Ahhhh….y’see, you are missing the crux of all that Labour plan to do to fund these eye watering schemes…
It is their answer to everything.
And jack up the license fee….?
I caught a few minutes of Andrew Neil’s humiliation of Caroline Flint on BBC 24 at around 4:00 pm. Just three repeated questions destroyed her (and Ed’s) credibility: please Caroline give us one example anywhere in the world of where price controls have been successful? Why should the energy companies invest anything (according to Neil we need £350 bn invested over the next few years) given Labour’s intended price controls and break up of the energy companies? Also Caroline, while we’re on, tell us what happened in California when price controls were imposed (they had blackouts)?
Flint was completely flummoxed (you could see she was out of her depth as she desperately kept on talking complete gibberish interspersed with moans of “Andrew, Andrew, Andrew . . . . “). Somehow, I don’t think this is going to be repeated during Ed’s coronation on Today tomorrow morning.
She’s just shamed herself on 5Live too. Tony Livesey wasn’t as tough as old Brillo (natch) but she floundered around nonetheless.
She must have used his Christian name at least 20 times – totally unnnatural.
Maybe this is her automatic “I’m in the shit” mechanism? Bit like the fragrant Abbott?
Of course I would not suggest that the BBC is institutionally biased. It seems to me to be pretty evenly split between outright supporters of the Lib Dems and those committed to Labour, so it is nicely balanced between the conflicting views of The Guardian and the New Statesman.
A nice observation by Lord Tebbit.
If it is found that British/American passport holders are involved in the Kenya massacre, Uhuru Kenyatta will severly censure the above countries for allowing their cells and fronts to proliferate in the west.
oops! (I hope) Uhuru Kenyatta will severly censure the above countries……..
“If it is found that British/American passport holders are involved in the Kenya massacre”
would the BBC describes them as:
1 – Islamic terrorists
2 – Muslim tourists
3 – unfortunate holiday-makers.
How the bBCs Peter Taylor finds its really funny how the wife of a 7/7 bomber is inside Kenya murdering people.
Peter Taylor: British woman ‘among Nairobi militants’
Listen to this liberal left wing prick giggle when he expresses whether it was true Samantha Lewthwaite is the white widow. (1 minute .24 point)
The bBC continuing their pro Islamic terrorist angle.
If it was up to me I would make him spend an hour in a locked room with all the friends and family of the people murdered in Kenya.
Of course, the BBC does not always see things going their way…
“getting nowhere near explaining what was happening in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi.”
World class , trusted, envy-of-the-world journalism, then. Sounds like Katz was a hire up there with Entwistle, etc.
Actually, given what the BBC has called ‘explaining’ on this, maybe going nowhere near it is a mercy.
Meanwhile, think of the children…
“CBBC…has been overtaken by Disney as the most watched children’s channel in satellite and cable homes.”
So another Mickey Mouse outfit frying kids’ brains.
“Why can’t the BBC use the word terrorist?
Guidelines force reporters to describe Kenyan mall attackers as ‘militants’ ”
(inc video clips)
“Now you suddenly care that the BBC doesn’t use the word ‘terrorist'”
“Murderers” would be an better term than attackers/militants etc
Murdering savages, perhaps?
Animals? No that’s unfair to animals.
Words fail me, but al beeba will continue to sanitise with their new-age lexicon until they are put out of business.
Is it just me or was the group behind Millipede today “hideously white”?
Just thinking.
I noticed that too, as Michael Crick would say ” Where’s all the blacks and muslims ?” I suspect the hidden message from Liebour is ” We’re on your side, the indigenous ethnic Briton.”
And upmarket; positively public school.
I didn’t see one burka or niqab.
I guess they’re fine for the rest of England – not so fine when New Labour have a get together.
Simon Schama’s “History of the Jews” is a very impassioned (allowing for his increasingly camp delivery) and he has declared himself to be a zionist. It will be interesting to see the final installment next Sunday when he gets up to the establishment of Israel. He might turn out to be a BBC approved leftie who fails to follow the party line on the Jewish entity.
I have also been enjoying this one, Schama seems to differ from the usual self-hating Liberal Jews that the BBC loves. Although I would question his claim that Jews were better off living as dhimmis under medieval Islam, than living in medieval Europe.
Not just for the BBC, but they are as culpable as other news outlets. Remember how Israel was once blighted by suicide bombers? What happened to prevent them? Maybe time for an update but I won’t hold my breath …
“If the Israelis want to reach a fair and just peace, they will take down the wall,”
29 December, 2004
List of Palestinian suicide attacks
Total number of fatalities, by year
Year Total
1989 16
1993 1
1994 38
1995 39
1996 59
1997 24
1998 3
1999 0
2000 6
2001 85
2002 238
2003 145
2004 98
2005 33
2006 15
2007 3
2008 1
So what brought about this remarkable drop? Did Israel take down the wall for a fair and just peace? Muslim suicide bombers have certainly been active elsewhere, so why not in Israel?
Perhaps we need some walls in this country, too.
Got to love the bBC, giving credence to a bunch of murderous thugs who have just murdered in cold blood over 60 people:
Al-Shabab denies women involved in Kenya mall attack
Somalia-based Islamist group al-Shabab has denied that any women were involved in the attack on a shopping centre in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
So not only do they refuse to tell the truth about the nature of these scumbags, they’re also trying to turn it into yet another ‘poor women/when will men learn’ agendas. Sickening betrayal AND exploitation of a horrendous massacre.