I thought this was interesting; “Kenyan officials say they are in the final stages of bringing to an end the deadly stand-off with suspected al-Shabab militants at the Westgate shopping complex in Nairobi.” Erm, not quite. Kenyan officials refer to them as terrorists but the BBC feels a need to parenthesis around the term. Also, in what way are they “suspected”???? We have dozens slaughtered, Al Shabab stating it has carried out the atrocity, yet the BBC seems unsure? Further, I heard an “expert” on the BBC inform us that is a moderate side to Al Shabab? Really?
the bbc are just shameless, beneath contempt ….
so are a few others
“The perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t, they do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.”
yep! thanks Dave …. get yourself and those other imbeciles Willy Vague and Boris down to nearest mosque and pay your Jizya
those 95% of the BBC viewing public, on display Sunday (much to al bbc s disgust), might well agree 95% more, with D Murray here, than with Mr Scameron above.
hmmm? Swiss a ban? France a ban? Belgium a ban …. Russia?
“Muslims are very strongly indignant over such an outrageous decision,” Rushan Abbyasov, the deputy head of the council, told Reuters
‘In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
The title says it all. My own comment follows, for which I apologise.
The title is a quote of Martin Luther King: ‘In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’
The silence of our friends – the extinction of Christianity in the Middle East
Well what a week end it has been for the religion of peace. First there is Nairobi. I have now looked up the name of Mohammed’s mother. This is something I will al need to know if the ‘suspected militants’ should stray into my neck of the woods to bring their messaged of peace to me personally. The good woman’s name was Vera Lynn. Only joking people. Hope the bringers of peace have a sense of humour. I am sure they do. It’s Aminah bint Wahb. Remember that when you next go shopping. It could save your life. Yes as I woke up this morning I heard the ever sensible voice of John Humphrey’s ( May Allah bless him) describe these murderous butchers as ‘militants’. What does it take to wake these apologist up from their stupidity.
On Friday Humphrey’s was discussing the Syrian situation with a BBC reporter based in Damascus. The issue being discussed was the nature of the opposition forces fighting Assad. The reporter very interestingly stated that the FSA is just a Hadjist as the Al-Qaeda link groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra etc. He pointed out that all the oppositions groups support the imposition of sharia law. That they all support Jihad. The only difference is that the FSA wants to pursue Jihad in Syria as a priority, while the Al-Qaeda affiliates want to pursue a wider Jihad against the west. Now JH completely ignored this insight and moved on to some minor point that has been hacked over again and again.
Then we had the Sunday morning fun in Pakistan. Yes. Two ‘suspected suicide bombers’ blew themselves up killing 78 or so Christians. This must be the peace that “passeth all understanding”, because it certainly beyond my understanding.
+100, especially for looking up the name of Mo’s mam for us all to memorize 🙂
On appeasing Islamic interests, PM Cameron and INBBC are like-minded.
“Why does David Cameron refuse to admit that the terrorist attack in Nairobi is linked to Islam?”
By Melanie McDonagh.
If they ban the Burka will I still be able to wear my KKK uniform.
très amusant
as long as you don t say … “is it because I is black?”
(alright … i m talking about the burkha 😀 )
Thank goodness they are just militants. If they were terrorists they would be really dangerous.
Militants like all those man-hating feminazi’s.
Obama has had a breakdown and had to sedated.
Will they report this on BBC?
Maybe it’s as a result of realising he was being taken for a ride by his muslim ‘friends’.
We can but hope.
Problems with his golf swing?
a holiday required … yep! another one.
The job is beyond his pay grade.
militant= terrorist, islamist = muslim,from what i have heard all bbc statff have been ordered by there producers under pressure from muslim groups including the muslim council of britian hypocrites not to use the word muslim used when describing these terrorist filth,how convenient that is hence you have never heard the word muslim when describing these all shabby dabby dozy child murderers,another thing,i have not heard from the muslim council of britian yet condemming this terrorist attack,opps i mean militant attack,the muslim council of britian was very vocal last week about the banning of the veil and niqab,but total silence on what there muslim brothers are up to in kenya.
Kenya, not as INBBC reports it:-
“Jihad in Kenya”
By Robert Spencer.
In the 90’s the liberal left thought that somehow all races and creeds would get along together easily and harmoniously in the modern world. Why they thought this, when history tells them repeatedly that this is very rarely the case, is a question that will intrigue historians in decades to come.
The BBC assumed that its role in this great liberal left social engineering experiment was to ease the way to a multicultural Britain. Social harmony is a key plank of this strategy .
The liberal left, in the guise of the Labour Party, pushed ahead with this gigantic social engineering experiment without of course ever consulting the British people, because they knew we would say ‘NO we didn’t want to be part of their dangerous experiment’.
So now they find themselves sitting on a powder keg with people , usually Muslims, playing with matches all around it. They are desperately playing for time and trying to stop the whole thing from exploding. Therefore, the BBC is being used to play down anything that may further inflame tensions, so Muslim atrocities are played down and bad news for the multiracial, multicultural plan, is kept from the ears of the British public.
If and when the powder keg does finally explode, it will be equally terrible for the British people and all those uninvited immigrants. There will be much blood on the hands of the liberal left and the BBC will have played a key role.
In terms of responsibilities, those who behave badly should always be accorded the lion’s share for any actions (or inaction) they opt for.
However, those in power who facilitate or worse ride shotgun on the circumstances leading to them share responsibility too.
I lived and worked in Singapore. Colleagues and staff and friends and folk in the street from all walks, representing the Chinese, Malay, Indian & expat communities working and playing in harmony.
The Malays of course bring a faith element in too, as do the others, if not to the same extent.
But they were, are and always be Singaporeans first, by desire if backed by no nonsense at government level.
No ghettos allowed; no exemptions permitted to national policy.
And it was a joy. I can safely attest that no one I interacted with ever imposed their beliefs on me, or would I presume to question or interfere with theirs.
The odd hijab around, or absence for a call to prayer, but if off for an office outing most chugged beer and some sipped Coke.
Multicultural vibrancy. Respect. Integration.
Not the divisive spiral to hell in a handcart engineered by Blair & Brown & Milibands, etc, and now supported by the wilful blindness and delusion of such as May or Cameron now.
It’s one thing to cover things up, but the level of enforced screwing down of the pressure cooker by these idiots is now approaching criminal irresponsibility.
With the BBC a willing propaganda tool, too easily resorting to FoI-secured censorship to keep the distractions and deceptions coming.
“Kenya terror attack:
disgracefully, the BBC still won’t call these murderers ‘terrorists'”
By Damian Thompson.
[‘Islamic jihadists’ would be more accurate, Mr Thompson.]
New style BBC news
Alleged muslims , suspected to be members of al shabab, have allegedly attacked the westgate mall in Nairobi which some observers have said is a shopping centre in what some correspondents believe is the capital city of Kenya.
Some geograpahers , who spoke the BBC today, have reported that Kenya is a country in East Africa.
The BBC has learnt that the alleged militants are killing what some people have described as women and children.
And a Muslim man in Aylesbury says he can’t imagine Samantha Lewthwaite being involved in that sophisticated activity in Kenya.
INBBC’s politically sympathetic “Profile: Samantha Lewthwaite” today-
Counter-analysis: ‘Daily Mail’-
“Peshawar horror as Muslims massacre and maim Christians”
The BBC had one of their “experts” on the radio saying that these militants were all Somalis, and that their militancy was cause by social derivation and unemployment.
Now we find out that this was an international band of criminals from some of the richest nations on the earth. A pox upon the BBC for trying to push a Marxist oppression narrative.