watched 20 minutes of that speech tonight on the parliament channel,not imrpressed at all,he is just not prime minister quality,if his brother david made that speech today i would probably say it was a good leaders speech because his brother is somebody i think could lead this country for the good or the worse,ed may be a nice and decent bloke but can anybody honestly see him representing this country at the world stage,not for me,but maybe i am wrong and you all love the bloke.did you notice one thing about this party conference,gone is the term comrades to be replaced by the term freinds,how strange.
Don’t worry, if they win the General Election they will all be “comrades” again at the 2015 conference when the British public’s dislike of that term is no longer relevant to Labours chances of election.
Just watched the six o’clock news on the BBC. It is a 30 minute programme, and of that 10 minutes were dedicated to the Labour conference, and Ed Miliband’s speech. Without even going into the lack of criticism, i would be intrigued to know if Cameron got the same amount of time on October 10 last year at the Conservative conference, and i bet not…
You can find out next week – you may be pleasantly surprised – but it is more likely that the BBC will be discussing whether he only needs a hand towel rather than a bath towel.
So Miliband is going to get rid of the ‘Bedroom Tax’. If it is so unfair why did Labour introduce it for people claiming benefits in private housing?
So energy prices are too high. That wouldn’t have anything to do with this? “On 3 October 2008, Miliband was promoted to become Secretary of State for the newly created Department of Energy and Climate Change in a Cabinet reshuffle. On 16 October, Miliband announced that the British government would legislate to oblige itself to cut greenhouse emissions by 80% by 2050, rather than the 60% cut in carbon dioxide emissions previously announced.”
Shouldn’t issues like these be pursued with vigour rather than making mountains out of tittle-tattle at UKIP side meetings?
Will Labour be capping or scrapping mortgage payment rises when interest rates go up? Just the same effect surely as the ‘bedroom’ tax’ with people forced from their homes… in the UN Special Rapporteur perhaps?
Just watched the BBC Six O’clock News which was fully in support of Little Ed with soft questions and lots of nice illustrations telling us how wonderful the darkness will be under Ed.
They even mentioned a billion pounds knocked of energy shares. But where was the mention of Green Taxes? Nowhere.
A comment from John Rentoul on Newsnight was interesting re Miliband’s energy price control policy – to the effect that it would prove popular with people ‘who don’t remember the 1970s’.
Oh and Labour want 16- and 17-year-old’s to vote.
They won’t even remember the 1990s.
Why don’t Labour simply extend the vote to goldfish?
Marxist doctrine, for that is what Miliband is, states:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”
ie ‘I’ will take from you, to give to another, who ‘I’ think ‘needs’ it.
The first step in creating a centrally controlled command economy, like the former Soviet Union and North Korea, is to create a ‘need’. People ‘need’ jobs. People ‘need’ housing. People ‘need’ access to services like energy.
By increasing the ‘need’ but restricting the supply, one creates a ‘demand’. This gives the government and the state the opportunity to intervene and gain the right to act. Legislation always starts off with small but well intentioned aims. But overtime, the scope gets ever bigger as so does the state. Soon they will be taking 2 or 3 bedroom homes from their ‘owners’ because ‘they’ deem it necessary in order to correct the demand (ability) and need differential.
So, you create mass-immigration which puts pressure on housing, jobs, and services. For you to get a job or a house, the government will take from another or create one for you. For your continued maintenance ‘you’ will become the servant/surf of the state, and not the other way round.
Think about it !
The BBC own you because they know that you ‘must’ by force of law, pay for their maintenance. They own you nothing ! They have the law on their side. Miliband is trying to do the same thing, only it will be your home, your wealth, your FREEDOM. And you will owe him and the state, and they will owe you nothing.
What Miliband is offering is a pathway to serfdom. He must be stopped !
Because goldfish would see straight through their policies and vote Tory. Much better for them to extend the vote to products of Labour’s education system who are too ill educated to think for themselves.
Rafael Behr says that Miliband ‘invited Cameron to “be my guest”. The line, I’m told by someone who worked with Miliband on the speech, was one that the Labour leader had improvised in rehearsal. It was deemed more civil and understated than the brash Americanism “bring it on!” see NS
I just listened to radio4 and it was quoted as ‘bring it on’. Haven’t listened to the whole speach yet and the midnight news isn’t available on iplayer yet.
It’s one of those creepy ‘he who controls the past…’ moments.
Just when you think the BBC has plumbed the depths, it gets even worse. In the past week we have endured the great ‘terrorist’ cover-up and now we are having to suffer the elephant in the room of Miliband’s economically illiterate speech, with barely a whisper of enquiry as to who it was who imposed the Climate Change Act on us and to what degree our energy bills are not the fault of rapacious energy companies, but of ridiculous ‘Green’ charges.
I have been waiting to see a comment like this – no-one has done more to increase the price of fuel than Miliband Minor. His Climate Change Act has destroyed our economy and wasted millions, transferring cash from the pockets of the poorest to the utility companies and rich landowners. It is so hypocritical for him now to say he will help people. And the Biased BBC has not mentioned his part in energy prices, not even once!!
With I think 2 or 3 exceptions the rest of the clowns in all parties in Westminster also voted this lunatic policy through. The BBC will never take the debate back to this primary cause of the energy and cost nightmare facing us as they know that the whole climate change and green energy bollocks is about to fall apart over the next few years. It’s already happening in Australia and the signs are looking good in Europe, but meanwhile the damage continues and the plebs continue to suffer.
Ed the Canute:
With a wave I freeze the warming bill.
(It’s, after all, your money that I burned.)
When your power ceases you may feel a chill
as computer-less dark ages have returned.
Your votes I bought so you can’t complain
on the internet as EU-screwed once again.
Ed the Canute:
With a wave I freeze the warming bill.
(It’s, after all, your money that I burned.)
When your power ceases you may feel a chill
as computer-less dark ages have returned.
Your votes I bought so you can’t complain
on the internet while EU-screwed again.
UK impoverished! Get psyched for this Ed Gain;
You live, breathe out, keep warm? you pay my bill.
For Monbiot and Green Peace loudly complain
friendly polar bears cannot maintain their chill.
(With ‘no money left’ it does seem like you’re ‘Byrned’.)
Lucky for MPs all ‘expenses’ are returned.
Me, Dave, Niq? Rich will be returned
as British soldiers risk their lives for our veiled gain.
(Dad hoped for England’s hurt as the Blitz burned.)
Too windy for the wind-turbines on the plain.
This son of Adolph now makes you pay his bill.
England’s tolerance for heels? – Ends like Achille.
OK, sorry to repeat but once such doggerel starts in my head I need to write it out. And sorry for the French pronunciation of Achille.
The scorn poured on both Ed M and Ed B in the comments has been a real eye opener. Also, the BBC comes in for a scorn as well for not reporting the obvious (Climate Change Act etc).
One can only live in hope. But last night’s re-affirmation
of the received truth of AGW, on news night last night, closed with a blatant ‘vote labour’ message.
Milliband is a Marxist. Marxism lead to Communism. Communism lead to the Soviet Union, to Stalin to State terror, slavery murder and genocide.
Marxists hate people. Marxists want to control, thought speech and action. Such is a logical extension of the theory.
Switched on the Today programme this morning just in time to hear comrade Webb eulogising the New Dear Leader, (Milliband minor). Justin was on a journey, you see, a journey to discover if the Great Man’s speech had revealed a new, warmer, more charismatic hero of the Left – a man fit to lead the nation at the next general election.
Cue: a procession of ‘on-message’ interview drones all ready to tell Justin the kinds of things he decided he wanted to hear. This was the BBC in finest North Korean broadcast mode – a shameless propaganda plug for Lesser Milliband, a sort of listener grooming exercise, all part of the Great Effort to shape and mould the proles to view Red Ed as the heir apparent to the premiership.
Oh, and it was also an insult to listener intelligence and an execrable example of BBC bias at its most obvious.
Remember: these people consider themselves serious, responsible journalists. I switched off the radio. Like I so often do, these days.
People are starting to notice, and the BBC’s most talented market rates are noticing they are… and inexcusably still rushing to cover up….
@ihatelefties: Excellent point made on Down The Line – itemise fuel bills to show how much we pay in green taxes, quickly sidestepped by @NickyAACampbell
Quickly sidestepping is censorship on top of propaganda you little weasel.
You are fooling no one but your shrinking bubbleheads circle.
I caught most of the Today programme this morning. for me, the Crawley group were unconvinced by Milliband. In fact it was a common theme that anything Milliband said wasn’t bought by any pundit or anyone invited to comment. Yet each time Webb kept talking he kept suggesting they loved what he had to say. It was pathetic in the extreme.
I’m just waiting for the day someone asks Milliband what will happen when pension funds have to pull out of utilities investments because of this genius idea.
Did we all enjoy the ever so umble Millipede’s speech in front of those hideously white lefty bedwetters clapping like well-trained penguins, sycophantically directed by a BBC Danny Boyle acolyte who made the champagne socialist in his £2,000 suit look almost Christ like!!
Nice soundbite, but a party led by a man, who managed to so spectacularly mess up attacking labour’s part in the labour supporting Press’s hacking which was ignored by the labour supporting Met police when labour was in power and best buddies with Murdoch, … does not fill me with confidence that they will be able to pin the direct consequence of Marxist Millionaire Miliband’s freezing to death the elderly and vulnerable in their thousands, every harsh winter, as a direct consequence of Millionaire Miliband’s energy and climate change policies. (the harsh winters that the climate change experts confidently predicted would be a thing of the past, with children in the UK not knowing what snow is, before changing their minds and deciding that harsh winters were caused by climate change)
It should be easy to metaphorically hang every frozen corpse around the Marxist millionaire Miliband’s neck. But I’ll bet Cameron will still fail at it!
I heard Douglas Alexander on PM last night and Ed Miliband on Today this morning explaining that energy prices would be frozen while the government “reset” the market. What the hell does that mean? How are they going to reset the market? I’m none the wiser because neither Eddie Mair nor Justin Webb saw fit to ask.
Spot on, RD. I was scratching my head too. Maybe he thinks there’s a big switch somewhere he can push in and hold until everything magically re-sets itself to the default setting of 1970s Labour Britain.
It means the energy companies are going to increase prices now as insurance against Labour winning in 2015.
It means investment in power generation will now disappear like a fart in the wind because of the risk of Labour winning in 2015. Investment that didn’t happen under 13 years of Labour rule because they couldn’t decide about nuclear.
It means blackouts and price increases for years to come.
It means Ed Miliband who introduced the Climate Change Act that screwed up the energy market and put us in this hole in the first place when he was in government is fucking us over again – even though he isn’t in government.
It means Ed Miliband is a shameless hypocrite.
The BBC interviewers are probably understandably reluctant to mention that stuff because it is against BBC policy to say anything that might discourage people from voting Labour.
And when it comes to “energy and climate change policy” the BBC will not question anything that may lead to the viewers having doubts about the CAGW status quo.
Although I was very surprised to see them actually admit that temperatures had not risen at all in over 15 years a few nights ago on the 10 o’clock news… Shame that they did not extend the logic to show that this is in complete contradiction to the data produced by Climate Models and further explain that climate models are only a simulation of the CAGW hypothesis meaning that all data produced by such models are ONLY a prediction of the hypothesis, and then further explain that the discipline of the scientific method now dictates that this contradiction of the data created by models based on the CAGW hypothesis by real world data means that the CAGW hypothesis IS now falsified and that we must change our energy policies accordingly.
When the data from experiment or observation contradicts the data predicted by the hypothesis, the hypothesis must be rejected as falsified.
What did the BBC show? The IPCC claims that they are more convinced than ever that man is the cause of warming and that warming is definitely going to continue and accellerate faster upwards.
That claim is NOT based on any real empirical data, but purely on the predictions from models of the hypothesis, which has already been falsified.
Webb gave Miliband a hardish time in the interview this morning but only by the usual cosy-chat standard they reserve for Labour politicians.
However it was focused almost entirely on the single issue of energy, with a bit of deficit and personal credibilty thrown in.
The following obvious questions were somehow ‘missed’:
– ‘As minister for Energy and Climate Change you committed the UK to 80% carbon reductions by 2030. How would you achieve that as Prime Minister?’
– ‘By the end of 13 years in office Labour had done nothing to produce a credible energy strategy for the UK. Why should we trust you on energy now?’
– ‘Do you support fracking and do you belive it is the only way we can guarantee energy security for the UK?’
– ‘Many commentators are saying that after 2015 the government will need to introduce deeper cuts to government spending. What do you plan to cut?’
– ‘The Coalition were opposed to your Plan B and they have been proven right to do so. You would have led the country deeper into debt, wouldn’t you?’
-‘You are making a big thing of people’s living standards not improving. Can you explain why they should expect that when the country had been living beyond its means for so long? And how can living standards improve if the population of the country is constantly rising through mass immigration? There’s only so much pie to be shared, isn’t there?’
– ‘Whilst you’re here it would seem a good opportunity to ask you about Damien McBride. Did you know what he was up to?’
To say nothing of education, the NHS etc.
What will be really interesting in the coming weeks is whether they give the Consevatives the opportunity to rubbish every new policy Labour come up with as they did with Labour when the Tories were in opposition. Somehow, I don’t think so.
I caught DP earlier. It seems the emphasis is on how popular the price freeze will be and little solid analysis by experts. I’m guessing that for the Tory conference the theme will be: “So what popularist policies can Mr. Cameron make to measure up to Mr. Miliband? “
Never mind, at least Ed Millimarxist admitted that labour “got it wrong on immigration”. Another re-writing of history – as we all know, labour deiliberately engineered mass immigration for their own traterous motives.
I have to correct my earlier post about DP. I’ve just seen today’s edition and should credit Brillo for pulling Twigg to pieces. It was like a car crash.
But Paxman last night was inept during the debate about climate change. Stern just waffled on about the risk despite the science being in a state of flux but Paxman was clueless.
Brillo is the only Beeboid who has actually studied climate science and managed to tear apart the alarmist propaganda and reveal it to be the alarmist, anti-scientific bullshit that it really is. He is far better at analysing the climate news than their believer-in-chief, their bishop of barmy alarmy, Roger Harrabin.
It seems that Harrabin thinks that to be a climate reporter, the job entails going and asking the climate alarmist scientists what they think…. then repeating it as gospel. Then ridiculing their opponents. Instead of using a brain and actually examining if any of the claims from any side of the debate, adhere to, or are validated by, the scientific method.
I do not care if you wear a white labcoat, or how many Phds you have, or how many peer reviewed articles you have had published, or how many scientific awards you have, or how many seats you have on the boards of distinguished scientific bodies… Once you stray from the scientific method, you are NOT doing science anymore. You are doing politics, or religion, or snake oil sales. You are being a fraud.
The CAGW Hypothesis has been falsified by real data. Anyone still pushing this corpse of a hypothesis is NOT a scientist, but a fraud. Any reporter who supports them is supporting and aiding and abetting scientific fraud.
The ther thing they missed was the lowering VAT question. They asked Milliband about lowering VAT and he said he wouldn’t.
Of course he should have said he can’t. If he wants to be PM he should know he can’t lower it without EU permission. If he knew that then he lied. If he didn’t he’s not fit to be PM.
The lights will be going out for Britain & PERMANENTLY if Labour and this deplorable, socialist turd get voted in! His speech had to be one of the most Left-wing ones delivered by a Labour party leader in decades!
#FreezeEnergyPrices #LandGrabbing #ExtraBenefits etc.
And it came in a week where he, certainly, lived up to his Red Ed nickname, telling Labour activists he is ‘bringing back Socialism’ and during the speech, he set out a defiantly socialist platform.
Leftists and the BBC very quiet on his being responsible for signing the Climate Change Act in 2008 which stops us building efficient coal power stations.
(although he claims to support miners, with another 260 Labour MP’s – yeah right!)
The Climate Change Act that pays public subsidies into useless windmills – they create less than 1% of our daily energy and that drives up energy bills. The Climate Change Act that was brought in to solve a problem that didn’t exist in the first place. Oh, and all pf this was at a cost of £18bn too!
If Red Ed is voted in as PM we can expect a return to the dark days of Labour in the 70’s: rubbish piled high in the streets – rats, the dead unburied for weeks, power cuts, 3-day working weeks, Unions ruling – a Labour chancellor forced to agree to the demands of the International Monetary Fund, and so on.
Only this time there is no Margaret Thatcher to rescue us, we would truly be doomed!
At least we will be living in a socialist utopia like north Korea.
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watched 20 minutes of that speech tonight on the parliament channel,not imrpressed at all,he is just not prime minister quality,if his brother david made that speech today i would probably say it was a good leaders speech because his brother is somebody i think could lead this country for the good or the worse,ed may be a nice and decent bloke but can anybody honestly see him representing this country at the world stage,not for me,but maybe i am wrong and you all love the bloke.did you notice one thing about this party conference,gone is the term comrades to be replaced by the term freinds,how strange.
Don’t worry, if they win the General Election they will all be “comrades” again at the 2015 conference when the British public’s dislike of that term is no longer relevant to Labours chances of election.
Just watched the six o’clock news on the BBC. It is a 30 minute programme, and of that 10 minutes were dedicated to the Labour conference, and Ed Miliband’s speech. Without even going into the lack of criticism, i would be intrigued to know if Cameron got the same amount of time on October 10 last year at the Conservative conference, and i bet not…
You can find out next week – you may be pleasantly surprised – but it is more likely that the BBC will be discussing whether he only needs a hand towel rather than a bath towel.
So Miliband is going to get rid of the ‘Bedroom Tax’. If it is so unfair why did Labour introduce it for people claiming benefits in private housing?
So energy prices are too high. That wouldn’t have anything to do with this? “On 3 October 2008, Miliband was promoted to become Secretary of State for the newly created Department of Energy and Climate Change in a Cabinet reshuffle. On 16 October, Miliband announced that the British government would legislate to oblige itself to cut greenhouse emissions by 80% by 2050, rather than the 60% cut in carbon dioxide emissions previously announced.”
Shouldn’t issues like these be pursued with vigour rather than making mountains out of tittle-tattle at UKIP side meetings?
Will Labour be capping or scrapping mortgage payment rises when interest rates go up? Just the same effect surely as the ‘bedroom’ tax’ with people forced from their homes… in the UN Special Rapporteur perhaps?
Just watched the BBC Six O’clock News which was fully in support of Little Ed with soft questions and lots of nice illustrations telling us how wonderful the darkness will be under Ed.
They even mentioned a billion pounds knocked of energy shares. But where was the mention of Green Taxes? Nowhere.
A comment from John Rentoul on Newsnight was interesting re Miliband’s energy price control policy – to the effect that it would prove popular with people ‘who don’t remember the 1970s’.
Oh and Labour want 16- and 17-year-old’s to vote.
They won’t even remember the 1990s.
Why don’t Labour simply extend the vote to goldfish?
Seems his key appeal to voters is that he’s going to protect the country from his previous policies.
Analyse that… BBC.
The definition of socialism: an incessant struggle against difficulties which would not exist under any other system. Hungarian joke of the 1950s.
Marxist doctrine, for that is what Miliband is, states:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”
ie ‘I’ will take from you, to give to another, who ‘I’ think ‘needs’ it.
The first step in creating a centrally controlled command economy, like the former Soviet Union and North Korea, is to create a ‘need’. People ‘need’ jobs. People ‘need’ housing. People ‘need’ access to services like energy.
By increasing the ‘need’ but restricting the supply, one creates a ‘demand’. This gives the government and the state the opportunity to intervene and gain the right to act. Legislation always starts off with small but well intentioned aims. But overtime, the scope gets ever bigger as so does the state. Soon they will be taking 2 or 3 bedroom homes from their ‘owners’ because ‘they’ deem it necessary in order to correct the demand (ability) and need differential.
So, you create mass-immigration which puts pressure on housing, jobs, and services. For you to get a job or a house, the government will take from another or create one for you. For your continued maintenance ‘you’ will become the servant/surf of the state, and not the other way round.
Think about it !
The BBC own you because they know that you ‘must’ by force of law, pay for their maintenance. They own you nothing ! They have the law on their side. Miliband is trying to do the same thing, only it will be your home, your wealth, your FREEDOM. And you will owe him and the state, and they will owe you nothing.
What Miliband is offering is a pathway to serfdom. He must be stopped !
Because goldfish would see straight through their policies and vote Tory. Much better for them to extend the vote to products of Labour’s education system who are too ill educated to think for themselves.
If you were promissed more hand outs from other peoples income/assets wouldn’t you vote Labour?
If the BBC did it’s job properly those not born in the ’70’s and able to vote now wouldn’t need to remember them; they’d be fully informed.
Miliband’s speech:
Oh…and the real one :
Though which is in fact more ‘real’, or realistic, is open to question.
Rafael Behr says that Miliband ‘invited Cameron to “be my guest”. The line, I’m told by someone who worked with Miliband on the speech, was one that the Labour leader had improvised in rehearsal. It was deemed more civil and understated than the brash Americanism “bring it on!” see NS
I just listened to radio4 and it was quoted as ‘bring it on’. Haven’t listened to the whole speach yet and the midnight news isn’t available on iplayer yet.
It’s one of those creepy ‘he who controls the past…’ moments.
Matt cartoon.
Just when you think the BBC has plumbed the depths, it gets even worse. In the past week we have endured the great ‘terrorist’ cover-up and now we are having to suffer the elephant in the room of Miliband’s economically illiterate speech, with barely a whisper of enquiry as to who it was who imposed the Climate Change Act on us and to what degree our energy bills are not the fault of rapacious energy companies, but of ridiculous ‘Green’ charges.
I have been waiting to see a comment like this – no-one has done more to increase the price of fuel than Miliband Minor. His Climate Change Act has destroyed our economy and wasted millions, transferring cash from the pockets of the poorest to the utility companies and rich landowners. It is so hypocritical for him now to say he will help people. And the Biased BBC has not mentioned his part in energy prices, not even once!!
With I think 2 or 3 exceptions the rest of the clowns in all parties in Westminster also voted this lunatic policy through. The BBC will never take the debate back to this primary cause of the energy and cost nightmare facing us as they know that the whole climate change and green energy bollocks is about to fall apart over the next few years. It’s already happening in Australia and the signs are looking good in Europe, but meanwhile the damage continues and the plebs continue to suffer.
Ed the Canute:
With a wave I freeze the warming bill.
(It’s, after all, your money that I burned.)
When your power ceases you may feel a chill
as computer-less dark ages have returned.
Your votes I bought so you can’t complain
on the internet as EU-screwed once again.
Ed the Canute:
With a wave I freeze the warming bill.
(It’s, after all, your money that I burned.)
When your power ceases you may feel a chill
as computer-less dark ages have returned.
Your votes I bought so you can’t complain
on the internet while EU-screwed again.
UK impoverished! Get psyched for this Ed Gain;
You live, breathe out, keep warm? you pay my bill.
For Monbiot and Green Peace loudly complain
friendly polar bears cannot maintain their chill.
(With ‘no money left’ it does seem like you’re ‘Byrned’.)
Lucky for MPs all ‘expenses’ are returned.
Me, Dave, Niq? Rich will be returned
as British soldiers risk their lives for our veiled gain.
(Dad hoped for England’s hurt as the Blitz burned.)
Too windy for the wind-turbines on the plain.
This son of Adolph now makes you pay his bill.
England’s tolerance for heels? – Ends like Achille.
OK, sorry to repeat but once such doggerel starts in my head I need to write it out. And sorry for the French pronunciation of Achille.
I have been quite shocked by the BBC website.
The scorn poured on both Ed M and Ed B in the comments has been a real eye opener. Also, the BBC comes in for a scorn as well for not reporting the obvious (Climate Change Act etc).
Methinks the worm doth begin to turn!
Agreed, what I found shocking is that the BBC is publishing anti-Labour comments – very unusual for them!
If bBBC start to think there is greater chance of Labour victory without Miliband I expect they will do to him what he did to his brother.
One can only live in hope. But last night’s re-affirmation
of the received truth of AGW, on news night last night, closed with a blatant ‘vote labour’ message.
All Miliband needs do is bring back Denis Healey as Chancellor to squeeze the pips and the 40yr rewind will be complete.
Milliband is a Marxist. Marxism lead to Communism. Communism lead to the Soviet Union, to Stalin to State terror, slavery murder and genocide.
Marxists hate people. Marxists want to control, thought speech and action. Such is a logical extension of the theory.
Switched on the Today programme this morning just in time to hear comrade Webb eulogising the New Dear Leader, (Milliband minor). Justin was on a journey, you see, a journey to discover if the Great Man’s speech had revealed a new, warmer, more charismatic hero of the Left – a man fit to lead the nation at the next general election.
Cue: a procession of ‘on-message’ interview drones all ready to tell Justin the kinds of things he decided he wanted to hear. This was the BBC in finest North Korean broadcast mode – a shameless propaganda plug for Lesser Milliband, a sort of listener grooming exercise, all part of the Great Effort to shape and mould the proles to view Red Ed as the heir apparent to the premiership.
Oh, and it was also an insult to listener intelligence and an execrable example of BBC bias at its most obvious.
Remember: these people consider themselves serious, responsible journalists. I switched off the radio. Like I so often do, these days.
People are starting to notice, and the BBC’s most talented market rates are noticing they are… and inexcusably still rushing to cover up….
@ihatelefties: Excellent point made on Down The Line – itemise fuel bills to show how much we pay in green taxes, quickly sidestepped by @NickyAACampbell
Quickly sidestepping is censorship on top of propaganda you little weasel.
You are fooling no one but your shrinking bubbleheads circle.
Another caller also mentioned that our energy prices are at the lower end of the scale compared to the rest of the EU. Nicky swerved that one too.
Webb’s interview technique on Miliband = The Cuddly Toy method
I caught most of the Today programme this morning. for me, the Crawley group were unconvinced by Milliband. In fact it was a common theme that anything Milliband said wasn’t bought by any pundit or anyone invited to comment. Yet each time Webb kept talking he kept suggesting they loved what he had to say. It was pathetic in the extreme.
I’m just waiting for the day someone asks Milliband what will happen when pension funds have to pull out of utilities investments because of this genius idea.
Did we all enjoy the ever so umble Millipede’s speech in front of those hideously white lefty bedwetters clapping like well-trained penguins, sycophantically directed by a BBC Danny Boyle acolyte who made the champagne socialist in his £2,000 suit look almost Christ like!!
I feel better already.
Looking forward to the power cuts, very 70’s.
The Conservatives should turn the table on Ed, how about
“The toff who’ll put your lights off”
Nice soundbite, but a party led by a man, who managed to so spectacularly mess up attacking labour’s part in the labour supporting Press’s hacking which was ignored by the labour supporting Met police when labour was in power and best buddies with Murdoch, … does not fill me with confidence that they will be able to pin the direct consequence of Marxist Millionaire Miliband’s freezing to death the elderly and vulnerable in their thousands, every harsh winter, as a direct consequence of Millionaire Miliband’s energy and climate change policies. (the harsh winters that the climate change experts confidently predicted would be a thing of the past, with children in the UK not knowing what snow is, before changing their minds and deciding that harsh winters were caused by climate change)
It should be easy to metaphorically hang every frozen corpse around the Marxist millionaire Miliband’s neck. But I’ll bet Cameron will still fail at it!
I heard Douglas Alexander on PM last night and Ed Miliband on Today this morning explaining that energy prices would be frozen while the government “reset” the market. What the hell does that mean? How are they going to reset the market? I’m none the wiser because neither Eddie Mair nor Justin Webb saw fit to ask.
Spot on, RD. I was scratching my head too. Maybe he thinks there’s a big switch somewhere he can push in and hold until everything magically re-sets itself to the default setting of 1970s Labour Britain.
What does ‘resetting the market’ mean?
It means the energy companies are going to increase prices now as insurance against Labour winning in 2015.
It means investment in power generation will now disappear like a fart in the wind because of the risk of Labour winning in 2015. Investment that didn’t happen under 13 years of Labour rule because they couldn’t decide about nuclear.
It means blackouts and price increases for years to come.
It means Ed Miliband who introduced the Climate Change Act that screwed up the energy market and put us in this hole in the first place when he was in government is fucking us over again – even though he isn’t in government.
It means Ed Miliband is a shameless hypocrite.
The BBC interviewers are probably understandably reluctant to mention that stuff because it is against BBC policy to say anything that might discourage people from voting Labour.
And when it comes to “energy and climate change policy” the BBC will not question anything that may lead to the viewers having doubts about the CAGW status quo.
Although I was very surprised to see them actually admit that temperatures had not risen at all in over 15 years a few nights ago on the 10 o’clock news… Shame that they did not extend the logic to show that this is in complete contradiction to the data produced by Climate Models and further explain that climate models are only a simulation of the CAGW hypothesis meaning that all data produced by such models are ONLY a prediction of the hypothesis, and then further explain that the discipline of the scientific method now dictates that this contradiction of the data created by models based on the CAGW hypothesis by real world data means that the CAGW hypothesis IS now falsified and that we must change our energy policies accordingly.
When the data from experiment or observation contradicts the data predicted by the hypothesis, the hypothesis must be rejected as falsified.
What did the BBC show? The IPCC claims that they are more convinced than ever that man is the cause of warming and that warming is definitely going to continue and accellerate faster upwards.
That claim is NOT based on any real empirical data, but purely on the predictions from models of the hypothesis, which has already been falsified.
buy shares in candle makers and calor gas NOW!!!!
Webb gave Miliband a hardish time in the interview this morning but only by the usual cosy-chat standard they reserve for Labour politicians.
However it was focused almost entirely on the single issue of energy, with a bit of deficit and personal credibilty thrown in.
The following obvious questions were somehow ‘missed’:
– ‘As minister for Energy and Climate Change you committed the UK to 80% carbon reductions by 2030. How would you achieve that as Prime Minister?’
– ‘By the end of 13 years in office Labour had done nothing to produce a credible energy strategy for the UK. Why should we trust you on energy now?’
– ‘Do you support fracking and do you belive it is the only way we can guarantee energy security for the UK?’
– ‘Many commentators are saying that after 2015 the government will need to introduce deeper cuts to government spending. What do you plan to cut?’
– ‘The Coalition were opposed to your Plan B and they have been proven right to do so. You would have led the country deeper into debt, wouldn’t you?’
-‘You are making a big thing of people’s living standards not improving. Can you explain why they should expect that when the country had been living beyond its means for so long? And how can living standards improve if the population of the country is constantly rising through mass immigration? There’s only so much pie to be shared, isn’t there?’
– ‘Whilst you’re here it would seem a good opportunity to ask you about Damien McBride. Did you know what he was up to?’
To say nothing of education, the NHS etc.
What will be really interesting in the coming weeks is whether they give the Consevatives the opportunity to rubbish every new policy Labour come up with as they did with Labour when the Tories were in opposition. Somehow, I don’t think so.
Spot on …but you missed a bit on your first question…..and how much will it cost, who will pay for it and how will uk industry remain competitive ?
I caught DP earlier. It seems the emphasis is on how popular the price freeze will be and little solid analysis by experts. I’m guessing that for the Tory conference the theme will be: “So what popularist policies can Mr. Cameron make to measure up to Mr. Miliband? “
Cameron should say ” whatever labour offers, we will double it”.
Never mind, at least Ed Millimarxist admitted that labour “got it wrong on immigration”. Another re-writing of history – as we all know, labour deiliberately engineered mass immigration for their own traterous motives.
I can’t understand why the white working class votes for them.
Haven’t they realise all the Hampstead champagne socialists hate them?
They don’t ,trouble is they don’t vote for anyone else
Nick Robinson shows why nickname is ‘toenails’.
I have to correct my earlier post about DP. I’ve just seen today’s edition and should credit Brillo for pulling Twigg to pieces. It was like a car crash.
But Paxman last night was inept during the debate about climate change. Stern just waffled on about the risk despite the science being in a state of flux but Paxman was clueless.
Or pretended to be clueless.
Brillo is the only Beeboid who has actually studied climate science and managed to tear apart the alarmist propaganda and reveal it to be the alarmist, anti-scientific bullshit that it really is. He is far better at analysing the climate news than their believer-in-chief, their bishop of barmy alarmy, Roger Harrabin.
It seems that Harrabin thinks that to be a climate reporter, the job entails going and asking the climate alarmist scientists what they think…. then repeating it as gospel. Then ridiculing their opponents. Instead of using a brain and actually examining if any of the claims from any side of the debate, adhere to, or are validated by, the scientific method.
I do not care if you wear a white labcoat, or how many Phds you have, or how many peer reviewed articles you have had published, or how many scientific awards you have, or how many seats you have on the boards of distinguished scientific bodies… Once you stray from the scientific method, you are NOT doing science anymore. You are doing politics, or religion, or snake oil sales. You are being a fraud.
The CAGW Hypothesis has been falsified by real data. Anyone still pushing this corpse of a hypothesis is NOT a scientist, but a fraud. Any reporter who supports them is supporting and aiding and abetting scientific fraud.
The ther thing they missed was the lowering VAT question. They asked Milliband about lowering VAT and he said he wouldn’t.
Of course he should have said he can’t. If he wants to be PM he should know he can’t lower it without EU permission. If he knew that then he lied. If he didn’t he’s not fit to be PM.
The lights will be going out for Britain & PERMANENTLY if Labour and this deplorable, socialist turd get voted in! His speech had to be one of the most Left-wing ones delivered by a Labour party leader in decades!
#FreezeEnergyPrices #LandGrabbing #ExtraBenefits etc.
And it came in a week where he, certainly, lived up to his Red Ed nickname, telling Labour activists he is ‘bringing back Socialism’ and during the speech, he set out a defiantly socialist platform.
Leftists and the BBC very quiet on his being responsible for signing the Climate Change Act in 2008 which stops us building efficient coal power stations.
(although he claims to support miners, with another 260 Labour MP’s – yeah right!)
The Climate Change Act that pays public subsidies into useless windmills – they create less than 1% of our daily energy and that drives up energy bills. The Climate Change Act that was brought in to solve a problem that didn’t exist in the first place. Oh, and all pf this was at a cost of £18bn too!
If Red Ed is voted in as PM we can expect a return to the dark days of Labour in the 70’s: rubbish piled high in the streets – rats, the dead unburied for weeks, power cuts, 3-day working weeks, Unions ruling – a Labour chancellor forced to agree to the demands of the International Monetary Fund, and so on.
Only this time there is no Margaret Thatcher to rescue us, we would truly be doomed!
At least we will be living in a socialist utopia like north Korea.