The murders were not indiscriminate, and the journalist and the editor must know that. The Muslim terrorists selected non-Muslims to murder, and let Muslims go.
Explanation for that will be a doozie.
I wonder if they’ll go for an ‘about right’, semantic ‘what was meant was’, or a ‘spokesperson says the BBC doesn’t get asked to explain anything, ever’?
A minor local amateur cricket club has been democratically voted out of the league for non-payment of dues and generally not being up to scratch. Not much of a news story you’d think. You certainly wouldn’t expect it to be covered on Look North Leeds, which broadcasts to most of Yorkshire and large parts of Lincs and Notts.
But tonight Look North gave it four minutes out of a 27 minute programme. I wonder why? Ah, I see! It’s an all-Asian club! That’s different! Look North interviewed various outraged members of the club but the league didn’t get much of a say at all. And incidentally, the club’s facilities are splendid because they got a £1.5m grant following the Manningham Riots. We all know what to do then when we need a few quid off the government! Have a riot! Smash up a dozen shops and torch the rest!
Asda and Tesco has been selling fancy dress outfits labelled ‘mental patient’. Look North could only spare 11 seconds for this. To my mind it’s a far more important story, touching as it does on the prejudice and misunderstandings that surround mental health issues.
Here’s another Yorkshire story the bbC isn’t screaming about: CCTV: Police hunt after homophobic abuse on Leeds train POLICE today released pictures of a man they want to trace after a passenger was subjected to “homophobic abuse” on a train between Leeds and Huddersfield. The Asian man is said to have abused a 33-year-old man from Manchester, who boarded the train at Leeds on September 10 between 8.40 and 9.10pm. The man in the pictre, who was accompanied by a woman, left the train at Huddersfield.
The bBC, the so called news agency which goes silent when Muslims are up to no good
A homophobic Muslim comes along once in a crescent moon…and the BBC aren`t keen to leap on this unique news story?
What ARE they doing up in BBC Leeds etc?…surely not STILL sniffing through the Hillsborough police laundry hampers are they?
Radio5 Deadly continues with its attempt to re-animate the corpse that is wimmin’s football. Usual tactic is to talk animatedly about ‘Liverpool versus Arsenal tonight’ followed by an almost audible countrywide groan when they reveal it is Liverpool Ladies versus Arsenal Ladies they’re talking about.
Anyhoo prize tit (one of them) of breakfast radio Rcahel Boredom was at it again today. Interviewing some doris from England Ladies.
‘So you’re playing Turkey next week’,
said Boredom, having as per u not bothered to read her briefing notes.
‘Tonight actually’, said the doris.
And on went Rachel, further into Blunderland.
‘So are the girlserwomen confident?’
Anyone that listens to more then three minutes of Five Dreadful knows that any guest who refers to wimmin as ‘girls’ gets the full howl from all the wimmin on the team, Dame Nikki in the van.
And there`s more.
Radio 2 this morning managed to go round ALL the wimmins teams..Scotland, Ireland etc…to tell us of the “great result for the lads”schtick..the girls “done great an all that”.
Shameless product placement of sports bras and feminist hygiene products….i.e cleaned of any men SVP!
What a steaming pile of crap…Thursday night, beating Belaurus 7-0 etc.
Do the BBC REALLY think we`ll be equating the two games then…men(150 years, church, youth groups, World wars etc?) with…well, Tanni Grey Thompson and Clare Balding basically.
F*** Off BBC!
With the big day for the Ignorance of Mann dawning I gave a thought of how we get out of this mess. For a case study I place before you the example of the Hubble Telescope named after guy who applied the Doppler effect to light and found an expanding universe.
NASA created what they thought was the perfect mirror but alas, due to a small fleck of paint, all images created by it were blurred. To correct the mistake they first identified the mistake which allowed them to reverse engineer their mistake, resulting in a better view of reality.
I wonder if the IPPC will admit their mistakes and so we can get a better look at reality. 🙂
Quote from BBC tonight.
“Disputed Somali-inhabited territories have led to uneasy relations with its neighbours – Kenya being one of them” FFS! And it doesnt get any better than that.
Just caught the back end of R4 question time. Sad to hear Gove is on the panel. Such a low quality program with all the typical bBC prejudices showing. Any self respecting politician should stay away.
Just finnis watchingQT. Will Selfimportat and absurd on the panel. we are all corupt and stupid apart from him. Feel theneed to go for a d..p t clear all th crap out of my system. Tried to read one of his ‘novels’ onc. Got throught first couple ofpages. Then decidedto use as toilet paper, butmy butt rejectedit as too coarse
Only redeeeming features were JournalistLouise Cooper and Mr UKIP.
Just sat here enjoying a couple of Stellas and casually surfing the web while Question Time on my TV provides a gentle and largely benevolent background hum to accompany the growing sense of calmness imbued by the narcotic properties of several fairly simple organic hydrocarbon compounds, when I am drawn to those essential questions of life, the universe and everything in a way which only alcohol can encourage.
After several minutes of deep meditation, I was left with a single unresolved conundrum.
What cataclysmic and terribly cruel trick of providence turned Will Self into the absolute and unmitigated dickhead that he clearly is.
Just watched that, wow a champion of the left who promote peace for all and not in my name and when caught out and proved wrong decided to strut his chest out and ask the little boy next to him outside.
Boy how I wish that Gove had stepped outside, as a Government cabinet minister, he will have police protection and today we will be reading out how Will Self the protector of radical Islam was shot dead by armed police.
I hear you are missing me on here Mr. Holder. I’ve not been on recently because I have not been watching the BBc very much at all. Therefore I have very little to complain about.
However I did notice on a recent BBc Breakfast show where they were taking pay day lenders to task. That the BBc reverted to it’s favourite postion of quoting credit union interest rates as an monthly rate whilst comparing the pay day loan companies as an APR. Of course not again giving high street bank rates as a comparison, yet again. I’ve already complained in the past about the BBc giving non comparable figures instead of the generally recognised yardstick of an APR figure.
Can I thank you lads above for watching QT , so that the rest of us don`t have to?
Like that dwindling Newsnight rump who faithfully put up with the astroturfing every night.
Any chance of some award ceremony here on this site?…the unsung heroes who put up with Beebwipes on a daily basis?
If Al Gore and Obama can get a Nobel, surely we can offer a Sopel…or a Vine..something like that?
Would this be a “brown on brown” attack then…one worthy of Operation Trident?…well, Operation Tricycle after years of Labour and the useless Cameron.
Suppose Islam `s not involved by any chance is it?
Just after seven on R5 this morning, ten minutes of one-sided, unchallenged climate change talk. I have complained but lefties are never wrong and doubtless they got it about right.
Let us know what the reply to the complaint is. Remember their standard practice is to ignore you so you may have to complain again and then add a complaint about the fact that they never replied first time around.
Were there much balance in the BBC then round about now surely we would begin to hear just a little joshing on the subject of a few of the more naff elements in Ed Miliband’s recent Labour conference speech.
For example his bold assertion that people who happen to live in the north east corner of England are – wait for it – ‘heros’; echoing perhaps his parable of the ‘girl who fell off her bike’ and the ‘action hero who mysteriously appears from nowhere’.
Well I don’t know how come the BBC crowd could be quite so po-faced about Ed’s speech, it had me laughing.
Perhaps, given the impending Licence Fee renegotiations, the BBC is holding out for a hero….
As I recall Bonnie Tyler certainly was…. (and surprisingly her lyric requires just a very few tweaks)
Where have all good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where’s the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn’t there a red knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I twist and turn and Newsnight dreams of what we need
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life (more statesman-like?)
Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There’s someone putting up the Licence Fee
Exaggerating the thunder and lying about rising heat
It’s gonna take a superman to maintain our Climate Change cheat!
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life
Up North where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear that there’s someone somewhere
– perhaps some Geordies – still watching me
Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel the approach
Of another mass relocation to Salford!
So we are watching the bBC news this morning and the first thing on the agenda is the so called Interpol arrest warrant for the white widow. The bBC quickly (As per usual) spread the message that this is wrong, that she is in fact a very quiet and frightened girl, happily married and the mother of two children. Mrs Pounce remarked (And she doesn’t follow the news at all) isn’t she the wife of one of the suicide bombers who blew up the underground a few years back and yet that salient bit if information was lacking from the bBC narrative. They then brought out two friends of this young white lady in which to fight her case and again her indoors spoke out (which she never does) Why are both of her friends ‘Muslims?’ Then we were regaled to how both and the community were shocked at these allegations, that they cannot be true and then Mr Khan came out with a pro Islam outburst, that Islam is a religion of peace, that Islam forbids murder and that basically all these allegations are an attack on..Islam.
This was followed by an article about how Mohammed who family were burnt to death in Leicester, has found comfort in his faith, that they were going to die sometime anyway and he was happy they died and they are waiting for him.
So the so called secular bBC which goes well out of its way in which to disparage Christianity every chance it gets, is more than happy to promote the gay death cult as a means to find peace.
Good to see Will ‘The Sneer’ Self get a good verbal slap-down from Michael Gove on last night’s QT. For once, Dumbledore seemed content to let ‘the other side’ have a good go, free of his usual unhelpful interventions.
Self was having fun with his usual unimpressive schtick, that of elevating himself pompously above the other panelists present to protest his liberal, progressive disgust with with the way they were, inexplicably, linking radical Islam with terrorist attacks, both at home and abroad. In Will’s World no such link could possibly exist and it should not be permissible for anyone to make such claims.
Mr Gove, to his complete credit, was having none of this. He quite comprehensively laid into the snivelling Self and, amazingly, carried the QT studio audience with him. Self seemed a little nonplussed that anyone – least of all a Tory minister – should have the temerity to answer him back and, in response to such cheek, he pathetically rounded off his p*sspoor performance with an infantile invitation to ‘take it outside’ with Mr Gove.
You honestly could not make it up. Vintage QT at its best. There’s a lesson here for Beeboids, but I doubt any of them spotted it. Bravo, Mr Gove!
bbc 5live has……. “The Perfect (bullsh-t?) Storm”
ok sorry 😀 for the pun
on climate change as “well known climate change Marxist”
R Harribin has a long cosy with “Panto” N Campbell this morning
its going to be a loooonnnng day
I gritted my teeth and saw last night’s QT. It’s not good for my blood pressure. Surely I can’t be the only person that would love to see Will Self get a slap. Christ he’s an irritating self important pain. He brought to mind the first time I saw punk rocker Johnny Rotten, but Will’s in his fifties not eighteen. Time to grow up, me thinks. And what about the daft pc girl in the audience claiming Islamophobia because of the references to latest atrocities. The murderers weren’t dissident pagans were they? Those bloody Druids have a lot to answer for…
I have to admire the left in their steadfast defence of the peaceful religion:
Islamic countries ruled by totalitarian regimes who use the name of Allah in which to remain in power: The left, Islam is a relgion of peace
Terrorist attacks around the world, the left Islam is a religion of peace
Oppression of all non Islamic faiths in Islamic countries, the Left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Oppression of females in the UK,the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Open homophobia on the streets of the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Beheading a soldier on the streets of London,the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Blowing up london underground, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
FGM in the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Grooming gangs on the streets of the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Murdering a little white girl in Blackpool and chopping her up and putting her into kebabs, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Attacking a school boy in Swindon with a hammer by a gang of Muslims, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
and when caught out with the facts, Will (I was accused of bring a paedophile) Self. offers somebody out. Yeah great yet leftwing wanker, just be thankful it wasn’t two jabs you offered out.
It was gratifying to see she garnered very little support, previous QT audiences might have given her a standing ovation.
Has the penny finally dropped tor the guardianisters, Labour activists and public service drones that QT stuffs its audience with?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img][/img]
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:14 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Bangladesh Court Seizes Tulip Siddiq’s Properties and Imposes Travel Ban” – Minister of …………………….. She served as Economic Secretary…
markhMar 12, 11:12 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s bad enough that the dire Comic Relief is heading our way again. What makes it infinitely worse is that…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:51 Midweek 12th March 2025 The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act: From Propaganda to Censorship to Tyranny by Laurie Calhoun | May 18, 2022 (seen on…
StewGreenMar 12, 10:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 elsewhere “They’re filming a propaganda piece about last summer’s civil unrest, directed by Rizwan Wadan. The “heroic” Imam Adam Kelwick—who…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
So the IPCC continue to believe in the climate change scare stories despite lack of evidence.
Thats…called religious belief isn’t it?
Will Beeboids report the following, or would it embarrass their ex-Beeboid chums who now work for Islamic ‘Al Jazeera’ TV?:-
“Qatar’s success is tarnished by the near slavery of its workers.
“Where are the Islamic voices raised in protest at the abuse of the system?”
The headline story on the BBC website contains a lie.
“The militants stormed the Westgate centre on Saturday, throwing grenades and firing indiscriminately at shoppers and staff.”
The murders were not indiscriminate, and the journalist and the editor must know that. The Muslim terrorists selected non-Muslims to murder, and let Muslims go.
Explanation for that will be a doozie.
I wonder if they’ll go for an ‘about right’, semantic ‘what was meant was’, or a ‘spokesperson says the BBC doesn’t get asked to explain anything, ever’?
A minor local amateur cricket club has been democratically voted out of the league for non-payment of dues and generally not being up to scratch. Not much of a news story you’d think. You certainly wouldn’t expect it to be covered on Look North Leeds, which broadcasts to most of Yorkshire and large parts of Lincs and Notts.
But tonight Look North gave it four minutes out of a 27 minute programme. I wonder why? Ah, I see! It’s an all-Asian club! That’s different! Look North interviewed various outraged members of the club but the league didn’t get much of a say at all. And incidentally, the club’s facilities are splendid because they got a £1.5m grant following the Manningham Riots. We all know what to do then when we need a few quid off the government! Have a riot! Smash up a dozen shops and torch the rest!
Asda and Tesco has been selling fancy dress outfits labelled ‘mental patient’. Look North could only spare 11 seconds for this. To my mind it’s a far more important story, touching as it does on the prejudice and misunderstandings that surround mental health issues.
Here’s another Yorkshire story the bbC isn’t screaming about:
CCTV: Police hunt after homophobic abuse on Leeds train
POLICE today released pictures of a man they want to trace after a passenger was subjected to “homophobic abuse” on a train between Leeds and Huddersfield. The Asian man is said to have abused a 33-year-old man from Manchester, who boarded the train at Leeds on September 10 between 8.40 and 9.10pm. The man in the pictre, who was accompanied by a woman, left the train at Huddersfield.
The bBC, the so called news agency which goes silent when Muslims are up to no good
A homophobic Muslim comes along once in a crescent moon…and the BBC aren`t keen to leap on this unique news story?
What ARE they doing up in BBC Leeds etc?…surely not STILL sniffing through the Hillsborough police laundry hampers are they?
Radio5 Deadly continues with its attempt to re-animate the corpse that is wimmin’s football. Usual tactic is to talk animatedly about ‘Liverpool versus Arsenal tonight’ followed by an almost audible countrywide groan when they reveal it is Liverpool Ladies versus Arsenal Ladies they’re talking about.
Anyhoo prize tit (one of them) of breakfast radio Rcahel Boredom was at it again today. Interviewing some doris from England Ladies.
‘So you’re playing Turkey next week’,
said Boredom, having as per u not bothered to read her briefing notes.
‘Tonight actually’, said the doris.
And on went Rachel, further into Blunderland.
‘So are the girlserwomen confident?’
Anyone that listens to more then three minutes of Five Dreadful knows that any guest who refers to wimmin as ‘girls’ gets the full howl from all the wimmin on the team, Dame Nikki in the van.
And there`s more.
Radio 2 this morning managed to go round ALL the wimmins teams..Scotland, Ireland etc…to tell us of the “great result for the lads”schtick..the girls “done great an all that”.
Shameless product placement of sports bras and feminist hygiene products….i.e cleaned of any men SVP!
What a steaming pile of crap…Thursday night, beating Belaurus 7-0 etc.
Do the BBC REALLY think we`ll be equating the two games then…men(150 years, church, youth groups, World wars etc?) with…well, Tanni Grey Thompson and Clare Balding basically.
F*** Off BBC!
With the big day for the Ignorance of Mann dawning I gave a thought of how we get out of this mess. For a case study I place before you the example of the Hubble Telescope named after guy who applied the Doppler effect to light and found an expanding universe.
NASA created what they thought was the perfect mirror but alas, due to a small fleck of paint, all images created by it were blurred. To correct the mistake they first identified the mistake which allowed them to reverse engineer their mistake, resulting in a better view of reality.
I wonder if the IPPC will admit their mistakes and so we can get a better look at reality. 🙂
Quote from BBC tonight.
“Disputed Somali-inhabited territories have led to uneasy relations with its neighbours – Kenya being one of them” FFS! And it doesnt get any better than that.
Just caught the back end of R4 question time. Sad to hear Gove is on the panel. Such a low quality program with all the typical bBC prejudices showing. Any self respecting politician should stay away.
Just finnis watchingQT. Will Selfimportat and absurd on the panel. we are all corupt and stupid apart from him. Feel theneed to go for a d..p t clear all th crap out of my system. Tried to read one of his ‘novels’ onc. Got throught first couple ofpages. Then decidedto use as toilet paper, butmy butt rejectedit as too coarse
Only redeeeming features were JournalistLouise Cooper and Mr UKIP.
Just sat here enjoying a couple of Stellas and casually surfing the web while Question Time on my TV provides a gentle and largely benevolent background hum to accompany the growing sense of calmness imbued by the narcotic properties of several fairly simple organic hydrocarbon compounds, when I am drawn to those essential questions of life, the universe and everything in a way which only alcohol can encourage.
After several minutes of deep meditation, I was left with a single unresolved conundrum.
What cataclysmic and terribly cruel trick of providence turned Will Self into the absolute and unmitigated dickhead that he clearly is.
One to ponder.
Heroin use presumably
Just watched that, wow a champion of the left who promote peace for all and not in my name and when caught out and proved wrong decided to strut his chest out and ask the little boy next to him outside.
Boy how I wish that Gove had stepped outside, as a Government cabinet minister, he will have police protection and today we will be reading out how Will Self the protector of radical Islam was shot dead by armed police.
Jt finnshd watching QT. Need to go for a shower after spending timwith Will Self.
Will Self = oxygen thief.
I hear you are missing me on here Mr. Holder. I’ve not been on recently because I have not been watching the BBc very much at all. Therefore I have very little to complain about.
However I did notice on a recent BBc Breakfast show where they were taking pay day lenders to task. That the BBc reverted to it’s favourite postion of quoting credit union interest rates as an monthly rate whilst comparing the pay day loan companies as an APR. Of course not again giving high street bank rates as a comparison, yet again. I’ve already complained in the past about the BBc giving non comparable figures instead of the generally recognised yardstick of an APR figure.
Can I thank you lads above for watching QT , so that the rest of us don`t have to?
Like that dwindling Newsnight rump who faithfully put up with the astroturfing every night.
Any chance of some award ceremony here on this site?…the unsung heroes who put up with Beebwipes on a daily basis?
If Al Gore and Obama can get a Nobel, surely we can offer a Sopel…or a Vine..something like that?
“Kashmir attacks: Indian troops and civilians killed.”
Those pesky militants again. Possibly ‘Asian’? Get Kinnock back, he knows how to deal with them.
Would this be a “brown on brown” attack then…one worthy of Operation Trident?…well, Operation Tricycle after years of Labour and the useless Cameron.
Suppose Islam `s not involved by any chance is it?
An all-Asian club, you say? Yet remember the cant surrounding an all-male golf club hosting the Open.
That was supposed to be a reply to Bill Wright above, but has been orphaned 🙁
Just after seven on R5 this morning, ten minutes of one-sided, unchallenged climate change talk. I have complained but lefties are never wrong and doubtless they got it about right.
Let us know what the reply to the complaint is. Remember their standard practice is to ignore you so you may have to complain again and then add a complaint about the fact that they never replied first time around.
Were there much balance in the BBC then round about now surely we would begin to hear just a little joshing on the subject of a few of the more naff elements in Ed Miliband’s recent Labour conference speech.
For example his bold assertion that people who happen to live in the north east corner of England are – wait for it – ‘heros’; echoing perhaps his parable of the ‘girl who fell off her bike’ and the ‘action hero who mysteriously appears from nowhere’.
Well I don’t know how come the BBC crowd could be quite so po-faced about Ed’s speech, it had me laughing.
Perhaps, given the impending Licence Fee renegotiations, the BBC is holding out for a hero….
As I recall Bonnie Tyler certainly was…. (and surprisingly her lyric requires just a very few tweaks)
Where have all good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where’s the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn’t there a red knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I twist and turn and Newsnight dreams of what we need
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life (more statesman-like?)
Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There’s someone putting up the Licence Fee
Exaggerating the thunder and lying about rising heat
It’s gonna take a superman to maintain our Climate Change cheat!
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life
Up North where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear that there’s someone somewhere
– perhaps some Geordies – still watching me
Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel the approach
Of another mass relocation to Salford!
Great stuff, lads!
Save the cheerleader, save the world.
So we are watching the bBC news this morning and the first thing on the agenda is the so called Interpol arrest warrant for the white widow. The bBC quickly (As per usual) spread the message that this is wrong, that she is in fact a very quiet and frightened girl, happily married and the mother of two children. Mrs Pounce remarked (And she doesn’t follow the news at all) isn’t she the wife of one of the suicide bombers who blew up the underground a few years back and yet that salient bit if information was lacking from the bBC narrative. They then brought out two friends of this young white lady in which to fight her case and again her indoors spoke out (which she never does) Why are both of her friends ‘Muslims?’ Then we were regaled to how both and the community were shocked at these allegations, that they cannot be true and then Mr Khan came out with a pro Islam outburst, that Islam is a religion of peace, that Islam forbids murder and that basically all these allegations are an attack on..Islam.
This was followed by an article about how Mohammed who family were burnt to death in Leicester, has found comfort in his faith, that they were going to die sometime anyway and he was happy they died and they are waiting for him.
So the so called secular bBC which goes well out of its way in which to disparage Christianity every chance it gets, is more than happy to promote the gay death cult as a means to find peace.
The bBC, the mouth piece for Islamic terrorism
She was called “quiet and unassuming” in last News at Ten. No qualifier, such as “was described by neighbours as”.
There’s people in Nairobi who might disagree, were they alive to tell the tale.
Good to see Will ‘The Sneer’ Self get a good verbal slap-down from Michael Gove on last night’s QT. For once, Dumbledore seemed content to let ‘the other side’ have a good go, free of his usual unhelpful interventions.
Self was having fun with his usual unimpressive schtick, that of elevating himself pompously above the other panelists present to protest his liberal, progressive disgust with with the way they were, inexplicably, linking radical Islam with terrorist attacks, both at home and abroad. In Will’s World no such link could possibly exist and it should not be permissible for anyone to make such claims.
Mr Gove, to his complete credit, was having none of this. He quite comprehensively laid into the snivelling Self and, amazingly, carried the QT studio audience with him. Self seemed a little nonplussed that anyone – least of all a Tory minister – should have the temerity to answer him back and, in response to such cheek, he pathetically rounded off his p*sspoor performance with an infantile invitation to ‘take it outside’ with Mr Gove.
You honestly could not make it up. Vintage QT at its best. There’s a lesson here for Beeboids, but I doubt any of them spotted it. Bravo, Mr Gove!
Anyone got a youtube link to that?
I watched it on iplayer
To answer my own question:
What sort of a deluded f***wit is that woman in the audience?
Self was a complete disgrace ,looked as though he’d been ‘in the toilet’ again before the show.
bbc 5live has……. “The Perfect (bullsh-t?) Storm”
ok sorry 😀 for the pun
on climate change as “well known climate change Marxist”
R Harribin has a long cosy with “Panto” N Campbell this morning
its going to be a loooonnnng day
I gritted my teeth and saw last night’s QT. It’s not good for my blood pressure. Surely I can’t be the only person that would love to see Will Self get a slap. Christ he’s an irritating self important pain. He brought to mind the first time I saw punk rocker Johnny Rotten, but Will’s in his fifties not eighteen. Time to grow up, me thinks. And what about the daft pc girl in the audience claiming Islamophobia because of the references to latest atrocities. The murderers weren’t dissident pagans were they? Those bloody Druids have a lot to answer for…
. And what about the daft pc girl in the audience claiming Islamophobia because of the references to latest atrocities.
White widow perhaps?
I have to admire the left in their steadfast defence of the peaceful religion:
Islamic countries ruled by totalitarian regimes who use the name of Allah in which to remain in power: The left, Islam is a relgion of peace
Terrorist attacks around the world, the left Islam is a religion of peace
Oppression of all non Islamic faiths in Islamic countries, the Left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Oppression of females in the UK,the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Open homophobia on the streets of the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Beheading a soldier on the streets of London,the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Blowing up london underground, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
FGM in the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Grooming gangs on the streets of the UK, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Murdering a little white girl in Blackpool and chopping her up and putting her into kebabs, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
Attacking a school boy in Swindon with a hammer by a gang of Muslims, the left, Islam is a religion of peace.
and when caught out with the facts, Will (I was accused of bring a paedophile) Self. offers somebody out. Yeah great yet leftwing wanker, just be thankful it wasn’t two jabs you offered out.
We had the same impression about that woman, I see. You, to your credit, were more polite.
It was gratifying to see she garnered very little support, previous QT audiences might have given her a standing ovation.
Has the penny finally dropped tor the guardianisters, Labour activists and public service drones that QT stuffs its audience with?