Stephanie Flanders is off. She leaves the BBC in November to work for….J.P Morgan Asset Management…..toxic bankers.

Shocked Labour’s hierarchy support each other and try to forget
Ed Miliband is already reaching for his Socialist’s Play Kit, digging out the airbrush so that apostate Flanders can be airbrushed from his history and from those photos of past indiscretions as any good Socialist would do…Ed Balls will no doubt be lugging his photo album over to Ed’s £1.5 million mansion for the same treatment.
What was rather worrying was that Flanders, working for the BBC with all the time in the world and huge resources behind her said this:
She said her new job, as chief market strategist for the UK and Europe, would afford her more time for research and developing a deeper understanding of the markets.
Hmmm….wasn’t that her job anyway at the BBC?
But then again Gordon Brown, economic genius and guru admitted he hadn’t understood just how complicated the world is….which is why……we are where we are.
The ship seems be losing its finest…
” The danger sometimes is that the signals that come from the top are “don’t mess up,”
Frankly, given the last few years, a greater danger is that the likes of Flanders & Mason and many more rather did mess up, a lot.
They leave behind a shambles, and can only spread their skills further.
“Charter renewal looks a certainty, Jim, as long as Ed comes through…”
At, what, six and a half people’s suit’s worth, £13 grand seems a decent investment to buy the keys to a government-enforced, say, £5 billion of ‘unique’ funding per year soon?
I’d suggest that anyone who’s invested with JP Morgan might wish to move their funds, given her past record of forecasting.
I wonder who Steph’s replacement will be; not Liam Halligan I suspect. More likely some one from this lot.
My moneys on Vicky Pryce-Huhne.
Restorative justice , old lags rehabilitation and all that.
Foreign, sucks up to Brussels and looks like that Brazil nut who says our housing isn`t as good as her “favela flatshare” back in Rio.
Who the hell wrote HER references then?
Or are they only for the little people when they apply for their low-grade jobs?
Greg Dyke at the FA? Fatty Pang as head of the BBC Trust?
Looks a little elitist to me…but funnily enough , not to the BBC!
Suspect she got job because of her contacts within probable incoming Labour government and Liberal establishment in general, not because any business acumen
‘contacts’. Uh-huh.
Blair got a job with JP Morgan in post-Saddam Iraq, so it looks as though SF has been shagging him, too.
I wonder if that picture of the ex-Archmullah of Canterbury indicates her next victim? Can’t see academia paying as much as a bank.
You sick, sick person. That’s an image a whole bottle of Vodka couldn’t expunge.
In revenge I give you Cherie Blair watching …
BBC-Democrat report today:-
“JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon meets US regulators.”
Hypothetical meeting?-
A U.S regulator to Dimon:
‘I understand you’ve hired a Brit who favours the Labour Party over there.’
‘Yes. I did it to try to improve the image of JP Morgan Bank.’
Link to above-
Stephanie Flanders was asked to explain Quantitative Easing, without using her hands:-
(short video clip)-
She even got that wrong – the BoE doesn’t implement QE my creating a lot of money. It ups the balance figure of commercial banks’ reserve accounts when they sell it treasury stock. The new balance only becomes money when it’s lent out.
Mind you, central banks do this on a smaller scale every time they detect growth, hence permanent inflation. Don’t suppose SF likes “Austrian” economics though….
It is called ‘dumbing down for the audience’. No-one in Britain is clever enough to understand what you wrote above – but everyone understands “the BOE prints more money at the push of a button, the way only the BOE can”.
What utter crap!
Michael Ruppert’s ‘Collapse’ was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual.
More for Ms FLANDERS re- her new boss, Mr DIMON, about whom she must have known a lot when applying for the job at JP Morgan-
(One min video clip)-
Is Ms Flanders really going to work for JP Morgan and Mr Dimon, so that she can tell ‘the truth’ about that financial organisation and its CEO?:-
“In many ways, I will be doing the same thing in my new job at JP Morgan Asset Management that I have been doing as Economics Editor: explaining what is happening in the economy and markets, and why it matters.”
“So it’s goodbye from me”
Missing you already.
Odd how the BBC managed not to include the ‘interesting’ fact that Ms Flanders had previously ‘dated’ both the leader of the Labour party, Ed Miliband, and the Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls. It’s odd the little personal details that the BBC deem critical when reporting on someone of the right but irrelevant with someone they approve of.
Not surprising, really. When Murdoch’s outlets despicably hack peoples’ private communications to shill a few more newspapers the BBC is up in arms, but when the BBC itself buries a report on Savile’s crimes then smears an innocent Tory peer and lets its newly-appointed DG ride off into the sunset with a six-figure severance package, they’re just “guilty of poor crisis management.”
i dont know why,but i just love posh women that work as presenters at the bbc,i for one will miss stephanie.
It’s the contrast between their poshness and the fact that they talk dirty.
Correction : It’s the contrast between their poshness and the fact that they talk shit
Flanders isn’t even that attractive, really. The least she could do is show a bit of leg now and again. That’s worked wonders for Fiona Bruce.
“BBC’s economics expert quits for £400,000 job at City bank: Stephanie Flanders ‘trebles her salary’ by taking up new JP Morgan role.
“Flanders, 45, set for lucrative switch after working at BBC for 11 years.
“Will step down from current role now but continue on Start the Week.
“Says she is leaving BBC because it’s the right time for a new challenge.”
Incidentally, it seems economically and ethically inappropriate for Beeboids to continue to employ her on Radio 4 ‘Start The Week,’ given that:
1.) Ms Flanders’ continued employment on Radio 4 would appear to give some kudos to allegedly disreputable JP Morgan organisation, when, after all, that bank is paying her so as to improve JP Morgan image.
Director General HALL should disassociate BBC from JP Morgan, not play PR for it.
2.) Ms Flanders does not need the extra money.
BBC is supposed to be now acting against the ‘second-job’ mentality at BBC.
3.) Ms Flanders does not have any particular talent which means she should be employed by BBC on ‘Start the Week. Her Labour Party political interests are well known, and she would be even more free to express such views as a part-time employee of BBC.
Why cannot someone else be given the ‘Start the Week’ position, maybe several presenters in weekly rotations?
Presenters who don’t have lucrative jobs with banks, and whose political views are less well known and overt.
Some Beeboids go to work for Islamic Al Jazeera, and some go to workers for bankers such as JP Morgan and Mr DIMON:-
“JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon in talks to settle US charges for $11bn”
I don’t think we’ll be hearing Ms Flanders applying the principle of ‘not too big to fail’ to her JP MORGAN bank.
Cherchez le funds
Comments on Flanders & JP Morgan Bank-
And her pay off? We should be told what she gets from the BBC by way of severance, redundancy, advance holiday pay, enhanced pension and golden goodbye cash.
Is it conceivable her money just stops at the end of the month and no more licence fee comes her way?