I was listening to Jeremy Al Bowen as he reported on the “charm offensive’ by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the UN today. Couldn’t help but note the effusive tone in his commentary. If the Iranians were hoping the BBC would propagandise on their behalf, they were right.
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2434278/Kenyan-mall-massacre-torture-claims-emerge-soldiers.html….and muslims wonder why they are hated
after reading that article above,i feel to sick to make a comment,i feel to angry to make a comment,but i will make just this one comment,anybody who does this in the name of there religion called islam to children and fellow human beings should be terrorised and the same pain inflicted on them as they do to innocents,you cant get any lower than this can you,i am sick of islam.i am sick of this religion,its time to take the gloves with these people and just wipe them off the face of the earth the same way we done to the nazis.these people and there supporters must be shown no mercy now.
Don’t forget though, it’s the victims’ fault for not being Muslim in the first place. That’s what Jenkins told us in the Guardian, after all.
Then we will have won nothing –
It is only necessary for us to be allowed to speak the truth about Islam ,once it openly and universally condemned for what is an irredeemably repressive and violent ideology then it , like Nazism , will cease to flourish
Obfuscation and appeasement on the other hand will nurture and enable more atrocities like those in Kenya and Pakistan.
That is why you should continue to speak the truth about it, despite the accusations of racism
(or the ‘this site is becoming fixated about Islam comment that spring up from time to time)
Standard procedure with the religion of love, I am afraid!
so sorry you are so shocked … but one has to ask
… where have you been?
lie, cheat, rape, torture, slavery, murder, child gang rape, massacre, religious hatred, minority hatred, anti-semitism, totalitarian facism … those ARE the facts
that IS the “religion of paeds”
As an Israeli, I find this Iranian charm offensive quite worrying. Not only Bowen, but also Kerry and others may choose to believe the Iranians.
They choose to believe the Iranians for a simple reason.
It relieves them of the need to decide what to do about it.
Conscience excused, not my fault guv if it all goes tits up in the future.
Gutless bastards.
It’s called ” taqiyya ” and the west is fast learning it’s meaning.
Jahilliya, taqqiiya, abrogation, jihad, shahada, ally akbar…yes folks, enriching the language.
Taliban, Shabab, Boko Haran…yet more language courses where few words are needed.
it`s only a few words…maybe a marker pen and simple diction for our political numpties and nonces.
PS-lest Dez/Albie come by to shoot…it`s spelt “allah.”..but WTF?
@ Cosmo. No, the West is not learning its meaning at all.
I have to say the Iranians’, just like the Syrians’ have played a bit of a blinder. They are trying to defuse any possible objections to them, while at the same time reinforce their views on Israel and the West.
Linking the horror that was the genocide of not just the Jews but also others thereby broadening and weakening the view that the Holocaust was inflicted just upon them.
At the same time, linking the Holocaust with the Palestinian problem has made history turn on the Jewish state. In affect, he is saying that the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank is no better than that of the treatment of those in Belson, Dachau and Auschwitz.
His call for the end to all nuclear weapons puts the West in the position of hypocrite. How can we want to hang on to these relics of the Cold War and claim that they are keeping us free and, at the same time deny them the same.
His aim is to disarm, not just militarily, but politically as well.
And given that Obama and Kerry are a bunch Muppet’s and the rest of the Western leadership is effectively bought off with Saudi and Qatari money, I think we are seeing a Middle East and a Islamic political resurgence in confidence, and those who do not yield will be put to the sword – eg Kenya
‘the Iranians’, just like the Syrians’ have played a bit of a blinder’
They are from cultures that have exhibited (at least at patrician level) nuance and skill in long games of strategy.
Whereas, while once we have here have had such as John Bingham, we seem to have a Spad called Sebastian who studied Middle East affairs as well as PPE, and now tells Dave & William about how to deal with the nasty men.
Yesterdays “Daily Service” on Radio 4 gave us the story of a 4-year old who went up to one of the Nairobi butchers and said to him “you`re a bad man”.
The kid was labelled a hero.
Now all that lad is doing is giving Al Shabab all the opposition that the BBC/Obama etc are giving them.
The lad is even braver-he`s actually saying it face to face with a Muslim butcher…as opposed to hiding in a Manchester pulpit or a BBC studio, which is about as brave as our political elite can be at the minute.
Add to that, the craven BBC, the church fops in Canterbury and St Pauls/Lambeth, and the Guardian footstools of Fascism…and no wonder these Nairobi nutters are riding high for now.
God Bless and keep that four year old…but when I`m relying on him to give me a Christian response to Saturdays evils(and those in Pakistan too), I`m in deep doo doo regarding adult supervision aren`t 1?
Maybe 4-year olds should get the vote…got more spine and guts than churchmen and the political elite, media houris put together.
Didn’t Welby say we should pray for the savages that comitted these atrocities ?
Exactly the type of response which will be perceived as weakness by people who don’t share the “turn the other cheek” culture.
What a cunt, just like the previous Archmullah of Canterbury.
one brave little chap … more vertebrae
than our whole political establishment put together … such a surprise to them,
i wonder if he s going to come to blighty, bring his dad, his family do pseudo work for the Kenyan government, live in Birmingham, open libraries, give speeches talk about “we brummies” and get shoehorned into the UN
Even Qusay Saddams Iraqi footy team of amputees and headless corpses that he created ,after a bit of training…even THEY would play a better game than Obamas madcap XI.
They`re playing a blinder by comparison-that`s all.
Same old games, same old team talks…but our slime mould now can`t be arsed to develop any team talk at all…no tactics either.
Just run to the dressing room and let Al Shabab loose in the souvenir shops and the stands.