A guest post by Graeme Thompson who comments as ‘hippiepooter’.
Were any B-BBC readers aware that in the last 3 months 3 street preachers have been arrested?
Information here, here and here (Christian Concern represents all three preachers but at time of writing it’s website is down), and on the latest arrests here as well from none other than Rod Liddle.
One would have thought that such an extremely disturbing development would merit the close attention of any public service broadcaster with a remit to uphold and facilitate the values of democracy. Surely, if the BBC were that broadcaster, it would generate a wide-ranging public debate on the issues these arrests raise for British democracy and whether the Police are being used as an instrument of those who seek to undermine it?
Perhaps the reason this has not happened is that for the past 40 years the BBC has been an instrument of the subversive left to undermine democracy. Best not to give due coverage to such an issue as three street preachers being arrested in 3 months lest the British public rouses from it’s slumber to defend it’s democracy from political correctness.
One of the most inane and depressing cliches of the modern age is “political correctness gone mad”. It’s like saying, “racism gone mad”. Both are intrinsic evils. After the Holocaust, we’re all aware of the dangers of the latter, but the former, even after Stalin’s gulags and 20 million body count, we’re dangerously deluded about. And that is how the subversive left at the BBC like it.
Political correctness is an anti-democratic ideology of the Marxist left that seeks to impose totalitarianism by stealth. Since it reared it’s ugly head on US Campuses in the late 80s with ‘speech codes’ rooted in Marxist precepts to paralyse freedom of expression through fear, it has been patently obvious what it’s evil intent has been to anyone with a modicum of moral sense. Unfortunately, the public mind has been addled by drip-fed BBC propaganda to be spectacularly complacent and naive. The crowning success of BBC PC mind control has been coopting the ‘Conservative’ Party into adopting looney left social policies such as homosexual marriage and child adoption that hitherto were a province of the Socialist Workers Party.
Political Correctness has an antipathy towards Christianity. Britain’s judeo-christian values are the bedrock of our democracy. This is why in as many months in London, Basildon and Perth, three street preachers have been arrested.
Britain is either a democracy or it is politically correct. The more political correctness we have, the more of a shamocracy we are. Not exactly Putin’s Russia, but not too far away from it either. The police officers responsible for arresting the street preachers (ie not necessarily the arresting officers, but their senior officers who gave the orders) have committed a criminal abuse of police power. They have had street preachers subjected to arrest and false imprisonment on patently spurious grounds to impose political correctness.
There was a time when animosity towards coloured people existed in an otherwise excellent police force to a disturbing extent. Racism is a breeding ground for fascism and it demanded attention. However, the head of steam the BBC worked up over the issue exceeded the extent of the problem. The issue was grossly overblown by the BBC’s Gramscian left to use as a propaganda vehicle to undermine established order. Our very dutiful police force could not defend itself politically because it had to be outside of politics. Society failed to do so with the result we have today. A British police service neé force a pale shadow of what it once was. Once the pride of the nation and the best in the world, now a national embarrassment that can’t nick anyone, unless they fall foul of political correctness.
One could contend that three street preachers arrested in three months is an even graver threat to British democracy than allowing racism to go unchecked in the Police Force. Yet it is met with a deafening silence by the BBC. There can be no other reason for this other than that a critical mass of left wing subversives at the BBC see these totalitarian arrests as fulfilling the propaganda objectives of their political assault on the Police since the 70’s. Instead of serving democracy the Police are serving the totalitarian left. Peel Lost, MacPherson Fulfilled, to paraphrase Milton.
Apart from ex-BBC man and Speccie blogger Rod Liddle, are there any other secularists who think freedom is worth defending? What we’ve seen in London, Basildon and Perth is the tip of tyranny.
Do we know why the preachers were arrested , on what charge? Otherwise an excellent piece which goes right to the heart of why the BBC is a great danger to democracy in Britain. The Tories, who should be the natural defenders of liberty and free speech , seem frightened of taking on the BBC. Presumably because they think that by leaving the BBC alone it won’t be even more anti Tory than it usually is. Letting a sleeping dog lay, but this dog is actually steadily eating their lunch. Sooner or later the Tories need to get rid of BBC and put a stop to its constant campaign to undermine democracy in Britain.
Yes sorry, broadly speaking, according to these Police Officers, preaching the Gospel is a breach of the peace.
‘Preaching n’ Breaching’ seems to be the order of the day for our correctnicks in blue.
But don’t worry, Britain is the ‘world leader’ in ‘gay rights’, that should be all that anyone should be concerned about.
Funny how PC PCs never seem to arrest Muslim hate preachers who set up anywhere they want in East London. In fact, when I was in London working last month, a Muslim was preaching OUTSIDE ST PAULS with a megaphone!!!!
Was Giles Fraser holding his hand?
Hippiehooter. Manic street preachers
Superb piece. . Well done. It shows the fundementals of it all.
I’m very worried by these links. It is clear that these people were just preaching a Christian message in our country. Yet they were arrested. Things are worse than I had thought.
As you said this seems to signal that multiculturalism has become the dominant force in Britain. What makes me so angry is that the British have lost their culture and identity without ever being consulted. No party ever said in its manifesto that it intended to invite millions of aliens into the country and that it would enforce multiculturalism by abolishing free speech. No debates have ever taken place in Parliament about mass immigration and its impact.
The BBC has never been even handed in its approach to immigration, indeed it lines up fairly and squarely on the side of mass immigration and multiculturalism.
Surely the liberal left must see that the ordinary indigenous British citizens feel betrayed by our leaders, feel that we have been conquered by a foreign army who are slowly imposing their values on us. That our own values are being steadily undermined and our traditions suppressed. Many parts of our country are already an alien land.
The left hope that we will just allow this to happen without protest and that they can use the BBC as a key tool in ensuring the success of their project.
What a mess they have created and who knows how it will all end.
You are right to be deeply worried.
The police these days are only interested in easy targets. This way they don’t get hurt, while maintaining their arrest record. They are particularly brave when it comes to arresting Christians on the basis that someone got offended. by the Christian message.
Several matters crop up
1. Isn’t the accuser supposed to do so openly, and state who he/she is? How do we know that the supposedly “offended” is not a homosexual, Atheist, or a Muslim, with an interest in persecuting Christians?
2. Is NOT getting offended a basic human right?
The accuser has to identify himself, and state why he was offended. And even if so, why should the police take any action.
I find burqas very offensive, as they are a symbol of oppression of women. Will the police arrest a “burqad” woman if I complained I was deeply offended?
3. The police seem to have a standard routine when arresting someone, particularly Christians or Tommy Robinson. The female PC, its generally the case, will not allow any interruption in her spiel, while the brigade of male heavies lounge around, looking for an opportunity.
4. The police are efficient and brave when dealing with law abiding citizens, Christians, or those people opposed to the ban on fox hunting, but when their is real intimidation and violence against law abiding citizens, we see the police take a very different attitude.
Its the RoP that is on the offensive, defending free speech.
Islam defending free speech! Nice isn’t it. Oh the irony.
The Christian Concern website is back up, so for anyone interested, here are some links from their site on each preacer arrested:-
The police should be sued for wrongful arrest, as well as abuse of power. The last, is a very serious offence, and should carry a prison sentence.
Political Correctness has an antipathy towards Christianity. Britain’s judeo-christian values are the bedrock of our democracy.
Not just the bedrock of our democracy but the bedrock of Western civilisation. The left, and the BBC favour Islam, or for that matter any other anti-Western ideology, such as AGW, aka Climate change, as their main aim is to destroy the West.
I hope that when the worm turns, the BBC hierarchy is sent packing to an Islamic country.
A first class commentary. We are living in a threatening State, and at times we feel unable to do anything about it. The Police are taking sides, they are not ‘our’ police any more. They are clearly agents of the State, which does make us very like the former Soviet Union. And when you link this with the Marxist Ed Milliband who wants to control the means of ‘production distribution and exchange’ in the words of the Labour party’s former ‘Clause 4’, in its constitution – it is back in all but name, believe it – and who may be the next Prime Minister, we will be in serious trouble.
We never get a balanced view from the BBC. It is failing in its duty of providing unbiased news and opinion. It must be dismantled.
It is a friend of the Left and is acting to promote their cause. You will never get anything unambiguously from them in defence of free speech, or Christianity, two issues which I believe they regard as incompatible with their philosophies and beliefs.
Great catch.
This isn’t an argument about nuance and nomenclature (‘Bedroom Tax vs Spare Room Subsidy’). People exercising their right to free speech have been arrested and the BBC has given it the full Unperson treatment.
Journalists who don’t want to investigate when the state arrests people for speaking in public are hardly worthy of the name. Hey, if these guys really are extreme extremists, isn’t that worth reporting too? If nothing else, it would mean the BBC finally has a chance to indulge in the full moral equivalence tango. Yet they don’t.
The BBC isn’t speaking truth to power. It’s not speaking at all. A news organisation that censors reports is worse than one that merely slants them. It provides the illusion of scrutiny even while making itself a part of the crime.
Of course, in contrast to treatment of Christianity in UK, there is politically preferential treatment for Islam.
And, of course, Americans Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are banned from UK by British Government.
“UK: Muslim TV channel fined for preacher’s saying it was ‘acceptable to murder anyone who disrespected Muhammad'”
“Christianity gets less sensitive treatment than other religions admits BBC chief”
The EDL oppose Jihad to enable fascism. I’d signed the petition for them to be allowed in, but afterwards reconsidered. I set up a Facebook page to urge others to ‘unsign’, but pretty hard to distribute when you don’t know the signees FB pages!:-
After the petty and spiteful behaviour of M/s Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer towards Melanie Phillips over distancing herself from their support of the EDL (while giving unqualified support to their right to enter Britain and Mr Spencer’s scholarship), I’ve changed my mind about signing this petition.
Prior, I believed that M/s Geller and Mr Spencer were simply deeply misguided about supporting the EDL, now I think their motives are entirely more sinister.
Regardless of how true what M/s Geller and Mr Spencer say about the nature of Islam is, denouncing Islam to people with a record of violence and BNP backgrounds in the volatile setting of where Drummer Rigby was recently murdered is always likely to ‘foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK’. While previously I would in no way have imagined this was M/s Geller and Mr Spencer’s desire or intention, now I have grave doubts. Although the clarification by the Home Office made clear that it was acting in dhimmi subservience to Islam, the fact remains that the presence of these two people in the United Kingdom is not conducive to the public good.
If you check out M/s Phillips’ links on the EDL in her post of the 29.06, you’ll see in the event of another 7/7 the intention of the EDL is to launch indiscriminate reprisal attacks against the Islamic Community. Mr Robinson had the chance in interview with Andrew Neil to hold up his hand and say he got carried away and shouldn’t have said what he did, but instead he chose to dissemble. The way the EDL poured out onto the street in the immediate aftermath of Drummer Rigby’s murder with balaclavas on, attacking the Police and ranting and raving with venom about what Muslims had done to anyone who would hold a camera and microphone in front of them, made it patently clear what they were hoping to set off.
These are the people M/s Geller and Mr Spencer were coming to Britain to endorse.
Those who sign this petition are, in my view, giving aid and comfort to those who oppose jihad to enable fascism.
I will be asking the authors of this petition to remove my name.
“‘Celebrating diversity’ is our new State religion.
But don’t praise the Lord!”
There we have it: the BBC is the route of all evil in theworld and is leading us to a Stalinesque genocide…… all because this story isn’t on the website.
Crazy isn’t the word.
You are clearly a bias-denier. Perhaps you will explain why this doesn’t appear on their website, and what it says about their priorities, prejudices and clear biases.
‘Perhaps you will explain why..’
Be interesting if FoI exemptions can be extending ‘for the purposes of trolling’ too.
Probably, with the ever-unique BBC, yes.
The latest essay from Daniel Greenfield on his Sultan Knish Blog is superb. Mandatory reading for all of us who do not accept the woeful state of our culture. Please read it.I do not do links so you will have to make the effort yourselves.
On the BBC’s perceived lack of interest. Just about what one would expect from this apology for a news organisation.
Now cleaning behind fridges- that is a real story.
No part of global BBC broadcasting empire will criticise CAIR, of course;
and Obama is complicit in CAIR activities.
“CAIR’s Islamophobia Meltdown”
By Daniel Greenfield.
CAIR has changed its name to the Washington Trust Foundation. It’s now known as WTF. Indeed!
I should have made it clear. The essay is entitled
“The Church of Victimology”
On a general note Daniel Greenfield is a far far better writer than any existing BBC hack. Any comparison would be embarrasing to the BBC.
C S Lewis
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
of their own conscience.” –
From the above link
A good objective BBC Gramsci evaluation. Tipping the tip of tyranny evermore towards its totalitarian goal.
There are elements of the BBC that do have some self-respect and journalistic pride left. Let’s see if they have the courage to risk the ire of correctnicks like Paddy and give the subject of Christians being persecuted by the Police the same coverage they would blacks being persecuted by the Police. It won’t make them popular and would take more than uncommon bravery given how much the Thought Police have got the BBC sown up.
“all because this story isn’t on the website.”
Just because the BBC’s stable of self avowed left wing comedians (the beeb cant find any that aren’t left wing apparently)are given free reign by the BBC to mock Christianity
Just because they appointed a Muslim head of religious broadcasting
Just because they ran a wear a hijab for a day campaign for young people
Just because than ran ‘jerry springer the opera’ despite having record numbers of complaints
The list of just because’s could go on for ever but still ,I believe,you would deny any agenda
Would it not be more honest of you to say you approve rather than continuing to embarrass your self with further denial?
The BBC themselves have admitted to their anti Christian bias why cant you?
Just to save you asking
All right then, name a right wing comedian who isn’t Jim Davidson. Bet you can’t. Certain professions (acting is another) seem to attract liberal lefty types, for some reason.
Ken Dodd, the late Bob Monkhouse. Who knows how many there really are: – it’s clear they wouldn’t be considered for a job on television if they admitted their leanings.
One’s dead, the other nearly retired. And saying there must be more is a cop out. I’ve been to a lot of comedy clubs and they’re always dominated by tedious sneery lefties.
If you build it they will come
I don’t disagree. I’d love to see more right-wing comedians on telly, I really would. But I honestly don’t know where they’ll come from.
You look at the comedians that abounded on tv in the 70’s. They weren’t ‘conservative comedians’ they were far much more about comedy before they were ever about politics, but if you delved a bit into them, you could discern a conservative bent at the very least. Jim Davidson emerged during these days.
There’s a few contemporary comedians who don’t fit into the leftie box, Ricky Gervais certainly is one, but where their political sympathies lie they certainly don’t wear on their sleeve. Definitely not a very good career move in today’s Orwellian climate.
One comedy on BBC Radio 4 in the 18:30 slot, which pokes fun at the perceived PC attitudes of the social work profession, is “Claire in the Community”. It’s not exactly right-wing but its targets are, broadly, on the left. Claire Barker, the heroine, is obsessed with being sensitive about ethnicity, handicaps, lesbians, etc, but the mask slips from time to time and she says something she shouldn’t. It’s quite funny too. So credit to the BBC for giving it a few series, though it hardly balances the left-wing stuff that usually appears in that slot (“The News Quiz”, “The Now Show”, “Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation”, Marcus Brigstocke, Arthur Smith, et al).
Maybe part of the reason the political allegiances of yesteryears comedians wasn’t so blatant is because the BBC told them it has a duty of impartiality and they can’t be baised.
How things have changed.
Poster styling himself as “Conspiracy Theory Central” says
” I’ve been to a lot of comedy clubs and they’re always dominated by tedious sneery lefties. ”
Playing to their audience perhaps
Fair enough, if you haven’t got a point to make, why not say something puerile instead.
Where you lead others will follow
CTC, one can certainly not accuse you of not taking your own advice!
We had this debate on here some time ago some one who gives a damn might link you back to thread
In the mean time try this
He would make a nice change to the usual American suspects that litter the BBC’s ‘comedy’ output,dont you think?
Possibly, but a) he’s not a comedian; b) he spends all his time in the States. Other than that, he’s perfect.
So being a novelist and screen writer
precludes him from being a comedian?
He spends all his time in America ? so would Reginald D. Hunter and Rich Hall if the BBC didn’t keep underwriting their careers
I say again
If you build it they will come
P.S. I picked him purely because I thought that ‘routine’ appropriate to the subject ,there are many others on the internet .
Picking a right wing commentator who works exclusively in another country, and doesn’t even describe himself as a comedian, is no answer to my challenge. There are plenty of such people here already, as it happens (Hugo Rifkind, maybe?), but they’re commentators, not comedians, albeit funny [I’d like to see more of Rifkind and his ilk on TV, actually, but that’s by the by]. The other two you cite have thriving stand up careers. Point me to a genuinely right wing self described comedian and you’ll have a point. If he or she is British you get bonus points.
I wasn’t seeking your approbation
Or in other words, I’m right.
This may have posted already
if so I apologise
CTC, maybe we don’t know of ‘self-described right wing comedians’ because the don’t get any oxygen on the BBC?
When the BBC had far more integrity than it does now, it wasn’t a career ending move to let you conservative sympathies known.
BNP events have a number of far right comedians telling racists jokes, they correspond with the far leftists like Jeremy Hardy (screaming anti-semite to boot), Mark Steel and Mark Thomas.
What these BNP comedians have in common with their far left counterparts apart from their repulsive totalitarian politics is that they have the talent to make their audiences laugh. However, it is only the extreme left that the BBC has on, to spout their political bile as much as anything (and in Hardy’s case his blatant anti-Semitism, he could gig at the BNP anytime).
why dont they get chubby brown on the bbc. im sure they’d like he’s jokes
Billy Connolly once working class Icon is he now right wing?
I’m guessing this wont be seen on BBC anytime soon
Paddy, I’ve just been watching the BBC news channel and they have spent over half an hour examining and commenting on a UKIP representative who used the term “ethnic” to describe a journalist he was due to meet. And yet the arrest of three Christian preachers doesn’t receive a whisper of comment. Do you get it?
Jeff your wasting your breath Paddy gets it right enough .
Paddy like the other leftist BBC apologists that post on here fully supports the BBC’s deconstructionist mission
How often do they demand chapter and verse evidence only to dismiss it when presented?
(one ,I think it was chrisuemada, actual demanded evidence of some thing or other and then said he would except it even if found ,in the space of one post)
The question is why do they and the BBC feel the need to keep up the pretence ,why don’t they simply say “we think old style Christian morality is wrong and the BBC are right to suppress it”?
should be ‘wouldn’t except it even if found’ but I’m guessing you got that
I wasn’t seeking your approbation
“The question is why do they and the BBC feel the need to keep up the pretence ,why don’t they simply say “we think old style Christian morality is wrong and the BBC are right to suppress it”?”
Not the recognised MO of subversives.
Talking about manic imams who are out to kill us-
“Muslim cleric says Nairobi mall attack ‘right thing to do'”
(video clip)
‘Panorama’ documentary is on TV tonight. Unlike much of INBBC output, this programme sounds as though it might get near the truth with this front-line report by Peter Taylor:
“On the trail of al-Shabab’s Kenyan recruitment ‘pipeline'”
But INBBC should not censor the horror of the Islamic jihad massacre in Kenya:-
“How Al-Shabaab creates monsters”
“The Nairobi Mall Massacre”
(inc 6 min video, David Wood)
‘“Muslim cleric says Nairobi mall attack ‘right thing to do’”’
A few are aware of the mockery it inspires and now steer clear, but it will be interesting if any errant pol or BBC tyro spokesmunchkin still trots that one out after this precedent.
The solution to all this is simple. Apparently these jihadists are told that they are guaranteed a place in Paradise (hence suicide bombers) AND any Muslims who are accidently (or otherwise) killed will also go straight to Paradise. Ergo, if all the jihadists shoot all the Muslims and then commit suicide their passage to Paradise is expedited. If their earthly existence is so unbearable what’s not to like?
Sorry – the relevance to the BBC of above is that I have proposed it as a “Thought for the Day”.
“Executed as she talked to her mother on the phone:
Fate of 16-year-old victim of Kenyan mall massacre as it emerges terrorists shot some children five times ”
For INBBC: linked by ideology-
Global Islamic jihad massacres, linked by ideology, from-Nigeria-Syria-Kenya-Pakistan, and today, to Iraq again:-
“Baghdad hit by wave of deadly car bombs”
(inc video clip).
“Iraq: Islamophobe murders 24 people at mosque — no, wait…”
“Oddly enough, the ‘Islamophobes’ who are at the center of international opprobrium did not pull off this one, either. Actually this particular mass murder was perpetrated by Sunni jihadis as part of the Sunni jihad against Shi’ites, about which the international community is not particularly concerned.”
Nigeria: INBBC ‘reporting’ Islamic jihad massacre-
this tends to come via INBBC HAUSA (Islam-based) service.
So word “terrorist” is in quotes, but words, Islamic militants, aren’t.
“Nigeria to boost school security after deadly attack”
Taken from the Crammer article:
“He was asked from which portion of the Bible he was preaching. “
As Alex has pointed at, I wonder why the old Bill are never so quick when Islamic preachers do like wise. In fact, when Channel 4(Dispatchers ) aired video clips of just that, the old Bill (with the help of the bBC) investigated the film crew I quote from Wiki:
Undercover Mosque was first aired on 15 January 2007. The film caused a furore in Britain and the world press due to the content of the released footage. The documentary presents film footage gathered from 12 months of secret investigation into mosques throughout Britain. West Midlands Police launched an investigation, immediately after the programme was transmitted, into whether criminal offences had been committed by those teaching or preaching at the mosques and other establishments. They presented their evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service who advised that “a realistic prospect of a conviction was unlikely”.However Bethan David of the CPS agreed with West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable Anil Patani (security and cohesion) that a damaging and distorting impression had been given of the speakers by the programme. On 7 August 2007 the CPS issued a statement:“ West Midlands Police have completed their investigation into the Channel 4 Dispatches programme ‘Undercover Mosque’ broadcast in January 2007. ”
The police investigation initially looked at whether there had been any criminal offences committed by those featured in the programme and following careful consideration by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), West Midlands Police have been advised that there is insufficient evidence to bring charges against those individuals featured within the programme.
The British Police, unfit for purpose
Depends on what their (common?) purpose is
I think I could be arsed explaing news values to you, not when there’s books on the subject.
There are millions of stories every day of the week from all over the world. They don’t all make it onto the bbc website. But to pick a story about say…Muslims causing a riot after Friday prayers and say ‘This shows muslims in a bad light…the bbc don’t have it on their website….therefore the reason is because the bbc don’t want to show muslims in a poor light’ is clearly logically flawed.
Maybe the facts behind the story are a little different than these sites suggest. Maybe the choice was between this and another story and the other was more interesting. Maybe the story was supposed to be on the site and there was a technical fault. My point is, you have no idea why and yet have drawn a conclusion.
Id also say the stories been done before. Itv, sky etc haven’t covered it either , I don’t see them having a wide ranging debate either. By the same logic they MUST also have the same bias.
I didn’t see any accusations of pro-chrisian bias when there was a wide ranging debate on the wearing of religious symbols in the workplace.
Its also your own perspective that this is a story sympathetic to christians. I might think they deserve to be locked up , and that they should keep their views private.
Stewart, you list a few examples, as if they amount to a pattern. But not one of your examples has any merit so they amount to nothing. I’ll come back to each.
‘I think I could be arsed explaing news values to you, not when there’s books on the subject.’
Actually, a bit of work explaining that sentence may help a tad first.
“Stewart, you list a few examples, as if they amount to a pattern. But not one of your examples has any merit so they amount to nothing. I’ll come back to each. ”
I could have listed many more but what would be the point your mind is closed on the subject
I could have given a thousand examples but none would have been of merit ,clearly for you their is only one received truth and all else is heresy
Paddy, in a democracy people have the right to free speech. When a pattern emerges of people being denied the right to free speech because they are Christians, that is a massive story.
I’ve just given recent examples in close succession.
The BBC were like a dog with a bone and a lot more over accusations that the Police picked on blacks. One can only imagine that they don’t cover Christians being picked on by the police because they’re rather in favour of it. Like you.
Here’s one of my favourite non-leftist comedians from across the pond:
Didn’t appear to embed. Here’s the link anyhow:
“Ron White Texas Death Penalty”