As far as I can tell, and I’ve heard quite a lot from the BBC today on the subject, Ed Miliband has been given an uncritical platform to ‘defend’ his father and to present himself in a manner designed to garner as much sympathy…and very cynically, votes…as possible.
Miliband’s own article in the Mail was not purely a defence of his Father but a subtle distancing of his own politics from that of his father…somewhat ironic in the circumstances….he complains that the Mail is traducing his father’s beliefs…and then disowns them himself:
‘My father’s strongly Left-wing views are well known, as is the fact that I have pursued a different path and I have a different vision.’
A case of Miliband junior not coming to praise his father but to bury him and his Marxist ‘vision’?
What was the other hypocrisy of Miliband junior?
He claims that…The Daily Mail sometimes claims it stands for the best of British values of decency. But something has really gone wrong when it attacks the family of a politician — any politician — in this way.
But the Mail article was an attack on his politics not ‘the family’, and Miliband himself cynically brought his father into the politics in his own speeches…
If Ed Miliband wanted his father to be off limits, he should have kept quiet about him
…and his wife into the frame with those photos of the couple kissing for the cameras.
Not only that but he had nothing to say when the BBC et al ran stories investigating his father’s politics when he was running for the leadership of the Labour Party in 2010. Here is the BBC Newsnight programme, dodging Marxism, but giving Ralph a nice little puff.
He had nothing to say because it was a puff piece moving swiftly over his father’s ‘Marxism’…telling us that it wasn’t really the ‘Bad’ sort.
It is curious that Ed Miliband should be so furious about the Daily Mail article on his father’s beliefs which was headlined:
Miliband claims that ‘there is no credible argument in the article or evidence from his life which can remotely justify the lurid headline and its accompanying claim that it would ‘disturb everyone who loves this country….build an entire case about him hating our country on an adolescent diary entry is, of course, absurd.’
No ‘credible evidence’? Apart from the fact he was a hardcore Marxist.
Miliband claimed the case is based solely on one diary entry….but of course it isn’t…as said it was based on the well known beliefs and values of his Marxist father.
Miliband’s father may well have appreciated the safety, security, job opportunities and comforts of Britain but he was working to dismantle that and replace it with Communism.
All in all Miliband’s response was a highly political and manipulative piece that far from defending his father seemed more intent on winning votes.
But let’s have a look at what the BBC doesn’t like to dwell on…probably because much of Marxism actually finds favour in the corridors of the BBC…read on and tell me you disagree.
So what does Marx tell us about his aims and beliefs?
The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
Family, religion, morality, nation states, nationality…all to be abolished with the aid of violent revolution by the armed Proletariat.
Would such beliefs and intent ‘disturb everyone who loves this country’?
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.
That the development of the proletariat in nearly all civilized countries has been violently suppressed, and that in this way the opponents of communism have been working toward a revolution with all their strength. If the oppressed proletariat is finally driven to revolution, then we communists will defend the interests of the proletarians with deeds as we now defend them with words.
The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
Marxism is the basis for everything that many in the BBC hold dear as more from the Communist Manifesto makes clear:
Multiculturalism: The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and thereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.
Anti-religious: But communism is the stage of historical development which makes all existing religions superfluous and brings about their disappearance.
The idea that the West is too dominant: Just as it [Bourgeoisie] has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has made barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on the civilised ones, nations of peasants on nations of bourgeois, the East on the West.
The horror of the Nation State: The bourgeoisie keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property. It has agglomerated population, centralised the means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands. The necessary consequence of this was political centralisation. Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier, and one customs-tariff.
The radical Marxist agenda behind the Green movement: The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Nature’s forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground – what earlier century had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?
Ralph Miliband always claimed to oppose Stalin’s methods but dodged a close analysis of them….‘he insisted that, whereas the controversy over the nature of the Soviet regime was “obviously of some importance…no conclusive answer to the question has ever been returned, or can be”’
He also dodged the real meaning of Marxism, usng the same trick that Muslims do to avoid the truth about Islam and the meaning of the Quran…claiming:
‘The very term Marxist was a contested category, with no universally accepted criteria by which a Marxist could be defined.’
Interesting though that despite being a Marxist and apparently believing in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat he actually wanted the Dictatorship of the Intellectual:
‘…in his analysis of the role of intellectuals within the Marxist movement, he claimed that the “Leninist” injunction that intellectuals should “serve the people” was, in one sense, unproblematic. However, he argued that within the Marxist movement after Lenin’s death the interpretation of how the people were to be served had been increasingly redefined such that only the party leader, specifically Stalin or Mao, could decide what it actually entailed. The differences between Lenin’s party and those of Stalin or Mao were accordingly ones of degree rather than of quality: “Leninism was a political style adapted … to a particular strategy … Stalinism … made a frightful caricature of the style, and made of the strategy what it willed”.’
Guess old Orwell was right…Four legs bad, two legs good.
Alan that is the most insightful piece you have ever written.
The Marxists are angry because their own tactics of personalisation was used against them. The Mail critiqued Ed’s fathers Marxism and rightly came to the conclusion that he hated Britain.
Now we know what Ed Miliband and his attack pig Alistair Campbell believe, that ” all animals are equal , but some animals are more equal than others”.
Question: did Ed Miliband speak out about Labour MP Sion Simon’s personalized attack on Mr Cameron, who was then still leader of the Opposition? Simon imitated Cameron offering his wife Samantha to others for sex in order to seem cool and relaxed about everything. Why the sudden sensitivity from Miliband now? Double standards, perhaps?
Is there a link for anything to support that?
I had never heard it before.
Now the can of worms of use of family in tribal politics is open, it may be worth seeing all previous efforts documented, maybe splitting out that by tribal media from those used by political party dirty tricks departments all on their own (if picked up by ratings hungry media or, possibly suppressed by loyal broadcasters for FoI-exempted reasons of ‘watertight oversight’.
The Campbell & McBride years may be interesting, especially on when they also turned on their own.
Questioning an influential family member’s avowed ideological support for their country may even pale into hounding employees to suicide.
Oh, and where’d that Ed & (now) Mrs. pic originate? It looks like one in our out-take album when an over eager Aunt tried to land one on the lips of a young teenage son at a wedding.
Try this article, the video in question is the third one. Have you really not heard of this disgusting video?
Thank you; I have now.
It seems the outrage industry headed by the BBC was less developed back then.
Maybe it was a different time?
“Right then, be quiet then while I speak.”
Getting there, drip by drip, it seems.
With the BBC leading the way on who gets to speak on what.
It’s all relative.
Just make sure you’re ‘family’.
What a disgusting excuse for a human being. “David Cameron’s not interested…..” How the f*** does he “know” that? His best friend is Tom Watson – a perfect match in arrogant, nasty, disgusting sliminess. I’m not a fan of Cameron but that is way beyond acceptable.
The thing is the Mail quoted Milliband Snr and didn’t make anything up and the left don’t like how they have been exposed as people you just can’t trust. Now compare all this faux anger with how the left celebrated the demise of Maggie, oh how they all danced the night away
How Ed remained silent over the above
oh and here’s a picture of Ed with a Nottingham labour councillor

Funny how the bbC kind of missed all of the above in its defence of MR (I hate the British and want them to lose the war) Milliband days after he arrived from Belgium in May 1940.
Why is it all these twats that bought The Witch Is Dead wear these t shirts and partied on the day, weren’t even born or certainly aren’t old enough to have paid taxes under Mrs T, they know jack apart from what the BBC has told them…
Isn’t little Ed lucky – having the BBC on side to take his part and attack the hated Daily Mail.
As for Karl Marx he was a chancer who relied on the generosity of his friend Engels, the son of a wealthy cotton producer.
Like Adolph Miliband he decided to settle in an affluent part of London – but Adolph made sure he got freehold of his property and set up a trust so that his sons could avoid inheritance tax – not very Marxist but he knew that they would never amount to anything.
How right he was.
Poor old Ed Miliband is so naive. He says that his father was an immigrant who chose to come to Britain, as if that proves that he loves this country.
Several million immigrants later …
I think that’s a MASSIVE stretch but worth the read anyway.
what a few bad days it has been for the leftist apologists of marxism,when you put this ideology under scrutiny all kind of rotten apples come falling out of the barrel,the latest is the bbcs favorite son alister campbell(no relation to nicky i think)who seems to be on that station and non stop all over the media in the last fews days plugging that self moralising new book of his to no doubt fill up his non marxist(capitalist) bank account,anyway enough of main point is marxism led directly to communism,that led to the gulags where hundreds of thousands of free thinkers were tourtured, murdered and starved to death and buried in mass graves because they dare to challenge there marxist and communist dictators.the defenders of marxism have opened up a can of worms they now wish they hid away.well done tho the daily mail for exposing this vile political ideology and those who propped up this system including ed miilbands late father.
Although my knowledge of Marisxt ideology is not extensive or very deep I do remember that the basic idea was to have a workers revolution in all developed states. The USSR tried hard to bring this international world revolution about but was ultimately unsuccessful.
Anyone who is a true Marxist , as R Miliband undoubtedly was, would be wanting to spread the revolution whenever the opportunity arose. Reconcile this Marxist view with a patriotic love of country seems unlikely.
On Newsnight Emily seemed so angry with the Mail that she was stumbling over her words, laughing at the man from the Mail and generally seemed outraged by this article. Her performance was just what we have come to expect from the BBC when the right gives the left an uppercut, moral indignation , but of course they thoroughly approve when the boot is on the other foot, and more often than not, join in the attack.
Think BBC/Labour also made error in getting war criminal Campbell to act as attack dog – just reminded us what an unpleasant bully Campbell is and of all the smears & dirty tricks used by Labour in their time.
Looking across the pond too, the success rate of sons of immigrants, with influences and back-stories ranging from vague to unquestioned to state-media protected, seems to be serving the country a treat.
If the BBC had a Manchurian Candidate, he’d look just like Ed (if maybe not looking like Wallace, sounding like a nasal drip, and coming across as a slightly deranged Male Cherry 2000).
I’ve never heard a Nicky Campbell phone-in without knowing full well which side of the debate he was on.
This morning it is simply red corner versus blue corner…. Daily Mail versus the Left.
We round off with three anti-Mail callers which elicit these comments from our Nicky….
‘Thoughtful comment’
‘Good stuff’
Bias BBC : QED
“Stalin’s gulags and his Left wing British apologists”
By Michael Burleigh.
You can tell the calibre of the likes of Ralph Miliband-and his thoroughly corrosive march through the fertile groves of academe throughout his life-that his defenders on the BBC have been
a)Tariq Ali
b) Alistair Campbell
c) Ken Livingston.
These are but three of Milibands useful idiots wheeled out to extract the anchovies from the States radiators, that the Mail have noted as one hell of a stench.
Smells like hypocrisy…not teen spirit at all!
No…the BBC gave that to Sir James Savile by way of an aftershave.
Heard Red Ken(sober at 7am as far as I could tell on Toady)…tell us all that his first contact with RedRalph was in connection with getting a freebie at the GLC for his boy David.
But Sarah didn`t pursue this example of a shoehorned-in ,elitist bit of upper-crust pester power used to parachute in his spawn in furtherance of entryism and privilege!
South Shields?…Doncaster?…oh those interns with no contacts did rather well didn`t they?
As did…Straws, Benns, Harmans, Kinnocks, Prescotts, Toynbees, Blairs and all the rest of `em.
Thank goodness a few of them are gay-or else the rest of us would never get a freebie meal ticket for the next generations would we?
F*** Off BBC hippocretins!
Red Milibland’s only hope of getting his party elected is that Cameron’s lot are so inept and hate-filled that Labour will once again get into government simply because they’re not the Conservatives – when of course we’ll find out that he’s not really any different to Blair and will sell out his beliefs immediately, as well as form a cabinet of people we’re already sick of like Harriet Harperson.