I listened to half an hour of the Today programme this morning…it did nothing to dispel the view that the BBC approaches News from a certain viewpoint.
Starting at around 08:00 we had the US government closedown…The BBC gave us Obama’s self serving speech whilst then doing an interview which poured the blame onto the Republicans….no similar questioning of a Democrat…just the Obama theatrics, and more in the following Mardell report..
Then we got onto an interview with David Cameron in which Sarah Montague continually interrupted.
One highlight was when Cameron said the government was putting an extra £27 bn or so into the NHS…Montague interjected with the claim that because of the massive upheavals due to reforms it would feel like a cut.
Well only if people listen to the BBC where we hear day in day out, from presenters as well as guests, that the NHS budget is being cut…..when it is in fact being targeted at priority treatments….with the same or bigger overall budget.
Then we got onto Cameron’s ‘leadership’, called into question, Montague tells us, because of the vote in Syria…well perhaps only in the BBC’s mind…as far as I can see everything is carrying on as normal with no one calling for Cameron’s head.
No such questions about Miliband’s leadership after the Unions forced him to back down on Falkirk, after his Party forced him to back down on Syria and when his flagship policies on apprenticeships and nationalising the energy companies were torn to shreds…though not by the BBC.
Then onto the Daily Mail’s running of a story about Miliband’s father ‘hating’ Britain…well of course he did.. He was a Marxist.
Perhaps the BBC felt that was too close to home when many people doubt the BBC’s ‘love’ of Britain, the Left in generals ‘Love’ of Britain.
The default BBC position is that the Mail story is below the belt and wrong.
Orwell, that Fascist, would beg to say different:
George Orwell
The general weakening of the whole British morale that took place during the nineteen-thirties, was the work mostly of the left-wing intelligentsia.
The mentality of the left-wing intelligentsia can be studied in half a dozen weekly and monthly papers. The immediately striking thing about all these papers is their generally negative, querulous attitude, their complete lack at all times of any constructive suggestion. There is little in them except the irresponsible carping of people who live in a world of ideas and never expect to be in a position of power. Another marked characteristic is the emotional shallowness of people who live in a world of ideas and have little contact with physical reality. The really important fact about so many of the English intelligentsia is their severance from the common culture of the country.
In the general patriotism of the country they form a little island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. …it is their duty to snigger at every English institution.
All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British…if the fascist nations judged we were ‘decadent’ and that it was safe to plunge into war, the intellectual sabotage from the Left was partly responsible.
It is clear that the special position of intellectuals in society as purely negative creatures came about because society could not use them, they were useless to a productive nation, and they had not got it in them to see that devotion to one’s country implies ‘for better, for worse’.
A modern nation cannot afford to have a separation of intelligence and patriotism, they will have to come together because it is a fact that we are fighting a war, and a very peculiar kind of war that may make this possible.
All left-wing parties in the highly industrialised countries are at bottom a sham, because they make it their business to fight against something which they do not really wish to destroy. They have international aims, and at the same time they struggle to keep up a standard of life with which those aims are incompatible. We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that those coolies ought to be set free, but our standard of living, and hence our ‘enlightenment’, demands that the robbery shall continue. A humanitarian is always a hypocrite.
I’m not a greart fan of Cameron but thought he did rather well making Montague look churlish and a bit stupid.
I am afraid the link to Radio 4 has gone down.
At about 6.50am, there was a Conservative lady MP standing up quite well to Montaskew’s constant interruptions. I can’t supply a link at the moment.
What are they up to? On strike? I will not be surprised if the BBC journos have picked this week to down their ‘tools’!!
It’s back again!! Claire Perry having to suffer those interruptions… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bqw3x
at 47m 20s
I thought Ms Perry did well too
No answer I noted to her charge that the BBC never asks her to comment on wimmins’ issues that put the Colaition in a goog light
Montague’s mind works like this:
“I am good. Whatever I say or do or think is good. People who agree with me are good.
People who think differently are bad. Conservatives think differently.
Therefore Conservatives are evil. Anything they say or do or think is evil.
I am a journalist. My job is to prove that Conservatives are evil.”
So it’s not actually bias. Bias denotes intent. It’s cognitive dysfunction.
She’s mental.
They are not even pretending to not be Marxist admirers now –
‘a small bit of soil will be quietly disturbed’
Not sure I read that the way the author intended.
The President of the United States: “I will not negotiate.”
Senate Democrats: “We won’t negotiate with the Republicans in the House”
Mark Mardell: “Those damn Republicans.”
Mardell says something very stupid:
This is not about ideology. The Republicans in the House are all conservatives, all hate “Obamacare” and think government spending is irresponsibly out of hand.
This is about strategy. Some Republicans have decided the House, and the House alone, embodies “the will of the people” – and the people hate “Obamacare”.
Actually, that is ideology. The strategy Mardell, in his infinite wisdom, perceives?
They know it is so, not because of the rather indecisive opinion polls, but because the people in their district and on talk radio tell them so.
It is an argument between those who want to rush to the barricades and go down in a blaze of glory, heroes of the revolution to like-minded Tea Party types, and those who think it is a pointless charge but don’t want to be labelled traitors and cowards.
They have different aims. Boehner has to lead his fractious party and ensure some semblance of running a functioning chamber.
Ted Cruz may realise that his ploy has little chance of success. He may realise that his party, not the Democrats, will get the blame.
But the donations have been flooding into anti-“Obamacare” campaign groups since he took his stand.
It’s all about destroying the country for want of some campaign cash, apparently. They believe what the President and the Dems are doing is bad, but that’s….er….not why they oppose it. What a bizarre world Mardell lives in. The most ideologically-driven person in the country is acting out of the purest of motives, and as always we get the BBC’s US President editor’s favorite meme:
There can be no legitimate opposition to anything He does. All opposition to Him is driven by some nefarious motive.
Get bent, BBC.
Just watched Millibore on the verge of tears wailing that the DM’s assertion that his Marxist father hated Britain is a lie. OK Ed got it…a Marxist loves a country that embraces freedom,democracy and capitalism..yeh right…and humans are causing dangerous global warming.
His interview on BBC news – statesmanlike? dignified? Prime Ministerial?
No, just a wailing sixth-former complaining that life isn’t fair.
Try as I might to divorce the person from all the rest, every time I see or hear him all I can think of is he must have spent his entire early years getting Swirlies from the kids who were usually getting Swirlies. Not sure he still doesn’t get the odd one still, as he kinda likes ’em now.
His rise to power makes Game of Thrones look like a simple case of ‘let the best man win’.
And the BBC has been there every dodgy step of the way, excusing, boosting and propping up where necessary out of naked self interest.
He is their ticket to security. State propaganda & censorship bodies are the cornerstone of control.
I seem to remember that Ed’s Marxist dad didn’t think that democracy was a good way to run a country and preferred that an elite should take the decisions ?!
Well, like father like son, and Ed , true to type, is trying to close down freedom of speech and a free press with the full support of the BBC.
They make you sick don’t they. Long Live the Mail and their right to say what they think. Someone has to stand up for our freedoms or the likes of the BBC and ED will take them away!
Its really warm were Ralph Milliband is right now.