Had to smile at the way in which the BBC has contrived to eclipse today’s Conservative Party conference headlines by painting Red Ed as the victim of the evil Daily Mail. It appears that whilst Miliband is allowed to bring his father into the political world, none may comment negatively on that renowned Marxist. The 5pm news ran it for 10 minutes – making sure we all view Ed with deep sensitivity. I mean, how DARE anyone suggest that someone who hated the Monarchy, property rights, our form of Parliament and our defence of the Falklands be considered bad for Britain when such views are virtually de rigeur in BBC circles? Your views on this manipulation today?
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You misunderstand. Adolphe Milliband was so grateful to Britain for saving his life that he wanted to repay the debt by turning Britain into a soviet socialist republic. One good turn deserves another right?
Interesting that the BBC / Guardian Comintern think it is entirely appropriate to smear one N Farage as a neo-nazi based on the insunations of a left wing teacher and some alleged actions when he was 17.
Is it not similarly legitimate then to quote the writings of a 16 year old who went on to a life of dedicated marxism, and critisicm of the established social structure of the UK in spite of the manifest horrors of the USSR?
No, thought not
Not in the slightest bit surprised. Ed’s interview with the BBC was an act, he was trying to come across as all emotional but it was about as effective as a chocolate ash tray.
What I do find worrying though, David, is the extent to which this country has been brainwashed -by the media – especially the younger generations whose views are discernible on the multi-media forums and discussion boards. This brainwashing is especially evident on platforms such as facebook and twitter wherein students and young people are presently comparing the Daily Mail to a fascist propaganda machine… in other words the younger generations have been hypnotized to such an extent by the Left, that they fail to see the simple truth behind this facade brought about by Ed Miliband’s response: that socialism by its very nature, is completely anti-nationalist and its followers abhor patriotism. This anti-nationalism is page number one in the socialist textbook and Ralph Miliband regularly and vociferously expounded these views in his foul anti-English writings; in fact, I’d go so far as to say that he wasn’t anti-British so much as anti-English!
Predictably, the BBC and the Left are trying to obnubilate the truth because they know that this could possibly damage Labour’s chances of re-election. If anything is evil in this public ideological battleground, it is the lies and treachery of the Left.
Admit it, who else had to look up “obnubilate “?
Great word and clearly appurtenant
to any discussion concerning the BBC
Thanks, Stewart. A coruscating observation from your good self on the Left’s hagiolatry.
What a surprise; the BBC seeking to embiggen Ed by making out that his English hating father was cromulent.
I didn’t, having used it many times in blog titles 🙂
Last week the BBC unashamedly gave wall to wall coverage to the Labour party conference, headline after glorious headline. I was monitoring it so that I could compare it to this week. I don’t recall any other news reported, in spite of some very significant global events. This week the BBC’s top headlines are poor Ed being bullied by that nasty Daily Mail and the shutdown in the US (which has been ongoing for weeks/months). You wouldn’t think that there was a Conservative party conference going on. I mean is there? The majority party in government having a conference? Nah, must be dreaming! I’m no natural born Tory, but I loathe bias and the BBC really are taking the biscuit…
So the Miliband family has a Polish heritage and yet Red Eds Grandfather Samual joined the red army to fight against his own people in the Polish/Russian war?…
Did the family flee to Belgium before or after the Hitler/Stalin pact to annex Poland?….No wonder the BBC are so firmly entrenched in the Miliband corner, right down the line the Milibands are self loathers..
self important posh middle class boy owen jones admits he is a great admirer of the millibands familys marxist past and is just another british hating trosky marxist himself,but aside from that, what is all the fuss about a bit of plain speaking by the daily mail.what hypocrites these marxists are in the left wing press like the guardian and the independant,these left wing marxist rags go out of there way to demonise anybody with centre right wing views as fascist,racist,homophobic or any other phobia they can smear people with,to listen to these lefties and marxists moaning and crying like little babies now is quiet entertaining.
It would appear that even decent Tory’s disagree with the Daily Mail:
“Tory MP backs Miliband in row with Mail”
How do you define ‘decent’?
Ah “Decent Tory” .Is there such a creature?
Not if you listen to the massed ranks of the liberal left.
All conservatives are bad and probably mad.
But thanks any way for suggesting a Tory may be decent.
No doubt there’s plenty of evidence around the Internet that shows your own disgust at the lefts reaction when Maggie Thatcher died then..
Whilst not agreeing with her politics I did meet Mrs Thatcher on a number of occasions when she attended Tory Party Conferences in Scotland. She was a woman with a strong beliefs and a willingness to listen and in person much different from what you often saw across the Dispatch Box. I respected her and
I held no truck with those who sought to disrupt her funeral or comment disrespectfully.
Nice to see Albaman says Zach is ‘decent’. I am sure he wouldn’t say the same about Zach’s father.
Complete British hero that he was!!
Does anyone other than the BBC and the Labour party actually read this guff?…I tried, but it bored me to sleep very quickly..
Couldn’t resist a peek and you’re right. Red Ed must have had some very good sleeps as a kid.
It’s all pinhead-angel stuff on how a government isn’t really a government, a state isn’t really a state, ZZZzzzzzz…….
All of which inclines me to the belief that Professor Adolf “Ralph” Miliband, a Leftie intellectual, wasn’t REALLY intellectual…
Quite a few BBC and other broadcast journalists seem to have taken the Daily Mail’s attack on Marxist Ralph Miliband quite personally.
Funny that.
I had rather viewed this fight, between DM and Miliband, as a ‘no lose’. So long as it stayed between them.
However, it seems some others in the kindergarten that is UK tribal media have decided to throw a dog or two of their own into it. Good.
Beyond fleas, I hope their already tattered credibility as objective observers gets torn to shreds.
“Had to smile at the way in which the BBC has contrived to eclipse today’s Conservative Party conference headlines by painting Red Ed as the victim of the evil Daily Mail.”
The Daily Mail published the initial article in the full knowledge of when the Tory party Conference was being held.
The Daily Mail allowed Milliband the right to reply and published its second article in the full knowledge that the Tory Party Conference was taking place.
Surely even David Vance can see that without the Daily Mail there would be no story or is he suggesting that the Daily mail colluded with the BBC to derail coverage of the Tory Party Conference..
So Quisling Albaman essentially you are saying that David Vance should accept the bias within the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation. Milliband’s squabble was with the Daily Mail, but the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation decided to make it the most important news item, as they could not let a truthful comment about one of their own go unchallenged.
Did anyone ask Milliband to cite one piece of evidence about his father to prove he displayed at anytime an unconditional affection for Britain, the British people and institutions? Save the contrived one of when on holiday he always looked forward to coming home.
Did anyone ask why Milliband senior was good friends with Hobsbawn, the man who approved of the mass slaughter conducted in the name of the Marxist New Order. Did Milliband not feel a bit uncomfortable about this relationship.
No the only quibble that Milliband junior could have was of the use of the word ‘hate’, which may be a bit strong, probably ‘contempt’ would be more accurate. And there is no question that Milliband junior has imbibed this view of the British, as he made it explicit recently that ‘his family had not been sitting under the same apple tree for 500 years’.
Indeed. Ralph Miliband may have enjoyed hill-walking in Britain, but his political writings showed him to be deeply inimical to political democracy and freedom. These ideas are of the essence of the British national character, at least until recently when the left/Guardian/BBC notion of diversity in all its post-modern absurdity has been pushed down our throats.
If Ed happily allows the carcass of his father to sway in front of the public he shouldn’t be surprised if others come along and throw things at said carcass.
I have no doubt Milleband senior had no notion of what to be English really means and no doubt his son is the same.
This is what it is really about.
Englishness is the left’s greatest horror. For Englishness is opposed to all the liberal left stand for.
And it is so hard for them to understand. It is always there and has been there for centuries handed on from generation to generation. It is not easily explained .
We know each other when we meet and we know Milleband will never be one of us.
As for the BBC it is no longer much to do with us.
Lest we forget. It’s unacceptable to speak ill of the dead.
Unless you’re of the left of course, then it’s basically encouraged to spout as much hatred as possible.
Those people protesting at Thatcher’s funeral are genuine evil.
I know plenty of people who fought against Thatcher and they were disgusted by these freaks.
If any of them are reading this you will be held accountable for your actions.
Loved the ‘Daily Mail Comment’ and the way they ran the original story again online this morning.
The Marxist runt must be spitting feathers!
I see the BBC has put Miliband’s “Boo Hoo” story about the DM comments above the Tory conference headlines.
I have to admit I thought the BBC got it just about right. The nearest to impartiality for a long time. It was funny to see Milipede squaking “It’s a lie, lie, lie”.
On Guido they have a clip of Harry Cole on the Beeb saying that Marxism and Socialism killed 90 million people and that it’s not a smear if it is the truth.
By the he way the Beeb reacted I think they don’t like Ed Miliband and want a new Labour leader.
Heard the stirrings of an anti semitic angle – victimhood status rumbling – oh the irony if they run with it!
Yeah, left wing 101.
Always, repeat, always seek to drag race or ethnicity into an argument to act as a shield against criticism.
If you are not a ethnic minority, then seek someone who is to act as a meat shield.
See Islamaphobia.
And my spell check refuses to recognize Islamaphobia as a word. Because it isn’t.
“And my spell check refuses to recognize Islamaphobia as a word. Because it isn’t”
It’s a shameful word coined by the left to stifle debate on Islam. But, undoubtedly, it will have its own slot in the Oxford English dictionary in the not too distant future. Oh, my bad, just checked the online version and it’s already cemented its place.
But if Papa Milliband was a self-hating, anti-Israel Jew (the only kind the beeb actually likes), then his victimhood status can be confirmed.
That must be why no will critise Obama.
Dear oh dear I commented on this ( the BBC’s blanket coverage of poor ED and his maligned father) at the end of Mondays open thread but alas I must have broken some rule as it seems to have disappeared 🙁
marxism and marxists believe only in totalitarianism and hate and despise democrasy,a very similar model and ideology as islamism and islamists
BBC-NUJ’s political propaganda seems to reject criticism of Islam, of Marxism, and of R. Miliband.
In contrast BBC-NUJ lionises past and present inmates of Gitmo such as Ethiopian, Binyam Mohamed, and Saudi Arabian, Shaker Aamer.
lOL well at least Mr Vance didn’t use kids to loot bombed houses Unlike the fine brave millipede family Grandad, Shmuel or Samuel, who ran a business “recycling” or “rescuing” furniture and valuables from bombed out houses during the Blitz. The elder Miliband employed many youngsters from the East End who sieved through the possessions of destroyed houses–many of these youngsters ended up being charged with looting and the records of Lambeth Magistrates Court are there for all to see. One was “Mad Frankie” Fraser, famous later as an adult as an enforcer for the Kray gang.
Wondered about that…even the Mail didn’t say everything…just that they took furniture from bombed homes….Miliband jr skirted that one….his father a ‘furniture remover’….well…accurate in one respect I suppose.
Nice to see Alistair Campbell defending Marxism on News Night.
But apart from that I thought the Beeb hit the right tone, maybe a few too many interruptions , but all in all quite fair.
Campbell lost it on air, was foaming at the mouth, like Malcolm Tucker.
The funniest bit for me was when shrinking violet and all-round sensitive nice guy Campbell used the word “bully” about Paul Dacre and the Daily Mail, with no irony or self-awareness apparently.
Hater’s gonna hate, because hater’s gotta hate.
He don’t think about it much. He just hates.
Wouldn’t feel like he was alive if he didn’t.
Take away the hate from the Left and nothing remains.
A comment which neatly sums up the tiny minded intolerance of this blog. Good people can believe wrong things. Life is a hell of a lot pleasanter if you can count your political opponents as your friends. It must be a miserable little world where you shun 50% of the world because they are on the other side of the political spectrum. Marxists may be wrong but they are not necessarily evil, and saying that the Left is characterised by hate is just idiotic. I am equally contemptuous of those on the left who say that Conservatism is inherently evil.
In an ideal world you could have a point. But there is a culture war for the future of this nation going on and gathering pace. The left has made the running for the last two generations and it is time to fight back. Time to choose I’m afraid.
All is fair in love and war.
Never a truer word spoken
‘PM’s Mair brought on a ‘Guardian’ reference today to the ‘Daily Mail’s dangerous political fallacies of 75 years ago, intended by Mair as a clinching political argument for the Milibands, but:-
” How the BBC Censored Churchill’s Speeches Against Appeasement”
By Daniel Greenfield
[Opening extract]:-
“This is an important history lesson for anyone who thinks that state-owned media can in any way be informative or that politically correct censorship began recently.”
Howls of indignation just now on newsnight from the witch queen Maitlis towards the deputy editor of the DM, and guess who else she had with her as her attack dog…yes folks that well known ex alcoholic, paragon of virtue and spin doctor extrodinare ……Alister Campbell no less ! Campbell lost it completly and ranted on that Milliband was being bullied demanding that the guy answered the question, then Maitlis, now foaming at the mouth, joined in screeching about photographs of Wallace’s father’s grave. By now Campbell’s eyes were bulging and it looked as though he might have a coronary. I suspect he is back on the bottle though thinking about.
It was an extraordinary spectacle but the editor just kept his cool, stuck to his guns and let them make themselves look like ranting Nazis. Maitlis made no attempt to balance the interview or to check Campbell, who by now was out of control.
Pure, unadulterated, gross and offensive bias. But what I fail to understand is why do the leftie f…wits that organise this garbage think that this won’t be seen for what it was.
I almost believed the BBC had Campbell on deliberately. Perhaps there is a right wing subversive on the Newsnight team.
Pure theatre from the man who tried to bully the whole nation.
You are Nicked Emus and I claim my £5.
That was in reply to a post that appears to have disappeared.
delenda est BBC!