Hi Folks! Here’s a brand new shiny Open Thread for you. It’s the day of Cameron’s big speech at #CPC13, wonder how the comrades will cover that one? And what about the partial close down of the American Government – I believe the Panda cams are off in Washington zoo, that is how serious it has become and how reckless those evil GOP politicians are. Then we have Netanyahu daring to cast doubt on the intent of Rouhani. I am sure the BBC will cover these, and other issues, with their usual neutrality. Enjoy.
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‘Labour Demands Apology…’ Or should that read, ‘BBC Demand Apology…’
It’s the subtle, ambiguous and dissembling mischief, from the BBC, which I hate the most. They know very well what the Daily Mail is talking about here, but they have to resort to their little games of playing ignorant about Marxism and Ralph Miliband’s ideological leanings. Subtle indoctrination in full swing, as usual.
If the grave bit is the basis, I can’t quite see the justification for the BBC’s high dudgeon on behalf of their main PR client, as Karl Marx smiling on his faithful follower lying nearby was the top and tail of Crick’s pean of praise.
Image is all? Or maybe it’s ok if the BBC does it as they were sucking up with due deference?
I would imagine this is more now in the hands of the PCC, or whatever post-Leveson lynchpin-heads were foisted on what’s left of the free press by Cameron’s girlies in the Labour Party foyer, signed off by #HackedOff.
I think the DM mid-judged and were less than helpful to a lot of things in this, but if facts are facts and opinion still free in this country, ‘demands’ from back-stabbing weasels like Miliband met by faux outrage from thugs like Campbell given more voice merely confirms the sorry spiral our least trusted and transparent national propagandist and censor are leading the country down.
I just watched the Newsnight interview. Excluding Campbell’s erratic rant that bordered on a seizure, it was a typical BBC interview that had no balance and no scrutiny of the left leaning guest. I’ll tell you something, if the roles were reversed on this occasion and Steafel constantly interrupted Campbell, that silly hag would have seized on the opportunity to discredit Steafel and his views. It was reminiscent of how UKIP interviews are conducted by BBC employees. The left are given leeway to freely ridicule and bombard with inane comments, and the BBC will fan the flames of hatred. More evidence here of the BBC’s ability to ridicule and denounce anyone with views contrary to their own:
Hi folks, the BBC only seem able to find anti-Dail Mail voices…. I wonder what would happen if they plucked up the courage to ask the views of those who aren’t extremist leftists?
Something to look forward to:
BBC to broadcast drama about Arthur Scargill’s wife starring Maxine Peake
“Peake, incidentally, is a former Communist who says she has “socialist leanings”.” No surprises there then.
So lots of shots of Maxine in a bikini by the shores of the Black Sea as she enjoys the sunshine whilst her husband gets his orders in Odessa …
What, you mean Arthur’s trips to the Soviet Union, where miners went a month without pay – and starved – to help out the British miners and their strike, will be washed from history?
And will Maxine shed any acting tears as Mrs S discovers that the daughters of non-striking miners were raped and sexually assaulted in order to get their dads to comply with hubbies wishes?
Somehow I think not.
Top grocer who knows his onions
BBC radio has degenerated into a voice for public sector whinging and Lefty campaigning.
Don’t believe that?
Well, consider this: when BBC 5 Live plays host to the boss of Sainsburys and he is asked what is it that his customers are looking for, he must pitch carefully.
What do you reckon he says to give a good impression that will please the BBC presenters?
His supermarket provides value for money quality foodstuffs?
Oh no. This chap is a professional communicator who knows his BBC.
“Fair trade, husbandry of animals, ethics…”
Now if you think I’m joking here have a quick glance at Nicky Campbell’s Twitter – his professed personal interest centres around save the elephants, save the whale, save the aardvark – you name it, it roars squeeks grunts or chirps – he wants protection for it.
So I reckon if Mr Sainsbury judges that the BBC values a Lefty PC outlook over value and quality in the shopping basket then we Licence Payers should worry.
Under the guise of ‘business news’, these slots are no more than naked #prasnews rewards to favoured line-toers to flog more stuff using the BBC’s non commercial airwaves.
I once saw Rose of M&S handed 3 minutes to flog his Winter range, literally using a rack of clothing.
Tesco tended to be more spotlighted on matters of ‘news’ interest. Why the difference doubtless FoI exempted.
I too note this daily “business briefing” on the BBCs Toady show before the 7.30 news.
Todays was no different to the other daily bitchfests , all aimed at people who have to sell, to trade, to export and to rely on their wits and not an Oxbridge dhimmiwits scorn for “trade” and commerce”…urgh!…phew…stinkeroonie!
Todays BBC stiffie at 7.25 clearly knew nothing about business, about Tescos(who he was showering in spittle and halitosis)-and indeed had never run a business in his life…but would know how to create employment around Shepherds Bush Green using his well oiled expense accounts winnings for being against “big Shoppie”.
Why on earth Tescos CEOs let scum like him traduce their market brands is beyond me…or do the BBC sneak some dope serum into their coffees?..sheer nerveless stupidity and paralysis ensues.
I pray for the day when Beeb interviewees bring up Savile, their pensions and salaries, their sucking off the poor taxpayers for three items in a row…then we can shut the shit that emanates from the f***in BBC!
Not a big fan of Halal then? Has he been asked?
It sounds familiar. The sort of dialogue one has come to expect from the BBC. Its motto should no longer be “Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation” but “Middle Class Hampstead Progressive Shall Speak Liberal Elitist Rubbish to Middle Class Hampstead Progressive”.
And if that says nothing to you about your life you can get stuffed (but make sure you pay the licence fee).
PS: If those Progressive attitudes are a bit heavy viewers and listeners can at least have Eastenders to peddle dumbed down fodder for the masses.
Dead right but I would add…
Middle Class Hampstead Progressive Shall Speak Liberal Elitist Rubbish to Middle Class Hampstead Progressive………………………… And patronise the working class who are vulgar, racist, oafish and nationalist – that is why they have to be replaced dahling…
Yes, once again we have been anticipated by Orwell, whose “1984” had the people kept down by a mixture of propaganda and ‘prole feed’.
The fact that these supermarket bosses (and people like Campbell) ‘care’ about animals is somewhat oxymoronic.
They’re more than happy to cater for and support a religion that slashes the throat of said animals allowing them to a die a slow death. And for that matter the RSPCA also turn a blind eye, preferring to chase blue rinsers with too many cats ….
The BBC can always find a silver lining in any bad news story
Derby Muslim free school Al-Madinah closes after inspection
By Zoe Conway BBC Newsnight
[Oh dear]
A Muslim free school accused of imposing strict Islamic practices, such as segregated classrooms, has closed following an inspection by Ofsted.
[Oh dear, oh dear]
The Education Funding Agency – from which the school gets its public funding – is investigating alleged financial irregularities.
[oh dear, oh dear, oh dear]
The school’s closure is likely to be embarrassing for Education Secretary Michael Gove, who introduced free schools in 2010 in an effort to raise standards in education.
[There, that’s much better]
You almost have to take step back and admire the way they have managed to shift the debate from governance of the school and segregated Islamic schooling generally to turn it into a personal attack on Gove himself.
The Ministry of Truth at it again !
The school opens in 2012 and the regime of inspection closes it in 2013. Why is that an embarrassment? Surely it shows the monitoring regime is pretty effective?
Madrassas in Derby?…so far, so good?
Shari`a Law imposed , and funded by cheridee scams?…inclusive mate, what`s your problem bub?
Canings, mutilations and FGM?….traditions, no different from the Eton Wall Game..ours not to reason why, you racists
Arranged marriages on those term time Pakistani field trips( watch for the mines though Maryam!)…going back to our roots innit bruv?
Dying KKK costumes in a suitable shade of black and then cutting a hole into it, so we`ve got a pillar box?…cross curricular textiles mate!
Free school…faith school?…did you say FREE School…FAITH School?
That`s Tory stuff innit…shut it down( but not being Christian , we`ll not say too much about this scandal).
And not a peep from the National Secular Society, from Fiona Millar,Romaine, Becketts and Benns…Toynbees and all the other useful tools of Miliband …the BBC can`t get them on quick enough when it`s a pop at Gove!
Any ideas why kiddies?…no, not you Savile FFS!
I hear the teenagers (who will soon be deciding the future of the United Kingdom and if Miliband gets his way will be voting in England) have a text-based expression: WTF?
I’m going to use this expression here since it is entirely appropriate for the tone of this report from the BBC
‘Al-Qaeda loosens its admissions standards
By Tara McKelvey BBC News Magazine’
Yes indeed. You thought the Nairobi shopping mall murderers were beyond the pale? So did Osama Bin Laden…..
‘Al-Qaeda standards for membership have slipped. The organisation is admitting a new generation of members – and expanding its reach.’
‘Osama Bin Laden did not want the Somali Islamist group al-Shabab to join the al-Qaeda network.’
They were probably forced to by the Equal Opportunities Act.
‘Al-Qaeda standards for membership have slipped.’
If that had been the intro to some biting satire, fine.
But it appears to be the intro, po-faced, created by Tara, the latest cubicle moppet handed a PC and a BBC badge that says ‘reporter babe’.
AlQ as a club with exclusion policies?
The Twin Towers were ok, but now any old rabble is getting to behead wildly nilly and it’s playing poorly.
Even the BBC can’t repackage some of the latest enthusiastic activities that easily, and rigging a QT audience with offal-nibblers to cheer on the good guys in Syria is not that easy out of more reliable inner-city locales.
As you say, they seem to have jumped the shark again.
Be funny if some uniquely-funded equal opps group gets its dander up because of the exclusive policies being discussed. Really, psycho, nihilistic mass murder clubs should not be allowed to discriminate.
Main caption: ‘Nairobi’s Westgate mall was badly damaged after the four-day siege by an al-Qaeda affiliate’
Dearie me. A building was damaged. Awful.
Anything else take place that may be worth mentioning up front and not tucked away, Tara?
It may be that OBL could see that mutilating kids oneonone vs. at distance via 737 was bad PR, if picked up by any media not as astoundingly uncurious and prone to censorship as the BBC.
Yes, this is an appallingly inept article by Ms McKelvey.
She manages to reduces the nature of the global Islamic jihad threat to one of assessing the rules for entering the ‘Al Qaeda club’!
Using the usual language of ‘militants’ and even ‘partisans'(!), the article suggests that ‘ideology’ is a test for supporting Al Qaeda; but of course, Ms McKelvey gives no hint as to what this ideology is: the imposition of an Islamic global caliphate and sharia law, through the violent, murderous process of Islamic jihad.
Some references for Ms McKelvey, not from the Islamic ‘Quilliam Foundation’ which she uses, but from ‘The Long War Journal’:
For Ms McKelvey:-
“Why Terrorists Kill”
By Daniel Greenfield.
I had forgotten that Milliband wants to introduce votes for 16 year olds: I suppose then that he thinks it perfectly legitimate of the Daily Mail to bring to light his seventeen year old father’s diary entry on the British and not to pass over it with an indulgent smile as the dippy ravings of an adolescent…. no?
Half asleep this morning, I seem to remember some artist wittering on about his painting(s) of Mandela (who kept referring to as ‘the man’), and Naughtie lapping up every word. My first thought was, “why so much fawning over an ageing, black terrorist”?
Then I had to listen to some greenie idiots in Balcombe.
So I switched off and went back to sleep…
Heard that article, It was a couple of over intellectual no-bodies spewing forth anal tosh for about 5 minutes.
Caught the trailer for the BBC News app this morning and along with other BBC trailers for CBeebies and the weather app, the impression I’m given should I now believe that Britain is one third Asian, one third African-Caribbean and one third white? Not forgetting that the white third must obviously include also include Eastern Europeans….
It didn’t appear that way on my commute this morning, but I don’t live in London…..
It doesn’t appear quite that way when commuting to work in London either.
I’ll leave it to you to figure out why.
What time do the benefit offices open?
“What time do the benefit offices open?”
They tend to be local. Do you mean what time do they open, or what time do their first customers arrive?
A Somali arrives in London as a new immigrant to the UK. He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says,
“Thank you Mr Englishman for letting me in this country!” But the passer-by says, “You are mistaken, I am a Pakistani.”
The man goes on and encounters another passer-by. “Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in Britain!” The person says, “I no Blitish. I flom Hong Kong”.
The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says, “Thank you for the wonderful Britain!” That person puts up his hand and says, “I am from Iran, I am not British”.
He finally sees a nice lady and asks suspiciously, “Are you a British citizen?”
She says, “No, I am from Romania!” So he is puzzled, and asks her, “Where are all the British?”
The Romanian lady looks at her watch, shrugs and says, “Probably at work!”
Britain is one third Asian, one third African-Caribbean and one third white
I thought that most bBBC propaganda was full of half-castes.
And I see that the bBBC has even managed to find a half-caste to illustrate their story about redheads!
Interesting that on FaceBook, while the BBC here channels its inner ‘Brave’/’Roots’/’Carwash’ all-inclusive mash–up, when comments are enabled they have opted as the main pic for Ms. Moore looking very moody and magnificent between these two nice young men.
Sorry last sentence should read “Not forgetting that the white third must obviously also include Eastern Europeans….”
…Bloody smartphones.
I’ve found that you post here with a smartphone at your peril, with replies going to entirely the wrong person.
Good exposure of BBC’s pro-Obama propaganda over the US shutdown. Is it cock-up (incompetence, lack of knowledge about US political system) or conspiracy (naked ideological bias), I wonder?
Extract from that Cranmer thoughtful article:
“The then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered the breathtaking response when challenged: ‘We have to pass this Bill so you can know what’s in it.’
“Can you imagine the response of the BBC if Iain Duncan Smith had brought his Welfare Reform Bill to Parliament at 24-hours notice and declared such a thing? Yet this dimension of the controversy is wholly absent from the reporting over here. It would not be hard to find intelligent commentators to explain it, but this degree of balance is never called upon. “
That’s like the IPCC summary, the politicians edit it, the scientists are not sure what’s in it, and the journalists tell the scientists what’s in the summary in the media.
The BBC also censored all news of the group of WWII vets storming barricades deliberately set up to block them at the WWII memorial in DC. It’s “closed” due to the government shutdown, but there are normally no barriers of any kind. It’s just there and you can walk up to it. Except some Obamessiah minion decided to set up barricades to make a political point.
Total silence from Mark Mardell, who is usually the first one to point an accusing finger when he thinks Republicans are making a political point. Total silence on Twitter from BBC “journalists”. Total silence, even though the BBC did think it was important to send stringers traipsing across the landscaping taking photos of other empty national sites.
Lurking and non-lurking journalists need to check their conscience if they see nothing wrong here.
“The BBC also censored all news of the group of WWII vets storming barricades deliberately set up to block them at the WWII memorial in DC.”
Yeah. That’s bollocks. Was reported on TV, radio and online; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24339309
How can you make such sweeping statements about a broadcaster in another country?
‘Yeah. That’s bollocks’
Must check in the Editorial Guidelines for using such lack of sweep in offering counter view.
I may also have missed something a journalist sees better, but the BBC seems a broadcaster more than happy to intrude in many other countries, both from them and about them.
Well, Mr. A Journalist, it was not and still is not bollocks. At the time I wrote the above, Franz Strasser’s video report hadn’t been posted. That’s what you’ve linked to here. I saw it a few hours ago and posted a comment about it below.
I’m not sure if you actually watched Strasser’s piece or not, because if you had you’d know that the report ends before any storming of barricades took place. Funny, that, eh? My comment below, should you care to read it (here’s the link again: http://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2013/10/02/mid-week-open-thread-2/comment-page-1/#comment-324656) points that out. He shows the veterans at the airport and standing/sitting peacefully in front of the monument, but you don’t see anything else. At no point does Strasser or any other BBC journalist mention what happened next.
Do you see any storming of barricades or mentioning of similar in that report?
I can make such a sweeping statement from another country because radio and the website and World News are easily and freely accessible even to ignorant, parochial trolls like myself who live in foreign countries, which the BBC has invaded.
If you have an example of any BBC journalist mentioning who ordered the barricades up where there never are any, or that the vets broke through anyway, I’d love to see it. If not, you should be ashamed of your colleagues.
David P,
please accept our apologies for A Journalists racist comment about you being a foreigner, and also, our heart felt apologies for the imperialist BBC invading your countries air waves. please write to your elected representatives and demand drone strikes on all BBC buildings and employee homes. you’d be doing us a favour as well
I too was surprised to see the barriers. My recollection was that the memorial was open like a park and didn’t need anyone in attendance. It did seem to me it was ‘closed’ to try and make a point, not out of any necessity. It’s a well known tactic to resist cuts to make small cuts with the maximum impact – maybe this was along those lines.
Same concept as NHS ‘cuts’ – reduce actual nurses but retain in full the bloated overpaid underworked middle management
There was a similar “flash” of an image of barricades at what looked like a pier to head towards Ellis Island (judging by the notices).
Strangely enough though the question is why would you need barriers at a pier when only two or three yards behind them was nothing but a load of open water.
Plus if you take a look at many of the signs they mention “Federal Government SHUTDOWN”.
Why the capitals on the word shutdown?
Someone’s playing a game.
If you’re talking about barricades at the pier where the ferry picks up tourists to go to Liberty and Ellis Island, those are always there anyway to deal with the long lines. I’ve been there probably two dozen times and that’s at least not spending extra money to rent and deliver them during a supposed cutting off of funds. Although I grant you that printing all those frowny shutdown signs didn’t come cheap.
I wonder how much money is being spent on these political stunts during an alleged cash stoppage?
It was a political stunt, plain and simple. Just like last year when the deliberately shut down White House tours and turned away school children during the last budget battle. Those barriers were rented and delivered, and that’s not the only place it’s happening. Yet the BBC has censored that fact – contra the protestations of A Journalist – and played it as innocent vets being the victims of Republican intransigence, or of “Congress” in general. Congress didn’t order the barricades. The Tea Party movement – whom Mardell and Co. refer to as radicals and extremists – did not turn down the vets’ request. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul didn’t order the Parks Service to fence off locations the NPS doesn’t even actually control.
The White House did this, yet not a single disgusting Beeboid raises an eyebrow.
PS: Hey, maybe Paul Mason is on to something there about Twitter being a more trustworthy source than the BBC. Although I bet this isn’t what he meant….
Flexdream, it doesn’t cost anything to run that memorial. It’s just there, out in the open in the Mall. There’s no spending to freeze, as far as I’m aware. I’d check the official website, but, you know, it’s been shut down.
Most likely, more money was spent bringing in barricades and police tape for this political stunt than in daily operations for the entire year. There are maintenance costs, but that’s not exactly a running expense. When the memorial needed a fence around an area they were doing renovations last year, that was privately funded.
And its construction was paid for almost entirely by private funding, not even 10% government money. Oh, the irony.
This is just about the worst possible choice to use as an example of how government shutdown harms people. But it’s a very good example of how political extremists do.
“censored all news” clearly means something different in the former colonies. Would you prefer the BBC hang around and report on GOP grandstanding? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2013/10/world_war_ii_veterans_visit_their_memorial_house_members_turn_up_for_the.html
You mean like Mark Mardell has been doing?
I see you’re unable to address the point about the BBC video stopping before they got to the important bit. When I say “storming” I don’t mean “standing quietly in front of while a rep bitches to the camera”.
You also seem unable to address the issue of the BBC failing to mention that the White House ordered the barricades brought in where there were none, making the extra effort – and expense during a supposed funding shutdown – specifically to make a political point, while Mardell and Co. blame Republicans for pulling a political stunt.
The BBC’s coverage of all this is entirely one-sided, and even people in your own country are noticing. It’s not just me.
Weird how there are no lurking or non-lurking journalists or defenders of the indefensible over at Cranmer’s blog telling Bro. Ivo how he just doesn’t understand how news works or that he’s wrong and that the President does have a mandate and the Republican-led House is in the wrong entirely.
Weird how nobody’s over there defending the BBC like some do here. Why, it’s almost as if people who criticize us here have another agenda entirely.
If they do have another agenda, David, they’re failing pretty miserably with it.
Nicki Campbell running phone in this morning on the Ralph Milliband affair with a remarkably high number of callers condemning the Daily Mail, weirdly including a substantial number of people who claim NOT to be Labour supporters! Does it reflect the true balance of calls? I doubt it.
I caught about 20 mins of the call in and was amazed that at least 4-5 callers got on and were allowed to highlight the hypocrisy of the left and were quite pro daily mail stance accusing Milliband of milking it for political reasons – I certainly was not expecting this after Nicky’s attempt earlier to ‘trap’ William Hague by listing all of the beliefs of Milliband senior without direct attribution and asking him if he thought they were consistent with loving your country – I would love the same question to be asked of Mr Ed.
They are under huge pressure to create an illusion of ‘balance’. What they hope to do is give the impression the MAJORITY condemn the Mail.
Unfortunately they succeeded in that.
I think a tad too cynical about the intelligence of any open minded listeners, clearly the usual suspects on speed dial will trot out their well rehearsed scripts – although it is always a joy when one of them over eggs it and gives the game away but they are not interested in a debate anyway, I took away a number of points that were made – “Disgrace that the BBC covered the Labour conference last week in great detail and are with labour using this to distract and avoid the Tory conference”; comparisons highlighting the hypocrisy from the left over Thatcher; criticism of Marxism highlighting the unpleasant nature of totalitarian rule; bringing up the subject of the left being apologists for murder under Stalin. All points raised on this august site. It is sad that one has to be grateful for at least some airtime of views counter to the line directly spouted by the BBC (I thought NC was appalling in his interview with Hague – mind you so was Hague “the majority of rebels in Syria are not sectarian” I guess the tories have their useful idiots too, but I digress …
James Naughtie this morning interviewing a couple of election pollsters, when one of them said that Red Ed and the Labour Party might have been better to ignore the Daily Mail’s story about Ralph Milliband’s Marxist leanings. Naughtie replied ‘Well everyone else ignores the Daily Mail.’ The pollster, to his credit came back with ‘Well you do if you’re the BBC.’ Naughtie does his best to recover but ended up looking terribly unbiased. Twenty minutes later on Midweek, one of Libby Purvis’s guests made a joke about standing for MP, or MEP, maybe for UKIP. ‘Oh no, we won’t be doing that.’ replied Purvis, you could almost hear her nose wrinkling into a snarl.
Well if I find that all the Daily Mail’s are sold out by 3pm again, tomorrow, then that would mean that most people are disgusted with Ed Milliband’s admiration for his father, no matter whether he was a dead Marxist or a dead Nazi.
You’d have to have a pretty low IQ to expect Ed Milliband not to admire his father, that’s only to be expected of a son.
The question is, did Ralph Milliband admire this country? Not should Milliband Jnr admire his father.
Incidentally is that Ralph as in Malf or Ralph as in strafe?
I’d hope ‘most people’ would be disgusted by Ralph Milliband’s views but then I don’t expect them to.
I imagine ‘most people’ don’t give a flying fuck.
To be fair to Nick Robinson this morning-he did say that this was deliberate set up by the Labour Party to position Ed in something of a victim mode…and when it`s served its course, he`ll find another vehicle and the BBC will follow that bandwagon too…it`s political chicanery, as so loved by the BBC and the media oafs in Bweebland.
He didn`t say ALL the above…but that`s what I got from it.
Only a Miliband would wheel out Mr Dead and hide behind his corpse so he can screw the country over with the rest of worrying about his stages of grief since 1994.
Can we vote for Ralph?..he`d do less damage to the country NOW that he did when he pimped off the rest of us(via the LSE etc) back up `til 1994.
And he`d certainly do less harm to the nation than his clueless weirdy son.
Why did news night have to get Campbell in to question the Mail man. Campbell interrogating others over honesty and ethics, only the bBC could not see the irony.
I wondered if anyone else saw “Newsnight” presented by Alistair Campbell with guest appearance by Emily Maitlis.
No problem :
What a pair of shites ! This should be broadcast as the next UKIP party political broadcast!
I’d love to get hold of Alistair Campbell…
And beat the shit out of the gobby twat….lets see you butt into what anyone is saying with no teeth left in his face.
(Cue Albaprick butting in to say how horrid I am)
John Steafel from the Mail came across well. Alastair Campbell seemed too much like Malcolm Tucker.
See the irony?
Oh they see it all right.
They are as usual shoving two fingers up to the ordinary Joe in the street, because in truth they believe they are untouchable.
And right now they are.
They are so certain they are right, they can take the piss while showing you.
One day we will get politicians with balls, instead of the wankers we have right now.
Then, and only then, will they be reigned in.
They are so blatant, I think they would see nothing wrong with a QT panel comprising: Mehdi Hasan, Polly Toynbee, Chris Huhne, Alastair Campbell and Ken Clarke (to provide the right-wing balance).
Hope I’m not giving them ideas.
Thank you for not suggesting Owen Jones, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Bob Crow and George Galloway, all on the bBBC speed-dial.
I feel as though I’ve seen those episodes
Da iawn achan
Is everyone else enjoying watching the BBC Nomenklatura defending The Dear Leader? How sweet…
How the bBC reports the news from America when the victim is white and the attacker is non white
New York motorbike rally incident investigated
An investigation is under way after two riders and a motorist were injured in a confrontation during a motorbike rally in New York. Police say they are looking into what started the incident – which saw a large group of bikers chase the car after it allegedly ran down members of the rally who had stopped, blocking the road.
Read the above and then watch the bBC video. who is to blame, I presumed the Bikers. Then I came across this Video which for some reason the bBC didn’t air.
A completely different story which exonerates the White Bikers , I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention that.
How you’ve made this into a story about white/non-white is truly astounding, seeing as the driver of the car was East Asian (set upon by Latinos, so, “sadly” for the Rev Al Sharptons of the world, no black/white issue). In fact, what had happened was that this group of bikers surrounded the vehicle as they rode, and one of them had attempted a “rolling roadblock,” i.e., slowing down in front of the driver. The biker stopped short, the driver naturally ploughed into him, and when one is surrounded by a band of bikers (who, incidentally, had been blocked from entering the Times Square tourist-trap area for the purposes of putting on an unauthorised display of motorcycle stunts) one is naturally reluctant to step out of the vehicle and exchange insurance information. They had caught up to him once already, and stopped him, and had attempted to extract him from the vehicle, before the incident in which he was pummeled and knifed took place.
And then people like Piers Morgan wonder why Americans would want to arm themselves, against hoodlums such as these
Clone warrior wrote:
The biker stopped short, the driver naturally ploughed into him, and when one is surrounded by a band of bikers (who, incidentally, had been blocked from entering the Times Square tourist-trap area for the purposes of putting on an unauthorised display of motorcycle stunts) one is naturally reluctant to step out of the vehicle and exchange insurance information.
But that doesn’t explain how when the second video starts you see the Range Rover go from 0 to hell for leather in a couple of seconds, and in the process climb into the air as it goes over 2 bikes and bikers who are stationary. Also why are people walking around on the road if it is a rolling road block?????
You may wish to continue
I saw this yesterday and came to the conclusion that it was one of those incidents that got way out of hand for a minor cause.
The video is from a bike so you don’t see the whole thing but it looks like the bikers were trying to stop the range Rover from proceeding, for whatever reason. They stop the car. The car tries to get going and then all hell lets loose as the car drives over several bikes and hares off chased by angry bikers who hunt him (presumably) down and well it stops after the bikers surround the car and are trying to get the driver out.
Who is to blame? Who knows, but fifty plus bikers vs one driver is a tad one sided.
“Jim” on the “Today” programme (8:35) discusses the US legislative impasse with “Right Wing” Cato Institute man & a Democrat. Jim says it is all the fault of the Tea Party faction who are an embarrassment to the Republican leadership. The Cato man either does not know Jim & the BBC or is very diplomatic, suggesting that Jim has been misled by getting his opinions from the left leaning US MSM. Not at all says Jim I have been watching Fox News.
I hope Jim has not been sullied by the experience.
Interesting bBC article about people who gave up their American citizenship
‘Why I gave up my US passport’
The bBC talks to 20 people who no longer wanted to be American. and as a counterpoint they allow somebody to talk about how he regretted doing so and thus he came back to the US in which to reverse that decision. Can you guess which country he became a citizen of? Here’s a clue which country in all the world does the bBC hate the most???
Oh and here’s Nbr 18 who the bBC allow to attack the UK:
18. Walt Hopkins, Kinross, Scotland: I renounced my US citizenship in 2007. I have been a British citizen since 2002. After 2014, I plan to renounce my British citizenship and become a Scottish citizen. In addition to objecting to the expensive hassle of US taxes for expats, I renounced my US citizenship because of the way the US spent my taxes on illegal wars. I feel the same way about how my British taxes are spent, so I look forward to an independent Scotland that will use my taxes to care for people rather than to kill people.
Is their another Scotland?
He cannot surely be talking about the one I’m living in.
Fascinating link (with even more fascinating links contained within )
Had previously referred to SNP as Socialist Nationalist (and Scottish workers) Party , for purely humorous effect.
Am now understanding why some are so touchy about the ‘joke’
The SNP gave the Scottish Islamic Foundation £400,000 of taxpayers money. The SIF is a part of the MAB which in turn is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, the spiritual leaders of Al Qaeda, the Taleban, Islamic Jihad and Al Kebab (sic)
Yep, good use of taxpaers money Mr. Hopkins.
Didn’t the bloke who received all that money do a runner to the ME
with “Allah ” Salmond s blessing?
Didn’t the lottery winner give £1m to the SNP, wonder what he thinks now ?
good news everybody!
Eco-Terrorists charged with Piracy (but the beeb refers to the terrorist pirates as “activists”). most of the article is copied and pasted from the eco terrorist organisation greenpeace’s web site apart from the back ground info
Sadly, as the Russian Federation is a member of the Council of Europe, these eco terrorist pirates cannot be executed, but hopefully they will get at least 10 years hard labour to serve as a warning to other eco terrorists who maybe contemplating participating in further acts of piracy, encouraged of course, by the eco terrorist supporting “journalists” at al beeb
What these eco terrorists don’t understand is a ship registered in and flying a flag of a country is part of that country’s territory.
Illegally boarding a vessel is the same as making illegal incursions across country’s borders and the country or vessel involved is legally entitled to take appropriate action.
My local BBC tv news mentioned that the so-called activists had been arrested because they had ‘approached’ the rig. They keep on about the arrest of the ‘journalist’ – ‘he was only doing his job’ etc., etc..
It’s about time these subversives were confronted like this.
How many years in jail do you think Caroline Lucas, Green MP here in Britain will get for defying a Court Order to stop blocking the highway? I suspect she’ll get a free month of free uncritical attention from the BBC to promote her anti-fracking/back to the dark ages agenda. All expenses paid of course.
Every day I see more and more common sense from Russia………will I soon too hate the UK?
‘…..most of the article is copied and pasted from the eco terrorist organisation greenpeace’s web site apart from the back ground info’.
Sounds just like your average IPCC report.
Despite INBBC’s best efforts?:-
“Derby Islamic free school Al-Madinah closed down over accusations of strict religious practices.”
INBBC (2012):
“‘High demand’ for Muslim ethos school in Derby”
Love that “closed for health and safety reasons” excuse.
Must be all that battery acid and Stanley knife maintenance courses in handling that they`re a bit deficient in.
Ah bless-those cuddly Muslims-at least the FGM blades will be as well whetted as those ones that they use in their ritual beheadings.
I`ll not be asking the BBC what the real reasons are for this one…they`ll not be telling me, because they don`t want to know…and sure as hell won`t want us to find out either.
As for BBC Derby?…well Salford will scare them if ever they cared enough to check anyway.
Derby…What a shithole.
Had the misfortune to work there a couple of years ago, it’s a building site…it reminded me of some middle eastern war zone you see on telly, but with slightly nicer cars.
Considering I live in Watford, to call that place a shithole really is showing how bad Derby is.
When Israel tried to protect its citizens from thousands of rockets, missiles and terrorist attacks from Gaza, there was an international outrage. Now Egypt responds to terrorism in the Sinai and has done more than Israel did in order to isolate Gaza. Where’s the BBC coverage? How come that you don’t hear about the suffering of Gaza residents?
Maybe it’s because Israel can’t be blamed for it!
INBBC’s politically filtered ‘reporting’ of Islamic jihad.
Much of INBBC’s ‘reporting’ is via INBBC HAUSA of Nigeria (Islamic-based broadcaster, paid for by British taxpayers/licencepayers) as here, by Isla Sanusi, ( of INBBC Hausa* (* but INBBC does not mention BBC Hausa link):
So all we get is:-
“Nigerian students living in fear”
In comparison, the insightful Raymond Ibrahim has:-
“Where Jihad and Christian Persecution Run Rampant”
To be fair, Isa probably was writing with an eye to the ‘BBC bookie-wookie of Editorial Guidelines you’d better follow even if Mary Hockaday says you don’t on Newswatch’. And whatever he wrote then got filtered.
Actually a few snippets of interest:
‘The group’s name translates as “Western education is forbidden”.’
Snappy. Sure the BBC can’t work on a Gove/Toby angle here? The NUT may even be keen to swap notes.
Nice positive headline on the BBC website stating how “Tories” might be cutting benefits for Under 25s. Compares very well to Ed’s Labour Party headline which said he would freeze energy prices. Fascinating how, out of all the things the BBC could have taken from Cameron’s speech, they chose that one. Anyone would think they had an agenda. They’ve got the champagne on ice ready for 2015…
An Old Bailey trial has heard that a 17-year-old boy had a notebook with information about bomb-making and a list of targets in Loughborough that included council offices, the university, a cinema and a mosque.
Surprise, surprise, the bBBC’s short headline on the main ‘news’ website is Boy ‘planned mosque terror attack’. Better tell Mama!
Ah, so he was an actual terrorist then? I am surprised at the beeb, but perhaps they wish to prove they are not censoring the word ‘ terrorist’ from their reports.
Oh, by the way, their artists impression of the un- named lad ( for legal reasons ) clearly showed his white skin and ginger hair. Funny that huh?
He was a potential-militant*, dammit!
* Insert irony as you wish.
“Boy planned Mosque terror attack.”
Racism against us ,plus support for racists,
can you get any more ……racist? Thst is what the BBC is. An actively racist organisation
But wait… I thought this stuff couldn’t be reported in after the verdict was in?
Clearly, the law must have changed since the last bunch of ‘men’ were in court.
Good point – I remember this being pointed out in some detail on this site.
Frankly, I’m surprised how few attacks have been made on mosques.
Then you haven’t understood what was said previously. Contemporary court reporting like this is absolutely fine.
How about publishing an artists impression of a youth deemed ‘ not to be identified’ ?
Go to the Guardian, and post on the comments section that the Guardian fired Malcolm Muggeridge for reporting on the Ukrainian famine in which 20 million plus Ukrainians were systematically starved to death. See how long it lasts.
Enjoyed this analysis of the pathetic BBC article – link within
And UK’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) campaigns for entry of 80 million Muslim Turk into E.U.
“Syria jihadists ‘advance toward Turkey border post'”
And this:-
“Turkey: Pianist gets ten months prison for insulting Islam on Twitter”
“Rapidly re-Islamizing Turkey hands down a Sharia-inspired ruling. These are the kinds of laws that the purveyors of the ‘Islamophobia’ myth want to bring to the U.S. ” (And U.K.)
“And UK’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) campaigns for entry of 80 million Muslim Turk into E.U.”
Strange way to “campaign” don’t you think?
“Amnesty accuses Turkey of ‘brutal’ Gezi Park protest abuse”
So BBC-NUJ will vote against TUC policy of supporting Turkey’s entry in E.U… next time?
Albaman, being very selective with your “facts” again. Both David Cameron and Boris Johnson have spoken on numerous occasions, and on the record, of their desire for Turkey to become a member of the E.U.
Now toddle off back to your paymasters for your next instruction.
Missed a bit out in my eagerness to post……
As our political class want Turkey to join and further Islamise Europe, what’s not to like for the BBC?
” Both David Cameron and Boris Johnson have spoken on numerous occasions, and on the record, of their desire for Turkey to become a member of the E.U.”
Apologies, I did not realise they were part of the “BBC – NUJ” conspiracy!! These bloody “lefties” get everywhere!!
To repeat:
UK’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) campaigns for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
So, it is the entire political class involved in this “conspiracy” and the BBC-NUJ supports them all. On this basis, against exactly who, are the BBC showing “bias”?
You introduced the word “conspiracy” here.
The BBC-NUJ bias is pro-E.U, obviously.
-As it is:
pro-Islam, pro-Labour, pro-Obama.
No answer again Alby?
here, let me spell it out for you in a way you can understand:
Albaman got his “Balls” rolled again.
Toodle pip.
Just switched over to the One Show, and yet again a couple of lefty tossers as guests
Yes, and one of them ticked another box, I think it was the chap sat on the right….
I see the BBC did manage to send Franz Strasser to shoot some video and
hassleinterview some of those WWII vets who crashed the barriers at the memorial in DC.Cleverly, the BBC got wind of this early and got footage at the airport. Then we’re treated to footage from the memorial itself, with a few vets standing around. So we get to hear people complaining about “the politicians in Washington”. All blame is placed on “they” who will not “compromise”. It fits the BBC agenda that – as we know from Mark Mardell himself – Republicans are to blame for the shutdown.
Now we see the tragic figures of veterans not allowed to visit their own memorial, and your heart-strings are being played like Paganini on his fiddle.
Bizarrely, the Strasser and his BBC boss stopped rolling before the veterans crashed the barricades. How odd that the world’s largest media organization and most-trusted news broadcaster failed to catch the most important part of the entire scene. I fully expect a lurking or non-lurking journalist to explain to me how there’s no failure here.
Here’s something else the BBC isn’t going to tell you: the Obamessiah Administration ordered the National Parks Service to shut down not only places which won’t have staff available, but even locations which have no staff and do not receive any federal funding. In other words, the Community Organizer-in-Chief is closing places which don’t need to be closed. And it gets worse:
The National Park service has closed facilities that are either unmanned or take no federal funding, and says that the Obama administration ordered the shutdown. Anna Eberly, managing director of the Claude Moore Colonial Farm in Virginia, told Tatler that the NPS is renting the barricades that it is using to enforce the closures, an increase in the service’s operating costs at a time that the government is partially shut down.
This is a political stunt, punishing innocents for political gain. And the BBC plays right along, supporting the White House agenda, encouraging you to blame Republicans instead.
Note to the disgusting “journalists” at the BBC: The Tea Party didn’t rent those barricades. The Republicans didn’t turn down the veterans’ request.
“barrycade” is already in the Urban Dictionary:
1. A barrier (usually temporary) that exists for no reason. 2. A barrier erected for political reasons.
“Dude, Obama barrycaded the park.”
“Hey, let’s put up some barrycades to keep those World War II veterans away from the open-air World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., in order to try and score some cheap political points.”
“He’s on the left”
Was there ever any doubt?
“Those reviewing current BBC governance procedures might like to take notes.”
Hold on, the BBC has governance procedures?
`Lincolnshire` man strikes again.
“lessons will be learnt” the incompetent vainglorious ‘professionals’ involved will be move sideways or promoted or find another cosy sinecure in which to play Russian roulette with the wider public to prove their enlightened superior sensitivity and all round goodness and understanding of the poor down trodden victims they and their teams have successfully rehabilitated. Making the people responsible for these decisions criminally/financially responsible for the actions of those they choose to release it will continue to happen with ever increasing frequency. It would be good to see how ‘liberal’ they remain if they lose 5% of their pensions for every year of subsequent sentences of reoffenders!
A little more enrichment before you head off to bed:
It must have been whiteys fault though….he took his hat!!!
No mention in the BBC article that he was born in Swaziland and came to Britain as a nine year old. If my maths is right that’d be around 1999 during the first term of the Labour reign of terror. The beeb either don’t think it’s important or they are, as usual, covering for immigrant criminals, making it out they’re ‘British’ when they’re nothing of the sort.
The ghosts of the 1995-96 shutdown still haunt Washington – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24342526
A patronizing article which refers to Republicans as ‘firebrands’, ‘true believers’ and ‘the faithful’.
A different kind of bias which a friend has drawn to my attention is how dark and depressing recent programming has become.
There is a constant stream of bad news, dramas which concentrate on how hard done by the characters are, comedy which simply isn’t funny, and cheap reality shows about how awful life / the people in them are.
Personally I believe that this is a reflection of the society the left has created, where minority groups vie with one another to gain the status ‘most persecuted’, and if they fail cease to have any power.
The commissioning editors must be a bunch of depressives, but I wonder just how many citizens of this country they are affecting in a serious medical sense with output which can lead to serious depression.
Talking of cheap reality shows, Mrs Geoff was shamelessly watching a crappy program on BBC3 tonight, about chaps arranging their weddings on the cheap without any input from their other halves.
The fact that the couple were a couple of lefty’s, the female a confirmed tattooed feminist aside, the BBC must have worked bloody hard to ensure that the registrar who’s attire confirmed she was a muslim yet performing what one assumes is a Christian based ceremony ?
More subliminal stuff on BBC3, a channel aimed at our young….
Mark Mardell tells us:
‘While the president is staring hard and straight ahead, the Republicans’ eyes are beginning to water, and they are glancing at the ground.’
Wow! I didn’t see that coming!
If Mardell ever gets fed up at the BBC, he should apply for a job at North Korea’s Ministry of Propaganda.
I hear that North Korean TV is full of tales of how the stupid capitalist’s evil imperialist plots are destroyed by the noble knight in shining armor in the form of the socialist state, lead by a wise and courageous leader.
It gets better:
‘Of course the Republicans are doing this so they look like reasonable people, seeking compromise. But it is a terrible tactic. ‘
Obviously, it’s inconceivable that they are doing it because they are reasonable people.
It has to be an act!
Jeff, you should know by now that Mardell believes there can be no real legitimate opposition to anything He says or does. It’s all driven by some nefarious motive. Even in a recent “analysis” he said that the Republicans’ ideological positions were not in fact ideological. And then in his next
screedpost he whines about “ferocious” Republicans and their “hatred”, yet nothing about the President’s anger or hatred or eliminationist rhetoric. As always with him, the emotive terminology is reserved exclusively forhis ideological enemiesthe Republicans. Instead, Mardell swallows the President’s talking points hook, line, and sinker. The man is deranged.Would the BBC’s US President editor call the order to barricade a memorial that’s never manned and never has fences or shutting down public parks which are not federally funded or controlled by the federal government (not to mention the doublethink of spending this extra money when the shutdowns are due to the lack of funding) a “tactic”? Or is he still pretending that didn’t happen and it was all part of the natural order of things?
‘there can be no real legitimate opposition to anything He says or does. It’s all driven by some nefarious motive. ‘
Maybe Wato’s Nick Sutton can get over there and ‘discover’ it as part of his secret ‘purposes of journalism’ thing, which will then justify him finding himself as part of the genesis of a campaign to combat it?
Purely in a ‘reporting’ role of course, like a Paul Mason iPhone address book round robin on where to convene to kick off.
“While the president is staring hard and straight ahead..”
Golly. He sounds smitten. Something Ike that surely needs an image to go with. Given the BBC’s evident predilection for immortalising great leaders who stare hard and straight a lot, maybe…
He’s spotted a golf course in the distance and was working out the intricacies of the 13th hole in preparation for his next holiday.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2439973/Muslim-man-coverts-Christianity-recovering-brain-aneurysm-left-coma-month.html…best story of the week
one down, 1.6 billion to go
That bloke needs to be careful, the story can morph into ‘ survived aneurism, dies of apostasy’
In some countries, that is a distinct possibility.
I shall have a bacon sandwich in his honor in the morning 🙂
Do you accept that what went before was completely wrong?
Was that a BBC question put to a member of the previous Labour Government?
You must be kidding.
That was a question put to a representative of the payday loan industry. Think what you like about the issue that was a pretty robust question. But then the BBC are all about corporate ethics – no?
….Stop press, Beeboid Clare Balding gets her OBE today for her services to BBC box ticking….
But seriously an OBE for what??
Errr……services to muff-diving?
services to perpetuating a feminist myth.
OBE … On Beeb Everyday … medals for that now?
can you imagine the coverage it would have got if an ennobled, high-profile former Tory cabinet minister had approvingly retweeted something supportive from a young lady who turns out to be an escort who is proud of being booked to perform at swingers’ clubs?
Milord Prescott did yesterday when he retweeted this:
” becky subbie @beckysubbie 23h
@johnprescott just paid £30 for a free pair of kids glasses at the opticians …. please can Labour look into the ripoff charges ….
Retweeted by John Prescott”
The state-funded BBC is now demanding answers from Daily Mail advertisers:
If ever there was a clear sign that the BBC needs radically cut down to size, that is it. Trying to frighten off a competitor’s advertisers in the knowledge that it is safe from similar action.
I hope the Mail, which has been increasingly critical of the BBC, now takes off the gloves.
Ed Miliband seeks to prove that he is nothing like his Communist dad by attacking a newspaper because it publishes an article which points out that his dad was a Communist. The BBC seek to refute the charge that it’s (near) monopoly of television news and current affairs is a threat to a free society by running a campaign against the free press.
Not competitor, Roland: political opponent.
I’m going to take out a subscription to the Mail. At least it defends the British virtues of free speech. This is in marked contrast to the BBC which only wants us to hear what it and its liberal left fellow travellers want us to hear.
Of course, IF i could I would cancel my subscription to the BBC .
‘Editor, Radio 4’s The World at One (#wato), The World This Weekend & What The Papers Say. Also worked on Newsnight, BBC News at 10 & Today #tomorrowspaperstoday’
Views, and actions, very much the BBC’s then?
Wow. Just… wow.
Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Ed was looking like he was on a roll, and no doubt helped by the faux outrage brigade hitting twitter in support.
Plus ca change.
But a uniquely funded state medium trying to exert commercial pressure on a hated rival by activist campaigning in guise of editorial?
I wonder if Any Journalists have a view on the ethical dimensions to that one from a DNA-level impartiality-mutated monopoly?
Maybe an enterprising DM editor may have a wee gander back to when Stuart ‘Author, not author’ Hughes was on his bike over Addison Lee and that all got quietly sidelined by BBC CECUTT too?
Nick Sutton@suttonnick 1h
@JvBF1 not creating story. finding out if there is one
If you say so, Nick.
Stuart tried that one too.
Not even his line manager could keep a straight face passing it on.
There are two threads, entitled ‘Taxi’ and ‘Taxi Update’.
The nature of the re-jig means URLs are less easy to share, but as a sample:
By DB | April 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
David Preiser has received a reply from Stuart Hughes’ boss:
Having looked into this I do think Stuart got this wrong and have told him so.
That’ll learn ’em. Or, clearly, only not to do it too soon again.
Maybe they can deploy the Prescott again to pretend it was all a spontaneous public thing? I think those average Joes Stephen Fry and Ben Goldacre are already atop the highest of horses.
Newsnight again? Somebody really needs to do a chart on the intersection of Newsnight and all these Left-wing Beeboids. I imagine it would be quite revealing.
What an arsehole.
Pressuring for a boycott just because the Mail wasn’t kind to a Communist? I suppose one could claim that this is a legitimate news question – not even the remotest intention of putting pressure and the threat of BBC exposure on them, no, heaven forbid – but it’s not really something that would occur to moderates or anyone not on the extreme Left.
The advertisers know the readers really do not care and this has nothing to do with the products advertised. . The BBc would have us think otherwise. It is a measure of just how insulated from reality the BBC is.
A real dose of commercial reality is just what it needs.
In our dreams though.
bBC harping on about the poor people in londinistan using payday loan companies to feed their familes.
less bling, more beans.
less sprogs, more moolah.
Shades of ‘Musical Youth’ and the refrain “How does it feel when you’ve got no food?” in their 1970s video alongside young kids with radio equipment and the evocation of drug taking. Or Eddie Grant, of ‘Electric Avenue’ fame: “Who is to blame in our country? Never can get to the one. They’re dealing in multiplication, and they still can’t feed everyone”.
And meanwhile in Chavistan the Pit Bulls look well fed, their skin is well inked, a packet of Lambert and Bulter and a lottery ticket in their pocket and of course there is always something good to watch on Sky, even better on their 60″ LED TV….
If they had an IQ of 80 or more and got their priorities right, they would realise that it ain’t actually that expensive to eat healthily.
Well, their lottery contributions have just doubled, with Camelot increasing the price by 100 % !
Spare a thought for the vulnerable of society, how ARE they going to cope with that vile disgusting increase?
The Lottery gets a free pass on Today I notice.
This morning had repeated puffs for the “Peoples flutter” from 7 to 8a.m.
I noted the lack of the Business Reporter lashing into their inept, tired and underachieving since 1994…their promotion of online gambling etc which target the poor and the vulnerable…and their doubling of prices at a stroke that will surely hit those least likely to be able to afford this harmless flutter for an empty life on benefits.
Oh wait-the BBC film it don`t they?
Let`s go for those payday loans types-who (unlike the Lottery) target the poor yada, yada.
Irony?…hypocrisy?…bared faced double dealings?…that`s our BBC, without even a sense of shame or unease at what they do!
The BBC are also revamping the Lottery show and pulling out Labour supporting gob on a stick Chris Evans to present it…
Camelot cynically know most people play the same lines every week and therefore know most will stump up the extra quid out of fear.
I was watching the wildlife programme Swarm which was a bit disappointing.
I was hoping to see a bit about Al Beeb mosque in Salford and the largest number of arseholes under one roof.
Tut tut tut tut….
‘BBC travel emissions up, finds annual report’
‘In the month that climate change made headlines around the world, the BBC has released figures showing that it has only made minor progress in becoming a more sustainable and green organisation.’
‘Hattie Park, the BBC’s project manager for environmental sustainability, says: ‘Travel is undoubtedly a difficult area to crack, and we need to travel to do our jobs….’
‘we need to travel to do our jobs’
Hattie clearly showing why she gets the big bucks.
Not sure shunting between Salford and London to prop up a vanity white elephant really qualifies as ‘need’.
Or ‘Ethical Man’ still swanning around the world under that nickname even though he has given up the ethical bit long ago. He was in Russia at an arms fair recently. He liked the big bangs, apparently. One is sure you all saw his report, no?
There’s also what else people and organisations ‘need’… to do their jobs.
As Mr. Bacon showed recently, while a bunchy of sweaty cyclists may see a red flicker at the end of his mike, getting that signal out to the country required another order of power.
Can’t see the BBC defaulting to wind turbines over diesel gens when the cuts hit, so our Hattie will be even more sad.
Guess now is not the time to point out her job seems to be pointless and/or not working anyway, so…?
Why are we even paying someone to do this pretend job in the first place?
‘Sustainability’ and ‘Green’ concerns are overtly political beliefs. What chance is there of the BBC ever being impartial and unbiased about the influence of this political movement when it has already capitulated to its core beliefs?
‘‘Hattie Park, the BBC’s project manager for environmental sustainability…’
An open-ended project, by the sounds of it, unless she finds a way of defeating the second law of thermodynamics.
They obviously don’t have an effing clue what a project is.
Awww, diddums.
Still, at least the school did it’s job, and looked into the claim that looking a scruffy twat is ordained in the Qu’ran.
I still expect the local authorities to sack the poor head though.
Can’t find INBBC report on this.
‘Daily Express’ has:-
“Two Muslim boys, 14, banned from lessons for refusing to shave off beards
“TWO teenage Muslim pupils have been banned from lessons after refusing to shave off their beards for school.”
But, given demographic trends, this nominally Christian school in Lancashire is like to be majority Islamic in a few years, as are many others in England.
BBC ‘drop’ football pundit after tongue in cheek comment about womens football, in the DT Alice Arnold compares his comments to racism.
Interestingly Clare Balding is mentioned but no reference to her being the Husband/partner/wife of the afore mentioned Ms Arnold, and no mention made of the personal comments made by Clare Balding to that toothsome jockey a few years back…
Jeez what a shitty fun free country we live in today, lets just hate everybody and cut out the middle man…
Sorry link to the above…
It has to be said that Tam Cowan, the person suspended, is as funny as toothache, but all he was trying to do was to poke fun at wimmin’s football. We are rapidly approaching the point where free speech is an unaffordable luxury because there are so many waiting to take offence, and the BBC willing to give them as much oxygen as they require.
Still, if you take the Beeb’s shilling…
This sort of PC bullshit is exactly why I now take nothing more than one hit of the BBC headlines first thing in the morning (just to know the agenda) and that’s it. Where once I would listen to the whole of the Today programme now my morning soundtrack is the previous day’s Opie and Anthony Show. It’s so refreshing to hear people really speak their minds, far away from the constraints of our self-righteous PC state-funded monolith. And it’s funny as fuck.
Sorry, Alice. Still, your other half appears the third page, so that’s something.
It puts out pro-Islamic propaganda to appeal to an Arab global audience.
There are many Arabic TV channels, inc Al Jazeera.
BBC people subsidise BBC Arabic..
BBC funds could otherwise be spent on British domestic broadcasting.
BBC Arabic TV, based at Broadcasting House, London, is strike-prone, and full of internal strife:-
“Major changes at BBC Arabic”
By Jake Kanter.
Comforting to know that your BBC tax is being put to good use isn’t it?
PM tonight. Alistair Campbell expressed his concerns that Daily Mail readers might not be able to tell when they were being lied to. I suppose he makes that comment based on his experience of being able to lie to the British people with impunity.
Has this man no shame?
Somewhere, a Beeboid’s head just exploded:
NICS won’t close if there is a gov’t shutdown
NICS is the background check system for gun purchases.
Last week the NRA-ILA reported, “The NICS system will continue to operate,” because “Law enforcement activities are designated as essential services and do not shut down even if the Congress and President fail to agree on funding legislation.”
The system is under the control of the FBI, which is considered essential and never shuts down. The website is up and running right now, unlike the website for the National Park Service (yet they managed to pay somebody to put up the shut down page, presumably right before he was sent out to a national monument with a forklift). At most, there will be a slowdown in the process. Which will most likely be deliberate.
Possible silver lining: the ATF won’t be running guns to Mexican drug cartels for a few days.
Just been looking at this BBC web page,it’s about the US debt ceiling.
There is a bar chart on the page with “President” under,marked as Red or Blue. Looks like the BBC are off loading a year of (Obama) debt onto Red from Blue?
My bad,it’s right.
Yes, but see that quasi-plateau between 1997 and 2000? Guess which political party controlled Congress, and with whom the Democrat President was smart enough to negotiate and balance the effing budget. It’s a shame that party’s establishment went on a spending spree later because they stopped being proper conservatives. Of course, things only got worse when the other party controlled all of Congress. Funny how we didn’t hear from the BBC about a hate-filled opposition blocking the previous President’s every move back then.
“Thought BBC was biased?
“Try CNN on Iran/Israel.
CNN’s positive spin on Iran is collectively staggering. Did the Iranian regime secure such favorable coverage with payments? Or is this good old fashioned political bias and ineptitude?”
By Noah Beck.
“CNN’s Iranian Propaganda Campaign”
Of course, now that Ms Amanpour has moved to London, it is likely she will be a regular political feature on like-minded BBC TV; she already has her feet under the table at Marr’s show.
Rod Liddle:
“Ever since I criticised a leftist icon, the Beeb hasn’t stopped calling me”
“It is one or another media representative from the bien-pensant absolutist liberal left….”
Surely he can’t mean to include the BBC in this. Good thing Lord Hall is fixing that management structure and is capping those golden parachutes, eh?
Over to you, defenders of the indefensible.