Hi Folks! Here’s a brand new shiny Open Thread for you. It’s the day of Cameron’s big speech at #CPC13, wonder how the comrades will cover that one? And what about the partial close down of the American Government – I believe the Panda cams are off in Washington zoo, that is how serious it has become and how reckless those evil GOP politicians are. Then we have Netanyahu daring to cast doubt on the intent of Rouhani. I am sure the BBC will cover these, and other issues, with their usual neutrality. Enjoy.
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For INBBC to report?:-
“UK: Imam who says gays should be thrown off a mountain to speak at London conference”
Still, at least he isn’t an extremist like Robert Spencer, so we can sleep safely in our beds.
When I wrote to my MP to protest about the exclusion of Robert Spencer from the U K he replied with an accusation that extremists have to be kept out of the UK .
What a wanker that MP is!
What a fuckin joke.
They are truly taking the piss now.
Oh, he’s a conservative btw.
“Interpal Gathers Gay Haters in London”
The whole left are cowards they will get justice for what they have maybe not in this life but the next.
Breaking News Washington lockdown.
Once again sky are miles ahead of the BBC. Sky has live pictures from their own reporter on the ground with the capitol building in the background.
The BBC, despite 8000 journos (motto, ‘first with breaking news’), have nothing but an agency video feed and are chatting to random strangers on the phone.
So despite Skys meagre resources they’re first on scene with reporter, camera crew, plus satellite link equipment. Where are the BBC? Probably all attending diversity seminars.
Whatever they’re doing, the BBC journalists will certainly not be informing you about this:
Troops Forage for Food While Golfers Play On in Shutdown
Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.
All 128 employees of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. are working, while 3,000 safety inspectors employed by the Federal Aviation Administration are off the job.
The Food and Drug Administration is reviewing new pharmaceuticals. The National Institutes of Health is turning away new patients for clinical trials.
Those damn non-ideological Republicans and their contempt for the public, right? Unlike other federally administered sites, Andrews Air Force Base golf course is open for business as usual. Why?
The Andrews Air Force Base golf course is funded through user fees and that’s why it remains open, said Air Force Captain Lindy Singleton, chief of public affairs for the 11th Wing at Andrews.
Sure, but guess which Nobel Peace Prize laureate plays there regularly. Hint: it’s not Al Gore or Jimmy Carter.
Anyone who has been watching the palava over the Republicans refusal to put money into Obamacare will be interested – the BBBC says how Obamacare will help the poor people – implication the ‘rich’ Republicans are being selfish and putting the poor in danger – why then, this headline from Forbes, and when will the BBBC tell us about this part of the story??
The Daily Mail shift approx 1.8m copies a day, yet the BBC seem unable to find a single reader for its Question Time audience, which seems to be full of readers of Medi Hassan’s online rag…
INBBC: preferring Islamic Republic of Iran, to Israel?
INBBC’s Mr Connolly is disparaging of Israel PM Netanyahu’s schematic, simplified drawing of Iran’s nuclear weapons’ development strategy.
But here is Mr Netanyahu in interview with Charlie Rose of Bloomberg TV, without INBBC’s political filters:-
(45 min video)
“Can Israel convince West to stay sceptical over Iran?”
By Kevin Connolly,
BBC Middle East correspondent.
In ‘waterloo road’ yesterday, the BBC managed to shoe-horn in a load of lefty stuff about the british empire while an old soldier addressed some kids. About as subtle as a brick through a window. Great stuff.
Nolan on FiveShite has managed to smugly repeat the Medi Hassan QT rant twice in ten minutes.
Lovely BBC irony at lunchtime on Daily Politics with three white journalists schooling Pakistani UKIP candidate Amjat Bashir about racism. Are they aware of how patronising they sound, do you think?
Do we normally get this level of detail of those found guilty of these kinds of crimes? Seems unusual to me, but note the difference in the names of the convicted.
Anyone who witnessed the so called ‘interview’ of Neil Hamilton, the chairman of UKIP, by the BBC’s Andrew Neil the other night, was left in no doubt as to smarmy Scots view of that party. The hectoring, aggressive, and ridiculing style of the piece, was typical of the anti UKIP bias that Neil displays at every opportunity.
No surprise therefore, when yesterday on Daily Politics, Neils’ guest was non other than Michael ‘Judas’ Heseltine.
Interesting that these two get together at dinnerparties, in their spare time.
Heseltine was obviously invited onto the show, to give him a platform to attack UKIP, and accuse the party of racism.
Of course Neil would never dream of balancing the interview, by informing the viewers of the Europhile dinosaurs self interest in how much cash he stands to lose if the UK pulls out of Europe.
Ah, the good old days under Stalin… A heart warming story on the BBC website on how the children of some of the most odious individuals of the 20th century were educated at an “international school” in the Soviet Union. Starts of with the daughter of the communist leader of Palestine (where else). We are told that “Decades later, she has fond memories, like many other former students, of singing revolutionary songs, and rejoicing in the belief that their parents were making the world a better place.” Lots of mentions for Mao’s son. Ah yes, comrade, you can almost smell the nostalgia…