That old anarchist has blown his cover now the shackles are off.
Paul Mason has stuck the knife into the BBC:
A ‘patrician elite at the BBC is failing audiences’: Former editor claims executives are more worried about ‘messing up’ than making interesting programmes
- Paul Mason was Newsnight’s economics editor for more than a decade
- He’s warned websites like Twitter could become ‘more believable’ than the BBC because they are more receptive to corrections from readers
The BBC is led by a ‘patrician elite’ that fails to listen to its audiences, one of its former editors has claimed.
Paul Mason – who was Newsnight’s economics editor for more than a decade – warned websites like Wikipedia and Twitter could soon become ‘more believable’ than BBC News because they are more receptive to corrections from readers.
‘To many people Wikipedia is news; Twitter is a news service. Our problem is when Wikipedia and Twitter become more believable than the BBC because they sound more authentic. Or because they are better peer-reviewed in real time: ‘that’s wrong, change it’. They are both subject to more peer-review than BBC output.’
But, of course, Paul Mason was part of the problem, as BBC-NUJ Father of the Chapel at ‘Newsnight,’ with his incessant politically Marxist-left propaganda.
He will expect an even freer political hand at Channel 4.
Paul Mason never let his socialist principles stand in the way of using his BBC given fame to plug and sell his various books!
Did he actually have any economics qualifications when he became economics editor at Newsnight?
according to wiki, his degree is in music and politics (wow clever fella) and he’s a qualified music teacher. By bbc standards, i think that means he was well over qualified to report on economics
yes,paul mason this left wing bbc fanantic has popped up on channel 4 the last fews days getting very excited and foaming at the mouth about the arrests of them dodgy lot from golden dawn in greece,paul mason is obsessed with golden dawn for some reason and spends most of his time stalking there members and supporters,golden dawn to me are a very dodgy weird lot but paul masons demonising of the politacal party just shows that paul mason left wing bias in reporting extends to his new job with channel 4,just look at his twitter feed to see what his obsession is with golden dawn.
The is what Brendan O’Neill, editor of ‘spiked,’ has to say about the arrest of Greece’s ‘Golden Dawn’ leaders:-
Can you imagine the BBC’s delight if all Muslim MPs had been rounded up after the murder of Lee Rigby?
A somewhat different take on things then I imagine.
Now that he’s quit the BBC, I think Mason is C4’s new It’s All Kicking Off editor.
C4 is state-owned as well…..I wonder if there is a connection here…or even a common purpose?
“He said: ‘To many people Wikipedia is news; Twitter is a news service. Our problem…”
Not going to disagree with the latest pension-secured ex-staff critic of the top table on how stuffed the market rates have managed to make the BBC, but this one is a bit rich.
The ‘many people’ he refers to above were and are he and his colleagues. Wiki is at best a revisionist resource, on matters of controversy easily skewed by those with the time and will to meddle with it to suit. And he of all people was the most guilty of conflating and confusing Twitter with a news service, using it to marshal his pet activists’ tales into a version of truth he liked. His muse Penny must be bereft to lose a megaphone to the credulous of his seniority.
On the BBC, at least.
I don’t also recall he or his Newsnight colleagues being particularly receptive to feedback or correction on twitter or FaceBook either, being more prone to haughty ignoring or arrogant blocking. Hardly mechanisms of transparency or trust.
He’s no more than an old-school ‘tell it often enough’ propagandist given the keys to the edit suite too often. Along with fellow overpaid hypocrite Flanders, he will be sorely missed.
With you until the final sentence – surely a typo that should read ‘missed like a sore’?
I stand corrected:)
Of course one reason why people may prefer on-line news sources to the BBC is that at least Twitter doesn’t have people like Comrade Paul deciding that the lower orders have no need to hear about the State lifting three Christian preachers.
Indeed Mason seems to make his own choices for reporting now he is in Channel 4 News. He seems to be permanently based in Athens reporting on Golden Dawn and their alleged murder of a rapper called KillerP. Unlike the other BBBC and C4 journalists who attended every demo and riot by the public sectorists in Greece over the last few years he wasn’t captured by the left. He was it, and still is. The greatest indeed only enemy is the fascists – no mention therefore of the bank staff who were incinerated by anarchists in Athens in one of the first riots. No call for police action against their ‘leadership’ or that of Syriza.
His wild-eyed certainties are impressively on display. Will C4’s new ‘Europe’ correspondent Matt Frei, now in Italy, ever be allowed to report from Greece? Will Paul ever come home? Do we care?
I no longer watch CH4 News in order to satisfy their very own never-ending EU-CAGW propaganda message that the future ‘won’t know snow’.
No more Jon Snow in the future? What’s to dislike?
As the piecework-paid and/or volunteers carry on critic-clogging duties on their behalf, it is interesting to note how much recent events have actually affected the market rate classes atop the BBC greasy pole…
Media Guardian (@mediaguardian)
02/10/2013 14:36
BBC cuts: just four senior management jobs set for closure
Asses lead by jackals/rabbit hybrids?
Perhaps wisely, comments have been disabled.
Happens a lot these days. Can’t think why.
Maybe, for some, all is settled simply if they say so?
Mason is in damage limitation mode knowing full well that after his pathetic attempts at demonising men he’s absolutely loathed and ridiculed in equal measure. If he really had a problem with the BBC hierarchy he would have left earlier. He’s still a cunt.
No he’s not, one of those would be useful.
Mason does come across as somewhat loopy here. It sure sounds like he’s saying that the BBC “still” has a reputation for being impartial, but Twitter will take over as being more trustworthy because people on Twitter respond more quickly to peer pressure.
He’s right about the leadership problem, but once again a supporter of the BBC misses the point. Restructuring the management will change nothing if it just puts more of the same sort of Beeboid in charge. Savile/McAlpine would have happened regardless of management structure if the people in charge today were running the show then. If it was really all down to budget cuts and they’ve learned that lesson, why is more money being poured into the US and not Newsnight? Apart from the obvious answer of US eyeballs and the accompanying revenue, I mean.
And what’s this about the BBC not listening to voices from the public telling them to become more innovative? Are there really complaints about that, and not from “both sides”? Or is this more poll-driven, where people had never really thought about it, but now that you ask, tick the “yes” box. Another alternative is that Mason is really referring to his colleagues and friends in the media who think the BBC should be more innovative, whatever that means at the moment. I don’t really get this one.
PS: I’m pretty sure someone brought this up recently, but I’m reminded of it again here: Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders is leaving the BBC and is taking over market strategy for JPMorgan in Europe.
In her own words,from CityWire:
‘In many ways, I will be doing the same thing at JP Morgan Asset Management that I have been doing at the BBC: explaining what is happening in the UK and global economy, and why it matters.
‘But in my new role I will have the time and resources to develop my own economic ideas, and deepen my understanding of the markets, at one of the world’s most experienced financial institutions. I’ll also have the new thrill, for me, of helping to grow a business. I can’t wait.’
Sell! Sell! Sell!
What’s the BBC going to do now that their two top Left-wing economics editors have left?
“What’s the BBC going to do now that their two top Left-wing economics editors have left?”
Appoint some more Labour Party supporting economics editors.
‘What’s the BBC going to do now that their two top Left-wing economics editors have left?
Get in two more.
For balance.
To be fair, even BBCteat-addicts like Mason and Flanders must eventually have got exhausted being wrong all the time, and the possibility that their most cherished negative prayers might not transpire before the next election may have caused the odd quiver in the Farce.
However, their mugs being plastered on screen for a few decades between ’em was always going to be enough to secure a well-paid gig somewhere. That’s how TV exposure works.
If a brand-value fact of economics oddly missed by the market rate talents at the BBC negotiating marker rates.
I don’t know, GW. It looks like “Two Eds” is getting affirmation, not a hint that she’s ever been wrong. She is well-credentialed, of course, which means all.
She’s getting a shed load of money, I’ll grant you.
What for, who knows, as her record with matters fiscal is clear.
Now many could live with such affirmation, true. But for a few, it may just niggle.
Maybe she’s going to be JPMorgan’s “special rapporteur” on the Eurozone.
I saw reports on twitter hinting that JP Morgan were hoping via her past connections with Larry Summers (who was in the running to head the US Federal Reserve) she would be of use. Note that this means that Stephanie Flanders has lived all her life off her connections! Not very socialist is it?
Oh and Summers resigned from the race so JP Morgan now has purchased a devalued list of contacts. Failure always surrounds the flounderer doesn’t it?
Agreed, Jane. Back when Summers was still in the running for Fed boss, I was wondering if Flanders was going to take a position at the right hand of her old mentor. The thought filled me with dread, I can tell you. Maybe JPMorgan offered her the position with expectations of insider info from the Fed. It would be par for the course with the way high finance and government are too intertwined these days. JPMorgan’s European directors better hope their new market strategist doesn’t recommend any more bailouts.
It would be awful… just awful… if it turned out that, after a suitable period to spare blushes, it turned out that commercial pay levels and tenure were based on actual performance, vs. the measure the BBC appears to use.
And Paul Mason apparently said that the BBC is still “trusted to be impartial worldwide”…but this patrician elite of his may put all that in jeopardy.
Give us the evidence Paul…I get tired of this old trope being trotted out(and Trot is the word)…and always without any evidence for this canard of the Left.
The BBC is trusted only by idiot lefties, surely to God…it`s raging rampant bias is apparent to all….surely?
This self-serving individual still claims Despite insisting the corporation still has a ‘global reputation for telling the truth and being impartial’, he warned it risked being overtaken by social networking sites.
Since he has been a leading critic of the Tory ‘cuts’, and justified the rioters actions a few years ago as a result of Tory policies, he clearly does not understand the meaning of the word ‘impartial’.
Just the fact we know his perspective on any given subject shows how biased he was. Either he takes us for fools to say what he did, or is really not aware how ignorant and self-delusory he truly is.
Maybe it’s just me, but facts are not facts because enough people agree they are. No news outlet that claims to be truthful can allow peer pressure to influence its output. Is that why the BBC puts out such arrant nonsense? (of course it is!)
Something is either right or it isn’t, surely?