The Useless Idiots at the BBC are once again dancing to Labour’s tune… Peter Oborne noted:
“Rather than representing the nation as a whole, it [the BBC] has become a vital resource – and sometimes attack weapon – for a narrow, arrogant Left-Liberal elite.”
We could look at the BBC’s cover up of Labour’s immigration policy, its cover up of Labour’s deadly legacy in the NHS, its cover up of Labour’s economic incompetence, its cover up of Muslim rape gangs, its cover up of Palestinian terrorism, its anti-Israeli stance, its undermining of confidence in the economy and promotion of Labour’s ‘Plan B’…and of course its coverage of the War on Terror in which it has chosen to side with the terrorists.
We could look at all those things and ask if the BBC has been a force for good in Britain.
But not today.
Today we look at the BBC’s hypocrisy in trying to smear the Mail as anti-Semitic by using a headline from 1934 as possible evidence of today’s attitudes in the paper…attitudes which we are told include homophobia…evidenced by the Jan Moir article allegedly.
The BBC is using its massive power and influence to again attack a commercial and political rival and to aid the Labour Party in trying to impose political control over the Press.
Miliband claimed this ‘wasn’t about regulation…I’m not trying to censor the Press I’m trying to correct it.’
But of course that is a lie, that is a lie…as Ed Miliband might say….Miliband demanding that the paper’s owner Lord Rothermere investigate its culture and practices.
His interview with LabourList this morning betrays the real motivation for why Miliband and Alastair Campbell, who is at the centre of this, have gone after the Mail
…to curtail Press freedom and impose political control.
Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph nails the BBC vested interest in supporting Miliband…apart from the obvious ‘quite vocal, massive bias to the left’ as Mark Thompson admitted was central to BBC outlook on life:
Members of the political class have been attempting to tame the press for decades. (The Spectator came out against such interference back in 1834.) Yet only now, when many of the public prints lie on their deathbed, do politicians have a reasonable chance of success. The pressure group Hacked Off is desperate to establish political control, and it sees its chance. It has, in Mr Miliband, someone keen to play David to the Goliaths of Fleet Street. As one Cabinet member puts it: “Miliband may very well push through the full Leveson regulation with Liberal Democrat support.
The BBC is certainly doing its best [to help Miliband], and is treating his spat with the Daily Mail as if it were a national emergency. The debate about press regulation is impossible to understand in Britain without considering the BBC’s interests. It loathes Sky, and was keen to stop Rupert Murdoch’s attempt to buy the broadcaster outright. Murdoch’s News Corporation had a $12 billion cash pile, and it fancied putting rocket boosters under Sky. Mark Thompson, then head of the BBC, signed a letter begging the government to stop Murdoch. The BBC broke its own rules and became an actor in the drama. Even worse, it never admitted the fact.
Like a medieval army that believes it has to keep conquering or face defeat, the state-funded BBC has started to occupy new terrain and is now a hegemon in providing the printed word. More people get their news from the 18-year-old BBC website than from any newspaper, unfair competition which is crushing not just local newspapers but national ones, too.
its selling point is that it is seen as moral, and more balanced than the newspapers – so it has a vested interest in stories that present the press as being collectively guilty of a terrible misdemeanour. At times, it seems to delight in the discomfiture of the Daily Mail – and, make no mistake, the two are now rivals, battling it out for digital readers. BBC Online even has its own version of the Mail Online’s famous “sidebar of shame”, with stories headed “my Nazi blood” and “teenage exorcists”.
In support of that interest a vast wave of sympathetic coverage and ‘analysis’ in favour of Miliband has been streaming out of BBC portals…on the web, on radio and on Television.
This Newsnight interview by Emily Maitlis with the Daily Mail deputy editor, Jon Steafel, demonstrates the highly partisan approach whereby the Mail is wrong and has to defend itself whilst Miliband’s Marxist father is someone who loved Britain…we know because he served in the Navy…as Maitlis keeps reminding us as if that is a reflection of his politics. Of course this is the interview where for some reason, the completely unconnected to the story, Alistair Campbell, is brought in to have his say.
The Today programme told us its ‘lead story’ was the Mail and Miliband….and raised the subject of anti-Semitism which is the latest line of attack on the Mail….it also accused the Mail of continuing its campaign against Labour and Miliband by reporting that Labour covered up hospital failures. However the Telegraph was highlighting that report last night:
Labour accused of ‘cover up’ over failing hospitals
Labour has been accused of putting pressure on the NHS watchdog to “cover up” information about appalling standards of care at failing hospitals in the run up to last General Election.
A story curiously missing from…the BBC.
Miliband, the BBC reports on its website, said he did not agree with the Jewish Chronicle’s suggestion that there was “a whiff of anti-semitism” about the Daily Mail’s Ralph Miliband article….but of course both the BBC and Miliband know that mud sticks.
To help that mud stick the BBC adds this: Before WWII, Harold Harmsworth praised Adolf Hitler and in 1934 penned a Daily Mail article headlined “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” celebrating Oswald Mosley’s British fascists
No mention of the left wing Mirror’s own headlines supporting the Blackshirts…led by Labour’s Oswald Mosley….who served in the British Army during the First World War…so he loved Britain you know!…and as the Westminster Gazette told us…‘He has human sympathies, courage and brains.”
The Mail’s City editor Alex Brummer has demanded an apology…….He ‘told the BBC the paper was owed an apology over claims that its Ralph Miliband articles were motivated by anti-semitism.
This morning Nicky Campbell joined the fray with a question:
He raised the spectre of the Mail’s support for the Blackshirts in the 1930’s, but of course made no mention of the Mirror’s.
He connected this to claims that the Mail is anti-Semitic and homophobic.
Curious that so much is made of that past error of judgement and yet we are not allowed to examine Ralph Miliband’s…it is fine to label the Mail, and presumably the owners and journalists who work there, as ‘anti-Semitic’ but to say a man who loved Britain so much that he wanted to change it didn’t love Bitain is taboo:
Ralph Miliband’s biographer, Michael Newman, said the late academic “wanted a different kind of Britain” but “wasn’t against Britain”.
But if we’re to delve back into the past in order to understand the present let’s also include the BBC…..and if the BBC is found to be anti-Semitic and homophobic tendencies in the past can we then accuse Campbell of being a Jew hater and Gay basher? Would that be fair?
Maybe we should ask Is the BBC Good For Britain? Let’s have a look through the archives:
ANTI-SEMITISM in the higher ranks of the Foreign Office and the BBC during the Second World War led to a policy which suppressed news about Germany’s attempt to exterminate European Jews, new research will show this week.
… both Foreign Office and BBC officials held a low opinion of Jews, and believed this was shared by the public.
They deduced that saving millions of Jews would not be seen as a desirable war aim by the British. At other times they justified suppression of details of the atrocities by arguing that they would not be believed.
News reports could only be carried if, in the view of the BBC and the Foreign Office, they were well-sourced. If the sources were Jewish, they tended not to be believed.
BBC accused of ‘institutionalised homophobia”
The BBC is “almost endemically” homophobic in its portrayal of gay and lesbians across a range of programmes, a report concluded.
The report also found “low-level homophobia” was institutionalised throughout factual and entertainment programming on the BBC. A monitoring exercise by researchers at the University of Leeds found that, during 168 hours of programming, only 0.4 per cent of the output tackled gay and lesbian issues and 80 per cent of that coverage was deemed negative.
Focus groups singled out the BBC as the worst broadcaster in terms of its portrayal of gay men and women and issues surrounding them.
And what about that ever present commentator on the BBC Mehdi Hasan…do they have nothing to say about his institutionalised homophobia?:
As a Muslim, I struggle with the idea of homosexuality – but I oppose homophobia
I’ve made homophobic remarks in the past, writes Mehdi Hasan, but now I’ve grown up
I’m a progressive who supports a secular society in which you don’t impose your faith on others – and in which the government, no matter how big or small, must always stay out of the bedroom. But I am also a believing Muslim. And, as a result, I really do struggle with this issue of homosexuality.
No Mehdi, you cannot be ‘secular and progressive’ and at the same time a devout, believing, practising Muslim, the two things are complete opposites.
Still the BBC likes him.
Whilst having a lot to say about the Mail and its alleged anti-Semitism it is curious they have nothing to say about events like this which are regularly highlighted by Harry’s Place:
Interpal Gathers Gay Haters in London
This Sunday the Hamas supporters of the British charity Interpal will hold yet another conference featuring hate preachers. The venue will be the Edmonton Islamic Centre in London.
Abdullah Hakim Quick
Quick is an American Islamist preacher. His line on homosexuality is as clear and chilling as can be.
They said “what is the Islamic position [on homosexuality]?” And I told them. Put my name in the paper. The punishment is death. And I’m not going to change this religion.
Murtaza Khan
Khan is one of the worst British hate preachers.
I’m not homophobic. I believe in a natural way of life. I’m repeating you what your Bible tells you. In the hadith you find: “You find the people doing the action of Lot, kill the one who does the action and the one the action is being done to.”
Abu Usamah at-Thahabi
Thahabi is an imam at the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham.
Do you practice homosexuality with men? Take that homosexual man and throw him off the mountain.
I expect it would be considered Islamophobic to challenge those views.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of the liberal left elite and is used by that elite to set the agenda for news and current affairs in the country as a whole. The BBC slavishly follows the elite’s values and concerns and attacks anyone that they consider a threat to elite’s privileged position or whom they think may influence the ordinary British people to think for themselves.
In return the elite protect the BBC from outside competition and maintain its lavish state funding. It’s a classic ruling elite set up, with ordinary folk only required to keep on funding their lavish lifestyles.
This elite wants to control what ordinary people see and hear, to suppress any truth that doesn’t chime with their values, so the BBC is of enormous value. If anyone pops up with a contrary view they are savaged and driven out eg Murdoch and now Dacre. Suppressing a free press and freedom of speech and hence democracy is their current agenda.
Slowly but surely the Britain is being reduced to a country with only one source of news and current affairs, the BBC.
Why was Quick allowed into the country in the first place?
Is it only certain types of hate-speech that get you banned from Britain?
Like if you criticise ‘Islamophobia’ as used by Warsi, etc.
In so far as the 1930s now count as current affairs, what are the odds against anyone at the BBC mentioning that it’s newspaper arm, the Guardian, fired a reporter in the Thirties for reporting accurately on Comrade Stalin’s reforms in the Ukraine?
More on Mr Hasan:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Mehdi Hasan and the Daily Mail: some context”
By Will Heaven.
“City editor Alex Brummer says it is the Daily Mail which is owed an apology in Miliband row”
Moralists , bureaucrats and tyrants.
The inevitable progression of the left when in power.
Our real defence is that the left is living in a fantasy world.
As for the BBC. Why bother it is a lost cause after 50 years of recruiting only the hive minds with hive thoughts and hive morality.
I find it merely amusing. Amusing but still dangerous I suppose.
Liberal? WTF is liberal about the BBC? Not liberal just left.
Beeboid commandments:-
1.) Thou shalt not criticise Ralph Miliband’s politics, and thou shalt prefer Labour;
2.) Thou shalt dance at the death of Margaret Thatcher, and thou shalt chastise the Tories;
3.) Thou shalt praise Islam, and its enemies will be banned;
4.) Thou shalt bring immigrants without number;
5.) Thou shalt want E.U to rule this country;
6.) Thou shalt not frack;
7.)Thou shalt read the ‘Guardian’ but boycott the ‘Daily Mail’;
8.)Thou shalt worship Obamessiah, and no other god;
9.) Thou shalt not be tempted by News International, nor Sky;
10.) Thou shalt accept Leveson, and not freedom.
What a load of verbal wank.
nicky campbell is a putz,he is a typical of these middle class 5 live socalist presenters and they are many of them who live in the politacaly correct ivory towers who pretend they are impartial but in fact work to a far left agenda in every damm phone ins of theres to suit the bbc and 5 lives political marxist agenda that is bred into them from day one when they get a job at thec bbc.i am sick to my teeth of them,i smelt the glove ages ago with these lot at 5 live and the bbc.and in all fairness and balance,i challenge any one of you 5 live presenters who work from 6am to 7 pm on radio 5 live to tell me and the biased would you vote for ukip or the conservative party at the next election in 2015.i know you lot nicky campbell,vicky derbyshire,shelagh fogarty,richard bacon,peter allen,stephen nolan reed this blog and i want a damm honest answer to my question here man.
Is Stephen Nolan Reed a person?
BBC-NUJ has a page of propaganda for Greenpeace, but, of course, censors this:-
“UK: Muslim group cries Islamophobia,’ issues veiled threats after University of London bans Islamic supremacist speakers”
‘Telegraph’ (£)
“BBC journalist offered promotion for sex, dossier claims”
By Tom Whitehead.
“The woman said another employee who was covered maternity leave accepted the invites from the director for ‘dinner at his place[‘ and had her job made permanent.
“The allegations are contained in a confidential 109-page dossier of complaints of sexual harassment and bullying at the corporation.
“Others include claims a senior manager was given a pay-off despite allegations he sent sexual text messages to two female graduates and a black radio presenter who was told his voice was ‘not black enough’ to broadcast a programme aimed at black youths.
“Women working on Afghan issues for the BBC based in London also claimed they were criticised for wearing western clothes and expressing opinions.”
“Jobs for sex, rampant harassment and racism: Damning new dossier that shames the BBC is ‘further evidence of long-standing culture of bullying'”^headlines