Quite remarkably, the BBC leads is news coverage AGAIN with a pro Ed Miliband anti Daily Mail story. It seems to me that the BBC has lost all perspective on this non-story and had decided to run with it as hard as possible with the intent of a/Seeking the head of Paul Dacre b/Cowering the Mail from running future such stories on hardline Marxists c/Damaging the Mail in as many ways as possible d/Promoting Ed Miliband as the advocate of all that is noble and good. Alastair Campbell has not been off the BBC with his smearing of Dacre and the Mail’s editorial line. The behaviour of the BBC on this story has been breathtakingly BIASED and just as worrying, effective. The LibDems have put the boot in and the Conservatives seem embarrassed and unwilling to stand up and say that Ralph Miliband DID hate British values. The sanctimonious preening of the Left in general and the BBC in particular on this issue has been astounding. What say you, gentle reader?
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The ideological battle has started. It’s clear for all to see. On one side is hatred, lies and twisted views. On the other is truth.
The left have won. It’s game over. You just have to decide whether you can resist from within or you need to get out before they come for you. You, the reader, as well as you DV.
After last nights QT I think you’re right.
Never watch QT. It is an abberation, and a great symbol of everything that is wrong with the BBC. The best that QT has given us is this :
And this (it’s been on here before) :
I actually preferred this one (trying to get the link to bring up the image)
“The left have won. It’s game over.”
On the contrary they have revealed their hand, and their hatred of a free society is there for all to see. As for the BBC, it is clear that nothing less than a (left of centre) one Party State will satisfy them.
Their credibility as a news organisation (and all that market rate talent trained by the BBC school of journalism) is in free fall.
Newsnight is so third rate it is embarrassing. Even its journalists are leaving.
They should replace it with a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.Would anybody spot the difference?
I love the Harry and Paul sketch.
‘But the bankers the bankers the tories the tories the bankers..”
Rubbish, man. The majority in this country are increasingly rejecting leftist ideology but the media, based in multicultural London, have the power. You have the power you can portray as if the majority. The BBC are in decline in terms of credibility. We need a media revolution as well as a political surge. Have hope, have faith and above all spread the truth!
RA, are you Ron Atkinson? Despite your counsel of despair, it’s good to have you back. Never say die.
And Ron, don’t forget, it’s never over until Yoko Ono sings.
Sings? Really?
RA “The left have won, it’s game over”.
Not while there’s a breath left in my body. Their sick ideology and its implications to us are slowly being laid bare for all to see and there’s no way am I no going to fight for our hard earned freedoms. Our children’s future depend upon it.
Hi Britain!
Hello Ed.
Hey, Britain, I like your look today – especially your top half.
Really? You like my top bit?
Yeah it looks…. heroic!
Well, that’s nice of you to say so.
Listen, Britain, there’s something I’ve meaning to say…
Ok, well, make it quick I’m in a bit of a hurry.
Britain… you know I love you… and since this ‘equal marriage’ thing….
Ed, what are you trying to say?
I might as well come out with it – Britain, let’s become one nation.
Wow, I don’t know what to say….
Just say yes!
Yes, yes, yes!
Just one thing though, Britain…
What’s that.
I need you to meet my dad.
Sure…. wait, does he have a problem with me Ed?
Of course not he loves you Britain.
Great, that’s ok then.
Thing is…. he’s not keen on your House of Lords.
But, Ed, I’ve had my House of Lords for years… I thought you said he loves me.
He does, he does. You need to make some changes.
What sort of changes?
Well, Britain, he’s not keen on your Royal Family.
I suppose I could give them up….
And your Army, your Police…. your class system, judiciary, education….
Hey Ed! I thought you said he loved me!
He does… you just need to make a few changes.
But all those things he hates… they’re what make me Britain.
But he loves you and he thinks all the changes he would like to see will be for your own good.
You know what Ed… It’s off!
“b/Cowering the Mail from running future such stories on hardline Marxists”
All are entirely predictable, and even legitimate in free-speaking democracies.
But this one is the most pernicious, as the target seems less the Mail (though having picked a fight, idiotically has offered its throat a few times already) but any possible critic of anything that does not suit the narrative.
Which would be fine. Of a political party. Of their tribal media thugocracies, if inspiring some very worrying zombie shock troops possibly beyond the wearing of tacky t -shirts.
However, what is not fine is such a nakedly partisan assault being led and it seems organised by a highly politicised minority in a supposedly impartial state medium, force-funded by compulsion and free to indulge in propaganda backed by censorship daily with £4Bpa of public money.
The BBC using its unique position, and vast funding, to crush commercial and ideological opposition is very much not fine.
A Britain where all media bar the BBC, Graun, New Statesman and Mirror have been cowed into submission by organised threat, is not a pretty prospect.
First, they came for Murdoch. And the rest of the right-wing press did nothing. Then, they came for the Mail…
I’m afraid my doctor has ordered me not to watch QT. But I agree the BBC and Labour have decided that they can turn this to E Miliband’s advantage and make him seem human over his ‘defence’ of his father’s supposed patriotism. So an endless parade of liberal lefties supporting him and rubbishing the Mail.
Most prominent of all A Campbell, that well known serial liar and drunkard, who tired to smear Dacre by telling us how big an estate Dacre had and the size of his pension pot. He also threatened that Dacre would be dragged kicking and screaming to give an apology. Obviously he feels that with the BBC batting for Miliband as usual, Dacre will be ground down just as Murdoch was and another voice of liberty will bite the dust. Although Dacre doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the Sunday Mail, ( at least i think that is correct) and it was the Sunday Mail who were uninvited guests at the memorial service for E Miliband’s uncle, Campbell directed all his fire at Dacre. And yet the Mail article was factually correct, only their assertion, in my view probably true ,that R Miliband hated Britain is in dispute.Clearly Dacre is the target of the left and they want to pull him down.
What I don’t understand is why the Mail embarked on this. They must have known that the liberal left would close ranks and vent their fury on them, which is a fine and noble cause. But also, much more importantly, that it would just add grist to the mill of those who pretend that they want to stop the press from invading privacy etc , when in fact they just want to suppress freedom of the press, and there by liberty and truth, so that the liberal left can go about its business without inconvenient questions being asked, and all we get is liberal pap being fed to us from all parts of the media.
How sad that in 21st century Britain liberty and liberal can appear in the same sentence but mean direct opposites!
Just hope Mail dont back down – time to escalate into discussion on the (legal) IHT wheezes adopted by the Miliband family
Well, dear Charlie Stayt interviewed the City Editor of the Mail, on bbc breakfast around 08:20
Poor Charlie found himself on the wrong end of a rant which ended with an accusation of antisemitism against the bbc, amongst others.
Cue Charlie to close said interview somewhat rapidly.
Cant wait for the rematch.
Damn well made my day!
I am sick of hearing that Miliband senior ‘fought in the war for this country.’ No he did not he fought against the Nazis who were killing his fellow Jews. A wholly just cause, but do not try to pretend he had ANY thoughts of fighting for the preservation of the sovereignty of Britain and the British people.
“… killing his fellow Jews”
Killing his fellow communists more like
After all he waited until nearly the end of the war….
The truth about him joining the RN to “fight for Britain” is not quite accurate. He actually served in the Belgian Section of the RN to fight, not for Britain, but, having already become a Marxist, to fight against Fascism.
The RN was simply a means to an end, which was specifically the defeat of Nazi Germany. To use the argument “he was fghting for Britain” is no different to trying to claim that General De Gaulle and the Free French were “fighting for Britain” by being attached to the British Army, but I doubt if anybody had tried to tell them that they would soon have been disabused of that and been put straight.
Ralph Miliband only came here from Belgium but was still actually a Polish Citizen and the excuse was that it was that status which prevented him joining the Navy until 1943. That was despite the fact that many Polish Airmen found no problem with being able to fly with the RAF and made up a good proportion of those who fought in the Battle of Britain in 1940. Getting permission for a Polish Citizen in Britain to join the war would have posed little problem or delay as, after 1940, the Polish Government in Exile was situated in London.
I will make no comment about Ed Miliband’s Grandfather other than to say that he fled from Nazi held Belgium with his son Ralph whilst abandoning his wife and daughter there. It seems they only survived because of the help and shelter of friends and, seeing they were Jews, had those friends been caught doing that they would have either been executed or sent to the Concentration Camps where they would doubtlessly have died.
So what about Grandad Miliband who fought in the Red Army against his own country (Poland) in the 1920s?
Would Red Ed care to comment? I suspect that’s gone down Ed’s memory hole.
OK, Ed, here’s the deal. We stop mentioning your Marxist father, and you stop mentioning the ‘posh’ upbringing of the Conservative leaders.
So Ed Miliband named his son after his Red Army grandfather Samuel, who fought against the Country of which he was born (Poland) for Leon Trotsky?
Right down the BBC’s street then..
I thought this story was breaking Mad Al’s first golden rule: Never let a bad news story last longer than a week.
Breathtakingly biased, and yet no evidence to support that, no attempt even to do so . This is just a soapbox for Vance’s politics.
Good: so you can show us the evidence about Mad Al and the bBC that they are NOT biased.
Nah. He’s not here to back up any of his rhetoric. After all, he’s on the left of the divide, and as we all know, if you’re on the left then you’re always correct, whereas if you’re on the right you’re never correct even if all the evidence in your favour is absolutely obvious and undeniable to anyone who hasn’t been kicked by a horse.
Maurice is a moron.
Possibly, but as you offer no evidence beyond your opinion, rather falling at the first hurdle.
And BBBC is free, and independent, so as a soapbox it can do whatever its owners like, subject only to their whim and the support they can attract.
What’s that at last count? 22,269, 831 voluntary viewers.
Meanwhile the BBC continues to dig itself deeper by overt support of Mr. Miliband’s misguided attempt at jumping a banwagon that sees him in charge, surrounded solely by broadcast courtiers and a few cousins from the print world already in line.
‘This is about Leveson, the Royal Charter and state regulation of the press. ‘
Thing is, he’s no Millie Dowler, and even she was dropped the minute the hyenas had done with their cynical abuse of her case.
Meanwhile, outside the political bubble in Prescott’s bathtub there is this, of possibly greater relevance to the majority of the country still aware of the dangers of Labour rule, especially one where suppression of criticism is the main aim:
‘Email chains from ministers and officials serving in the previous government show how Labour tried to block the release of a report into neglect at NHS hospitals.’
No wonder they are keen to muzzle everyone who is not the BBC, which seems to self-muzzle a treat already.
Maybe a debate on neutral turf, hosted by a competent chair, with guests in invited such as Burnham, Miliband, Campbell & the Newsnight Editorial team, all invited to share their wisdom?
Actually the Tories would be better advised to steer well clear, as they can’t seem to front anyone competent, and frankly any pol opening their sorry gob on such matters inevitably just puts their foot in it.
“the political bubble in Prescott’s bathtub”
You know, I really didn’t need that imagery while I’m eating my lunch.
‘Breathtakingly biased, and yet no evidence to support that, no attempt even to do so . This is just a soapbox for Vance’s politics’.
Tell you what, though, it’s been a good way of burying the bad news about Burnham’s political bullying of the Care Quality Commission, eh?
Not to mention a good excuse for getting that smear queen of New Labour back on the air. All to expose his hypocrisy, of course! – smarter than we think they are, eh?
And let’s face it, nothing better in the news to run as a headline, eh? – day after fucking day, that is.
I am sick of hearing that Miliband senior ‘fought for Britain’ in the war. No he did not, he fought for his fellow Jews against the Nazis who were intent on extermination. A worthy and necessary cause on his behalf, but he did not have it in his mind he was doing it to protect or defend British society or its Constitution.
Why is it ok by the BBC to let all manner of morons abuse Margaret Thatcher and gleefully smirk while continually playing ” Ha Ha The Witch is Dead” after her death? What was the effect on her family and friends? Of course they did not consider that to be an issue. Socialism is about repression, control and yes a ‘hatred’ of democracy and anything they consider ‘right’ wing. Just listen to Labour MPs and Trades Union representatives spitting their venomous bile and being freely allowed to do so by the BBC presenter who is interviewing them.
Actually, Miliband Snr was only following the Party line in 1940 because the Communists and the Nazis were allies until June 1941. The Communists were only intermittently anti-fascist, but they were always anti-democrats.
Funny how Lefties never mention that, somehow.
Sorry for the partial double post. Must have unintentionally clicked ‘post’ half way through.
Like Hitler, Miliband Snr never killed 1 person, but their political ideology killed millions. I hope they are both rotting in socialist hell
The BBC are helping, aided by Labour and Hugh Grant’s unruly mob, to lay the groundwork for an assault on the press re Leverson. The left hate the Mail the most because, well ,it’s popular…
It is actually worrying how this brand of left wing populism poses a genuine threat to the free press, in my view.
Buying a newspaper is (unless Red Ed get his way) totally a matter of individual choice. Comparing the sales of the Mail to that of the Guardian would perhaps provide a more accurate view of the balance of sentiments of the British public. But don’t let that interfere with your thought processes BBC.
They won’t bother with that, they’ll just keep pedaling the myth that the Daily Mail lowers readers’ IQs and that UKIP voters have lower IQs than anyone else (people who believe this rubbish also always make sure to mention that voters for the Green party have the highest IQs). Why use facts and sense when you can just resort to ad hominem garbage?
Looks like battle lines are being drawn.
Whilst the Left like to portray Ralph Miliband as some sort of war hero, less is said about another New Labour apparatchik, one Jack Straw and what his Father did, or rather did not do between 1939-45.
The hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds. And their collective blindness to it is breath taking.
Its always fun watching the left get upset.
I`ve bought the Daily Mail every day this week…free CDs and an open goal to shaft the liberals in the staffroom.
Heard Tony Benn this morning on Today around 7.15 am…you`ll not believe what he thought of it all re wee Ralphie.
Actually-you will,but at least he was asked the right questions by Chris Mason.
But lefties never need to answer them I note…so answers came there none.
But-did Ralph use sharp Hampstead elbows to get David into working for Ken at the GLC way back?
I demand a public enquiry-thought the Left despised privilege and nepotism…but was it a different time, when Savile reigned?
I note no BBC counselling asking wee Ed to “draw a line under all this, and move on ”
.Not a bit of it…that`s flobbed out for the likes of Ralph Bulger and the likes of Philip Lawrences widow…Ed can rage until the election if it gets him Ilkley Moor(bar t`hat!)
First question on Any Questions this evening:
Should the Daily Mail apologize for its profile of Ralph Miliband?
First comment from panellist Lisa Holdsworth
‘Unsurprisingly I wouldn’t line a hamster cage with the Daily Mail…’
Cheers and applause from the audience – clearly the majority there.
One wouldn’t believe that the Daily Mail is one of the most successful and widely read newspapers in the country listening to the BBC.
The complete immoral and unethical hypocrisy from the BBC is nauseating!
“Daily Mail demonisation and the hypocrisy of Mehdi Hasan”