I’m going to be away for the next few days so I am putting this Open Thread up in a timely fashion and hope that it can sustain you in my absence. I will return on Tuesday.
Listening to non bBC programs I heard small samples from QT last night. First Quentin Letts nearly being stopped by Dimbumble, but probably knowing how he works kept going. But the second was the force of the audience cheer after the rant by Medicore Husan. That had to be the most rigged bBC audience of all all time.
It truly was the generic Question Time format last night, only Quentin Letts had the bravado to accuse the BBC of its renowned biased nature. Yet another handpicked audience consisting of leftists and muslims, the kind that hail medhi Hasan as some kind of king. Whatever the reprehensible idiot utters, the audience lap it up and clap like regimented seals. That’s come to be expected though of Question Time, but the worst part about last night was that absolute nobody panelist (Kirsty Williams, leader of Welsh Liberal Democrats.) cosying up to Hasan and his nonsensical, albeit fairly articulate diatribe. There’s no doubt that Hasan is an intellectual, a man that can sway the opinions of the vulnerable. The exact figure the BBC want spearheading torrents of abuse against any right thinking person. This is why the BBC, especially QT which garners a huge viewing percentage, is a dangerous and manipulative entity that needs destroying. If only Cameron had the guts to act on what he already knows, then maybe the future of this country might be different. I won’t bank on it.
This was Hasan’s obviously well-rehearsed rant on QT:
“Let’s have the debate about who hates Britain more, it isn’t a dead Jewish refugee from Belgium who served in the Royal Navy, it’s the immigrant-bashing, woman-hating, muslim-smearing, NHS-undermining, gay-baiting Daily Mail.”
This fits the BBC mindset perfectly, hence the seemingly unlimited access he’s given for his uninterrupted rants.
‘An intellectual’? He’s on record as saying that he takes it as absolute truth that some bloke called Mohammed was carried off to heaven on a winged-horse. Yes, right, course he was.
Talking of ‘intellectuals’, the followers of the followers of the winged horse variety, here’s the opening salvo from an occasional blogger who’s always bang on the nail:
‘It’s no longer a matter of debate…no longer any room for argument or ambiguity.
The official voices of the western leftist intelligentsia are officially & undisguisedly head over heels in love with Islamic fascism.’
I agree Kingmaker, i keep my £145 in my pocket but watch the better stuff on the I-Player, but i’ve given up QT for the sake of my blood pressure. The audience of late resemble chimps on acid.
Quentin should have hit straight back and said to the cheering chimps that the object of their admiration considers them as mere cattle, and check it out on YT.
Come on bbc, wheres your ahem out-rage, wheres the condemnation? … like this that’s been given days of coverage.
“A notebook emblazoned with Nazi swastikas and English Defence League (EDL) mottos” … as teen planned mosque terror attack etc etc
After all today BBC 5live, (as I type, for the second time up to press) lots of airtime … “grave concerns over erm medical nasal spray?” given to muslim pupils make contain trace gelatine derived from pork products?
priorities? bbc?
lots of space for this … chimp on pill has twins?http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-24395144
no room, for mandated death threats against our friends of the pink persuasion?
this is a classic, one can almost hear N Panto Campbell, or V Drearybyshire, with exactly the same, narrative and stock answers
Anyone notice how this “muslim nose spray” non story
has been expanded on BBC?
After I d driven back today BBC5live s Drive program, was ballooning it.
It seems simple, muslim organisations have made an issue of it, so … give them addresses of private clinics
where they can pay to have it separately.
That is the issue, right as always with them separation? … differentiation, because is sure as hell isn t a medical reason, or as I ve mentioned before a religious one.
Dimbleby got exceptionally angry when Letts said the Daily Mail was under attack especially because it criticised the BBC. Dimbleby always does when the corporation or his role in it gets even a mention. This is the way he intimidates the speaker.
Even he was a little startled at how heavily and unusually stacked the audience was. There was plainly a job lot of Trots brought in by the researchers who had all got sitting together.
“There was plainly a job lot of Trots brought in”
That ‘job lot’ maybe be small in total number, but they are very well organised, and have the time and will to push whatever single minded message instructed well. Or howl down any counter.
Even on a vast audience national medium, the nature of audience composition, or edits, can see hundreds used to sway millions.
Equally social media. The BBC bends it even more, often opening ‘debate’ after the working day starts and closing before it ends, leaving the field clear to a majority with professionally-sanctioned daylight access, or those who appear untroubled by work commitments. Weekend topics seldom go near controversy.
Forgive me, but a few things are raised here.
a) What security forces? Are any British there? Why would they be?
b) Who is doing the coining? Why would Sudanese refer to a 70’s UK PM for security vehicles now? Seems from the piece the reason is not exactly how the BBC would usually spin it or Mr. Harding wishes it was.
c) But if these things are, like most 3rd world ‘security’, prone to a bit of state-sponsored hit and run, one would have thought they’d be better dubbed an ‘Aunty’ or, now, a Miliband.
Especially given: ‘They are loyal to the regime.’
He certainly has pulled out a bit he fancies. Oddly, this one, not so much: ‘Question: Will this Friday be a big day?
Ali: Yes it will be a big day? Especially where there are markets.
Yes. Friday. Known for its ‘markets’. Those calls to riot in Asda are notorious.
Hard to know if Mr. Harding is daft, venal, or both.
News24: How convenient that the REAL stinky story about the Emails, NHS, Andy Burnham, CQC and Basildon Hospital does not get to see the light of day. Miliband on yet again, surprised Mad Al has not been asked for a reprise of his tirade.
Not sure the BBC will treat this as anything other than a very minor irritation. They can claim that Burnham was going to be reshuffled out of his position anyway, so there’s nothing to get excited about. This is largely irrelevant to the BBC’s news agenda. Making a big deal out of this won’t help prop up Miliband and Labour, won’t help the NHS, won’t help the war against the Mail, and won’t damage a Conservative minister.
It’s not on the website nor has it been on 5 Live. Imagine if this had been a story about political interference by a Conservative. It would have got the same full BBC treatment that Ed’s Daily Mail outrage is getting.
Perhaps the BBC would like to follow up this story about Basildon hospital, where we find
Mr Hunt sought to blame the last Labour Government for failing to expose flaws in the NHS.
But Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham dismissed the charge, and accused Mr Hunt of “playing politics with people’s lives”.
We now know that Hunt was right, and it was Burnham who had played politics with people’s lives.
Migrants are genuine refugees normally fleeing famine or starvation. These people are wanabee illegal immigrants and should be called as such.
Which brings me to why studies have shown that these ‘refugees’ fleeing ‘persecution’ and with their lives in danger tend to make 4-5 trips back each year to lands of their ‘persecution’
If they come here their passports should be revoked in their own interests to avoid them inadvertantly endangering themselves in these lands they ‘fled’ for their lives
Didn’t Gaddafi keep a lid on this on his side and didn’t the Sarkosy/Cameron axis get rid of him? Makes you wonder whether the political elites want this to happen.
They are always quick enough to act when they don’t want something to happen – the London riots for example.
If the ruling elite can change the make up of the population of member countries so that the indigenous no longer form a majority then they ensure that nationalist tendencies will never grow to a point where they threaten the authority of the EU superstate. The Soviets did it in their colonised areas, Ukraine, and the Baltic states for example. Britain did much the same when they planted Scottish Protestants in Ireland.
This is also of course why they are so keen to encourage interstate immigration within the EU too, and especially to Britain because they want everyone to speak English. Merkel is no lover of Germany and would not objetc to replacement of their indigenous language IMO.
I worked in a city with a large Somali community. The irony of being asked to support asylum applications at the same time as writing”Fit to Fly” certificates for pregnant women to go home on their holidays appeared to escape everyone.
Or the many many thousands who, with newly-issued British passports or refugee status documents in hand, had returned from those very places where they’d claimed to be in fear of their lives. We all know the majority are economic migrants and you really can’t blame them for migrating from poor countries to Europe and the UK when the system positively encourages it. We’d all do the same. The political elite, particularly, but not exclusively, the left, don’t really want to tackle the issue, just give a vague impression of trying to control it.
Understanding why people want to migrate for their own benefit (free money, housing, education) is not a reason to accept it. Do you not understand the difference between what is in their interest and what is in ours? Dopey Leftists just see more Labour voters coming in.
No ‘migrants’ are seasonal workers who return to their home countries when their temporary seasonal jobs finish. Germany for example utilises many Polish migrants for the fruit picking season.
Sadly we have few ‘migrants’ of any kind in Britain, almost all the foreigners here are immigrants , legal and illegal.
Interestingly, last night on iPlayer I watched a very slick production revolving around the scientific method, and the UK’s pre-eminence in following it, since Boyle penned a law and a few other bits ‘n bobs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03c8mn1/Science_Britannica_Clear_Blue_Skies/
Hosted by a wanly grinning Prof. Cox (who else) wandering all around the earth to grin at the sun somewhere nice, I gathered the main thing is not to move on when others say things are settled.
Seems some memos he and the production team either did not get, forgot about, ignored or were only whispered unrecorded in corridors.
In other ‘news’, beyond its unredeemable tribal compromises, why I consider the BBC every bit in the sewer along with the rest: BBC News Fewer children across the UK than in 2005 are reading in their own time and one in five is embarrassed to be caught with a book, a survey suggests.
Just over a quarter of 35,000 children from 188 schools told the National Literacy Trust that they read outside of school. A similar number said they did not think their parents cared if they read.
Should we be worried that our children are reading less? http://bbc.in/15PnE2O
Any #prasnews ‘report’ that kicks off with ‘a survey suggests’ deserves all the contempt it warrants.
Any editor sticking ‘should we be worried’ at the end of anything specifically designed to wind folk up, is worthy of ridicule.
The vast number of mostly cretinous replies (bar a few highlighting the BBC’s role in dumbing down everything) on this FB page bear out the pact they have committed to.
Last week BBC Radio 4’s Inside Science gave a surprisingly unbiased account of what fracking was about. But then, that is what a ‘Science’ programme should be like.
Then up pops Professor Kevin Anderson on the latest programme. He thinks we can’t be given the technical facts about fracking without wrapping it all up with his purely political stance.
His key argument is that by the time UK fracking comes on line we will have used up all of the (politically determined) UK carbon budget so we won’t be able to use the gas anyway.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the UK to be self-sufficient? More politics. As good Europeans we should (vastly) increase the capacity of our interconnectors from the continent to create a super-grid of nations, allowing us to use the EU mountain of ‘renewables’ and become an ever more subservient outpost of Brussels.
So when the sun isn’t shining (usually happens every day) and Europe is in the grip of a winter anti-cyclone and there is no wind what will feed our interconnectors? French nuclear? German (carbon-free!!) brown coal? It will make it so much easier for Greenpeace and Caroline Lucas if there are only two UK electricity ‘sockets’ to target!
Pure politics, ticking the Global Warming and EU boxes and not a word of challenge. It is most certainly NOT science.
Yep agree. But I bet if we were prominent people who might have influence and we said something along the same lines , we would have the BBC , the Labour party , the Guardian et al down on us like a ton of bricks and hound us out of whatever position we occupied. So the liberal left have succeeded in suppressing freedom of speech by intimidation. Now where have we seen that before?
So millions of us , who don’t count may very think and say that , although the risks of doing so are increasing, but no one who has any power dares to say it.
There was a piece on the BBC lunchtime news yesterday about the re-jig of the National Lottery, including the hike in ticket price.
Cue footage of the original launch back in 1994 – excitement, anticipation, captured the nation’s imagination etc etc and then ‘Even the then Prime Minister John Major was in on it‘.
No, it was actually Major’s baby, its purpose being to provide much needed funds for sport, culture and the arts which wasn’t within the government’s remit.
So was this the BBC:
– being thick
– being lazy
– re-writing history to suit its anti-Tory agenda
Then of course Crash Gordon came along and made it yet another branch of his government’s out of control spending binge – just another form of taxation. Not that you’d ever hear that on the BBC either.
Can somebody please explain to me what the Mail said about Miliband père that was worse than what Justin Webb and other BBC talent said about Sarah Palin? Nobody at the Mail has accused Miliband of being responsible for mass murder like several Beeboids did of Palin (re: Tucson shootings).
Why won’t Young or Nelson or the rest of these people posing as defenders of a free press point accusatory fingers at the two (at least, that we know of) ex-Beeboids at Hacked Off? Why won’t Nelson, even while accusing the BBC of waging a vendetta against the Mail, point out that one of Hacked Off’s co-founders is a former Today editor and executive editor of the BBC College of Journalism?
Hacked Off was co-founded by a boss from the Left-wing Independent and a boss from the Left-wing BBC. They claim it was all a reaction to the phone-hacking scandal, but there were already laws in place to punish the perpetrators, and none of those laws deterred anyone. Why would any new press regulations do any better? They won’t, of course, but that’s not Hacked Off’s true purpose.
Nelson and Young and the rest of them posing as defenders of a free press are useless. The only media organization that will be allowed to continue with a free hand, unaccountable, untouchable, is the BBC.
‘Can somebody please explain to me’
Someone from the BBC probably could, but thanks to FoI exemptions, they currently don’t have to.
Hence you’ll have to make do with the BBC version of events as drip-fed to a mostly compliant audience, vs. reality.
It’s what makes ’em so unique.
No one in Britain has the courage to take on the BBC and the liberal left establishment, because if they do, they end up being hounded and face the loss of job opportunities etc etc. The liberal left have a stranglehold on the news media in the country.
Our only hope is that someone with lots of money( billions) comes along and sets up a news and current affairs channel of their own which broadcasts something close to the truth. Then, by a miracle, fights off all the attacks from the liberal left and gets a good share of the viewing public. Of course they would have to write off the money because they would never get a return on their investment.
Does anyone know someone who wants to rescue a country from itself?
Sutton replied about twenty minutes later that they were planning to do the story on his programme. A short time later he deleted the tweet. The World at One didn’t cover the story. It wasn’t even mentioned in the bulletin at the top of the programme. We did, however, get lots more on the Daily Mail, a typically two dimensional will-this-do? report by Mark Mardell from Texas on the shutdown, and a right-on discussion between a couple of feminists (Bonnie Greer & Joan Smith) agreeing with each other that sexism is bad.
‘A short time later he deleted the tweet’
So it’s possible some of his views do not reflect those of who hired him (and the public are forced to fund)?
How very un-transparent and un-trustworthy.
Shame there is no capture. I’d like to have that besides the fact that nothing he said would happen did.
His tweet-roll is interesting.
A few giving him what for.
I also notice this: Milo Yiannopoulos @Nero 19h
@nigelpauley @tabloidtroll @suttonnick I’m very uncomfortable about anyone who could be described as a journalist engaging in this nonsense.
No reply as yet.
He does however open up a bit on the origins of the boycott he didn’t start or try and push, oh, no, with a vague gesture at a petition that appears to have been started by that stranger to the BBC’s production teams, Owen Jones. And some link free allusions to BBC favoured… ‘sources’. As an ex-Newsnighter… quelle surprise.
Nick Sutton has opened another BBC Pandora’s Box. Let’s see if he can close it back without consequence.
DB, I assume Mardell’s contribution was essentially what he wrote about his Texas visit here? Look at the way he relates the tale of somebody suggesting that the President is in some way responsible for the shutdown. Also, he doesn’t come out and use the word, but obviously there’s a hint that Texans are hypocrites when he writes that Texas has the third-largest body of federal government employees. It’s a massive State with the second-largest population, with I believe the highest number of illegal immigrants and the biggest border problem in the country. Of course the federal government is going to have a huge footprint. Mardell really, really has an ideological bent on what government is, does, and should do. It compromises everything he does.
Mrs Gilles tells me: “Our president needs to get in there and negotiate, roll up his sleeves and work like everybody else.”
So is it his fault? “I’ve never seen a president act like this. I am a little embarrassed for him.”
Mardell probably had to go to the nearest ritual bath for ablution after that. What kind of political analyst can’t understand that the President is supposed to lead here? Surely the BBC’s US President editor has been reading and hearing a lot from his fellow Left-wing journalists about Clinton and Gingrich. That was the President leading negotiations, not demonizing and telling the world that He won’t negotiate. How does Mardell not get this?
Then there’s the typical biased opinion of the unwashed:
My fairly random encounters with people who share the Tea Party’s line are telling, and important. It may reflect the echo chamber effect of talk radio and Fox news.
It may be simply that the Tea Party does represent a strong current of opinion.
As usual, nobody not on the Left is capable of original or honest thought. Nope, we’re all brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh and Faux News. Never mind that the national TV news networks and the NY Times and the WaPo and the HuffPo and NPR and the LA Times and MSNBC and CNN have ten times the audience and influence of the conservative talking heads on the radio. Most of the latter share much of the same audience, so unlike the other side their audience numbers don’t add up much more in aggregate.
Mardell simply refuses to accept that any more than a few extremists disagree with him. Nobody can possibly have reached an honest, reasoned opinion which differs from the President’s or Mardell’s far-Left world view. As always, there can be no legitimate opposition to Him or His policies. All opposition is directed by darker forces. Is this really the proper attitude for an impartial journalist? No, because that’s not what Mardell is: he’s an editorialist, an opinion-monger.
He also seems to feel that the Republican Party would be wrong to move further to the Right.
It is exactly the sort of thing that has Republicans looking over their shoulders and moving to the right.
It is why Mr Obama has accused Republicans in Congress of doing the bidding of extremists in their own party.
But Katrina Pierson is unapologetic.
This is presented as if the President is correct, when in fact He could be wrong to demonize His opponents this way. Of course, the faithful Mardell merely regurgitates White House talking points. Note the extremist language he uses as if it’s perfectly ordinary:
What about the debt ceiling, and all the warnings that the Republicans can’t play games with the world’s future?
This is ridiculous. The world’s future? Oh, the humanity! What emotive drivel, taken straight from Left-wing catechism. Only the Republicans are playing games? The Democrats and the President are on the side of the angels? What about the political stunts with the WWII memorial and other places the White House ordered to be barricaded even though the federal government neither pays for daily staffing or even controls directly? This doesn’t exist to Mardell, and so his report is a false representation of reality.
Now comes the part where a lurking or non-lurking journalist tells me that I’m reading something that isn’t there, that Mardell is merely playing devil’s advocate, posing an alternate viewpoint to those he’s interviewing. When you can show me a single example of Mardell using similarly hyper-partisan language when criticizing Democrats and diehard supporters of the President, or when you can show me a single example of Mardell dismissing their opinions as being from the echo chamber of the HuffPo or MSNBC or Ezra Klein, I’ll start listening to you.
I think we’ve known for quite some time that there are no mirrors in the Mardell household. Whether or not the Texans’ opinions are the result of an echo chamber effect is beside the point. Mardell never says that when he talks to Democrats or Occupiers, for example. It’s as if only those who share his ideology have arrived at their conclusions in an honest, reasoned, legitimate fashion. He belittles or otherwise attempts to diminish the opinions only of those to his Right.
4 October 2013 Last updated at 00:21
How Children of the world united at a Soviet school
By Oxana Vozhdaeva BBC World Service
An absolutely glowing report of this Communist school is given by the BBC acting in their self-assumed Ofsted role….
‘In 1933 a unique boarding school was set up in Russia to provide a home for the children of revolutionaries around the world – the children of Mao, Tito and La Pasionaria passed through its doors.’
‘Decades later, she has fond memories, like many other former students, of singing revolutionary songs, and rejoicing in the belief that their parents were making the world a better place.’
‘The school made sure children were taught their own language, history and culture, and took pains to find teachers even of rare languages.’
‘Unlike other Soviet children, the students received information from overseas and were allowed to travel to visit their parents.’
‘”The Interdom gave me a cosmopolitan outlook,” says Beatrice Otigo-Potapova, whose father was a prominent Kenyan politician, and a personal friend of longstanding Soviet politburo member Anastas Mikoyan. ‘
‘Although the age of communist revolutions is long gone, another generation of children, they argue, might grow up to serve as “ambassadors of Russian culture” overseas.’
Aw shame, the age of revolutions long gone… and the BBC still so very nostalgic for it.
Wonder how long the detentions were should the kids have the wrong badge that day on their berets?
Twenty years or thirty?
I`d love to have seen those history books that they studied from-must be inches high with all the added Tippex that would have to be added by the week..Stalin good…no wait, Kruschev better…no wait again…
Can only imagine the terrors that the kid would go through by being sent to nurse in the psychiatric ward…sorry sick bay/library.
Ralph Miliband a governor and Lysenko as the boilogy teacher?…splendid!
This could almost be an extract from Pravda itself, 1952 vintage. I loved this bit of euphemism
“Mao Anying clashed with his father, accusing him of creating a cult of personality. Partly for this reason, he volunteered to fight in Korea, and died there…………………….” Hmmmmm I wonder
So we have a super elitist institution that educated the offspring of communist stooges in conditions of extreme privilege at a time when millions were being shipped off to the Gulag or simply shot in the back of the head in the woods. Very egalitarian.
I’m willing to bet that the Nazis had similar specialist super schools like the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (NPEA) reserved for the offspring of prominent Quislings, training them in racism, eugenics, militarism and subserviance to Gremany. No BBC story about such a school would have failed to point out the context of such a school and just how evil the regime indoctrinating the children was.
The BBC as ususal totally air-brush out the incompetence and unfathomable evil of the Soviet regime and the total hypocricy of ‘socialist’ leaders…
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It only took twelve years to bring this jihadi to justice ……please note that this devout Muslim (with the enviable zebibah) was not poverty stricken (despite John Kerry’s declarations), but was a former professional football player in Germany.”
No room also to go beyond watertight oversight. http://order-order.com/2013/10/04/non-union-backed-labour-candidate-stands-aside/
Seems to have dropped off now.
This, however is up: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24395790 ‘Mr Miliband sought to distance himself from the anti-Semitism claims.’
But, showing A. Funny. Way. To. Write. A. Story, the origins or outlet for these claims appear not to have been followed up: the Jewish Chronicle, Labour figures and others. What is your reaction to this story? You can send us your comments using the form below.
Well, one would be who the heck was the near mute empathising emoter was the other side of the sofa as poor Ed whined, and whined, and whined…. that his Dad fought for his country, etc.
Maybe if the audience of last nights QT whooping it up saw this footage of Medi Hassan, maybe they would have a different opinion of his rants, maybe not.
Remember when watching, this is a guy that has a regular ticket to the QT panel and also a regular paper reviewer on BBC 5Live and BBC News24.
As i said earlier today, Hasan is one dangerous character. The kind of man the BBC are seduced by. He comes across as an articulate character and undoubtedly has vast knowledge on a wide range of subjects, but his outlook on life and especially that of his religion is absurd and hateful. You really could mistake this video for an anti non-muslim rant…..oh wait, that’s exactly what it was. Not that the BBC or worshipers alike will take note and accept the reality of it.
Dangerous like a pussy-cat? http://order-order.com/2013/10/04/dear-mr-dacre/#respond
No idea if this is true, a spoof or what, but in keeping with BBC editorial guidelines, it’s published by a source, and that’s good enough to run with.
I also noted this bit which, if verified, explains much but excuses less and less:
“I spent a decade working in television as a news-and-current-affairs producer at ITN, the BBC, Sky News and Channel 4”.
Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
If this is the same Mehdi, guessing Newsnight will indeed find Paxo has suddenly discovered a need to cover Mongolian throat-warbling. Again.
“Jeremy Paxman ‘thought about quitting’ when Newsnight was embroiled in BBC scandals over Savile and McAlpine.
Host admits BBC2 current affairs flagship show was damaged.”
Holed along its length and sunk in the deepest part of the ocean, more like.
But thanks to the unique way that anything BBC is propped up, it still broadcasts from down there, overseen by Ian Katz in a his Deep Sea dive bubble, already cracked by all the impacts he has already inflicted.
Where’s Mrs. Merton when you need her?
“What was it about the million £ market rate that has stuck you with this Titanic lemon ever since?”
As one approaches week’s end, by way of balance a wee surf on FaceBook catches up with an example of a nation the BBC clearly does speak for: BBC World News In Italy, new pictures have emerged of the rescue of survivors of the migrant boat disaster.
The country is holding a day of national mourning for up to 300 people feared dead.
The boat, packed with migrants, sank off a tiny island in the Mediterranean.
Their boat was en route from North Africa to Sicily when it caught fire and ran aground just 1km from the tiny island of Lampedusa.
Italy is holding a day of national mourning? I hate to sound insensitive but they weren’t Italians. Wouldn’t it be more apt if their countries of origin held a day of mourning? Or have I misunderstood the story and they were they going the other way?
Really Mardell? I wonder who rolled out that stereotype over and over again?
“The George W Bush Presidential library is another victim of the shutdown, and it is where I meet Tea Party leader Katrina Pierson. Hers is a name to watch. The popular image of the movement is one of old white guys. She’s young, black, and a single mother.”
So where was Mardell last year? The BBC didn’t inform you about Mia Love’s run for Congress last year,they avoided Alan West as much as possible, and Mardell was obsessed with John Huntsman and completely ignored Herman Cain until he was near the top of the Republican polls. Never mind that the first Tea Party rally I ever attended, in 2009, was emceed by a black man, David Webb. The BBC has steadfastly refused to see what’s in front of them.
I’m sick to death of BBC journalists judging people by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character. Just because others in the media do it as well doesn’t make it right. No amount of diversity quotas targets at the BBC can make up for this sort of overt racialism.
Rather to my surprise their question on what news stories people noticed in the last week shows Miliband vs the Mail didn’t completely overshadow the Tory conference (though neither made a particular impact). 12% of people recalled the Tory party conference, 9% recalled Miliband and the Mail.
On Tuesday morning, seven National Park Service employees were seen erecting and tending to a barricade around the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. One NPS employee was operating a forklift. There usually aren’t any NPS employees working at the World War II memorial.
A couple hours later, when an Honor Flight of World War II veterans arrived, accompanied by Democratic and Republican members of Congress, the fences blocking the memorial were easily moved away, allowing the veterans to enter.
But the barriers are still at the memorial, and they’ve been reinforced. This morning, I walked by the memorial and noticed that wires had been used to tie the fences together.
The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors.
After a tumultuous few days, inn owner Bruce O’Connell told The Washington Times on Friday morning that he had just reopened his doors for customers, despite the park service telling him he had to shut down. He says he’s essentially private property, on a road that’s still open, and uses no government personnel, so he sees no reason to quit operating.
“I’m questioning their authority to shut me,” Mr. O’Connell said.
The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.
“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
Emphasis mine. Who’s grandstanding and playing politics with people’s lives again?
Defenders of the indefensible can dismiss two of these as being false or not worth their time because they come from an ostensible Right-leaning paper. If so, then we can then dismiss anything from the Guardian or Independent on similar grounds. Of course, the BBC’s top man in the US admitted not long ago that he dismissed all the questions about Benghazi not because the facts told him they were wrong but because the wrong sort of people were asking them.
I don’t know about Miliband, but the President’s father’s politics are certainly a valid target of scrutiny considering the title of His faux autobiography was “Dreams of My Father”.
Actually, the way such as the BBC has been trying to play it, this also seems supposed to be ‘their little secret ‘.
No wonder they are keen to crush any source of public information or education save that which they control.
I saw this headline in The Telegraph Woman shot dead after trying to ram security barrier at White House
Then wondered how the BBC covered it.
Their headline from yesterday goes: Police chase in Washington ends in shooting and crash
Today’s is: US police launch inquiry after deadly car chase
What struck me was how different the headlines when a Palestinian is killed following an attempted incursion or threat against Israel.
Just looking at the most recent we have
1 October 2013 Palestinian shot dead on Gaza-Israel border
17 September 2013Palestinian killed during Israeli raid in West Bank
26 August 2013 Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli police
20 August 2013Palestinian killed in Israeli raid in West Bank
Theres going to be a lot of hand wringing about this one. The woman who was killed was a single black mother, pretty much as high on the totem pole as you can get in america today.
The actions of the police seem a bit off, as when she was shot its difficult so see why it was necessary. Early reports indicate her one-year-old child was in the car when the police were turning it into swiss cheese.
Personally, I think that if she had been a single white man, the police would have done the same thing and then called him a right-wing neo-fascist, so I don’t really care that they did what they did. However, I foresee a lot of distress about this incident over the next few days, and it will be instructive to see how it plays out.
I can just imagine if the Israelis had done something similar to a black or Palestinian woman with a 1 year old baby in her car what the BBC would have done with it. But here they clearly avoid mentioning that detail.
In this case it appears the police have been particularly heavy handed. Perhaps riots are feared as a consequence.
According to a report on RT website, identification of the poor woman was made difficult because of the injuries to her head. Apparently, she was riddled with bullets after she stopped and attempted to get out of her car.
Can’t help thinking she was a victim of the US cops increasing tendency to be trigger happy. How many bystanders did the cops endanger when they loosed off so may rounds?
Looks like Obama is in a quandary about this. One would expect him to stand up for ‘one of his own’ gunned down in this manner, but then he would have to criticize the forces out there who protect him.
The police officer/s who killed her must surely have been black. Thus, we have heard no race-hustling from the usual racists at the top of that particular industry in the US. Not one iota of “black woman killed by racist police”. If the cops are white, you can be assured it would be on 24/7.
Have posted this on BBC comments page ,couldn’t be arsed to go through complaints procedure
“Have just finished watching this weeks episode of VOTE LABOUR, formerly known as ‘Have I got news for you’
Any chance I can my £140 back?”
Just thought I’d share
Why not try complaining to “BBC Watchdog”, they take up consumer rip- offs. Talk about people in glass houses, they send you to prison if you don’t pay even if you don’t touch their sh**y product.
“What a difference three years makes:
How political journalist who attacked the Daily Mail on Question Time once asked if he could write for the paper.”
The social media battle will be long and hard fought.
Considering the revelations, the DM piece seems quite tame and factual, if inevitable. After the mauling they have had, this must have been a sweet moment.
However, the number of vitriolic negative comments still dominate. At least for now. And many must be put off going anywhere near by so poisoned a well.
Same on twitter. The mob is mobilised and well organised, and a few hundred can soon dominate.
How any cannot see the inherent rabble rousing hypocrisy of Mr. Hassan’s positions(s), greed and flip-flopping to suit, bar the BBC’s teenage mentality producer cadre, is perplexing.
But control the ether they do, which means the message there at least is theirs to shape.
Maybe lucky that most, still, by evidence of the BBC’s own counter, do not give a flying monkeys.
Not that you’d know it from what the guys in the edit suites are still pushing frantically.
Oh goody, ‘Have I got a load of old, over-exposed, predictable leftie tossers for you’ is back on.
Lots of side-splitting hilarity about the Mail and its proprietor. Tear-inducing badinage about Cameron’s ‘back to the work-house’ plans for the long-term unemployed – ‘out-Thatchering Thatcher’, according to the scrupulously impartial Channel4 News presenter Cathy Newman. The ‘Tea Party’ Republicans are – oh, my poor aching sides – ‘like UKIP with guns’. And you’ll never guess which party a politician David Mitchell called – oh, please, no more – ‘a four-eyed tosser’ belongs to. And on and on went the dazzling wit, the razor-sharp repartee, the cutting-edge, ground-breaking satire until at last they were, in every sense of the word, clapped out as the final credits finally came up.
…At this point it’s worth remembering that, according to the BBC, there are no ‘right wing comedians’ in the UK. None. The BBC has looked high and low and just can’t find any.
How strange that the BBC should grade comedians by their politics.
An obvious answer to this blatant imbalance – which the BBC admit to – would be for them to ban politics from its ‘comedy’ shows, otherwise the accusations of bias will continue.
HIGNFY is in a different category, as it’s about current affairs and doesn’t have to have ‘comedians’ as guests. So with that one, they have no excuse at all for the political bias.
HIGNFY : the BBC could save on all the ‘talent’ fees and production costs – just set up a mic and camera in their staff canteen. Bit of editing, incase anyone inadvertently says anything right of centre – tack on the audience applause from QT – job done.
“…Muslim Brotherhood: ‘We will overturn the world’s democracies and impose a Caliphate’.
One of the strange, curiously unmentioned facts about Hitler was his expressed admiration for Islam. It’s all there in ‘Hitler’s Table Talk’.
In Islam, Hitler, despite considering the Arabs generally as an inferior race, identified in Islam an aggressive, fascist regime that could be potentially useful as an ally to his aims, even going so far as permitting
“…Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy .”
And only the Mail employs the lies of Dame Anne, dear Melanie Phillips and Sir Peter Hitchens.
All these saints have met the left over many years, and know full well what the likes of Miliband, Chomsky, Hasan and Toynbee are up to.
No wonder the Left want them banished to a gulag-like Ralphie could have hoped for with HIS enemies…running dog revaanchists with false consciousness etc.
The likes of Toynbee would never have been in danger of the Soviet psychiatric ward…they`re much too useful to the lefties in creating one big care in the community ward out here, using Pravda as the BBC and Isvestia as the Guardian.
T.A.S.S of the D`Urbevilles anyone?
F*** the BBC…anybody give me that both in Russian and in Arabic?…we`re gonna need it!
No matter that all these three saints are regularly heard and seen on BBC programmes, of course.
Funny how the Marxist past of Melanie Phillips and Peter Hitchens is not seen as a problem on this blog, but Tim Stanley is eviscerated for the far lesser offence of having been a Labour supporter. By a remarkable coincidence he is the only one of the three to have defended Islam in recent articles. Interesting.
“No matter that all these three saints are regularly heard and seen on BBC programmes”
As every blue moon?,
“Funny how the Marxist past of Melanie Phillips and Peter Hitchens is not seen as a problem on this blog”
That’s because they put childish things away ,which they have both made clear in their writings
(I my self was very briefly a member of the SWP, though even at the tender age of 17 it didn’t take me long to realise what a crock it was)
” remarkable coincidence he is the only one of the three to have defended Islam in recent articles. Interesting.”
Yes that is interesting isn’t it
Peter Hitchens has admiited his Marxist past on many occasions. He always ends with “….but I grew up!”
And there you have it Conspiracy…. It’s usually the people who journey from the left to the right of politics that many lefties vilify the most, probably because those who leave the fold blow the gaff on the workings and attitudes of the vile dogma that is Marxism.
Surprised no else noted the Labour party broadcast that it ‘The Now Show’ on radio 4 ?
It opened with a long rant about the cuts casting David Cameron as Scrooge, pausing to question the existence of actual ghosts, just to show their atheist credentials and lack of superstitions.
Of course a complaint was raised, for all the good it will do, but it really was one of the most shockingly biased programs I’ve heard in a while
I heard a few mins (before turning off – blood pressure) of this marxist trash. The bit I heard was explaining that marxist internationalists who, by definition, hate countries were the most upstanding and dedicated patriots whereas newspapers that disagreed were nazi racists.
One dimesional shit from the BBC – what I have come to expect. In passing has anybody seen Reginald D Hunter on the BBC since he made a point of saying that he admired Mrs Thatcher for achieveing so much in a sexist world. I may have missed it but I think he is in the Gulag.
I too heard this crap on the Now Show.
Not a laugh to be had…and all the targets for their venting could all have been turned into 180 degree satire on the likes of Miliband using his dad to get a few votes…that Dickens mocked the little Nell types like Campbell etc.
But no-only the usual targets allowed for these undergrad no hopers, playing at Leningrad.
Bloody disgrace-when was the last time this show made anybody laugh?
For the first time in over a year I steeled myself and gave it a listen.
Obviously lacking in said steel, I switched off in despair after 5 minutes. It was 5 minutes of anti-Tory, Mail-hating, Miliband-supporting, shameless political bias of the worst kind.
The BBC – the clapped-out old bunga-bunga hooker for the Labour Party.
A cat was let out of a very marxist bag this morning. In yet another item continuing the Miliband indignation olympics, Neil Wallis on Today at around 8:55 actually said – out loud – that there were no right of centre journalists/presenters employed on Newsnight. This statement of the obvious was followed by embarrased shuffling all round and the “discussion” was swiftly guided back to its purpose of demonising the Daily Mail and its readers.
Much of the MSM (inc INBBC) now apparently regards Al Shabaab Islamic jihadists and their Nairobi massacre as of the past; but the ‘Daily Mail’, to its credit, examines the nature of the continuing Islamic jihad threat which, for example, the dangerous convert Lewthwaite, and the next generation pose to British people and beyond.
“The White Widow’s ‘Jihadi children’: Secret diary of fugitive Briton reveals she is raising family to murder ‘Islam’s enemies'”
Today 7.00-9.00 R4: At the end (1.54) starts an interview with two commentators. At 1.58 Evan Davis nearly blurts into his cornflakes as Neil Wallace says look at the bias of Newsnight. The I-player version is available.
Thre may be many gems lurking there but it took me 30 seconds to find. these….
Adam Cumiskey @cumiskey 25 Sep
Brilliant mix of people working out in Lloyd Park tonight. #e17eyeopener pic.twitter.com/IAfMfRFgKp
[Needless to say there are no white folks in sight in Adam’s lovely diversity pic]
Terry O’Neill @terencejoneill 7 Jul 11
Police should raid offices of ALL Mulcaire-style inquiry agents to find out how many newspapers were hacking.
Terry O’Neill @terencejoneill 7 Jul 11
Wouldn’t it now be easier to list the people the News of the World HASN’T hacked? And will politicians now stop writing articles for it?
[De rigueur BBC anti-press, anti-competition views to the fore from our Terry]
BBC as target of internal ‘sources who say’.
Poetry in ironic form.
One wonders how many there may be saying such things how often.
Probably FoI excluded.
The useful idiots and their Marxist puppet masters are hammering the story about the boatload of illegal immigrants that sank off the coast of Italy again this morning. They are now pushing the line that all the deaths and the reasons why illegal immigration exists is…yes wait for it…that the national governments of the EU member states will not discuss, agree and resolve the issue because it is politically difficult. So there we have it folks the subliminal message is, its all your fault and you should allow your governments to to take the doors off altogether and let the entire human race in!
One bit of good news though, apparently the “white Widow” is now on the US kill list and should soon have a nice little drone heading her way……I wish they would put the BBC on it.
If only the BBC journalists could confront Hasan on that video as they confronted Bloom over his comments then maybe we could be rid of Hasan on British television.
This Borg-inspired cycling the capitals and punctuation is really effective, if making it hard to know who is really who. ‘the Money section is surprisingly objective and useful’
So… you read it?
Does that make you a full-on Daily Mail reader, or are you still gunning for one still in, or emerging from the DMR closet?
Seems to be a dilemma afflicting many drive-by ideology merchants.
You either are what you decry, or admit to not actually having a clue what you are taking to task.
Or both.
Either way, it’s quite funny to watch.
ps: The Daily Mail I find mostly dire. Which is why I don’t support it with subs or much eye contact (even the finance section, which seems to attract the likes of you and Mehdi Hasan… so many investments, so many double standards). It’s a choice thing.
This site is about BBC Bias. And for most, funding it no matter how egregious their forays into many areas, from journalistic stitch-ups to ‘talent’-based cover-ups of actual child abuse, is not an option.
As always, thanks for highlighting the difference.
Hattie and hodge the Labour ‘it’s that October 1917 revival tour’ ladies second eleven would approve of pedo helping! why do you think they love working for the BBC ?
Dm readers ? hmm funny but the only people reading the mail and whining about it are left wing morons like you wildstrapon?
Where`s this Parliamentary/BBC Womens football match then?…chuck money at them all to make it happen.
Hodge v Murray…Jowell(Sports Minister remember?) up against Jane Garvey…about time these ladies practiced what they preached.
And get that EU Brazilian nut out of the dressing rooms, which double as a favela for her own team of freeriders…
not only is the royal family welcome; worse, they are popular.
no mention the fact that prince harry is a muslim terrorist target, presumably because they couldn’t quite stomach pointing out that the same applies to the rest of us.
“It is not the only British Harry causing excitement in the country.
Singer Harry Styles is currently in Sydney with his band, One Direction”
So there we have it, fourth in line to the throne of Australia and equated by the BBC with some boy band plastic entertainer. You can almost hear the sneering and sniggering as the BBC sub slipped that one in……
Typical of the BBC not to let that Lampadusan tragedy go to waste.
Not when there`s a hope that the EU will ban all those silly national governments heads to gether with a unifying police and immigration force that would
a) consider Italy yo be just the first lilypad for entrance to Haringey, should all those Muslims get over to it.
b) ensure that all manner of people traffickers get safe passage and no questions asked-a la Chinese cockle pickers, but without the stigma of snake head triads tattooes needing to be shown
c) Christian refugees to be presumably thrown overboard, whilst Al Shabab.,Boko Haram and Al Queda franchises get control of Heathrow as they like.
Yes folks…hundreds killed off Italy-but these ones matter, as opposed to those who perished on the Costa Concordia-who were just white trash and kuffar to the BBC/EU project for a Greater Cuddly Caliphate.
If these people died-well won`t that be Nairobi Social Services or Italian fishermens fault.?..thank Allah that the EU are there with their wind turbines and loads of red tape to shut up the Daily Mail types?
Only the BBC would see refugees deaths for an excuse to impose more EU unification over the continent…I mean it`s all going so well isn`t it at the moment?
F888 OFF BEEB…is there no depths to which you won`t go?…140 feet and rising!
should attract a few more readers from a certain community that indulges in grooming young girls – fortunately not as young as the head pervert’s second wife – a possible reaction to his cougar first wife being a little underwhelmed by the whole package experience?
Anyone have any idea how to get an e-petition set up to request a Leaveson style inquiry into the conduct and practices of the Labour party whilst in power without it being rejected.
If it could be promoted on neutral or right leaning blogs like this one or Guide Fawkes or even the Mail or Guardian, then it would be raised in parliament?
INBBC policy: more programmes on Islam, presented by Muslims.
Who does INBBC get again to front a new BBC TV series starting today on : ‘The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors,’ but Muslim (ex-INBBC, ex-Islamic Al Jazeera, now ITN), RAGEH OMAAR.
An alternative, non-Muslim view of the Ottoman Empire:-
This is the third Islamic INBBC TV series which Muslim Rageh Omaar has presented over the past 5 years or so.
This is INBBC’s established political practice re- Islam:
be it news, documentaries, history, religious beliefs, – delete programmes on such matters to Muslims.
And, of course, the largely non-Muslim British people have to pay for this endless INBBC propaganda.
“The Ottoman Empire was the decapitation state par excellence. Upon the Ottoman victory over Christian Serbs at the battle of Kosovo in 1389, the Muslim army beheaded the Serbian king and scores of Christian prisoners. At the battle of Varna in 1444, the Ottomans beheaded King Ladislaus of Hungary and ‘put his head at the tip of a long pike … and brandished it toward the Poles and Hungarians.’ Upon the fall of Constantinople, the Ottomans sent the head of the dead Byzantine emperor on tour to major cities in the sultan’s domains. The Ottomans even beheaded at least one Eastern Orthodox patriarch. In 1456, the sultan allowed the grand mufti of the empire to personally decapitate King Stephen of Bosnia and his sons—even though they had surrendered and, seven decades later, the sultan ordered 2,000 Hungarian prisoners beheaded. In the early nineteenth century, even the British fell victim to the Ottoman scimitar. An 1807 British expedition to Egypt resulted in ‘a few hundred spiked British heads left rotting in the sun outside Rosetta.'”
Any one also have an idea how to request a review into the BBC political and religious bias; despite having a remit to be neutral, can be put through the e-petition route and also get support/ advertising though blogs like this?
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Listening to non bBC programs I heard small samples from QT last night. First Quentin Letts nearly being stopped by Dimbumble, but probably knowing how he works kept going. But the second was the force of the audience cheer after the rant by Medicore Husan. That had to be the most rigged bBC audience of all all time.
Yes, the BBC-NUJ-Guardian-Huff Post’s leftist-Islam campaign to censor the non-left media.
It truly was the generic Question Time format last night, only Quentin Letts had the bravado to accuse the BBC of its renowned biased nature. Yet another handpicked audience consisting of leftists and muslims, the kind that hail medhi Hasan as some kind of king. Whatever the reprehensible idiot utters, the audience lap it up and clap like regimented seals. That’s come to be expected though of Question Time, but the worst part about last night was that absolute nobody panelist (Kirsty Williams, leader of Welsh Liberal Democrats.) cosying up to Hasan and his nonsensical, albeit fairly articulate diatribe. There’s no doubt that Hasan is an intellectual, a man that can sway the opinions of the vulnerable. The exact figure the BBC want spearheading torrents of abuse against any right thinking person. This is why the BBC, especially QT which garners a huge viewing percentage, is a dangerous and manipulative entity that needs destroying. If only Cameron had the guts to act on what he already knows, then maybe the future of this country might be different. I won’t bank on it.
“…a man that can sway the opinions of the vulnerable”
Dangerous, very dangerous his rant was akin to that of a preacher of hate.
This was Hasan’s obviously well-rehearsed rant on QT:
“Let’s have the debate about who hates Britain more, it isn’t a dead Jewish refugee from Belgium who served in the Royal Navy, it’s the immigrant-bashing, woman-hating, muslim-smearing, NHS-undermining, gay-baiting Daily Mail.”
This fits the BBC mindset perfectly, hence the seemingly unlimited access he’s given for his uninterrupted rants.
‘An intellectual’? He’s on record as saying that he takes it as absolute truth that some bloke called Mohammed was carried off to heaven on a winged-horse. Yes, right, course he was.
The intellectual comment referred to his general knowledge on a wide range of topics; not his misconception of a barbaric, fascist ideology.
Talking of ‘intellectuals’, the followers of the followers of the winged horse variety, here’s the opening salvo from an occasional blogger who’s always bang on the nail:
‘It’s no longer a matter of debate…no longer any room for argument or ambiguity.
The official voices of the western leftist intelligentsia are officially & undisguisedly head over heels in love with Islamic fascism.’
Just read this about Hasan on specci web site
Amused me
I actually can’t, and won’t, watch any more. I’m not sure if it’s a rigged audience or just a very, very stupid one.
A wise decision.
I agree Kingmaker, i keep my £145 in my pocket but watch the better stuff on the I-Player, but i’ve given up QT for the sake of my blood pressure. The audience of late resemble chimps on acid.
Agree. I don’t want to go to bed angry and, in any case, I always know what to expect.
If anything extraordinary did happen, I could catch it later.
Quentin should have hit straight back and said to the cheering chimps that the object of their admiration considers them as mere cattle, and check it out on YT.
Nick Cohen at The Spectator makes some excellent points about this:
Who is the greater hypocrite: Mehdi Hasan or the British left?
Not quite as rigged as this Question Time audience.
Aquab Hussain deliberately drives into four men in Manchester.
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
2.) BBC-NUJ:-
“Driver Aqab Hussain ploughed into victims in Manchester”
What is the point of ‘BBC Persian TV’ paid for by British people?
Does it claim to represent the interests of the British people?
Or does it represent the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
Israel P.M, NETANYAHU in two interviews:-
1.) Bloomberg, Charlie Rose:-
(45 min video)
2.) BBC Persian TV:-
( 1 min video clip)
Throw gays off a mountain imams to speak at London conference? …. Abdul Hakeem Quick who has also endorsed the death penalty for homosexuals is also a guest speaker?
Come on bbc, wheres your ahem out-rage, wheres the condemnation? … like this that’s been given days of coverage.
“A notebook emblazoned with Nazi swastikas and English Defence League (EDL) mottos” … as teen planned mosque terror attack etc etc
After all today BBC 5live, (as I type, for the second time up to press) lots of airtime … “grave concerns over erm medical nasal spray?” given to muslim pupils make contain trace gelatine derived from pork products?
priorities? bbc?
lots of space for this … chimp on pill has twins?http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-24395144
no room, for mandated death threats against our friends of the pink persuasion?
this is a classic, one can almost hear N Panto Campbell, or V Drearybyshire, with exactly the same, narrative and stock answers
Anyone notice how this “muslim nose spray” non story
has been expanded on BBC?
After I d driven back today BBC5live s Drive program, was ballooning it.
It seems simple, muslim organisations have made an issue of it, so … give them addresses of private clinics
where they can pay to have it separately.
That is the issue, right as always with them separation? … differentiation, because is sure as hell isn t a medical reason, or as I ve mentioned before a religious one.
Dimbleby got exceptionally angry when Letts said the Daily Mail was under attack especially because it criticised the BBC. Dimbleby always does when the corporation or his role in it gets even a mention. This is the way he intimidates the speaker.
Even he was a little startled at how heavily and unusually stacked the audience was. There was plainly a job lot of Trots brought in by the researchers who had all got sitting together.
“There was plainly a job lot of Trots brought in”
That ‘job lot’ maybe be small in total number, but they are very well organised, and have the time and will to push whatever single minded message instructed well. Or howl down any counter.
Even on a vast audience national medium, the nature of audience composition, or edits, can see hundreds used to sway millions.
Equally social media. The BBC bends it even more, often opening ‘debate’ after the working day starts and closing before it ends, leaving the field clear to a majority with professionally-sanctioned daylight access, or those who appear untroubled by work commitments. Weekend topics seldom go near controversy.
@BBCAndrewH via Twitter
A brutal fortnight in Khartoum has reportedly led to the coining of new word for security forces’ vehicles: Thatchers http://t.co/dYj3yMbhaP
…and wholly inappropriate…gleefully twittered by BBC Africa correspondent, Andrew Harding..
Forgive me, but a few things are raised here.
a) What security forces? Are any British there? Why would they be?
b) Who is doing the coining? Why would Sudanese refer to a 70’s UK PM for security vehicles now? Seems from the piece the reason is not exactly how the BBC would usually spin it or Mr. Harding wishes it was.
c) But if these things are, like most 3rd world ‘security’, prone to a bit of state-sponsored hit and run, one would have thought they’d be better dubbed an ‘Aunty’ or, now, a Miliband.
Especially given:
‘They are loyal to the regime.’
He certainly has pulled out a bit he fancies. Oddly, this one, not so much:
‘Question: Will this Friday be a big day?
Ali: Yes it will be a big day? Especially where there are markets.
Yes. Friday. Known for its ‘markets’. Those calls to riot in Asda are notorious.
Hard to know if Mr. Harding is daft, venal, or both.
News24: How convenient that the REAL stinky story about the Emails, NHS, Andy Burnham, CQC and Basildon Hospital does not get to see the light of day. Miliband on yet again, surprised Mad Al has not been asked for a reprise of his tirade.
It is now on Guido, how long can the bBC ignore such a stinky story? http://order-order.com/2013/10/04/tories-call-for-burnham-to-resign-2/
Not sure the BBC will treat this as anything other than a very minor irritation. They can claim that Burnham was going to be reshuffled out of his position anyway, so there’s nothing to get excited about. This is largely irrelevant to the BBC’s news agenda. Making a big deal out of this won’t help prop up Miliband and Labour, won’t help the NHS, won’t help the war against the Mail, and won’t damage a Conservative minister.
It’s not on the website nor has it been on 5 Live. Imagine if this had been a story about political interference by a Conservative. It would have got the same full BBC treatment that Ed’s Daily Mail outrage is getting.
Perhaps the BBC would like to follow up this story about Basildon hospital, where we find
Mr Hunt sought to blame the last Labour Government for failing to expose flaws in the NHS.
But Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham dismissed the charge, and accused Mr Hunt of “playing politics with people’s lives”.
We now know that Hunt was right, and it was Burnham who had played politics with people’s lives.
Tragedy of drowned migrants should not be an excuse for the speeding up of the colonisation of Britain, via Lampedusa.
Of course, BBC-NUJ-Guardian support the entry of unlimited numbers of immigrants from African and Middle East into U.K.
Migrants are genuine refugees normally fleeing famine or starvation. These people are wanabee illegal immigrants and should be called as such.
Which brings me to why studies have shown that these ‘refugees’ fleeing ‘persecution’ and with their lives in danger tend to make 4-5 trips back each year to lands of their ‘persecution’
If they come here their passports should be revoked in their own interests to avoid them inadvertantly endangering themselves in these lands they ‘fled’ for their lives
Didn’t Gaddafi keep a lid on this on his side and didn’t the Sarkosy/Cameron axis get rid of him? Makes you wonder whether the political elites want this to happen.
They clearly do, or they would stop it!
They are always quick enough to act when they don’t want something to happen – the London riots for example.
If the ruling elite can change the make up of the population of member countries so that the indigenous no longer form a majority then they ensure that nationalist tendencies will never grow to a point where they threaten the authority of the EU superstate. The Soviets did it in their colonised areas, Ukraine, and the Baltic states for example. Britain did much the same when they planted Scottish Protestants in Ireland.
This is also of course why they are so keen to encourage interstate immigration within the EU too, and especially to Britain because they want everyone to speak English. Merkel is no lover of Germany and would not objetc to replacement of their indigenous language IMO.
Just note the distaste on her face!
I worked in a city with a large Somali community. The irony of being asked to support asylum applications at the same time as writing”Fit to Fly” certificates for pregnant women to go home on their holidays appeared to escape everyone.
Or the many many thousands who, with newly-issued British passports or refugee status documents in hand, had returned from those very places where they’d claimed to be in fear of their lives. We all know the majority are economic migrants and you really can’t blame them for migrating from poor countries to Europe and the UK when the system positively encourages it. We’d all do the same. The political elite, particularly, but not exclusively, the left, don’t really want to tackle the issue, just give a vague impression of trying to control it.
Understanding why people want to migrate for their own benefit (free money, housing, education) is not a reason to accept it. Do you not understand the difference between what is in their interest and what is in ours? Dopey Leftists just see more Labour voters coming in.
No ‘migrants’ are seasonal workers who return to their home countries when their temporary seasonal jobs finish. Germany for example utilises many Polish migrants for the fruit picking season.
Sadly we have few ‘migrants’ of any kind in Britain, almost all the foreigners here are immigrants , legal and illegal.
For Hampstead Harrabin:-
“The climate change fanatics have hijacked the debate”
By Frederick Forsyth.
Interestingly, last night on iPlayer I watched a very slick production revolving around the scientific method, and the UK’s pre-eminence in following it, since Boyle penned a law and a few other bits ‘n bobs.
Hosted by a wanly grinning Prof. Cox (who else) wandering all around the earth to grin at the sun somewhere nice, I gathered the main thing is not to move on when others say things are settled.
Seems some memos he and the production team either did not get, forgot about, ignored or were only whispered unrecorded in corridors.
In other ‘news’, beyond its unredeemable tribal compromises, why I consider the BBC every bit in the sewer along with the rest:
BBC News
Fewer children across the UK than in 2005 are reading in their own time and one in five is embarrassed to be caught with a book, a survey suggests.
Just over a quarter of 35,000 children from 188 schools told the National Literacy Trust that they read outside of school. A similar number said they did not think their parents cared if they read.
Should we be worried that our children are reading less?
Any #prasnews ‘report’ that kicks off with ‘a survey suggests’ deserves all the contempt it warrants.
Any editor sticking ‘should we be worried’ at the end of anything specifically designed to wind folk up, is worthy of ridicule.
The vast number of mostly cretinous replies (bar a few highlighting the BBC’s role in dumbing down everything) on this FB page bear out the pact they have committed to.
BBC-NUJ headline-
“Madagascar mob kills Europeans over ‘organ trafficking'”
OR, should that read?:-
‘Black Madagascar mob murders white Europeans in racist gruesome torture’?
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Three Europeans burned to death by mob of vigilantes in Madagascar after they were accused of murdering a young boy”
Last week BBC Radio 4’s Inside Science gave a surprisingly unbiased account of what fracking was about. But then, that is what a ‘Science’ programme should be like.
Then up pops Professor Kevin Anderson on the latest programme. He thinks we can’t be given the technical facts about fracking without wrapping it all up with his purely political stance.
His key argument is that by the time UK fracking comes on line we will have used up all of the (politically determined) UK carbon budget so we won’t be able to use the gas anyway.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the UK to be self-sufficient? More politics. As good Europeans we should (vastly) increase the capacity of our interconnectors from the continent to create a super-grid of nations, allowing us to use the EU mountain of ‘renewables’ and become an ever more subservient outpost of Brussels.
So when the sun isn’t shining (usually happens every day) and Europe is in the grip of a winter anti-cyclone and there is no wind what will feed our interconnectors? French nuclear? German (carbon-free!!) brown coal? It will make it so much easier for Greenpeace and Caroline Lucas if there are only two UK electricity ‘sockets’ to target!
Pure politics, ticking the Global Warming and EU boxes and not a word of challenge. It is most certainly NOT science.
No mention on the BBC of the dozens of Syrians (some on hunger strike) occupying a footbridge in Calais demanding to come to Britain.
Asylum protocol demands they seek it in the first safe country.
Clearly wrong to demand the UK
Tell ’em to fuck off.
Yep agree. But I bet if we were prominent people who might have influence and we said something along the same lines , we would have the BBC , the Labour party , the Guardian et al down on us like a ton of bricks and hound us out of whatever position we occupied. So the liberal left have succeeded in suppressing freedom of speech by intimidation. Now where have we seen that before?
So millions of us , who don’t count may very think and say that , although the risks of doing so are increasing, but no one who has any power dares to say it.
There was a piece on the BBC lunchtime news yesterday about the re-jig of the National Lottery, including the hike in ticket price.
Cue footage of the original launch back in 1994 – excitement, anticipation, captured the nation’s imagination etc etc and then ‘Even the then Prime Minister John Major was in on it‘.
No, it was actually Major’s baby, its purpose being to provide much needed funds for sport, culture and the arts which wasn’t within the government’s remit.
So was this the BBC:
– being thick
– being lazy
– re-writing history to suit its anti-Tory agenda
Then of course Crash Gordon came along and made it yet another branch of his government’s out of control spending binge – just another form of taxation. Not that you’d ever hear that on the BBC either.
‘Telegraph’ (£):-
“We must not let the Left’s faux outrage over the Mail destroy our free press”
By Toby Young.
Can somebody please explain to me what the Mail said about Miliband père that was worse than what Justin Webb and other BBC talent said about Sarah Palin? Nobody at the Mail has accused Miliband of being responsible for mass murder like several Beeboids did of Palin (re: Tucson shootings).
Why won’t Young or Nelson or the rest of these people posing as defenders of a free press point accusatory fingers at the two (at least, that we know of) ex-Beeboids at Hacked Off? Why won’t Nelson, even while accusing the BBC of waging a vendetta against the Mail, point out that one of Hacked Off’s co-founders is a former Today editor and executive editor of the BBC College of Journalism?
Hacked Off was co-founded by a boss from the Left-wing Independent and a boss from the Left-wing BBC. They claim it was all a reaction to the phone-hacking scandal, but there were already laws in place to punish the perpetrators, and none of those laws deterred anyone. Why would any new press regulations do any better? They won’t, of course, but that’s not Hacked Off’s true purpose.
Nelson and Young and the rest of them posing as defenders of a free press are useless. The only media organization that will be allowed to continue with a free hand, unaccountable, untouchable, is the BBC.
‘Can somebody please explain to me’
Someone from the BBC probably could, but thanks to FoI exemptions, they currently don’t have to.
Hence you’ll have to make do with the BBC version of events as drip-fed to a mostly compliant audience, vs. reality.
It’s what makes ’em so unique.
No one in Britain has the courage to take on the BBC and the liberal left establishment, because if they do, they end up being hounded and face the loss of job opportunities etc etc. The liberal left have a stranglehold on the news media in the country.
Our only hope is that someone with lots of money( billions) comes along and sets up a news and current affairs channel of their own which broadcasts something close to the truth. Then, by a miracle, fights off all the attacks from the liberal left and gets a good share of the viewing public. Of course they would have to write off the money because they would never get a return on their investment.
Does anyone know someone who wants to rescue a country from itself?
I tweeted the following to the editor of R4’s World at One earlier today:
Sutton replied about twenty minutes later that they were planning to do the story on his programme. A short time later he deleted the tweet. The World at One didn’t cover the story. It wasn’t even mentioned in the bulletin at the top of the programme. We did, however, get lots more on the Daily Mail, a typically two dimensional will-this-do? report by Mark Mardell from Texas on the shutdown, and a right-on discussion between a couple of feminists (Bonnie Greer & Joan Smith) agreeing with each other that sexism is bad.
First time I’d listened to World at One in ages. That’ll teach me.
its ok DB, you have just been the victim of a socialist’s lies. Sadly, you wont be the last one either
‘A short time later he deleted the tweet’
So it’s possible some of his views do not reflect those of who hired him (and the public are forced to fund)?
How very un-transparent and un-trustworthy.
Shame there is no capture. I’d like to have that besides the fact that nothing he said would happen did.
His tweet-roll is interesting.
A few giving him what for.
I also notice this:
Milo Yiannopoulos @Nero 19h
@nigelpauley @tabloidtroll @suttonnick I’m very uncomfortable about anyone who could be described as a journalist engaging in this nonsense.
No reply as yet.
He does however open up a bit on the origins of the boycott he didn’t start or try and push, oh, no, with a vague gesture at a petition that appears to have been started by that stranger to the BBC’s production teams, Owen Jones. And some link free allusions to BBC favoured… ‘sources’. As an ex-Newsnighter… quelle surprise.
Nick Sutton has opened another BBC Pandora’s Box. Let’s see if he can close it back without consequence.
DB, I assume Mardell’s contribution was essentially what he wrote about his Texas visit here? Look at the way he relates the tale of somebody suggesting that the President is in some way responsible for the shutdown. Also, he doesn’t come out and use the word, but obviously there’s a hint that Texans are hypocrites when he writes that Texas has the third-largest body of federal government employees. It’s a massive State with the second-largest population, with I believe the highest number of illegal immigrants and the biggest border problem in the country. Of course the federal government is going to have a huge footprint. Mardell really, really has an ideological bent on what government is, does, and should do. It compromises everything he does.
Mrs Gilles tells me: “Our president needs to get in there and negotiate, roll up his sleeves and work like everybody else.”
So is it his fault? “I’ve never seen a president act like this. I am a little embarrassed for him.”
Mardell probably had to go to the nearest ritual bath for ablution after that. What kind of political analyst can’t understand that the President is supposed to lead here? Surely the BBC’s US President editor has been reading and hearing a lot from his fellow Left-wing journalists about Clinton and Gingrich. That was the President leading negotiations, not demonizing and telling the world that He won’t negotiate. How does Mardell not get this?
Then there’s the typical biased opinion of the unwashed:
My fairly random encounters with people who share the Tea Party’s line are telling, and important. It may reflect the echo chamber effect of talk radio and Fox news.
It may be simply that the Tea Party does represent a strong current of opinion.
As usual, nobody not on the Left is capable of original or honest thought. Nope, we’re all brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh and Faux News. Never mind that the national TV news networks and the NY Times and the WaPo and the HuffPo and NPR and the LA Times and MSNBC and CNN have ten times the audience and influence of the conservative talking heads on the radio. Most of the latter share much of the same audience, so unlike the other side their audience numbers don’t add up much more in aggregate.
Mardell simply refuses to accept that any more than a few extremists disagree with him. Nobody can possibly have reached an honest, reasoned opinion which differs from the President’s or Mardell’s far-Left world view. As always, there can be no legitimate opposition to Him or His policies. All opposition is directed by darker forces. Is this really the proper attitude for an impartial journalist? No, because that’s not what Mardell is: he’s an editorialist, an opinion-monger.
He also seems to feel that the Republican Party would be wrong to move further to the Right.
It is exactly the sort of thing that has Republicans looking over their shoulders and moving to the right.
It is why Mr Obama has accused Republicans in Congress of doing the bidding of extremists in their own party.
But Katrina Pierson is unapologetic.
This is presented as if the President is correct, when in fact He could be wrong to demonize His opponents this way. Of course, the faithful Mardell merely regurgitates White House talking points. Note the extremist language he uses as if it’s perfectly ordinary:
What about the debt ceiling, and all the warnings that the Republicans can’t play games with the world’s future?
This is ridiculous. The world’s future? Oh, the humanity! What emotive drivel, taken straight from Left-wing catechism. Only the Republicans are playing games? The Democrats and the President are on the side of the angels? What about the political stunts with the WWII memorial and other places the White House ordered to be barricaded even though the federal government neither pays for daily staffing or even controls directly? This doesn’t exist to Mardell, and so his report is a false representation of reality.
Now comes the part where a lurking or non-lurking journalist tells me that I’m reading something that isn’t there, that Mardell is merely playing devil’s advocate, posing an alternate viewpoint to those he’s interviewing. When you can show me a single example of Mardell using similarly hyper-partisan language when criticizing Democrats and diehard supporters of the President, or when you can show me a single example of Mardell dismissing their opinions as being from the echo chamber of the HuffPo or MSNBC or Ezra Klein, I’ll start listening to you.
“It may reflect the echo chamber effect of talk radio and Fox news.”
Seriously? A senior BBC reporter wrote that without hint of irony?
From recent outings, it seems irony is not a strong suit for the daft side of the Farce.
I think we’ve known for quite some time that there are no mirrors in the Mardell household. Whether or not the Texans’ opinions are the result of an echo chamber effect is beside the point. Mardell never says that when he talks to Democrats or Occupiers, for example. It’s as if only those who share his ideology have arrived at their conclusions in an honest, reasoned, legitimate fashion. He belittles or otherwise attempts to diminish the opinions only of those to his Right.
Lardell reminds me of a very slightly slimmer version of Jabba the Hutt, albeit more slimy.
Non-sequitur obviously, but I think it deserves to be said.
I see the BBC are showing solidarity with Red Ed, Red Ralph and Marxist everywhere
4 October 2013 Last updated at 00:21
How Children of the world united at a Soviet school
By Oxana Vozhdaeva BBC World Service
An absolutely glowing report of this Communist school is given by the BBC acting in their self-assumed Ofsted role….
‘In 1933 a unique boarding school was set up in Russia to provide a home for the children of revolutionaries around the world – the children of Mao, Tito and La Pasionaria passed through its doors.’
‘Decades later, she has fond memories, like many other former students, of singing revolutionary songs, and rejoicing in the belief that their parents were making the world a better place.’
‘The school made sure children were taught their own language, history and culture, and took pains to find teachers even of rare languages.’
‘Unlike other Soviet children, the students received information from overseas and were allowed to travel to visit their parents.’
‘”The Interdom gave me a cosmopolitan outlook,” says Beatrice Otigo-Potapova, whose father was a prominent Kenyan politician, and a personal friend of longstanding Soviet politburo member Anastas Mikoyan. ‘
‘Although the age of communist revolutions is long gone, another generation of children, they argue, might grow up to serve as “ambassadors of Russian culture” overseas.’
Aw shame, the age of revolutions long gone… and the BBC still so very nostalgic for it.
Wonder how long the detentions were should the kids have the wrong badge that day on their berets?
Twenty years or thirty?
I`d love to have seen those history books that they studied from-must be inches high with all the added Tippex that would have to be added by the week..Stalin good…no wait, Kruschev better…no wait again…
Can only imagine the terrors that the kid would go through by being sent to nurse in the psychiatric ward…sorry sick bay/library.
Ralph Miliband a governor and Lysenko as the boilogy teacher?…splendid!
This could almost be an extract from Pravda itself, 1952 vintage. I loved this bit of euphemism
“Mao Anying clashed with his father, accusing him of creating a cult of personality. Partly for this reason, he volunteered to fight in Korea, and died there…………………….” Hmmmmm I wonder
So we have a super elitist institution that educated the offspring of communist stooges in conditions of extreme privilege at a time when millions were being shipped off to the Gulag or simply shot in the back of the head in the woods. Very egalitarian.
I’m willing to bet that the Nazis had similar specialist super schools like the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (NPEA) reserved for the offspring of prominent Quislings, training them in racism, eugenics, militarism and subserviance to Gremany. No BBC story about such a school would have failed to point out the context of such a school and just how evil the regime indoctrinating the children was.
The BBC as ususal totally air-brush out the incompetence and unfathomable evil of the Soviet regime and the total hypocricy of ‘socialist’ leaders…
4 October 2013 Last updated at 01:15
Why is a children’s book about rabbits being read at weddings?
By Lucy Wallis BBC News
Short answer: The BBC has played a huge part in dumbing down British culture and infantilising us.
There’s the odd chapter from a Clancy that may be in the running, especially now.
But guessing 10 Rillington Place may be a less popular choice.
Must leave this thread for the time being – need to go for a ‘poo’.
“Mehdi Hasan Exposed. Part I – Atheists and disbelievers are ‘cattle’ and ‘of no intelligence'”
(Hasan is now political editor of HuffPost.)
Yep, I don’t know why people don’t bring this up when faced with that twat.
From the home of the ‘Arab Spring’:-
1.) ‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It only took twelve years to bring this jihadi to justice ……please note that this devout Muslim (with the enviable zebibah) was not poverty stricken (despite John Kerry’s declarations), but was a former professional football player in Germany.”
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Tunisian Nizar Trabelsi extradited to US on terror charges”
Headline on front page of BBC website:
“MP candidate stands down over fines”
That’s strange, it doesn’t say’Tory’ or ‘UKIP’…..
“A Labour parliamentary candidate has stood down after it emerged she owed more than £2,000 in parking fines and late payment fees.”
Ah, that explains it, no room for ‘Labour’ in the headline
No room also to go beyond watertight oversight.
Seems to have dropped off now.
This, however is up:
‘Mr Miliband sought to distance himself from the anti-Semitism claims.’
But, showing A. Funny. Way. To. Write. A. Story, the origins or outlet for these claims appear not to have been followed up: the Jewish Chronicle, Labour figures and others.
What is your reaction to this story? You can send us your comments using the form below.
Well, one would be who the heck was the near mute empathising emoter was the other side of the sofa as poor Ed whined, and whined, and whined…. that his Dad fought for his country, etc.
‘In some cases your comment may be used on BBC output’
Or, in other cases, possibly not. Reasons FoI excluded. Nice to control the edit in secret, eh?
Maybe if the audience of last nights QT whooping it up saw this footage of Medi Hassan, maybe they would have a different opinion of his rants, maybe not.
Remember when watching, this is a guy that has a regular ticket to the QT panel and also a regular paper reviewer on BBC 5Live and BBC News24.
As i said earlier today, Hasan is one dangerous character. The kind of man the BBC are seduced by. He comes across as an articulate character and undoubtedly has vast knowledge on a wide range of subjects, but his outlook on life and especially that of his religion is absurd and hateful. You really could mistake this video for an anti non-muslim rant…..oh wait, that’s exactly what it was. Not that the BBC or worshipers alike will take note and accept the reality of it.
I’m sure I’ve seen worse from him, but the video’s seem to have been removed.
Dangerous like a pussy-cat?
No idea if this is true, a spoof or what, but in keeping with BBC editorial guidelines, it’s published by a source, and that’s good enough to run with.
I also noted this bit which, if verified, explains much but excuses less and less:
“I spent a decade working in television as a news-and-current-affairs producer at ITN, the BBC, Sky News and Channel 4”.
Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
If this is the same Mehdi, guessing Newsnight will indeed find Paxo has suddenly discovered a need to cover Mongolian throat-warbling. Again.
Seems he is as billed.
Not that the BBC will see such hypocrisy as anything other than a cv plus.
INBBC headline:
“Muslim parents’ concern over gelatine delays flu vaccine in schools”
OR, shouldn’t that headline be?:-
‘Health welfare of non-Muslim majority threatened by Islamic interests’
“Jeremy Paxman ‘thought about quitting’ when Newsnight was embroiled in BBC scandals over Savile and McAlpine.
Host admits BBC2 current affairs flagship show was damaged.”
Holed along its length and sunk in the deepest part of the ocean, more like.
But thanks to the unique way that anything BBC is propped up, it still broadcasts from down there, overseen by Ian Katz in a his Deep Sea dive bubble, already cracked by all the impacts he has already inflicted.
Where’s Mrs. Merton when you need her?
“What was it about the million £ market rate that has stuck you with this Titanic lemon ever since?”
He thought about quitting……until he thought about how difficult it would be to maintain that enormous salary elsewhere.
As one approaches week’s end, by way of balance a wee surf on FaceBook catches up with an example of a nation the BBC clearly does speak for:
BBC World News
In Italy, new pictures have emerged of the rescue of survivors of the migrant boat disaster.
The country is holding a day of national mourning for up to 300 people feared dead.
The boat, packed with migrants, sank off a tiny island in the Mediterranean.
Their boat was en route from North Africa to Sicily when it caught fire and ran aground just 1km from the tiny island of Lampedusa.
Sadly there are too many people in this world, many with an aim to get into Europe and ultimately here.
Nobody will be held to account but those responsible will have trousered all these unfortunate victims life savings…
Tragic yes, surprising no.
Italy is holding a day of national mourning? I hate to sound insensitive but they weren’t Italians. Wouldn’t it be more apt if their countries of origin held a day of mourning? Or have I misunderstood the story and they were they going the other way?
Much of Italy is notoriously racist: they are probably mourning that there were survivors.
Really Mardell? I wonder who rolled out that stereotype over and over again?
“The George W Bush Presidential library is another victim of the shutdown, and it is where I meet Tea Party leader Katrina Pierson. Hers is a name to watch. The popular image of the movement is one of old white guys. She’s young, black, and a single mother.”
So where was Mardell last year? The BBC didn’t inform you about Mia Love’s run for Congress last year,they avoided Alan West as much as possible, and Mardell was obsessed with John Huntsman and completely ignored Herman Cain until he was near the top of the Republican polls. Never mind that the first Tea Party rally I ever attended, in 2009, was emceed by a black man, David Webb. The BBC has steadfastly refused to see what’s in front of them.
I’m sick to death of BBC journalists judging people by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character. Just because others in the media do it as well doesn’t make it right. No amount of diversity
quotastargets at the BBC can make up for this sort of overt racialism.Here’s another second amendment defending, pro life, Christian, tea party supporting free marketer that Mardell wont be interviewing any time soon
If the library was shut, how did Mardell meet her there? Doesn’t make any sense! Or was it not actually shut as part of the shutdown?
From the polling site http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/
Rather to my surprise their question on what news stories people noticed in the last week shows Miliband vs the Mail didn’t completely overshadow the Tory conference (though neither made a particular impact). 12% of people recalled the Tory party conference, 9% recalled Miliband and the Mail.
The following stories are currently in the upper left corner of Drudge, so there’s no possible way the BBC doesn’t know about it:
WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut
On Tuesday morning, seven National Park Service employees were seen erecting and tending to a barricade around the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. One NPS employee was operating a forklift. There usually aren’t any NPS employees working at the World War II memorial.
A couple hours later, when an Honor Flight of World War II veterans arrived, accompanied by Democratic and Republican members of Congress, the fences blocking the memorial were easily moved away, allowing the veterans to enter.
But the barriers are still at the memorial, and they’ve been reinforced. This morning, I walked by the memorial and noticed that wires had been used to tie the fences together.
Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown
The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors.
After a tumultuous few days, inn owner Bruce O’Connell told The Washington Times on Friday morning that he had just reopened his doors for customers, despite the park service telling him he had to shut down. He says he’s essentially private property, on a road that’s still open, and uses no government personnel, so he sees no reason to quit operating.
“I’m questioning their authority to shut me,” Mr. O’Connell said.
PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game
The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.
“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
Emphasis mine. Who’s grandstanding and playing politics with people’s lives again?
Defenders of the indefensible can dismiss two of these as being false or not worth their time because they come from an ostensible Right-leaning paper. If so, then we can then dismiss anything from the Guardian or Independent on similar grounds. Of course, the BBC’s top man in the US admitted not long ago that he dismissed all the questions about Benghazi not because the facts told him they were wrong but because the wrong sort of people were asking them.
The politics of Ed Miliband’s father, and of Barack Obama’s father.
It is very relevant to explore both:
-and the political left (inc BBC-NUJ) doesn’t want the results publicised.
There’s this on Obama’s father’s politics:-
(video clip)-
Glenn Beck & Dinesh D’Souza-
I don’t know about Miliband, but the President’s father’s politics are certainly a valid target of scrutiny considering the title of His faux autobiography was “Dreams of My Father”.
Actually, the way such as the BBC has been trying to play it, this also seems supposed to be ‘their little secret ‘.
No wonder they are keen to crush any source of public information or education save that which they control.
Allow me to correct a small, but significant point here:
Obama’s book is entitled-
“Dreams From My Father.”
“Dreams from My Father”
Glenn Beck
-Glenn Beck (2012)
-inc 15 min video clip
I saw this headline in The Telegraph
Woman shot dead after trying to ram security barrier at White House
Then wondered how the BBC covered it.
Their headline from yesterday goes:
Police chase in Washington ends in shooting and crash
Today’s is: US police launch inquiry after deadly car chase
What struck me was how different the headlines when a Palestinian is killed following an attempted incursion or threat against Israel.
Just looking at the most recent we have
1 October 2013 Palestinian shot dead on Gaza-Israel border
17 September 2013Palestinian killed during Israeli raid in West Bank
26 August 2013 Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli police
20 August 2013Palestinian killed in Israeli raid in West Bank
Hmmmm 🙄
Theres going to be a lot of hand wringing about this one. The woman who was killed was a single black mother, pretty much as high on the totem pole as you can get in america today.
The actions of the police seem a bit off, as when she was shot its difficult so see why it was necessary. Early reports indicate her one-year-old child was in the car when the police were turning it into swiss cheese.
Personally, I think that if she had been a single white man, the police would have done the same thing and then called him a right-wing neo-fascist, so I don’t really care that they did what they did. However, I foresee a lot of distress about this incident over the next few days, and it will be instructive to see how it plays out.
I didn’t know she was black till you mentioned it.
Now I see she was Miriam Carey, Woman Shot Dead Near US Capitol Building: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
I can just imagine if the Israelis had done something similar to a black or Palestinian woman with a 1 year old baby in her car what the BBC would have done with it. But here they clearly avoid mentioning that detail.
In this case it appears the police have been particularly heavy handed. Perhaps riots are feared as a consequence.
If I had a daughter she would ……
According to a report on RT website, identification of the poor woman was made difficult because of the injuries to her head. Apparently, she was riddled with bullets after she stopped and attempted to get out of her car.
Can’t help thinking she was a victim of the US cops increasing tendency to be trigger happy. How many bystanders did the cops endanger when they loosed off so may rounds?
Peter Foster, the US editor for The Telegraph asks the same question.
Capitol Hill shooting: more questions need to be asked of America’s trigger-happy cops
Looks like Obama is in a quandary about this. One would expect him to stand up for ‘one of his own’ gunned down in this manner, but then he would have to criticize the forces out there who protect him.
Perhaps David P can shed some more light on this.
The police officer/s who killed her must surely have been black. Thus, we have heard no race-hustling from the usual racists at the top of that particular industry in the US. Not one iota of “black woman killed by racist police”. If the cops are white, you can be assured it would be on 24/7.
I think more to the point she was stalking St Obama and MSM will allow nothing to sully his sacred name ..
Have posted this on BBC comments page ,couldn’t be arsed to go through complaints procedure
“Have just finished watching this weeks episode of VOTE LABOUR, formerly known as ‘Have I got news for you’
Any chance I can my £140 back?”
Just thought I’d share
Wont watch shit like that.
Labour would have been very very pleased with tonight’s episode of HIGNFY
Why not try complaining to “BBC Watchdog”, they take up consumer rip- offs. Talk about people in glass houses, they send you to prison if you don’t pay even if you don’t touch their sh**y product.
‘Spectator’ : slow to catch on-
“Sketch: Question Time is no longer an honest debating chamber”
“What a difference three years makes:
How political journalist who attacked the Daily Mail on Question Time once asked if he could write for the paper.”
The social media battle will be long and hard fought.
Considering the revelations, the DM piece seems quite tame and factual, if inevitable. After the mauling they have had, this must have been a sweet moment.
However, the number of vitriolic negative comments still dominate. At least for now. And many must be put off going anywhere near by so poisoned a well.
Same on twitter. The mob is mobilised and well organised, and a few hundred can soon dominate.
How any cannot see the inherent rabble rousing hypocrisy of Mr. Hassan’s positions(s), greed and flip-flopping to suit, bar the BBC’s teenage mentality producer cadre, is perplexing.
But control the ether they do, which means the message there at least is theirs to shape.
Maybe lucky that most, still, by evidence of the BBC’s own counter, do not give a flying monkeys.
Not that you’d know it from what the guys in the edit suites are still pushing frantically.
Great quote from comments
” Shinsei1967
• 3 days ago △ ▽
As someone tweeted last night:
“If the Question Time audience was representative of the UK electorate then Neil Kinnock would currently be serving his sixth term as Prime Minister.”
No more need be said
Oh goody, ‘Have I got a load of old, over-exposed, predictable leftie tossers for you’ is back on.
Lots of side-splitting hilarity about the Mail and its proprietor. Tear-inducing badinage about Cameron’s ‘back to the work-house’ plans for the long-term unemployed – ‘out-Thatchering Thatcher’, according to the scrupulously impartial Channel4 News presenter Cathy Newman. The ‘Tea Party’ Republicans are – oh, my poor aching sides – ‘like UKIP with guns’. And you’ll never guess which party a politician David Mitchell called – oh, please, no more – ‘a four-eyed tosser’ belongs to. And on and on went the dazzling wit, the razor-sharp repartee, the cutting-edge, ground-breaking satire until at last they were, in every sense of the word, clapped out as the final credits finally came up.
…At this point it’s worth remembering that, according to the BBC, there are no ‘right wing comedians’ in the UK. None. The BBC has looked high and low and just can’t find any.
They should get Condell on there. Although after all the editing out of undesirable comments, they might not have enough for a full episode………
How strange that the BBC should grade comedians by their politics.
An obvious answer to this blatant imbalance – which the BBC admit to – would be for them to ban politics from its ‘comedy’ shows, otherwise the accusations of bias will continue.
HIGNFY is in a different category, as it’s about current affairs and doesn’t have to have ‘comedians’ as guests. So with that one, they have no excuse at all for the political bias.
HIGNFY : the BBC could save on all the ‘talent’ fees and production costs – just set up a mic and camera in their staff canteen. Bit of editing, incase anyone inadvertently says anything right of centre – tack on the audience applause from QT – job done.
Political Left-Islam allies on ‘Democracy:-
1.) Global BBC:
‘Our multiculturalism will run the world’s democracies’;
2.) ‘Guardian’:
‘We have an absolute right to expose the world’s democracies;’
3.) Muslim Brotherhood:
‘We will overturn the world’s democracies and impose a Caliphate’.
“…Muslim Brotherhood: ‘We will overturn the world’s democracies and impose a Caliphate’.
One of the strange, curiously unmentioned facts about Hitler was his expressed admiration for Islam. It’s all there in ‘Hitler’s Table Talk’.
In Islam, Hitler, despite considering the Arabs generally as an inferior race, identified in Islam an aggressive, fascist regime that could be potentially useful as an ally to his aims, even going so far as permitting
“…Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy .”
…Not something we hear Muslims mention too often these days. More about Hitler and Islam here:
The Mail have confirmed the Medi Hassan job application, but look at the orchestrated comments below….
Ann Leslie said on TV during the week (paraphrased) that the DM is punchy, has a readership of 2m, and that’s what scares the Left so much.
Don’t care for Ann Leslie very much but she’s spot on here.
And only the Mail employs the lies of Dame Anne, dear Melanie Phillips and Sir Peter Hitchens.
All these saints have met the left over many years, and know full well what the likes of Miliband, Chomsky, Hasan and Toynbee are up to.
No wonder the Left want them banished to a gulag-like Ralphie could have hoped for with HIS enemies…running dog revaanchists with false consciousness etc.
The likes of Toynbee would never have been in danger of the Soviet psychiatric ward…they`re much too useful to the lefties in creating one big care in the community ward out here, using Pravda as the BBC and Isvestia as the Guardian.
T.A.S.S of the D`Urbevilles anyone?
F*** the BBC…anybody give me that both in Russian and in Arabic?…we`re gonna need it!
No matter that all these three saints are regularly heard and seen on BBC programmes, of course.
Funny how the Marxist past of Melanie Phillips and Peter Hitchens is not seen as a problem on this blog, but Tim Stanley is eviscerated for the far lesser offence of having been a Labour supporter. By a remarkable coincidence he is the only one of the three to have defended Islam in recent articles. Interesting.
“No matter that all these three saints are regularly heard and seen on BBC programmes”
As every blue moon?,
“Funny how the Marxist past of Melanie Phillips and Peter Hitchens is not seen as a problem on this blog”
That’s because they put childish things away ,which they have both made clear in their writings
(I my self was very briefly a member of the SWP, though even at the tender age of 17 it didn’t take me long to realise what a crock it was)
” remarkable coincidence he is the only one of the three to have defended Islam in recent articles. Interesting.”
Yes that is interesting isn’t it
Peter Hitchens has admiited his Marxist past on many occasions. He always ends with “….but I grew up!”
And there you have it Conspiracy…. It’s usually the people who journey from the left to the right of politics that many lefties vilify the most, probably because those who leave the fold blow the gaff on the workings and attitudes of the vile dogma that is Marxism.
…he wrote, entirely missing the point.
He said, completely missing his mark and hitting his foot……again
Surprised no else noted the Labour party broadcast that it ‘The Now Show’ on radio 4 ?
It opened with a long rant about the cuts casting David Cameron as Scrooge, pausing to question the existence of actual ghosts, just to show their atheist credentials and lack of superstitions.
Of course a complaint was raised, for all the good it will do, but it really was one of the most shockingly biased programs I’ve heard in a while
I heard a few mins (before turning off – blood pressure) of this marxist trash. The bit I heard was explaining that marxist internationalists who, by definition, hate countries were the most upstanding and dedicated patriots whereas newspapers that disagreed were nazi racists.
One dimesional shit from the BBC – what I have come to expect. In passing has anybody seen Reginald D Hunter on the BBC since he made a point of saying that he admired Mrs Thatcher for achieveing so much in a sexist world. I may have missed it but I think he is in the Gulag.
I too heard this crap on the Now Show.
Not a laugh to be had…and all the targets for their venting could all have been turned into 180 degree satire on the likes of Miliband using his dad to get a few votes…that Dickens mocked the little Nell types like Campbell etc.
But no-only the usual targets allowed for these undergrad no hopers, playing at Leningrad.
Bloody disgrace-when was the last time this show made anybody laugh?
For the first time in over a year I steeled myself and gave it a listen.
Obviously lacking in said steel, I switched off in despair after 5 minutes. It was 5 minutes of anti-Tory, Mail-hating, Miliband-supporting, shameless political bias of the worst kind.
The BBC – the clapped-out old bunga-bunga hooker for the Labour Party.
A cat was let out of a very marxist bag this morning. In yet another item continuing the Miliband indignation olympics, Neil Wallis on Today at around 8:55 actually said – out loud – that there were no right of centre journalists/presenters employed on Newsnight. This statement of the obvious was followed by embarrased shuffling all round and the “discussion” was swiftly guided back to its purpose of demonising the Daily Mail and its readers.
Much of the MSM (inc INBBC) now apparently regards Al Shabaab Islamic jihadists and their Nairobi massacre as of the past; but the ‘Daily Mail’, to its credit, examines the nature of the continuing Islamic jihad threat which, for example, the dangerous convert Lewthwaite, and the next generation pose to British people and beyond.
“The White Widow’s ‘Jihadi children’: Secret diary of fugitive Briton reveals she is raising family to murder ‘Islam’s enemies'”
By Rebecca Evans.
Today 7.00-9.00 R4: At the end (1.54) starts an interview with two commentators. At 1.58 Evan Davis nearly blurts into his cornflakes as Neil Wallace says look at the bias of Newsnight. The I-player version is available.
Naughtie : ‘Our editors this morning were Adam Cumiskey and Terry O’Neill’
Check their Twitter – two died-in-the -wool Beeboids
Tweets by cumiskey
Tweets by terencejoneill
Thre may be many gems lurking there but it took me 30 seconds to find. these….
Adam Cumiskey @cumiskey 25 Sep
Brilliant mix of people working out in Lloyd Park tonight. #e17eyeopener pic.twitter.com/IAfMfRFgKp
[Needless to say there are no white folks in sight in Adam’s lovely diversity pic]
Terry O’Neill @terencejoneill 7 Jul 11
Police should raid offices of ALL Mulcaire-style inquiry agents to find out how many newspapers were hacking.
Terry O’Neill @terencejoneill 7 Jul 11
Wouldn’t it now be easier to list the people the News of the World HASN’T hacked? And will politicians now stop writing articles for it?
[De rigueur BBC anti-press, anti-competition views to the fore from our Terry]
Yeah the culture comes from the editors.
Funny you should say that, AsISeeIt. I stumbled across the following comment recently on a Forum for ex-Beeboids:
It is also often said that BBC reporters often “file” with their editor in mind–rather than the listener/viewer
Changing the management structure and capping golden handshakes won’t do a thing to fix this problem.
BBC as target of internal ‘sources who say’.
Poetry in ironic form.
One wonders how many there may be saying such things how often.
Probably FoI excluded.
The useful idiots and their Marxist puppet masters are hammering the story about the boatload of illegal immigrants that sank off the coast of Italy again this morning. They are now pushing the line that all the deaths and the reasons why illegal immigration exists is…yes wait for it…that the national governments of the EU member states will not discuss, agree and resolve the issue because it is politically difficult. So there we have it folks the subliminal message is, its all your fault and you should allow your governments to to take the doors off altogether and let the entire human race in!
One bit of good news though, apparently the “white Widow” is now on the US kill list and should soon have a nice little drone heading her way……I wish they would put the BBC on it.
INBBC: don’t mention ISLAM.
“Morocco teens held for kissing photo on Facebook”
If only the BBC journalists could confront Hasan on that video as they confronted Bloom over his comments then maybe we could be rid of Hasan on British television.
All those closet Daily Mail readers should read this blog
Pedophile Mail more likely. Very unhealthy publication at present (although the Money section is surprisingly objective and useful)
This Borg-inspired cycling the capitals and punctuation is really effective, if making it hard to know who is really who.
‘the Money section is surprisingly objective and useful’
So… you read it?
Does that make you a full-on Daily Mail reader, or are you still gunning for one still in, or emerging from the DMR closet?
Seems to be a dilemma afflicting many drive-by ideology merchants.
You either are what you decry, or admit to not actually having a clue what you are taking to task.
Or both.
Either way, it’s quite funny to watch.
ps: The Daily Mail I find mostly dire. Which is why I don’t support it with subs or much eye contact (even the finance section, which seems to attract the likes of you and Mehdi Hasan… so many investments, so many double standards). It’s a choice thing.
This site is about BBC Bias. And for most, funding it no matter how egregious their forays into many areas, from journalistic stitch-ups to ‘talent’-based cover-ups of actual child abuse, is not an option.
As always, thanks for highlighting the difference.
Hattie and hodge the Labour ‘it’s that October 1917 revival tour’ ladies second eleven would approve of pedo helping! why do you think they love working for the BBC ?
Dm readers ? hmm funny but the only people reading the mail and whining about it are left wing morons like you wildstrapon?
Where`s this Parliamentary/BBC Womens football match then?…chuck money at them all to make it happen.
Hodge v Murray…Jowell(Sports Minister remember?) up against Jane Garvey…about time these ladies practiced what they preached.
And get that EU Brazilian nut out of the dressing rooms, which double as a favela for her own team of freeriders…
I would like to volunteer as communal bath assistant. As my namesake used to say. ” nickers knackers knockers”.
“Decline and Fall of the BBC? ”
(Commentary Magazine April 2013).
Now then,now then.
dreadful news from the antipodes
not only is the royal family welcome; worse, they are popular.
no mention the fact that prince harry is a muslim terrorist target, presumably because they couldn’t quite stomach pointing out that the same applies to the rest of us.
The BBC really knows its stuff doesn’t it
“It is not the only British Harry causing excitement in the country.
Singer Harry Styles is currently in Sydney with his band, One Direction”
So there we have it, fourth in line to the throne of Australia and equated by the BBC with some boy band plastic entertainer. You can almost hear the sneering and sniggering as the BBC sub slipped that one in……
hope mandela doesn’t croak it at the same time as a `black labrador` gets run over!
Typical of the BBC not to let that Lampadusan tragedy go to waste.
Not when there`s a hope that the EU will ban all those silly national governments heads to gether with a unifying police and immigration force that would
a) consider Italy yo be just the first lilypad for entrance to Haringey, should all those Muslims get over to it.
b) ensure that all manner of people traffickers get safe passage and no questions asked-a la Chinese cockle pickers, but without the stigma of snake head triads tattooes needing to be shown
c) Christian refugees to be presumably thrown overboard, whilst Al Shabab.,Boko Haram and Al Queda franchises get control of Heathrow as they like.
Yes folks…hundreds killed off Italy-but these ones matter, as opposed to those who perished on the Costa Concordia-who were just white trash and kuffar to the BBC/EU project for a Greater Cuddly Caliphate.
If these people died-well won`t that be Nairobi Social Services or Italian fishermens fault.?..thank Allah that the EU are there with their wind turbines and loads of red tape to shut up the Daily Mail types?
Only the BBC would see refugees deaths for an excuse to impose more EU unification over the continent…I mean it`s all going so well isn`t it at the moment?
F888 OFF BEEB…is there no depths to which you won`t go?…140 feet and rising!
should attract a few more readers from a certain community that indulges in grooming young girls – fortunately not as young as the head pervert’s second wife – a possible reaction to his cougar first wife being a little underwhelmed by the whole package experience?
Anyone have any idea how to get an e-petition set up to request a Leaveson style inquiry into the conduct and practices of the Labour party whilst in power without it being rejected.
If it could be promoted on neutral or right leaning blogs like this one or Guide Fawkes or even the Mail or Guardian, then it would be raised in parliament?
INBBC policy: more programmes on Islam, presented by Muslims.
Who does INBBC get again to front a new BBC TV series starting today on : ‘The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors,’ but Muslim (ex-INBBC, ex-Islamic Al Jazeera, now ITN), RAGEH OMAAR.
An alternative, non-Muslim view of the Ottoman Empire:-
“The Forgotten Genocide: Why It Matters Today”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
This is the third Islamic INBBC TV series which Muslim Rageh Omaar has presented over the past 5 years or so.
This is INBBC’s established political practice re- Islam:
be it news, documentaries, history, religious beliefs, – delete programmes on such matters to Muslims.
And, of course, the largely non-Muslim British people have to pay for this endless INBBC propaganda.
INBBC licence-fee as JIZYA for Islam.
It seems that INBBC regards the licence-fee as JIZYA which non-Muslims have to pay (as under Ottoman rule) for the benefit of Islam.
“The Islamic basis of the jizya”
“The Ottoman Empire was the decapitation state par excellence. Upon the Ottoman victory over Christian Serbs at the battle of Kosovo in 1389, the Muslim army beheaded the Serbian king and scores of Christian prisoners. At the battle of Varna in 1444, the Ottomans beheaded King Ladislaus of Hungary and ‘put his head at the tip of a long pike … and brandished it toward the Poles and Hungarians.’ Upon the fall of Constantinople, the Ottomans sent the head of the dead Byzantine emperor on tour to major cities in the sultan’s domains. The Ottomans even beheaded at least one Eastern Orthodox patriarch. In 1456, the sultan allowed the grand mufti of the empire to personally decapitate King Stephen of Bosnia and his sons—even though they had surrendered and, seven decades later, the sultan ordered 2,000 Hungarian prisoners beheaded. In the early nineteenth century, even the British fell victim to the Ottoman scimitar. An 1807 British expedition to Egypt resulted in ‘a few hundred spiked British heads left rotting in the sun outside Rosetta.'”
George you are going to enjoy (sic)
Al Beeb. 1 s
Sunday Muslim Live … NOT!
Any one also have an idea how to request a review into the BBC political and religious bias; despite having a remit to be neutral, can be put through the e-petition route and also get support/ advertising though blogs like this?
Scrap that, theres one on already –
Any chance this blogs author can be notified to publicize this?