Tommy for you the war is over….
Or is it?
Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadan Foundation, talking on the BBC seemed to think so, claiming the forces of conservative Islam had won a great victory and had closed down the EDL.
In May a new approach was suggested for the EDL…
It would be interesting to see the BBC’s reaction if the EDL adopted the ‘Sinn Fein/IRA’ approach and separated the ‘direct action’ protest group from the political…and got themselves some media savvy spokesman with some gravitas and stature….perhaps even a Muslim.
The BBC were always ready to talk to Gerry Adams…going so far as to evade a government ban on broadcasting interviews with the IRA…despite his links to the murderous IRA who tortured, bombed and killed so many.
Today Tommy Robinson and many of the leaders of the EDL left the organisation to take a more sophisticated political approach to combating extremism….and have joined forces, at least initially, with….a Muslim group, Quilliam:
‘Mr Robinson said it was still his aim to “counter Islamist ideology”, although “not with violence but with better, democratic ideas”.’
This move puts Robinson on the road to ‘respectability’…at least as much as he could expect….some will never accept him and his views….whilst of course still leaving the ‘direct action’ of the EDL to keep the issues from disappearing off the radar….and the TV screens.
The academic specialising in extremist groups and Islamophobia, Matthew Goodwin, says (in 2011) supporters of the far right are generally neither irrational nor isolated, and that a far right party without extremist baggage could be electable in Britain
And the EDL outlook has far more support than the BBC will ever admit:
Matthew Goodwin, a leftwing academic has made it his job to study the ‘far Right’ and the ‘Counter Jihad movement’……from his work we can see that 50% of his poll agree that there will be a ‘clash of civilisations’ between white Britons and Muslims…36% disagree. Further more 52% of Conservatives, 33% of Labour, 18% of UKIP and 24% ‘other’, and only 5% of the BNP agree with the EDL.
So there is a large ground swell of opinion that does think the EDL have something worth saying…Goodwin himself admitting:
‘Their beliefs about the threatening nature of Islam have wider public support.’
When the BBC claim your group and its ideas ‘pollute the rest of the population’ as Sarah Montague claimed and it does hatchet jobs on you as Andrew Neil did in his ‘interview’ with Robinson, questions kindly provided by Islamist Mehdi Hasan, and there is little to no chance of a comparably fair hearing as the BBC gave to far more extremist groups such as the IRA and Muslim groups, you know that a change of approach is vital if the message is to be heard, and not just heard but listened to.
I haven’t had time to look at a widescale sweep of BBC coverage but what I have heard is mostly to be expected from them.
Victoria Derbyshire must be tearing her hair out having missed the big story…thankfully we had the more level headed Tony Livesey standing in for her who from what I heard was pretty fair….though as per normal for the BBC a single EDL representative was outnumbered by 3 other anti-EDL guests.
One of those guests was the above mentioned Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadan Foundation.
The Ramadan Foundation might well itself be considered extremist….and yet the BBC frequently seeks out their opinion. Harry’s Place can shed a little light on their activities.
It is bizarre, if looking for sensible comment, for the BBC to bring on extremist Muslims to talk about a group that is opposed to them…just what exactly does the BBC think they will say? Unlikely to be fair and balanced.
But then I guess the BBC know that…..and Shafiq has been doing the rounds of BBC studios all day giving us the benefit of his understanding of events, their meaning and consequences.
One common comment on programmes was that Robinson doesn’t represent the ‘working class’….and does professional media commentator, ‘professional Muslim’, Shafiq, ‘represent’ Muslims…does Ed Miliband represent the working class?
The BBC, along with the Establishment et al, created the EDL. They denied any commentator a voice if they were critical of Islam…. the only solution left was to take to the streets if they wanted to get their voices heard.
‘We’re English, we’re working class, millions of us out there, we’re not being listened to.’
Then the BBC et al decided to ‘kill the monster’ they had created and set about demonising the EDL….no angels for sure but it was often the UAF who started the violence on EDL marches, and they along with other extremist groups such as the MCB all get a free pass on the BBC and are often invited in for comment….. today we had the UAF on 5Live …no comment on its violence.
It is one of the paradoxes of our time…a group that opposes the extremist ideology that incites homophobia, mysogyny, anti-Semitism, violence against ‘the other’, apartheid and as historian Tom Holland told us, was a no more than divine sanction to plunder and kill the Unbeliever, is demonised and attacked whilst those who endorse and practice this ideology are protected by a government sponsored industry along with copious amounts of Danegeld to keep them quiet and pliant, political appointments based purely on religious convictions, their cultural needs forced upon the rest of the population, and a compliant media that far from being independent of government, as it so often boasts, is working hand in hand with it to spread the message about the Religion of Peace.
Just yesterday we had the BBC broadcasting a major new programme The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors.
I haven’t watched it…but I could easily have guessed precisely how it would unfold…and luckily for me Craig at ‘Is the BBC biased?‘ has done the footwork….and surprise surprise it is essentially a pro-Muslim propaganda piece:
The programme evidently aimed to fill its viewers with admiration for the dramatic achievements of the ascendant Ottomans and, as might have been expected, gave them a largely positive spin. Pretty much every potential criticism was excused by either Rageh or one of his experts.
The BBC broadcast an excellent programme on Sunday, Sunday Morning Live, that did raise exactly the same questions that the EDL are asking….unfortunately that seems to be a one off for the BBC…and the conclusions reached will no doubt be rapidly buried and forgotten.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC commentary develops regarding Tommy Robinson….I somehow doubt that anything he has to say on Islam will get a fair hearing…the BBC seem keen to mention the new narrative that he is going to also talk about the danger of ‘Far Right’ extremists as well.
“We [Quilliam] have been able to show that Britain stands together against extremism regardless of political views and hope to continue supporting Tommy and Kevin in their journey to counter Islamism and neo-Nazi extremism.”
If he’s interested in a career in Telly and radio that would be the way to go, a guaranteed platform and pay check from the BBC….just cobble together some ‘Warning from History’ mentioning the Far Right, Golden Dawn and UKIP in the same sentence and you’re away…..the Tristrams will love it.
Quote: It is one of the paradoxes of our time…a group that opposes the extremist ideology that incites homophobia, mysogyny, anti-Semitism, violence against ‘the other’, apartheid and as historian Tom Holland told us, was a no more than divine sanction to plunder and kill the Unbeliever, is demonised and attacked whilst those who endorse and practice this ideology are protected by a government sponsored industry along with copious amounts of Danegeld to keep them quiet and pliant, political appointments based purely on religious convictions, their cultural needs forced upon the rest of the population, and a compliant media that far from being independent of government, as it so often boasts, is working hand in hand with it to spread the message about the Religion of Peace.
And that is the million dollar question. How is it, that since 9/11, not one leader in the Western world has stepped out of line of the mantra that Islam is the RoP. Not one. No exception. After every terrorist outrage – 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, Beslan, Boston, etc etc , every Western leader comes out and mumbles the same old – Islam is a RoP, tiny minority of extremists etc etc – you know the spiel. Not one, no exception.
This in itself must a beg a question or two. There is hardly any doubt that this unity of response, carried over a decade, and over different governments, is an agreed Western policy. If it were not so, then at least one leader would have demurred from the spiel.
As the combined military forces of Islam are no match for even a medium sized Western nation, while Jihadi terrorism are mere flea bites, one has to ask the question – what are our leaders up to.
There is an important component here that everyone ignores; Saudia Arabia.
The Saudia dynasty has used their immense wealth to “buy” influence amongst the political classes throughout the West. They have immense influence both politically and amongst those that have connections with the political elites.
Further in the British context they have invested heavily in Islamic centres in many Universities to sanitize the religion.
I don t like the way the Quilliam bozo s have been allowed to hijack this, as a publicity stunt. The double standard, is frightening, why are these riders of the Gov “gravy train”
not held to the same rabid scrutiny, they are after all “genuine” extremists, unlike Robinson? who has only reported the issue loudly.
Ritula SHAH hostile interrogation of T Robinson, constant interruptions on Radio 4 ‘The World Tonight 8min 40 – link
check out the bizarre world of N Campbell
who follows his presupposition low point interview “exclusive” yesterday.
With 5live breakfasts (and I use the term loosely) debate.
Just after 8am (around 8 10am no link yet)
With D Murray and some gobshite from “The Liberal Conspiracy”? (I know … who?).
Again loaded, again presupposition,
R Spencer, P Geller, far right, fascist Robinson, hate site, hate organisation, hate bloggers
islamophobe, islamophobia ya da ya da ya da
Murray must throw his hands in the air 😀
at least he s got more than enough for …
“Islamophilia Part 2” a new eBook just from that airhead.
The BBC parading Waylon Honcho of the gutter thugs UAF? and Ramadans Shafiq?
and Hate Not Hope as the voices of REASON?
They ought to remember the 95% of viewers
that regularly show the BBC bias up on SMLive
and represent them … shooting the messenger and denial of reality is a toxic mix.
link 2hr 7mins
this from the bbc itself …
containing Gay members of the EDL
and their reason for being affiliated.
Catch Tower Hamlets Mayor Rahman too
And the answer is, Saudi Arabian Petro Dollars
What’s an Islamophobic extremist whose only goal was to start a race war against Muslims doing joining forces with a bunch of Muslims? Is the Quilliam Foundation fascist now? Does not compute….does not compute….BBC Narrative input required…..
His statements as reported by the HuffPo – a source the BBC must trust because so many of them link to it – bear little resemblance to the man the BBC portrays, but are not a surprise at all to anyone who listens to what he has to say in his appearances on the BBC. Funny, that.
I wonder if Robinson will get the full BBC rehabilitation treatment they give other sinners.
Unlikely, as he’s still critical of Islam. The BBC may give him a few token interviews to make it seem as if they’re ‘impartial’ but they will of course make them incredibly unbalanced, presented by a known far-leftist like Andrew Marr again and combined with four or five Muslim guests. And they’ll always make sure to mention that he is “the former leader of Islamophobic extremist group the EDL.”
I was being sarcastic when I wondered if the BBC would give Robinson the rehabilitation treatment they give to others. To do so would mean they might all have been slightly wrong about him the whole time, and that would cause too many personal identity crises.
I’m not completely naive either, about Robinson announcing that he’s shocked, shocked to find white-pride stuff going on in this establishment, although I believe he’s been fairly consistent in his appearances on the BBC in claiming that this was never what he meant to be about.
The unfortunate part of this story is that the BBC will most likely view this as their victory over racism, and it will only encourage them to continue suppressing concerns about Islamic extremism and to demonize those who speak out against it.
as far as the bbc is concerned, he ll get leeway till their programme is aired …
then his airtime will dry up … oxygen of publicity denied.
The orchestrated totally sterile result? … the bods of –
the Quilliams/the Ramadans/the Mpaks
they will be on one side, the MCB on the other and the BBC in the middle.
Muslim sharing airtime with muslim, discussing at great length, the amount of
action they may, or may not wish to take over
preventing extremism, so long as it doesn t
impede in any way, the many privileges which they already lever for themselves.
its coming
I have been following Tommy Robinson on twitter for some time. I am never one to judge someone purely on someone else’s say so, and would rather judge for myself the character of an individual.
In all the time I followed him, he never posted a single racist tweet. He condemned extremism and criminality within the Islamic community, he condemned extremism in the fringes of his own movement.
Now he has taken this brilliant strategic move to neutralise the false allegations of racism against him, the BBC and his other detractors from the liberal left, will have to face up to why they themselves, pandered to violent extremism from the UAF, and from within Islam.
Tommy’s message has not changed. The delivery strategy of that message has. It was never ever about race, and all about the character, beliefs and actions of violent extremists who desperately want to destroy the English culture and way of life and replace it with an authoritarian, monocultural oppression.
That is the danger, and I am delighted that Tommy has abandoned street confrontations now and is engaging with “moderate” Islam. Will it work? I have no idea, but it has to be worth a serious try. If nothing else, by Tommy refusing to engage in and mirror the hatred within extreme Islam, those extremists who are recruiting young angry Islamic men on our streets, suddenly lose an opponent and a reason to fight.
We should not wage war with these people, but wage peace and use the rule of law.
Our police should be able to prosecute crimes, regardless of the race, or religion of the criminal committing them.
We need Tommy and the others in Quilliam to open up the closed parts of the Islamic community to expose the criminals who run grooming and rape gangs. They need to expose those hate preachers who support terrorism. They need to expose those who want to engage in terrorist activity. Likewise racist and NAZI sympethisers who have been damaging the EDL should be exposed. As should the violent thugs and communists in the UAF who sell us out. These preachers of hate, from the far left, far right and within religious fundementalism, these intolerant totalitarians should be exposed for what they are, and their philosophies rejected by decent human beings.
As I have always said, I support multiculturalism, but only a version which is genuinely inclusive and which recognises and protects OUR native English culture and which encourages integration, tolerance and understanding within each and every culture. There should be no room for any foreign culture which wishes to destroy and replace OUR culture with an oppressive totalitarian monoculture.
We must remain vigilant to that threat and we must never be afraid to confront that racist threat whenever, and wherever it appears.
I was very happy when we had an English/European monoculture, as you put it, with only a small amount of genuine enrichment from other cultures, which we could easily assimilate.
I am not happy with multiculuralism and the millions of aliens that are being forced upon us. I strongly resent the fact that we were never even allowed a discussion about this mass immigration, let alone a referendum. I note that even the Labour party is coming round to the fact that we should have a referendum on Europe. But the impact of Europe on Britain has been trivial compared to the impact of immigration over the past 20 years. Because mass immigration and multiculuralism have never been subject to the democratic process I refuse to accept immigration as legitimate, as far as I am concerned these aliens are here illegally and so are their children. I strongly resent overt manifestations of multiculuralism, such as Mosques sprouting up everywhere and the way in which the BBC ram their agenda down my throat in every conceivable way from news and current affairs to history and drama. I object to the way that the English right to freedom of speech is being curtailed.
I don’t think that I am in a tiny minority either, its just that we have no voice in the media, and if anyone does put their head above the parapet to speak for us, the BBC and their fellow liberal multiculturalists hound them into silence or use draconian laws to persecute them.
How long can this go on? Will no one speak for Britain? Why is a nation committing voluntary suicide?
Multiculturalism is just another name for Anti-Western. The people who promote it want to destroy the West. They are sick in the head.
If you want racism and intolerance go and live in a Non-Western culture for a bit.
The Left want to import that because they hope it will destroy the West. They want a ‘resistance is futile’ culture in which anything which resists their State is exterminated, until all that is left is obedience to to the diktats of their central committee.
It is no accident (as they Marxists like to say) that in the Thirties they supported Stalin, and in the Sixties they supported Mao. The thought of all that death and destruction excites them.
As I say the Left are sick in the head.
Hear, hear… best letter, you say it all.
Well said, Ken. But I don’t envisage the common sense, balanced and very British approach you advocate will garner much support at the BBC, where Islam is always beyond criticism and a segregationist version of multiculturalism is like sacred duty.
An ironic Robert Spencer
We are constantly told that no Muslims, none, not one in the U.S. endorses the al-Qaeda view of Islam, and that only greasy Islamophobes think otherwise, and that all Muslims, every last one, all Muslims in the U.S. subscribe to a benign, Rotarian form of Islam that has never actually been articulated in Islamic terms or based on any Qur’anic exegesis, and which has never before been seen anywhere in the world, but in which we all must believe on pain of charges of racism, bigotry and Islamophobia. Khalid Ouazzani somehow missed the meeting where they went over all that.
And that reinforces my point..
The EDL has been totally infiltrated by MI5 and other security agencies. It has also been demonised and marginalised, and its leaders terrorised. The Quilliam foundation is a UK government funded organisation, so it does what the government wants or it gets the EDL treatment.
This is beginning to look like one of John le Carre’s stories, where no one knows who is pulling whose strings.
I have had this hunch for a long while, that we are all being gulled – led by the nose by all Western governments. For what purpose I do not know, but it will end in disaster for one for one side, or worse, for all.
You are assuming that politicians have convictions. Most of them work on the assumption that in the long run they will be dead so why care about anything other than themselves. Most Conservative MP’s for example heartily despised Maggie Thatcher (just as they despised Churchill) simply because she sought to address long term realities. They talk about carbon taxes because it makes them sound caring, and yet none of them bother to find out if global warming scare is justified.
I’ve been getting that feeling to. A good way of delving into the mind set of governments is to read the crap that think tanks pump out. One really instructive one is the ‘long war’ by the rand institute. Makes sense of the Syria debacle. Us and UK are using sunni against shia in an attempt to deflect al quaeda towards Iran. Also worth reviewing the office forbudget responsibilities constant crap about the economic need for good demographics (immigration). They operate in very round aboutways. Clever, but not wise.
You maybe right there.
I’ve always wondered why Tony Blair got us involved in Iraq because the stated reasons were obviously false. It could have been because there was no Soviet Union controlling UK left-wingers like there were during the Vietnam War; no-one to stop them upsetting the apple cart. It was not about oil or contracts either as the vast majority of the money went to the US.
Then I heard the theory that it was about concentrating the war in one place, drawing the madmen away from their own countries and into Iraq – where they could slaughter each other. Our troops were just the bottle top keeping the fighting inside. It seemed to work too, at first; until they discovered they could slaughter each others followers instead.
Now we have Syria and soon Egypt, where muslim is slaughtering muslim with only the occasional Western death.
What will happen when the nut-jobs wake up to this is anyone guess, but baring in mind their hatred of each other that’s unlikely to be soon. Who knows maybe there won’t be enough left to bother us …
And MI5, our Goverment and most of our other institutes have been infiltrated by Marxist Common Purpose types.
Their type can be seen day in day out on TV, as ‘experts’ on any given subject, heads of council departments etc (Joyce Thacker clones), and not just on the BBC, the rest of the MSM is nearly as bad.
The Mail had the temerity to out the ‘Marxist issue’ last week, institutions closed ranks, the lack of subtlety on a normally biased Question Time proved it.
Press freedoms are vanishing (Leveson) as Marxism can only exist with such press censorship.
Increasing censorship is becoming apparent on once fairly open Telegraph comments, many moderated of all meaning.
We’re all bloody confused as to who we are, who is who, whats wrong, whats right with our institutions dumbed down and feminised, capitulating to a medieval ideology, as should we (we’re constantly told). Mr Lennon’s departure to the Quilliam foundation is a forced move and not one he took of is own volition….
Of course this is happening by design, plans laid down by the Frankfurt School many years ago.
I get the impression that Andrew Neil does not care very much about anything except his own career. He is professional and hard working, but has no children, and when he is not working he seems to spend most of his time in his homes in France and New York. The notion that Britain or a free society is worth fighting for (has anybody seen him even defend a free press) seems to weigh much less with him than maintaining his lifestyle. I did watch him present a programme in which defended the concept of the Grammar School, but even that seemed more of an exercise in nostalgia any attempt to address the reality of the State education system. That he gave the working class patriot “Tommy Robinson” a kicking comes as no surprise. It is symptomatic of his jet set nihilism – he just picks up his 30 pieces of silver from the BBC and has a few swims in his pool.
Very true. Perhaps this nominal Tory was only ever employed as ear candy to provide illicit titters for jaded Fabians.
If you want to work as a television journalist the BBC (essentially a tax funded media cancer that starves off – and actively opposes – all other news providers) is pretty much the only gig in town. That is bound to mess with your head a little if you are not a bigoted Leftist. Andrew Neil is the result. A man whose idea of good journalism is sneering at everything and everybody.
Neil has had a very successful media career outside the BBC. He’s still the Spectator’s boss, among other publications, and most likely does his BBC gig because he knows all too well that’s where he’ll find the biggest audience and easiest access to the people he wants to interview by far. He doesn’t need the money.
My point is the mindset required (if you are not on the Left) to function in the BBC. I do not dispute that Neil wants to be on the BBC because he wants to be a journalist with an audience, although I do dispute your assertion that he is not interested in the financial reward. I was making a psychological observation about how he squares his political views with his job. My impression is that he treats all politicians with contempt, because that is how he is able to sustain his objectivity. But the price (I suggest) that he (and we) pay for this is a complete disconnection from caring about anything i.e. he ends up just being a version of the very people he despises.
Then again I am not a journalist, maybe putting food on the table is enough for him, and like a Soho prostitute it is enough for him to take a professional pride doing his job efficiently.
Well @afneil tweeted ad nauseam following his failed attempt to nail Tommy Robinson, that he would happily dish out the same treatment to an islamist.
He didnt define islamist of course, and neither has he done the interview.
Perhaps some kind of self preservation gene has held sway within his brain. Either that or it’s cowardice.
Talk is cheap, but the brave words have been forgotten by @afneil.
However I sometime remind him in tweets, which he doesnt answer.
Of course, he’s exempted from having to answer questions, as he’s the one who asks them, just like that other wanker Paxo.
I want to hear what the person they are interviewing has got to say, and then make up my own mind. Who are journalists to take it upon themselves to give their interviewees a monstering? It seems they find it hard to resist making themselves the story, although to be fair to Jeremy Paxman (who seems to have built his whole career on sneering) he let “Tommy Robinson” have his say on Newsnight. My impression however was that he was so perplexed that somebody cares about this Country he did not know what to say.
I want to hear what the person they are interviewing has got to say, and then make up my own mind. Who are journalists to take it upon themselves to give their interviewees a monstering? It seems they find it hard to resist making themselves the story, although to be fair Jeremy Paxman (who seems to have built his whole career on sneering) let “Tommy Robinson” have his say on Newsnight. My impression however was that he was so perplexed to meet somebody who actually cares about the future of his Country he did not know what to say.
at the end of the day, the street protest phase of the edl led by tommy robinson was a great success and was always going to come to a end,this was the perfect time to wind down this street protest movement,tommy is right,the next phase is just starting and good luck to him in his new project,the bbc and the far left seemed confused now dont they,they have been outflanked by tommy robinson,there is no doubt that tommy robinson and these streets protests forced the goverment and the police to take action against these child grooming muslim paedophile gangs and these islamic fascist extremists like anjem choudary,abu hamsa,abu quatada etc.without the edl protests led by tommy robinson none of this would of happened.the leftists now claiming and are living in there usual fantasy world that they have won a great victory against the you did not,tommy robinson is sitting back now laughing his head of at all you far left idiots and appeasers of radical islam with his and the edls great victory over you lots.lets hope now that these cowards from the uaf and there radical islamist freinds who threatened to rape tommy robinsons wife and behead his children get brought to justice by the police and spend a very long time in prison.
Don’t entirely agree with that – I don’t think TR is laughing at all. He’s paid a high price for his forthright approach and he revealed a while ago that his wife wanted him to cease.
I’m not generally into conspiracies but I think he’s been pressured into silence. I think he’s going to be relatively quiet from now on.
The circumstances which gave rise to the EDL in the first place haven’t changed of course.
Those on the left who have pandered and appeased radical Islam, and it’s violent mysoginistic, homophobic, child abusing ways, have a lot to answer for.
Now that Tommy is showing how to tackle radical Islam, those on the left who lazily and wrongly labelled him a racist, as those who they appeased were calling for us all to be converted or enslaved or executed, must face up to the real hatred and intollerance that they appeased.
Will they? Have they got the courage to really attack the intolerance of a culture which demands monocultural goals?
I shall not hold my breath.
The Fascist Left want it to be about street fighting (like Weimar Germany) because that is their intellectual level. You suggest that
“Tommy Robinson and these streets protests forced the goverment and the police to take action against these child grooming muslim paedophile gangs and Islamic fascist extremists like Anjem Choudary, Abu Hamsa, Abu Quatada etc. without the EDL protests led by Tommy Robinson none of this would of happened.”
which is an interesting point, but taking away a weapon from the Left is always a positive development.
It is not the case that in the Second World War and its aftermath the best lacked all conviction and the worst were full of passionate intensity. The Fascist Left may be full of passionate intensity but those who opposed the Nazi’s and the Stalinists (i.e. not the BBC) did not lack all conviction. Hitler and the USSR were defeated, and so will be the New Left – and their cunt faced heroes such as Ralph Miliband.
The BBC will be gutted about this from head of MI5, but they’ve obviously been forced by the Government and in turn the BBC Trust to report it:
Islam? ( or even islamism…same thing), an actual threat to the UK?
Nooooo……..surely not!
Everyone knows it’s the religion of peace!
Where do these idiots at Mi5 get their information? Do they not watch the bbc’s denial and misinformation service? Dont they listen to Dame Nikki?
Dear me, talk about squaring the circle!
those horrid, horrid, islamofauxbes
Tristram get my coat … I m so hurt
I watched last night’s News at Ten and couldn’t help thinking of Winston Smith.
Apparently he left because he was sick of being surrounded by racist scum. Strike a cord with anyone here?
Yes, but how do we leave the BBC?
It sure does ,for years fauxcialists like you have been accusing Robinson of being just that and more, over and over again . Proving, beyond doubt, that what you really mean by racist scum is any one that disagrees with you
If Tommy Robinson is opposed to racism no wonder “Mrs Lennon” hates him. Hared of Whitey is what gets Leftists out of bed in the morning. If Islamists stopped being thuggish and totalitarian the Left would no longer defend them.
WTF has Yoko Ono got to do with this?
Tommy Robinson is actually called Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, and his wife (who has 24/7 police protection) is reported as wanting him to give up politics.
Oh dear, perhaps I should have included a 🙂 at the end of that. The temptation to whoosh is strong in this one I think.
NB. Interesting that Mrs Lennon has to have 24-hour protection – not a commonly heard fact on the BBC. It would give the game away I suppose.
What political ‘left’ and Islamic supremacists have in common: censorship, and intimidation of political opponents?
Dear Mrs Lennon,
A. Muslim writes:
‘…..many Muslims are so fearful of the media spotlight that any type of discussion which isn’t uncritically praising Muslims and Islam is interpreted as an attack. This is usually followed by all the usual stock responses being wheeled out, i.e. most Muslims abhor terrorism, we are so well integrated already, what about the far-right etc.
The result of this dishonest and inaccurate rhetoric is that now we live in a society where mature debate about real issues is hampered at every turn. With liberals shouting ‘racist’ and Muslim activists shouting ‘don’t talk about us’ it is very difficult to make any progress. This in turn only aggravates existing tensions and allows problems to fester.
As a Muslim who acknowledges the many serious issues that affect Muslim communities in the UK, I would much prefer sensible and responsible voices being sought out by journalists.’
Just in case you didn’t bother following the link to Harry’s Place. Oh, here it is again (I know, I know – too kind):
Not only does he give you a mention (see bold), by virtue of his views, echoing much of what has been said on this site, he also seems to fall into your ‘racist’ category. Odd, that, innit, a racist Muslim?
Racists who hate their own people? True, they are scum.
No relation…
@ “If you live in England for five years it doesn’t make you English…..”Whoops, Jack Wilsheres in trouble, with the militant left and the BBC et-al…
Britain’s political class (inc INBBC) is, in effect, adopting the global policy of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in campaigning for a ban on any criticism of Islam.
The INBBC’s continuing virulent political opposition to Tommy Robinson and to EDL is indicative of this.
The UK Government is represented on the OIC by the (unelected) Muslim Cabinet Minister, Baroness Warsi. She, like the OIC (and increasingly, INBBC), is a prolific user of the recently invented word ‘Islamophobia,’ a word she uses as part of the political campaign to ban Americans, Geller and Spencer, from the U.K.
INBBC criticises Christianity from its politically ‘leftist’ stance; but there is no INBBC criticism of Islam. On the contrary, INBBC affords special preferential political status to Islam, as reflected in INBBC’s censored language and reports, the Muslim Rageh Omaar syndrome of INBBC’s Islamic output, the deferring to Muslim organisations, and of course, the inherent exclusion of non-Muslim critics of Islam.
“Sayeeda Warsi embraces the OIC”
I don’t remember seeing anything of note put out by INBBC on the OIC over the past 10 years or so, even though INBBC’s broadcasting tendencies appear to have much in common with OIC on Islam.
But here’s Geert WILDERS, a non-Muslim critic of Islam, who INBBC is disdainful of:-
“Like the specter of Communism in the past, the danger of Islam is political. Islam is mainly a political ideology because its aim is political. What the London and Boston killers, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and other individuals and groups, causing pain and misery all over the globe, have in common is that, inspired by the Koran, they want to impose Islamic sharia law on the whole world.
“They share this goal with an organization that is being held in the highest esteem by Western governments: the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The OIC counts 57 member-states and forms the largest voting bloc in the United Nations. In 1990, it superseded the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights with its own Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam. The Cairo Declaration is a document of unabashed Islamic supremacism. It explicitly states that all human rights and freedoms ‘are subject to the Islamic Sharia.’”
Jeremy Vine: “Tommy Robinson leaves the EDL! Are you some one who was on the far right or racist and then thought better of it?”
No time to go link hunting right now, but I dont trust Quillaim one bit.
It is named after Britains first Muslim convert who if his Jihadist statements are any indication would be plotting terrorist attacks against Britain were he alive today, and from Mel Phillips experience of one of it’s founders Ed Hussein, deeply treacherous and I would say anti-Semitic.
Good news about Tommy Robinson and his mate leaving EDL, but I feel they’re going to be used as dupes by back door Islamism.
U.K Government, ‘Guardian’, INBBC, etc are supporting Muslim Brotherhood (MB), despite (or because of?) its Islamic supremacist intent, while opposing entry of Geller and Spencer, critics of Islam, into U.K.
1.) Hague-
“I have been clear that whilst we do not support any specific political party in Egypt, we strongly support an inclusive political system which allows all groups in society to be represented and in which freedom of expression is respected.” ( Of course, that Hague principle should not be applied to Geller and Spencer who Government has banned from U.K: dualistic standards, a common practice in Islam.)
Anti-MB: Egyptian Government:-
“Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Stripped Off NGO Status”
Political ‘left’ (inc Beeboids) allied with Islamic supremacists:
-Supporting Muslim Brotherhood, opposing English Defence League.
Has BBC-NUJ promoted Mr Rushbridger, ‘Guardian’ editor, as U.K Prme Minister?
-That’s the impression given by Radio 4 ‘World at One,’ today where he was encouraged to state what should be policies on e.g. UK security, and on media freedom. He knows best: democracy is out of the window for such ‘lefties’.
Of course, there’s no Ms Kearney ‘World at One’:-
‘Now, Mr Dacre, as editor of the ‘Daily Mail,’ what is your policy on national security , and on media freedom?’
Watching Newsnight last night, I was surprised to find Paxo unusually moderate when interviewing Tommy Robinson. Kudos to him for not going into ‘full bully’ mode with such a (to the BBC) ‘easy’ target before him. Robinson was given time and space to explain himself and Paxo didn’t rudely interrupt or harass him as far as I could tell.
I don’t often have cause to compliment BBC Current Affairs but Paxo actually did get last night’s interview with Robinson ‘about right’ for once.
A big speech by the Head of MI5 was all over the front pages of the papers this morning, stating that Snowden’s traitorous leaking of secret documents had done serious harm to the UK’s fight against Islamic terror and criticizing the Guardian – without naming it – for being party to the treachery. Sky led their news on it.
The BBC reported nothing at first, they were banging on about the ‘failure’ of the UK’s border agency to check everyone they should. Guess what, this was the lead in the Guardian newspaper too.
Only later did the BBC put something out, heavily angled of course against GCHQ. The BBC and the Guardian again shown to be working together to keep facts from the people of the UK and the world, and promoting their Leftist agenda. And I say the world because the Director General of the BBC was promoting it as a world ‘soft power’ yesterday.
The BBC must be broken up, it is corrupt.
If the Guardian is being scolded for revealing facts they oughtn’t, how does that square with your claim that they’re conspiring to hide facts? The current US President is as Leftist as they come, and except for the spying stuff, Greenwald and the Guardian share His agenda. And St. Edward was, foolishly, a fan until his own ego took over. It’s just on this one issue that they disagree. You can bet that the Guardian and the BBC support just about everything else He does or wants to do.
St. Edward and the Guardian and the Washington Post have done damage, some of it treasonous. But the overall concerns of privacy and restraining government power are hardly the stuff of a Left-wing agenda. Greenwald has pursued his own Left-wing agenda for years (which is why he was brought to the Guardian), but on this single issue the interests of the Left and Right coincide. Purely coincidentally, coming at it from a completely different angle, I’ll grant you. But of course they went too far, went beyond whistle-blowing and into treason, because they feel they’re superior to the rest of us.
And the BBC heaped nothing but praise upon St. Edward for it, because they agree with what he did.
I should correct my comment above and say instead that Greenwald et al support the President’s domestic and foreign appeasement policies, and not really everything else except the spying stuff. I’m aware that Greenwald has a history of outrage at the President’s continuation and ramping up of most of George Bush’s warmongering policies, such as targeted assassinations, secret, extra-legal interrogations of captured enemy combatants, and drone wars. Greenwald and the Guardian and the BBC oppose all of that, however quiet the BBC generally remains. Mark Mardell is almost the only one who openly criticized the drone wars and the Obombing of Libya and threat to do the same to Syria. Charlie Booker mentioned the President and drones in the same sentence once, but I think he got away with it.
In any case, Greenwald has long been a vocal critic of anything to do with the President and some human-rights-of-our-enemies angle. Sometimes I wonder if he would have played with St. Edward at all if it was only domestic stuff and not telling our enemies what we’re up to as well.
“Britain’s MI5 head says Edward Snowden leaks are ‘gift’ to terrorists.”
“Guardian has handed a gift to terrorists’, warns MI5 chief: Left-wing paper’s leaks caused ‘greatest damage to western security in history’ say Whitehall insiders.”
Interesting that the Guardian, BBC et al think that its fine to publish secrets critical to the security of the country but are not happy for someone to say that R Miliband hated Britain.
Freedom of the press seems very dependent on whether you publish something the left likes , in which case you are viewed as a public hero no matter how damaging it may be, or something they don’t like, no matter how trivial it is , in which case you are to be attacked from all sides.
Can’t they see their own double standards or are they simply too arrogant to notice the contradiction?
I’m still waiting for Snowden to spill the beans on his new hosts and reveal the tricks Russia plays. No expose of that on the BBC but black flag apartment bombings come to mind.
I seem to recall at least one Guardian hack being rumbled as a Russian spy….
Richard Gott
@mrs lennon,i agree with you,he was surrounded by racist scum at every march,lets hope them racist scum called the uaf and the muslim defence league will crawl back under there stones now
If the EDL disappears who will the UAF freaks protest?
UKIP and then, if they are successful in silencing them ,the Tories. In fact any one that demurs from their received truth
Anyone that isn’t perceived as a left wing Socialist….The left share a common denominator with Islam in that they all unite together to take down their enemies….
Meanwhile on the right…………………………………………………………………….
Interesting comment from elsewhere, and from a leftist on this:
Petra Thompson ·
Excellent summary. The media, governments, “anti-fascist” think-tanks and organisations spent 4 years telling nazis and racists “EDL is the place for you”. It looks like keeping them out finally got too much for Tommy.
I have been on the Left and an anti-racist for the past 35 years. I have been at EDL meetings where someone identified himself as being a Nazi. He was told to leave the meeting. When he refused he was told he would be killed if he didn’t leave. After he had gone a stranger spoke up (he had been in the doorway listening to the meeting). The stranger was a barrister of the High Court in London (the meeting was held above his regular pub). The barrister said “I’ve been listening to your meeting out of curiosity, and you are nothing like the media portray you. I was so delighted to see that you would have no truck with that racist”.
If the Nazis do take over EDL, it won’t be Tommy’s fault. It will be the fault of the media, the government and the Left. These organisations ignored all the contrary evidence — black and white men from EDL appearing on BBC news and burning a swastika and denouncing nazism, EDL foot-soldiers hospitalising Nazis who turned up at joint EDL/muslim meetings, the Sikh leader, the black members, the asian members, the Jewish and LGBT Divisions, the support for Israel.
In the last few weeks, EDL has had more fans on Facebook than any of the UK political parties, and by that measure alone EDL is the most popular political organisation in Britain.
Of course the middle class elite who run the country had to destroy it. Thing is, they might instead of created the creature they falsely claimed it to be.
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · about an hour ago
I understand that many EDL followers are concerned to
keep the ‘far right’ out ( they are strangely in tune with most left wing unions on their ‘membership’ policy which is one reason I’m not a follower)
There is ,I understand ,a campaign, to encourage one of the senior members the ,so called Sikh division take over from Robinson.
That would be an interesting development
Can we have a URL for this interesting article?
Top comment…
And here is another “Interesting article”, on what Muslims think of the Quilliam foundation…
A serious suggestion to all those Islamist Nazis and their UAF Nazi friends, if you hate this country so much then bugger off to the hell-hole of your choice. Planes are leaving all airports every day, no excuse – just go!
I’ve been wondering this for a while, and this seems as good a place as any to ask the question:
What exactly does “Far Right” mean? When Mathew Goodwin (above) talks about the “Far Right” does he know what he means? Why are these people the “Far Right”? What is right-wing about them?
I am not asking these things rhetorically; I would genuinely like to know. I suspect that such people as Goodwin are just using some kind of buzz-word which they hope will have a subliminal effect on most of the population, but if anyone can offer a proper, informed explanation, or point me somewhere where I can find one, I’d be grateful. For example, the BNP are always called ‘right wing’. But aren’t they something similar to National Socialists? That would make them left-wing wouldn’t it. Perhaps I’m just appallingly ignorant. Thanks to anyone who can be of help.
It’s often relative to the speakers world view and is meaningless. They are loaded terms often used more as insults than anything useful. It’s similar to the way changes are ‘reforms’ to their supporters, and ‘controversial’ to their opponents.
Nationalism and Socialism both worship of the State as the expression of the will of the people. The latter however also seeks to dissolve the nation State. Nationalism is therefore a more right-wing version of Communism. Their opposite of both is a free society.
Calling Fascism “Far Right” is just Leftist disinformation. Both Communism and Fascism were a product of the French Revolution i.e. both are anti-conservative.
Not BBC but Channel 4 bias
Jon Snow messes it up. So obsessed with claiming a scalp and clearly thinking Tommy Robinson is a racist, Snow blows a chance to promote real community progress against Islamic extremism. Moderate Muslims are listening and talking but Snow is deaf. Well done Tommy Robinson for not loosing his cool.
Robinson is a real patriot, decent, moral and brave.
“Huffington Post * laments that Tommy Robinson hasn’t broken with Spencer and Geller”
[* Muslim Mehdi Hasan, a favoured guest for BBC-NUJ, is political editor of UK HuffPo.]
Two men are not all of EDL and we will continue without them,
We are grateful to Tommy and Kev for their hard work and dedication in helping to set up such a large and strong organisation as the EDL four years ago. We can easily appreciate the pressures and strain their leadership of the EDL has placed upon Tommy and Kev, not just personally, but also on their families and those dear to them. Not many people could have stood firm in the face of death threats, assaults, police intimidation and state interference. While we regret their decision to leave the EDL, we can understand their reasons and we respect them, as we hope everyone else will.
The EDL was founded for a reason. We had a cause in the beginning and we continue to stand by that cause now. We cannot at this moment say with any confidence what form the EDL will take in the future, but we can say with firm conviction that the EDL will continue to oppose militant and extreme Islam. We will further endeavour to apply our Code of Conduct and reject all Nazis, all extreme right wing organisations, and those who express racism either on our Internet forums, our Facebook pages or on the streets at our protests.
In these times of change, we are determined to fulfill our declared mission and carry on. Our next demonstration in Bradford will therefore go ahead as planned, with a number of guest speakers as well as the regular speakers and including ex-members of our armed forces. The EDL will continue its ideological struggle against Militant Islam and we collectively will not Surrender!
Who is Tim Ablitt?
Do you ,Arthur or any one else know anything about him that would indicate the EDL’s future direction?
The full impartial story I mean, not the BBC/Guardian ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’ version
As many of you know the suras of the koran are not in chronological order (it starts with the longest chapter and finishes withn the shortest)
In Islam there is a thing called abrogation and if two chapters or verses contradict one another the later chapter/verse would replace the original and is deemed to be Alla’s final word/decision on the subject so to understand the koran it needs to be put in chronological order—-viz a viz
96, 74, 111,106, 108, 104, 107, 102, 105, 92, 90, 94, 93, 97, 86, 91, 80, 68, 87, 95, 103, 85, ’73, 101, 99, 82, 81, 53, 84,100, 79, 77, 78, 88, 89, 75, 83, 69, 51, 52, 56, 55, 112, 109, ll3, 114, 1, 54, 37, 71, 76, 44, 50, 20, 26, 15, 19, 38, 36, 43, 72, 67, 23, 21, 25, 17, 27, 18, 32, 41 45, 16, 30, 11, 14,12, 40, 28, 39, 29, 31, 42, 10, 34, 35, 7, 46, 6, 13, 2, 98, 64, 62, 8, 47, 3, 61, 57, 4, 65, 59, 33, 63, 24, 58, 22, 48, 66, 60,110, 9, and 5.
Sura 5 can to all intents and purposes be ignored
If in the koran any verses are thought to be peaceful ….sura 9 knocks them for a six
9:5 Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
9:6 Those who submit and convert to Islam will be treated well. (Those who don’t submit will be killed. See previous verse.)
9:7-9 Don’t make treaties with non-Muslims. They are all evildoers and should not be trusted.
9:11 Treat converts to Islam well, but kill those who refuse to convert (see 9:5).
9:12-14 Fight the disbelievers! Allah is on your side; he will give you victory.
9:23 Don’t make friends with your disbelieving family members. Those who do so are wrong-doers.
9:29 Fight against Christians and Jews “until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”
9:33 The “Religion of Truth” (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions.
9:41 Fight for Allah with your wealth and whatever weapons are available to you.
9:42 Those who refuse to fight for Allah (claiming they are unable) are liars who have destroyed their souls.
9:73 Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway.
9:81-83 Those who refuse to give their wealth and lives to Allah will face the fire of hell.
9:85 Those who refuse to fight for Allah will be treated (along with their children) as unbelievers.
9:111 Believers must fight for Allah. They must kill and be killed. Allah will reward them for it.
9:123 Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you.
This is the last and final word on non muslims before Muhammed died
Muhsin Khan, the translator of Sahih al-Bukhari, says God revealed sura 9 “Ultimatum” in order to discard restraint and to command Muslims to fight against all the pagans as well as against the People of the Book if they do not embrace Islam or until they pay religious taxes. So, at first aggressive fighting was forbidden; it later became permissible (2:190) and subsequently obligatory (9:5). This “verse of the sword” abrogated, canceled, and replaced 124 verses that called for tolerance, compassion, and peace.
The Egyptian theologian Abu Suyuti said that everything in the Quran about forgiveness and peace is abrogated by verse 9:5, which orders Muslims to fight the unbelievers and to establish God’s kingdom on earth.
If a muslim rejects these verses he is in deep doodoo and becomes apostate
Muslims are also victims of Islam
Thanks Flexdream and Wild for addressing my question above. Some of it confirms my unlearned suspicions and some of it tells me stuff I just didn’t know.
And the BBC used Simon Schama to give us a History of the Jews. A lefty, with a communist past, who at the end of the final episode said (as good as) that he didn’t care for Israel.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Robinson was bought out. Not being from a wealthy background, he can take the money and run. That’s if he wasn’t a Patsy from the very beginning.
I think we will be able to look back on this week and say that this was when the Islamification of Britain gained a permanent foothold and became unstoppable.