From Littlejohn in the Daily Mail 2009:
Following the inquest into the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand bullying scandal, BBC entertainment chiefs have issued new taste and decency guidelines, including a ban on swearing before 10pm.
It comes after a week in which Labour minister Ben Bradshaw, himself a former BBC correspondent, accused the corporation of being biased in favour of the Tories.
He said that an interview which the Today Programme’s Evan Davis conducted with George Osborne was ‘fawning and feeble’.
This would be the same Evan Davis who, in the course of a single interview, asked David Cameron four questions about foxhunting in an attempt to portray him as a ‘Tory Toff’.
Earlier Andrew Marr had quizzed Cameron about his personal wealth and Jeremy Paxman sneered at Boris Johnson’s Eton and Oxford background.
I don’t remember any BBC reporter asking Tony Blair about his privileged upbringing or questioning Peter Mandelson on where he got the money to buy a £2.4 million home, let alone a £24,000 Patek Philippe wristwatch.
The idea that the BBC is biased in favour of the Tories is risible.
What has not been publicised, until now, is that the corporation’s news and current affairs department has also issued a directive to editors, producers and presenters.
It contains a lexicon of approved swearwords which must be used in all BBC news bulletins and interviews, at every possible opportunity, and delivered with a curled lip.
This column has obtained a copy.
TO: All producers, editors and presenters
FROM: Controller, Editorial Standards Board
RE: Swearwords
A American, aggressor (see Israel, below), anti-Islamic, Ashcroft (Lord).
B Banker, Bullingdon, baronet, bonuses, BNP.
C Capitalist, Conservative, Christian, chinless, chumps (‘bunch of’), Chelsea tractor.
D Denier (as in ‘climate change’), duck house, defeat (in Afghanistan), Daily Mail.
E Etonian, ex-public schoolboy, europhobe, extremist (see also sceptic, euro).
F Foxhunting, financier, fascist, free market, fee-paying, Far Right.
G Globalisation, genocide (against Palestine, see Israel), greed, gasguzzler.
H Homophobe, homophobia, homophobic, hedge fund manager, hater, hate crime, heartless (see Tory Cuts).
I Islamophobe, Islamophobia, Islamophobic, Israel, Izza-ra-aylee, investment banker (but not Labour ‘investment’), inheritance tax cut.
J Jewish State (see aggression, etc), judgemental.
K Knights of the shires (see duck house, moat dredging).
L Little Englander (as in anyone who wants a referendum on Europe), Loyalist.
M Merchant banker, multinational, motorist, moat dredging, mansion, Murdoch.
N Nazi (see also Tory and Israel), neo-Nazi, neo-Con, Nasty Party.
O Oil companies, Old Etonian, Oxford, occupation (see Israel).
P Profit, privilege, privatelyeducated, private medicine, polluter, populist, Palin (Sarah, not Michael).
Q Queue-jumping (see Tory health policy), Queer-basher (see Christian).
R Racist, racism, rich (anyone earning more than £50,000 a year), Right-wing, reactionary, rapists (all men are), roadblock to peace (see Israel and Loyalist).
S Savage (see also Tory Cuts), silver spoon, sceptic (as in euro), selfish, swivel-eyed.
T Tory, Tory Toffs, Tory Cuts, Tory Split, Thatcher, Thatcherite, torture (as in British troops, CIA), tax cuts for the wealthy, two-tier (see Tory health/education policies).
U UKIP (see also Nazi, fascist), Unionist, USA.
V Victorian (as in ‘values’), Vietnam (see Afghanistan).
W Wealthy (see ‘rich’ above), Waffen SS (see also Tory, UKIP), war crimes (as in American and Israeli).
X Xenophobe (see Tory, UKIP, Little Englander, etc).
Y Young Conservative.
Z Zionist.
He missed out:
B: Bush (George, father and son)
E: Eastwood (Clint)
O: Orange Order
P: Paisley (as in Ian, father and son), Powell (Enoch)
Q: Queen
R: Reagan, Reaganite, Republicans (American only), Robinson (Tommy), Royal Family, Royalists
S: Schwarzenegger
My, that’s a hell of a hate list for the loving, caring left-wingers.
And ‘Tea Party’
Surely the most popular current swearword is D: Dacre
But they do like the term, “moving forward”, seems to be the latest craze amongst the pr depts of double speak and claptrap peddlers.
Lessons will be learned.
But Labour says
But surely people are saying that
Maybe a time for reflection
Maybe worth counting the BBCs cliches as they inteview or read a news bulletin containing 80% opinions, surveys, quack science, charity press releases and Labours lines of attack for the coming day and week.
Let the unions pay for their propaganda-let the Guardian sell its opinions just like the Mail has to do.
Make the BBC free from Labour and the Guardian before they put that Gordian knot around our neck as a noose.
Sorry, but you forgot, ‘English’.
What about NRA and NSA
“…The idea that the BBC is biased in favour of the Tories is risible.”
Not only is it risible, but every time it happens that a Lefty ‘complains’ of a ‘right-wing bias at the BBC’ the one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that such complaints are very obvious, unsophisticated false flag operations. The Left are at this all the time – all part of their efforts to undermine legitimate complaints against the Corporation for its clear left-wing bias.
The next time any muppet from the Left (such as the ever-opportunist and rarely camera-shy Mr Bradshaw) makes such a laughable ‘complaint’ against the BBC (which is, after all, merely the broadcasting arm of both New Labour and The Grauniad these days) take a moment to reflect on just how low these unprincipled Lefties are prepared to sink in order to service their common purpose goals.
“……but every time it happens that a Lefty ‘complains’ of a ‘right-wing bias at the BBC’ the one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that such complaints are very obvious, unsophisticated false flag operations.”
How many times during a BBC phone in do you hear a “caller”sounding like a Unite fully paid up member claiming ” I have always voted Conservative…..but,,,,,,,,,” and then embark in the usual Left wing anti Tory rant and every week on Question Time the ‘randomly’ picked audience at best failing to clap Tory panel members but cheering any puerile comment by the Lefties which normally dominate the panel. No General Election has EVER been so unbalanced in numerate terms than a typical BBC ‘representative’ audience.
Of course it’s a false flag. It’s the only way they can say they get it about right.
Just because we see through it, it wont make everyone see it even if they care. Wiltshires comment about Englishment playing for thr football team has just been compared to Norman Tebbitts cricket test on the call in to any answers.
Not by a caller but by the presenter.
What about ‘terrorist, terrorism and tosser’ i.e. militant, militantism and BBC.
Is this the same Ben Bradshaw ‘Gaffe-prone Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw’ the Labour Stonewall champion of Gay rights and socialist agenda BBC supremo that submitted his ‘Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP’ submission on Press Freedoms to the Leveson enquiry without any bais what-so-ever to (yes) muzzle the free press and restrict press freedoms?
To extinguish the last free press bastion of ‘questionable taste and decency’ versus the mighty BBC monolith of left-wing progressives (of overpaid trots with questionable sexual deviances) and indifference to democracy? One of the few more trustworthies is Marr along with Paxman who may yet save the BBC from itself. And yet somehow I doubt Bradshaw could ever form an unbiased report without first reading the Guardian News.