The Left are panicking, the election is looming ever nearer and their Leader is looking ever more dire.
Miliband makes a decision, is forced to change his mind, and then proclaims that the U-turn conveys an image of strength, the power to make decisions.
The Left have lost the argument on climate, immigration, the economy, welfare and to cap it all UKIP are still riding high in the polls.
Still there’s always The Now Show to fall back on, along with a well used canned laughter track to, in the best Soviet fashion, give the impression everyone is going along with the joke.
Well known for its lefty leaning tendencies the show excelled this Saturday and kept the Right Wing bashing flowing….
Here Nick Doody(16 mins) entertains us with what might pass for comedy in…. well I can’t think of any place that it might pass as comedy…it’s an outright political tract…attacking the Right of course…..
Apparently the Hard Times have given rise to a scary new group of populist right wing parties…there’s Golden Dawn in Greece, the ‘unhinged’ Tea Party in the US and UKIP….now, don’t get him wrong, Doody’s not conflating UKIP with the BNP just because they have some of the same policies…but, well, actually he is…and oh yes…the Tories…not immune to this unpleasantness either he tells us….apparently they’re all just racists.
And as for welfare reform….he tells us ‘This argument is hard to make…because of the Right Wing media’….really? So Doody’s admitting this is not comedy but an ‘argument’.
And as for ‘Right Wing Media’…well the BBC is vastly more powerful with an enormous reach….I guess it must just be the Public using their own thought processes don’t like what you’ve got to say, nothing to do with the Daily Mail.
Oh yes….you may have noted he’s against all those nasty right wingers such as UKIP..and Tommy Robinson….you know the campaigner against extremist Islam…but…
Have you heard the one about the Racist BBC comic who didn’t know he was racist…I guess if you have the same policies as the EDL then you are EDL…eh Doody?
By Nick Doody himself:
On 10 October 2008, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is holding a conference called Political Islam, Sharia Law and Civil Society. They have assembled an impressive list of speakers….Oh yes, and me.
It can always be a little nerve-wracking, being a non-Muslim making jokes about Islam. On the one hand, there’s the risk of real reprisals – those people who were angered to the point of violence over what someone called a teddy bear are going to get really upset if they ever hear about what I’ve been calling them.
On the face of it, it looks promising (as long as I’m not on after Johann Hari – he always finishes with a song and is very hard to follow). The event is against the death penalty. Hey, I’m against the death penalty. It’s for standing up against theocracy. Guess what? Me too. Fighting for freedom of expression on behalf of the oppressed – wow, if the British Council of Ex-Muslims were a girl, she’d be my type. I wonder what they’re doing after the conference? If they’re anything like ex-Catholics, they’re great in bed, too.
Reviewers have described my material on Islam as both “easy” and “brave”, apparently depending on whether they were offended or not. In reality, it’s neither. Easy would be writing jokes from a knee-jerk position, pandering to the racists…..there’s the risk of being misunderstood by bigots, who think you’re on their side because they’ve heard some key words. You know the type: shiny-faced, shaven-headed Littlejohn larvae. “Too right – tell ‘em to take their mosques back to, er, Moscow!” I’ll take an edgy confrontation with an offended bunch of young Muslim men any day over a slap on the back and the offer of a pint from one of these twats.
Brave would be doing my act in Tehran.
No to Shariah law! No to the EDL!
Date: Saturday 21 November 2009
Time: 1200-1400
Confirmed speakers and performers include: Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Mina Ahadi, ‘AK47,’ Fari B, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Roy Brown, Nick Doody,
What’s the campaign about…..
- It is dangerous to incorporate religious laws
- It is not racist to criticise Islam
- We will have nothing to do with the English Defence League
- One Law for All is against the Beth Din too
- The pathetic excuse of much of the European Left is no better
- The battle against Sharia is against both the Islamists and the far right
- Please don’t export your Islamists, deal with them
Isn’t that exactly what the EDL want…apart from the ‘nothing to do with the EDL’ obviously’?
If only we could see ourselves as others see us……you’re clearly a racist Islamophobe Doody by your own logic…..oh hang on…you said it’s not racist to criticise Islam…all cool then with Tommy?
“in the best Soviet fashion, give the impression everyone is going along with the joke.”
The whole BBC comedy estate seems utterly compromised by something other than the ambition to be funny.*
Just watched the latest HIGNFY, and it was extraordinary and depressing.
When allowed to roam wild and free it had a few good lines, but mostly everyone seemed to looking over their shoulders to make sure they didn’t cross a line to see their fellow participants tear them a new one or, worse, a small word down the earwig via whoever the bloke in the middle was.
Dan Snow appears to be genuinely running one long plank close on smarts, and Mark Steel comes across as a deranged early Alzheimer’s victim who people smile at because it would be rude not to if you want Aunty’s chekky.
The most amazing bit was Ian Hislop’s bizarre attempt at defending free speech and his own publication’s survival whilst trashing anyone else he could to ensure the continued free flow of Aunty’s said chekky.
*Total fib. ‘The Wrong Men’s’ has so far not put a chuckle wrong, and I commend ‘Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel’.
Does the BBC have a comedy estate? I have thought for years that they just had some wind up parrots that churned out the same old rubbish show after show after show. Real parrots would at least bring some variety and perhaps some daringly non PC comments.
Membership of political parties is a fraction of what it was in the 70’s, but comedy was funny and non-political or anti-establishment. Now we have a Soviet style left-wing consensus in political so called comedy on the BBC, their are still funny comedians who succeed on the BBC without confirming a left-wing political bias to the viewer, but I suspect that is because they have done so in front of the BBC management.
I think the commies in this country need to be educated about a few things. One, they are the racists, the bigots, the hate-mongers, the anti-socialists, the violence fomenters. Well, that’s about it, really.
The Communists are “the anti-socialists”? Are you suggesting that the Communists are the capitalists?
They have become very good capitalists in China.
these left wing marxist commies boring and dull as dishwater so called comedians nick doody etc are just a bunch of posh middle class boys and girls living in the leafy surburbs who seem to get perverted pleasure of shouting racism and islamaphobia at anybody that does not subscribe to the far left brainwashed politacaly correct ideology.i actually think that the far left get sexual pleasure in demonising people who are not racist or fascist as racist and fascist,i really do.
This is what people who have hoarded an entire wheat harvest and gorged themselves on bread look like. Clearly. We know it is true because the nice people with the Hammer and Sickle shirts told us so.
More on the communists ready use of famine as weapon against the very people who actually grow the crops.
And it was not just in Ukraine, but in China as well, and as recently as the famine engineered by Mengistu Mariam in Ethiopia. It was this famine that got Bob Geldof media attention. I wonder of he ever realized that much of the food aid raised by him, ended up feeding the army, led by communists.
From Wiki
By late 1976 insurgencies existed in all of the country’s fourteen administrative regions.[11] The Red Terror (1977–1978) marked the beginning of a steady deterioration in the economic state of the nation, coupled with extractive policies targeting rural areas.[citation needed] The reforms of 1975 were revoked and the Agricultural Marketing Corporation (AMC) was tasked with extracting food from rural peasantry at low rates to placate the urban populations.[citation needed] The very low fixed price of grain served as a disincentive to production, and some peasants had to buy grain on the open market in order to meet their AMC quota.
I wonder when the BBC will run a series of programs on the sheer demonic brutality of communists and communism.
There are a couple of very topical points raised by the Ukraine famine.
Malcolm Muggeridge went to Russia in 1932 as the Manchester Guardian correspondent. His brief was of course to say how wonderful the Soviet system was.
Muggeridge had better ideas and travelled to Ukraine to witness the appalling famine which was to kill upwards of 7 million people. He wrote the truth but found that the paper rewrote or spiked his articles so that they represented the Guardian’s line on Stalin. Muggeridge resigned from the paper in disgust.
He then wrote a comical book, speaking of his experiences at the Guardian and in particular exploring the financial links between the Manchester Guardian and the downmarket and sleazy Manchester Evening News. The Guardian promptly threatened libel proceedings against Muggeridge and his publishers and they decided to cave in,under financial pressure rather that due to any meritorious claims. The persons alleged to have been libelled were , amongst others C.P. Scott (“comment is free, but facts are sacred”) who was then dead ( and therefore could not be libelled).
however, under the severe threat of losing several thousand pounds in legal fees, the book was pulped.
So, the next time you hear a radio 4 comedian sound off about “the Daily Mail supported Hitler” ( before he massacred 6 million Jews) just think to yourself that the Manchester Guardian supported Stalin, whilst he was actually killing 7 million Ukrainians and then suppressed a book which would have told the truth about their internal workings.
Remember Comrades, comment is free but facts are sacred !
Tx for that.
Sounds a rich seam for a Newsnight investigation, presuming the prospect doesn’t see Katz, Paxo, Walk, etc suddenly fascinated in Mongolian throat warbling the other side of the world. Again.
the gareth jones website has many fascinating stories from 1930s russia.
a must read for all socialists is this article ;-
By the Manchester Guardian’s usual Moscow Correspondent, back from leave after Muggeridge had resigned, (W. H. Chamberlin), who filed an article towing the Soviet line, after having recently returned from the Soviet Countryside:
“But the stories in the émigré press about wholesale starvation are nonsense.”
Brilliant JimBob. You need to write more about this and other =genocides committed by the followers of Marx. The crimes against humanity by communists make the crimes of the Nazis miniscule by comparison.
Moreover, Germany has sincerely apologised for the crimes of the Nazis, but the followers of Marx pretend they never happened, or like Muslims, claim that these crimes have nothing to do with true Marxism.
thanks DP111 ! – when i retire i will subscribe to the guardian archive for a year, write a book detailing how they were wrong about everything= communism, russia, stalin, cnd, islam, etc etc and then wear this t-shirt
with pride !
I suppose the difference between the Daily Mail and the Guardian is that the Daily Mail is ashamed of supporting the mass murdering National Socialists, but the Guardian is not ashamed of supporting the mass murdering Soviet Socialists.
But then if Socialists have a tendency towards mass murder, then is it any surprise that the Guardian still supports Socialism?
Follow up to the crimes of Marxists in their normal guise of totalitarian statists, the followers of Marx have organised Green movements, and used people’s concern for the environment, as a cover for destroying the industrial base of the West.
Here is an article where the Commies are now using the sympathy we have for indigenous people, to yet again subvert the West. The commies exploit the fact, that it is only Western people who have concerns for the environment, or native peoples, to subvert, and hopefully destroy Western culture and industrial civilisation. In nations such as China they would be confined to a Chinese lunatic asylum.
Basically says if your white – you’re racist.
Its relies on a retarded view on history whereby all white success is derived from slave ownership.
This is the definition used by the legal system, and is what underpins multiculturism.
“Racism is a system of advantage based on race. And if you’re white, you are racist because you benefit from that system. Even if you don’t want to”
what a load of absolute bollox
Where is our General Pinochet. I’d follow him and do his bidding until the socialist enemy is flushed down the sewer of history.
The obvious retort is: if white success derived solely from slave ownership, how come the coloured races weren’t in a position to enslave whites?
It is obviously non PC to say so but I suspect there are other factors – like a stable government, adequate access to basic resources to enable time to study and learn etc, etc
In fact the worst barrier to development is the tribal system, where groups identify themselves as being part of the tribe rather than being part of a larger country – thus being too small a group to develop – sort of like african multiculturalism.
Slavery had been the generally accepted economic model, like the Keynesian or Austrian school, for thousands of years. The Babylonians, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese etc, all practised it, long before the Romans (Whites?) adopted it, and with no one giving it a thought.
Slavery as an “engine” for the economy became irrelevant and useless once the West, and in particular Britain, invented a real engine – the steam engine. Over a fairly short period of time, the need for slaves to man the galleys etc became unnecessary.
Thus, in conjunction with the steam engine, the efforts of devout Christians, such as Wilberforce and others, and the Royal navy, global slavery became economically irrelevant, and morally repugnant. No Marxists or atheists were involved, though they try to pretend otherwise.
I suppose the evidence is that today, in rich countries that have made cheap labour relatively unavailable compared to most countries, due to tight immigration controls like Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Australia and Japan. This pushes up the wages of menial jobs to those of the middle classes because of a combination of the fact that the need for menial jobs is and has been falling drastically since the consumer revolution and the unavailability of cheap foreign labour which has replaced slavery.
But that means that the Lefties actually now support the ideas of slavery in the form of mass immigration.
Actually, they did. Visit the Helston museum in Cornwall to find out about raids in which British while people were kidnapped by Africans for the slave trade. Apparently raiders preferred to wait until Sunday mornings, because they knew that churches would be rich pickings on that day.
The Africans where Moors or Berbers from the Barbary coast, the Berbers where and still are a Caucasoid race, Islamisized by the Arabs, they are actually the people that the Spaniards first purchased Black slaves from, they then needed a far more bigger supply by buying more directly in West Africa.
So the Moors where the people that gave Europeans the idea of solving the Labour shortage in America, which was caused by the Indians dying off at an alarming rate, by buying into the Islamic Black slave trade.
They wilfully lie about history and the fact that most slaves in America were actually white. There were more white Irish slaves, than black.
Also if you were to rate the value of one race over another in sheer monitary terms, white slaves cost on average $8.00 whereas blacks were on average $25.00
How inconvenient for the race angle on the white guilt industry scam, that most slaves where white and slavery was more about background and inheritance than skin colour. There where slaves of all colours and religions. Many middle eastern Muslims were both slaves and slave traders. Most of the African slaves, were inferiour black tribes, which were originally enslaved by superior black tribes. This tribal slave trade happened for generations before the British ever got involved in the slave trade. Slaves were traded all over the middle east. From Egyptian times, through Roman times and onto a couple of hundred years ago. Slave trading was considered a normal thing. It is only in the past couple of hundred years, as Western culture matured, did we see how wrong Slavery is, and it is the culturally white Western democratic nations which stopped it.
Although this is something that those left wing white hating, guilt industry con-merchants would deny to their dying breaths.
I remember Ainsely Harriot on Who Do You Think You Are where he discovered he was descended from the white Estate Owner as well as a black slave – was horrified – just couldn’t face the fact that he was descended from a white man.
Yet if I discovered my great-great-granddad was black and was suitably “horrified”, I’d be a waaaycist…….
notice how the far left and the labour party funded union dictators always march against the imaginary threat of the far right,you never see them marching against the threat of islamism and uaf/swp stalinism,funny that innit..
OK, here is a little teaser for my fellow posters. The picture in the News Article depicts those people marching against Fascism and Racism – Fair enough ! But if you copy that picture too your desk top, and look at it closely, how many people of ethnic origin do you see ? Not many. So not very representative of the people they claim to support.
Funny that !
From personal experience, I think it is because they are white middle-class people who have an average IQ lower than the average Black person.
I think they are all united by the experience of being the idiot in a middle class family, and this is a way of fighting back against mummy, daddy and their siblings, who they blame for their failings as well as the failings of the ethnics.
In one way, this makes them identify with the ethnics, while at the same time, they can also patronise the ethnics by going on these marches against fascism, which makes them feel superior to everyone who does not march against fascism.
The problem is that unlike socialism, I do not think anyone calls themselves fascists any more?
Most lefties, regardless of age, are stuck in a kind of perpetual adolescence, where “the right” take on the identity of Mum and Dad, against whom they feel the ongoing need to rebel and to adopt attitudes they think “Mum and Dad” will disapprove of, no matter how bizarre, irrational and even self-destructive those attitudes may be.
Many of us flirt briefly with left-wing politics in our teens, but we mostly grow out of it when the harsh realities of having to earn a living and pay our bills force us into the real world. The likes of Beeboids, political “elite” aspirants and public service executives, are typically spared this reality check, and therefore continue in their adolescent dream-world, often for life. They never grow up, because they have never had to.
Most of the participants in these demos are far more concerned with being seen taking part in the demo and showing solidarity with their fellow proto-adolescents than what is actually being protested about.
When I was a student, long ago, I remember Friday was always “demo day” and the protestors would assemble about lunchtime, march through the middle of Newcastle, a-chanting and a-waving of their placards, and be in the pub talking of the coming revolution for 3 o’clock.
I was a law student, and therefore actually had work to do, but I recall bumping into two of the little leftoids as they emerged from the library one Friday lunchtime and greeted their chums in the gathering throng outside.
“Hiya Cath,” trilled one. “What’s the demo about?” They went off, clutching placards they had neither read nor understood, and had a good protest about issues they cared even less for.
Come to think of it, they probably wound up in the Blair government.
My experience with far-leftists is much the same, Richard.
They’ve been brought up in an ideal situation, gone through private education etc. etc. but have still managed to fail at everything, hence the hatred and frustration.
Was it not Reginald D Hunter that proclaimed the only people offended by the word ‘n*gger’ were white middle class people?
No one knows what Socialism actually is. Communist countries have killed many and the country always fails economically and the Leader usually has the son take over The leaders always live in luxery. Socialism becomes intertwined with communism. No one can name a successful socialist state. What socialism is: is in the mind of the leader.
Socialism is a perfect system if humans were like drone bees and ants.
Fortunately they aren’t.
You could say the same about ‘racism’ no one knows what that is either !
I once thought socialism was against poverty, but then I came to believe that the socialists do not want everybody to be rich, because they are motivated by a selfish hatred of anyone with more money than themselves.
An example, must be the fact that before Thatcher, the Tories where the party that was seen by the lefties as responsible for working class poverty, but when Thatcher came on the scene, they blamed the Tories for working class loads of money greed.
I think loads of money greed is better than poverty, but I do not think that Thatcher’s intention was to make everybody greedy, especially as she was inspired by a father who was a Methodist minister, unlike Milliband who was inspired by a father who was a Marxist.
” You know the type: shiny-faced, shaven-headed Littlejohn larvae. State school educated, and earn less in a year than my Daddy does in a month. Ghastly pieces of white working/lower-middle class scum. Why don’t they celebrate their neighbourhoods being turned in to third-world slums!?
Certainly not the sort of people one would wish to do cocktails with.”
Another pasty, scrawny, floppy-haired, middle-class tosser, with no talent whatsoever. . . . He’ll go a long way at the BBC!
Direct Hit!
That’s all it is. Spoiled rich kids like Nicky are no different from Cameron and pals, they both love to sneer at the lower orders, it’s just that while Dave and his mates sneer at people not knowing which knife to use, Nicky’s mob sneers at them for not knowing the correct PC term for a differently-abled person of gayness.
Are any readers of this site still paying for a TV licence?
Or is it a donation to The Cause?
Either way, be very ashamed if you give a penny to the BBC.
Some of us have no choice – a perfectly valid reason, but I can’t tell you why on an open forum. I wish I didn’t have to pay it but can’t not do.
You do have a choice.
There is no reason whatsoever to be watching broadcast television.
Especially, that broadcast by the BBC.
Downloads, DVDs, catch-up TV, a new hobby. Plenty of ways to scupper the LeftTax.
As I said I have valid reasons which I cannot relate on an internet site. Trust me, I would give it up like a shot if that opportunity was available to me.
Likewise Demon. I hate and detest the BBC and all its works, but I really don’t need the grief attendant on stopping my payments into the blackmail machine. Like you, I would and will like a shot, but for reasons I can’t go into here, I can’t for now.
And when you think about it, that’s how the extortion racket works. Make the consequences of not paying more damaging than continuing to pay the cultural Danegeld.
Fine lot of posts up above eh?
Imagine the trolls will be biting their lips until something anti-Islam comes along.
Until then…worth a few minutes in listening to the worst half hour of pinko polyslurry in medialand.
Yes-Laurie Taylor…”Thinking Allowed..but never knowingly attempted.
If you want a case study in 68 corduroy weekend rebels…Lorrys your vehicle.
It was “Cultural Studies” this week-he`s in favour!
Despite the Tories shutting it all down(ah, if only).
Yes-Marx and Mao get the beret tips…but funnily enough Goebbels and Riefenstal don`t get mentioned.
When Old Joe and Reni actually did FAR more for cultural and media PC approved thinking than the lefties…all the Left does is ape it and dilute it homeopathically.
Old PolyLorry clearly doesn`t see the joke of his Marc Bolan mirrored hat, whilst REAL rebels like Malcolm Bradbury nailed his keffiyah to the mast by way of mockery.
All together now…”You won`t fool the children of the Revolution”…”Won`t get fooled again”…
Laurie Taylor is the Barium meal of the BBC bowels…one pointless tacky graph in need of a state pension and a production company…didn`t Marc say that they were good for his voice?
No Scott or other trolls…I know it was a Rolls Royce…OK?
Whoops! Didn’t have to wait long –
Another day another muslim terror plot.
Laurie Taylor has had a de facto monopoly at the BBC on the “reporting” of the social sciences. Lord knows how much we have spent over the years – and are still spending – on his skewed views.
PS…anybody else notice these self-describing BBC surnames?
Nick Shit has a more British ring to it though.
Reading the link to Maryam Namazie blog I was struck by the similarity between the rising tide of ‘phobias’ and the creation of new ‘therapies’.
As Maryam Namazie says “Islamophobia – and now by the way the Church has asked that Christianity-phobia also be included in UN rights terminology –are not racism because criticisms of a religion, idea, a belief and even the practices that result from beliefs – even a phobia and hatred against beliefs have nothing to do with racism against real live human beings”.
But the similarity I noticed was that with the growth of ‘therapies’ when I worked as a clinical therapist for nearly thirty years. By the time I retired anything could be label and sold as a ‘therapy’. I believe someone published a satirical book about this phenomenon.
If there were such exotic developments as:
• Donkey Therapy – looking at and petting donkeys.
• Bounce Therapy – jumping up and down. An advanced form of which was with the use of a trampoline to add additional bounce and thence enhance the therapeutic effect of bouncing.
You get the drift.
I very rarely listen to the ‘comedy’ slot on R4 any longer – having been a devotee for many years – however I did listen to that section of the Now Show – I was appalled by the bias and lack but could not be bothered to go through the chirade of the complaints process. I then thought maybe I could send a download of the section of transcript to UKIP/Con parties to look at organising their own complaint but this programme paid for by the public costs to download – go figure! Not sure how that works they must have the same contract negotiators as the exit packages for the SMT – So the ‘artists’ get the exposure; get a fee for the performance and then want to charge for a download – completely unacceptable on the public funded broadcaster