The BBC’s Home Editor, Mark Easton, is very pro immigration, telling us we must all get used to it……maybe that’s why he and the rest of the BBC seem to have ignored this report:
True scale of European immigration
An EU study has found 600,000 unemployed migrants are living in Britain – a 42 per cent rise
More than 600,000 unemployed European Union migrants are living in Britain at a cost of £1.5 billion to the NHS alone, according to an EU report.
The authoritative study, obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, shows the number of jobless European migrants coming to Britain has risen dramatically in the past five years, intensifying demands for the Government to renegotiate EU membership.
Opponents of the EU seized on the figures to suggest Britain could not afford to allow European migrants to come here at will while continuing to provide a universal benefits system.
The BBC has in fact been reporting the complete opposite of that for a while now, creating the impression that immigration and ‘health tourism’ isn’t a problem for the NHS…..pressing a point that in fact we must treat everyone otherwise they would represent a health risk to the nation.
To me that would indicate that immigration should be controlled, to the BBC et al, that immigration isn’t the problem and all services should be provided for the immigrants.
Those working in the NHS are much less exercised about the health tourism “problem” than politicians.
There are good public health and moral reasons why the health service provides treatment for infectious diseases such as TB and in emergencies.
Non-emergency care is a much greyer issue – and that is why ministers are now talking about applying a levy for that.
On Twitter, shadow public health minister Diane Abbott said: “What price xenophobia?
Stigmatising foreigners accessing NHS creates a public health risk.”
The National Aids Trust said the policies would “undermine years of work to encourage marginalised at-risk groups to access HIV testing and treatment”.
Chief executive Deborah Jack said “limiting access to primary care for some migrants” would cut off “the only place many of them will get an HIV diagnosis – short of presenting at A&E many years after they were infected once they are very seriously ill”.
She added: “If they go ahead, they risk putting lives at risk and accelerating the spread of HIV in the general population.”
Mark Easton hasn’t bothered with that latest report revealing the costs to the NHS of mass immigration, and of course the cost in services that would otherwise have gone to the people who are entitled to the service and now do not receive it.
Easton is more concerned with attacking the Daily Mail for having had some meetings with Government…..strange he doesn’t mention the meetings with the Guardian and the [independent?] BBC…over ‘policy’…or any other media outlet.
Could it be that he mentions the Mail because he is trying to suggest that the Mail’s story on Ralph Miliband was a Tory plot…even though the Mail is outside the political cliques?:
Mark Easton ?@BBCMarkEaston 7 Oct
Importance of Mail to govt. illustrated by 4 lunches with @George_Osborne and @dannyalexander in May/Jun
Mark Thompson: BBC chief talks to No 10 about selling the cuts The director-general of the BBC has been accused of risking the corporation’s editorial independence after it emerged that he attended a private Downing Street meeting to discuss coverage of Government spending cuts.
The only comment on the report is a ‘what the papers say‘ link to the telegraph….so they know but tuck the story away……in a quiet corner of the ‘UK News’ page:
Newspaper review Papers focus on immigration at home and abroad
Very eye catching.
Mark Easton has other things on his mind:
Mark Easton @BBCMarkEaston 21h The lost art of napkin folding. The utterly extraordinary Joan Sallas @waddesdonmanor #madeentirelyofnapkins
Classic bit of deliberate misinformation by the Telegraph.
The 600k figure is not unemployed but people who are “non-active”. If you bother to find out what this means it is:
1. Retired
2. Students
3. economically self- sufficient (meaning that you have sufficient funds to support you without requiring public funds);
4. spouses! If you are an EU national married to a Brit or EU national. Lot of them about.
5. Jobseekers: NB word seekers.
I think we’ll find the number in the final category is not that large. but of course there wouldn’t be a story for the nasties to get heated up over eh! Nothing like the usual Torygraph misinformation. Hurrah for the free press as long as its right wing and can spout biased lies.
Firstly, let’s emphasise “at a cost of £1.5 billion to the NHS alone”, surely this is the concern?
“1. Retired: so not a migrant
2. Students: not a migrant (here on student visa)
3. economically self- sufficient (meaning that you have sufficient funds to support you without requiring public funds); good more of these please
4. spouses! If you are an EU national married to a Brit or EU national. Lot of them about not a migrant then
5. Jobseekers: NB word seekers. no job? not a migrant, shouldn’t be here
Of your entire list of possibilities, only a hand full of foreign millionaires do not represent an increased burden to the welfare system
And you have the gall to talk about miss information
Still oozing empathy for your millions of fellow citizens that feel this vibrant transformation has been forced upon them against their clearly expressed will?
No you approve and that’s all that counts
Actually, the Telegraph report, in the first few paragraphs, uses the words ‘non-active’ all over the place. At no turn did this seem to be confused with ‘claiming unemployment benefits’ (which I believe you are trying to do to discount the 600,000 figure, and thus almost dismiss the overall cost).
At no point did the OP appear to look at anything but the cost to the NHS – and this was estimated by the EU to be around £1.5 billion.
Trying to discount the overall level of non-active people, and the costs associated with this 600,000-strong group, quite legitimately highlighted in the article, to only the number of job-seekers within that number is quite misleading in itself.
Can you provide a source for your “facts” on which you base your statement that the Telegraph is lying, will? Can you prove that only a Tiny Minority™ of immigrants via the EU not in work are not wealthy, students, housewives/husbands. or comfortable pensioners?
Without that, “I think we’ll find” is a pure guess, which generally brings scorn and derision from your fellow travelers when people here do it.
Ever heard of NEETs or long-term unemployed? Considering just how many of them there are in EU countries these days, it would be surprising of none of them “migrated”.
“What price xenophobia? Stigmatising foreigners accessing NHS creates a public health risk.”
How has this dumb beyatch been in or near to power for so long? Who is stigmatitising by saying they have to do what ‘normal’ UK residents have to do? Pay for their health service…it is NOT free.
The National Aids Trust said the policies would “undermine years of work to encourage marginalised at-risk groups to access HIV testing and treatment”.
WTF? “marginalised at risk groups”… of migrants? They have come to work, haven’t they? Or do you mean immigrants and illegal immigrants?
Chief executive Deborah Jack said “limiting access to primary care for some migrants” would cut off “the only place many of them will get an HIV diagnosis – short of presenting at A&E many years after they were infected once they are very seriously ill”.
How can this (“many years later”) possibly relate to migrants?
Presenting at A&E – the number one route for instant access to entirely question-free and unlimted public funded healthcare, with the added bonus that people who access NHS care via A&E are not counted in the health tourism data (natch)
And that is why A&E units are at ‘breaking point’ (BBC TM).
Also HIV data – virtually every new and existing HIV patient is an incomer from sub-saharan africa, TB (now throughout Britain at epidemic proportions) comes with the influx of people from Pakistan.
And we are told that forigners represent 0.1% (BBC Today programme on Wednesday when Teresa May was making her announcement) of the NHS budget. Utter bullshit.
‘Deliberate misinformation’:? Compared to you, the Telegraph are complete beginners.
If they are inactive then they aren’t contributing positively to the economy. Moreover the estimated cost to the NHS is £1.5 billion according to EU figures .
How predictable, to see such a devout BBC supporter spinning like a top in defence of a Leftist cause.
I’ve noticed more and more biased BBC articles which paint Labour in a light that somehow gives the impression that they’re on the side of the people….
Don’t recall too many articles providing the Tories with similar adoration. I suppose Labour are the party of the people (just not ours!)
There was a classic example of the BBC mindset in action last week.
In response to a poll indicating that a quarter of young people mistrusted Muslims their journalist, Sima Potecha, even blamed Lee Rigby for “fuelling anti-Muslim attacks”.
Reading the article you soon realise that it is inconceivable to Potecha that the Muslim population could in any way be even slightly responsible. A classic of the genre.
There’s a great post about this article called: “Cheer Up BBC. The Glass Is Three Quarters Full!” at:!/2013/10/cheer-up-bbc-glass-is-three-quarters.html
As a hardcore UAF street-warrior and committed white black-supremacist, I was sickened by the poll results on today’s edition of Sunday Morning Live.
My organisation campaigns tirelessly against democracy, and this shows just how much more work needs to be done.
We must, at the very least, introduce strict vetting of all potential voters – and their opinions – before allowing them to join the election register.
Cheer up Mice Height – progress is being made –
“EU ‘crackpots’ demand gypsy MPs”
If correct it proves that the EU states have only the haziest notion of what democracy really means. But given the recent history of the larger EU states that is not surprising.
your right,mark eaton is so pro immigration, so pro multicultural and so pro diversity biased you know before he opens his mouth what a rosie picture he will paint of this rainbow nation we live in where everybody is embracing each other singing kumbaya,i wish that was the case but is not.notice how when mark eaton files his usual pro immigration narrative on the bbc it is always from some immigrant ghetto where you hardly see a white face,why does mark eaton never go to a white working class council estate and ask them there views on mass immigration and multi culturism,that i am sure would reflect the silent majoritys views on these issues,the word multicuturism to me is just a codeword for mass immigration from thirrd world countrys where people has settled here and want to change are way of life and cultural heritage.
Even white working class people know that to openly say what you think about immigration is to risk being attacked by the BBC and the liberal left press or even prison.
If the freedom of the press is further curtailed it will be another milestone along the road to a perpetual government by the liberal left.
If the general public were so outraged by the excesses of the Red Tops why did they keep buying the papers? Hacked off are just a group of the rich elite who are being used by the liberal left to stop the press from asking awkward questions about really important things like truth , standards of public services, accountability , all key concepts in a democracy.
Of course the BBC should ask of those questions without fear or favour but it was long ago captured by the liberal left.
typo.mark easton derrrr
When they say “migrants” they mean “illegal immigrants”, right?
Don’t forget ‘likely Labour voters’.
Sorry will.duncan above!
The devils are not in the detail, but in the direction of travel I`m afraid.
The BBC have been pumping their pro-immigration stuff for years…we all know what the BBC want.
The regular traducing of MigrationWatch…the catch all racism howls from those who want their houses cleaned cheaply and their restaurants funky and fresh…the likes of Neather, Blunkett etc who saw no upper limit to immigration as long as they`d vote Labour on the payroll vote…and rub the white faces in the fait accompli.
Listen to the Labour peer Joan Bakewell on BH this morning-that this is even mentioned at all in civilised society is the crime-so negative and …well racist I guess.
And that`s the Lefts problem-they wanted this and caused this. There is no defence for allowing in people who hate this country and want bridgeheads for Islamofascism…yet that is what we`re doing.
We have enough criminals and free loaders of our own without importing them-and only so that the likes of Baroness Scotland get a nanny or Adrian Chiles gets a plumber.
And now that Lampadusa has served its purpose for the Left-the names and stories don`t matter, just the body count to the lefties-you able to tell us why so many desperate people are prepared to die rather than say in Islamic lands as they do(or lands where Islam is at war with the State-which means pretty much all of them nowadays, where refugees come from)…or is it up to the west to lance Islams boil and be grateful to dig its own grave in the process?
They can`t all be Coptic Christians can they?…
NO -sorry-let Islam deal with itself-only allow in the Christians and swap them 1:1 for Muslim criminals in Belmarsh etc…
“BBC chief admits: We had a ‘deep liberal bias’ on migrants…
so has anything changed?”
(July, 2013.)–changed.html
There is always a pattern to this. The public mood is changing and those in positions like this careerist see their futures at stake, like to get their versions of events in first. The classic, “Not me gov'” crap.
These people are opportunists and cowards. And all on the public teat.
As ever, my question to all these BBC chiefs is….
“Given that you finally admit to knowing about all of this for all these years (despite vehemently denying it until now), what specific and transparent actions and programs did you develop to reverse these biases, how were they instituted, and how did you measure whether you succeeded or failed in transforming the organisation to a more politically balanced entity ?”
Of course, from Ms Boaden, Mr Dyke, Mr Thomson, and all those other BBC chiefs who eventually had to admit to the bias in the BBC, answer comes there none. They have never lifted a finger to try to address the issue – and never will anyone in that organisation do anything – until the BBC, like other organisations before them, is declared as an ‘institutionally biased’ organisation, and forced, by law, to make transparent, measurable changes.
And that will probably be around the same time that evolutionary changes mean that porcine quadrupeds develop avian tendencies.
There’s a great article here on immigration from the so-called BBC’s so-called reporter Mark Easton asking “Why have the white British left London?”
This moonbat thinks the “evidence suggests…working class aspiration and economic success” which explains why whitey has fled our capital city and is now living in cosy cottages in the countryside by the sea pouring champagne on their cornflakes in the morning.
The comments make good reading, Easton is ripped to pieces. And strange enough, this is the only article i have ever seen on al beeb, where their are no editors picks in the comments, simply because, no one agreed with him. The most recommended comment reads:
20th February 2013 – 5:29
Why have the white British left London?
They have left because they’ve been pushed out by migrants.
A few weeks ago we heard of some Islamic “men” castigating a man for not being Muslim, asking if he was gay, and telling him to “get out, this is a Muslim area”.
Their exact words were played on the radio so there was no doubt over it.
Time for the govt. to do something about such migrants.”
Easton, like all beeboids, propably dismisses the majority of people as racist, islamaphobes, bigots, daily mail readers and uneducated spivs
forgot to insert link!
That’s an extraordinary article David.
The comments should be mandatory reading for all UK politicians and BBC journalists.
I doubt Easton ever read the comments, so convinced are he and his ilk of being correct about absolutely everything.
The N.H.S. in London is little more than a birthing agency for the Third World. We are all getting our noses rubbed in it. Every time I see these snotty B.B.C. types dishing out their biased, self-serving drivel on tv I know they’re just saying “This is what we want, this is what you’ll get, there’s nothing you can do about it; nobody you can vote for will change it. Like it or lump it, just shut up and keep paying your licence fee and your taxes”.
Richard its not even ‘like it or lump it’ anymore .
Its ‘like it or else’ now
Yeah, you’re probably right. Makes you proud to be British doesn’t it.
I do not understand the left-wing morons on Immigration, unless it is motivated by.
(1) A need to import poverty, as the Labour party needs poverty for votes.
(2) An inverted form of old fashioned imperialism.
(3) They feel exited about something foreign, but do not want to go abroad.
(4) They though about emigrating, but think it is awful that anyone should live abroad.
(5) The lefties are aware that they are inferior, and therefore need to import people that make them feel superior, which makes lefties happy, but makes them hate those that do not make them feel happy.
“I do not understand the left-wing morons on Immigration”
That’s because your still trying to interpret their motivations ideologically rather than theologically
Once you accept that the liberal inquisition are driven by a guilt based pseudo-religion. Forced demographic change, and the inevitable racial re-engineering that comes with,it makes sense as an apocalyptic act of atonement
Far fetched? Re-read the responses of the ‘faithful’ on here to even the slightest criticism of either multiculturalism or immigration . There is no attempt at reasoned debate or even principled condemnation .
Just the frenzied shrieks of heretic or witch (substitute racist or bigot) against any who dare to question their sacred cause
P.S. Check out Wee Willy Winky’s latest erudite contribution -Right on cue
Sounds more than likely. Liberals are also deeply unrealistic. They think that it is possible to create a heaven here on earth. To change the rules of the world to fit their own desires. A form of gnosticism.
This becomes a revealed truth. And those who try to point out the fallacies are dismissed as ignorant/ lacking empathy/ malevolent and so on.
History has been , to them, progressive. All has led up to the current moment when the liberal replaces the notion of the transcendent with himself.
Reasoning with them is impossible.
Why the flirtation with Islam is a bit of a mystery. I suppose confronted with those who say they have the truth and refuse to compromise the liberal just lowers his eyes and mumbles. “OK but leave me alone”.
“Why the flirtation with Islam is a bit of a mystery”
My point exactly .With the hard left it is easy to rationalise their alliance with what can only be seen as the worlds most reactionary ideology. A French turn gone wrong, they allied themselves with the most powerful anti capitalist force available in the hope that later they might bring them into the Marxist fold (the ‘natural home’ of all oppressed 3rd world peoples)
Now of course they cannot dismount the tiger for fear of being devoured themselves ( some old style socialists even acknowledge this ,but not openly)
But for the bourgeois liberal patrician class their seems no logic in their defence of this most illiberal of creeds
But logic does not figure in it. Only white Europeans can be truly sinful. and as most Muslims are black or brown, to recognise and intrinsic flaw in Islam would be to deny the basis of their faith
No, Richard. As Andrew Neather admitted, it’s:
(7) To “enrich” your lives if you live in certain metropolitan areas
(8) To rub diversity in the Tories’ faces
No more logical than that. Naturally, Neather claims that was all “twisted out of all recognition” and they just meant to enrich all of you because you needed more skilled labor from Pakistan.
I think it was also a cynical attempt to create a larger Labour voting bloc, on the assumption that immigrants will vote Labour if it means benefits and an opportunity to transplant their fundamentalist religious communities to an area with a higher standard of living and a lower rate of suicide bombs and tribal violence.
And that’s as good a summation of the BBC’s core attitude as I’ve yet seen.
Unlike the rest of Europe we have no EU Identity cards. This is a big flaw in liberal thinking that we can absorb immigrations and Sexual tourists with TB (already the higest in Europe) or HIV forever. Since Homosexuality is ‘risk free’ suddenly here (according to the biased BBC) there will be a huge increase in localised infections (Male prostitution included) directed for NHS treatment which the BBC are quite happy to include at tax payers expense (not included on the BBC license fee). Thanks to the BBC, we UK ‘bigoted public’ will all have to suffer NHS identity cards cards in the very near future to prove residence (as ID cards are proscribed by those Gnomes in Brussles, it is perhaps part of the plot), it is now a certainty, thank you Mark Easton.
BBC local radio in my parts, is not very good at trying to cover up their totally and utterly left wing bias. It is, quite simply blatant and any news article is simply a broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. Every day since the coalition took office, there has at some point, been a remark about the *cutz*. Yes, I kid you not, everyday. I’m punch drunk. Even today on this mornings AM on Radio Devon, the news team reported that the Ten Tors route has been change to make it safer for those who venture out on Dartmoor. I know Dartmoor very well, I live there and have done so for over 25 years and know of its moods and dangers, and death has come to the Ten Tors training in recent past. But according to the BBC, (and it was not the safety angle they came from) it was suggested it was because of the *cutz* to Helicopter operations. Unbelievable and a truly pathetic attempt to smear the elected coalition government of the U.K., which I might remind you, is not the Labour party.
I love Dartmoor and have spent many happy days and nights wandering and wild camping there. It certainly can be a dangerous place in bad conditions, but if you aren’t prepared and equipped to deal with it then you should stay off the moor. Don’t expect to call up a Sea King chopper on your mobile to take you out if you screw up.
No doubt Radio Devon would applaud the idea of criss-crossing the place with tarmac paths and handrails to ‘facilitate the differently abled’.
Not sure how my post came into here…but reposted into the Monday Open thread.
Typical British limp wristed reaction. If you don’t like how Immigrants are sponging off you, then do something about it. But instead you don’t want to come across as a fucking racist, because some fucking shirt-lifter says so and so you do the typical British thing and moan. There lies the reason why Great Britain is now a 3rd world country.
Yes if only we could be more like Pakistan and have a riot and kill a few people. Oh yes I remember now, we used to be like that but we became more civilized.
So civilised you import everything your forefathers (And mothers) fought and died for in the name of…Civilized life:
Female oppression
Radical relgious views
Clean streets
Anybody who complains is instantly deemed a racist or even worse a tory.
People like you are the reason why everybody wants to sponge off the British, why becasue you use “But we are civilized” in which to look the otherway. Pardon my French, but since when has been looking the otherway to:
Female oppression
Relgious oppression
Little boys been allowed to wear beards in school
White girls been raped by packies
White girls been murderd and then made into kebabs
been excused by so called civilized sportsman ship
“People like you are the reason why everybody wants to sponge off the British”
What do you want? Race riots? A massacre of the Muslim population like in India in 1947?
I do not give a fig if a jug eared leftist screams racist at me for opposing female oppression.
You say the British are too limp wristed to fight for their free society. You must have been watching or listening too much to the BBC.
The English have never cared much for totalitarians, and for this reason the BBC know they are living on borrowed time. You must have noticed that the BBC are losing their marbles.
You may respond, well they are scrapping the free press aren’t they, so what grounds are there for optimism? Well you just watch and see if they succeed in abolishing the free press, and then hang around a bit longer see if the BBC are still in power in a decade.
Talking of hanging around, the BBC will be dismantled not by watching BBC employees dancing on lamposts, but via the free market. It is the British way.
As for immigration and multiculturalism and the provider State, the Left have lost every argument. Do you think that Labour MP’s have a high standing in the Country? Or do you think that people view them as financially and morally corrupt.
The way to undermine Islamism is to let people become proud of living in a free society. If people want to set off bombs that kill people they will always find some excuse, and there will always be Leftists who support them – where
there is blood there will be Leftists. But not all British people are sick in the head. Nor is it necessary to put put heads on sticks.
As I say, it is not the British way.
” A massacre of the Muslim population like in India”
The last I looked it was the Muslims who were doing the killing. But hey what do I know , my family are only Indian Muslims.
But I did like how you didn’t answer my point how in the name of equality for all, the do gooders in the UK remain silent on every odious practice that is imported here. Silly me you did, you said it’s not the British way to speak out.
“hey what do I know”
Not enough evidently.
“you didn’t answer my point how in the name of equality for all, the do gooders in the UK remain silent on every odious practice that is imported here.”
I am not a moral relativist. As I said (but obviously not clearly enough) I am opposed (for example) to female oppression.
“you said it’s not the British way to speak out.”
Having the freedom to say what you think is part of what it is to have a free society.
Wild, here’s a question point out exactly where I said lets riot and attack Asians. I didn’t but somehow you feel qualified to say I did, please, please prove me wrong.
I have read you talking about “Paki bastards” “Paki rapists” “Paki paedophiles” and “Paki bastards who rape, pillage, and murder” which (because you are of Pakistani origin you seem to think is acceptable) but this language (replace Paki with Nigger or Yid to get the idea) inflames racial hatred, even though that is not your intention (my impression is that you have a [British] barrack room sense of humour which although not intended to be malicious delights in its mocking bluntness – I seem to remember Prince Harry talking about one of his Paki friends) but that sort of language (in my opinion) can encourage racial hatred. Historically the English have been a very violent people, it has taken generations to restrain those instincts, and it would not take much to bring them back, which is something to avoid if possible, that is all I am saying. OK you Paki bastard?
“because you are of Pakistani origin
Err no, I am of Indian/
New Zealand extraction.
OK you Paki bastard?
Oh dear you racist whiteman, I shall report you to the thought police. If you think words are going to rile me up, then you had go back to the drawing board.
Wild is being humourous – English humour, which you should know well, but which many immigrants fail to appreciate – playfully punching you and saying, ‘and anyway, it’s your round – mine’s a pint.’
It’s a genuine attempt to take the sting out of a situation but maintain his position.
You’re right, but it applies in varying degrees to other European countries as well.
I blame Christianity: “But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
Bloody daft, IMO, and perceived as weakness by people who don’t share the same values, and by some who do.
Good-day every one, my name is Mike Clinton, i want to share my experience with the general public on how i got my hiv aids cured, i have been reading so-many post of some people who were cured of hiv, but i never believed them, but one day bi wanted to tests the faith of the DR OGBOLE, then i contacted him on his email on DROGBOLETEMPLEOFCURE@GMAIL.COM, when i contact him, he told me so many things about my life and so many thing about me which was 100% correct, then i pleaded with him to help me out, then to my greatest surprise he prepared some medicine and he asked me to take it, which i did exactly the way the asked me to take them, he told me that in three days time tat i should go and check on my hiv status, i was kind of been surprise, when i went to the hospital to check of my status, the doctor was so surprise when he saw that i was hiv negative, i did not know how i am going to thank DR OGBOLE for his good work so i decided to share with the general public on what the great DR did for me, i am so thankful to GOD, for sending DR OGBOLE to my rescue, of you are out there having same illness you can contact him so he can help you out on DROGBOLETEMPLEOFCURE@GMAIL.COM, i live in united kingdom, you can also call me if you wish on +447031948646, thanks for sharing from my experience…………………….
Who the f*** clicked “like”?
Whoever it was is now standing on Platform 3 of Waterloo station, where they are hoping to get their $4M from the good Dr. as reward for sending him the PIN number of their bank account.
The same nameless ones that ‘like’ wee willy winky and CTC
Roger Harrabin or Chris Packham-or indeed any of the BBC Today team who know even less of science than Dr Ooglebug!
Wild wrote:
“I have read you talking about “Paki bastards” “Paki rapists” “Paki paedophiles” and “Paki bastards who rape, pillage, and murder” which (because you are of Pakistani origin you seem to think is acceptable)
But did I say in my original post to attack anyone. No, you come up with that and then attributed it to me. Err no. If you wish to insert something in my mouth at least let me know before you unzip your pants. But sorry I don’t do man fat as for your assumption for barrack room humour. Again supposition on your behalf you know sweet FA about me other than what I let you see. But do carry on, as i am really enjoying seeing you expose yourself for the person you really are.
Story turns up on BBC News online with incredibly twisted and uninteresting headline UK ‘must show benefit tourism proof’.
Comments closed by 22.00 with unknown number.
Post-Empirical guilt – the only reason I can imagine for the suicidal road the left is taking us down.
PS – what is a ‘migrant’? Does that not imply that they are like some kind of exotic bird that will fuck off back to the middle east in November?
Thanks for another informative site. Where else could I get that kind of info written in such a perfect method? I’ve a mission that I am just now running on, and I’ve been at the glance out for such information.
Back to the original thread about ‘getting used to immigration’, i could stomach that a bit better if the ads for BBC positions was banned from the Guardian….and circulated in Eastern Europe. We could probably get very good people at a fraction of the cost of our lot. Maybe then the BBC ‘people’ would understand the sense of displacement that so many ‘ordinary’ working people have had imposed on them.