Had a heated debate in the local ale house tonight with your typical white, anti-British, middle-class, over-privileged, work-shy Leftist. To cut a long story short, I met up with an old girlfriend from university and she brought along a couple, one of which was the aforementioned prat. He summed up everything I despised about the middle-class Leftist: not as well educated as he thought; opinionated; loud; insecure; uncomfortable in his own skin, and, yes, you guessed it: he dressed as if he were a black man… you know, dread locks and a kaftan etc. Anyway, we got onto the subject of the Miliband argument and the aggressive response from the Left towards the Daily Mail. He was rude, loud and full of revolting scorn and bitterness, the likes of which I can only presume stem from his own insecurities and lack of meaning in life. Anyway, I utterly destroyed him with my intellectual superiority and strong grounding in political science and made clear that he and his foul ilk are anti-British but yet are happy to live here and enjoy our freedoms. I thought to myself, over a pint of Abbot Ale, that these idiots are brainwashed and are completely beyond reasoned debate. I think we can thank the likes of the BBC and Guardian for this along with left-wing academics who have infiltrated our schools and universities.
It’s difficult to go against the flow. As a mature student at university challenging the young lecturers left- wing ideas when a whole class of 18 year old agree with her required a lot of persistance . As does complaints to the BBC , you just have to keep going !
It is true, so many ‘thinking’ people are genuinely shocked that I think the BBC is not impartial. They absorb everything they hear from Auntie with no questions asked!
I think the point is they are less ‘thinking’ than they think.
I am not sure that IQ is even much of a barrier to brainwashing. Think of the intelligent and sensitive types who get caught up in cults. In fact reasonably intelligent people who at least look at the world and see that all isn’t great, are rather more vulnerable to being attracted to the simplistic solutions the left offers, than are, perhaps, those who think of little beyond their immediate lives.
Alex, you simply cannot debate with those on the hard-left or hard-right for that matter! An entrenched ideological viewpoint is the basis for bigotry. The Left, however, have taken intolerance to ineffable levels with their loathsome hypocrisy on spectacular display within the Miliband fallout. The BBC blatantly overstepped the mark but are now completely unaccountable due to their Saudi funders. The only way the Left will ever be defeated is through civil war. You can count on my pitchfork!
Spot on Alex. It is as if they have been posessed by a parasite which re wires the brain to destroy itself and nurture the host. I also agree with you that the reason is due to his own insecurities and lack of meaning in life. contempt of one’s country has been preached at us for a long time now. More than a generation.
Well Alex, I too have endured a conversation with one of the left wing middle classes.
It was over a pint, just one mind, too many pints are not conducive to reasoned discussion.
Well, said lefty had announced she couldn’t wait to get home, as, as yet she hadn’t had time to read her Guardian.
Alarm bells ring of course, then a third party put a match to the petrol and announced that he knew my heroine was Thatcher.
Cue the usual bile and vitriol by way of a response from the lefty.
Now sadly I dont have that intellectual superiority or grounding in political science.
But when the discussion turned to the inevitable evils of Thatcher in the mining industry, I actually did have some facts.
I simply asked the question, who closed more mines, Wilson or Thatcher?
Sounds of tumbleweed blowing through.
No reply!
Did she know?
Errrr…..well no actually.
Because I actually get some facts to back my opinions, I was able to enlighten her. Wont repeat the figures here ad nauseam, we have all seen them.
In a word, she was mortified inside, but externally made a vain attempt to say Thatchers closures had ripped the heart out of communities. And Wilson’s? They were kind of benign, unaffecting. No challenge to the facts. No attempt to argue my simple count of pit closures was not the whole story, no attempt to argue it’s more about tonnages, or manning levels, or any other measure.
The reason is these folk dont deal in facts, only opinions based on propaganda and political dogma, and the constant drip of bullshit found in the Guardian and the bbc.
As does the bbc, well actually, a comprehensive list is available, of those mines closed post the strike after 84.
Were they interested in what went before?
I dont know, maybe yes, maybe no.
I do likewise when I hear somebody screaming out we armed Saddam and the Taliban. I simply say name one weapon system used by Saddam that was made either in the US or Uk. Then I point out the role of Russia,China and Eastern Europe. The thing is, they don’t care with the facts, but rather in what they believe in.
Last Christmas I got into a heated exchange with my older sister’s partner – he’s a vice-Chancellor at a Welsh University – about climate change. I’m a long-time climate sceptic; he is, of course, a fully signed-up CAGW zealot.
I was hoping I’d have the chance to present my arguments against his rigid, conformist pro-CAGW mantra, but alas he got so worked-up at my heretical, politically-incorrect dissidence that I never got the opportunity to make my rebuttals – his bad behaviour, his infantile, emotive attitude had turned the atmosphere so toxic, so quickly, that I thought it best to back away for fear of the two of us having a rather ugly argument at what should have been a friendly Christmas gathering.
He hasn’t spoken to me since. God alone knows how busy he’s been indoctrinating my sister against me as a result of my ‘denialist’ status in his eyes.
And this is how the smug, supercilious, agenda-driven Left work. Like any totalitarian movement, they move swiftly and forcefully to shout down, humiliate and undermine anyone they perceive as an opponent. It was a salutary lesson to me about just how unpleasant the Left can be – even to members of their own family – if the individual concerned (in this case, myself) is considered to possess ‘incorrect’ views.
Reminds me of how the Nazis, the Maoists and the Soviets used family, neighbours and friends to spy on each other to report ‘suspicious’ behaviour.
The Left are malignant narcissists. The only reality they care about is their own hatreds.
When politicians fund scientific research they tend to support the research which gives them the answers they want e.g. Lysenko. Politicians generally want whatever will give them more power.
Two nephews ex-Oxford university (arts students) only too happy to repeat the leftist view – but ask them how they reached their conclusions on such things as Climate Change their only answer is a sneer that the science is settled. Now where did they learn that?
Biased BBC has permitted me to understand that leftist views actually are facist and, as Phil Ford has pointed out, as extreme and ntoerant and aggressive as some of the movements in the middle of the last cent Ironically they are not liberal in their attitudes towards people of different opinions to them. Also , whilst liberal towards other ethnicities , they are destroying their own
Nice post. I encountered a similar scenario not too long ago with someone i used to go to school with. Now it seems after living in Cambridge for a year on a work placement, there is no room for debate when it comes to issues of race and religion. It’s a shame really, because the lad i know is a genuinely decent character. The BBC and other leftist fools have well and truly ingrained a sense of self-loathing in the guy. Damn the BBC and their poisonous methods.
A fantastic post. As you point out, these aggressive, left-wing hypocrites are usually as never well educated as they think they are. And when this becomes apparent in a debate, then they often seek to close it down by resorting to ad-hominem attacks, sually involving accusing others of being: “racist”, “Islamophobic” or even “fascist”. The irony is that it is often they themselves who are the racists, albeit soft ones. The soft racism of low expectation, often in connection with Islamic extremists and rabid, homophobic, antisemitic Islamic preachers.
BBC local radio in my parts, is not very good at trying to cover up their totally and utterly left wing bias. It is, quite simply blatant and any news article is simply a broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. Every day since the coalition took office, there has at some point, been a remark about the *cutz*. Yes, I kid you not, everyday. I’m punch drunk. Even today on this mornings AM on Radio Devon, the news team reported that the Ten Tors route has been change to make it safer for those who venture out on Dartmoor. I know Dartmoor very well, I live there and have done so for over 25 years and know of its moods and dangers, and death has come to the Ten Tors training in recent past. But according to the BBC, (and it was not the safety angle they came from) it was suggested it was because of the *cutz* to Helicopter operations. Unbelievable and a truly pathetic attempt to smear the elected coalition government of the U.K., which I might remind you, is not the Labour party.
As I posted a coupe of days ago – anybody notice just how quickly the BBC poll about cuts vanished from the airwaves when the results proved that people, on the whole, thought services were better (apart from pot holes) after the cuts than before..
I am sure that the BBC had a whole list of usual contacts lined up and a vast news arc ready to sping into life. However they were thwarted by the fact that there have been no real cuts at all and ‘services’ are as good if not better than before.
Story straight into the bin as it was good news for the government and exposed the opposition as mendacious weasles.
Yes, some bBC polls aren’t exactly going quite according to plan lately, CCE.
Outcome of yesterday morning’s one (Does the English Defence League represent a view that needs to be heard? – 95%Yes!) on Sunday Morning Live was an absolute corker! LOL
Agree 100%.
Local radio is just the BBCs local idiot cousin…with the same soundbites sent down the pipe for the hicks to spout.
Whatever ails the nation on the 8am news headlines nationally?…it`ll be moaned about in fridge magnet form on the local squash of the BBC…albeit with an attempt at a regional accent from Drama!
You try saying “Doiverziddy” with a carrot on your mouth!
Recently, there seem to be a lot of provocative comments on here. For me, they don’t appear to be all that they purport to be. That’s all, just be aware.
Part of the territory old bean… This site has always been subject to pathetic and predictable attacks from Guardian-reading lefties. The joy is in the manner of riposte one reciprocates.
The BBC charter is up is for review in 2016. It currently uses its 3Bn pound annual income on questionable pay awards for top management for ‘services’ whilst waiting to be asked to join the next round of Labour invitations to become an MP. I had a search of No.10 Petitons today (http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/search?q=BBC+bias) and I can see that we need much better coordination to beat these smug political bandits. As they need our money to fund their ‘lifestyles’ perhaps we should start a PETITION based on the Tea part slogan ‘No taxation without representation’. Basically no more license fee until it changes bias.
I think you mean ‘no representation without taxation’, with which I fully agree. and as far as destroying the bbc, then just cancel your tv licence. deprive the socialists of their income. I have and feel cleaner for doing so.
The problem with that is that there are too many who are represented who don’t pay any taxes.
And on that theme, why is it that someone can turn up at a polling station and they don’t have to prove who they are before they vote? And why do we have postal voting, which is abused mainly by those ‘communities’ that wish us the most harm?
Not sure he does. ‘No taxation without representation’ was a call for those who paid to taxes to have a vote. That battle was won. Now we have millions who only take from the state and never pay back, so the modern call could be ‘no representation without taxation’, ie if you don’t contribute to the state you have no vote. No more undemocratic than the way the left behave in suppressing the truth via use of their party organ the BBC.
Who in INBBC commissioned Muslim Rageh OMAAR, yet again, to present another three-part INBBC TV series from an Islamic viewpoint, this time on ‘The Ottomans’?
-None other than Muslim Aaqil AHMED who is INBBC’s
‘Commissioning Editor for Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics’.
So now, INBBC’s Muslim Mr Ahmed is given the power to continually commission Muslim Mr Omaar ( ex-Al Jazeera, now ITN) to present INBBC TV series on Islam.
Both Mr Ahmed, together in Islamic partnership with Mr Omaar, have carved out a huge INBBC broadcasting franchise here, which is unchecked, it seems.
Mr Ahmed’s INBBC brief, apparently, allows him to encompass not only anything relating to Islam, and to Christianity, but also anything relating to history of Europe!
“Why can’t the BBC understand that we are STILL a Christian country?”
In relation to Part 3 of INBBC’s TV series, ‘The Ottomans’ next week Muslim Rageh OMAAR will have to deal with the Ottoman Islamic jihad massacre of Greeks and Armenians.
“Turkey threatens to ban MPs from Gallipoli centenary over genocide vote”
A representaive of Local Schools Network turned up on DroidNews™ this eve. Founded by four people, two of whom are Alasliar Campbell’s doris and Melissa Benn. Not that you’d have known from the droid’s intro. We, the little people, are allowed to assume that these are independent ‘experts’ rather than what they are – yet another tedious shouty pretrendy lefty pressure group.
Jeremy Whine early in the week prefaced an article on the uni psychologist who persuaded half his students to ‘electrocute’ the other half with something like,
‘So what is it that drives people to commit atrocities like the Holocaust, My Lai, and Abu Ghraib’.
So, one committed by the Nazis and two by the US Army – funny that. I think lefty faves Mao and Stalin accounted for a lot more than My Lai. And as for Abu Ghraib, outside the BBC canteen, piling naked men on top of eachother – meh not such a big deal.
Amazing no, the howls from the ‘balanced’ audience on Any Question when a panelist mentioned the Postie sell-off. Dimbleby could silence these people, but he is clearly quite happy to let the fascist left shout down anyone they disagree with.
Nice to note that 150,000 posties went for the offer and 300-odd didn’t. Where have all the socialists gone eh?
“BBC boss’s £8,000 nights at the Proms:
” Head of radio treats lawyer to a taxpayer-funded thank you for representing her in Savile scandal.
“Helen Boaden, head of radio and former head of news, offered lawyer Louis Charalambous a seat in her publicly-funded private box last month.
“The solicitor was paid thousands to represent her during the Savile scandal .
“Figures show BBC bosses spent £31,212 entertaining guests at the Proms.
“With 14 nights of hosting, Ms Boaden far outstripped all other executives”
Thousands of pounds spent entretaining guests at the Proms and the Traitors dont even like Britain. It really is taking the p**s out of licence payers.
An incident that occurred on reserve duty with the IDF might give one pause over this story.
We had to pass a line of guard dogs to reach our guard positions, every night. They would bark hysterically as we came close. All except for one who couldn’t be bothered.
One day I asked the trainer about this. He informed me that that particular canine was the best they had. He would only bark at (and presumably bite) Arabs!
Isn’t it possible that the dogs learn to identify the majority white trainers with the good guys and everyone else as the enemy? Possibly diet has something to do with it.
I don’t have figures for how many L.A. police dog trainers fit that description but a quick google through images of ‘Los Angeles police dogs’ seems to confirm it.
It’s disgusting how the BBC and the Left turn a blind eye to revolting third world Muslim practices and yet if a harmless elderly Christian couple refuse the custom of those men who choose to bite the pillow, it’s the day of judgement!
“Grilling for Lord Patten over BBC ‘bias’ in Ed Miliband father row.
“The BBC Trust will face questions in Parliament about allegations of bias in coverage of Ed Miliband’s row with the Daily Mail over his father’s political views.”
Rather doomed, one fears.
And those MP’s know it.
Patten can wave such beliefs away with a few of the BBC’s own, and move on.
If anyone persists then the FoI legal team stands ready to pop back from Hugs’ private box (at the Proms!) to ensure no information can be garnered from this uniquely funded public exception to near every rule.
Must be nice to control information to such a self-serving extent.
Bias… in favour of one party whilst trashing another? The very idea. How would they get away with such a thing? http://order-order.com/2013/10/14/secret-handshake-for-tories-in-the-beeb/
Well, there’s outright institutional discrimination of course. ‘…don’t let them find out or you’ll be going nowhere…’
Seems that within the BBC all diversities are equal, but some are a lot less equal than others.
Dinah Rose must have missed that one.
And Helen ‘Bias…er, impartiality is in our genes’ Boaden.
Can’t wait for the Maquire, Toynbee, Owen panel set up by Ian Katz on Newsnight tonight.
stephen nolan let the cat out of the bag on his show on radio 5 leftie on friday,he said and i quote,the bbc drum it into all us presenters at radio 5 leftie that we must not have a politacal opinion on any subjects we cover,stephen said he found that very hard,dont worry about that stephen,all other presenters on radio 5 live leftie just ignore that edict given by your radio 5 leftie bosses and leave you in no doubt about there politacal leanings.
“French far-right wins local election.
A candidate for the National Front party wins a local by-election in south-eastern France, amid signs the far-right party is gaining in strength.”
Note that in above BBC-NUJ report, that although the National Front is described as ‘far-right’, the Communists, who BBC-NUJ’s political favourite Hollande supported, is not described as ‘far-left’!
The FN are “patriotic” who hold sway in the French towns and villages, rather than the multicultural urban centres. Since when was being patriotic “far right”? Only in the opinion of the insane bigots of the urban far left aka the BBC and its fellow travellers.
Ed Miliband has never come across as a rebellious son, far from it, but rather as an apple that hasn’t rolled far from the tree, if at all. Given that he frequently refers to his father’s ‘vision for Britain’, a close scrutiny of that ‘vision’ is surely necessary. The pivotal belief of that ‘vision’ is to ‘abolish property & open the gates to the socialist Eden – to Paradise regained’. Not that that would apply to an LSE professor living in Primrose Hill, nor to senior beeboids of the ‘Tuscan Tendency’ in their tax-funded dachas.
This letter, written to Ralph Miliband in 1990, by one of his former acolytes who has renounced his Communist beliefs, gives us the lowdown on the New Left project which, ominously, appears to have begun in 1789.
‘Meanwhile, you have no such second thoughts. Even as I write, you & your comrades are engaged in yet another defiant resurrection – the birth of a new generation of the Left, as eager to believe in the fantasy of a new world as we were then. In this annus mirabilus of Communist collapse, when the socialist idea is being repudiated throughout the whole expanse of the Soviet empire by the very masses it claimed to liberate, you & your comrades are still finding ways to deny what has happened.’
And the BBC were always so sniffy, so condescending when it came to Thatcher’s father, a mere shopkeeper. Wrong kind of dad, obviously. A little too rooted in reality.
The full letter: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/david-horowitz/the-road-to-nowhere/
The writer of the letter makes the mistake of thinking that because communism has been rejected by billions it must be wrong. But true Marxists believe that the voices and wishes of ordinary people count for nothing, that democracy is abhorrent and that they , the Marxist elite , should decide everything as they know best.
The Mail tried to point this out but was drowned out by the useful idiots in the BBC.
Yes the “false consciousness” argument. The most snobbish people on the planet are middle class Leftists. They are a wannabe aristocrats.
They want a return to the feudal system but with the addition of a creed that exempts them from any morality.
That Marxism left a 100 million corpses behind it is not accidental. The Mail article was mild. Ralph Miliband’s Marxist beliefs were (and still are) pure evil. That the BBC spent all week defending him tells you a lot about the BBC.
If there was no BBC how can the serfs be instructed in correct thoughts – a correct thought being whatever satisfies the overwhelming sense of entitlement of middle class Leftists such as Tristram Hunt.
Don’t suppose we’ll hear anything on the BBC about the auditors report that 1.95 BILLION EU aid meant for the people of Gaza and the West Bank was lost between 2008 and 2012 ( see The Sunday Times )
Vicky Price, the Ex wife of Chris Huhne was interviewed on the Today program, as she has a book to promote called ‘prisonomics’ in the book she makes the same general assertion she made at her trial, that the women in prison are there because of something the men in their lives did.
It’s a classic case of being unable to accept responsibility, and it’s the only way Price can get to discuss her views on air. Of course she moans about what she did. Yes it was his fault for speeding, but hers for the perjury, but she even manages to pin womens drug addiction on men.
It’s as if women are incapable of making a decision in their lives without a man being there to influence them !
Well said, mate. Great comment. Feminists seek equality with men only in the areas they like and blame everything they don’t like on men. The BBC, of course (as it is full of leftie wimps and middle class mummies’ boys) wholeheartedly supports this victimhood mentality. I remember working in an almost.
Sorry got cut off and couldn’t finish comment! I was going to say that I once had the misfortune of working with a feminist lesbian… she had purple hair, nose piercings and wore hobnail boots and questioned everything men ever said. She was also the PC union rep and everyone hated her – most of all the women in the office! She was so anti-male it was untrue. Vile woman. Wonder what she’s doing now? Probably working for the BBC or some crappy sector charity.
Lol so she is flogging her made up crap [she only spent 4 days in a prison the rest in a holiday home with a very nice warden ] on the one organisation that prosecutes and criminalises more women then any other in the UK ??
The BBC was particularly shameful here as Vicky Pryce was paraded on radios 4 and 5 as well as BBC Breakfast. She even got away with claiming that the past was done! Er so what’s the blog about then?
A shameful vile woman who got a kicking on the BBC website so the comments section was of course closed..
Surely then that Jimmy Savile ought to be able to blame his dear old mum(The Duchess) for his adventures in exploring his sexual boundaries…usually at the gates of Wood Lane ,or the NCP carparks adjoining all those NHS hospitals ; so I understand.
Bloody mums….source of all crimes!
Poor old Jimmy-lots of unscrewing of blue plaques throughout the NHS and the BBC stations eh?…ironic, given all the screwing he himself did.
I always get a whiff of his sweatshirt whenever I hear the BBC telling us about abuse of kids…and maybe that was his whole intended purpose…to show the BBC up for the venal abusing centres of hypocrisy that they are nowadays.
Breaking news at 10 O’clock that a number of ‘men’ from the London area have been arrested under the terrorism act. I wonder if they will turn out to be the usual suspects, and why it is that neither the useless brigade nor the biased broadcaster can actually give any details as to their backgrounds.
As per usual we are left to be able to ‘discern’ who they are from the names.
Yes, I am at my work desk pretending to write emails but in fact I’m keeping a close eye on this story. Obviously, these ‘men’ are in no way representative of the religion of peace and love and understanding! Must be those right-wing Christians again!!!
It is newsworthy no doubt (except to Flokkers based here who will doubtless be taking the BBC to task. Not).
However, once ported to FaceBook, I am intrigued that the BBC has thrown it open to the masses under the banner of ‘Is the decision a backward step for religious freedoms?’
Well, if you gotta ask….
The responses so far seem… ‘Polarised’… one might say nicely so for ratings driven social engineering media purposes.
And just in case a morning shift Flokker is minded to take some colleagues to task on their faith-based obsessions, here’s Radio 5 Live’s critical cause du jour…
@bbc5live: Your Call: How homophobic are our schools? Call 0500 909 693. Text 85058. Tweet @bbc5live. Listen live > http://t.co/m8dwxa3uHm
Maybe Malala’s home school inspector’s thoughts on this could be solicited?
Are we to include the Muslim Madrassa ones that masquerade as free faith schools or not?
All kneel before Judge Stephen Fry in a burqa he`s borrowed from John Simpson…
Was it just me or did the MP & wife target in last nights ‘By Any Means’ pay more than a passing resemblence to Neil & Christine Hamilton? – could BBC not think of any current or ex Labour MPs associated with sleaze and dishonesty?
BBC Nicky Campbell and his witty irreverent banter eh?
What a card!
Well, not quite so irreverent – he shows respect for some subjects.
With straight faces we hear the point of view – at quite some length – from campaigners who want to stamp out the use of a certain word popular with our school children. Oh dear, does this mean Larry Grason is now to be expunged from the record ?- What a g*y day! No Larry, you can’t say that!
In all seriousness we are warned to watch BBC Crimewatch because those McCanns appear to have altered their story somewhat (the time frame has changed – really?) and they have a couple of dozen of Scotland Yard’s finest jumping about doing Coldcase Team impressions.
We then pause for a moment to give respect to the victims of a Welsh mining disaster – 100 years ago.
But when it comes to a newspaper report about Sir Tim Rice saying something about windmills – well I’m afraid I didn’t get to hear what Sir Tim had said about windmills. Unfortunately Nicky’s banter gets in the way completely and I was left hanging.
I listened to the BBC and wasn’t informed – so I had to check for myself.
As I googled I wondered – was Sir Tim in favour or was he agin…..?
yep! absurd Britannia, only on the BBC …
red lights/alarms – thought police alert!
BBC 5live – Your Call –
Will Young says, people say gay? ….
WHAT! NO! … I tell you what … wash his mouth out 😀
The Dame is on fire this morning, tying himself and his orchestrated guests into verbal gymnastics, not to say certain words.
Is it better just to go to Morse Code? – whatever next?
You may think its alright, but what was in your mind,
I heard someone say Jew the other day, disgusting eh!
How do feel about the word “fat”, oh! tut tut, sighs the Dame.
Do you know, someone called a fellow a “posh boy” just yesterday. right in front of me?
“yep! absurd Britannia, only on the BBC …
red lights/alarms – thought police alert!
BBC 5live – Your Call –
Will Young says, people say gay? ….
WHAT! NO! … I tell you what … wash his mouth out 😀
The Dame is on fire this morning, tying himself and his orchestrated guests into verbal gymnastics, not to say certain words.
Is it better just to go to Morse Code? – whatever next?
You may think its alright, but what was in your mind,
I heard someone say Jew the other day, disgusting eh!
How do feel about the word “fat”, oh! tut tut, sighs the Dame.
Do you know, someone called a fellow a “posh boy” just yesterday. right in front of me?
Did anyone see that vile woman, Vickie Pryce on the BBC this morning? She practically got free reign to complain about how the prison service is treating bloody women, and that it’s societies fault for letting them down AND YET SHE’S JUST GOT OUT AFTER SERVING A PRISON SENTENCE HERSELF!!!!! Unbelievable arrogance and a complete disregard for her own criminal activities. To be fair, the male BBC interviewer did, at the end, ask her why she is going about trying to right the wrongs of the female prison system as opposed to apologizing for her own grotesque actions with her equally repulsive runt of a husband Chris.
There are many things we can write about the Huhne and Pryce. But it was not them that let them out early. It was the ‘system’.
What people, particularly the BBC fail to see, is the inequality of a so called justice system.
We have here a man (Huhne) who was a highly paid public servant at the top of the decision making tree. He lied, and encourage his, then wife, to lie. This man should have been made an example of, but no, he and his wife are part of the elite.
The BBC serves no one except those in power and never asks the real question. “As your crime was quite a serious one, did you think you got off light compared to others’ ?”
She and her former spouse will no doubt continue to profit from their disgrace. Most decent people and organizations would simply shun them.
Not only did Huhne lie, but he lied again and again, for years and years and years, and was eventually jailed for perverting the course of justice. But the BBC think that is of no real consequence and start the process of introducing him to the world again.
The BBC is morally corrupt and should be broken up.
And Huhne has the brass neck to go on Brillo’s show, supporting control of the press, saying that trust and confidence in the press has plummeted more so than in any other field. But then again, this lying, cheating, dishonest ex-con was always lacking in self awareness.
I can’t think why Brillo had him on, unless it was for the entertainment factor.
Huhne is a good example of the narcissism of the Left. When I saw an interview with him it is clear he thought we should see him as the victim. Even the BBC pulled back from pushing that narrative, although I noticed that they try to avoid talking about Leftists who thieve from the taxpayer – presumably on the grounds that it is too close to home.
If you are on the Right on the other hand (for example if that reliable witness Muhammad Al Fayard accuses you of something) they cannot repeat it enough. As for that Tory who called the policemen plebs I remember at the time Portillo saying (on the BBC to be fair) that it was obviously made up, but that did not stop the BBC running the story for months. To his credit Michael Crick (on Channel Four news) pointed out that the story was obviously made up.
The thing is before he lied about it, before he got his missus to perjure herself, he was speeding. He was ‘Climate Change’ spokesman or some such non-job at the time, wasn’t he? Well, if he cares so much about wasted fuel …
And the activist, true to form, goes on to display the defining ‘qualities’ of the lefty; dominating the conversation, not allowing others the courtesy of freedom of speech and above all, hypocrisy.
In the lefty world its wrong to call people names, to discriminate…unless it’s of course the target is Cameron or Osborne, who lefty guest / activist says it is legitimate to call ‘posh boys’ because they are people of power.
This is the same thinking from the activists tool-kit that says, for example, black people can never be racist by virtue of their minority position.
Another problem is that the dumbo callers on the left are too often matched by the dumbo callers on the right. I was shouting at the radio when the veh, veh posh lefty woman was condescendingly asking the first guy about the word “set”, and just wished he had the gumption to take her on.
Today with Humphry’s in Greece doing a hatchet job on Golden dawn, the Far Right political party.
interviewed a Pakistani man who claimed to have been beaten up by GD supporters. Missed the bit about why he was in Greece and how he got there illegally and the crime statistics about acts of violence, theft and intimidation by illegal migrants against Greek citizens which has led to the groundswell of support for the GD Party because everyone else just ignored their concerns about what was happening to their area and country. The Greeks have and are still going through a period of severe austerity.
Humpy ended by claiming a place where children used to play became a no-go area because GD painted a warning to migrants to keep away and parents were intimidated.
now he claims with the warning gone the families will flock back. Like they will flock back to the no-go areas where they used to play until migrants took over and the authorities turned a blind eye until GD turned up to represent the ignored people in the deprived areas where the migrants took up residence.
Next week the Today programme will be in Egypt & Pakistan to vigorously question those behind the brutal murders and bombings of Christian communities, the forcible conversions to Islam and general extermination of Christians.
Was Golden Dawn’s rabid anti-semitism mentioned? Their ‘blame it on the Jews’ mentality, makes Golden Dawn little better than the Religion of Peace in my eyes. Then again, it might be the one thing that Golden Dawn, Islam and the BBC all have in common.
Can I be the first to commend myself as Mystic Meg of the airwaves?
I confidently predicted that Humph would find some excuse for himself to get back out to his olive farm before the year was out…previously it`s been fires, the Eurocrisis and the new bollards on the Corinth canal!…any excuse for us to pay his silver surfer freebie out to his kids and assorted houseboys bottling the retsina.
But I was wrong in my timings-he normally goes in June/July before it gets too hot…he surprised us all by leaving it so late.
Still-not so surprised as HE was when somebody accused him of being a Nazi…but I sensed he was more upset that he had been described as a journalist.
Golden Dawn have the measure of Junket John!
How come that BH Athens monkey(he did a piece on Opera in the Athens meat market yesterday-no less banal than the rest of that Godawful pot pourri of last years tossed salad) wasn`t asked to talk to Golden Dawn?…he`s no more a journo that Humph, but at least he was actually THERE.
Does no-one at the BBC worry about all those wasted airmiles?…I know that I do!
When is a Racist not a racist? why when he’s an Asian (read into that as you will) London letting agents ‘refuse black tenants’ Letting agents in London are prepared to discriminate against would-be tenants on the grounds of race, a BBC undercover investigation has revealed. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is illegal for businesses to refuse to provide a service based on ethnicity. But 10 firms told a reporter posing as a landlord they would not let to African-Caribbean people at his request. A black researcher was denied viewings, yet his white counterpart was welcomed.
So the bBC reports on how Black people are been discriminated in London by certain people, gee I wonder who those people are? But for some strange reason the bBC refuses to call this racist act as racism, yet for some strange reason only shows 2 people both of whom are brownskinned:
Now would I be correct in saying that if there were white people involved the bBC would not only be calling this racism , but taking into account the man’s beard in the top picture would this be a case for ‘Tell Mama’ and the strange case of Islamophobia in the night?
That link to the video shows the “No Irish No Blacks No Dogs” notice as the main frame. I’m at work so can’t view the whole video for context, but does anyone else think the sign appears to be in much better definition than the curtains behind it?
Almost as if it had been added afterwards, perish the thought.
Its defiantly been Photoshopped. No sticky tape in the corners holding up. The standards of ‘Propaganda’ at the BBC are truly appalling. Goebbels must be spinning in his grave at such shoddy work.
The BBC pic is faked. Oddly, search as they might no one seems able to find any photgraphic evidence of that famous – indeed seemingly ubiquitous sign. Or have they? Anyone provide a link? I’m asking because I would be genuinely interested. I listen to the BBC and they tell me it was everywhere. And surely one would have turned up on the Antiques Roadshow
V Drearybyshire on 5live,
These landlords are incredulous, they have no concern are not bothered by any BBC political correctness, are openly racist, obviously because of THEIR colour they feel protected.
I note the BBC have managed to find an Afro Caribbean landlord as an example
I don’t think that it is race per se. It is more the perceived attributes of people with readily recognisable characteristics.
Unfortunately the first impression someone makes is their physical appearance and this naturally becomes the defining characteristic. If you get stung by a wasp then you learn to avoid wasps (and any creatures similarly patterned). The fact that a particular wasp (or insect with similar characteristsics) may be approaching you with the best of intentions is something that you will never discover because of your learnt experiences.
No matter how much ‘re-education’ (Love the wasp!) is undertaken, you cannot change such learnt behaviour.
As a child I was taught that Blacks cannot be trusted. In fact walk around and see if you can spot a good Muslim dating or even worse married to a Black. On that note I have dated a black woman, however we had to do it in secret as her brothers would have smashed my face in. So this isn’t a one-sided affair.
As someone who has has dated partners from places as disparate as the Caribbean and Hong Kong and at from at least one Muslim nation I can testify that racism is not a ‘white man’s disease’ – I’ve been shocked at just how casual racism is in so many other countries where the dominant skin colour is absolutely not white.
Such intolerance is probably genetic in origin, unlike left-wing intolerance, which is acquired from environmental sources -eg the Bullshit and Buggery Corporation.
I go to Football regularly. One thing that strikes me is, how few people from ethnic backgrounds attend matches. I have never heard of any racist chanting or behavior, and those of a ethnic background have never complained of, or felt intimidated through racism. yet I am told that somehow we must ALL, “Kick Racism Out of Football.”
You never see at signs saying, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Royal Ascot.” Or, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Tennis”. Yet they are populated mainly by white upper-class oiks. There are more black and ethnic players in any football league up and down the country then is in any Polo tournament or Bridge Club.
I think this Racism lark is being use as a means to keep us down and in our place.
True ! It does I suppose depend on the team. But my underlining point is this. Sport is about the ‘individual’ whether they be in a team on not, and their contribution. It should not be about the colour of a persons skin.
The upper-classes tend, I believe, practice a casual form of racism. Not cross burnings or foul language, just polite segregation.
More sought of ‘Black and White Mistrals’ quaint racism, methinks.
There are and have been numerous Asian players on the books of some of our greatest clubs for many years.
The problem is apparently that being Korean or Japanese they are the wrong sort of Asians. As with the BBC Asian Network the term Asian is remarkably narrow to the Beeb, meaning essentially the Sub Continent. You’d be waiting a long time to hear the Cambodian Top Ten countdown on the “Asian” Network.
They are on a loser with this line of argument. Professional sport is based purely on ability, and meritocracy is anathema to the left’s thought processes.
If you are good enough the colour of your skin is provably irrelevant. That’s the core issue.
I have very little interest in the individual known as Tommy Robinson.
What does interest me is the BBC via presenter Nicky Campbell propagating and enabling Leftist campaigning via my Licence Fee.
See this Twitter from NC following a conversation with two Leftists
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@exposetweets e mail me your points…sourced and i will put them to guest tomorrow, dm you e mail
To which they reply well satisfied their BBC (would that my complaints were as speedily dealt with)
Exposetweets @exposetweets 8 Oct
@NickyAACampbell thank you
Alan Shore @FlamingoAlan 8 Oct
@NickyAACampbell @exposetweets Brilliant!
And who are Alan Shore and Exposetweets?
Alan Shore
50 year old gay guy who was taught about life by the Lakota and so walks the good Red Road. Uses the Mark Twain Rule concerning tedious dicks
Derby, England, GB
Exposing the EDL since 2009.
I actually have no time for the EDL, but you know what I respect their right to be heard. Now I didn’t want anything to do with the EDL when TR sent out e-mails to bloggers and he e-mailed the one I write on (This was before they came to the notice of the media) I refused and that was that. Yet what I see id the very same people who scream and rant at the EDL are the very same people who say we should sit down and talk to radical Muslims who are doing exactly the same thing if not worse.
Just like Jeremy Vine and other BBC on-air talent, Campbell disingenuously uses his “personal” Twitter account to promote and recruit for his BBC show. Pretending that this isn’t an official BBC account, they use a variation of the get-out-of-bias-free, “views my own” disclaimer. No official BBC logo means he doesn’t have to be impartial and his twitter feed lies outside the rules.
It doesn’t actually mean that, of course – according to the BBC’s own rules – but we know that BBC staff operate under the belief that Twitter lies out of bounds and that they never enforce it unless they receive a complaint. The very fact that they do enforce the rules on “personal” Twitter accounts after receiving complaints means that what Campbell is doing is wrong.
BBC Social Media policy is a joke, and knowingly creates the environment in which heavily biased behavior is allowed to thrive. It then creates a little resentment when the authorities crack down on an individual seemingly out of the blue. But I suppose that’s the BBC management style in a nutshell.
Contary to some here I quite enjoy the comedy of Miranda Hart
For some reason this Tweet from our Miranda turns up on the aforementioned anti-EDLTwitter account – quite why that should be the case I really couldn’t speculate…
Miranda Hart @mermhart 22h
If people who stole my laptop last night in W6 out there. Please please please return. Precious creative projects all lost. Will reward
[Some of the replies are interesting and amusing…..]
M’F @MandaFierce 22h
@mermhart Oh there are some ‘what i call’ f*ckwitts in the world aint there!? smh.
[Very true]
Tom [ukpositivelad] @UKPositiveLad 22h
@mermhart that’s awful :/ hope at least some of it is backed up.
[Now that wisearse comment is one that I would find a bit annoying]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad @mermhart mine was stolen last week. Lost of my blog contents etc. so sad 🙁
[There’s a lot of it about – it’s called crime]
Tom [ukpositivelad] @UKPositiveLad 22h
@LeonjWard @mermhart wasn’t your blog online? This is why everything I work on is stored on my google drive.
greg mchugh @gregjmchugh 22h
@mermhart what dicks! Hope the simpleton sees the light and returns it hencewith!!
[How could any right thinking person steal from a National Treasure?]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad yes but I have some contents to be published that I hadn’t yet uploaded to the Sky Drive. And some stuff like Mum death cert
[No please, don’t start some X Factor-style back story….]
what I call kirsty @kirsty_mirandaH 22h
@mermhart what no this makes me want to cry for you, finger crossed for you that you get it back x
[I think she means Miranda’s laptop – not the guy’s mum’s death cert]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad I’m just too tight to pay for another copy lmao
[Hold the sympathy]
Russell Kane @RussellKane 22h
@mermhart Oh crap. That is grim. Seriously hope you get it back. Creativity is life.
[Yes it is. Peace and love, man. Let’s hope those laptop thieves have a Twitter account and are feeling just a bit hippy]
Elizabeth Bower @ElizabethBower 22h
@mermhart On the off chance you have the ‘find my iphone’ app, you can use it to try to locate your laptop, hope you get your work back xx
[Possibly a useful comment – possibly another annoyingly wisearse comment – depending of course on the find my whatever…]
Chris Nicholson @EraseThisTweet 22h
@mermhart I live next to King St, Hammersmith – anything I can do to help?
[Form a posse? Sounds a bit vigilante. Best leave it to the Police. We don’t want to see street violence. Oh I was forgetting…. this is all from an Anti-EDL site]
“GM food opponents are ‘wicked’ and leave small children in poorest parts of the world to die, minister Owen Paterson claims.
“Environment Secretary backs ‘golden rice’ fortified with vitamin A.
“Opponents who sabotage crops accused of risking lives in poor countries.
“‘It’s disgusting that little children are allowed to go blind and die,’ he claims.
Heard this as a news item on Today programme – tone of voice was what a wicked man Owen Paterson is. Is it not reasonable to even consider if it is preferable to produce GM crops to feed the starving? No, Owen is a Tory minister so he must be wrong and we, the BBC, will report it that way without considering his argument.
Well Greenpeace and the Friends of the Earth flash mobs will hate this idea…it`s always 1967 with those luddites…but this Golden Rice notion comes with the full blessing of the Gates Foundation no less….(Bill and Melinda-not Eric!).
What`s a Beeber to do?…trash these Golden Saints of Hitech, Silicon Valley and “Feed The World”?…or watch the Golden Tumbleweed gather around Harrabins turbines, as they try to square starving blind kids with the rejection of Gates Golden Rice?
Oh dear-Bill might not make the Today Guest Editing cut this year…I`m sure he knows how to remind himself of the BBCs treachery using his computamabob!
Like Islam and gays…it`s great to see those narrow minds stretched into confusing contortions at the BBC…life`s not always a gas, gas gas is it?
I note with interest that the government inspectors are monitoring the newly reopened Islamic indoctrination centre posing as a ‘free school’. They are wanting proof that the ‘school’ is not discriminating against female staff, not on the grounds as you might expect, of religious beliefs, which is the truth, but on the grounds of sex discrimination.
To me despite the civil service attempt to deflect attention, it is a tacit admission that Islam has issues with sex discrimination against women, which of course we all know that it does.
One can see why the Axis of Weevils can’t wait to hand Leveson shutting down powers beyond all non-them thinking media, and then on to the entire internet. http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2013/10/european-ruling-spells-trouble-online-comment/ http://www.theguardian.com/media/media-blog/2013/oct/11/online-comments-websites-court-ruling-estonian
(Answering a few of my questions yesterday on powers of proxy censorship on the basis of unproven/unknown awareness association, if not why the BBC seems to enjoy immunity not accorded others)
And are trying to do it before anyone stuffs up Ed getting in and making the nasty Charter and Plurality (that big red slice of cheese will be hard to make vanish) Reviews cease to be a concern to those in private Prom boxes.
Also interesting to see the rapidity of response (if same calibre.. ‘Murdoch’-waving, really? As for ‘Says it all. Seems pretty balanced to me’… the old ‘everyone thinks it’s pants’ is always a great line to take for a forced-funded service) from the crew at the ready for any new posts over at Guidios.
Just read those two links and a bunch of things rang a whole set of alarm bells.
But for Beware of the Leopard insanity I was impressed by this… ‘Judgment in Estonian case suggests sites need to police comments and predict when a story will attract defamatory posts’
So in an era when an ‘ism can be an ‘ism even if it isn’t but a single hustler simply has to say they thought it was, this is the new floodgate to be opened.
Any offence industry professional with an affront and prepared to use it can stitch up any site they wish at whim, in advance, by appointment? And the site owner has to second guess this?
It’s like ‘Minority Report’ meets ‘Hitchhikers Guide, B-Ark’.
In one the greatest abuse and in the other the greatest idiocy seem to have been epitomised by abuse of loons in baths. Or, now, the ECHR.
There’s a metaphor or two in there somewhere.
That m’learned friends can come out with such utter tosh and consider it a reasonable judgement is extremely worrying.
But if they seriously think they can stifle debate on the internet by this method they are even more loopy than first appears. They can’t even stifle an internet piracy site properly, so how do they expect to stifle debate forums? All that would happen is that the people behind blogs such as this would do so anonymously.
‘such utter tosh and consider it a reasonable judgement is extremely worrying.’
Given the lunatics do seem to have got control of the asylum, CQC overseeing it, the Government who legislates them and the EU who tells the UK what to do… yes.
Oh, and not forgetting the various 4th estate useful idiots or kapos hoping for a sweet deal once the rest are seen off.
Churchill & crocodiles spring to mind.
If this all does get squeezed through by hook, crook or whatever #HackedOff use in Labour Party lobbies, the only people who will get nailed are the law-abiding.
This will leave the Princes of Excess still out there to do their worst from a country who doesn’t say ‘how high?’ when an unelected EUcrat says jump.
That these guys will offer truth in their package deals the likes of the BBC has long since turned its back on will make them even more popular, and the abuses in the mix supposedly being prevented even harder to counter.
Nice one, Leveson. Nice one, Hugh. Nice one, Aunty.
Seems like the Dark Side of the Farce has a sense of irony too.
It certainly leaves one with that impression; because Labour use the disguise of a body being a charity when they are really a front for the propagation of Labour propaganda.
Shelagh Fogarty gives an off-the-cuff insight into BBC Radio 5 office culture today
In a chat about the best atmosphere that her guests and her BBC pals could recall hearing in a sports stadium Politically Correct concerns took precedence over true reminiscence.
Prompted of course by BBC incredulity that an American sports stadium has been claimed as having the loudest ever crowd.
Come on, how can that be true?
Leaving aside the all-male Liverpool Kop and Celtic v Rangers what about the women and children cheering for our Mo at the Olympics…?
So pleased was she with this that our Shelagh almost forgets herself….. and and and…. some of the Paralympic Sports!
Phew, that was close.
Then we talk soccer home internationals – well we don’t have the actual competition anymore. Just as well. Can you imagine the knots into which the BBC would be torn?
Shelagh checks to make sure all was fair and above board …. ‘Everyone was represented, yes he was Welsh, he was Scottish… I’m Irish….and… when he [a Beeboid sidekick] said “English” he made a face’
Oh, what an embarassment for the poor chap to be left naked and English in the face of such BBC diversity.
Considering that many NFL stadia are roofed, it’s amazing that a partially-open-air (seating area mostly covered, playing surface exposed) stadium like Seattle’s gets the nod for “loud crowd.” Must be all that high-octane Starbuck’s they drink.
I can’t remember specific games off the top of my head since I’m not much of an NFL fan, but there have been plenty of times where players can’t hear their own calls because of crowd noise (I think most roofs are retractable anyways). The same goes for basketball, which is all indoors. A couple of arenas can reach the area of 100db. In fact, we like – or expect – our crowds to be so loud that a couple of NBA teams with sparse attendance actually pump canned crowd noise through the PA system at times.
Apparently Kansas City just broke the record: 137.5db. It seems that the opposing team had some penalties simply because of false movement due to their inability to hear each other.
Why are the BBC even giving this infuriating, narcissistic, self-absorbed liar a platform? Oh that’s right… Even if there’s a whiff of women’s rights to be brought up in public, the BBC will get it’s priorities all twisted up and push the story to make us all feel responsible and guilty.
I cannot stand this bloody woman!
Never mind she apologising for being a lying cheat, she has to lecture us all on how we are to blame for women being in prison! You simply couldn’t make it up. Put her and her ex Chris ‘fake tan’ Hulne back in the slammer and chuck away the bloody key, I say!
Did anyone else wonder why that all weekend the useful idiots have been ramming the cyclone in India down our throats on the news ? We were subject to the usual pictures of the locals cleaning up what was left of their shacks along with bleats about “nothing left to eat” and then fulsome praise for the Indian government from the useful idiots because they had organised a timely evacuation and thus minimised the loss of life. So far so good thought I, but we are bound to hear the climate change mantra any minute now…..but it never came. This is most unusual thought I, can it be that for once there is no other angle to this ?
Of course not !
Lo and behold, this morning they grill some UK diplomat about “what is the UK doing about aid to those affected” leading them then nicely in to a line of interrogation about the wicked Tory cut in the overseas aid budget to India announced some months ago.
So the whole series of reports was carefully contrived by these left wing twats to lead us to a point where they can remind us all that the wicked Tory’s cut the aid to India and that we should feel guilty about it because the locals in India have had their shacks blown away and got their hair wet.
But of course, now that we are constantly told by these same idiots that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, there was no questioning of anyone from the Indian government about how their poverty eradication programme is going, or if they have one even. No question about their space programme, no question about their social security policy and benefits system….nothing at all..zilch…zero!
Pure unadulterated left wing propaganda, nothing more, nothing less….and we have to pay for this continuing abuse……anybody fancy organising a march on Westminster ?
I’m glad you’ve brought the Indian cyclone up, Oldbob. I’m also glad I wasn’t alone in wondering why on earth the BBC were pimping the story all weekend (even this morning on the Today programme), despite a conspicuously small number of nevertheless tragic deaths (22 at time of writing of this) and an Indian government response which seems to have been both timely and fantastically successful in preventing serious loss of life.
I, too, had been waiting for the now all but inevitable CAGW reference, but have been mystified as to its absence from BBC reporting… Don’t get me wrong; the implication is there (it always is with the BBC), hanging right above the story, yet as you so rightly point out, clearly having been denied their much hoped-for ‘extreme weather’ angle the drones at the BBC newsdesk decided instead to work in an alternative ‘overseas aid’ theme – despite the fact that all the evidence so far suggests the Indians themselves are doing a great job at disaster-preparedness without the largess of foreign taxpayers.
The one good thing about listening to the BBC news these days is just how much of a mental workout it has now become trying to decipher exactly what the Corporation’s motives and agenda are behind the way it chooses (each time) to ‘report’ events.
I’m sure it’s broadcasting, but these days does the BBC actually do straight-forward, unalloyed ‘news’ any more?
I think that the BBC, after a shortage of ‘extreme’ weather events in recent weeks, got a little over-excited at the prospect of this typhoon. It was ‘huge’ and potentially a ‘super-cyclone’. After all, the last big one to hit this area caused around 12,000 fatalities. Unfortunately for the Beeb, wind speeds obstinately refused to go much above 135mph (180 needed for ‘super’ status), and the death toll was approx. 12,000 below expectations.
Having gone to the expense of putting a team on the ground, I suppose they have to justify their presence.
‘Having gone to the expense of putting a team on the ground’
If they’d brought a few wind turbines, they could have done a nifty post-script to Richard Bacon’s bikeathon-powered show.
Or not.
The wind was of course about 100mph in excess of limits in this case.
Still, one is sure the hotel bar was agreeable. Just hope there wasn’t a rush to get in.
Not BBC bias but somehow connected I fear but the British Red Cross – or one of the ‘charity’ arms of the Labour Party as we now know (thanks Guido) had a full page advert in the Telegraph with an appeal for the cyclone victims – in spite of the wealthy Indian government having prepared for it well. What is going on?
Have a heart, Deborah! The cyclone appeal would have been necessary even if there hadn’t actually been a cyclone.
How else could the charity pay high salaries to Labour-connected executives, buy them smartphones, send them to sunny conference venues, and provide contracts for their friends in the advertising industry?
On the Daily Politics today there was quite a balanced debate on EU immigration almost all of which is of course legal. In fact in the past year or so the BBC has run a few programme in which this topic was discussed in a balanced way without one side calling the other racist.
But of course we have more immigrants from outside of the EU than from inside it. The majority of our immigrants come from Asia and Africa and contribute much less than those from the EU and many are here illegally. Additionally, whilst a fair proportion of the EU immigrants return home after having made some money in the UK, the Asians and Africans seldom do. In fact they usually bring in more family members.
The BBC NEVER allows any balanced discussion of these two groups and constantly tell us that their alien cultures will enrich us.If you dissent from that view you are a racist to be harried, persecuted and prosecuted if possible. Interesting that we can discuss white, legal immigrants on the BBC but not coloured illegal ones.
INBBC is inclined to report the activities of the Syrian military opposition, the side in the civil war which INBBC seems to favour politically, despite this:-
“Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch”
Tonight Stephen Fry does battle with the “homophobes”. From the Radio Times
Uganda’s Minister for Ethics and Integrity cannot contain his fury as his visitor Stephen Fry extols the joys of being gay. “I WILL ARREST YOU! I WILL ARREST YOU!” he thunders as Fry, smiling politely tells him, “Homosexuality is wonderful, you should try it.” The government apparatchik wants a law that would make homosexuality illegal and an imprisonable offence.
He’s one of a handful of frothing homophobes that Fry meets in a journey to discover why some people are so terrified of homosexual men and women. There’s a nice moment when a smarmy American practitioner of so-called “reparative therapy” (which aims to “cure” people of their gayness) looks like he’s been hit with a brick when Fry tells him, charmingly, that he could pass for a homosexual man.
Throughout the programme Fry struggles to maintain his genial equilibrium, but as he hears of atrocious repression, he cracks.
I Hope he restricts his scorn to Christians, wouldn’t want him to upset the ROP.
he could nip over to Qatar, should right up BBCs alley (sorry :-D) … persecuted minority
not Christian, bit of scandal, as it is to host the World Cup … I mean it should tick all the boxes … apart from …..
Speaking as a gay man, I’ll be hugely disappointed if the ubiquitous Mr Fry doesn’t take his legitimate grievances to representatives of the ‘religion of peace’ – oh, I don’t know, say to somewhere like Saudi Arabia. I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that they’re quite well-known for their religiously-mandated homophobia…
As I tried to get across yesterday you don’t have to go a far as Uganda, or even Dover for some extreme homophobia. The Jamaican diaspora and the Jafakan wanabees of London really are not keen on gay people. “Boom bye bye inna batty bwoy hed” being a popular encouragement to murder gay people. Could a minderless Fry nip round to Peckham and patronise a few gangstas please – I would watch that; and will Fry be travelling to Zim to confront Mad Bob a la Tathchell?
I don’t loathe Fry for being gay which is neither here nor there to me, I despise his smug self centred self satisfied smarmyness. He is taking an important issue and giving it gthe Fry brand of oily patronising smugness – setting it back 20 years in the process.
Used to appreciate Fry and his passion for learning when i was back in school. Now that the tiresome bombardment of leftist education has faded from my mindset, i see him for what he truly is; a narcissistic mercenary.
Doubt it.
And speaking as one interested in the calibre of the argument above all, may I grab the opportunity of this post to applaud what seems a quick interception nearby, by the owners, of a new batch of false flag site-souring gremlins, who currently appear daft enough to add a red flag ‘handle’ from the endlessly-cycling Borg bin they have to hand. That ECHR ruling must have been like cat-nip to you all.
I have the utmost respect for all genuinely peaceful and interactive genders, faiths, races, proclivities, etc, as do most posters here (frankly to an amazing degree compared to some noticeable by the absence of ‘outraged of Tunbridge Wells’), so those who cannot stand differences being celebrated and worked around trying to foment divisions between folk who may not agree but respect each other’s right to do so, by using pathetic name-calling taunts, is clearly petty and daft.
This was discussed here on the previous open thread. Apparently they wanted to visit Religion of Peace and Justice countries but it was considered too dangerous. The only question is whether or not they state this openly during the broadcast. If not, then it’s bias.
The fact that you are not familiar with this minor spat speaks volumes , had this been a second rate football commentator making some vaguely racist or sexist comment you would most certainly have know about it
In fact this is 3rd time this has come up recently and yet not one of are very own ‘keepers of the rainbow flame’ ,even our resident specialist on all things homosexual, has felt moved to put the record straight.
Normally they refer straight way to the appropriate page in any other parish news .In fairness that might be because the BBC seemed to have missed this story altogether .How different might it have been had Jeremy Clarkson had tweeted this
Will, careful what you say about this programme. I posted a comment about it on Saturday in the previous open thread and was then subjected to a number of diatribes from our resident troll Scott. He accused me of being a liar and every kind of disgusting bigot under the sun. The abuse was unremitting, and he then went on to abuse others who took issue with him over his comments. He finally accused me of condoning violence against gays just because I wondered if Fry would be criticising the treatment of homosexuals in countries ruled by the R.O.P.
I have just watched the programme Andy S and it seems your misgivings (Scott notwithstanding) were justified. He talked about (indeed he showed) homosexuals being hanged in Iran, but there was no mention of Islam. He was more than happy however to point the finger of blame at Christianity and the British Empire.
but based on what fry has said else where ,that is an editorial decision of the BBC’s (see the links I have posted above)
You might question Fry’s intellectual and moral integrity in putting his career with the BBC before, what he perceives to be the truth ,but that’s life.
A more interesting question would be how many other ‘celebrity intellectuals’, fearful of being excommunicated , toe the party line knowing it to be a lie?
“I am simply not interested in laying into one religion or another.”
which is a manifest lie. The programme I have just watched for example explicitly links Christianity with homophobia. Now that claim may be justified, but for Fry to assert that he is “not interested” in attacking any particular religion is plainly false.
I don’t disagree that Fry is pathological bishop basher and that has been good for his career on the BBC. My point is that the decision to ignore the real physical persecution of homosexuals in the Islamic world and concentrate on eastern Europe’s sin of refusing to accept the received truth of moral relativism is the BBC’s And that Fry knows to challenge that decision however slightly , is to risk his star status
I’m not defending Fry ,he is a hypocrite (though perhaps less so than some others in the BBC’s constellation of leftist stars)
My point is that this program ,in the context of Fry’s previous comments and the lefts reaction, is an example of how the liberal inquisition and the BBC in particular distort reality in defence of their narrative
Indeed. My impression from that programme is that persecuted homosexuals were being used as props in a Leftist political narrative. I do not think it is “homophobic” for example to have concerns about children adopted by same sex couples.
I have to agree with Wild on one level. Fry definitely said he wasn’t interested in attacking a specific religion, but clearly Christianity was brought in for blame, while Islam was never mentioned openly. We were treated to the anti-homosexual musings of a Ugandan man wearing a cross on his lapel, but no religious symbols were present when discussing the problems in Sri Lanka or Iran. Contrary to our assumptions – but proving Scott correct on one level – Fry did openly admit that certain countries were too dangerous for him to visit. But it was clearly not a good first step in the direction of discussing the problems homosexuals face in Mohammedan nations. In fact, Fry openly stated his avoidance of that topic.
However, here’s where the bias, or failure to be completely honest, set in. Here’s what I learned from this episode:
1. The British Empire is mostly responsible for homophobia around the world, except for those few countries who hang homosexuals.
2. Religion in general is responsible for those other countries wanting to hang homosexuals? Which one? Irrelevant, apparently.
3. Homosexuality was common and happily open in all countries colonized by the British Empire.
4. Britain today is only a few schoolyard taunts away from the Holocaust.
5. Executing five people per year is equivalent to the Holocaust.
6. Christianity is just as dangerous to homosexuals around the world as Islam is, even though none of the Christian-influenced countries (all influenced by the British Empire, obviously) hang homosexuals or were considered too dangerous for Fry to visit.
There were positives in Fry’s piece, but the editorial decision to pretend there’s no substantial difference between what goes on in Mohammedan countries and what goes on in nominally Christian countries was evidence of the exact bias about which we so often complain. So was the pretense that none of the indigenous cultures in those post-colonial countries had any influence on the current attitude towards homosexuals. Why haven’t those countries removed those awful British Empire laws from their books? We aren’t told, but Christianity is suggested. Why do those other countries which were never colonized by the British have much worse laws on their books? We aren’t told, period. That’s a problem, considering the difficulties with those cultures being imported wholesale into Britain, especially after Fry suggested that Britain is only a few schoolyard taunts away from stringing homosexuals up on the nearest lamppost. Who’s really the problem in Britain? We were told the question didn’t interest him. If he had addressed it, he’d have had to admit Geert Wilders was correct about the need for another Enlightenment, and that would be Islamophobic, so it wasn’t allowed.
Even though Fry has Jewish antecedents and claims to self-identify as a Jew, that doesn’t excuse the offensive moral equivalence between the sad persecution of homosexuals in Iran and the deliberate attempt to exterminate millions of people at a stroke. Especially when one considers that far more homosexuals were far more directly persecuted by the Nazis than in Iran. Fry knows this, and I’ve seen him talk about the pink triangle elsewhere. Homosexuals in Iran and Saudi Arabia are not rounded up and shipped off to extermination camps or shot in the streets. Such hyperbole helps no one. His emotions clearly ruled the day here, and one can forgive him for it of course, but surely a producer with a calmer head could have rowed that one back a bit. Homosexually is quite prevalent in those countries, and progress could have been made discussing the dichotomy between just how much of it goes on and the Mohammedan laws ruling those countries. But no, such discussions aren’t permitted lest it offend. Perhaps in a future installment.
Blaming the British Empire and Christianity – but deliberately choosing not to mention why those five countries took a dim view of homosexuality – allowed Fry and his producer to avoid being accused of racism. Without blaming the British Empire – the white man – one might have been tempted to see that all the countries which Fry was condemning were populated and ruled by people with darker skin than his. This was excused away, and I was clearly expected to believe that the Ugandan man with the big cross on his lapel and his people had embraced homosexuality before the evil white man came with his Christian ways. Not all homophobia can be blamed on Christianity. Not all macho-directed cultures are the result of white influence.
It’s a shame that a documentary with such a positive goal had to be so offensive at times to people who would otherwise have supported Fry’s intentions. Presumably a future installment will improve on this.
The Left (as Scott amply demonstrates) is a religion of hate (they advocate liberties only if they serve the end of destroying all existing moral constraints as the precursor to a new oppressive Leftist orthodoxy) and so of course the BBC were much more interested in hating 1) The British Empire = White People 2) Christianity = The West 3) Men = Rapists (that Christian American [who seems to be a regular on British telly] who sought to convert homosexuals into heterosexuals was a triple whammy) but did they show us clips of (for example) the current (Conservative) Prime Minster defending the liberties of homosexuals? What about the current Pope saying “A person once asked me….if I approved of homosexuality. I replied…‘when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse…this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’
When Fry goes to Russia next week will he remind us of the persecution of homosexuals by the Communist Party? How about (to be more contemporary) a visit to Communist Cuba?
Did they mention the 2009 Gallup Poll which showed that British Muslims have zero tolerance of homosexuality? That not a single Muslim in their poll found homosexuality acceptable. How about the 2006 statistic that over 25% all recorded physical attacks on homosexuals in this country were by Muslims?
Did they discuss the issue of gay marriage and gay couples having and adopting children in any way other than people who oppose or have reservations about it are gay hating bigots?
It seems to me that this is the real agenda of the programme. If you look at the history of the Left it has not been a history of “love” as Fry put it towards homosexuals or anybody else.
It is enemies of a free society that are the enemy of toleration – now who would the biggest enemies of a free society be then?
Dear Members of the Culture Media and Sport Committee,
I understand that you are due shortly to take evidence from the BBC Trust Chairman, Lord Patten, which will include the recent furor of the way the BBC highlighted and headlined the row about the Labour leaders father’s alleged hatred of the UK, as reported in the Daily Mail earlier this month and how much of the BBC vast resources were spent on this item:
I, as a concerned Licence tax payer, was also amazed at the way this was unbalanced reporting by the BBC and the enormous emphasis, in my view, they put on this story and I therefore sent a complaint to them, (see copy below including the BBC reply).
I would add, for comparative evidence of the validity of my complaint about balance, that within days of the Milliband Daily Mail spat, the Guardian headlined ‘Baby P death’ was possibly due to Tory cuts, notwithstanding the tragedy happened on Labours watch and had absolutely nothing to do with the current Government
Yet the BBC failed to report this Guardian comparative British media Political slur other than a small mention indicating it was reported “Elsewhere on theweb”:
Well done.
I will be interested in what reply, if any (I have found the DCMS to match BBC Complaints in its system-based attrition to ‘lose’ what it can’t or doesn’t fancy answering) you get.
As a matter of interest, what portal of access did you use?
Many tx.
I, of course, made the rookie mistake of using the form-based system they have on the website, which has to pass through gatekeeper after filter after…
The direct approach has much greater appeal!
Just hope those are not based on the Helen ’email to nowhere’ Boaden model of public sector trust & transparency.
“It was at the BBC that a fellow Conservative caught me by the lift, gave me a secret handshake having overheard a phone conversation I’d had with a Conservative friend and whispered ‘I’m a Conservative too, but don’t let them find out or you’ll be going nowhere’. Be worth a little survey of Conservatives in the BBC, and just how socially acceptable it is to be one!”
Weird how all this statement by Guido that the BBC has a Left-wing culture and all those vicious comments are not met with scorn or insults by people who come here to defend the BBC against such spurious charges. Very strange that none of our defenders of the indefensible or lurking or non-lurking journalists are over at a blog much more widely read and influential than this one. It makes one wonder as to their personal motivations and priorities.
The UK Column has a look at the BBC this week, not quite sure where Brian Gerrish stands politically but this is quite an honest appraisal and well worth showing to anybody who doubts BBC bias and corruption. From 31 minutes.
Come the next sporting event victory, there will be very little opportunity to sit down during anthem and flag moments, as it appears the ‘British’ encompass everyone.
Seems the sun again never sets…
Is there anything else they, or those countries have in common I wonder? I’d check myself, but if it was relevant the BBC would surely have mentioned it. Odd how such a disparate group even met. Maybe they are communists or fascists?
Who knows? But one thing is growing increasingly clear; the BBC obviously thinks we’re all living in a communist state – a fact made ever-more noticeable from the way it consistently ‘redacts’ the way it reports things like this.
‘Those men’ has become a bit of a popular meme around here – and for exceptionally good reason: the BBC like to play games with the truth – so the invention of ‘those men’ has now become a sort of game – and quite an unintentionally comical one, too. The way regs here have picked up on the Corporation’s ‘difficulty’ reporting the facts in favour of serving its ‘multi-culti’ agenda is to be commended.
Gives me a chuckle every time someone here exposes the morons and their reprehensible disregard for honest journalism.
The british bit may actually be relevant. If they are British citizens they can’t be deported to those lovely places they are trying to recreate in the UK.
This one appeals… Barrie Mason BBC, you don’t run FB or the internet. You put out a very sensitive subject for debate and then try to put the brakes on. Watch out BBC, your noob is showing….
‘already degenerated into a slanging match’
Shocked, I tell you…shocked.
What with them putting a stern ‘please don’t’ ((c) Boaden H. that worked so well with the BBC staff internally) finger wave at the top ‘n all.
I wonder at what point the ECHR can close the BBC down?
A former NHS director died after waiting for nine months for an operation – at her own hospital.
Margaret Hutchon, a former mayor, had been waiting since last June for a follow-up stomach operation at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.
But her appointments to go under the knife were cancelled four times and she barely regained consciousness after finally having surgery.
Her devastated husband, Jim, is now demanding answers from Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust – the organisation where his wife had served as a non-executive member of the board of directors.
Thank heavens there’s no two-tier health care system going on.
It is very egalitarian. It’s universally shit.
Although according to the Beeb it’s the national religion and we all think the NHS is superb.
I know I don’t.
So now some national parks and monuments are reopening because the States are picking up the tab (or are not going to spend money to put up barricades where there were none, FFS). The BBC is actually reporting it. The Statue of Liberty re-opened because the State of New York is going to cover the cost until this is resolved. There’s a fundamental lesson to be learned here, but the BBC refuses to admit it.
Meanwhile, the vicious NPS people in Washington DC have spent more federal money they supposedly don’t have to replace the barricades the veterans removed over the weekend. The BBC won’t report that, either. Yes, it’s the same two pictures posted several times, but it still actually happened. The federal government spending money on political theater in a time of fiscal crisis is unconscionable, yet the BBC still blames only Republicans in the House for political theater. It’s a pretty mean move as well, essentially the President giving the finger to veterans out of political spite. No criticisms or snarky tweets from any of the disgusting BBC journalists working in the US, or any of the other disgusting BBC journalists or on-air talent who freely heap twitter scorn on Sarah Palin or Paul Ryan or anyone not of the Left.
And closing the public conveniences is simply inhumane, especially for those veterans who are disabled.
David, how are these closures, etc. seen by the US public? Is anyone going to be held to account?
Bob, it’s been almost universally condemned. But that’s the easy part. Nobody will be held to account (apart from the inevitable subcontractor head on a spike outside the White House gates, I mean), though, because the mainstream media, just like the one defender of the indefensible who dared address the issue here, is mostly regurgitating the coordinated White House talking points and blaming Republicans for holding the country hostage, etc.
It’s quite easy to condemn an act if one blames the correct villains. The President and His minions know they’ll get away with it, because they know the media is supporting them (how many more behind-closed-doors meetings do we need as proof?). If they won’t hold the President and Comrade Sebelius responsible for the ObamaCare website debacle, telling veterans to get lost is easy.
How the bBC goes about promoting Islam is a religion of peace and how it totally fails in this article: Al-Madinah Muslim free school changes headscarf rule A Muslim free school in Derby has said it will support female staff who do not want to wear head coverings. It follows a letter warning the Al-Madinah School it faced closure unless discrimination against female staff and pupils stopped. Education Minister Lord Nash laid out 17 issues for the school to consider, which included an end to “unacceptable” teaching standards. The letter said if steps were not taken by Tuesday, funding would be pulled.
Which is followed later by this: Head of Islamic studies, Mohammad Burhaan, said: “We are an Islamic school and if we were to discriminate against women in any way we wouldn’t be faithful to our faith.
Lets see, Female numerous schools in:
Have been burnt down, teachers killed and females killed also, why the bBC’s poster girl is now currently living in Birmingham because some pious prat quoted the Koran to put 3 rounds into her and this twat tells me it would be against his faith to discriminate against women. Remind me again somebody what happens to Islamic women in the west if they take a non-Islamic boyfriend?
I think you are getting your information from the Biased Broadcasters misinformation !
The Taleban have only attacked mixed schools because they believe that only segregated schools are allowed. The assassination attempt on Malala Yousafzai was carried out because she criticised the Taleban and the Qur’an, not as the BBC is reporting because the Taleban are against the teaching of women.
The school in Derby segregates pupils in lessons with girls at the back one day, boys at the back the following, and as such believes it is complying with the instructions in the Qur’an.
Thanks for that thoughtful reminds of the news story as reported by the bBC the other year:
A woman in Pakistan has been found stabbed 52 times, shot 50 times, had numerous broken bones and was covered in bruises. The bBC reported it as the worse case of suicide they had every seen.
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Had a heated debate in the local ale house tonight with your typical white, anti-British, middle-class, over-privileged, work-shy Leftist. To cut a long story short, I met up with an old girlfriend from university and she brought along a couple, one of which was the aforementioned prat. He summed up everything I despised about the middle-class Leftist: not as well educated as he thought; opinionated; loud; insecure; uncomfortable in his own skin, and, yes, you guessed it: he dressed as if he were a black man… you know, dread locks and a kaftan etc. Anyway, we got onto the subject of the Miliband argument and the aggressive response from the Left towards the Daily Mail. He was rude, loud and full of revolting scorn and bitterness, the likes of which I can only presume stem from his own insecurities and lack of meaning in life. Anyway, I utterly destroyed him with my intellectual superiority and strong grounding in political science and made clear that he and his foul ilk are anti-British but yet are happy to live here and enjoy our freedoms. I thought to myself, over a pint of Abbot Ale, that these idiots are brainwashed and are completely beyond reasoned debate. I think we can thank the likes of the BBC and Guardian for this along with left-wing academics who have infiltrated our schools and universities.
I doubt if this emotional retard mixes much with the effniks he prefers to his own kind, nor with the peasants such leftists identify with.
Given his class background he could have a future with the BBC or Guardian.
They probably keep any eye out here for Trolls to recruit.
No Mo, the trolls here already work at the beeb.
Mae’n flin gyda fi Dysgwr Cymraeg.
Rwyt ti’n cywir!
It’s difficult to go against the flow. As a mature student at university challenging the young lecturers left- wing ideas when a whole class of 18 year old agree with her required a lot of persistance . As does complaints to the BBC , you just have to keep going !
Well done lynette. Keep it up.
It is true, so many ‘thinking’ people are genuinely shocked that I think the BBC is not impartial. They absorb everything they hear from Auntie with no questions asked!
I think the point is they are less ‘thinking’ than they think.
I am not sure that IQ is even much of a barrier to brainwashing. Think of the intelligent and sensitive types who get caught up in cults. In fact reasonably intelligent people who at least look at the world and see that all isn’t great, are rather more vulnerable to being attracted to the simplistic solutions the left offers, than are, perhaps, those who think of little beyond their immediate lives.
Alex, you simply cannot debate with those on the hard-left or hard-right for that matter! An entrenched ideological viewpoint is the basis for bigotry. The Left, however, have taken intolerance to ineffable levels with their loathsome hypocrisy on spectacular display within the Miliband fallout. The BBC blatantly overstepped the mark but are now completely unaccountable due to their Saudi funders. The only way the Left will ever be defeated is through civil war. You can count on my pitchfork!
Spot on Alex. It is as if they have been posessed by a parasite which re wires the brain to destroy itself and nurture the host. I also agree with you that the reason is due to his own insecurities and lack of meaning in life. contempt of one’s country has been preached at us for a long time now. More than a generation.
Well Alex, I too have endured a conversation with one of the left wing middle classes.
It was over a pint, just one mind, too many pints are not conducive to reasoned discussion.
Well, said lefty had announced she couldn’t wait to get home, as, as yet she hadn’t had time to read her Guardian.
Alarm bells ring of course, then a third party put a match to the petrol and announced that he knew my heroine was Thatcher.
Cue the usual bile and vitriol by way of a response from the lefty.
Now sadly I dont have that intellectual superiority or grounding in political science.
But when the discussion turned to the inevitable evils of Thatcher in the mining industry, I actually did have some facts.
I simply asked the question, who closed more mines, Wilson or Thatcher?
Sounds of tumbleweed blowing through.
No reply!
Did she know?
Errrr…..well no actually.
Because I actually get some facts to back my opinions, I was able to enlighten her. Wont repeat the figures here ad nauseam, we have all seen them.
In a word, she was mortified inside, but externally made a vain attempt to say Thatchers closures had ripped the heart out of communities. And Wilson’s? They were kind of benign, unaffecting. No challenge to the facts. No attempt to argue my simple count of pit closures was not the whole story, no attempt to argue it’s more about tonnages, or manning levels, or any other measure.
The reason is these folk dont deal in facts, only opinions based on propaganda and political dogma, and the constant drip of bullshit found in the Guardian and the bbc.
Well said Dysgwr_Cymraeg
When in this situation you only need ask for an example of where the left have actually enacted a successful policy !
There is almost nothing which the labour party has done which could be regarded as beneficial to the UK over the past century.
Of course there are a few irredeemable nutters who see failure as success regardless of the evidence to the contrary.
Their wilful ignorance is astonishing. Even the NUM website begrudgingly reveals the true facts of pit closures.
As does the bbc, well actually, a comprehensive list is available, of those mines closed post the strike after 84.
Were they interested in what went before?
I dont know, maybe yes, maybe no.
I do likewise when I hear somebody screaming out we armed Saddam and the Taliban. I simply say name one weapon system used by Saddam that was made either in the US or Uk. Then I point out the role of Russia,China and Eastern Europe. The thing is, they don’t care with the facts, but rather in what they believe in.
Last Christmas I got into a heated exchange with my older sister’s partner – he’s a vice-Chancellor at a Welsh University – about climate change. I’m a long-time climate sceptic; he is, of course, a fully signed-up CAGW zealot.
I was hoping I’d have the chance to present my arguments against his rigid, conformist pro-CAGW mantra, but alas he got so worked-up at my heretical, politically-incorrect dissidence that I never got the opportunity to make my rebuttals – his bad behaviour, his infantile, emotive attitude had turned the atmosphere so toxic, so quickly, that I thought it best to back away for fear of the two of us having a rather ugly argument at what should have been a friendly Christmas gathering.
He hasn’t spoken to me since. God alone knows how busy he’s been indoctrinating my sister against me as a result of my ‘denialist’ status in his eyes.
And this is how the smug, supercilious, agenda-driven Left work. Like any totalitarian movement, they move swiftly and forcefully to shout down, humiliate and undermine anyone they perceive as an opponent. It was a salutary lesson to me about just how unpleasant the Left can be – even to members of their own family – if the individual concerned (in this case, myself) is considered to possess ‘incorrect’ views.
Reminds me of how the Nazis, the Maoists and the Soviets used family, neighbours and friends to spy on each other to report ‘suspicious’ behaviour.
The Left are malignant narcissists. The only reality they care about is their own hatreds.
When politicians fund scientific research they tend to support the research which gives them the answers they want e.g. Lysenko. Politicians generally want whatever will give them more power.
Two nephews ex-Oxford university (arts students) only too happy to repeat the leftist view – but ask them how they reached their conclusions on such things as Climate Change their only answer is a sneer that the science is settled. Now where did they learn that?
Ralph Miliband was teaching Duckspeak at LSE long before Oxford got the hang of it.
Biased BBC has permitted me to understand that leftist views actually are facist and, as Phil Ford has pointed out, as extreme and ntoerant and aggressive as some of the movements in the middle of the last cent Ironically they are not liberal in their attitudes towards people of different opinions to them. Also , whilst liberal towards other ethnicities , they are destroying their own
Nice post. I encountered a similar scenario not too long ago with someone i used to go to school with. Now it seems after living in Cambridge for a year on a work placement, there is no room for debate when it comes to issues of race and religion. It’s a shame really, because the lad i know is a genuinely decent character. The BBC and other leftist fools have well and truly ingrained a sense of self-loathing in the guy. Damn the BBC and their poisonous methods.
A fantastic post. As you point out, these aggressive, left-wing hypocrites are usually as never well educated as they think they are. And when this becomes apparent in a debate, then they often seek to close it down by resorting to ad-hominem attacks, sually involving accusing others of being: “racist”, “Islamophobic” or even “fascist”. The irony is that it is often they themselves who are the racists, albeit soft ones. The soft racism of low expectation, often in connection with Islamic extremists and rabid, homophobic, antisemitic Islamic preachers.
Good point about leftists being racists Kalestarian
BBC local radio in my parts, is not very good at trying to cover up their totally and utterly left wing bias. It is, quite simply blatant and any news article is simply a broadcast on behalf of the Labour party. Every day since the coalition took office, there has at some point, been a remark about the *cutz*. Yes, I kid you not, everyday. I’m punch drunk. Even today on this mornings AM on Radio Devon, the news team reported that the Ten Tors route has been change to make it safer for those who venture out on Dartmoor. I know Dartmoor very well, I live there and have done so for over 25 years and know of its moods and dangers, and death has come to the Ten Tors training in recent past. But according to the BBC, (and it was not the safety angle they came from) it was suggested it was because of the *cutz* to Helicopter operations. Unbelievable and a truly pathetic attempt to smear the elected coalition government of the U.K., which I might remind you, is not the Labour party.
As I posted a coupe of days ago – anybody notice just how quickly the BBC poll about cuts vanished from the airwaves when the results proved that people, on the whole, thought services were better (apart from pot holes) after the cuts than before..
I am sure that the BBC had a whole list of usual contacts lined up and a vast news arc ready to sping into life. However they were thwarted by the fact that there have been no real cuts at all and ‘services’ are as good if not better than before.
Story straight into the bin as it was good news for the government and exposed the opposition as mendacious weasles.
Yes, some bBC polls aren’t exactly going quite according to plan lately, CCE.
Outcome of yesterday morning’s one (Does the English Defence League represent a view that needs to be heard? – 95%Yes!) on Sunday Morning Live was an absolute corker! LOL
Agree 100%.
Local radio is just the BBCs local idiot cousin…with the same soundbites sent down the pipe for the hicks to spout.
Whatever ails the nation on the 8am news headlines nationally?…it`ll be moaned about in fridge magnet form on the local squash of the BBC…albeit with an attempt at a regional accent from Drama!
You try saying “Doiverziddy” with a carrot on your mouth!
So true chrisH, so true! And don’t forget their afternoon phone ins! Left Fest or what?
Recently, there seem to be a lot of provocative comments on here. For me, they don’t appear to be all that they purport to be. That’s all, just be aware.
Part of the territory old bean… This site has always been subject to pathetic and predictable attacks from Guardian-reading lefties. The joy is in the manner of riposte one reciprocates.
The BBC charter is up is for review in 2016. It currently uses its 3Bn pound annual income on questionable pay awards for top management for ‘services’ whilst waiting to be asked to join the next round of Labour invitations to become an MP. I had a search of No.10 Petitons today (http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/search?q=BBC+bias) and I can see that we need much better coordination to beat these smug political bandits. As they need our money to fund their ‘lifestyles’ perhaps we should start a PETITION based on the Tea part slogan ‘No taxation without representation’. Basically no more license fee until it changes bias.
I think you mean ‘no representation without taxation’, with which I fully agree. and as far as destroying the bbc, then just cancel your tv licence. deprive the socialists of their income. I have and feel cleaner for doing so.
No, he means no taxation without representation.
The problem with that is that there are too many who are represented who don’t pay any taxes.
And on that theme, why is it that someone can turn up at a polling station and they don’t have to prove who they are before they vote? And why do we have postal voting, which is abused mainly by those ‘communities’ that wish us the most harm?
Not sure he does. ‘No taxation without representation’ was a call for those who paid to taxes to have a vote. That battle was won. Now we have millions who only take from the state and never pay back, so the modern call could be ‘no representation without taxation’, ie if you don’t contribute to the state you have no vote. No more undemocratic than the way the left behave in suppressing the truth via use of their party organ the BBC.
Who in INBBC commissioned Muslim Rageh OMAAR, yet again, to present another three-part INBBC TV series from an Islamic viewpoint, this time on ‘The Ottomans’?
-None other than Muslim Aaqil AHMED who is INBBC’s
‘Commissioning Editor for Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics’.
So now, INBBC’s Muslim Mr Ahmed is given the power to continually commission Muslim Mr Omaar ( ex-Al Jazeera, now ITN) to present INBBC TV series on Islam.
Both Mr Ahmed, together in Islamic partnership with Mr Omaar, have carved out a huge INBBC broadcasting franchise here, which is unchecked, it seems.
Mr Ahmed’s INBBC brief, apparently, allows him to encompass not only anything relating to Islam, and to Christianity, but also anything relating to history of Europe!
“Why can’t the BBC understand that we are STILL a Christian country?”
In relation to Part 3 of INBBC’s TV series, ‘The Ottomans’ next week Muslim Rageh OMAAR will have to deal with the Ottoman Islamic jihad massacre of Greeks and Armenians.
“Turkey threatens to ban MPs from Gallipoli centenary over genocide vote”
“Greek Genocide”
“Armenian Genocide”
“Paradise Lost: Smyrna, 1922”
By Giles Milton.
A representaive of Local Schools Network turned up on DroidNews™ this eve. Founded by four people, two of whom are Alasliar Campbell’s doris and Melissa Benn. Not that you’d have known from the droid’s intro. We, the little people, are allowed to assume that these are independent ‘experts’ rather than what they are – yet another tedious shouty pretrendy lefty pressure group.
Jeremy Whine early in the week prefaced an article on the uni psychologist who persuaded half his students to ‘electrocute’ the other half with something like,
‘So what is it that drives people to commit atrocities like the Holocaust, My Lai, and Abu Ghraib’.
So, one committed by the Nazis and two by the US Army – funny that. I think lefty faves Mao and Stalin accounted for a lot more than My Lai. And as for Abu Ghraib, outside the BBC canteen, piling naked men on top of eachother – meh not such a big deal.
… and wile yer on.
Amazing no, the howls from the ‘balanced’ audience on Any Question when a panelist mentioned the Postie sell-off. Dimbleby could silence these people, but he is clearly quite happy to let the fascist left shout down anyone they disagree with.
Nice to note that 150,000 posties went for the offer and 300-odd didn’t. Where have all the socialists gone eh?
Aw yeah, they’re sat in the Any Questions studio.
“BBC boss’s £8,000 nights at the Proms:
” Head of radio treats lawyer to a taxpayer-funded thank you for representing her in Savile scandal.
“Helen Boaden, head of radio and former head of news, offered lawyer Louis Charalambous a seat in her publicly-funded private box last month.
“The solicitor was paid thousands to represent her during the Savile scandal .
“Figures show BBC bosses spent £31,212 entertaining guests at the Proms.
“With 14 nights of hosting, Ms Boaden far outstripped all other executives”
Thousands of pounds spent entretaining guests at the Proms and the Traitors dont even like Britain. It really is taking the p**s out of licence payers.
It seems she can cram quite a lot into those genes.
On the public purse.
you couldn’t make it up…. oh it was in the independant… never mind
Larry David’s dog, too.
Ha !
An incident that occurred on reserve duty with the IDF might give one pause over this story.
We had to pass a line of guard dogs to reach our guard positions, every night. They would bark hysterically as we came close. All except for one who couldn’t be bothered.
One day I asked the trainer about this. He informed me that that particular canine was the best they had. He would only bark at (and presumably bite) Arabs!
Isn’t it possible that the dogs learn to identify the majority white trainers with the good guys and everyone else as the enemy? Possibly diet has something to do with it.
I don’t have figures for how many L.A. police dog trainers fit that description but a quick google through images of ‘Los Angeles police dogs’ seems to confirm it.
Check out the comments, and in the ‘son of guardian’ too!
Labour pigs in the trough again….. what a surprise… bet it doesn’t get a mention on the BBC
http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/sex-gangs-target-asian-girls-6180152…something wrong with this story,no court cases and no victims speaking out,this is a not so clever attempt to deflect attention from the the real horror of muslim on white child paedophilia
It’s disgusting how the BBC and the Left turn a blind eye to revolting third world Muslim practices and yet if a harmless elderly Christian couple refuse the custom of those men who choose to bite the pillow, it’s the day of judgement!
No does Cowardice like the Left.
The sooner the SHTF the better.
‘Telegraph’ (£).
“Grilling for Lord Patten over BBC ‘bias’ in Ed Miliband father row.
“The BBC Trust will face questions in Parliament about allegations of bias in coverage of Ed Miliband’s row with the Daily Mail over his father’s political views.”
Rather doomed, one fears.
And those MP’s know it.
Patten can wave such beliefs away with a few of the BBC’s own, and move on.
If anyone persists then the FoI legal team stands ready to pop back from Hugs’ private box (at the Proms!) to ensure no information can be garnered from this uniquely funded public exception to near every rule.
Must be nice to control information to such a self-serving extent.
Bias… in favour of one party whilst trashing another? The very idea. How would they get away with such a thing?
Well, there’s outright institutional discrimination of course.
‘…don’t let them find out or you’ll be going nowhere…’
Seems that within the BBC all diversities are equal, but some are a lot less equal than others.
Dinah Rose must have missed that one.
And Helen ‘Bias…er, impartiality is in our genes’ Boaden.
Can’t wait for the Maquire, Toynbee, Owen panel set up by Ian Katz on Newsnight tonight.
stephen nolan let the cat out of the bag on his show on radio 5 leftie on friday,he said and i quote,the bbc drum it into all us presenters at radio 5 leftie that we must not have a politacal opinion on any subjects we cover,stephen said he found that very hard,dont worry about that stephen,all other presenters on radio 5 live leftie just ignore that edict given by your radio 5 leftie bosses and leave you in no doubt about there politacal leanings.
For Hampstead Harrabin and co:-
“Yes, Putin’s a brute, but it’s Greenpeace who are the biggest menace to our future.”
French politics.
On main page of its ‘Europe’ news, BBC-NUJ has:-
“French far-right wins local election.
A candidate for the National Front party wins a local by-election in south-eastern France, amid signs the far-right party is gaining in strength.”
{Note: BBC-NUJ uses biased phrase’ far-right’ twice.}
But that intro is dropped for this headline:-
“French National Front party wins bellwether by-election”
Note that in above BBC-NUJ report, that although the National Front is described as ‘far-right’, the Communists, who BBC-NUJ’s political favourite Hollande supported, is not described as ‘far-left’!
The BBC is very fond of the term ‘far Right’, isn’t it?
I can barely recall the antonym (far Left) being used.
The term “Far Right” was made up by the Left to distract you from the fact that the “Far Right” are Leftists.
When they talk about the “Far Right” they are not talking about ultra-montage Catholics who dream about restoring the ancien regime.
Intellectually the origins of Fascism can be traced back to the French Revolutionaries i.e. the opponents of conservatism.
The FN are “patriotic” who hold sway in the French towns and villages, rather than the multicultural urban centres. Since when was being patriotic “far right”? Only in the opinion of the insane bigots of the urban far left aka the BBC and its fellow travellers.
Made for America but works for the UK and France as well I expect
Ed Miliband has never come across as a rebellious son, far from it, but rather as an apple that hasn’t rolled far from the tree, if at all. Given that he frequently refers to his father’s ‘vision for Britain’, a close scrutiny of that ‘vision’ is surely necessary. The pivotal belief of that ‘vision’ is to ‘abolish property & open the gates to the socialist Eden – to Paradise regained’. Not that that would apply to an LSE professor living in Primrose Hill, nor to senior beeboids of the ‘Tuscan Tendency’ in their tax-funded dachas.
This letter, written to Ralph Miliband in 1990, by one of his former acolytes who has renounced his Communist beliefs, gives us the lowdown on the New Left project which, ominously, appears to have begun in 1789.
‘Meanwhile, you have no such second thoughts. Even as I write, you & your comrades are engaged in yet another defiant resurrection – the birth of a new generation of the Left, as eager to believe in the fantasy of a new world as we were then. In this annus mirabilus of Communist collapse, when the socialist idea is being repudiated throughout the whole expanse of the Soviet empire by the very masses it claimed to liberate, you & your comrades are still finding ways to deny what has happened.’
And the BBC were always so sniffy, so condescending when it came to Thatcher’s father, a mere shopkeeper. Wrong kind of dad, obviously. A little too rooted in reality.
The full letter:
PS. Old Marxists never die, they just have sons who say, ‘This time, we’ll get it right.’
The writer of the letter makes the mistake of thinking that because communism has been rejected by billions it must be wrong. But true Marxists believe that the voices and wishes of ordinary people count for nothing, that democracy is abhorrent and that they , the Marxist elite , should decide everything as they know best.
The Mail tried to point this out but was drowned out by the useful idiots in the BBC.
Yes the “false consciousness” argument. The most snobbish people on the planet are middle class Leftists. They are a wannabe aristocrats.
They want a return to the feudal system but with the addition of a creed that exempts them from any morality.
That Marxism left a 100 million corpses behind it is not accidental. The Mail article was mild. Ralph Miliband’s Marxist beliefs were (and still are) pure evil. That the BBC spent all week defending him tells you a lot about the BBC.
If there was no BBC how can the serfs be instructed in correct thoughts – a correct thought being whatever satisfies the overwhelming sense of entitlement of middle class Leftists such as Tristram Hunt.
Don’t suppose we’ll hear anything on the BBC about the auditors report that 1.95 BILLION EU aid meant for the people of Gaza and the West Bank was lost between 2008 and 2012 ( see The Sunday Times )
Vicky Price, the Ex wife of Chris Huhne was interviewed on the Today program, as she has a book to promote called ‘prisonomics’ in the book she makes the same general assertion she made at her trial, that the women in prison are there because of something the men in their lives did.
It’s a classic case of being unable to accept responsibility, and it’s the only way Price can get to discuss her views on air. Of course she moans about what she did. Yes it was his fault for speeding, but hers for the perjury, but she even manages to pin womens drug addiction on men.
It’s as if women are incapable of making a decision in their lives without a man being there to influence them !
Well said, mate. Great comment. Feminists seek equality with men only in the areas they like and blame everything they don’t like on men. The BBC, of course (as it is full of leftie wimps and middle class mummies’ boys) wholeheartedly supports this victimhood mentality. I remember working in an almost.
Sorry got cut off and couldn’t finish comment! I was going to say that I once had the misfortune of working with a feminist lesbian… she had purple hair, nose piercings and wore hobnail boots and questioned everything men ever said. She was also the PC union rep and everyone hated her – most of all the women in the office! She was so anti-male it was untrue. Vile woman. Wonder what she’s doing now? Probably working for the BBC or some crappy sector charity.
It’s coming out now that females were as cruel if not worse than their male counterparts in the Nazi death camps.
Lol so she is flogging her made up crap [she only spent 4 days in a prison the rest in a holiday home with a very nice warden ] on the one organisation that prosecutes and criminalises more women then any other in the UK ??
The BBC was particularly shameful here as Vicky Pryce was paraded on radios 4 and 5 as well as BBC Breakfast. She even got away with claiming that the past was done! Er so what’s the blog about then?
A shameful vile woman who got a kicking on the BBC website so the comments section was of course closed..
Unless the BBC is about to start a general series of interviewing female ex-cons it shows that it is rotten to the core.
Sorry I meant book and not blog.
Surely then that Jimmy Savile ought to be able to blame his dear old mum(The Duchess) for his adventures in exploring his sexual boundaries…usually at the gates of Wood Lane ,or the NCP carparks adjoining all those NHS hospitals ; so I understand.
Bloody mums….source of all crimes!
Poor old Jimmy-lots of unscrewing of blue plaques throughout the NHS and the BBC stations eh?…ironic, given all the screwing he himself did.
I always get a whiff of his sweatshirt whenever I hear the BBC telling us about abuse of kids…and maybe that was his whole intended purpose…to show the BBC up for the venal abusing centres of hypocrisy that they are nowadays.
Breaking news at 10 O’clock that a number of ‘men’ from the London area have been arrested under the terrorism act. I wonder if they will turn out to be the usual suspects, and why it is that neither the useless brigade nor the biased broadcaster can actually give any details as to their backgrounds.
As per usual we are left to be able to ‘discern’ who they are from the names.
Yes, I am at my work desk pretending to write emails but in fact I’m keeping a close eye on this story. Obviously, these ‘men’ are in no way representative of the religion of peace and love and understanding! Must be those right-wing Christians again!!!
It is newsworthy no doubt (except to Flokkers based here who will doubtless be taking the BBC to task. Not).
However, once ported to FaceBook, I am intrigued that the BBC has thrown it open to the masses under the banner of ‘Is the decision a backward step for religious freedoms?’
Well, if you gotta ask….
The responses so far seem… ‘Polarised’… one might say nicely so for ratings driven social engineering media purposes.
And just in case a morning shift Flokker is minded to take some colleagues to task on their faith-based obsessions, here’s Radio 5 Live’s critical cause du jour…
@bbc5live: Your Call: How homophobic are our schools? Call 0500 909 693. Text 85058. Tweet @bbc5live. Listen live > http://t.co/m8dwxa3uHm
Maybe Malala’s home school inspector’s thoughts on this could be solicited?
“How homophobic are our schools?” Wouldn’t surprise me if some of them brought back capital punishment 😉
Are we to include the Muslim Madrassa ones that masquerade as free faith schools or not?
All kneel before Judge Stephen Fry in a burqa he`s borrowed from John Simpson…
Was it just me or did the MP & wife target in last nights ‘By Any Means’ pay more than a passing resemblence to Neil & Christine Hamilton? – could BBC not think of any current or ex Labour MPs associated with sleaze and dishonesty?
BBC Nicky Campbell and his witty irreverent banter eh?
What a card!
Well, not quite so irreverent – he shows respect for some subjects.
With straight faces we hear the point of view – at quite some length – from campaigners who want to stamp out the use of a certain word popular with our school children. Oh dear, does this mean Larry Grason is now to be expunged from the record ?- What a g*y day! No Larry, you can’t say that!
In all seriousness we are warned to watch BBC Crimewatch because those McCanns appear to have altered their story somewhat (the time frame has changed – really?) and they have a couple of dozen of Scotland Yard’s finest jumping about doing Coldcase Team impressions.
We then pause for a moment to give respect to the victims of a Welsh mining disaster – 100 years ago.
But when it comes to a newspaper report about Sir Tim Rice saying something about windmills – well I’m afraid I didn’t get to hear what Sir Tim had said about windmills. Unfortunately Nicky’s banter gets in the way completely and I was left hanging.
I listened to the BBC and wasn’t informed – so I had to check for myself.
As I googled I wondered – was Sir Tim in favour or was he agin…..?
I needn’t have speculated….
‘Sir Tim slammed Conservative’s wind-farm policy as ‘an absolute racket”
‘The lyricist could have made £1 million from turbines on his land’
‘Joins Bishop of Newcastle in dismissing ‘hideous’ green energy scheme’
Yes of course, Sir Tim has come out against windmills and so he is mocked by Nicky Campbell.
yep! absurd Britannia, only on the BBC …
red lights/alarms – thought police alert!
BBC 5live – Your Call –
Will Young says, people say gay? ….
WHAT! NO! … I tell you what … wash his mouth out 😀
The Dame is on fire this morning, tying himself and his orchestrated guests into verbal gymnastics, not to say certain words.
Is it better just to go to Morse Code? – whatever next?
You may think its alright, but what was in your mind,
I heard someone say Jew the other day, disgusting eh!
How do feel about the word “fat”, oh! tut tut, sighs the Dame.
Do you know, someone called a fellow a “posh boy” just yesterday. right in front of me?
that’s it! …. off switch
oh Bunny! … that Nicky Campbell
is he quare? … oh yes a frightful quare?
“yep! absurd Britannia, only on the BBC …
red lights/alarms – thought police alert!
BBC 5live – Your Call –
Will Young says, people say gay? ….
WHAT! NO! … I tell you what … wash his mouth out 😀
The Dame is on fire this morning, tying himself and his orchestrated guests into verbal gymnastics, not to say certain words.
Is it better just to go to Morse Code? – whatever next?
You may think its alright, but what was in your mind,
I heard someone say Jew the other day, disgusting eh!
How do feel about the word “fat”, oh! tut tut, sighs the Dame.
Do you know, someone called a fellow a “posh boy” just yesterday. right in front of me?
that’s it! …. off switch ”
Careful, “Harry and Paul” might be considered “code” for an attack on the Guido Fawkes blog. Gotta watch everything you say.
What do YOU say about this, Bunny? Is it an attack?
Did anyone see that vile woman, Vickie Pryce on the BBC this morning? She practically got free reign to complain about how the prison service is treating bloody women, and that it’s societies fault for letting them down AND YET SHE’S JUST GOT OUT AFTER SERVING A PRISON SENTENCE HERSELF!!!!! Unbelievable arrogance and a complete disregard for her own criminal activities. To be fair, the male BBC interviewer did, at the end, ask her why she is going about trying to right the wrongs of the female prison system as opposed to apologizing for her own grotesque actions with her equally repulsive runt of a husband Chris.
Needs an eye keeping on her. These ex jailbirds tend to re-offend very soon after release.
There are many things we can write about the Huhne and Pryce. But it was not them that let them out early. It was the ‘system’.
What people, particularly the BBC fail to see, is the inequality of a so called justice system.
We have here a man (Huhne) who was a highly paid public servant at the top of the decision making tree. He lied, and encourage his, then wife, to lie. This man should have been made an example of, but no, he and his wife are part of the elite.
The BBC serves no one except those in power and never asks the real question. “As your crime was quite a serious one, did you think you got off light compared to others’ ?”
She and her former spouse will no doubt continue to profit from their disgrace. Most decent people and organizations would simply shun them.
Not only did Huhne lie, but he lied again and again, for years and years and years, and was eventually jailed for perverting the course of justice. But the BBC think that is of no real consequence and start the process of introducing him to the world again.
The BBC is morally corrupt and should be broken up.
And Huhne has the brass neck to go on Brillo’s show, supporting control of the press, saying that trust and confidence in the press has plummeted more so than in any other field. But then again, this lying, cheating, dishonest ex-con was always lacking in self awareness.
I can’t think why Brillo had him on, unless it was for the entertainment factor.
Huhne is a good example of the narcissism of the Left. When I saw an interview with him it is clear he thought we should see him as the victim. Even the BBC pulled back from pushing that narrative, although I noticed that they try to avoid talking about Leftists who thieve from the taxpayer – presumably on the grounds that it is too close to home.
If you are on the Right on the other hand (for example if that reliable witness Muhammad Al Fayard accuses you of something) they cannot repeat it enough. As for that Tory who called the policemen plebs I remember at the time Portillo saying (on the BBC to be fair) that it was obviously made up, but that did not stop the BBC running the story for months. To his credit Michael Crick (on Channel Four news) pointed out that the story was obviously made up.
The thing is before he lied about it, before he got his missus to perjure herself, he was speeding. He was ‘Climate Change’ spokesman or some such non-job at the time, wasn’t he? Well, if he cares so much about wasted fuel …
He’s got a long old history of lying…MP for climate I think he was….one of the biggest lies foisted upon the nation.
Template for Nicky Campbell’s BBC phone-ins:
1. Leftist campainger put on air as a BBC guest speaker prounounces at length what it is that we should all think
2. A member of the public expresses a view contrary to the Leftist view
3. Nicky Campbell invites the campaigner to tell the caller what it is that is wrong with his opinions
And the activist, true to form, goes on to display the defining ‘qualities’ of the lefty; dominating the conversation, not allowing others the courtesy of freedom of speech and above all, hypocrisy.
In the lefty world its wrong to call people names, to discriminate…unless it’s of course the target is Cameron or Osborne, who lefty guest / activist says it is legitimate to call ‘posh boys’ because they are people of power.
This is the same thinking from the activists tool-kit that says, for example, black people can never be racist by virtue of their minority position.
4. Several dumbo callers are then raced to air in support of the Leftist campaigner
5. And Nicky Campbell concludes by thanking the Leftist campaigner for giving him lots to think about.
Another problem is that the dumbo callers on the left are too often matched by the dumbo callers on the right. I was shouting at the radio when the veh, veh posh lefty woman was condescendingly asking the first guy about the word “set”, and just wished he had the gumption to take her on.
Today with Humphry’s in Greece doing a hatchet job on Golden dawn, the Far Right political party.
interviewed a Pakistani man who claimed to have been beaten up by GD supporters. Missed the bit about why he was in Greece and how he got there illegally and the crime statistics about acts of violence, theft and intimidation by illegal migrants against Greek citizens which has led to the groundswell of support for the GD Party because everyone else just ignored their concerns about what was happening to their area and country. The Greeks have and are still going through a period of severe austerity.
Humpy ended by claiming a place where children used to play became a no-go area because GD painted a warning to migrants to keep away and parents were intimidated.
now he claims with the warning gone the families will flock back. Like they will flock back to the no-go areas where they used to play until migrants took over and the authorities turned a blind eye until GD turned up to represent the ignored people in the deprived areas where the migrants took up residence.
Next week the Today programme will be in Egypt & Pakistan to vigorously question those behind the brutal murders and bombings of Christian communities, the forcible conversions to Islam and general extermination of Christians.
Was Golden Dawn’s rabid anti-semitism mentioned? Their ‘blame it on the Jews’ mentality, makes Golden Dawn little better than the Religion of Peace in my eyes. Then again, it might be the one thing that Golden Dawn, Islam and the BBC all have in common.
Can I be the first to commend myself as Mystic Meg of the airwaves?
I confidently predicted that Humph would find some excuse for himself to get back out to his olive farm before the year was out…previously it`s been fires, the Eurocrisis and the new bollards on the Corinth canal!…any excuse for us to pay his silver surfer freebie out to his kids and assorted houseboys bottling the retsina.
But I was wrong in my timings-he normally goes in June/July before it gets too hot…he surprised us all by leaving it so late.
Still-not so surprised as HE was when somebody accused him of being a Nazi…but I sensed he was more upset that he had been described as a journalist.
Golden Dawn have the measure of Junket John!
How come that BH Athens monkey(he did a piece on Opera in the Athens meat market yesterday-no less banal than the rest of that Godawful pot pourri of last years tossed salad) wasn`t asked to talk to Golden Dawn?…he`s no more a journo that Humph, but at least he was actually THERE.
Does no-one at the BBC worry about all those wasted airmiles?…I know that I do!
When is a Racist not a racist? why when he’s an Asian (read into that as you will)
London letting agents ‘refuse black tenants’
Letting agents in London are prepared to discriminate against would-be tenants on the grounds of race, a BBC undercover investigation has revealed. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is illegal for businesses to refuse to provide a service based on ethnicity. But 10 firms told a reporter posing as a landlord they would not let to African-Caribbean people at his request. A black researcher was denied viewings, yet his white counterpart was welcomed.
So the bBC reports on how Black people are been discriminated in London by certain people, gee I wonder who those people are? But for some strange reason the bBC refuses to call this racist act as racism, yet for some strange reason only shows 2 people both of whom are brownskinned:
Now would I be correct in saying that if there were white people involved the bBC would not only be calling this racism , but taking into account the man’s beard in the top picture would this be a case for ‘Tell Mama’ and the strange case of Islamophobia in the night?
and the bBC have aired a clip and guess what? Not a white racist face to be seen:
and still no cries of ‘Racism’ from the bBC.
That link to the video shows the “No Irish No Blacks No Dogs” notice as the main frame. I’m at work so can’t view the whole video for context, but does anyone else think the sign appears to be in much better definition than the curtains behind it?
Almost as if it had been added afterwards, perish the thought.
Its defiantly been Photoshopped. No sticky tape in the corners holding up. The standards of ‘Propaganda’ at the BBC are truly appalling. Goebbels must be spinning in his grave at such shoddy work.
The BBC pic is faked. Oddly, search as they might no one seems able to find any photgraphic evidence of that famous – indeed seemingly ubiquitous sign. Or have they? Anyone provide a link? I’m asking because I would be genuinely interested. I listen to the BBC and they tell me it was everywhere. And surely one would have turned up on the Antiques Roadshow
This topic has come up before. There seems to be one picture of this infamous sign, but the whole story reeks of an urban myth,
The initial frame has been changed now, perhaps because it was too obvious when shown as a still, but can be seen at 0:28.
V Drearybyshire on 5live,
These landlords are incredulous, they have no concern are not bothered by any BBC political correctness, are openly racist, obviously because of THEIR colour they feel protected.
I note the BBC have managed to find an Afro Caribbean landlord as an example
Yes but he was saying he would not let to Blacks.
I don’t think that it is race per se. It is more the perceived attributes of people with readily recognisable characteristics.
Unfortunately the first impression someone makes is their physical appearance and this naturally becomes the defining characteristic. If you get stung by a wasp then you learn to avoid wasps (and any creatures similarly patterned). The fact that a particular wasp (or insect with similar characteristsics) may be approaching you with the best of intentions is something that you will never discover because of your learnt experiences.
No matter how much ‘re-education’ (Love the wasp!) is undertaken, you cannot change such learnt behaviour.
As a child I was taught that Blacks cannot be trusted. In fact walk around and see if you can spot a good Muslim dating or even worse married to a Black. On that note I have dated a black woman, however we had to do it in secret as her brothers would have smashed my face in. So this isn’t a one-sided affair.
As someone who has has dated partners from places as disparate as the Caribbean and Hong Kong and at from at least one Muslim nation I can testify that racism is not a ‘white man’s disease’ – I’ve been shocked at just how casual racism is in so many other countries where the dominant skin colour is absolutely not white.
In general human beings can only tolerate the smallest differences between themselves. Sad but true.
Such intolerance is probably genetic in origin, unlike left-wing intolerance, which is acquired from environmental sources -eg the Bullshit and Buggery Corporation.
Here is an example of racism bBC style when the victim is a ….Muslim
Why aren’t there more Asian footballers in the UK?
Listen carefully and you will hear him blaming not the British (But he does hint at it) but rather the Asian people.
I go to Football regularly. One thing that strikes me is, how few people from ethnic backgrounds attend matches. I have never heard of any racist chanting or behavior, and those of a ethnic background have never complained of, or felt intimidated through racism. yet I am told that somehow we must ALL, “Kick Racism Out of Football.”
You never see at signs saying, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Royal Ascot.” Or, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Tennis”. Yet they are populated mainly by white upper-class oiks. There are more black and ethnic players in any football league up and down the country then is in any Polo tournament or Bridge Club.
I think this Racism lark is being use as a means to keep us down and in our place.
That’s not my experience but then I suppose it depends which team you support.
Still it is so much better than in the ’80’s when the bananas were flying …
And TBPH I’m fairly sure that some of that was aimed at disrupting the targets game rather than bloody minded racism.
Maybe the BBC keep hearing fans chanting ‘you black bastard’ and get the wrong end of the stick.
True ! It does I suppose depend on the team. But my underlining point is this. Sport is about the ‘individual’ whether they be in a team on not, and their contribution. It should not be about the colour of a persons skin.
The upper-classes tend, I believe, practice a casual form of racism. Not cross burnings or foul language, just polite segregation.
More sought of ‘Black and White Mistrals’ quaint racism, methinks.
I’d not thought of it like that but you are right, there are very few black people in the toff’s sports. But then there are very few black toffs.
“You never see at signs saying, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Royal Ascot.” Or, “Lets Kick Racism Out of Tennis”. ”
You will, you will
Thank you Stewart.
There are and have been numerous Asian players on the books of some of our greatest clubs for many years.
The problem is apparently that being Korean or Japanese they are the wrong sort of Asians. As with the BBC Asian Network the term Asian is remarkably narrow to the Beeb, meaning essentially the Sub Continent. You’d be waiting a long time to hear the Cambodian Top Ten countdown on the “Asian” Network.
They are on a loser with this line of argument. Professional sport is based purely on ability, and meritocracy is anathema to the left’s thought processes.
If you are good enough the colour of your skin is provably irrelevant. That’s the core issue.
For most people from the sub-continent, cricket is their religion.
We have had several people from that background playing cricket for England. What is their problem.
I have very little interest in the individual known as Tommy Robinson.
What does interest me is the BBC via presenter Nicky Campbell propagating and enabling Leftist campaigning via my Licence Fee.
See this Twitter from NC following a conversation with two Leftists
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@exposetweets e mail me your points…sourced and i will put them to guest tomorrow, dm you e mail
To which they reply well satisfied their BBC (would that my complaints were as speedily dealt with)
Exposetweets @exposetweets 8 Oct
@NickyAACampbell thank you
Alan Shore @FlamingoAlan 8 Oct
@NickyAACampbell @exposetweets Brilliant!
And who are Alan Shore and Exposetweets?
Alan Shore
50 year old gay guy who was taught about life by the Lakota and so walks the good Red Road. Uses the Mark Twain Rule concerning tedious dicks
Derby, England, GB
Exposing the EDL since 2009.
I actually have no time for the EDL, but you know what I respect their right to be heard. Now I didn’t want anything to do with the EDL when TR sent out e-mails to bloggers and he e-mailed the one I write on (This was before they came to the notice of the media) I refused and that was that. Yet what I see id the very same people who scream and rant at the EDL are the very same people who say we should sit down and talk to radical Muslims who are doing exactly the same thing if not worse.
Just like Jeremy Vine and other BBC on-air talent, Campbell disingenuously uses his “personal” Twitter account to promote and recruit for his BBC show. Pretending that this isn’t an official BBC account, they use a variation of the get-out-of-bias-free, “views my own” disclaimer. No official BBC logo means he doesn’t have to be impartial and his twitter feed lies outside the rules.
It doesn’t actually mean that, of course – according to the BBC’s own rules – but we know that BBC staff operate under the belief that Twitter lies out of bounds and that they never enforce it unless they receive a complaint. The very fact that they do enforce the rules on “personal” Twitter accounts after receiving complaints means that what Campbell is doing is wrong.
BBC Social Media policy is a joke, and knowingly creates the environment in which heavily biased behavior is allowed to thrive. It then creates a little resentment when the authorities crack down on an individual seemingly out of the blue. But I suppose that’s the BBC management style in a nutshell.
Contary to some here I quite enjoy the comedy of Miranda Hart
For some reason this Tweet from our Miranda turns up on the aforementioned anti-EDLTwitter account – quite why that should be the case I really couldn’t speculate…
Miranda Hart @mermhart 22h
If people who stole my laptop last night in W6 out there. Please please please return. Precious creative projects all lost. Will reward
[Some of the replies are interesting and amusing…..]
M’F @MandaFierce 22h
@mermhart Oh there are some ‘what i call’ f*ckwitts in the world aint there!? smh.
[Very true]
Tom [ukpositivelad] @UKPositiveLad 22h
@mermhart that’s awful :/ hope at least some of it is backed up.
[Now that wisearse comment is one that I would find a bit annoying]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad @mermhart mine was stolen last week. Lost of my blog contents etc. so sad 🙁
[There’s a lot of it about – it’s called crime]
Tom [ukpositivelad] @UKPositiveLad 22h
@LeonjWard @mermhart wasn’t your blog online? This is why everything I work on is stored on my google drive.
greg mchugh @gregjmchugh 22h
@mermhart what dicks! Hope the simpleton sees the light and returns it hencewith!!
[How could any right thinking person steal from a National Treasure?]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad yes but I have some contents to be published that I hadn’t yet uploaded to the Sky Drive. And some stuff like Mum death cert
[No please, don’t start some X Factor-style back story….]
what I call kirsty @kirsty_mirandaH 22h
@mermhart what no this makes me want to cry for you, finger crossed for you that you get it back x
[I think she means Miranda’s laptop – not the guy’s mum’s death cert]
Leon Ward @LeonjWard 22h
@UKPositiveLad I’m just too tight to pay for another copy lmao
[Hold the sympathy]
Russell Kane @RussellKane 22h
@mermhart Oh crap. That is grim. Seriously hope you get it back. Creativity is life.
[Yes it is. Peace and love, man. Let’s hope those laptop thieves have a Twitter account and are feeling just a bit hippy]
Elizabeth Bower @ElizabethBower 22h
@mermhart On the off chance you have the ‘find my iphone’ app, you can use it to try to locate your laptop, hope you get your work back xx
[Possibly a useful comment – possibly another annoyingly wisearse comment – depending of course on the find my whatever…]
Chris Nicholson @EraseThisTweet 22h
@mermhart I live next to King St, Hammersmith – anything I can do to help?
[Form a posse? Sounds a bit vigilante. Best leave it to the Police. We don’t want to see street violence. Oh I was forgetting…. this is all from an Anti-EDL site]
Beeboid high-cost ‘greenies’ speak up for ban on GM food.
“GM rice opponents wicked, says minister Owen Paterson”
‘Daily Mail’:-
“GM food opponents are ‘wicked’ and leave small children in poorest parts of the world to die, minister Owen Paterson claims.
“Environment Secretary backs ‘golden rice’ fortified with vitamin A.
“Opponents who sabotage crops accused of risking lives in poor countries.
“‘It’s disgusting that little children are allowed to go blind and die,’ he claims.
Heard this as a news item on Today programme – tone of voice was what a wicked man Owen Paterson is. Is it not reasonable to even consider if it is preferable to produce GM crops to feed the starving? No, Owen is a Tory minister so he must be wrong and we, the BBC, will report it that way without considering his argument.
Well Greenpeace and the Friends of the Earth flash mobs will hate this idea…it`s always 1967 with those luddites…but this Golden Rice notion comes with the full blessing of the Gates Foundation no less….(Bill and Melinda-not Eric!).
What`s a Beeber to do?…trash these Golden Saints of Hitech, Silicon Valley and “Feed The World”?…or watch the Golden Tumbleweed gather around Harrabins turbines, as they try to square starving blind kids with the rejection of Gates Golden Rice?
Oh dear-Bill might not make the Today Guest Editing cut this year…I`m sure he knows how to remind himself of the BBCs treachery using his computamabob!
Like Islam and gays…it`s great to see those narrow minds stretched into confusing contortions at the BBC…life`s not always a gas, gas gas is it?
“4 ” arrested … hmm those “men” again?
oops! “men” – bit sexist isn t it?
Wheres that N “Panto” Campbell, “Thought Police Meister”
when you need him
I note with interest that the government inspectors are monitoring the newly reopened Islamic indoctrination centre posing as a ‘free school’. They are wanting proof that the ‘school’ is not discriminating against female staff, not on the grounds as you might expect, of religious beliefs, which is the truth, but on the grounds of sex discrimination.
To me despite the civil service attempt to deflect attention, it is a tacit admission that Islam has issues with sex discrimination against women, which of course we all know that it does.
One can see why the Axis of Weevils can’t wait to hand Leveson shutting down powers beyond all non-them thinking media, and then on to the entire internet.
(Answering a few of my questions yesterday on powers of proxy censorship on the basis of unproven/unknown awareness association, if not why the BBC seems to enjoy immunity not accorded others)
And are trying to do it before anyone stuffs up Ed getting in and making the nasty Charter and Plurality (that big red slice of cheese will be hard to make vanish) Reviews cease to be a concern to those in private Prom boxes.
Also interesting to see the rapidity of response (if same calibre.. ‘Murdoch’-waving, really? As for ‘Says it all. Seems pretty balanced to me’… the old ‘everyone thinks it’s pants’ is always a great line to take for a forced-funded service) from the crew at the ready for any new posts over at Guidios.
Just read those two links and a bunch of things rang a whole set of alarm bells.
But for Beware of the Leopard insanity I was impressed by this…
‘Judgment in Estonian case suggests sites need to police comments and predict when a story will attract defamatory posts’
So in an era when an ‘ism can be an ‘ism even if it isn’t but a single hustler simply has to say they thought it was, this is the new floodgate to be opened.
Any offence industry professional with an affront and prepared to use it can stitch up any site they wish at whim, in advance, by appointment? And the site owner has to second guess this?
It’s like ‘Minority Report’ meets ‘Hitchhikers Guide, B-Ark’.
In one the greatest abuse and in the other the greatest idiocy seem to have been epitomised by abuse of loons in baths. Or, now, the ECHR.
There’s a metaphor or two in there somewhere.
That m’learned friends can come out with such utter tosh and consider it a reasonable judgement is extremely worrying.
But if they seriously think they can stifle debate on the internet by this method they are even more loopy than first appears. They can’t even stifle an internet piracy site properly, so how do they expect to stifle debate forums? All that would happen is that the people behind blogs such as this would do so anonymously.
‘such utter tosh and consider it a reasonable judgement is extremely worrying.’
Given the lunatics do seem to have got control of the asylum, CQC overseeing it, the Government who legislates them and the EU who tells the UK what to do… yes.
Oh, and not forgetting the various 4th estate useful idiots or kapos hoping for a sweet deal once the rest are seen off.
Churchill & crocodiles spring to mind.
If this all does get squeezed through by hook, crook or whatever #HackedOff use in Labour Party lobbies, the only people who will get nailed are the law-abiding.
This will leave the Princes of Excess still out there to do their worst from a country who doesn’t say ‘how high?’ when an unelected EUcrat says jump.
That these guys will offer truth in their package deals the likes of the BBC has long since turned its back on will make them even more popular, and the abuses in the mix supposedly being prevented even harder to counter.
Nice one, Leveson. Nice one, Hugh. Nice one, Aunty.
Seems like the Dark Side of the Farce has a sense of irony too.
A bit more, given this topic is of interest (as a comment-enabled site owner too) to me and, sadly, seems already to have inspired others to try and ‘test to destruction’ if they can…
Here we have http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24487146 going on about the red Cross. No mention that the Head is also Chairmen of the Red Cross. No possibility of bias there them!
Sorry should read Chairmen of the LABOUR party.
Are there any charities these bastards haven’t infiltrated?
It certainly leaves one with that impression; because Labour use the disguise of a body being a charity when they are really a front for the propagation of Labour propaganda.
Yes, islamic charities which have infiltrated local Labour branches.
‘When he said “English” he made a face…’
Shelagh Fogarty gives an off-the-cuff insight into BBC Radio 5 office culture today
In a chat about the best atmosphere that her guests and her BBC pals could recall hearing in a sports stadium Politically Correct concerns took precedence over true reminiscence.
Prompted of course by BBC incredulity that an American sports stadium has been claimed as having the loudest ever crowd.
Come on, how can that be true?
Leaving aside the all-male Liverpool Kop and Celtic v Rangers what about the women and children cheering for our Mo at the Olympics…?
So pleased was she with this that our Shelagh almost forgets herself….. and and and…. some of the Paralympic Sports!
Phew, that was close.
Then we talk soccer home internationals – well we don’t have the actual competition anymore. Just as well. Can you imagine the knots into which the BBC would be torn?
Shelagh checks to make sure all was fair and above board …. ‘Everyone was represented, yes he was Welsh, he was Scottish… I’m Irish….and… when he [a Beeboid sidekick] said “English” he made a face’
Oh, what an embarassment for the poor chap to be left naked and English in the face of such BBC diversity.
Considering that many NFL stadia are roofed, it’s amazing that a partially-open-air (seating area mostly covered, playing surface exposed) stadium like Seattle’s gets the nod for “loud crowd.” Must be all that high-octane Starbuck’s they drink.
I can’t remember specific games off the top of my head since I’m not much of an NFL fan, but there have been plenty of times where players can’t hear their own calls because of crowd noise (I think most roofs are retractable anyways). The same goes for basketball, which is all indoors. A couple of arenas can reach the area of 100db. In fact, we like – or expect – our crowds to be so loud that a couple of NBA teams with sparse attendance actually pump canned crowd noise through the PA system at times.
Apparently Kansas City just broke the record: 137.5db. It seems that the opposing team had some penalties simply because of false movement due to their inability to hear each other.
Why are the BBC even giving this infuriating, narcissistic, self-absorbed liar a platform? Oh that’s right… Even if there’s a whiff of women’s rights to be brought up in public, the BBC will get it’s priorities all twisted up and push the story to make us all feel responsible and guilty.
I cannot stand this bloody woman!
Never mind she apologising for being a lying cheat, she has to lecture us all on how we are to blame for women being in prison! You simply couldn’t make it up. Put her and her ex Chris ‘fake tan’ Hulne back in the slammer and chuck away the bloody key, I say!
Did anyone else wonder why that all weekend the useful idiots have been ramming the cyclone in India down our throats on the news ? We were subject to the usual pictures of the locals cleaning up what was left of their shacks along with bleats about “nothing left to eat” and then fulsome praise for the Indian government from the useful idiots because they had organised a timely evacuation and thus minimised the loss of life. So far so good thought I, but we are bound to hear the climate change mantra any minute now…..but it never came. This is most unusual thought I, can it be that for once there is no other angle to this ?
Of course not !
Lo and behold, this morning they grill some UK diplomat about “what is the UK doing about aid to those affected” leading them then nicely in to a line of interrogation about the wicked Tory cut in the overseas aid budget to India announced some months ago.
So the whole series of reports was carefully contrived by these left wing twats to lead us to a point where they can remind us all that the wicked Tory’s cut the aid to India and that we should feel guilty about it because the locals in India have had their shacks blown away and got their hair wet.
But of course, now that we are constantly told by these same idiots that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, there was no questioning of anyone from the Indian government about how their poverty eradication programme is going, or if they have one even. No question about their space programme, no question about their social security policy and benefits system….nothing at all..zilch…zero!
Pure unadulterated left wing propaganda, nothing more, nothing less….and we have to pay for this continuing abuse……anybody fancy organising a march on Westminster ?
I’m glad you’ve brought the Indian cyclone up, Oldbob. I’m also glad I wasn’t alone in wondering why on earth the BBC were pimping the story all weekend (even this morning on the Today programme), despite a conspicuously small number of nevertheless tragic deaths (22 at time of writing of this) and an Indian government response which seems to have been both timely and fantastically successful in preventing serious loss of life.
I, too, had been waiting for the now all but inevitable CAGW reference, but have been mystified as to its absence from BBC reporting… Don’t get me wrong; the implication is there (it always is with the BBC), hanging right above the story, yet as you so rightly point out, clearly having been denied their much hoped-for ‘extreme weather’ angle the drones at the BBC newsdesk decided instead to work in an alternative ‘overseas aid’ theme – despite the fact that all the evidence so far suggests the Indians themselves are doing a great job at disaster-preparedness without the largess of foreign taxpayers.
The one good thing about listening to the BBC news these days is just how much of a mental workout it has now become trying to decipher exactly what the Corporation’s motives and agenda are behind the way it chooses (each time) to ‘report’ events.
I’m sure it’s broadcasting, but these days does the BBC actually do straight-forward, unalloyed ‘news’ any more?
I think that the BBC, after a shortage of ‘extreme’ weather events in recent weeks, got a little over-excited at the prospect of this typhoon. It was ‘huge’ and potentially a ‘super-cyclone’. After all, the last big one to hit this area caused around 12,000 fatalities. Unfortunately for the Beeb, wind speeds obstinately refused to go much above 135mph (180 needed for ‘super’ status), and the death toll was approx. 12,000 below expectations.
Having gone to the expense of putting a team on the ground, I suppose they have to justify their presence.
‘Having gone to the expense of putting a team on the ground’
If they’d brought a few wind turbines, they could have done a nifty post-script to Richard Bacon’s bikeathon-powered show.
Or not.
The wind was of course about 100mph in excess of limits in this case.
Still, one is sure the hotel bar was agreeable. Just hope there wasn’t a rush to get in.
Not BBC bias but somehow connected I fear but the British Red Cross – or one of the ‘charity’ arms of the Labour Party as we now know (thanks Guido) had a full page advert in the Telegraph with an appeal for the cyclone victims – in spite of the wealthy Indian government having prepared for it well. What is going on?
Have a heart, Deborah! The cyclone appeal would have been necessary even if there hadn’t actually been a cyclone.
How else could the charity pay high salaries to Labour-connected executives, buy them smartphones, send them to sunny conference venues, and provide contracts for their friends in the advertising industry?
On the Daily Politics today there was quite a balanced debate on EU immigration almost all of which is of course legal. In fact in the past year or so the BBC has run a few programme in which this topic was discussed in a balanced way without one side calling the other racist.
But of course we have more immigrants from outside of the EU than from inside it. The majority of our immigrants come from Asia and Africa and contribute much less than those from the EU and many are here illegally. Additionally, whilst a fair proportion of the EU immigrants return home after having made some money in the UK, the Asians and Africans seldom do. In fact they usually bring in more family members.
The BBC NEVER allows any balanced discussion of these two groups and constantly tell us that their alien cultures will enrich us.If you dissent from that view you are a racist to be harried, persecuted and prosecuted if possible. Interesting that we can discuss white, legal immigrants on the BBC but not coloured illegal ones.
INBBC is inclined to report the activities of the Syrian military opposition, the side in the civil war which INBBC seems to favour politically, despite this:-
“Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch”
The situation of the Christians in Syria seems to be something of a footnote to INBBC:-
‘France 24’-
“A Christian soldier in Syria: ‘We have to defend our community'”
Tonight Stephen Fry does battle with the “homophobes”. From the Radio Times
Uganda’s Minister for Ethics and Integrity cannot contain his fury as his visitor Stephen Fry extols the joys of being gay. “I WILL ARREST YOU! I WILL ARREST YOU!” he thunders as Fry, smiling politely tells him, “Homosexuality is wonderful, you should try it.” The government apparatchik wants a law that would make homosexuality illegal and an imprisonable offence.
He’s one of a handful of frothing homophobes that Fry meets in a journey to discover why some people are so terrified of homosexual men and women. There’s a nice moment when a smarmy American practitioner of so-called “reparative therapy” (which aims to “cure” people of their gayness) looks like he’s been hit with a brick when Fry tells him, charmingly, that he could pass for a homosexual man.
Throughout the programme Fry struggles to maintain his genial equilibrium, but as he hears of atrocious repression, he cracks.
I Hope he restricts his scorn to Christians, wouldn’t want him to upset the ROP.
Fry is not likely to visit Iran and challenge the morality police is he?
Thought not.
he could nip over to Qatar, should right up BBCs alley (sorry :-D) … persecuted minority
not Christian, bit of scandal, as it is to host the World Cup … I mean it should tick all the boxes … apart from …..
Speaking as a gay man, I’ll be hugely disappointed if the ubiquitous Mr Fry doesn’t take his legitimate grievances to representatives of the ‘religion of peace’ – oh, I don’t know, say to somewhere like Saudi Arabia. I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that they’re quite well-known for their religiously-mandated homophobia…
Do you think Mr Fry got that memo?
As I tried to get across yesterday you don’t have to go a far as Uganda, or even Dover for some extreme homophobia. The Jamaican diaspora and the Jafakan wanabees of London really are not keen on gay people. “Boom bye bye inna batty bwoy hed” being a popular encouragement to murder gay people. Could a minderless Fry nip round to Peckham and patronise a few gangstas please – I would watch that; and will Fry be travelling to Zim to confront Mad Bob a la Tathchell?
I don’t loathe Fry for being gay which is neither here nor there to me, I despise his smug self centred self satisfied smarmyness. He is taking an important issue and giving it gthe Fry brand of oily patronising smugness – setting it back 20 years in the process.
Used to appreciate Fry and his passion for learning when i was back in school. Now that the tiresome bombardment of leftist education has faded from my mindset, i see him for what he truly is; a narcissistic mercenary.
…or old whore, in fact.
Doubt it.
And speaking as one interested in the calibre of the argument above all, may I grab the opportunity of this post to applaud what seems a quick interception nearby, by the owners, of a new batch of false flag site-souring gremlins, who currently appear daft enough to add a red flag ‘handle’ from the endlessly-cycling Borg bin they have to hand. That ECHR ruling must have been like cat-nip to you all.
I have the utmost respect for all genuinely peaceful and interactive genders, faiths, races, proclivities, etc, as do most posters here (frankly to an amazing degree compared to some noticeable by the absence of ‘outraged of Tunbridge Wells’), so those who cannot stand differences being celebrated and worked around trying to foment divisions between folk who may not agree but respect each other’s right to do so, by using pathetic name-calling taunts, is clearly petty and daft.
This was discussed here on the previous open thread. Apparently they wanted to visit Religion of Peace and Justice countries but it was considered too dangerous. The only question is whether or not they state this openly during the broadcast. If not, then it’s bias.
Shame we can’t get to see the Risk Assessment they did for the activities connected with the making of the programme.
Once again I find my self posting in defence of the odious Mr Fry, not because I am a fan of his but because it is an example of how the liberal inquisition operates Despite being it’s self appointed high priestess ,fry clearly feels ,and with justification, that risks excommunication.
The fact that you are not familiar with this minor spat speaks volumes , had this been a second rate football commentator making some vaguely racist or sexist comment you would most certainly have know about it
In fact this is 3rd time this has come up recently and yet not one of are very own ‘keepers of the rainbow flame’ ,even our resident specialist on all things homosexual, has felt moved to put the record straight.
Normally they refer straight way to the appropriate page in any other parish news .In fairness that might be because the BBC seemed to have missed this story altogether .How different might it have been had Jeremy Clarkson had tweeted this
Will, careful what you say about this programme. I posted a comment about it on Saturday in the previous open thread and was then subjected to a number of diatribes from our resident troll Scott. He accused me of being a liar and every kind of disgusting bigot under the sun. The abuse was unremitting, and he then went on to abuse others who took issue with him over his comments. He finally accused me of condoning violence against gays just because I wondered if Fry would be criticising the treatment of homosexuals in countries ruled by the R.O.P.
I have just watched the programme Andy S and it seems your misgivings (Scott notwithstanding) were justified. He talked about (indeed he showed) homosexuals being hanged in Iran, but there was no mention of Islam. He was more than happy however to point the finger of blame at Christianity and the British Empire.
but based on what fry has said else where ,that is an editorial decision of the BBC’s (see the links I have posted above)
You might question Fry’s intellectual and moral integrity in putting his career with the BBC before, what he perceives to be the truth ,but that’s life.
A more interesting question would be how many other ‘celebrity intellectuals’, fearful of being excommunicated , toe the party line knowing it to be a lie?
In the article quoted Fry asserts
“I am simply not interested in laying into one religion or another.”
which is a manifest lie. The programme I have just watched for example explicitly links Christianity with homophobia. Now that claim may be justified, but for Fry to assert that he is “not interested” in attacking any particular religion is plainly false.
I don’t disagree that Fry is pathological bishop basher and that has been good for his career on the BBC. My point is that the decision to ignore the real physical persecution of homosexuals in the Islamic world and concentrate on eastern Europe’s sin of refusing to accept the received truth of moral relativism is the BBC’s And that Fry knows to challenge that decision however slightly , is to risk his star status
I’m not defending Fry ,he is a hypocrite (though perhaps less so than some others in the BBC’s constellation of leftist stars)
My point is that this program ,in the context of Fry’s previous comments and the lefts reaction, is an example of how the liberal inquisition and the BBC in particular distort reality in defence of their narrative
Indeed. My impression from that programme is that persecuted homosexuals were being used as props in a Leftist political narrative. I do not think it is “homophobic” for example to have concerns about children adopted by same sex couples.
I meant for same sex couples to have children, although same sex couples adopting also has its own particular issues.
I have to agree with Wild on one level. Fry definitely said he wasn’t interested in attacking a specific religion, but clearly Christianity was brought in for blame, while Islam was never mentioned openly. We were treated to the anti-homosexual musings of a Ugandan man wearing a cross on his lapel, but no religious symbols were present when discussing the problems in Sri Lanka or Iran. Contrary to our assumptions – but proving Scott correct on one level – Fry did openly admit that certain countries were too dangerous for him to visit. But it was clearly not a good first step in the direction of discussing the problems homosexuals face in Mohammedan nations. In fact, Fry openly stated his avoidance of that topic.
However, here’s where the bias, or failure to be completely honest, set in. Here’s what I learned from this episode:
1. The British Empire is mostly responsible for homophobia around the world, except for those few countries who hang homosexuals.
2. Religion in general is responsible for those other countries wanting to hang homosexuals? Which one? Irrelevant, apparently.
3. Homosexuality was common and happily open in all countries colonized by the British Empire.
4. Britain today is only a few schoolyard taunts away from the Holocaust.
5. Executing five people per year is equivalent to the Holocaust.
6. Christianity is just as dangerous to homosexuals around the world as Islam is, even though none of the Christian-influenced countries (all influenced by the British Empire, obviously) hang homosexuals or were considered too dangerous for Fry to visit.
There were positives in Fry’s piece, but the editorial decision to pretend there’s no substantial difference between what goes on in Mohammedan countries and what goes on in nominally Christian countries was evidence of the exact bias about which we so often complain. So was the pretense that none of the indigenous cultures in those post-colonial countries had any influence on the current attitude towards homosexuals. Why haven’t those countries removed those awful British Empire laws from their books? We aren’t told, but Christianity is suggested. Why do those other countries which were never colonized by the British have much worse laws on their books? We aren’t told, period. That’s a problem, considering the difficulties with those cultures being imported wholesale into Britain, especially after Fry suggested that Britain is only a few schoolyard taunts away from stringing homosexuals up on the nearest lamppost. Who’s really the problem in Britain? We were told the question didn’t interest him. If he had addressed it, he’d have had to admit Geert Wilders was correct about the need for another Enlightenment, and that would be Islamophobic, so it wasn’t allowed.
Even though Fry has Jewish antecedents and claims to self-identify as a Jew, that doesn’t excuse the offensive moral equivalence between the sad persecution of homosexuals in Iran and the deliberate attempt to exterminate millions of people at a stroke. Especially when one considers that far more homosexuals were far more directly persecuted by the Nazis than in Iran. Fry knows this, and I’ve seen him talk about the pink triangle elsewhere. Homosexuals in Iran and Saudi Arabia are not rounded up and shipped off to extermination camps or shot in the streets. Such hyperbole helps no one. His emotions clearly ruled the day here, and one can forgive him for it of course, but surely a producer with a calmer head could have rowed that one back a bit. Homosexually is quite prevalent in those countries, and progress could have been made discussing the dichotomy between just how much of it goes on and the Mohammedan laws ruling those countries. But no, such discussions aren’t permitted lest it offend. Perhaps in a future installment.
Blaming the British Empire and Christianity – but deliberately choosing not to mention why those five countries took a dim view of homosexuality – allowed Fry and his producer to avoid being accused of racism. Without blaming the British Empire – the white man – one might have been tempted to see that all the countries which Fry was condemning were populated and ruled by people with darker skin than his. This was excused away, and I was clearly expected to believe that the Ugandan man with the big cross on his lapel and his people had embraced homosexuality before the evil white man came with his Christian ways. Not all homophobia can be blamed on Christianity. Not all macho-directed cultures are the result of white influence.
It’s a shame that a documentary with such a positive goal had to be so offensive at times to people who would otherwise have supported Fry’s intentions. Presumably a future installment will improve on this.
The Left (as Scott amply demonstrates) is a religion of hate (they advocate liberties only if they serve the end of destroying all existing moral constraints as the precursor to a new oppressive Leftist orthodoxy) and so of course the BBC were much more interested in hating 1) The British Empire = White People 2) Christianity = The West 3) Men = Rapists (that Christian American [who seems to be a regular on British telly] who sought to convert homosexuals into heterosexuals was a triple whammy) but did they show us clips of (for example) the current (Conservative) Prime Minster defending the liberties of homosexuals? What about the current Pope saying “A person once asked me….if I approved of homosexuality. I replied…‘when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse…this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’
When Fry goes to Russia next week will he remind us of the persecution of homosexuals by the Communist Party? How about (to be more contemporary) a visit to Communist Cuba?
Did they mention the 2009 Gallup Poll which showed that British Muslims have zero tolerance of homosexuality? That not a single Muslim in their poll found homosexuality acceptable. How about the 2006 statistic that over 25% all recorded physical attacks on homosexuals in this country were by Muslims?
Did they discuss the issue of gay marriage and gay couples having and adopting children in any way other than people who oppose or have reservations about it are gay hating bigots?
It seems to me that this is the real agenda of the programme. If you look at the history of the Left it has not been a history of “love” as Fry put it towards homosexuals or anybody else.
It is enemies of a free society that are the enemy of toleration – now who would the biggest enemies of a free society be then?
USA? Capitalists? Daily Mail? Rupert Murdoch?
Excellent analysis David, if you don’t mind me saying!
Dear Members of the Culture Media and Sport Committee,
I understand that you are due shortly to take evidence from the BBC Trust Chairman, Lord Patten, which will include the recent furor of the way the BBC highlighted and headlined the row about the Labour leaders father’s alleged hatred of the UK, as reported in the Daily Mail earlier this month and how much of the BBC vast resources were spent on this item:
I, as a concerned Licence tax payer, was also amazed at the way this was unbalanced reporting by the BBC and the enormous emphasis, in my view, they put on this story and I therefore sent a complaint to them, (see copy below including the BBC reply).
I would add, for comparative evidence of the validity of my complaint about balance, that within days of the Milliband Daily Mail spat, the Guardian headlined ‘Baby P death’ was possibly due to Tory cuts, notwithstanding the tragedy happened on Labours watch and had absolutely nothing to do with the current Government
Yet the BBC failed to report this Guardian comparative British media Political slur other than a small mention indicating it was reported “Elsewhere on theweb”:
Basically, I do not want my taxes to be politically manipulated by the BBC in this way.
Yours sincerely,
(My Name removed here for privacy)
Well done.
I will be interested in what reply, if any (I have found the DCMS to match BBC Complaints in its system-based attrition to ‘lose’ what it can’t or doesn’t fancy answering) you get.
As a matter of interest, what portal of access did you use?
Guest Who – thank you for your comments above.
You ask: “As a matter of interest, what portal of access did you use?” to contact the Culture, Media and Sport Committee :
Well I just emailed them individually – I found all members listed:
Many tx.
I, of course, made the rookie mistake of using the form-based system they have on the website, which has to pass through gatekeeper after filter after…
The direct approach has much greater appeal!
Just hope those are not based on the Helen ’email to nowhere’ Boaden model of public sector trust & transparency.
H/T Guido
“It was at the BBC that a fellow Conservative caught me by the lift, gave me a secret handshake having overheard a phone conversation I’d had with a Conservative friend and whispered ‘I’m a Conservative too, but don’t let them find out or you’ll be going nowhere’. Be worth a little survey of Conservatives in the BBC, and just how socially acceptable it is to be one!”
Weird how all this statement by Guido that the BBC has a Left-wing culture and all those vicious comments are not met with scorn or insults by people who come here to defend the BBC against such spurious charges. Very strange that none of our defenders of the indefensible or lurking or non-lurking journalists are over at a blog much more widely read and influential than this one. It makes one wonder as to their personal motivations and priorities.
The UK Column has a look at the BBC this week, not quite sure where Brian Gerrish stands politically but this is quite an honest appraisal and well worth showing to anybody who doubts BBC bias and corruption. From 31 minutes.
In the “latest news” ticker at the top of the BBC News page:
“Four men arrested over alleged terror plot are British nationals of Turkish, Algerian, Azerbaijani and Pakistani origin, Scotland Yard says”
So, not British then. At least by any standard understood by, well, the British.
Come the next sporting event victory, there will be very little opportunity to sit down during anthem and flag moments, as it appears the ‘British’ encompass everyone.
Seems the sun again never sets…
“Four suspected Islamic terrorist held in series of dramatic raids across London amid fears of ‘Kenyan mall-style gun attack’ on British soil.”
Lol. Look at how they are reporting it now :
‘Four British men are being questioned..’
‘One was a British national of Turkish origin and the second was a British national of Algerian origin..’
‘A 28-year-old British national of Azerbaijani origin was arrested..’
‘a British national of Pakistani origin, aged 29, was arrested..’
Yes, yes for God Sake we get it – they’re British!!
they’re about as British as Mo Farah and even if they were born here, as the Duke of Wellington said :
“just because one was born in a stable doesn’t make one a horse”.
Hmmm…. Turkish, Azerbaijani, Algerian and Pakistani. I wonder what these “men” could possibly have in common.
Is there anything else they, or those countries have in common I wonder? I’d check myself, but if it was relevant the BBC would surely have mentioned it. Odd how such a disparate group even met. Maybe they are communists or fascists?
“…Maybe they are communists or fascists?
Who knows? But one thing is growing increasingly clear; the BBC obviously thinks we’re all living in a communist state – a fact made ever-more noticeable from the way it consistently ‘redacts’ the way it reports things like this.
‘Those men’ has become a bit of a popular meme around here – and for exceptionally good reason: the BBC like to play games with the truth – so the invention of ‘those men’ has now become a sort of game – and quite an unintentionally comical one, too. The way regs here have picked up on the Corporation’s ‘difficulty’ reporting the facts in favour of serving its ‘multi-culti’ agenda is to be commended.
Gives me a chuckle every time someone here exposes the morons and their reprehensible disregard for honest journalism.
The british bit may actually be relevant. If they are British citizens they can’t be deported to those lovely places they are trying to recreate in the UK.
Not sure if the disclaimer the BBC slapped atop this one (fingers x’d it links – darned odd URL) has had the desired affect… on any basis…
This one appeals…
Barrie Mason BBC, you don’t run FB or the internet. You put out a very sensitive subject for debate and then try to put the brakes on. Watch out BBC, your noob is showing….
“content not available”, for some reason.
Works for me. And has already degenerated into a slanging match.
Ah, maybe it’s because I’m not signed into Farcebook. Well, I’ll skip it, since they’ll just tell the government I visited the page.
‘already degenerated into a slanging match’
Shocked, I tell you…shocked.
What with them putting a stern ‘please don’t’ ((c) Boaden H. that worked so well with the BBC staff internally) finger wave at the top ‘n all.
I wonder at what point the ECHR can close the BBC down?
A catch-up for INBBC:-
“‘Major London terror plot’ foiled by police in dramatic armed raids across the capital”
Oh dear, another 4 moderates who misunderstood the ROP!
FFS when are the liberal tossers going to face up to the truth?
Notice they are all described as some sort of British national
Algerian ,pakistani ,turkish and Azerbaijani
Not British in the slightest or deserving of the name .
Does the BBC think they are fooling anyone putting that before their true nationality.
I take this as a sign that the NHS is wonderfully egalitarian and fair, but I doubt anyone here will take it as a comfort:
Former NHS director dies after operation is cancelled four times at her own hospital
A former NHS director died after waiting for nine months for an operation – at her own hospital.
Margaret Hutchon, a former mayor, had been waiting since last June for a follow-up stomach operation at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.
But her appointments to go under the knife were cancelled four times and she barely regained consciousness after finally having surgery.
Her devastated husband, Jim, is now demanding answers from Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust – the organisation where his wife had served as a non-executive member of the board of directors.
Thank heavens there’s no two-tier health care system going on.
It is very egalitarian. It’s universally shit.
Although according to the Beeb it’s the national religion and we all think the NHS is superb.
I know I don’t.
So now some national parks and monuments are reopening because the States are picking up the tab (or are not going to spend money to put up barricades where there were none, FFS). The BBC is actually reporting it. The Statue of Liberty re-opened because the State of New York is going to cover the cost until this is resolved. There’s a fundamental lesson to be learned here, but the BBC refuses to admit it.
Meanwhile, the vicious NPS people in Washington DC have spent more federal money they supposedly don’t have to replace the barricades the veterans removed over the weekend. The BBC won’t report that, either. Yes, it’s the same two pictures posted several times, but it still actually happened. The federal government spending money on political theater in a time of fiscal crisis is unconscionable, yet the BBC still blames only Republicans in the House for political theater. It’s a pretty mean move as well, essentially the President giving the finger to veterans out of political spite. No criticisms or snarky tweets from any of the disgusting BBC journalists working in the US, or any of the other disgusting BBC journalists or on-air talent who freely heap twitter scorn on Sarah Palin or Paul Ryan or anyone not of the Left.
And closing the public conveniences is simply inhumane, especially for those veterans who are disabled.
David, how are these closures, etc. seen by the US public? Is anyone going to be held to account?
Bob, it’s been almost universally condemned. But that’s the easy part. Nobody will be held to account (apart from the inevitable subcontractor head on a spike outside the White House gates, I mean), though, because the mainstream media, just like the one defender of the indefensible who dared address the issue here, is mostly regurgitating the coordinated White House talking points and blaming Republicans for holding the country hostage, etc.
It’s quite easy to condemn an act if one blames the correct villains. The President and His minions know they’ll get away with it, because they know the media is supporting them (how many more behind-closed-doors meetings do we need as proof?). If they won’t hold the President and Comrade Sebelius responsible for the ObamaCare website debacle, telling veterans to get lost is easy.
How the bBC goes about promoting Islam is a religion of peace and how it totally fails in this article:
Al-Madinah Muslim free school changes headscarf rule
A Muslim free school in Derby has said it will support female staff who do not want to wear head coverings. It follows a letter warning the Al-Madinah School it faced closure unless discrimination against female staff and pupils stopped. Education Minister Lord Nash laid out 17 issues for the school to consider, which included an end to “unacceptable” teaching standards. The letter said if steps were not taken by Tuesday, funding would be pulled.
Which is followed later by this:
Head of Islamic studies, Mohammad Burhaan, said: “We are an Islamic school and if we were to discriminate against women in any way we wouldn’t be faithful to our faith.
Lets see, Female numerous schools in:
Have been burnt down, teachers killed and females killed also, why the bBC’s poster girl is now currently living in Birmingham because some pious prat quoted the Koran to put 3 rounds into her and this twat tells me it would be against his faith to discriminate against women. Remind me again somebody what happens to Islamic women in the west if they take a non-Islamic boyfriend?
I think you are getting your information from the Biased Broadcasters misinformation !
The Taleban have only attacked mixed schools because they believe that only segregated schools are allowed. The assassination attempt on Malala Yousafzai was carried out because she criticised the Taleban and the Qur’an, not as the BBC is reporting because the Taleban are against the teaching of women.
The school in Derby segregates pupils in lessons with girls at the back one day, boys at the back the following, and as such believes it is complying with the instructions in the Qur’an.
Thanks for that thoughtful reminds of the news story as reported by the bBC the other year:
A woman in Pakistan has been found stabbed 52 times, shot 50 times, had numerous broken bones and was covered in bruises. The bBC reported it as the worse case of suicide they had every seen.
Just hope they’ve rehearsed the fire drill – girls to be locked inside – everyone else get clear …
Never mind the details Thoughtful. They are sexists. No two ways about it