Heard Sarah Montague this morning trying to blame Assads lot for those Red Cross kidnappings( anybody else notice the lack of the Green Crescent anywhere in these stories?).
I sensed that this was Syrian rebels in action-but Sarah won`t be speculating on that one anytime soon.
Still-she was able to get the Red Cross woman out there to confirm that these cheridee types don`t get Big Mac vouchers or hearty welcomes in the warzones…for some reason the Syrian army have a job to do and would rather not pose in from of a plastic palm tree(Baghdad model 2003) telling Sarah about the lack of nail bars in Aleppo at the minute.
So-that`s cleared up then-Assad isn`t stamping passports personally-so what else can an Al Queda associate do but rip out the offal from a dead enemy soldier and post it on YouTube,
Anybody seen the Green Crescent the?…more chance of seeing the Green Cross man than the umma or the Arab league of Gentlemen(no ladies allowed!).
It was easy to predict how the BBC would report this story, when the first details appeared of it.
Yesterday the news ran that 4 men had been arrested as suspects in a planned terror attack. 2 were in Whitechapel, 1 in Peckham, and 1 in Bayswater’
Okay. though no further details were available yet, one can assume just who these perpetrators might be, especially given that 2 were from Whitechapel.
Two men, both aged 25, were arrested in a car in Mansell Street, Whitechapel, east London, after police fired “Hatton rounds” – ammunition designed to blow out tyres and blow open doors.
One was a British national of Turkish origin and the second was a British national of Algerian origin, police said.
A 28-year-old British national of Azerbaijani origin was arrested at premises in Westbourne Grove, Bayswater, west London, and the fourth man, a British national of Pakistani origin, aged 29, was arrested in Peckham Hill Street, Peckham, south-east London.
The bBBC news item has just been updated (18:41) and they do now call it an alleged Jihadist plot, although the first words of their webpage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24515154) emphasise that they are ‘British’ men.
It is interesting, though, to see the new form of words, ‘British national of xxxxxxx origin’, used to describe all four of these: a British national of Turkish origin, a British national of Algerian origin, a British national of Azerbaijani origin and a British national of Pakistani origin.
As with the new bBBC scam (‘migrants’ instead of immigrants), it seems that they must have had more editorial meetings to decide what words they can use.
Here’s a Newsniffer screenshot to show the recent changes:
Which leaves the question that if the Whitehall officials originally said ‘the alleged Jihadist plot was “serious” and intended to use firearms in the UK’, why did the BBC think they had to leave it out of the earlier runs of this article?
I’d say that the BBC is adding the “of xxxxx origin” descriptor now is in response to so many complaints about their previous editorial policy of calling them “Britons”, full stop. I don’t believe this is something devious on the BBC’s part this time. I think this is a step in the right direction. It’s their own fault for making this process so difficult, though.
As with other moments of the light dawning, we’ll see how long this lasts before they return to their old ways.
Here’s more from the mainstream media about the absolute debacle the ObamaCare website rollout has been – as story completely censored by the BBC, despite any noise we may hear in response to this by lurking or non-lurking journalists.
This is from an ObamaCare advocate in the Boston Herald:
Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric about our nation’s health portal: From a technical standpoint, there’s no excuse for its failures.
The disastrous rollout of Obamacare’s online health insurance marketplace at HealthCare.gov has been blamed on traffic overload, other connected systems that were unreliable and “routine” glitches.
Those excuses were valid a decade ago, but not today. Not with the advanced software architecture and cloud storage capabilities that currently exist to solve all the stated problems.
Any semi-capable software developer can now test how a site will react to traffic loads. The HealthCare.gov developers should have been able to simulate the massive rush to the site and tweak as needed. One must conclude they either knew it was going to crash or never bothered to test.
It’s a disgrace that the BBC is refusing to report on this disaster, considering just how much effort they put into pushing the wonders of ObamaCare back when it was being mooted and then passed into law. They know it’s the President’s signature legislation, the one major success He can point to (aside from getting the military to allow homosexuals to be open about their sexuality), and it’s pathetic that the BBC can’t admit what’s going on now.
I’d really like to hear a single valid journalistic reason for the BBC to continue to ignore this major story. Please note that I’m not demanding that the BBC report on the ObamaCare website cluster@#$% instead of the debt crisis and government shutdown. I’m demanding that the BBC report this story in addition to those major stories. I mean, the BBC can’t even be bothered to reproduce the White House talking points shifting blame on this one.
Surely this is more important, all things considered, than a story about a US citizen found dead in an Egyptian jail cell, which currently holds the second spot on the US & Canada news page.
Ezra Klein, Progressive opinion-monger, founder of the JournoList and blogger for the Washington Post – a source trusted by the BBC – says the rollout of ObamaCare is a big failure
“One of the Obama administration’s jobs, separate from all of the political stuff we talk about here, is to simply run things like this well, to run their signature legislative initiative well,” he continued. “On that, so far, this has been a big failure.”
The BBC continues to censor all news of this story, disgracefully. There’s no excuse for this.
The BBC reports that “The UK government has consistently declined to provide evidence to support its claims about “benefit tourism”, the European Commission has said. Spokesman Jonathan Todd told the BBC the Commission had been asking for more than three years for the figures.”
A 2 minute google search reveals that Spokesman Jonathan Todd used to work for the Labour Party. Not mentioned in the BBC report of course
“Spokesman Jonathan Todd told the BBC the Commission had been asking for more than three years for the figures”
One supposes that on matters of overdue figures, the people of the EU can expect signed-off accounts from the Court of Auditors from the last two decades under Mr Todd’s EU colleagues, then?
Otherwise he and they would seem to be raging hypocrites.
On the One Show tonight 5 Lefts Livesey presented a report on a big brother local council (Preston) spying with mobile cameras and cameras mounted on street cleaners caps.
True to form and to ensure diversity, care was taken to include a fully veiled member of the religion who was pictured sat on a bench. Maybe the irony was lost on them but this was one section of the community that make such CCTV snooping a complete waste of time. The wanton abandonment of a Nuttalls Minto wrapper is the least of their concerns are far as time section of the community is concerned…
Wiki states Preston is 8% Muslim, I guess not all are female and not all wear the veil, so they did bloody well to spot one…
A recent column by BBC Brazil’s lefty US columnist Lucas Mendes about Ted Cruz’s filibuster speech compared the Tea Party to the Nazis (via Google Translate):
Harangue in 21 hours, Senator accused the senators who do not fight with Obama appeasers, relievers, an expression that refers to the leaders of France and England who have not had the courage to stop the advance of Hitler just before World War II. But is the Tea Party, with its 30% support of the electorate and 100% willingness to bring down the government at any cost, reminiscent of Nazi arrogance.
Nazi Arrogance? Dear me. Can you imagine the outrage from defenders of the indefensible if one of us had said that about a Beeboid? Not to mention the lurking lawyers and journalists swooping in to box our ears and warn of legal problems.
Remember when the Left used to sneer at people who broke Godwin’s Law? Ah, good times….good times…..
Here’s the latest cover-up by Labour-bBBC. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/money/tax/article3893893.ece
Unite accused of hypocrisy over unpaid £2.3m tax bill Britain’s biggest union was accused of hypocrisy yesterday after it avoided more than £2 million in tax.
The Times has learnt that Unite has been presented with a bill for £2.3 million by Revenue & Customs.
HMRC ruled that Unite had been calculating its VAT in a “grossly unfair and unreasonable” way.
The union has condemned multinational companies for not paying their fair share of tax. Len McCluskey, its general secretary, even accused one company of “daylight robbery”.
Meanwhile, on the bBBC: search for ‘Unite VAT’. Sorry, there are no results for your search.
Did you mean
After two days of bBBC hype about their ‘revelations’ about Madeleine McCann, against my better judgement I watched Crimewatch tonight. The first 20 minutes were rehashing six-year-old material, attempted tear-jerking from the audience for the loss of a child, then came a policeman saying that several men had been seen in the vicinity in the days and weeks before her disappearance and that the evidence of the McCann’s friend was wrong, followed by a few vague descriptions of the ‘men’. Then further interviews with the McCanns, asking them what it felt like to have lost a child.
What a load of rubbish, all paid for by our TV tax.
Did Savile have a “Holiday Special “type programme on in May 2007, where he did a trawl about places to raise charity run funds from along the Iberian coast?
He gets blamed for everything else, now his Red Nose days are done…that`s showbiz tho` eh BBC?
Can I ask a question who the hell is the poster Wild. He appears to have a bee in his bonnet about how nasty and Evil the British are and in posting to him (on the No Stone Unturned board) he comes out with with this classic leftwing answer (shades of Will Self on QT) I seem to remember Prince Harry talking about one of his Paki friends) but that sort of language (in my opinion) can encourage racial hatred. Historically the English have been a very violent people, it has taken generations to restrain those instincts, and it would not take much to bring them back, which is something to avoid if possible, that is all I am saying. OK you Paki bastard?
Now please don’t ostracise him, he most certainly can only perceive the English as purse racists , unlike the people he defends and his closing remark was an attempt to get me to bite, Unfortunately unlike liberal white champions of the PC, I don’t give a shit. Its not as if words can hurt me. But anyway who is this guy ?
Maybe you should have included the context, I would not want to accuse you of selective quotation
“I have read you talking about “Paki bastards” “Paki rapists” “Paki paedophiles” and “Paki bastards who rape, pillage, and murder” which (because you are of Pakistani origin you seem to think is acceptable) but this language (replace Paki with Nigger or Yid to get the idea) inflames racial hatred, even though that is not your intention (my impression is that you have a [British] barrack room sense of humour which although not intended to be malicious delights in its mocking bluntness – I seem to remember Prince Harry talking about one of his Paki friends) but that sort of language (in my opinion) can encourage racial hatred. Historically the English have been a very violent people, it has taken generations to restrain those instincts, and it would not take much to bring them back, which is something to avoid if possible, that is all I am saying. OK you Paki bastard?”
You are obviously too stupid to realise “OK you Paki bastard?” was being ironic. BY the way your assertion that you are not of Pakistani origin rather underlines my point.
“You are obviously too stupid to realise “OK you Paki bastard?” was being ironic.
And you are obviously too stupid to see a wind up when it hits you in the face. You have to admit I really have got under your skin and all without resorting to abuse. God I’m good.
As David Preiser says, the BBC has deliberately avoiding covering the on-going train-crash of the rollout of ObamaCare. The most important legislation of Obama’s 5 years – but the fact that it is proving a failure is simply not judged to be worth a mention.
Even though it fills the press and the airwaves in the US.
Robert Gibbs was Obama’s first Press Secretary. Even he is now saying that the rollout has been excruciatingly embarrassing. That is – not even smooth-talking Gibbs can spin a cover story for it. How dire does it have to get before any of the dozens of BBC staff in the US notice it ?
The farcical appeal for new information on Madeline McCanns disappearance aside (a national appeal for a crime that happened abroad??) but did anyone see the Birmingham bank CCTV of the two muslim guy’s wearing long robes and scull caps robbing a chap depositing his business takings?
They were described not as men dressed in obvious Islamic clothing but as “two men, one in black and one in white wearing shades” obviously BBC parlance for robbing thieving scumbags from the religion of peace…
Some appalling Left-wing, pro-European, pro-immigration propaganda on BBC One News tonight. Perversely, though, BBC Ten News’ blatant anti-Daily Mail attack (the BBC still wanting revenge for the paper’s Miliband article) was contradicted by Newsnight, which presented more in-depth figures on the make-up of the 600, 000 inactive migrants claiming the bacon roll. Clearly, the BBC Ten News is aimed at brainwashing the moronic pop class, whereas the corporation knows it must put a little more effort into its so-called ‘flagship’ program.
I heard on the radio news that there was no evidence of benefit tourism, and then in more detail they said that there was no evidence of wide scale benefit tourism.
As I presume the evidence is of illegal activity, this would force the police to make arrests, so this means we have to presume that most of the benefit tourists are getting away with it.
BBC bias is getting rather nuttier and nuttier, as truth is turned on its head in process of one layer of bias on top of another layer of bias.
Yes agreed. The E.U. and their minions at the BBC are simply playing with figures here as the reality is, even if that figure of 600, 000 isn’t entirely made up of those who intentionally came here to claim the bacon roll, we still have 600, 000 inactive useless deadweights, nonetheless, putting huge strain on our public infrastructure, and the public does want them! The BBC completely sidestepped this by focusing on those who have come here and started up successful businesses in the likes of london. In my town some, I have to say, are loud, heavy drinking and unsavoury characters who blight the town centers and don’t integrate. A few have opened up the odd deli shop and work in factories but I have heard from my friend who works in the local jobcenter plus and he says there are many signing on. Very few I would say have been hugely successful in any way that is meaningful to the British economy, but perhaps I’m wrong.
Sorry for the spelling and grammatical errors… wrote the above in a hurry. I meant to say that the overwhelming majority of the public does NOT want them here, though you wouldn’t think this from BBC reports.
Message for INBBC: even your ‘Guardian’ chums cannot avoid dropping hints about the nature of this now.*
(*Of course, ‘Guardian’ in its post-Snowden, hypocritical bow to censorship, does not actually use the words ‘ISLAM’, ‘MUSLIMS’ and ‘JIHAD’.)
Are you finally going to join in, INBBC? You’ve put a foot in the water by daringly using the phrase ‘alleged jihadist plot.’
“Police foil ‘Mumbai-style’ terrorist plot in London, say security sources.
“Four men held on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism after surveillance operation.”
Terror through Time Radio 4 1.45pm on Monday was another distorted and one sided “history “lesson against Israel . Perhaps if the two contributors to the programme were introduced as an anti-Zionist campaigning academic and a partisan activist academic, the audiance may have a chance of knowing the standpoint .But when has the BBC been honest with its listeners!
They`ll have been British men of Afghan nationality…or is that the other way around in this case?
In any case, it`ll be all due to George Bush and those drones that Nobel Prize winning Prezzie Cool had no option but to use before their sell-by date.
Now, what aspect of genetics was it Helen Boaden was keen to push? ‘As John Humphrys interviews his son as an expert on the tribulations of the Greek middle class, we look forward to a whole series in similar vein..’
Suggestions invited.
Maybe Humph Minor should open a Champagne & Fromage bar to ‘inspire’ the Retsina and Feta locals?
At the very least Paul Mason could swing a jolly back out on a kicking off mission.
The BBC keeps running as a main headline the debt-limit impasse in Washington. Always with a sense of panic – those horrid Republicans are holding Dear Obama to ransom, are threatening global economic disaster. (And failing to report the nasty spiteful things Obama and his minions are doing in their “Shutdown Theatre” – like their attempts to deny benefits to the families of servicemen recently killed, and to deny them flights to Dover Air Force Base when the bodies are repatriated. Far worse than the attempts to close public monuments and war memorials)
The BBC’s panic about US debt default and consequent global turmoil is all a load of balls. Either pure propaganda for Obama – or pure ignorance. Or both.
If the debt limit is reached – say later this week – the US cannot increase its total debt. But it can continue to service its existing debt, interest costs are under 10% of total US revenues. Any debt that matures can be rolled over. What the debt limit really means is that the Government woulkd have to cease building its deficit – would have to live within its means.
Credit agencies like Moody’s see no risk that the US would default. Has that been reported on the BBC airwaves ? – has it hell.
Here is a sanguine view of it all. As Cpl. Jones would say – “Don’t panic, don’t panic”
“The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, requires that we service our debt first. We currently collect more than enough tax revenue to service our debt if we do that first.”
“Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense.”
Not the sort of constitutional FACTS the BBC will report., of course. They far prefer Obama’s panic-mongering.
And they will avoid like the plague the whole piece that sets these words in context :
100% correct, John. The US can still pay the interest on debts, we just won’t be able to borrow any more. Here’s the link to the Moody’s statement you were referring to. We should especially take note of the bit where they say it’s not so bad this time because the budget deficit is rather lower than it was two years ago. Gosh, I can’t imagine why that would be or who is responsible for it, can you?
There are some at the BBC who are dimly aware of this, but their partisan extremism won’t allow them to admit it, and won’t allow any BBC journalists to mention it. Even now BBC reporting is taking it as a given that we’ll default and the world will collapse. How many scare apocalyptic tales are we going to get? Franz Strasser just made another one.
I suppose it’s possible that Geithner will deliberately violate the law and suspend interest payments, but it won’t be because the debt ceiling wasn’t raised. The BBC’s reporting on this issue has been so partisan and dishonest it’s sickening. I wonder if any lurking or non-lurking journalists are even aware of it.
There’s a reason the House is given the purse strings, there’s a reason for the balance of powers. Madison made the case pretty clearly in one of his Federalist papers. The BBC disagrees with this. To them, the President is all, the State is all.
It’s a shame most people don’t care about the BBC’s reporting on US issues because, as someone here pointed out a while back, it’s a cipher for their reporting on domestic politics. Furthermore, it’s clear that their reporting on US issues is in general not to be trusted. If you can’t trust that, what else can’t you trust?
Caroline Lucas this morning on 5dead going on about mens mags, Loaded/Nuts etc being on sale in large supermarkets. Of course no word about the REAL misogyny in the country from the jellyfish feminists.
She’s complaining about lads mags? what about wimin and their anne summers parties? Bloody perverts. And wives and girlfireinds have the ordasity to moan moan and moan when we go and see a stripper on a friday afternoon after work. Hypocrite’s.
We know this, in this case, Islamic barbaric conquests stretched all the way to the 9th century before the Caliphate was established.
Beginning the 9th century onto the 10th century, there was emergence of artists, engineers, scholars, poets, philosophers, geographers etc. That was the time when their culture, science & math allegedly flourished?
But WAIT! a minute … hold that glory train buddy!
From tyrannical barbarism engaged in genocidal wars, the great rapers, plunderers of communities –
To scientific scholars and artsy culture in less than 100 years?.
Can that even be possible?
Logic tells you that whatever scientists or inventions they had must have been born of the plundered communities or converted from them, derived by Muslim “scientists” standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before them.
This analysis also highlights the fatal flaw of the Islamic Golden Age.
There were few ‘follow-up’ breakthroughs on the backs of the works of the great Muslim scientists.
In effect, the Ummah – Islamic Community, allowed or encouraged these works to wither on the vine or die stillborn, it would seem orthodox Islam utterly stifles intellectual reasoning. Therefore, it is glaringly obvious Islam is not the cause of scientific progress during the Golden Age.
When I sat down to watch this, it was pretty the expected biased fare.
The reason I couldn t watch it all the way through, was 1/. The constant reference to … THE PROPHET? the BBC itself is a persistent offender in this regard.
Mohamhead is totally rejected as a prophet, by both members of both true Abrahamic faiths, and also by
anyone with a modicum of moral, logic, or sanity.
A man, who cunningly declared himself a prophet, fooled the ignorant by copying and pasting from the Torah and older Christian hymns to create his own holy book, can’t be a prophet, he was rejected as false by both the Jewish leaders and Christian, an immoral scheming murderer and politician could never be considered as a prophet, one of the first times I was on the BBC in debate, I corrected this nonsense term at the outset.
2/. The disdainful narrative bludgeoned home at every opportunity, totally dissing anything that approached questioning the Sharia as law, and as follows the alleged “purity of anything Arab.
The BBC seems to have a unique pay grading system.
1. Reward for failure.
2. Reward for turning up (at least until 4pm Fridays, then it’s off to the second job at the cafe)
3. Reward for doing something right for once
No market rate talent has ever reached ‘3’, but luckily it doesn’t matter as it’s the exact same deal with ‘1’ & ‘2’ anyway.
Radio 1 news said that these “men” were British on the 8am news headlines this morning.
Radio 4 tell me, though that they are “Britisn men…but of Algerian origin” etc, etc.
Maybe if we ask long enough-the BBC will be able to tell us what the difference is…you know, technically an` all.
Maybe they should use the word “Muslim” for shorthand-and save themselves the Twister board and knotted bloodstreams.
Muslim?…as if!
They`re not Muslims at all, according to Imam Cameron of the Chipping Norton Mosque(PBUH).
The BBC have also been trailing thier “they might be jihadists in Syrial…but they`re our boys and will want that kettle put on when they`re done” show on Radio 4 tonight.
Syrian jihad may not be Duke of Edinburgh maybe, but is certainly worth a Blue Peter badge I`d have thought.
And absolutely NOTHING to worry yourself about…OK? Malcolm Rifkind thinks it might even do them good to burn off some excess zeal.
I for one am reassured.
The Reith lecture this morning sounded to me like a second-rate ‘arty’ stand-up ‘comic’ talking to a dozen or so conscripted BBC employees, who dutifully laughed at the correct time (or was it canned?).
Time was, these lectures had a larger attendance, and were worth listening to.
The poor old bugger must be turning in his grave, or should be after what the current incumbents have done to his beloved BBC.
Then the powers that be wonder why this country is so badly educated and is falling further and further behind.
The BBC should be setting an example not sinking to the lowest level it can find.
Awful wasn`t it?
Yet -apart from the mocking of the Reith “brand”-you could detect a lot of ice and smarm between the Beeb luvvies in the presence of Grayson-who`s doing rather better than many of them.
Self, Ekoshu etc…forever doomed to be on Question Time or Arts Review, whilst Perry sells pots for £100,000 a pop.
Would have made a decent Front Row….but a parody of what Reith would have put his name too.
Any of his descendents ought to pull the red carpet up from under these minnow fish of real art and intellect.
Usually INBBC, often deferring to Muslims, censors the word ‘jihadist’ preferring the Islamic-friendly word ‘militants’.
However in the following report, INBBC does use the word ‘JIHADISTS’ in its title!:-
“Who are the British jihadists in Syria?”
By Jenny Cuffe.
Is this after a meeting of INBBC Politbureau/CoJo?
Or is the use of the word ‘jihadist’ an aberration. and that the word ‘militant’ will return to supersede it at INBBC?
But even Ms Cuffe makes sure that her report is politically filtered via 1.) ‘Muslim journalist’ and via 2.) Muslim Mr Shiraz Maher.
So ‘Jihad’ in e.g. Syria is still being defined by Muslims, who are deferred to by INBBC.
There is no INBBC analysis by non-Muslim opponents of Islamic Jihad.
And it’s not simply a question of ‘who’ the Islamic jihadists and their Muslim supporters are, but what in the tenets of Islam inspires them to be the enemies of the ‘infidel’/’kufir,’ which is what we are to them.
This is a too vitally important matter to non-Muslims to be deferred to Muslims for an answer.
I’ve just read that and I got the impression that actually the Non-Muslim British people have nothing to worry about regards the gap year(s) these brave humanitarian Muslims are undertaking I quote: “Abu Muhadjar also denies they will be a threat: “That’s slightly surreal to go back to UK and start a jihad there. I do understand their concern but you cannot paint everyone with the same brush.
Excuse me? However I did have to stifle a laugh when the bbC allowed the above to come out with: Abu Muhadjar would not give much away about his background, but explained why he was there: “There’s many reasons made me leave my life and come here. The first is religious reasons – due to the fact that it’s upon every single Muslim to protect Muslim lands and blood of Muslims if it’s been transgressed upon. “Second is humanitarian reasons – alongside of my fighting I tend to do aid work as well.”
1.) ‘Atas Shrugs’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“He was our most wanted Islamic terrorist for over a decade involved in the ‘dual bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 which claimed more than 200 lives, 12 of them American.’ And we’ve turned him over to the Muslim Brotherhood-driven DoJ?
“Apparently they couldn’t get anything from him on the military ship. Enhanced interrogation being prohibited by the pro-jihad administration. He should have been droned. Instead the DoJ has him.
“I expect Holder will be taking him to lunch. This is not a law enforcement matter. This is a military matter. He should be tried and executed as a war criminal.”
Occupy Wall St. supporter Laura Trevelyan reporting on the News Channel right now from Capitol Hill portraying the situation as raising the debt ceiling being required to avoid default, and that the government must be able to pay its bills. We don’t actually need to raise the debt ceiling to continue paying the interest on our debt – which is what the default is actually about. The politicians on both sides of the aisle may hype it up to suit their own ends, but that’s no excuse for the BBC getting it wrong.
BBC: Stop being a White House/Democrat mouthpiece and start telling the truth.
Now, I’m sure Mo Farah is a really nice bloke and he’s obviously an incredible sportsman. No doubt, too, that he loves this country and feels part of it. But my problem is with the groveling, almost child-like sycophancy of commentators at the BBC (and other PC-ridden media outlets) who have gone completely overboard in their adoration in Mo as some type of God and multicultural pin-up for how a British person should be. He wasn’t born here and I think I’m right in thinking he lives in America. But he IS a Muslim and from Somalia. I just wonder if he would get the Jesus-type treatment, if he was white, a devout Christian and from Plymouth?
“Lets look at the first three news items today on the BBC 1 Six O’clock News.
“Item 1 – Trial of murderer of the two policewomen.
“Item 2 – Andrew Michell supposedly calling a Downing street policeman a pleb.
“Item 3 – Riots in Pakistan.
“What the hell is the item 2 doing in the news at all let alone the second story?”
The Mitchell saga is the top story on the News Channel today. The IPCC just announced the result of their own inquiry that questioned the honesty and integrity of the police. Teresa May said she thought there should be disciplinary action.
The BBC is all excited because, as I heard Norman Smith explain, this is really about a huge rift between the government and the police. As much as the Beeboids like to criticize the police, when it comes to choosing sides between them and the Tories, the choice is obvious.
Anyone who spent more than a few seconds reading the late Inspector Gadget’s blog would know that nearly all the police hate the Tories like all good working class folks ought to, and especially for – as Smith pointed out – cutting their pensions and forces and generally screwing up the policeman’s ability to do his job. It’s no surprise at all that this has come to pass. Nick Robinson also brought up the idea that this was part of the police department’s efforts to fight back against the government for all of it. He didn’t say that’s what they were doing, he said that’s only one perception. Why he can’t come out and say the police mostly hate Teresa May and the government, I have no idea.
I get the impression that the Beeboids are unhappy about the IPCC appearing to take Mitchell and the Tories’ side, considering how much they emphasize the other side’s point of view, but I could be seeing something that isn’t there.
Is the BBC institutionally racist? I work in sport (Olympic) and get to know what is going on and not from the general press. Some of you might have heard that athletes in athletics have had their funding cut or cut completely. These athletes are from a mixed spectrum of the U.K. populace which includes both black and/or white athletes.
Looking at the front page of the BBC sport online page, you wouldn’t think so would you. Are they institutionally racist? Have a look: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/athletics/24520406
maybe beeboids are under strict orders to just show ethnic minorities in the interests on community cohesion and to show how great immigration is because in reality, whitey seems to have won a lot more medals than blacky or browny or even mixed racey
On Have I Got News For You they introduced Mark Steele as a “Left-wing comedian”. I found it quite refreshing, and Steele visibly reacted to it. It must have come as quite a shock to him. Also, Hislop’s stand for press freedom even if it meant allowing the Mail to exist was met with disdain from the panel and most of the audience. Not a good sign of freedom in Britain, especially since your libel laws just got worse. Clearly most Beeboids (who made several mountains out of the Miliband molehill) and most of the BBC audience are happy to surrender ever more of their freedoms so long as it means suppressing opinions they don’t like.
Manky Mark Steele, when they showed text of Manky Mehdi’s (rehearsed) QT diatribe against the Daily Mail, muttered,
‘I thought it was marvellous’.
I doubt that he’d seen the DM’s subsequent pwning of Hasan but unfortunately the droid producer never showed us Steele’s face when the next shot was Hasan’s Daily Mail job application.
Anyway Manky Mark, Manky Mehdi thinks your kuffar and cattle. That marvellous as well?
Radio 5 Live presenter Shelagh Fogarty throws toys out of pram as she waits in a telephone queue for Manchester council, who are apparently threatening to take her to court for non payment of council tax.
“I deserve my £330,000 BBC salary, say Yentob: Executive defends his pay packet and admits he feels uneasy about salaries paid to top stars.
“Alan Yentob paid both as BBC’s creative director and editor of Imagine.
“The 66-year-old says he deserves his £330,000-a-year salary.
“However, he attacks salaries for ‘BBC top talent’ such as Gary Lineker.
-“Far-Left” Beeboid, Mr Marcus, in his profound analysis of France’s National Front, and of Ms Le Pen , concludes in his very first sentence that they are “far-Right”.
Even though Ms Le Pen says she is not “far-Right,” she must be wrong because far-Left Beeboid Marcus has concluded from the beginning that she is “far-Right.”
And, unlike Beeboid Marcus, who may well believe in ‘strident pro-Muslim rhetoric’, he asserts that Ms Le Pen indulges in “strident anti-Muslim rhetoric”. (He didn’t mean, did he, that, unlike him, she criticises aspects of Islam and Islamic organisations did he?)
I’m not much of a football fan, but the way BBC World is lauding Bosnia’s qualification for the World Cup over England’s success irks me. In BBC World’s Sports Today, you have to wait until the end of the report on the world-cup qualifiers to find out England’s result. Which other national broadcaster in the world would behave like this. But I suppose if Poland had actually defeated England then they would have taken great delight in leading with this news.
In thinking of the BBC, I recall a little ditty I read decades ago (and whose provenance I have long since forgotten) that could be applied to them, and which goes like this:
“A friend of the world alone.
A friend of every country, but his own”.
Maybe an adaptation of this could be the BBC’s motto in place of “Nation shall speak peace unto nation”:
“The BBC: a friend of the world alone.
A friend of every country, except their own.”
It is noticeable how no-one comments when there’s likely to be a new Open Thread, preferring to be noticed on the new one rather than ignored on the old, I’d guess.
The ONS have just released employment/unemployment statistics. Unemployment is down from 7.8% to 7.7% quarter to quarter according to ONS but the provisional figure last month was 7.7%.
What is Al JaBeeBa’s banner and persistent questioning of the new, and seemingly competent Employment Minister? Why, that unemployment has stuck at 7.7%, not the real drop, albeit of only 0.1%.
Bike Stephanie’s replacement is just as much a mouth(piece) for ZaNuLaB as the fragrant Steph herself was.
BBC World is for viewers outside the uk. Its not British news for the world, its world news for the world. England were favourites to qualify, its not the headline of the fixtures. Its the headline in the sports news on the BBCs uk news though.
Now, isn’t that the much more reasonable explanation than that they hate England? Its not like they don’t make a fuss of england in football competitions!!
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Heard Sarah Montague this morning trying to blame Assads lot for those Red Cross kidnappings( anybody else notice the lack of the Green Crescent anywhere in these stories?).
I sensed that this was Syrian rebels in action-but Sarah won`t be speculating on that one anytime soon.
Still-she was able to get the Red Cross woman out there to confirm that these cheridee types don`t get Big Mac vouchers or hearty welcomes in the warzones…for some reason the Syrian army have a job to do and would rather not pose in from of a plastic palm tree(Baghdad model 2003) telling Sarah about the lack of nail bars in Aleppo at the minute.
So-that`s cleared up then-Assad isn`t stamping passports personally-so what else can an Al Queda associate do but rip out the offal from a dead enemy soldier and post it on YouTube,
Anybody seen the Green Crescent the?…more chance of seeing the Green Cross man than the umma or the Arab league of Gentlemen(no ladies allowed!).
Ah now we hear of a ‘serious Jihadist plot’ so that would be Muslims following the teachings of the Qur’an again would it?
It was easy to predict how the BBC would report this story, when the first details appeared of it.
Yesterday the news ran that 4 men had been arrested as suspects in a planned terror attack. 2 were in Whitechapel, 1 in Peckham, and 1 in Bayswater’
Okay. though no further details were available yet, one can assume just who these perpetrators might be, especially given that 2 were from Whitechapel.
Today, after the names and further details were released, the Daily Mail has no problem telling us Four suspected Islamic terrorists held in series of dramatic raids across London amid fears of ‘Kenyan mall-style gun attack’ on British soil
Pretty much what we surmised already.
But what does the BBC tell us?
Two men, both aged 25, were arrested in a car in Mansell Street, Whitechapel, east London, after police fired “Hatton rounds” – ammunition designed to blow out tyres and blow open doors.
One was a British national of Turkish origin and the second was a British national of Algerian origin, police said.
A 28-year-old British national of Azerbaijani origin was arrested at premises in Westbourne Grove, Bayswater, west London, and the fourth man, a British national of Pakistani origin, aged 29, was arrested in Peckham Hill Street, Peckham, south-east London.
The ‘common link’ between these men seems to have escaped the BBC. There is no mention of Islam in this article, or the other video articles they are running about it.
Terror raid appeared to be a ‘targeted stop’
Witness: Westbourne Grove terror raid ‘looked planned’
Shouldn’t the public be aware of just which mindset is behind this planned attack?
Apparently the BBC doesn’t think so, and we just knew they wouldn’t – it’s the religion of peace don’t you know.
The bBBC news item has just been updated (18:41) and they do now call it an alleged Jihadist plot, although the first words of their webpage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24515154) emphasise that they are ‘British’ men.
It is interesting, though, to see the new form of words, ‘British national of xxxxxxx origin’, used to describe all four of these: a British national of Turkish origin, a British national of Algerian origin, a British national of Azerbaijani origin and a British national of Pakistani origin.
As with the new bBBC scam (‘migrants’ instead of immigrants), it seems that they must have had more editorial meetings to decide what words they can use.
Thanks for that Art.
Here’s a Newsniffer screenshot to show the recent changes:

Which leaves the question that if the Whitehall officials originally said ‘the alleged Jihadist plot was “serious” and intended to use firearms in the UK’, why did the BBC think they had to leave it out of the earlier runs of this article?
Rhetorical question of course 🙄
I’d say that the BBC is adding the “of xxxxx origin” descriptor now is in response to so many complaints about their previous editorial policy of calling them “Britons”, full stop. I don’t believe this is something devious on the BBC’s part this time. I think this is a step in the right direction. It’s their own fault for making this process so difficult, though.
As with other moments of the light dawning, we’ll see how long this lasts before they return to their old ways.
Here’s more from the mainstream media about the absolute debacle the ObamaCare website rollout has been – as story completely censored by the BBC, despite any noise we may hear in response to this by lurking or non-lurking journalists.
This is from an ObamaCare advocate in the Boston Herald:
Flaws mar Obamacare rollout
Site failure inexcusable
Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric about our nation’s health portal: From a technical standpoint, there’s no excuse for its failures.
The disastrous rollout of Obamacare’s online health insurance marketplace at HealthCare.gov has been blamed on traffic overload, other connected systems that were unreliable and “routine” glitches.
Those excuses were valid a decade ago, but not today. Not with the advanced software architecture and cloud storage capabilities that currently exist to solve all the stated problems.
Any semi-capable software developer can now test how a site will react to traffic loads. The HealthCare.gov developers should have been able to simulate the massive rush to the site and tweak as needed. One must conclude they either knew it was going to crash or never bothered to test.
And then there’s this:
After Two Weeks CNN Reporter Still Hasn’t Been Able To Sign Up For ObamaCare
It’s a disgrace that the BBC is refusing to report on this disaster, considering just how much effort they put into pushing the wonders of ObamaCare back when it was being mooted and then passed into law. They know it’s the President’s signature legislation, the one major success He can point to (aside from getting the military to allow homosexuals to be open about their sexuality), and it’s pathetic that the BBC can’t admit what’s going on now.
I’d really like to hear a single valid journalistic reason for the BBC to continue to ignore this major story. Please note that I’m not demanding that the BBC report on the ObamaCare website cluster@#$% instead of the debt crisis and government shutdown. I’m demanding that the BBC report this story in addition to those major stories. I mean, the BBC can’t even be bothered to reproduce the White House talking points shifting blame on this one.
Surely this is more important, all things considered, than a story about a US citizen found dead in an Egyptian jail cell, which currently holds the second spot on the US & Canada news page.
Ezra Klein, Progressive opinion-monger, founder of the JournoList and blogger for the Washington Post – a source trusted by the BBC – says the rollout of ObamaCare is a big failure
“One of the Obama administration’s jobs, separate from all of the political stuff we talk about here, is to simply run things like this well, to run their signature legislative initiative well,” he continued. “On that, so far, this has been a big failure.”
The BBC continues to censor all news of this story, disgracefully. There’s no excuse for this.
The BBC reports that “The UK government has consistently declined to provide evidence to support its claims about “benefit tourism”, the European Commission has said. Spokesman Jonathan Todd told the BBC the Commission had been asking for more than three years for the figures.”
A 2 minute google search reveals that Spokesman Jonathan Todd used to work for the Labour Party. Not mentioned in the BBC report of course
“Spokesman Jonathan Todd told the BBC the Commission had been asking for more than three years for the figures”
One supposes that on matters of overdue figures, the people of the EU can expect signed-off accounts from the Court of Auditors from the last two decades under Mr Todd’s EU colleagues, then?
Otherwise he and they would seem to be raging hypocrites.
last time I looked it was Paul Whitehouse not Paul Staines.
CODE 😀 ….. Come On 😀 Definitely Enfield in this case.
On the One Show tonight 5 Lefts Livesey presented a report on a big brother local council (Preston) spying with mobile cameras and cameras mounted on street cleaners caps.
True to form and to ensure diversity, care was taken to include a fully veiled member of the religion who was pictured sat on a bench. Maybe the irony was lost on them but this was one section of the community that make such CCTV snooping a complete waste of time. The wanton abandonment of a Nuttalls Minto wrapper is the least of their concerns are far as time section of the community is concerned…
Wiki states Preston is 8% Muslim, I guess not all are female and not all wear the veil, so they did bloody well to spot one…
A recent column by BBC Brazil’s lefty US columnist Lucas Mendes about Ted Cruz’s filibuster speech compared the Tea Party to the Nazis (via Google Translate):
Harangue in 21 hours, Senator accused the senators who do not fight with Obama appeasers, relievers, an expression that refers to the leaders of France and England who have not had the courage to stop the advance of Hitler just before World War II. But is the Tea Party, with its 30% support of the electorate and 100% willingness to bring down the government at any cost, reminiscent of Nazi arrogance.
Like I asked in May, ‘Why is Lucas Mendes still employed by the “impartial” BBC?’
I know the answer, of course. We all do.
Nazi Arrogance? Dear me. Can you imagine the outrage from defenders of the indefensible if one of us had said that about a Beeboid? Not to mention the lurking lawyers and journalists swooping in to box our ears and warn of legal problems.
Remember when the Left used to sneer at people who broke Godwin’s Law? Ah, good times….good times…..
Here’s the latest cover-up by Labour-bBBC.
Unite accused of hypocrisy over unpaid £2.3m tax bill
Britain’s biggest union was accused of hypocrisy yesterday after it avoided more than £2 million in tax.
The Times has learnt that Unite has been presented with a bill for £2.3 million by Revenue & Customs.
HMRC ruled that Unite had been calculating its VAT in a “grossly unfair and unreasonable” way.
The union has condemned multinational companies for not paying their fair share of tax. Len McCluskey, its general secretary, even accused one company of “daylight robbery”.
Meanwhile, on the bBBC: search for ‘Unite VAT’. Sorry, there are no results for your search.
Did you mean
Unite Against Fascism
After two days of bBBC hype about their ‘revelations’ about Madeleine McCann, against my better judgement I watched Crimewatch tonight. The first 20 minutes were rehashing six-year-old material, attempted tear-jerking from the audience for the loss of a child, then came a policeman saying that several men had been seen in the vicinity in the days and weeks before her disappearance and that the evidence of the McCann’s friend was wrong, followed by a few vague descriptions of the ‘men’. Then further interviews with the McCanns, asking them what it felt like to have lost a child.
What a load of rubbish, all paid for by our TV tax.
Did Savile have a “Holiday Special “type programme on in May 2007, where he did a trawl about places to raise charity run funds from along the Iberian coast?
He gets blamed for everything else, now his Red Nose days are done…that`s showbiz tho` eh BBC?
Can I ask a question who the hell is the poster Wild. He appears to have a bee in his bonnet about how nasty and Evil the British are and in posting to him (on the No Stone Unturned board) he comes out with with this classic leftwing answer (shades of Will Self on QT)
I seem to remember Prince Harry talking about one of his Paki friends) but that sort of language (in my opinion) can encourage racial hatred. Historically the English have been a very violent people, it has taken generations to restrain those instincts, and it would not take much to bring them back, which is something to avoid if possible, that is all I am saying. OK you Paki bastard?
Now please don’t ostracise him, he most certainly can only perceive the English as purse racists , unlike the people he defends and his closing remark was an attempt to get me to bite, Unfortunately unlike liberal white champions of the PC, I don’t give a shit. Its not as if words can hurt me. But anyway who is this guy ?
Insert icon of eyes glancing up at the heavens here.
Maybe you should have included the context, I would not want to accuse you of selective quotation
“I have read you talking about “Paki bastards” “Paki rapists” “Paki paedophiles” and “Paki bastards who rape, pillage, and murder” which (because you are of Pakistani origin you seem to think is acceptable) but this language (replace Paki with Nigger or Yid to get the idea) inflames racial hatred, even though that is not your intention (my impression is that you have a [British] barrack room sense of humour which although not intended to be malicious delights in its mocking bluntness – I seem to remember Prince Harry talking about one of his Paki friends) but that sort of language (in my opinion) can encourage racial hatred. Historically the English have been a very violent people, it has taken generations to restrain those instincts, and it would not take much to bring them back, which is something to avoid if possible, that is all I am saying. OK you Paki bastard?”
You are obviously too stupid to realise “OK you Paki bastard?” was being ironic. BY the way your assertion that you are not of Pakistani origin rather underlines my point.
“You are obviously too stupid to realise “OK you Paki bastard?” was being ironic.
And you are obviously too stupid to see a wind up when it hits you in the face. You have to admit I really have got under your skin and all without resorting to abuse. God I’m good.
Insert [another] icon of eyes glancing up at the heavens here.
Please would you supply a comprehensive, fully agreed list of words which are now banned.
It’s very difficult for those of us without such finely hold politically correct credentials to know exactly what we can & cannot say.
Funny thing because ‘racial hatred’ wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for those silly lefties ignoring the wishes of the people.
As David Preiser says, the BBC has deliberately avoiding covering the on-going train-crash of the rollout of ObamaCare. The most important legislation of Obama’s 5 years – but the fact that it is proving a failure is simply not judged to be worth a mention.
Even though it fills the press and the airwaves in the US.
Robert Gibbs was Obama’s first Press Secretary. Even he is now saying that the rollout has been excruciatingly embarrassing. That is – not even smooth-talking Gibbs can spin a cover story for it. How dire does it have to get before any of the dozens of BBC staff in the US notice it ?
The farcical appeal for new information on Madeline McCanns disappearance aside (a national appeal for a crime that happened abroad??) but did anyone see the Birmingham bank CCTV of the two muslim guy’s wearing long robes and scull caps robbing a chap depositing his business takings?
They were described not as men dressed in obvious Islamic clothing but as “two men, one in black and one in white wearing shades” obviously BBC parlance for robbing thieving scumbags from the religion of peace…
Some appalling Left-wing, pro-European, pro-immigration propaganda on BBC One News tonight. Perversely, though, BBC Ten News’ blatant anti-Daily Mail attack (the BBC still wanting revenge for the paper’s Miliband article) was contradicted by Newsnight, which presented more in-depth figures on the make-up of the 600, 000 inactive migrants claiming the bacon roll. Clearly, the BBC Ten News is aimed at brainwashing the moronic pop class, whereas the corporation knows it must put a little more effort into its so-called ‘flagship’ program.
I heard on the radio news that there was no evidence of benefit tourism, and then in more detail they said that there was no evidence of wide scale benefit tourism.
As I presume the evidence is of illegal activity, this would force the police to make arrests, so this means we have to presume that most of the benefit tourists are getting away with it.
BBC bias is getting rather nuttier and nuttier, as truth is turned on its head in process of one layer of bias on top of another layer of bias.
Yes agreed. The E.U. and their minions at the BBC are simply playing with figures here as the reality is, even if that figure of 600, 000 isn’t entirely made up of those who intentionally came here to claim the bacon roll, we still have 600, 000 inactive useless deadweights, nonetheless, putting huge strain on our public infrastructure, and the public does want them! The BBC completely sidestepped this by focusing on those who have come here and started up successful businesses in the likes of london. In my town some, I have to say, are loud, heavy drinking and unsavoury characters who blight the town centers and don’t integrate. A few have opened up the odd deli shop and work in factories but I have heard from my friend who works in the local jobcenter plus and he says there are many signing on. Very few I would say have been hugely successful in any way that is meaningful to the British economy, but perhaps I’m wrong.
Sorry for the spelling and grammatical errors… wrote the above in a hurry. I meant to say that the overwhelming majority of the public does NOT want them here, though you wouldn’t think this from BBC reports.
I see Rageh Omaar, that BBC rent-a-gob on all things Muslim, has been given yet another chance to talk up Islam.
A BBC2 polemic on how wonderful the Ottomans were.
I wonder if the people who died at the hands of the Turks saw it that way?
“Who remembers the Armenians?”
Not the BBC that’s for sure
An interesting addendum Omar’s latest enslavement of history
Re-latest Islamic jihad terror threat to London.
Message for INBBC: even your ‘Guardian’ chums cannot avoid dropping hints about the nature of this now.*
(*Of course, ‘Guardian’ in its post-Snowden, hypocritical bow to censorship, does not actually use the words ‘ISLAM’, ‘MUSLIMS’ and ‘JIHAD’.)
Are you finally going to join in, INBBC? You’ve put a foot in the water by daringly using the phrase ‘alleged jihadist plot.’
“Police foil ‘Mumbai-style’ terrorist plot in London, say security sources.
“Four men held on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism after surveillance operation.”
In its headline, ‘The Times’ says that this London Islamic jihad plot is linked to Syria jihadists-
‘Times’ (£) headline, Page 1:
“Syria link to arrests in London raids”.
‘…Four men held on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism….’
Or in BBC speak, shouldn’t that be ‘acts of militancy’?
Terror through Time Radio 4 1.45pm on Monday was another distorted and one sided “history “lesson against Israel . Perhaps if the two contributors to the programme were introduced as an anti-Zionist campaigning academic and a partisan activist academic, the audiance may have a chance of knowing the standpoint .But when has the BBC been honest with its listeners!
BBC: ‘The governor of Afghanistan’s Logar province has been killed in a blast in a mosque, during prayers for the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha.’
Heaven forbid that we galumphing xenophobic British dare upset these peoples precious religious sensibilities.
They`ll have been British men of Afghan nationality…or is that the other way around in this case?
In any case, it`ll be all due to George Bush and those drones that Nobel Prize winning Prezzie Cool had no option but to use before their sell-by date.
Now, what aspect of genetics was it Helen Boaden was keen to push?
‘As John Humphrys interviews his son as an expert on the tribulations of the Greek middle class, we look forward to a whole series in similar vein..’
Suggestions invited.
Maybe Humph Minor should open a Champagne & Fromage bar to ‘inspire’ the Retsina and Feta locals?
At the very least Paul Mason could swing a jolly back out on a kicking off mission.
The BBC keeps running as a main headline the debt-limit impasse in Washington. Always with a sense of panic – those horrid Republicans are holding Dear Obama to ransom, are threatening global economic disaster. (And failing to report the nasty spiteful things Obama and his minions are doing in their “Shutdown Theatre” – like their attempts to deny benefits to the families of servicemen recently killed, and to deny them flights to Dover Air Force Base when the bodies are repatriated. Far worse than the attempts to close public monuments and war memorials)
The BBC’s panic about US debt default and consequent global turmoil is all a load of balls. Either pure propaganda for Obama – or pure ignorance. Or both.
If the debt limit is reached – say later this week – the US cannot increase its total debt. But it can continue to service its existing debt, interest costs are under 10% of total US revenues. Any debt that matures can be rolled over. What the debt limit really means is that the Government woulkd have to cease building its deficit – would have to live within its means.
Credit agencies like Moody’s see no risk that the US would default. Has that been reported on the BBC airwaves ? – has it hell.
Here is a sanguine view of it all. As Cpl. Jones would say – “Don’t panic, don’t panic”
A load of balls.
“The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, requires that we service our debt first. We currently collect more than enough tax revenue to service our debt if we do that first.”
“Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense.”
Not the sort of constitutional FACTS the BBC will report., of course. They far prefer Obama’s panic-mongering.
And they will avoid like the plague the whole piece that sets these words in context :
100% correct, John. The US can still pay the interest on debts, we just won’t be able to borrow any more. Here’s the link to the Moody’s statement you were referring to. We should especially take note of the bit where they say it’s not so bad this time because the budget deficit is rather lower than it was two years ago. Gosh, I can’t imagine why that would be or who is responsible for it, can you?
There are some at the BBC who are dimly aware of this, but their partisan extremism won’t allow them to admit it, and won’t allow any BBC journalists to mention it. Even now BBC reporting is taking it as a given that we’ll default and the world will collapse. How many scare apocalyptic tales are we going to get? Franz Strasser just made another one.
I suppose it’s possible that Geithner will deliberately violate the law and suspend interest payments, but it won’t be because the debt ceiling wasn’t raised. The BBC’s reporting on this issue has been so partisan and dishonest it’s sickening. I wonder if any lurking or non-lurking journalists are even aware of it.
There’s a reason the House is given the purse strings, there’s a reason for the balance of powers. Madison made the case pretty clearly in one of his Federalist papers. The BBC disagrees with this. To them, the President is all, the State is all.
It’s a shame most people don’t care about the BBC’s reporting on US issues because, as someone here pointed out a while back, it’s a cipher for their reporting on domestic politics. Furthermore, it’s clear that their reporting on US issues is in general not to be trusted. If you can’t trust that, what else can’t you trust?
Caroline Lucas this morning on 5dead going on about mens mags, Loaded/Nuts etc being on sale in large supermarkets. Of course no word about the REAL misogyny in the country from the jellyfish feminists.
She’s complaining about lads mags? what about wimin and their anne summers parties? Bloody perverts. And wives and girlfireinds have the ordasity to moan moan and moan when we go and see a stripper on a friday afternoon after work. Hypocrite’s.
Aquil Ahmed – BBC – Rageh Omaar
The latest propaganda fest, on the Ottomans, Muslim Emperors
We know this, in this case, Islamic barbaric conquests stretched all the way to the 9th century before the Caliphate was established.
Beginning the 9th century onto the 10th century, there was emergence of artists, engineers, scholars, poets, philosophers, geographers etc. That was the time when their culture, science & math allegedly flourished?
But WAIT! a minute … hold that glory train buddy!
From tyrannical barbarism engaged in genocidal wars, the great rapers, plunderers of communities –
To scientific scholars and artsy culture in less than 100 years?.
Can that even be possible?
Logic tells you that whatever scientists or inventions they had must have been born of the plundered communities or converted from them, derived by Muslim “scientists” standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before them.
This analysis also highlights the fatal flaw of the Islamic Golden Age.
There were few ‘follow-up’ breakthroughs on the backs of the works of the great Muslim scientists.
In effect, the Ummah – Islamic Community, allowed or encouraged these works to wither on the vine or die stillborn, it would seem orthodox Islam utterly stifles intellectual reasoning. Therefore, it is glaringly obvious Islam is not the cause of scientific progress during the Golden Age.
When I sat down to watch this, it was pretty the expected biased fare.
The reason I couldn t watch it all the way through, was 1/. The constant reference to … THE PROPHET? the BBC itself is a persistent offender in this regard.
Mohamhead is totally rejected as a prophet, by both members of both true Abrahamic faiths, and also by
anyone with a modicum of moral, logic, or sanity.
A man, who cunningly declared himself a prophet, fooled the ignorant by copying and pasting from the Torah and older Christian hymns to create his own holy book, can’t be a prophet, he was rejected as false by both the Jewish leaders and Christian, an immoral scheming murderer and politician could never be considered as a prophet, one of the first times I was on the BBC in debate, I corrected this nonsense term at the outset.
2/. The disdainful narrative bludgeoned home at every opportunity, totally dissing anything that approached questioning the Sharia as law, and as follows the alleged “purity of anything Arab.
“Former BBC news chief Boaden offered to resign over Savile – instead she was made £455k head of radio.”
By Dominic Ponsford.
The BBC seems to have a unique pay grading system.
1. Reward for failure.
2. Reward for turning up (at least until 4pm Fridays, then it’s off to the second job at the cafe)
3. Reward for doing something right for once
No market rate talent has ever reached ‘3’, but luckily it doesn’t matter as it’s the exact same deal with ‘1’ & ‘2’ anyway.
‘Offered to resign’ in an ‘offering to resign having first ascertained your offer wouldn’t be accepted’ kind of way.
She could always have just, yer know, resigned.
“Islamist terror suspects could have met during Syria conflict.”
“They are not known to have obvious common links and one possibility is that they met in the Syrian conflict.”
If speculation is your thing then perhaps they all met on a bus, whilst watching a football match, whilst out jogging………………………..
They’re Turkish, Algerian, Pakistani and Azerbaijani. Nope, can’t think of any obvious common link.
Can anyone else help?
Er there men and their not from Scotland ?
Radio 1 news said that these “men” were British on the 8am news headlines this morning.
Radio 4 tell me, though that they are “Britisn men…but of Algerian origin” etc, etc.
Maybe if we ask long enough-the BBC will be able to tell us what the difference is…you know, technically an` all.
Maybe they should use the word “Muslim” for shorthand-and save themselves the Twister board and knotted bloodstreams.
Muslim?…as if!
They`re not Muslims at all, according to Imam Cameron of the Chipping Norton Mosque(PBUH).
The BBC have also been trailing thier “they might be jihadists in Syrial…but they`re our boys and will want that kettle put on when they`re done” show on Radio 4 tonight.
Syrian jihad may not be Duke of Edinburgh maybe, but is certainly worth a Blue Peter badge I`d have thought.
And absolutely NOTHING to worry yourself about…OK? Malcolm Rifkind thinks it might even do them good to burn off some excess zeal.
I for one am reassured.
The Reith lecture this morning sounded to me like a second-rate ‘arty’ stand-up ‘comic’ talking to a dozen or so conscripted BBC employees, who dutifully laughed at the correct time (or was it canned?).
Time was, these lectures had a larger attendance, and were worth listening to.
The poor old bugger must be turning in his grave, or should be after what the current incumbents have done to his beloved BBC.
Then the powers that be wonder why this country is so badly educated and is falling further and further behind.
The BBC should be setting an example not sinking to the lowest level it can find.
Awful wasn`t it?
Yet -apart from the mocking of the Reith “brand”-you could detect a lot of ice and smarm between the Beeb luvvies in the presence of Grayson-who`s doing rather better than many of them.
Self, Ekoshu etc…forever doomed to be on Question Time or Arts Review, whilst Perry sells pots for £100,000 a pop.
Would have made a decent Front Row….but a parody of what Reith would have put his name too.
Any of his descendents ought to pull the red carpet up from under these minnow fish of real art and intellect.
INBBC: how it reports Islamic jihad:-
Usually INBBC, often deferring to Muslims, censors the word ‘jihadist’ preferring the Islamic-friendly word ‘militants’.
However in the following report, INBBC does use the word ‘JIHADISTS’ in its title!:-
“Who are the British jihadists in Syria?”
By Jenny Cuffe.
Is this after a meeting of INBBC Politbureau/CoJo?
Or is the use of the word ‘jihadist’ an aberration. and that the word ‘militant’ will return to supersede it at INBBC?
But even Ms Cuffe makes sure that her report is politically filtered via 1.) ‘Muslim journalist’ and via 2.) Muslim Mr Shiraz Maher.
So ‘Jihad’ in e.g. Syria is still being defined by Muslims, who are deferred to by INBBC.
There is no INBBC analysis by non-Muslim opponents of Islamic Jihad.
And it’s not simply a question of ‘who’ the Islamic jihadists and their Muslim supporters are, but what in the tenets of Islam inspires them to be the enemies of the ‘infidel’/’kufir,’ which is what we are to them.
This is a too vitally important matter to non-Muslims to be deferred to Muslims for an answer.
INBBC is still in the Islamic camp.
I’ve just read that and I got the impression that actually the Non-Muslim British people have nothing to worry about regards the gap year(s) these brave humanitarian Muslims are undertaking I quote:
“Abu Muhadjar also denies they will be a threat: “That’s slightly surreal to go back to UK and start a jihad there. I do understand their concern but you cannot paint everyone with the same brush.
Excuse me? However I did have to stifle a laugh when the bbC allowed the above to come out with:
Abu Muhadjar would not give much away about his background, but explained why he was there: “There’s many reasons made me leave my life and come here. The first is religious reasons – due to the fact that it’s upon every single Muslim to protect Muslim lands and blood of Muslims if it’s been transgressed upon. “Second is humanitarian reasons – alongside of my fighting I tend to do aid work as well.”
Oh that’s alright then.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
Another example of BBC propaganda against Israel.which only serves to inflame hatred .
The 2013 Wadi’a Maswadah Hoax:
1.) ‘Atas Shrugs’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“He was our most wanted Islamic terrorist for over a decade involved in the ‘dual bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 which claimed more than 200 lives, 12 of them American.’ And we’ve turned him over to the Muslim Brotherhood-driven DoJ?
“Apparently they couldn’t get anything from him on the military ship. Enhanced interrogation being prohibited by the pro-jihad administration. He should have been droned. Instead the DoJ has him.
“I expect Holder will be taking him to lunch. This is not a law enforcement matter. This is a military matter. He should be tried and executed as a war criminal.”
2.) BBC-Democrat:
“Al-Qaeda suspect al-Liby in New York to face charges”
Occupy Wall St. supporter Laura Trevelyan reporting on the News Channel right now from Capitol Hill portraying the situation as raising the debt ceiling being required to avoid default, and that the government must be able to pay its bills. We don’t actually need to raise the debt ceiling to continue paying the interest on our debt – which is what the default is actually about. The politicians on both sides of the aisle may hype it up to suit their own ends, but that’s no excuse for the BBC getting it wrong.
BBC: Stop being a White House/Democrat mouthpiece and start telling the truth.
Now, I’m sure Mo Farah is a really nice bloke and he’s obviously an incredible sportsman. No doubt, too, that he loves this country and feels part of it. But my problem is with the groveling, almost child-like sycophancy of commentators at the BBC (and other PC-ridden media outlets) who have gone completely overboard in their adoration in Mo as some type of God and multicultural pin-up for how a British person should be. He wasn’t born here and I think I’m right in thinking he lives in America. But he IS a Muslim and from Somalia. I just wonder if he would get the Jesus-type treatment, if he was white, a devout Christian and from Plymouth?
“Andrew Mitchell Tory MP.” Sept 2012.
“Lets look at the first three news items today on the BBC 1 Six O’clock News.
“Item 1 – Trial of murderer of the two policewomen.
“Item 2 – Andrew Michell supposedly calling a Downing street policeman a pleb.
“Item 3 – Riots in Pakistan.
“What the hell is the item 2 doing in the news at all let alone the second story?”
BBC blatant bias that is why they never miss a chance to hit Tory toff if the can.
‘Biased-BBC’ blog, 24 Sept, 2012:-
The Mitchell saga is the top story on the News Channel today. The IPCC just announced the result of their own inquiry that questioned the honesty and integrity of the police. Teresa May said she thought there should be disciplinary action.
The BBC is all excited because, as I heard Norman Smith explain, this is really about a huge rift between the government and the police. As much as the Beeboids like to criticize the police, when it comes to choosing sides between them and the Tories, the choice is obvious.
Anyone who spent more than a few seconds reading the late Inspector Gadget’s blog would know that nearly all the police hate the Tories like all good working class folks ought to, and especially for – as Smith pointed out – cutting their pensions and forces and generally screwing up the policeman’s ability to do his job. It’s no surprise at all that this has come to pass. Nick Robinson also brought up the idea that this was part of the police department’s efforts to fight back against the government for all of it. He didn’t say that’s what they were doing, he said that’s only one perception. Why he can’t come out and say the police mostly hate Teresa May and the government, I have no idea.
I get the impression that the Beeboids are unhappy about the IPCC appearing to take Mitchell and the Tories’ side, considering how much they emphasize the other side’s point of view, but I could be seeing something that isn’t there.
Do Beeboids have two particular ongoing political problems in any fair reporting of Tory Andrew Mitchell?:-
1.) BBC-NUJ, and police, are largely anti-Tory;
2.) Police Federation is a trade union, as is BBC’s National Union of Journalists.
“The country’s most powerful trade union – the Police Federation”
Is the BBC institutionally racist? I work in sport (Olympic) and get to know what is going on and not from the general press. Some of you might have heard that athletes in athletics have had their funding cut or cut completely. These athletes are from a mixed spectrum of the U.K. populace which includes both black and/or white athletes.
Looking at the front page of the BBC sport online page, you wouldn’t think so would you. Are they institutionally racist? Have a look: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/athletics/24520406
They value skin color over character, so yes. Mark Thompson also left a less-than-healthy legacy on that score.
maybe beeboids are under strict orders to just show ethnic minorities in the interests on community cohesion and to show how great immigration is because in reality, whitey seems to have won a lot more medals than blacky or browny or even mixed racey
On Have I Got News For You they introduced Mark Steele as a “Left-wing comedian”. I found it quite refreshing, and Steele visibly reacted to it. It must have come as quite a shock to him. Also, Hislop’s stand for press freedom even if it meant allowing the Mail to exist was met with disdain from the panel and most of the audience. Not a good sign of freedom in Britain, especially since your libel laws just got worse. Clearly most Beeboids (who made several mountains out of the Miliband molehill) and most of the BBC audience are happy to surrender ever more of their freedoms so long as it means suppressing opinions they don’t like.
Manky Mark Steele, when they showed text of Manky Mehdi’s (rehearsed) QT diatribe against the Daily Mail, muttered,
‘I thought it was marvellous’.
I doubt that he’d seen the DM’s subsequent pwning of Hasan but unfortunately the droid producer never showed us Steele’s face when the next shot was Hasan’s Daily Mail job application.
Anyway Manky Mark, Manky Mehdi thinks your kuffar and cattle. That marvellous as well?
Beeboids’ ‘Night of the Long Knives’:-
“BBC’s Alan Yentob: Mark Byford might have helped avoid Jimmy Savile crisis”
For Far Left (inc BBC-NUJ)- Islamic alliance:-
“UK Muslim leader says gays would be executed in an ideal society”
Radio 5 Live presenter Shelagh Fogarty throws toys out of pram as she waits in a telephone queue for Manchester council, who are apparently threatening to take her to court for non payment of council tax.
Is it cos I’m a Scouser?”
I hope that wasn’t a serious question? As bad as playing the race card.
Gaza v Israel.
Update for: Far Left (inc INBBC)-Islamic alliance:-
“Cement given to Gaza used for jihad terror tunnels instead of schools and houses”
“I deserve my £330,000 BBC salary, say Yentob: Executive defends his pay packet and admits he feels uneasy about salaries paid to top stars.
“Alan Yentob paid both as BBC’s creative director and editor of Imagine.
“The 66-year-old says he deserves his £330,000-a-year salary.
“However, he attacks salaries for ‘BBC top talent’ such as Gary Lineker.
-“Far-Left” Beeboid, Mr Marcus, in his profound analysis of France’s National Front, and of Ms Le Pen , concludes in his very first sentence that they are “far-Right”.
Even though Ms Le Pen says she is not “far-Right,” she must be wrong because far-Left Beeboid Marcus has concluded from the beginning that she is “far-Right.”
And, unlike Beeboid Marcus, who may well believe in ‘strident pro-Muslim rhetoric’, he asserts that Ms Le Pen indulges in “strident anti-Muslim rhetoric”. (He didn’t mean, did he, that, unlike him, she criticises aspects of Islam and Islamic organisations did he?)
I’m not much of a football fan, but the way BBC World is lauding Bosnia’s qualification for the World Cup over England’s success irks me. In BBC World’s Sports Today, you have to wait until the end of the report on the world-cup qualifiers to find out England’s result. Which other national broadcaster in the world would behave like this. But I suppose if Poland had actually defeated England then they would have taken great delight in leading with this news.
In thinking of the BBC, I recall a little ditty I read decades ago (and whose provenance I have long since forgotten) that could be applied to them, and which goes like this:
“A friend of the world alone.
A friend of every country, but his own”.
Maybe an adaptation of this could be the BBC’s motto in place of “Nation shall speak peace unto nation”:
“The BBC: a friend of the world alone.
A friend of every country, except their own.”
I’m afraid ‘a friend of every country, but his own’ sums up the ethos of BBC World.
In fact I do believe that much of the world has a contempt for Britain. Not that you would know this from the tone of domestic British BBC reporting.
Well I’m sure this will end up as one of the last if not the last before the new thread, but here goes!
MPs blast BBC for being too close to Peel – and for ‘excessive’ Salford relocation packages
Peel are the BBC landlords, the family are one of the wealthiest in the North West – Billionaires.
Alan’s stolen your thunder now anyway!
It is noticeable how no-one comments when there’s likely to be a new Open Thread, preferring to be noticed on the new one rather than ignored on the old, I’d guess.
BBC Nicky Campbell busy this morning proving that old adage it’s not what you know its who you know….
Campbell to boss of KFC: ‘You use zero hours contracts don’t you…?’
Boss of KFC: ‘No’
Campbell: ‘Oh, I thought you did’
Meanwhile on Twitter….
David Miliband @DMiliband 8h
Government #shutdown puts #refugee arrivals on hold. One anxious family’s story via @theirc: https://www.rescue.org/4Wp6
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 3h
@DMiliband D only have yr old E mail. need to ask sommat. could you follow for DM
And there was me thinking the BBC employed a battalion of Beeboid Left-orientated journos to feed them their news from over the pond
The ONS have just released employment/unemployment statistics. Unemployment is down from 7.8% to 7.7% quarter to quarter according to ONS but the provisional figure last month was 7.7%.
What is Al JaBeeBa’s banner and persistent questioning of the new, and seemingly competent Employment Minister? Why, that unemployment has stuck at 7.7%, not the real drop, albeit of only 0.1%.
Bike Stephanie’s replacement is just as much a mouth(piece) for ZaNuLaB as the fragrant Steph herself was.
BBC World is for viewers outside the uk. Its not British news for the world, its world news for the world. England were favourites to qualify, its not the headline of the fixtures. Its the headline in the sports news on the BBCs uk news though.
Now, isn’t that the much more reasonable explanation than that they hate England? Its not like they don’t make a fuss of england in football competitions!!