Heard this report first on the radio ….not a hint of who was being ‘racist’…though the accents gave it away.
London letting agents ‘refuse black tenants’
A long, detailed report…and yet that one essential detail is missing from it.
This is the closest the ‘mainstream’ BBC gets to admitting who are discriminating on racial grounds:
BBC London was initially tipped off certain letting agents were willing to discriminate against African-Caribbean people on behalf of landlords, with the alleged misdoing rife in parts of west London.
Because they use a white ‘tenant’ and a black ‘tenant’ they make it appear on the radio and in print as if this is a white/black issue when, in this case, it is not.
Curiously it is the BBC’s Asian Network that actually ‘names names’ as it so often does when looking at these ‘sensitive’ subjects.
Nihal asks if you are shocked that Asians will discriminate on grounds of colour, after a BBC documentary shows Afro-Caribbean people being turned away from Asian letting agents.
Curious that the BBC isn’t keen to highlight that it isn’t just good old Whitey who is racist.
The BBC clearly don’t have any concept of that others can also be racist as they ask:
Are you shocked that Asians will discriminate on grounds of colour?
The BBC has history when it comes to manipulating the news…it seems that for different audiences there is a different agenda….BBC London may reveal the full truth but the BBC nationally will try to hide the race/religion of the culprits…especially if Muslim.
This post from September shows the same way of working…..
We Sikh Him Here, We Sikh Him There…That Damned Elusive …er…Muslim
Here the BBC in one article is protecting the ‘Muslims’ whilst allowing the Sikh community to be tarred with suspicion because it is not made clear that the guilty are Muslims and not Sikhs.
When you start manipulating the news for your own political and social ends as the BBC so often does, there are always consequences…in this case Sikhs become victims twice over.
On White people can be “racist”. Non white people can only be merely “bigoted” as they do not possess “white” priviledge.
This is all down on record amongst the social sciences theories. Just google it. All white people are inherently racist. Its the underpining for multiculturism. This is the theory the BBC follows. As does labour. As does the legal system.
Jared Taylor on White Privilege.
It all relies on a fabricated version of history in which all slave traders were white and all slaves black. Also requires history begins only with the first transport of black slaves by Europeans.
This was featured on a section on BBC 5Lives V. Drearybyshire show today, however they did manage to find a Afro-Caribbean landlord … did he have a certain ahem “Asian” sensitivity?, we will probably never find out.
The West Indian Landlord quite clearly stated he did not want to let to Black people because they often refused to pay the rent and it took 4 months to legally get them out. Poor old Vic did not know where to go with it as it was a Black man who was the selective Landlord so she had a woman on who claimed that Whites could not be discriminated against because the were in a position of power. Vic did not think to question this or ask her to explain.
Oh and Vic gave the distinct impression that it was White Agents/Landlords who were discriminating. There was no indication there were Asians involved.
Tried highlighting that the Guardian have whitewashed Muslim out of the report. Now I’m pre-moderated and the comment has been deleted 🙁
not Pravda?
Deleted from here or the cif at the guardian sir?
Guardian. Got called racist and Islamaphobic.
Or translation = white and well read on Islam.
you know you’ve won an argument when the opposite side resort to crude name calling.
Sounds about right Chris. Sad, but I wouldn’t expect any better of ’em.
If you really want to p*ss them off big style, and I mean delete your ability to leave comments; then post this link from Sociology in focus.
Can’t see why they want this covering up…
Of course what these imbeciles fail to follow through on is that, using their logic, when power in South Africa went from White to Black that de Clerc and the former apartheid ministers were no longer racist: But Nelson Mandela and his black ministers must be. (Ouch!!!) Time for these Lefty bigots to go back to the drawing board.
All white people are racists as theyare beneficiaries of the white power struture. Therefore white people can never be non-racist.
Last time I checked, condeming someone by their skin colour was racist….but that was way back in history – pre 1997 before the red terror was inflicted upon us.
I wonder if the people letting out garages and sheds in London (mainly Asian) are so picky?)
Its a question of profit and money.
If tenants of a particular shade get a reputation for not paying, causing damage, or anti-social behaviour, then landlords will not let.
Money talks loudly with everyone, but particularly with Asians.
That and their racism. Just look at the treatment of the Siddis of Iran and Pakistan.
Ask anyone who’s been to East Africa how the Asians treat the black people there.
Hence our problem today.
Many Asians ran businesses in East Africa. When the natives got “Black Majority Rule” they so hated these businessmen for ripping them off they threw them out. Idi Amin was a prime mover.
Pakistan and India denied settlement but the ever caring and charitable UK took them as “refugees”
The BBC’s duty is to inform and educate and entertain.
They are clearly failing in all three areas.
Our politicians lack the courage to deal with the BBC problem, so it is down to the public (it’s victims) to do so. Just stop paying them.
How to avoid paying the BBC tax legally :
its the same old leftie crap from the bbc that sickens me to the teeth,they will always bring out a report that your 9 times more likely to get stopped by the police if your black or asian than if your white,but they never bring out a report how many times more likely to get raped,mugged,sexually asualted,battered,murdered or any other crime if you are white than if you are black or asian,that to me is a report that the bbc and the commision for racial equaliy should investigate and issue a report on,but you know what,they will never do that because that would be to damaging to the race relations industry who go out of there way to demonise white people.
Have a look at the racial profile of “guests of Her Majesty’s Prison Service” and you will find that although they comprise only some 5% of the population they comprise 22% of the “guests”. So statistically they are 5 times more likely to commit crime than the rest of the population.
Maybe its because they just want rent free accomodation?
Yes but the BBC try to make out that this is further evidence of discrimination.
It’s that utterly laughable thing called positive discrimination, stuart. You know the leftie-stuffed bBC can never get enough of it, even though the vast majority of the British public who weren’t born yesterday can’t stomach the crap!
IIRC, and I am prepared to be corrected on this, the CRE did produce such a report just prior to Trevor Philips taking over. It was suppressed but not before this statistic was released: You are (or were) more likely to be assaulted by someone of a different race if you are a white male, between the ages of 18 and 24 and walking with a friend of a similar demographic.
You can see why the report was supressed.
Once upon a time we had civil rights, and could let to who we wanted….we could say and read what we liked too…..
There has to be a reason for a landlord to refuse letting a property to a certain ethnic group other than the all too easy accusation of racism. It’s unfortunate that a disproportionate number of Afro Caribbeans are troublesome. You notice it’s never Chinese people, or Norwegian nuns being refused a house and that’s because they are unlikely to play ghastly rap music into the small hours, spit on the pavement or mug anyone. People have seen what has happened to once civilised areas such as Peckham, Battersea and Streatham.
It’s not being a racist but being a realist.
Just as New York taxi drivers never pick up blacks, they’ve learned from experience that if they do there’s a high percentage that they’ll get mugged and robbed.
So, tell me one more time, just why do you continue to rob banks?
‘ Cos, that’s where the money is stupid! ‘
” Why we Profile. Wherever they live, blacks commit more crime.” Interesting article on Amren.
No doubt Panorama will pick this up and devote at least one program to it……………………………………..in my dreams!!!!!
The funny thing with Brixton is that the area has almost be reclaimed as lots of young people with money are moving into the area and believe it or not a champagne bar is opening up there. A load of white, middle class students were going to protest about it opening up as the “rich yuppies” were ruining the area. They have absolutely no clue of how it is around that area as it has always been horrible. The usual fools who have no idea about real life with their sixth form politics and live in a bubble where other people suffer the politics they don’t live themselves.
Read the first comment and the childish first response
What a horrible site it is. The lefties hate that the “poor” may want to improve their lot and enjoy some of the nicer things in life; something like investing in shops and establishments like this one may bring to an area. As far as the Left goes; the “poor” must be kept in their place and accept welfare rather than decent jobs, and be grateful for the left’s largesse so they will always vote for left-wing parties. The left are truly evil!
They have to be kept in their place as it is the left’s powerbase. Look at how the unions destroyed industry in this country deliberately as happy, productive workers will naturally vote conservative(small c). The left have always been nasty and always will be but thanks to outlets like the bbc they are seen as nice and caring and the ones who look after the poor when in reality they keep them downtrodden
Socialism = subjugation, repression and control.
That’s why they hate Mrs Thatcher so much in so far as she empowered people and removed the working class glass ceiling.
I like the way that a mainstream, albeit lefty, website is described as ‘horrible’, but David Brims posts a link to a white supremacist (sorry, ‘racial realist’) site a few posts earlier without a murmur.
At least, at last, you like something here, albeit again off on a BBC bias tangent you fancy hitching a ride with.
It’s also just possible you don’t really still, too.
But telling folk when you expect them to overtly state a preference for something, or not, is very BBC. Full marks.
Now, about your deafening silences when Aunty and her troops stray… Unique freedom of choice?
Time after time you buzz around my head with your ill-constructed sentences, and you quite happily ignore stuff like the link I just highlighted. Now why might that be?
Because he’s a WITCH of course.
“Now why might that be?”
Maybe what you are experiencing are pangs of conscience?
Or what goes around your head is causing whatever is left in it to again repeat the testy response articulated here, and the explanation is before you.
I pay attention to or ignore what I want, when I want. That’s one of the benefits of personal freedom. When folk like you get empowered to impose what people have to attend, things start looking a lot less attractive.
You see yourself as a key BBC defender on this site. Fine.
Paid, seduced, Stockholm Syndrome, masochism… whatever the reason, good luck to you. And the BBC’s cause, if you are their best shot at rational argument against evidence of unprofessional behaviour, inaccuracy or lack of integrity.
Almost none of which you appear to address, whist bathing in a sea of vicious irrelevance.
Energised by the ECHR ruling, you again saw opportunity to try and pop anther little tick in your Philip Madoc notebook of naughty step transgressions, but seem to have forgotten one thing.
While it may be possible to run to teacher and get a small forum shut down based on a collected file of anonymous posts it has no real control over, it sets an amazing precedent for what, one presumes, you hold most dear.
Because the BBC is hosting much worse than what exercises you here, not just in commentary it appears to ignore for weeks, but ‘debate’ on skewed premises it stirs up, and of course plain and simple biased reporting. As a state medium backed by a compelled public funding obligation. With great largesse will one day come great accountability.
Careful what you wish for; you may just get it.
Posts attacking me: 2
Posts attacking the posting of a link to a white supremacist website: 0
Neutral observers may draw their own conclusions.
“Neutral observers may draw their own conclusions.”
That you have been defeated on the issue of BBC bias and so you are trying to change the subject?
We have only your word that it is ‘A white supremacist web site’ The few articles I have read simply challenged your orthodoxy . (Is that’s your definition of ‘white supremacist?)
And what conclusions must the neutral observer draw , to avoid any heresy?
My conclusion, CTC: ad hominem attacks are the last resort of scoundrels and enable them to avoid addressing the real issues.
Fine. But I imagine you will be as uncomfortable as I am about a website run by somebody who has been non-committal about whether the Holocaust took place, and who has been condemned for his views by campaigners against anti-Semitism.
CTC .Perhaps (I would need more meat on those bones ) but how would my approval of the ‘editor’ affect the validity or otherwise of any given article ?
I watch both ramzpual and zonation on you tube because I think they both make ,sometimes , valid points and make them well .And have even had my views changed on something’s.
By your logic I should automatically dismiss one or the other.
Or, as I am not in favour of separatism (though do believe race matters) and a reasoned atheist (though am not angry at someone I don’t believe in) both without hearing what they have to say
That’s an act of faith not reason
I didn’t see that link but if the views are as ugly on there as they are on that left-wing hate site then I feel the same way about it.
Strange though that you are unable to condemn that evil lefty site as much as the other one you refer to. And you accuse others of selectivity……
It’s a mainstream website with a wide following, attached to a perfectly respectable magazine. I don’t subscribe to its politics, but it’s about as threatening as the New Statesman. David Brims’s chosen reading, on the other hand, is widely regarded as a front for white supremacists and has been condemned by most of America’s leading civil rights groups. In a country built on immigrants from all races on Earth it advocates that races should all live separately. If you think the two are even faintly comparable you need your head examined.
”America’s leading civil rights groups”
You mean Cultural Marxists, agitators and shit stirrers.
Oh no he’s not a witch, he’s mad .Because only the mad or the bad would refuse to accept your received truth
So are they wrong that American Renaissance advocates a homeland for white Americans? Or that it publishes articles ‘proving’ that whites are superior to other races? Do tell.
You should have started “Are you now or have you ever been”
My answer,
not wrong to do it
Now you try
Is it permissible for people who identify as white to have a voice particular to themselves
No of course it isn’t, since every other racial group does. I didn’t argue otherwise. Since we’re trading questions, do you also approve of David Brims’s delightful friends at AmRen?
I don’t know enough to approve or disapprove , I’ve read Jared Taylors book ‘A Race Against Time: Racial Heresies for the 21st Century’ and highly recommend it (I must get it back actually)
Does that make me a witch too?
‘Since we’re trading questions’
Again with the flexible precedents.
Why do you think it is acceptable for the BBC to have a direct line to and editorial clearance in sharing the thoughts of purveyors of Islamic benediction and associated interesting dietary habits of a somewhat physically aggressive nature, yet you feel others sharing a website with views you don’t hold with is unacceptable?
Conspiracy T. You are still refusing to condemn that ugly left wing site, yet you persist in attacking the other one (btw I’ve still not followed the link so am trusting you (probably unwise) that it is as bad. It shows that you have shocking double-standards and that you almost certainly share the same hate of decent people as those on that site do.
Conspiracy Theory blah blah etc etc
An act of desperation, bit like calling the Women’s Institute a female supremacist site.
Oh yeah? Fully signed up to the ‘racial realism’ project then? Women’s Institute it ain’t.
Now, now, temper, temper, you seemed to have not grasped the analogy. Oh well, ho hum.
What a bunch of freaks.
Don’t they realise the evil capitalists pay their benefits.
I’d deported them all to North Korea.
Then they could see what a real Socialist state is like seeing they love Socialism so much.
Brixton was a nice area once according to my late parents, who used to go shopping there at Christmas. Then came Windrush……
And the gates of Hell opened !
the most racist and bigoted people i have ever met have come from a asian(muslim) background
On the sikh note above , i did complain and after about a month they did reply ,
Dear Mr …………
Thank you for your email and please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. Some amendments have been made to this article which we hope clarify the context. The report was based on a much longer TV investigation that fully explored the claims made by members of the Sikh community.
This programme – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b039kmx6 – reported concerns that men were passing themselves off as Sikhs to groom young girls. The Sikh Awareness Society said 98% of the cases involved Muslim men of Pakistani origin.
The report also carried a contribution from Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain in which he condemned grooming and said: “We acknowledge that the recent cases that have come to light in our courts… have involved a disproportionate and large number of men who belong to the faith of Islam.” He said discussions had taken place with Sikhs about the issues raised in the film.
We’re sorry if you felt that the written report did not convey the nature of the original material, and hope it is now clearer.
Best wishes,
BBC News website
Article was very slightly amended but only about a month later .
will the met police hate crime unit be arresting these racist asian landlords this morning,the evidence is on film clear to see
Asians make me sick. There racist towards Negroes,
They hate when they are victims of racism. Asians will always be racist, I just hope this will cause negroes to start to see the real racist and biggest threat to negroes today, is the racist Asians indians and Pakistanis. Asian think they are special there just small racist people full of hate of the original man.
White people are also racist barbaric people. With a history of killing and robbing, kidnapping, rapping, stealing land. Also racist white little fools should check history of themselves and realise everywhere they go they cause killing of the indigenous people. White people are seriously evil people and asian are the same. Why asian love to groom little white English girls, where is Allah then. Whites and asians good luck.
We also gave the world human rights, we ended slavery (which was happening in Africa/Eurasia long before white Western civilisation even existed) and common law.
According to Stephen Fry, you brought homophobia to most of the world.
thought most of the best ‘rappers’ were black!
Any way whites are not that fertile so keep up your racist views and stupid stats. Complied by all loving whites. You will be deleted from existence. you small racists uk not yours anymore. Lol lol keep moaning just shows you cant do anything lol
Blimey, a trio from the “Special Stuff” section of the BBC Editorial Guidelines?
Or another false flagger who has rather jumped the gun on the ECHR ruling?
Lol dear god what a nutter ? seriously little child seek help !
These are the ramblings of the “empowered Black man”. The kind of ramblings that emanate from Bob Mugabe’s brothers. More than a few of these brothers have settled amongst the hated Whitey because the delights of majority rule are not what they expected and here they can live as they’re accustomed on state handouts.
I suspect this troll is about as black as Julian Assange, and driven by the same twisted ,self loathing theology.
Not sure why this is such a surprise to Al Beeb, its obvious from watching their staple morning yawn ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ just who it is buying up the cheap homes and they ain’t doing it for the benefit of the homeless …
I see it as an analogy for what is happening to the country, drip, drip, drip…
The majority of Indian and Pakistani people are racist towards Black people. It is a cultural thing. They are taught from an early age that Black is bad, and White is good. They still practice the Caste System where the darker your skin is the less of a person you are in society. Bleaching of your skin is a billion $ market in India. A very high percentage of Indian and Pakistani people are not truly proud of what they are and would preferably want to be White.
“It has been noted that there are thousands of castes in India and many different ways of ranking them, including through such cultural features as food taboos and sharing obligations, but none derive from skin colour or “race.””
Really can you be that right Abl-it ?
‘In the caste hierarchy the dark skinned Mahars were outcasts. The skin color was an important factor in the caste system. The meaning of the word “Varna” is not class or status but skin color. ”
Of course you must be right as in bBBC world some obscure website trumps Encyclopaedia Britannica.
And your Muslim Supremacist world view trumps everything.
“Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”) once invited speculation that class distinctions were originally based on differences in degree of skin pigmentation between an alleged group of lighter-skinned invaders called “Aryans” and the darker indigenous people of ancient India, this theory has been discredited since the mid-20th century. The notion of “colour” was most likely a device of classification. Colours were frequently used as classifiers; e.g., the Vedic scripture known as the Yajurveda is divided into two groups of texts, White and Black.”
There is undoubtedly recognition of and discrimination based on peoples’ skin colour in modern day India, but I would argue that its not really much different than that which exists everywhere (liberal PC beliefs notwithstanding).
The hindu caste system, along with most of the vedic / dharmic religions, are misunderstood in the west, with bad translations of native texts still considered canon by the west (hence the unreliability of sources such as encyclopedias and even mainstream historical texts).
Many of the greatest heroes in indian mythology are very dark skinned (krishna for example, literally means ‘black skinned’) and are still considered paragons of virtue within their (high) castes. Similarly, the conflicts described in the vedas and other early indian texts are not racial, despite being mislabelled as such by western colonialists.
In most cultures and religions, light is associated with goodness and darkness with evil; only for hinduism is this symbolism taken to be literal by so-called scholars, despite the context being the exact opposite when it comes to skin colour in the actual texts.
Finally, whilst it is considered extremely ill-mannered to notice race and how it affects group behaviour on average by our culture, that doesn’t in fact stop common stereotypes being true. The desire to see the world as an image of their beliefs, rather than mould their beliefs on the reality of the world, is a pathological mental illness that the modern left-liberal suffers.
The lighter the skin the higher the Caste is well known as a fact among my former Asian office colleagues.
Indians are not one race but several with a lighter skinned invading race subjugating the darker ones eons ago.
No one has pointed out the obvious that Estate agents involved were Asian. This is quite worrying really but not a new phenomena amongst the Afro carribbean community. They are very aware about the racism directed toward them by the Asian community so this is not new knowledge. It is just now more in the public domain. However, the Asian Estates Agents should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of grit and integrity in perpetrating this type of discrimination. One only has to look at what happens to communities when Afro carribbeans decide to move to there. Suddenly Asian business spring up all over the place, hair, food, all with Afro Carribbean on the signs drawing them in. The area is then flooded with cheap shops, chicken outlets and rubbish. They will gladly take their money and support but not give them a job nor a place to live. Shame on these agents, shame on them.
They’re Asian estate agents acting for Asian landlords.
Just watch the BBC trashy ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ to see who is buying up cheap properties.
Conspiracy Theory
Why is it ok to have a black police federation and not say a white police federation
Conspiracy etc etc
You do grasp the out and out hypocrisy and double standards of the Race industry racket, don’t you ?
Because its only white’s can be accused of being racist.
A white police federation would be a racist organisation.