I just wanted to let you all know how desperately poor, impoverished and deprived I am.
I know because the BBC have been telling me so all week
Repeat after me…I am poor…cost of living. ..rent prices…fuel prices…British Gas….rail fares…I am poor….not socially mobile. ..only Ed Miliband can save me.
See you all when I get back from my weekend in Lisbon! I am poor….!
Its obvious that people are getting poorer. What with the cost of cigarettes, booze, sky TV, take away pizzas and the obligatory visits to the Bookies, how are they expected to feed their kids. Its lucky that their rent and Council Tax are paid for them.
What I think they mean is, you are a poor sap (no disrespect) because they are earning more than you, have job security and have a guaranteed income with a generous pension. If they are sacked, for whatever reason, even if they have been there only for a short term, they will receive a handsome pay out. They can also afford to work in large, and expensively appointed offices, with little regard as to where the money is coming. They can advance their views and use suitable coded language to portray certain individuals and/or parties (not necessarily political) to smear without worrying about the consequences because, the ‘Trust’ has your back covered.
Yes, to them people are poor. Poorly informed, poorly served and poorly treated.
Poor, poor, poor people.
Its nice to know, that at last, Auntie has got something right.
It’s seemingly harmless but garbage-ridden articles like this that I find nauseating…. When religion in this country is painted in a negative light, it’s always Christianity which is highlighted but never the left-wing trendies’ favourite, Islam. Christianity is losing congregations because of decades of brainwashing against the religion and the continued rise of so-called rationalism. Now, I’m no Christian but our country has been intrinsically shaped by its tenets, and for what? The BBC and the Left to dismantle it and wax lyrical about how grown up and rational we all are whilst allowing in and groveling to a medieval cult that is vicious in its totalitarian ideology.
liberals- spineless – politically correct – trendies – multi cultis … it all comes down to one word
cowardice … moral cowardice, political cowardice, media cowardice, yep! even religious cowardice.
From all apart from one section of society, the one section that really have to deal with the issue, the people who have to live and endure at the sharp end.
They will take to the streets over it, have done, and will continue to do so … what have they received eh!
Scorn, the galling rank hypocrisy and the cowardice, that spouts “shoot the messenger”.
The political class, all of them, and the media in this country should be bloody well ashamed of themselves
So very true. Islam is on the Left’s lists of approved list of ideologies whilst Christianity, especially if practiced in the USA, is definitely not on the list.
I am also not a Christian, but I still maintain a strong cultural, even emotional, attachment to the faith especially as it does me no harm, and poses no threat to my life or liberty unlike a certain other ideology whose benefits and blessings we witness on a daily basis.
Have courage, you are I think a Christian and would like to admit to it. More of us should, after all our civilisation and beliefs are under attack and we should not be afraid of supporting and defending what has supported us and made us what we are.
It may not be fashionable, but it is necessary and essential.
And a Christian who likes pork chops too!
That should ensure you`re safe from the porkophobes….as opposed to the BBC who are lovers of the porkie.
A sausage necklace anybody?
There has been a right old who-ha concerning the comments made by the England football team manager Roy Hodgson at their World Cup qualifier against Poland. You know, the bit about monkeys. It turns out the Mr Hodgson is reported to be a labour party supporter. I’m sure the BBC will have reported in depth all about what Mr Hodgson had said and that it was a deeply offending and racist comment, but I seem to have missed it. Maybe I haven’t been looking hard enough.
It seems that something called ‘Race for Sport’ linked to something called the ‘Society of Black Lawyers’ demand “cultural intelligence training” for Roy Hodgson and all football managers. My, how full the political re-education camps would be if these cheeky monkeys had their way.
Wouldn’t it be great if, just once, someone being forced to ‘apologise’ for nothing by some politically correct inquisitors or other, just told them to f*** off.
You said ” cheeky monkeys “, how very dare you. It was the said “Society of Black Lawyers “, that caused all the bru ha ha at White hart lane the other week. It’s our problem so let the “Association of Jewish Lawyers ” decide on any action. We demand a bacon/ foreskin free environment, no Saturday fixtures no xmas trees or decorations, only smocked salmon bagels and Pelligrino as refreshments and the Chief Rabbi as the ultimate arbiter.
Betweeen 8am and 9am,the description of this Muslim who is deemed responsible for Westgate has changed from a “Norwegian national of Somali origin” to being a “Norwegian citizen” who had to “flee Somalia, but returned to Africa a few years ago”.
Maybe we need our own Thesaurus or lexicon to title all the many variations that the BBC come up with to defend murdering Islamic suspects..from Nairobi to cellars in the Rochdale area.
Who knows?…by 10am, he`s likely to be Knut of the Ka`aba…legendary Viking warrior who was taken in in Breiviks Commentary on the Koran.
FFS…f***off BBC…Orwell told us all we need to know about your games making through the day from one news bulletin to another…he`s a Muslim…an Islamic psycho…and he`ll not be pleased to be given your fey nationalities, citizenships, fleeing asylum refugee status…OK?
And the Trafford Centre or Westland are your shopping experiences too.
Best to call him Jihadi if you still want to shop for your handbags and choccies to die for…for maybe you will.
Its brainwashing, a softhead or libtard watching the story would instantly think ‘oh its not those beastly Muslims doing all these horrid things, its nasty Europeans, Muslims are good….’
Much the same as the story about ‘return home’ letters being sent to ‘British’ citizens, the example used on Breakfast News was not someone most of us would call British.
“Norwegian” in Kenya attack suspect named
“Norwegian” man suspected of carrying out last month’s attack on a shopping centre in Nairobi has been identified, following a BBC investigation.
A “Norwegian” man being investigated over the Westgate terror attacks is ….. 😀
Bjorn? Gunnar? well no? … Arven? Johan? well erm no?
goodness … Erik? or Alfe? then?
no silly … its Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, the BBC’s Newsnight programme learns
I often complain about the BBC refusal to call anyone outside attacks within Britain a “terrorist”. Except when quoting someone – with the T word in quote marks.
Apologists claim that the BBC guidelines are merely a caution against indiscriminate use of the T word.
But they NEVER use it. Is there never, ever a discriminating use of the T word. Say when jihadists go around killing kids at point-blank range ?
It seems to me that according to the BBC there is 100% no such thing as an overseas terrorist. Terrorists simply do not exist overseas is what the BBC is saying. ALL the BBC staff stick to this nonsense.
To say there is no such thing as overseas terrorism is a measure of how far the BBC will go to LIE about its favoured cult.
Boaz Ganor’s closing remarks at the World Summit on Counter-Terrorism seem very appropriate here, Who thinks the BBC should adopt his definition of terrorism?
Terrorism is the deliberate use of violence aimed at civilians or civilian targets aimed to achieve political goals.
“Westgate mall suspect identified by BBC as Norwegian national”
Stig of the Islamic Benediction?
Can’t wait for the retread to follow after they drop the Clangers without the gentle genius of Oliver Postgate (a bit like ‘Open No Hours’, without the ‘laugh’ track).
With Alan Yentob’s & Danny Cohen’s creative direction populist deft touches another stormer, for sure.
How dare they ! A timeless little classic that was part of childhood. Innocent and entertaining. Now they are going to trash it. The Beeb just gets evermore personal and under my skin. This is going to be an all out Left-Wing PC-fest, I just know it.
Sorry! Didn’t mean to spoil your Friday:)
But Aunty does rather mess up all our days.
I saw a reworking of Norwegian Wood that seemed apt…
“I once had a broadcaster, or, should I say, they now are having on everyone…’
OK, time to get that coat and post actual quality, if from another time, that has inspired the odd avatar too, and more… ( I wonder if ‘Major Clanger’ will not still cause a small shudder in certain market rate corridors and require a rebrand?)…
Not only is the perp “Norwegian” but, as Frank Gardner assured us on Today (on the basis of what evidence exactly?) the Islamic terrorist element in Norway to which this perp belongs is not only a tiny, tiny part of the Somali community there but is – as Gardner asserted (on what evidence?) – a smaller proportion of the Somali community there than in the US.
What Gardner shied away from in this “mission to explain and reassure” was a mention, let alone an examination, of the “fish in water” support of terrorism (cf Northern Ireland and pre-Maoist China) by alienated sections of the population. As Gardner is the security “expert” here you’d assume (well, since it’s the BBC, you actually wouldn’t unless the “terrorists” were part of the whitey community) that the existence of less active – even passive – support for terrorism would be a recurring part of the reportage here.
BTW, another examination I have yet to hear or see on the BBC is quite why refugees/asylum seekers from East Africa turn up in Northern Europe. Obvious places for desperate asylum seekers are those relatively peaceful (but relatively poor) lands closer to their home rather than those rich and generous countries 5,000 miles away.
Was it dear Frank on “The World Tonight”(17/10/13…10.30p.m or so) who went about Narvik showing people there the Westgate barbarian in the black shirt!
“Yes that`s our old neighbour that spooked us out over his fundi Muslim rants alright “said one bloke.
“Can`t be sure” said his family, who didn`t really want to talk…”hard to say really”.
“Anyway he`ll have been brainwashed.”..we all know what bloody Scandinavian fundamentalism has long been doing to the indigenous peoples up there.
And that was the parting quote from our Beeboid…”brainwashed”
That word “taqqiya” eh…poor Frank etal are so trusting aren`t they? They`ll not care to learn of it either.
Let`s hope that our Norwegian Aryan(adopted) never heard about those horrid “Go home” vans and emails here in Britain…for that alone could have enraged him enough…and here`s Shami, Inglat, Clive, Geoffrey, Michael and dear old Anjem to tell us why…
If there was ever an excuse to shut our borders, stop the jihadis getting back into the country after the Syrian Woodstock and ban immigration NOW…it would have to be that no matter what they`re going to do to us later-they`ll be classed as British…when they`re not…they`re Muslim Psychos and Islamist Jihadi terrorising sadists.
So let`s cut that excusing by the BBC by denying them any claim on nationality until we`ve mucked out the camel tents.
PS…”quotation marks” above…are NOT verbatim…alright Scott etc?
Of course, the Far Left BBC & Guardian will NOT admit and publicise, even late in the day, what a massive danger it is to the West to allow in potential Islamic jihadists posing as asylum seekers, as is the case NOW.
Don’t mention the political class’s propaganda for the Islamisation of Europe, nor popular opinion against it, just keep calling Le Pen ‘Far Right’.
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish blog| has a fine essay on the hell hole that is Somalia this week. Required reading for a realist . Best avoided if you are of the liberal persuasion.
To be serious it is the sort of point of view that we need in our media. Will we get it?
Dream on.
I do not do links but I am sure most of you are already familiar with this writing.
That really is a good summary of the Somalians. A real social danger.
Any sensible country would have learned its lesson now and stopped any more coming in. And would be ejecting any of them who committed crimes. And that means thousands of them. Let them commit their crimes in their own country.
“Don’t generalise” people might say. But human survival is based on being able to make generalisations, to recognise dangers.
“who had to “flee Somalia, but returned to Africa a few years ago”.
So Norway has no more to do with this monster than the airline he flew there with, and considerably less than the ‘civil rights’ organisations that doubtless facilitated his coming and going
The last time there was a Norwegian maniac who committed mass murder the BBC fearlessly revealed inter-alia his links with the EDL
“By 2010, Breivik was apparently in contact with at least some of the EDL leadership, and attended at least one demonstration that year. He also visited London to welcome fellow “counter-jihadist” Geert Wilders” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19366000
(btw Is there a suggestion there he was on speaking terms and known to Wilders and that they were close enough to be fellows in a struggle against an imaginary threat? Must have been I assume, as the BBC wouldn’t want to be misleading.)
I know we can expect a similar revelations from the BBC regarding this second ‘Norwegian’ and any contact he had with the leadership of any groups.
So let me get this straight. A Norwegian (real one) goes on a killing spree. He has ‘links’ to the EDL and the Progressive Party. And these ‘links’ are splashed all over the news everywhere.
We then have people, who crash planes into buildings, blow up trains, butcher people in cold blood, and shout Allah Akbar and then, they themselves link it directly to their faith but, we are told by the BBC and the rest of the MSM, that it is nothing at all to do with their faith.
I know it is a serious issue when some black chap gets called a Norwegian, and certainly in England the decades long repetition of this sort of thing by the BBC et al, is convincing many people that England is really a multi-racial society. Living proof is presented by the ‘English’ football team etc etc. But to say this chap is Norwegian is so preposterous as to make you laugh and a BBC announcer solemnly referring to him a Norwegian, should really be on one of their comedy shows. Did he go to Norwegian assimilation classes and spend hours wearing a horned helmet and learning how to rape and pillage? Clearly he didn’t need instruction in that age old Viking custom , but he doesn’t seem to have got the hang of the costume does he.
“One day they got me and stabbed me’, he informed a shocked audience. He didn’t go into great detail, only to say his worried parents moved to Southall, London, to be closer to their own community.” – well we’ll have to take his word for that too.
The BBC tell me that there were 140 complaints out of something like 40,000 emails(so I recall…wan`t listening…and I`m a maths teacher!).
The Home Office said there were 14 queries.
But if only one race hustling old lawyer can get himself on the Today show to trash the (admittedly useless) Tories…then job done.
Don`t blame Grover-but he peaked in Sesame St, I think.
Another waxed surfboard for the BBC “yuman rites” campaign….the BBC will bin him when he needs a care home, unless it`s a segregated Islamic one…as is his right!
BBC Maffs, especially when it comes to what is an issue and what isn’t (this seems to apply… a lot… when the spotlight is on them) is a mystery.
One likely to remain so as when asked to explain those FoI lawyers do seem to crank up their engines to say it’s a secret.
Saudi Arabia turns down, its offered seat on preserving the worlds peace and security at the UN … spouts the BBC
sheesh! funding terror and an ideology of hate can buy you anything eh!
Libya and Syria too until recent times.
But the BBC-the Now Show see no humour or irony in this.
MayDay parades with the Tippex out and stern jaws for the young to ask about once the pensions are secured…plaster medals all round for the thought police.
10, 000s of Syrians, (up to press) are trooping through 6 countries to get to … England.
At least a 100 a day the latest from Calais reports.
The BBC features extending interviews from Amir, Ahmed, Hasan and Ali, in an exclusive from V Drearybyshire in Calais
on 5Live, it appears that 4 or 5 times at attempting is the norm …
lots of talk of “our duty”, of “human rights”
of our proud history of tolerance ya da ya da.
Would that be our “proud” … BBC imperialist colonialist, slave owning, “horrendously white” racist history at all.
BBC – B-stards Beneath Contempt
File this under ‘It’s A Twofer’: 8:28 on the BBC’s flagship news program on Radio 4 and we have an item about wimminz footy in Glasgow and how great they’re doing in Europe. As usual, the item was presented as though it was only small-minded bigotry that could explain why everyone outside the BBC didn’t give them the same coverage as Rangers and Celtic
I note that St Savile of Wood Lane and Media City fame, is pictured with his car that-we oldies know-used to be Radio 1 `s frequency on MW, before we were all rushed into dumping our radios, our tellies etc…for the “digital revolution” doncha know?
And no bleating about the landfill and utter waste of working stuff either…you`ll bleat about that once Evan Davis is home, and bagged his expenses…alright?
Having seen the picture-anybody else sense that the BBC knew what was coming re St Jimmy, and madly rushed to digital…before we connected Jimmy with his only real home which was Radio1 and the TOTP studios(not counting the caravan love machine parked in the Beeb carpark!).
MyThought for the Day…and far better than Richard Harries mad musings of this morning.
Mac Arthur Park made more sense…albeit just as tuneless!
Thinking outside the Box…it`s allowed…Lorry Taylor sez every week on Radio 4!
And btw anyone know if Nikki Campbell was at the BBC at the same time as Savile or whether Savile left just as Nikki arrived – only Nikki never mentions it.
Holy shit, have you seen this article about Cory Booker by the BBC’s Anthony Reuben? I think he’s actually in love with him. I imagine he typed it one-handed while jerking himself off.
Mysteriously though, unbiased BBC reporter Tony R can tell us all about his experiences at Oxford with Cory (incestuous, much) but leaves out this bit of his biography:
Reminds me of that way-back-when song by Terry Scott which was played on the Light Programme.
It was called ‘ my brother’
And why the link?
Folk over a certain age may remember, but the closing line said by Terry to his supposed lil bro was:
‘Ere, what have you had in your hand? ‘
‘ ‘ave yer? Phwoaaaar….’
Cory Booker?
OMG, an American Chuka Umunna!
We’re doomed, I tell ya– doomed!
The apocalypse is upon us!
Where is the Rapture? I’m ready, Heavenly Father!
I think it’s time to create a Rule #2 about BBC guest voices. Rule #1 is that if they don’t give a partisan/position label to a guest or vox pops, you know which side they’re on. Rule #2 should be that any US opinion piece will be from the Left, albeit with the corollary that the rare time an opinion from the Right is allowed through (e.g. Rod Dreher) it’s either a slice-of-life non-partisan anecdote or an admission that the Right lost an argument, rather than an actual opinion piece from a Right-ish perspective.
Heard St Paul Maccas concert the other night on Radio 2.
Almost uniformly awful-nice one about his latest wife though to be fair.
The universal suckup before and after was cringing…whatever happened to three chords and the truth eh Jo Whiley.
Paul can`t sing…but nobody on Radio 2 was going to tell him…uniform arse licking top to bottom.
When he wrote “Kisses on the Bottom”, he must have known that Radio Fawn would go all U2 on him…a day of cringe.
I prefer Mrs Mills and her fake the Peg song…but she seems to be the only diability champion that is NOT allowed on the BBC any more.
The BBC back the winning team in the liberal lefty culture wars every time…and Heather happened to lose.
As Nappy said…victory has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan….must live on a Tottenham estate with only the memory of Mark Duggan to console .
Radio 2 is shite nowadays full of fawning sycophants. Like everything else BEEB its been dumbed down and seeks the same audience as X-Factor. Full of 90’s Radio 1 rejects, its hard to differentiate between Radio 1 & 2.
We have our tax wasted on R1, 1xtra, 2 and 6Music all seemingly catering for much the same daytime audience, why four stations?
A few figures to show what a terrible mess Obama has taken the US into on debt levels. (And proportionately the UK is as bad if not worse – with Cameron and Osborne failing to face up to our problems)
Is this news worthy? Government departments make mistakes all the time: for example, over and under payments occur in HMRC. The question is: does 14 out of 58,800 people represent an above average error? If not it’s not news worthy.
Then there’s the case being loudspeakered on inbbc news all day, of someone who says he was sent such a text in error. The home office said no, they didn’t send one, and that, it seems, has caused him to take legal action over it.
WTF? legal action? And thats worth a newsheadline.
Treacherous scum, and that’s just the bbc.
So, I finally got around to watching the two-part Stephen Fry documentary ‘Out There’ (BBC2). I’ve already posted regarding my concerns that the National Treasure™ would shy away from criticising ‘The Religion of Peace’ (state-mandated executions of gay teenagers a particular speciality) in favour of bashing Christianity – a far easier, less potentially fatal target for cowardly Liberal progressives everywhere – and so it proved, with the one exception of an early sequence towards the start of part 1 where Mr Fry awkwardly ‘explained’ he’d been advised not to travel to ‘certain countries’ as it would be *ahem* ‘too dangerous’ for him there.
Instead, he took to visiting such hellholes of homophobia as Brazil, Russia, Uganda and India – mostly to berate government officials and Christians. While such opportunist sight-seeing might have worked wonders for his Air Miles (but let’s not mention his carbon footprint, eh?), I was left wondering exactly what the entire point of the two-parter was? If Mr Fry had been attempting to tell me something I hadn’t already known about intolerance then I must judge his effort a rank failure. Yes, homophobia still exists in every country in one form or another. What really interested me – and what I had hoped to see – was a challenge to those particular countries which still today mandate the execution of gay people.
Clearly, this was not going to happen. I’m not a Christian, but even I took offence when, at the conclusion of Part 2, Mr Fry ruminated on intolerance and homophobia, choosing to specifically mention Christian Evangelism as an especially pernicious offender in this respect…and yet the real homophobes, the dangerous, murderous kind still at work in the world today killing somebody’s sons, somebody’s daughters, under state law for the heinous crime of their personal sexuality, got no special mention at all in his puffed-up, self-important summing up. Who could I be talking about?
Odd, because as much as extreme Christian Evangelism around the world constantly rattles the cage around issues of homosexuality I’m not aware of any religious faith, anywhere, that actually enjoys state-sponsored executions of gay people.
Except one, of course. Perhaps Mr Fry has never heard of it – he can’t be expected to know everything, can he?
Bruce Bawer in his excellent book ‘ While Europe Slept:’ (currently only 5 left in stock of well known tax dodging internet book seller)
Explains that as a homosexual rights activist in America ,he spent most of his time campaigning against evangelical Christians (I wonder what his take on the Floyd Corkins affair is?) and moved Europe to get away from them. He freely admits that his subsequent experience’s in Holland and Scandinavia revised his priorities.
Perhaps If Mr Fry were to move from his income gated bohemian community in Hampstead to some working class district of Amsterdam , he might also have the scales fall from his eyes
Perhaps a fund could be set up.
Labour engineered the entire gay debate to ensure a secular state (that would be more open to more socialism). A good example is Stonewall, the lobby group that was secretly funded by 89% as a UK charity using taxpayer money under various (Labour) guises. Although 1% is mirrored in America, Stonewall has decided that it should be 8% in the UK and spends it’s time (and money) challenging schools gay policy to ‘let them in’ and offer advice on school uniforms to shower cubicles. Of course the BBC is always the best place to work for that magic 1% of the population.
Not a shred of truth to any of it, of course. That’s why “Philip” doesn’t offer any evidence to back up his assertions. Just like so many others on Biased BBC, his own bigotries take precedence over pesky things like facts and truth.
you a man? oh yes, youre as much as a man as Mo Farah is British, not much then
but being serious for a moment scott, as a friend, i can see posters of your pic in bus stops all over the country with “should have gone to spec savers” written on them
Scott, keep going old son! You’ve become the homophobe’s caricature of the spiteful, bitchy old queen. Somebody mention a trigger word in their post that’s set you off on an abusive rant?
Why don’t you admit you’re a poisonous bigoted old sod who stand the thought of others having a different opinion to yours. I bet your a real wow down at your local pub (that is if the landlord hasn’t barred you).
By the way, Scott, if being abused offends you, then you really shouldn’t abuse others. Treat others as you would like to be treated – or do you get a “frisson” out of being verbally abused?
I’m sure that last year I read (In the telegraph I think ) of a completely confidential survey, (so no pressure on respondents) that put the figure even lower .just less than 1%
I wonder was that an earlier release from this same study that has since been revised upwards?
[“Note to media and government:
“For a full copy of this report and video, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to media@memri.org. Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.”]
If you like to hear about football – but hate England…. then look away now….
I note there have been some posts here concerning the BBC’s attitude to England’s qualification for the World Cup. Well it seems ‘we’re’ not seeded but ‘we’ are at least going to Brazil.
You see I’m not afraid to say ‘we’ to declare an interest there. Unlike the Beeboid who – according to a little aside from Shelagh Forgarty – ‘made a face’ when he had to admit to being English. Unlike our Shelagh who was loud and proud with her ‘I’m Irish!’
See the natural contrast in BBC office attitudes there?
I heard another little insight into BBC Salford office culture the other day when 5 Live discussed England’s prospects in Brazil. The presenter suggested ‘….and this comes from the production team – how about England would do better not to qualify?’
Can’t you just see them in your mind’s eye… all in their Brazil shirts proudly chanting ‘I’m a neutral! I’m a neutral!’
You see Brazil is skillfull, Stephen Fry says its gayfriendly, etc etc
You see English football is thuggish, jingoistic and vaguely racist. I know this because I listen to the BBC.
It seems Hodgson has had to cancel a squad team building weekend at Monkey World in Devon – or some such story I’m unclear as to the exact details? But listen, it’s not about what was said but how it might have offended – right?
Meanwhile Polish soccer supporters : 35 out of 36 arrests, illegal flares smuggled into Wembley and a pitch invader – ‘that’s just what we don’t want to see in the modern game’ : John Motson c1990. Well the Poles are simply ‘colourful and vibrant’ BBC c2013 – not as much as the Brazilians I would venture but at least they ain’t English – hashtag Made A Face
So what went wrong with English football?
I’ll tell you. It became a symbol. A symbol hated by the Left.
Many years ago whilst watching a sports event a Leftist friend of mine suddenly announced ‘I hate the National Anthem!’
‘I just hate it. It’s boring’
‘Boring? It’s not supposed to be on Top of The Pops’
‘It should be changed’
‘To what?’
‘Something more stirring’
‘What? Most National Anthems are boring – aren’t they?’
‘The Soviet National Anthem is stirring’
And – forgive me – all I could think to say was ‘If you like it so much you should go and live in Russia’
You see there is no rhyme or reason to the BBC’s antipathy to English football – it’s just that it is a symbol and there is something stuck their Leftist genes that hates it.
And even if some Beeboids do like England – keep schtum about it at work lads
So once no longer a Labour party member he can tell the truth. I wonder how many others just toe the party to keep their jobs but are actually quite sensible?
Agreed…yet the World At One give us one sentence that says nothing.
This background is all you need to know-which is why the BBC won`t be telling you anytime soon.
At last-an Independent MP!
Ah, I must be a prophet(Peace be upon me!).
For our friendly Muslim blackshirt in Kenya is no loner even a Norwegain citizen…by 1p.m The World At One says now he IS Norwegian.
A Norwegian Brown…or is that black? In any case…he`s one dead parrot, but the BBC clearly see him pining for the fjords of home.
Serious counselling please for our Viking friend…we all get pissed off at those shopping malls sometimes do we not?
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When is 99.9% success in government worth less than 95% in climate change studies? In the BBC’s mind.
They didn’t focus on the 5% when reporting the IPCC press release some weeks back but it seems the less than 1% error rate in texting illegal immigrants is news worthy.
To be honest, the Norwegian Security Services deserve no better at the moment.
A dreadful pussy foot around the Norwegian hothead incident.
Both our “security bloke” and Ed Stourton(now there`s a clue, how this interview would go) somehow-and don`t ask me how-managed to go through minutes of wondering about our Narvik chappie…his friends, who he might have met and what his ..er…”motivation” might have been!
Who`s to know…to speculate-for the BBC, as we all know don`t do “opinion and comment” , despite the World At One saying that it does…not in the case of Boston or Nairobi, Woolwich or Rochdale at least.
The Lowest Common Denominator?…give us a clue eh?
Where`s Wally my hat?…where the hell is JIM(Jihad, Islam, Muslim) then when you call him?
No Hugs or Nicky…not YOUR Jim please-although he is turning out to be the acceptable face of the BBC the way things are going!
PS-the Muslim cleric called those who threaten him “nutters”-and Stourton requotes it too-can I get out my Committed Fancy Dress outfit once again…or should I just get Marjorie Wallace and SANE on the phone to tell them of this anti-issues discrimination and prejudice.
They might be “Al Shabab”-which any fule no is Arabic for “vulnerable and hurting inside”…hate crime, hate crime!
At least Ed Stourton (not Martha Kearney) ‘World at One’ had on a Muslim critic of Al Shabaab.
But INBBC’s Frank Gardner, always one to relegate the size and significance of the Islamic jihad threat inside the West, misleadingly says this about the Al Shabaab threat inside Norway:-
“There are around 23,000 Somalis in Norway, making it the largest of the country’s refugee communities. The vast majority have no connection with terrorism.
“Norwegian investigators estimate that between 20 to 30 ethnic Somalis have left Norway to go and fight in Somalia – that’s just one in 1,000.”
…” a brief tour of organized Islam in Norway (a country, remember, with only five million inhabitants, including maybe 100,000 Muslims): the Islamic Cultural Centre, a branch of the Jamaat-i-Islami movement, which is considered extreme even in Pakistan, has 3500 members; the Tawfiq Islamic Center, which supports the terrorists of Al-Shabab, has 5400; Oslo’s Rabita mosque, run by a disciple of Holocaust fan Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has 2500; Minhaj ul-Quran, whose founder has said that any critic of Muhammed, whether ‘Muslim, Jew, Christian, infidel, man, or woman, will be executed like a dog,’ has 3000.”
Tide is turning. A friend mentioned in passing he’d seen Tommy Robinson on the BBC and was ‘surprised’ how much sense he made and that he wasn’t extreme. BBC Islamists and their fellow-travellers have been out-maneuvered by Robinson who has been given a reasonable hearing by the BBC on a least two occasions now. Moderate Muslims, professional BBC journalists and Tommy Robinson, working together. Jihadists, Channel 4 and UAF having to regroup and rethink tactics. Rock on Tommy.
There is no metamorphosis. He’s saying the same now as he said then. He’s still getting the death threats but at least now he has been listened to properly on the BBC. Whereas Jon Snow on C4 couldn’t care less what he had to say.
Pardon me if I inquire as to what Mr SYL/TR’s future ambitions are, and whether they might chime with those of someone behind the scenes who may be “advising” him and, frankly, bankrolling him.
My suspicion is that he is being made out a sort of post-hajj Malcolm X, a man who, though still preaching a self-reliant take-pride-in-yourself message, had had, to mix the metaphor, a damascene conversion, and given up what some thought to be the “hate” rhetoric.
Mr SYL/TR may be genuine in his pauline “spake-as-a-child-now-as-a-man” pronouncements as to the direction his activities will take– but my suspicion is that there is someone behind him who sees him as a squaring of the circle, of bridging the should-be-Labour crowd of the risible BNP and the should-be-Tory crowd of the quaint UKIP, with respect to the oi-who’s-lookin’-out-for-all-the-BRITONS-in-Britain-anyhow sentiment, to form a bloc of “floating voters.”
I suspect TR 2.0 is to become a sort of “institutional pressuriser,” whose bloc must be taken into account, but who himself is not to rise much farther.
Someone twigged that with the balkanisation going on in society, and the spectre of continued need for Coalition Governments ahead, it might not be that bad an investment to keep a possible adversary inside the tent urinating outward, than outside it urinating inward.
I could be dead wrong, of course. But stranger things have happened than the scenario I’ve just proposed.
In the absence of ANY evidence to the contrary I take Tommy Robinson at his word, which has been consistent. I could be dead wrong of course, and it might all be some big conspiracy.
More Beeboid Far-Left political propaganda for mass immigration from Syria, etc. The main viewpoint represented is that of Syrians, not British people:-
“Calais’s Syrian refugees desperate to cross Channel”
By Jim Connolly
BBC Radio 5 Live.
I was under the impression refugee status involved pitching up at the first safe haven away from the bun fight.
Getting in sight of the UK from Syria seems to have involved commitment in excess of this, for some reason (“Britain will give you a house straight away”) , along with a certainly amount of complicity on the part of those along the way, and the media monopolies they sponsor, on top of our government’s apparent £500M we can easily spare to ensure the local gangmasters stay in Mercs.
“In my fathers house are many mansions”.
Polly Toynbee, John Humprys, Ross and the like have a few houses-and the Beeb has loads of studios where Savile never went.
Is someone scrawling that line into all those Korans then?..I see no other reason for Muslims to leave the love of the umma
On reading the quoted story on the BBC website, it seems to me that – unusually, given the subject-matter – this report wasn’t propaganda but a more or less straightforward description of the situation in Calais. If anything it highlighted both the well-deserved reputation that the British and Britain have abroad vis-a-vis refugees (mugs/an easy touch: all you have to do is get here and you go to the front of the queue for everything) and the sheer chutzpah of the refugees demanding to be let in (or else!!).
I didn’t hear the 5-Live programme which might indeed have aimed to back up a “let ’em all in” policy. However, if the quoted item is an accurate reflection of the programme, the programme’s objective failed miserably.
Apart from music, I tend not to listen to the radio much. And if today’s BBC 5 radio is anything to go by, I think I’ll continue my abstinence. I was out for a drive with my mother and father and all I heard on this BBC radio show was gender victimhood, the England manager’s racist joke, how immigrants are being treated disgracefully by the Tories, and how the far-right are using the Kenyan attacks as an excuse for violence. Is BBC radio always like this? It was utterly, utterly appalling in its Left-wing propaganda. Never again… next time I’ll stick on the Rolling Stones, instead!
Classic FM isn’t too bad, but watch out for their News reports on the hour. Blatant Labour propaganda. In fact you would think that the Labour Party owned Classic FM.
Classic FM’s offering is superb, across the board, such that I can easily ‘tune out’ ads that often are cringeworthy.
But their imported ‘news’ segment is, as you say, dire, and getting worse.
They had best be careful as they are subject to forces a little less uniquely immune than those the BBC can safely ignore
Absolutely nothing to do with BBC bias, but in a short reply to your post, the Bungee girl gets me going for the silent button and what on earth is that girl singing about in the Twinnings tea advert? I cannot understand a single word she says! Any ideas??+
A non vintage one I was going to let pass, but… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/heavy-goods.html
Maybe the BBC Commissioning Editor thought it was a series about the licence fee payers and misheard how they all refer to them as?
What a great story.
Tumbleweed drifts across the playground…and no doubt, the prison courtyard too.
Still-thanks to these passionate and concerned teachers, Leeds High St remains a no-smoking zone.
Bloody Gove and his pressures on these poor kids…
The Day/Year/Decade/Century of the Monkey
Not particularly related to any thing the IBBC has done or said about this issue,but this is what we are reduced to by the culuture of PC that is at the heart of the IBBC message. NASA sends up a space capsule with two monkeys and one man. On lift of the tower instructs Monkey No. 1 to do his job. No. 1 taps on his computer console and the rocket blasts off.
A little later the control tower instructs Monkey No. 2 to do his job. No.2 taps on his console (sexism has crept into my narrative = crime number one) and he taps in the instructions. The capsule separates from the booster rocket.
Next the control tower calls to speak to the human astronaut, and he answers before get the command from the tower, Yea, Yea I know feed the monkey.
Now whole rainforests have been destroyed (shit, I do like my hyperbole). Millions of words have been written and spoken about this rather tame little joke narrated to the England squad at half time by the manager. He used the “joke” to emphasise to the back or the rest of the team the need to past the ball to forward and potential goal scorer by using the phrase from the joke “feed the monkey”. The forward happened to be a ‘person of colour’.
Now in all I have heard about the resulting brouhaha, about this ‘major incident’ no one has mentioned the fact that in the joke the monkeys were the bright ones and the, presumably white astronaut was the dumb ass who’s only job was to feed them. Was the manager not also paying the forward a compliment in acknowledging his talent and his important role in securing a victory.
The comments on this FaceBook post suggest the BBC is on the horns of a dilemma, along with a few other green advocates and ‘buying vote’ denial folk… BBC News Vote “yes” to an independent Scotland and your energy bills will be cut by 5%.
Nicola Sturgeon has told the SNP’s conference in Perth the reduction of about £70 would be achieved by removing a number of “green” charges.
The Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland is the 3rd most state dependent country in the world after, wait for it ,North Korea & every Marxist`s fav country Cuba !
Do you have any evidence to support this assertion apart from a (now discredited) 2009 article in the Telegraph which conveniently ignored North Sea Oil revenues?
From the same article:
“Including a geographical share of the North Sea, official Scottish government figures in 2008 show that the ratio of public-sector expenditure to GDP is 41.3 per cent of Scottish GDP compared to 41.5 per cent for the UK as a whole.”
You can always rely on uncle bup to post incorrect information.
If Scotland is such a drain on the rest of the UK’s financial resources perhaps he can explain why all the main Westminster parties are so keen to retain Scotland within the union?
” In the last year, Scotland contributed £56.9 billion in tax revenue, including a geographical share of North Sea revenue, equivalent to £10,700 per person, compared to £9000 per person for the UK as a whole.
Taken over the last 30 years, back to 1980-81, tax revenue per person in Scotland has been £1350 a year higher than in the UK as a whole, when adjusted for inflation.
In total, the analysis shows that in 2011-12 prices Scotland has contributed £222 billion more in tax revenues since 1980-81 than if we had simply matched the per capita contributions of the UK.”
Some actual economic figures for Scotland (all figures in Millions)
Scottish spending £61,625 .
Scottish revenue including North Sea Oil geographic £53,128.
Scottish revenue no North Sea Oil £45,177
Deficit is £8,497 at best.
It has cost the UK taxpayer £70bn to recapitalise the Scottish banks – this was no UK banking crisis, but a Scottish one – and the sums needed would undoubtedly have been a great deal larger had not taxpayers from the UK as a whole been standing behind the liabilities. Shared among a population of little more than half the size of London, that’s £14,000 per head.
During the election campaign, the Scottish Labour Party attempted to cost the SNP goal of quitting the UK and came to the conclusion that without major spending cuts and or tax increases, there would be an ongoing structural budget deficit of £14bn a year, equal to around £2,600 per head of population. Bang goes free university tuition and bang goes free prescriptions. And bang goes an awful lot more to boot.
Looks like Albaman has no clue on economics and I will be keeping an eye out for any more of his risible posts to be able to correct his errors.
“It has cost the UK taxpayer £70bn to recapitalise the Scottish banks -this was no UK banking crisis, but a Scottish one”
Would that be Halifax Bank of Scotland – the clue is in the word “Halifax”.
Perhaps Northern Rock – the financial company based in the North of England.
LLoyds TSB maybe – the UK wide bank.
RBS Group – a multi-national financial group with a Head Office in Edinburgh but whose main retail business was NatWest and whose Global Markets division was registered in London.
And, of course, that report by the Scottish government was totally fisked in the article you cite. In addition, the tax income from oil will reduce dramatically over the next 20 – 30 years, making the situation even less likely for Mr Salmond’s ‘economic miracle’.
Try googling for the official projections by the OBR over the past couple of years, regarding North Sea Oil tax revenue forecasts….
As for your comment “Would that be Halifax Bank of Scotland – the clue is in the word “Halifax”.
How about just one teensy-weensy factoid…. In 2006, the HBOS Group Reorganisation Act (2006) legally transferred the assets and liabilities of the Halifax chain to Bank of Scotland which became a standard plc, with Halifax becoming a division of Bank of Scotland.
And as for Lloyds actually willingly taking over HBoS in the middle of Mr Gordon Brown’s economic head-on crash….
Oh, and just a quickie re RBS – RBS took over Natwest in 2000 and assumed responsibility for its control and manangement. And as any, even remotely intelligent, person would be able to figure out, it matters not a jot where your operational divisions are based, it’s where the decisions are made that counts – i.e. at RBS HQ in Edinburgh.
I would absolutely give you Northern Rock – it’s not Scottish, and it wasn’t big (at least not compared to RBS and HBoS), and it collapsed in 2007….pretty much before all the real trouble started
But there can be absolutely no doubt that the two biggest problems in the banking failure in the UK were headquartered and ruled/managed from….. Scotland.
Re our new found Norwegian Islamic butcher…had Norway joined the EU, the BBC would have preferred to call him an EU citizen…that`ll be the next stage, I assure you.
Better join the Eurozone Knut!
“Norway-based Muslim one of Kenya mall jihad mass murderers: ‘He was very committed to his religion, but not extreme’
[Opening excerpt}:_
“He was ‘not extreme.’ He was a ‘moderate,’ apparently. Norwegian authorities, however, will not explore the implications of that, or call upon Muslims in Norway to teach and work actively against the elements of Islam that give rise to jihad terror. That would be ‘Islamophobic.'”
Ah yes, as I have been saying for many a long year, it’s the moderates you see!
All those moderates, who stand around while gays are hung, or women stoned to death, all the while capturing the scene on their mobile phones for posterity.
Oh dear.
As I drove back this afternoon, I heard that Moh Answar
had been threatened, by the genocidal Islamics of Al Shabaab in some video, and later Ajmal Masroor too
The police helpfully, said that they were not arresting him this time on some trite absurd inconsequential matter and have advised him to pack up and leave Luton … great eh!
1 hr 19min … oops! i m sorry … this was Mo Answar,
so ….
Scotland Yard are immediately involved, 24hr police protection, patrols, potential threat level, special measures,
various procedures put in the place, set up alarms etc, etc.
Plenty of sympathetic media coverage, and
plenty of two and fro on twitter between him and al bbc that ….
gets him on BBC 5live, to talk about the dangers of said video, and
How he has stands strong against “islamofauxbia” ?
How he was right there in Woolwich speaking out?
How he fights the “far right” by being (wink wink) with T Robinson?
How Woolwich nothing to do with Islam? – just criminals?
How Islam stands for …
“not being cowed” – “not being terrorised into silence”
being accountable to “a higher power”
“the pursuit of peace and tolerance?”
etc, etc etc.
I think he got confused, that this wasn t a sermon
anyway yep! someone said something in a video …
I don t seem to recall Tommy Robinson, all over the BBC, with sycophantic media and concerned interviews, when the Islamic bombers thankfully were late with their mass murder mission.
How did Al Shabab get their bloody little beaks into British life then?
Got to be illegal-and anybody daring to sail under their bloody banner might be thought to be a terrorist sympathiser, giving succour to our enemies.
Yet here they are-online and threatening people over here.
Yet the BBC see no stupidity, or madness here…suppose they`ll be getting state funding sometime soon.
FFS…send them back to Somalia or suchlike.
As Enoch said-we must be literally mad!
My oh my! I’ve just read ‘In Their Own Tweets’ for the first time. What a ghastly and odious, smug bunch of tossers. After reading that, how the BBC can still deny bias is frankly pathologically delusional. I really think there is something wrong with them. So utterly creepy.
Did anyone else listen to ‘feedback’ on radio 4 ? the first part of the program was about ‘climate change deniers, and a BBC apparatchik who came on to say that the BBC should not give any airtime to anyone who declares heretical beliefs and denies climate change.
There was an invitation for listeners to give their views about whether the BBC should give airtime to ‘deniers’, which will almost certainly be swamped with green ‘warriors’ .
Yes I did.
I noted that a “denier”(the word used by all in the broadcast) was deemed to “not be a specialist” in Climate Change.
The BBC then give us Steve Jones opinion on the brouhaha…who(as I recall) is a GENETICIST for Gods sake.
The Stern Report…their toxic bible of pretext…was written by an ECONOMIST.
Ah-but their message is OK and is virtuous-so in these cases we need a multidisciplinary approach, where economists and geneticists are -well, just dandy since you ask!
Oh-and no mention of the UEA or the IPCC engineer Indian screwing us all over as the final word on climate change…or is it global heating uppy?
Typical BBC crap-lies and fudge-and no end of useful idiots who want the likes of Blomberg, Lister and Lawson shut down…deniers are hate and thought crimes-guilty.
Absolute disgrace of biased lies by lime-green white wishy washies!
how many times … science isn t decided by consensus
this IPCC twaddle is simply policy based evidence making … science fiction sheesh! Ron Hubbard would be proud.
If there are more holes in this report than polar bears, and ones big enough for a polar bear to jump through … then there is something seriously wrong with it,
This alarmist cartel had to divert from global warming to climate change because their “evidence” was flawed.
How dangerous is the BBC to allow this type of chicanery
eh! …. with the usual orchestrated line up, the arrogance is beyond belief.
Almost like all those in Mecca circulating the Kabba, all droning the same mantra
this is classic – IPCC Climate Change Report –
Science Fiction
The BBC are a disgrace to honest journalism – this programme displays their institutional climate bias without any attempt to disguise it. It is an insult to the listenership, to any concept of ‘balance’ or ‘fairplay’ and clearly, beyond any doubt whatsoever, reveals the depths of scientific fraud the BBC are prepared to pander to in pursuit of their CAGW manifesto.
This troublesome, unhelpful, obfuscating, dissembling, politically-motivated, propagandising, dishonest broadcaster is a national shame – be it for its liberal progressive bias in ‘reporting’ politics, climate science, the EU, immigration or Islam… it’s a litany of reprehensible failures, of deliberate, wilful engineering of the facts to suit an agreed narrative on each issue.
I don’t think the BBC will ever understand just how many licence payers it continues to alienate, disenfranchise and anger by virtue of simply never actually having the intellectual courage to provide ‘balance’ in the truest (some may say ‘only’) sense of the meaning.
If it does understand, but continues to behave so badly regardless, I think we then have the full measure of the wretched Corporation.
The only BBC presenter I have any faith in, in this respect, continues to be Andrew Neil – but even he cannot be fully-relied upon to provide consistent ‘balance’ although in comparison to his colleagues (and especially in comparison to the execrable Today programme and the regrettable Newsnight) he is simply miles ahead in setting a good example of how actual journalistic enquiry and legitimate criticism should work.
Think you`ll find that we call them GCSEs…capital case perhaps?
I do a bit of English once in a while.
Can only assume that your school is in “speshul mezures” HM.
Yeah, let’s just forget that Ted Cruz and his fellow Tea Party nutters in the GOP cost the US economy $15 bn per day.
Or that federal spending increased massively under Bush, and has risen far less sharply since Obama took office – and that his economic stimulus packages have resulted in a net gain in US jobs in the face of a global recession.
But hey. This is primarily a site for right-wing nutcases to ignore facts together. I’ll let you get back to lying to each other and feeling better for being ignorant now.
Take it from someone who’s used to patronising putdowns from idiots on this site who claim they know stuff, but never offer any proof: grow up.
Stop hiding behind a pseudonym. Back up your claims with facts. Show that you’re capable of debate.
Or, carry on as you are, doing nothing but denigrate with nothing to substantiate your statements. I mean, that’s how Vance operates from the top, so why should those at the bottom be any different? Just stop whining when people don’t take you seriously. If you behave like moronic idiots, you can hardly blame people who treat you as such.
And yet nobody mentions it. Not a single right-wing radio talk show host, not a single presenter on Fox News, not a single moron posting on Biased BBC under a pseudonym.
“Stop hiding behind a pseudonym. Back up your claims with facts. Show that you’re capable of debate.”
At risk of having a view that may morph in an unstable mind into the perception of an attack, I fully endorse the last two sentences there (if pointing out ‘facts’ from restricted sources is a BBC trait somewhat discredited by actual, proven, substantiated facts beyond a Newsnight researcher’s BFF). Capacity for debate is of course best left to others to decide, not one of the protagonists. For reasons that are obvious to most, if not all.
However (you may gird your loins for full victim flounce now, having crashed this party after too long in the pub, and thrown up over everyone) the first may have garnered you some dark glances from colleagues still in the corner… especially A. Anything, a few Germanic types or the odd conspiracy nut. This will not help them much, especially if… when, leaping to your defence.
Maybe you find the virtual trashing you get here is no longer enough, so gunning for a physical one in the form of a swirly in the departmental executive suite when you stagger in for the weekend shift, has to be masochism over bravery.
You rushed off to factcheck.org for your “facts” without even realising who is ultimately behind it.
Bill Ayers, communist, former terrorist and great pal of Obama.
You know absolutely nothing about what is really going on over here. Stick to what you know best sonny, being a theatrical prat and loony lefty
None, aside from benefiting at different times from the charity of the late publisher Walter Annenberg. We are a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and get funding from the Annenberg Foundation, created by Walter Annenberg in 1989. Ayers was one of three Chicago educators who applied for a grant from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995, which was one of 5,200 grants the foundation made during its first 15 years.
I’m sure you believe that your own McCarthyite paranoid bullshit is a more valid source. Doesn’t make it true.
Bill Ayers is a convicted terrorist who should be in prison.
He has never showed any remorse for what he did.
He wants to destroy the country that gives him such a great life.
As far as left is concerned the end justifies the means.
Ayres also admitted in a public speech the he ghost wrote one of Obama’s factually dubious “autobiographies”. I think it may have been “Dreams of My Father.”
If Scott wants any evidence I’ll direct him to YouTube for a video of the speech – I can’t be arsed to link it for him.
As I said, stick to being the theatrical clown that you are, because you know nothing of the reality that is coming to the US in the form of the laughably entitled “Affordable Care Act” let alone how the debt crisis will affect us. Perhaps you’re too thick to know that Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling when he was a Senator. He’s managed to add over $6 trillion to the debt since taking office, and by the time he leaves it will be $23 trillion.
Scott, your first sentence is complete rubbish: Ted Cruz, Tea Party and GOP did not cost the US economy anything: the amount might be right about how much the shutdown cost but it was 100% avoidable. In fact doing the right thing would have avoided it completely but selfish Obama and assorted fuck-wits don’t care about what is right.
Oh please. Right wing nutters claim it was avoidable if responsible politicians had only succumbed to the lunatic ransom demands of the minority of Congress that Ted Cruz and his ilk represents.
Even Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader in the Senate, has said that the ‘defund Obamacare’ strategy that Cruz spearheaded “couldn’t possibly succeed.”
The only people who think that it could are idiots. Of which there are an unsurprising number on Biased BBC. It’s little wonder Preiser hides out here, where his audience are irredeemably stupid, than on any site where his so-called “analysis” would be subject to informed discussion. if he were to post so regularly on a four that weren’t made up of idiots, he’d be exposed as the sort of man that makes Sarah Palin look like one of history’s greatest thinkers.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Hey, you didn’t give me what I want so… [thwack!!]
Who’s talking? Obama and the Dems or the GOP?
“It’s little wonder Preiser hides out here, where his audience are irredeemably stupid, than on any site where his so-called “analysis” would be subject to informed discussion.”
Yet you patently avoid debating any of his points…hmmmm
For someone who seems rather too quick to throw accusations and insults at others it would surely be sensible for you to get the basic economic facts right?
Your attempt to smear anyone who does not subscribe to your world-views is shameful, clearly your complete lack of debating skills is why you find the need to accuse others of being “ignorant” & “nutcases” as you find it impossible to express your opinions in a civilised and grown-up manner.
Never mind Scott, I pity you that your shortcomings are so transparent and hope that as you reach adulthood you manage to gain some level of intelligent repertoire.
You say the shutdown was costing $15 billion a day.
Try reading what you link to. The estimate was one-tenth of that per day.
£1.5 billion is peanuts when what is at stake is economic solvency.
And don;t make out that no-one but you knew about Bush’s deficits. We all knew that Bush ran up deficits – but at nothing like the annual scale that Obama has managed. And there were 2 wars in full flood under Bush.
Total debt has ballooned under Obama. His stimulus packages have led to a pitifully small number of new jobs. The “activity rate” in the US is way lower than under Bush – far more people economically inactive.
5 years on and unemployment is still 7.7%. True unemployment counting people who have simply given up is far higher.
You say the shutdown was costing $15 billion a day.
Try reading what you link to. The estimate was one-tenth of that per day.
You’re quite right – I mistyped and missed out the decimal point. I think the point still stands.
And don;t make out that no-one but you knew about Bush’s deficits.
I don’t – just that it’s worth noting that since Obama came to power, the rise in the annual deficit has slowed considerably, despite investment in economic programmes which have formed a foundation for economic recovery.
His stimulus packages have led to a pitifully small number of new jobs.
Over 2 1/2 million, to be precise, according to the BLS’ August statistics – nearly two and half times the number added during GWB’s eight years in office.
ObamaCare is making all this worse, of course.
How, exactly? Facts, please. Not the Sean Hannity/David Preiser “because I said so” nonsense. Do make sure you include how & why the Republican originated scheme (originally devised by the Heritage Foundation, which now campaigns against the very schemes it first championed, and then implemented locally by Mitt Romney before he ran for president and was therefore dead against his own principles) is so good when proposed by the GOP, but so bad when implemented by Democrats.
Well, the overnights are in, and it appears the new definition of DQF is ‘Deranged Quantity Frequently’.
Trouble is, it does carry risks…
“I mistyped and missed out the decimal point. I think the point still stands.
The BBC, its defenders, and the persuasive power of what they think. As some may say at such a juncture… Bless.
‘Autocorrect always kicks in when you’re least expecting it.’
Shame you don’t have one that can kick in when you are making a fool of yourself. It would have saved so much.
“Facts, please. Not the Sean Hannity/David Preiser “because I said so” nonsense”
So… what… the BBC/ M People kind that you prefer because… You say so?
ObamaCare – yes some of the ideas can be traced back to Romney and to Heritage – but they have learned from experience. There was total opposition to ObamaCare from the Republican party – but the Dems rammed it through Congress, over 1000 pages of legislation which no-one had time to read. As Pelosi put it – “Pass the Bill, then we can see what is in it”.
The chickens are coming home to roost. ObamaCare is a total mess. It represents an attempt by Obama to establish the biggest single business in the world – our NHS is the 3rd largest – and there are too many faults with it to list. Don’t you acknowledge the mess it is all in ? And the damage it is doing to the US employment market, and to family incomes.
Meanwhile the job “growth” under Obama has barelymatched the increase in population of working age. Which is why unemplyment rates are still so high – and hidden unemployment is up to about 16%. Obama’s stimulus packages and his corrupt actions eg on the auto industry have simply added hugely to Federal debt, with minimal effect on aggregate employment.
What part of $17 trillion debt don’t you understand ? Or are you getting your decimal place mixed up again, it is only $1.7 trillion so nowt to be worried about ?
Scott is either deliberately lying, or a fool, when he says that the annual deficit rose faster under Bush than Obama. For proof, lets take the BBC’s own graph showing the deficit over the last few years:
Bush was in power 2001 – 2008, Obama 2009 – present
Looking at the chart, I suspect that the ‘facts’ Scott uses take the deficit increase in the final year of the Bush presidency, and use that as the reference for comparison to all the Obama years.
In 2001, the deficit was c.$5.8Trn
In 2007, the deficit was c.$9Trn
In 2008, the deficit stands at c.$10Trn
In 2009, the deficit is c.$11.9Trn
Subsequent to this, each year during the Obama presidency adds c$1.5Trn to the deficit.
So, setting aside 2008 – 2009 for a moment, we can see that the deficit rose on average by about $0.6Trn pa between 2001 and 2008, and by about $1.5Trn pa after 2009.
So prima facie, its quite evident that the rate of adding to the deficit has increased substantially during the Obama years vs. the Bush years, excluding 2008-2009.
So, lets look at 2008-2009. Who ‘owns’ this deficit? Bush or Obama? Technically, Obama owns it, as the increase relates to 2009 spending vs. 2008. However, before answering that question, consider what happened during 2008. The financial crisis hit in full force, and a huge stimulus bill was approved. Who approved this bill? Both the democrats and the republicans (recall John McCain pausing his presidential candidature efforts during that time for example to work on this issue). So essentially Obama inherits this huge spike in his 1st year, but it was created because of a bill that both parties agree to. In fairness to Obama, we should take 2008-2009 out of the equation, as it makes him look worse than his real performance.
Even then, the annual deficit increase goes from $0.6Trn during the Bush years to $1.5Trn during the Obama years.
Only in the twisted world of the left, where black is white and white is black (and incidentally where Scott seems to reside) can it be said that Bush added more to the deficit than Obama did.
I suspect that in an effort at obfuscation, the article Scott refers to has taken deficit growth as a % rather than the absolute growth. This is extremely misleading, as the argument is really about how much extra Obama has committed the US government to spend on things it can’t afford, and this should be assessed in actual dollars.
And mine too. Who are these people? Do they despise themselves so much?
At all costs they must be kept away from our children and grandchildren. They are the enemy and there can be no compromise with them. The days of polite argument are over. The culture war is here.
Yesterday I took my small grandson to visit an old woodsman. The very epitome of old England. I hope he learnt a bit.
A fine man and a man who knows who he is and what England is. Such men are my people not this Livesey. He is nothing.
What an odd ‘report’ (unless, as has been suggested before, these #prasnews punts are meant to show up idiocy and abuse by the audience reading between the lines) from Divya Talwar, evidently on 3rd World Health ‘reporting’ duties joining 7,999 other ‘cubicle ‘reporters’ such as Tulip, who of course ‘covers’ Health for World News in complement. Albeit often arriving at the same places. ‘Prof Aneez Esmail, an expert on racism in the NHS who led the investigation, said he could not exclude racial discrimination as the cause’
Beyond wondering (as the BBC, or at least its now seemingly dominant Asian divisions seem not to) what qualifies a person without conflict of interest on such a topic, where’s Mandy Rice-Davies when she’s again required?
Assuming they are using the same exam procedures, begun 20 years ago (in British universities), every candidate should have a candidate number and need not write their name on the Answer sheets. Which means the examiner cannot determine the ethnic background of the candidate.
The report implies some “bias” in the exam: “We also know that this is a culturally specific exam – it stands to reason if you are born and brought up in this country, within the NHS, that you have an advantage,” she added.
The GP training is funded by British tax payers. Of course it will refer to practices in the NHS.
How snide is this: “So I don’t think that it’s the examiners saying ‘oh we don’t like ethnic minorities’ – it doesn’t work like that anymore,”
And read the whole thing and he presents no evidence of bias whatsoever just that more white people pass FFS, simply must be unconscious institutional bias then! Jeez.
The PC SS Diversity Squad is on full frontal assault on British culture, and the BBC deem it worthy of news. It’s about time the ethnic victim brigade sod off and leave the UK alone!
Again, no matter what the subject these women are all identikit feminist Marxist Common Purpose types (a la Joyce Thacker)
Our institutes are being feminised, homosexualised, diversified and throttled by them.
“So I don’t think that it’s the examiners saying ‘oh we don’t like ethnic minorities’ – it doesn’t work like that anymore,”
So he’d know when it did work like that then?
I wonder what the ‘expert on racism in the NHS’ has to say about the fact that the bBBC uses our money to run a racist channel, just for Asians (although that doesn’t seem to include Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Philippinos, etc).
Saturday Live with the ‘Rev’ Richard Coles has a Guest, Matthew Baylis:
Matthew Baylis has long been fascinated by Vanuatu and the cult on the island of Tanna there that worships the Duke of Edinburgh. He went to stay there to discover more about the religion and the way the inhabitants of Tanna live.
When interviewed he said that the people of this country believe that the Duke Of Edinburgh is an Elderly Racist Bigot.
He speaks for all of us! He wasn’t challenged about this slander, and Coles just let it go.
If this was anyone else they would most likely have sued, but as the coward Baylis knows the DofE cannot defend himself in that way.
An absolute disgrace, I urge everyone to complain about this 03700 100 222
Strange! On Tim Worstall’s blog we are told (for free) succinctly how and why the registration process for ObamaCare is such a complete load of rubbish. OTOH this was the upshot of a BBC website search (paramaters “Obamacare”, “US health”) with a one-liner observation that there were “early snags and glitches reported” ie nothing serious. Instead of sending Evan to the US to see why US Republicans (= southern redneck whiteys per the BBC) are getting a mite restive about the takeover of their country, maybe a little straightforward reportage wouldn’t come amiss.
“In other schools, computer science often clashes with things like drama or music, meaning the girls can’t do both.”
I guess this is not a problem for boys as they magically can do both? Or does the BBC think that drama and music is just for the 1% of boys who are gay, or who go to public schools?
Boys are already being failed by education and have been for years. The attempts to make this trend worse – as though it’s girls who are somehow discriminated against – are a disgrace
Don’t mention Brevik: Even though the bBC widely acknowledge that one of the Somali killers is a Norwegian, I have not heard any reference to Brevik and his accusations. I wonder why?
The serious problem we have is that political parties must be BBC-friendly in order to get air time. No BBC air-time, no political party.
If any politician does not behave in a BBC-approved way they soon get hounded off the stage.
So, we end up with a BBC-friendly Conservative Party, saying very lefty things and even UKIP is in the process of being sanitized.
This is not just a matter of style: this translates into policies and laws. Socialist laws. Laws that throw people out of work and cause serious hardship.
The BBC is indeed a far-left extremist organization and, as others have said, is nothing less than the print arm of the Guardian, the newspaper that hates Britain and Israel.
It has been some time since I first saw the interview (link below) of the BBC’s sweet-faced, Israel-hater, Mishal Husain, getting palpably angry over the fact that Hamas’s missiles weren’t killing enough Israelis, but I can’t forget forget this disgraceful display. A low point in journalism even by the BBC’s own abysmal standards:
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I just wanted to let you all know how desperately poor, impoverished and deprived I am.
I know because the BBC have been telling me so all week
Repeat after me…I am poor…cost of living. ..rent prices…fuel prices…British Gas….rail fares…I am poor….not socially mobile. ..only Ed Miliband can save me.
See you all when I get back from my weekend in Lisbon! I am poor….!
Yes, I always feel particularly poor after Christmas.
Must be the winter fuel bills.
Its obvious that people are getting poorer. What with the cost of cigarettes, booze, sky TV, take away pizzas and the obligatory visits to the Bookies, how are they expected to feed their kids. Its lucky that their rent and Council Tax are paid for them.
Fireworks aren’t though! With Bonfire Night/WhizzBang Fortnight just around the corner, how the bloody hell am I gonna be expected to cope?!
The Far Left (inc Beeboids):-
‘Keep fuel bills up: NO to shale gas and fracking in U.K.’
(Even though increasing amounts of imported gas from U.S. here is produced by fracking.)
“US to begin exporting ‘fracked’ gas”
Poor is a relative term.
What I think they mean is, you are a poor sap (no disrespect) because they are earning more than you, have job security and have a guaranteed income with a generous pension. If they are sacked, for whatever reason, even if they have been there only for a short term, they will receive a handsome pay out. They can also afford to work in large, and expensively appointed offices, with little regard as to where the money is coming. They can advance their views and use suitable coded language to portray certain individuals and/or parties (not necessarily political) to smear without worrying about the consequences because, the ‘Trust’ has your back covered.
Yes, to them people are poor. Poorly informed, poorly served and poorly treated.
Poor, poor, poor people.
Its nice to know, that at last, Auntie has got something right.
It’s seemingly harmless but garbage-ridden articles like this that I find nauseating…. When religion in this country is painted in a negative light, it’s always Christianity which is highlighted but never the left-wing trendies’ favourite, Islam. Christianity is losing congregations because of decades of brainwashing against the religion and the continued rise of so-called rationalism. Now, I’m no Christian but our country has been intrinsically shaped by its tenets, and for what? The BBC and the Left to dismantle it and wax lyrical about how grown up and rational we all are whilst allowing in and groveling to a medieval cult that is vicious in its totalitarian ideology.
liberals- spineless – politically correct – trendies – multi cultis … it all comes down to one word
cowardice … moral cowardice, political cowardice, media cowardice, yep! even religious cowardice.
From all apart from one section of society, the one section that really have to deal with the issue, the people who have to live and endure at the sharp end.
They will take to the streets over it, have done, and will continue to do so … what have they received eh!
Scorn, the galling rank hypocrisy and the cowardice, that spouts “shoot the messenger”.
The political class, all of them, and the media in this country should be bloody well ashamed of themselves
Absolutely. bBC – british Broadcasting Cowards. And they know it!
So very true. Islam is on the Left’s lists of approved list of ideologies whilst Christianity, especially if practiced in the USA, is definitely not on the list.
I am also not a Christian, but I still maintain a strong cultural, even emotional, attachment to the faith especially as it does me no harm, and poses no threat to my life or liberty unlike a certain other ideology whose benefits and blessings we witness on a daily basis.
Sorry, I pressed the return button too early. My first sentence should have read: “…Islam is on the Left’s list of approved ideologies…”.
Have courage, you are I think a Christian and would like to admit to it. More of us should, after all our civilisation and beliefs are under attack and we should not be afraid of supporting and defending what has supported us and made us what we are.
It may not be fashionable, but it is necessary and essential.
And a Christian who likes pork chops too!
That should ensure you`re safe from the porkophobes….as opposed to the BBC who are lovers of the porkie.
A sausage necklace anybody?
There has been a right old who-ha concerning the comments made by the England football team manager Roy Hodgson at their World Cup qualifier against Poland. You know, the bit about monkeys. It turns out the Mr Hodgson is reported to be a labour party supporter. I’m sure the BBC will have reported in depth all about what Mr Hodgson had said and that it was a deeply offending and racist comment, but I seem to have missed it. Maybe I haven’t been looking hard enough.
It seems that something called ‘Race for Sport’ linked to something called the ‘Society of Black Lawyers’ demand “cultural intelligence training” for Roy Hodgson and all football managers. My, how full the political re-education camps would be if these cheeky monkeys had their way.
Wouldn’t it be great if, just once, someone being forced to ‘apologise’ for nothing by some politically correct inquisitors or other, just told them to f*** off.
You said ” cheeky monkeys “, how very dare you. It was the said “Society of Black Lawyers “, that caused all the bru ha ha at White hart lane the other week. It’s our problem so let the “Association of Jewish Lawyers ” decide on any action. We demand a bacon/ foreskin free environment, no Saturday fixtures no xmas trees or decorations, only smocked salmon bagels and Pelligrino as refreshments and the Chief Rabbi as the ultimate arbiter.
Brilliant. You are spot on. Its high time someone told the liberal left racist bandwagon where to stuff their multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Betweeen 8am and 9am,the description of this Muslim who is deemed responsible for Westgate has changed from a “Norwegian national of Somali origin” to being a “Norwegian citizen” who had to “flee Somalia, but returned to Africa a few years ago”.
Maybe we need our own Thesaurus or lexicon to title all the many variations that the BBC come up with to defend murdering Islamic suspects..from Nairobi to cellars in the Rochdale area.
Who knows?…by 10am, he`s likely to be Knut of the Ka`aba…legendary Viking warrior who was taken in in Breiviks Commentary on the Koran.
FFS…f***off BBC…Orwell told us all we need to know about your games making through the day from one news bulletin to another…he`s a Muslim…an Islamic psycho…and he`ll not be pleased to be given your fey nationalities, citizenships, fleeing asylum refugee status…OK?
And the Trafford Centre or Westland are your shopping experiences too.
Best to call him Jihadi if you still want to shop for your handbags and choccies to die for…for maybe you will.
Its brainwashing, a softhead or libtard watching the story would instantly think ‘oh its not those beastly Muslims doing all these horrid things, its nasty Europeans, Muslims are good….’
Much the same as the story about ‘return home’ letters being sent to ‘British’ citizens, the example used on Breakfast News was not someone most of us would call British.
He can be British if he wants. Not that I think he knows what it means, but he is welcome too it.
I on the other hand, consider myself to be English.
“Norwegian” in Kenya attack suspect named
“Norwegian” man suspected of carrying out last month’s attack on a shopping centre in Nairobi has been identified, following a BBC investigation.
A “Norwegian” man being investigated over the Westgate terror attacks is ….. 😀
Bjorn? Gunnar? well no? … Arven? Johan? well erm no?
goodness … Erik? or Alfe? then?
no silly … its Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, the BBC’s Newsnight programme learns
If he’s Norwegian, my dicks a bloater.
Another inept comment which the neanderthals here approve.
What an utterly sad man you are!
And what an utterly typical leftie you are.
And pollix to you too me ole china!
Pollix the bollix. Sapien enough for you pitiful brainwashed inept?
Here s one following the good old “Norwegian” custom of
…. praying to Allah? – 2mins 46
Notice in the video that CNN describes them as them terrorists yet the BBC still insists calling them “militants”.
I often complain about the BBC refusal to call anyone outside attacks within Britain a “terrorist”. Except when quoting someone – with the T word in quote marks.
Apologists claim that the BBC guidelines are merely a caution against indiscriminate use of the T word.
But they NEVER use it. Is there never, ever a discriminating use of the T word. Say when jihadists go around killing kids at point-blank range ?
It seems to me that according to the BBC there is 100% no such thing as an overseas terrorist. Terrorists simply do not exist overseas is what the BBC is saying. ALL the BBC staff stick to this nonsense.
To say there is no such thing as overseas terrorism is a measure of how far the BBC will go to LIE about its favoured cult.
Boaz Ganor’s closing remarks at the World Summit on Counter-Terrorism seem very appropriate here, Who thinks the BBC should adopt his definition of terrorism?
Terrorism is the deliberate use of violence aimed at civilians or civilian targets aimed to achieve political goals.
Westgate mall suspect NOT identified by INBBC as Somali Muslim, BUT-
“Westgate mall suspect identified by BBC as Norwegian national”
“Westgate mall suspect identified by BBC as Norwegian national”
Stig of the Islamic Benediction?
Can’t wait for the retread to follow after they drop the Clangers without the gentle genius of Oliver Postgate (a bit like ‘Open No Hours’, without the ‘laugh’ track).
With Alan Yentob’s & Danny Cohen’s creative direction populist deft touches another stormer, for sure.
OMG !!! You just had to mention the Clangers’.
How dare they ! A timeless little classic that was part of childhood. Innocent and entertaining. Now they are going to trash it. The Beeb just gets evermore personal and under my skin. This is going to be an all out Left-Wing PC-fest, I just know it.
Sorry! Didn’t mean to spoil your Friday:)
But Aunty does rather mess up all our days.
I saw a reworking of Norwegian Wood that seemed apt…
“I once had a broadcaster, or, should I say, they now are having on everyone…’
OK, time to get that coat and post actual quality, if from another time, that has inspired the odd avatar too, and more… ( I wonder if ‘Major Clanger’ will not still cause a small shudder in certain market rate corridors and require a rebrand?)…
Not only is the perp “Norwegian” but, as Frank Gardner assured us on Today (on the basis of what evidence exactly?) the Islamic terrorist element in Norway to which this perp belongs is not only a tiny, tiny part of the Somali community there but is – as Gardner asserted (on what evidence?) – a smaller proportion of the Somali community there than in the US.
What Gardner shied away from in this “mission to explain and reassure” was a mention, let alone an examination, of the “fish in water” support of terrorism (cf Northern Ireland and pre-Maoist China) by alienated sections of the population. As Gardner is the security “expert” here you’d assume (well, since it’s the BBC, you actually wouldn’t unless the “terrorists” were part of the whitey community) that the existence of less active – even passive – support for terrorism would be a recurring part of the reportage here.
BTW, another examination I have yet to hear or see on the BBC is quite why refugees/asylum seekers from East Africa turn up in Northern Europe. Obvious places for desperate asylum seekers are those relatively peaceful (but relatively poor) lands closer to their home rather than those rich and generous countries 5,000 miles away.
Clearly not that good a ‘security expert’ or he wouldn’t have been shot!
That would be ‘ dont shoot i’m a Muslim’ Gardner.
Was it dear Frank on “The World Tonight”(17/10/13…10.30p.m or so) who went about Narvik showing people there the Westgate barbarian in the black shirt!
“Yes that`s our old neighbour that spooked us out over his fundi Muslim rants alright “said one bloke.
“Can`t be sure” said his family, who didn`t really want to talk…”hard to say really”.
“Anyway he`ll have been brainwashed.”..we all know what bloody Scandinavian fundamentalism has long been doing to the indigenous peoples up there.
And that was the parting quote from our Beeboid…”brainwashed”
That word “taqqiya” eh…poor Frank etal are so trusting aren`t they? They`ll not care to learn of it either.
Let`s hope that our Norwegian Aryan(adopted) never heard about those horrid “Go home” vans and emails here in Britain…for that alone could have enraged him enough…and here`s Shami, Inglat, Clive, Geoffrey, Michael and dear old Anjem to tell us why…
If there was ever an excuse to shut our borders, stop the jihadis getting back into the country after the Syrian Woodstock and ban immigration NOW…it would have to be that no matter what they`re going to do to us later-they`ll be classed as British…when they`re not…they`re Muslim Psychos and Islamist Jihadi terrorising sadists.
So let`s cut that excusing by the BBC by denying them any claim on nationality until we`ve mucked out the camel tents.
PS…”quotation marks” above…are NOT verbatim…alright Scott etc?
“Islamization and the 2013 Elections in Norway”
“Destroying Norway’s Socialist Paradise?”
By Bruce Bawer.
(Sept, 2012.)
Of course, the Far Left BBC & Guardian will NOT admit and publicise, even late in the day, what a massive danger it is to the West to allow in potential Islamic jihadists posing as asylum seekers, as is the case NOW.
Don’t mention the political class’s propaganda for the Islamisation of Europe, nor popular opinion against it, just keep calling Le Pen ‘Far Right’.
The Nairobi Police Dept has released this CCTV picture of a man wanted for questioning:
Daniel Greenfield ( Sultan Knish blog| has a fine essay on the hell hole that is Somalia this week. Required reading for a realist . Best avoided if you are of the liberal persuasion.
To be serious it is the sort of point of view that we need in our media. Will we get it?
Dream on.
I do not do links but I am sure most of you are already familiar with this writing.
That really is a good summary of the Somalians. A real social danger.
Any sensible country would have learned its lesson now and stopped any more coming in. And would be ejecting any of them who committed crimes. And that means thousands of them. Let them commit their crimes in their own country.
“Don’t generalise” people might say. But human survival is based on being able to make generalisations, to recognise dangers.
“who had to “flee Somalia, but returned to Africa a few years ago”.
So Norway has no more to do with this monster than the airline he flew there with, and considerably less than the ‘civil rights’ organisations that doubtless facilitated his coming and going
The last time there was a Norwegian maniac who committed mass murder the BBC fearlessly revealed inter-alia his links with the EDL
“By 2010, Breivik was apparently in contact with at least some of the EDL leadership, and attended at least one demonstration that year. He also visited London to welcome fellow “counter-jihadist” Geert Wilders”
(btw Is there a suggestion there he was on speaking terms and known to Wilders and that they were close enough to be fellows in a struggle against an imaginary threat? Must have been I assume, as the BBC wouldn’t want to be misleading.)
I know we can expect a similar revelations from the BBC regarding this second ‘Norwegian’ and any contact he had with the leadership of any groups.
Good question and will those refugee organisation or anti-racist groups that he was in touch with be now credit by the BBC as terrorist organisations?
So let me get this straight. A Norwegian (real one) goes on a killing spree. He has ‘links’ to the EDL and the Progressive Party. And these ‘links’ are splashed all over the news everywhere.
We then have people, who crash planes into buildings, blow up trains, butcher people in cold blood, and shout Allah Akbar and then, they themselves link it directly to their faith but, we are told by the BBC and the rest of the MSM, that it is nothing at all to do with their faith.
Am I the only one confused by all this ?
‘ Am I the only one confused by all this ?’
I know it is a serious issue when some black chap gets called a Norwegian, and certainly in England the decades long repetition of this sort of thing by the BBC et al, is convincing many people that England is really a multi-racial society. Living proof is presented by the ‘English’ football team etc etc. But to say this chap is Norwegian is so preposterous as to make you laugh and a BBC announcer solemnly referring to him a Norwegian, should really be on one of their comedy shows. Did he go to Norwegian assimilation classes and spend hours wearing a horned helmet and learning how to rape and pillage? Clearly he didn’t need instruction in that age old Viking custom , but he doesn’t seem to have got the hang of the costume does he.
Er …rape and pillage you say?
Did the Vikings teach the Muslims?…or did they just rely on the Koran and the words of their poppet?
The ship building classes haven’t been a huge success either.
they took their line from the guardian’s lies
i’m sure they were sick that they couldn’t call the killer a `Lincolnshire` man
BBC descriptions of nationality seem to alter not with logic or legal status but according to the story the BBC wishes to tell.
A new example to me was this : ‘Suresh Grover long-term British citizen’ (BBC 5 Live this morning)
There was me thinking possession of British citizenship was like the state of pregnancy – you either are or you ain’t.
And Mr Grover being a lawyer you would think the BBC might be a little more forensic about his status…..
But then of course this was an immigration story and Mr Grover (‘reluctant hero’) is a race campaigner and makes his living camapigning about race.
He got a text (poor chap) from the Government questioning his status – well so he says….
“One day they got me and stabbed me’, he informed a shocked audience. He didn’t go into great detail, only to say his worried parents moved to Southall, London, to be closer to their own community.” – well we’ll have to take his word for that too.
The BBC tell me that there were 140 complaints out of something like 40,000 emails(so I recall…wan`t listening…and I`m a maths teacher!).
The Home Office said there were 14 queries.
But if only one race hustling old lawyer can get himself on the Today show to trash the (admittedly useless) Tories…then job done.
Don`t blame Grover-but he peaked in Sesame St, I think.
Another waxed surfboard for the BBC “yuman rites” campaign….the BBC will bin him when he needs a care home, unless it`s a segregated Islamic one…as is his right!
BBC Maffs, especially when it comes to what is an issue and what isn’t (this seems to apply… a lot… when the spotlight is on them) is a mystery.
One likely to remain so as when asked to explain those FoI lawyers do seem to crank up their engines to say it’s a secret.
Saudi Arabia turns down, its offered seat on preserving the worlds peace and security at the UN … spouts the BBC
sheesh! funding terror and an ideology of hate can buy you anything eh!
Libya and Syria too until recent times.
But the BBC-the Now Show see no humour or irony in this.
MayDay parades with the Tippex out and stern jaws for the young to ask about once the pensions are secured…plaster medals all round for the thought police.
Good to know that the Nairobi enrichers found time between chastising infidels to pray. Allah is truly akhbar.
Ah that cultural enrichment. Why don’t we import more of these savages and barbarians into our 3 rd world shithole?
10, 000s of Syrians, (up to press) are trooping through 6 countries to get to … England.
At least a 100 a day the latest from Calais reports.
The BBC features extending interviews from Amir, Ahmed, Hasan and Ali, in an exclusive from V Drearybyshire in Calais
on 5Live, it appears that 4 or 5 times at attempting is the norm …
lots of talk of “our duty”, of “human rights”
of our proud history of tolerance ya da ya da.
Would that be our “proud” … BBC imperialist colonialist, slave owning, “horrendously white” racist history at all.
BBC – B-stards Beneath Contempt
Syria was French possession and a Turkish one before that.
Let them take the buggers.
Norway and Somalia.
“Norway: Now the government will expel Somalis by force”
Tell em its the next stop across the water and give em a compass, a pair of water wings and a hand out from a food bank.
File this under ‘It’s A Twofer’: 8:28 on the BBC’s flagship news program on Radio 4 and we have an item about wimminz footy in Glasgow and how great they’re doing in Europe. As usual, the item was presented as though it was only small-minded bigotry that could explain why everyone outside the BBC didn’t give them the same coverage as Rangers and Celtic
I note that St Savile of Wood Lane and Media City fame, is pictured with his car that-we oldies know-used to be Radio 1 `s frequency on MW, before we were all rushed into dumping our radios, our tellies etc…for the “digital revolution” doncha know?
And no bleating about the landfill and utter waste of working stuff either…you`ll bleat about that once Evan Davis is home, and bagged his expenses…alright?
Having seen the picture-anybody else sense that the BBC knew what was coming re St Jimmy, and madly rushed to digital…before we connected Jimmy with his only real home which was Radio1 and the TOTP studios(not counting the caravan love machine parked in the Beeb carpark!).
MyThought for the Day…and far better than Richard Harries mad musings of this morning.
Mac Arthur Park made more sense…albeit just as tuneless!
Thinking outside the Box…it`s allowed…Lorry Taylor sez every week on Radio 4!
My favourite picture of Hugs.
And btw anyone know if Nikki Campbell was at the BBC at the same time as Savile or whether Savile left just as Nikki arrived – only Nikki never mentions it.
It was Savile who recommended Campbell to Radio 1.
A quote from Radio Rewind
“Nicky Campbell joined Radio 1 in October 1987 on the recommendation of Jimmy Savile after a successful stint at Capital Radio in London.”
Campbell also contributed to the BBC Savile tribute program in 2011, only then to give his fee to charity once the allegations became mainstream.
He took a fee for a tribute programme? What a piece of shit!
Holy shit, have you seen this article about Cory Booker by the BBC’s Anthony Reuben? I think he’s actually in love with him. I imagine he typed it one-handed while jerking himself off.
Mysteriously though, unbiased BBC reporter Tony R can tell us all about his experiences at Oxford with Cory (incestuous, much) but leaves out this bit of his biography:
… I guess this is just one more thing that supports the BBC’s contention that it’s impossible to find anything humorous about liberalism.
……She turns to the documentary-maker’s camera and says: “Smell my hands ‘cos I just touched Cory Booker.
Reminds me of that way-back-when song by Terry Scott which was played on the Light Programme.
It was called ‘ my brother’
And why the link?
Folk over a certain age may remember, but the closing line said by Terry to his supposed lil bro was:
‘Ere, what have you had in your hand? ‘
‘ ‘ave yer? Phwoaaaar….’
Cory Booker?
OMG, an American Chuka Umunna!
We’re doomed, I tell ya– doomed!
The apocalypse is upon us!
Where is the Rapture? I’m ready, Heavenly Father!
I think it’s time to create a Rule #2 about BBC guest voices. Rule #1 is that if they don’t give a partisan/position label to a guest or vox pops, you know which side they’re on. Rule #2 should be that any US opinion piece will be from the Left, albeit with the corollary that the rare time an opinion from the Right is allowed through (e.g. Rod Dreher) it’s either a slice-of-life non-partisan anecdote or an admission that the Right lost an argument, rather than an actual opinion piece from a Right-ish perspective.
Heard St Paul Maccas concert the other night on Radio 2.
Almost uniformly awful-nice one about his latest wife though to be fair.
The universal suckup before and after was cringing…whatever happened to three chords and the truth eh Jo Whiley.
Paul can`t sing…but nobody on Radio 2 was going to tell him…uniform arse licking top to bottom.
When he wrote “Kisses on the Bottom”, he must have known that Radio Fawn would go all U2 on him…a day of cringe.
I prefer Mrs Mills and her fake the Peg song…but she seems to be the only diability champion that is NOT allowed on the BBC any more.
The BBC back the winning team in the liberal lefty culture wars every time…and Heather happened to lose.
As Nappy said…victory has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan….must live on a Tottenham estate with only the memory of Mark Duggan to console .
Radio 2 is shite nowadays full of fawning sycophants. Like everything else BEEB its been dumbed down and seeks the same audience as X-Factor. Full of 90’s Radio 1 rejects, its hard to differentiate between Radio 1 & 2.
We have our tax wasted on R1, 1xtra, 2 and 6Music all seemingly catering for much the same daytime audience, why four stations?
Yes, from Long and Winding Road and Let It Be to Temporary Secretary and Mary Had A Little Lamb. 🙁
If there’s one conspiracy theory I do believe it’s that Sergeant Pepper cover one about Paul being replaced by a completely talent-free look-a-like.
Sorry – of topic.
Vikki Drearyshire – what a c**t.
There that’s better.
Sorry – off topic.
Vikki Drearyshire – what a c**t.
There that’s better.
New York, New York!
Would explain a lot this one!
Surely BBC3 would allow us all a bus around the country to…y`know…`fink the unfinkable innit!
A few figures to show what a terrible mess Obama has taken the US into on debt levels. (And proportionately the UK is as bad if not worse – with Cameron and Osborne failing to face up to our problems)
Regarding the texts to legal immigrants.
BBC running this story:
Texting the wrong people.
Is this news worthy? Government departments make mistakes all the time: for example, over and under payments occur in HMRC. The question is: does 14 out of 58,800 people represent an above average error? If not it’s not news worthy.
It’s another typical bBBC ‘Labour says …’ non-story.
Then there’s the case being loudspeakered on inbbc news all day, of someone who says he was sent such a text in error. The home office said no, they didn’t send one, and that, it seems, has caused him to take legal action over it.
WTF? legal action? And thats worth a newsheadline.
Treacherous scum, and that’s just the bbc.
Just a chip on his shoulder as he ain’t British as in the true sense of the word….
So, I finally got around to watching the two-part Stephen Fry documentary ‘Out There’ (BBC2). I’ve already posted regarding my concerns that the National Treasure™ would shy away from criticising ‘The Religion of Peace’ (state-mandated executions of gay teenagers a particular speciality) in favour of bashing Christianity – a far easier, less potentially fatal target for cowardly Liberal progressives everywhere – and so it proved, with the one exception of an early sequence towards the start of part 1 where Mr Fry awkwardly ‘explained’ he’d been advised not to travel to ‘certain countries’ as it would be *ahem* ‘too dangerous’ for him there.
Instead, he took to visiting such hellholes of homophobia as Brazil, Russia, Uganda and India – mostly to berate government officials and Christians. While such opportunist sight-seeing might have worked wonders for his Air Miles (but let’s not mention his carbon footprint, eh?), I was left wondering exactly what the entire point of the two-parter was? If Mr Fry had been attempting to tell me something I hadn’t already known about intolerance then I must judge his effort a rank failure. Yes, homophobia still exists in every country in one form or another. What really interested me – and what I had hoped to see – was a challenge to those particular countries which still today mandate the execution of gay people.
Clearly, this was not going to happen. I’m not a Christian, but even I took offence when, at the conclusion of Part 2, Mr Fry ruminated on intolerance and homophobia, choosing to specifically mention Christian Evangelism as an especially pernicious offender in this respect…and yet the real homophobes, the dangerous, murderous kind still at work in the world today killing somebody’s sons, somebody’s daughters, under state law for the heinous crime of their personal sexuality, got no special mention at all in his puffed-up, self-important summing up. Who could I be talking about?
Odd, because as much as extreme Christian Evangelism around the world constantly rattles the cage around issues of homosexuality I’m not aware of any religious faith, anywhere, that actually enjoys state-sponsored executions of gay people.
Except one, of course. Perhaps Mr Fry has never heard of it – he can’t be expected to know everything, can he?
So Fry said that he had kept clear of certain countries.
Did he say which countries – under which religious law ? Did he elaborate in any way ?
(I don’t want to watch the programmes, thanks very much !)
Bruce Bawer in his excellent book ‘ While Europe Slept:’ (currently only 5 left in stock of well known tax dodging internet book seller)
Explains that as a homosexual rights activist in America ,he spent most of his time campaigning against evangelical Christians (I wonder what his take on the Floyd Corkins affair is?) and moved Europe to get away from them. He freely admits that his subsequent experience’s in Holland and Scandinavia revised his priorities.
Perhaps If Mr Fry were to move from his income gated bohemian community in Hampstead to some working class district of Amsterdam , he might also have the scales fall from his eyes
Perhaps a fund could be set up.
No need to move that far, all he has to do is move down the road to Tower Hamlets. But I forgot, it is a gay free zone.
Pink triangle and yellow star in his case. Life expectancy there ……….5 minutes.
As much as that?
In India many other people face discrimination because of the caste system. Was that worth a mention?
Incidentally, can you guess what the percentage of gays is in the UK according to the ONS? It’s a massive 1.1% http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/integrated-household-survey/integrated-household-survey/april-2011-to-march-2012/stb-integrated-household-survey-april-2011-to-march-2012.html
Is the interests of this group overepresented by the BBC?
Labour engineered the entire gay debate to ensure a secular state (that would be more open to more socialism). A good example is Stonewall, the lobby group that was secretly funded by 89% as a UK charity using taxpayer money under various (Labour) guises. Although 1% is mirrored in America, Stonewall has decided that it should be 8% in the UK and spends it’s time (and money) challenging schools gay policy to ‘let them in’ and offer advice on school uniforms to shower cubicles. Of course the BBC is always the best place to work for that magic 1% of the population.
“Let em in”-Paul McCartney wrote that!
So our conspiracy theory now sprouts Wings!
Jesus. What a load of conspiracy bollocks.
Not a shred of truth to any of it, of course. That’s why “Philip” doesn’t offer any evidence to back up his assertions. Just like so many others on Biased BBC, his own bigotries take precedence over pesky things like facts and truth.
This site doesnt welcome heterophobic bigots like you now fuck off
btw, are they glasses or swimming goggles you’re wearing?
Bless. Feel better for that abuse, do you? Feel like you’re a bigger man for telling someone to fuck off?
Do let me know when you’ve decided to grow up. I won’t be holding my breath.
you a man? oh yes, youre as much as a man as Mo Farah is British, not much then
but being serious for a moment scott, as a friend, i can see posters of your pic in bus stops all over the country with “should have gone to spec savers” written on them
night luvvie xxxxx
once again Scott is displaying his credentials as a professional offence taker. You really are a tit.
Scott, keep going old son! You’ve become the homophobe’s caricature of the spiteful, bitchy old queen. Somebody mention a trigger word in their post that’s set you off on an abusive rant?
Why don’t you admit you’re a poisonous bigoted old sod who stand the thought of others having a different opinion to yours. I bet your a real wow down at your local pub (that is if the landlord hasn’t barred you).
By the way, Scott, if being abused offends you, then you really shouldn’t abuse others. Treat others as you would like to be treated – or do you get a “frisson” out of being verbally abused?
I’m sure that last year I read (In the telegraph I think ) of a completely confidential survey, (so no pressure on respondents) that put the figure even lower .just less than 1%
I wonder was that an earlier release from this same study that has since been revised upwards?
545,000 adults in that report are going to find life a lot more ‘interesting’ in the coming years.
Will INBBC report this?:-
[“Note to media and government:
“For a full copy of this report and video, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to media@memri.org. Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.”]
If you like to hear about football – but hate England…. then look away now….
I note there have been some posts here concerning the BBC’s attitude to England’s qualification for the World Cup. Well it seems ‘we’re’ not seeded but ‘we’ are at least going to Brazil.
You see I’m not afraid to say ‘we’ to declare an interest there. Unlike the Beeboid who – according to a little aside from Shelagh Forgarty – ‘made a face’ when he had to admit to being English. Unlike our Shelagh who was loud and proud with her ‘I’m Irish!’
See the natural contrast in BBC office attitudes there?
I heard another little insight into BBC Salford office culture the other day when 5 Live discussed England’s prospects in Brazil. The presenter suggested ‘….and this comes from the production team – how about England would do better not to qualify?’
Can’t you just see them in your mind’s eye… all in their Brazil shirts proudly chanting ‘I’m a neutral! I’m a neutral!’
You see Brazil is skillfull, Stephen Fry says its gayfriendly, etc etc
You see English football is thuggish, jingoistic and vaguely racist. I know this because I listen to the BBC.
It seems Hodgson has had to cancel a squad team building weekend at Monkey World in Devon – or some such story I’m unclear as to the exact details? But listen, it’s not about what was said but how it might have offended – right?
Meanwhile Polish soccer supporters : 35 out of 36 arrests, illegal flares smuggled into Wembley and a pitch invader – ‘that’s just what we don’t want to see in the modern game’ : John Motson c1990. Well the Poles are simply ‘colourful and vibrant’ BBC c2013 – not as much as the Brazilians I would venture but at least they ain’t English – hashtag Made A Face
So what went wrong with English football?
I’ll tell you. It became a symbol. A symbol hated by the Left.
Many years ago whilst watching a sports event a Leftist friend of mine suddenly announced ‘I hate the National Anthem!’
‘I just hate it. It’s boring’
‘Boring? It’s not supposed to be on Top of The Pops’
‘It should be changed’
‘To what?’
‘Something more stirring’
‘What? Most National Anthems are boring – aren’t they?’
‘The Soviet National Anthem is stirring’
And – forgive me – all I could think to say was ‘If you like it so much you should go and live in Russia’
You see there is no rhyme or reason to the BBC’s antipathy to English football – it’s just that it is a symbol and there is something stuck their Leftist genes that hates it.
And even if some Beeboids do like England – keep schtum about it at work lads
For me, if any of the Home Nations are in a competition then ‘we’ are there. England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
I did enjoy the piece with UNITE and a chap from the management at Grangemouth
Eric Joyce ssems to have worked it out
starnegly NONE of this background was in the BBC report
So once no longer a Labour party member he can tell the truth. I wonder how many others just toe the party to keep their jobs but are actually quite sensible?
Agreed…yet the World At One give us one sentence that says nothing.
This background is all you need to know-which is why the BBC won`t be telling you anytime soon.
At last-an Independent MP!
Ah, I must be a prophet(Peace be upon me!).
For our friendly Muslim blackshirt in Kenya is no loner even a Norwegain citizen…by 1p.m The World At One says now he IS Norwegian.
A Norwegian Brown…or is that black? In any case…he`s one dead parrot, but the BBC clearly see him pining for the fjords of home.
Serious counselling please for our Viking friend…we all get pissed off at those shopping malls sometimes do we not?
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When is 99.9% success in government worth less than 95% in climate change studies? In the BBC’s mind.
They didn’t focus on the 5% when reporting the IPCC press release some weeks back but it seems the less than 1% error rate in texting illegal immigrants is news worthy.
Go figure.
To be honest, the Norwegian Security Services deserve no better at the moment.
A dreadful pussy foot around the Norwegian hothead incident.
Both our “security bloke” and Ed Stourton(now there`s a clue, how this interview would go) somehow-and don`t ask me how-managed to go through minutes of wondering about our Narvik chappie…his friends, who he might have met and what his ..er…”motivation” might have been!
Who`s to know…to speculate-for the BBC, as we all know don`t do “opinion and comment” , despite the World At One saying that it does…not in the case of Boston or Nairobi, Woolwich or Rochdale at least.
The Lowest Common Denominator?…give us a clue eh?
Where`s Wally my hat?…where the hell is JIM(Jihad, Islam, Muslim) then when you call him?
No Hugs or Nicky…not YOUR Jim please-although he is turning out to be the acceptable face of the BBC the way things are going!
PS-the Muslim cleric called those who threaten him “nutters”-and Stourton requotes it too-can I get out my Committed Fancy Dress outfit once again…or should I just get Marjorie Wallace and SANE on the phone to tell them of this anti-issues discrimination and prejudice.
They might be “Al Shabab”-which any fule no is Arabic for “vulnerable and hurting inside”…hate crime, hate crime!
They might be Al Shabab..but let`s hope that we don`t call them nutters.let alone to be told to go home.
For there is NO call for that!
-If a non-Muslim British person had called Islamic jihadist Al Shabab ‘nutters,’ no doubt there would be Beeboid accusations of ‘Islamophobia’.
At least Ed Stourton (not Martha Kearney) ‘World at One’ had on a Muslim critic of Al Shabaab.
But INBBC’s Frank Gardner, always one to relegate the size and significance of the Islamic jihad threat inside the West, misleadingly says this about the Al Shabaab threat inside Norway:-
“There are around 23,000 Somalis in Norway, making it the largest of the country’s refugee communities. The vast majority have no connection with terrorism.
“Norwegian investigators estimate that between 20 to 30 ethnic Somalis have left Norway to go and fight in Somalia – that’s just one in 1,000.”
HOWEVER, Bruce Bawer, a Norwegian resident, has:-
…” a brief tour of organized Islam in Norway (a country, remember, with only five million inhabitants, including maybe 100,000 Muslims): the Islamic Cultural Centre, a branch of the Jamaat-i-Islami movement, which is considered extreme even in Pakistan, has 3500 members; the Tawfiq Islamic Center, which supports the terrorists of Al-Shabab, has 5400; Oslo’s Rabita mosque, run by a disciple of Holocaust fan Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has 2500; Minhaj ul-Quran, whose founder has said that any critic of Muhammed, whether ‘Muslim, Jew, Christian, infidel, man, or woman, will be executed like a dog,’ has 3000.”
“Norway’s Happy Lies on Muslim Immigration”
By Bruce Bawer
(Jan 2013).
Tide is turning. A friend mentioned in passing he’d seen Tommy Robinson on the BBC and was ‘surprised’ how much sense he made and that he wasn’t extreme. BBC Islamists and their fellow-travellers have been out-maneuvered by Robinson who has been given a reasonable hearing by the BBC on a least two occasions now. Moderate Muslims, professional BBC journalists and Tommy Robinson, working together. Jihadists, Channel 4 and UAF having to regroup and rethink tactics. Rock on Tommy.
Someone tell me who’s behind Stephen Yaxley-Lennon alias Tommy Robinson’s metamorphosis into TR 2.0, please.
There’s something here that’s failing the “sniff test” for me.
There is no metamorphosis. He’s saying the same now as he said then. He’s still getting the death threats but at least now he has been listened to properly on the BBC. Whereas Jon Snow on C4 couldn’t care less what he had to say.
Like guyfaux, I too am baffled.
In time it will make sense.?,
We shall see.
Not so much content as style.
Pardon me if I inquire as to what Mr SYL/TR’s future ambitions are, and whether they might chime with those of someone behind the scenes who may be “advising” him and, frankly, bankrolling him.
My suspicion is that he is being made out a sort of post-hajj Malcolm X, a man who, though still preaching a self-reliant take-pride-in-yourself message, had had, to mix the metaphor, a damascene conversion, and given up what some thought to be the “hate” rhetoric.
Mr SYL/TR may be genuine in his pauline “spake-as-a-child-now-as-a-man” pronouncements as to the direction his activities will take– but my suspicion is that there is someone behind him who sees him as a squaring of the circle, of bridging the should-be-Labour crowd of the risible BNP and the should-be-Tory crowd of the quaint UKIP, with respect to the oi-who’s-lookin’-out-for-all-the-BRITONS-in-Britain-anyhow sentiment, to form a bloc of “floating voters.”
I suspect TR 2.0 is to become a sort of “institutional pressuriser,” whose bloc must be taken into account, but who himself is not to rise much farther.
Someone twigged that with the balkanisation going on in society, and the spectre of continued need for Coalition Governments ahead, it might not be that bad an investment to keep a possible adversary inside the tent urinating outward, than outside it urinating inward.
I could be dead wrong, of course. But stranger things have happened than the scenario I’ve just proposed.
In the absence of ANY evidence to the contrary I take Tommy Robinson at his word, which has been consistent. I could be dead wrong of course, and it might all be some big conspiracy.
More Beeboid Far-Left political propaganda for mass immigration from Syria, etc. The main viewpoint represented is that of Syrians, not British people:-
“Calais’s Syrian refugees desperate to cross Channel”
By Jim Connolly
BBC Radio 5 Live.
Of course, Far-Left Beeboids want to impose an ‘open door’ policy of unlimited immigration into E.U and into U.K.
I was under the impression refugee status involved pitching up at the first safe haven away from the bun fight.
Getting in sight of the UK from Syria seems to have involved commitment in excess of this, for some reason (“Britain will give you a house straight away”) , along with a certainly amount of complicity on the part of those along the way, and the media monopolies they sponsor, on top of our government’s apparent £500M we can easily spare to ensure the local gangmasters stay in Mercs.
“In my fathers house are many mansions”.
Polly Toynbee, John Humprys, Ross and the like have a few houses-and the Beeb has loads of studios where Savile never went.
Is someone scrawling that line into all those Korans then?..I see no other reason for Muslims to leave the love of the umma
Asylum protocol demands you seek it in the first safe country in which you arrive .
Therefore, as I have said very recently:
Tell ’em to fuck off.
Hope that is plain enough?
On reading the quoted story on the BBC website, it seems to me that – unusually, given the subject-matter – this report wasn’t propaganda but a more or less straightforward description of the situation in Calais. If anything it highlighted both the well-deserved reputation that the British and Britain have abroad vis-a-vis refugees (mugs/an easy touch: all you have to do is get here and you go to the front of the queue for everything) and the sheer chutzpah of the refugees demanding to be let in (or else!!).
I didn’t hear the 5-Live programme which might indeed have aimed to back up a “let ’em all in” policy. However, if the quoted item is an accurate reflection of the programme, the programme’s objective failed miserably.
Apart from music, I tend not to listen to the radio much. And if today’s BBC 5 radio is anything to go by, I think I’ll continue my abstinence. I was out for a drive with my mother and father and all I heard on this BBC radio show was gender victimhood, the England manager’s racist joke, how immigrants are being treated disgracefully by the Tories, and how the far-right are using the Kenyan attacks as an excuse for violence. Is BBC radio always like this? It was utterly, utterly appalling in its Left-wing propaganda. Never again… next time I’ll stick on the Rolling Stones, instead!
The Beeboids: broadcasting propagandists for unlimited immigration.
Classic FM isn’t too bad, but watch out for their News reports on the hour. Blatant Labour propaganda. In fact you would think that the Labour Party owned Classic FM.
Classic FM’s offering is superb, across the board, such that I can easily ‘tune out’ ads that often are cringeworthy.
But their imported ‘news’ segment is, as you say, dire, and getting worse.
They had best be careful as they are subject to forces a little less uniquely immune than those the BBC can safely ignore
Absolutely nothing to do with BBC bias, but in a short reply to your post, the Bungee girl gets me going for the silent button and what on earth is that girl singing about in the Twinnings tea advert? I cannot understand a single word she says! Any ideas??+
New video from Pat Condell
Someone else noticed
Alot of people notice his video’s.
I’ve seen people watching these in public libraries.
The BBC would not have Pat Condell on Question time.
The BBC are good Marxists and don’t want anyone telling the truth about how wrong they really are.
Thanks to this site, I`m fully aware of him too.
Always worth a look…he must be about the only atheist comedian who never gets on the telly.
Why so?
I often wonder how the BBC’s Question TIme would go if Pat was on it?
A non vintage one I was going to let pass, but…
Maybe the BBC Commissioning Editor thought it was a series about the licence fee payers and misheard how they all refer to them as?
Do you think that the teachers at the ‘have a ciggy school’ in Leeds were fully qualified?
What a great story.
Tumbleweed drifts across the playground…and no doubt, the prison courtyard too.
Still-thanks to these passionate and concerned teachers, Leeds High St remains a no-smoking zone.
Bloody Gove and his pressures on these poor kids…
The Day/Year/Decade/Century of the Monkey
Not particularly related to any thing the IBBC has done or said about this issue,but this is what we are reduced to by the culuture of PC that is at the heart of the IBBC message. NASA sends up a space capsule with two monkeys and one man. On lift of the tower instructs Monkey No. 1 to do his job. No. 1 taps on his computer console and the rocket blasts off.
A little later the control tower instructs Monkey No. 2 to do his job. No.2 taps on his console (sexism has crept into my narrative = crime number one) and he taps in the instructions. The capsule separates from the booster rocket.
Next the control tower calls to speak to the human astronaut, and he answers before get the command from the tower, Yea, Yea I know feed the monkey.
Now whole rainforests have been destroyed (shit, I do like my hyperbole). Millions of words have been written and spoken about this rather tame little joke narrated to the England squad at half time by the manager. He used the “joke” to emphasise to the back or the rest of the team the need to past the ball to forward and potential goal scorer by using the phrase from the joke “feed the monkey”. The forward happened to be a ‘person of colour’.
Now in all I have heard about the resulting brouhaha, about this ‘major incident’ no one has mentioned the fact that in the joke the monkeys were the bright ones and the, presumably white astronaut was the dumb ass who’s only job was to feed them. Was the manager not also paying the forward a compliment in acknowledging his talent and his important role in securing a victory.
The comments on this FaceBook post suggest the BBC is on the horns of a dilemma, along with a few other green advocates and ‘buying vote’ denial folk…
BBC News
Vote “yes” to an independent Scotland and your energy bills will be cut by 5%.
Nicola Sturgeon has told the SNP’s conference in Perth the reduction of about £70 would be achieved by removing a number of “green” charges.
No comments to the report, perhaps wisely.
…all funded by an EU grant ot to put it another way ‘someone else’s money’.
Scotland – a benefits scrounger masquerading as a nation.
The Peoples Socialist Republic of Scotland is the 3rd most state dependent country in the world after, wait for it ,North Korea & every Marxist`s fav country Cuba !
Do you have any evidence to support this assertion apart from a (now discredited) 2009 article in the Telegraph which conveniently ignored North Sea Oil revenues?
From the same article:
“Including a geographical share of the North Sea, official Scottish government figures in 2008 show that the ratio of public-sector expenditure to GDP is 41.3 per cent of Scottish GDP compared to 41.5 per cent for the UK as a whole.”
You can always rely on uncle bup to post incorrect information.
If Scotland is such a drain on the rest of the UK’s financial resources perhaps he can explain why all the main Westminster parties are so keen to retain Scotland within the union?
” In the last year, Scotland contributed £56.9 billion in tax revenue, including a geographical share of North Sea revenue, equivalent to £10,700 per person, compared to £9000 per person for the UK as a whole.
Taken over the last 30 years, back to 1980-81, tax revenue per person in Scotland has been £1350 a year higher than in the UK as a whole, when adjusted for inflation.
In total, the analysis shows that in 2011-12 prices Scotland has contributed £222 billion more in tax revenues since 1980-81 than if we had simply matched the per capita contributions of the UK.”
Some actual economic figures for Scotland (all figures in Millions)
Scottish spending £61,625 .
Scottish revenue including North Sea Oil geographic £53,128.
Scottish revenue no North Sea Oil £45,177
Deficit is £8,497 at best.
It has cost the UK taxpayer £70bn to recapitalise the Scottish banks – this was no UK banking crisis, but a Scottish one – and the sums needed would undoubtedly have been a great deal larger had not taxpayers from the UK as a whole been standing behind the liabilities. Shared among a population of little more than half the size of London, that’s £14,000 per head.
During the election campaign, the Scottish Labour Party attempted to cost the SNP goal of quitting the UK and came to the conclusion that without major spending cuts and or tax increases, there would be an ongoing structural budget deficit of £14bn a year, equal to around £2,600 per head of population. Bang goes free university tuition and bang goes free prescriptions. And bang goes an awful lot more to boot.
Looks like Albaman has no clue on economics and I will be keeping an eye out for any more of his risible posts to be able to correct his errors.
“It has cost the UK taxpayer £70bn to recapitalise the Scottish banks -this was no UK banking crisis, but a Scottish one”
Would that be Halifax Bank of Scotland – the clue is in the word “Halifax”.
Perhaps Northern Rock – the financial company based in the North of England.
LLoyds TSB maybe – the UK wide bank.
RBS Group – a multi-national financial group with a Head Office in Edinburgh but whose main retail business was NatWest and whose Global Markets division was registered in London.
“SCOTLAND “more than pays her way” in the UK with the tax-take per person higher north of the Border than the rest of the UK, according to a new report by the Scottish Government.”
“Flawedlogic” seems an apt pseudonym.
And, of course, that report by the Scottish government was totally fisked in the article you cite. In addition, the tax income from oil will reduce dramatically over the next 20 – 30 years, making the situation even less likely for Mr Salmond’s ‘economic miracle’.
Try googling for the official projections by the OBR over the past couple of years, regarding North Sea Oil tax revenue forecasts….
Rely on the OBR – why?
“UK government misplaces six billion barrels of oil!”
Rely on Mr kemp – why ?
Oh look, one professor supports the SNP viewpoint …..
As for your comment “Would that be Halifax Bank of Scotland – the clue is in the word “Halifax”.
How about just one teensy-weensy factoid…. In 2006, the HBOS Group Reorganisation Act (2006) legally transferred the assets and liabilities of the Halifax chain to Bank of Scotland which became a standard plc, with Halifax becoming a division of Bank of Scotland.
And as for Lloyds actually willingly taking over HBoS in the middle of Mr Gordon Brown’s economic head-on crash….
Oh, and just a quickie re RBS – RBS took over Natwest in 2000 and assumed responsibility for its control and manangement. And as any, even remotely intelligent, person would be able to figure out, it matters not a jot where your operational divisions are based, it’s where the decisions are made that counts – i.e. at RBS HQ in Edinburgh.
I would absolutely give you Northern Rock – it’s not Scottish, and it wasn’t big (at least not compared to RBS and HBoS), and it collapsed in 2007….pretty much before all the real trouble started
But there can be absolutely no doubt that the two biggest problems in the banking failure in the UK were headquartered and ruled/managed from….. Scotland.
Speaking of FB, and the BBC, and buying votes with other folks’ money…
BBC World News
Thank you!
BBC World News has reached 4 million likes on Facebook. Thanks for your support, comments, shares, likes and suggestions.
We love your feedback. [Doubtful. Proof FoI exempted. And some on the FB thread already are a hoot]
Here’s a little video we made just for you.
Can’t link the vid. You’ll thank me. It’s pants.
These types of story never seem to get a mention on the BBC… I wonder why?
-Gives Islam a bad name, and INBBC wouldn’t want to do that, would it?
Re our new found Norwegian Islamic butcher…had Norway joined the EU, the BBC would have preferred to call him an EU citizen…that`ll be the next stage, I assure you.
Better join the Eurozone Knut!
“Norway-based Muslim one of Kenya mall jihad mass murderers: ‘He was very committed to his religion, but not extreme’
[Opening excerpt}:_
“He was ‘not extreme.’ He was a ‘moderate,’ apparently. Norwegian authorities, however, will not explore the implications of that, or call upon Muslims in Norway to teach and work actively against the elements of Islam that give rise to jihad terror. That would be ‘Islamophobic.'”
I thought a phobia was an irrational fear of something?
I think it would be perfectly rational to have a fear of islam.
Ah yes, as I have been saying for many a long year, it’s the moderates you see!
All those moderates, who stand around while gays are hung, or women stoned to death, all the while capturing the scene on their mobile phones for posterity.
Oh dear.
As I drove back this afternoon, I heard that Moh Answar
had been threatened, by the genocidal Islamics of Al Shabaab in some video, and later Ajmal Masroor too
The police helpfully, said that they were not arresting him this time on some trite absurd inconsequential matter and have advised him to pack up and leave Luton … great eh!
1 hr 19min … oops! i m sorry … this was Mo Answar,
so ….
Scotland Yard are immediately involved, 24hr police protection, patrols, potential threat level, special measures,
various procedures put in the place, set up alarms etc, etc.
Plenty of sympathetic media coverage, and
plenty of two and fro on twitter between him and al bbc that ….
gets him on BBC 5live, to talk about the dangers of said video, and
How he has stands strong against “islamofauxbia” ?
How he was right there in Woolwich speaking out?
How he fights the “far right” by being (wink wink) with T Robinson?
How Woolwich nothing to do with Islam? – just criminals?
How Islam stands for …
“not being cowed” – “not being terrorised into silence”
being accountable to “a higher power”
“the pursuit of peace and tolerance?”
etc, etc etc.
I think he got confused, that this wasn t a sermon
anyway yep! someone said something in a video …
I don t seem to recall Tommy Robinson, all over the BBC, with sycophantic media and concerned interviews, when the Islamic bombers thankfully were late with their mass murder mission.
BBC Bias – You Betcha!
“Meet Tommy Robinson’s Islamic mentor in the year prior to his defection from the English Defence League to Quilliam, a Muslim organization”
(11 min audio of
Murray v. Ansar)
Mo Answar – is a self serving bandwagon jumper, arch apologist, and publicity seeker … so beloved of the likes of BBC s Nikki Campbell and co
How did Al Shabab get their bloody little beaks into British life then?
Got to be illegal-and anybody daring to sail under their bloody banner might be thought to be a terrorist sympathiser, giving succour to our enemies.
Yet here they are-online and threatening people over here.
Yet the BBC see no stupidity, or madness here…suppose they`ll be getting state funding sometime soon.
FFS…send them back to Somalia or suchlike.
As Enoch said-we must be literally mad!
My oh my! I’ve just read ‘In Their Own Tweets’ for the first time. What a ghastly and odious, smug bunch of tossers. After reading that, how the BBC can still deny bias is frankly pathologically delusional. I really think there is something wrong with them. So utterly creepy.
Did anyone else listen to ‘feedback’ on radio 4 ? the first part of the program was about ‘climate change deniers, and a BBC apparatchik who came on to say that the BBC should not give any airtime to anyone who declares heretical beliefs and denies climate change.
There was an invitation for listeners to give their views about whether the BBC should give airtime to ‘deniers’, which will almost certainly be swamped with green ‘warriors’ .
listen here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03cv47r
It’s the first item.
Yes I did.
I noted that a “denier”(the word used by all in the broadcast) was deemed to “not be a specialist” in Climate Change.
The BBC then give us Steve Jones opinion on the brouhaha…who(as I recall) is a GENETICIST for Gods sake.
The Stern Report…their toxic bible of pretext…was written by an ECONOMIST.
Ah-but their message is OK and is virtuous-so in these cases we need a multidisciplinary approach, where economists and geneticists are -well, just dandy since you ask!
Oh-and no mention of the UEA or the IPCC engineer Indian screwing us all over as the final word on climate change…or is it global heating uppy?
Typical BBC crap-lies and fudge-and no end of useful idiots who want the likes of Blomberg, Lister and Lawson shut down…deniers are hate and thought crimes-guilty.
Absolute disgrace of biased lies by lime-green white wishy washies!
how many times … science isn t decided by consensus
this IPCC twaddle is simply policy based evidence making … science fiction sheesh! Ron Hubbard would be proud.
If there are more holes in this report than polar bears, and ones big enough for a polar bear to jump through … then there is something seriously wrong with it,
This alarmist cartel had to divert from global warming to climate change because their “evidence” was flawed.
How dangerous is the BBC to allow this type of chicanery
eh! …. with the usual orchestrated line up, the arrogance is beyond belief.
Almost like all those in Mecca circulating the Kabba, all droning the same mantra
this is classic – IPCC Climate Change Report –
Science Fiction
Prof Bob Carter … “just the facts maaam!”
Bishop Hill are on to it, too:
The BBC are a disgrace to honest journalism – this programme displays their institutional climate bias without any attempt to disguise it. It is an insult to the listenership, to any concept of ‘balance’ or ‘fairplay’ and clearly, beyond any doubt whatsoever, reveals the depths of scientific fraud the BBC are prepared to pander to in pursuit of their CAGW manifesto.
This troublesome, unhelpful, obfuscating, dissembling, politically-motivated, propagandising, dishonest broadcaster is a national shame – be it for its liberal progressive bias in ‘reporting’ politics, climate science, the EU, immigration or Islam… it’s a litany of reprehensible failures, of deliberate, wilful engineering of the facts to suit an agreed narrative on each issue.
I don’t think the BBC will ever understand just how many licence payers it continues to alienate, disenfranchise and anger by virtue of simply never actually having the intellectual courage to provide ‘balance’ in the truest (some may say ‘only’) sense of the meaning.
If it does understand, but continues to behave so badly regardless, I think we then have the full measure of the wretched Corporation.
The only BBC presenter I have any faith in, in this respect, continues to be Andrew Neil – but even he cannot be fully-relied upon to provide consistent ‘balance’ although in comparison to his colleagues (and especially in comparison to the execrable Today programme and the regrettable Newsnight) he is simply miles ahead in setting a good example of how actual journalistic enquiry and legitimate criticism should work.
… Lee Rigby who died in the Woolwich area of London…
‘Died’ BBC eh, eh, eh.
Yes, buts its amusing conspiracy bollocks. The scariest thing for me was to read that Chris H is a teacher! God help us all.
I doubt it somehow though, much more likely he was in a maths class at the time. Probably has gcses coming up.
You mean there is a teacher on the loose who isn’t a raving Marxist? How ever did he slip through the net?
Think you`ll find that we call them GCSEs…capital case perhaps?
I do a bit of English once in a while.
Can only assume that your school is in “speshul mezures” HM.
Could somebody please wake up the BBC and tell them that Obama has just run up the US debt to 17 Trillion Dollars this morning.
Yeah, let’s just forget that Ted Cruz and his fellow Tea Party nutters in the GOP cost the US economy $15 bn per day.
Or that federal spending increased massively under Bush, and has risen far less sharply since Obama took office – and that his economic stimulus packages have resulted in a net gain in US jobs in the face of a global recession.
But hey. This is primarily a site for right-wing nutcases to ignore facts together. I’ll let you get back to lying to each other and feeling better for being ignorant now.
You haven’t the faintest idea sonny.
Take it from someone who now resides in North America.
Now get back to your thesbian activities.
Take it from someone who’s used to patronising putdowns from idiots on this site who claim they know stuff, but never offer any proof: grow up.
Stop hiding behind a pseudonym. Back up your claims with facts. Show that you’re capable of debate.
Or, carry on as you are, doing nothing but denigrate with nothing to substantiate your statements. I mean, that’s how Vance operates from the top, so why should those at the bottom be any different? Just stop whining when people don’t take you seriously. If you behave like moronic idiots, you can hardly blame people who treat you as such.
Obama is the worst president the USA has ever had.
But no wants to say anything bad about seeing it would be racist.
And yet nobody mentions it. Not a single right-wing radio talk show host, not a single presenter on Fox News, not a single moron posting on Biased BBC under a pseudonym.
Fox is right-wing so will say something bad about Obama.
The rest of the US MSM is liberal so will not say anything about their president Obama.
Right-wing radio hosts? Glenn Beck, Micheal Savage, Alex Jones.
They seem to being doing ok out of this seeing their ratings are in Millions while liberals ratings are in the 100’s of thousands.
Ratings are not the same as truth. Fear sells, especially to ignorant fools who’d rather be reassured in their bigotry than think about facts.
The left-wing are known for lying as well.
“Stop hiding behind a pseudonym. Back up your claims with facts. Show that you’re capable of debate.”
At risk of having a view that may morph in an unstable mind into the perception of an attack, I fully endorse the last two sentences there (if pointing out ‘facts’ from restricted sources is a BBC trait somewhat discredited by actual, proven, substantiated facts beyond a Newsnight researcher’s BFF). Capacity for debate is of course best left to others to decide, not one of the protagonists. For reasons that are obvious to most, if not all.
However (you may gird your loins for full victim flounce now, having crashed this party after too long in the pub, and thrown up over everyone) the first may have garnered you some dark glances from colleagues still in the corner… especially A. Anything, a few Germanic types or the odd conspiracy nut. This will not help them much, especially if… when, leaping to your defence.
Maybe you find the virtual trashing you get here is no longer enough, so gunning for a physical one in the form of a swirly in the departmental executive suite when you stagger in for the weekend shift, has to be masochism over bravery.
You rushed off to factcheck.org for your “facts” without even realising who is ultimately behind it.
Bill Ayers, communist, former terrorist and great pal of Obama.
You know absolutely nothing about what is really going on over here. Stick to what you know best sonny, being a theatrical prat and loony lefty
Is there a connection between FactCheck.org and Barack Obama or Bill Ayers?
None, aside from benefiting at different times from the charity of the late publisher Walter Annenberg. We are a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and get funding from the Annenberg Foundation, created by Walter Annenberg in 1989. Ayers was one of three Chicago educators who applied for a grant from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995, which was one of 5,200 grants the foundation made during its first 15 years.
I’m sure you believe that your own McCarthyite paranoid bullshit is a more valid source. Doesn’t make it true.
Bill Ayers is a convicted terrorist who should be in prison.
He has never showed any remorse for what he did.
He wants to destroy the country that gives him such a great life.
As far as left is concerned the end justifies the means.
Ayres also admitted in a public speech the he ghost wrote one of Obama’s factually dubious “autobiographies”. I think it may have been “Dreams of My Father.”
If Scott wants any evidence I’ll direct him to YouTube for a video of the speech – I can’t be arsed to link it for him.
As I said, stick to being the theatrical clown that you are, because you know nothing of the reality that is coming to the US in the form of the laughably entitled “Affordable Care Act” let alone how the debt crisis will affect us. Perhaps you’re too thick to know that Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling when he was a Senator. He’s managed to add over $6 trillion to the debt since taking office, and by the time he leaves it will be $23 trillion.
And back to my original point, still no word from the BBC that the US debt has now topped $17 trillion, odd that wouldn’t you say.
yeah but they are telling about some very cute baby pandas that were born in the US a while back and are nearly ready to be put on show to the public
Cute panas more important to the BBC. But they were cute
Scott, your first sentence is complete rubbish: Ted Cruz, Tea Party and GOP did not cost the US economy anything: the amount might be right about how much the shutdown cost but it was 100% avoidable. In fact doing the right thing would have avoided it completely but selfish Obama and assorted fuck-wits don’t care about what is right.
Oh please. Right wing nutters claim it was avoidable if responsible politicians had only succumbed to the lunatic ransom demands of the minority of Congress that Ted Cruz and his ilk represents.
Even Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader in the Senate, has said that the ‘defund Obamacare’ strategy that Cruz spearheaded “couldn’t possibly succeed.”
The only people who think that it could are idiots. Of which there are an unsurprising number on Biased BBC. It’s little wonder Preiser hides out here, where his audience are irredeemably stupid, than on any site where his so-called “analysis” would be subject to informed discussion. if he were to post so regularly on a four that weren’t made up of idiots, he’d be exposed as the sort of man that makes Sarah Palin look like one of history’s greatest thinkers.
Gah. four = forum. Autocorrect always kicks in when you’re least expecting it.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Give me what I want or I’ll kick this old lady.
Hey, you didn’t give me what I want so… [thwack!!]
Who’s talking? Obama and the Dems or the GOP?
“It’s little wonder Preiser hides out here, where his audience are irredeemably stupid, than on any site where his so-called “analysis” would be subject to informed discussion.”
Yet you patently avoid debating any of his points…hmmmm
…just remembered, as per mention by various others, you clearly get your news only from the BBC.
For someone who seems rather too quick to throw accusations and insults at others it would surely be sensible for you to get the basic economic facts right?
Your attempt to smear anyone who does not subscribe to your world-views is shameful, clearly your complete lack of debating skills is why you find the need to accuse others of being “ignorant” & “nutcases” as you find it impossible to express your opinions in a civilised and grown-up manner.
Never mind Scott, I pity you that your shortcomings are so transparent and hope that as you reach adulthood you manage to gain some level of intelligent repertoire.
A noticeably fact-free comment, I note. As is usual for Biased BBC. How typical.
I agree your comments do seem to be “fact free” and unfortunately that seems the norm when it comes to your comments.
I also note that you are more than happy to insult others yet get extremely upset when commentators highlight this hypocrisy.
Finally, you constantly mention the word “facts” but not once have you managed to post a comment which has any factual evidence enclosed.
You say the shutdown was costing $15 billion a day.
Try reading what you link to. The estimate was one-tenth of that per day.
£1.5 billion is peanuts when what is at stake is economic solvency.
And don;t make out that no-one but you knew about Bush’s deficits. We all knew that Bush ran up deficits – but at nothing like the annual scale that Obama has managed. And there were 2 wars in full flood under Bush.
Total debt has ballooned under Obama. His stimulus packages have led to a pitifully small number of new jobs. The “activity rate” in the US is way lower than under Bush – far more people economically inactive.
5 years on and unemployment is still 7.7%. True unemployment counting people who have simply given up is far higher.
ObamaCare is making all this worse, of course.
Scotty baby – you are an economic ignoramus.
You say the shutdown was costing $15 billion a day.
Try reading what you link to. The estimate was one-tenth of that per day.
You’re quite right – I mistyped and missed out the decimal point. I think the point still stands.
And don;t make out that no-one but you knew about Bush’s deficits.
I don’t – just that it’s worth noting that since Obama came to power, the rise in the annual deficit has slowed considerably, despite investment in economic programmes which have formed a foundation for economic recovery.
His stimulus packages have led to a pitifully small number of new jobs.
Over 2 1/2 million, to be precise, according to the BLS’ August statistics – nearly two and half times the number added during GWB’s eight years in office.
ObamaCare is making all this worse, of course.
How, exactly? Facts, please. Not the Sean Hannity/David Preiser “because I said so” nonsense. Do make sure you include how & why the Republican originated scheme (originally devised by the Heritage Foundation, which now campaigns against the very schemes it first championed, and then implemented locally by Mitt Romney before he ran for president and was therefore dead against his own principles) is so good when proposed by the GOP, but so bad when implemented by Democrats.
Well, the overnights are in, and it appears the new definition of DQF is ‘Deranged Quantity Frequently’.
Trouble is, it does carry risks…
“I mistyped and missed out the decimal point. I think the point still stands.
The BBC, its defenders, and the persuasive power of what they think. As some may say at such a juncture… Bless.
‘Autocorrect always kicks in when you’re least expecting it.’
Shame you don’t have one that can kick in when you are making a fool of yourself. It would have saved so much.
“Facts, please. Not the Sean Hannity/David Preiser “because I said so” nonsense”
So… what… the BBC/ M People kind that you prefer because… You say so?
You’re on a roll, for sure
You’re on a roll, for sure
Autocorrect is a batch isn’t it?
You did mean ‘You’re a troll, for sure’ didn’t you? 😉
ObamaCare – yes some of the ideas can be traced back to Romney and to Heritage – but they have learned from experience. There was total opposition to ObamaCare from the Republican party – but the Dems rammed it through Congress, over 1000 pages of legislation which no-one had time to read. As Pelosi put it – “Pass the Bill, then we can see what is in it”.
The chickens are coming home to roost. ObamaCare is a total mess. It represents an attempt by Obama to establish the biggest single business in the world – our NHS is the 3rd largest – and there are too many faults with it to list. Don’t you acknowledge the mess it is all in ? And the damage it is doing to the US employment market, and to family incomes.
Meanwhile the job “growth” under Obama has barelymatched the increase in population of working age. Which is why unemplyment rates are still so high – and hidden unemployment is up to about 16%. Obama’s stimulus packages and his corrupt actions eg on the auto industry have simply added hugely to Federal debt, with minimal effect on aggregate employment.
What part of $17 trillion debt don’t you understand ? Or are you getting your decimal place mixed up again, it is only $1.7 trillion so nowt to be worried about ?
Could almost mistake that entire block of shite you posted with Mardells devious rhetoric.
‘I’ll let you get back to lying to each other and feeling better for being ignorant now.’
Just like the BBC and The Guardian, then.
Scott is either deliberately lying, or a fool, when he says that the annual deficit rose faster under Bush than Obama. For proof, lets take the BBC’s own graph showing the deficit over the last few years:
Bush was in power 2001 – 2008, Obama 2009 – present
Looking at the chart, I suspect that the ‘facts’ Scott uses take the deficit increase in the final year of the Bush presidency, and use that as the reference for comparison to all the Obama years.
In 2001, the deficit was c.$5.8Trn
In 2007, the deficit was c.$9Trn
In 2008, the deficit stands at c.$10Trn
In 2009, the deficit is c.$11.9Trn
Subsequent to this, each year during the Obama presidency adds c$1.5Trn to the deficit.
So, setting aside 2008 – 2009 for a moment, we can see that the deficit rose on average by about $0.6Trn pa between 2001 and 2008, and by about $1.5Trn pa after 2009.
So prima facie, its quite evident that the rate of adding to the deficit has increased substantially during the Obama years vs. the Bush years, excluding 2008-2009.
So, lets look at 2008-2009. Who ‘owns’ this deficit? Bush or Obama? Technically, Obama owns it, as the increase relates to 2009 spending vs. 2008. However, before answering that question, consider what happened during 2008. The financial crisis hit in full force, and a huge stimulus bill was approved. Who approved this bill? Both the democrats and the republicans (recall John McCain pausing his presidential candidature efforts during that time for example to work on this issue). So essentially Obama inherits this huge spike in his 1st year, but it was created because of a bill that both parties agree to. In fairness to Obama, we should take 2008-2009 out of the equation, as it makes him look worse than his real performance.
Even then, the annual deficit increase goes from $0.6Trn during the Bush years to $1.5Trn during the Obama years.
Only in the twisted world of the left, where black is white and white is black (and incidentally where Scott seems to reside) can it be said that Bush added more to the deficit than Obama did.
I suspect that in an effort at obfuscation, the article Scott refers to has taken deficit growth as a % rather than the absolute growth. This is extremely misleading, as the argument is really about how much extra Obama has committed the US government to spend on things it can’t afford, and this should be assessed in actual dollars.
The use of % increase rather than actual $ is a favoured means of making the Obama administration look thrifty.
Well done, Gunn, and full marks for having the patience to point out Scott’s imbecility. I can’t be bothered with the tedious twat.
The fate of Christians in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Is INBBC interested in reporting this?:-
“Pakistan: Christian facing death penalty for text messages with ‘abusive language against Muslims, Islam, Prophet Mohammed and the Koran'”
More about Englishness from the office culture of BBC 5 Live
It has been a busy week for Salford anti-patriots
@English #hashtag Made A Face
Tony Livesey a little before 8am this morning :
‘We are English, by default’
Can’t you just feel the pride?
So members of my family have been in default all their lives?
Thank you BBC – Foxtrot Oscar
And mine too. Who are these people? Do they despise themselves so much?
At all costs they must be kept away from our children and grandchildren. They are the enemy and there can be no compromise with them. The days of polite argument are over. The culture war is here.
Yesterday I took my small grandson to visit an old woodsman. The very epitome of old England. I hope he learnt a bit.
A fine man and a man who knows who he is and what England is. Such men are my people not this Livesey. He is nothing.
Kipling : “To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in God’s lottery”
Livesey : “We are English, by default”
English by default – from the people who brought you…..
BBC2 Francesco’s Italy: Top to Toe, Francesco da Mosto discovers why Rome is the Eternal City
– “because of lack of an alternative outcome”
BBC4 The Art of Russia, Series in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon presents the incredible story of Russian art – its mystery and magnificence
-“or so it just happens to have turned out”
Livesey seems to be on everything at the moment. Quite frankly, i find the man to be a replica of Dame Nicky.
Who are these people?
Normans. They have despised the English for centuries.
Biased BBC paid convict to appear on TV interview – starting public rehabilitation of Huhne.
This is vomit-inducing, appallingly horrific multicultural Marxist propaganda in full flow and wholeheartedly supported by the BBC…
(perhaps it’s because they are simply not bright enough to pas the exam?)
What an odd ‘report’ (unless, as has been suggested before, these #prasnews punts are meant to show up idiocy and abuse by the audience reading between the lines) from Divya Talwar, evidently on 3rd World Health ‘reporting’ duties joining 7,999 other ‘cubicle ‘reporters’ such as Tulip, who of course ‘covers’ Health for World News in complement. Albeit often arriving at the same places.
‘Prof Aneez Esmail, an expert on racism in the NHS who led the investigation, said he could not exclude racial discrimination as the cause’
Beyond wondering (as the BBC, or at least its now seemingly dominant Asian divisions seem not to) what qualifies a person without conflict of interest on such a topic, where’s Mandy Rice-Davies when she’s again required?
Assuming they are using the same exam procedures, begun 20 years ago (in British universities), every candidate should have a candidate number and need not write their name on the Answer sheets. Which means the examiner cannot determine the ethnic background of the candidate.
The report implies some “bias” in the exam:
The GP training is funded by British tax payers. Of course it will refer to practices in the NHS.
What did the candidates expect?
” Prof Aneez Esmail, an expert on racism in the NHS”
WTF? An expert on shitstirring more like and all courtesy of the pulic purse…
Bloody hell,
How snide is this: “So I don’t think that it’s the examiners saying ‘oh we don’t like ethnic minorities’ – it doesn’t work like that anymore,”
And read the whole thing and he presents no evidence of bias whatsoever just that more white people pass FFS, simply must be unconscious institutional bias then! Jeez.
Bloody hell, looks like the BBC are on full alert for Marxist diversity reporting…
The PC SS Diversity Squad is on full frontal assault on British culture, and the BBC deem it worthy of news. It’s about time the ethnic victim brigade sod off and leave the UK alone!
Again, no matter what the subject these women are all identikit feminist Marxist Common Purpose types (a la Joyce Thacker)
Our institutes are being feminised, homosexualised, diversified and throttled by them.
“So I don’t think that it’s the examiners saying ‘oh we don’t like ethnic minorities’ – it doesn’t work like that anymore,”
So he’d know when it did work like that then?
I wonder what the ‘expert on racism in the NHS’ has to say about the fact that the bBBC uses our money to run a racist channel, just for Asians (although that doesn’t seem to include Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Philippinos, etc).
They mean that unlike Karachi medical school. British medical schools don’t except bribes to pass, so that is unfair.
Saturday Live with the ‘Rev’ Richard Coles has a Guest, Matthew Baylis:
Matthew Baylis has long been fascinated by Vanuatu and the cult on the island of Tanna there that worships the Duke of Edinburgh. He went to stay there to discover more about the religion and the way the inhabitants of Tanna live.
When interviewed he said that the people of this country believe that the Duke Of Edinburgh is an Elderly Racist Bigot.
He speaks for all of us! He wasn’t challenged about this slander, and Coles just let it go.
If this was anyone else they would most likely have sued, but as the coward Baylis knows the DofE cannot defend himself in that way.
An absolute disgrace, I urge everyone to complain about this 03700 100 222
Strange! On Tim Worstall’s blog we are told (for free) succinctly how and why the registration process for ObamaCare is such a complete load of rubbish. OTOH this was the upshot of a BBC website search (paramaters “Obamacare”, “US health”) with a one-liner observation that there were “early snags and glitches reported” ie nothing serious. Instead of sending Evan to the US to see why US Republicans (= southern redneck whiteys per the BBC) are getting a mite restive about the takeover of their country, maybe a little straightforward reportage wouldn’t come amiss.
It’s white working class boys who are being failed by education ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/10375879/White-boys-the-problem-for-Britains-schools-says-Government-aide.html) but the BBC thinks more girls need to be encouraged to study tech ( http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24537621 ). Can you spell ‘sexism’?
“In other schools, computer science often clashes with things like drama or music, meaning the girls can’t do both.”
I guess this is not a problem for boys as they magically can do both? Or does the BBC think that drama and music is just for the 1% of boys who are gay, or who go to public schools?
Boys are already being failed by education and have been for years. The attempts to make this trend worse – as though it’s girls who are somehow discriminated against – are a disgrace
Don’t mention Brevik: Even though the bBC widely acknowledge that one of the Somali killers is a Norwegian, I have not heard any reference to Brevik and his accusations. I wonder why?
Poll results in August 2008, just before Obama became President :
45% of voters think America’s best days lie ahead, while 37% think they have come and gone.
Poll this month :
31% of Likely U.S. Voters think America’s best days are still to come… Just over half (52%) think the nation’s best days are in the past.
Good old HopeyChangey Barry.
The serious problem we have is that political parties must be BBC-friendly in order to get air time. No BBC air-time, no political party.
If any politician does not behave in a BBC-approved way they soon get hounded off the stage.
So, we end up with a BBC-friendly Conservative Party, saying very lefty things and even UKIP is in the process of being sanitized.
This is not just a matter of style: this translates into policies and laws. Socialist laws. Laws that throw people out of work and cause serious hardship.
The BBC is an extremist organisation.
Well said. I entirely agree.
The BBC has become more influential than the useless liars at Troughminster.
The BBC is indeed a far-left extremist organization and, as others have said, is nothing less than the print arm of the Guardian, the newspaper that hates Britain and Israel.
It has been some time since I first saw the interview (link below) of the BBC’s sweet-faced, Israel-hater, Mishal Husain, getting palpably angry over the fact that Hamas’s missiles weren’t killing enough Israelis, but I can’t forget forget this disgraceful display. A low point in journalism even by the BBC’s own abysmal standards: