Gameshow observed on his programme this morning about how the debate swings in response to his callers arguments.
In the first half of the programme, callers phoned in in support of the government, expressing their concerns about health tourism…but in the second half people were ringing in with a different view he observed, sliming in self satisfaction.
That, Nicky old boy, might have had something to do with his backroom boys needing to call for reinforcements in the form of the BBC’s friends Jonathan Portes and Roy Lilley (‘Oh! it’s you Roy’). And a succession of subsequent callers pre-vetted for their views and defined by their orchestrated criticism the ‘Daily Mail’ which they offered as a bonus.
One of these Muppets (whom I swear who I have heard on Gameshow’s programme before), obviously a supporter of the International Health Service and who believed the NHS was greatest invention of man, was floored by the simplicity of a pensioner from Dundee who said, ‘When I go abroad, I have to get insurance’. Nicky’s hero had no answer, and was reduced to bumblingly telling everyone he ‘knew nothing’.
It was an odd phone-in this morning with the first half hour very much off message.
Two of the first callers were a West Indian nurse and an Asian Doctor, both of whom were in favour of harsher regulation for health tourists. Their impressive, articulate first hand experience was a little hard for Campbell to argue against, unable as he was to play the race card.
As you mention, after 9.30 order was reestablished as the cavalry arrived to debunk the impressive day to day evidence of those actually in the NHS, in favour of those who just read reports.
The “Hi Roy!” call was particularly strange, not to mention suspicious.
Yes, he got a reliable left wing stooge on pretty sharpish to counter the unwelcome facts he had just been given by two front line health professionals. Like all leftists, Princess Nikki prefers her fantasy world to reality. And it’s all down to the unique way the BBC is funded apparently.
Kate Silverfish, and Rory Cellan Jones managed a two minute discussion about Facebook’s decision to allow beheading videos.
Did they explore from whence these videos come?
Did they condemn the actions shown within them?
Did they even wonder at the origin?
Now then I wonder what group of men could be making such videos.
ROP anyone?
I see Cameron was reported on the BBC that he does not favour these videos. Most of them are filmed by people he supports – Syrian freedom fighters and such, although not mentioned by the BBC. Can we assume that Cameron and his pals in the Beeb do not want to draw attention to the barbarism of their heroes? Yes Dave, it is irresponsible to behead people.
Heard the mums rum which passed for the Toady Show this morning.
1. Why do we have a Foreign Secretary to formulate some attempt at policy in regard of Syria when, Masha Hussein has all the answers for us-and will shout them over Hagues responses?
Given her Israeli views-safe to say, she`ll want the MB in charge whatever happens.
Exhibit A-she herself raises the need for those new cuddly Iranians to be invited to the chimps tea party in Geneva( sorry Roy Hodgson!).
She runs it over Hagues answers twice.
Then -come the 8.30 news headlines…the reader tells us that Hague himself raised the prospect of including Iran in the “peace talks”.
He F888`in DID NOT!…the BBC wrote it, asked and said it…then said it was Hagues idea…how the hell do they get away with that FFS?
Later on, Scottish Power are on-Montague twice tells the spokesman that they`ll not be presuming to charge us more after the mis-selling, poverty etc, etc.
She does this twice…like the case above, I`ll bet that these were pay-by-soundbite nuggets to set us all up for the rest of the day.
Who the F888 is Monty to deliberately conflate generation charges with what Labour did, and what dodgy dealings have been done that bring fines…it`s complex Monty, you lamebrain!
Utter disgrace-the BBC create Foreign Policy by proxy, and decide how our energy bills should be decided.
But-as for license fees, Comic Relief, Balen,, Savile, pay offs, pensions etc…the science is settled eh?
F888off BBC!
Didn’t catch much of Today this morning, but I did catch Hussein’s interview with Hague. Well, I say interview, but it was more a case of asking a question and, if the required answer was not quickly forthcoming, ask another question incorporating the answer you wanted in the first place, prefaced with “Shouldn’t you…”. Regardless of whether poor Willie had finished his answer, which of course he never had.
Hague was hopeless. At the end he even referred to Iran as being among “the Arabs”. I bet they liked that.
But to be fair – the main 8.10 am slot was given over to an account of some of the cleansing of Christians from Syria.
I have not seen anything from William Dalrymple about all this – he is a great lover of the RoP and a BBC favourite. Some years ago he wrote an interesting book about the ancient monasteries of the Middle East, “From the Holy Mountain”. Why isn’t he creating about it now ?
At least they are now acknowledging it, I suppose, but they deserve no plaudits. Readers of this site have been aware of the problems Christians in that part of the world face for a long time but if you relied on the BBC you’d probably think it a recent phenomenon.
Any other minority religious or ethnic group under widespread attack across the globe would have had at least a two-part Panorama special on it months ago. Not only that, it would have been kept alive as a story on almost a daily basis through news and current affairs programmes on both radio and TV.
Which is why this blog exists and why the BBC is so poor these days.
“The impossibility of being a conservative on the BBC”
A good essay subject for all media students?
There’s even a poll, in the HuffPo, that is, currently, ‘split’. See… balance!
Had to love the ‘spokesmunchkin’ effort that shows they really don’t even pretend to worry any more: ‘A BBC spokesperson said: “The BBC has a responsibility to provide impartial coverage across all output. BBC journalists and presenters do not bring their political views to work and we are confident that our political coverage is fair, accurate and balanced.”
Such confidence may, in reality, be more internal than accurate.
“Where the BBC does tend to have its issues are in areas such as the Radio 5 morning phone-in show,” he said. “Some of the comments the presenter of that show has let slip leaves us in no doubt about where said-presenter’s political loyalties lie.”
Absolutely hilarious quote (in George R’s link) from Labour Shadow Minister, Chris Bryant, talking about the BBC….
“…… two of its most senior broadcast journalists were formally Conservatives, not members of the Labour party.”
So Mr Bryant, representing the Labour Party on this issue, believes that it is disgraceful that two BBC journalists (out of how many ?) actually had the temerity to have once belonged to the Conservative Party, and not the Labour Party.
Whilst Mr. Bryant remains in the frame, on anything, there is hope, on most things.
It is hard to imagine a creature better able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by the simple expedient of opening his mouth and getting quoted.
Got this just now, via a series of activist-shared presumptions of mutual interest some should be more careful with (actually this one did register, poorly, for obvious reasons).
It resonated more because I’d recently watched an agreeable enough romcom called ‘Salmon Fishing In the Yemen’, and had garnered the impression that while the UK government were untrustworthy numpties (can’t really argue), with the exception of a few Islamic Bendiction intoners and their plot-spicing high jinks, the boss class in Yemen were straight out of a Mills & Boon novel for nobility.
Can’t imagine how I may have come to be informed and educated on such a thing.
Production Co: UK Film Council, BBC Films, CBS Films
It also seems to have not been shot actually in Yemen for some reason, which maybe further investigation will explain.
Or, of course, maybe via the BBC…
No obvious mention of Rawan’s harrowing, ultimately fatal experiences, but one is sure they will be coming as activist groups to seem to get their PR into news. Usually.
At the moment it all seems a bit focussed on how beastly the drones are to those lovely old boys simply keeping the old ways alive.
A bit generic there at the very least, by young Mantejd, who despite joining Tulip and the rest as one of the Cubicle 8,000, still knows when to ensure her ‘views are her own’ after writing ‘BBC Journalist’.
In fact, were she not clearly immune from such an accusation, some may feel her thoughts, simply as an individual, could constitute a rather hateful thing to commit to print?
2h . 10mins
Syrian Christian voiced by the BBC talks about “strangers”?
causing terrible persecution … “strangers”? who could they be? … a clue … since a Saudi judge,(stranger?) has taken charge of law and order in his town, massacres and persecution all over the place, minorities cleansed away
however the “Strangers” seem to be “lovin it”
Swiftly followed by W (clueless) Vague interviewed by the newbie anti-Semite on the block, about the latest news from the terrorist theme park utopia …
Yep! Syria, where everyone just bombs everyone else, with as many bombs as possible, in the shortest possible time.
Still going on in Rochdale, and you can bet that the news media won’t want to know.
Such a disproportionately high crime rate from Pakistanis, yet no one is allowed to even tell the truth about them.
He obviously hasn’t watched the bBBC’s NorthWest Tonight, half an hour daily devoted almost exclusively to unquestioningly advertising the latest grievance from Liverpool, no matter what it is.
I recall once a satirical observation about the noise of aircraft engines spinning down at John Lennon Intl, even when there were no aircraft around.
I’d pass it on, but given it may not have been from approved BBC comedians on HIGNFY, to do so may be now a crime of some sort.
More John Bishops to keep the Tarby flags (well some of them) flying I say!
On a more positive, OT note, stumbled across a sporadically amusing new game show based on quotations.
One panellist, a young Sikh, gave me a genuine laugh out loud moment on signs on roundabouts in Luton.
He suggested ‘Happy 25th Birthday, Granny’.
Funnily enough, the PM programme gave us a long list of slebs who are up before the beak next year under the Yewtree.
Everybody but Tarby mentioned-has he been cleared or something?
Wonder if Aung San Syu Chi( spell as you wish!) is helping plod with its enquiries…DLT was recently a favoured son at the BBC after that wasn`t he?
That was a different time…2011
This managed to prompt a small grin too..
So much to savour, so little… actually a few moments as a son on 1/2 term does the tea… ‘Perfectly possible to have two views of things.’
Only if you are really, uniquely unique.
And talk out of both sides of your mouth.
I may well have to check back on this on iPlayer.
The bBC have been banging on about this all day and I am sick of their blatant bias in favour of the SNP finding a new buyer for the Grangemouth plant. It now seems that the socialist SNP are championing the sides of the workers at the Grangemouth oil refinery fallout/strike/closure, but why? Here’s my guess: Ineos (owned by an English billionaire) runs the petrochemicals side of the plant but is in dispute with around half the workforce due to its disciplinary actions towards a labour stooge’s actions during the Falkirk row; the SNP no that if it doesn’t side with the workers, it could have huge ramifications for its voting pool across the Central Belt. The Scottish Government are all of a sudden looking for a new buyer for the plant with the Unite union welcoming the move stating ‘we need a responsible owner…’ etc. Now, is it just me or is this dangerous ground for the SNP to be treading? Ineos say the plant is losing around 20 million a month and it badly needs new investment and a revision of pay conditions. the workers disagree… The SNP have scared off investors before with their aggressive anti-business socialist ideology and it looks like it could happen again. And considering the oil refinery accounts for about 80pc of Scotland’s retail supplies, is a major artery for bringing in North Sea oil and is the only one of its type in Scotland, I’d say it’s pretty embarrassing for the SNP’s independence utopia, wouldn’t you? Though you wouldn’t have gathered this from the BBC’s biased output.
Grangemouth is making HUGE losses. It is insolvent unless cuts are made in costs – especially labour costs. There is no chance of anyone buying it. No investor would touch it with a bargepole. This is 1970s stuff.
The present owners could put it intop bankruptcy tomorrow. Any High Court judge would agree – the directors have a fiduciary duty to declare that the company is insolvent. This would make ALL the workers redundant – so maybe a new owner could then be found. But the workers would be stuffed.
It is hard to argue that the workers have been well served by their Union in this instance. Unite, it has been said on Sky news, didn’t believe that the owners would fulfill their threat to close.
Numpties! What is the point of making a threat that you will not see through?
“Described as Romeo and Juliet meets East is East,
Halal Harry is an independent comedy about Muslims by Muslims.
“The story of a white male who converts to Islam to further his relationship with a Muslim girl is a first feature for east London director Russell Razzaque.”
im quite looking forward to the death of traitor Samantha Lewthwaite. i hope they dont drop a bomb on her home, she wouldnt know what hit her, she’d just cease to exist.
i hope she gets shot in the neck and belly, suffers a lot of pain and she slowly bleeds to death in agony and its filmed and put on youtube.
How does the BBC select the “news”? Obama ‘solves’ US debt crisis – news! Obama holds hand of woman bored rigid by his rhetoric – news!
EU runs out of money – EU what EU? Is that what John ‘tax the energy companies’ Major thinks we should stay in?
From EU Referendum “A BBC video record and an Irish Times report attest to growing confusion as to the exact situation, and some disbelief at Barroso’s statement. As of Friday, there had been no hint of a financial crisis, and now, it seems, the whole of the EU finances are to come skidding to a halt by mid-November.
Comparisons are now being made between the US government, which is galloping down the path to default, unable to pay its bills, and the Commission. It looks set to be in the same position.
But what is extraordinary about this growing drama is that it remains almost completely unreported in the British legacy media, despite the UK’s blocking action. There is some twitter traffic and Spiegel has published a piece. This has Barroso accused of “irresponsible scaremongering” (there is such a thing as responsible scaremongering). For the UK, though, only the BBC website clip is available, and that by no means offers a complete picture. No doubt, the media will catch up, but in the meantime we will be watching closely to see how the situation develops. “
Why is the BBC sponsoring the tendentious crapola of the 100 Women season? As a climax to this serious competition in vacuous non-events to Black “History” Month, “on Friday 25 October [100 women from all over the world] are coming together at the BBC’s London headquarters, Broadcasting House, for a unique day of debate and discussion. I think we can guess the drift of the “debate and discussion”: mature white males (the source of all evil in the world) will get a bollocking and “climate change” will feature somewhere along the line. I think we can be confident that Islam’s attitude to women will be ignored. After all, in the supporting article on female genital mutilation, the word “Muslim” was conspicuous by its absence
Did anyone hear Ian Wright on 6-0-6 on Sunday night? A propos the hideously white committee which Greg Dyke had set up at the FA, one poor caller said he thought the blacks were whingeing about it. Wright exploded, and literally harangued the man off the air. It was a truly disgusting display from a truly awful radio presenter. Ian Wright’s problem is that he is a boorish cretin, but for some odd reason he ticks the BBC’s boxes, even though every radio or TV programme he has ever been involved with has crashed and burned due to his pathetic inability to be a halfway decent presenter.
Ian Wright was a cracking footballer but is an awful radio / television presenter. He’s inarticulate, opinionated and as thick as a tree trunk. It’s a fatal combination for anyone working in the media. Thank heaven he no longer appears on the telly ( his oafish comments always had me reaching for the off switch ) and even the Beeb couldn’t stomach his ramblings for ever. I always think he’s is a bit like Gazza but without the sympathy vote!
As far as his continued, unwelcome presence on BBC radio goes, he has only one thing to recommend him … and we all know what that is…
I saw it, he was pathetic. Roy Keene was trying to talk seriously about Sir Alex Ferguson, and Wright was just giggling and snorting in the background like a naughty schoolchild. He really is an embarrassment.
Today is the day that a committee of MPs were supposed to be getting to the bottom of the Newsnight Savile scandal, and the excessive BBC payoffs.
If these initial articles from The Telegraph are anything to go by, then the UK public can only despair.
Lord Patten: BBC has consumed ‘buckets of contrition’ Lord Patten, the chairman of the BBC Trust, acknowledges “it’s been a bad year” for the BBC, and says that over recent years people got “stars in their eyes” in relation to talent and pay.
What’s been revealed in this past year is the revolting mindset prevalent at the BBC.
What Patten calls a bad year is the fact they’ve been found out.
Buckets of Contrition??? We can see just what he consumes, and it’s sure not contrition.
End the licence fee, and then we’ll see real contrition instead of the ‘lessons have been learned’ bulls**t that we’re continually fed by them, while they maintain the same ignorant and insidious mindset that we’re all able to recognise.
Video: BBC ‘needs more Liverpool accents’ The Director-General of the BBC has said he is “worried” that the corporation has a “metropolitan bias” and is failing to reflect the rest of Britain.
Hall also reveals that he was sent an email by a whistleblower on harassment but failed to reply, He admits he cocked up.
On something that he now claims is so important to them that they now have a department to deal with it. How would you like him as your boss?
Do these MP’s really understand the gravity of what’s been going on within the insidious BBC, or is it just the Telegraph articles giving us this mumbling bumbling idiotic statements of Hall and Patten?
Who cares about regional accents, or that Fat Pang thinks it is minuscule relative to what it costs to program a football match? These people are vastly overpaid for the lack of value and service they provide, and have also shown to be corrupt and unethical. Considering that licence fee payers risk prison if they don’t continue to fund this racket, which is ruining this country with their bias and agenda, is there anybody out there with enough backbone to do something real to end this scandalous organisation.
If the BBC is allowed to continue as it has, after everything that’s come to light in the past year, not to mention its continual bias in defiance of its charter, this country is finished, at least as far as anything soldiers fought for in WW2.
The final article today is more about the staff member who left the BBC because of accusations of harassment or bullying. But I note these particular statements from Patten
Despite Lord Hall’s statement on bullying, the chair of the Trust said there was no need to change the way the corporation was governed.
He said it was a “delusion” to think changing the way the BBC was governed would solve all its problems.
He told members of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee he was astonished by the amount of attention the media gives to the BBC.
The annual report and accounts published in July revealed the BBC has spent around £5 million investigating the Savile affair so far.
The former cabinet minister added that he hoped the focus would soon shift from the scandals to the programmes made by the BBC, saying: “If that happens, I suspect arguments about governance would seem less important in the next year or two.”
I am pretty sure if the BBC was privatised it would solve most of their problems, hardly delusional, and if it didn’t they would fold – problem solved.
We can understand though why this corrupt bastard doesn’t want anything to change
Working in the automotive industry it was interesting to read that sales of AFV (alternative fuel vehicles) are increasing and Registrations of plug-in cars (pure electric and plug-in hybrids) over the first seven months of 2013 have risen from 1,104 units a year ago to 1,885 units in 2013.
Lets put that figure of 17,859 AFV sales into context: of the 1.3 million vehicles sold this year AFV made up a grand total of 1.3% of the total, indeed their share of the car market has dropped from last years high of 1.4%.
Amazingly the BBC has informed us that the increase of sales for AFV shows that drivers are switching away from Petrol & Diesel.
The actual stats show that sales for Diesel engines has increased by 6.4%, AFV by 6.9% and Petrol by 14.7%, when you consider the low start point for AFV these figures are a disaster for all the activists telling us we should switch away from Diesel & Petrol.
Yet the BBC will have us all believe that the latest car sales figures show the opposite to the actual truth?
Why on earth would anyone want one anyway? After all if I forget to juice the Aston, and the amount it drinks I often do, I can stop off at a petrol station and at the most it takes 10 minutes. How many hours does it take to juice a pure electric plug in? Not exactly convenient is it?
I have just listened to the Radio 4 programme last week on Hugh Cudlipp.
Cudlipp’s genius hardly featured. It was basically a hatchet job on Rupert Murdoch and the Sun.
Cudlipp’s gift was the ability as editor for many years of the Daily Mirror. He was able to boil the news down to key headlines, to give very simple and straighforward explanations of the issues of the day. The Mirror was a GREAT tabloid newspaper – 5 million sales a day. Yes, Cudlipp was fairly leftwing, but the Mirror was for the working man. (Not for the Miliband-type leftie).
Murdoch was blocked for a long time from buying a UK newspaper. Eventually he bought the bankrupt Daily Herald – the official TUC newspaper- from the Mirror group.
The Herald was a broadsheet. Bankrupt. But5 it was Murdoch’s route in.
He personally climbe up on the print machinery and showed how the presses could be adapted to produce a tabloid size rather than a broadshheet. Bever mentioned in the programme – although it was his master stroke.
Hargreaves’ programme was a disgrace. Mostly knocking Murdoch and his papers. NOT really about Cudlipp, a fine journalist and editor – who was only brought down by the crook Robert Maxwell.
The programme was a bloody fraud.
But leftie creeps like Hargreaves (is he part of the Cardiff clan?) is who the BBC turns to for “history” of the press. Cudlipp – and Murdoch – are giants compared to Hargreaves. Cudlipp informed and educated. Later on, Murdoch single-handedly saved the UK press from the disaster being caused by the trades unions.
I have seldom heard a worse programme on the BBC. Supposedly “authoritative” – but really just grinding the same old leftie axes.
Anyone in the US with a fair mind recognises that the ObamaCare roll-out is a train-wreck. Even journalists from leftie CNN are attacking Obama;s press secretary about the mess they are in :
The stupid and hated Political correctness looks like it’s going to be shown up for exactly what it is.
FIFAs UK appointee has insanely declared that the England team does not reflect diversity on the pitch.
In other words fielding the best team is less important than the lefty diversity industry. Hopefully the FA will take his comments on board, and England will not make the cut for any major tournaments. Then people will realise how insanely wrong PC is and hopefully there will be a crossover into the commercial world, where only the best will be employed.
After all there are no Poles, Hungarians, French, Somalis, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Indians, Australians, Kiwis, Iroquois, Venezuelans, Brazilians, Afghans, Austrians, Germans, Jedi, Belgians, Dutch, Russians, Japs, Chinese, Eskimos nor any other of the thousands of races, creeds and wotnots in London alone.
And that’s before you even consider the Irish, Welsh and Scots.
I wonder how racial diverse the Japanese team is? Muppets.
Haringey council have been used as a measure for the benefits cap, with a story that the government may not make the savings they hoped for.
Of course the BBC are all over this story, but it seems that the Labour council is making ‘discretionary payments’ to top up those claimants which find favour, and I think we all know who those are.
The Tory they invited on to the today program 08:38 ripped into the presenter for the bias ! Very funny. “Let the BBC report the facts & not flawed data ! “
Heard this ‘interview’ this morning, and thought Mark Penning did extremely well, despite the hectoring he was getting from Justin Webb (I think it was he, anyway).
Interesting part of the discussion was when Mr Penning pointed out that the BBC was, in fact, reporting a flawed report which used flawed data, and he commented on the BBC’s apparent inability to do even the simplest research. This would have, Mr Penning basically inferred, by any real reporting standards, raised a lot of more pertinent questions with Ms Grainia Long, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing (whose report was being discussed, and which is basically a union for employees in the housing industry, but this was never mentioned, naturally).
Of course, at the mere mention of any possible shortcoming in the BBC’s investigative powers, and possible BBC slant against this government initiative, Mr Webb launched into a blustering rant (basically shouting down Mr Penning’s reasonable question) about how they had only just talked to Ms Long, so how (plaintively) could the BBC have known what she was going to say ?
Well, I heard the BBC reporting this material much earlier in the Today programme, so by 08:30, they had had at least two and a half hours to figure out some good questions, and you are NOT going to tell me that they had Ms Long on the programme this morning because she just happened to be walking past the Today programmme’s studio door, and they thought they’d just have a quick chat. And of course, they only got a hold of the report from the Institute this morning as well…. yeah, right.
As Mr Penning clearly hinted, the BBC feverishly digs around and find plenty of faults in reviews and reports, real or imagined, when it suits the BBC’s agenda. But I guess there are some issues which the BBC just naturally has to take at face value…. especially if it suits their own core political values.
08:54 and Today are interviewing a black Christian woman who is at the high court after being taken on by Merton council with an understanding that they would allow her to take each Sunday off to attend church.
The interviewer could barely disguise his distaste at the ‘unreasonable’ demands of the Christian, asking some ridiculous questions like ‘what would happen if every one in your department was a Christian’. The woman responded well using multiculturalism against him and that Jews & Muslims didn’t share the Sunday as a day of rest. That was ignored, as was the possibility of agnostic / atheist staff also.
The fact she was taken on with an understanding was simply brushed aside. The anti Christian message was loud and clear, and the interview was conducted in a way that would not have happened had it been a Muslim being interviewed.
‘the anti Christian message’ seems to be office culture at the BBC.
This morning 5 Live have a guest who admits herself to be no more than a ‘limp-wristed liberal’ – and yet Reverend Sally still got both barrels from our Nicky.
Rev Sally : ‘Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by his cousin John the Baptist’
NC : ‘That’s a fact is it?’
NC : ‘You believe in the Devil do you?’
Is there any point in asking whether the same aggression would be shown to any other strand of religious belief?
And this is what a female moderate liberal Christian gets from the BBC
Campbell on Five Live interviewed a female priest this morning about the baptism of Prince George. He asked why is the water to be used from the River Jordan, and she replied because Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan. “Do you know that for a fact?” he sneered.
Note that there`s a dodgy area of Dewsbury called Savile Town…now it`s a hotbed of Islamic benedictions and challenges. 3/4 of the 7/7 jihadi bombing terrorists were from it.
Now then-what`s in a name?…did Sir James leave HIS benediction for the likes of Nicky and those beautiful men of Rochdale/Oxford/ Leeds/Oldham etc to continue in his “holy name”(Piss be upon him…if we could find his new grave!)?
Will Self and his Guardian Psychogeography could yet get interesting…but no Thinking Allowed eh Laurie on this one?
Nicky Campbell?…do we know HIS Savile links for a fact, then….think I give more credence to that Jordan water, myself.
Alarming figures out today from the pensions industry – not enough of us are saving enough.
BBC Radio presenter says :
‘a slight health warning with this as they have an interest in persuading people to take out a pension’
I look forward to similiar BBC ‘health warnings’ on shock figures from all the Leftist campaign groups who ‘have an interest in persuading people….’ of, you know…. this and that.
Meanwhile Nicky Campbell receives a press release from a campaign group that claims 1 in 8 of us have left a job due to sexual harassment.
No health warning given – taken as read – he makes it the subject of his phone-in
‘In all the Western media craze over Malala, there is another key point ignored about her: she is not only a Muslim feminist, she is a socialist with Marxist tendencies’
Did you hear the excellent Mike Penning MP on R4 Today this morning tearing into BBC bias in their trumpeting of the Inst of Housing report on the welfare cap: “Only the BBC and the Guardian repeated this seriously flawed research….”
Enlightening to hear Justin Webb’s hysterical defence of the BBC when challenged. It’s something I’ve noted on the far too rare occasions that the BBC’s bias or piss-poor research is pointed out. They act like someone has farted in front of the vicar’s wife.
Not that a vicar would be allowed to leave the childcare centre unmanned on a Sunday
For wee Webb had another attack of the vapours when a Christian woman not only mentioned God, but explained why Merton Council shouldn` make her work on a Sunday, when Muslims get their Fridays off, Jews get their Saturdays.(this was later in the show-poor Justin!).
After all we were supposed to be multikulti after all, she needed “me time” so she could give of herself and her best for God…and you could see how Justin responds to all his shibboleths being thrown back in his whey face like a pair of Saviles old boxers!
No-they` don`t like it up `em when their axioms are wrapped back around their necks.
Webb of course has no need to work on the Sabbath…what if his ilk all refused to work on their Holy Days( visits of Bono, Lagarde etc)
Why, we could save the money and close the f***ers down..which is why they won`t stop whining and moaning!
Even less impressed than usual this morning with VD doing her softly softly act with the family of an ‘alleged’ Islamic terrorist who it seems was friends with Osama Bin Laden. Perhaps she thinks she works for Al Jazeera, understandable these days at the good old BBC.
Next week, a compassionate interview with Tommy Robinsons family no doubt.
Maybe they are a community in fear, doing their best to ease tensions locally?
At least if anyone in the vicinity feels this may be a smidge provocative, the local Swedish plot can arrest them for unharmonious opinions.
Meanwhile Call me Dave has seen a banwagon he can edge Ed out of, has spoken on twitter (where else?) & FaceBook has acted on its pops of the toppings. Though it seems he was a bit more concerned that these videos ‘could’ be seen by some as representative of the vast majority of peace-loving Mexican Drug Lords. Certainly the peace-loving drug lord community will sleep easier knowing the British PM is on a US social media site’s case.
The BBC certainly seems keen on this route too, and when they and Dear Leader are as one on best responses, the world can sleep safer. Except maybe in Woolwich. Or Sweden. Maybe Yemen, Kenya… hotbeds of Mexican Drug Lordism.
I wonder if the BBC’s responses have in any way been complicated by their handing over their social media operations to an unaccountable overseas (if free) entity who gains from the ad rating revenue sent to their way, which got iffy when some started talking about commercial partner boycotts? Bet Stuart Hughes got a quick whisper in the corridor if he was keen to set up a boycott campai… ‘report’ on adverse reactions that highlighted Aunty’s complicity?
Sweden is the first liberal Western nation to voluntarily opt for ending it’s nationhood. .
Liberalism in all it’s glorious fantasy. An excess of empathy and political correctness.
Sad but hopefully a warning to the rest of Europe.
‘Lord Patten said only £3.8 million of the £369 million paid to departing staff over the past eight years was in excess of the BBC’s contractual obligations, and only that amount could be considered ‘waste’. It was just half the cost of broadcasting a Premier League football match, he added.’
£369 million on Beeboids’ redundancy!!!!
I suppose a ‘package’ is a human right but this explains all their cutz.
Not sure that, of many pronouncements of his, drawing attention to the similarities between public sector screw-up and private sector actual talent salaries was the smartest play.
I am sure the BBC will be talking to its mate Mr Milliband to see if he can plead with his paymasters, Unite, to talk some sense into the Union Reps at Grangemouth chemical plant about waking up from the Socialist slumbers encouraged by both Labour and SNP Scottish governments over the past 10 years or so, and to smell the coffee….
…… oops, too late.
Ineos has been warning for years that its costs, now and in the future, including one of the very few (unsustainable) private sector final salary pension schemes, just were incompatible with the markets they were competing in. Similar plants have been closing all over Europe, without finding buyers, but the SNP insists it is seeking a buyer for this one… as if, somehow, the stark numbers can magically be massaged away.
800 people tragically out of jobs because, just like the SNP government, Unite exists in its own little la-la land. And the BBC gave Unite almost unfettered, and virtually uncritical, access to the airwaves, no doubt helping the Union to sustain its impression of its own invulnerability these days.
The Daily Record newspaper (well, sister comic of the Mirror) is first in line to scream for Nationalisation… again just incomprehensive of reality…we already have one more Nationalised industry than we need which competes with others only because of government (i.e. taxpayers’) money, and thinks itself invulnerable…
Somewhat ironic, if apposite, that currently there appears a picture of Chris Patten on this BBC ‘service’, emblazoned with ‘This Content Doesn’t Seem To Be Working’.
But he and the BBC still get paid, a lot, even when both don’t.
Apt metaphor, beyond BBC content ‘seeming’ (don’t they know?) to go offline a lot when it doesn’t serve.
Radio 4 Today programme: “Jim” Naughtie wheels on his friend Harold Evans to say that the Guardian was quite right to publish secret files stolen by Snowden and passed on by Greenwald. Our security services have said that the loss of secret material (so essential for keeping us as safe as possible) was far worse than the losses in the Philby, Burgess and McClean era. Evans said he had a similar case when he was a newspaper editor, when the security services asked him not to publish. Evans says he “thought about it”, but decided to publish nevertheless. What gross arrogance and irresponsibility! I seem to recall that a short while ago, Naughtie pulled the same stunt by inviting another of his journalist friends to whitewash the treasonous Guardian and Rusbridger.
Just listening now to the last half-hour of the Today Show this morning.
Incompetence, partiality, bias…and it reveals the BBC mindset.
Yet Mike Penning and others are finally wising up-Eric Joyce has already told us what is going on in Grangemouth, so we don`t need Jim and Rafferty-and the wheels re falling off this wagon of the BBC.
Bad as student radio…and indicates that the rats are leaving this sinking ship.
It` ll not stand long…first they came for Newsnight…oh , it`s dissolved in its own salt!
The BBC is doomed…and they reflect it with this last half hour-merely plugging the life support machine with old washers!
Note the BUSINESS correspondent being unable tell us how the Footsie Index is doing…but well able to blag on re sexism in the workplace a la Dagenham Ford 1977 instead(8.45am)
That says it all.
And to think Carol Thatcher got the sack for an innocent joke. .
Of course this guys ethnicity and politics will ensure he doesn’t. I’m sure Mr Bigley’s family found it hilarious.
I thought just the same thing as well, Geoff, just a couple of weeks ago when Mr Adrian Chiles just brushed off his recent comment about Poles, claiming that no offence was intended.
He, of course, was one of those who ‘shopped’ Carol Thatcher to the BBC because he was ‘outraged’ by her comments about Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.
Hmm – he wasn’t quite so forgiving about Carol Thatcher’s comment, nor her defence that ‘no offence was intended’.
Nothing to see here, move along, please.
(And yes, I know that when Mr Chiles made the comment it was on ITV, but the BBC is where he was when calling on someone else to be disciplined for exactly the same behaviour, and, of course, the BBC obligingly made a huge fuss about it before kicking her off the programme. Couldn’t possibly be where he learned his hypocrisy, could it ?)
Somebody mentioned Dewsbury earlier.
This book is well worth investing a few quid in as it clarifies, for those in any doubt, what joys are in store for us all a result of the on-going colonisation by the members of the”religion of peace”
The BBC wades in where politicians fear to tread. The BBC reporter repeatedly accused the INEOS manager of “punishing” the workforce by choosing to stop losing £120m pa & instead close the Grangemouth petro-chemical works
And does the report of one person justify the BBC seeking to further poison the situation? (this part of the BBC report being picked up by that harridan Flint in the Commons)
One member of staff claimed that Grangemouth Petrochemicals chairman Calum Maclean had been “smiling” when he made the announcement.
The point you or others kept making about Fusilier Lee Rigby was that those accused of killing him should not be described as being accused of murder because it was not yet proven it was a murder.
Yes I know the idea is crazed. It is like ‘men’ being accused of ‘something or other’. But it is the pc-BBC way.
I noticed that as well, the bBC headlines is: Marine ‘executed Afghan prisoner
Executed has such a dark undertone, funny thing is when the military are implicated in any act of harming a follow of Allah, then they are always reported in the negative, the terrorist innocent bystander just happened to out for a stroll, visiting a wedding party or even looking for a wife and the bBC has eye witness footage from somebody who is ready to claim he was a nice boy.
In contrast, L/Cpl Rigby was…. killed or even died by chance it seems, the followers of allah never said anything and at the end of the day everybody who belongs to the gay death cult which executed LCpl Rigby on the streets of London have no problem playing the victim card over his execution.
‘Executed’ is the word used by the prosecution, and indeed it is the key word in their description of what happened. Surely the BBC is right to highlight it here?
The report also makes clear that it was an insurgent, so therefore not an ‘innocent bystander’ as you say.
we had A Journalist and A Lawyer and loads more lefties arguing (wrongly) the BBC couldnt use the word Murder because it was contempt of court, right to a fair trial and all that crap.
The only reason Al Beeb started using the word murder was because of the public outcry at al beebs damage limitation exercise for those muslim savages
Them muslim savages will be getting tried soon. Be interesting to see how the terrorist broadcasting company report it
“The only reason Al Beeb started using the word murder was because of the public outcry at al beebs damage limitation exercise for those muslim savages”
Really? Can you prove that?
Here are 2 stories, one from May 23rd (the day after Lee Rigby was murdered) and one from the 24th, both with the word ‘murder’ prominent in the headline:
Turn on BBC Radio ‘The Government…..’ well, you know the rest
Considering what a washed up Vulture Squadron the BBC have become, I don’t why they don’t simply sign up Muttley as presenter…. at least until 2015 when they can go back to being a public broadcaster ha ha
And then there is the under representation of pets on the news…
So here is Dick Dastardly’s Muttley:
The Coalition Government today announced that…. grrrr-rassin-sagar-fussin-rassin-grrrrr-rick-rastardly….
That “husband” is back on the news, having been convicted of raping a 10 year old deaf slave girl imported from Pakistan. Well, he’s a “husband” on the BBC News website front page, but click the link and we discover that “An Eccles couple have been sentenced…”. Right. Is that Eccles near Lahore, Eccles near Islamabad or Eccles in Mirpur (see
A piece on ‘British’ Muslims travelling to foreign countries to conduct Jihad.
A Bangladeshi interviewee who knew one from Tower Hamlets tells the BBC that he was fully aware of the guys intentions and his motivation was ‘British Foreign Policy’. This is the same excuse that the BBC gave for the murder of Lee Rigby, transferring blame from Jihadists to the nasty white people they hate so much.
According to the BBC these people are/ were British and their violent opposition to British foreign policy makes them traitors at best.
This is the BBC at its biased worst trying to protect Muslim criminals by passing the blame onto the British government.
The 7/7 bombers were training in terrorist camps well before UK involvement in Afghanistan or Iraq, so the ‘British foreign policy’ excuse just won’t wash.
Anyway, those born here should be putting country before religion anyway – else they should eff off.
Dire unfunny PC comedy from Brigitte Christie banging on about feminism. Why don’t they give her one 15 minute slot on woman’s hour, where women could find out how unfunny she is and maybe appreciate her usual radio 4 single topic issue about how unfair the world is to women and then never be heard of again!
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Gameshow observed on his programme this morning about how the debate swings in response to his callers arguments.
In the first half of the programme, callers phoned in in support of the government, expressing their concerns about health tourism…but in the second half people were ringing in with a different view he observed, sliming in self satisfaction.
That, Nicky old boy, might have had something to do with his backroom boys needing to call for reinforcements in the form of the BBC’s friends Jonathan Portes and Roy Lilley (‘Oh! it’s you Roy’). And a succession of subsequent callers pre-vetted for their views and defined by their orchestrated criticism the ‘Daily Mail’ which they offered as a bonus.
One of these Muppets (whom I swear who I have heard on Gameshow’s programme before), obviously a supporter of the International Health Service and who believed the NHS was greatest invention of man, was floored by the simplicity of a pensioner from Dundee who said, ‘When I go abroad, I have to get insurance’. Nicky’s hero had no answer, and was reduced to bumblingly telling everyone he ‘knew nothing’.
That would be the Jonathan Portes who in July 2012 penned
The IMF lays bare the dismal failures of Osbornomics
for the Guardian, but has yet to write anything for the Guardian about the IMF’s recent humiliating u-turn. Come on Jonathan, share the humiliation.
It was an odd phone-in this morning with the first half hour very much off message.
Two of the first callers were a West Indian nurse and an Asian Doctor, both of whom were in favour of harsher regulation for health tourists. Their impressive, articulate first hand experience was a little hard for Campbell to argue against, unable as he was to play the race card.
As you mention, after 9.30 order was reestablished as the cavalry arrived to debunk the impressive day to day evidence of those actually in the NHS, in favour of those who just read reports.
The “Hi Roy!” call was particularly strange, not to mention suspicious.
Yes, he got a reliable left wing stooge on pretty sharpish to counter the unwelcome facts he had just been given by two front line health professionals. Like all leftists, Princess Nikki prefers her fantasy world to reality. And it’s all down to the unique way the BBC is funded apparently.
Kate Silverfish, and Rory Cellan Jones managed a two minute discussion about Facebook’s decision to allow beheading videos.
Did they explore from whence these videos come?
Did they condemn the actions shown within them?
Did they even wonder at the origin?
Now then I wonder what group of men could be making such videos.
ROP anyone?
I see Cameron was reported on the BBC that he does not favour these videos. Most of them are filmed by people he supports – Syrian freedom fighters and such, although not mentioned by the BBC. Can we assume that Cameron and his pals in the Beeb do not want to draw attention to the barbarism of their heroes? Yes Dave, it is irresponsible to behead people.
Heard the mums rum which passed for the Toady Show this morning.
1. Why do we have a Foreign Secretary to formulate some attempt at policy in regard of Syria when, Masha Hussein has all the answers for us-and will shout them over Hagues responses?
Given her Israeli views-safe to say, she`ll want the MB in charge whatever happens.
Exhibit A-she herself raises the need for those new cuddly Iranians to be invited to the chimps tea party in Geneva( sorry Roy Hodgson!).
She runs it over Hagues answers twice.
Then -come the 8.30 news headlines…the reader tells us that Hague himself raised the prospect of including Iran in the “peace talks”.
He F888`in DID NOT!…the BBC wrote it, asked and said it…then said it was Hagues idea…how the hell do they get away with that FFS?
Later on, Scottish Power are on-Montague twice tells the spokesman that they`ll not be presuming to charge us more after the mis-selling, poverty etc, etc.
She does this twice…like the case above, I`ll bet that these were pay-by-soundbite nuggets to set us all up for the rest of the day.
Who the F888 is Monty to deliberately conflate generation charges with what Labour did, and what dodgy dealings have been done that bring fines…it`s complex Monty, you lamebrain!
Utter disgrace-the BBC create Foreign Policy by proxy, and decide how our energy bills should be decided.
But-as for license fees, Comic Relief, Balen,, Savile, pay offs, pensions etc…the science is settled eh?
F888off BBC!
Didn’t catch much of Today this morning, but I did catch Hussein’s interview with Hague. Well, I say interview, but it was more a case of asking a question and, if the required answer was not quickly forthcoming, ask another question incorporating the answer you wanted in the first place, prefaced with “Shouldn’t you…”. Regardless of whether poor Willie had finished his answer, which of course he never had.
Hague was hopeless. At the end he even referred to Iran as being among “the Arabs”. I bet they liked that.
But to be fair – the main 8.10 am slot was given over to an account of some of the cleansing of Christians from Syria.
I have not seen anything from William Dalrymple about all this – he is a great lover of the RoP and a BBC favourite. Some years ago he wrote an interesting book about the ancient monasteries of the Middle East, “From the Holy Mountain”. Why isn’t he creating about it now ?
At least they are now acknowledging it, I suppose, but they deserve no plaudits. Readers of this site have been aware of the problems Christians in that part of the world face for a long time but if you relied on the BBC you’d probably think it a recent phenomenon.
Any other minority religious or ethnic group under widespread attack across the globe would have had at least a two-part Panorama special on it months ago. Not only that, it would have been kept alive as a story on almost a daily basis through news and current affairs programmes on both radio and TV.
“BBC Presenters Have ‘Deeply Held Left-Wing Political Views’, Complain Tory MPs”
Which is why this blog exists and why the BBC is so poor these days.
“The impossibility of being a conservative on the BBC”
A good essay subject for all media students?
There’s even a poll, in the HuffPo, that is, currently, ‘split’. See… balance!
Had to love the ‘spokesmunchkin’ effort that shows they really don’t even pretend to worry any more:
‘A BBC spokesperson said: “The BBC has a responsibility to provide impartial coverage across all output. BBC journalists and presenters do not bring their political views to work and we are confident that our political coverage is fair, accurate and balanced.”
Such confidence may, in reality, be more internal than accurate.
“Where the BBC does tend to have its issues are in areas such as the Radio 5 morning phone-in show,” he said. “Some of the comments the presenter of that show has let slip leaves us in no doubt about where said-presenter’s political loyalties lie.”
Who could he possibly mean?
An echo of the mantra hereabouts: ‘I’ve never heard a Nicky Campbell phone-in without knowing full well which side of the argument he is on’
Absolutely hilarious quote (in George R’s link) from Labour Shadow Minister, Chris Bryant, talking about the BBC….
“…… two of its most senior broadcast journalists were formally Conservatives, not members of the Labour party.”
So Mr Bryant, representing the Labour Party on this issue, believes that it is disgraceful that two BBC journalists (out of how many ?) actually had the temerity to have once belonged to the Conservative Party, and not the Labour Party.
Says it all, really.
Whilst Mr. Bryant remains in the frame, on anything, there is hope, on most things.
It is hard to imagine a creature better able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by the simple expedient of opening his mouth and getting quoted.
2 out of 8000, another bBC ‘split’
Got this just now, via a series of activist-shared presumptions of mutual interest some should be more careful with (actually this one did register, poorly, for obvious reasons).
It resonated more because I’d recently watched an agreeable enough romcom called ‘Salmon Fishing In the Yemen’, and had garnered the impression that while the UK government were untrustworthy numpties (can’t really argue), with the exception of a few Islamic Bendiction intoners and their plot-spicing high jinks, the boss class in Yemen were straight out of a Mills & Boon novel for nobility.
Can’t imagine how I may have come to be informed and educated on such a thing.
Production Co: UK Film Council, BBC Films, CBS Films
It also seems to have not been shot actually in Yemen for some reason, which maybe further investigation will explain.
Or, of course, maybe via the BBC…
No obvious mention of Rawan’s harrowing, ultimately fatal experiences, but one is sure they will be coming as activist groups to seem to get their PR into news. Usually.
At the moment it all seems a bit focussed on how beastly the drones are to those lovely old boys simply keeping the old ways alive.
BBC mindset – business journalist Mantej Deol referring to sections of GOP as “nutters”:
Hate crime! the witch!
Hallowe`en`s coming…so think I can say that.
Here’s a tweet from Deol after Alastair Campbell was on Newsnight:
I’ve asked before – is there any BBC business/economics journo who isn’t a lefty?
“Normally wouldn’t call an ambulance for a [sic] injured banker” A BBC business journalist there folks.
A bit generic there at the very least, by young Mantejd, who despite joining Tulip and the rest as one of the Cubicle 8,000, still knows when to ensure her ‘views are her own’ after writing ‘BBC Journalist’.
In fact, were she not clearly immune from such an accusation, some may feel her thoughts, simply as an individual, could constitute a rather hateful thing to commit to print?
How can it be “good news” ?
The US needs 150,000 new jobs every month just to keep up with population growth.
The figures are regarded as a “Fail” by US commentators.
Meanwhile the activity rate – the % of total population in employment – is still the worst ever.
Never take the slightest notice of anyone who uses’cos’.
2h . 10mins
Syrian Christian voiced by the BBC talks about “strangers”?
causing terrible persecution … “strangers”? who could they be? … a clue … since a Saudi judge,(stranger?) has taken charge of law and order in his town, massacres and persecution all over the place, minorities cleansed away
however the “Strangers” seem to be “lovin it”
Swiftly followed by W (clueless) Vague interviewed by the newbie anti-Semite on the block, about the latest news from the terrorist theme park utopia …
Yep! Syria, where everyone just bombs everyone else, with as many bombs as possible, in the shortest possible time.
Not their fault of course….
Mind you, it does raise perhaps the smallest glimmer that most ‘reporting’ these days is actually repackaged #prasnews , so paying the BBC for it seems, well less than added value.
Still going on in Rochdale, and you can bet that the news media won’t want to know.
Such a disproportionately high crime rate from Pakistanis, yet no one is allowed to even tell the truth about them.
The attackers yet again, were described as Pakistani Muslims … oops
We of course mean both “men” were “Asian” teens.
BBC ‘needs more Liverpool accents’ …., Director-General admits
Well that will certainly rebalance the political leanings of the organisation!!
He obviously hasn’t watched the bBBC’s NorthWest Tonight, half an hour daily devoted almost exclusively to unquestioningly advertising the latest grievance from Liverpool, no matter what it is.
I recall once a satirical observation about the noise of aircraft engines spinning down at John Lennon Intl, even when there were no aircraft around.
I’d pass it on, but given it may not have been from approved BBC comedians on HIGNFY, to do so may be now a crime of some sort.
More John Bishops to keep the Tarby flags (well some of them) flying I say!
On a more positive, OT note, stumbled across a sporadically amusing new game show based on quotations.
One panellist, a young Sikh, gave me a genuine laugh out loud moment on signs on roundabouts in Luton.
He suggested ‘Happy 25th Birthday, Granny’.
Brilliant… 😉
Funnily enough, the PM programme gave us a long list of slebs who are up before the beak next year under the Yewtree.
Everybody but Tarby mentioned-has he been cleared or something?
Wonder if Aung San Syu Chi( spell as you wish!) is helping plod with its enquiries…DLT was recently a favoured son at the BBC after that wasn`t he?
That was a different time…2011
This managed to prompt a small grin too..
So much to savour, so little… actually a few moments as a son on 1/2 term does the tea…
‘Perfectly possible to have two views of things.’
Only if you are really, uniquely unique.
And talk out of both sides of your mouth.
I may well have to check back on this on iPlayer.
Hot on its heels, back to better form, this further insight into BBC doublespeak is from, it must be remembered, an insider:
Tell ’em:
“BBC ‘modern MidEast’ map excludes Israel”
I see that the BBC have replaced Ken Livingstone loving lefty ginger tosser Chris Evans with Thatcher hating Patrick Kielty for the week on Radio 2.
The BBC love their lefties…
The bBC have been banging on about this all day and I am sick of their blatant bias in favour of the SNP finding a new buyer for the Grangemouth plant. It now seems that the socialist SNP are championing the sides of the workers at the Grangemouth oil refinery fallout/strike/closure, but why? Here’s my guess: Ineos (owned by an English billionaire) runs the petrochemicals side of the plant but is in dispute with around half the workforce due to its disciplinary actions towards a labour stooge’s actions during the Falkirk row; the SNP no that if it doesn’t side with the workers, it could have huge ramifications for its voting pool across the Central Belt. The Scottish Government are all of a sudden looking for a new buyer for the plant with the Unite union welcoming the move stating ‘we need a responsible owner…’ etc. Now, is it just me or is this dangerous ground for the SNP to be treading? Ineos say the plant is losing around 20 million a month and it badly needs new investment and a revision of pay conditions. the workers disagree… The SNP have scared off investors before with their aggressive anti-business socialist ideology and it looks like it could happen again. And considering the oil refinery accounts for about 80pc of Scotland’s retail supplies, is a major artery for bringing in North Sea oil and is the only one of its type in Scotland, I’d say it’s pretty embarrassing for the SNP’s independence utopia, wouldn’t you? Though you wouldn’t have gathered this from the BBC’s biased output.
Grangemouth is making HUGE losses. It is insolvent unless cuts are made in costs – especially labour costs. There is no chance of anyone buying it. No investor would touch it with a bargepole. This is 1970s stuff.
The present owners could put it intop bankruptcy tomorrow. Any High Court judge would agree – the directors have a fiduciary duty to declare that the company is insolvent. This would make ALL the workers redundant – so maybe a new owner could then be found. But the workers would be stuffed.
Is Evan Davis going to explain all this to us ?
It is hard to argue that the workers have been well served by their Union in this instance. Unite, it has been said on Sky news, didn’t believe that the owners would fulfill their threat to close.
Numpties! What is the point of making a threat that you will not see through?
INBBC features a Muslim fictional comedy:-
“Described as Romeo and Juliet meets East is East,
Halal Harry is an independent comedy about Muslims by Muslims.
“The story of a white male who converts to Islam to further his relationship with a Muslim girl is a first feature for east London director Russell Razzaque.”
A sequel in real life:–
“UK Muslima and jihad terror leader wrote poem to bin Laden: ‘we are left to continue what you started…to instill terror into kuffar'”
“Pictures show White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite’s warped double life as doting mum and merciless terrorist”
“Separating the Kafirs from the Muslims”
im quite looking forward to the death of traitor Samantha Lewthwaite. i hope they dont drop a bomb on her home, she wouldnt know what hit her, she’d just cease to exist.
i hope she gets shot in the neck and belly, suffers a lot of pain and she slowly bleeds to death in agony and its filmed and put on youtube.
does she get 72 virgin fellas?
How does the BBC select the “news”? Obama ‘solves’ US debt crisis – news! Obama holds hand of woman bored rigid by his rhetoric – news!
EU runs out of money – EU what EU? Is that what John ‘tax the energy companies’ Major thinks we should stay in?
From EU Referendum
“A BBC video record and an Irish Times report attest to growing confusion as to the exact situation, and some disbelief at Barroso’s statement. As of Friday, there had been no hint of a financial crisis, and now, it seems, the whole of the EU finances are to come skidding to a halt by mid-November.
Comparisons are now being made between the US government, which is galloping down the path to default, unable to pay its bills, and the Commission. It looks set to be in the same position.
But what is extraordinary about this growing drama is that it remains almost completely unreported in the British legacy media, despite the UK’s blocking action. There is some twitter traffic and Spiegel has published a piece. This has Barroso accused of “irresponsible scaremongering” (there is such a thing as responsible scaremongering). For the UK, though, only the BBC website clip is available, and that by no means offers a complete picture. No doubt, the media will catch up, but in the meantime we will be watching closely to see how the situation develops. “
Why is the BBC sponsoring the tendentious crapola of the 100 Women season? As a climax to this serious competition in vacuous non-events to Black “History” Month, “on Friday 25 October [100 women from all over the world] are coming together at the BBC’s London headquarters, Broadcasting House, for a unique day of debate and discussion. I think we can guess the drift of the “debate and discussion”: mature white males (the source of all evil in the world) will get a bollocking and “climate change” will feature somewhere along the line. I think we can be confident that Islam’s attitude to women will be ignored. After all, in the supporting article on female genital mutilation, the word “Muslim” was conspicuous by its absence
What are you moaning about ? It will probably cost us less then £1 million.
The BBC has £4000 million a year to waste. Why are you complaining about just £1 million on a shindig for one day? You must be sexist or something !
Did anyone hear Ian Wright on 6-0-6 on Sunday night? A propos the hideously white committee which Greg Dyke had set up at the FA, one poor caller said he thought the blacks were whingeing about it. Wright exploded, and literally harangued the man off the air. It was a truly disgusting display from a truly awful radio presenter. Ian Wright’s problem is that he is a boorish cretin, but for some odd reason he ticks the BBC’s boxes, even though every radio or TV programme he has ever been involved with has crashed and burned due to his pathetic inability to be a halfway decent presenter.
Ian Wright was a cracking footballer but is an awful radio / television presenter. He’s inarticulate, opinionated and as thick as a tree trunk. It’s a fatal combination for anyone working in the media. Thank heaven he no longer appears on the telly ( his oafish comments always had me reaching for the off switch ) and even the Beeb couldn’t stomach his ramblings for ever. I always think he’s is a bit like Gazza but without the sympathy vote!
As far as his continued, unwelcome presence on BBC radio goes, he has only one thing to recommend him … and we all know what that is…
Ian Wright a cracking footballer…? Really? I seem to remember him continually getting booked and or sent off more than he played.
“Thank heaven he no longer appears on the telly…..”
He’s just been infesting the ITV Champions’ League coverage this very evening.
Hasn’t got any better. 🙁
I saw it, he was pathetic. Roy Keene was trying to talk seriously about Sir Alex Ferguson, and Wright was just giggling and snorting in the background like a naughty schoolchild. He really is an embarrassment.
Personally I find the irony of Greg Dyke setting up a commission that is ‘hideously white’ rather delicious.
What is it a commission into anyway?
Into why the England football team never wins anything!
Today is the day that a committee of MPs were supposed to be getting to the bottom of the Newsnight Savile scandal, and the excessive BBC payoffs.
If these initial articles from The Telegraph are anything to go by, then the UK public can only despair.
Lord Patten: BBC has consumed ‘buckets of contrition’
Lord Patten, the chairman of the BBC Trust, acknowledges “it’s been a bad year” for the BBC, and says that over recent years people got “stars in their eyes” in relation to talent and pay.
What’s been revealed in this past year is the revolting mindset prevalent at the BBC.
What Patten calls a bad year is the fact they’ve been found out.
Buckets of Contrition??? We can see just what he consumes, and it’s sure not contrition.
End the licence fee, and then we’ll see real contrition instead of the ‘lessons have been learned’ bulls**t that we’re continually fed by them, while they maintain the same ignorant and insidious mindset that we’re all able to recognise.
Video: BBC ‘needs more Liverpool accents’
The Director-General of the BBC has said he is “worried” that the corporation has a “metropolitan bias” and is failing to reflect the rest of Britain.
Hall also reveals that he was sent an email by a whistleblower on harassment but failed to reply, He admits he cocked up.
On something that he now claims is so important to them that they now have a department to deal with it. How would you like him as your boss?
Do these MP’s really understand the gravity of what’s been going on within the insidious BBC, or is it just the Telegraph articles giving us this mumbling bumbling idiotic statements of Hall and Patten?
Who cares about regional accents, or that Fat Pang thinks it is minuscule relative to what it costs to program a football match? These people are vastly overpaid for the lack of value and service they provide, and have also shown to be corrupt and unethical. Considering that licence fee payers risk prison if they don’t continue to fund this racket, which is ruining this country with their bias and agenda, is there anybody out there with enough backbone to do something real to end this scandalous organisation.
If the BBC is allowed to continue as it has, after everything that’s come to light in the past year, not to mention its continual bias in defiance of its charter, this country is finished, at least as far as anything soldiers fought for in WW2.
The final article today is more about the staff member who left the BBC because of accusations of harassment or bullying. But I note these particular statements from Patten
Despite Lord Hall’s statement on bullying, the chair of the Trust said there was no need to change the way the corporation was governed.
He said it was a “delusion” to think changing the way the BBC was governed would solve all its problems.
He told members of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee he was astonished by the amount of attention the media gives to the BBC.
The annual report and accounts published in July revealed the BBC has spent around £5 million investigating the Savile affair so far.
The former cabinet minister added that he hoped the focus would soon shift from the scandals to the programmes made by the BBC, saying: “If that happens, I suspect arguments about governance would seem less important in the next year or two.”
I am pretty sure if the BBC was privatised it would solve most of their problems, hardly delusional, and if it didn’t they would fold – problem solved.
We can understand though why this corrupt bastard doesn’t want anything to change
BBC employee forced out following harassment investigation, director-general reveals
Working in the automotive industry it was interesting to read that sales of AFV (alternative fuel vehicles) are increasing and Registrations of plug-in cars (pure electric and plug-in hybrids) over the first seven months of 2013 have risen from 1,104 units a year ago to 1,885 units in 2013.
Lets put that figure of 17,859 AFV sales into context: of the 1.3 million vehicles sold this year AFV made up a grand total of 1.3% of the total, indeed their share of the car market has dropped from last years high of 1.4%.
Amazingly the BBC has informed us that the increase of sales for AFV shows that drivers are switching away from Petrol & Diesel.
The actual stats show that sales for Diesel engines has increased by 6.4%, AFV by 6.9% and Petrol by 14.7%, when you consider the low start point for AFV these figures are a disaster for all the activists telling us we should switch away from Diesel & Petrol.
Yet the BBC will have us all believe that the latest car sales figures show the opposite to the actual truth?
Why on earth would anyone want one anyway? After all if I forget to juice the Aston, and the amount it drinks I often do, I can stop off at a petrol station and at the most it takes 10 minutes. How many hours does it take to juice a pure electric plug in? Not exactly convenient is it?
Compare and contrast reports on Islamic jihadist, Lewthwaite:-
1.) ‘Sky News’-
“‘White Widow’ Lewthwaite’s Ode To Bin Laden.
“A Sky News investigation unearths Samantha Lewthwaite’s ode to the al Qaeda chief and the location of her Nairobi apartment.”
(inc video clip).
2.) INBBC:
“Kenyan police discover flat of ‘White Widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite”
(inc video clip).
(It seems odd that INBBC’s inadequate report is filed under ‘health’ and not Islamic jihad.)
I guess because running across Lewthwaite and her bomb-happy pals is bad for your health.
Seriously, though: just how inconspicuous can a pasty-faced twat in a hijab be in East Africa ?
Our only hope is if she`s been “adopted” by a Roma family.
Bet she`s currently staying at Vicky Pryces house…bloody men eh?
BBC at risk of developing “Metropolitan bias”, Lord Hall admits
In other news:
Pope at risk of becoming a Catholic
Bears at risk of using woods as toilets
Labour says … Labour says … Labour says …
I have just listened to the Radio 4 programme last week on Hugh Cudlipp.
Cudlipp’s genius hardly featured. It was basically a hatchet job on Rupert Murdoch and the Sun.
Cudlipp’s gift was the ability as editor for many years of the Daily Mirror. He was able to boil the news down to key headlines, to give very simple and straighforward explanations of the issues of the day. The Mirror was a GREAT tabloid newspaper – 5 million sales a day. Yes, Cudlipp was fairly leftwing, but the Mirror was for the working man. (Not for the Miliband-type leftie).
Murdoch was blocked for a long time from buying a UK newspaper. Eventually he bought the bankrupt Daily Herald – the official TUC newspaper- from the Mirror group.
The Herald was a broadsheet. Bankrupt. But5 it was Murdoch’s route in.
He personally climbe up on the print machinery and showed how the presses could be adapted to produce a tabloid size rather than a broadshheet. Bever mentioned in the programme – although it was his master stroke.
Hargreaves’ programme was a disgrace. Mostly knocking Murdoch and his papers. NOT really about Cudlipp, a fine journalist and editor – who was only brought down by the crook Robert Maxwell.
The programme was a bloody fraud.
But leftie creeps like Hargreaves (is he part of the Cardiff clan?) is who the BBC turns to for “history” of the press. Cudlipp – and Murdoch – are giants compared to Hargreaves. Cudlipp informed and educated. Later on, Murdoch single-handedly saved the UK press from the disaster being caused by the trades unions.
I have seldom heard a worse programme on the BBC. Supposedly “authoritative” – but really just grinding the same old leftie axes.
ObamaCare. Has the BBC even heard of it ?
Every day in the US there are stories from all sides slamming the rollout – and the much deeper problems down the line.
When even a leftie comedian like Jon Stewart says it is a disaster, there must be some trouble.
This shows how hard it is for anyone to connect to the ObamaCare website :
Anyone in the US with a fair mind recognises that the ObamaCare roll-out is a train-wreck. Even journalists from leftie CNN are attacking Obama;s press secretary about the mess they are in :
I have never seen a press secretary squirm so much.
Plus the CNN inquisitor is a hottie – why can’t the BBC hire sharp journalists who are ex-prom queens ?
The stupid and hated Political correctness looks like it’s going to be shown up for exactly what it is.
FIFAs UK appointee has insanely declared that the England team does not reflect diversity on the pitch.
In other words fielding the best team is less important than the lefty diversity industry. Hopefully the FA will take his comments on board, and England will not make the cut for any major tournaments. Then people will realise how insanely wrong PC is and hopefully there will be a crossover into the commercial world, where only the best will be employed.
heres a pic of the England Footy team. 5 white, 5 non white, 1 im not sure off. No men though, how sexist of them
Well it doesn’t does it?
After all there are no Poles, Hungarians, French, Somalis, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Indians, Australians, Kiwis, Iroquois, Venezuelans, Brazilians, Afghans, Austrians, Germans, Jedi, Belgians, Dutch, Russians, Japs, Chinese, Eskimos nor any other of the thousands of races, creeds and wotnots in London alone.
And that’s before you even consider the Irish, Welsh and Scots.
I wonder how racial diverse the Japanese team is? Muppets.
Haringey council have been used as a measure for the benefits cap, with a story that the government may not make the savings they hoped for.
Of course the BBC are all over this story, but it seems that the Labour council is making ‘discretionary payments’ to top up those claimants which find favour, and I think we all know who those are.
The Tory they invited on to the today program 08:38 ripped into the presenter for the bias ! Very funny. “Let the BBC report the facts & not flawed data ! “
He wasn’t very impressed with being called Mark instead of Mike either.
The bit I enjoyed most was the question to the beeboid:-
“Why is it only the BBC and the Guardian who are majoring on this story?”
Nuff said!
Heard this ‘interview’ this morning, and thought Mark Penning did extremely well, despite the hectoring he was getting from Justin Webb (I think it was he, anyway).
Interesting part of the discussion was when Mr Penning pointed out that the BBC was, in fact, reporting a flawed report which used flawed data, and he commented on the BBC’s apparent inability to do even the simplest research. This would have, Mr Penning basically inferred, by any real reporting standards, raised a lot of more pertinent questions with Ms Grainia Long, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing (whose report was being discussed, and which is basically a union for employees in the housing industry, but this was never mentioned, naturally).
Of course, at the mere mention of any possible shortcoming in the BBC’s investigative powers, and possible BBC slant against this government initiative, Mr Webb launched into a blustering rant (basically shouting down Mr Penning’s reasonable question) about how they had only just talked to Ms Long, so how (plaintively) could the BBC have known what she was going to say ?
Well, I heard the BBC reporting this material much earlier in the Today programme, so by 08:30, they had had at least two and a half hours to figure out some good questions, and you are NOT going to tell me that they had Ms Long on the programme this morning because she just happened to be walking past the Today programmme’s studio door, and they thought they’d just have a quick chat. And of course, they only got a hold of the report from the Institute this morning as well…. yeah, right.
As Mr Penning clearly hinted, the BBC feverishly digs around and find plenty of faults in reviews and reports, real or imagined, when it suits the BBC’s agenda. But I guess there are some issues which the BBC just naturally has to take at face value…. especially if it suits their own core political values.
08:54 and Today are interviewing a black Christian woman who is at the high court after being taken on by Merton council with an understanding that they would allow her to take each Sunday off to attend church.
The interviewer could barely disguise his distaste at the ‘unreasonable’ demands of the Christian, asking some ridiculous questions like ‘what would happen if every one in your department was a Christian’. The woman responded well using multiculturalism against him and that Jews & Muslims didn’t share the Sunday as a day of rest. That was ignored, as was the possibility of agnostic / atheist staff also.
The fact she was taken on with an understanding was simply brushed aside. The anti Christian message was loud and clear, and the interview was conducted in a way that would not have happened had it been a Muslim being interviewed.
‘the anti Christian message’ seems to be office culture at the BBC.
This morning 5 Live have a guest who admits herself to be no more than a ‘limp-wristed liberal’ – and yet Reverend Sally still got both barrels from our Nicky.
Rev Sally : ‘Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan by his cousin John the Baptist’
NC : ‘That’s a fact is it?’
NC : ‘You believe in the Devil do you?’
Is there any point in asking whether the same aggression would be shown to any other strand of religious belief?
And this is what a female moderate liberal Christian gets from the BBC
And how our nick would suck up the latest fix for reductionism when given by the breathless Brian Cox
The multi verse is that a fact Nicky?
Campbell on Five Live interviewed a female priest this morning about the baptism of Prince George. He asked why is the water to be used from the River Jordan, and she replied because Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the Jordan. “Do you know that for a fact?” he sneered.
Yes heard that too. It stood out as odd.
Why was he so aggressive? Anyone out there know what is his subtext?
Even Rev Sally – though obviously a friend of the show – thought NC’s remark was somewhat out of the blue
Sally Hitchiner ☩ @SallyHitchiner 53m
Had a great time on @bbc5live – even with curve ball of a question re the devil before 9am! @NickyAACampbell Lovely people 🙂
“what cannae say” (shrugs) “dinnae know him” …
” I walked in … he left”
didn t he recommend you for the job though?
…………. awkward radio silence ……………
do you know that for a fact?
Note that there`s a dodgy area of Dewsbury called Savile Town…now it`s a hotbed of Islamic benedictions and challenges. 3/4 of the 7/7 jihadi bombing terrorists were from it.
Now then-what`s in a name?…did Sir James leave HIS benediction for the likes of Nicky and those beautiful men of Rochdale/Oxford/ Leeds/Oldham etc to continue in his “holy name”(Piss be upon him…if we could find his new grave!)?
Will Self and his Guardian Psychogeography could yet get interesting…but no Thinking Allowed eh Laurie on this one?
Nicky Campbell?…do we know HIS Savile links for a fact, then….think I give more credence to that Jordan water, myself.
BBC=Blessings, Benedictions(but) Challenges too!
That`ll do me!
Alarming figures out today from the pensions industry – not enough of us are saving enough.
BBC Radio presenter says :
‘a slight health warning with this as they have an interest in persuading people to take out a pension’
I look forward to similiar BBC ‘health warnings’ on shock figures from all the Leftist campaign groups who ‘have an interest in persuading people….’ of, you know…. this and that.
Meanwhile Nicky Campbell receives a press release from a campaign group that claims 1 in 8 of us have left a job due to sexual harassment.
No health warning given – taken as read – he makes it the subject of his phone-in
I wondered what it was about Malala that so tickled the BBC’s fancy.
Was it simply that they liked the cut of her jib (or should I say hijab) ?
H/T to Guido Fawkes
‘In all the Western media craze over Malala, there is another key point ignored about her: she is not only a Muslim feminist, she is a socialist with Marxist tendencies’
Muslm feminist?
Oxymoron alert afraid to say.
“Hall ‘cocked up’ over BBC Arabic complaint.”
Close down INBBC Arabic TV: it is not in the interests of British licence-payers.
Did you hear the excellent Mike Penning MP on R4 Today this morning tearing into BBC bias in their trumpeting of the Inst of Housing report on the welfare cap: “Only the BBC and the Guardian repeated this seriously flawed research….”
Enlightening to hear Justin Webb’s hysterical defence of the BBC when challenged. It’s something I’ve noted on the far too rare occasions that the BBC’s bias or piss-poor research is pointed out. They act like someone has farted in front of the vicar’s wife.
Not that a vicar would be allowed to leave the childcare centre unmanned on a Sunday
For wee Webb had another attack of the vapours when a Christian woman not only mentioned God, but explained why Merton Council shouldn` make her work on a Sunday, when Muslims get their Fridays off, Jews get their Saturdays.(this was later in the show-poor Justin!).
After all we were supposed to be multikulti after all, she needed “me time” so she could give of herself and her best for God…and you could see how Justin responds to all his shibboleths being thrown back in his whey face like a pair of Saviles old boxers!
No-they` don`t like it up `em when their axioms are wrapped back around their necks.
Webb of course has no need to work on the Sabbath…what if his ilk all refused to work on their Holy Days( visits of Bono, Lagarde etc)
Why, we could save the money and close the f***ers down..which is why they won`t stop whining and moaning!
On front of the vicar’s wife?
Didn’t know it was her turn.
Even less impressed than usual this morning with VD doing her softly softly act with the family of an ‘alleged’ Islamic terrorist who it seems was friends with Osama Bin Laden. Perhaps she thinks she works for Al Jazeera, understandable these days at the good old BBC.
Next week, a compassionate interview with Tommy Robinsons family no doubt.
The Co-op Bank: favourite of the political ‘left’:-
” Co-op Bank sold itself to customers as the ethical bank, but under a false prospectus”
“Co-op Group to lose control of Co-op Bank”
By Robert Peston.
Will BBC-NUJ report this on its ‘socialist’ SWEDEN?:-
Maybe they are a community in fear, doing their best to ease tensions locally?
At least if anyone in the vicinity feels this may be a smidge provocative, the local Swedish plot can arrest them for unharmonious opinions.
Meanwhile Call me Dave has seen a banwagon he can edge Ed out of, has spoken on twitter (where else?) & FaceBook has acted on its pops of the toppings. Though it seems he was a bit more concerned that these videos ‘could’ be seen by some as representative of the vast majority of peace-loving Mexican Drug Lords. Certainly the peace-loving drug lord community will sleep easier knowing the British PM is on a US social media site’s case.
The BBC certainly seems keen on this route too, and when they and Dear Leader are as one on best responses, the world can sleep safer. Except maybe in Woolwich. Or Sweden. Maybe Yemen, Kenya… hotbeds of Mexican Drug Lordism.
I wonder if the BBC’s responses have in any way been complicated by their handing over their social media operations to an unaccountable overseas (if free) entity who gains from the ad rating revenue sent to their way, which got iffy when some started talking about commercial partner boycotts? Bet Stuart Hughes got a quick whisper in the corridor if he was keen to set up a boycott campai… ‘report’ on adverse reactions that highlighted Aunty’s complicity?
Sweden is the first liberal Western nation to voluntarily opt for ending it’s nationhood. .
Liberalism in all it’s glorious fantasy. An excess of empathy and political correctness.
Sad but hopefully a warning to the rest of Europe.
europe has a history of appeasing evil until its too late.
‘Lord Patten said only £3.8 million of the £369 million paid to departing staff over the past eight years was in excess of the BBC’s contractual obligations, and only that amount could be considered ‘waste’. It was just half the cost of broadcasting a Premier League football match, he added.’
£369 million on Beeboids’ redundancy!!!!
I suppose a ‘package’ is a human right but this explains all their cutz.
Not sure that, of many pronouncements of his, drawing attention to the similarities between public sector screw-up and private sector actual talent salaries was the smartest play.
I am sure the BBC will be talking to its mate Mr Milliband to see if he can plead with his paymasters, Unite, to talk some sense into the Union Reps at Grangemouth chemical plant about waking up from the Socialist slumbers encouraged by both Labour and SNP Scottish governments over the past 10 years or so, and to smell the coffee….
…… oops, too late.
Ineos has been warning for years that its costs, now and in the future, including one of the very few (unsustainable) private sector final salary pension schemes, just were incompatible with the markets they were competing in. Similar plants have been closing all over Europe, without finding buyers, but the SNP insists it is seeking a buyer for this one… as if, somehow, the stark numbers can magically be massaged away.
800 people tragically out of jobs because, just like the SNP government, Unite exists in its own little la-la land. And the BBC gave Unite almost unfettered, and virtually uncritical, access to the airwaves, no doubt helping the Union to sustain its impression of its own invulnerability these days.
The Daily Record newspaper (well, sister comic of the Mirror) is first in line to scream for Nationalisation… again just incomprehensive of reality…we already have one more Nationalised industry than we need which competes with others only because of government (i.e. taxpayers’) money, and thinks itself invulnerable…
Of vital import to the readers of this blog:
Philip Davies MP versus Tony Hall on BBC impartiality and Left-wing bias
from 2:30
Somewhat ironic, if apposite, that currently there appears a picture of Chris Patten on this BBC ‘service’, emblazoned with ‘This Content Doesn’t Seem To Be Working’.
But he and the BBC still get paid, a lot, even when both don’t.
Apt metaphor, beyond BBC content ‘seeming’ (don’t they know?) to go offline a lot when it doesn’t serve.
Thanks for the heads up.,
Radio 4 Today programme: “Jim” Naughtie wheels on his friend Harold Evans to say that the Guardian was quite right to publish secret files stolen by Snowden and passed on by Greenwald. Our security services have said that the loss of secret material (so essential for keeping us as safe as possible) was far worse than the losses in the Philby, Burgess and McClean era. Evans said he had a similar case when he was a newspaper editor, when the security services asked him not to publish. Evans says he “thought about it”, but decided to publish nevertheless. What gross arrogance and irresponsibility! I seem to recall that a short while ago, Naughtie pulled the same stunt by inviting another of his journalist friends to whitewash the treasonous Guardian and Rusbridger.
Just listening now to the last half-hour of the Today Show this morning.
Incompetence, partiality, bias…and it reveals the BBC mindset.
Yet Mike Penning and others are finally wising up-Eric Joyce has already told us what is going on in Grangemouth, so we don`t need Jim and Rafferty-and the wheels re falling off this wagon of the BBC.
Bad as student radio…and indicates that the rats are leaving this sinking ship.
It` ll not stand long…first they came for Newsnight…oh , it`s dissolved in its own salt!
The BBC is doomed…and they reflect it with this last half hour-merely plugging the life support machine with old washers!
Note the BUSINESS correspondent being unable tell us how the Footsie Index is doing…but well able to blag on re sexism in the workplace a la Dagenham Ford 1977 instead(8.45am)
That says it all.
“BBC Newsreader Clive Myrie Makes Throat Slitting Gesture During Beheading Footage Report
And to think Carol Thatcher got the sack for an innocent joke. .
Of course this guys ethnicity and politics will ensure he doesn’t. I’m sure Mr Bigley’s family found it hilarious.
I thought just the same thing as well, Geoff, just a couple of weeks ago when Mr Adrian Chiles just brushed off his recent comment about Poles, claiming that no offence was intended.
He, of course, was one of those who ‘shopped’ Carol Thatcher to the BBC because he was ‘outraged’ by her comments about Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.
Hmm – he wasn’t quite so forgiving about Carol Thatcher’s comment, nor her defence that ‘no offence was intended’.
Nothing to see here, move along, please.
(And yes, I know that when Mr Chiles made the comment it was on ITV, but the BBC is where he was when calling on someone else to be disciplined for exactly the same behaviour, and, of course, the BBC obligingly made a huge fuss about it before kicking her off the programme. Couldn’t possibly be where he learned his hypocrisy, could it ?)
Also not forgetting that Ms Thatchers comments were off screen, unlike the Myrie and Chiles faux pas’
-Serving an African audience, not British licence-payers:-
“BBC partners Liberian channel Power TV”
Somebody mentioned Dewsbury earlier.
This book is well worth investing a few quid in as it clarifies, for those in any doubt, what joys are in store for us all a result of the on-going colonisation by the members of the”religion of peace”
Should be compulsory reading in all schools.
The BBC wades in where politicians fear to tread. The BBC reporter repeatedly accused the INEOS manager of “punishing” the workforce by choosing to stop losing £120m pa & instead close the Grangemouth petro-chemical works
And does the report of one person justify the BBC seeking to further poison the situation? (this part of the BBC report being picked up by that harridan Flint in the Commons)
One member of staff claimed that Grangemouth Petrochemicals chairman Calum Maclean had been “smiling” when he made the announcement.
Surely the BBC could hand over the money. Small change to them. A few staff payments missed and the refinery is saved.
‘Marines on trial for Afghan murder’.
So it is murder when it is marines.
as a soldier, i always called marines “marines” just to piss them off. They’re actually commandos (but dont tell anyone i said that)
Useful to read the link you posted. They are on trial for murder. The title is therefore correct. They have not been convicted and remain innocent.
The point you or others kept making about Fusilier Lee Rigby was that those accused of killing him should not be described as being accused of murder because it was not yet proven it was a murder.
Yes I know the idea is crazed. It is like ‘men’ being accused of ‘something or other’. But it is the pc-BBC way.
I noticed that as well, the bBC headlines is:
Marine ‘executed Afghan prisoner
Executed has such a dark undertone, funny thing is when the military are implicated in any act of harming a follow of Allah, then they are always reported in the negative, the
terroristinnocent bystander just happened to out for a stroll, visiting a wedding party or even looking for a wife and the bBC has eye witness footage from somebody who is ready to claim he was a nice boy.In contrast, L/Cpl Rigby was…. killed or even died by chance it seems, the followers of allah never said anything and at the end of the day everybody who belongs to the gay death cult which executed LCpl Rigby on the streets of London have no problem playing the victim card over his execution.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Thank you pounce, don’t ever stop telling it like it really is.
‘Executed’ is the word used by the prosecution, and indeed it is the key word in their description of what happened. Surely the BBC is right to highlight it here?
The report also makes clear that it was an insurgent, so therefore not an ‘innocent bystander’ as you say.
And the BBC did describe Lee Rigby as murdered:
‘Multi-faith ceremony for murdered Drummer Lee Rigby’
‘Lee Rigby funeral: Drum parade for murdered soldier’
‘Woolwich murder: Two in court over Lee Rigby videos’
‘Two plead not guilty to Rigby murder’
Plus other reports.
I have not heard the BBC use the word ‘murdered’ once in the Rigby context on TV or radio, but I suppose Pounce is quoting the website here.
To level the playing field ‘executed’ should have been used in the Rigby context too – after all, war is war, even when it’s jihad.
we had A Journalist and A Lawyer and loads more lefties arguing (wrongly) the BBC couldnt use the word Murder because it was contempt of court, right to a fair trial and all that crap.
The only reason Al Beeb started using the word murder was because of the public outcry at al beebs damage limitation exercise for those muslim savages
Them muslim savages will be getting tried soon. Be interesting to see how the terrorist broadcasting company report it
I for one cant wait.
“The only reason Al Beeb started using the word murder was because of the public outcry at al beebs damage limitation exercise for those muslim savages”
Really? Can you prove that?
Here are 2 stories, one from May 23rd (the day after Lee Rigby was murdered) and one from the 24th, both with the word ‘murder’ prominent in the headline:
‘Philip Hammond pays tribute to Woolwich murder victim’
‘Woolwich residents in shock over Lee Rigby murder’
Turn on BBC Radio ‘The Government…..’ well, you know the rest
Considering what a washed up Vulture Squadron the BBC have become, I don’t why they don’t simply sign up Muttley as presenter…. at least until 2015 when they can go back to being a public broadcaster ha ha
And then there is the under representation of pets on the news…
So here is Dick Dastardly’s Muttley:
The Coalition Government today announced that…. grrrr-rassin-sagar-fussin-rassin-grrrrr-rick-rastardly….
That “husband” is back on the news, having been convicted of raping a 10 year old deaf slave girl imported from Pakistan. Well, he’s a “husband” on the BBC News website front page, but click the link and we discover that “An Eccles couple have been sentenced…”. Right. Is that Eccles near Lahore, Eccles near Islamabad or Eccles in Mirpur (see
Tragic news. Who is going to look after his whippet and pigeons whilst he’s inside?
BBC 5 Live has ‘pensioner’ as the favoured descriptor
A piece on ‘British’ Muslims travelling to foreign countries to conduct Jihad.
A Bangladeshi interviewee who knew one from Tower Hamlets tells the BBC that he was fully aware of the guys intentions and his motivation was ‘British Foreign Policy’. This is the same excuse that the BBC gave for the murder of Lee Rigby, transferring blame from Jihadists to the nasty white people they hate so much.
According to the BBC these people are/ were British and their violent opposition to British foreign policy makes them traitors at best.
This is the BBC at its biased worst trying to protect Muslim criminals by passing the blame onto the British government.
The 7/7 bombers were training in terrorist camps well before UK involvement in Afghanistan or Iraq, so the ‘British foreign policy’ excuse just won’t wash.
Anyway, those born here should be putting country before religion anyway – else they should eff off.
Update for INBBC:-
Islamic jihadists are increasingly using Europe (and U.K) as a base for their global violence:-
“European Muslim teenagers going to Syria to wage jihad”
Dire unfunny PC comedy from Brigitte Christie banging on about feminism. Why don’t they give her one 15 minute slot on woman’s hour, where women could find out how unfunny she is and maybe appreciate her usual radio 4 single topic issue about how unfair the world is to women and then never be heard of again!
yes it really was the pits.
Predictably, in the first 2 programmes there have been several direct attacks on the Republicans, the Tories and Thatcher.