The Archers script writers are having a Q & A session tomorrow. I’d love to ask about all the far left nonsense they write, but somehow I don’t think those questions get answered !
What version of the Archers do you listen to? It’s usually dreary talk of setting up new farming techniques, the never ending Christmas pantomime, whatever fix the Grundy’s are in and botched romances, Nigel falling of the roof was its highlight in a decade.
It was Will Self who defined one second as the time it takes him to switch of the radio after the theme starts. I’m not always so quick.
Hell-I`ve got something in common with old Selfie!
Bet he`s faster though, given all those drugs he has taken in his time.
I get to the fourth crochet before it goes-can do Libby Purvis by the word Midweek(third one usually).
Maybe an Olympic sport here-any wimmin care to get it pushed onto Grandstand?
Free disability ramp and Blue Badge to the first 1000 applicants…not Teeside or Newport, though please!
I though Elona (or is it Ilona?) was from Hungary not Albania. She never rang true for me: her accent was clearly and strongly East European but her use of colloquial English was too good to be realistic. She dumped Darrel Makepiece and so his descent into hell began, but ex-Young Conservative Shula and Lefty vicar Alan Franks are helping him.
Have you ever seen a farm?….why didn`t we cull all those lefty scripts instead of cattle in 2001…and when can we hope to see badgers monitored for obesity?
That`s three off the top of my shoe!
Thought For The Day Wednesday. A Sikh came on having attended a conference about prejudice against those who practice a faith, didn’t hear Christianity mentioned as a target. However, the Sikh seemed to be complaining that Sikhs are the subject of abuse being mistakenly identified as Muslim, but no complaints have been made by Sikhs because they are so tolerant thanks to the teachings of ..etc.etc.
In Midland towns Sikhs girls have been targeted by Muslim men grooming rings and complaints have been made, but no mention of this.
No mention either of the atrocities against Christians across Pakistan, Syria Iraq or Nigeria, just to name a few places where they could live in reasonable harmony under the previous regimes; might have thought in view of the bombings massacres and forced conversions of Christians the Guru or the BBC might have had the guts to mention this! Perhaps they don’t bother to complain.
A few year s ago the EU published a report claiming that the increase in attacks on Jews across Europe was carried out by Right Wing groups. The BBC went for this hook line & sinker. When the real figures within the report were analysed it showed that some 90% of attacks were carried out by Muslims. This mirrored an earlier study by German academics that had been commissioned & then dismissed by the EU because clearly it did not fit with their pre-determined intention of blaming the RW while covering up the truth.
The BBC went for this hook line & sinker. When the real figures within the report were analysed it showed that some 90% of attacks were carried out by Muslims.
Not exactly bias, unless we consider how the BBC ignore stories. If this claim was made regarding the potential harms of controversial fracking then we would have weeks of discussions. So how about it? Panorama to investigate Wind Turbine Syndrome as a health threat. No chance.
Oh dear this won’t go down with the racists here, in particular one D.Vance whose obnoxious tweets on this matter might land him in well deserved hot water. The Roma girl in Ireland is …her parents daughter!
That of course was not a jump to a conclusion, it was a coordinated set-up at based on a desire to find only what was imagined. That goes from passive laziness to active venality. On the part of the world’s most trusted media monopoly.
Interestingly, the holding to account mostly involved the licence fee payers covering the costs.
‘But I never jump to conclusions’
ChrisH has covered the BBC…you…
‘..the racists here, in particular one D.Vance whose obnoxious tweets on this matter might land him in well deserved hot water. … probably Vance’s definition ..’
‘Might’ & ‘probably’… perfect bases for no conclusions to be jumped to. And all in support of a hypothetical topic you set up.
You’ll fit in well with the BBC all right.
Do I see a Remembrance Day for the Friday before the Sunday next month?
For all those vulnerable hurting Taliban and Al Queda…British citizens/ origin/asylum seekers/students/ migrants immigrants/religious chappies who fell due to Empire Loyalists like Peter Powell in Smethwick by-elections.
Bit confused-hate crime though…top trumps!
Very disappointing, by the way, that Russia will not proceed with a piracy charge against Greenpeace. That organisation needed to be taught a severe lesson, and now still does.
Ah, the inbbc series on the seasons draws to a close.
They devote the last 10 minutes to convincing ypu that it really is betting warmer.
Expert tells us it has warmed by half degree since 1960.
What do othet datums tell us?
Who knows, they dont want you to know.
BBC news:Lots of interviews with workers at Grangemouth ‘angry’ with the decision made to close plant, despite them and unite rejecting cost saving measures that would have kept it open. This is then followed by a beeboid suggesting to the CEO that the closure is ‘vengeance’for the rejection. No interview with anyone from unite of course.
Presumably a large part of the cost problem is electricity. Meanwhile, Shrek and the rest of his bunch in Edinburgh continue to carpet Scotland with windmills.
It is sad – but perhaps it serves the men right. They had ample and repeated warnings. They chose not to accept the seriousness of the situationm the financial facts and the closures of many plants elsewhere.
And it could well lead directly the closure of the refinery as well as the petrochemicals plant.
Much of the blame lies with the Union and its dispute over the vote-rigging steward as well as its misleading the men on their chances of winning the dispute. Plus of course Alex Salmond with all his stupid talk about finding another buyer for the plant. Plus the BBC for letting such nonsense go without challenge. Probably worse on Scottish BBC services than the main UK services.
Plus, of course, Ed Miliband and his Green taxes on power.
And all the comments on/by the BBC about how the employees were ‘shocked’ – ‘shocked’, I tell you !
Which part of “If you fail to work with us to keep this plant open, we’re going to close it – and we’re NOT bluffing !” do these moronic Unite reps just fail to understand ?
Well, despite their protestations/claims about Ineos management lying, they found out they weren’t, after all…
And as for Alex (‘Wee Nappy’) Salmond skittering about claiming to be talking to other organisations about buying the company….. as if global company chiefs were likely to be drawn into his personal web of intrigue, their names splattered all over if they failed to give Mr Salmond exactly what he wanted – rather than talking to the CEO of Ineos….yeah, right.
1.Grangemouth-covered already by Eric Joyce, who has found his freedom(having been booted out of Labour,which turns out to be the best thing they could have done-an MP who KNOWS what the rotten boroughs of Falkirk etc are up to.
2. Russia-the BBC has turned us all into haters of Greenpeace and their dope-addled rainbow jumpers followers over here-we actively want Putin to scare a few gays if they`re the agitprop St Sebastians of BBC fantasisings…and we want Pussy Riot kept in a while longer whilst the liberal bed-wetters can find their mirrored top hats and play at being Marc or Noddy…Morrissey or Jake Burns…dilutions of faux-rebellion.
3We`re glad an an enemy combatant was put out of our miseries by lads sent there by Labour, half-arsed and traduced by Cameron…and at least he wasn`t butchered like Lee Rigby, so he was a lucky boy,
Who`s got the heart to tell the liberal ouanquers chez Beeb that the truth is out here, and does a heck of a body swerve to avoid the BBC hackers and their slimy tripe?
I don`t believe-I`m not listening-and in truth, the more the BBC squeal, the closer this country will be to some kind of repentance and growing a spine at last.
Time to cut the head off the f***in snake…history will regard Brand and Ross as the final straw…it just takes time to ruminate on the blowback.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Islamic jihadists in Libya.
In an attempt to understand INBBC reports on Islamic jihad there, its following headline:-
“Benghazi brigade detains foreigners over bombings”
-should read:-
“Benghazi jihadist brigade detains foreign jihadists over bombings”
INBBC: still censoring Islamic jihad in BOSTON.
Two reports:-
1.)’Atlas Shrugs’:-
2.) BBC-Democrat:-
“Boston bomb suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev named in triple murder”
The Archers script writers are having a Q & A session tomorrow. I’d love to ask about all the far left nonsense they write, but somehow I don’t think those questions get answered !
What version of the Archers do you listen to? It’s usually dreary talk of setting up new farming techniques, the never ending Christmas pantomime, whatever fix the Grundy’s are in and botched romances, Nigel falling of the roof was its highlight in a decade.
It was Will Self who defined one second as the time it takes him to switch of the radio after the theme starts. I’m not always so quick.
Hell-I`ve got something in common with old Selfie!
Bet he`s faster though, given all those drugs he has taken in his time.
I get to the fourth crochet before it goes-can do Libby Purvis by the word Midweek(third one usually).
Maybe an Olympic sport here-any wimmin care to get it pushed onto Grandstand?
Free disability ramp and Blue Badge to the first 1000 applicants…not Teeside or Newport, though please!
Well there’s the Albanian cleaning woman, who everyone just accepts without any hint of concern, or her ex partner who has become homeless.
There’s the grossly irritating Linda Snell talking about inclusiveness, the constant green issues of the organic farm.
All the more wealthy characters are made to be evil, such as Brian Aldridge, and Matt Crawford, while the poorer ones are all so hard done by.
That’s just a quick Precis !
Does Albaman have a cleaning woman?
I though Elona (or is it Ilona?) was from Hungary not Albania. She never rang true for me: her accent was clearly and strongly East European but her use of colloquial English was too good to be realistic. She dumped Darrel Makepiece and so his descent into hell began, but ex-Young Conservative Shula and Lefty vicar Alan Franks are helping him.
Have you ever seen a farm?….why didn`t we cull all those lefty scripts instead of cattle in 2001…and when can we hope to see badgers monitored for obesity?
That`s three off the top of my shoe!
Thought For The Day Wednesday. A Sikh came on having attended a conference about prejudice against those who practice a faith, didn’t hear Christianity mentioned as a target. However, the Sikh seemed to be complaining that Sikhs are the subject of abuse being mistakenly identified as Muslim, but no complaints have been made by Sikhs because they are so tolerant thanks to the teachings of ..etc.etc.
In Midland towns Sikhs girls have been targeted by Muslim men grooming rings and complaints have been made, but no mention of this.
No mention either of the atrocities against Christians across Pakistan, Syria Iraq or Nigeria, just to name a few places where they could live in reasonable harmony under the previous regimes; might have thought in view of the bombings massacres and forced conversions of Christians the Guru or the BBC might have had the guts to mention this! Perhaps they don’t bother to complain.
A few year s ago the EU published a report claiming that the increase in attacks on Jews across Europe was carried out by Right Wing groups. The BBC went for this hook line & sinker. When the real figures within the report were analysed it showed that some 90% of attacks were carried out by Muslims. This mirrored an earlier study by German academics that had been commissioned & then dismissed by the EU because clearly it did not fit with their pre-determined intention of blaming the RW while covering up the truth.
I’d be grateful for the links:
The BBC went for this hook line & sinker. When the real figures within the report were analysed it showed that some 90% of attacks were carried out by Muslims.
Not exactly bias, unless we consider how the BBC ignore stories. If this claim was made regarding the potential harms of controversial fracking then we would have weeks of discussions. So how about it? Panorama to investigate Wind Turbine Syndrome as a health threat. No chance.
Oh dear this won’t go down with the racists here, in particular one D.Vance whose obnoxious tweets on this matter might land him in well deserved hot water. The Roma girl in Ireland is …her parents daughter!
Funny. I’m dark haired and my daughter is a probably Vance’s definition of an English Aryan should look like.
But I never jump to conclusions. Neither does the BBC.
Lord McAlpine doris?
That of course was not a jump to a conclusion, it was a coordinated set-up at based on a desire to find only what was imagined. That goes from passive laziness to active venality. On the part of the world’s most trusted media monopoly.
Interestingly, the holding to account mostly involved the licence fee payers covering the costs.
‘But I never jump to conclusions’
ChrisH has covered the BBC…you…
‘..the racists here, in particular one D.Vance whose obnoxious tweets on this matter might land him in well deserved hot water. … probably Vance’s definition ..’
‘Might’ & ‘probably’… perfect bases for no conclusions to be jumped to. And all in support of a hypothetical topic you set up.
You’ll fit in well with the BBC all right.
INBBC headline: presenting Islamic jihadist murderer as victim:-
(right-hand column)-
“‘Used like a pawn’
Death of a British al-Shabab fighter in Somalia”
For INBBC: He was a Muslim Islamic jihadist, NOT a ‘British fighter’- now thankfully dead.
Do I see a Remembrance Day for the Friday before the Sunday next month?
For all those vulnerable hurting Taliban and Al Queda…British citizens/ origin/asylum seekers/students/ migrants immigrants/religious chappies who fell due to Empire Loyalists like Peter Powell in Smethwick by-elections.
Bit confused-hate crime though…top trumps!
Oh dear ‘ chicken and chips jihad’
Perish the thought.
Gone……perished…..expired…..extinguished……good riddance….scum…….bloody good news…
Very disappointing, by the way, that Russia will not proceed with a piracy charge against Greenpeace. That organisation needed to be taught a severe lesson, and now still does.
Ah, the inbbc series on the seasons draws to a close.
They devote the last 10 minutes to convincing ypu that it really is betting warmer.
Expert tells us it has warmed by half degree since 1960.
What do othet datums tell us?
Who knows, they dont want you to know.
Apologies for typos.
BBC news:Lots of interviews with workers at Grangemouth ‘angry’ with the decision made to close plant, despite them and unite rejecting cost saving measures that would have kept it open. This is then followed by a beeboid suggesting to the CEO that the closure is ‘vengeance’for the rejection. No interview with anyone from unite of course.
Presumably a large part of the cost problem is electricity. Meanwhile, Shrek and the rest of his bunch in Edinburgh continue to carpet Scotland with windmills.
It is sad – but perhaps it serves the men right. They had ample and repeated warnings. They chose not to accept the seriousness of the situationm the financial facts and the closures of many plants elsewhere.
And it could well lead directly the closure of the refinery as well as the petrochemicals plant.
Much of the blame lies with the Union and its dispute over the vote-rigging steward as well as its misleading the men on their chances of winning the dispute. Plus of course Alex Salmond with all his stupid talk about finding another buyer for the plant. Plus the BBC for letting such nonsense go without challenge. Probably worse on Scottish BBC services than the main UK services.
Plus, of course, Ed Miliband and his Green taxes on power.
And all the comments on/by the BBC about how the employees were ‘shocked’ – ‘shocked’, I tell you !
Which part of “If you fail to work with us to keep this plant open, we’re going to close it – and we’re NOT bluffing !” do these moronic Unite reps just fail to understand ?
Well, despite their protestations/claims about Ineos management lying, they found out they weren’t, after all…
And as for Alex (‘Wee Nappy’) Salmond skittering about claiming to be talking to other organisations about buying the company….. as if global company chiefs were likely to be drawn into his personal web of intrigue, their names splattered all over if they failed to give Mr Salmond exactly what he wanted – rather than talking to the CEO of Ineos….yeah, right.
1.Grangemouth-covered already by Eric Joyce, who has found his freedom(having been booted out of Labour,which turns out to be the best thing they could have done-an MP who KNOWS what the rotten boroughs of Falkirk etc are up to.
2. Russia-the BBC has turned us all into haters of Greenpeace and their dope-addled rainbow jumpers followers over here-we actively want Putin to scare a few gays if they`re the agitprop St Sebastians of BBC fantasisings…and we want Pussy Riot kept in a while longer whilst the liberal bed-wetters can find their mirrored top hats and play at being Marc or Noddy…Morrissey or Jake Burns…dilutions of faux-rebellion.
3We`re glad an an enemy combatant was put out of our miseries by lads sent there by Labour, half-arsed and traduced by Cameron…and at least he wasn`t butchered like Lee Rigby, so he was a lucky boy,
Who`s got the heart to tell the liberal ouanquers chez Beeb that the truth is out here, and does a heck of a body swerve to avoid the BBC hackers and their slimy tripe?
I don`t believe-I`m not listening-and in truth, the more the BBC squeal, the closer this country will be to some kind of repentance and growing a spine at last.
Time to cut the head off the f***in snake…history will regard Brand and Ross as the final straw…it just takes time to ruminate on the blowback.
Well ChrisH, the rising blood pressure clearly shows through in that rant.
Thank you for expressing it so well. Can’t disagree with anything in there.