The BBC is determined to ensure that whatever the Coalition does, it is never quite enough. For decades, the BBC seemed content at the impasse that has been created over the future for nuclear energy here. Now, at last, a decision IS made and the UK can expect one new nuclear power station in ten years time, and good old Aunty is doing everything possible to pour cold water on it. Given the vast amount of power the BBC must consume, I would have thought they would be happy but I suppose that unless the energy source is a windfarm then it’s never going to get a thumb up.
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The impression I get is that R North doesn’t think it’s a good idea due to the costs because of a rigged market in favour of the bloody useless renewables.
And I should have added that there are alternatives re Nuclear that maybe would be better for our pocket.
Yes, and fgollwing green ideas have cost us millions with nothing to show for it
-Very good article by Richard North, with an analysis which many Beeboids will probably not be politically comfortable with:-
“By increasing the time taken to approve [nuclear power] schemes, and by adding to design and construction costs, regulation is reckoned to be enough to have caused the massive hike. And much of the regulation has been promoted by Green activists, the aim being to price nuclear power out of business.
“According to this seminal book*, the process has been going on a long time. Now, it would appear, the activism has achieved its effect. We have a nuclear disaster – but not one that the Greens had predicted.
“As electricity costs rise, fuel poverty will kill vastly more than nuclear accidents are ever likely to. That is the real disaster, made all the worse by the fact that it is largely the result of deliberate ploys to increase the price of nuclear plants. ”
Click to access Power_Plant_Cost_Escalation.pdf
‘unless the energy source is a windfarm’
Or maybe a Stuart Hughes’ campaign squad pedaling like fury to keep Richard Bacon’s indoor ‘exotic plant’ collection warm and illuminated away from prying eyes.
I would dearly love a medium to report in the old-fashioned sense of the word, on the realistic expectations of demand and how they will be met by deliverables…. not the usual ‘potential’, ‘capacity’, ‘half of Scotland on a clear day’ #prasnews the BBC runs to paper over the tangibles.
It’s heaving down today here. Not a turbine creaking around in sight. What, then, will power this PC once all other sources are committed to essentials like keeping the BBC generators running so the escalators run and their baked spuds nicely microwaved? Plus the joys of the Vine Show ‘views’ pumped out across every bandwidth, and server farms cooking up a treat with the latest Cameron-damning World Health post from Tulip’s BFF grad colleague via BBC Journo Jugend school.
Oh God-a new generation of “Atomkraft…nein danke” stickers on the buskers guitar case or the Prius bumper!
Let`s face it-the BBC won`t be happy until there IS one big turbine running in Salford…with Muslim asylum seekers providing shoeshine and nice samosas for this tax year, at least.
That they may well lose those feet next year is no concern-the disability rights lot will blag the scooters for them, if they`re nice to them now.
F888Off BBC…as transparent now as Saviles Y fronts from 1964-and no less clean either….
‘ F888Off BBC…as transparent now as Saviles Y fronts from 1964-and no less clean either….’
Have you thought of a career in sitcom writing?
Great finishing line there, love it.
Onto the “Jimmy Saville Cops”….odd how they’re turning a blind eye to HOMOSEXUAL celebs records with young boys and young males isn’t it ? Jimmy Tarbucks activities are being quietly pushed to one side, for example – and plenty of others. And not just the “Gents toilet orgies” either.
Dave Lee Travis is getting disgracefully attacked for apparently “touching the bum of an 18 year old during the mid-70’s – a woman in her late FIFTIES now seems to think that should be a “criminal act” and “paedophilia” for God’s sake.
Yes, they are seeing pound signs, but it’s the faceless BBC-type lesbians behind all of this, steering away any inconvenient similar attack on their homosexual friends.
Don’t take my word for it. Just watch. Any mention of a gay celeb ? If there is, it’s quietly sidelined.
The usual disgusting double standards.
When I say “Jimmy Tarbuck” I refer to the headlines a few months back, which amazed me, as there had been no inkling of this, the aggressive sexual behaviour. But then just as quickly it was dropped.
So – a case or not ? If so, why did THAT get dropped and the Dave Lee Travis case get persued to ridiculous extent over patting an ADULT womans backside ?
And whoops – I wasn’t referring to Jimmy Tarbuck doing “Gents toilet orgies” either !!!! (But plenty celebs get caught in these, including several famous British actors, and we never hear another peep about it as they’re hushed up) Do a little google search though about th
is tarbuck hoo hah and notice the police HUSHED UP Tarbucks name until found out. So how many other homo celebs are being protected by the Politically Correct Police ?
Suppose that Lisa Tarbuck-being a BBC favourite in her day on Radio 2 etc-means that dad gets an easier ride than most.
Did anybody else ever think Tarby was a “comedian”?…like Ted Rodgers and Dickie Henderson…just not funny.
But not as offensively unfunny as the BBCs current crew like Hardy and Steel…and , I believe, that they didn`t just have to pimp off the license fee payer-some of `em did panto!
Its no longer “Auntie BEEB” but arrogant, middle class, misandrist, unmarried, heterophobic, christianophobic, LESBIAN “Auntie BEEB”
From the coverage I saw on the BBC news channel this morning there was a lot of emphasis on the government guaranteed price they would be paying EDF, how this is twice the current price paid per megawatt hour, and how it would increase energy bills.
No mention that this negotiated price will actually cover the £ billions cost of building the plant which otherwise would have to be paid for through taxation (as was the case in the past).
So, either way, we pay – a fact of life either the BBC can’t get its head round or chooses to exclude from its reporting.
And then, of course, they never mention that without nuclear (or building more gas plants and/or re-commissioning coal-fired power stations) the lights would start going out, businesses would have to go on short time, and eventually the country would slide into chaos. So, global warming alarmism – let’s bring it on. Energy shortage alarmism arising from suicidal ‘green’ policies – nah, not in the script mate.
I drove down the M6 from Glasgow last friday and as you drive towards England you see loads and loads of Wind turbines, the thing is, they were all turning ever so slowly . Seeing as it was howling a gale during our stay , I for one just could not understand why they weren’t spinning away faster than Alister Campbell and his dodgy dossier. Oh hang on lots of so called Green champions have become very very rich with their promotion of Global
WarmingChange. So rich in fact that many third world countries are demanding we cough up, funny the same third world countries who push out rug rats faster than they can look after them and thus the West gets hit twice in which to fund these fuckers.the windmills have to spin at a constant speed regardless of the wind speed, so they have sophisticated computers to ‘feather’ the blades to achieve this.
In fact the majority of designs generate at anything from 6 to 18rpm.
No explanation from the BBC about the desperate state of our generating capacity, and how Labour ignored warnings for the whole 13 years in power. No explanation about how Gordon Brown broke up and flogged off BNFL and our national ability to build nuclear generators.
no explanation about how Labour set up the “big six” suppliers system, which they now attack as being a “broken market”.
Just endless airtime given to Labour to attack the government and blame the Tories for problems that are entirely Labour’s making.
‘World at One’s Ms Kearney gave an easy ride to its apparent spokesman against nuclear power, Jonathon Renewables Porritt.
Jonathon Porritt, the visionary who, in 2009, openly called for a 50% reduction in the UK population. Well, energy supply breakdown should take out the elderly, for starters. The spirit of George Bernard Shaw & the Bloomsbury eugenicists lives on…
I myself would wonder what Lord Porritt of dozens of kids and a bishop for a dad(or whatever) would think of this!
No wonder the BBC were keen to take his original and idiosyncratic response to nuclear power in the UK.
Look up hypocrite or feather-bedded dilettante living off daddys estate in the dictionary…remove Brigstockes mug…Toynbees, Benns and all the others…and paste Porritts in for me will you?
Or better still-let`s create our own album to collect the titans of tosh, the heirs of hypocritic oafs like Lord Porritt od Dale Farm!
We need the nuclear power – just in case there is ever a day when the wind isn’t at the right speed.
We are closing down perfectly good coal and oil fired power stations at at time when the Chinese and Indians can’t build them fast enough. This is thanks to the BBC’s beloved EU and our ignorant, pygmy politicians of all parties!
One can only despair!
Never mind the Chinese the Germans cant build them fast enough
A week or so ago I was pointing readers to the file on 4 program which outlined a lot of negative about wind power, and how it was difficult to integrate it into the national grid.
The program was pretty negative to the idea of wind farms, nothing like the normal BBC presentation.
Then there’s another program they ran about coal powered generation.
So if the rest of the BBC are pro wind power, file on 4 certainly aren’t.
File on 4 is an oasis of proper journalism
Bit like ‘More or Less’ who take great delight in pulling apart the factoids on the rest of the BBC
The rest of BBC factual output is a desert of fact-free opinion and dodgy statistics provided by lobby groups and the Grauniad
Oh, what the bloody ‘ell– she got everyone through the War, didn’t she?
David Vances posts are a bit rubbish. He could just as easily change BBC to ITV here, or assert the complete opposite. At least Alan ‘tries’ to substantiate his, as feeble as they are.
Oh, dear, ‘Joe’, slipping already into familiar territory?
No attempt at going near BBC bias, or the point even, plus a few snarks drifting to ad homs soon, no doubt.
Not sure your Borg-rotating dag-team partner is helping your Monday mission much either, though you can give each other those coveted ‘likes’.