Yet another religious wind bag (apologies to anyone who actually likes religious windbaggery).
Even a Labour man looks askance at the new Archbishop of Canterbury as he does a bit of pious grandstanding on behalf of the Labour Party (and is always given a headline or two on the Beeb)….without any solutions to the problems he raises it might be added.
The C of E used to be the Tory party at prayer. Now Justin Welby is Polly Toynbee in a cassock
Amid all the excitement of over the cull of the Blairites and the promotion of this week’s Next Leader of the Labour Party, Tristram Hunt, one major shadow cabinet appointment was overlooked: the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Justin Welby is the new shadow minister for Moral Indignation. And it’s a wide-ranging brief. Over the weekend he intervened on energy policy, attacking the Big Six power companies. “Having spent years on a low income as a clergyman I know what it is like when your household budget is blown apart by a significant extra fuel bill and your anxiety levels become very high,” he said.
Presumably being an ex oil executive he is a well read man that knows the industry more than some, knows the real profits being made and where and by whom; knows the politics behind this, knows Ed Miliband’s role in the last government…meaning he is now playing political games: stick to keeping your dwindling flock Justin, that’s your job.
I hope bigmach doesn’t mind me reposting his comment here:
“If Welby were to preach the gospel of Jesus rather than the gospel of Milliband [sic] the nation’s problems would recede. We do not have an economic problem and we do not have a social problem; we have a sin problem and that is the problem that Welby, of all people, should be addressing. Pointing the finger at energy companies or bankers is not the answer. “Judge not that you be not judges.”
It is not “their fault”. It is our collective fault.” Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs.”
Great quote!
Economic growth is not enough to make Britain healthy, says Archbishop of Canterbury
Most Rev Justin Welby says Britain needs to be a more caring society on top of economic success and energy firms need to ‘fully justify’ price rises.
Coming from the man who’s response to the Kenya Mall Islamic attack was ‘to pray for the perpetrators’. 🙄
Like we can’t really see what this man is truly about, and it sure has nothing to do with religious spirit.
“Justin”? What kind of name is that for an Archbishop of Canterbury? “Justin” is what metrosexual iPhone-carrying champagne socialists in the media who drink lattes and hate Thatcher get called…..ah, I see now 🙂
(It’s also the name of a 2nd century Christian apologist: Justin Martyr.)
I bet he lived in Hampstead.
Man with the smallest willy – ‘Just In’
Welby clearly is “passionate” and “fully committed” to social justice wherever injustice lies.
Well, Justin(and who`d have thought that we`d have lived to see a Justin of a few years vintage as Archbish)…any further thoughts about how Christians are being treated in Syria, Pakistan and Egypt?
Any lobbying to get your flock over there safely out of Islamistan?…or are you letting the people traffickers from Al Shabab seize their passports,cut their throats and continue holy jihad from a Magna Housing perch somewhere leafy or with plenty access to their “brethren”.
Tell you what Justin-if that scares you, or ruins your ecumenical matters agenda…what about Christian B&Bs?…crosses around necks, crucifixes in crematoria or hospital chapels, right to not work on Sundays, adoption or anything similar…take your pick?
No Justin, course not….your Party needs you-and the BBC might let you edit the Today show near New year 2017 if you`re still a good boy!
Nazir Ali…FFS take this numpty out and get a vote to remove him…absolutely captured by Occupy, like so many other Reverend Blue jeans types.
Vicar of Dibley…Officer Dibble?…neither could be any worse than this Richard Wattis discard!
I fear we must get used to the C of E being the left at prayer ( if they still do that old fashioned thing)
However I would like to see him much more forthright om the plight of Christians in the ME but that concern does not seem to be high on the liberal’s wish list.
I have no doubt the average young British lib/left thinks the ME has always been Islamic and that Christianity is the interloper. Poor old Welby would find himself with an uphill battle to make any impact.
Dave @9:06 pm:
“I fear we must get used to the C of E being the left at prayer ”
The left at protest?
Being fair to the Archbishop, like his predecessor he is more likely to be quoted by the BBC when he is ‘on message’. He probably knows that. For instance, did you know that right now he’s visiting Nairobi to show solidarity with the Kenyans ? Of course, that doesn’t fit with the BBC narrative as it would suggest that Christians were targetted by the Islamist terrorists.
Maybe one of our politicians who were so recently keen to start bombing Syria for humanitarian reasons could manage to follow in the Archbishops path and show the Kenyans some support.?
Thanks for this…if true(and I`m sure that it is)…this gives me food for thought-I fall for the BBCs agendas like the best of `em as well!
See previous post on Medhi.
If this was an Iman, you’d be telling us the BBC was acting as a cheerleader for Islam!
If they were giving him a completely free uncritical platform to promote his views then they would be evangelising for the CoE the same way they are for the ROP
But Christianity comes in for continued criticism and mockery on the BBC ,the only time it is given a neutral platform is when ,as pointed out by flexdream, its message is approved .
My objection is that the BBC treat this despicable death cult (Islam) with kid Gloves, continually obfuscating and qualifying in its defence
Here’s an example of a moderate Muslim at a peace conference that some one sent me only this morning
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post it
This is what I don’t understand about the dear old C of E.
What constituency are they speaking to when they come out with this well-meaning greeny left-wing halfwittery? I presume the clergy are talking to themselves, being mostly inveterate Guardian readers.
The BBC, the Guardian, the Independent, the trade unions, the Labour party, the green activists and those organisations consumers/followers/supporters are overwhelmingly not religious. Those that are are generally not C of E.
The Church of England should be appealing to people who might actually attend their churches.
Saying more of this gubbish pushes them farther along on a crash course to extinction.
I’m not religious but I can appreciate the church for its cultural and architectural worth, and because otherwise the taxpayer would have to take on maintenance of its expensive old buildings.
How dreadful that the leader of the Church of England expresses compassion for others. Why can’t he be a selfish, self-obsessed i’m-all-right-jack like Biased BBC’s holier-than-thou regulars?
Maybe it’s because he’s actually a Christian, rather than an idiot who claims to be one but in actuality is anything but.
Maybe he reaches a wider audience in the Guardian than in his churches?
Says it all, really.
More of a Christian than John Sentam.originally considered a shoe -in for Rowan Williams old job?
Being an atheist myself I stay away from what is or isn’t a real Christian
But like the BBC you seem to advocate Christianity only where and when it suites your own prejudices, ignoring or denigrating other Christian voices.
That’s perfectly right and proper for you as an individual Scott (It may surprise you to know I sometimes agree with some of the the points you make) but not for the allegedly impartial BBC
That, I think, is the point of the thread
Who the hell are you to say what defines a Christian, Scott?
None of us are holier-than-thou as Christians.
I`ll not bore you with the scriptures that say this….maybe if you look at the third paragraph of the Book of Radio Times, it might help you.
Stick to the windups-but don`t presume to judge anybodys opinion about Welbys work or otherwise unless you know even a smidge about the Biblical basis for what is said( in my case ,among others).
If I were a Muslim, you might be in trouble(Surah 5.33)
You`re not family mate…let alone clan or tribe, so stick to the small stuff SVP.
Oh go on then-I`ll give you a clue…not the Radio Times, but hope it gives a “cloo”….I Pet 4.17
Justin Welby, the head of a Christian organisation generally loathed by lefties, has become their favourite wealthy, old Etonian ex-‘big oil’ executive.
The church he heads “owns more than £7 million worth of shares in Centrica and about £6 million in SSE” (Mail on Sunday), so no hypocracy there then.
Like the BBC which imprisons the poor for not financing its fatcat executives, the Church bankrupts those who can’t afford chancel repairs to their parish church. Isn’t it time these feudal incidents were scrapped?
Not to mention the hypocrisy of investing £10mil in a company that sells armaments.
I can never understand how someone can be a Chistian and not a Muslim too, or a Mormon
for that matter.
Chris, why don’t you forgive the BBC , and all the others you’re so full of hate for? Aren’t you supposed to turn the other cheek?
In a world with so many who defend Islam while supporting women and gay rights, I can see why you’d be confused.
The voice of the C of E on the beeb seems to be Giles ‘Occupy’ Fraser – the embodiment of smug, trendy, media-luvvy leftism. I was under the (clearly mistaken) impression that there was a traditionalist wing plus a low church evangelical wing of the Anglican Church, not just the Rev. Trendy wing. This must have escaped BBC notice……..
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