My local radio station BBC Cov and Warks happily allowing listeners to call in and blame Tory cuts for local flooding, apparently councils cant afford to go out and clear leaves from drains…..bollocks
Local BBC radio always dumbs down any political debate because they want to keep their local programming upbeat and not too conversationally meticulous for fear of alienating their listeners. This means that issues are discussed without any ‘boring’ facts or figures – which would otherwise paint a much clearer picture – to confuzzle the poor, hard-up citizens of [insert your city of choice here].
Shapps is being diplomatic. There is a real feeling both in Conservative headquarters (CCHQ) and Downing Street that the BBC – in particular BBC News at Six and BBC News at Ten – the news programmes considered most important in terms of getting through to voters – is consistently biased against the Tories.
If News at Ten on occasion fails to live up to the required standards of impartiality, BBC London News is a veritable Morning Star.
Local BBC bias is one that of course goes under the radar, yet if you have Sky or Freesat you can view all the BBC local channels – Channel 950 onwards on Freesat.
The demographic of presenters, reporters and reports does not reflect the demographic of the country. Worth a look at 6.30 if you have the chance.
I don’t know which is your local area but I have often commented on this site that bBBC NorthWest Tonight (6.30-7.00 p.m. weekdays) is always full of loony leftie drivel. Non-stop coverage of any anti-government story, Tory cuts, Liverpool grievances, multi-culti enrichment, the wonders of the NHS, etc. No individual is ever questioned, every private sector organisation is wrong, the public sector is always right.
I sometimes watch Look North and have noticed many major stories about food banks, the NHS, job losses in local councils, the poor and needy having a hard time with benefit changes, the “bedroom tax”, all being told from the Labour/leftie activist side. It’s become worse since the coalition took power in 2010.
One of their long time presenters, Christa Ackroyd, hasn’t been seen for months. There has been speculation about her absence, mainly driven by “leaks” from the BBC that she wasn’t very well liked, had a diva complex, was overpaid (they made sure they leaked her annual salary) etc. All the stories seemed to me to be a subtle smear operation. Now it looks as though they’ve sacked her and her place has been taken by one of their air-headed weather girls. Strange that Christa Ackroyd was the only one of Look North’s presenters who regularly took Labour M.P.s to task and challenged them on their dodgy statistics, selective facts and outright dishonest statements. She even made John Prescott look the blustering, spluttering fool that he is one one memorable occasion. Now I know that it should be an easy thing to do with an idiot like Prescott, but a Beeboid interviewer usually treats him and other Labour politicians with sycophantic high regard.
Makes you wonder if that’s the true reason the BBC got rid of Christa Ackroyd. She may have been forced to read news items that were nothing but Labour press releases, but her face showed she wasn’t enjoying the experience.
If you were offered a lottery win sized salary from a prospective employer, would you turn the job down? As long as I wasn’t expected to break the criminal law to earn it, I certainly wouldn’t.
We and so many others have asked the BBC to address and rectify its liberal-left institutional bias, but the point never sinks in. Is the latest attack on its lack of balance to be ignored too?
It only matters because the BBC is a public service provider, funded by what is in all but name a tax (£145.00pa per household on threat of imprisonment for non-payment). If the BBC were a subscription-based, private company none of this would matter one iota. Who cares that Fox News (US) is blatantly right wing? Nobody, that’s who. Who cares that NBC, CNN et al are left-wing? I don’t. If people don’t like the political complexion of any given private broadcaster they just won’t pay for it.
But the BBC is different. I don’t have a choice in whether or not I pay for it. This is why the institutional left-wing bias at the BBC matters greatly.
Grant Schapps is quite correct – courageous, even – to start this conversation. We can expect the full weight of the professionally-offended left-wing msm to come down hard on him for daring to question the ‘impartiality’ of the BBC.
The BBC obviously cares about Fox News being right wing. Why else would they use all their resources in preventing Rupert Murdoch acquiring Sky TV? They didn’t want a British version of Fox News showing up the BBC for the leftie shills they really are.
Now that’s something Shapps should be looking into – how a publicly funded broadcaster used all its resources in an effort to destroy a commercial and ideological competitor.
“Now that’s something Shapps should be looking into – how a publicly funded broadcaster used all its resources in an effort to destroy a commercial and ideological competitor.”
Maybe the BBC should commission an internal report which will conclude that political bias (Vote Labour – the Tories are evil) and anti-competitive practices (correct thinking people all accept that the Tory/Fascist press should be regulated by [not at all corrupt or self-interested] Labour politicians) were a different time.
For an independent report they could hire a Unite or Unison member to tell us hurray for the public sector and boo for market plurality and freedom of choice.
Two stand out moments from BBC 5 Live’s performance this morning.
Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains
I visualise His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury rushing to the filing cabinet to check the CofE pension fund portfolio – in case of another lefty pronoucement from the pulpit this time regarding that BBC favourite re-nationalisation of transport going all PR SNAFU because of the large mot blown into his Gracious Comrade’s own eye.
Meanwhile in popart / artpop news a BBC guest refers to some references to Lou Reed’s hefty drug usage in “the right wing press”.
As opposed to the “Left-wing BBC”?
Tony ‘I’m English by Default’ Livesey lets it ride without further comment. I guess he knows it. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I’m beginning to see the light.
You could say the BBC is Left-wing by Default – eh Tony?
” Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains”
Obviously reporting from East Angular ?
Glossing over genocide. Is the BBC biased? has received a comment from an Armenian historian involved in the BBC’s The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors. Here it is.
I agreed to give an interview for a BBC documentary regarding the Ottoman Empire and World War I. The focus of the interview was the British Parliamentary Blue Book, “The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire,” which was published in 1916.
Prior to our interview, I corresponded with the BBC production team. I pointed out the strength of the various accounts that underpinned the British report, how such material was used to construct the Armenian Genocide thesis, and how this thesis can be critically evaluated today.
When I met the film crew, they had already shot their interviews in Turkey and chose not to discuss any of their previous material with me. All of the questions in our interview were provided by the producer and restricted to the Blue Book. There was no exchange of views regarding the Armenian Genocide and its denial by Turkey today.
The final cut of the film was a stitch-up.
* Ara Sarafian is a historian specialising on the late Ottoman Empire. He is the editor of the critical edition of the British Parliamentary Blue Book “The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16… [uncensored edition]” and “Talaat Pasha’s Report on the Armenian Genocide.” For more information please contact
Read Craig’s review of this programme. ‘Stitch up’ seems apt to me.
Craig’s review makes serious charges which the BBC needs to answer. Complaints are pointless as the wretched thing only ever finds itself perfect.
I would like to hear one of our resident apologists answer this one.
The whole series was poor and seemed an attempt to make the Ottoman empire seem Europe friendly. It was not and to the end was a hostile intrusion into Europe.
But as with Muslim Spain the modern apologists want us to think it was something benign.
Agenda? What agenda.
Questions raised about the running of the BBC’s religious affairs
“The main problem is Ahmed’s ignorance and arrogance, which have resulted in hours wasted trying to persuade the contributors to give interviews backing his eccentric interpretations of religious history. At the last count he even omitted reference to the Crimean War”.
So, The Storm of the Century™ – how was it for you? Here in Central Bedfordshire we enjoyed a completely peaceful night and woke to a rainy, slightly gusty morning. Now (10.30am) it’s quite nice outside – even a bit of sun and blue skies.
No doubt the BBC are quite miffed their much-hyped ‘extreme weather’ event failed, for many, to materialse as predicted The Met Office. Poor old Evan Davis was chocking on his Cornflakes on Today this morning as he was obliged to read out comments from listeners (‘the anti-storm backlash’ as he described them) annoyed the ‘storm’ in their area hadn’t amounted to much more than a bit of wet, windy weather – all very typical of an autumn night.
On a related note, I watched the tail-end of ‘The Great British Year’ last night on BBC1, only to see the very much expected (and by now obligatory) CGAW propaganda piece tagged on to a ‘making of’ segment right at the very end of the last programme in the series. Here, we were told by an earnest, fully paid-up CAGW drone at The Met Office, that global temperature rises were very real – because their new super computer has told them as much. No mention at all of the near 17-year hiatus in global temperatures. Nothing to see here, move along.
So, business as usual for the BBC Climate Propaganda Unit, then. Storm or no storm, nothing interrupts the dominant climate narrative. Not even inconvenient scientific facts or the absence of super storms when predicted.
Devastating here in the South West, we had a chair blow over in the garden…
But as long as you keep the people in fear you can control them, be it the weather, climate change, endless types of flu, mad cow disease or the economy.
Its strange that they never report doom and gloom on the one thing that is having a devastating effect on us all – IMMIGRATION, the people just keep sucking it up…
We passed an entirely peaceful night, had much worse wind and rain last week; but then this is western Scotland where winter wind speeds of 60 to 70 miles an hour occur every every winter, and go unremarked by the BBC; much like the floods that devasted Hull a few years back and which it took the BBC 4 days to become aware of. But the fearsome storm happened in the SE, so got major coverage. Par for the course.
Are you entitled to compo, having lost your chair in such tragic circumstances?
You require a charity gig to raise money for yourselves or to raise awareness regarding what happens to chairs deprived of that spare bedroom due to heartless Tory cuts?
There is a phone hotline, should you wish to talk to somebody…the number is similar to the Nigerian speaking clock, so do be careful.
I for one am feeling your pain…and am virtuous enough to say so.
Still-Lou Reed now has something to sit on.
So, a single gust off The Needles of 99mph has been translated by the BBC into ‘100mph winds’. Here, at the heart of things in Hampshire, our local weather station recorded a maximum gust of 45mph. One of my patio chairs was blown over.
I really sympathise with the family of that poor girl in Kent but all the BBC/Met Office scare tactics of the past few days have shown to be way over the top.
I have a tree that just has to go soon. I thought the storm would do the job for me. The tree is still there as baleful and hearty as ever.
I call it turning the weather into a celebrity show. Idiots
BBC News reporting this morning….. ‘XXXX….buffeted by winds of up to 90 mph…. actuality – after the scary headline, we actually find out that it was GUSTS up to a maximum of 90 mph., not sustained windspeeds.
BBC reporting…”I’m here at the sea front at Dover, where we’re currently experiencing gale force winds of 60 mph”…. actuality, not a hair moving on the reporter’s head, in the background were clear blue skies, the scene was sunny, and people were clearly enjoying walks on the promenade, even a parent with a child, with not a single sign that they were being affected by any winds whatsoever…..really, in 60mph winds ?
Up here in the North West (near Bury) it’s a typical day – a bit of a wind and some rain. I saw a beeboid airhead at Plymouth Hoe (I think) on Breakfast and judging by her hair I’d say there was a slight breeze. I’m almost disappointed, I was hoping a few more windmills would topple.
Agreed…a big fan of Rick the man…Christian, non-PC and a real gem.
And-whatever the pomp and over-the top stuff on ice etc…he backed it all with his own money, and not the license fee payer like the BBC.
Gave Cat Stevens the “Morning has Broken” tune too…oops!
No offence to the great Rick..OK?
pah below gives a spirited defence of Rick Wakeman.
The above post is meant to concur…but was unfortunately blown away and ended up here.
Bloody climate change…
I’ll give the paper MSM an out here: their panic-inducing headlines with carefully selected pictures of very limited mayhem (much like this from the BBC were clearly to designed to sell papers. Anyone with an ounce of scepticism would have turned the page and concentrated on the latest genuine news concerning East Enders or Hollyoaks.
Meanwhile as Phil Ford notes the “The Storm of the Century™” wasn’t. FWIW all members of staff came into our North London office on time this morning having made their separate ways from all over Greater London via tube, bus or car. As The Boiling Frog comments, it’s all very well for those at the Meteorological Office paid courtesy of the taxpayer to advise the public to take the day off but, for many of those in the private sector, leisure enforced by unwarranted forecasts of catastrophe means a morning/day without pay.
Apropos of the Met’s predictions of doomsday relayed faithfully by the BBC (and the paper press), the Weather Channel and Accuweather online (relying I assume on the same data as the Met) were sanguine about the storm’s general effect. I went to bed last night fairly certain that, in London at least, we’d be very unlucky to suffer inordinately: in the event we weren’t and we didn’t.
Not that the Met lied in the common meaning of the word. Nevertheless, it appears that, given a choice of scenarios by its new computer it chose the nearest prediction to a wind-induced collapse of civilisation as we know it to underlie its forecasts. AFAIAA there was no mention in the forecasts of possible alternative scenarios and probabilities attaching although uncertainties concerning the track of the storm were mentioned. Does this behaviour (ie go with the extreme case to the virtual exclusion of others) remind you of any other aspects of the Met’s “services”?
Will the BBC compensate those who too Michael Fish’s warning and took off a few hours off before travelling in to work? Three out of the four tragic deaths attributed to the weather were people who were at home.
3 people killed in Hounslow in West London when a falling tree caused a gas main to explode.
I know exactly where that is. I used to go there regularly. In my opinion explosive demolition is the only way to improve matters for the entire area. Where’s the Luftwaffe when you need them?
Sad that people died, though.
Although Danny Baker seems to have gone native in recent months he still nailed it better than most. After a weather report on his show issued an amber snow alert he commented: “Amber snow? Remember everybody, we are the media. If you’re not scared, we’re not doing our job properly.”
Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of the sad demise of one of our best-loved cheridee campaigners, a pioneer of all things pop and northern in BBC coverage through the sixties, seventies -and all the way through to 2006 when it was HE who was to close the iconic Top of the Pops programme in his idiosyncratic way.
Yes folks Sir James Gordon Wilson Savile-Order of the (swimming) Bath..KGB, BBC etc will be two years deceased tomorrow.
May I suggest three hours silence on Radio 4 between 6-9a.m when it is said that Sir James passed over-to mark his death?
It could only be better than what passes for the Toady Show content…let Evan dangle his mic out of the window(oo er) to hear those howling record breaking -winds(oo-er2) there at Beeb Towers(where of course Sir James held court and collected yet more keys to add to Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville and assorted DES schools).
I myself an dangling a soiled tracksuit atop the local flagpole, which should keep the kids away this coming Hallowe`en!
Hope that you too will mark this second anniversary with a suitable tribute to his loyal, generous and -well…covering!-employer throughout those glory years of Beeb broadcasting.
Do they know he`s dead even? They only seem to betray their favoured son these days sadly. I hear little nice about him any more.
Myabe they could do a Christmas/Eid Tribute to him from Savile Town in Bradford…at least ONE of our ethnic communicants feels fee to celebrate the life of this icon…who sums up the BBC in all its manifestations better than anybody else. living or dead…or maybe a spiritual djinn encouraging his former colleagues to keep on going on our license fees…as he did for all those years.
Clunk click!…May Jim fix the BBC for us all yet-a true champeen of youthful exuberance!
The BBC are going big over the death of a singer/songwriter. An immense talent. Lou Reed. This is about the fifth time this year that the BBC has eulogised about someone I’ve never heard of.
A sour crappy and unhappy little chap.
But he wrote “Walk on the Wild Side”-which Johnnie Walker played in the face of Black September/Entebbe/Baader-Meinhof…
Oh wait, he played it on his aftenoon show.
But what a rebel…if Johnnie Walker isn`t reliving this BBC internal hagiography for the next three days, well John Peel must have died in vain.
Why DID he like teenage kicks so much, I wonder?
Reed couldn`t sing for toffee, Perfect Day was a good tune but the charity monkeys took it apart in 1998…so the BBC love it(and him) even more.
Typical Russell Brand weekend Rebel…and his wifes even MORE pretentious than he was(Yoko Syndrome).
That said-Antony sang back up for him…so maybe I`ve got it wrong…for Antony has one of the greatest voices on the planet.
A Boozed Reid I`d say-and will take up much of Last Word this Friday…good timing to die before the editors conference Lou!
Apparently two hits that just scraped into the Top 10, one of which contains the lyric “But she never lost her head
Even when she was giving head” which the BBC happily played on Radio 1 back in 1973, a Savile favourite no doubt…
I guess we’ll have to endure a sycophantic Stuart Maconie tribute on him on BBC4 in the not too distant.
Sweepstake here?
I reckon Paul Gambaccini will get the call…THEN Stuart Maconie..and then Johnnie Walker( he`ll be on local radio seeing as he lives in the boondocks these days).
Still-I wonder what WOULD the bass player on Walk of the Bright Side have to say about his three notes…iconic?…duh!
Ulultions(tuneless) all round BBC student digs(Hampstead , Notting Hill) tonight though…will Jeremy Vine get through his show without a manly tear?
Lou Reed or the Velvet Underground were the kind of artists people got into at university … even back then I thought they were shite … arty, avant garde bullshit. Your average beeboid however never really left university, at least in their minds (it’s still the mid 1980’s), which is why they still go on and on about bands that most of the rest of us have forgotten about. i.e. The effing Smiths.
On BBC1 “News” last night there was an interview with some ageing hippy who bigged up Reed as the greatest lyricist “evah evah”. The item included a clip of a young Lou Reed which confirmed the ill-judgement of anyone who thought this guy could sing, let alone write. Again, the BBC audience suffers as the BBC “news” service performs the equivalent of a 1960s CoE cleric doing the twist to be “down wiv de kidz”: the kidz in this case being a generation which should have grown out of this fascination with pension-age marginally talented rockers.
And all the girls of colour go “doo de doo”?
Racist-can`t imagine it `ll not be faded before that “chorus of its time”?
I`ve changed it a bit-so Scott or suchlike will join us in the Big Conversation.
Was Reed a drugged up pointless tuneless word mangler with no discernable talent…only attitude…AS WELL as racist for the lyric above.
In short(and he was)…is he Russell Brands gonk?
Let me guess!
Ageing hippie…well that`s a big field of crop circles and poppies there dude!
Rosie Boycott…or Rick Wakeman( if indeed there`s any difference in how they all look these days!).
Am I close to diggin` the trip maan?
The Today programme played a gushing tribute to Lou Reed from guess who – the other genius Morrissey. Just so we all know how talented he was. Thanks BBC.
But it doesn’t matter what the truth is, this episode is destined to become ‘the worst storm this century, so far out of the ordinary that, on its own, it clearly proves the case for CAGW. The science is now, without a doubt, settled.
‘So let’s move on to other colossal things happening today Lou Reed has died, from liver failure (surprise, surprise), aged 71….. cue long intro to ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ whilst we work on what else we can spin and squeeze out of this not-quite-so-bad-a-storm as we were making out.’
People are just so cynical. It really is the worst storm of the last week of October 2013 SO FAR. Surely more money needs to go into Global Warming research to find out why the world didn’t end today? Maybe another 50 quid on the BBC TV poll tax?
Madeleine McCann: BBC slammed for hiring PORN STAR to play part in Crimewatch reconstruction of disappearance
Mothers Against Murder and Aggression, said: “We are surprised that the BBC employed the services of someone who has openly worked in the sex industry for something as sensitive as this reconstruction.
A complete non-story.
Which of course makes it one by virtue of who is dissing who.
Again, the Mirror clearly gaily unconcerned about the BBC’s Leveson loyalties.
Also a hoot that the BBC seems to have steered clear (happy to be corrected on appearances and easy interviews) given there’s an offence industry doubleplusgood MAMA on the warpath.
Usually that’s a booking schedule packed from Breakfast through Today, Bacon, Vine to Mr. Katz’ Newsnight slipshod.
What, possibly, could have seen the BBC, usually at the vanguard of shock and whoah!, suddenly find their busy schedules packed with such as ‘Can Singapore tackle its match-fixing stain?’.
Answers on an FOI-exemption cert…
So…. anyone who has worked in the sex industry is automatically a kiddy-fiddler? Is that the implication we’re supposed to take here? Bit of a sweeping generalisation which the Mirror might have been expected to object to had the subject matter been different.
Actually, I could appreciate the BBC telling them to take a hike here but, as it is a serial offender in the “finding something to be offended at” stakes, hoists and petards are coming to mind. Luckily for the Beeb, it is uniquely placed to ensure the story gains no traction.
The BBC, as an equal opportunities employer, should be ‘celebrated’ for giving a job to somebody from the euphemistically and PC-termed ‘sex industry’.
I’ve been a regular reader of this site for quite a few years and regularly forward links to friends and colleagues.
While I am aware that sometimes conversation drifts off topic, I have rarely disagreed with anything on the site.
However, as a fan of Lou Reed, who first saw him in 1972, I find some of the comments on here distasteful in the extreme… especially in light of the fact that he has been dead for less than 24 hours.
Such vitriol for those that have totally destroyed our nation and continue to brainwash our children I can fully understand and support, but not in this case.
You have a point, I like Lou Reed. However most people in the country would never have heard of Lou Reed. The BBC going into mourning does betray the type of person working there, and it is not very representative of the country as a whole.
20-30 years ago the current BBC execs were sitting in their dorms at Oxford or Cambridge smoking pot, listening to the Velvet Underground and Nico.
This is why they think his demise is important. Mind you I was doing the same thing, but at a less prestigious educational establishment.
I see what you’re saying Chris, but I don’t think people are mocking Lou Reed per se, so much as they’re mocking the Beeboid’s weird self-obsession whereby every aspect of their trivial, wasted lives is The Most Important Thing Evah!
True, it’s not as immediately annoying as the political bias, but it does testify to the BBC’s obsession with ramming their lifestyle down everyone else’s throat,
I certainly don`t mean to disparage him…I loved his “Rock and Roll” live LP featuring the marvellous “Sweet Jane”.
I just despise the shroud-waving and useful posturings of the BBC whenever it suits their agenda.
“Transexuality?…drugs ,and that whole Russell Brand world of the weekend rebel fresh out of private school? The BBC decide it every bloody time.
Another liberal sandbag used to shore up the diverse, posturing druggy lefty agenda…and no personal animus intended-it`s the BBCs coverage that outrages and provoke me!
No hurt meant his fans…just the f***in BBC.
Hmm nope don’t see it ?your a fan well that’s bad luck for, you sorry to hear and all that but as I didn’t know him never met him or anyone connected with him and will never have that dubious honour and can only judge him on his life as reported and his work neither made me like him in any way ! so I am not going to change my opinion of him one bit either because he’s dead [stuff happens ] or because you are a fan [your loss] sorry but the public faking of empathy and grief is truly disgusting !!
As the left and BBC find someone they dislikes death a reason for jokes and character assassination then why do you defend them and chastise us ?
Considering this site’s high aspirations, contributors and commentators could adopt the following as their golden rule, “de vivis nil nisi verum, de mortuis nil nisi bonum” which for those who don’t have the advantage of an old style State grammar school education, can be translated –
“of the living speak nothing but truth, of the dead speak nothing but good” This maxim helps civilised debate and keeps you out of the clutches of the libel lawyers and law enforcement agencies.
No Chris – its the BBC’s reporting that is being criticised. Mr Naughtie on Today this morning really didn’t seem comfortable with his report about Reed – I felt he was desperately hoping that it was some opera diva instead.
Didn’t know him, but well aware of his musical contribution.
Sad to note anyone’s passing for any reason, and certainly appreciated his work.
Here is what the BBC just posted on FaceBook: BBC World News BBC exclusive- find out how the story behind Lou Reed’s song “Walk on the Wild Side”.
The American musician died on Sunday at the age of 71.
He was widely seen as one of the most influential artists of the past 40 years.
I would be interested in who offered the width of that vision.
On a totally related note, last night I watched on iPlayer a doco on the making of ‘Paranoid’ by Black Sabbath.
Beyond them all apparently being around still, I was impressed at the quiet humility, and humour, of all of what seems a tight band in all senses of the word.
Also some pretty awesome guitar work from Tony I.
Hard to believe just what a handsome young man Ozzie was. Still a funny bloke though.
And they all wrote some top songs that spoke to my generation at least. And, interestingly, were credited with a significant degree of influence too. Though perhaps without the hyperbole or presumption of those who feel their tastes set what is defining.
If you don’t know who Lou Reed is you probably know nothing of rock music full stop. If parading your ignorance is all you want to do, you’ve succeeded.
Funny enough the utter ignorance on display here reflects the ignorance shown on all other matters.
Doris, you may wish to ponder the difference between knowing someone and knowing about them.
Once your awesome intellect has grasped this, you might then reassess the wisdom of posting about the parading of ignorance before reading, or grasping, what has been written.
I have been well aware of the now deceased Mr. Reed’s career, and even aspects of his life, but not enough to presume to comment on a personal basis I would not pretend to have.
Obviously a constraint you are not bothered with.
Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground. Of course I remember them. A very old friend, happily still with us, used to play them for hours on end listening for hidden meanings. Above all he worshipped Nico.
The thing is we grew up. There comes a time when such things should be put away with our childhood toys to be thought of, sometimes fondly, in later years. Like the unreal political beliefs of youth.
Lou Reed’s death is sad . He was of our time after all.
His music was of it’s time too. Ephemeral.
I’m not defending the BBC but let’s be fair: all the media hyped the overnight Armageddon. The Mail was downright hysterical about it.
In a sense they were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t The howls of protest that followed 1987’s failure to predict that year’s the great storm would have been even louder today, had we ‘not been warned’
The difference is that everyone expects the Mail to be hysterical about it. About more or less everything, in fact.
The BBC, on the other hand, is supposed to give us impartial information and a large chunk of the population still thinks that is what it does. From one perspective it is all to the good as it can have done nothing for the Beeb’s reputation and will increase the questions being asked about it, something I feel has been gathering pace in recent months.
The difference is the papers were printed before the storm had struck, in the middle of the night. They had to take a punt and the safe thing to do was err on the side of catastrophe because they’d look like right numpties if they underplayed a disaster.
The Beeb doesn’t have that excuse because it’s live.
Hang on a minute, what is being complained about here? If it’s post storm coverage, that is one thing. But if we are discussing the coverage prior to or during the gale, then I find it hard to criticise the BBC for showing caution,
Regulars here will know I’m among the first in the queue to complain about the BBC’s bias but A/ this wasn’t an issue of bias and B/ no media outlet could risk being accused of encouraging complacency.
On an amusing note, BT’s homepage ‘news’ today was waffling about ‘devastated Britain’.
1300 news on Radio 4 reports that Rebekah Brooks (ex CEO of N.o.W) and Andy Coulson (Ex head of comms at No10) face charges etc. They happily imply the charges against Coulson are for acts committed while at No10, forgetting entirely to mention that they relate to his time at the N.o.W and that he lied to Cameron about it in order to get the job at No.10. 10/10 for the BBC news editor concerned.
I can’t get too worked up about that. Cameron was a fool to take Coulson on in the first place and deserves the bad press that goes with that appointment.
I agree Cameron should have been much more careful but my complaint is the BBC is incapable of making a straight forward statement of fact without tilting it against the “Class Enemy”
And don’t forget that the disgusting Norman Smith deliberately tried to link Cameron personally to phone hacking (all of which was turned a blind eye to by Bliar and Brown) by saying that the Prime Minister was getting entangled in the practice. That and the ‘spider’s web graphic that the BBC produced was an outrage.
The truth is that Coulson was a target for Labour from day one, not because of hacking, but because he was an effective operator and a threat to their well oiled, well connected media manipulation machine, which was at that point light years ahead of the Tories clunking PR efforts. And of course as a member of the News International organisation that supported Labour – Coulson knew where the bodies were buried.
We really need more laws and regulation against the newspapers, then we could see them prosecuted for things like phone hacking … er, like they are being prosecuted now.
Aren`t there rules about pre-judging cases and lazy speculation before trials?
I mean-the murderers of Lee Rigby-seem to be still dining out on this excuse.
S`pose it`s the wrong cause…the BBC decide as ever.
BBC Newsnight did a pro immigration piece, creep Gavin Eisler presenting, ” saintly ” muslim refugees ” in boats crossing the Mediterranean to get to Italy, they used hokey animation and ”sad ” music in the background.
All manipulation, a brilliant piece of propaganda. It starts at 13.00
BBC Newsnight also interviewed Marine Le Pen. Actor Alain Delon is backing them. Starts at 19.00
” French film star Alain Delon has come out in support of France’s far-right political party the National Front (FN).In an interview published on Wednesday in the Swiss daily Le Matin, the actor, whose career has seen him appear in some 100 films, described the National Front’s growth as “uplifting.”
Delon went to on to say that he “approves” the party’s progress, which he attributed to a general sense of gloom due to what, he called, was a lack of political action.
“The National Front, like the MCG [Geneva Citizens’ Movement] in Geneva, is very important…I encourage it and I perfectly understand it,” he said in comments published in the newspaper.
“For years, the Le Pen father and daughter team [Jean-Marie, former head of the National Front, and Marine, its current leader] have been fighting, but they’ve been fighting a lonely battle,” he said. “Now, for the first time, they are no longer alone. They have the French people…And that it’s reaching Geneva, that’s incredibly important. They’re fed up there too.”
Gavin Esler, another ‘intelligent’ fool, busy clearing the ground & ordering the tents for ‘The Camp of the Saints’ – which, of course, will be nowhere near his beautiful west London town house, at least to begin with. And, when it gets too close, Gav has the means & contacts to simply fly away – Hypocritic Airways; single, traitor class.
If ever there was a prophetic novel…
This seems standard practice. I remember a documentary by Evan Davies – at a critical point out just before the last general election – billed as showing “the truth” about economic immigrants was full of music designed to manipulate. Border guards were introduced with militaristic tunes playing underneath the commentary, I kid you not, conjuring images of Nazi stormtroopers, as was the intention I’m sure. Immigrants always had sad sweeping strings designed to evoke sympathy. Almost had me hoodwinked until I realised what was going on. Then I just felt disgust for the BBC. As you say, all too often a pure propaganda outfit. Goebbels would recognise their techniques.
Usually the sad music the media, oxfam etc etc uses is Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, it’s been so over used now, it’s become a cliche. Get out the hankies and have a good weep !!
No. I read the terms and conditions and discovered that the one thing I’d like to talk about: bias, is outside of the terms of reference. Apparently the trust is looking into this separately. I don’t fight bureaucracy on their own turf.
When Tommy met Mo Tonight BBC
Apparently, Ansar challenged Robinson’s knowledge of Islam and offered to show him what real Islam is?
hmmm “The film reveals that Ansar was present at an EDL street protest in May and was also the first Muslim to address the EDL” ….
Yaay go “brave” Mo eh! he s going to be lauded again on 5live on R Bacon show today …
can you even imagine? … gag!
with, the totally impartial list of
Dr Usama Hasan,
and Mo Ansar,
and Selma Yaqoob,
and the MCB,
and Sheik Ibrahim Mogra ,
and Majid Nawaz
and “offence retraction expert” – Tom Holland.
sheesh! … only a little bit more biased than QT
hmm will it include
planned attacks in prison?
the filmed muslim attack on him?
the muslims attempted mass murder bombing?,
the muslims threatening to behead him?,
I heard a bit of Tommy Robinson talking to camera, fresh out of his prison time a year or so ago.
His knowledge of Islam was excellent at that time, he`d had plenty time to study it in solitary by his account.
Maybe not Robert Spencer…but more than enough for any Beeb dhimmis they wheel out tonight based on your list.
Let`s hope he had some say in the editing though.
If Tom Holland isn`t brave enough to stick to his historical position after the Channel 4 threats last year I`d be “disappointed”…but not surprised, given the threats made to ANYBODY that dares to bring scholarship to Islam.
Let alone any spotlight.
The whole Tommy Robinson affair is suspect, he goes to prison on a trumped up charge, comes out 6 months later like the Manchurian Candidate, speaking like an automaton.
” I hate EDL, I like islam, I hate ”waaycists”, I like muslims, I hate nazis, I like jihadists.”
It’s all very suspicious, do you think while he was in prison, the security services or who ever, told him, ” Look Tommy, in the Multicultural society 2 + 2 = 5, that’s how it works.”
So NF, far right, Neanderthal bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him, I spoke to him, and I said, so tell us “NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” just how long have you been beating your wife? and horribly persecuting the proud, superior, gentle, intellectual, pious faith of Islam? …
oh! he s not here? … so let me answer
Robinson you know – “NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” – has left the EDL – after being with me.
he might still be “”NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” whose horribly persecuting the proud, superior, gentle, intellectual, pious faith of Islam”
(sigh) after all we ve done to (sigh)
educate him in Islam… and correct him on Islam … and ya da ya da ya da
from being
“NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him”
”you tell me to call in only for your editor to refuse to put me through. It seems u only want mo’a side biased!
why get mo’s views and not mine! Oh I forgot mo has been demanding his own platform
The bbc have been so blatant in their bias in the lead up to when tommy met mo. Only have no Answar on to give his side ! ”
Mr Robinson sounds a bit naive, he got his 30 pieces of silver from the establishment, says all the right things in regards to islam now, and he expects the BBC to love him !!
I don’t think that’s how the BBC works, once black listed, always black listed.
Tommy Robinson is a brave, principled, decent, honourable and intelligent man who has not been turned or bought. He has faced endless pressure and criticism, but I know of no-one else in the UK who has done more to warn and rouse against jihadism. Those who share his views that militant Islam is a problem and a threat, even to Islam let alone the West, should support and encourage him, even if they think he is ‘naive’.
Mr Lennon, is all of the above, and more … but his oxygen of publicity
will now be squeezed, i mentioned this when he quit, on this very blog
don t forget …
If he didn t lead a “street movement” he would have never have had it in the beginning.
It was only because he became a bbc/media erm “far right”? target
he was on at all, he managed to turn those tables … for two reasons
1/. It was an unaddressed, genuine public concern, backed with direct action that couldn t be ignored
2/. He tells only the truth about Islam.
it is a hell of a lot easier to debate when you simply tell the truth, than those that lie, obfuscate, and excuse, that is his ace in the pack.
Sadly this pattern will now be continued, his voice will get erased, and you will end up getting “inhouse” pseudo debate between muslims … on the likes of the BBC, ignoring the concerns of the 98% of the general public
Within a couple of days after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, Cameron set up a task force to deal with extremism. Several members indicated that the EDL would need to be included and there was a massive reaction against the EDL. I wonder if Robinson and his future and the safety of his family were on the agenda of the Task Force.
Their take on it was Muslim = Good, anyone who dare question Islam = BAD, they even had jolly old Mo Ansar on the show, full of bonhomie, what a jolly decent chap he is, we should all follow his example….
One of the (little publicised) carrots that the UK government used to persuade the IRA to give up was the offer of large amounts of money in the form of pensions paid to many senior and active members. It was all carefully calculated, they were to be paid at a reasonably senior civil service scale, all index-linked, all for life, and paid immediately irrespective of age.
Sorry, no. A brief search finds no links but I clearly remember it being reported at the time as a supposedly confidential deal… and possibly officially denied.
I remember quite specifically that the report [s?] said senior IRA/SF had pointed out to UK govt that there were many IRA members who knew nothing except terrorism and/or racketeering and they had to be persuaded a peace deal presented them with some sort of future. Hence the rather distasteful deal.
At the time it seemed [to me] a practical tho grubby solution. This was around the time that sworn enemies Adams and Paisley suddenly became best buddies, and nobody could quite believe it, and just what backroom deals had been done.
Anyway, fwiw thats my memory of it. David Vance would probably know more.
I merely mentioned it as a possible explanation for Tommy Robinsons strange behaviour.
Bodo – thanks for having a look. I believe you are sincere, but I think on this you may be mistaken. To me the whole GFA smells but that is part of the price for dealing with terrorism, and I do not mind if our government engaged in necessary dirty tricks to contain the terrorist threat. I hope that they haven’t forgotten how, as we now face the deadly combination of jihadis and WMD.
Robinson: from EDL, via Quilliam and INBBC, to “Tommy”.
Of course, INBBC, as part of the ‘Left’-Islamic political alliance has played in role in all this.
Note how INBBC’s Muslim head of religious programming, Aqil Ahmed, is leading the political act in the conversion of Robinson to “Tommy” -in attempt to demonise the EDL, opponents of Islamisation in U.K.
At same time, INBBC, does not demonise UAF and the political forces in U.K which support the ongoing Islamisation via jihad and sharia.
“BBC One to broadcast documentary on Tommy Robinson’s departure from English Defence League”
‘orange’ wasn’t banned by any one other than Kubrick himself who withdrew it from showing in his adopted home ,England, due to the films apparent corrupting influence on English society (copy cat crime)
A great film but an even greater book
I would also greatly recommend Anthony Burgess’ forgotten dystopian classic 1985 written in 1971 but I some ways more frighteningly prescient.
Just had a gander at the Indy piece and the comments…. bit ‘feisty’ aren’t they?
As to this… ‘Jonathan Russell, Quilliam’s political liaison officer’
Guessing this Foundation has a fairly ‘healthy’ roster and staff bill already, then?
At least, unlike a few unique exceptions, when an outfit’s spokesperson speaks, you have some idea who they are and where they sit on the totem.
Feel free to tell me I’ve been duped, but I have a lot of time for the Quilliam Foundation. Some of their analyses and (free) publications are well-researched and thought-provoking. Mosques Made in Britain, for instance, shows that much of the problem is that the vast majority (97%) of British mosques are led by foreign imams, mostly Pakistani peasants, and QF campaigns for British Moslems to be taught by British imams. Their recent analysis of al-Qaeda seems to be more profound than the glib pronouncements of the western governments.
Sorry, all off-topic for biased-BBC.
I’m with you Sir Arthur, and certainly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately Islam needs a reformation, and only other Muslims can really quell jihadism. That doesn’t mean accepting discrimination, injustice or oppression against Muslims where that happens, but it does mean an end to the jihad against Western Civilisation (which includes Israel, Christianity and Science).
”Tommy Robinson looked eerily reminiscent of the American POW’s taken by enemy combatants and forced to say things they did not believe before cameras.
It has become painfully obvious that the enemies of freedom have broken Tommy Robinson. The British authorities’ harassment, the systematic persecution, the jailings, the solitary confinement, the threatening of his life, the threats to his family, his having to move several times, his children having to change schools, the constant false charges — he finally cracked. They broke him. He made a deal with the devil. He didn’t want to go back to jail, and this looks like his bid to stay out.
Today the New Era Tommy Robinson went to a Muslim area to speak about true, peaceful Islam, and got beaten up by Muslims who haven’t gotten the reform message, but have obviously read the quran.”
A perfect example of the arrogance of the BBC yesterday when Dyke was asked about Grant Shapps comments- just dismissed the whole payouts/waste/bias comments as being to do with an election on the horizon. Frankly it would have been unbelievable from anyone else! Nothing to see here, just move on and keep paying your Television tax
Ah yes did they mention his life as a Labour party placemen and financier or after falling to the campbell/blair attack to cover up for all that war and lies he then ran oft to the libs as a sort of check point Charley swap for Vince kabul to Labour ?
This bulletin board is a good place to share examples and opinions on BBC bias, but it’s no threat to that BBC bias.
Anyone got any ideas on how to take things forward? For example, is it better complaining to the BBC directly, to the BBC Trust, or to MPs?
1, Don`t pay your license fee-link up with others who don`t.
2. Mock them 24/7, noon `til night.
3. Ensure that no kids of ours endure this poll tax on culture.
4. Tell your local mosque/imam when it begins to get facts wrong re the Koran…it`s making a balls of the New Testament every so often-but Muslims won`t stand for that…be prepared to grass `em up.
5. Remind your local imam that we`re paying jizya for Russell Brand and Stephen Fry…haram surely…again, get ready yo get them grassed up.
Christianity might look a better option after that for `em..probably not, but worth a punt I`d say!
What`s Arabic for “usual car park permit for yet another overnighter, Lord Savile of Leeds”?
I don’t pay the license fee as I don’t have a TV. With so much available online, including historic programmes on the iplayer, I see no need. I know a few people who don’t have a TV.
I’d have to differ with you here.
I have my own views on the limitations of the ‘bias’ designation, but this site does too address inaccuracy, unprofessionalism and lack of integrity on the part of the BBC, so suits me fine mostly.
Looking at that counter top right, and who seems to pick up on things shared here, I’d also say the threat to a BBC keen that such things stay their little secret is significant.
Witness also the Forlorn Hope contingent thrown at this site when things get iffy on the ‘envy of the world’ front, with the sole aim of distraction or denial of service.
If complaining to authority is your interest, the BBC complaints page is your only way ‘in’. That will, if you survive the labyrinth, get you through ECU to the Trust.
I’ve never tried the Trust directly and would guess if you did they’ll bump you straight down a snake before climbing greasy poles again.
It’s all internal, in secret, FOI locked-down and pointless. But you need to do it. The one thing they can’t avoid is records, like the interesting reads some had when the Berlin wall fell. And anyway, no other public body will go near unless you have at least tried them first. OFCOM runs a mile no matter what.
Your MP can’t hurt, but will either be a convert, clueless, or, in rare cases , concerned. Doesn’t really matter, as they are basically powerless as the party whips will intercept anything that looks set to mess with the BBC’s role in setting policy. A hostile BBC is not what any pol wants any time. Plus 20,000 unemployed market rate talents no longer able to find a market that will rate them is not high on the political agenda. Plus the howls from the glee clubs beholden, in love or financially dependent will make twitter unbearable if aunty is threatened. Social media volume is the new democracy.
Best bet, for now? The ‘Future of the BBC’ consultation open for input before Dec 6. It’s listed a few threads back.
I have concerns (Civil Servants can ‘lose’ stuff that messes with their beliefs just as much as BBC middle managers. And the political will is hardly solid, or coherent or smart) but it is a good opportunity for the public to have a say without a BBC filter running interference.
It’ll take a louder voice than ours. The BBC despises the public and is well practised in ignoring complaints. They also ignore complaints from MPs, especially Tory MPs, because they despise those too and also out of a naive sense of principle, i.e. they will not give in to political pressure.
However, BBC bias is much more in the news recently, even sometimes talked about by the BBC. Perhaps this site has made some contribution to starting around continuing the debate.
IMo, it will take a ‘Kelly’ incident, or ‘Milly phone hacking’ case to raise the issue to the level where it cant be ignored – and the BBC has NO defence. We haven’t had one yet.
If they can get away with their attempted 28gate cover-up and the lies they told to keep the public from finding out what they were up to with their eco-socialist mates, they can get away with anything. A law unto themselves.
‘Certainly not worth complaining to the BBC Trust – they are so part of the BBC that it is not worth the time and effort.’
Beg to differ.
I don’t disagree that the time and effort is vast.
It’s designed to be, by folk paid to make it so and shovel the stuff they have initiated on nice hourly rates until those they are messing with, who are not, give up. And time poor superiors never even see what may have happened that never reaches their desk.
However, games must be played. And the way to win, even if the game is so rigged it looks like a Cutty Sark/Victory mash-up, is play those who have rigged it at their own game… and beat them.
And even if you don’t ‘win’, these are just battles, and history can still judge who fought well, and eventually prevailed.
The BBC Trust will one day need to explain their 110% ‘got it about right’ rates based on no more than ‘belief’ most of the time, and once the plaster is peeled off the festering sore that is their ‘closed files’, and once truly independent arbitrators shine some sunlight on their internal, in-secret ‘findings’, with luck they’ll even see their pensions revoked if a lynch mob doesn’t get to them first.
Of course it will only be a temporary decline
from comments
JackT says:
October 28, 2013 at 8:26 am
Now, something new to worry about. Oh, but it’s just temporary! Save the religion at all costs in the bigger picture.
And what is temporary? again from comments
Doug Danhoff says:
October 28, 2013 at 8:34 am
I wonder if temporary means 30 – 60 years of the next minimum….hmmm… Is it time to have a poll to name it?
If Al-Beeb is right about the effects of CO2 (science settled and all that) should we not be pumping out as much as possible to hold back the ice?
To be more accurate – It’s the coldest spell Chile has endured for eighty years.
If I hadn’t corrected that statement I would have had Cyberstalker Scott mentioning it in every post he makes for the next eighteen months, perhaps longer.
We ordinary punters, unlike our scientific warmist superiors, constantly confuse the great issue of climate change with what is happening in Chile which is merely weather. If I had a brain like that of Marcus Brigstocke I am sure I could distinguish between the two.
I’m still seething about the BBC’s ‘100 Women’ self-love fest. What breath-taking arrogance to brazenly squander taxpayers’ money on promoting these feminist, lesbian and transgender activists.
Check out the participants:
Just in keeping with the beeb’s relentless gender agenda no doubt, but I’d still like to know how much this mutual back-slapping boondongle cost us. Would I find out from submitting a freedom of information request, or would I just be wasting my time?
Didn`t realise that all the nations achieving women were lefties, of colour and of over-represented dubious sexual proclivites.
Hardly any woman who`s actually DONE anything but pimp off the rest of us.
Love Cherie Blair being described as a “philanthropist”…ragged trousered one , no doubt!
Usual slew of EU grifters like Emma Bonino.
But no Mulala, no Grayson…and , of curse no real women who had kids and brought them up NOT to be feckless tossers who like a riot, as long as it`s easy work.
Where is Vicky Pryce though?…
‘Hardly any woman who`s actually DONE anything’
Reading it would be beyond my daily limit, but might one be safe to presume few practising scientists or engineers in there, or anyone actively involved in wealth or job creation outside of public service?
As the [fat greedy Leftist] pigs explained in 1984
Comrades! You do not imagine, I hope, that we are feasting in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? The fight for equality depends on our leadership. It is because we care about you that our troughs are filled.
‘Would I find out from submitting a freedom of information request, or would I just be wasting my time?’
With history as guide, it seems likely that no, you would not find out.
However, this may not be a waste of time, as the question is not unreasonable, and while throwing FOI exemption lawyers at not answering anything does seem the BBC way, this too can slowly add up, and not in ways they’ll like.
Especially for one keen to be seen as the trusted, transparent standard bearer of holding power to account.
Anything fractionally to do with programme-making is off limits for FOI requests. The only way in to the BBC, slightly, is entirely commercial non-programme aspects.
Sadly, true.
But the brush the BBC wields is broad, and it wields it often.
Given their ‘way’ with funds is not currently perceived even by their BFFs as coherent, remaining coy on where they splash the cash may prove tricky to sustain, especially when the BBC seems rather demanding of private, much less public institutions it feels worthy of spotlighting on nepotism, segregation, preference or profligacy.
Assuming Ian Katz can actually get anyone other than Jo Brand’s wayward namesake to even pick up the phone, I’d be surprised if Paxo could ask a single question without breaking down under the hypocrisy of his position.
Though a mill per annum can shore up the most quivering of consciences, as Mark Byford, Helen Boaden, etc can attest.
Never heard of this meeting but jeez, wtf are the Beeb doing wasting money on this stuff? Did they pay all their air-fares? Were BBC staff paid to attend?
Try a email to the usual BBC sceptic papers to get them to chase this. Copy all the pages as evidence.
PM tonight had the headline about three “men” getting jailed in Manchester for the usual-drugs, rape and sexual abuse of underage girls.
No names given though….unusual not to read them out, seeing that it`s all public domain stuff.
Wonder why Beeb?…wouldn`t implicate the usual suspects and their religion of peace attached would it?
Oh if only all three were white…then we`d certainly be hearing names…until then, draw your own conclusions until the BBC begin to level with those who pay for its rainbow doodlings.
Beeboid political bias is increasing despite increasing criticism of the practice.
It seems that Beeboids are taking a calculated risk now in increasing it its usual daily political bias, notably that opposing the Tories, and supporting Labour, because Beeboids calculate that their £4 billion poll-tax funding is more likely to continue annually, under a Labour Government.
The BBC helped Milliband during its ‘Ralph Milliband week’, when the BBC clearly felt it was time to nail their colours to the mast. This was more of a confirmation than a revelation, but did mark a clear drawing of a line.
“A council of former heads of state and government leaders has called on the European Union to establish national surveillance units to monitor citizens of all 27 EU member states suspected of ‘intolerance.’
“What’s laughable here is that the most intolerant ideology on the face of the earth is the sharia and jihad. The sharia is the very definition of intolerance — intolerance of Jews, Christians, Hindus and all non-Muslims, intolerant of women. Jihad defines intolerance. The blasphemy laws under the sharia are intolerant, and yet this is exactly what the EU is proposing to enforce.”
The liberal dream. To end free speech that is regarded as “inappropriate”
I am not surprised it come from Europe. Freedom and what I understand as democracy is a recent experience for most of them.
In many of our lifetimes autocracy and tryanny has been the way for much of Europe.
I have no intention of listening to a word that comes out of their totalitarian mouths.
How about instead the EU protect freedom of expression as the US constitution does? In the UK you can now be arrested and prosecuted if you didn’t intend or expect to offend, and haven’t even actually offended someone, but it’s enough if someone thinks you have said something racist or homophobic (
I thought it was due to the removal of waste bins in our streets due to the fact that they make good hiding places for IEDS. Not sure which sort of people make IEDs of course.
More to do with (the cabinets of) councils under the wicked tory cuts preserving the LGBT/Equalities/II support services over performing the job – rubbish collection they were originally designed to control. Priotities
After the Story of the Jews by Simon Shama, and the Ottomans by Rageh Omar, what about the BBC doing the Story of the British by David Starkey or The Story of the British Empire by Nial Ferguson, or The Story of British Christianity by Rowan Williams?
Ah the Brian [I’m a pop star don’t you know] Cox , just like the Dan [nepotism ] Snow and the Julia [on everything ] Bradbury ?
As a wise old man said to me ” the shallowest pools are still made of water but I’d be buggered if I ever felt like immersing myself in their subject matter” !
Did you watch ‘King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons’? It was definitely one of the best documentary series I’ve seen on the BBC for a while. A series about Byzantium would be interesting, but no doubt they would white-wash the ending.
Football ‘Racism’ fest continues… Apparently “The head of Fifa’s anti-racism task force says he was left “disheartened” after meeting “demoralised” black and ethnic minority players in England.” (see He (Webb) further went on to say “The [English] game must reflect society and the community. It doesn’t do so.” Quite so – a third of the players in the Premier League are black, even though black people only make up 3% of the population of the UK, meaning they are over-represented by a factor of ten. But wait – he’s talking about the lack of opportunity to move into management. Yet according to the article (bit of an own goal for the Beeb here, if you’ll forgive the pun) there are 3 black managers in the football league (Paul Ince, Chris Hughton, Chris Powell). So, that’s 3 managers out of 92 or 3.26% – just about spot on given the demographics. Most football fans don’t give a hoot either way, as long as the player or manager is good he can be white, brown, black or blue with green spots. But the BBC has an agenda to push…
I’m just surprised FIFA and the BBC doesn’t complain about how few immigrants find work as players or managers in the ‘racist’ English league, and how poorly paid they are.
Thank God they’ve chosen to give the world cup to the next three world cups to those paragons of virtue – Brazil, Russia and Qatar. Good to see joined up thinking – alternatively follow the money and Sepp Blatter is the most seriously flawed person since Juan Samaranch!
Football these days is, first and foremost, a business: that is especially true of the Premier League. So why should it be any more reflective of the country’s demographics than, say, the insurance industry?
You could also argue that a large number of black foreign players has made the game unrepresentative of the country’s population as a whole, but hey – who would dare say it, and what’s the point anyway? As a business, every club tries to get the best talent it can afford – wherever it may come from.
It doesn’t matter where you live, if there are Pakistanis in the area it won’t be long before they’re featuring in serious crime every single night.
Here’s two headlining stories from the Manchester Evening News, one lightly touched on and avoiding the issue as usual, the other unreported.
Alongside Muslim thugs and bullies in Tower Hamlets, the BBC always seem to be silent on racist nazi acts from those warped practitioners who follow the religion of peace.
Brilliant link I particularly liked the authors further analysis in comments section, that could so easily be applied to the BBC
Paul Austin Murphy > stephen
• a day ago △ ▽
As usual, Ken Livingstone – as Leftists usually do – does the thinking of these terrorists for them. In the video, it even goes down to the precise grievances (such as Guantanamo Bay and Muslims being ‘snatched off the street’) of the Boston bombers despite the fact that Livingstone had never read a word of what they actually said. (They even did Osama bin Laden’s thinking for him.)
Leftists also used to do the thinking of the working class for them. Here again, they project Marxist analyses of national and geo-political situations into the minds of people who are far from being Marxists – either Muslims or the working class. After all, like all non-Leftists, Muslims too have ‘false consciousness’. That is why Livingstone fills in the Marxist dots for both us and for the Boston bombers.
What all this boils down to is the fact that Ken Livingstone, Chomsky, the SWP, etc. WANT Muslims to think the way they think; just as they wanted the working class to think the way they think. But they never did! Muslims, on the the whole, are completely oblivious to the intricacies of these Marxist analyses.
Ken Livingstone taps into the psyche of the Boston bombers as a New York psycho-analyst does with his patients. And, as with the latter, what the Leftists draw out of the minds of Muslims, bombers or non-bombers, is utterly at variance with what they really believe.
Marxists/Leftists always get it wrong because they completely erase Islam from the equation. Thus Islam is deemed to have ZERO effect on what these people do – even when they recite the Koran as they kill. Instead Leftists believe – or pretend to believe – that Islam is “a mere epiphenomenon of the socioeconomic and political conditions which underlie it”. It is but the “opium of Muslims”. Yet, of course, Leftists like Livingstone wouldn’t dare put it that way to a Muslim.
But it is clear that a lot of Muslims and fellow-travellers have got a grip deep inside the BBC – warping the programming and the news, forever pushing the victim agenda. No other immigrant group has any such grip.
Another Muslim fest on my local ‘Inside Out West’ BBC dirty tricks sending both Muslim and indigenous job searchers with with similar CV’s job searching in Bristol.
Of course they only visit white establishments, because only whites can be racist can’t they? There would be no uproar if it were the other way around would it, a one sided typical INBBC Muslim loving production.
Baroness Warsi gives her views and we must all feel sorry for poor Zoltan. We should really feel sorry for those who have now lost their jobs turning Zoltan down….
“A cache of emails which emerged over the weekend from a company investigation indicated that Mr Deans had helped derail a Labour probe into vote-rigging in the race to replace Eric Joyce as the party’s candidate in Falkirk.”
This was included in a regional programme on Monday night. ‘Inside Out’ or some such name. Poor Paul had an attack of cognitive dissonance when it came to the question of Global Warming versus Global Cooling. It’s amusing to watch.
Daubhill, a.k.a. The Khyber Pass as driving through (if you’re lucky, without serious injury), it looks about as English as Kabul and the locals drive as though The Highway Code had never been invented.
Two reporters posed both as potential employees and letting tenants in Bristol for the investigation for BBC One’s Inside Out West on Monday 28 October at 7.30pm. With young Muslim men twice* as likely to be unemployed than their non-Muslim counterparts they wanted to find out if there is an anti-Muslim bias in our midst. What the two-week investigation reveals is a stark difference in how they are treated. The secret filming shows the Muslim reporter being told jobs had already been taken and denied flats he had been promised first in favour of his non-Muslim counterpart. The Inside Out West team scoured all corners of Bristol for job vacancies advertised in shop windows as ‘apply within’. Both undercover reporters were of similar age, background, of white ethnicity and presented equivalent CVs – the only difference being that one is a Muslim. To make his faith clear the Muslim reporter, Zoltan, uses the name Mohammad and wears Islamic dress.
Now lets replace the man in the Islamic dress with somebody with a tatoo on his face, or a jew wearing those funny hats or a Goth. I’m pretty sure that in nearly every case those people wouldn’t get employed either. Is this a race issue or just people not employing somebody who visually would be bad for business. I’d like to have seen the bBC send a clean cut muslim in a whistle to the same job interview. If the result was the same , then its racist, however if the result is contrary to the “bBC’s mindset that whites can only be racist, then I’d expect questions to be asked of the Pro Muslim stance of the bBC.
As I pointed out in an earlier post, it would have been fair to have had them apply to a Muslim run business or two, now I wonder what would have happened there?
As a business owner would one really want the new employee to keep disappearing to pray every so often or kick up a stink when he has to sell or serve alcohol?
Its blatantly clear what the agenda is with this program, the BBC stink.
OH bollocks, I’ve just watched that bBC video. What a joke. Two white men apply for jobs one dressed as a pious muslim the other as a plain white man, to the bbC this is outright racism (err bBC Islam isn’t a race) during ramadan when I am told Muslims must pray 5 times a day and can go nowhere near food. and so they apply for a job as a delivery driver and in a cafe. Err Hello who the hell is going to employ somebody who is going to be…trouble. Then after playing the Islamophobia card they invite the Non-Muslim to the local mosque to watch them praying. (FFS what is with Muslims and then getting you to watch them pray) just to show how nice these Muslims are. Next its renting out a room, but according to the bBC its all about who who applied first. Utter bollocks, its up to who the owner feels is the best candidate, that isn’t racism, its human nature. I prefer redheads and hate blonds that’s me. As always the bBC finding racism where racism isn’t the issue. It’s all about where people feel comfortable and if I have somebody in front of me dressed funny and another dressed normal then I know where i will go. Tell you what to make this fair they should have repeated the above with 2 men with Islamic employers and Islamic house holders.
The bBC finding racism where racism doesn’t exist.
Sadly, I think we all know why the kids are made to dress as wee Willie Winkies by the “elders of the community”.
Helps those with arthritis, from having to fiddle about with zips and poppers.
“replace the man in the Islamic dress with somebody with a tatoo on his face, or a jew wearing those funny hats or a Goth. ”
The staging of such experiments is complex at best, as there are as you say many variables. Also best left to those who understand the need to limit these, use of controls, sample numbers, etc. Along with patience and a commitment to academic rigour, and the need to publish findings fully.
The result of a production meeting wheeze using two blokes for a few hour shoot run through the BBC edit suite does not sound like this.
Other comments noted, it is also interesting what the 8,000 cubicle cabal alighted upon as an issue of most concern to the country they presume to represent.
And yes, the choice of ‘victims’ does again seem rather skewed in favour of BBC unidirectional obsession, as one presumes there are employers and landlords of faith across the spectrum who may also tend to err in favour of the familiar.
This seems less the search for racism, and more further promotion of discord . Not, I’d suggest, the remit of a responsible national broadcaster.
Yes, the dulcet-toned INBBC narrative for Islam: presenting the Islamic-invented word ‘Islamophobia’ as fact, not propaganda. For corrective, see 75-page pamphlet, ‘Islamophobia’ (pdf).
Of course, even if he had wanted to, (but he didn’t,) INBBC’s Muslim Head of Religious programming, Aaqil Ahmed, could have got on a real non-Muslim expert on Islam, and critic of Quilliam: Robert Spencer*.
* -Except that Robert Spencer is banned from Britain by Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi. I wonder why…
George no wonder, Ansar was desperate
for his “platform” over last nights show, even with the editing, it was clear his repeated apologetics, and “limelight” opportunism make him a big part of the problem.
Laughable that the BBC, played the victim card for him last night too, at the end showing him wandering off down the street.
Sheesh! … Get the violins out eh!
I can t recall, did we get a tear squeezing from Panto? 😀
‘ * -Except that Robert Spencer is banned from Britain by Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi. I wonder why…’
When I complained to my ( Conservative) MP about that ban on Spencer, he wrote back explaining that the Home Secretary was right to exclude extremists from our country.
This country is becoming a thirld world sewer, rapidly filling with ROP extremists and Conservative politicians are part of the problem, not the solution.
Then in late August, I complained about a refuge being given here to Gomaa Amin, of the esteemed MB!
Answers came there none.!
Yes, the support for Islamisation of U.K/E.U among the political class (inc INBBC) is so strong that it could soon be a crime to criticise Islam in UK/E.U.
The banning of Geller and Spencer is a strong indicator of this censoring trend, as is INBBC’s lack of interest in it.
Check out the lists of interests and donations to those M.P.s who support Islam so strenuously. I’d be willing to bet they’ve received donations, gifts and office space from Saudi and Qatari billionaires. Always follow the money!
Seen as the founder of Islam married his wife at the age of six (He was in his 50s) and consummated his marriage three years later (So they tell us) and the faithful carry on this practice to this day, you’d think the bbC would have been circumspect on asking that question, however they do add a question mark at the end.
Didn`t Jimmy Savile teach the BBC enough about it?
It`s two years to the day that he left the BBCs employ and generous pension schemes for the final and last time…but not without a loving lingering couple of days of tributes…as well as that Christmas Special of theirs.
Cigar smoker of the Year, charity campaigner and tireless encourager of children with his fingers all over the nub of youth.
And the BBC dare to presume that we`ll take advice from THEM re sex abuse?..they`re groomers number 1 pop pickers.
Albeit with a new funky Arabic-type remix pushing hard at number 2…
I think the BBC screwed up with the EDL show just on. Tommy Robinson stole the show despite the narrators snide remarks. Mo Answar came off as the twat he is.
There’s going to be some death threats tomorrow…
I still have some reservation about Quilliam too, old nightlight Nawaz and all that, had to be all for, mass murder for years, and now they re not?
Is the best of a bad lot, all we are supposed to expect?
smacks of political handwringing compliance to me.
tomoMar 2, 20:58 Weekend 1st March 2025
MarcoMar 2, 20:19 Weekend 1st March 2025 People can’t afford to eat or heat there homes in this country and yet these lefty wef globalist leaders want…
tomoMar 2, 20:12 Weekend 1st March 2025 Forget the missiles….. That would be quite the plot twist. 😮 “It, however, turns out that this may not be…
atlas_shruggedMar 2, 20:04 Weekend 1st March 2025 Dr Neale Hanvey MP interventions:
tomoMar 2, 19:49 Weekend 1st March 2025 Zelensky came up the bluidy minerals deal first in September 24 meet with candidate Trump… All these UKR flag shaggers…
tomoMar 2, 19:47 Weekend 1st March 2025 .By the time they’re crated up and on the way, it’ll be over?
Guest WhoMar 2, 19:45 Weekend 1st March 2025 There are many reasons to despise the bbc in all its malign forms. This is near the top. About…
My local radio station BBC Cov and Warks happily allowing listeners to call in and blame Tory cuts for local flooding, apparently councils cant afford to go out and clear leaves from drains…..bollocks
Local BBC radio always dumbs down any political debate because they want to keep their local programming upbeat and not too conversationally meticulous for fear of alienating their listeners. This means that issues are discussed without any ‘boring’ facts or figures – which would otherwise paint a much clearer picture – to confuzzle the poor, hard-up citizens of [insert your city of choice here].
H/T Guido Fawkes
Shapps is being diplomatic. There is a real feeling both in Conservative headquarters (CCHQ) and Downing Street that the BBC – in particular BBC News at Six and BBC News at Ten – the news programmes considered most important in terms of getting through to voters – is consistently biased against the Tories.
If News at Ten on occasion fails to live up to the required standards of impartiality, BBC London News is a veritable Morning Star.
In my area the local (6.30) news is the most biased of all.
Local BBC bias is one that of course goes under the radar, yet if you have Sky or Freesat you can view all the BBC local channels – Channel 950 onwards on Freesat.
The demographic of presenters, reporters and reports does not reflect the demographic of the country. Worth a look at 6.30 if you have the chance.
I don’t know which is your local area but I have often commented on this site that bBBC NorthWest Tonight (6.30-7.00 p.m. weekdays) is always full of loony leftie drivel. Non-stop coverage of any anti-government story, Tory cuts, Liverpool grievances, multi-culti enrichment, the wonders of the NHS, etc. No individual is ever questioned, every private sector organisation is wrong, the public sector is always right.
BBC North was terrible in the mornings, they just read out Labour press releases and showed some footage with a Labour MP in it.
I stopped watching Breakfast several weeks ago because I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I don’t see the broadcasts any longer.
I sometimes watch Look North and have noticed many major stories about food banks, the NHS, job losses in local councils, the poor and needy having a hard time with benefit changes, the “bedroom tax”, all being told from the Labour/leftie activist side. It’s become worse since the coalition took power in 2010.
One of their long time presenters, Christa Ackroyd, hasn’t been seen for months. There has been speculation about her absence, mainly driven by “leaks” from the BBC that she wasn’t very well liked, had a diva complex, was overpaid (they made sure they leaked her annual salary) etc. All the stories seemed to me to be a subtle smear operation. Now it looks as though they’ve sacked her and her place has been taken by one of their air-headed weather girls. Strange that Christa Ackroyd was the only one of Look North’s presenters who regularly took Labour M.P.s to task and challenged them on their dodgy statistics, selective facts and outright dishonest statements. She even made John Prescott look the blustering, spluttering fool that he is one one memorable occasion. Now I know that it should be an easy thing to do with an idiot like Prescott, but a Beeboid interviewer usually treats him and other Labour politicians with sycophantic high regard.
Makes you wonder if that’s the true reason the BBC got rid of Christa Ackroyd. She may have been forced to read news items that were nothing but Labour press releases, but her face showed she wasn’t enjoying the experience.
“Ackroyd has received in the region of £2m from the BBC since joining Look North from rival ITV regional news programme Calendar in 2001.”
With poverty wages like that no wonder BBC local television news is so crap.
If you were offered a lottery win sized salary from a prospective employer, would you turn the job down? As long as I wasn’t expected to break the criminal law to earn it, I certainly wouldn’t.
Is it North West Tonight? I’ve complained about their reporting several times..of course I am Always Wrong.
Is it North West Tonight? I’ve complained about their reporting several times..of course I am Always Wrong.
We and so many others have asked the BBC to address and rectify its liberal-left institutional bias, but the point never sinks in. Is the latest attack on its lack of balance to be ignored too? … dress_bias
It only matters because the BBC is a public service provider, funded by what is in all but name a tax (£145.00pa per household on threat of imprisonment for non-payment). If the BBC were a subscription-based, private company none of this would matter one iota. Who cares that Fox News (US) is blatantly right wing? Nobody, that’s who. Who cares that NBC, CNN et al are left-wing? I don’t. If people don’t like the political complexion of any given private broadcaster they just won’t pay for it.
But the BBC is different. I don’t have a choice in whether or not I pay for it. This is why the institutional left-wing bias at the BBC matters greatly.
Grant Schapps is quite correct – courageous, even – to start this conversation. We can expect the full weight of the professionally-offended left-wing msm to come down hard on him for daring to question the ‘impartiality’ of the BBC.
The BBC obviously cares about Fox News being right wing. Why else would they use all their resources in preventing Rupert Murdoch acquiring Sky TV? They didn’t want a British version of Fox News showing up the BBC for the leftie shills they really are.
Now that’s something Shapps should be looking into – how a publicly funded broadcaster used all its resources in an effort to destroy a commercial and ideological competitor.
“Now that’s something Shapps should be looking into – how a publicly funded broadcaster used all its resources in an effort to destroy a commercial and ideological competitor.”
Maybe the BBC should commission an internal report which will conclude that political bias (Vote Labour – the Tories are evil) and anti-competitive practices (correct thinking people all accept that the Tory/Fascist press should be regulated by [not at all corrupt or self-interested] Labour politicians) were a different time.
For an independent report they could hire a Unite or Unison member to tell us hurray for the public sector and boo for market plurality and freedom of choice.
Two stand out moments from BBC 5 Live’s performance this morning.
Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains
I visualise His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury rushing to the filing cabinet to check the CofE pension fund portfolio – in case of another lefty pronoucement from the pulpit this time regarding that BBC favourite re-nationalisation of transport going all PR SNAFU because of the large mot blown into his Gracious Comrade’s own eye.
Meanwhile in popart / artpop news a BBC guest refers to some references to Lou Reed’s hefty drug usage in “the right wing press”.
As opposed to the “Left-wing BBC”?
Tony ‘I’m English by Default’ Livesey lets it ride without further comment. I guess he knows it. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I’m beginning to see the light.
You could say the BBC is Left-wing by Default – eh Tony?
” Breathless female reporter tells us what she saw on her journey along the road from home. Arriving at the rail station in her blustery excitement she refers to Greater “Anglican” Trains”
Obviously reporting from East Angular ?
She probably thinks you’re from Whales.
Da iawn Ian!
Glossing over genocide. Is the BBC biased? has received a comment from an Armenian historian involved in the BBC’s The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors. Here it is.
I agreed to give an interview for a BBC documentary regarding the Ottoman Empire and World War I. The focus of the interview was the British Parliamentary Blue Book, “The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire,” which was published in 1916.
Prior to our interview, I corresponded with the BBC production team. I pointed out the strength of the various accounts that underpinned the British report, how such material was used to construct the Armenian Genocide thesis, and how this thesis can be critically evaluated today.
When I met the film crew, they had already shot their interviews in Turkey and chose not to discuss any of their previous material with me. All of the questions in our interview were provided by the producer and restricted to the Blue Book. There was no exchange of views regarding the Armenian Genocide and its denial by Turkey today.
The final cut of the film was a stitch-up.
* Ara Sarafian is a historian specialising on the late Ottoman Empire. He is the editor of the critical edition of the British Parliamentary Blue Book “The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16… [uncensored edition]” and “Talaat Pasha’s Report on the Armenian Genocide.” For more information please contact
Read Craig’s review of this programme. ‘Stitch up’ seems apt to me.
Craig’s review makes serious charges which the BBC needs to answer. Complaints are pointless as the wretched thing only ever finds itself perfect.
I would like to hear one of our resident apologists answer this one.
The whole series was poor and seemed an attempt to make the Ottoman empire seem Europe friendly. It was not and to the end was a hostile intrusion into Europe.
But as with Muslim Spain the modern apologists want us to think it was something benign.
Agenda? What agenda.
the BBC eh!
two words …
Aquil Ahmed
Questions raised about the running of the BBC’s religious affairs
“The main problem is Ahmed’s ignorance and arrogance, which have resulted in hours wasted trying to persuade the contributors to give interviews backing his eccentric interpretations of religious history. At the last count he even omitted reference to the Crimean War”.
So, The Storm of the Century™ – how was it for you? Here in Central Bedfordshire we enjoyed a completely peaceful night and woke to a rainy, slightly gusty morning. Now (10.30am) it’s quite nice outside – even a bit of sun and blue skies.
No doubt the BBC are quite miffed their much-hyped ‘extreme weather’ event failed, for many, to materialse as predicted The Met Office. Poor old Evan Davis was chocking on his Cornflakes on Today this morning as he was obliged to read out comments from listeners (‘the anti-storm backlash’ as he described them) annoyed the ‘storm’ in their area hadn’t amounted to much more than a bit of wet, windy weather – all very typical of an autumn night.
On a related note, I watched the tail-end of ‘The Great British Year’ last night on BBC1, only to see the very much expected (and by now obligatory) CGAW propaganda piece tagged on to a ‘making of’ segment right at the very end of the last programme in the series. Here, we were told by an earnest, fully paid-up CAGW drone at The Met Office, that global temperature rises were very real – because their new super computer has told them as much. No mention at all of the near 17-year hiatus in global temperatures. Nothing to see here, move along.
So, business as usual for the BBC Climate Propaganda Unit, then. Storm or no storm, nothing interrupts the dominant climate narrative. Not even inconvenient scientific facts or the absence of super storms when predicted.
Devastating here in the South West, we had a chair blow over in the garden…
But as long as you keep the people in fear you can control them, be it the weather, climate change, endless types of flu, mad cow disease or the economy.
Its strange that they never report doom and gloom on the one thing that is having a devastating effect on us all – IMMIGRATION, the people just keep sucking it up…
Immigration is a ”blessing” !! trademark.
We passed an entirely peaceful night, had much worse wind and rain last week; but then this is western Scotland where winter wind speeds of 60 to 70 miles an hour occur every every winter, and go unremarked by the BBC; much like the floods that devasted Hull a few years back and which it took the BBC 4 days to become aware of. But the fearsome storm happened in the SE, so got major coverage. Par for the course.
There was more wind from my trouser department this morning than the weather where I am
Sorry about your chair! We live in Plymouth and were quite worried that our 50 year old oak (in full leaf) could be a gonner – it lost eight twigs.
Are you entitled to compo, having lost your chair in such tragic circumstances?
You require a charity gig to raise money for yourselves or to raise awareness regarding what happens to chairs deprived of that spare bedroom due to heartless Tory cuts?
There is a phone hotline, should you wish to talk to somebody…the number is similar to the Nigerian speaking clock, so do be careful.
I for one am feeling your pain…and am virtuous enough to say so.
Still-Lou Reed now has something to sit on.
Here’s a song about a Windy City that has nothing to do with the Weather either:
So, a single gust off The Needles of 99mph has been translated by the BBC into ‘100mph winds’. Here, at the heart of things in Hampshire, our local weather station recorded a maximum gust of 45mph. One of my patio chairs was blown over.
I really sympathise with the family of that poor girl in Kent but all the BBC/Met Office scare tactics of the past few days have shown to be way over the top.
I have a tree that just has to go soon. I thought the storm would do the job for me. The tree is still there as baleful and hearty as ever.
I call it turning the weather into a celebrity show. Idiots
The Assad Tree!
In spite of the storm, the Money Tree is alive and well, and thriving two Ed’s and the BBC are delighted to hear
BBC News reporting this morning….. ‘XXXX….buffeted by winds of up to 90 mph…. actuality – after the scary headline, we actually find out that it was GUSTS up to a maximum of 90 mph., not sustained windspeeds.
BBC reporting…”I’m here at the sea front at Dover, where we’re currently experiencing gale force winds of 60 mph”…. actuality, not a hair moving on the reporter’s head, in the background were clear blue skies, the scene was sunny, and people were clearly enjoying walks on the promenade, even a parent with a child, with not a single sign that they were being affected by any winds whatsoever…..really, in 60mph winds ?
They must have been Daily Mail readers.
Up here in the North West (near Bury) it’s a typical day – a bit of a wind and some rain. I saw a beeboid airhead at Plymouth Hoe (I think) on Breakfast and judging by her hair I’d say there was a slight breeze. I’m almost disappointed, I was hoping a few more windmills would topple.
Agreed…a big fan of Rick the man…Christian, non-PC and a real gem.
And-whatever the pomp and over-the top stuff on ice etc…he backed it all with his own money, and not the license fee payer like the BBC.
Gave Cat Stevens the “Morning has Broken” tune too…oops!
No offence to the great Rick..OK?
pah below gives a spirited defence of Rick Wakeman.
The above post is meant to concur…but was unfortunately blown away and ended up here.
Bloody climate change…
What speeds did the wind go at through the wind tunnels comprising BBC airheads as measured between their ears?
Record Breakers?…I`d watch it…
I’ll give the paper MSM an out here: their panic-inducing headlines with carefully selected pictures of very limited mayhem (much like this from the BBC were clearly to designed to sell papers. Anyone with an ounce of scepticism would have turned the page and concentrated on the latest genuine news concerning East Enders or Hollyoaks.
Meanwhile as Phil Ford notes the “The Storm of the Century™” wasn’t. FWIW all members of staff came into our North London office on time this morning having made their separate ways from all over Greater London via tube, bus or car. As The Boiling Frog comments, it’s all very well for those at the Meteorological Office paid courtesy of the taxpayer to advise the public to take the day off but, for many of those in the private sector, leisure enforced by unwarranted forecasts of catastrophe means a morning/day without pay.
Apropos of the Met’s predictions of doomsday relayed faithfully by the BBC (and the paper press), the Weather Channel and Accuweather online (relying I assume on the same data as the Met) were sanguine about the storm’s general effect. I went to bed last night fairly certain that, in London at least, we’d be very unlucky to suffer inordinately: in the event we weren’t and we didn’t.
Not that the Met lied in the common meaning of the word. Nevertheless, it appears that, given a choice of scenarios by its new computer it chose the nearest prediction to a wind-induced collapse of civilisation as we know it to underlie its forecasts. AFAIAA there was no mention in the forecasts of possible alternative scenarios and probabilities attaching although uncertainties concerning the track of the storm were mentioned. Does this behaviour (ie go with the extreme case to the virtual exclusion of others) remind you of any other aspects of the Met’s “services”?
Will the BBC compensate those who too Michael Fish’s warning and took off a few hours off before travelling in to work? Three out of the four tragic deaths attributed to the weather were people who were at home.
Yes, I regretably just caught the last puff for GW, complete load of junk. But then what do we expect?
3 people killed in Hounslow in West London when a falling tree caused a gas main to explode.
I know exactly where that is. I used to go there regularly. In my opinion explosive demolition is the only way to improve matters for the entire area. Where’s the Luftwaffe when you need them?
Sad that people died, though.
Although Danny Baker seems to have gone native in recent months he still nailed it better than most. After a weather report on his show issued an amber snow alert he commented: “Amber snow? Remember everybody, we are the media. If you’re not scared, we’re not doing our job properly.”
Don’t eat the amber snow. 😉
No that’s yellow snow you don’t eat.
Amber snow’s all right. It’s just been tangoed.
Amber snow is a huge no-no.
What lies beneath the golden snow is not to be trifled with.
Ok, i’ll get to the point…the snow has been discoloured by dog shit.
Do not eat unless absolutely necessary.
Tomorrow marks the second anniversary of the sad demise of one of our best-loved cheridee campaigners, a pioneer of all things pop and northern in BBC coverage through the sixties, seventies -and all the way through to 2006 when it was HE who was to close the iconic Top of the Pops programme in his idiosyncratic way.
Yes folks Sir James Gordon Wilson Savile-Order of the (swimming) Bath..KGB, BBC etc will be two years deceased tomorrow.
May I suggest three hours silence on Radio 4 between 6-9a.m when it is said that Sir James passed over-to mark his death?
It could only be better than what passes for the Toady Show content…let Evan dangle his mic out of the window(oo er) to hear those howling record breaking -winds(oo-er2) there at Beeb Towers(where of course Sir James held court and collected yet more keys to add to Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville and assorted DES schools).
I myself an dangling a soiled tracksuit atop the local flagpole, which should keep the kids away this coming Hallowe`en!
Hope that you too will mark this second anniversary with a suitable tribute to his loyal, generous and -well…covering!-employer throughout those glory years of Beeb broadcasting.
Do they know he`s dead even? They only seem to betray their favoured son these days sadly. I hear little nice about him any more.
Myabe they could do a Christmas/Eid Tribute to him from Savile Town in Bradford…at least ONE of our ethnic communicants feels fee to celebrate the life of this icon…who sums up the BBC in all its manifestations better than anybody else. living or dead…or maybe a spiritual djinn encouraging his former colleagues to keep on going on our license fees…as he did for all those years.
Clunk click!…May Jim fix the BBC for us all yet-a true champeen of youthful exuberance!
I don’t think they’ll cover this, but we can expect a generous tribute to the heroism of Comrade Ogilvy.
Brilliant post, as ever, ChrisH.
Now then, now then…
The BBC are going big over the death of a singer/songwriter. An immense talent. Lou Reed. This is about the fifth time this year that the BBC has eulogised about someone I’ve never heard of.
A sour crappy and unhappy little chap.
But he wrote “Walk on the Wild Side”-which Johnnie Walker played in the face of Black September/Entebbe/Baader-Meinhof…
Oh wait, he played it on his aftenoon show.
But what a rebel…if Johnnie Walker isn`t reliving this BBC internal hagiography for the next three days, well John Peel must have died in vain.
Why DID he like teenage kicks so much, I wonder?
Reed couldn`t sing for toffee, Perfect Day was a good tune but the charity monkeys took it apart in 1998…so the BBC love it(and him) even more.
Typical Russell Brand weekend Rebel…and his wifes even MORE pretentious than he was(Yoko Syndrome).
That said-Antony sang back up for him…so maybe I`ve got it wrong…for Antony has one of the greatest voices on the planet.
A Boozed Reid I`d say-and will take up much of Last Word this Friday…good timing to die before the editors conference Lou!
Apparently two hits that just scraped into the Top 10, one of which contains the lyric “But she never lost her head
Even when she was giving head” which the BBC happily played on Radio 1 back in 1973, a Savile favourite no doubt…
I guess we’ll have to endure a sycophantic Stuart Maconie tribute on him on BBC4 in the not too distant.
Sweepstake here?
I reckon Paul Gambaccini will get the call…THEN Stuart Maconie..and then Johnnie Walker( he`ll be on local radio seeing as he lives in the boondocks these days).
Still-I wonder what WOULD the bass player on Walk of the Bright Side have to say about his three notes…iconic?…duh!
Ulultions(tuneless) all round BBC student digs(Hampstead , Notting Hill) tonight though…will Jeremy Vine get through his show without a manly tear?
Lou Reed or the Velvet Underground were the kind of artists people got into at university … even back then I thought they were shite … arty, avant garde bullshit. Your average beeboid however never really left university, at least in their minds (it’s still the mid 1980’s), which is why they still go on and on about bands that most of the rest of us have forgotten about. i.e. The effing Smiths.
On BBC1 “News” last night there was an interview with some ageing hippy who bigged up Reed as the greatest lyricist “evah evah”. The item included a clip of a young Lou Reed which confirmed the ill-judgement of anyone who thought this guy could sing, let alone write. Again, the BBC audience suffers as the BBC “news” service performs the equivalent of a 1960s CoE cleric doing the twist to be “down wiv de kidz”: the kidz in this case being a generation which should have grown out of this fascination with pension-age marginally talented rockers.
And all the girls of colour go “doo de doo”?
Racist-can`t imagine it `ll not be faded before that “chorus of its time”?
I`ve changed it a bit-so Scott or suchlike will join us in the Big Conversation.
Was Reed a drugged up pointless tuneless word mangler with no discernable talent…only attitude…AS WELL as racist for the lyric above.
In short(and he was)…is he Russell Brands gonk?
Give me Lou Reed over the abject shite dished up on The Voice or The X Factor any day of the week.
Actually, the lyrics are ” …all the COLOURED girls go doop-de-doop……”
That would have got him banned from Sainsbury’s nowadays.
Let me guess!
Ageing hippie…well that`s a big field of crop circles and poppies there dude!
Rosie Boycott…or Rick Wakeman( if indeed there`s any difference in how they all look these days!).
Am I close to diggin` the trip maan?
But at least Wakeman could play complicated stuff on two keyboards at once whilst wearing a cape, tight trews and high heals.
I’d like to see the yoof of today do that.
Actually no I wouldn’t.
The Today programme played a gushing tribute to Lou Reed from guess who – the other genius Morrissey. Just so we all know how talented he was. Thanks BBC.
That new book get the plug?
But it doesn’t matter what the truth is, this episode is destined to become ‘the worst storm this century, so far out of the ordinary that, on its own, it clearly proves the case for CAGW. The science is now, without a doubt, settled.
‘So let’s move on to other colossal things happening today Lou Reed has died, from liver failure (surprise, surprise), aged 71….. cue long intro to ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ whilst we work on what else we can spin and squeeze out of this not-quite-so-bad-a-storm as we were making out.’
People are just so cynical. It really is the worst storm of the last week of October 2013 SO FAR. Surely more money needs to go into Global Warming research to find out why the world didn’t end today? Maybe another 50 quid on the BBC TV poll tax?
Madeleine McCann: BBC slammed for hiring PORN STAR to play part in Crimewatch reconstruction of disappearance
Mothers Against Murder and Aggression, said: “We are surprised that the BBC employed the services of someone who has openly worked in the sex industry for something as sensitive as this reconstruction.
The BBC declined to comment.
Before I can take a considered view I would need to hear from Mothers For Murder and Aggression.
Ah, balance…like it!
Impartiality would appear to be in your very genes sir!
A complete non-story.
Which of course makes it one by virtue of who is dissing who.
Again, the Mirror clearly gaily unconcerned about the BBC’s Leveson loyalties.
Also a hoot that the BBC seems to have steered clear (happy to be corrected on appearances and easy interviews) given there’s an offence industry doubleplusgood MAMA on the warpath.
Usually that’s a booking schedule packed from Breakfast through Today, Bacon, Vine to Mr. Katz’ Newsnight slipshod.
What, possibly, could have seen the BBC, usually at the vanguard of shock and whoah!, suddenly find their busy schedules packed with such as ‘Can Singapore tackle its match-fixing stain?’.
Answers on an FOI-exemption cert…
How judgemental ,hateful scum, hookers are Mamas too.
All haters should be boiled in acid
Mothers Against Murder and Aggression… as opposed to all those mothers who are for it!
An acronym looking for a cause.
“An acronym looking for a cause.”
Class! I shall use that one.
So…. anyone who has worked in the sex industry is automatically a kiddy-fiddler? Is that the implication we’re supposed to take here? Bit of a sweeping generalisation which the Mirror might have been expected to object to had the subject matter been different.
Actually, I could appreciate the BBC telling them to take a hike here but, as it is a serial offender in the “finding something to be offended at” stakes, hoists and petards are coming to mind. Luckily for the Beeb, it is uniquely placed to ensure the story gains no traction.
The BBC, as an equal opportunities employer, should be ‘celebrated’ for giving a job to somebody from the euphemistically and PC-termed ‘sex industry’.
Lou Weed dies…and a tree cries its last near Ventnor?
Cosmic maan!…where`s Giles Fraser when you need him?
It`s all connected maan!
I’ve been a regular reader of this site for quite a few years and regularly forward links to friends and colleagues.
While I am aware that sometimes conversation drifts off topic, I have rarely disagreed with anything on the site.
However, as a fan of Lou Reed, who first saw him in 1972, I find some of the comments on here distasteful in the extreme… especially in light of the fact that he has been dead for less than 24 hours.
Such vitriol for those that have totally destroyed our nation and continue to brainwash our children I can fully understand and support, but not in this case.
Like, Wow man, I really dig it
You have a point, I like Lou Reed. However most people in the country would never have heard of Lou Reed. The BBC going into mourning does betray the type of person working there, and it is not very representative of the country as a whole.
20-30 years ago the current BBC execs were sitting in their dorms at Oxford or Cambridge smoking pot, listening to the Velvet Underground and Nico.
This is why they think his demise is important. Mind you I was doing the same thing, but at a less prestigious educational establishment.
I see what you’re saying Chris, but I don’t think people are mocking Lou Reed per se, so much as they’re mocking the Beeboid’s weird self-obsession whereby every aspect of their trivial, wasted lives is The Most Important Thing Evah!
True, it’s not as immediately annoying as the political bias, but it does testify to the BBC’s obsession with ramming their lifestyle down everyone else’s throat,
I certainly don`t mean to disparage him…I loved his “Rock and Roll” live LP featuring the marvellous “Sweet Jane”.
I just despise the shroud-waving and useful posturings of the BBC whenever it suits their agenda.
“Transexuality?…drugs ,and that whole Russell Brand world of the weekend rebel fresh out of private school? The BBC decide it every bloody time.
Another liberal sandbag used to shore up the diverse, posturing druggy lefty agenda…and no personal animus intended-it`s the BBCs coverage that outrages and provoke me!
No hurt meant his fans…just the f***in BBC.
Rock and Roll Animal” LP! Before Scott gets me howled down in the court of public opinion for a factual inaccuracy
Apparently Britney Spears once did a cover of ‘Waiting for the Man’
Some things in life just shouldn’t be allowed.
Hmm nope don’t see it ?your a fan well that’s bad luck for, you sorry to hear and all that but as I didn’t know him never met him or anyone connected with him and will never have that dubious honour and can only judge him on his life as reported and his work neither made me like him in any way ! so I am not going to change my opinion of him one bit either because he’s dead [stuff happens ] or because you are a fan [your loss] sorry but the public faking of empathy and grief is truly disgusting !!
As the left and BBC find someone they dislikes death a reason for jokes and character assassination then why do you defend them and chastise us ?
Considering this site’s high aspirations, contributors and commentators could adopt the following as their golden rule, “de vivis nil nisi verum, de mortuis nil nisi bonum” which for those who don’t have the advantage of an old style State grammar school education, can be translated –
“of the living speak nothing but truth, of the dead speak nothing but good” This maxim helps civilised debate and keeps you out of the clutches of the libel lawyers and law enforcement agencies.
No Chris – its the BBC’s reporting that is being criticised. Mr Naughtie on Today this morning really didn’t seem comfortable with his report about Reed – I felt he was desperately hoping that it was some opera diva instead.
Didn’t know him, but well aware of his musical contribution.
Sad to note anyone’s passing for any reason, and certainly appreciated his work.
Here is what the BBC just posted on FaceBook:
BBC World News
BBC exclusive- find out how the story behind Lou Reed’s song “Walk on the Wild Side”.
The American musician died on Sunday at the age of 71.
He was widely seen as one of the most influential artists of the past 40 years.
I would be interested in who offered the width of that vision.
On a totally related note, last night I watched on iPlayer a doco on the making of ‘Paranoid’ by Black Sabbath.
Beyond them all apparently being around still, I was impressed at the quiet humility, and humour, of all of what seems a tight band in all senses of the word.
Also some pretty awesome guitar work from Tony I.
Hard to believe just what a handsome young man Ozzie was. Still a funny bloke though.
And they all wrote some top songs that spoke to my generation at least. And, interestingly, were credited with a significant degree of influence too. Though perhaps without the hyperbole or presumption of those who feel their tastes set what is defining.
If you don’t know who Lou Reed is you probably know nothing of rock music full stop. If parading your ignorance is all you want to do, you’ve succeeded.
Funny enough the utter ignorance on display here reflects the ignorance shown on all other matters.
Biased BBC. The site for numpties!
Doris, you may wish to ponder the difference between knowing someone and knowing about them.
Once your awesome intellect has grasped this, you might then reassess the wisdom of posting about the parading of ignorance before reading, or grasping, what has been written.
I have been well aware of the now deceased Mr. Reed’s career, and even aspects of his life, but not enough to presume to comment on a personal basis I would not pretend to have.
Obviously a constraint you are not bothered with.
Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground. Of course I remember them. A very old friend, happily still with us, used to play them for hours on end listening for hidden meanings. Above all he worshipped Nico.
The thing is we grew up. There comes a time when such things should be put away with our childhood toys to be thought of, sometimes fondly, in later years. Like the unreal political beliefs of youth.
Lou Reed’s death is sad . He was of our time after all.
His music was of it’s time too. Ephemeral.
As Oz might say “bouououstiin”
I’m not defending the BBC but let’s be fair: all the media hyped the overnight Armageddon. The Mail was downright hysterical about it.
In a sense they were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t The howls of protest that followed 1987’s failure to predict that year’s the great storm would have been even louder today, had we ‘not been warned’
The difference is that everyone expects the Mail to be hysterical about it. About more or less everything, in fact.
The BBC, on the other hand, is supposed to give us impartial information and a large chunk of the population still thinks that is what it does. From one perspective it is all to the good as it can have done nothing for the Beeb’s reputation and will increase the questions being asked about it, something I feel has been gathering pace in recent months.
The difference is the papers were printed before the storm had struck, in the middle of the night. They had to take a punt and the safe thing to do was err on the side of catastrophe because they’d look like right numpties if they underplayed a disaster.
The Beeb doesn’t have that excuse because it’s live.
Hang on a minute, what is being complained about here? If it’s post storm coverage, that is one thing. But if we are discussing the coverage prior to or during the gale, then I find it hard to criticise the BBC for showing caution,
Regulars here will know I’m among the first in the queue to complain about the BBC’s bias but A/ this wasn’t an issue of bias and B/ no media outlet could risk being accused of encouraging complacency.
On an amusing note, BT’s homepage ‘news’ today was waffling about ‘devastated Britain’.
Who supplies, BT’s news? Viz?
1300 news on Radio 4 reports that Rebekah Brooks (ex CEO of N.o.W) and Andy Coulson (Ex head of comms at No10) face charges etc. They happily imply the charges against Coulson are for acts committed while at No10, forgetting entirely to mention that they relate to his time at the N.o.W and that he lied to Cameron about it in order to get the job at No.10. 10/10 for the BBC news editor concerned.
I can’t get too worked up about that. Cameron was a fool to take Coulson on in the first place and deserves the bad press that goes with that appointment.
I agree Cameron should have been much more careful but my complaint is the BBC is incapable of making a straight forward statement of fact without tilting it against the “Class Enemy”
And don’t forget that the disgusting Norman Smith deliberately tried to link Cameron personally to phone hacking (all of which was turned a blind eye to by Bliar and Brown) by saying that the Prime Minister was getting entangled in the practice. That and the ‘spider’s web graphic that the BBC produced was an outrage.
The truth is that Coulson was a target for Labour from day one, not because of hacking, but because he was an effective operator and a threat to their well oiled, well connected media manipulation machine, which was at that point light years ahead of the Tories clunking PR efforts. And of course as a member of the News International organisation that supported Labour – Coulson knew where the bodies were buried.
We really need more laws and regulation against the newspapers, then we could see them prosecuted for things like phone hacking … er, like they are being prosecuted now.
Aren`t there rules about pre-judging cases and lazy speculation before trials?
I mean-the murderers of Lee Rigby-seem to be still dining out on this excuse.
S`pose it`s the wrong cause…the BBC decide as ever.
As for Guardian hacks bribing the Met for info on which NoW hacks would be fingered next…*cough*….
BBC Newsnight did a pro immigration piece, creep Gavin Eisler presenting, ” saintly ” muslim refugees ” in boats crossing the Mediterranean to get to Italy, they used hokey animation and ”sad ” music in the background.
All manipulation, a brilliant piece of propaganda. It starts at 13.00
BBC Newsnight also interviewed Marine Le Pen. Actor Alain Delon is backing them. Starts at 19.00
” French film star Alain Delon has come out in support of France’s far-right political party the National Front (FN).In an interview published on Wednesday in the Swiss daily Le Matin, the actor, whose career has seen him appear in some 100 films, described the National Front’s growth as “uplifting.”
Delon went to on to say that he “approves” the party’s progress, which he attributed to a general sense of gloom due to what, he called, was a lack of political action.
“The National Front, like the MCG [Geneva Citizens’ Movement] in Geneva, is very important…I encourage it and I perfectly understand it,” he said in comments published in the newspaper.
“For years, the Le Pen father and daughter team [Jean-Marie, former head of the National Front, and Marine, its current leader] have been fighting, but they’ve been fighting a lonely battle,” he said. “Now, for the first time, they are no longer alone. They have the French people…And that it’s reaching Geneva, that’s incredibly important. They’re fed up there too.”
Gavin Esler, another ‘intelligent’ fool, busy clearing the ground & ordering the tents for ‘The Camp of the Saints’ – which, of course, will be nowhere near his beautiful west London town house, at least to begin with. And, when it gets too close, Gav has the means & contacts to simply fly away – Hypocritic Airways; single, traitor class.
If ever there was a prophetic novel…
This seems standard practice. I remember a documentary by Evan Davies – at a critical point out just before the last general election – billed as showing “the truth” about economic immigrants was full of music designed to manipulate. Border guards were introduced with militaristic tunes playing underneath the commentary, I kid you not, conjuring images of Nazi stormtroopers, as was the intention I’m sure. Immigrants always had sad sweeping strings designed to evoke sympathy. Almost had me hoodwinked until I realised what was going on. Then I just felt disgust for the BBC. As you say, all too often a pure propaganda outfit. Goebbels would recognise their techniques.
Usually the sad music the media, oxfam etc etc uses is Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, it’s been so over used now, it’s become a cliche. Get out the hankies and have a good weep !!
Goebbels would be taking notes.
He must be kicking himself in his grave for writing off early German television as being useless for propaganda purposes.
Alain Delon supports Marine Le Pen
Far-Left Beeboids propagandise against not Far-Right National Front.
I could not care less about the political views of an actor. Adding the word French does not help either.
I hope everybody here has used this feedback opportunity to its fullest extent.
No. I read the terms and conditions and discovered that the one thing I’d like to talk about: bias, is outside of the terms of reference. Apparently the trust is looking into this separately. I don’t fight bureaucracy on their own turf.
Fill in the fields with as much examples of bias as you like, the don’t like it up ’em
When Tommy met Mo Tonight BBC
Apparently, Ansar challenged Robinson’s knowledge of Islam and offered to show him what real Islam is?
hmmm “The film reveals that Ansar was present at an EDL street protest in May and was also the first Muslim to address the EDL” ….
Yaay go “brave” Mo eh! he s going to be lauded again on 5live on R Bacon show today …
can you even imagine? … gag!
with, the totally impartial list of
Dr Usama Hasan,
and Mo Ansar,
and Selma Yaqoob,
and the MCB,
and Sheik Ibrahim Mogra ,
and Majid Nawaz
and “offence retraction expert” – Tom Holland.
sheesh! … only a little bit more biased than QT
hmm will it include
planned attacks in prison?
the filmed muslim attack on him?
the muslims attempted mass murder bombing?,
the muslims threatening to behead him?,
I heard a bit of Tommy Robinson talking to camera, fresh out of his prison time a year or so ago.
His knowledge of Islam was excellent at that time, he`d had plenty time to study it in solitary by his account.
Maybe not Robert Spencer…but more than enough for any Beeb dhimmis they wheel out tonight based on your list.
Let`s hope he had some say in the editing though.
If Tom Holland isn`t brave enough to stick to his historical position after the Channel 4 threats last year I`d be “disappointed”…but not surprised, given the threats made to ANYBODY that dares to bring scholarship to Islam.
Let alone any spotlight.
The whole Tommy Robinson affair is suspect, he goes to prison on a trumped up charge, comes out 6 months later like the Manchurian Candidate, speaking like an automaton.
” I hate EDL, I like islam, I hate ”waaycists”, I like muslims, I hate nazis, I like jihadists.”
It’s all very suspicious, do you think while he was in prison, the security services or who ever, told him, ” Look Tommy, in the Multicultural society 2 + 2 = 5, that’s how it works.”
5live – Moh Answar – R Bacon
So NF, far right, Neanderthal bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him, I spoke to him, and I said, so tell us “NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” just how long have you been beating your wife? and horribly persecuting the proud, superior, gentle, intellectual, pious faith of Islam? …
oh! he s not here? … so let me answer
Robinson you know – “NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” – has left the EDL – after being with me.
he might still be “”NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him” whose horribly persecuting the proud, superior, gentle, intellectual, pious faith of Islam”
(sigh) after all we ve done to (sigh)
educate him in Islam… and correct him on Islam … and ya da ya da ya da
from being
“NF far right, Neanderthal, bigot, waycist Robinson, ban him”
BBC .. .thanks Mo …
Mo … my pleasure
Tommy Robinson on his Twitter page
”you tell me to call in only for your editor to refuse to put me through. It seems u only want mo’a side biased!
why get mo’s views and not mine! Oh I forgot mo has been demanding his own platform
The bbc have been so blatant in their bias in the lead up to when tommy met mo. Only have no Answar on to give his side ! ”
Mr Robinson sounds a bit naive, he got his 30 pieces of silver from the establishment, says all the right things in regards to islam now, and he expects the BBC to love him !!
I don’t think that’s how the BBC works, once black listed, always black listed.
Tommy Robinson is a brave, principled, decent, honourable and intelligent man who has not been turned or bought. He has faced endless pressure and criticism, but I know of no-one else in the UK who has done more to warn and rouse against jihadism. Those who share his views that militant Islam is a problem and a threat, even to Islam let alone the West, should support and encourage him, even if they think he is ‘naive’.
His family might have been threatened, for all we know, perhaps not just by islamists
I think a similar fear was behind Dr Kelly’s widow pretending that he had been suicidal before his death, when no-one else was saying that.
Mr Lennon, is all of the above, and more … but his oxygen of publicity
will now be squeezed, i mentioned this when he quit, on this very blog
don t forget …
If he didn t lead a “street movement” he would have never have had it in the beginning.
It was only because he became a bbc/media erm “far right”? target
he was on at all, he managed to turn those tables … for two reasons
1/. It was an unaddressed, genuine public concern, backed with direct action that couldn t be ignored
2/. He tells only the truth about Islam.
it is a hell of a lot easier to debate when you simply tell the truth, than those that lie, obfuscate, and excuse, that is his ace in the pack.
Sadly this pattern will now be continued, his voice will get erased, and you will end up getting “inhouse” pseudo debate between muslims … on the likes of the BBC, ignoring the concerns of the 98% of the general public
heres the link 22 mins
re – the post above
don t hold anything breakable 😀
Within a couple of days after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, Cameron set up a task force to deal with extremism. Several members indicated that the EDL would need to be included and there was a massive reaction against the EDL. I wonder if Robinson and his future and the safety of his family were on the agenda of the Task Force.
The Show Show trailed this last week.
Their take on it was Muslim = Good, anyone who dare question Islam = BAD, they even had jolly old Mo Ansar on the show, full of bonhomie, what a jolly decent chap he is, we should all follow his example….
After seeing the trailer, I’m not holding my breath Mr Robinson looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
Something very strange indeed going on with him. As part of this documentary the BBC took him unannounced to an LSE lecture on human rights in the Muslim world, very strange…
One of the (little publicised) carrots that the UK government used to persuade the IRA to give up was the offer of large amounts of money in the form of pensions paid to many senior and active members. It was all carefully calculated, they were to be paid at a reasonably senior civil service scale, all index-linked, all for life, and paid immediately irrespective of age.
Do you have any evidence to support that claim?
Please tell me you’re joking!
Sorry, no. A brief search finds no links but I clearly remember it being reported at the time as a supposedly confidential deal… and possibly officially denied.
I remember quite specifically that the report [s?] said senior IRA/SF had pointed out to UK govt that there were many IRA members who knew nothing except terrorism and/or racketeering and they had to be persuaded a peace deal presented them with some sort of future. Hence the rather distasteful deal.
At the time it seemed [to me] a practical tho grubby solution. This was around the time that sworn enemies Adams and Paisley suddenly became best buddies, and nobody could quite believe it, and just what backroom deals had been done.
Anyway, fwiw thats my memory of it. David Vance would probably know more.
I merely mentioned it as a possible explanation for Tommy Robinsons strange behaviour.
Bodo – thanks for having a look. I believe you are sincere, but I think on this you may be mistaken. To me the whole GFA smells but that is part of the price for dealing with terrorism, and I do not mind if our government engaged in necessary dirty tricks to contain the terrorist threat. I hope that they haven’t forgotten how, as we now face the deadly combination of jihadis and WMD.
Robinson: from EDL, via Quilliam and INBBC, to “Tommy”.
Of course, INBBC, as part of the ‘Left’-Islamic political alliance has played in role in all this.
Note how INBBC’s Muslim head of religious programming, Aqil Ahmed, is leading the political act in the conversion of Robinson to “Tommy” -in attempt to demonise the EDL, opponents of Islamisation in U.K.
At same time, INBBC, does not demonise UAF and the political forces in U.K which support the ongoing Islamisation via jihad and sharia.
“BBC One to broadcast documentary on Tommy Robinson’s departure from English Defence League”
“And here’s to you, Tommy Robinson”
“New row between LSE and BBC as ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson turns up to film lecture”
Clockwork Orange, a fiction of course, was banned too, as I recall.
Yes, too much talk of gullivers.
‘orange’ wasn’t banned by any one other than Kubrick himself who withdrew it from showing in his adopted home ,England, due to the films apparent corrupting influence on English society (copy cat crime)
A great film but an even greater book
I would also greatly recommend Anthony Burgess’ forgotten dystopian classic 1985 written in 1971 but I some ways more frighteningly prescient.
Thanks for the recommendation. Life is too short to waste it reading any Booker Prize winning novel but that will go on my reading list.
Just had a gander at the Indy piece and the comments…. bit ‘feisty’ aren’t they?
As to this…
‘Jonathan Russell, Quilliam’s political liaison officer’
Guessing this Foundation has a fairly ‘healthy’ roster and staff bill already, then?
At least, unlike a few unique exceptions, when an outfit’s spokesperson speaks, you have some idea who they are and where they sit on the totem.
Feel free to tell me I’ve been duped, but I have a lot of time for the Quilliam Foundation. Some of their analyses and (free) publications are well-researched and thought-provoking. Mosques Made in Britain, for instance, shows that much of the problem is that the vast majority (97%) of British mosques are led by foreign imams, mostly Pakistani peasants, and QF campaigns for British Moslems to be taught by British imams. Their recent analysis of al-Qaeda seems to be more profound than the glib pronouncements of the western governments.
Sorry, all off-topic for biased-BBC.
I’m with you Sir Arthur, and certainly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately Islam needs a reformation, and only other Muslims can really quell jihadism. That doesn’t mean accepting discrimination, injustice or oppression against Muslims where that happens, but it does mean an end to the jihad against Western Civilisation (which includes Israel, Christianity and Science).
Yes sir Arthur, I’ll tell you:
You’ve been duped.
Deception is part if the ideolgy of islam, and you will have been deceived, IMHO of course.
Pamela Gellar on Tommy Robinson
”Tommy Robinson looked eerily reminiscent of the American POW’s taken by enemy combatants and forced to say things they did not believe before cameras.
It has become painfully obvious that the enemies of freedom have broken Tommy Robinson. The British authorities’ harassment, the systematic persecution, the jailings, the solitary confinement, the threatening of his life, the threats to his family, his having to move several times, his children having to change schools, the constant false charges — he finally cracked. They broke him. He made a deal with the devil. He didn’t want to go back to jail, and this looks like his bid to stay out.
Today the New Era Tommy Robinson went to a Muslim area to speak about true, peaceful Islam, and got beaten up by Muslims who haven’t gotten the reform message, but have obviously read the quran.”
Not for INBBC?:-
“Violent enforcement of Sharia on UK streets”
(3 mins video clip)
-Fox News.
No chance of an arrest.
Coming to a street near you, and sooner than you think!
A perfect example of the arrogance of the BBC yesterday when Dyke was asked about Grant Shapps comments- just dismissed the whole payouts/waste/bias comments as being to do with an election on the horizon. Frankly it would have been unbelievable from anyone else! Nothing to see here, just move on and keep paying your Television tax
Ah yes did they mention his life as a Labour party placemen and financier or after falling to the campbell/blair attack to cover up for all that war and lies he then ran oft to the libs as a sort of check point Charley swap for Vince kabul to Labour ?
This bulletin board is a good place to share examples and opinions on BBC bias, but it’s no threat to that BBC bias.
Anyone got any ideas on how to take things forward? For example, is it better complaining to the BBC directly, to the BBC Trust, or to MPs?
1, Don`t pay your license fee-link up with others who don`t.
2. Mock them 24/7, noon `til night.
3. Ensure that no kids of ours endure this poll tax on culture.
4. Tell your local mosque/imam when it begins to get facts wrong re the Koran…it`s making a balls of the New Testament every so often-but Muslims won`t stand for that…be prepared to grass `em up.
5. Remind your local imam that we`re paying jizya for Russell Brand and Stephen Fry…haram surely…again, get ready yo get them grassed up.
Christianity might look a better option after that for `em..probably not, but worth a punt I`d say!
What`s Arabic for “usual car park permit for yet another overnighter, Lord Savile of Leeds”?
I don’t pay the license fee as I don’t have a TV. With so much available online, including historic programmes on the iplayer, I see no need. I know a few people who don’t have a TV.
I’d have to differ with you here.
I have my own views on the limitations of the ‘bias’ designation, but this site does too address inaccuracy, unprofessionalism and lack of integrity on the part of the BBC, so suits me fine mostly.
Looking at that counter top right, and who seems to pick up on things shared here, I’d also say the threat to a BBC keen that such things stay their little secret is significant.
Witness also the Forlorn Hope contingent thrown at this site when things get iffy on the ‘envy of the world’ front, with the sole aim of distraction or denial of service.
If complaining to authority is your interest, the BBC complaints page is your only way ‘in’. That will, if you survive the labyrinth, get you through ECU to the Trust.
I’ve never tried the Trust directly and would guess if you did they’ll bump you straight down a snake before climbing greasy poles again.
It’s all internal, in secret, FOI locked-down and pointless. But you need to do it. The one thing they can’t avoid is records, like the interesting reads some had when the Berlin wall fell. And anyway, no other public body will go near unless you have at least tried them first. OFCOM runs a mile no matter what.
Your MP can’t hurt, but will either be a convert, clueless, or, in rare cases , concerned. Doesn’t really matter, as they are basically powerless as the party whips will intercept anything that looks set to mess with the BBC’s role in setting policy. A hostile BBC is not what any pol wants any time. Plus 20,000 unemployed market rate talents no longer able to find a market that will rate them is not high on the political agenda. Plus the howls from the glee clubs beholden, in love or financially dependent will make twitter unbearable if aunty is threatened. Social media volume is the new democracy.
Best bet, for now? The ‘Future of the BBC’ consultation open for input before Dec 6. It’s listed a few threads back.
I have concerns (Civil Servants can ‘lose’ stuff that messes with their beliefs just as much as BBC middle managers. And the political will is hardly solid, or coherent or smart) but it is a good opportunity for the public to have a say without a BBC filter running interference.
guest who, you write very well, as does chrish. You should consider penning articles for the site.
flexdream: Many have asked the same, inc me.
It’ll take a louder voice than ours. The BBC despises the public and is well practised in ignoring complaints. They also ignore complaints from MPs, especially Tory MPs, because they despise those too and also out of a naive sense of principle, i.e. they will not give in to political pressure.
However, BBC bias is much more in the news recently, even sometimes talked about by the BBC. Perhaps this site has made some contribution to starting around continuing the debate.
IMo, it will take a ‘Kelly’ incident, or ‘Milly phone hacking’ case to raise the issue to the level where it cant be ignored – and the BBC has NO defence. We haven’t had one yet.
If they can get away with their attempted 28gate cover-up and the lies they told to keep the public from finding out what they were up to with their eco-socialist mates, they can get away with anything. A law unto themselves.
Certainly not worth complaining to the BBC Trust – they are so part of the BBC that it is not worth the time and effort.
‘Certainly not worth complaining to the BBC Trust – they are so part of the BBC that it is not worth the time and effort.’
Beg to differ.
I don’t disagree that the time and effort is vast.
It’s designed to be, by folk paid to make it so and shovel the stuff they have initiated on nice hourly rates until those they are messing with, who are not, give up. And time poor superiors never even see what may have happened that never reaches their desk.
However, games must be played. And the way to win, even if the game is so rigged it looks like a Cutty Sark/Victory mash-up, is play those who have rigged it at their own game… and beat them.
And even if you don’t ‘win’, these are just battles, and history can still judge who fought well, and eventually prevailed.
The BBC Trust will one day need to explain their 110% ‘got it about right’ rates based on no more than ‘belief’ most of the time, and once the plaster is peeled off the festering sore that is their ‘closed files’, and once truly independent arbitrators shine some sunlight on their internal, in-secret ‘findings’, with luck they’ll even see their pensions revoked if a lynch mob doesn’t get to them first.
Another ‘blessing’ although I’m not sure the victim will see it that way.
I couldn’t find it on the BBC website although I’m sure Scotty/Albumen etc will tell me when it gets there.
” Dat bee waaycist !!! ”
One of the worst types of BBC bias is their suppression of these examples of enrichment.
Yes Dez will provide the link when it appears, he’s good at that.
The BBC – global warming is very real, unless it’s global cooling, of course…
…and a new ice age may really mean that it’s getting warmer, really (or may do afterwards)…
Of course it will only be a temporary decline
from comments
JackT says:
October 28, 2013 at 8:26 am
Now, something new to worry about. Oh, but it’s just temporary! Save the religion at all costs in the bigger picture.
And what is temporary? again from comments
Doug Danhoff says:
October 28, 2013 at 8:34 am
I wonder if temporary means 30 – 60 years of the next minimum….hmmm… Is it time to have a poll to name it?
If Al-Beeb is right about the effects of CO2 (science settled and all that) should we not be pumping out as much as possible to hold back the ice?
Chile has just suffered its coldest weather since records began. How’s that for global warming?
“Cold weather caused by warming, reveals expert with sociology degree.”
To be more accurate – It’s the coldest spell Chile has endured for eighty years.
If I hadn’t corrected that statement I would have had Cyberstalker Scott mentioning it in every post he makes for the next eighteen months, perhaps longer.
We ordinary punters, unlike our scientific warmist superiors, constantly confuse the great issue of climate change with what is happening in Chile which is merely weather. If I had a brain like that of Marcus Brigstocke I am sure I could distinguish between the two.
I’m still seething about the BBC’s ‘100 Women’ self-love fest. What breath-taking arrogance to brazenly squander taxpayers’ money on promoting these feminist, lesbian and transgender activists.
Check out the participants:
Just in keeping with the beeb’s relentless gender agenda no doubt, but I’d still like to know how much this mutual back-slapping boondongle cost us. Would I find out from submitting a freedom of information request, or would I just be wasting my time?
Didn`t realise that all the nations achieving women were lefties, of colour and of over-represented dubious sexual proclivites.
Hardly any woman who`s actually DONE anything but pimp off the rest of us.
Love Cherie Blair being described as a “philanthropist”…ragged trousered one , no doubt!
Usual slew of EU grifters like Emma Bonino.
But no Mulala, no Grayson…and , of curse no real women who had kids and brought them up NOT to be feckless tossers who like a riot, as long as it`s easy work.
Where is Vicky Pryce though?…
‘Hardly any woman who`s actually DONE anything’
Reading it would be beyond my daily limit, but might one be safe to presume few practising scientists or engineers in there, or anyone actively involved in wealth or job creation outside of public service?
Cherie Blair “philanthropist”
As the [fat greedy Leftist] pigs explained in 1984
Comrades! You do not imagine, I hope, that we are feasting in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? The fight for equality depends on our leadership. It is because we care about you that our troughs are filled.
That’s why she keeps her public speaking fees from charities….
‘So, Cherie, what was it about your marriage to the multi- multi- millionaire Tony Blair that allowed you to pursue your philanthropic interests?’
‘Would I find out from submitting a freedom of information request, or would I just be wasting my time?’
With history as guide, it seems likely that no, you would not find out.
However, this may not be a waste of time, as the question is not unreasonable, and while throwing FOI exemption lawyers at not answering anything does seem the BBC way, this too can slowly add up, and not in ways they’ll like.
Especially for one keen to be seen as the trusted, transparent standard bearer of holding power to account.
Anything fractionally to do with programme-making is off limits for FOI requests. The only way in to the BBC, slightly, is entirely commercial non-programme aspects.
Sadly, true.
But the brush the BBC wields is broad, and it wields it often.
Given their ‘way’ with funds is not currently perceived even by their BFFs as coherent, remaining coy on where they splash the cash may prove tricky to sustain, especially when the BBC seems rather demanding of private, much less public institutions it feels worthy of spotlighting on nepotism, segregation, preference or profligacy.
Assuming Ian Katz can actually get anyone other than Jo Brand’s wayward namesake to even pick up the phone, I’d be surprised if Paxo could ask a single question without breaking down under the hypocrisy of his position.
Though a mill per annum can shore up the most quivering of consciences, as Mark Byford, Helen Boaden, etc can attest.
Never heard of this meeting but jeez, wtf are the Beeb doing wasting money on this stuff? Did they pay all their air-fares? Were BBC staff paid to attend?
Try a email to the usual BBC sceptic papers to get them to chase this. Copy all the pages as evidence.
PM tonight had the headline about three “men” getting jailed in Manchester for the usual-drugs, rape and sexual abuse of underage girls.
No names given though….unusual not to read them out, seeing that it`s all public domain stuff.
Wonder why Beeb?…wouldn`t implicate the usual suspects and their religion of peace attached would it?
Oh if only all three were white…then we`d certainly be hearing names…until then, draw your own conclusions until the BBC begin to level with those who pay for its rainbow doodlings.
Well, you got 2 out of 3. Thankfully we (still) have a free press
Not sure if the 2 are ROPers, but it seems likely ( and they are unlikely to be COE.
“Shamin Uddin …. His brother Giash Uddin … Their friend Robert Jackson”. Originally 5 were charged (
Congratulations (again) to British Muslim prosecutor Nazir Afzal, one of the few with the ‘balls’ to prosecute paedos regardless of their ethnicity or religion. The man is a real hero, and protector of poor, white, working class girls. In contrast to some lily livered white, secular police and social workers.
When the BBC goes ‘dark’ you can often guess why.
Beeboid political bias is increasing despite increasing criticism of the practice.
It seems that Beeboids are taking a calculated risk now in increasing it its usual daily political bias, notably that opposing the Tories, and supporting Labour, because Beeboids calculate that their £4 billion poll-tax funding is more likely to continue annually, under a Labour Government.
The BBC helped Milliband during its ‘Ralph Milliband week’, when the BBC clearly felt it was time to nail their colours to the mast. This was more of a confirmation than a revelation, but did mark a clear drawing of a line.
Not for pro-E.U Beeboids to report?:-
“A council of former heads of state and government leaders has called on the European Union to establish national surveillance units to monitor citizens of all 27 EU member states suspected of ‘intolerance.’
“What’s laughable here is that the most intolerant ideology on the face of the earth is the sharia and jihad. The sharia is the very definition of intolerance — intolerance of Jews, Christians, Hindus and all non-Muslims, intolerant of women. Jihad defines intolerance. The blasphemy laws under the sharia are intolerant, and yet this is exactly what the EU is proposing to enforce.”
The liberal dream. To end free speech that is regarded as “inappropriate”
I am not surprised it come from Europe. Freedom and what I understand as democracy is a recent experience for most of them.
In many of our lifetimes autocracy and tryanny has been the way for much of Europe.
I have no intention of listening to a word that comes out of their totalitarian mouths.
How about instead the EU protect freedom of expression as the US constitution does? In the UK you can now be arrested and prosecuted if you didn’t intend or expect to offend, and haven’t even actually offended someone, but it’s enough if someone thinks you have said something racist or homophobic (
Here we go again. News at 18:00 litter is partly down to our love of fast food, fizzy drinks and sweets. It’s that fatty food message again…again.
Just give it a rest BBc.
I thought it was due to the removal of waste bins in our streets due to the fact that they make good hiding places for IEDS. Not sure which sort of people make IEDs of course.
More to do with (the cabinets of) councils under the wicked tory cuts preserving the LGBT/Equalities/II support services over performing the job – rubbish collection they were originally designed to control. Priotities
After the Story of the Jews by Simon Shama, and the Ottomans by Rageh Omar, what about the BBC doing the Story of the British by David Starkey or The Story of the British Empire by Nial Ferguson, or The Story of British Christianity by Rowan Williams?
btw Brian Cox’s Science Britannica was excellent!
Ah the Brian [I’m a pop star don’t you know] Cox , just like the Dan [nepotism ] Snow and the Julia [on everything ] Bradbury ?
As a wise old man said to me ” the shallowest pools are still made of water but I’d be buggered if I ever felt like immersing myself in their subject matter” !
Did you watch ‘King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons’? It was definitely one of the best documentary series I’ve seen on the BBC for a while. A series about Byzantium would be interesting, but no doubt they would white-wash the ending.
It would make a fitting prequel to ‘The Ottomans’
Football ‘Racism’ fest continues… Apparently “The head of Fifa’s anti-racism task force says he was left “disheartened” after meeting “demoralised” black and ethnic minority players in England.” (see He (Webb) further went on to say “The [English] game must reflect society and the community. It doesn’t do so.” Quite so – a third of the players in the Premier League are black, even though black people only make up 3% of the population of the UK, meaning they are over-represented by a factor of ten. But wait – he’s talking about the lack of opportunity to move into management. Yet according to the article (bit of an own goal for the Beeb here, if you’ll forgive the pun) there are 3 black managers in the football league (Paul Ince, Chris Hughton, Chris Powell). So, that’s 3 managers out of 92 or 3.26% – just about spot on given the demographics. Most football fans don’t give a hoot either way, as long as the player or manager is good he can be white, brown, black or blue with green spots. But the BBC has an agenda to push…
I’m just surprised FIFA and the BBC doesn’t complain about how few immigrants find work as players or managers in the ‘racist’ English league, and how poorly paid they are.
Coming soon no doubt.
Currently there are 3 (count ’em) English managers in the EPL.
Thank God they’ve chosen to give the world cup to the next three world cups to those paragons of virtue – Brazil, Russia and Qatar. Good to see joined up thinking – alternatively follow the money and Sepp Blatter is the most seriously flawed person since Juan Samaranch!
Football these days is, first and foremost, a business: that is especially true of the Premier League. So why should it be any more reflective of the country’s demographics than, say, the insurance industry?
You could also argue that a large number of black foreign players has made the game unrepresentative of the country’s population as a whole, but hey – who would dare say it, and what’s the point anyway? As a business, every club tries to get the best talent it can afford – wherever it may come from.
It doesn’t matter where you live, if there are Pakistanis in the area it won’t be long before they’re featuring in serious crime every single night.
Here’s two headlining stories from the Manchester Evening News, one lightly touched on and avoiding the issue as usual, the other unreported.–mohammad-6250110
And here’s another one in case the previous two weren’t enough.
Alongside Muslim thugs and bullies in Tower Hamlets, the BBC always seem to be silent on racist nazi acts from those warped practitioners who follow the religion of peace.
‘Liberty-GB’ on-
[Opening excerpt]-
“The leftist-Islamist coalition (or alliance) has, at least in part, fallen apart recently.”
Where does the BBC-NUJ part of the ‘Left’-Islamic alliance stand?
“Syria: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ threaten Christians —
‘Convert to Islam, or you will be crucified like Jesus.'”
That will be those moderates again I guess.
Brilliant link I particularly liked the authors further analysis in comments section, that could so easily be applied to the BBC
Paul Austin Murphy > stephen
• a day ago △ ▽
As usual, Ken Livingstone – as Leftists usually do – does the thinking of these terrorists for them. In the video, it even goes down to the precise grievances (such as Guantanamo Bay and Muslims being ‘snatched off the street’) of the Boston bombers despite the fact that Livingstone had never read a word of what they actually said. (They even did Osama bin Laden’s thinking for him.)
Leftists also used to do the thinking of the working class for them. Here again, they project Marxist analyses of national and geo-political situations into the minds of people who are far from being Marxists – either Muslims or the working class. After all, like all non-Leftists, Muslims too have ‘false consciousness’. That is why Livingstone fills in the Marxist dots for both us and for the Boston bombers.
What all this boils down to is the fact that Ken Livingstone, Chomsky, the SWP, etc. WANT Muslims to think the way they think; just as they wanted the working class to think the way they think. But they never did! Muslims, on the the whole, are completely oblivious to the intricacies of these Marxist analyses.
Ken Livingstone taps into the psyche of the Boston bombers as a New York psycho-analyst does with his patients. And, as with the latter, what the Leftists draw out of the minds of Muslims, bombers or non-bombers, is utterly at variance with what they really believe.
Marxists/Leftists always get it wrong because they completely erase Islam from the equation. Thus Islam is deemed to have ZERO effect on what these people do – even when they recite the Koran as they kill. Instead Leftists believe – or pretend to believe – that Islam is “a mere epiphenomenon of the socioeconomic and political conditions which underlie it”. It is but the “opium of Muslims”. Yet, of course, Leftists like Livingstone wouldn’t dare put it that way to a Muslim.
BBC1 ‘Inside Out’ : goes undercover to expose the widespread discrimination against Muslims in the workplace and in the rental sector in Bristol.
I really wish they’d give it a bloody rest.
Seems that any BBC TV or radio, news, current affairs or documentary can’t go longer than 20 minutes without mentioning Muslims.
You know what? I couldn’t give a f**k about their problems. They make their own problems everywhere they live.
I wish the BBC would just shut up about them and devote a little time to the problems facing the indigenous British population.
But it is clear that a lot of Muslims and fellow-travellers have got a grip deep inside the BBC – warping the programming and the news, forever pushing the victim agenda. No other immigrant group has any such grip.
Another Muslim fest on my local ‘Inside Out West’ BBC dirty tricks sending both Muslim and indigenous job searchers with with similar CV’s job searching in Bristol.
Of course they only visit white establishments, because only whites can be racist can’t they? There would be no uproar if it were the other way around would it, a one sided typical INBBC Muslim loving production.
Baroness Warsi gives her views and we must all feel sorry for poor Zoltan. We should really feel sorry for those who have now lost their jobs turning Zoltan down….
Will post a link to the program later
drinking … good health eh!
well no permanently disfigured actually.
yep! … had to go across the pond to get this
Any links to this video on the beeb Dez me ole china?
At last:-
“Unite official Stephen Deans resigns from Grangemouth job”
-on BBC-NUJ’s ‘Tayside & Central Scotland’ news pages.
The Scotsman’:-
“Grangemouth: Unite’s Stephen Deans resigns”
“A cache of emails which emerged over the weekend from a company investigation indicated that Mr Deans had helped derail a Labour probe into vote-rigging in the race to replace Eric Joyce as the party’s candidate in Falkirk.”
Illegal activity? Grounds for a complaint to the Police? C’mon Local Tories, where are you?
“The Sunday Times on Falkirk and Ineos”
Hats off to Paul Hudson again – a BBC regional weather guy who keeps rocking the Climate Warmism boat.
His latest piece is only a blog post – but he remains the only person in the whole BBC empire who tries to look properly at the evidence on climate.
This was included in a regional programme on Monday night. ‘Inside Out’ or some such name. Poor Paul had an attack of cognitive dissonance when it came to the question of Global Warming versus Global Cooling. It’s amusing to watch.
Ramadan is a time of peaceful thoughts well so the bBC tell me. Here is a little video clip (funny enough from the bBC) of what Muslims get up to during Ramadan:
Daubhill, a.k.a. The Khyber Pass as driving through (if you’re lucky, without serious injury), it looks about as English as Kabul and the locals drive as though The Highway Code had never been invented.
Hope you like this one.
Not something which INBBC will touch:-
“Saudi Arabia, the UN and the OIC”
Love it. Well done Hisham – hilarious and dead right!
Not content with the measly 4 death count in Britain, thanks to a not so intense storm, the BBC have extended their count to northern Europe:
“A storm battering north-western Europe has killed at least 13 people – six of them in Germany. ”
We’re all Europeans, you see?
Ok. I’ve just come across this on the bBC website , have a butchers and can anybody tell me where exactly the problem lies:
Inside Out West: secret filming exposes apparent prejudice against Muslims in major UK city
Employers and landlords are seemingly discriminating against people because they are Muslim, a BBC undercover investigation has revealed.
Two reporters posed both as potential employees and letting tenants in Bristol for the investigation for BBC One’s Inside Out West on Monday 28 October at 7.30pm. With young Muslim men twice* as likely to be unemployed than their non-Muslim counterparts they wanted to find out if there is an anti-Muslim bias in our midst. What the two-week investigation reveals is a stark difference in how they are treated. The secret filming shows the Muslim reporter being told jobs had already been taken and denied flats he had been promised first in favour of his non-Muslim counterpart. The Inside Out West team scoured all corners of Bristol for job vacancies advertised in shop windows as ‘apply within’. Both undercover reporters were of similar age, background, of white ethnicity and presented equivalent CVs – the only difference being that one is a Muslim. To make his faith clear the Muslim reporter, Zoltan, uses the name Mohammad and wears Islamic dress.
Now lets replace the man in the Islamic dress with somebody with a tatoo on his face, or a jew wearing those funny hats or a Goth. I’m pretty sure that in nearly every case those people wouldn’t get employed either. Is this a race issue or just people not employing somebody who visually would be bad for business. I’d like to have seen the bBC send a clean cut muslim in a whistle to the same job interview. If the result was the same , then its racist, however if the result is contrary to the “bBC’s mindset that whites can only be racist, then I’d expect questions to be asked of the Pro Muslim stance of the bBC.
As I pointed out in an earlier post, it would have been fair to have had them apply to a Muslim run business or two, now I wonder what would have happened there?
As a business owner would one really want the new employee to keep disappearing to pray every so often or kick up a stink when he has to sell or serve alcohol?
Its blatantly clear what the agenda is with this program, the BBC stink.
First 15 minutes here.
Sorry Geoff didn’t see your post.
OH bollocks, I’ve just watched that bBC video. What a joke. Two white men apply for jobs one dressed as a pious muslim the other as a plain white man, to the bbC this is outright racism (err bBC Islam isn’t a race) during ramadan when I am told Muslims must pray 5 times a day and can go nowhere near food. and so they apply for a job as a delivery driver and in a cafe. Err Hello who the hell is going to employ somebody who is going to be…trouble. Then after playing the Islamophobia card they invite the Non-Muslim to the local mosque to watch them praying. (FFS what is with Muslims and then getting you to watch them pray) just to show how nice these Muslims are. Next its renting out a room, but according to the bBC its all about who who applied first. Utter bollocks, its up to who the owner feels is the best candidate, that isn’t racism, its human nature. I prefer redheads and hate blonds that’s me. As always the bBC finding racism where racism isn’t the issue. It’s all about where people feel comfortable and if I have somebody in front of me dressed funny and another dressed normal then I know where i will go. Tell you what to make this fair they should have repeated the above with 2 men with Islamic employers and Islamic house holders.
The bBC finding racism where racism doesn’t exist.
It is bad enough anyway having people wandering around in nightshirts. But trust them to use it as a front for victimhood.
Sadly, I think we all know why the kids are made to dress as wee Willie Winkies by the “elders of the community”.
Helps those with arthritis, from having to fiddle about with zips and poppers.
“or a jew wearing those funny hats”
Exactly – try getting a job in a muslim business with a Star of David around your neck.
“replace the man in the Islamic dress with somebody with a tatoo on his face, or a jew wearing those funny hats or a Goth. ”
The staging of such experiments is complex at best, as there are as you say many variables. Also best left to those who understand the need to limit these, use of controls, sample numbers, etc. Along with patience and a commitment to academic rigour, and the need to publish findings fully.
The result of a production meeting wheeze using two blokes for a few hour shoot run through the BBC edit suite does not sound like this.
Other comments noted, it is also interesting what the 8,000 cubicle cabal alighted upon as an issue of most concern to the country they presume to represent.
And yes, the choice of ‘victims’ does again seem rather skewed in favour of BBC unidirectional obsession, as one presumes there are employers and landlords of faith across the spectrum who may also tend to err in favour of the familiar.
This seems less the search for racism, and more further promotion of discord . Not, I’d suggest, the remit of a responsible national broadcaster.
Nice to see Mo Ansars bosum buddy Nikki Campbell,
doing the voice over for his “platform” documentary …
voice OVER hmmm almost like his “your call”
Yes, the dulcet-toned INBBC narrative for Islam: presenting the Islamic-invented word ‘Islamophobia’ as fact, not propaganda. For corrective, see 75-page pamphlet, ‘Islamophobia’ (pdf).
Click to access Islamophobia.pdf
Of course, even if he had wanted to, (but he didn’t,) INBBC’s Muslim Head of Religious programming, Aaqil Ahmed, could have got on a real non-Muslim expert on Islam, and critic of Quilliam: Robert Spencer*.
* -Except that Robert Spencer is banned from Britain by Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi. I wonder why…
-Read the truth of ‘Jihad Watch’ to find out-
“Ten years of Jihad Watch”
George no wonder, Ansar was desperate
for his “platform” over last nights show, even with the editing, it was clear his repeated apologetics, and “limelight” opportunism make him a big part of the problem.
Laughable that the BBC, played the victim card for him last night too, at the end showing him wandering off down the street.
Sheesh! … Get the violins out eh!
I can t recall, did we get a tear squeezing from Panto? 😀
‘ * -Except that Robert Spencer is banned from Britain by Cameron-Clegg-May-Warsi. I wonder why…’
When I complained to my ( Conservative) MP about that ban on Spencer, he wrote back explaining that the Home Secretary was right to exclude extremists from our country.
This country is becoming a thirld world sewer, rapidly filling with ROP extremists and Conservative politicians are part of the problem, not the solution.
Then in late August, I complained about a refuge being given here to Gomaa Amin, of the esteemed MB!
Answers came there none.!
Yes, the support for Islamisation of U.K/E.U among the political class (inc INBBC) is so strong that it could soon be a crime to criticise Islam in UK/E.U.
The banning of Geller and Spencer is a strong indicator of this censoring trend, as is INBBC’s lack of interest in it.
Bliar’s Government toyed with the introduction of laws designed to stop criticism of religion, but didnt see it through.
Check out the lists of interests and donations to those M.P.s who support Islam so strenuously. I’d be willing to bet they’ve received donations, gifts and office space from Saudi and Qatari billionaires. Always follow the money!
The irony from the bBC:
Should nine year-olds learn about sex abuse?
Seen as the founder of Islam married his wife at the age of six (He was in his 50s) and consummated his marriage three years later (So they tell us) and the faithful carry on this practice to this day, you’d think the bbC would have been circumspect on asking that question, however they do add a question mark at the end.
Surely it’s time for Monty Python to do The Life of Mo. Or do they value their necks too much.
Didn`t Jimmy Savile teach the BBC enough about it?
Didn`t Jimmy Savile teach the BBC enough about it?
It`s two years to the day that he left the BBCs employ and generous pension schemes for the final and last time…but not without a loving lingering couple of days of tributes…as well as that Christmas Special of theirs.
Cigar smoker of the Year, charity campaigner and tireless encourager of children with his fingers all over the nub of youth.
And the BBC dare to presume that we`ll take advice from THEM re sex abuse?..they`re groomers number 1 pop pickers.
Albeit with a new funky Arabic-type remix pushing hard at number 2…
I think the BBC screwed up with the EDL show just on. Tommy Robinson stole the show despite the narrators snide remarks. Mo Answar came off as the twat he is.
There’s going to be some death threats tomorrow…
Ansar 😀 he surely did … and … after “Panto “did his very best too (wink wink)
just give this a listen – 22mins
I still have some reservation about Quilliam too, old nightlight Nawaz and all that, had to be all for, mass murder for years, and now they re not?
Is the best of a bad lot, all we are supposed to expect?
smacks of political handwringing compliance to me.
The tories are getting a little peeved with the BBC.
It looks like the bBBC staff are spending their time commenting on Daily Mail stories instead of visiting biased-BBC.
-Watch out for the Quilliam Foundation people, U.K government financed, who also advise U.K government on Islam.
Pamela Geller on Quilliam (scroll down):-