The BBC are the (tax funded) PR department of the Labour Party. There is more chance of Elvis being found alive on the moon than the Labour Party giving people the freedom not to fund the BBC.
The calculate it in terms of votes swung to Labour.
1) Fiddle the boundaries – who cares about democracy 2) Flood the country with millions of immigrants – and educate them to hate English culture 3) Expand the bloated public sector and create more perks and dependencies, but above all 4) Enforce a universal tax so that the pro-Labour BBC dominate television news and current affairs 24/7.
For the Left the end always justifies the means – as Marx (that English hating German immigrant bloke defended by Tristram Hunt the other day) explained, morality is for them, for us everything is about power.
So expect the impartial BBC to lobby for a newspaper levy on The Sun the Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph in order to subsidize readers of The Guardian. As Lisa Simpson said the other day to her new friend, let us create a fantasy world in which everybody is equal, and we are in charge.
The BBC is the hate driven intolerance and bottomless sense of entitlement of the Labour Party personified. All they require from you is the destruction of your Country (its values and culture) in return for a glorious vision of absolute submission and strict adherence to a new Party order, which wherever it has been tried has increased not decreased poverty, has decreased not increased freedom, and most noticeably of all, has created a grey and uniform world of conformity and spiritual death.
As with all the loony lefties, she doesn’t get it! I could agree with all her rants against the press, but I don’t have to pay for them unless I want to. But with the bBBC, I am forced to pay £145.50 a year for them to spout Labour propaganda at me.
“As to the Jimmy Savile scandal, the BBC is culpable in not being more aggressive with a historic culture of sexual abuse. But plenty of other oganisations at the time tolerated similar behaviour.”
Who cares about these ‘other organisations?’ Savile worked for the BBC! The writer almost seems to be saying that two wrongs make a right, and this about one of the most depraved and prolific predatory paedophiles the country has known. Really is trying to defend the indefensible.
“What happened was vile, but if we are going to be consistent, we should really put the entire culture of the 70s and 80s into the dock.”
How on earth can you put decades into the dock? These crimes were committed by a BBC employee with it seems almost full knowledge of some of the people actually running the BBC. Absolutely disgraceful journalism. This article made me feel ill.
After Monday night’s undercover Inside Out West where a Muslim and white chap compete for jobs and housing, BBC Points West follow up interviewing three ‘Bristol Muslims’ on the horrors of the programs findings.
Note the lack of balance and the sympathetic tone of the report and the fact that no questions were asked as to why maybe the Muslim was refused.
10 minutes in – also note the lead story an ‘enricher’ making big money by doing his best to poison local fast food outlets, only surprised the BBC reported it.
This morning’s Today program (about 2 hr 40 mins in) had a piece about two young Norwegian sisters who have left home to engage in jihad in Syria- they did qualify them as being of Somali origin – I would contend that they were Somali not Norwegian – we are forever being told by the BBC of terrorist crimes committed by British citizens who always turn out to be from some Islamic hell hole to whom we generously gave refuge.
What was worse was John Humphrys failing to ask the obvious question – were these young girls (19 and 15 ?) going to join in “sexual jihad” – giving their bodies to the Al Q fighters ? Highly unlikely that they were going as fighters.
There was a story on Al Jazeera about young girls from Tunisia who went to join the Syrian jihad. They were used as whores by the foreign jihadists and returned pregnant and HIV+, the babies were also HIV+. They said they were used repeatedly by many different men and forced to commit disgusting acts they would not talk about.
Presumably the same will happen to these Norwegian/Somali girls.
Wonderful religion, isn’t it?
Dysgwr_Cymraeg “Will the BBC report this? Err….Nope!”
Because it’s quite obviously false propaganda straight out of the mouth of the Tunisian Government with no evidence whatsoever. Obvious, that is, to anyone who hasn’t hung their brain up on the back of the door.
Hello BiasedBBC!
It is quite credible that this atrocity story is made up. The BBC is not the only channel to spin things. I think every channel has a news agenda, the BBC’s happens to be left wing liberal and generously funded by a levy. Russia Today is especially blatant for bias.
Actually I’ve been told that Israeli spokespeople prefer to be interviewed on al Jazeera rather than the BBC. They quote accurately exactly what you say and you know exactly where you stand with them.
Philip K Dick, “Turns out the Beeb investigated the Tunisian story”
Oh, so your original complaint is completely invalid. Thanks for the clarification.
Andy S “Why not admit you are wrong as well,Dez?”
The BBC report linked to by PK Dick does not say the story is true; it simply reports the allegations whilst noting the compete lack of evidence. Did you even bother to read it?
Norwegians and Swedes are very laid back, liberal and tolerant people, thus they can be easily taken advantage of, war like nations which Norway and Sweden use to be a thousand years ago wouldn’t be so easily suckered by fake sob stories by ” refugees.”
Somalians DEMAND free housing and more money in Sweden, how ungrateful. I like the ”efnik” music ( cacophony ). The Camp of the Saints springs to mind.
Furthermore I think we can safely assume Norway and Sweden will cease to exist as Western countries within two generations at most.
And before the liberal apologists point out the geographical location of both I am talking about the people. Change the people change the culture.
Those that can should leave now.
Those countries can be the equivalent of the canaries in the coal mine for us.
A bellweather, an indicator of what will arrive here. Sone of us can see that already, others are slower to accept the inevitable.
Marxism or Decadence ? the Cause of Western Weakness
” It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda.
Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?”
It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me.
They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind.
It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.
Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them.
They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
Good article. You could argue that it is only when living standards started to steeply rise after the Industrial Revolution that Leftism became a problem, a sort of sickness caused by affluence.
I seem to recall a Muslim scholar in the Middle Ages called Ib Kaldun arguing (no doubt he took the idea from Plato and Aristotle) that there is a natural cycle – prosperity leads to decadence which leads to collapse which leads to renewal which leads to prosperity which leads to decadence which leads to collapse, and so forth, until presumably we invent technology that is so powerful we destroy ourselves beyond the point of revival.
Most Leftists I meet are very stupid people (too stupid to know how stupid they are) but I also meet intelligent Leftists who are fully aware that they are devotees of a religion of hatred, it is just that they are such narcissists they find it hard to care about anybody or anything except their own feelings, and it excites them to be evil.
The Christians used to call this Original Sin. In my bleaker moments I view myself as somebody that believes in Original Sin but does not believe in the God that is supposed to redeem us i.e. Augustine minus his faith in God.
What brings me back from the brink of despair is the abundance of good people in the world. Tommy Robinson for example.
The Tytler Cycle by 18th century Scots historian Alexander Tytler
” A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence.”
1. From bondage to spiritual faith
2. From spiritual faith to great courage
3. From courage to liberty
4. From liberty to abundance
5. From abundance to selfishness
6. From selfishness to complacency
7. From complacency to apathy
8. From apathy to dependence
9. From dependence back into bondage.
I have to say, if i was an infantry officer in the Stan, and captured or came across wounded enemy that turned out to be from the UK, i would shoot them on the spot and damn the consequences.
I really do know that HS2 isn’t everyone cup of team, but did anyone catch the Maitless interview with Patrick McCloughlin on Newsnight last night?
Not just was it the usual interrupting / hectoring interview that Newsnight reserve for Tories, but Maitless looked on the verge of loosing it. Her contorted, face was a picture of anger and the more McClaughlin swept aside her pathetic assertions (for they were assertions not questions), the more contorted and angry she looked.
Maitless, of course, never seems to be one step from hysteria when she has the likes of Harman in front of her.
Diane Coyle, one of the BBC Trust / Cheerleaders suggested some weeks ago (when the BBC bias allegations hit the headlines), that each party got a fair share of BBC coverage. She, though, failed to recognise that it’s the way that the BBC treats politicians differently that defines their bias.
Sorry, but she failed nothing of the sort. She knows it damn well, but thinks the BBC just needs to trot out a variant of “got it about right” and no further questions will arise.
On that topic, Roland, I thought I’d waste my time and crank up the blood pressure a few millibars by ‘connecting’ with Audience Services on the subject of the Jo Brand/Prince Harry slur.
I got what I deserved:
‘Have I Got News For You is a satirical news quiz and the audience is used to the often irreverent humour. This line was a play on words as part of a section on the surnames of those involved in the christening of Prince George and was clearly tongue-in-cheek.’
Imagine – Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train a Comin’
Series 24. Episode 1/7
New series. Alan Yentob begins another run of arts documentaries with this profile of the American guitarist who enjoyed… blah blah.
Yesterday on BBC 1
Alan Yentob once again adding nothing of value for his £400k salary. Billed as ‘presenter’ and ‘series editor’ in reality all he did was introduce a programme made entirely in the US by Americans.
Utter waste bordering on misconduct in public office.
It is very depressing – I am a huge fan of Hendrix but I fear that having Yentob’s ugly mug as the talking head with his usual trite analysis will be more than I can bear.
I assume that Yentob never met him – so it is just another opportunity for him to swan around at our expense whilst claiming two salaries.
‘Billed as ‘presenter’ and ‘series editor’ in reality all he did was introduce a programme made entirely in the US by Americans’
Yes much like Jeremy Whine getting a quarter mill a year and counting for topping and tailing Panorama.
Had a quick look at the web site for this programme. I see:
Edmund de Waal: Make Pots or Die
Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train A Comin’
David Bowie – Cracked Actor
Beyoncé: Life is But a Dream
Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender
Nothing remotely interesting here as far as I’m concerned – as usual.
Rickytshirt says:
October 30, 2013 at 10:56 am
“Any organisation which has to justify every salary, every croissant and every taxicab will get so bogged down in paperwork it will stop functioning.”
No Jackie. Any organisation that doesn’t justify every salary and lets employees take liberties with freebies and expenses, as the BBC has become accustomed to, will not last long.
The BBC, a private company, is in the ludicrous position of being able to steal money from the public under the threat of a huge fine and ultimately imprisonment for simply owning and using a television – something that should be the right of every man and woman in this once free country. They then hawk the programs we paid for back to us on dvd and to foreign networks for private profit. They then insult us further by with an openly socialist, metrocentric, EUphilic, warmist, guardianista agenda in everything from news, current affairs and comedy. Not only that, as has now become known, they secretly conspired to eliminate all positions contrary to the global warming myth from its output. This cannot go on.
I’m going back a few years with this example, a tiny one but indicative of the BBC’s lack of control of their finances. At their invitation I claimed taxi fares, not much money, and they paid them. They then paid them again a few weeks later. The people I’d been to see didn’t know who I should send the cheque back to, even they were hard to find, and the sender wasn’t indicated on the comps. slip it came with. The people I spoke to said ‘Don’t bother, just pay it into your account, there’s no-one checking things like that’. But I did return it. Waste of our money has been going on for decades. I’ve wondered since how much money has been filched out of them through fraud and chancing.
Worth re-sharing the URL to savour the full joys of the piece, Mrs. Marr’s thoughts, and the expert ‘analysis’ in response..
I had thought the BBC managed to put the Tories’ efforts on this to bed pretty well unaided, as it was (in my view) the wrong message via the wrong messenger at the wrong time, but the Graun seems determined to help snatch mockery (and a degree of unwelcome spotlight) from the jaws of victory. Clark County #2.
The protesteth from Beeb-in-print doth seem a bit mutch. ‘“there is no solidarity among journalists”
Not sure about that.
What seemed to be between her hubby and that researcher when he was ‘tired and emotional’ after that hard day’s editting seemed pretty solid, if in need of a hand.
And certainly it set further ears flapping around after the super-injunction tours previously, too.
Lucky no Vicky Pryce she.
The one you cite was indeed quality. But I liked this one too:
Privatise the BBC now says:
So let’s put it another way:
Grammar school and Oxford educated, ex BBC trainee and Newsnight producer & presenter, journalist at the Guardian, daughter of an ex. Labour Peer, married to one of the BBC’s highest paid presenters says that the left leaning BBC (that advertises many of its vacancies in the Guardian, which the BBC buys more of than any other newspaper) is in fine fettle and to leave it alone.
All those right on credentials and still hubby has to look for extra marital fun and then (in his open and transparent journalistic way) get a super injunction to cover it up – sadly unlike the author of the ‘Joy of Sex’ in probably the beebs finest hour he didn’t die “After a series of short strokes”
Sorry but really can’t stand the smug git – clearly glad he didn’t die but sadly back on our screens .
On BBC1 “news where you are” in London last night we were treated to a short introduction to Islamic (non-debt) faux-debt instruments. The item ended with the reporter opining that the “corruption” in the City of London (and, by implication, western-style finance generally) will be solved by the arrival of sharia-compliant “ethical” finance. I’m used to egregious and uncalled for islamophilia on the BBC but, frankly, this was outrageous.
There is a thing called an Islamic mortgage (there is a Jewish version too as they both disallow usury in theory).
Instead of lending you money and charging you interest the lender buys the property on your behalf and then charges you rent until you have paid off the debt and provided them with sufficient extra to cover the cost of the interest.
Then end result is identical but just tweaked a bit to pay lip service to their religious obligations – so I can’t think that these instruments would have any impact on the way the city works.
But praise be to Allah for allowing the BBC another way to look down on us infidels.
Muslims and the non/charging of interest, where what is done is the functional equivalent, is less about “ethics” than it is about casuistry. Of course there is the Orwellian premise that something isn’t what it is if you don’t call it that, but there is also a certain level of taqiyya built in, when Islamic finance is claimed to be more “ethical.”
A short functional equivalent/ what’s the diff “Tale of the Rabbis”:
Two young yeshiva boys go to the Rabbi, and the first asks, “Tell us, Teacher, is it all right to smoke whilst one prays?”
The Rabbi says, “The impertinence of that question! Such chutzpah even to pose it! Sacrilege, that’s what it is! Smoking whilst praying– I never heard of such a thing!”
The second yeshiva boy asks the Rabbi his question: “Teacher, is it all right to pray whilst one smokes?”
Right, Rabbi– tell the kid not to pray; go ahead.
But it’s all going to amount to the same act, innit?
Interesting about usury but sharia has other limitations: no investment in food products which may contain pork. And presumably, no investment in Jewish commercial organizations. Is that a bit waycist? And while we are at it I see the Methodists are considering an ethical policy, whether to boycott Jewish (uhmm, Israeli) products.
Beeboids’ hypocritical political position on the media and state intervention.
Along with its political self-important chums at unrepresentative lobby group, ‘Hacked-Off’, it seems most Beeboids want state intervention relating to the Press (Preferably excluding its ‘Guardian’ political chums, so that they can reveal state security through its application of ‘freedom’?)
BUT it seems Beeboids think that, despite their own monopoly position as a public-funded global broadcaster, they should be excluded from intervention!
And we see the results in massive extravagance, corrupt behaviour, and political bias.
Writing in the ‘Guardian’, she predictably supports the publicly-funded organisation where her Beeboid husband happens to be employed. Not only that, but in myopically not seeing the daily Beeboid political bias, she also tries to exclude the politically ‘left’ newspaper which employs her, ‘Guardian,’ from the fate which she wants for the rest of the Press!
Criticising Cameron she says:-
“How better to please Murdoch, the Telegraph and Associated, than by lambasting and threatening their favourite enemy, the BBC?”
She’s probably thinking if we could have controlled the press better then hubby wouldn’t have to have burnt so much money on his super injunction covering his little indiscretion – the Hugh Grant Motive?
I’ve never heard a Nicky Campbell phone-in debaye without knowing which side he supported.
This morning we have the proposal that we ought to legalise drugs shooting galleries
A female caller with first hand experience of such systems in Ireland and on the Continent questions the testimony of one noticably articulate BBC guest : ‘That person is not representative of the vast majority of addicts’ She goes on the spell out for us the unpleasantness shee has witnessed, but – predictably – she is cut off mid-stream.
Our Nicky later snearingly reads out ‘a text’ from a tax payer complaining of the idea of free drugs. Nicky then invites the campaigner in favour of the proposition to ‘tell out texter where he is wrong’
Mid day news. It’s pensions. The BBc of course fail to mention in any way of course crappy minimum wage jobs won’t even contribute to the state retirement pension let alone an occupational pension. I remember standing opened mouthed at one of my last places of employment as my manager went through the stake holder pension with a new recruit employed on a part time just above minimum wage contract. Of course I’m sure that when you are on BBc wages these little things don’t register as the message is to save for our old age. I’m not sure about legislation now but if your income was low enough for income support only the first £10.00 of an occupation pension was disregarded.
INBBC lines up with ‘unhappy’ Muislim Uighurs in China?
In a cryptic Radio 4 ‘World at One’ item, on what INBBC seems to reluctantly admit now was an Islamic jihad attack in Beijing, Beeboid Mr Grammaticus said, in apparent justification of that attack, that Muslim Uighurs were ‘unhappy.’Mr Grammaticus did not mention whether the families and friends of the assassinated and wounded in Beijing were ‘unhappy.’
Dysqwr wrote: “Perhaps Gareth Pierce is on a flight to go defend them?”
If he does, expect the bBC to give his quality airtime, where he will blame the British, that he demands the British pay up and that he is going to sue the British for injuries caused to Ethnic Chinese during the Boxer rebellion.
I think Chris Packham is a real asset to BBC natural history broadcasting. He got his job by intelligence and persistence and is well qualified. I don’t know what he makes though of his fragrant co-presenter Michaela Strachan, stage trained and presumably commuting by low carbon train from her home in South Africa.
The BBC despite its feminist persona is actually sexist where it counts, female presenters don’t need to be qualified, female news readers have to be easy on the eye. It’s different for the men.
Did anyone watch the 100% women discussion on Newnight last night?
Mary Beard was there with Maitlis and two other “feminists” moaning about how females are still treated badly in modern society.
Two cases: 1) Beard’s Twitter insults and 2) Woman was sexually assaulted on public transport.
Had there been a man there to provide some counter-balance they could have heard some basic truisms: 1)Twitter is largely unmoderated and is not the best place to communicate free from insults (so perhaps Beard should spend more time on a moderated forum?)
2)Both men and women may endure sexual assaults. You can’t eliminate crime, regardless of the equality laws in place.
I suppose if there had been a more thoughtful counter-point the discussion would have lasted no more than a minute.
I’m still unsure as to where all this “unfair” treatment of women comes from. In my experience of the workplace males and females have always been on the same terms and conditions. One of the more amusing questions I used to get asked at interviews was “would you mind working with a woman boss?” Now I’ve worked in a few places where I’ve had a woman manager and in the majority of cases it’s been preferable to a male boss. So where does all this inequality come from as it’s obviously not at my level?
That would be the Mary Beard who hasn’t committed genocide by exterminating a native population, the Mary Beard who hasn’t gotten rich off the backs of slaves, the Mary Beard who didn’t fire-bomb or nuke civilians. “What goes around comes around.”
Is it just me, or does it seem that we lower ourselves by being associated with the USA?
There is no rational answer to your adolescent rant as it is not born of reason rather it is an expression of unresolved ‘father issues’
All your accusation of past crimes could be applied to any society at some point in history. Not least the Islamic ones that you prostitute your yourself to, for the gratification of your self guilt
Again no rational argument, and even an attempt to justify a lack of rationalism! Genocide has been committed by only a small number of societies. Fire-bombing civilians has been committed by just a few. Nuking civilians has been committed by only one. Just because I’m against killing does not stop me observing that, “What goes around comes around”, nor does it make me sympathetic to Islam. I do not have to choose between two things I disaprove of – I want better from the USA and from the Islamic world.
Your against killing but justify the murder of 3000 American civilians
‘what goes around come around’
would that have been true of the 93 attack had that been successful?
Attacks on civilian populations throughout history like genocide, have only been limited by the technology available
The Japanese for instance managed ,without nuclear weapons, to kill over 4 million people during the pacific war. 100,000 of them being Americans.
And various Muslim empires have devastated and enslaved entire populations all over the world with only the crudest of tools ,most recently the Greek and Armenian populations of Turkey
What should their ‘punishment. be?
Without America and its nuclear weapons their would be no south Korea and most of Europe would be under the brutal heel of the old Stalinist soviet union
your defence of Beard is as childish as her offensive comments on question time
Not just Americans. Sixty seven Britons died, making it the highest total of Britonns killed in a terrorist attack, but not the worst terrorist attack in Britain which was the Lockerbie bombing.
I’ve told you already I have no sympathy for Islam. I do not have to choose between two evils, the USA and Islam. You cite some other acts of genocide. Just because other states have done evil does not justify the USA doing evil nor does it justify Islamic or other terrorism. You would benefit from observing the world with cool objectivity. From such a clear perspective you would be able to observe that violence often leads to further violence, and rarely to a resolution. It is clearly true that what goes around comes around. The focus of ire on Mary Beard, rather than on the violence of the USA and terrorism, shows how distorted your perspective is.
Kenneth, I do agree that the US does have a history of using violence in pursuit of its aims. Most nations do. The BBC showed its political bias in cheer leading Obama when he won his Nobel Peace Prize, and in going so silent on Guantanamo. The BBC takes sides in US partisan politics, hating the Republicans, despising the Tea Party, and ignoring the conservative small government Republicans and the Libertarians even where it’s detrimental to British interests. The BBC even ignores those on the left and the peace movement in the US who criticise Obama.
Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was on today’s Daily Politics, gushing with pride that his son Will is Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for the seat of Rossendale and Darwen in Lancashire. Yet it seems that this piece of dynastic info was news to Auntie. Will Straw was on the BBC News Channel this morning, discussing energy prices, and there was no mention of his being a PPC. The presenter simply said, ‘Will Straw is Associate Director of the centre-left think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research.’
We should thank our lucky stars that they included the ‘centre-left’ health warning this time. Just in case you missed it Beeboids, in his appearance before the Select Committee Lord Hall said these health warnings must be given. You have been told.
Raped 13 year old girl buried alive in Pakistan. Another charming story that hasn’t quite made it to the BBC yet, even though it is on the left-wing Huffington Post (part financed by bilionaire George Soros), see|uk|dl1|sec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D219429. Perhaps it is just a little too mundane for the BBC, or maybe they wouldn’t want you to worry that this is something Coming Soon To A Town Near You.
Do you lot not realise, that every time you highlight a particular case, and particularly when said case results in death, we get accused of highjacking a tragic story to suit our corrupt political ends! Huh!
So there.
Sarcasm alert guys and gals.
Keep up the good work.
Is he still a BBC staple?
Not sure ‘Roast Beef & Claret’ quite has the same manic whack-a-mole intensity of his ‘Tory toffs, Tory toffs’ interjections from Breakfast through to Newsnight, but as Lord Hall Hall likes his minions to move on, it seems he’s trying out a new one.
Always interesting who the BBC see as best suited to ‘speak for the nation’. Maybe it’s just he meets the dress code?
As sipping an audacious glass of red seems a dodgy practice, was it not him Guido spotted knocking back a flute of bubbly at Lords not so long ago?
The socialist beverage of choice, one hears. At least, around the corridors.
One can see why he’d be viewed as the ‘right’ sort…. not ideologically, natch.
Be fair, Guess Who. Saddo Maguire seems
as much perturbed by the roast beef lunch
as he is about the glass of red. Spam sandwiches for lunch else you’re a rotten toff, okay.
Associate editor, consultant editor, editor-at-large et al are ego massaging titles for those who think the job description ‘journalist’ – though accurate – is beneath tem.
Funny how you can tell the left wing activist just by looking at them, especially women. Just take a look at this one and decide her political leanings:
The usual giveaways for the wimmin are: (1) shrill, patronising voice; (2) bad haircuit; (3) menopausal manner; (4) silly name. Get all four and they are guaranteed a place in the cabinet or shadow cabinet. For the men: (1) greased back hair like a post-war spiv if under 40 else unkempt hair like a 1970’s university lecturer if over 40; (2) former career as Trot or member of CPGB, now curiously erased from their entry in Wikipedia; (3) facial hair; (4) some involvement with the BBC e.g. former member of staff, spouse works there etc.
Just heard an article on PM about the Same-Sex Marriage law as it applies in Northern Ireland. If the story is to be believed, then the only opponents highlighted by the BBC were those of the Loyalist/DUP persuasion.
Funny that, I thought that both “traditions” in NI were a tad conservative?
Then there was a piece about a 0.1% growth in the Spanish economy during Q3 2103 was treated in a positive manner.
I wonder how such news of the UK economy would be greeted??
The BBC was desperate to make out that opposition to gay marriage in Ulster is partisan and sectarian. It gave a platform to some presumably un-elected equality body, which according to the BBC world view is more legitimate on this matter than the NI Parliament. Apparently if a measure is adopted in England and Wales, and due for consideration in Scotland then it follows that Ulster must follow suit. Not really worthwhile devolving powers then is it?
Well said. I personally don’t care one way or the other about the issue, but, as you say, devolved power is pointless if the self-appointed morally superior classes think they can overrule it.
Many years ago, Neil Kinnock condemned those in the Labour movement who “use democracy as a tactic and not a principle”.
Thanks to the EDL and Tommy, and his current work, anti-jihadism and Muslim reform is now respectable and has thrown off the shackles of being labelled racist.
I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club. Of course they don’t actually state that the poor girls phone was hacked just that there were allegations. But the allegations were a complete lie fabricated by the Guardian and pushed by the BBC ever since as the truth.
To me, nothing shows the vile hypocrisy of the BBC and it’s willingness to use any venal ploy, even a dead girl, to push their agenda.
The sooner these shites are off the air the better.
Pah, “I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club.”
“…three former news editors at the newspaper, Neville Thurlbeck, 52, Greg Miskiw, 63, and James Weatherup, 57, have all pleaded guilty to their part in the hacking plot.”
The accusation was that by deleting voicemails, they gave her parents false hope, which is the real emotional club amongst all the other hacking allegations.
I repeat, nobody has been found guilty of deleting Milly’s voicemails.
That’s because there is no evidence that anyone deleted the voicemails. They are just as likely to have been automatically deleted. Not that the BBC likes you to remember that.
Suppose, by hacking her mobile, the journalists had found something the police had missed, which led to the murderer. These journalists would be feted, not accused. Hindsight is wonderful, but it’s morally much more of a grey area than the Beeb would have you believe.
Andy S “Dez, are you emphatically stating that the three N.O.W. journalists have admitted hacking Millie Dowler’s phone?”
That’s not what I said Andy, as you perfectly well know. However, Glenn Mulcaire has pleaded GUILTY to hacking Millie Dowler’s phone.
Look Dez, me ol’ china, we can all see what your 12:13 reply was intended to do.
You attempted to join the Millie Dowler name with a guilty plea by 3 people.
Now this aint rocket science mate, and I believe it’s part of your training at albeeba in how to obfuscate and deceive, but your excuses fool nobody.
Yes, we ALL see what you did there !
It works very much like the albeeba line over the outrageous Macalpine smears oft repeated on bbc, making sure the Thatcher name appeared in the same line.
You know how it works mate, WE know how it works too, so take your deceit elsewhere huh?
“I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club. Of course they don’t actually state that the poor girls phone was hacked just that there were allegations. But the allegations were a complete lie fabricated by the Guardian and pushed by the BBC ever since as the truth.”
Dez has posted links proving that a man employed by the NOTW not only hacked the phone, but pleaded guilty to the crime in court. He admits it. It happened.
And for some reason Dez gets abuse for proving Pah comprehensively, catastrophically, 100%, wrong.
John Standley then helpfully moves the goalposts by not-very-subtly attacking Dez about an allegation (that the voicemails were deleted) raised solely in the posts of, er, John Standley. Neither Pah nor Dez actually mentioned the act of deletion, John, so I’m not sure why you are. But nice try.
The info you allude to was not in the public domain until after my post so …
When you consider that Milly Dowler was used by the Guardian and the BBC as their blunt instrument to prevent a commercial rival from expanding their outlets do you not wonder at their moral conduct? No noble campaign this, no it was about keeping the lefts hegemony going and introducing restraints on the paper press.
And they did lie about it. As stated they lied about the deletion of the emails and used this to prime the Dowler family with evidence for a lawsuit against NI. No thoughts as to how this would affect the poor parents hours after they had seen the murderer of their daughter sentenced in court. No they wanted to attack NI and so they used grieving parents to do so.
They also lied about NI using hacks of Milly Dowlers phone as there has been no proof up to very recently that NI had anything to do with the hacking her phone – that was only admitted by Mulcaire very recently. But he has an axe to grind against NI as they hung him out to dry and who’s to say how reliable his confession is? Never heard of plea bargaining?
And why Milly Dowler? Why not Sarah Payne? After all NI treated her death with far less ‘compassion’ than they did Milly’s. According to Sarah’s mother Brookes used every trick in the book to get info out of her so that they could big her up and then smash her down again. They treated Sarah Paynes memory far worse than Milly Dowler’s but then her death was not in the news at such a convenient time.
The Sarah Payne story is enough to damn NI for ever but it is never even alluded to by the BBC. Why?
So, proving Pah comprehensively, catastrophically, 100%, wrong. – I don’t think so.
did you listen to question time extra time last thursday on radio 5 live when stephen nolan got ambushed by that ukip supporter,boy did nolan get it full barrels when that ukip supporter accussed the bbc and radio 5 live of left wing and liberal bias,nolan went apeshitt and went off on one saying he is fed up off the bbc being acussed of bias,for some strange reason john(leftie)pienaar went silent when that ukip supporter pointed out a few home facts about bbc bias but what really annoys me about nolan is his hypocrisy.he goes of his way to mock and make fun of ukip,when the tables are turned on him he does not like it one bit,question time extra 10pm thursdays on radio 5 live.
In this country, if we find out that a journalist hacks a phone then justice can prevail (Newsnight will focus more on it if it’s a Murdoch lackey). When the NSA does it, sure it gets some coverage, but it doesn’t matter because Obama says it’s ok. And remember, if the President says it’s ok then it must be fine! No worries.
When they are good enough they will get a place. That’s the problem with sport. You get picked solely on merit. The BBC, understandably perhaps, not being a meritocracy, struggle with that concept.
With regard the left wing, whom the BBC are infested by, does anyone else think that they should be classed as neo-nazi?
neo-nazi in the current sense are merely Nazi, whereas the British left wing are a new breed.
They share the same policies (both being socialist) and Milliband even uses the term “one nation socialism”.
They both exhibit strong anti semitism and resistance to what they see as global zionism.
The only real difference is that the left wing don’t subscribe to Arianism, and have replaced it with diversity/ multiculturalism. Closer inspection shows this aspect to be interesting –
Arianism – strength through homogeneity.
Diversity/ multiculturalism -strength through diversity.
This is merely a flipping of the same obsession with social Darwinism, with the attendant obsession and perversion of genetics and evolution.
They both also appear to be based on a mythology based in the mists of time-
Arayanism – a pure indo-european race from the mists of time
Diversity/ multiculturalism – we were all migrants once.
And both sides were thought up by a group of nutters and then instituted with no democratic mandate with no proof to back them up.
Chuck in the Goebbels like propaganda from the BBC…
That’s an interesting and informative link. I’ve read much about the history of the Nazi Party and the story of Hitler’s rise to power and everything I’ve read, by several well-respect authors on the subject, and despite many attempts by those telling these histories to ‘weird’ the facts to suit their own agendas, suggests very strongly to me that Nazism was, indeed, at heart a socialist ideology, but one that very much compromised many of its core socialist tenets to facilitate the Reich’s industrial war machine prior to and after 1939.
I’ve tried explaining all this many times to friends and associates who steadfastly refuse to see Nazism as anything other than a far-right ideology (which, translated, to them means only ‘capitalist’), despite so much historical evidence pointing to the opposite.
It’s fascinating – and scary – just how completely a historical truth can be airbrushed into a convincing lie by repeated, consistent re-telling. Orwell was right.
It was difficult for the British government to explain that Uncle Joe Stalin (our friend and known to be left wing) was sharing the same politics as Hitler and the Nazis, so it was easier to tell them they were opposite – right wing.
It’s been a convenient deception for the left to carry on
That’s why the Russians always referred to German or Hitlerite Fascists, never Nazis, because they did not wish to draw attention to the “S” word in National Socialism.
I read some where that the National Socialist and German workers party only became ‘Right wing’ for the British intelligentsia after they had (along with the Italian Fascists ) declared as reactionaries by Stalin
I have tried to confirm this for myself by finding the historical record of such an edict .Does any one know more?
I see “Watchdog” continues to be concerned with energy tariffs. It’s certainly been pushed to the top of concerns for most people. It’s just a shame when immigration was a big concern the BBC didn’t have similar investigative journalism, pursuing the problem and who is to blame.
I guess the public has to wait patiently for the BBC to be in sync with them before something is “inquired”?
ember2013, “It’s just a shame when immigration was a big concern the BBC didn’t have similar investigative journalism…”
“About 113,000,000 results…” not enough for you?
Wow that’s amazing. So if you type “bbc immigration” into Google and it gives millions of results it implies that everytime the BBC use the word “immigration” then it’s because they are discussing the problem with mass immigration in the UK?
I guess we can all sleep easy at night with such knowledge!
Jackie Ashley wrote, “The worst thing about his attack was the singling out of a particular reporter, the studiously neutral Mark Easton, whose crime is that he reports on social policy, where the government feels particularly vulnerable.”
Easton is a broken record repeating a single mantra (when he can be bothered to do a piece of churnalism): immigration not a problem; the more the merrier; adds diversity; everyone pleased; now move on.
Does he live in a poor area of London? Has he a Roma for a neighbour? Thought not. His salary is well into six figures.
Earlier this evening I had the misfortune to catch the last few minutes of bBBC NorthWest Tonight. Racism in football was followed by the Manchester Lesbian, Gay and Trans-whatever Festival, then the local weather given by a Nigerian presenter. Classic bBBC, with a seamless transition to a Labour Party Political Broadcast!
Ha ha I saw that as well just another normal evening of reports from North West tonight. Do you know it must be about 6 months since the last time I could be bothered to complain about them.
BBC favourite Martin Lewis’s website has a poll on the licence fee. Among the possible responses:-
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 31%
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 13%
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 43%
Total support for a licence fee 44%, total opposed 50%
I’m surprised, most results in the weekly polls are pretty supportive of a statist/ regulatory stance.
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 4,071 votes (31 %)
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)
Give other broadcasters a chance – scrap the BBC’s licence fee monopoly. 781 votes (6 %)
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 5,744 votes (43 %)
The BBC should be on subscription, so if you watch, view, or use it, you pay. 965 votes (7 %
Interesting that the percentage of people who unreservedly support the BBC – “an important public service, good value and should be kept” at 31% is a good deal lower than Labour’s poll ratings at about 38 – 40%.
Even their target market aren’t buying their bullshit! 😉
“I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)”
So only that 31% support the status quo
56 % think the TV poll tax should be scrapped altogether .
If even ‘art school anarchists’ like red Ken above think its wrong then surely it is time for it to go
The slavish wearing of the poppy by every BBC presenter represents the state sponsored mindwash we must all unquestionly double-think, that our soldiers, and the wars in which they fought, were, and are, worthy of respect. A few were, most weren’t.
The whole poppy thing has been cheapened and commercialised, pretty sure when I was a kid they were only on sale for a week before 11/11. Now they’re on sale and being worn from mid October, not to mention the designer ones worn on Strictly Come Prancing, they’ve lost their real meaning.
The extended period or commercialism are not a problem, for me. It is the total conformity of all presenters wearing a poppy. I prefer individual choice to blanket corporate sameness.
I’m not sure how you are using the word “liberal” because it is used in so many different ways. The orthodoxy is for all presenters to wear poppies. I observe conformity in support of an arm of state, and I question this unthinking support for the armed services, especially because we have been recently mislead in to unsuccessful and costly invasions of other countries.
Have you just awaked from cryogenic suspension?
I use the term bourgeois liberal in the sense of self righteous puritanical true believer in original, western only, sin,
The reason that BBC presenters all wear poppies is ,as they have stated in the past, public opinion.
The BBC would like nothing better than to do away with them as they, like you, are completely disconnected from the consensus
People wear poppies in support of the men and women who are courageous enough to serve .Not in support of Tony Blair
It is you, not they, that toe the establishment line.
As someone who is in possession of an Army pension and a few medals, I too get fed up with “Poppy Fascism” where everybody in the public eye is expected to wear a poppy. I’m old enough to remember when telling someone that I was a squaddie was akin to admitting to eating babies.
Poppies should be optional, not a subject for social conformity.
Dear Kenneth, I’m struggling to make sense of your post.
Are you claiming that most of the members of our armed forces are not worthy of respect?
Do you make that claim from a position of personal experience?
You are talking about the very people who defend your much abused freedom of speech.
Perhaps you dont appreciate those freedoms, and would prefer to live elsewhere. Perhaps you dont live within the UK?
Pray tell, what leads you to surmise that most are not worthy of respect.
Yep confused here as well! so what he is saying is he wants to stop others wearing the poppy? but as no one makes him and conscience wear one so who exactly is his problem ??
I shall remember that comment when I next put on my uniform. Just remember you loathsome creature that it is politicians who declare war not soldiers.
The problem with people like you who would fight for nothing, is that you believe nothing is worth fighting for. When I read comments like yours I wonder what the hell I fought for too.
Respect from the likes of you; I would stoop so low.
You would imagine that when prison space is at a premium and there isn’t space (or will) to send what most decent people regard as real criminals to prison , that singing a song the insults the lefts Messiah would not actually be an offence. However not only is it an offence a special law was cooked up under BLiars regime to allow prosecution :
“racially offensive chanting.”
“racially aggravated fear of violence”
Now it would appear that you can be imprisoned for singing a song which the fascists disapprove of!
And what sentences ! 18 months for singing a song! Some of the Pakistani Paedo gangs didn’t get that long!
They’re political prisoners, anyone who dares criticize the Multicultural Inquisition gets sent to the gulag for brainwashing, like Tommy Robinson.
In the 12th century, it was heretics, in the 17th century it was witches, in the 21st century, it’s nazis and ‘waaycists’ every where, under the bed, behind every lamp post, etc etc.
The full complete photograph of Stephen Lawrence, shows him with a clenched fist, a black power, gangsta rapper salute, which gives us a whole new different angle on Lawrence, instead of the choir boy of the cropped picture.
What this shows is how far the BBC and liberal left campaign to alter the cultural values of our country has succeeded.
In the past the public would have found such songs in bad taste and thought that those who sang them were nasty morons who should be given a wide berth and ignored. But no one would have thought of complaining to the police and then expecting these idiots to be locked up.
In fact years ago you could say what you thought about pretty much anything that took your interest, regardless of how much offense it may give, with no fear of the law. Sometimes it would be rude , unpleasant , upsetting even, but some times it would be worth saying and of value to society as a whole. Now there is a growing list of things you can’t say in public without fearing that someone will call the law because they are offended or pretend to be offended.
But what is even worse than these repressive laws, is that they have become culturally accepted and no one dare protest about them, even though they are curtailing our freedom of speech. The BBC has been at the forefront of this drive to change our culture and it is succeeding.
Leveson is just another part of the drive to change British culture and will be just another nail in the coffin of our democracy. The BBC is anti democratic and all true liberals should want it abolished.
Our sister in law was killed two years ago by an immigrant taxi driver as she was walking along an unlit road. He had no taxi operators licence and we suspect no insurance. Oh he was spared jail because “he had a family”
I was not aware that possession of a family was a get out of… anything really… free card.
One presumes there are exceptions, these really being vital in law to ensure anarchy is kept at bay.
If they could, the government would introduce a crime of “racially offensive existence” to cover all white people. Sorry, let’s make that “When they feel they can they will introduce a crime of…”
Nicky Campbell on the problem of anti-social behaviour :
‘Let’s not single out one section of society…. what about the Bullingdon Club?’
Where to begin?
Firstly this comment has nothing to do with the supposed debate. It is no more than a deliberate voicing of a piece of Left-wing mythology.
Secondly – and perhaps more importantly – how on earth does Campbell’s reciting of this slogan help those thousands of real people up and down the country whose lives are blighted by anti-social behaviour?
Campbell is biased to the Left and he is an over-paid idiot
He has brushed aside his own connections to Savile and happily fronts up for the BBC like a loyal employee of the Corporation. I say ‘like’ and loyal employee becasue he is not on the BBC payroll and subject to PAYE
Time for the sack- or should I say – put an end to his contract
So the liberal inquisition has got it’s Royal Charter.
That deals with freedom of speech and the press.
Now for the internet. Should be no problem. This wretched blog should be shut down .far too right wing.
Then we could criminalize actual speech itself we don’t like or is inappropriate.
Come on BBC tell us all why it is a good thing. After all we have the fearless ,independent, evenhanded, socially adjusted-insert more meaningless left liberal mantras here- BBC and it’s hangers on in the press to protect our ancient freedoms.
You either have free speech or you do not. In the USA it is protected by the Constitution. Here it is now at the mercy of politicians and the liberal elite. Welll done.
Tyrants by inevitablity- the destination of any liberal dominated society.
I forgot to add. The real triumph of the liberal fascist state is when you find yourself checking your own thoughts for “correctness” before you really think them. Funny that the USSR needed the Gulags. The liberal fascist state does it with what it calls “niceness and empathy” which I term political correctness.
Either way it is tyranny.
Well said, I keep asking myself when and how it happened, its the looking over your shoulder before you say something that could be considered un-pc, even in your own back garden.
I left school in 1982 but looking back now I can see that it really kicked in the 1970’s with the so ‘cool’ hippy teachers, the authoritative and respected teachers from the 40’s & 50’s were on their way out and treated with ridicule by the new arrivals.
I clearly remember the arrival of the first coloured pupil (can I say that? I can’t keep up, no offence meant) at my school in 1973, the whole school was called into the hall and told in no uncertain terms that we must treat him with respect, a line was already drawn…
From 1973 with zero immigrants to 40 years on, that school now has a Muslim headmaster.
Don’t forget the way they control the language. Political correctness. If the language to express banned thoughts does not exist then neither can the thoughts. It’s exactly like George Orwell wrote, it works and it is happening.
Witness the current attempt to change immigrants into migrants. Migrant is better because it is non-judgemental.
How about the way they use the term ‘poverty’ when what they mean is ‘living in a household with one third of the median national income’.
The BBC is the grand master of language thought control.
So keen to show Syria as complying with John Kerry’s proposal the BBC have left out an important word in their headline:
“Syria chemical weapons equipment destroyed, says OPCW”
‘the BBC have left out an important word in their headline”
Part of their ongoing commitment to accuracy not needing to fit so long as the ‘message’ does?
another BBC “Star” arrested for being a sex case rapist paedo. Is there any other media organisation in the world that has had so many of its employees arrested for these crimes? is it because of the unique way its funded?
May I remind bloggers that even insinuating the name of the person or dropping suggestive hints (“Why is McAlpine Trending”) is sufficient to be open to prosecution for libel should the man or woman inferred be innocent.
All getting a bit horse-heady, ‘shame if your kids…’ these days, isn’t it?
I am not doubting the truth of the advice, as getting from rather draconian sentences for saying things vs. doing worse (say, sober hideously incorrectly-hued footy yobs vs. skunked faith-based muggerettes) is already a reality, but now it appears the crime of asking for clarification on often unclear or badly drafted law appears to be here, and used as a less than subtle club to prevent any discourse that may not suit some in control but also out of it.
Today this morning – repetitive reporting of polio in Syria – all caused by the nasty Assad and his army. Yet the BBC did report that there was also polio to be found in the sewers of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Israel. The woman being interviewed explained that Syria until the start of the conflict 2 or 3 years ago had 90% of the population immunised but this had dropped to 60%. (I think she was from WHO but she is not named in the Today running order and I cannot face listening to Today twice in 24 hours). Now we don’t get immunised for polio every year – so the 90% who had been immunised before the start of the civil war are still immunised – leaving only those due for immunisation in the last couple of years (and I presume the 60% figure applied to them) meaning only a few babies have no polio protection. Either the person being interviewed was rather good at manipulating figures – or she did not explain things well and the Today people did not draw the information from her. Either way the Today programme was excellent at spreading the rebels propoganda.
Ok let me get this right
Before the civil war 90% of population received vaccination. Since the break down of civil society that has dropped to 60% ,and somehow, for Al Beeb, that’s the fault of Assad but not the rebels?
Maybe this might have something to do with it
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, “Dez will claim all of that is propaganda!”
No, not propaganda. The Today programme did not claim the outbreak of polio was “all caused by the nasty Assad and his army”.
It’s just Deborah making stuff up as usual.
Well I hope the BBC are as interested in the relationship between Guardian journalist (who helped distribute Snowden’s leaks) and his lover as much as they are in the Brooks-Coulson affair. As the prosecutor said today:
Mr Edis told jurors he was not revealing the affair to deliberately intrude into their privacy or to make a “moral judgment”.
“But Mrs Brooks and Mr Coulson are charged with conspiracy and, when people are charged with conspiracy, the first question a jury has to answer is how well did they know each other? How much did they trust each other?,” he said.
Hopefully the private details of Miranda and Greenwald will be covered when we finally have a court case involving their acts of treason….which will hapen…er never.
Nice to see QT having representatives of the Gay and Transgender community on tonight but I’m surprised there isn’t a Muslim representative on there as well, funny that. Incidentally my tongue seems to be firmly stuck in my cheek.
Yes but not all the time as my stress levels wouldn’t be able to cope. I have a feeling tonights offering may be too much to stomach, not being an enlightened soul when it comes to matters gay and transsexual.
Lets take a look at some of the credits for tonight’s Question Time…
Series Editor, Nicolai Gentchev – Communist
Participant, Jeremy Browne – nominated for the Stonewall Politician of the Year Award in 2011 for his work to support equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people
Participant, Chris Bryant – Gay not adverse to posing in his underpants.
Participant, Paris Lees – Lees founded the first British magazine aimed at the trans community, META, was the acting assistant editor of Gay Times
And to top that We have Gay Nolan and Lefty Pienaar to follow on 5 Live
Indeed why are the 1% of population who self identify as homosexuals (1.5% if you include bi-sexuals ) so well represented ,coincidence?
What issue that is currently topical requires their insight ?
Someone earlier wondered why this magic mix was oddly free of any multi-culturally diverse input for a rare period.
Maybe the question will come up from the audience, unless pre-vetted of course?
Two court reports relating to Taliban Islamic jihadists and British troops.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Taliban hung the limbs of our friends from trees, says Marine accused of killing captive.
“Court martial hears tensions had been building before killing.
“Insurgents had paraded body parts of Marines blown up by IEDs.
“Commando admits he was ashamed of shooting captured enemy.
“Experienced sergeant insisted he believed gunman was already dead.”
I thought the Geneva Convention did not apply to unlawful fighters not wearing uniform. Summary execution seems like a good idea to me. Maybe it would be better to send him to Guantanamo, where his lawyers can sue the arse off us for the rest of his worthless life?
Its Common Law rather than the Geneva Convention issue. The principle applies to military and civilians, in any part of the world. Its irrelevant if the “enemy” is an actual enemy solider or a criminal/terrorist, whether in war or not.
A soldier on the battlefield killing an enemy soldier/terrorist in actual battle, satisfies the Common Law definition of murder with the expection of one important part, the enemy soldier/terrorist is not under the Queens Peace and therefore the UK squaddie is not guilty of murder.
A prisoner of war/captured terrorist or an injured combatant is under the Queens Peace, and killing that person is murder.
However, thats not to say the CPS should bring criminal charges in every case. People can commit homicide on a technicality or other factors, sometimes its not in the public interest to bring charges, and this case is, in my opinion, an example.
Again, my personal opinion is that these charges are politically based, brought on by left wing pressure groups that are traitors that hate our armed forces and our country
The Americans didn’t have a problem executing the Germans who infiltrated their lines in American uniform in the Battle of the Bulge. The usual rule of thumb in war is that you take prisoners if the enemy does. That’s why we did not take very many Japanese or SS prisoners during the war, it’s a form of karma. My understanding is that the protection of the Geneva Convention does not apply to an irregular combatant who is not wearing the uniform of an enemy. I am not sure what reasonable expectation of the protection of the Queen’s Peace an Afghan insurgent could expect?
“The Americans didn’t have a problem executing the Germans who infiltrated their lines in American uniform in the Battle of the Bulge. ” That would be classed as “Treachery” as opposed to a “Ruse of War” so the death penalty could apply.
According to the Laws Of Armed Conflict (LOAC -the Geneva Convention being a generic term for these laws), enemy combatants not wearing a uniform are to be treated under normal Combat Rules until their status can be established.
The Taliban could also claim under the LOAC that they are a Levee en Masse and that no uniform or emblem (think LDV armbands as in Home Guard) is required.
The LOAC also apply where no formal declaration of war has been made, during “Large scale military activities akin to war”.
I agree that might be the letter of the law, I am talking about the practice of it. The SS did not take prisoners, and so they were not, on the whole, taken prisoner. But that was in the days before helmet cameras and human rights lawyers, and the army was not expected to behave like a bunch of PCSOs dealing with naughty kids.
At risk of a hall monitor turning up and chiding the lack of BBC Bias being discussed, this is an interesting one, especially given the clear professional knowledge being deployed.
Like the licence fee (see what I did there?), an anachronism from another time, the ‘rules’ of ‘war’ seem to have changed with the passage of the years, along with what constitutes a ‘war’ and what gets deemed an undeclared bit of a rumble, and who has set and/or is laying by any ‘rules’.
Certainly post Korean, the lack of uniforms in, say, Vietnam seemed to introduce grey areas right there.
There’s also the inherently nihilistic nature of some combatants now, right up to a few old boys at the top. ‘Wars’ tended to be for on or around stuff to be gained, or defended against.
There now seems a new play that is basically killing for any old reason as it’s more fun than sitting around doing -f-all in a flyblown dump, with the nearest cause bolted on in justification when a BBC reporter wanders in.
A bit like MAD, a lot of these ‘rules’ were based on a reasonable presumption that the other side wanted a fair chance of making it through the conflict, if not always coming out ahead.
Negotiating, dealing with or otherwise interacting with combatants who don’t have that imperative would suggest the basically sensible, humane if always flawed traditional ‘rulebook’ has long been torn up by a fair few cynical, aggressive, non-peaceloving types.
They know it. Those they are faced by know it. Some the latter are protecting know it.
Sadly, their political leaders pretend not to, and waffle on about noble, lost ideals.
And in a few, risible cases, the media of the country they defend know it full well, ignore it, and use the screwed up ‘rules’ twisted in any way they can to suit their miserable little ends.
Just as they do, daily, with ‘Editorial Guidelines’.
An excellent observation – our soldiers have long been fighting with one arm tied behind our backs, even in Northern Ireland. And the terrorists knew this, as do the Islamonutters.
I agree, the Geneva Conventions were drawn up when uniformed army fought uniformed army. We had no problem taking thousands of Iraqi soldiers prisoner in 1991 and 2003, and even the Iraqis did not murder our POWs, though they were tortured. However, the fate of an allied soldier captured by the Taliban would be grim indeed, and it seems utopian to treat them better than they would treat us. None of that counts to the human rights campaigners of course, who often seem to be the useful idiots of the enemy.
Will the Beeboids’ trade union branches of the National Union of Journalists now, explicitly and publicly, condemn the following activities of the ‘Unite’ trade union and urge Mr Miliband, the Labour Party leader, to do likewise?
Front-page, ‘Daily Mail’ Thursday:-
“Terrorised by union bullies: How Labour’s Unite paymasters intimidated managers and their children in bitter oil refinery battle”
“On their website, Labour’s biggest union paymasters describe the tactics they use in industrial disputes under the innocent-sounding heading ‘leverage’.
“To know what this actually means, just ask the wives and children of managers at the Grangemouth oil refinery.
“As they testify today, Unite’s ‘leverage’ is a campaign by the union’s specialist intimidation units to hound and harass families of bosses with whom they disagree, making them fear for their safety.
“It means mobs of demonstrators yelling through loudspeakers outside homes and leafleting neighbours with hate-filled propaganda.
“The revelations come as police investigate new evidence that Unite conspired to rig the selection of a Labour candidate in Falkirk – whose local party just happens to be chaired by the union militant who almost brought Grangemouth to its knees.
“As is now clear, Ed Miliband’s internal inquiry into Unite’s Falkirk shenanigans was an abject whitewash. Does he still stand by its findings? Does he also support his paymasters’ use of ‘leverage’ to terrify innocent families?
“Come to that, does he back the call from Unite’s militant boss, who gave him his job, to make the union a ‘more active participant in the life of the party’?
“We repeat: the case for a public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the Labour Party grows stronger by the day.”
Condemn Why would they?
‘leverage committees’ are straight out of the Saul Alanski playbook and would be seen by them as a legitimate way of achieving their ends.
That it is a tactic used in absence of any consensus support is neither here nor there to them, as they believe that ‘they know best’
It would be interesting to see how they (trade union leaders and journalists ) would respond if the, so called right, used these same tactics against them.
We have had a taster of their reaction to such an event. A letter writing campaign to the neighbours of Billy Bragg, pointing out his hypocrisy. Was not received well by the liberal inquisition at all
Remember the left thinks it has the moral high ground. That is how they operate. They convince themselves of this and then anything goes .Opponents are either mad or bad.
Just try and argue any point with a liberal. Waste of time. Two minutes and they start screaming abuse.
The old end justifies the means of the communist era.
A constant feature of supposed audience participation in the broadcast landscape of BBC Radio 5 is the little trick where presenters read out so-called ‘texts’ from listeners.
Now of course in reality these ‘texts’ are approved soundbites pumped into the presenters’ computer screens by the BBC studio production staff. They serve to reinforce the particular message to show wishes to portray.
Even a little experience of listening to this stuff will tell you that there is certain tendency – dare I say bias – to the Left.
I would admit that the BBC have a problem here, they are slaves to their own prior biases since their present audience is to a great extent self-selecting. I’m a conservative and I often simply switch off when I find the BBC leaning too far Left. In this way most conservatives by and large have given up on the BBC – news and current affairs at any rate.
The feeling is that the sure way to get a ‘text’ through to air is to say something Labourite.
Before you ask I still listen apart from anything else because I am interested to know where my Licence Fee is going.
Peter Alan is a fairly centre ground presenter – as far the BBC 5 Live is concerned. He is obviously pro-public sector and generally Left compared the actual British centre ground. He comes over as a loyal employee (PAYE?) of the BBC with a bit of fake fuddyduddy old world charm but in reality as PC as the rest of them.
To the point. Today, as usual, he requests some quaint stories from his listeners.
Bang. In comes a ‘text’ as requested by Alan this time about embarrassing things done by toddler aged youngsters.
“When I was a toddler, I was taken to a Labour Party Conference…..”
Oh how I laughed. And I didn’t even need to hear the punch line.
“When I was a toddler, I was taken to a Labour Party Conference…..”
It was a different time.
Now, anything that could be construed as a negative comment (and toddlers can issue these) would see a bunch of heavies ejecting said infant onto the street before you can say ‘lower the voting age’.
Can you imagine the kind of rather unrepresentative oddball that caller must have been turned into by his parents?
I thought labour party conferences were more adept at evicting OAP’s actually, or rather having them arrested under anti terror laws fir disagreeing with who? john reid?
Ho hum
The talents the BBC deploys, their numbers and market rates, can often be hard to stay on top of…
Seems ‘Delivering Ever More Non (or Daft) Jobs For The Boys First’ is more the ongoing mission.
Still, in other news….
Seems it’s pretty much musical chairs at Aunty, only when the music stops, beautiful boys rush in to add more vacant chairs needing to be filled, either from within, or using Lord Patten’s little headhunter sideline without bothering with any of that silly advertising anywhere so anyone ‘non-BBC’ gets to embarrass everyone by applying and having to be rejected, reasons FOI-exempted.
As with, as always… ‘deciding which stories to “go large” on’.
Or, of course, to kill if necessary.
It must be nice to control the edit suite and broadcast dials if you are a censor-enabled propagandist with zero oversight.
for crying out bloody loud! …
how is this important news?
snivelling Islamophiles rejoice?
“The MPs are members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has roots in political Islam”
ie – BBC – ever support for Islamists
Yet again on the One show, let’s attack the English.
Welsh are fun Irish are good old boys but you English are miserable, well matey we never use to be so wander what’s happened.
Radio 4, at 4.50pm, caught in a traffic jam listening to a learned professor expounding on his thesis that climate change (warming) is contributing to poor quality soil fertilisation in dry areas. But it affects the developing countries worse than the more wealthy countries. Our female interviewer merely had to emphasise how serious this plight is for the poorer nations.
Given INBBC’s propagandist role for global Islam, and for the Islamisation of Britain, one might have expected more INBBC material on the wonders of attempts to expand Shariah-compliant finance in U.K.
“More Background on the British Sukuk and Shariah Index.”
This is quite good. Delingpole and some ex-BBC muppet/apologist debating the BBC’s lefty bias…
Dellers : “So it’s a state funded job creation scheme”
BBC Muppet : (patronisingly) “It really is important, actually, James, that something…where the whole nation is paying for…benefits the nation as best it can…”
Dellers : “That’s Socialism”
BBC Muppet : “Well, good!”
Dellers : “I rest my case”
…my God she’s a useless gabbler, typical of the sort of vacuous establishment empty vessels in government (Lab, Con, whatever) and the BBC.
DeborahMar 2, 21:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just watching the on the hour news and Starmer with his chest puffed out sending the message that he is…
tomoMar 2, 20:58 Weekend 1st March 2025
MarcoMar 2, 20:19 Weekend 1st March 2025 People can’t afford to eat or heat there homes in this country and yet these lefty wef globalist leaders want…
tomoMar 2, 20:12 Weekend 1st March 2025 Forget the missiles….. That would be quite the plot twist. 😮 “It, however, turns out that this may not be…
atlas_shruggedMar 2, 20:04 Weekend 1st March 2025 Dr Neale Hanvey MP interventions:
tomoMar 2, 19:49 Weekend 1st March 2025 Zelensky came up the bluidy minerals deal first in September 24 meet with candidate Trump… All these UKR flag shaggers…
There is the accusation that the Guardian is the bBC in print. Here father was Labour Baron Ashley and her husband is bBC Andrew Marr. So no influence on the content of her article then!
Special pleading, self-interest and leftist hypocrisy all in one!
Compare and contrast the political operations of:
a) Beeboid Marr+Guardian Ashley interests, with those of-
b.) Labour Party Harriet Harman+’Unite’Jack Dromey.
The BBC are the (tax funded) PR department of the Labour Party. There is more chance of Elvis being found alive on the moon than the Labour Party giving people the freedom not to fund the BBC.
The calculate it in terms of votes swung to Labour.
1) Fiddle the boundaries – who cares about democracy 2) Flood the country with millions of immigrants – and educate them to hate English culture 3) Expand the bloated public sector and create more perks and dependencies, but above all 4) Enforce a universal tax so that the pro-Labour BBC dominate television news and current affairs 24/7.
For the Left the end always justifies the means – as Marx (that English hating German immigrant bloke defended by Tristram Hunt the other day) explained, morality is for them, for us everything is about power.
So expect the impartial BBC to lobby for a newspaper levy on The Sun the Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph in order to subsidize readers of The Guardian. As Lisa Simpson said the other day to her new friend, let us create a fantasy world in which everybody is equal, and we are in charge.
The BBC is the hate driven intolerance and bottomless sense of entitlement of the Labour Party personified. All they require from you is the destruction of your Country (its values and culture) in return for a glorious vision of absolute submission and strict adherence to a new Party order, which wherever it has been tried has increased not decreased poverty, has decreased not increased freedom, and most noticeably of all, has created a grey and uniform world of conformity and spiritual death.
Wild. Superb comment on the BBC. Well done
As with all the loony lefties, she doesn’t get it! I could agree with all her rants against the press, but I don’t have to pay for them unless I want to. But with the bBBC, I am forced to pay £145.50 a year for them to spout Labour propaganda at me.
You are not forced Arthur, just give up the TV, and do something else, it’s easy. If you must watch something, do it on-line, post broadcast.
A quote from that article –
“As to the Jimmy Savile scandal, the BBC is culpable in not being more aggressive with a historic culture of sexual abuse. But plenty of other oganisations at the time tolerated similar behaviour.”
Who cares about these ‘other organisations?’ Savile worked for the BBC! The writer almost seems to be saying that two wrongs make a right, and this about one of the most depraved and prolific predatory paedophiles the country has known. Really is trying to defend the indefensible.
“What happened was vile, but if we are going to be consistent, we should really put the entire culture of the 70s and 80s into the dock.”
How on earth can you put decades into the dock? These crimes were committed by a BBC employee with it seems almost full knowledge of some of the people actually running the BBC. Absolutely disgraceful journalism. This article made me feel ill.
After Monday night’s undercover Inside Out West where a Muslim and white chap compete for jobs and housing, BBC Points West follow up interviewing three ‘Bristol Muslims’ on the horrors of the programs findings.
Note the lack of balance and the sympathetic tone of the report and the fact that no questions were asked as to why maybe the Muslim was refused.
10 minutes in – also note the lead story an ‘enricher’ making big money by doing his best to poison local fast food outlets, only surprised the BBC reported it.
This morning’s Today program (about 2 hr 40 mins in) had a piece about two young Norwegian sisters who have left home to engage in jihad in Syria- they did qualify them as being of Somali origin – I would contend that they were Somali not Norwegian – we are forever being told by the BBC of terrorist crimes committed by British citizens who always turn out to be from some Islamic hell hole to whom we generously gave refuge.
What was worse was John Humphrys failing to ask the obvious question – were these young girls (19 and 15 ?) going to join in “sexual jihad” – giving their bodies to the Al Q fighters ? Highly unlikely that they were going as fighters.
There was a story on Al Jazeera about young girls from Tunisia who went to join the Syrian jihad. They were used as whores by the foreign jihadists and returned pregnant and HIV+, the babies were also HIV+. They said they were used repeatedly by many different men and forced to commit disgusting acts they would not talk about.
Presumably the same will happen to these Norwegian/Somali girls.
Wonderful religion, isn’t it?
Will the BBC report this?
Will the BBC report this?
“Will the BBC report this? Err….Nope!”
Because it’s quite obviously false propaganda straight out of the mouth of the Tunisian Government with no evidence whatsoever. Obvious, that is, to anyone who hasn’t hung their brain up on the back of the door.
Hello BiasedBBC!
It is quite credible that this atrocity story is made up. The BBC is not the only channel to spin things. I think every channel has a news agenda, the BBC’s happens to be left wing liberal and generously funded by a levy. Russia Today is especially blatant for bias.
Try to accept the reality of the BBC. even Al Jazeera have more integrity than you facists
Actually I’ve been told that Israeli spokespeople prefer to be interviewed on al Jazeera rather than the BBC. They quote accurately exactly what you say and you know exactly where you stand with them.
Shw mae Dez, a chroeso nol. Ble wyt ti wedi bod?
yn y BBC wrth cwrs!
Turns out the Beeb investigated the Tunisian story. Story appears to be true.
Seems fairly convincing to me.
What do you think Dez?
Dez doesn’t. He’s just a drive-by shit tosser.
Philip K Dick,
“Turns out the Beeb investigated the Tunisian story”
Oh, so your original complaint is completely invalid. Thanks for the clarification.
Why not admit you are wrong as well,Dez? You said ” It’s quite obviously false propaganda straight out of the mouth of the Tunisian government…”
Very rarely are right and you are WRONG again?
What a dunce!!!!
Andy S
“Why not admit you are wrong as well,Dez?”
The BBC report linked to by PK Dick does not say the story is true; it simply reports the allegations whilst noting the compete lack of evidence. Did you even bother to read it?
Norwegians and Swedes are very laid back, liberal and tolerant people, thus they can be easily taken advantage of, war like nations which Norway and Sweden use to be a thousand years ago wouldn’t be so easily suckered by fake sob stories by ” refugees.”
Somalians DEMAND free housing and more money in Sweden, how ungrateful. I like the ”efnik” music ( cacophony ). The Camp of the Saints springs to mind.
My favourite bit is the constant SQUEALING at 2.15, Arabic such a beautiful language.
Furthermore I think we can safely assume Norway and Sweden will cease to exist as Western countries within two generations at most.
And before the liberal apologists point out the geographical location of both I am talking about the people. Change the people change the culture.
Those that can should leave now.
Those countries can be the equivalent of the canaries in the coal mine for us.
A bellweather, an indicator of what will arrive here. Sone of us can see that already, others are slower to accept the inevitable.
Dysgwr ,I think the canary is Zimbabwe and South Africa, they’re the blue print when whites become a minority.
PC doesn’t stand for Political Correctness, it’s Post Christian and Post Caucasian.
A Warning to America from South Africa by ilaner Mercer
She also wrote ” Into the Cannibal Pot”
Having regard to the top link, it’s difficult to disagree, so I won’t.
Many thanks David.
As regards the lower link, I just ordered the book. Thanks for the recommend.
Highly recommend reading:
Into the Canibal’s Pot
By Ilana Mercer.
Superb book
Hat tip to David Brims
Marxism or Decadence ? the Cause of Western Weakness
” It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda.
Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?”
It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me.
They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind.
It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation.
Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them.
They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
Good article. You could argue that it is only when living standards started to steeply rise after the Industrial Revolution that Leftism became a problem, a sort of sickness caused by affluence.
I seem to recall a Muslim scholar in the Middle Ages called Ib Kaldun arguing (no doubt he took the idea from Plato and Aristotle) that there is a natural cycle – prosperity leads to decadence which leads to collapse which leads to renewal which leads to prosperity which leads to decadence which leads to collapse, and so forth, until presumably we invent technology that is so powerful we destroy ourselves beyond the point of revival.
Most Leftists I meet are very stupid people (too stupid to know how stupid they are) but I also meet intelligent Leftists who are fully aware that they are devotees of a religion of hatred, it is just that they are such narcissists they find it hard to care about anybody or anything except their own feelings, and it excites them to be evil.
The Christians used to call this Original Sin. In my bleaker moments I view myself as somebody that believes in Original Sin but does not believe in the God that is supposed to redeem us i.e. Augustine minus his faith in God.
What brings me back from the brink of despair is the abundance of good people in the world. Tommy Robinson for example.
The Tytler Cycle by 18th century Scots historian Alexander Tytler
” A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence.”
1. From bondage to spiritual faith
2. From spiritual faith to great courage
3. From courage to liberty
4. From liberty to abundance
5. From abundance to selfishness
6. From selfishness to complacency
7. From complacency to apathy
8. From apathy to dependence
9. From dependence back into bondage.
Will there be a BBC report on the black Vikings of the Middle Ages soon? Maybe they were gay as well, with high heels and horned helmets.
No doubt they read the rune version of the Guardian until their enslavement by the Anglo-Saxons (sponsor: Rupert Murdoch).
Peaceful Scandinavian mosques were then converted into jihadist churches, etc etc.
There is blackman in this film.
I*’m sure I’ve seen a coloured Viking on some Childrens TV show. Sorry I have no head possibly?
Most of our Somalis are Dutch or Swedish. Norway being outside the EU means their Somalis don’t have residence rights here and so travel elsewhere.
I have to say, if i was an infantry officer in the Stan, and captured or came across wounded enemy that turned out to be from the UK, i would shoot them on the spot and damn the consequences.
I really do know that HS2 isn’t everyone cup of team, but did anyone catch the Maitless interview with Patrick McCloughlin on Newsnight last night?
Not just was it the usual interrupting / hectoring interview that Newsnight reserve for Tories, but Maitless looked on the verge of loosing it. Her contorted, face was a picture of anger and the more McClaughlin swept aside her pathetic assertions (for they were assertions not questions), the more contorted and angry she looked.
Maitless, of course, never seems to be one step from hysteria when she has the likes of Harman in front of her.
Diane Coyle, one of the BBC Trust / Cheerleaders suggested some weeks ago (when the BBC bias allegations hit the headlines), that each party got a fair share of BBC coverage. She, though, failed to recognise that it’s the way that the BBC treats politicians differently that defines their bias.
Sorry, but she failed nothing of the sort. She knows it damn well, but thinks the BBC just needs to trot out a variant of “got it about right” and no further questions will arise.
And she’s not far wrong there, up to now.
On that topic, Roland, I thought I’d waste my time and crank up the blood pressure a few millibars by ‘connecting’ with Audience Services on the subject of the Jo Brand/Prince Harry slur.
I got what I deserved:
‘Have I Got News For You is a satirical news quiz and the audience is used to the often irreverent humour. This line was a play on words as part of a section on the surnames of those involved in the christening of Prince George and was clearly tongue-in-cheek.’
So there we go.
Imagine – Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train a Comin’
Series 24. Episode 1/7
New series. Alan Yentob begins another run of arts documentaries with this profile of the American guitarist who enjoyed… blah blah.
Yesterday on BBC 1
Alan Yentob once again adding nothing of value for his £400k salary. Billed as ‘presenter’ and ‘series editor’ in reality all he did was introduce a programme made entirely in the US by Americans.
Utter waste bordering on misconduct in public office.
It is very depressing – I am a huge fan of Hendrix but I fear that having Yentob’s ugly mug as the talking head with his usual trite analysis will be more than I can bear.
I assume that Yentob never met him – so it is just another opportunity for him to swan around at our expense whilst claiming two salaries.
‘Billed as ‘presenter’ and ‘series editor’ in reality all he did was introduce a programme made entirely in the US by Americans’
Yes much like Jeremy Whine getting a quarter mill a year and counting for topping and tailing Panorama.
One minute in front of a camera to say,
‘And in tonight’s Panorama we’ll be looking at…’
pause and then,
‘So in tonight’s Panorama you saw…’
Had a quick look at the web site for this programme. I see:
Edmund de Waal: Make Pots or Die
Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train A Comin’
David Bowie – Cracked Actor
Beyoncé: Life is But a Dream
Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender
Nothing remotely interesting here as far as I’m concerned – as usual.
The BBC is a complete waste of space.
On Guido’s blog today…..
Rickytshirt says:
October 30, 2013 at 10:56 am
“Any organisation which has to justify every salary, every croissant and every taxicab will get so bogged down in paperwork it will stop functioning.”
No Jackie. Any organisation that doesn’t justify every salary and lets employees take liberties with freebies and expenses, as the BBC has become accustomed to, will not last long.
The BBC, a private company, is in the ludicrous position of being able to steal money from the public under the threat of a huge fine and ultimately imprisonment for simply owning and using a television – something that should be the right of every man and woman in this once free country. They then hawk the programs we paid for back to us on dvd and to foreign networks for private profit. They then insult us further by with an openly socialist, metrocentric, EUphilic, warmist, guardianista agenda in everything from news, current affairs and comedy. Not only that, as has now become known, they secretly conspired to eliminate all positions contrary to the global warming myth from its output. This cannot go on.
Ashley’s joke of the week:
-“the studiously neutral Mark Easton.”
I wonder if that one liner will make it onto HIGNFY ?
I’m going back a few years with this example, a tiny one but indicative of the BBC’s lack of control of their finances. At their invitation I claimed taxi fares, not much money, and they paid them. They then paid them again a few weeks later. The people I’d been to see didn’t know who I should send the cheque back to, even they were hard to find, and the sender wasn’t indicated on the comps. slip it came with. The people I spoke to said ‘Don’t bother, just pay it into your account, there’s no-one checking things like that’. But I did return it. Waste of our money has been going on for decades. I’ve wondered since how much money has been filched out of them through fraud and chancing.
… and did you take the taxi to your luncheon appointment and leave it outside ‘on the meter’ for three hours just because you could?
You should have.
Everyone else does.
Worth re-sharing the URL to savour the full joys of the piece, Mrs. Marr’s thoughts, and the expert ‘analysis’ in response..
I had thought the BBC managed to put the Tories’ efforts on this to bed pretty well unaided, as it was (in my view) the wrong message via the wrong messenger at the wrong time, but the Graun seems determined to help snatch mockery (and a degree of unwelcome spotlight) from the jaws of victory. Clark County #2.
The protesteth from Beeb-in-print doth seem a bit mutch.
‘“there is no solidarity among journalists”
Not sure about that.
What seemed to be between her hubby and that researcher when he was ‘tired and emotional’ after that hard day’s editting seemed pretty solid, if in need of a hand.
And certainly it set further ears flapping around after the super-injunction tours previously, too.
Lucky no Vicky Pryce she.
The one you cite was indeed quality. But I liked this one too:
Privatise the BBC now says:
So let’s put it another way:
Grammar school and Oxford educated, ex BBC trainee and Newsnight producer & presenter, journalist at the Guardian, daughter of an ex. Labour Peer, married to one of the BBC’s highest paid presenters says that the left leaning BBC (that advertises many of its vacancies in the Guardian, which the BBC buys more of than any other newspaper) is in fine fettle and to leave it alone.
Where’s the problem?
Ears flapping, love it.
All those right on credentials and still hubby has to look for extra marital fun and then (in his open and transparent journalistic way) get a super injunction to cover it up – sadly unlike the author of the ‘Joy of Sex’ in probably the beebs finest hour he didn’t die “After a series of short strokes”
Sorry but really can’t stand the smug git – clearly glad he didn’t die but sadly back on our screens .
He is an ugly creep to boot….what on earth did she………..
On BBC1 “news where you are” in London last night we were treated to a short introduction to Islamic (non-debt) faux-debt instruments. The item ended with the reporter opining that the “corruption” in the City of London (and, by implication, western-style finance generally) will be solved by the arrival of sharia-compliant “ethical” finance. I’m used to egregious and uncalled for islamophilia on the BBC but, frankly, this was outrageous.
There is a thing called an Islamic mortgage (there is a Jewish version too as they both disallow usury in theory).
Instead of lending you money and charging you interest the lender buys the property on your behalf and then charges you rent until you have paid off the debt and provided them with sufficient extra to cover the cost of the interest.
Then end result is identical but just tweaked a bit to pay lip service to their religious obligations – so I can’t think that these instruments would have any impact on the way the city works.
But praise be to Allah for allowing the BBC another way to look down on us infidels.
Alahu akhbar!
Muslims and the non/charging of interest, where what is done is the functional equivalent, is less about “ethics” than it is about casuistry. Of course there is the Orwellian premise that something isn’t what it is if you don’t call it that, but there is also a certain level of taqiyya built in, when Islamic finance is claimed to be more “ethical.”
A short functional equivalent/ what’s the diff “Tale of the Rabbis”:
Two young yeshiva boys go to the Rabbi, and the first asks, “Tell us, Teacher, is it all right to smoke whilst one prays?”
The Rabbi says, “The impertinence of that question! Such chutzpah even to pose it! Sacrilege, that’s what it is! Smoking whilst praying– I never heard of such a thing!”
The second yeshiva boy asks the Rabbi his question: “Teacher, is it all right to pray whilst one smokes?”
Right, Rabbi– tell the kid not to pray; go ahead.
But it’s all going to amount to the same act, innit?
Interesting about usury but sharia has other limitations: no investment in food products which may contain pork. And presumably, no investment in Jewish commercial organizations. Is that a bit waycist? And while we are at it I see the Methodists are considering an ethical policy, whether to boycott Jewish (uhmm, Israeli) products.
I really admire Dubai’s ethical habit of taking foreign aid from Afghan warlords and investing it at high interest.
Beeboids’ hypocritical political position on the media and state intervention.
Along with its political self-important chums at unrepresentative lobby group, ‘Hacked-Off’, it seems most Beeboids want state intervention relating to the Press (Preferably excluding its ‘Guardian’ political chums, so that they can reveal state security through its application of ‘freedom’?)
BUT it seems Beeboids think that, despite their own monopoly position as a public-funded global broadcaster, they should be excluded from intervention!
And we see the results in massive extravagance, corrupt behaviour, and political bias.
Ms Marr’s political hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Writing in the ‘Guardian’, she predictably supports the publicly-funded organisation where her Beeboid husband happens to be employed. Not only that, but in myopically not seeing the daily Beeboid political bias, she also tries to exclude the politically ‘left’ newspaper which employs her, ‘Guardian,’ from the fate which she wants for the rest of the Press!
Criticising Cameron she says:-
“How better to please Murdoch, the Telegraph and Associated, than by lambasting and threatening their favourite enemy, the BBC?”
And with straight-faces, Beeboids continue to say:
‘What political bias’?!
She’s probably thinking if we could have controlled the press better then hubby wouldn’t have to have burnt so much money on his super injunction covering his little indiscretion – the Hugh Grant Motive?
You mean ” Lord Grant of Rodeo Drive” surely?
Rt Hon leader of the Labour Party
I wonder what she made of that picture of him in the early hours with his hand down inside a woman’s knickers feeling her arse, or other regions.
I’ve never heard a Nicky Campbell phone-in debaye without knowing which side he supported.
This morning we have the proposal that we ought to legalise drugs shooting galleries
A female caller with first hand experience of such systems in Ireland and on the Continent questions the testimony of one noticably articulate BBC guest : ‘That person is not representative of the vast majority of addicts’ She goes on the spell out for us the unpleasantness shee has witnessed, but – predictably – she is cut off mid-stream.
Our Nicky later snearingly reads out ‘a text’ from a tax payer complaining of the idea of free drugs. Nicky then invites the campaigner in favour of the proposition to ‘tell out texter where he is wrong’
Bias bias bias all the way
Nicki ”the ego has landed” Campbell is just a shit stirrer, Stephen Nolan is another one.
I thought you had to take drugs to get a BBC job, or maybe that’s just the comedians, ie all of them.
Get a 23 year old drug addict – keep them on methadone/ heroin and the dole for the rest of their life. Great idea.
Bringing back opium dens, what’s not to like. I think when I retire I’ll sign up for one of these and pop along for a couple of sessions a week.
Mid day news. It’s pensions. The BBc of course fail to mention in any way of course crappy minimum wage jobs won’t even contribute to the state retirement pension let alone an occupational pension. I remember standing opened mouthed at one of my last places of employment as my manager went through the stake holder pension with a new recruit employed on a part time just above minimum wage contract. Of course I’m sure that when you are on BBc wages these little things don’t register as the message is to save for our old age. I’m not sure about legislation now but if your income was low enough for income support only the first £10.00 of an occupation pension was disregarded.
INBBC lines up with ‘unhappy’ Muislim Uighurs in China?
In a cryptic Radio 4 ‘World at One’ item, on what INBBC seems to reluctantly admit now was an Islamic jihad attack in Beijing, Beeboid Mr Grammaticus said, in apparent justification of that attack, that Muslim Uighurs were ‘unhappy.’Mr Grammaticus did not mention whether the families and friends of the assassinated and wounded in Beijing were ‘unhappy.’
“China arrests five Muslims in Tiananmen Square jihad terror attack”
SKY news reporter Mark Stone said this morning ” In China it’s all smoke and mirrors, so we don’t know if it’s muslims !!”
And the British media isn’t ? !! Yeah Mark, it was a couple of Irish nuns in wheel chairs ‘wot’ done it.
Perhaps Gareth Pierce is on a flight to go defend them?
I hope they enjoy being processed by the Chinese justice system.
Dysqwr wrote:
“Perhaps Gareth Pierce is on a flight to go defend them?”
If he does, expect the bBC to give his quality airtime, where he will blame the British, that he demands the British pay up and that he is going to sue the British for injuries caused to Ethnic Chinese during the Boxer rebellion.
“Sorry, it’s the right thing to do”
(c) Cameron, D.
You mean he hasn’t apologised for it already?
Holy moly!
Or as we say in wales, mawredd mawr.
Now I am no expert here, but last time I saw a pic of said Gareth, it looked to be female in gender?
Just saying pounce, sorry.
Now i’ve posted that I’m not so bloody sure…..oops!
A tranny, no doubt about it
Good, we can always do with new organs for transplants and Chinese imports are dirt cheap.
China persecutes Christians, Falung Gong, Tibetans and Muslims, but somehow it’s no surprise which community these attackers are from.
I see the BBC is to tackle the burning issue of migration….
Featuring a look at migration and how the bountiful autumn has affected wildlife
Sorry, did I not mention this was the conceited BBC national treasure in his own lunchtime – Chris Packham with Autumnwatch
Don’t hold your breath for a BBC documentary featuring a look at migration and how the bountiful Benefits System has affected it
I think Chris Packham is a real asset to BBC natural history broadcasting. He got his job by intelligence and persistence and is well qualified. I don’t know what he makes though of his fragrant co-presenter Michaela Strachan, stage trained and presumably commuting by low carbon train from her home in South Africa.
The BBC despite its feminist persona is actually sexist where it counts, female presenters don’t need to be qualified, female news readers have to be easy on the eye. It’s different for the men.
Did anyone watch the 100% women discussion on Newnight last night?
Mary Beard was there with Maitlis and two other “feminists” moaning about how females are still treated badly in modern society.
Two cases: 1) Beard’s Twitter insults and 2) Woman was sexually assaulted on public transport.
Had there been a man there to provide some counter-balance they could have heard some basic truisms: 1)Twitter is largely unmoderated and is not the best place to communicate free from insults (so perhaps Beard should spend more time on a moderated forum?)
2)Both men and women may endure sexual assaults. You can’t eliminate crime, regardless of the equality laws in place.
I suppose if there had been a more thoughtful counter-point the discussion would have lasted no more than a minute.
I’m still unsure as to where all this “unfair” treatment of women comes from. In my experience of the workplace males and females have always been on the same terms and conditions. One of the more amusing questions I used to get asked at interviews was “would you mind working with a woman boss?” Now I’ve worked in a few places where I’ve had a woman manager and in the majority of cases it’s been preferable to a male boss. So where does all this inequality come from as it’s obviously not at my level?
“However tactfully you dress it up, the United States had it coming. That is, of course, what many people openly or privately think.”
That about the murder of three thousand people.
Mary Beard deserves every piece of abuse she gets.
That would be the Mary Beard who hasn’t committed genocide by exterminating a native population, the Mary Beard who hasn’t gotten rich off the backs of slaves, the Mary Beard who didn’t fire-bomb or nuke civilians. “What goes around comes around.”
Is it just me, or does it seem that we lower ourselves by being associated with the USA?
Ken, the position of ‘Dave Spart in residence’ is already amply filled thanks
You could do better if you had a rational argument, or an original wit, or, at least, some facts. But you don’t have any of those.
There is no rational answer to your adolescent rant as it is not born of reason rather it is an expression of unresolved ‘father issues’
All your accusation of past crimes could be applied to any society at some point in history. Not least the Islamic ones that you prostitute your yourself to, for the gratification of your self guilt
Again no rational argument, and even an attempt to justify a lack of rationalism! Genocide has been committed by only a small number of societies. Fire-bombing civilians has been committed by just a few. Nuking civilians has been committed by only one. Just because I’m against killing does not stop me observing that, “What goes around comes around”, nor does it make me sympathetic to Islam. I do not have to choose between two things I disaprove of – I want better from the USA and from the Islamic world.
Your against killing but justify the murder of 3000 American civilians
‘what goes around come around’
would that have been true of the 93 attack had that been successful?
Attacks on civilian populations throughout history like genocide, have only been limited by the technology available
The Japanese for instance managed ,without nuclear weapons, to kill over 4 million people during the pacific war. 100,000 of them being Americans.
And various Muslim empires have devastated and enslaved entire populations all over the world with only the crudest of tools ,most recently the Greek and Armenian populations of Turkey
What should their ‘punishment. be?
Without America and its nuclear weapons their would be no south Korea and most of Europe would be under the brutal heel of the old Stalinist soviet union
your defence of Beard is as childish as her offensive comments on question time
Not just Americans. Sixty seven Britons died, making it the highest total of Britonns killed in a terrorist attack, but not the worst terrorist attack in Britain which was the Lockerbie bombing.
I’ve told you already I have no sympathy for Islam. I do not have to choose between two evils, the USA and Islam. You cite some other acts of genocide. Just because other states have done evil does not justify the USA doing evil nor does it justify Islamic or other terrorism. You would benefit from observing the world with cool objectivity. From such a clear perspective you would be able to observe that violence often leads to further violence, and rarely to a resolution. It is clearly true that what goes around comes around. The focus of ire on Mary Beard, rather than on the violence of the USA and terrorism, shows how distorted your perspective is.
Kenneth, I do agree that the US does have a history of using violence in pursuit of its aims. Most nations do. The BBC showed its political bias in cheer leading Obama when he won his Nobel Peace Prize, and in going so silent on Guantanamo. The BBC takes sides in US partisan politics, hating the Republicans, despising the Tea Party, and ignoring the conservative small government Republicans and the Libertarians even where it’s detrimental to British interests. The BBC even ignores those on the left and the peace movement in the US who criticise Obama.
uncle bup said,
“The United States had it coming.”
How dare you express such an abhorrent view uncle bhp. Shame on you.
Your drunk aren’t you?
It’s one possible explanation.
Even got a like.
Must be his round.
Today’s batch seem determined to join doris for competence.
No it’s Dezzy just liking him/herself apparently it goes on quite a lot in the cellar !
Didn’t the BBC know that Will Straw is a PPC before his dad told them?
Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was on today’s Daily Politics, gushing with pride that his son Will is Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for the seat of Rossendale and Darwen in Lancashire. Yet it seems that this piece of dynastic info was news to Auntie. Will Straw was on the BBC News Channel this morning, discussing energy prices, and there was no mention of his being a PPC. The presenter simply said, ‘Will Straw is Associate Director of the centre-left think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research.’
We should thank our lucky stars that they included the ‘centre-left’ health warning this time. Just in case you missed it Beeboids, in his appearance before the Select Committee Lord Hall said these health warnings must be given. You have been told.
Raped 13 year old girl buried alive in Pakistan. Another charming story that hasn’t quite made it to the BBC yet, even though it is on the left-wing Huffington Post (part financed by bilionaire George Soros), see|uk|dl1|sec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D219429. Perhaps it is just a little too mundane for the BBC, or maybe they wouldn’t want you to worry that this is something Coming Soon To A Town Near You.
When the link appears one of the trolls will inform us.
Wonder which one?
Speaking of which, with perhaps more smiles….
When the comments get narrower
and narrower they become
hard to read but it’s us
ually a silly tiff be
tween trolls
so not w
Do you lot not realise, that every time you highlight a particular case, and particularly when said case results in death, we get accused of highjacking a tragic story to suit our corrupt political ends! Huh!
So there.
Sarcasm alert guys and gals.
Keep up the good work.
Is he still a BBC staple?
Not sure ‘Roast Beef & Claret’ quite has the same manic whack-a-mole intensity of his ‘Tory toffs, Tory toffs’ interjections from Breakfast through to Newsnight, but as Lord Hall Hall likes his minions to move on, it seems he’s trying out a new one.
Yes he is still a BBC staple. A sad little man, as someone might say.
Always interesting who the BBC see as best suited to ‘speak for the nation’. Maybe it’s just he meets the dress code?
As sipping an audacious glass of red seems a dodgy practice, was it not him Guido spotted knocking back a flute of bubbly at Lords not so long ago?
The socialist beverage of choice, one hears. At least, around the corridors.
One can see why he’d be viewed as the ‘right’ sort…. not ideologically, natch.
Be fair, Guess Who. Saddo Maguire seems
as much perturbed by the roast beef lunch
as he is about the glass of red. Spam sandwiches for lunch else you’re a rotten toff, okay.
I’m quite intrigued my Kevin Maguire. Wherever he pitches up, he is styled as the Associate Editor of the Mirror, which I assume is his day job.
And yet, he does the papers review on Sky, all sorts of things for the BBC and all sorts of writing elsewhere. When does he find time for his day job?
Associate editor, consultant editor, editor-at-large et al are ego massaging titles for those who think the job description ‘journalist’ – though accurate – is beneath tem.
Funny how you can tell the left wing activist just by looking at them, especially women. Just take a look at this one and decide her political leanings:
SWP, UAF, HnH. (S)he reminded me of jack osbourne in his younger days
The usual giveaways for the wimmin are: (1) shrill, patronising voice; (2) bad haircuit; (3) menopausal manner; (4) silly name. Get all four and they are guaranteed a place in the cabinet or shadow cabinet. For the men: (1) greased back hair like a post-war spiv if under 40 else unkempt hair like a 1970’s university lecturer if over 40; (2) former career as Trot or member of CPGB, now curiously erased from their entry in Wikipedia; (3) facial hair; (4) some involvement with the BBC e.g. former member of staff, spouse works there etc.
Don’t forget the rich daddy too.
Or family name……. Blair, Benn. etc. Although the one in Crewe came a right cropper.
Definitely a ‘shim’
Just heard an article on PM about the Same-Sex Marriage law as it applies in Northern Ireland. If the story is to be believed, then the only opponents highlighted by the BBC were those of the Loyalist/DUP persuasion.
Funny that, I thought that both “traditions” in NI were a tad conservative?
Then there was a piece about a 0.1% growth in the Spanish economy during Q3 2103 was treated in a positive manner.
I wonder how such news of the UK economy would be greeted??
which was…
Can we have an edit facility please?
The BBC was desperate to make out that opposition to gay marriage in Ulster is partisan and sectarian. It gave a platform to some presumably un-elected equality body, which according to the BBC world view is more legitimate on this matter than the NI Parliament. Apparently if a measure is adopted in England and Wales, and due for consideration in Scotland then it follows that Ulster must follow suit. Not really worthwhile devolving powers then is it?
Well said. I personally don’t care one way or the other about the issue, but, as you say, devolved power is pointless if the self-appointed morally superior classes think they can overrule it.
Many years ago, Neil Kinnock condemned those in the Labour movement who “use democracy as a tactic and not a principle”.
It seems they haven’t gone away.
So this is what the EDL have been up to since tommy fucked them over?
What sad cunts alan and david are, repeating their far right bullshit on their own website for their own edification
I pity you pathetic, sad bastards
Looks like the 6 o’clock shift has just clocked on.
Yep just logging in at Capita…
Oscar Wilde still lives, it would appear.
and we pity you, you sad extreme left wing fascist.
Another rebranded same old same old, starvation is the best treatment for vermin.
Typical aggressive leftie post offering absolutely nothing constructive to the discussion.
Thanks to the EDL and Tommy, and his current work, anti-jihadism and Muslim reform is now respectable and has thrown off the shackles of being labelled racist.
Do you mean the saint formerly known as “Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, former member of the BNP who has a conviction for violence?”
Now just plain “Tommy Robinson”.
I fear he has been got at.
I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club. Of course they don’t actually state that the poor girls phone was hacked just that there were allegations. But the allegations were a complete lie fabricated by the Guardian and pushed by the BBC ever since as the truth.
To me, nothing shows the vile hypocrisy of the BBC and it’s willingness to use any venal ploy, even a dead girl, to push their agenda.
The sooner these shites are off the air the better.
Indeed, NOBODY has been found guilty of deleting her voicemails, yet that’s what many seem to believe. Wonder why that is?
It’s because mud sticks, and shit smears you too.
It’s the way they work.
“I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club.”
“…three former news editors at the newspaper, Neville Thurlbeck, 52, Greg Miskiw, 63, and James Weatherup, 57, have all pleaded guilty to their part in the hacking plot.”
The accusation was that by deleting voicemails, they gave her parents false hope, which is the real emotional club amongst all the other hacking allegations.
I repeat, nobody has been found guilty of deleting Milly’s voicemails.
That’s because there is no evidence that anyone deleted the voicemails. They are just as likely to have been automatically deleted. Not that the BBC likes you to remember that.
Suppose, by hacking her mobile, the journalists had found something the police had missed, which led to the murderer. These journalists would be feted, not accused. Hindsight is wonderful, but it’s morally much more of a grey area than the Beeb would have you believe.
Another drive by attempt to shift the focus, to obfuscate.
Another fail. Overnighters back off their hols in cuba?
Dez, are you emphatically stating that the three N.O.W. journalists have admitted hacking Millie Dowler’s phone? Links and evidence, please.
Andy S
“Dez, are you emphatically stating that the three N.O.W. journalists have admitted hacking Millie Dowler’s phone?”
That’s not what I said Andy, as you perfectly well know. However, Glenn Mulcaire has pleaded GUILTY to hacking Millie Dowler’s phone.
Which part of that is too difficult for you to understand?
That’s not what I said Andy, as you perfectly well know.
No, but your answer at 12:13 am was clearly implied it.
Look Dez, me ol’ china, we can all see what your 12:13 reply was intended to do.
You attempted to join the Millie Dowler name with a guilty plea by 3 people.
Now this aint rocket science mate, and I believe it’s part of your training at albeeba in how to obfuscate and deceive, but your excuses fool nobody.
Yes, we ALL see what you did there !
It works very much like the albeeba line over the outrageous Macalpine smears oft repeated on bbc, making sure the Thatcher name appeared in the same line.
You know how it works mate, WE know how it works too, so take your deceit elsewhere huh?
Again, NOBODY admitted deleting voicemails, which was the basis of the accusations that the Dowlers were “given false hope” that she was still alive,
“I see the BBC is still using the lie that Milly Dowlers phone was hacked as an emotional club. Of course they don’t actually state that the poor girls phone was hacked just that there were allegations. But the allegations were a complete lie fabricated by the Guardian and pushed by the BBC ever since as the truth.”
Dez has posted links proving that a man employed by the NOTW not only hacked the phone, but pleaded guilty to the crime in court. He admits it. It happened.
And for some reason Dez gets abuse for proving Pah comprehensively, catastrophically, 100%, wrong.
John Standley then helpfully moves the goalposts by not-very-subtly attacking Dez about an allegation (that the voicemails were deleted) raised solely in the posts of, er, John Standley. Neither Pah nor Dez actually mentioned the act of deletion, John, so I’m not sure why you are. But nice try.
The info you allude to was not in the public domain until after my post so …
When you consider that Milly Dowler was used by the Guardian and the BBC as their blunt instrument to prevent a commercial rival from expanding their outlets do you not wonder at their moral conduct? No noble campaign this, no it was about keeping the lefts hegemony going and introducing restraints on the paper press.
And they did lie about it. As stated they lied about the deletion of the emails and used this to prime the Dowler family with evidence for a lawsuit against NI. No thoughts as to how this would affect the poor parents hours after they had seen the murderer of their daughter sentenced in court. No they wanted to attack NI and so they used grieving parents to do so.
They also lied about NI using hacks of Milly Dowlers phone as there has been no proof up to very recently that NI had anything to do with the hacking her phone – that was only admitted by Mulcaire very recently. But he has an axe to grind against NI as they hung him out to dry and who’s to say how reliable his confession is? Never heard of plea bargaining?
And why Milly Dowler? Why not Sarah Payne? After all NI treated her death with far less ‘compassion’ than they did Milly’s. According to Sarah’s mother Brookes used every trick in the book to get info out of her so that they could big her up and then smash her down again. They treated Sarah Paynes memory far worse than Milly Dowler’s but then her death was not in the news at such a convenient time.
The Sarah Payne story is enough to damn NI for ever but it is never even alluded to by the BBC. Why?
So, proving Pah comprehensively, catastrophically, 100%, wrong. – I don’t think so.
I mentioned the deletion issue first because it is the false charge leveled at the NOTW. It does not contradict Dez’s comments .
The article you link to was published after my post so …
Oh and ‘which can now be reported for the first time after they were revealed to the jury’ this info was not in the public domain.
did you listen to question time extra time last thursday on radio 5 live when stephen nolan got ambushed by that ukip supporter,boy did nolan get it full barrels when that ukip supporter accussed the bbc and radio 5 live of left wing and liberal bias,nolan went apeshitt and went off on one saying he is fed up off the bbc being acussed of bias,for some strange reason john(leftie)pienaar went silent when that ukip supporter pointed out a few home facts about bbc bias but what really annoys me about nolan is his hypocrisy.he goes of his way to mock and make fun of ukip,when the tables are turned on him he does not like it one bit,question time extra 10pm thursdays on radio 5 live.
Beeboid political double standards: on press freedom:
-hacking by ‘News of World’ is terrible;
-publishing state security secrets by ‘Guardian’ is wonderful.
In this country, if we find out that a journalist hacks a phone then justice can prevail (Newsnight will focus more on it if it’s a Murdoch lackey). When the NSA does it, sure it gets some coverage, but it doesn’t matter because Obama says it’s ok. And remember, if the President says it’s ok then it must be fine! No worries.
Oh no, didn’t you hear the inbbc line on this?
It’s that it was all set up under Bush, and is therefore nothing to do with bathouse barry at all.
By Mick Hulme.
The ‘Spiked’ articles on ‘Hacking’ are some of the best over the past year or so:-
I can strongly recommend Spiked for producing some refreshingly PC/nanny-state-free and objective articles.
They just canny help themselves…
When they are good enough they will get a place. That’s the problem with sport. You get picked solely on merit. The BBC, understandably perhaps, not being a meritocracy, struggle with that concept.
With regard the left wing, whom the BBC are infested by, does anyone else think that they should be classed as neo-nazi?
neo-nazi in the current sense are merely Nazi, whereas the British left wing are a new breed.
They share the same policies (both being socialist) and Milliband even uses the term “one nation socialism”.
They both exhibit strong anti semitism and resistance to what they see as global zionism.
The only real difference is that the left wing don’t subscribe to Arianism, and have replaced it with diversity/ multiculturalism. Closer inspection shows this aspect to be interesting –
Arianism – strength through homogeneity.
Diversity/ multiculturalism -strength through diversity.
This is merely a flipping of the same obsession with social Darwinism, with the attendant obsession and perversion of genetics and evolution.
They both also appear to be based on a mythology based in the mists of time-
Arayanism – a pure indo-european race from the mists of time
Diversity/ multiculturalism – we were all migrants once.
And both sides were thought up by a group of nutters and then instituted with no democratic mandate with no proof to back them up.
Chuck in the Goebbels like propaganda from the BBC…
Hi David,
That’s an interesting and informative link. I’ve read much about the history of the Nazi Party and the story of Hitler’s rise to power and everything I’ve read, by several well-respect authors on the subject, and despite many attempts by those telling these histories to ‘weird’ the facts to suit their own agendas, suggests very strongly to me that Nazism was, indeed, at heart a socialist ideology, but one that very much compromised many of its core socialist tenets to facilitate the Reich’s industrial war machine prior to and after 1939.
I’ve tried explaining all this many times to friends and associates who steadfastly refuse to see Nazism as anything other than a far-right ideology (which, translated, to them means only ‘capitalist’), despite so much historical evidence pointing to the opposite.
It’s fascinating – and scary – just how completely a historical truth can be airbrushed into a convincing lie by repeated, consistent re-telling. Orwell was right.
It was difficult for the British government to explain that Uncle Joe Stalin (our friend and known to be left wing) was sharing the same politics as Hitler and the Nazis, so it was easier to tell them they were opposite – right wing.
It’s been a convenient deception for the left to carry on
Plus we must remember most historians grew up in a left-wing controlled academia and self examination and recrimination isn’t a left wing trait !
That’s why the Russians always referred to German or Hitlerite Fascists, never Nazis, because they did not wish to draw attention to the “S” word in National Socialism.
I read some where that the National Socialist and German workers party only became ‘Right wing’ for the British intelligentsia after they had (along with the Italian Fascists ) declared as reactionaries by Stalin
I have tried to confirm this for myself by finding the historical record of such an edict .Does any one know more?
I see “Watchdog” continues to be concerned with energy tariffs. It’s certainly been pushed to the top of concerns for most people. It’s just a shame when immigration was a big concern the BBC didn’t have similar investigative journalism, pursuing the problem and who is to blame.
I guess the public has to wait patiently for the BBC to be in sync with them before something is “inquired”?
“It’s just a shame when immigration was a big concern the BBC didn’t have similar investigative journalism…”
“About 113,000,000 results…” not enough for you?
113,000 sermons from the liberal inquisition is more than enough
Wow that’s amazing. So if you type “bbc immigration” into Google and it gives millions of results it implies that everytime the BBC use the word “immigration” then it’s because they are discussing the problem with mass immigration in the UK?
I guess we can all sleep easy at night with such knowledge!
Correction it is now ‘migration’ and ‘migrants’
Paydirt for the droids. Able to have a free pop at nasty nasty plc’s.
They could always lead every bulletin (instead) with the bite income tax is taking out of your wages (the government) or council tax (the council).
Jackie Ashley wrote, “The worst thing about his attack was the singling out of a particular reporter, the studiously neutral Mark Easton, whose crime is that he reports on social policy, where the government feels particularly vulnerable.”
Easton is a broken record repeating a single mantra (when he can be bothered to do a piece of churnalism): immigration not a problem; the more the merrier; adds diversity; everyone pleased; now move on.
Does he live in a poor area of London? Has he a Roma for a neighbour? Thought not. His salary is well into six figures.
Earlier this evening I had the misfortune to catch the last few minutes of bBBC NorthWest Tonight. Racism in football was followed by the Manchester Lesbian, Gay and Trans-whatever Festival, then the local weather given by a Nigerian presenter. Classic bBBC, with a seamless transition to a Labour Party Political Broadcast!
Ha ha I saw that as well just another normal evening of reports from North West tonight. Do you know it must be about 6 months since the last time I could be bothered to complain about them.
BBC favourite Martin Lewis’s website has a poll on the licence fee. Among the possible responses:-
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 31%
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 13%
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 43%
Total support for a licence fee 44%, total opposed 50%
I’m surprised, most results in the weekly polls are pretty supportive of a statist/ regulatory stance.
Will great link but look at it again
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 4,071 votes (31 %)
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)
Give other broadcasters a chance – scrap the BBC’s licence fee monopoly. 781 votes (6 %)
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 5,744 votes (43 %)
The BBC should be on subscription, so if you watch, view, or use it, you pay. 965 votes (7 %
I make that 44% for the licence 56% against
I agree with most people: I’d rather not pay for government propaganda on the establishment arse-licking BBC.
Interesting that the percentage of people who unreservedly support the BBC – “an important public service, good value and should be kept” at 31% is a good deal lower than Labour’s poll ratings at about 38 – 40%.
Even their target market aren’t buying their bullshit! 😉
“I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)”
So only that 31% support the status quo
56 % think the TV poll tax should be scrapped altogether .
If even ‘art school anarchists’ like red Ken above think its wrong then surely it is time for it to go
The slavish wearing of the poppy by every BBC presenter represents the state sponsored mindwash we must all unquestionly double-think, that our soldiers, and the wars in which they fought, were, and are, worthy of respect. A few were, most weren’t.
The whole poppy thing has been cheapened and commercialised, pretty sure when I was a kid they were only on sale for a week before 11/11. Now they’re on sale and being worn from mid October, not to mention the designer ones worn on Strictly Come Prancing, they’ve lost their real meaning.
The extended period or commercialism are not a problem, for me. It is the total conformity of all presenters wearing a poppy. I prefer individual choice to blanket corporate sameness.
Is that why you regurgitate bourgeois liberal orthodoxy, because your a nonconformist?
I’m not sure how you are using the word “liberal” because it is used in so many different ways. The orthodoxy is for all presenters to wear poppies. I observe conformity in support of an arm of state, and I question this unthinking support for the armed services, especially because we have been recently mislead in to unsuccessful and costly invasions of other countries.
Have you just awaked from cryogenic suspension?
I use the term bourgeois liberal in the sense of self righteous puritanical true believer in original, western only, sin,
The reason that BBC presenters all wear poppies is ,as they have stated in the past, public opinion.
The BBC would like nothing better than to do away with them as they, like you, are completely disconnected from the consensus
People wear poppies in support of the men and women who are courageous enough to serve .Not in support of Tony Blair
It is you, not they, that toe the establishment line.
As someone who is in possession of an Army pension and a few medals, I too get fed up with “Poppy Fascism” where everybody in the public eye is expected to wear a poppy. I’m old enough to remember when telling someone that I was a squaddie was akin to admitting to eating babies.
Poppies should be optional, not a subject for social conformity.
Smedley Butler the most decorated soldier in American history wrote the book ” War is a Racket ” in 1935.
Tony Blair, Cameron, Obama, Bush went to war in Iraq, Libya and now Syria, but they themselves wont be doing the actual fighting, funny that.
Dear Kenneth, I’m struggling to make sense of your post.
Are you claiming that most of the members of our armed forces are not worthy of respect?
Do you make that claim from a position of personal experience?
You are talking about the very people who defend your much abused freedom of speech.
Perhaps you dont appreciate those freedoms, and would prefer to live elsewhere. Perhaps you dont live within the UK?
Pray tell, what leads you to surmise that most are not worthy of respect.
Yep confused here as well! so what he is saying is he wants to stop others wearing the poppy? but as no one makes him and conscience wear one so who exactly is his problem ??
I think he’s one of those explosive moslem converts.
I shall remember that comment when I next put on my uniform. Just remember you loathsome creature that it is politicians who declare war not soldiers.
The problem with people like you who would fight for nothing, is that you believe nothing is worth fighting for. When I read comments like yours I wonder what the hell I fought for too.
Respect from the likes of you; I would stoop so low.
Jailed for insulting the lefts Messiah figure.
You would imagine that when prison space is at a premium and there isn’t space (or will) to send what most decent people regard as real criminals to prison , that singing a song the insults the lefts Messiah would not actually be an offence. However not only is it an offence a special law was cooked up under BLiars regime to allow prosecution :
“racially offensive chanting.”
“racially aggravated fear of violence”
Now it would appear that you can be imprisoned for singing a song which the fascists disapprove of!
And what sentences ! 18 months for singing a song! Some of the Pakistani Paedo gangs didn’t get that long!
I note that the “cropped” picture of the saint is used again on this article, the BBc probably didn’t have enough space on the page.
They’re political prisoners, anyone who dares criticize the Multicultural Inquisition gets sent to the gulag for brainwashing, like Tommy Robinson.
In the 12th century, it was heretics, in the 17th century it was witches, in the 21st century, it’s nazis and ‘waaycists’ every where, under the bed, behind every lamp post, etc etc.
The full complete photograph of Stephen Lawrence, shows him with a clenched fist, a black power, gangsta rapper salute, which gives us a whole new different angle on Lawrence, instead of the choir boy of the cropped picture.
What this shows is how far the BBC and liberal left campaign to alter the cultural values of our country has succeeded.
In the past the public would have found such songs in bad taste and thought that those who sang them were nasty morons who should be given a wide berth and ignored. But no one would have thought of complaining to the police and then expecting these idiots to be locked up.
In fact years ago you could say what you thought about pretty much anything that took your interest, regardless of how much offense it may give, with no fear of the law. Sometimes it would be rude , unpleasant , upsetting even, but some times it would be worth saying and of value to society as a whole. Now there is a growing list of things you can’t say in public without fearing that someone will call the law because they are offended or pretend to be offended.
But what is even worse than these repressive laws, is that they have become culturally accepted and no one dare protest about them, even though they are curtailing our freedom of speech. The BBC has been at the forefront of this drive to change our culture and it is succeeding.
Leveson is just another part of the drive to change British culture and will be just another nail in the coffin of our democracy. The BBC is anti democratic and all true liberals should want it abolished.
Well said.
Though in the new world order promoted by the BBC, saying even that may bear ‘consequences’.
As, of course will my being seen to agree.
Meanwhile. Can’t seem to find this on the BBC website anyone else have better luck?
When the story appears, Dez will provide the link, he’s good at that!
Jailed for four months. Something is very wrong.
Our sister in law was killed two years ago by an immigrant taxi driver as she was walking along an unlit road. He had no taxi operators licence and we suspect no insurance. Oh he was spared jail because “he had a family”
im sorry to hear that.
a friend of mine got 80 hours for drink driving. Caught the next morning after a night out.
I was not aware that possession of a family was a get out of… anything really… free card.
One presumes there are exceptions, these really being vital in law to ensure anarchy is kept at bay.
If they could, the government would introduce a crime of “racially offensive existence” to cover all white people. Sorry, let’s make that “When they feel they can they will introduce a crime of…”
Nicky Campbell on the problem of anti-social behaviour :
‘Let’s not single out one section of society…. what about the Bullingdon Club?’
Where to begin?
Firstly this comment has nothing to do with the supposed debate. It is no more than a deliberate voicing of a piece of Left-wing mythology.
Secondly – and perhaps more importantly – how on earth does Campbell’s reciting of this slogan help those thousands of real people up and down the country whose lives are blighted by anti-social behaviour?
Campbell is biased to the Left and he is an over-paid idiot
He has brushed aside his own connections to Savile and happily fronts up for the BBC like a loyal employee of the Corporation. I say ‘like’ and loyal employee becasue he is not on the BBC payroll and subject to PAYE
Time for the sack- or should I say – put an end to his contract
I say ‘like’ and loyal employee becasue he is not on the BBC payroll and subject to PAYE
Gameshow does claim to be on the payroll. But he also claims ‘there’s three million listeners out there’ – so we know he lies through his back teeth.
This whole Bullingdon Club jibe is getting tedious. Only the ‘working class’ are allowed to get drunk and make arses of themselves. Apparently.
Unlike Greenpeace the Bullingdom Club pays for the damage afterwards!
So the liberal inquisition has got it’s Royal Charter.
That deals with freedom of speech and the press.
Now for the internet. Should be no problem. This wretched blog should be shut down .far too right wing.
Then we could criminalize actual speech itself we don’t like or is inappropriate.
Come on BBC tell us all why it is a good thing. After all we have the fearless ,independent, evenhanded, socially adjusted-insert more meaningless left liberal mantras here- BBC and it’s hangers on in the press to protect our ancient freedoms.
You either have free speech or you do not. In the USA it is protected by the Constitution. Here it is now at the mercy of politicians and the liberal elite. Welll done.
Tyrants by inevitablity- the destination of any liberal dominated society.
I forgot to add. The real triumph of the liberal fascist state is when you find yourself checking your own thoughts for “correctness” before you really think them. Funny that the USSR needed the Gulags. The liberal fascist state does it with what it calls “niceness and empathy” which I term political correctness.
Either way it is tyranny.
Well said, I keep asking myself when and how it happened, its the looking over your shoulder before you say something that could be considered un-pc, even in your own back garden.
I left school in 1982 but looking back now I can see that it really kicked in the 1970’s with the so ‘cool’ hippy teachers, the authoritative and respected teachers from the 40’s & 50’s were on their way out and treated with ridicule by the new arrivals.
I clearly remember the arrival of the first coloured pupil (can I say that? I can’t keep up, no offence meant) at my school in 1973, the whole school was called into the hall and told in no uncertain terms that we must treat him with respect, a line was already drawn…
From 1973 with zero immigrants to 40 years on, that school now has a Muslim headmaster.
In the 70’s “half a mo” and his chum “just a mo” were the only mo’s I ever came across.
I remember it well…..
Don’t forget the way they control the language. Political correctness. If the language to express banned thoughts does not exist then neither can the thoughts. It’s exactly like George Orwell wrote, it works and it is happening.
Witness the current attempt to change immigrants into migrants. Migrant is better because it is non-judgemental.
How about the way they use the term ‘poverty’ when what they mean is ‘living in a household with one third of the median national income’.
The BBC is the grand master of language thought control.
Labour Party caught using BBC tactics.
So keen to show Syria as complying with John Kerry’s proposal the BBC have left out an important word in their headline:
“Syria chemical weapons equipment destroyed, says OPCW”
The missing, but important word is “declared.”
‘the BBC have left out an important word in their headline”
Part of their ongoing commitment to accuracy not needing to fit so long as the ‘message’ does?
another BBC “Star” arrested for being a sex case rapist paedo. Is there any other media organisation in the world that has had so many of its employees arrested for these crimes? is it because of the unique way its funded?
64 and a BBC TV and radio star, presumably ex-Radio 1, do your research. Of course completely innocent until proven guilty…
Aged 64 ? Hmm, Swap Shop, House Party, Deal no deal and of course Radio One.
top of the pops
Derek ” Uncle Mac ” McCullough was the fore runner of Savile
No idea who this guy is, but how long before the inbbc ha s absolutely NO footage of TOTP that its possible to show?
Uncle Mac was a BBC childrens radio presenter from the 1930s to the 60s.
Sorry David, I loused up and put the reply in the wrong place.
” how long before the inbbc ha s absolutely NO footage of TOTP that its possible to show?”
The only upside of the whole sordid affair.
Strange how the beeb allowed Leslie Grantham, a convicted murderer to become a major soap star.
May I remind bloggers that even insinuating the name of the person or dropping suggestive hints (“Why is McAlpine Trending”) is sufficient to be open to prosecution for libel should the man or woman inferred be innocent.
All getting a bit horse-heady, ‘shame if your kids…’ these days, isn’t it?
I am not doubting the truth of the advice, as getting from rather draconian sentences for saying things vs. doing worse (say, sober hideously incorrectly-hued footy yobs vs. skunked faith-based muggerettes) is already a reality, but now it appears the crime of asking for clarification on often unclear or badly drafted law appears to be here, and used as a less than subtle club to prevent any discourse that may not suit some in control but also out of it.
Seems the term ‘Mob-rule’ may have expanded in darker directions still.
Still waiting for Gameshow Nikki to have his collar felt for his,
‘Yerve only gorra google Thatcher and paedophile’.
The perv is said to be still working for the BBC, but Noel hasn’t for years.
Paul Gambaccini – according to 6 o’clock
news – unless there’s another suspect as well
Transparency always best when it’s other people being transparent, rather than the BBC.
I find the BBC to be totally transparent – like water in the toilet

Today this morning – repetitive reporting of polio in Syria – all caused by the nasty Assad and his army. Yet the BBC did report that there was also polio to be found in the sewers of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Israel. The woman being interviewed explained that Syria until the start of the conflict 2 or 3 years ago had 90% of the population immunised but this had dropped to 60%. (I think she was from WHO but she is not named in the Today running order and I cannot face listening to Today twice in 24 hours). Now we don’t get immunised for polio every year – so the 90% who had been immunised before the start of the civil war are still immunised – leaving only those due for immunisation in the last couple of years (and I presume the 60% figure applied to them) meaning only a few babies have no polio protection. Either the person being interviewed was rather good at manipulating figures – or she did not explain things well and the Today people did not draw the information from her. Either way the Today programme was excellent at spreading the rebels propoganda.
Ok let me get this right
Before the civil war 90% of population received vaccination. Since the break down of civil society that has dropped to 60% ,and somehow, for Al Beeb, that’s the fault of Assad but not the rebels?
Maybe this might have something to do with it
Or this
Or this
Dez will claim all of that is propaganda!
“Dez will claim all of that is propaganda!”
No, not propaganda. The Today programme did not claim the outbreak of polio was “all caused by the nasty Assad and his army”.
It’s just Deborah making stuff up as usual.
Funny how people with names like Deborah particularly attract troll attacks. Six million not enough for them, I guess.
Well I hope the BBC are as interested in the relationship between Guardian journalist (who helped distribute Snowden’s leaks) and his lover as much as they are in the Brooks-Coulson affair. As the prosecutor said today:
Hopefully the private details of Miranda and Greenwald will be covered when we finally have a court case involving their acts of treason….which will hapen…er never.
Nice to see QT having representatives of the Gay and Transgender community on tonight but I’m surprised there isn’t a Muslim representative on there as well, funny that. Incidentally my tongue seems to be firmly stuck in my cheek.
You actually watch that dog and pony show ? !!!
Yes but not all the time as my stress levels wouldn’t be able to cope. I have a feeling tonights offering may be too much to stomach, not being an enlightened soul when it comes to matters gay and transsexual.
Lets take a look at some of the credits for tonight’s Question Time…
Series Editor, Nicolai Gentchev – Communist
Participant, Jeremy Browne – nominated for the Stonewall Politician of the Year Award in 2011 for his work to support equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people
Participant, Chris Bryant – Gay not adverse to posing in his underpants.
Participant, Paris Lees – Lees founded the first British magazine aimed at the trans community, META, was the acting assistant editor of Gay Times
And to top that We have Gay Nolan and Lefty Pienaar to follow on 5 Live
Talk about pushing a fu**ing agenda…
Indeed why are the 1% of population who self identify as homosexuals (1.5% if you include bi-sexuals ) so well represented ,coincidence?
What issue that is currently topical requires their insight ?
Someone earlier wondered why this magic mix was oddly free of any multi-culturally diverse input for a rare period.
Maybe the question will come up from the audience, unless pre-vetted of course?
More likely some rutteresque question from the audience (as in rutter the nutter) will explain tonight’s curios composition
Oh yes, little miss 14% in her election.
Come now, Paris Lees is not merely a representative for ladyboys, she is indeed “a role model”. Here’s the BBC, as it were, puffing him/her up:
The BBC article mentions her work for the Guardian, Independent and Telegraph. Guess which one had a link!
BBC News wetting themselves that Turkey has allowed women to wear headscarves in parliament for the first time since 1999.
Why is it so important to report this? Other than the BBC, Libtards, and a small (but growing) religious minority, no one gives a stuff…
This is the Islamising Turkey (and its 80 million Muslims) which BBC-NUJ supports for entry into the European Union.
Erdogan is ready to stop the bus soon – his slow but steady approach in undoing all of the checks and balances of Attaturk mean that a very large heavily armed, formerly democratic ‘secular’ state state is due to be added to the caliphate anytime soon – I’m sure the great LIBLABCON ruling class will note this and “lessons will be learnt” etc etc . Checkout this month’s Standpoint for good analysis.
grateful if someone could turn these into links – beyond my ken…
Two court reports relating to Taliban Islamic jihadists and British troops.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:-
“Taliban hung the limbs of our friends from trees, says Marine accused of killing captive.
“Court martial hears tensions had been building before killing.
“Insurgents had paraded body parts of Marines blown up by IEDs.
“Commando admits he was ashamed of shooting captured enemy.
“Experienced sergeant insisted he believed gunman was already dead.”
2.) INBBC:-
“Afghan was alive when shot, marine tells court martial”
I thought the Geneva Convention did not apply to unlawful fighters not wearing uniform. Summary execution seems like a good idea to me. Maybe it would be better to send him to Guantanamo, where his lawyers can sue the arse off us for the rest of his worthless life?
Its Common Law rather than the Geneva Convention issue. The principle applies to military and civilians, in any part of the world. Its irrelevant if the “enemy” is an actual enemy solider or a criminal/terrorist, whether in war or not.
A soldier on the battlefield killing an enemy soldier/terrorist in actual battle, satisfies the Common Law definition of murder with the expection of one important part, the enemy soldier/terrorist is not under the Queens Peace and therefore the UK squaddie is not guilty of murder.
A prisoner of war/captured terrorist or an injured combatant is under the Queens Peace, and killing that person is murder.
However, thats not to say the CPS should bring criminal charges in every case. People can commit homicide on a technicality or other factors, sometimes its not in the public interest to bring charges, and this case is, in my opinion, an example.
Again, my personal opinion is that these charges are politically based, brought on by left wing pressure groups that are traitors that hate our armed forces and our country
The Americans didn’t have a problem executing the Germans who infiltrated their lines in American uniform in the Battle of the Bulge. The usual rule of thumb in war is that you take prisoners if the enemy does. That’s why we did not take very many Japanese or SS prisoners during the war, it’s a form of karma. My understanding is that the protection of the Geneva Convention does not apply to an irregular combatant who is not wearing the uniform of an enemy. I am not sure what reasonable expectation of the protection of the Queen’s Peace an Afghan insurgent could expect?
“The Americans didn’t have a problem executing the Germans who infiltrated their lines in American uniform in the Battle of the Bulge. ” That would be classed as “Treachery” as opposed to a “Ruse of War” so the death penalty could apply.
According to the Laws Of Armed Conflict (LOAC -the Geneva Convention being a generic term for these laws), enemy combatants not wearing a uniform are to be treated under normal Combat Rules until their status can be established.
The Taliban could also claim under the LOAC that they are a Levee en Masse and that no uniform or emblem (think LDV armbands as in Home Guard) is required.
The LOAC also apply where no formal declaration of war has been made, during “Large scale military activities akin to war”.
Rob, “The usual rule of thumb in war is that you take prisoners if the enemy does. ”
Not so – as a signatory to the LOAC, the rules are applied irrespective of enemy actions.
I agree that might be the letter of the law, I am talking about the practice of it. The SS did not take prisoners, and so they were not, on the whole, taken prisoner. But that was in the days before helmet cameras and human rights lawyers, and the army was not expected to behave like a bunch of PCSOs dealing with naughty kids.
Agreed – There’s little doubt that the rules were ignored widely during the Fog of War.
At risk of a hall monitor turning up and chiding the lack of BBC Bias being discussed, this is an interesting one, especially given the clear professional knowledge being deployed.
Like the licence fee (see what I did there?), an anachronism from another time, the ‘rules’ of ‘war’ seem to have changed with the passage of the years, along with what constitutes a ‘war’ and what gets deemed an undeclared bit of a rumble, and who has set and/or is laying by any ‘rules’.
Certainly post Korean, the lack of uniforms in, say, Vietnam seemed to introduce grey areas right there.
There’s also the inherently nihilistic nature of some combatants now, right up to a few old boys at the top. ‘Wars’ tended to be for on or around stuff to be gained, or defended against.
There now seems a new play that is basically killing for any old reason as it’s more fun than sitting around doing -f-all in a flyblown dump, with the nearest cause bolted on in justification when a BBC reporter wanders in.
A bit like MAD, a lot of these ‘rules’ were based on a reasonable presumption that the other side wanted a fair chance of making it through the conflict, if not always coming out ahead.
Negotiating, dealing with or otherwise interacting with combatants who don’t have that imperative would suggest the basically sensible, humane if always flawed traditional ‘rulebook’ has long been torn up by a fair few cynical, aggressive, non-peaceloving types.
They know it. Those they are faced by know it. Some the latter are protecting know it.
Sadly, their political leaders pretend not to, and waffle on about noble, lost ideals.
And in a few, risible cases, the media of the country they defend know it full well, ignore it, and use the screwed up ‘rules’ twisted in any way they can to suit their miserable little ends.
Just as they do, daily, with ‘Editorial Guidelines’.
An excellent observation – our soldiers have long been fighting with one arm tied behind our backs, even in Northern Ireland. And the terrorists knew this, as do the Islamonutters.
I agree, the Geneva Conventions were drawn up when uniformed army fought uniformed army. We had no problem taking thousands of Iraqi soldiers prisoner in 1991 and 2003, and even the Iraqis did not murder our POWs, though they were tortured. However, the fate of an allied soldier captured by the Taliban would be grim indeed, and it seems utopian to treat them better than they would treat us. None of that counts to the human rights campaigners of course, who often seem to be the useful idiots of the enemy.
When it comes to Our Boys or the Taleban/ BBC/ Yuman Rights lawyers and the drippy-wippy libby-wibby pretrendy left, I back Our Boys every time.
Our proud Inbbc, always ready to betray our armed forces.
Treacherous scum, all of them.
Guaranteed the BBC will back the muslim/arab/taliban/jihaddi every time over our own.
Will the Beeboids’ trade union branches of the National Union of Journalists now, explicitly and publicly, condemn the following activities of the ‘Unite’ trade union and urge Mr Miliband, the Labour Party leader, to do likewise?
Front-page, ‘Daily Mail’ Thursday:-
“Terrorised by union bullies: How Labour’s Unite paymasters intimidated managers and their children in bitter oil refinery battle”
‘Daily Mail Comment’:-
“Labour’s bully boys.”
“On their website, Labour’s biggest union paymasters describe the tactics they use in industrial disputes under the innocent-sounding heading ‘leverage’.
“To know what this actually means, just ask the wives and children of managers at the Grangemouth oil refinery.
“As they testify today, Unite’s ‘leverage’ is a campaign by the union’s specialist intimidation units to hound and harass families of bosses with whom they disagree, making them fear for their safety.
“It means mobs of demonstrators yelling through loudspeakers outside homes and leafleting neighbours with hate-filled propaganda.
“The revelations come as police investigate new evidence that Unite conspired to rig the selection of a Labour candidate in Falkirk – whose local party just happens to be chaired by the union militant who almost brought Grangemouth to its knees.
“As is now clear, Ed Miliband’s internal inquiry into Unite’s Falkirk shenanigans was an abject whitewash. Does he still stand by its findings? Does he also support his paymasters’ use of ‘leverage’ to terrify innocent families?
“Come to that, does he back the call from Unite’s militant boss, who gave him his job, to make the union a ‘more active participant in the life of the party’?
“We repeat: the case for a public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the Labour Party grows stronger by the day.”
It has also been all edged that they are quite fond of smashing up the graves of the dead relatives of people that stand against them.
Such honourable and nice people lefties.
Condemn Why would they?
‘leverage committees’ are straight out of the Saul Alanski playbook and would be seen by them as a legitimate way of achieving their ends.
That it is a tactic used in absence of any consensus support is neither here nor there to them, as they believe that ‘they know best’
It would be interesting to see how they (trade union leaders and journalists ) would respond if the, so called right, used these same tactics against them.
We have had a taster of their reaction to such an event. A letter writing campaign to the neighbours of Billy Bragg, pointing out his hypocrisy. Was not received well by the liberal inquisition at all
Remember the left thinks it has the moral high ground. That is how they operate. They convince themselves of this and then anything goes .Opponents are either mad or bad.
Just try and argue any point with a liberal. Waste of time. Two minutes and they start screaming abuse.
The old end justifies the means of the communist era.
Aren’t HARMAN-DROMEY very quiet on this?
“Harman and Dromey – high priests of hypocrisy”
You have to laugh
A constant feature of supposed audience participation in the broadcast landscape of BBC Radio 5 is the little trick where presenters read out so-called ‘texts’ from listeners.
Now of course in reality these ‘texts’ are approved soundbites pumped into the presenters’ computer screens by the BBC studio production staff. They serve to reinforce the particular message to show wishes to portray.
Even a little experience of listening to this stuff will tell you that there is certain tendency – dare I say bias – to the Left.
I would admit that the BBC have a problem here, they are slaves to their own prior biases since their present audience is to a great extent self-selecting. I’m a conservative and I often simply switch off when I find the BBC leaning too far Left. In this way most conservatives by and large have given up on the BBC – news and current affairs at any rate.
The feeling is that the sure way to get a ‘text’ through to air is to say something Labourite.
Before you ask I still listen apart from anything else because I am interested to know where my Licence Fee is going.
Peter Alan is a fairly centre ground presenter – as far the BBC 5 Live is concerned. He is obviously pro-public sector and generally Left compared the actual British centre ground. He comes over as a loyal employee (PAYE?) of the BBC with a bit of fake fuddyduddy old world charm but in reality as PC as the rest of them.
To the point. Today, as usual, he requests some quaint stories from his listeners.
Bang. In comes a ‘text’ as requested by Alan this time about embarrassing things done by toddler aged youngsters.
“When I was a toddler, I was taken to a Labour Party Conference…..”
Oh how I laughed. And I didn’t even need to hear the punch line.
“When I was a toddler, I was taken to a Labour Party Conference…..”
It was a different time.
Now, anything that could be construed as a negative comment (and toddlers can issue these) would see a bunch of heavies ejecting said infant onto the street before you can say ‘lower the voting age’.
Can you imagine the kind of rather unrepresentative oddball that caller must have been turned into by his parents?
I thought labour party conferences were more adept at evicting OAP’s actually, or rather having them arrested under anti terror laws fir disagreeing with who? john reid?
Ho hum
The talents the BBC deploys, their numbers and market rates, can often be hard to stay on top of…
Seems ‘Delivering Ever More Non (or Daft) Jobs For The Boys First’ is more the ongoing mission.
Still, in other news….
Seems it’s pretty much musical chairs at Aunty, only when the music stops, beautiful boys rush in to add more vacant chairs needing to be filled, either from within, or using Lord Patten’s little headhunter sideline without bothering with any of that silly advertising anywhere so anyone ‘non-BBC’ gets to embarrass everyone by applying and having to be rejected, reasons FOI-exempted.
As with, as always… ‘deciding which stories to “go large” on’.
Or, of course, to kill if necessary.
It must be nice to control the edit suite and broadcast dials if you are a censor-enabled propagandist with zero oversight.
for crying out bloody loud! …
how is this important news?
snivelling Islamophiles rejoice?
“The MPs are members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has roots in political Islam”
ie – BBC – ever support for Islamists
Another BBC DJ jailed
Yet again on the One show, let’s attack the English.
Welsh are fun Irish are good old boys but you English are miserable, well matey we never use to be so wander what’s happened.
Radio 4, at 4.50pm, caught in a traffic jam listening to a learned professor expounding on his thesis that climate change (warming) is contributing to poor quality soil fertilisation in dry areas. But it affects the developing countries worse than the more wealthy countries. Our female interviewer merely had to emphasise how serious this plight is for the poorer nations.
Given INBBC’s propagandist role for global Islam, and for the Islamisation of Britain, one might have expected more INBBC material on the wonders of attempts to expand Shariah-compliant finance in U.K.
“More Background on the British Sukuk and Shariah Index.”
“Cool reception to UK’s plan for its first sukuk issue.
Risk associated with buying a pound issue seen curbing appetite for sale.”
This is quite good. Delingpole and some ex-BBC muppet/apologist debating the BBC’s lefty bias…
Dellers : “So it’s a state funded job creation scheme”
BBC Muppet : (patronisingly) “It really is important, actually, James, that something…where the whole nation is paying for…benefits the nation as best it can…”
Dellers : “That’s Socialism”
BBC Muppet : “Well, good!”
Dellers : “I rest my case”
…my God she’s a useless gabbler, typical of the sort of vacuous establishment empty vessels in government (Lab, Con, whatever) and the BBC.
True, it’s not an Islamic jihadist in Guantanamo, but a Christian in Heathrow, so is BBC-NUJ interested in this case?:-