As somebody who has worn a poppy since the age of 14 (I have bought 7 this year at £2 a pop) I say who the hell are we to castigate somebody for not wearing a Poppy. So the lady didn’t wear one, so what? at 25 he/she hasn’t the same mindset that older people have. To him/her WW2 was nearly 70 years ago, WW1 was nearly 100 years ago. in other words ‘History’ Yes I may offend some of you with the above, but. But the fact remains I don’t have the same POV as my parents, likewise my offspring don’t have mine and so on. Who are we to complain about somebody not carrying out a voluntary act.
Wearing a Poppy is an act of remembrance and contrition on behalf of the beholder and let it remain so.
If he can put on his eyelashes and tights he can put on a poppy.
Perhaps if people believed in things other than poncing around in high heels the country might be a better place. It won’t be Islamist terror or the BBC that finishes us off, it’ll be the epidemic of narcissism that is sweeping the west.
Panto season has obviously started early! I have just wasted 45 seconds of my life watching this shite of Kirsty Squawk making a fool of herself on Newsnight.
A snippet from Front Page of Friday’s ‘The Times’ (£)-
“New inquiry ten years after sex crime victim Charlene Downes vanished”
[Opening excerpt of in-depth report]-
“A new police inquiry is to be launched into the unsolved murder of a 14-year-old girl who vanished from a seaside town where dozens of men were using her for sex.
The move, to be announced today on the tenth anniversary of Charlene Downes’s disappearance in Blackpool, comes as The Times reveals evidence of the horrific scale of the sexual crimes to which social workers and police believe the child fell victim.”
Some background, via the English Defence League, which has attempted to support the case of the Downes family and to get the police to take action:-
Good timing by the BBC to be showing Rebekah Brooks death masks lying around in the National Theatre storerooms in tonight’s history of the institution.
What the BBC and, to be fair the MSM reporting on this, don’t make clear is whether or not prosecution counsel said this is immaterial. This is just his opening speech and lays out the case he will be bringing before the jury. As such almost everything he says is mere assertion on his part. At this point in the trial he can say (almost literally) anything. The whole point of a trial is that he has to prove to the jury’s satisfaction that the case and thus the supporting evidence are true beyond a reasonable doubt. Sensational reporting of these assertions as “fact” (without a disclaimer concerning the traditional practice in a criminal prosecution) is the usual low standard to which the BBC stoops in what are essentially political cases brought where the BBC has an interest in smearing the defendants (and, more to the point, their employers and political friends).
As I wrote above, sensationalism and reporting counsel’s assertions as fact are not confined to the BBC. OTOH, unlike the rest of the press, the BBC has a statutory duty to be impartial. In a country purportedly living under the “rule of law” this should result in the BBC’s senior management in the dock for yet another breach of its charter.
This is the must read of the day/week/year. The BBC is mentioned, but that is not the only reaso it is a must read. It is far wider in its implications than the biase of our state broadcaster. It goes to the heart of the institutional rot that is selling out judeo – christian civilisation, liberal democracy, rational thought and on and on.
Mehrdad Amanpour, in guest post on Harry’s Place bemoans the death of moderate Islam.
“Moderate Islam is as good as dead. It didn’t stand a chance”.
Throughout Europe today, someone can advocate a Utopia in which gays and apostates are killed and nevertheless expect to be considered a ‘moderate’, fully entitled to and deserving of tolerance and respect. They can even call themselves an ‘anti-fascist’ .
As long as that Utopia is “an ideal Islamic society”.
I can not link to it but visit the site. It worth the trouble.
It seems the BBC operate double standards over the Yew Tree arrests, DLT was immediately removed from Top Of The Pops repeats before any charges were brought.
The latest star arrested (not he who it was assumed to be) still works for the corporation, yet quote (Daily Mail)
“The BBC said it was unable to comment on the arrest. But it later confirmed that there were no plans, at present, to take the star off air. A radio programme featuring him is scheduled to be broadcast in the next week”
Why has this ‘star’ been allowed to continue work? Are the BBC sure he is innocent or is it because of what he is?
Todays must read is this by Mehrdad Amanpour:”
It’s ironic that in modern Britain, it is far, far more dangerous for me to state my beliefs in public in than it is for Baksh to state his.
What chance do people like me have when the ‘great and good’, the liberal media and the ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that ought to be supporting and defending us, instead support and defend those who believe we should die? In an ‘ideal’ world.
The gutless media. The unprincipled trade unions, universities and student unions that turn a blind eye to the wickedness being promoted in their midst. The hypocritical ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that enable and defend hate. Most of all, the lickspittle political class. Shame on them all”.
“Ali Eteraz wrote an insightful and depressing piece on this:
“According to 18th century records, the Ottoman Empire – Islam’s ruling power – had not flogged, imprisoned, or passed the death sentence on adulterers for nearly 400 years. The traditionalist Ottoman jurists had relied on the Quran’s “four witnesses” rule, which had made proving adultery virtually impossible.
Along came a self-professed Islamic reformer named Abdul Wahhab. … Wahhab said that procuring a confession was enough to stone someone to death and proceeded to do so.”
During the past two decades, the Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad.
At the same time, competing fundamentalist Shia and Sunni movements have been promoted aggressively throughout Europe, with massive funding from countries such as Iran and Qatar.
Moderate Islam is as good as dead. It didn’t stand a chance.
Throughout Europe today, someone can advocate a Utopia in which gays and apostates are killed and nevertheless expect to be considered a ‘moderate’, fully entitled to and deserving of tolerance and respect. They can even call themselves an ‘anti-fascist’.
As long as that Utopia is “an ideal Islamic society”.
There is no point in me saying anything when he says so eloquently.
Richard Bacon this week: ‘MR James…. she was writer when..? Oh MR James was a man? I thought she was a woman’
Really Richard? Really really Richard?
I used to think you were simply dim. Oh wait I get it… PD James is a woman – so all writers using initials must be women, right? Or are you just walking on eggshells so as to appear PC?
What, no calls, at least, from the Graun, Labour and all points Salford for some people to be ‘considering their position’?
How very not like the usual state of affairs.
Watertight oversight in action left, left and left of centre.
And loyalty of a calibre not seen since Pollard and Rose saw FoI redactions slapped on sack-ferret colleague testimony.
Popcorn being ordered as we speak.
From the DM article today its pretty obvious who it is, as I pointed out in a earlier post its more likely what he is rather than who he is as the reason for him not being suspended.
Taxpayers face a bill of nearly £100,000 for Jeremy Hunt’s appeal against a court ruling that he acted unlawfully in ordering hospital service cuts, parliamentary records show.
The health secretary’s claim he was within the law over a decision to downgrade A&E and maternity services at Lewisham Hospital was dismissed in the Court of Appeal this week.”
Hmmn… “Taxpayers face a bill…”. Shock horror!!! Is this really newsworthy? How many court cases run into hundreds of thousands of pounds at the taxpayer’s expense? It’s a heck of a lot!
Taxpayers also face a bill of £600,000 for compensation payment to Sharon Shoesmith. And the taxpayer is also paying out £12bn for the failed NHS computer system which couldn’t even process a game of Space Invaders.
But then, when it comes to left-wing politics, money is not an issue as long as it is spent on – you guessed it – left-wing agendas.
It is undoubtedly news, so can’t fault the reporting.
As to the slant being applied, that may be ‘brave’, given the BBC’s resort to legal support that can often run into six figures at the drop of an FOI that needs fighting [cough] 28Gate [cough], or maybe a senior staff member who needs their stuffing up royally getting the full handhold [cough] Hugs [cough].
So if the issue du jour is the public sector dumping vast legal fees on the hapless taxpayer, as a matter of priority, I’d have to say TV execs being guided through gardening leave side-steps seems pretty much low on the justification totem, along with blowing three times as much on trying to cover their bent in-secret soirees… pointlessly.
INBBC’s anti-drone reporting.
This report seems to have been written from a pro-Pakistan, anti-American viewpoint.
The following INBBC report of what is a successful drone attack on leading Islamic jihadists, turns into a political diatribe against U.S’s use of drones to kill our Islamic jihadist enemy.
‘Daily Mail:-
“Labour donor aided union thugs: How Miliband’s millionaire friend gave vital support to Unite militants.
“The People’s Operator, a mobile phone company founded by millionaire Andrew Rosenfeld gives free calls and text messages to Unite members.
“Signed a deal to supply phones to activists and funnel cash to the union.”
BBC 6 O’clock & North west tonight doing a hatchet job on Charlene Downes. Strange North West mentioned muslims. But both went on to also make accusations that white men were also involved. Both of course had to make mention of the “far right” Bnp involvement.
Yes, why not blame victim, Charlene Downes, who was 14 went she went missing and was presumably murdered?
Just to clinch BBC-NUJ’s lack of empathy in the case of Charlene Downes, compared with the cases of other missing girls, BBC-NUJ also knows that the English Defence League demonstrated on her behalf in Blackpool.
MarkyMarkMar 3, 11:16 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “New analysis shows that spring is the fastest-warming season in the United Kingdom largely down to climate change. A report…
AsISeeItMar 3, 11:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Rather disappointed (I really ought to have known better) by Netflix’s Black Doves starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw & Sarah…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 10:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Friend enjoyed film – until the last bit – I guess they have to slip it in a bit later…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 10:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE ARE ALL EQUAL COMRADES. “Sir Keir Starmer criticised over tax free pension scheme Published 22 March 2023” leader…
Fedup2Mar 3, 10:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I was deleting comments because I didn’t want to spoil that film / book for others – now i give…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 10:53 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “For the first time ever, wind generated more power than gas last year. The UK is leading the way in…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 3, 10:53 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’ve just received a letter letting me know of the state pension increase for this year. I get the full…
andyjsnapeMar 3, 10:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc has a problem with Spring now.. Spring is “fastest-warming” season in the UK Luckily we have the bbc…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 10:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “In the movie Conclave, Cardinal Benitez is an intersex person who was assigned male at birth. He is not transgender.…
Can you believe QT tonight? It is unreal.
Odd that the member of the panel who seems to have spent the most time getting ready didn’t appear to be wearing a poppy.
As somebody who has worn a poppy since the age of 14 (I have bought 7 this year at £2 a pop) I say who the hell are we to castigate somebody for not wearing a Poppy. So the lady didn’t wear one, so what? at 25 he/she hasn’t the same mindset that older people have. To him/her WW2 was nearly 70 years ago, WW1 was nearly 100 years ago. in other words ‘History’ Yes I may offend some of you with the above, but. But the fact remains I don’t have the same POV as my parents, likewise my offspring don’t have mine and so on. Who are we to complain about somebody not carrying out a voluntary act.
Wearing a Poppy is an act of remembrance and contrition on behalf of the beholder and let it remain so.
If he can put on his eyelashes and tights he can put on a poppy.
Perhaps if people believed in things other than poncing around in high heels the country might be a better place. It won’t be Islamist terror or the BBC that finishes us off, it’ll be the epidemic of narcissism that is sweeping the west.
A classic assembly of pod people. It looks like “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers”
Panto season has obviously started early! I have just wasted 45 seconds of my life watching this shite of Kirsty Squawk making a fool of herself on Newsnight.
No change there.
Edited by Ian ‘Batz’. Ho bloody ho!!
Bizarre. Newsnight for Cbeebies.
Is BBC-NUJ interested in this?:-
A snippet from Front Page of Friday’s ‘The Times’ (£)-
“New inquiry ten years after sex crime victim Charlene Downes vanished”
[Opening excerpt of in-depth report]-
“A new police inquiry is to be launched into the unsolved murder of a 14-year-old girl who vanished from a seaside town where dozens of men were using her for sex.
The move, to be announced today on the tenth anniversary of Charlene Downes’s disappearance in Blackpool, comes as The Times reveals evidence of the horrific scale of the sexual crimes to which social workers and police believe the child fell victim.”
Some background, via the English Defence League, which has attempted to support the case of the Downes family and to get the police to take action:-
“Blackpool EDL Demo: Justice for Charlene Downes”
[the video clips on here no longer exist]
Also (2011):-
“EDL – Blackpool – A moving speech by Charlene Downes’ Mother” (video clip).
“U.K.: Authorities cover up ‘Asian’ targeting of underage girls for sexual exploitation for fear of appearing ‘racist'”
‘Daily Mirror’ has this, nationally:-
“Charlene Downes murder: Police to reopen investigation into teenager’s disappearance and death”
BBC-NUJ now has this on its ‘Lancashire’ newspage:-
“Charlene Downes murder police appeal 10 years after disappearance”
Hope plod are not rushing into this. Not as if she was a budding architect or anything.
Good timing by the BBC to be showing Rebekah Brooks death masks lying around in the National Theatre storerooms in tonight’s history of the institution.
I find the BBC (and Chanel 4’s) coverage of this trial quite troubling.
(From Guido) This is how Paxman introduced Newsnight on Wednesday:
PAXMAN: ‘It was inconceivable that the PRIME MINISTER’S FRIENDS didn’t know that their staff were hacking peoples’ phones, said a prosecutor today’
Did the Prosecutor say that? Did he mention the Prime Minister? If he didn’t the BBC and Paxman were lying.
As evidenced by Norman Smith’s spider’s web, the BBC it seems can’t wait to enmesh Cameron in this.
What the BBC and, to be fair the MSM reporting on this, don’t make clear is whether or not prosecution counsel said this is immaterial. This is just his opening speech and lays out the case he will be bringing before the jury. As such almost everything he says is mere assertion on his part. At this point in the trial he can say (almost literally) anything. The whole point of a trial is that he has to prove to the jury’s satisfaction that the case and thus the supporting evidence are true beyond a reasonable doubt. Sensational reporting of these assertions as “fact” (without a disclaimer concerning the traditional practice in a criminal prosecution) is the usual low standard to which the BBC stoops in what are essentially political cases brought where the BBC has an interest in smearing the defendants (and, more to the point, their employers and political friends).
As I wrote above, sensationalism and reporting counsel’s assertions as fact are not confined to the BBC. OTOH, unlike the rest of the press, the BBC has a statutory duty to be impartial. In a country purportedly living under the “rule of law” this should result in the BBC’s senior management in the dock for yet another breach of its charter.
Which Prime Minister? Blair, Brown or Cameron?
Yet another BBC paedo!
This is the must read of the day/week/year. The BBC is mentioned, but that is not the only reaso it is a must read. It is far wider in its implications than the biase of our state broadcaster. It goes to the heart of the institutional rot that is selling out judeo – christian civilisation, liberal democracy, rational thought and on and on.
Mehrdad Amanpour, in guest post on Harry’s Place bemoans the death of moderate Islam.
“Moderate Islam is as good as dead. It didn’t stand a chance”.
Throughout Europe today, someone can advocate a Utopia in which gays and apostates are killed and nevertheless expect to be considered a ‘moderate’, fully entitled to and deserving of tolerance and respect. They can even call themselves an ‘anti-fascist’ .
As long as that Utopia is “an ideal Islamic society”.
I can not link to it but visit the site. It worth the trouble.
BBC Radio has headlined a news item about RBS with :
‘Labour says it must look closely at the issues and will let us know later what it thinks’
Or, words very much to that effect
BBC : Labour Says… (Trade Mark)
When it’s had chance to speak with Len
It seems the BBC operate double standards over the Yew Tree arrests, DLT was immediately removed from Top Of The Pops repeats before any charges were brought.
The latest star arrested (not he who it was assumed to be) still works for the corporation, yet quote (Daily Mail)
“The BBC said it was unable to comment on the arrest. But it later confirmed that there were no plans, at present, to take the star off air. A radio programme featuring him is scheduled to be broadcast in the next week”
Why has this ‘star’ been allowed to continue work? Are the BBC sure he is innocent or is it because of what he is?
It’s become the typical BBC standpoint – protect the criminal perpetrators at all costs.
Todays must read is this by Mehrdad Amanpour:”
It’s ironic that in modern Britain, it is far, far more dangerous for me to state my beliefs in public in than it is for Baksh to state his.
What chance do people like me have when the ‘great and good’, the liberal media and the ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that ought to be supporting and defending us, instead support and defend those who believe we should die? In an ‘ideal’ world.
The gutless media. The unprincipled trade unions, universities and student unions that turn a blind eye to the wickedness being promoted in their midst. The hypocritical ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that enable and defend hate. Most of all, the lickspittle political class. Shame on them all”.
“Ali Eteraz wrote an insightful and depressing piece on this:
“According to 18th century records, the Ottoman Empire – Islam’s ruling power – had not flogged, imprisoned, or passed the death sentence on adulterers for nearly 400 years. The traditionalist Ottoman jurists had relied on the Quran’s “four witnesses” rule, which had made proving adultery virtually impossible.
Along came a self-professed Islamic reformer named Abdul Wahhab. … Wahhab said that procuring a confession was enough to stone someone to death and proceeded to do so.”
During the past two decades, the Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad.
At the same time, competing fundamentalist Shia and Sunni movements have been promoted aggressively throughout Europe, with massive funding from countries such as Iran and Qatar.
Moderate Islam is as good as dead. It didn’t stand a chance.
Throughout Europe today, someone can advocate a Utopia in which gays and apostates are killed and nevertheless expect to be considered a ‘moderate’, fully entitled to and deserving of tolerance and respect. They can even call themselves an ‘anti-fascist’.
As long as that Utopia is “an ideal Islamic society”.
There is no point in me saying anything when he says so eloquently.
Just caught Owen Jones being given airtime and a video section on “Daily Politics.”
Why not have a young entrepreneur on the show? Someone to act as a role model for young people wanting to start a business?
We need more of them than faux-Marxists such as Jones.
‘Why not have a young entrepreneur on the show?’
Because the BBC would much rather give us role models for young people wanting to start a Leftist polical campaign
Apologies for the second post on the same subject.
Guessing that while anything ‘Labour Says’ now can be shoe-horned in from Breakfast News Slowfar to Newsnight’s Slipshoid, what they have got up to likely will fall under the ‘Not News’ or ‘No Room’ categories?
Dominic Laurie – supposedly unbiased and independent radio commentator ie BBC business reporter – in a discusion about RBS asks a question….
Never mind for the moment what it is that he has asked
Labour Peer Lord Myners gives the BBC man a big hearty slap on the back ‘That’s a spot on question and just exactly the question I would have asked’
BBC : Labour says / Labour asks / Labour is pleased
James Delingpole has characterised the BBC as a metroplitan Lefty elite walking on eggshells so as to appear Politcally Correct
I wonder what could have given that idea?
Richard Bacon this week: ‘MR James…. she was writer when..? Oh MR James was a man? I thought she was a woman’
Really Richard? Really really Richard?
I used to think you were simply dim. Oh wait I get it… PD James is a woman – so all writers using initials must be women, right? Or are you just walking on eggshells so as to appear PC?
More BBC cover ups. The guy arrested by Yewtree must be the King Paedo, that head of the BBC chicken farm, for them to cover this up like this.
BBC refuses to suspend presenter arrested under Operation Yewtree.
The BBC has refused to suspend a presenter after he was arrested by detectives investigating the Jimmy Savile scandal.
What, no calls, at least, from the Graun, Labour and all points Salford for some people to be ‘considering their position’?
How very not like the usual state of affairs.
Watertight oversight in action left, left and left of centre.
And loyalty of a calibre not seen since Pollard and Rose saw FoI redactions slapped on sack-ferret colleague testimony.
Popcorn being ordered as we speak.
From the DM article today its pretty obvious who it is, as I pointed out in a earlier post its more likely what he is rather than who he is as the reason for him not being suspended.
BBC website (London);
” Lewisham Hospital 1650:
Taxpayers face a bill of nearly £100,000 for Jeremy Hunt’s appeal against a court ruling that he acted unlawfully in ordering hospital service cuts, parliamentary records show.
The health secretary’s claim he was within the law over a decision to downgrade A&E and maternity services at Lewisham Hospital was dismissed in the Court of Appeal this week.”
Hmmn… “Taxpayers face a bill…”. Shock horror!!! Is this really newsworthy? How many court cases run into hundreds of thousands of pounds at the taxpayer’s expense? It’s a heck of a lot!
Taxpayers also face a bill of £600,000 for compensation payment to Sharon Shoesmith. And the taxpayer is also paying out £12bn for the failed NHS computer system which couldn’t even process a game of Space Invaders.
But then, when it comes to left-wing politics, money is not an issue as long as it is spent on – you guessed it – left-wing agendas.
It is undoubtedly news, so can’t fault the reporting.
As to the slant being applied, that may be ‘brave’, given the BBC’s resort to legal support that can often run into six figures at the drop of an FOI that needs fighting [cough] 28Gate [cough], or maybe a senior staff member who needs their stuffing up royally getting the full handhold [cough] Hugs [cough].
So if the issue du jour is the public sector dumping vast legal fees on the hapless taxpayer, as a matter of priority, I’d have to say TV execs being guided through gardening leave side-steps seems pretty much low on the justification totem, along with blowing three times as much on trying to cover their bent in-secret soirees… pointlessly.
INBBC’s anti-drone reporting.
This report seems to have been written from a pro-Pakistan, anti-American viewpoint.
The following INBBC report of what is a successful drone attack on leading Islamic jihadists, turns into a political diatribe against U.S’s use of drones to kill our Islamic jihadist enemy.
“Strike targets Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud’s car”
‘Long War Journal’ has:-
“US drone strike targets head of Pakistani Taliban”
Labour-trade union crisis: BBC-NUJ quiet.
‘Daily Mail:-
“Labour donor aided union thugs: How Miliband’s millionaire friend gave vital support to Unite militants.
“The People’s Operator, a mobile phone company founded by millionaire Andrew Rosenfeld gives free calls and text messages to Unite members.
“Signed a deal to supply phones to activists and funnel cash to the union.”
BBC 6 O’clock & North west tonight doing a hatchet job on Charlene Downes. Strange North West mentioned muslims. But both went on to also make accusations that white men were also involved. Both of course had to make mention of the “far right” Bnp involvement.
Yes, why not blame victim, Charlene Downes, who was 14 went she went missing and was presumably murdered?
Just to clinch BBC-NUJ’s lack of empathy in the case of Charlene Downes, compared with the cases of other missing girls, BBC-NUJ also knows that the English Defence League demonstrated on her behalf in Blackpool.
‘Telegraph’ (£)
“Missing girl’s body ‘put into kebab'”
Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry
Hiding in plain sight?
On a lighter note ,though not directly involving BBC bias,I felt I had to share this gem
There ain’t nuthin’ like a drone. Poor man was seeking peace talks. BBC in mourning.