A drone has killed Pakistani Taliban leader: Hakimullah Mehsud and the BBC already has a link to a page called “In photos – Meshsud’s life.” Blessed be the Taliban leaders
So within a day the BBC has made him out to be akin to Gandhi or Mother Teresa!
INBBC’s anti-drone reporting.
This report seems to have been written from a pro-Pakistan, anti-American viewpoint.
The following INBBC report of what is a successful drone attack on leading Islamic jihadists, turns into a political diatribe against U.S’s use of drones to kill our Islamic jihadist enemy.
“Were you in the area? Did you see what happened? Send us your comments using the form below”
i feel like responding and saying yes i saw the drone fire a missile and that muzrat got blown to high heaven. He’s going to be gutted when his 72 virgins turn out to be roman catholic nuns
Or little boys ! It doesn’t say the virgins are girls now does it?
And then there’s the possibility because the Qur’an was written at a time when there were no diacritics the translation could be wrong, and he might find that he actually has 72 perfect bunches of grapes !
When considering what attracts so many to radical Islam one particular element stands out.
How else can somebody with an undeveloped mentality gain respect, other than justifying every thought or urge they have as ‘the right one’, and all who don’t agree must be put to death?
Which is why 72 virgins would seem like heaven. That way none of them would know what a real man is like.
Spend eternity with 72 women?!? No offence but I would be quite happy with a nice place, an endless supply of chocolate digestives and a birds eye view of Lords for ever.
I’ve now had a chance to read these ‘reports’ in depth, and especially certain ‘analysis’ which, in other times, would surely have ended with the author in the Tower. ‘BBC diplomatic correspondent James Robbins says that however weakened the Taliban may be by this loss, they will fight on under a new leader.’
What… on the beaches, in the fields… they will never surrender?
How they hell does he know, now, what they will do, and what on earth is he doing penning the Taleban leaderships rallying cries for them?
Maybe it was all covered in the last strategy meeting ‘In a rare interview with the BBC two weeks ago’.
Not that freaking rare as the BBC seems to be pretty much embedded with a bunch of folk whose ‘targets’ are “America and its friends”.
That being the UK, its troops and people, then.
Yet our supposed national broadcaster is running morale and PR for a bunch of killers.
Barking. Were you in the area? Did you see what happened? Send us your comments using the form below If you are happy to be contacted by a BBC journalist please leave a telephone number that we can contact you on.
It would be a real shame if that number was used to target the next Predator mission, as that would put a black mark on any BBC-sporting ‘journalist’ scuttling about that benighted region.
We can only hope that some time soon a BBC reporter embedded with the Taliban will enjoy a direct hit from a drone aimed at the enemies of the West. Wouldn’t that be nice to hear the BBC explain?
BBC News: Are you with the Taliban? Have you been affected by US ones interfering with your attacks on Western forces? How is sexual jihad working for you? Email us your stories.
“At that time he was one of several commanders in the militant group, which has killed thousands of people . . . ”
He obviously was ‘very’ BBC friendly, giving them all those interviews. But apart from the above, not much is ever made about the victims and their families. Best just to airbrush that out eh ! Don’t want to destroy the narrative.
‘He obviously was ‘very’ BBC friendly’
The Murdering Psycho is dead. Long live the Murdering Psycho… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/10422436/Khan-Said-is-the-new-leader-of-the-Taliban.html ‘…a veteran insurgent with a reputation for brutality..’
One presumes he ran a clean campaign to secure the top slot?
Seems job No. 1 is to stage a high profile attack on civilian or military (comme ci, comme ca) targets by way of a first 100 days stamp.
Can’t wait for the BBC’s inevitable eye-witness ‘report’ of the next ‘spectacular’.
INBBC seems to be taking the pro-Taliban, anti-NATO, IMRAN KHAN political line on this.
He’ll be given another empathetic political interview on ‘Today’ programme soon (by Muslim Mishal Husain?) about the awfulness of drones , as a way of giving succour to the West’s Islamic jihadist enemies.
I wonder if Khan Said was pleased with being thrust into the limelight, knowing theres a hellfire missile now with his name on it.
The drones have made sure these barbarians can no longer sleep soundly at night.
The BBC is now so wedded to FaceBook it will never dig its way out of the hole it has created, so the latest ‘complement’ to these eulogies is a cluster-FUBAR of epic proportions for them.
On top of some comments that make the false flags here seem like choir boys and should have the BBC closed down as a hate-promoter with in the hour, the top-raters suggest that outside the 8,000-strong bubblehead farm, things may not be quite the way the BBC’s finest propagandists may be hoping.. Ian Mayman Is the guy on the right wearing a bra on his head?!
Like · Reply · 53 · about an hour ago via mobile
Sean Charles Hall Maybe he is wearing it for breast cancer awareness month. I think his shirt is pink which is the breast cancer awareness colours. Ha!!!
Like · 3 · 45 minutes ago
Rob Hammerton Thought this was an advert for Movember.
Talebanthedaybeforehewastoattendpeacetalks – as in
‘a drone has killed the leader of the Pakistani Talebanthedaybeforehewastoattendpeacetalks.’
Humphrys rolled this out on the Toady Programme. Unfortunately, the ‘in theatre’ droid hadn’t read the script hashtag epicfail as he pointed out that the leader probably wasn’t attending, and it wasn’t ‘the next day’, and in any case the talks weren’t really peace talks as such just talks about peace talks.
Humphrys, the tired old idiot, should just give up and stay home.
I mean the Taleban – they’re so peaceful aren’t they.
I note the Mail and the Telegraph are both reporting that Paul Gambaccini has been arrested “on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of operation Yewtree”.
What happens when the BBC and the police run out of elderly white BBC retirees to frame for “historic” sex offences?
Nearly all of them have been freed without charge and supplies are running low.
They might have to focus on “Asians” again. But at least they can sneer at their white victims (“known to social services” etc) as if the little scrubbers were really asking for it.
The compo whores who pretend to be historic victims of aged white men are, by contrast, depicted as real victims.
Yup. November 23rd 1978 as the offering this week.
Seriously, since the version of the prog that goes out at 7.30 p.m. is (due to editing) very often shorter than the repeat that’s broadcast in the wee small hours, is it beyond the collective talents of the Beeboidia to do the same to the DJ on those editions that feature an offending presenter ?
“…The compo whores who pretend to be historic victims of aged white men are, by contrast, depicted as real victims.”
Gambaccini had his card marked by the coppers ever since he refused to disown Jonathan King over his show trial all those years ago – the one in which the presiding judge actually threw out several witnesses against King as being ‘unreliable’. King got 7 years for mucking about with teenagers, reduced to 3 for good behaviour and tried, unsuccessfully, to have his case appealed against in the ECHR.
Gambo, meanwhile, has never strayed from either maintaining a sensibly discreet silence about his views on King’s treatment, or carefully wording his reluctant responses to questions on the subject in such a way as to leave the the listener/reader in no doubt as to where his loyalties lay. While he was no fan of Savile, King was, and still is, a good friend who – perhaps – he felt was severely mistreated by good old British ‘justice’.
It was always only a matter of time before he himself received the six o’clock knock. Coppers, after all (and to paraphrase Morrissey, no less), ‘bear more grudges than lonely high court judges’.
I don’t know if Gambaccini is innocent or guilty. But at least he did the right thing by saying he was arrested. The Beeb still wanted to cover up this story by still running his show. The BBC it seems to me will try to do anything to cover up their reputation.
BBC “Obituary”(!): “Frequent phone-caller to the BBC”, Pakistan’s Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehmud was “a handsome young man with an aggresive instinct” and was “the anointed successor” to Baitullah Mehsud. “Wild spirit” Mehmud was his “nom de guerre” (quelle “guerre” this is, we are left to summise). However, those concerned that the USA’s dreadful drone attacks on this “daring…young man with a pleasant smile” and his Taliban chums might actually succeed in wiping out these neanderthal islamofascist scumbags should fear not, because they have vowed to “keep fighting until Sharia law [is] imposed – not just in the border areas near Afghanistan, but across Pakistan.” Well, thank god for that. The BBC, using your money to write eulogies for terrorists.
‘You can just imagine how touched and appreciative our soldiers in Afghanistan must regard this touching BBC epitaph.’
Again, I must concede the passing of a ‘significant’ person is by any measure ‘news’.
However the BBC’s again often selective and sometimes frankly bizarre obits or post mortems defy reason.
It can be very tricky. I recall Time Magazine getting into all sorts of hot water over their ‘Person of the Year’ when they plumped for a bit of a wrong ‘un (Hitler once). Their point was that it was a call on impact, not ethics. A bit like getting zapped for a Twitter RT now when you may be doing so to highlight the author’s utter idiocy.
Here the BBC has overstepped the mark from reporting to hero worship, as they do when they deem a covert murder mission on civilians ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’. It is not hard, or brave, to opt to kill from cover. It’s is cowardly and treacherous. And if an escape plan is not factored in, it is also not too tricky. Some old boy pointing his neighbour’s young cousin at a market in a Semtex-packed Burkha is simply, evil.
So the BBC trying to spin up a notion of a dashing Warrior of the Desert is something out of a bad 30’s Mills & Boon, and hence entirely in keeping with the intellectual composition of the 8,000 in the cubicle farm they need to keep occupied to justify their pay and pensions.
Anyone ever heard of this new country that`s recently come from nowhere I think Al beeb call it”Knee Ger” some where in Africa I think , funny I`ve never heard of it before . Wonder why the Pc Bastards don`t call the Capital City of France “Paree” if they are suddenly fluent French speakers ? Now I do remember a country in Africa called “Niger” !
Nearly all the locals still call Mumbai Bombay – it’s just post-colonial western guilt types, and native politicians trying to blame the Raj for India’s woes, who call it Mumbai.
Bombay comes from the Portuguese for “good bay”. There was nothing there when they founded a trading post. “Mumbai” is just a fantasy word concocted by Indian leftists who hate the fact that India was united by the British.
Guy Gibson of Dam busters fame had a pet dog called ”nigger ”, it’s Latin for black, Stephen Fry is making a film about it and decided to be historically inaccurate and change the name to something inoffensive and fluffy, digger.
They should have found an albino Lab for the film and called it whitey. Fewer people would be offended by that than by their silly PC tinkering with history. Anyway I am bored to death of Mr Fry.
The bbc should be investigated by the police as its 3 people at least who have been working there who have been charged with kiddyfidling.
If it was a home or a school it would be shutdown within hours of the first incident.
Letters to your MP I think asking why they haven’t shut it.
Horrible Histories at the bBC US spent trillions and left Iraq in violent pieces As Iraq’s prime minister visits Washington, BBC North America bureaux chief Paul Danahar, who was based in Baghdad during the US-led invasion, says the country America left behind is broken, and Middle Eastern strong men are flexing their muscles. Only people with no long-term vested interest in the well-being of the subjects of a state could have conjured up Iraq. Neither the country nor the political power structures within it would have naturally come about without the intervention of foreigners. The Arab nationalism of Saddam Hussein’s Baathism was a reaction to the selfish audacity of colonial rule.
So, according the bBC, the country (Iraq) is in a worse state than before and its all down to colonialism. The thing is for as bad as Iraq sounds (and t you and I it is bad) the country is a lot safer, more free and as silly as how will sound has a much smaller death rate than when Saddam was around. Oh the left love to say that under Saddam people had more security , but the fact remains that didn’t apply if you were a Shai Muslim, A kurd or the victims of the many causes Saddam supported. Under his watch over a million Iraqis died (and that figure is just from the war with Iran) Million died in Iran, bugger knows how many in Kuwait and the bBC tries to tell you that America , sorry the back lash from white colonial rule is to blame. I quote: “Iraq’s first colonial experience was at the hands of the British. Its second was at the hands of the US.
Really, as the last I looked the British took Iraq on as a Mandate from 1920–1932. Not part of the British Empire as such, and for some reason the bBC leave out the Ottoman Empire which ruled Iraq with an Iron jackboot from (1534-1704 and 1831-1920) but hey its white angst week at the bBC so only the 12 year governance of Iraq by the British can be classed as colonial rule by the bBC.
The thing the bbC leave out of all of the above is that Islamic countries are virtually all run by strong men . These men ensure that those who wish to rule by the bullet and the Koran are kept in their place by a strong military. Yes they kill and oppress millions, but the simple fact remains they (ironically) end up killing and oppressing less than would be if the mores of the Holy Koran took precedence. The reason why Israel is widely accepted as a legitimate target , is because in order to divert the attention of the holy brigade each and every Islamic country sees to it that its relgious nutters have a route in which to bark at the moon and thus keep them off their streets. A passion which is also emulated by the bBC.
Thanks for your report.The fact is thousands are getting distorted history lessons from the BBC and this is very dangerous. Complaints need to be made so that the BBC know they can’t get away with these distortions. It is only when good people do nothing that evil will triumph.
who would of thought it,paul gambaccini getting the 5.am knock by the paedo police into alleged historic sex abuse allegations,shocking stuff and the man is totally innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.but you have to wonder,how many more at the bbc are waiting for that 5.am knock.its knocked my faith in the bbc forever.
No way meant as excuse of genuine abuse of a minor, but there does seem a move to conflating actually grooming and sexually assaulting young children a la Savile & Hall, and a ‘it was a different time’ succumbing to the temptations of (often predatory, mature) groupies not much younger than the (then) young man in question.
I am presuming the law here does not make any distinctions.
Can’t be much fun for those who know they were there because they can’t remember it.
I simply note the BBC suddenly acquiring an institutional high ground and moral stance on company loyalty I doubt they have in the past accorded many others, including poor management support in ‘PR terms’ from such as Mr. Cameron or Murdoch for errant staff.
For that, I again see them as total tribal hypocrites without any excuse or chance of redemption, deploying the power of censorship in every bit as venal a way as they do propaganda.
Today Program 07:42 there’s a piece about the renationalisation of the power grid of a town in Germany. Before the BBC even start you know where it’s going! To be fair it starts off in Germany quite balanced with both sides getting a say. Presumably they didn’t have time to find a far left nutter to say the things they wanted.
But then it’s back to the studio where they want to discuss how this vote might be applied to the UK, and it’s immediately obvious that the left wing nutter they couldn’t find in Germany is in the studio. The first words out of his mouth are a condemnation of the UKs decision to build a new nuclear power station, and that Germany isn’t building any new ones.
Actually quite a good article by the bbc !!!. shame they didn’t highlight this, looks like Germany’s green agenda is gone and it’s a rush to coal. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19168574
The Murder of a Pizza delivery driver in Sheffield is a disgraceful crime, but would it have received the same coverage if the victim had been white British? Somehow I doubt it would have been reported at all.
I expect that the BBC are reporting this so they can find some ‘racism’ angle. If they can’t then it will be insinuated anyway. But the real racism lies with them in the way they report crime differently when the victim has different coloured skin.
There’s another question arising here though, this man had come from Sri Lanka for tertiary education, and he had gained a degree. Rather than returning back to Sri Lanka he was able to take a job in the UK, depriving other graduates of a job, and leap frogging the immigration queue, simply because he had paid a UK university to educate him.
This seems to be a back door route into the UK which the immigration service is so openly aware of that it classes students from foreign countries as immigrants as soon as they arrive for their course. Perhaps this case illustrates why.
Yes breakfast newshour has announced that two men have been charged, but haven’t named them.
I have no idea of any legal restrictions, so we will have to await developments.
One thing for sure, now they have put it under the spotlight, the truth will have to be reported.
I think you’ll find the names of those charged are are usually associated with the Religion of Peace. I initially thought the perpetrators might be Somalian – many live around that area of Sheffield and the brutality of the knife attack is what they are known for in the city – but as one has the surname of Khan, they may be of Pakistani origin.
Still, it sounds like more imported crime in the name of diversity.
One Asian (presumably a Muslim), killing another (Sri Lankan, likely not Muslim), without the Raj 1947 partition issue lurking in the background as yet another reason for the bleeding hearts to wail and weep and gnash teeth and rend garments.
Right, then, nothing to see here, move along.
Nobody’s agenda served by harping on this— “Can’t we let these families alone to deal with their grief in their own way blah blah blah, must we cast aspersions blah blah blah, good and bad in all communities blah blah blah…”
I wrote on the Mail online, ‘if he’d gone home he’d still be alive.’ As per usual they didn’t print it, in fact, they never print any of my comments unless they’re about football. Censorship, alive and well at the Daily Mail.
How could they kill the head of the Taleban in Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud just when the Pakistan government were engaged in ‘peace’ talks which were apparently getting somewhere?
It’s obvious the BBC is appalled by the ‘senseless’ killing by a drone, which they are also opposed to.
There’s no questioning of the fact that the Pakistan Military have been in cahoots with the Taleban and knowingly allowed Bin Laden shelter in a military town. Nor that senior military officials have been passing intelligence and secrets to the Taleban.
Neither is there any mention of the concessions offered to the Taleban, and what they are offering in return, no mention of whether they can be trusted to keep to any treaty they sign up to.
Just more biased reporting by an organisation so biased that they can’t even see it any more.
It seems the beeb will not be content until the Taliban are part of the government in Islamabad with their holy fingers on the nuclear button. The Indians and Israelis will not stand for it though.
If the Taliban gain control of Pakistan its nuclear facilities will be targeted by every power in the region, as well as NATO and the Russians. Vast swathes of the country will be glass encrusted craters within hours.
The only question will be when your nation is already in the Stone Age where exactly in time do you get bombed back to?
The BBC entitles its latest expose on benefit cheats as ‘Britain On The Fiddle’ but it seems from the trailer that the protagonsists are anything but British! Britain being raped would be a more apt title….
I work from home and this week I have seen a show called Saints & Scroungers, the BBC’s love letter to the welfare state. (My boss is very understanding and doesn’t mind me sloping off for half an hour here and there. He’s me.)
The Saints part is fine for the most part, with the odd druggy with issues around stabbing sneaking through, but few here I hope would begrudge most of the examples.
The Scroungers part, however, is shocking, not least because of the huge over representation of those from certain parts of the world.
The show follows a particular template, but each ends the same. As the miscreant is brought to book for their tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds of fraud, a member of the investigating team tells us how delighted they are with the six months suspended sentence. This is followed by a warning that the authorities always get their man, or woman.
They are of course, quite right. Only recently a woman with three kids had invented twelve more and had been claiming for all of them. When she upped the ante to a total of twenty-one children living in her two bedroom council flat the investigation team swooped within just two years.
Yep, many of them Africans, big back-slaps all round when they recover a pitiful percentage of the amount stolen … much of it salted away to whichever shithole they came from. Not exactly a great advertisement for mass immigration/multiculturalism which is probably why they put it on in the mornings when nobody’s watching.
Those poor, poor Greenpeace warriors locked up in a Russian prison cell – at least they may have got one each, occasionally.
Sarah Montague sympathising with the brother of a “freelance” journalist, who just happened to get innocently caught up with the Greenpeace stupidity. Such a shame. Serves the bastards right. I wish the government in the Former UK had the guts to follow the same course of action as the Russians.
Anyway, the relatives of these poor, misunderstood idiots are going to stage a “silent protest” (do they ever do anything silently?) outside the Russian Embassy in London, apparently.
Sarah’s parting shot at the conclusion of the handwringing-fest “interview”:
“Good luck with the protest”.
Good luck with the protest? How dare she! Biased, or what?
Greenpeace lost the plot years ago. In the west they use bullying tactics in which to get their way (Look up Brent Spar) I just hope that Kieron Bryan gets raped in the shower every day for the next 10 years, but hang on the bbC is supporting this prick, they will claim that the above is a fringe benefit.
Brent Spar that was the tipping point for me concerning the veracity of green peace . I was supportive of measures to protect the environment (still am) and prepared to accept what environmentalists said on face value. But the blatant exaggerations, lies in fact, they told about the contents of the Brent spar platform ,has caused me to doubt anything they say.
Similarly the BBC’s hysterically biased support for AGM has caused me to question any thing they say
And the more I question the more dishonest they appear
You should read what Patrick Moore (not the late astronomer) says about today’s Greenpeace. I’m sure many of his writings can be Googled.
Moore is one of the original founders of Greenpeace who left when they started lying about their targets, using factually inaccurate data and statistics to emphasise their agenda and he bitterly criticised the organisation for their direct action “spectaculars” designed to gain maximum publicity, which they knew would bring in more funding for them. In fact Moore stated that was the sole purpose of these stunts – to pull in more funding from interested parties.
From an organisation that was founded to educate people to the damage that human activity could cause to the environment (pollution, deforestation, etc.) it grew into a radical, left-wing politically motivated lobby group dedicated to getting its own way.
Moore’s writings should be read by all those who want to know the REAL agenda of an organisation hijacked by political activists. He’s seen it happen from the inside of the organisation.
It reminds me of the comments at the end of a programme Radio 4 programme Front Row on 2nd Aug 2006.
This programme broadcast an interview promoting a Rap album. . Before the programme this controversial music compilation could only be downloaded from a secret site in Europe as it was considered too extreme to market in Britain. The interviewer allowed the Rap artist to deny the lyrics were extreme. What was particularly distressing, was the announcers closing remarks which promoted the music “It will hopefully be available online from the 7th August” This was repeated on the website as well.
After taking the complaint further up the BBC the term “hopefully” was eventually taken off the website and the Editor of Front Row apologised for the use of the term “hopefully” by the interviewer.. Head of FCU however, said it was clumsiness.that the statement was used but the argument against him was that since it was not only said but also on the website it could not be considered clumsiness. Since the Rap CD only became available after the BBC interview, it is clear that the BBC had promoted the CD effectively. For further details see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html
Fucking cowards with their ‘silent’ protest – not the usual shouty, jostley, angry, chanting mob – No as the Russian guards would kick their heads in! Save their hostile protests for Thatcher’s funeral etc. Scum.
Two members of Golden Dawn murdered in Greece. The BBC reporter ‘says the fear now is that an atmosphere of revenge could develop.’ The ‘backlash’ again. Doesn’t he mean the fear is of further attacks? The BBC didn’t fear revenge attacks when the left wing demonstrator was murdered in Greece, even now that a revenge attack has happeed. When a Muslim man was murdered by the Ukrainian I don’t recall any fears from the BBC about revenge attacks. In contrast to the Lee Rugby murder. The BBC only ‘fears’ revenge attacks on left wingers or Muslims, and thinks only right wingers and kaffir would carry out such attacks.
‘I don’t recall any fears from the BBC about revenge attacks.’
Indeed. Communities in Fear ((c) Guardian CiF) seems very much another unidirectional construct, on a ‘heads we lop off, tails you lose em’ basis.
I have in the past expressed doubts on subjective semantics and errors of omission being very hard to prove, but there are tangibles here.
Missing Craig as always, a search of ‘incidents’ vs. reports may be interesting to see how often revenge exercises the BBC and when they seem untroubled.
I notice on five live this morning, on this subject, the suggestion was made that Greece was becoming polarised between, as the BBC described it, ‘The HARD right and the left’.
Of course in the BBC view of the world there is no such thing as the HARD left.
Count the number of days the BBC will lead with the phone hacking trial – even when the others have moved on.
They are so obviously salivating at the thought of getting both Murdoch and the Tories they can’t loosen their grip.
I can’t help noticing that the BBC have been quoting the prosecution case as though it was fact (with quotes around the allegations, of course) “They must have known”
Interesting to see how much of the rebuttal gets airtime with the anti-Murdoch media.
Personally I blame Murdoch for not savaging the BBC, but letting them do it to him. Sky News? Pathetic.
The BBC on Mehsud “His death came as a major blow to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) network, which was behind some of the most high-profile attacks in Pakistan in recent years, including the 2008 bombing of the Islamabad Marriott hotel and the attempt to kill schoolgirl activist Malala Yousafzai last year.” So of all the thousands killed, mostly Pakistanis and many Shia or Christian, the BBC cites examples of a 5 year old attack against Westerners and an attack on the BBC’s ‘nominee’ for the Nobel peace prize.
This time last week, I mentioned this guy; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Gall
who had been pulled on to the BBC Ten o’clock News, and passed off as an ‘energy expert’ to tell us why the Grangemouth refinery should be nationalised.
I mention this, because this morning, Gall made a return appearance on the BBC, but this time as an industrial relations expert, invited to comment on the Fire Brigade strike and debate with another ‘expert’ (who used to work for the BBC) – so no debate debate there then.
Now in fairness to Gall, he was measured and balanced in what he said, but it is frustrating that once again the BBC has identified a new ‘go to’ commentator who is not of the main stream left, but like the runt Owen Jones, has more of a Marxist view of things.
A quick look at Gall’s hard left CV will soon tell you why he is the BBC’s new best friend.
They have announced the name in a news bulletin, and it’s on the web-page.
Perhaps now they have done just enough they will consign the whole thing to the memory hole as stated above.
The bBC will have its crack team of 1001 researchers looking up on how to blame the murder by a Muslim on:
Colonialism, white racism,Poverty, Islamophobia, the Tory party, The war in Iraq until it has exhausted all the different possibilities in which to make Khan a victim, then it will refrain from naming yet another Islamic murderer.
Its getting so bad that it seems that when an ethnic minority is killed, the press latch onto it in the hope it is a white Briton, so they can say “see, see, racism. It’s not all muslims”
you had it with the murder of the grandfather.
you had it with this.
Of course when it turns out to be not a white Brit, then the interest drops like a stone.
The Toady Programme are giving a platform to yet another grade one arse.
Gregor Gall @leftacademic
Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Bradford, regular Scotsman contributor, Morning Star columnist, writer on unions, Scotland and Tommy Sheridan,
Doesn’t see anything wrong with Unite thugs going along to the houses of Ineos managers and harassing them, their wives, and children.
Disgusting little shit.
Next time anyone’s up Bradford way with a tidy mob, turn up at his house with a stuffed rat, see how he likes it.
Great the Toady Programme, the way they keep on giving me people to detest.
“How the BBC persuades itself it’s not biased.
And why this is a nonsense.”
By James Delingpole.
“The left is also more devious. Gramsciite guerilla tactics are written into its DNA. Which is to say it instinctively understands that if, for example, the BBC is predominantly left-wing-biased the secret to helping keep it that way is to shriek with exaggerated outrage whenever the BBC makes the slightest hint of an attempt at taking a more balanced position.”
I have looked on Al Beebs web site as of now nothing ,A cut in legal aid for terrorists and illegal immigrants makes the grade, but not this.
How will they cover it I wonder- will the UAF/hope not hate mount a counter demonstration
If any act was ever conceived to provoke violence or racial hatred this is It
Imagine how BBC-NUJ (and UAF) would respond if English Defence League were to demonstrate outside a mosque with banners blaming Islamic interests for jihad violence.
Has U.K political class, inc Cameron-Clegg-May-Hague-Warsi ‘Government,’ Labour Party, most MSM, inc BBC-NUJ now so politically capitulated to Islamic interests that it will allow the likes of Muslim Choudary to provoke and threaten British people at the London Albert Hall?
Will anyone speak out and resist? Or is the Establishment in the grip of fear? A fear of Islam?
At least you know where you are with Choudhury. No weasel words as per the normal apologists .
It will be allowed to go ahead so stupid are our liberal elite.
it will be quietly noted in the shires and minds will be made up. It will not be forgotten.
Who cares what London liberals think.
They have never understood England and now are becoming dangerously detached from us and reality.
The worst generation in our long history is also the stupidest.
Agreed in every detail. In fact I believe that Mr Choudhury should be allowed his moment in the sun and it should be broadcast to the widest audience. Not only to expose him, but more importantly, expose the liberal inquisition’s disconnect from the consensus.
Yes. I agree, give him his moment, photograph, film it and show it all over the world. Let everyone see what a cowardly government the UK has, and let Cameron’s repeated praise of the moslem community be shown with it.
From 2011. Would be interesting to see what happens this year. Especially considering they butchered a British soldier wearing a help for heroes shirt in the middle of woolwich.
I thouight the 68ers were the worst generation. These new broadcasters have learnt nothing but managed to take on board all the 68ers drivel.
Where does the BBC find them?
Oh I forgot the BBC is the 68ers and their sad and silly later followers.
I see the BBC has a somewhat large PR department. It needs it but many of us are not fooled any more.
In Marx speak consign it to the oblivion of history
The BBC already currently employ 140 people in its PR department – considering that the public are forced to pay for it, does that seem odd?
Now in light of all the scandals that have emerged over the past year surrounding the BBC, they feel that they need a former Labour party spin-doctor to help with their tarnished image.
They clearly don’t understand that if they had decent ethics and morals, and treated the public with the respect and candour it deserves, this might ultimately redress the foul image the BBC has. Instead they continue to treat the public as suckers, and will give us more bullshit.
Godric Smith, 48, was hired to restore the corporation’s battered reputation
Appointment followed Jimmy Savile scandal and fat-cat salaries
Tory MPs furious as BBC already spend £5m on in-house PR department
Look at the moral calibre of its defenders. If the ones that come on here are anything to go by they give the impression they would write letters of complaint about the right wing press to distract themselves from the sound of a Dr Who producer abusing children in the next office.
Quentim Letts has taken the time to really elaborate from an intelligent viewpoint of the foul being that is Russell Brand. Worth reading to get an insight into the BBC mindset that would think that this is a person of real interest and worthy of promotion.
Prison riot in Maidstone, sky news are reporting 180 foreign prisoners rioting, bbc implying its local sex offenders.
Currently headline news but I guess depending on who is rioting it will be moved down the pecking order.
According to this prison information website about Thanet Wing, where the riot took place: Accommodation
During 2009 the prison’s population changed.
Medway and Thanet Houses is a specialist sex offender treatment resource for Kent and Sussex delivering Sex Offender Treatment Programmes (SOTP) and related courses.
Kent House houses Foreign National prisoners.
Weald House is an Induction House for prisoners new to the prison with an integrated population of Sex Offenders and Foreign Nationals with fully integrated regimes.
Apparently 40 inmates were involved although it was first thought over 100. It’s not clear if they were foreigners, but it would appear they were sex offenders if they were in Thanet Wing.
Now if they WERE Foreigners, and if they WERE sex offenders, I know what most of us would put money on as to the ethnicity of these individuals.
We’ll soon know for sure by how the BBC (mis)reports it.
I see the bBC are reporting that Maidstone prison hosts a small number of foreign prisoners.
Total prison population : 600
Foreign population: 180
To the bBC almost a third equates to small. Must be why so many bBC staff have got away with their kidy rapes, the victims only cam forward after they realised that they had been told a lie about what constitutes 12″
I wonder when the BBC will get around to blaming British society for how so many f-ing sex offending Islamic rapists went on a riot becasue the government as of yesterday cut off their right to watch porn at the tac payer expense.
You know what I would do, I would ensure that each prisoner was given the beating of a lifetime, then they would be made to clean up the mess they made, then I would add 10 years to their time inside and then outsource the entire British Prison service to North Korea.
Tell you what, I bet after 10,000 wankers end up breaking rocks in North Korea, idiots in the Uk will think twice about committing crimes.
never mind North Korea lets outsource it to Russia, it probably would not cost us any money as we could sell all the TVs and PS3’s. basic rations and some hard labour I doubt many would want to go back.
Ah the poor little souls are not allowed TVs in there cells or free trips to the gym, the bloody rest of us have to pay for this or go with out , shall we riot.
The bbc then drags up the usual apologist from the penal reform, or sod the victims.
Front-page headline in the Sunday Telegraph – 70% want the BBC licence fee scrapped or reduced.
Let’s see if that is in their Sunday morning reviews of the papers.
Attacks on the licence fee, the whole idea of it, are now becoming mainstream. And I think this will gather pace.
Grant Schapps was a bloody fool the other day talking only of giving some of the fee to other channels. The whole thing should be stopped, the BBC should be put on a subscription basis. Which would evidently be a very popular move.
According to the ICM poll already half the public want the BBC tax scrapped. The Government would be absolutely stupid not to act on this level of public opposition to the regressive BBC tax.
According to the article A BBC spokesman said the corporation’s own “long term” research had shown that support for the licence fee had grown by 16 percentage points since 2004, to 47 per cent. This makes the licence fee the most popular means of funding the BBC, ahead of subscription and advertising, the spokesman said.
Which begs the question , if they’re so convinced of their popularity, why do they need 140 PR staff and have also just hired an ex-Blair spin doctor?
Its worth referring to the link posted by Will
in mid-week thread again (dated 29-10-2013)
‘ Will great link but look at it again
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 4,071 votes (31 %)
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)
Give other broadcasters a chance – scrap the BBC’s licence fee monopoly. 781 votes (6 %)
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 5,744 votes (43 %)
The BBC should be on subscription, so if you watch, view, or use it, you pay. 965 votes (7 %
I make that 44% for the licence 56% against’
The idea that 43% that want it funded by adverts would prefer the license fee to subscription, or visa-versa , is patently ridiculous
Its the same disingenuous spin as the BBC’s claim to be the ‘most watched’
As I have pointed out before when you look at the viewing figures for any given hour of the day ,more people are watching channels not funded by the TV tax than by people watching channels that are.
There is simply no justification for the licence fee as is
Excerpt from ‘ Sunday Telegraph’ (£) article (above):-
“Seventy per cent of voters believe that the BBC licence fee should be abolished or cut, according to a new ICM poll for The Sunday Telegraph.
“Nearly half of those questioned – 49 per cent – said the charge should be scrapped entirely, while a further 21 per cent said the current £145.50 price should be reduced.
“There was wide support for the idea of the BBC developing alternative sources of income, such as through advertising, while ending its funding from the licence fee.
“Only one in 10 voters was willing to see the fee increase in line with inflation when ministers next re-write the BBC’s Charter in 2016.
“The findings follow warnings from Cabinet ministers over the future of the licence fee and demonstrate the extent of public hostility to the current system.”
As has been pointed out above, the bBBC ‘news’ report of the Kent prison disturbance is a classic example of BBC bias by omission – all other news services are telling us that it was foreigners who rioted – but also a blatant plug for even more public sector spending.
I can think of an easy way to find an extra £4billion to spend on the prison service.
BBC-NUJ political support for Islamic jihadist TALIBAN, is not simply strong, it is VERY strong.
Several Beeboid reporters on the drone killing of Islamic jihadist Taliban mass murderer, Mehsud, play the ‘moral equivalence’ game. They are inclined to imply that the drone killing of an Islamic jihadist mass murderer is morally equivalent to the murderous acts of the Islamic jihadist mass murderer!
As pointed out on this thread, the BBC-NUJ political and moral tone in reporting Mehsud’s death has been one of political veneration, similar to what much of the political ‘left’ affords to Che Guevara!
And given the BBC-NUJ’s heavy weighting to the political criticism it gives to its political Democrat favourite, President Obama, on this issue, illustrate the even greater strength of BBC-NUJ support for Mehsud, who gets that nice obit too.
And to try to clinch its criticism of the drone targeting of jihadist mass murderer Mehsud, BBC-NUJ uses the pathetic Islamic Republic of Pakistan claim that we are on the brink of ‘peace talks’. Really? Are we not at war with the Islamic jihadist Taliban? Is IT not at war with us in the West still? Does BBC-NUJ know the difference between and ‘armistice’ and a ‘HUDNA’?
In contrast to BBC-NUJ’s bland, uncritical reporting of Shariah finance and Sukuk bonds:-
“Bishop fears sharia bonds pave way for more Islamic law.
“Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, the former bishop of Rochester, warns plans by David Cameron to issue a sharia-compliant bond could have ‘unforeseen consequences'”.
“He [Dr Nazir-Ali] added: ‘Before we take these steps that could have unforeseen consequences we do need greater public discussion, greater explanation of what actually is being done and what it is we are letting ourselves in for.’
“The bishop said that a public debate on the introduction of the bonds should include whether sharia judges should be allowed to adjudicate in disputes over government-backed investments.
“’They must be taking advice already from sharia scholars to put together these products. Has there been any discussion that such advice can be taken and that such adjudication can be acceptable in terms of official policy?’”
Just as mass immigration has been, and continues to be inflicted on the British people with no explicit democratic mandate, so too, Islamic sharia-compliant finance is being inflicted on the British people now in the same undemocratic manner.
Why the hell should the British people have to be in a constant state of adjustment in all matters to this disruptive, barbaric religion? If Islamic sharia-compliant finance is being considered, why don’t we ask the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons, the Moonies, or the bloody cult of the Wicker Man for their take on the world of finance whilst we are at it?
Also’ inflicted’ this weekend we have Diwali. The weather man yesterday at tea time forecasting horizontal rain with a Force 8 urged us to take care if celebrating firework parties or Diwali!
Radio Devon this morning informed me at length that there was a Diwali event up in Exeter today – living here on the fringes I have very little idea what this actually is and care even less.
BBC-NUJ will NOT be keen to follow up the ‘Sunday Times’ (£) front-page-
“Revealed: Miliband’s dossier on union plot.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“SECRET contents of the report on Labour’s vote-rigging scandal, which Ed Miliband refuses to publish, are revealed today by The Sunday Times.
“They lay bare the shocking conclusions of the party’s inquiry into alleged electoral corruption in the brutal battle by the Unite union to seize control of the safe Labour seat of Falkirk.
Investigators saw indications of:
■ Forgery
■ Coercion
■ Trickery
■ Manipulation
“Miliband has consistently refused to publish the report of the inquiry he ordered into claims that Unite attempted to rig the selection of Labour’s candidate for the Falkirk seat.
“Last week The Sunday Times revealed how Miliband was forced to abandon the inquiry after a dirty tricks campaign by Unite apparently led key witnesses to withdraw their evidence.
“He will now come under intense pressure to reopen the inquiry and publish its report.”
With the perverted logic, of which the BBC are in a class of their own, the idea that the drone strike against this Islamist savage will upset the peace talks with the stone age Taliban is being pushed by them. Their news reports include a few comments from some bearded wonders in Pakistan who say “the Americans have done a very bad thing” in killing this thug. Apparently it’s the Americans who want endless war and carnage in Pakistan. Of course, it’s nothing to do with the murderous, medieval mindset of tribal savages who think it is honourable and courageous to shoot schoolgirls, and bomb market places, provided it is done in the name of their Allah-Monster.
In previous reporting on such conflicts, it has been noted that there is an increase in violence around the time of any negotiations to secure better bargaining positions.
Not very ‘nice’, but perhaps understandable. Thing is, usually it has been by those who see violence as a means to achieving their ends, and many media groupies have just accepted it as a legitimate bargaining tool.
It therefore seems odd to find the Western media seeking to suddenly declare such a thing unfair when on the cusp of discussions to reduce the meat grinder by incentivising the chief supporters of such violence that the consequences, at high level, can be real and personal.
Again, the BBC’s stance seems designed to offer succour to the enemy, and to prolong the conflict.
Being forced to fund a fifth column propaganda tool that acts for the killers of troops serving my country is a hard pill to be forced to swallow.
What’s it like to grow up in poverty? Lets look at a family in Nottingham.
A child is considered to be living in poverty if the family income is less than 60% of the national average.
So, not real poverty then!
People can’t afford to heat their houses properly – no definition as to what that means, and many working people can’t afford to either.
Can’t afford to eat properly – what no meals out twice a week, Latte from the coffee bar every morning? Again no definition given.
Lets go to Yusef. “well I didn’t grow up in poverty, but I lived near an area which was” Well Yusef I expect given that you give no facts at all we can assume you grew up in a foreign country and migrated here!
Then it’s on to the ‘living wage’ which ties in nicely with Millibands new policy on tax breaks for companies which pay it.
Total bias!
There’s no investigation into the effect mass immigration has had on driving wages down, and there probably never will be.
Nor is there any investigation of how many businesses would be driven under if they had to pay this, nor the effect that Liebour stealth taxes have had on raising the cost of living.
Now there’s a denial of Muslim guilt in killing Christians of figures released by the center for global Christian studies. It’s yet another rabid left wing white woman working hard to absolve Islam of any kind of guilt what so ever. I’ve met these people and seen the fury they exhibit when some one dares to say something they don’t approve of, especially when they cannot disprove it (Radio 4 7:28) from ‘Ruth’ on More or Less.
And now:
Pity the Young
Duration: 10 minutes
Will Self reflects on the malign influence of the older generation on the young as the population of Britain ages. “In my darker moments – of which there are quite a few – I often envision the baby boomer generation as a giant and warty toad squatting on the youth of our society”.
I think we all know what Leftie Will Self has in mind !
Broadcasting House will be talking to an Iranian Muslim man whose neighbours ‘mistakenly’ thought he was a paedophile. More attacks on the nasty white people they hate so much while ignoring the teachings of Islam, and maybe promoting Harpersons policy of the decriminalisation of paedophilia to allow their favourite brown eyed boys to practice it.
Will Self is 52. His father Peter Self was born in 1919 so that would make Peter Self part of the generation that produced the baby boomers (who were mostly servicemen returning from WW2) meaning that Will is part of the baby boom generation himself. Ouch!
As the leader of the Stockwell branch of the NKVD, Comrade Self wouldn’t have any hesitation in breaking as many eggs as is necessary to create his Marxist omelette. You only have to look at the rolling ‘Gulag Calling!’ eyes whenever he’s confronted by reality, the ‘Manson lamps’, to know, at heart, Self’s consumed by anger & hatred. The adolescent fury of an Oxford PPE graduate who sends his sons to private school as he rails against establishment privilege & nepotism. He has the face that belongs in a grainy photograph taken in 1917, in a Petrograd street, as another ‘Reign of Terror’ is gearing up to do its worst & the opium of ‘revolution’ is in the air. Will was born at the wrong time, & wrong place. Instead of storming the Winter Palace, he was wallowing in booze & drugs at Exeter College. Chaise Longue Guevara.
But, eventually, the grown-ups made Willy give up his drugs, his gross self-indulgence, & he became very bored. He had to find another vehicle for his narcissism. What better than hard Left politics? The religion of ‘progressivism’? What better to be than a swivel-eyed, ranting bore who would be delighted to see London turn into a Haiti-upon-Thames nihilistic hellhole, as long as his little world retained its firewall of privilege. He couldn’t have inherited a more fitting surname.
Well that is a new depth for the BBC to plumb. Right now on the Weekend programme on BBC World Service there is Tariq Ali being asked for his views on the situation in Pakistan vis a vis the killing of Taliban terrorists by drone. This man was a motivated communist terrorist radical in the 60’s and 70’s and has a pathological hatred of all things western and of the USA in particular.
No balance, no debate, just some idiot Beboid fawning over this piece of excrescence. Bah!
Yes, Tariq Ali, who, all in one person, represents both Marxist and Islamic interests as part of that alliance, to which BBC-NUJ politically subscribes, and inflicts on licence-payers.
Uncritical and supportive reporting of Labour policy initiative on “living wage tax breaks” this morning http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24786397. Compare this to the “Labour says…” reporting of Labour’s knee-jerk reaction to every minor Government policy announcement.
Inbbc breakfast currently analysing the forced labour of Sheffield steel production facilities in WW2.
Women on there, who will have worked hard, describing it as a horror, hell. Stolen youth etc.
The answer to their plight is obvious to the traitors at the inbbc, perhaps we ought to have rolled over and surrendered?
What no special on the millions of tons of production and hours lost due to constant strikes or how about the union fiddling that nearly wrecked our merchant fleet .aircraft production ? I know what about one on the strike at the factory that was supposed to be fixing the design fault in the Halifax bomber a fault that killed many bomber crews including nearly our entire Radar research team ?
Not to forget the factories making tanks who’d only work on the assurance that they’d be sent to the Soviets rather than their hard-pressed fellow Britons. Eventually management allowed them to paint the things with red stars and “Good old Uncle Joe” slogans and production continued.
Using water-soluble paint.
Thus, after passing the checks, the tanks went off to a depot to be hosed off and delivered to British Army users.
This was linked from Tim Blair’s site a few days ago. It’s Australia in wartime, but germane to the point here and frankly mind-boggling:
Paul Henley on his World Sewvice programme this morning is like a dog with a bone with his concern that the electorates & governments of the (Western?) world are not making income inequality the most important political issue.
I would suggest that they are, with the efforts to produce economic growth and reduce unemployment. Presumably 4th form Paul has a more confiscatory agenda in mind.
I was listening to a “play” on Radio 4 (Sat afternoon), the plot revolved around a fictitious Labour leader, so far so good, however during the play we were treated to the following plot…the heroine should accept the Leaders policies as he was “trying to fix years of Conservative savage attacks on the NHS, Education and welfare”.
Surely this is unacceptable that a supposedly impartial broadcaster could insert political propaganda into one of its shows?
But it’s what it does, all too often. If it isn’t a political slant, then it’s heavily into climate change, our supposed part in it, and what we are meant to be doing to “save the planet”. Practically ALL the BBC’s output has a message, an agenda, an ideology. They just can’t help it.
Sadly, that was just a single example. A few years ago I would occasionally post one line synopses of the week’s R4 plays on this site. You didn’t need to look very hard to see a clear and undeniable theme. From soft cultural Marxism to the hardline ‘real thing’, the BBC’s drama department has been a tool of the Left for decades.
Inbbc news 24, has just given out a breaking news announcement:
A boat with 70 moslems of some sort on board has capsized off Myanmar.
Quoted as faithfully as my memory allows
To be fair, Nicholas was reading from a text, and he stumbled over the word Moslems quite obviously, but…..
HTF do they know that? Do we get the same announcements in grooming cases here?
To be fair to the newsreader, Nicholas someone, he had already passed the Muslim word and decided he needed to add some kind of qualifier, which is where the ‘ of some sort( or kind) came from. It’s fairly certain he was adding the qualifier as he realised that what had read out was appalling.
How much better would have been simply ‘ people’
No more was needed at that stage.
tomoMar 2, 20:58 Weekend 1st March 2025 https://twitter.com/omotforest/status/1896137735402070038
MarcoMar 2, 20:19 Weekend 1st March 2025 People can’t afford to eat or heat there homes in this country and yet these lefty wef globalist leaders want…
tomoMar 2, 20:12 Weekend 1st March 2025 Forget the missiles….. That would be quite the plot twist. 😮 “It, however, turns out that this may not be…
atlas_shruggedMar 2, 20:04 Weekend 1st March 2025 Dr Neale Hanvey MP interventions: https://www.parallelparliament.co.uk/mp/neale-hanvey/debate/2024-04-18/commons/commons-chamber/covid-19-response-and-excess-deaths
tomoMar 2, 19:49 Weekend 1st March 2025 Zelensky came up the bluidy minerals deal first in September 24 meet with candidate Trump… All these UKR flag shaggers…
tomoMar 2, 19:47 Weekend 1st March 2025 .By the time they’re crated up and on the way, it’ll be over?
Guest WhoMar 2, 19:45 Weekend 1st March 2025 There are many reasons to despise the bbc in all its malign forms. This is near the top. https://x.com/campbellclaret/status/1896171342875197580?s=61 About…
A drone has killed Pakistani Taliban leader: Hakimullah Mehsud and the BBC already has a link to a page called “In photos – Meshsud’s life.”
Blessed be the Taliban leaders
So within a day the BBC has made him out to be akin to Gandhi or Mother Teresa!
Yes, (and a reprise):-
INBBC’s anti-drone reporting.
This report seems to have been written from a pro-Pakistan, anti-American viewpoint.
The following INBBC report of what is a successful drone attack on leading Islamic jihadists, turns into a political diatribe against U.S’s use of drones to kill our Islamic jihadist enemy.
“Strike targets Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud’s car”
‘Long War Journal’ has:-
“US drone strike targets head of Pakistani Taliban”
well after reading the bbc obituary he seemed like a thoroughly nice chap, can’t believe those nasty Americans would want to stop such a nice chap.
at the end of the bbc propaganda article
“Were you in the area? Did you see what happened? Send us your comments using the form below”
i feel like responding and saying yes i saw the drone fire a missile and that muzrat got blown to high heaven. He’s going to be gutted when his 72 virgins turn out to be roman catholic nuns
Or little boys ! It doesn’t say the virgins are girls now does it?
And then there’s the possibility because the Qur’an was written at a time when there were no diacritics the translation could be wrong, and he might find that he actually has 72 perfect bunches of grapes !
Err…were you a wedding guest in that area?,
When considering what attracts so many to radical Islam one particular element stands out.
How else can somebody with an undeveloped mentality gain respect, other than justifying every thought or urge they have as ‘the right one’, and all who don’t agree must be put to death?
Which is why 72 virgins would seem like heaven. That way none of them would know what a real man is like.
I know, I know, 71 is ok for me.
Spend eternity with 72 women?!? No offence but I would be quite happy with a nice place, an endless supply of chocolate digestives and a birds eye view of Lords for ever.
I’m a simple man!!
I would hazard a guess then, that these drone activities were set up by Bush, and that bathouse barry knew nothing of them?
I remember seeing a video of four IDF Apaches taking out a pally terrorist car. One carefully synchronised Hellfire missile apiece.
Those Israelis – they got class.
(and ps – to any pretrendy lefties who think I’m one of them and being ironic – wrong.)
I’ve now had a chance to read these ‘reports’ in depth, and especially certain ‘analysis’ which, in other times, would surely have ended with the author in the Tower.
‘BBC diplomatic correspondent James Robbins says that however weakened the Taliban may be by this loss, they will fight on under a new leader.’
What… on the beaches, in the fields… they will never surrender?
How they hell does he know, now, what they will do, and what on earth is he doing penning the Taleban leaderships rallying cries for them?
Maybe it was all covered in the last strategy meeting ‘In a rare interview with the BBC two weeks ago’.
Not that freaking rare as the BBC seems to be pretty much embedded with a bunch of folk whose ‘targets’ are “America and its friends”.
That being the UK, its troops and people, then.
Yet our supposed national broadcaster is running morale and PR for a bunch of killers.
Were you in the area? Did you see what happened? Send us your comments using the form below
If you are happy to be contacted by a BBC journalist please leave a telephone number that we can contact you on.
It would be a real shame if that number was used to target the next Predator mission, as that would put a black mark on any BBC-sporting ‘journalist’ scuttling about that benighted region.
We can only hope that some time soon a BBC reporter embedded with the Taliban will enjoy a direct hit from a drone aimed at the enemies of the West. Wouldn’t that be nice to hear the BBC explain?
BBC News: Are you with the Taliban? Have you been affected by US ones interfering with your attacks on Western forces? How is sexual jihad working for you? Email us your stories.
‘It would be a real shame if that number was used to target the next Predator mission’
Wow, that’s nice.
As to your criticism, yes, its called reporting the news.
Hang on….dont tell me…he married his bride when she was 6 yeah? But because he’s a civilised guy, didnt rape her until she was 9?
Yeah right!
“Drone strike hits New Broadcasting House….survivors blame EDL”
plus joooooz.
Yes, this is a disgraceful piece of hagiography.
“At that time he was one of several commanders in the militant group, which has killed thousands of people . . . ”
He obviously was ‘very’ BBC friendly, giving them all those interviews. But apart from the above, not much is ever made about the victims and their families. Best just to airbrush that out eh ! Don’t want to destroy the narrative.
Them bloody militants again…
‘He obviously was ‘very’ BBC friendly’
The Murdering Psycho is dead. Long live the Murdering Psycho…
‘…a veteran insurgent with a reputation for brutality..’
One presumes he ran a clean campaign to secure the top slot?
Seems job No. 1 is to stage a high profile attack on civilian or military (comme ci, comme ca) targets by way of a first 100 days stamp.
Can’t wait for the BBC’s inevitable eye-witness ‘report’ of the next ‘spectacular’.
INBBC seems to be taking the pro-Taliban, anti-NATO, IMRAN KHAN political line on this.
He’ll be given another empathetic political interview on ‘Today’ programme soon (by Muslim Mishal Husain?) about the awfulness of drones , as a way of giving succour to the West’s Islamic jihadist enemies.
“The Pakistani Taliban voted to promote their number two commander, Khan Said . . . ”
And how was that vote conducted, by short straw ?
I wonder if Khan Said was pleased with being thrust into the limelight, knowing theres a hellfire missile now with his name on it.
The drones have made sure these barbarians can no longer sleep soundly at night.
They got Unite to count the ballots.
The BBC is now so wedded to FaceBook it will never dig its way out of the hole it has created, so the latest ‘complement’ to these eulogies is a cluster-FUBAR of epic proportions for them.
On top of some comments that make the false flags here seem like choir boys and should have the BBC closed down as a hate-promoter with in the hour, the top-raters suggest that outside the 8,000-strong bubblehead farm, things may not be quite the way the BBC’s finest propagandists may be hoping..
Ian Mayman Is the guy on the right wearing a bra on his head?!
Like · Reply · 53 · about an hour ago via mobile
Sean Charles Hall Maybe he is wearing it for breast cancer awareness month. I think his shirt is pink which is the breast cancer awareness colours. Ha!!!
Like · 3 · 45 minutes ago
Rob Hammerton Thought this was an advert for Movember.
Another neologism from the Droids.
Talebanthedaybeforehewastoattendpeacetalks – as in
‘a drone has killed the leader of the Pakistani Talebanthedaybeforehewastoattendpeacetalks.’
Humphrys rolled this out on the Toady Programme. Unfortunately, the ‘in theatre’ droid hadn’t read the script hashtag epicfail as he pointed out that the leader probably wasn’t attending, and it wasn’t ‘the next day’, and in any case the talks weren’t really peace talks as such just talks about peace talks.
Humphrys, the tired old idiot, should just give up and stay home.
I mean the Taleban – they’re so peaceful aren’t they.
sorry, did I say ‘drone’.
I meant of course ‘dronewhichkillsinnocentpeople’.
My bad.
I note the Mail and the Telegraph are both reporting that Paul Gambaccini has been arrested “on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of operation Yewtree”.
I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
What happens when the BBC and the police run out of elderly white BBC retirees to frame for “historic” sex offences?
Nearly all of them have been freed without charge and supplies are running low.
They might have to focus on “Asians” again. But at least they can sneer at their white victims (“known to social services” etc) as if the little scrubbers were really asking for it.
The compo whores who pretend to be historic victims of aged white men are, by contrast, depicted as real victims.
What the hell is going to happen to ‘Top of the Pops on BBC Four. They are practically up to the Christmas edition !
Yup. November 23rd 1978 as the offering this week.
Seriously, since the version of the prog that goes out at 7.30 p.m. is (due to editing) very often shorter than the repeat that’s broadcast in the wee small hours, is it beyond the collective talents of the Beeboidia to do the same to the DJ on those editions that feature an offending presenter ?
“…The compo whores who pretend to be historic victims of aged white men are, by contrast, depicted as real victims.”
Gambaccini had his card marked by the coppers ever since he refused to disown Jonathan King over his show trial all those years ago – the one in which the presiding judge actually threw out several witnesses against King as being ‘unreliable’. King got 7 years for mucking about with teenagers, reduced to 3 for good behaviour and tried, unsuccessfully, to have his case appealed against in the ECHR.
Gambo, meanwhile, has never strayed from either maintaining a sensibly discreet silence about his views on King’s treatment, or carefully wording his reluctant responses to questions on the subject in such a way as to leave the the listener/reader in no doubt as to where his loyalties lay. While he was no fan of Savile, King was, and still is, a good friend who – perhaps – he felt was severely mistreated by good old British ‘justice’.
It was always only a matter of time before he himself received the six o’clock knock. Coppers, after all (and to paraphrase Morrissey, no less), ‘bear more grudges than lonely high court judges’.
Are suggesting King was innocent?
Add a ‘you’ to that, please.
But when are they going to get David “Kid” Jensen? *
I mean, it’s staring you right in the face there, isn’t it?
* I would like to state for the benefit of David Jensen’s lawyers that this is a joke and not intended to be taken seriously.
Interestingly, Gambaccini was one of the first to jump on the “we-all-thought-Savile-was-a-bit-odd-and-a-bit-of-a-perv bandwagon…
Is BBC bias as bad as ever? – http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/telegram/100243928/is-bbc-bias-as-bad-as-ever-and-rip-lou-reed-what-happens-when-all-the-other-rock-legends-die/
Interesting debate
H/T guido
Nicky Campbell talks with Paul Gambaccini on BBC Radio 5 Live about paedophilia and necrophilia allegations relating to Jimmy Savile
I don’t know if Gambaccini is innocent or guilty. But at least he did the right thing by saying he was arrested. The Beeb still wanted to cover up this story by still running his show. The BBC it seems to me will try to do anything to cover up their reputation.
The Taliban appreciation society…
BBC “Obituary”(!): “Frequent phone-caller to the BBC”, Pakistan’s Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehmud was “a handsome young man with an aggresive instinct” and was “the anointed successor” to Baitullah Mehsud. “Wild spirit” Mehmud was his “nom de guerre” (quelle “guerre” this is, we are left to summise). However, those concerned that the USA’s dreadful drone attacks on this “daring…young man with a pleasant smile” and his Taliban chums might actually succeed in wiping out these neanderthal islamofascist scumbags should fear not, because they have vowed to “keep fighting until Sharia law [is] imposed – not just in the border areas near Afghanistan, but across Pakistan.” Well, thank god for that. The BBC, using your money to write eulogies for terrorists.
You can just imagine how touched and appreciative our soldiers in Afghanistan must regard this touching BBC epitaph.
The BBC are so far up their own arses…
‘You can just imagine how touched and appreciative our soldiers in Afghanistan must regard this touching BBC epitaph.’
Again, I must concede the passing of a ‘significant’ person is by any measure ‘news’.
However the BBC’s again often selective and sometimes frankly bizarre obits or post mortems defy reason.
It can be very tricky. I recall Time Magazine getting into all sorts of hot water over their ‘Person of the Year’ when they plumped for a bit of a wrong ‘un (Hitler once). Their point was that it was a call on impact, not ethics. A bit like getting zapped for a Twitter RT now when you may be doing so to highlight the author’s utter idiocy.
Here the BBC has overstepped the mark from reporting to hero worship, as they do when they deem a covert murder mission on civilians ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’. It is not hard, or brave, to opt to kill from cover. It’s is cowardly and treacherous. And if an escape plan is not factored in, it is also not too tricky. Some old boy pointing his neighbour’s young cousin at a market in a Semtex-packed Burkha is simply, evil.
So the BBC trying to spin up a notion of a dashing Warrior of the Desert is something out of a bad 30’s Mills & Boon, and hence entirely in keeping with the intellectual composition of the 8,000 in the cubicle farm they need to keep occupied to justify their pay and pensions.
If I was serving in Afghanistan, as a family member is, I’d want to know about my enemy. As a viewer of the news, I want to be informed.
Or, stick your fingers in your ears, and pretend they don’t exist.
Anyone ever heard of this new country that`s recently come from nowhere I think Al beeb call it”Knee Ger” some where in Africa I think , funny I`ve never heard of it before . Wonder why the Pc Bastards don`t call the Capital City of France “Paree” if they are suddenly fluent French speakers ? Now I do remember a country in Africa called “Niger” !
Well, they say Bejing!
They say kolkatt
They say Mumbai
But sure as hell they cant say Paree! Who knows why.
Nearly all the locals still call Mumbai Bombay – it’s just post-colonial western guilt types, and native politicians trying to blame the Raj for India’s woes, who call it Mumbai.
Bombay comes from the Portuguese for “good bay”. There was nothing there when they founded a trading post. “Mumbai” is just a fantasy word concocted by Indian leftists who hate the fact that India was united by the British.
Guy Gibson of Dam busters fame had a pet dog called ”nigger ”, it’s Latin for black, Stephen Fry is making a film about it and decided to be historically inaccurate and change the name to something inoffensive and fluffy, digger.
They should have found an albino Lab for the film and called it whitey. Fewer people would be offended by that than by their silly PC tinkering with history. Anyway I am bored to death of Mr Fry.
I think we all are…
The major in Fawlty Towers still a bit un-pc. But the p**i shop in Fools and Horses gone.
Is he making Guy Gibson gay whilst he’s at it?
BBC’ s Paul Gambaccini has been arrested. Gosh !!! not another one !!!
The bbc should be investigated by the police as its 3 people at least who have been working there who have been charged with kiddyfidling.
If it was a home or a school it would be shutdown within hours of the first incident.
Letters to your MP I think asking why they haven’t shut it.
Horrible Histories at the bBC
US spent trillions and left Iraq in violent pieces
As Iraq’s prime minister visits Washington, BBC North America bureaux chief Paul Danahar, who was based in Baghdad during the US-led invasion, says the country America left behind is broken, and Middle Eastern strong men are flexing their muscles. Only people with no long-term vested interest in the well-being of the subjects of a state could have conjured up Iraq. Neither the country nor the political power structures within it would have naturally come about without the intervention of foreigners. The Arab nationalism of Saddam Hussein’s Baathism was a reaction to the selfish audacity of colonial rule.
So, according the bBC, the country (Iraq) is in a worse state than before and its all down to colonialism. The thing is for as bad as Iraq sounds (and t you and I it is bad) the country is a lot safer, more free and as silly as how will sound has a much smaller death rate than when Saddam was around. Oh the left love to say that under Saddam people had more security , but the fact remains that didn’t apply if you were a Shai Muslim, A kurd or the victims of the many causes Saddam supported. Under his watch over a million Iraqis died (and that figure is just from the war with Iran) Million died in Iran, bugger knows how many in Kuwait and the bBC tries to tell you that America , sorry the back lash from white colonial rule is to blame. I quote:
“Iraq’s first colonial experience was at the hands of the British. Its second was at the hands of the US.
Really, as the last I looked the British took Iraq on as a Mandate from 1920–1932. Not part of the British Empire as such, and for some reason the bBC leave out the Ottoman Empire which ruled Iraq with an Iron jackboot from (1534-1704 and 1831-1920) but hey its white angst week at the bBC so only the 12 year governance of Iraq by the British can be classed as colonial rule by the bBC.
The thing the bbC leave out of all of the above is that Islamic countries are virtually all run by strong men . These men ensure that those who wish to rule by the bullet and the Koran are kept in their place by a strong military. Yes they kill and oppress millions, but the simple fact remains they (ironically) end up killing and oppressing less than would be if the mores of the Holy Koran took precedence. The reason why Israel is widely accepted as a legitimate target , is because in order to divert the attention of the holy brigade each and every Islamic country sees to it that its relgious nutters have a route in which to bark at the moon and thus keep them off their streets. A passion which is also emulated by the bBC.
The bBC, the traiotrs within our Midst
Thanks for your report.The fact is thousands are getting distorted history lessons from the BBC and this is very dangerous. Complaints need to be made so that the BBC know they can’t get away with these distortions. It is only when good people do nothing that evil will triumph.
who would of thought it,paul gambaccini getting the 5.am knock by the paedo police into alleged historic sex abuse allegations,shocking stuff and the man is totally innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.but you have to wonder,how many more at the bbc are waiting for that 5.am knock.its knocked my faith in the bbc forever.
No way meant as excuse of genuine abuse of a minor, but there does seem a move to conflating actually grooming and sexually assaulting young children a la Savile & Hall, and a ‘it was a different time’ succumbing to the temptations of (often predatory, mature) groupies not much younger than the (then) young man in question.
I am presuming the law here does not make any distinctions.
Can’t be much fun for those who know they were there because they can’t remember it.
I simply note the BBC suddenly acquiring an institutional high ground and moral stance on company loyalty I doubt they have in the past accorded many others, including poor management support in ‘PR terms’ from such as Mr. Cameron or Murdoch for errant staff.
For that, I again see them as total tribal hypocrites without any excuse or chance of redemption, deploying the power of censorship in every bit as venal a way as they do propaganda.
Bill Oddie must be shitting bricks, been hearing rumors about him for years.
Today Program 07:42 there’s a piece about the renationalisation of the power grid of a town in Germany. Before the BBC even start you know where it’s going! To be fair it starts off in Germany quite balanced with both sides getting a say. Presumably they didn’t have time to find a far left nutter to say the things they wanted.
But then it’s back to the studio where they want to discuss how this vote might be applied to the UK, and it’s immediately obvious that the left wing nutter they couldn’t find in Germany is in the studio. The first words out of his mouth are a condemnation of the UKs decision to build a new nuclear power station, and that Germany isn’t building any new ones.
Usual bias.
Did he mention the 23 new Drax sized coal fired power station that they are building to compensate for suspension of their nuclear power program?
Actually quite a good article by the bbc !!!. shame they didn’t highlight this, looks like Germany’s green agenda is gone and it’s a rush to coal.
The Murder of a Pizza delivery driver in Sheffield is a disgraceful crime, but would it have received the same coverage if the victim had been white British? Somehow I doubt it would have been reported at all.
I expect that the BBC are reporting this so they can find some ‘racism’ angle. If they can’t then it will be insinuated anyway. But the real racism lies with them in the way they report crime differently when the victim has different coloured skin.
There’s another question arising here though, this man had come from Sri Lanka for tertiary education, and he had gained a degree. Rather than returning back to Sri Lanka he was able to take a job in the UK, depriving other graduates of a job, and leap frogging the immigration queue, simply because he had paid a UK university to educate him.
This seems to be a back door route into the UK which the immigration service is so openly aware of that it classes students from foreign countries as immigrants as soon as they arrive for their course. Perhaps this case illustrates why.
R4 news just noticeably failed to give any names of those charged with murder. That can only mean one thing.
Yes breakfast newshour has announced that two men have been charged, but haven’t named them.
I have no idea of any legal restrictions, so we will have to await developments.
One thing for sure, now they have put it under the spotlight, the truth will have to be reported.
Oh no it won’t: this story is winging it’s way to the memory hole right now.
I think you’ll find the names of those charged are are usually associated with the Religion of Peace. I initially thought the perpetrators might be Somalian – many live around that area of Sheffield and the brutality of the knife attack is what they are known for in the city – but as one has the surname of Khan, they may be of Pakistani origin.
Still, it sounds like more imported crime in the name of diversity.
BBC now names one of those charged as Shamraze Khan. Presumably an alias belonging to a member of the EDL?
One Asian (presumably a Muslim), killing another (Sri Lankan, likely not Muslim), without the Raj 1947 partition issue lurking in the background as yet another reason for the bleeding hearts to wail and weep and gnash teeth and rend garments.
Right, then, nothing to see here, move along.
Nobody’s agenda served by harping on this— “Can’t we let these families alone to deal with their grief in their own way blah blah blah, must we cast aspersions blah blah blah, good and bad in all communities blah blah blah…”
Yes, and how dare you highjack this tragic incident for political purposes. Shame on you.
Men again.
I wrote on the Mail online, ‘if he’d gone home he’d still be alive.’ As per usual they didn’t print it, in fact, they never print any of my comments unless they’re about football. Censorship, alive and well at the Daily Mail.
Those @**!!@!ing Americans !!
How could they kill the head of the Taleban in Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud just when the Pakistan government were engaged in ‘peace’ talks which were apparently getting somewhere?
It’s obvious the BBC is appalled by the ‘senseless’ killing by a drone, which they are also opposed to.
There’s no questioning of the fact that the Pakistan Military have been in cahoots with the Taleban and knowingly allowed Bin Laden shelter in a military town. Nor that senior military officials have been passing intelligence and secrets to the Taleban.
Neither is there any mention of the concessions offered to the Taleban, and what they are offering in return, no mention of whether they can be trusted to keep to any treaty they sign up to.
Just more biased reporting by an organisation so biased that they can’t even see it any more.
It seems the beeb will not be content until the Taliban are part of the government in Islamabad with their holy fingers on the nuclear button. The Indians and Israelis will not stand for it though.
This is the thing the Beeb don’t seem to realise.
If the Taliban gain control of Pakistan its nuclear facilities will be targeted by every power in the region, as well as NATO and the Russians. Vast swathes of the country will be glass encrusted craters within hours.
The only question will be when your nation is already in the Stone Age where exactly in time do you get bombed back to?
Obviously to the ‘ big bang’
The BBC entitles its latest expose on benefit cheats as ‘Britain On The Fiddle’ but it seems from the trailer that the protagonsists are anything but British! Britain being raped would be a more apt title….
Just wait until January we aint seem nothing yet…
I work from home and this week I have seen a show called Saints & Scroungers, the BBC’s love letter to the welfare state. (My boss is very understanding and doesn’t mind me sloping off for half an hour here and there. He’s me.)
The Saints part is fine for the most part, with the odd druggy with issues around stabbing sneaking through, but few here I hope would begrudge most of the examples.
The Scroungers part, however, is shocking, not least because of the huge over representation of those from certain parts of the world.
The show follows a particular template, but each ends the same. As the miscreant is brought to book for their tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds of fraud, a member of the investigating team tells us how delighted they are with the six months suspended sentence. This is followed by a warning that the authorities always get their man, or woman.
They are of course, quite right. Only recently a woman with three kids had invented twelve more and had been claiming for all of them. When she upped the ante to a total of twenty-one children living in her two bedroom council flat the investigation team swooped within just two years.
Yep, many of them Africans, big back-slaps all round when they recover a pitiful percentage of the amount stolen … much of it salted away to whichever shithole they came from. Not exactly a great advertisement for mass immigration/multiculturalism which is probably why they put it on in the mornings when nobody’s watching.
Those poor, poor Greenpeace warriors locked up in a Russian prison cell – at least they may have got one each, occasionally.
Sarah Montague sympathising with the brother of a “freelance” journalist, who just happened to get innocently caught up with the Greenpeace stupidity. Such a shame. Serves the bastards right. I wish the government in the Former UK had the guts to follow the same course of action as the Russians.
Anyway, the relatives of these poor, misunderstood idiots are going to stage a “silent protest” (do they ever do anything silently?) outside the Russian Embassy in London, apparently.
Sarah’s parting shot at the conclusion of the handwringing-fest “interview”:
“Good luck with the protest”.
Good luck with the protest? How dare she! Biased, or what?
Fuckin’ BBC.
When is the protest ?
I feel like going along and waving a Russian flag
Why TF cant we get a PM as effective as Putin?
Greenpeace lost the plot years ago. In the west they use bullying tactics in which to get their way (Look up Brent Spar) I just hope that Kieron Bryan gets raped in the shower every day for the next 10 years, but hang on the bbC is supporting this prick, they will claim that the above is a fringe benefit.
Brent Spar that was the tipping point for me concerning the veracity of green peace . I was supportive of measures to protect the environment (still am) and prepared to accept what environmentalists said on face value. But the blatant exaggerations, lies in fact, they told about the contents of the Brent spar platform ,has caused me to doubt anything they say.
Similarly the BBC’s hysterically biased support for AGM has caused me to question any thing they say
And the more I question the more dishonest they appear
You should read what Patrick Moore (not the late astronomer) says about today’s Greenpeace. I’m sure many of his writings can be Googled.
Moore is one of the original founders of Greenpeace who left when they started lying about their targets, using factually inaccurate data and statistics to emphasise their agenda and he bitterly criticised the organisation for their direct action “spectaculars” designed to gain maximum publicity, which they knew would bring in more funding for them. In fact Moore stated that was the sole purpose of these stunts – to pull in more funding from interested parties.
From an organisation that was founded to educate people to the damage that human activity could cause to the environment (pollution, deforestation, etc.) it grew into a radical, left-wing politically motivated lobby group dedicated to getting its own way.
Moore’s writings should be read by all those who want to know the REAL agenda of an organisation hijacked by political activists. He’s seen it happen from the inside of the organisation.
There was an article in one of the ‘funny papers’, the Independent I think, about Pussy Riot and the fun they’re having in ‘a labour camp’.
18 hours a day sewing uniforms and (very) inadequate sanitation were the least of it.
The Greenpeace show-offs have got that to look forward to.
It reminds me of the comments at the end of a programme Radio 4 programme Front Row on 2nd Aug 2006.
This programme broadcast an interview promoting a Rap album. . Before the programme this controversial music compilation could only be downloaded from a secret site in Europe as it was considered too extreme to market in Britain. The interviewer allowed the Rap artist to deny the lyrics were extreme. What was particularly distressing, was the announcers closing remarks which promoted the music “It will hopefully be available online from the 7th August” This was repeated on the website as well.
After taking the complaint further up the BBC the term “hopefully” was eventually taken off the website and the Editor of Front Row apologised for the use of the term “hopefully” by the interviewer.. Head of FCU however, said it was clumsiness.that the statement was used but the argument against him was that since it was not only said but also on the website it could not be considered clumsiness. Since the Rap CD only became available after the BBC interview, it is clear that the BBC had promoted the CD effectively. For further details see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html
Fucking cowards with their ‘silent’ protest – not the usual shouty, jostley, angry, chanting mob – No as the Russian guards would kick their heads in! Save their hostile protests for Thatcher’s funeral etc. Scum.
Two members of Golden Dawn murdered in Greece. The BBC reporter ‘says the fear now is that an atmosphere of revenge could develop.’ The ‘backlash’ again. Doesn’t he mean the fear is of further attacks? The BBC didn’t fear revenge attacks when the left wing demonstrator was murdered in Greece, even now that a revenge attack has happeed. When a Muslim man was murdered by the Ukrainian I don’t recall any fears from the BBC about revenge attacks. In contrast to the Lee Rugby murder. The BBC only ‘fears’ revenge attacks on left wingers or Muslims, and thinks only right wingers and kaffir would carry out such attacks.
‘I don’t recall any fears from the BBC about revenge attacks.’
Indeed. Communities in Fear ((c) Guardian CiF) seems very much another unidirectional construct, on a ‘heads we lop off, tails you lose em’ basis.
I have in the past expressed doubts on subjective semantics and errors of omission being very hard to prove, but there are tangibles here.
Missing Craig as always, a search of ‘incidents’ vs. reports may be interesting to see how often revenge exercises the BBC and when they seem untroubled.
I notice on five live this morning, on this subject, the suggestion was made that Greece was becoming polarised between, as the BBC described it, ‘The HARD right and the left’.
Of course in the BBC view of the world there is no such thing as the HARD left.
I guess the Greek communist revolutionaries during and after WW2 weren’t hard enough.
Count the number of days the BBC will lead with the phone hacking trial – even when the others have moved on.
They are so obviously salivating at the thought of getting both Murdoch and the Tories they can’t loosen their grip.
Actually the BBC will probably move on when the defence comes to have its say.
I can’t help noticing that the BBC have been quoting the prosecution case as though it was fact (with quotes around the allegations, of course) “They must have known”
Interesting to see how much of the rebuttal gets airtime with the anti-Murdoch media.
Personally I blame Murdoch for not savaging the BBC, but letting them do it to him. Sky News? Pathetic.
Yes, they “must have known”, just like the Director General “must have known” that Jimmy Savile was a paedophile who raped children on BBC premises.
The BBC on Mehsud “His death came as a major blow to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) network, which was behind some of the most high-profile attacks in Pakistan in recent years, including the 2008 bombing of the Islamabad Marriott hotel and the attempt to kill schoolgirl activist Malala Yousafzai last year.” So of all the thousands killed, mostly Pakistanis and many Shia or Christian, the BBC cites examples of a 5 year old attack against Westerners and an attack on the BBC’s ‘nominee’ for the Nobel peace prize.
This time last week, I mentioned this guy;
who had been pulled on to the BBC Ten o’clock News, and passed off as an ‘energy expert’ to tell us why the Grangemouth refinery should be nationalised.
I mention this, because this morning, Gall made a return appearance on the BBC, but this time as an industrial relations expert, invited to comment on the Fire Brigade strike and debate with another ‘expert’ (who used to work for the BBC) – so no debate debate there then.
Now in fairness to Gall, he was measured and balanced in what he said, but it is frustrating that once again the BBC has identified a new ‘go to’ commentator who is not of the main stream left, but like the runt Owen Jones, has more of a Marxist view of things.
A quick look at Gall’s hard left CV will soon tell you why he is the BBC’s new best friend.
Balance? What balance?
You did call Owen Jones a ‘runt’ ?????? Surely some mistake?
Some of his own surely think so
5 Live will still not name Shamraze Khan as one of those charged with the murder of Thavisha Lakindu Peiris despite having appeared at court.
Seriously. Why?
Can a BBC apologist please come on and explain to me?
They have announced the name in a news bulletin, and it’s on the web-page.
Perhaps now they have done just enough they will consign the whole thing to the memory hole as stated above.
The bBC will have its crack team of 1001 researchers looking up on how to blame the murder by a Muslim on:
Colonialism, white racism,Poverty, Islamophobia, the Tory party, The war in Iraq until it has exhausted all the different possibilities in which to make Khan a victim, then it will refrain from naming yet another Islamic murderer.
Its getting so bad that it seems that when an ethnic minority is killed, the press latch onto it in the hope it is a white Briton, so they can say “see, see, racism. It’s not all muslims”
you had it with the murder of the grandfather.
you had it with this.
Of course when it turns out to be not a white Brit, then the interest drops like a stone.
The Toady Programme are giving a platform to yet another grade one arse.
Gregor Gall @leftacademic
Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Bradford, regular Scotsman contributor, Morning Star columnist, writer on unions, Scotland and Tommy Sheridan,
Doesn’t see anything wrong with Unite thugs going along to the houses of Ineos managers and harassing them, their wives, and children.
Disgusting little shit.
Next time anyone’s up Bradford way with a tidy mob, turn up at his house with a stuffed rat, see how he likes it.
Great the Toady Programme, the way they keep on giving me people to detest.
We need a police force with the courage to deal with these bullies. Harrassment is a crime last time I looked.
‘Telegraph’ (£):-
“How the BBC persuades itself it’s not biased.
And why this is a nonsense.”
By James Delingpole.
“The left is also more devious. Gramsciite guerilla tactics are written into its DNA. Which is to say it instinctively understands that if, for example, the BBC is predominantly left-wing-biased the secret to helping keep it that way is to shriek with exaggerated outrage whenever the BBC makes the slightest hint of an attempt at taking a more balanced position.”
Market rate talent at work.
Or, possibly, not.
Can this be true? it beggars belief
I have looked on Al Beebs web site as of now nothing ,A cut in legal aid for terrorists and illegal immigrants makes the grade, but not this.
How will they cover it I wonder- will the UAF/hope not hate mount a counter demonstration
If any act was ever conceived to provoke violence or racial hatred this is It
Imagine how BBC-NUJ (and UAF) would respond if English Defence League were to demonstrate outside a mosque with banners blaming Islamic interests for jihad violence.
Will these Muslim demonstrators, inspired by Woolwich, be allowed to drive their cars over kafirs,* and behead us?
“London-born Muslim calls upon ‘all the Muslim men in Britain’ to ‘come to jihad’ and ‘cut the necks of the disbelievers’
Has U.K political class, inc Cameron-Clegg-May-Hague-Warsi ‘Government,’ Labour Party, most MSM, inc BBC-NUJ now so politically capitulated to Islamic interests that it will allow the likes of Muslim Choudary to provoke and threaten British people at the London Albert Hall?
Will anyone speak out and resist? Or is the Establishment in the grip of fear? A fear of Islam?
Response of U.K government so far:
-‘we have decided to ban the American opponents of Islamic jihad, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, from entering Britain.’
At least you know where you are with Choudhury. No weasel words as per the normal apologists .
It will be allowed to go ahead so stupid are our liberal elite.
it will be quietly noted in the shires and minds will be made up. It will not be forgotten.
Who cares what London liberals think.
They have never understood England and now are becoming dangerously detached from us and reality.
The worst generation in our long history is also the stupidest.
Agreed in every detail. In fact I believe that Mr Choudhury should be allowed his moment in the sun and it should be broadcast to the widest audience. Not only to expose him, but more importantly, expose the liberal inquisition’s disconnect from the consensus.
Yes. I agree, give him his moment, photograph, film it and show it all over the world. Let everyone see what a cowardly government the UK has, and let Cameron’s repeated praise of the moslem community be shown with it.
It’s the people on the urban front line who are most at risk – and few of them are liberals. Think yourself lucky to live in the shires.
From 2011. Would be interesting to see what happens this year. Especially considering they butchered a British soldier wearing a help for heroes shirt in the middle of woolwich.
oops it was linked to me by e-mail (I don’t read mail contrary what some might think)
I’m genuinely relieved that it not going to happen
mea culpa
‘I can’t quite believe that I’ve just sat through ten minutes of BBC television…. (some don’t make it that far, Timmy) in which British journalists Owen Jones and Zoe Williams have defended Karl Marx as the prophet of the End of Capitalism.’
See… Owen & Zoe. Journalists. Balance.
I am presuming the topic chosen, and guests, were simply another BBC effort to educate and inform in areas demanded by the people they speak for?
I thouight the 68ers were the worst generation. These new broadcasters have learnt nothing but managed to take on board all the 68ers drivel.
Where does the BBC find them?
Oh I forgot the BBC is the 68ers and their sad and silly later followers.
I see the BBC has a somewhat large PR department. It needs it but many of us are not fooled any more.
In Marx speak consign it to the oblivion of history
zoe williams is another prize tit.
Funny, I was going to cite Andrew Neil’s interview about this to make the opposite point.
The BBC already currently employ 140 people in its PR department – considering that the public are forced to pay for it, does that seem odd?
Now in light of all the scandals that have emerged over the past year surrounding the BBC, they feel that they need a former Labour party spin-doctor to help with their tarnished image.
They clearly don’t understand that if they had decent ethics and morals, and treated the public with the respect and candour it deserves, this might ultimately redress the foul image the BBC has. Instead they continue to treat the public as suckers, and will give us more bullshit.
BBC pays Tony Blair’s former spin doctor £150k to be part-time PR man
Godric Smith, 48, was hired to restore the corporation’s battered reputation
Appointment followed Jimmy Savile scandal and fat-cat salaries
Tory MPs furious as BBC already spend £5m on in-house PR department
Look at the moral calibre of its defenders. If the ones that come on here are anything to go by they give the impression they would write letters of complaint about the right wing press to distract themselves from the sound of a Dr Who producer abusing children in the next office.
Quentim Letts has taken the time to really elaborate from an intelligent viewpoint of the foul being that is Russell Brand. Worth reading to get an insight into the BBC mindset that would think that this is a person of real interest and worthy of promotion.
A revolutionary messiah? Who does this grubby darling of the Left think he’s kidding?
Prison riot in Maidstone, sky news are reporting 180 foreign prisoners rioting, bbc implying its local sex offenders.
Currently headline news but I guess depending on who is rioting it will be moved down the pecking order.
Reports around the web all say it is foreign prisoners – some 180 to 200 of them.
The BBC report did not give numbers – ie the scale – or say it was all foreign.
I wonder why ? Or is that a stupid question ?
According to this prison information website about Thanet Wing, where the riot took place:
During 2009 the prison’s population changed.
Medway and Thanet Houses is a specialist sex offender treatment resource for Kent and Sussex delivering Sex Offender Treatment Programmes (SOTP) and related courses.
Kent House houses Foreign National prisoners.
Weald House is an Induction House for prisoners new to the prison with an integrated population of Sex Offenders and Foreign Nationals with fully integrated regimes.
Apparently 40 inmates were involved although it was first thought over 100. It’s not clear if they were foreigners, but it would appear they were sex offenders if they were in Thanet Wing.
Now if they WERE Foreigners, and if they WERE sex offenders, I know what most of us would put money on as to the ethnicity of these individuals.
We’ll soon know for sure by how the BBC (mis)reports it.
My first thought when I saw it and it was mentioned that their was a “small” foreign prisoner population.
“Prison riot in Maidstone, sky news are reporting 180 foreign prisoners rioting, bbc implying its local sex offenders.”
Well, when you think about it, they are probably both right !
“Maidstone Prison Riot: Brought Under Control”
Booker pans the BBC – again. It gives too much airtime to climate change “deniers”, apparently. Norty BBC…
I see the bBC are reporting that Maidstone prison hosts a small number of foreign prisoners.
Total prison population : 600
Foreign population: 180
To the bBC almost a third equates to small. Must be why so many bBC staff have got away with their kidy rapes, the victims only cam forward after they realised that they had been told a lie about what constitutes 12″
I wonder when the BBC will get around to blaming British society for how so many f-ing sex offending Islamic rapists went on a riot becasue the government as of yesterday cut off their right to watch porn at the tac payer expense.
You know what I would do, I would ensure that each prisoner was given the beating of a lifetime, then they would be made to clean up the mess they made, then I would add 10 years to their time inside and then outsource the entire British Prison service to North Korea.
Tell you what, I bet after 10,000 wankers end up breaking rocks in North Korea, idiots in the Uk will think twice about committing crimes.
never mind North Korea lets outsource it to Russia, it probably would not cost us any money as we could sell all the TVs and PS3’s. basic rations and some hard labour I doubt many would want to go back.
I’ve got a better idea. Send them all to Iran and tell the Iranians’ that these ‘men’ are ALL gay.
He who live by the ‘book’, shall suffer by the ‘book’.
Bloody hell, actually saw a White person on BBC News today.
BBC is also pushing the narrative that the riots began due to “staff shortages.”
Ah the poor little souls are not allowed TVs in there cells or free trips to the gym, the bloody rest of us have to pay for this or go with out , shall we riot.
The bbc then drags up the usual apologist from the penal reform, or sod the victims.
The BBC used the word…………C-U-T-S……………on their 10 o’clock News.
We’ve have nearly four years of this bollocks and I’m sick of it.
Really, really? they needed a poll for that?
Next week be ready for a poll to show bears sh*t in the woods and the pope is……well, you know the rest.
Front-page headline in the Sunday Telegraph – 70% want the BBC licence fee scrapped or reduced.
Let’s see if that is in their Sunday morning reviews of the papers.
Attacks on the licence fee, the whole idea of it, are now becoming mainstream. And I think this will gather pace.
Grant Schapps was a bloody fool the other day talking only of giving some of the fee to other channels. The whole thing should be stopped, the BBC should be put on a subscription basis. Which would evidently be a very popular move.
Having problems posting the link – but try this :
According to the ICM poll already half the public want the BBC tax scrapped. The Government would be absolutely stupid not to act on this level of public opposition to the regressive BBC tax.
Time the Tories found some backbone.
According to the article
A BBC spokesman said the corporation’s own “long term” research had shown that support for the licence fee had grown by 16 percentage points since 2004, to 47 per cent. This makes the licence fee the most popular means of funding the BBC, ahead of subscription and advertising, the spokesman said.
Which begs the question , if they’re so convinced of their popularity, why do they need 140 PR staff and have also just hired an ex-Blair spin doctor?
Its worth referring to the link posted by Will
in mid-week thread again (dated 29-10-2013)
‘ Will great link but look at it again
The BBC is an important public service, good value, & should be kept as it is. 4,071 votes (31 %)
I support the BBC licence fee but the cost is far too high. 1,727 votes (13 %)
Give other broadcasters a chance – scrap the BBC’s licence fee monopoly. 781 votes (6 %)
Scrap the licence fee, I’d happily see the BBC funded by ads. 5,744 votes (43 %)
The BBC should be on subscription, so if you watch, view, or use it, you pay. 965 votes (7 %
I make that 44% for the licence 56% against’
The idea that 43% that want it funded by adverts would prefer the license fee to subscription, or visa-versa , is patently ridiculous
Its the same disingenuous spin as the BBC’s claim to be the ‘most watched’
As I have pointed out before when you look at the viewing figures for any given hour of the day ,more people are watching channels not funded by the TV tax than by people watching channels that are.
There is simply no justification for the licence fee as is
Excerpt from ‘ Sunday Telegraph’ (£) article (above):-
“Seventy per cent of voters believe that the BBC licence fee should be abolished or cut, according to a new ICM poll for The Sunday Telegraph.
“Nearly half of those questioned – 49 per cent – said the charge should be scrapped entirely, while a further 21 per cent said the current £145.50 price should be reduced.
“There was wide support for the idea of the BBC developing alternative sources of income, such as through advertising, while ending its funding from the licence fee.
“Only one in 10 voters was willing to see the fee increase in line with inflation when ministers next re-write the BBC’s Charter in 2016.
“The findings follow warnings from Cabinet ministers over the future of the licence fee and demonstrate the extent of public hostility to the current system.”
As has been pointed out above, the bBBC ‘news’ report of the Kent prison disturbance is a classic example of BBC bias by omission – all other news services are telling us that it was foreigners who rioted – but also a blatant plug for even more public sector spending.
I can think of an easy way to find an extra £4billion to spend on the prison service.
BBC-NUJ political support for Islamic jihadist TALIBAN, is not simply strong, it is VERY strong.
Several Beeboid reporters on the drone killing of Islamic jihadist Taliban mass murderer, Mehsud, play the ‘moral equivalence’ game. They are inclined to imply that the drone killing of an Islamic jihadist mass murderer is morally equivalent to the murderous acts of the Islamic jihadist mass murderer!
As pointed out on this thread, the BBC-NUJ political and moral tone in reporting Mehsud’s death has been one of political veneration, similar to what much of the political ‘left’ affords to Che Guevara!
And given the BBC-NUJ’s heavy weighting to the political criticism it gives to its political Democrat favourite, President Obama, on this issue, illustrate the even greater strength of BBC-NUJ support for Mehsud, who gets that nice obit too.
And to try to clinch its criticism of the drone targeting of jihadist mass murderer Mehsud, BBC-NUJ uses the pathetic Islamic Republic of Pakistan claim that we are on the brink of ‘peace talks’. Really? Are we not at war with the Islamic jihadist Taliban? Is IT not at war with us in the West still? Does BBC-NUJ know the difference between and ‘armistice’ and a ‘HUDNA’?
‘Sunday Telegraph’ (£).
In contrast to BBC-NUJ’s bland, uncritical reporting of Shariah finance and Sukuk bonds:-
“Bishop fears sharia bonds pave way for more Islamic law.
“Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, the former bishop of Rochester, warns plans by David Cameron to issue a sharia-compliant bond could have ‘unforeseen consequences'”.
“He [Dr Nazir-Ali] added: ‘Before we take these steps that could have unforeseen consequences we do need greater public discussion, greater explanation of what actually is being done and what it is we are letting ourselves in for.’
“The bishop said that a public debate on the introduction of the bonds should include whether sharia judges should be allowed to adjudicate in disputes over government-backed investments.
“’They must be taking advice already from sharia scholars to put together these products. Has there been any discussion that such advice can be taken and that such adjudication can be acceptable in terms of official policy?’”
Just as mass immigration has been, and continues to be inflicted on the British people with no explicit democratic mandate, so too, Islamic sharia-compliant finance is being inflicted on the British people now in the same undemocratic manner.
Why the hell should the British people have to be in a constant state of adjustment in all matters to this disruptive, barbaric religion? If Islamic sharia-compliant finance is being considered, why don’t we ask the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons, the Moonies, or the bloody cult of the Wicker Man for their take on the world of finance whilst we are at it?
Also’ inflicted’ this weekend we have Diwali. The weather man yesterday at tea time forecasting horizontal rain with a Force 8 urged us to take care if celebrating firework parties or Diwali!
Radio Devon this morning informed me at length that there was a Diwali event up in Exeter today – living here on the fringes I have very little idea what this actually is and care even less.
We’ve seen where the BBC receive £Millions in loans from the EU, and we’ve seen where the BBC receive £Millions in grants from the EU, now apparently we find they are also receiving £Millions in charity donations from the EU.
The gift that goes on giving.
Naturally, as ever, the BBC assures us that none of this affects their fair and impartial coverage 🙄
BBC faces new bias row over charity given millions by EU
BBC-NUJ will NOT be keen to follow up the ‘Sunday Times’ (£) front-page-
“Revealed: Miliband’s dossier on union plot.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“SECRET contents of the report on Labour’s vote-rigging scandal, which Ed Miliband refuses to publish, are revealed today by The Sunday Times.
“They lay bare the shocking conclusions of the party’s inquiry into alleged electoral corruption in the brutal battle by the Unite union to seize control of the safe Labour seat of Falkirk.
Investigators saw indications of:
■ Forgery
■ Coercion
■ Trickery
■ Manipulation
“Miliband has consistently refused to publish the report of the inquiry he ordered into claims that Unite attempted to rig the selection of Labour’s candidate for the Falkirk seat.
“Last week The Sunday Times revealed how Miliband was forced to abandon the inquiry after a dirty tricks campaign by Unite apparently led key witnesses to withdraw their evidence.
“He will now come under intense pressure to reopen the inquiry and publish its report.”
With the perverted logic, of which the BBC are in a class of their own, the idea that the drone strike against this Islamist savage will upset the peace talks with the stone age Taliban is being pushed by them. Their news reports include a few comments from some bearded wonders in Pakistan who say “the Americans have done a very bad thing” in killing this thug. Apparently it’s the Americans who want endless war and carnage in Pakistan. Of course, it’s nothing to do with the murderous, medieval mindset of tribal savages who think it is honourable and courageous to shoot schoolgirls, and bomb market places, provided it is done in the name of their Allah-Monster.
In previous reporting on such conflicts, it has been noted that there is an increase in violence around the time of any negotiations to secure better bargaining positions.
Not very ‘nice’, but perhaps understandable. Thing is, usually it has been by those who see violence as a means to achieving their ends, and many media groupies have just accepted it as a legitimate bargaining tool.
It therefore seems odd to find the Western media seeking to suddenly declare such a thing unfair when on the cusp of discussions to reduce the meat grinder by incentivising the chief supporters of such violence that the consequences, at high level, can be real and personal.
Again, the BBC’s stance seems designed to offer succour to the enemy, and to prolong the conflict.
Being forced to fund a fifth column propaganda tool that acts for the killers of troops serving my country is a hard pill to be forced to swallow.
What’s it like to grow up in poverty? Lets look at a family in Nottingham.
A child is considered to be living in poverty if the family income is less than 60% of the national average.
So, not real poverty then!
People can’t afford to heat their houses properly – no definition as to what that means, and many working people can’t afford to either.
Can’t afford to eat properly – what no meals out twice a week, Latte from the coffee bar every morning? Again no definition given.
Lets go to Yusef. “well I didn’t grow up in poverty, but I lived near an area which was” Well Yusef I expect given that you give no facts at all we can assume you grew up in a foreign country and migrated here!
Then it’s on to the ‘living wage’ which ties in nicely with Millibands new policy on tax breaks for companies which pay it.
Total bias!
There’s no investigation into the effect mass immigration has had on driving wages down, and there probably never will be.
Nor is there any investigation of how many businesses would be driven under if they had to pay this, nor the effect that Liebour stealth taxes have had on raising the cost of living.
Now there’s a denial of Muslim guilt in killing Christians of figures released by the center for global Christian studies. It’s yet another rabid left wing white woman working hard to absolve Islam of any kind of guilt what so ever. I’ve met these people and seen the fury they exhibit when some one dares to say something they don’t approve of, especially when they cannot disprove it (Radio 4 7:28) from ‘Ruth’ on More or Less.
Click to access csgc_Christian_martyrs.pdf
And now:
Pity the Young
Duration: 10 minutes
Will Self reflects on the malign influence of the older generation on the young as the population of Britain ages. “In my darker moments – of which there are quite a few – I often envision the baby boomer generation as a giant and warty toad squatting on the youth of our society”.
I think we all know what Leftie Will Self has in mind !
Broadcasting House will be talking to an Iranian Muslim man whose neighbours ‘mistakenly’ thought he was a paedophile. More attacks on the nasty white people they hate so much while ignoring the teachings of Islam, and maybe promoting Harpersons policy of the decriminalisation of paedophilia to allow their favourite brown eyed boys to practice it.
Will Self is 52. His father Peter Self was born in 1919 so that would make Peter Self part of the generation that produced the baby boomers (who were mostly servicemen returning from WW2) meaning that Will is part of the baby boom generation himself. Ouch!
As the leader of the Stockwell branch of the NKVD, Comrade Self wouldn’t have any hesitation in breaking as many eggs as is necessary to create his Marxist omelette. You only have to look at the rolling ‘Gulag Calling!’ eyes whenever he’s confronted by reality, the ‘Manson lamps’, to know, at heart, Self’s consumed by anger & hatred. The adolescent fury of an Oxford PPE graduate who sends his sons to private school as he rails against establishment privilege & nepotism. He has the face that belongs in a grainy photograph taken in 1917, in a Petrograd street, as another ‘Reign of Terror’ is gearing up to do its worst & the opium of ‘revolution’ is in the air. Will was born at the wrong time, & wrong place. Instead of storming the Winter Palace, he was wallowing in booze & drugs at Exeter College. Chaise Longue Guevara.
But, eventually, the grown-ups made Willy give up his drugs, his gross self-indulgence, & he became very bored. He had to find another vehicle for his narcissism. What better than hard Left politics? The religion of ‘progressivism’? What better to be than a swivel-eyed, ranting bore who would be delighted to see London turn into a Haiti-upon-Thames nihilistic hellhole, as long as his little world retained its firewall of privilege. He couldn’t have inherited a more fitting surname.
Well that is a new depth for the BBC to plumb. Right now on the Weekend programme on BBC World Service there is Tariq Ali being asked for his views on the situation in Pakistan vis a vis the killing of Taliban terrorists by drone. This man was a motivated communist terrorist radical in the 60’s and 70’s and has a pathological hatred of all things western and of the USA in particular.
No balance, no debate, just some idiot Beboid fawning over this piece of excrescence. Bah!
Yes, Tariq Ali, who, all in one person, represents both Marxist and Islamic interests as part of that alliance, to which BBC-NUJ politically subscribes, and inflicts on licence-payers.
Uncritical and supportive reporting of Labour policy initiative on “living wage tax breaks” this morning http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24786397. Compare this to the “Labour says…” reporting of Labour’s knee-jerk reaction to every minor Government policy announcement.
Inbbc breakfast currently analysing the forced labour of Sheffield steel production facilities in WW2.
Women on there, who will have worked hard, describing it as a horror, hell. Stolen youth etc.
The answer to their plight is obvious to the traitors at the inbbc, perhaps we ought to have rolled over and surrendered?
What no special on the millions of tons of production and hours lost due to constant strikes or how about the union fiddling that nearly wrecked our merchant fleet .aircraft production ? I know what about one on the strike at the factory that was supposed to be fixing the design fault in the Halifax bomber a fault that killed many bomber crews including nearly our entire Radar research team ?
Not to forget the factories making tanks who’d only work on the assurance that they’d be sent to the Soviets rather than their hard-pressed fellow Britons. Eventually management allowed them to paint the things with red stars and “Good old Uncle Joe” slogans and production continued.
Using water-soluble paint.
Thus, after passing the checks, the tanks went off to a depot to be hosed off and delivered to British Army users.
This was linked from Tim Blair’s site a few days ago. It’s Australia in wartime, but germane to the point here and frankly mind-boggling:
Many thanks for the link Buggy a truly disgusting catalogue of crimes by unions !
Paul Henley on his World Sewvice programme this morning is like a dog with a bone with his concern that the electorates & governments of the (Western?) world are not making income inequality the most important political issue.
I would suggest that they are, with the efforts to produce economic growth and reduce unemployment. Presumably 4th form Paul has a more confiscatory agenda in mind.
I was listening to a “play” on Radio 4 (Sat afternoon), the plot revolved around a fictitious Labour leader, so far so good, however during the play we were treated to the following plot…the heroine should accept the Leaders policies as he was “trying to fix years of Conservative savage attacks on the NHS, Education and welfare”.
Surely this is unacceptable that a supposedly impartial broadcaster could insert political propaganda into one of its shows?
But it’s what it does, all too often. If it isn’t a political slant, then it’s heavily into climate change, our supposed part in it, and what we are meant to be doing to “save the planet”. Practically ALL the BBC’s output has a message, an agenda, an ideology. They just can’t help it.
Sadly, that was just a single example. A few years ago I would occasionally post one line synopses of the week’s R4 plays on this site. You didn’t need to look very hard to see a clear and undeniable theme. From soft cultural Marxism to the hardline ‘real thing’, the BBC’s drama department has been a tool of the Left for decades.
Inbbc news 24, has just given out a breaking news announcement:
A boat with 70 moslems of some sort on board has capsized off Myanmar.
Quoted as faithfully as my memory allows
To be fair, Nicholas was reading from a text, and he stumbled over the word Moslems quite obviously, but…..
HTF do they know that? Do we get the same announcements in grooming cases here?
Wasn’t there something on the BBC about the Titanic centenary and a ‘boat load of Christians’ ?
No? Then it must just be my imagination that the BBC are Muslim obsessed.
To be fair to the newsreader, Nicholas someone, he had already passed the Muslim word and decided he needed to add some kind of qualifier, which is where the ‘ of some sort( or kind) came from. It’s fairly certain he was adding the qualifier as he realised that what had read out was appalling.
How much better would have been simply ‘ people’
No more was needed at that stage.
Just something I noticed. BBC presenter Rebecca Wilcox is Esther Rantzen’s and Desmond Wilcox daughter.
How did she get that job?
Repeat after me “The BBC is an equal opportunities employer…”
The Beeb isn’t so keen on equality and multicultural faces when its handing out nice little jobs to their privately educated white offspring.
Oh the hypocrisy…