If you really want to throw up check out this weeks Radio Times on page 131 its an article publisising a radio play by Maxine Peake. It is two page advert ofr the communist party and rant in favour of the miners during the strike “this wasnt just an attack on miners but an attack on working class people in general” for two pages. I cant imagine that anyone would be allowed to say one positive word in favour of the tories or the EDL. Its vile and really rather tedious.
I always remember Scargill when at an Official reception in Warsaw during the late 70s. He was accompanied at that time by his NUM President, Joe Gormley.
In discussions with their unions international Socialist brothers in Arms, it was often suggested to them, by known KGB sources, how the NUM could help rack up the TUC opposition to the disgusting Western developed ‘Neutron Bomb’, which was the flavour of the month at that time.
This bomb was so controversial in that it had the ability to kill humans and leave buildings standing!
Joe Gormley was so fed up of this Soviet propaganda line constantly being fed him, he turned around to those Westerners around him at this reception and said:
“If this KGB bugger does not shut up about this bloody Neutron Bomb, I’ll give him that many SS 20s up his backside he won’t know whether he is coming or going”.
Needless to say Scargill was taking it all on board ready to bring up at the next TUC Conference.
“Muslim leader living in Britain sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes in Bangladesh.
“Chowdury Mueen-Uddin, 63, found guilty of murdering nine university professors, three physicians and six journalists – including a BBC reporter.*
“Former director of NHS Muslim Spiritual Care was a member of Islamic militia fighting against Bangladesh’s independence in December 1971.
“Judge told court: ‘Justice will not be done without capital punishment.'”
By giving him a death sentence they’ve just ensured that they’ll never get their hands on him and that we’ll have him forever! What they should do is give him a prison sentence, get hold on him and then top him … ignoring our wailing government and assorted do-gooders.
“‘BBC charity given millions by EU’ Beeb faces ANOTHER pro-Europe bias row.
“The BBC faces fresh questions over the impartiality of its coverage of the EU after a receiving millions of pounds to promote the EU’s political agenda.”
“UK businesses ‘want to stay in Europe'” trumpets the headline on the BBC’s ‘news’ website today.
But hang on, this is a story lifted from a fragment of an interview by Sky with the flaccid Europhllliac big business glee club, the CBI, about whom any claim that it represents the collective opinions of British business would be hilarious if they weren’t fraudulent.
Moreover, it’s a story deemed insufficiently interesting to be featured on Sky’s own website!
The story isn’t, in itself, untrue, of course. But when a far more genuinely representative sample was taken last week, the Business For Britain survey, it concluded that 46 per cent of its respondents said the costs of the Single Market (sic) outweighed the advantages.
‘Only 46 per cent!?’ Ah, but only 37 per cent said the SM was worth the cost.
And the BBC’s reference to that report?
It isn’t there.
No doubt the cheque (in Euros, of course) is in the post, made payable to a BBC that is thoroughly compromised and corrupted by its bias.
Grief ! This little trope comes around more often than Christmas. A more honest headline would read: “Let’s have more EU Regulation to kill off our smaller competitors says CBI”.
“Licence fee revolt: 7 in 10 viewers want it cut or abolished and more than third think BBC is biased.
“Half of voters polled said the £145.50 fee should be axed altogether.
“Wide support for BBC programmes seeking funding from advertising.
“Criticism follows handing of Jimmy Savile scandal and executive payoffs.
“Commons media select committee holds inquiry into BBC and licence fee.”
Although there’s the intention to link the Paedophilia of certain individuals and the way the BBC handled it, “Criticism follows handing “. Not that the Saville affair has had any direct effect on peoples opinions.
This important because I have no doubt the execs are hoping these attitudes will change for the ‘better’ once the affair has blown over.
“Unite thugs targeted over 60 firms: Militants unleashed on family homes, hotels and even a charity fun run.
“Militant protesters hounded senior managers in dirty tricks operations.
“Designed to humiliate them into giving in to the union’s demands.
“former Labour parliamentary candidate Jonathan Roberts resigned from Unite following the Mail’s revelations.
“Union has stood by its campaign to target bosses’ homes, saying it would not be ‘cowed in any shape or form.'”
Surely these accusations are unfounded, baseless rumour, and obviously the daily Fail has lied and lied and lied.
Anything that is printed in that paper is shite.
Therefore, we will soon see the legal actions taken by Unite to restore its lilywhite image.
Expect the writs anytime before 2030.
I dont have data to support, but my impression of late is that the Daily Mail, and the Mail on Sunday, are totally ignored when displaying their analysis of the front pages on albeeba news and breakfast progs.
This was a regular trait of albeeba up until about 2 years ago.
But then things changed. I had the idea that perhaps they had been challenged on that particular bias.
However, are they back to their old tricks?
The “Retaliation scenario” proposed by BBC reporters concerning the droning out of Mehsud made me chuckle.
It’s as if the original attacks by Al Qaeda, on the USS Cole then the Twin towers, weren’t provactive enough. That somehow Mehsud’s droning was year zero of AQ attacks.
Back in April, Andrew Gilligan went out to Dhaka in Bangladesh and interviewed people related to victims who were killed in their war of independence. They identified a man, Mueen-Uddin, who is now a ‘Muslim leader’ living in the UK, as guilty of murdering 18 intellectuals, including even a BBC journalist. He reported at the time that the government were accusing this man of these murders and he would be tried.
Despite the BBC having journalists living in the country, it took them 17 days to finally run the story. Notice though the article links to Uddin’s lawyer’s rebuttal to Gilligan’s story, though it avoids mentioning that by stating Mr Cadman’s website carries a detailed rebuttal of all the allegations against Mr Mueen-Uddin.
Now he has been found guilty in absentia, since the UK government decided it can’t extradite people to trial where they might be executed, even if it’s for genocide, and especially not somebody who has met Prince Charles on several occasions and had the title of director of Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the UK’s National Health Service.
Chowdury Mueen-Uddin, 63, found guilty of murdering nine university professors, three physicians and six journalists – including a BBC reporter
Former director of NHS Muslim Spiritual Care was a member of Islamic militia fighting against Bangladesh’s independence in December 1971
Judge told court: ‘Justice will not be done without capital punishment’
The High Court of the BBC has judged this man and found the real criminals are the Bangladeshi government, as will be apparent from reading the article.
This is what the BBC calls fair, balanced, and impartial.
This is why I know their public funding should be terminated.
More compelling evidence to ban the Burka. A Somali terrorist living in merry ole england does a runner from the old bill wearing the sack that muslim women wear over their body
“Police believe Mr Mohamed was wearing a burka when he disappeared, having changed into the traditional Islamic clothing at the An-Noor Masjid and Community Centre in Church Road, Acton.”
Much as I hate the BBC, to be fair (and it hurts…) the first news I heard on “Today” at 06:00 specifically mentioned being dressed in a burqa. perhaps they changed it subsequently (once everyone had woken up).
Third, they come to blow us up. But as long as they and their postal votes have done the second, all is well and you are a racist for suggesting otherwise.
Slightly off topic, but a good insight into the thick mind of a left wing lying scumbag.
I found so much offensive about this article, I’m sure he has a career in the BBC wrapped up.
some points his propaganda got wrong –
1) England 6th most densly populated country in world on “official figures” and considering supermarkets believe the pop was actualy 77 mill in 2009, this is likely to be understated.
2)UKIP are not fascist, proto facist our any such thing. Hitler and Mussolini were left wing.
3) UK gov has no power. The EU does. The EU even admit it. so wheres the conspiracy?
4) The unlimited immigration was real. See nethergate and this – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3265219.stm (note immigration was 500,000 a year).
5) migration watch are so accurate the gov refers to them internally instead of gov figures- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wikileaks-files/london-wikileaks/8304838/UK-MUSLIM-DEMOGRAPHICS-C-RE8-02527.html
6) Crusades were in response to Islamic encroachment on Byzanitum and were preceded by unprovoked invasions by Islam on southern Europe and North Africa.
7) flood narrative? didn’t they say Polish immigration would be flood, then were proved right?
I could go on and on. The left are consummate lairs.
Tom ‘disaster’ Heap tells us on Countryfile about the problem of fly-tipping in the countryside.
Apparently the solution is spending more money on high-tech surveillance directed by teams logging tipping with GPS cameras. So effective has this been that the fly-tippers have moved to dumping on private farmland. Of course this has the ‘benefit’ that farmers are then liable for the clean-up and disposal taxes, a double win for the state!
Unasked question: Why do people fly-tip? Could it be the EU-imposed land-fill tax? Charge someone £1 to dispose of a bottle and it will go over the hedge. provide free tips and most bottles will be recovered, pay 2p per bottle (VAT payback?) and scavengers will collect bottles for tipping.
The EU, stifling innovation and flexibility yet invisible to the BBC.
It was Labour and their socialist predecessors which let these sods in, who promote diversity and the destruction of Christianity. The BBC is the left’s propaganda voice.
Man who escapes surveillance by dressing in a Burkha, what’s not being said.
Very very brief reporting by the BBC who has not asked the questions about why such dim witted coppers were sent to monitor the suspect.
The answer probably lies in the fact that they couldn’t find anyone with a brain larger than a walnut!
Have they had no training about the Muslim religion, and do they know nothing about Women & men being together in the Mosque? Many Mosques won’t even allow women in to the Mosque at all !
It is more excellent for a woman to pray in her house than in her courtyard, and more excellent for her to pray in her private chamber than in her house. [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.1 Chapter 204 Hadith No.570]
No mention of the sexism, no mention of the oppression of women by Islamic men, and no mention of thick coppers who should have been trained in the ways of Islam but probably received more left wing political correctness indoctrination which meant they were unable to challenge a ‘woman’ in a turquoise bag under any circumstances.
INBBC makes no criticism of the wearing of the BURQA.
As mentioned on here before:
“Ban the Burqa – and the Niqab Too”
by Daniel Pipes.
[Concluding excerpt]:-
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
“Al Qaida suspect escapes surveillance by donning burka”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Pressure is mounting on the Government to explain how an al Qaida-linked terror suspect escaped surveillance by changing into a burka during a visit to a mosque.”
BBC-NUJ, Labour Party, Unite trade union and vote rigging.
Will BBC-NUJ branches now issue a public statements clarifying where they stand politically in relation to both the Unite trade union and to the Labour Party?
“Secret report into Labour vote-rigging scandal which Miliband refuses to publish ‘shows forgery and manipulation by union reps.’
“Unite compiled a dossier into Labour’s unpublished report into voter fraud.
“The dossier contains details of the report and denies all of them.
“Union members ‘coerced into joining Labour and had fees paid for them'”
Will BBC-NUJ branches now issue public statements clarifying where they stand politically in relation to European Union?
“‘BBC charity given millions by EU’ Beeb faces ANOTHER pro-Europe bias row.
“The BBC faces fresh questions over the impartiality of its coverage of the EU after a receiving millions of pounds to promote the EU’s political agenda.”
Sinister indeed, its claimed NLP techniques are used in their training courses, if so and with CP’s Liberal ideologies it could explain a lot about what is going on within the BBC and our other public institutions…
Far fetched I know, but this is one bloody weird world these days!
From Boys to Men… Link on front page of BBC website reads ‘Men and boys organised sex abuse’. Article title reads ‘Peterborough child sex gang organised abuse of girls’. Names of accused in article: ‘Zdeno Mirga, 18, his brother Dusan, 20; Hassan Abdulla, 32; David Ziga, 19; two 17-year-old boys and two 14-year-old boys are on trial.’ Helpful comment to illustration states: ‘The four men and four teenage boys were accompanied by interpreters in court and a prison officer’. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-24804979. Presumably the BBC would rather not report these stories at all, but then again it does take the heat away from their own employees and ex-employees.
Dusan, a slavic given name primarily recorded among the Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks and Macedonians. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du%C5%A1an
They sound like a ‘gift’ from eastern Europe rather than the subcontinent … either way, they’re not British.
Fantastic piece on BBC lunchtime news about stolen art treasures which have been found in an apartment in Germany. Cut to the presenter highlighting a particularly awful painting of a woman that my three-year old could have done……..’this is the kind of art the Nazis hated. Painted by a Jew depicting a strong independent woman’
So also the kind of art modern-day muslims hate?
All day long 5 Live has been pumping up the Somali absconder story, suggesting that the previous Control Order regime was better and the government shouldn’t have changed it. What they are failing to mention is that people could and did abscond under the Control Order regime, and that control orders came under under legal assault from civil liberties campaigners. And besides that, the Lib Dems
didn’t like them and wanted a change. Anyway, here’s the Guardian in full cry for suspected Al Qaeda man Mahmoud Abu Rideh.
But an Arabic jihadi web forum associated with al-Qaeda reports that he [ Mahmoud Abu Rideh] has become a “martyr in Afghanistan” and was with a group of fighters when he died, the Daily Telegraph has learned.
Notice how the stories about Falkirk vote rigging and Unite / Labour are hidden in BBC Scotland news and not deemed fit as national news. The same for Unite leverage squads picketing managers own homes. They claim its covered but in my book that story is front page news.
While im at it did anyone else see Breakfast Papers review on Saturday. The invited pundit, who is a regular, tried to claim that Unite picketing “hotels and businesses” associated with ineos management wasnt really that bad as the said managers were “destroying communities”. The Beeb presenters just let him get away with it, unchallenged, rather than interrupt as they always do someone Tory, to offer an alternative viewpoint. I spat my cheerios all over the table….
Current breaking news at the bBC: ‘Three killed’ in Norway bus hijack Three people have been killed in the hijacking of a bus in Norway, media reports say. The suspect, a man in his 50s of foreign origin, has been arrested, police told Norway’s TV2 news channel. The man was said to have been armed with a knife.
A man in his 50s of foreign origin has been arrested they say? So a quick butchers at the TV2 news channel comes up with this: “It was impossible to open the door. Then we discovered a dark-skinned person who went inside the bus. We initially thought we he tried to get out. Then we noticed that he was walking around with a knife, and realized that the situation was quite different, says Leif.
I see that a few Romanians have found work in Ireland: Pair charged with ATM theft in Newry, Banbridge and Belfast Two men have appeared in court charged in connection with stealing money from cash machines. Marian Ciobancia, 32, and Vasile Orbisor, 27, faced 88 charges including theft, criminal damage and possession of articles for use in frauds….Both men have addresses in Dublin but are originally from Romania and spoke through a translator. Bail was refused.
And to think, the bBC told us that not that many want to come over here. Don’t you just miss the RA
“How do I claim benefits when I get to Britain? “Romanians demand help from job agencies in the UK.
“Romanians and Bulgarians will be entitled to certain UK benefits from January.
“Job agencies are said to be bombarded with people asking how to claim.
“British companies are advertising on Romanian websites saying ‘find out if you are entitled.’
“More than 6,000 unemployed EU migrants currently live in Britain.”
The BBC employ 140 people in their PR department. Most would think that if the BBC did its job properly, as their charter calls for, they wouldn’t need one, as that is the only relation the public wants from them.
Then last week they hired Godric Smith for £150,000 on a part time basis into their PR department. He used to be Blair’s spin doctor.
Clearly he doesn’t see the irony in that statement, as it’s really part of the problem that they already do. 🙄
He also tells us: “Forty pence a day for all the radio services, online services and so on is extremely good value. But we have got to build back people’s confidence.”
He added: “We are there to provide programmes and services the like of which you would not get any other way.
If it’s ‘such good value’ than he makes a good argument to privatise the BBC and let it survive on the income it can raise, like the other media organisations.
He also said ‘he wanted people to imagine what the UK would look without its national, publicly-funded broadcaster.’
With it’s foul self-serving agenda, that has undermined everything British, except on nonsensical or unimportant elements, for at least the last 20 years, the UK would look a lot lot better than it does.
“Nonsensical Guardian remains enemy of a free press.
Our view is that outside the Common Law there should be no restrictions at all on a free media. That means an end to all forms of licensing for broadcast media, including a scrapping of the BBC licence. But the Guardian is an enemy of the open society.”
I have heard about the sad and bad news about the co-op bank today in that a black hole exists in their balance sheet and that most probably folk will loose their jobs. Having a shuftie at Guido’ tonight, I came across this report from the site:
The Co-Op bank’s £1.5 billion black hole will see 50 branches closed after the ‘ethical’ bank went cap in hand to hedge funds rescuers.
In 1999 the Labour Party borrowed £3,580,000 from the bank and only £189,000 has been repaid.
Miliband and Balls owe the troubled lenders £3,391,000. How many jobs could they save if they paid it back?
Has the BBC covered any of this money owing by the Labour party yet? Afterall, just think of how many jobs could be saved if the Labour party paid up?
Indeed Span Ows. Also, whenever I’ve taken out any bank loan (business or otherwise), there in the small print, it always states that the borrowing is payable upon demand. Maybe the Labour party could tap up their friends at the BBC should it become payable?
“All I have to say is this: THE MUSLIMS ARE NOT HAPPY!
They’re not happy in Gaza .. They’re not happy in Egypt .. They’re not happy in Libya ..They’re not happy in Morocco ..They’re not happy in Iran ..They’re not happy in Iraq ..They’re not happy in Yemen ..They’re not happy in Afghanistan ..They’re not happy in Pakistan ..They’re not happy in Syria ..They’re not happy in Saudi Arabia. They’re not happy in Lebanon ..They’re not happy in Somalia
They’re happy in Australia . They’re happy in Canada .They’re happy in England ..
They’re happy in France ..They’re happy in Italy ..They’re happy in Germany .. They’re happy in Sweden ..They’re happy in the USA ..They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland .They’re happy in Denmark .
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.
AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like….
Well, well, well…BBC in the pockets of the EU. I never…
I’m sure this doesn’t taint it’s ever so impartial coverage of all things EU. That would be too cynical…
BBC Media Action, which is part of the broadcaster’s Global News division, was paid £4.5 million from Brussels last year, mostly for work designed to ensure the progress of the enlargement of the EU.
Based at the BBC’s Broadcasting House headquarters in London, the charity received the bulk of the money for a project to train hundreds of journalists in countries which share potentially volatile borders with the EU.
MPs said the extent of the charity’s dependence on money from Brussels could undermine the credibility of the BBC’s coverage of controversial European issues, including EU enlargement.
The disclosures led to concerns that the BBC would be seen as complicit in Brussels’s “empire building” activities and prompted calls for the charity to sever its formal links with the broadcaster.
-Another INBBC politically empathetic ‘report’ for the Taliban.
Note, the political tone of the INBBC article by Mr Ilyan KHAN in Islamabad, is set in the very first sentence:-
“The killing of Hakimullah Mehsud, the head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban group (TTP), seems to have derailed the peace talks the Pakistani government was hoping to hold soon with the militants.”
Note above, Mr Khan’s use of the following words:-
1.) ‘killing’ – something not done by the Islamic jihad Taliban, apparently, but is done by the West (to eliminate the Islamic jihadist murderers, Mr Khan).
2.) Mr Khan merely refers to Medsud as head of the Taliban, NOT the Islamic jihadist mass murderer he was. Why do you mislead by using the word “militants”, instead of Islamic jihadists’? Why this assymetical, partial ‘reporting’, Mr Khan? Do you have a lurking political sympathy for the Talban, like your namesake, Imran Khan? Come clean on this.
3.) And, Mr I. Khan, you imply that the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is genuine towards ‘peace’! We are talking about a country whose Government was recently sheltering that arch mass murderer and Islamic jihadist: Bin Laden! (who was also ‘killed’).
4.) Increasingly, in their international political ‘reporting,’ Beeboids ( and beyond, in MSM) do not represent Western interests and viewpoints. Political reportage is given over to local ‘journalists’ whose anti-imperialism does not e.g. apply to Islam, but to the West. Just as the biggest political bloc in the U.N is the 57 nations of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, so too Beeboids reflect that sort of political ideology in their daily international ‘reporting’.
What should be a BRITISH broadcaster (as paid for by British people) is increasingly, in international terms, now an anti-British broadcaster.
The bBC, immigration and its poor Math skills: Recent immigrants to UK ‘make net contribution’ Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have a made a “substantial” contribution to public finances, a report says. The study by University College London said recent immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.
So the bBC says immigration is good for us all and here are their facts:
1) Immigrants who arrived after 1999 were 45% less likely to receive state benefits or tax credits than UK natives in the period 2000-2011,
Which means that 55% of them are on benefits seeing as the UK has admitted a good few million that’ a huge figure, but hey the bbC goes for the smaller figure.
2) They were also 3% less likely to live in social housing.
Which means that 97% of the above figure are in social housing.
3)Those from the European Economic Area (EEA – the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) had made a particularly positive contribution in the decade up to 2011, contributing 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits.
4) Immigrants from outside the EEA contributed 2% more in taxes than they received in the same period, the report showed.
and in order to ram the above two home the bbC comes out with: Over the same period, British people paid 11% less in tax than they received.
Yeah f-ing lazy British Layabouts.
But hang on what’s this:
5)Despite the positive figures in the decade since the millennium, the study found that between 1995 and 2011, immigrants from non-EEA countries claimed more in benefits than they paid in taxes, mainly because they tended to have more children than native Britons.
But if that is true, then serial 4 must be …wrong. But if that is true then the whole article cannot be trusted,
Isn’t it nice how the bBC goes out of its way in which to claim that unbridled immigration (especially before Jan 1) can only be good for the fat lazy thick British people. Tell you what don’t we get the MCB to complain, I’m sure the bBC will listen to a real Muslim and change their ways.
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If you really want to throw up check out this weeks Radio Times on page 131 its an article publisising a radio play by Maxine Peake. It is two page advert ofr the communist party and rant in favour of the miners during the strike “this wasnt just an attack on miners but an attack on working class people in general” for two pages. I cant imagine that anyone would be allowed to say one positive word in favour of the tories or the EDL. Its vile and really rather tedious.
I always remember Scargill when at an Official reception in Warsaw during the late 70s. He was accompanied at that time by his NUM President, Joe Gormley.
In discussions with their unions international Socialist brothers in Arms, it was often suggested to them, by known KGB sources, how the NUM could help rack up the TUC opposition to the disgusting Western developed ‘Neutron Bomb’, which was the flavour of the month at that time.
This bomb was so controversial in that it had the ability to kill humans and leave buildings standing!
Joe Gormley was so fed up of this Soviet propaganda line constantly being fed him, he turned around to those Westerners around him at this reception and said:
“If this KGB bugger does not shut up about this bloody Neutron Bomb, I’ll give him that many SS 20s up his backside he won’t know whether he is coming or going”.
Needless to say Scargill was taking it all on board ready to bring up at the next TUC Conference.
Note: another INBBC headline to protect Islam –
What is this INBBC headline construction designed to have us believe?:-
“Bangladesh finds UK and US accused guilty of war crimes”
A cursory glance at that INBBC headline would suggest (as intended) that the U.K and the U.S had done something wrong against Bangladesh.
But read on, and we do get some quite different information about Muslims in Britain, and of horrific war crimes in Bangladesh-
More directly, ‘Mail on Sunday’ has:-
“Muslim leader living in Britain sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes in Bangladesh.
“Chowdury Mueen-Uddin, 63, found guilty of murdering nine university professors, three physicians and six journalists – including a BBC reporter.*
“Former director of NHS Muslim Spiritual Care was a member of Islamic militia fighting against Bangladesh’s independence in December 1971.
“Judge told court: ‘Justice will not be done without capital punishment.'”
* Note, INBBC does not even mention that Uddin has been found guilty of murdering a BBC journalist!
A clear, ‘Independent’ headline for INBBC:-
“Bangladesh court gives death sentence to UK Muslim leader”
By giving him a death sentence they’ve just ensured that they’ll never get their hands on him and that we’ll have him forever! What they should do is give him a prison sentence, get hold on him and then top him … ignoring our wailing government and assorted do-gooders.
“‘BBC charity given millions by EU’ Beeb faces ANOTHER pro-Europe bias row.
“The BBC faces fresh questions over the impartiality of its coverage of the EU after a receiving millions of pounds to promote the EU’s political agenda.”
By Cyrus Engineer.
Delingpole laying into the BBC, again. Well done, Dellers!
More people think BBC has bias to left than bias to right – poll
Majority of Tory voters say corporation is biased towards the left in poll that shows decline in Labour lead
Must be true, even the Guardian say so !
Yet more Europhile spinning from the BBC.
“UK businesses ‘want to stay in Europe'” trumpets the headline on the BBC’s ‘news’ website today.
But hang on, this is a story lifted from a fragment of an interview by Sky with the flaccid Europhllliac big business glee club, the CBI, about whom any claim that it represents the collective opinions of British business would be hilarious if they weren’t fraudulent.
Moreover, it’s a story deemed insufficiently interesting to be featured on Sky’s own website!
The story isn’t, in itself, untrue, of course. But when a far more genuinely representative sample was taken last week, the Business For Britain survey, it concluded that 46 per cent of its respondents said the costs of the Single Market (sic) outweighed the advantages.
‘Only 46 per cent!?’ Ah, but only 37 per cent said the SM was worth the cost.
And the BBC’s reference to that report?
It isn’t there.
No doubt the cheque (in Euros, of course) is in the post, made payable to a BBC that is thoroughly compromised and corrupted by its bias.
Grief ! This little trope comes around more often than Christmas. A more honest headline would read: “Let’s have more EU Regulation to kill off our smaller competitors says CBI”.
“Licence fee revolt: 7 in 10 viewers want it cut or abolished and more than third think BBC is biased.
“Half of voters polled said the £145.50 fee should be axed altogether.
“Wide support for BBC programmes seeking funding from advertising.
“Criticism follows handing of Jimmy Savile scandal and executive payoffs.
“Commons media select committee holds inquiry into BBC and licence fee.”
Labour Party type guest outnumber others on Marr today, as usual:-
D. Miliband, S.Coogan, K.Maguire, and E. John.
Although there’s the intention to link the Paedophilia of certain individuals and the way the BBC handled it, “Criticism follows handing “. Not that the Saville affair has had any direct effect on peoples opinions.
This important because I have no doubt the execs are hoping these attitudes will change for the ‘better’ once the affair has blown over.
This BBC-NUJ ‘report’ reads like:-
BBC-NUJ + ‘Unite’ union + Labour Party, versus ‘Sunday Times.’
“Unite thugs targeted over 60 firms: Militants unleashed on family homes, hotels and even a charity fun run.
“Militant protesters hounded senior managers in dirty tricks operations.
“Designed to humiliate them into giving in to the union’s demands.
“former Labour parliamentary candidate Jonathan Roberts resigned from Unite following the Mail’s revelations.
“Union has stood by its campaign to target bosses’ homes, saying it would not be ‘cowed in any shape or form.'”
Surely these accusations are unfounded, baseless rumour, and obviously the daily Fail has lied and lied and lied.
Anything that is printed in that paper is shite.
Therefore, we will soon see the legal actions taken by Unite to restore its lilywhite image.
Expect the writs anytime before 2030.
I dont have data to support, but my impression of late is that the Daily Mail, and the Mail on Sunday, are totally ignored when displaying their analysis of the front pages on albeeba news and breakfast progs.
This was a regular trait of albeeba up until about 2 years ago.
But then things changed. I had the idea that perhaps they had been challenged on that particular bias.
However, are they back to their old tricks?
Are posts vanishing? I left a comment about the latest BBC spin on the EU earlier and it now seems to have gone.
And there it is again. How strange! Sorry about that spurious comment.
The “Retaliation scenario” proposed by BBC reporters concerning the droning out of Mehsud made me chuckle.
It’s as if the original attacks by Al Qaeda, on the USS Cole then the Twin towers, weren’t provactive enough. That somehow Mehsud’s droning was year zero of AQ attacks.
This kind of reporting beggars belief.
The evil bastards cant hide in their shitty deserts now, thankfully.
Really makes my day!
Back in April, Andrew Gilligan went out to Dhaka in Bangladesh and interviewed people related to victims who were killed in their war of independence. They identified a man, Mueen-Uddin, who is now a ‘Muslim leader’ living in the UK, as guilty of murdering 18 intellectuals, including even a BBC journalist. He reported at the time that the government were accusing this man of these murders and he would be tried.
Despite the BBC having journalists living in the country, it took them 17 days to finally run the story. Notice though the article links to Uddin’s lawyer’s rebuttal to Gilligan’s story, though it avoids mentioning that by stating Mr Cadman’s website carries a detailed rebuttal of all the allegations against Mr Mueen-Uddin.
Now he has been found guilty in absentia, since the UK government decided it can’t extradite people to trial where they might be executed, even if it’s for genocide, and especially not somebody who has met Prince Charles on several occasions and had the title of director of Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the UK’s National Health Service.
Here’s how the Mail headline the story:
Muslim leader living in Britain sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes in Bangladesh
Chowdury Mueen-Uddin, 63, found guilty of murdering nine university professors, three physicians and six journalists – including a BBC reporter
Former director of NHS Muslim Spiritual Care was a member of Islamic militia fighting against Bangladesh’s independence in December 1971
Judge told court: ‘Justice will not be done without capital punishment’
While the BBC make sure that nobody should understand what the story is about by headlining it Bangladesh finds UK and US accused guilty of war crimes
The High Court of the BBC has judged this man and found the real criminals are the Bangladeshi government, as will be apparent from reading the article.
This is what the BBC calls fair, balanced, and impartial.
This is why I know their public funding should be terminated.
More compelling evidence to ban the Burka. A Somali terrorist living in merry ole england does a runner from the old bill wearing the sack that muslim women wear over their body
“Police believe Mr Mohamed was wearing a burka when he disappeared, having changed into the traditional Islamic clothing at the An-Noor Masjid and Community Centre in Church Road, Acton.”
BBC Today program this morning reported he escaped dressed ‘as a woman’ not mentioning the turquoise bag until much later. Absolute bias !
Much as I hate the BBC, to be fair (and it hurts…) the first news I heard on “Today” at 06:00 specifically mentioned being dressed in a burqa. perhaps they changed it subsequently (once everyone had woken up).
I noticed that too, Thoughtful. And had a bet with myself that they meant “dressed in a burqa”.
Why would they change it from admitting the truth earlier, as Old Goat has pointed out? Answers on a postage stamp…
The commissar was late for work?
Perhaps someone at the BBC would care to explain WTF a Somalian muslim terrorist is doing in this country at all?
Firstly, they come to enrich us. Secondly, they come to vote Labour. Next question please!
Third, they come to blow us up. But as long as they and their postal votes have done the second, all is well and you are a racist for suggesting otherwise.
Slightly off topic, but a good insight into the thick mind of a left wing lying scumbag.
I found so much offensive about this article, I’m sure he has a career in the BBC wrapped up.
some points his propaganda got wrong –
1) England 6th most densly populated country in world on “official figures” and considering supermarkets believe the pop was actualy 77 mill in 2009, this is likely to be understated.
2)UKIP are not fascist, proto facist our any such thing. Hitler and Mussolini were left wing.
3) UK gov has no power. The EU does. The EU even admit it. so wheres the conspiracy?
4) The unlimited immigration was real. See nethergate and this – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3265219.stm (note immigration was 500,000 a year).
5) migration watch are so accurate the gov refers to them internally instead of gov figures- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wikileaks-files/london-wikileaks/8304838/UK-MUSLIM-DEMOGRAPHICS-C-RE8-02527.html
6) Crusades were in response to Islamic encroachment on Byzanitum and were preceded by unprovoked invasions by Islam on southern Europe and North Africa.
7) flood narrative? didn’t they say Polish immigration would be flood, then were proved right?
I could go on and on. The left are consummate lairs.
His bye-line
Steve Rose.
Freelance writer based in Dorset (sometimes London)
obviously loves vibrancy as much as Billy Bragg
Tom ‘disaster’ Heap tells us on Countryfile about the problem of fly-tipping in the countryside.
Apparently the solution is spending more money on high-tech surveillance directed by teams logging tipping with GPS cameras. So effective has this been that the fly-tippers have moved to dumping on private farmland. Of course this has the ‘benefit’ that farmers are then liable for the clean-up and disposal taxes, a double win for the state!
Unasked question: Why do people fly-tip? Could it be the EU-imposed land-fill tax? Charge someone £1 to dispose of a bottle and it will go over the hedge. provide free tips and most bottles will be recovered, pay 2p per bottle (VAT payback?) and scavengers will collect bottles for tipping.
The EU, stifling innovation and flexibility yet invisible to the BBC.
Labour hypocrisy given news status –
It was Labour and their socialist predecessors which let these sods in, who promote diversity and the destruction of Christianity. The BBC is the left’s propaganda voice.
Labour seeks missing terror suspect explanation
You invited him into the country in the first place
Man who escapes surveillance by dressing in a Burkha, what’s not being said.
Very very brief reporting by the BBC who has not asked the questions about why such dim witted coppers were sent to monitor the suspect.
The answer probably lies in the fact that they couldn’t find anyone with a brain larger than a walnut!
Have they had no training about the Muslim religion, and do they know nothing about Women & men being together in the Mosque? Many Mosques won’t even allow women in to the Mosque at all !
It is more excellent for a woman to pray in her house than in her courtyard, and more excellent for her to pray in her private chamber than in her house. [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.1 Chapter 204 Hadith No.570]
No mention of the sexism, no mention of the oppression of women by Islamic men, and no mention of thick coppers who should have been trained in the ways of Islam but probably received more left wing political correctness indoctrination which meant they were unable to challenge a ‘woman’ in a turquoise bag under any circumstances.
INBBC makes no criticism of the wearing of the BURQA.
As mentioned on here before:
“Ban the Burqa – and the Niqab Too”
by Daniel Pipes.
[Concluding excerpt]:-
“Nothing in Islam requires turning females into shapeless, faceless zombies; good sense calls for modesty itself to be modest. The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
“Al Qaida suspect escapes surveillance by donning burka”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Pressure is mounting on the Government to explain how an al Qaida-linked terror suspect escaped surveillance by changing into a burka during a visit to a mosque.”
Of course, the role of the enabling West London mosque in assisting al-Qaeda/al-Shabaab suspect is unlikely to be followed up by INBBC.
BBC-NUJ, Labour Party, Unite trade union and vote rigging.
Will BBC-NUJ branches now issue a public statements clarifying where they stand politically in relation to both the Unite trade union and to the Labour Party?
“Secret report into Labour vote-rigging scandal which Miliband refuses to publish ‘shows forgery and manipulation by union reps.’
“Unite compiled a dossier into Labour’s unpublished report into voter fraud.
“The dossier contains details of the report and denies all of them.
“Union members ‘coerced into joining Labour and had fees paid for them'”
BBC-NUJ and European Union.
Will BBC-NUJ branches now issue public statements clarifying where they stand politically in relation to European Union?
“‘BBC charity given millions by EU’ Beeb faces ANOTHER pro-Europe bias row.
“The BBC faces fresh questions over the impartiality of its coverage of the EU after a receiving millions of pounds to promote the EU’s political agenda.”
By Cyrus Engineer.
BBC-NUJ and ‘Common Purpose’.
Will BBC-NUJ branches now issue public statements clarifying where they stand politically in relation to Common Purpose?
“This non-profit organisation is like the Left’s very own old boy network”
(-with references to BBC.)
Sinister indeed, its claimed NLP techniques are used in their training courses, if so and with CP’s Liberal ideologies it could explain a lot about what is going on within the BBC and our other public institutions…
Far fetched I know, but this is one bloody weird world these days!
A daughter of Jean McConville has spoken for the first time in a BBC documentary about the IRA’s abduction and murder of her mother.
The prime minister has described allegations that Unite union members targeted the homes of Grangemouth refinery managers as “quite shocking”.
From Boys to Men… Link on front page of BBC website reads ‘Men and boys organised sex abuse’. Article title reads ‘Peterborough child sex gang organised abuse of girls’. Names of accused in article: ‘Zdeno Mirga, 18, his brother Dusan, 20; Hassan Abdulla, 32; David Ziga, 19; two 17-year-old boys and two 14-year-old boys are on trial.’ Helpful comment to illustration states: ‘The four men and four teenage boys were accompanied by interpreters in court and a prison officer’. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-24804979. Presumably the BBC would rather not report these stories at all, but then again it does take the heat away from their own employees and ex-employees.
Dusan, a slavic given name primarily recorded among the Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks and Macedonians. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du%C5%A1an
They sound like a ‘gift’ from eastern Europe rather than the subcontinent … either way, they’re not British.
“The BBC needs to start treating public money as its own” says its chairman. Isn’t that what they do already?
yep that’s the problem (link courtesy of Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling)
Fantastic piece on BBC lunchtime news about stolen art treasures which have been found in an apartment in Germany. Cut to the presenter highlighting a particularly awful painting of a woman that my three-year old could have done……..’this is the kind of art the Nazis hated. Painted by a Jew depicting a strong independent woman’
So also the kind of art modern-day muslims hate?
‘Degenerate art’ … they were right about a lot of it … it was shit.
All day long 5 Live has been pumping up the Somali absconder story, suggesting that the previous Control Order regime was better and the government shouldn’t have changed it. What they are failing to mention is that people could and did abscond under the Control Order regime, and that control orders came under under legal assault from civil liberties campaigners. And besides that, the Lib Dems
didn’t like them and wanted a change. Anyway, here’s the Guardian in full cry for suspected Al Qaeda man Mahmoud Abu Rideh.
A day in the life of a terror suspect
The Graun and fellow travellers eventually got a result. His control order was lifted in September 2009. A year later, the Graun got another result.
British al-Qaeda refugee killed in Afghanistan
But an Arabic jihadi web forum associated with al-Qaeda reports that he [ Mahmoud Abu Rideh] has become a “martyr in Afghanistan” and was with a group of fighters when he died, the Daily Telegraph has learned.
If only we’d deported that Somalian bugger from day one.
Notice how the stories about Falkirk vote rigging and Unite / Labour are hidden in BBC Scotland news and not deemed fit as national news. The same for Unite leverage squads picketing managers own homes. They claim its covered but in my book that story is front page news.
While im at it did anyone else see Breakfast Papers review on Saturday. The invited pundit, who is a regular, tried to claim that Unite picketing “hotels and businesses” associated with ineos management wasnt really that bad as the said managers were “destroying communities”. The Beeb presenters just let him get away with it, unchallenged, rather than interrupt as they always do someone Tory, to offer an alternative viewpoint. I spat my cheerios all over the table….
It WAS front-page news in some of today’s papers.
Current breaking news at the bBC:
‘Three killed’ in Norway bus hijack
Three people have been killed in the hijacking of a bus in Norway, media reports say. The suspect, a man in his 50s of foreign origin, has been arrested, police told Norway’s TV2 news channel. The man was said to have been armed with a knife.
A man in his 50s of foreign origin has been arrested they say? So a quick butchers at the TV2 news channel comes up with this:
“It was impossible to open the door. Then we discovered a dark-skinned person who went inside the bus. We initially thought we he tried to get out. Then we noticed that he was walking around with a knife, and realized that the situation was quite different, says Leif.
I wonder which part of the world he comes from?
Maybe he’s a Maori ?
I see that a few Romanians have found work in Ireland:
Pair charged with ATM theft in Newry, Banbridge and Belfast
Two men have appeared in court charged in connection with stealing money from cash machines. Marian Ciobancia, 32, and Vasile Orbisor, 27, faced 88 charges including theft, criminal damage and possession of articles for use in frauds….Both men have addresses in Dublin but are originally from Romania and spoke through a translator. Bail was refused.
And to think, the bBC told us that not that many want to come over here. Don’t you just miss the RA
“How do I claim benefits when I get to Britain? “Romanians demand help from job agencies in the UK.
“Romanians and Bulgarians will be entitled to certain UK benefits from January.
“Job agencies are said to be bombarded with people asking how to claim.
“British companies are advertising on Romanian websites saying ‘find out if you are entitled.’
“More than 6,000 unemployed EU migrants currently live in Britain.”
The BBC employ 140 people in their PR department. Most would think that if the BBC did its job properly, as their charter calls for, they wouldn’t need one, as that is the only relation the public wants from them.
Then last week they hired Godric Smith for £150,000 on a part time basis into their PR department. He used to be Blair’s spin doctor.
Clearly his first instruction was to get Hall spinning this rubbish: BBC needs to start treating public money as its own, says Lord Hall
Clearly he doesn’t see the irony in that statement, as it’s really part of the problem that they already do. 🙄
He also tells us: “Forty pence a day for all the radio services, online services and so on is extremely good value. But we have got to build back people’s confidence.”
He added: “We are there to provide programmes and services the like of which you would not get any other way.
If it’s ‘such good value’ than he makes a good argument to privatise the BBC and let it survive on the income it can raise, like the other media organisations.
He also said ‘he wanted people to imagine what the UK would look without its national, publicly-funded broadcaster.’
With it’s foul self-serving agenda, that has undermined everything British, except on nonsensical or unimportant elements, for at least the last 20 years, the UK would look a lot lot better than it does.
‘The Commentator’:-
“Nonsensical Guardian remains enemy of a free press.
Our view is that outside the Common Law there should be no restrictions at all on a free media. That means an end to all forms of licensing for broadcast media, including a scrapping of the BBC licence. But the Guardian is an enemy of the open society.”
I have heard about the sad and bad news about the co-op bank today in that a black hole exists in their balance sheet and that most probably folk will loose their jobs. Having a shuftie at Guido’ tonight, I came across this report from the site:
The Co-Op bank’s £1.5 billion black hole will see 50 branches closed after the ‘ethical’ bank went cap in hand to hedge funds rescuers.
In 1999 the Labour Party borrowed £3,580,000 from the bank and only £189,000 has been repaid.
Miliband and Balls owe the troubled lenders £3,391,000. How many jobs could they save if they paid it back?
Has the BBC covered any of this money owing by the Labour party yet? Afterall, just think of how many jobs could be saved if the Labour party paid up?
…and presumably it was interest free because the amount Guido quotes would only equal the original capital:
189,000 + 3,391,000 = 3,580,000
There should be 14 years adjusted for inflation and interest would be a damn sight more.
Indeed Span Ows. Also, whenever I’ve taken out any bank loan (business or otherwise), there in the small print, it always states that the borrowing is payable upon demand. Maybe the Labour party could tap up their friends at the BBC should it become payable?
The Labour party can’t repay the loan – is is insolvent and if it were a business it would be wound up.
The new owners of the co-op could bankrupt Labour overnight – and that is a happy thought – when you’ve got them by the balls…….
The MCB tells the BBC off and the BBC says sorry. http://www.mcb.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1531&Itemid=94Fearless and uncompromising accuracy are just two of the many qualities absent.
When I say jump kaffirs; you say how high!!!
I liked this comment below the article :
“All I have to say is this: THE MUSLIMS ARE NOT HAPPY!
They’re not happy in Gaza .. They’re not happy in Egypt .. They’re not happy in Libya ..They’re not happy in Morocco ..They’re not happy in Iran ..They’re not happy in Iraq ..They’re not happy in Yemen ..They’re not happy in Afghanistan ..They’re not happy in Pakistan ..They’re not happy in Syria ..They’re not happy in Saudi Arabia. They’re not happy in Lebanon ..They’re not happy in Somalia
They’re happy in Australia . They’re happy in Canada .They’re happy in England ..
They’re happy in France ..They’re happy in Italy ..They’re happy in Germany .. They’re happy in Sweden ..They’re happy in the USA ..They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland .They’re happy in Denmark .
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves.
AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like….
Many thanks, I’ve updated the blog I contribute to in which to cover how the bBC is staffed full of ‘Jellyfish’ (Spineless)
Oh if you haven’t seen it, gravitate down the blog to the short video of a Syrian T72 tank firing its main gun. its worth it.
Well, well, well…BBC in the pockets of the EU. I never…
I’m sure this doesn’t taint it’s ever so impartial coverage of all things EU. That would be too cynical…
BBC Media Action, which is part of the broadcaster’s Global News division, was paid £4.5 million from Brussels last year, mostly for work designed to ensure the progress of the enlargement of the EU.
Based at the BBC’s Broadcasting House headquarters in London, the charity received the bulk of the money for a project to train hundreds of journalists in countries which share potentially volatile borders with the EU.
MPs said the extent of the charity’s dependence on money from Brussels could undermine the credibility of the BBC’s coverage of controversial European issues, including EU enlargement.
The disclosures led to concerns that the BBC would be seen as complicit in Brussels’s “empire building” activities and prompted calls for the charity to sever its formal links with the broadcaster.
I do enjoy Autumnwatch on the BBC, but maybe an unfortunate choice of Twitter hash tag with ‘#migrationwatch’ for sightings of migrants.
INBBC- Islamic Republic of Pakistan- Taliban.
-Another INBBC politically empathetic ‘report’ for the Taliban.
Note, the political tone of the INBBC article by Mr Ilyan KHAN in Islamabad, is set in the very first sentence:-
“The killing of Hakimullah Mehsud, the head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban group (TTP), seems to have derailed the peace talks the Pakistani government was hoping to hold soon with the militants.”
Note above, Mr Khan’s use of the following words:-
1.) ‘killing’ – something not done by the Islamic jihad Taliban, apparently, but is done by the West (to eliminate the Islamic jihadist murderers, Mr Khan).
2.) Mr Khan merely refers to Medsud as head of the Taliban, NOT the Islamic jihadist mass murderer he was. Why do you mislead by using the word “militants”, instead of Islamic jihadists’? Why this assymetical, partial ‘reporting’, Mr Khan? Do you have a lurking political sympathy for the Talban, like your namesake, Imran Khan? Come clean on this.
3.) And, Mr I. Khan, you imply that the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is genuine towards ‘peace’! We are talking about a country whose Government was recently sheltering that arch mass murderer and Islamic jihadist: Bin Laden! (who was also ‘killed’).
4.) Increasingly, in their international political ‘reporting,’ Beeboids ( and beyond, in MSM) do not represent Western interests and viewpoints. Political reportage is given over to local ‘journalists’ whose anti-imperialism does not e.g. apply to Islam, but to the West. Just as the biggest political bloc in the U.N is the 57 nations of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, so too Beeboids reflect that sort of political ideology in their daily international ‘reporting’.
What should be a BRITISH broadcaster (as paid for by British people) is increasingly, in international terms, now an anti-British broadcaster.
The bBC, immigration and its poor Math skills:
Recent immigrants to UK ‘make net contribution’
Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have a made a “substantial” contribution to public finances, a report says. The study by University College London said recent immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.
So the bBC says immigration is good for us all and here are their facts:
1) Immigrants who arrived after 1999 were 45% less likely to receive state benefits or tax credits than UK natives in the period 2000-2011,
Which means that 55% of them are on benefits seeing as the UK has admitted a good few million that’ a huge figure, but hey the bbC goes for the smaller figure.
2) They were also 3% less likely to live in social housing.
Which means that 97% of the above figure are in social housing.
3)Those from the European Economic Area (EEA – the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) had made a particularly positive contribution in the decade up to 2011, contributing 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits.
4) Immigrants from outside the EEA contributed 2% more in taxes than they received in the same period, the report showed.
and in order to ram the above two home the bbC comes out with:
Over the same period, British people paid 11% less in tax than they received.
Yeah f-ing lazy British Layabouts.
But hang on what’s this:
5)Despite the positive figures in the decade since the millennium, the study found that between 1995 and 2011, immigrants from non-EEA countries claimed more in benefits than they paid in taxes, mainly because they tended to have more children than native Britons.
But if that is true, then serial 4 must be …wrong. But if that is true then the whole article cannot be trusted,
Isn’t it nice how the bBC goes out of its way in which to claim that unbridled immigration (especially before Jan 1) can only be good for the fat lazy thick British people. Tell you what don’t we get the MCB to complain, I’m sure the bBC will listen to a real Muslim and change their ways.
The bBC the traitors within our Midst