The same wilful blindness that allowed girls to continue to be abused by Muslim gangs is still in operation… is a wilful blindness that refuses to examine some harsh realities about Islam.
From Harry’s Place:
The Quiet Death of Moderate Islam
These days, one can happily believe and even state publicly that the death penalty should apply to anyone who has sex outside of marriage, takes part in a homosexual act, insults the Prophet or leaves Islam without being ‘extreme’.
As long as one says “in an ideal Islamic society”.
HP ran a piece about Abdul Qadeer Baksh, Chairman of the Islamic Centre in Luton. Baksh asserted on BBC 3 Counties Radio that every moderate Muslim believes that gays would be executed in an ideal Islamic state. Whilst the presenter, Olly Mann did challenge him on this, I couldn’t help but feel irritated by Mann’s lack of outrage – the challenge was far too polite almost to the point of being deferential – “Er, I do accept that you said in an ‘ideal’ Islamic state”.
How does ‘ideal’ make any material difference to the hatefulness of what was being said?
It’s ironic that in modern Britain, it is far, far more dangerous for me to state my beliefs in public in than it is for Baksh to state his.
What chance do people like me have when the ‘great and good’, the liberal media and the ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that ought to be supporting and defending us, instead support and defend those who believe we should die? In an ‘ideal’ world.
The gutless media. The unprincipled trade unions, universities and student unions that turn a blind eye to the wickedness being promoted in their midst. The hypocritical ‘anti-fascist’ organisations that enable and defend hate. Most of all, the lickspittle political class. Shame on them all.
‘Extreme’ has quietly become ‘moderate’ whilst Europeans have been too polite, too unprincipled or too cowardly to object.
There are those who say, “Islam needs a ‘Reformation”. To them I say “Look around you – the Reformation has already taken place”.
Moderate Islam is as good as dead. It didn’t stand a chance.
Throughout Europe today, someone can advocate a Utopia in which gays and apostates are killed and nevertheless expect to be considered a ‘moderate’, fully entitled to and deserving of tolerance and respect. They can even call themselves an ‘anti-fascist’.
As long as that Utopia is “an ideal Islamic society”.
Note BBC’s Olly Mann states Baksh is ‘playing into right wing hands’…….by revealing what Islam really means.
And yet when I treat Islam for what it is, a rabid gay death cult, I get told by good minding people that I am giving the people who defend the intolerable ammunition to attack this blog.
Wake up people Islam is a fucking curse on the planet and acting nice towards these evil wankers has got you nowhere. Put you vote into anybody who will ensure that none Muslims are treated the same as Allahs finest in the UK
The liberal white class of the UK the Traitors in our Midst
One wonders if a certain Austrian gentlemans dream of a thousand year empire had survived the course would his book be considered holy…
It’s considered very highly in certain parts of the world, along with the Protocols of Zion.
Remember that the mono-testacled Austrian was not opposed by many leftists in the 1930s because of the Nazi-Soviet pact. A similar ideological pairing exists today between the left and the Islamist fascists.
The self loathing of the metropolitan liberal mind set leads them to believe everything in the world, including the evil misogyny and homophobia of Islam, must be ‘our’ fault.
Of course ‘our’ refers to the ordinary people in the West, not the Guardian BBC types who defend and promote this brutal, mediaeval faith.
Nicely put Downboy
What saddens me so much is just how indoctrinated to pro-Islam values young people in particular have become today, thanks to the craven BBC and its ‘liberal progressive’ fellow travellers in the msm.
I recently raised the question of so-called ‘moderate Islam’ with a group of young people, about how, in all of Islam, there is actually no such thing as ‘moderate Islam’ (just as there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’ – itself a slippery invention of the quisling Left, designed to misdirect and confound), and about the use of the death penalty in certain Sharia states to kill young Muslims for the ‘offence to God’ of being homosexual.
Shockingly (to me, at least), these young people would not go so far as to admit that, far from being restricted only to so-called ‘extreme’ Islam, the execution of young men for their crime of sexual orientation is implicitly approved by all of Islam – if we are to be guided by the holy book itself. It is my understand that all Muslims are to be guided by the holy Quran.
In Islam, there is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam’ – any Imam could tell you that. There is simply the Quran, its teaching and the uncomfortable fact that, as far as Islam itself sees it, the Quran is a non-negotiable text; a sealed, inviolable set of teachings for all time. Nobody should pretend there is any other way of viewing the Quran, despite the repeated attempts of the useful idiots at the BBC and their publishing arm at The Guardian, etc.
In short: The Quran is not – and never will be – up for ‘interpretation’ or ‘moderation’. Ergo, killing queers – even very young queers – for their so-called ‘crimes’ is not only taught by Islam; it is a sacred duty urged on all Muslims by Islam.
These are the just the inconvenient facts – the same facts that the BBC will never have the courage to face up to and directly confront. Contemptible cowards, all.
There is no such thing as moderate Christianity either – there are only various degrees of unbelief. Do you not find the C of E contemptible precisely because it ignores whatever does not suit in order to become more crowd pleasing?
Christianity and Islam came from the same root – Judaism. However they got excited by different bits. Christianity is a religion of love and forgiveness and Islam is a religion of intolerance and conquest.
Islam is excited by its exclusiveness and rules and Christianity is excited by its compassion and faith in redemption; which is why it is why Christianity can evolve into a church which has women priests and gay marriage whereas this is never going to happen in Islam.
The Roman Catholic Church was a survival of the Roman Empire – if you do not believe in its creeds you are not a Christian.
Multiculturalism is love and tolerance taken to its logical extreme of helping you enemies simply because they are your enemies.
We need a better religion not a moderate religion – one that acknowledges diversity without giving up on our core beliefs.
The BBC has a long history of being uncritical of Islam, hyping its achievements (aka the ‘golden age’ of Islamic science), giving a platform to self appointed community leaders, ignoring its crimes (its those Asian men again), taking sides (who hears about the dispossessed Jews from Islamic countries), ignoring critics of Islam and suggesting that the only problem with Islam is the ‘backlash’ and islamophobia (islamofauxbia – BBC Bristol trying to show jobs bias against Muslims rather than investigate hate speak in mosques).
The problem with labeling scientific discoveries according to the religion of the discoverer (rather than the nationality) is that one can never be sure if they were truly religious if they lived in a society which forced religion upon its citizens.
Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species was almost never published because Darwin (supposedly a Christian) was afraid his life would be in danger because his theory of evolution contradicted The Bible.
And so the BBC, with that programme about ‘Islamic science’, were clearly making an effort to score points against the ‘Islamophobic’ of us and once again patronise those who have a genuine concern about intolerant Islamic influences in our otherwise open minded, tolerant, and culturally welcoming society.
Eddie I agree with your conclusion. Darwin however was never in any danger, because he lived in a civilised country which allowed dissent and debate. He lost his faith, but his wife who he loved deeply, maintained her strong faith.
He was afraid of being accused of blasphemy which at that time was punishable by death or at least corporal punishment. So not the kind of civilised country it is now.
Just been looking through this link about the “moderate” islamic centre.
There appears to be no mention or link to the pdf they uploaded on their site regards “Deficient women”. Wonder why that’s not on the Wiki page?
Waves to the BBC and all the Feminists out there 🙂
Click to access Putting%20Women%20Are%20Deficient%20In%20Their%20Intellect%20In%20Its%20Proper%20Context%20-%20CTI%20Research.pdf
Another link to the pdf if the above didn’t work
An article written in perfect, modern, grammatical English. By a brain stuck in the middle ages.
It is very clear to me that we must accept the Islamic way now. We must accept that we will be bombed, beheaded and cursed for who we are. The useful idiots, the pseudo liberals, communist apologists and appeasers of the devil cult have rolled over, put their faces into the dirt and will never stand up again.
Our current chief useful idiots, both politically and Royally, of Eton Mess Cameron; “ it was not Muslims that murdered Lee Rigby” and Wet Prince Charlie; “ I am the spiritual leader of all faiths” have not even sold our blood for 30 pieced of silver, the cowards have given it away. And their propaganda mouthpiece the BBC have led the Charge of the Cowards Brigade into the Valley of Death that now infiltrates every corner of out civilisation.
It is now just under 100 years since the first World War and our Labour/Liberal and Faux Conservative Politicians have simply thrown the heroic deeds and beliefs of the millions of men and women that gave their lives in appalling conditions into the dust. That applies equally to the Second World War of course where the evil that would destroy us was even more horrific.
We survived those wars and lost the cream of our manhood for what? I was born during WW2 and understood clearly that we had fought for freedom. But where is it now? I cannot speak my mind on the street, or in writing, and we are all in danger of an early morning visit by the officers of the state for even saying the prohibited words that the BBC and their twitterers deem wrong on any particular day.
I ask you, who did Tommy bomb, murder or rape or pillage that he has been so harassed, vilified, imprisoned, bullied and his family intimidated and finally made to recant in public? Just for his words and walking the streets of Britain.
Enjoy this blog while you can.
First they came for the patriots………………………………
INBBC (inc ‘Today’) note:
– your Muslim chum, IMRAN KHAN mourns drone killing of Islamic jihadist mass murderer, Mehsud.
Lovely, more drones please, lots. The Muj are squealing like piggies now, good riddance, every leader they put up will be incinerated. Do i care?
It’s gratifying to know that those murderous bastards no longer strut around in their remote hiding places, nor sleep peacefully at night.
Da iawn
So the BBC invites him on to share a studio with Tommy Robinson to talk specifically about these comments, and they both challenge him throughout…..and this is biased in favour of Islam?
You can’t have it all ways. Would you prefer these views weren’t exposed? That would be ilful blindness too wouldn’t it!??!
And you’re a bit behind the times with this. I was going to mention it a couple of weeks back, but to make the opposite point that you have!
Not true. Didn’t happen in that sequence of events. The BBC radio presenter at the start of the video even tells everyone that.
Abdul Qadeer Baksh was the invited guest, invited there to talk about Robinson.
The BBC Radio Presenter, started to ‘read’ a statement from Tommy Robinson but began with “Fascist views . . “. Then apologized and corrected himself, saying, “He completely misread that.” Shameful !
He went on to say that Robinson, “Came knocking on our door . . . “, and that Abdul Qadeer Baksh was an invited guest, subtly belittling Robinson.
When Abdul is being honest about what constitutes an ‘Ideal Islamic State’, Olly Mann chides him by saying that he is pandering too the, and you guessed it, “the Right-Wing.” My ‘Right-Wing’ ideology tells me to respect other peoples faiths and views, even if I do not agree with them. It also tells me to respect the rule of law, English Common Law, not any other law such as Sharia or EU. This is where people like Baksh simply fall down. They believe that laws are to be feared and obeyed unquestionably and those laws come from a holy book and cannot be changed. I believe in man made laws that can be created and repealed. This is were we are at at the moment, a choice between the 21st Century and the 5th Century.
The language of the BBC is fixed and unmovable. It runs through its DNA and it cannot be cured but, neither can it be simply destroyed.
To those who think that a moderate islam exists, please allow me to once again recommend:
A Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
By Robert Spencer.
Yes that title does spell pig to islam.
Get it and read, please!
Islam means ‘submission’ and that doesn’t mean submission to the importance of free thinking, live and let live values. ‘Koran’ means ‘recite’ – not the verb most commonly associated with freedom of thought and action either.
i will swear here now and that is very rare for me in any of posts in this blog for 5 years, but i am so angry now with the so called law agencys so here we now in context of what i am going to say here now is a reality, the police to the home office that turned a blind politacaly correct eye to white working class children being raped,buggered and passed around by racist filthy muslim peados is nothing short than a a war crime in any other country,,, lets me put this to the home office or the newly formed fbi aka (national crime agency) in this country now,if i found out out my child was getting abused by muslim peados would i have to wait 2 years before they are caught.
Please keep it clean. As a former career squaddie, I’m no stranger to profanity, but there’s a time and a place.
John Standley,
“Please keep it clean. As a former career squaddie, I’m no stranger to profanity, but there’s a time and a place.”
Yes stuart, in future when describing your desire to execute Filthy Muslims on the street do try and avoid the use of bad language; there’s a good chap.
Glad to see BiasedBBC’s descent into self parody is finally complete. xxx
Your the parody and a sick vile one to boot.
Lets be clear what Stuart is angered by
For at least a decade there has been a systematic industrial scale campaign of sexual abuse by almost exclusively Muslim men against almost exclusively white girls.
Mainly the victims have been very young white working class girls in the most vulnerable of circumstances often in the care of the state.
The police, the CPS social services and the bourgeois liberal press have not only known about it ,but have actively censored and obfuscated the facts in the service of ‘community cohesion’
Be clear , we are not talking about a few isolated mentally ill clergymen acting out their sickness in the shadows
or even a small cabal of indolent celebrities who believing their fame would grant them immunity and aided by the wilful ignorance their industry have gone unpunished for years.
No this as Stuart rightly says , is on the scale of a war crime It is difficult to keep track of the numbers involved not least because of the obfuscations of the liberal inquisition. But conservatively scores of predators have subjected hundreds of victims to unimaginable abuse ,that we know of. Further more those predators operated within a closed and tight knit community for years and they (the community) said nothing
Compare that with the reaction of white working class communities that have discover a paedophile in their midst. A reaction that is automatically condemned by the same patrician class that has allowed the national scandal to go on unexposed and unopposed for so long.
And your concern? The unimaginably suffering of those hundreds (possibly thousands) of victims as the result of actual unspeakable crimes? No your concern is the thought crime of a frightened father.
A thought crime that you can only find by distorting what he said . What Stuart actually said was this
” ,if i found out out my child was getting abused by muslim peados would i have to wait 2 years before they are caught.” Well would he Dez? should he?
Stuart is correct in his description of this on going epidemic as a war crime and not only should the perpetrators stand in the dock at the Hague but also those that have aided and enabled them.
And you sir are a parody of a leftist hypocrite
Extremely well put Stewart
Please Dez. Stop and think what you are saying. Look around you.
ooooooo! hello Dez …
I thought the “shock-jock” of futile inconsequence might suddenly stir.
Going to add anything cogent to the discussion about the horror and abhorrence
of these epidemic of muslim paedo child gang rapes?.
erm …no … I thought not … back to troll central Dez.
don t let the door, hit you hard on the way out.
Hello Dez, me ol’ china, do you know, I am unable to find the words you attribute to Stuart in his post?
Why is that?
Because he was drunk again when posting I suspect
@stuart.brutal but thruthfulll comments by you mate.100% right
I just mentioned the lack of support non-Muslim girls had been given by the authorities and the cover-up of sex attacks on them by Mulsim men to some friends as we sat round. I was taken to one-side later by one of them, a Policeman who warned me my comments were racist. There you have it in a nutshell Muslims are protected even down at grassroots level.