Rob Wilson MP: Time to scrap unfair poll tax on television
The writing is on the wall.
49% of people questioned wanted the BBC licence fee scrapped….
and 21% want it cut.
Only 18% wanted it frozen…
and 10% want it increased.
The BBC tells us:
‘…the licence fee is the most popular means of funding the BBC, ahead of subscription and advertising, the spokesman said.
“With 96 per cent of the UK population using BBC services for more than 18 hours a week on average, the licence fee model has shown itself resilient and continues to remain good value for money to the public,” the spokesman said.
As 2016 is post Election….I wonder what sort of coverage the Tories will be getting now in the run up to 2015 from the BBC.
BBC ‘spokesmen’, telling it often enough, and BBC belief vs. actual reality are cropping up more and more these days, and not in a good way given the ever increasing BBC spending (of public money) on BBC PR personnel (another management investment that may bear questions of conflict of interest being raised).
“and 10% want it increased.”
My only wonder is, who might this grouping represent, and could this small minority be informing the odd beliefs on popularity, resilience and value used in ‘speaking for the nation’ that the actual public are not buying.
Just to repeat what I have written many times, if the State decides it requires a Public Service Broadcaster it must be paid for out of general taxation.
And as for the present method and the BBC, I object in principle to needing the State’s permission to watch television which is what happens now, since I am required by Law to obtain a Licence to do so first. It must be ended and the BBC broken up. It is a biased and partial monstrous bureaucracy which as a State sponsored organisation should not be involved in the number nor the extent of activities it currently covers, including its attempt to stretch its influence around the world. Tony Hall used the words ‘our soft power’. This is not acceptable.
Who is this ‘State’ that you refer too ? I do not consider myself the property of the ‘State’. The ‘State’ also has no money, so where is it going to get ‘its’ money from given that the money it gets through taxation is from the people.
If the Royal Mail and other services can be privatized, then so too can the Publicly Funded (by force) BBC. Let the Market decide. Free TV means freedom of choice. There is no other option.
We can expect a massive BBC campaign to convince the public that they love, want and need the BBC. That it is public service broadcasting at its best. That it is respected throughout the world and a British national treasure. And that it provides all this for only £3 a week. Fantastic value compared with anything you can find in the Evil Empire of subscription channels, which are run by people who will do anything, even listen to phone private calls, to turn a profit. The BBC remains largely unsullied by the need to ‘earn’ money.
They will no doubt sign up loads of ‘celebs’ and liberal left politicians to sing the praises of the BBC. The celebs crave publicity and look forward to more BBC appearances and politicians want the BBC to look favourably on their policies and to win them votes through manipulation of the news and current affairs. Any dissenting voices will simply not be given any air time to promote opposite views about the marvellous BBC.
If, in spite of this onslaught , the British public still don’t support the BBC, it will a tribute to their common sense. But help the public reached an informed choice the non BBC media need to provide the balance about how biased the BBC really is. So Dellingpole et al need to keep on telling the truth about the BBC as loudly and as often as possible.
The BBC is a threat to British democracy and the democratic process must be harnessed to abolish it. Even though the monopolistic BBC can drown out all its opponents with ease, the attempt must be made to free us from it.
There will be plenty of ideas of how to re shape British media post the abolition of the BBC to ensure that we get the plurality of views and current affairs that a democracy needs along with a suitable eclectic range of entertainment and informative programmes.
Like this you mean:
Or this?
Or even this:
See, look how brilliant they are…
I’m convinced !
Dear Auntie,
Please may I pay
doubletreble for my telly-tax, the better to fund the wond’rous new world of excitement and thrilling innovation you have planned out for us ?You obedient and devoted servant,
I know….sign me up!
National treasure, look at what they do for us, look how they squish anything similar with their limitless funds to create a monopoly…wonderful stuff.
*Wipes tear*
“and 10% want it increased.”… Perhaps the 10% are the “some say” that we keep hearing about from the BBC!!