The BBC renews its attack on Israel and its right to exist by broadcasting a film made by an anti-Israel Israeli, Ilan Ziv.
The film was originally scheduled to be shown in April but was shelved by the BBC….this site looked at the background to the film and the man who made it then:
Exile: A Myth Unearthed…And Then Buried
The BBC trail for the film claimed:
‘…evidence revealed here, suggesting that the Jewish exile from Jerusalem in AD 70 may never have actually happened, has such severe ramifications for relations in the region….raising ethical questions about its impact on modern Middle Eastern issues.’
In other words the film aims to prove that there was no such thing as a Jewish exile and therefore no Jewish Diaspora, and therefore there shouldn’t be a Jewish Nation to come ‘Home’ to…i.e Israel.
Unfortunately….genetic studies show that Jews around the world have definite connections to each other and stem from the Middle East, and that far from somehow converting en masse whole populations, producing ‘ersatz’ Jews, the reality is that when Jews moved to different regions they inter-married and their spouses converted…a different thing altogether.
Ziv claims there is no relationship between his film and another anti-Israeli ‘scholar’ Shlomo Sands who thinks:
The idea of the Jews as a single people or race is a myth, a fiction based on Old Testament “mythistory”, argues Shlomo Sand, a Jewish historian based at the University of Tel Aviv. It is also one of the founding assumptions of the state of Israel, and throughout this polemical, revisionist history Sand has Zionist ideology in his sights. In essence, his book undermines the moral right of the state of Israel to define itself as exclusively Jewish…..He can find no evidence of any Jewish exile, and without exile there can be no right to return.
Clearly as Ziv is trying to prove there was no ‘exile’ and that there is no such thing as an ‘Israeli People’ they are on the same course.
Ziv himself says: “Part of the editorial debate [within the BBC] was that one freelance employee who was hired as part of the re-versioning of the film called it propaganda,” he said. “Another person inside the BBC, claimed (or so I was told) that the film drove some political point of view.
Ziv has some strange associates to help promote the film as BBC Watch reports….which should have made the BBC think twice before screening it:
The film-maker announces a screening of the full-length version of the film in Manchester.
”I will be showing the original long version of EXILE A MYTH UNEARTHED in Manchester on Monday November 4th. Please inquire and RSVP with LindaClair“
Linda Clair is of course a member of the Manchester branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the screening is promoted on that organisation’s website:
Once again the BBC is pumping out pro-Palestinian propaganda of a very dangerous nature, attempting to delegitimise Israel as a nation….and thereby set the agenda whereby Israel can be legitimately attacked and the Jews driven out….to put it euphemistically perhaps.
BBC News Kills Jews?
Just what did the Balen Report say?
Of course the Guardian isn’t averse to the same treatment of Israel:
‘The whole of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, can be read as a record of people coming to terms with failure. In part this was done by the invention of a heroic past, in the empire of Solomon’s time, something that may have been one of the truly great mistakes of history.’
So the Guardian suggests ‘Somebody’ invented an ‘heroic past’……‘one of the truly great mistakes of history‘.
Who would that ‘somebody’ be?
The ‘Jews’ of course……the Jews invented their past…invented their existence as a ‘nation’ and invented their right to exist as such a nation.
The Guardian calls that ‘one of the truly great mistakes in history.’
Because it lead to all the trouble in the world..didn’t it?
If only little Israel would just magically go away!
I didn’t know about the film, however my post is about the song and dance about how their idealogical Heroes ‘Hamas’ may have shot down an Israel Drone. Its only when you realise just how small this drone they are referring to is, that you wonder just what the hell are the bBC bigging this story for. Its the size of a toy, have a look:

But to the bbC, this is all about sticking it to the Jew.
“Ziv is trying to prove there was no ‘exile’ and that there is no such thing as an ‘Israeli People”
i just want to mention something posted in the original thread from April regarding this matter, by someone (obviously weally weally clever) called PhD who said
“The only sources for information about ‘Christ’ are Christian ones, which are obviously self serving. The complete absence of evidence in any of the records of the time provides a compelling argument that ‘Christ’ never existed. ”
obviously his or her PhD is in spreading leftist bullshit because
“Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted”
maybe PhD who readily admits “there is substantial contemporaneous evidence that Mohammed existed” prays 5 times a day and dreams of the Caliphate
If Jesus never existed then there are millions of Muslims who also suffer delusions not far from those of Christians. Islam also believes in the existence of Jesus but differ from Christians in that they accept him only as a prophet but definitely not that He is the Son of God.
PhD really should study such matters a little more closely to ensure he only hits the target he is aiming for before firing indiscriminately.
Just one word, “Josephus”
There you go. BBC liars are liars. No further discussion required, except to say if you want quality news an documentaries, don’t rely on the BBC.
such liars and so, soooooo keen, on lauding, this
“One to watch – on BBC Four – or at a PSC event ”
“We’re sending this update to everyone who contacted us earlier this year about the programme ‘Jerusalem: An Archaeological Mystery Story”
everyone who contacted them? … who could they be?
Off topic, but continuing in the vein that the BBC can’t help itself when it comes to telling lies.
“A BBC spokesman said the corporation’s own “long term” research had shown that support for the licence fee had grown by 16 percentage points since 2004, to 47 per cent. This makes the licence fee the most popular means of funding the BBC, ahead of subscription and advertising, the spokesman said.”
You see, when they open their mouths it’s only to lie.
This BBC-backed creep says the Jews have no heroic past ?
Here’s another word – Masada. Awesome fortifications – and palaces – from the time of Herod. Just google “Masada”.
When oh When are the Jews in this country going to rise up against the BBC ?
The only myth I can see is the nonsense about some gee-gee carrying Mo in the night from Arabia to Jerusalem. To the site of the Second Temple of the Jews. Whence Mo wafted up to heaven. Not an ounce of evidence, a cock-and-bull story – but a main part of the Islamic myth.
Entebbe !
Not just a normal gee-gee – it was a buraq no less (see Oh how I look forward to buraq racing from Chepstow broadcast live on the BBC in some happy future!
I did not watch the film but I did watch the discussion (and having watched the discussion I will give the film a miss) but granting that it was the usual Jew hating BBC crap I did find it interesting. The gal from Exeter University was a Leftist cliche machine, and the author of the film was very disingenuous, but although the Jewish guy from University College London sought (with the exception of a reference to the long history of persecution of the Jews – omitting of course to mention any Muslim persecutors) to be as bland and politically correct as possible, the lady professor from King’s College London expertly demolished his claims, one after the other, and the viewer was left with the impression that the programme they were reviewing was about as reliable as the History of the Ottoman Empire written and presented by a Somali Muslim which the BBC broadcast the other day.
I also saw this discussion. It occurred to me as I watched that it’s no wonder the BBC will never permit a similar discussion concerning CAGW. As you write, in this civilised discussion ” the lady professor from King’s College London” made mincemeat of both the film-maker and the cliche machine from Exeter. Although the BBC Narrative supports the notion that Israel and, by extension, Jews should be wiped from history the fact that Israel (and non-kapo Jews) actually exist is undeniable. However, although IMHO the existence of CAGW is patently deniable, the BBC will never allow a straightforward discussion a la last night’s programme on the subject: the sceptics might make mincemeat of the warmists and that would never do.
Someone, please-please-please upload the video where non UK viewers can access it.
After watching this film I had an interesting dream last night. here it is:- I am in a food queue and in front of me is someone from my youth who was a friend of a good friend of mine but whom I never trusted. He orders fish and chips. I then decide I shall have the same, easy just to copy and not think. An elaborate concoction is made and served to me. At the cutlery counter, i get distracted and suddenly my fish has been stolen and I am just left with some chips.
For spiritual food do not rely on someone else’s choices (the bbc). Such choices are strange confections and the only good bit (the fish) is stolen from you by the powers that operate behind the scenes in darkness (fish just taken from plate by hands from behind me in the jostle of the canteen).
I came to this film entirely unaware of it’s background till this morning when I decided to search around for some more info. Well done I must say tho that by the end of the film I was kind of fuming – I felt like someone was trying to cast a magic spell over me. I could clearly feel that serpent like quality of delusion like a strange polluted cloud that had entered my living space, briefly.
What the word of the Lord says:-
Ezekiel 39:23, And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they dealt so treacherously with me that I hid my face from them and gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they all fell by the sword.
What the serpent says:-
1, Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”
Don’t eat from that rotten tree, the BBC. it’s knowledge is verging on just plain lies by virtue of it’s distortions.
Ah yes, the talking snake incident.
ah, mr clever clogs, worldly wise man. The BBC will love you. Ask yourself – this people, this jewish people, restored to the land of their fathers after 2000 years near enough, will they rescind the word of the lord that Adam sinned and the serpent spake (as did a mule to balaam). They are blind, for the most part, to Christ, but they will not , in the Land of Israel in the 21 century, deny the Torah. You, Trevor, are the product of media and the spirit of the age. I am the product of a new birth via divine revelation concerning the cross of Christ.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed
Genesis 12:3
The film ended by suggesting that the Jews at the time of the Romans who lived alongside other cultures thrived and that (a theme so loved by the bBBC) this demonstrates that the multi-cultural way is the best way forward!
Genesis3:2, And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,
3, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’”
Hang on a minute. God said:-
16, And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
17, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
Eve is already on shaky ground. She is being tempted. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has now become “tree that is in the midst of the garden”. She is superstitious, too, adding that if you touch it you will die.
This is how the serpent’s spell works.
The word of the Lord says
Exodus 3:10, Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
The serpent says:-
Israel is no different to any other people.
“Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” The subtlety of it, implying all the trees are pretty much the same followed by an outright lie :-
Genesis 3:4, A But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.
The BBC follow the serpent.
(all packaged beautifully as usual –
Genesis 3:6, So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,)
leading to the offer of a conclusion that is an outright lie (“You will not surely die” – Or, the Exile is a myth) but one which the viewer is encouraged to make themselves:-
Genesis 3: 5, For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
Not really sure what your point is as related to this analogy as whatever God told Adam – EVE WASN’T AROUND AT THE TIME. Who knows how she first heard about the instructions concerning this tree?
If only little Israel would just magically go away!
Quite – when I argue with the pro-Palestinian folks with their street stall they never quite manage to explain how their solution is not just the final solution part2
Is there any other nation on earth, beside the Jews, of whom the BBC demands proof of existence?
Right. Forgot about that.
‘BBC News Kills Jews? Just what did the Balen Report say?’
Grow up Alan.
Well if Al Beeb have nothing to hide they should simply release the Balen report. Why would they suppress it? oh right because al beeb propaganda has killed jews, just like Dr goebbels’s propaganda killed loads of jews.
Why do lefties, like national socialism and BBC socialism hate jews so much?
David, as the old joke goes the definition of anti-Semitism is to “hate Jews… more than is necessary”.
Trevor, lets not forget that al beeb “legend” John Reith was a bit of a nazi. He must have gone to bed at night and had a 5 knuckle shuffle over Hitlers policies,_1st_Baron_Reith#Pro-fascist_sympathies
“Reith’s daughter, Marista Leishman, revealed how her father in the 1930s did everything possible to keep Winston Churchill and other anti-appeasement Conservatives off the airwaves”
it would be interesting to see how The BBC reported Kristallnacht. Did they just interview pro nazi’s?
“Reith was also accused of acting like the Nazi Germany government. In the House of Commons, the Labour MP, Hastings Lees-Smith, argued: “The BBC is an autocracy which has outgrown the original autocrat… It has become despotism in decay… the nearest thing in this country to Nazi government that can be shown… If I talk to any employee of the Corporation, I am made to feel like a conspirator.”
I noticed that the village in question in the film “evolved”. hoho. It didn’t grow or develop over time, oh no. It “evolved”.
Genesis3:2, And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,
3, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’”
Hang on a minute. God said:-
16, And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
17, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
God said you can eat from every tree but warned of the danger of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – which amounts to the modern age, mankind’s babylonian self manufactured intelligence being defective, leading to wrong judgements ( the history of man pretty much – vietnam, Iraq, etc, did God really want malformed children in iraq, cambodia for generations. What was their crime? ).
Eve says “lest you die”
God says ” you will surely die”
And death has the been the result. And America carries on justifying itself, being the product of gross national sin as it is. America is the great satan, a murdering abomination, the daughter of babylon (england).
That Simon Schama chap was wasting his time with all those archaeologists and historians then?